HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-29837_48939_CA_LSA_20230524 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 113 West Firetower Road, Suite G • Winterville, North Carolina 28590 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 May 25, 2023 Mr. Ryan Mills NCDEQ-UST Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave. Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Limited Site Assessment Report Market Basket 19 1404 East Main Street Lincolnton, Lincoln County North Carolina Facility ID Number: 0-028023 Incident Number: 48939 GRI Project Number: 6390 Dear Mr. Mills, Please find enclosed the referenced report for the abovementioned site. If you have any questions, please contact Joanna Alley at 704-845-4010. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Leslie Maxtone-Graham Administrative Assistant Enclosure Cc: Mr. Jimmy White; Nisbet Oil Company; file 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 113 West Firetower Road, Suite G • Winterville, North Carolina 28590 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 Engineering Certification: C-2727 • Geology Certification: C-127 Limited Site Assessment Report Market Basket 19 1404 East Main Street Lincolnton, Lincoln County North Carolina Facility ID Number: 0-028023 Incident Number: 48939 GRI Project Number: 6390 Prepared for: Mr. Jimmy White Nisbet Oil Company 1818 Baxter Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 May 24, 2023 Joanna Alley, P.E. Project Manager Eric M. Eubanks, P.G. Report Writer ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Market Basket 19 site is located at 1404 East Main Street in Lincolnton, Lincoln County, North Carolina. The property operates as a petroleum retail facility and convenience store. The site is covered by concrete and asphalt. There are three 6,000-gallon gasoline, one 10,000-gallon diesel, and one 4,000- gallon off-road diesel USTs currently in use at the site with four associated gasoline, three diesel, and one kerosene dispenser islands. One 550-gallon kerosene UST was removed from the site in December 1996, and there are four 20,000-gallon and two 30,000-gallon ASTs located at the site. The surrounding properties are residential, institutional, and commercial. On November 30, 2022, one non-passing spill bucket integrity test was reported and on January 27, 2023, a Site Check was conducted at the subject site by Thompson Geological & Environmental Services (TGES). The concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, MTBE, naphthalene, 2-hexanone, isopropylbenzene, p-isopropyltoluene, n-butylbenzene, sec-butylbenzene, n-propylbenzene, TAA, 1,2,4- trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, C5-C8 aliphatics, C9-C12 aliphatics, and C9-C10 aromatics reported in the ground water sample collected from MW-1 exceeded the MACs. All contaminant concentrations were below the GCLs. No free product was noted at the site. Site Check results identified a release at the site and an LSA was required. A receptor survey was conducted by GRI personnel on May 4, 2023. No water supply wells were identified within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. Public water is available to the subject site and to all surrounding properties. No surface water bodies were identified within a 500-foot radius of the site. Based on the lack of identified receptors in the vicinity of the site and the contaminant concentrations in the ground water being below the GCLs, the site risk should be classified as Low, an NRP for ground water should be filed for the property, and the incident should be closed with an NFA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 ii SITE INFORMATION 1. Site Identification  Market Basket 19 (Facility ID 0-028023)  Incident Number 48939 – Risk Ranking Unknown  Location of Source Area: 1404 East Main Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Lincoln County (Figures 1 and 2A) 35.476115°N, 81.239790°W (Topographical Map) 2. Information about Contacts Associated with the Leaking UST System UST/AST Owner Nisbet Oil Company (Table 1) 1818 Baxter Street Charlotte, NC 28204 JWhite@nisbetoil.com 704-332-7755 UST/AST Operator Nisbet Oil Company 1818 Baxter Street Charlotte, NC 28204 JWhite@nisbetoil.com 704-332-7755 Property Owner & Occupant Rhodes & Beal Oil Co. Inc. 1404 E. Main St Lincolnton, NC 28092 Email Unknown 704-735-2508 Consultant/Contractor Thompson Geological & Environmental Services 2411 Lawyers Rd. W Indian Trail, NC 28079 philipthompsongallgael@gmail.com 704-882-2788 Consultant/Contractor Geological Resources, Inc. 3502 Hayes Road Monroe, NC 28110 jra@geologicalresourcesinc.com 704-845-4010 Analytical Laboratory Waypoint Analytical 449 Springbrook Road Charlotte, NC 28217 State Certification No. 99012 704-529-6364 3. Information about Release  Release was discovered on November 30, 2022  An unknown amount of product was released from the leaking UST System via a non-passing spill bucket  Three 6,000-gallon gasoline, one 10,000-gallon diesel, and one 4,000-gallon off-road diesel USTs are in use at the site (Table 2) Certification: I, Samuel L. McKay, III, a Licensed Geologist for Geological Resources, Inc., do certify that the information contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Geological Resources, Inc. is licensed to practice geology and engineering in North Carolina. The certification numbers of the corporation are C-127 and C-2727, respectively. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 iii ACRONYMS ACM: Asbestos Containing Materials AFVR: Aggressive Fluid-Vapor Recovery ARR: Acknowledgement of Report Receipt AS: Air Sparging AST: Aboveground Storage Tank ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials BGS: Below Ground Surface CAP: Corrective Action Plan CFR: Code of Federal Regulations CSA: Comprehensive Site Assessment DPE: Dual Phase Extraction DRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel Range Organics DWM: Division of Waste Management DWR: Department of Water Resources EPA: Environmental Protection Agency EPH: Extractible Petroleum Hydrocarbons ESA: Environmental Site Assessment GCL: Gross Contamination Level GRI: Geological Resources, Inc. GRO: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline Range Organics LSA: Limited Site Assessment MAC: Maximum Allowable Concentration as specified in T15A NCAC 2L.0202 MADEP: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection MSCC: Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations MMPE: Mobile Multi-Phase Extraction NAPL: Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid, “Free Product” NCDEQ: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NCDOT: North Carolina Department of Transportation NFA: Notice of No Further Action NORR: Notice of Regulatory Requirements NOV: Notice of Violation NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRP: Notice of Residual Petroleum O&M: Operation and Maintenance PAHs: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons PCA: Pre-Construction Assessment RAL: Regulatory Action Level SCLs: Soil Cleanup Level SPCC: Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures SVE: Soil Vapor Extraction SVOCs: Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds SWAP: Source Water Assessment and Protection SWPPP: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TCLP: Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (EPA Method SW-846 1311) TOC: Top of Casing TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons USGS: United States Geological Survey UST: Underground Storage Tank UVF: Ultraviolet Fluorescence VOCs: Volatile Organic Compounds VPH: Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... i SITE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ ii ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................................................... iii 1. RISK CHARACTERIZATION .....................................................................................................1 2. RECEPTOR INFORMATION .....................................................................................................3 3. SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ...................................................................................4 4. SITE INVESTIGATION .............................................................................................................6 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................7 6. LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................8 FIGURES Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2A: Site Vicinity Map Figure 2B: Zoning Map Figure 3: Site Map Figure 4: Soil Quality Map Figure 5: Ground Water Quality Map TABLES Table 1: UST Owner/Operator Information Table 2: UST System Information Table 3: Land Use Information Table 4: Adjacent Property Owner Information Table 5: Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Table 6: Summary of Ground Water Sample Analytical Results APPENDICES Appendix A: Lincoln County Property Cards Appendix B: State Correspondence Appendix C: Laboratory Analytical Report ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 1 1. RISK CHARACTERIZATION Limited Site Assessment Risk Classification and Land Use Form Part I – Groundwater/Surface Water/Vapor Impacts High Risk 1. Has the release contaminated any water supply well including any well used for non-drinking purposes? NO 2. Is a water supply well used for drinking water located within 1,000 feet of the source area of the release? NO 3. Is a water supply well not used for drinking water (e.g., irrigation, washing cars, industrial cooling water, filling swimming pools) located within 250 feet of the source area of the release? NO 4. Does ground water within 500 feet of the source area of the release have the potential for future use (there is no other source of water supply other than the groundwater)? NO Public water is available to the site and surrounding properties. 5. Do vapors from the release pose a threat of explosion because of accumulation of the vapors in a confined space or pose any other serious threat to public health, public safety, or the environment? NO 6. Are there any other factors that would cause the release to pose an imminent danger to public health, public safety, or the environment? NO If YES, explain: Intermediate Risk 7. Is a surface water body located within 500 feet of the source area of the release? NO If YES, does the maximum groundwater contaminant concentration exceed the surface water quality standards and criteria found in 15A NCAC 2B .0200 by a factor of 10? N/A 8. Is the source area of the release located within an approved or planned wellhead protection area as defined in 42 USC 300h-7(e)? NO 9. Is the release located in the Coastal Plain physiographic region as designated on a map entitled “Geology of North Carolina” published by the Department in 1985? NO 10. If YES, is the source area of the release located in an area in which there is recharge to an unconfined or semi-confined deeper aquifer that is being used or may be used as a source of drinking water? N/A If YES, describe. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 2 11. Do the levels of ground water contamination for any contaminant exceed the gross contamination levels established by the Department? NO Part II - Land Use Property Containing Source Area of Release The questions below pertain to the property containing the source area of the release. 1. Does the property contain one or more primary or secondary residences (permanent or temporary)? NO Explain: The subject property is an active convenience store and petroleum retail facility. 2. Does the property contain a school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home, or other place of public assembly? NO Explain: The subject property is an active convenience store and petroleum retail facility. 3. Does the property contain a commercial (e.g., retail, warehouse, office/business space, etc.) or industrial (e.g., manufacturing, utilities, industrial research and development, chemical/petroleum bulk storage, etc.) enterprise, an inactive commercial or industrial enterprise, or is the land undeveloped? YES Explain: The subject property is an active convenience store and petroleum retail facility. 4. Do children visit the property? YES Explain: The site is currently a convenience store and children would likely visit the property. 5. Is access to the property reliably restricted consistent with its use (e.g., by fences, security personnel or both)? NO Explain: The property is easily accessible to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. 6. Do pavement, buildings, or other structures cap the contaminated soil? YES Explain: The site is currently covered with concrete and asphalt. If yes, what mechanisms are in place or can be put into place to ensure that the contaminated soil will remain capped in the foreseeable future? The site is expected to remain in operation as an active convenience store and petroleum retail facility for the foreseeable future. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 3 7. What is the zoning status of the property? According to the Lincoln County Official Zoning Map, the site is zoned P-B (Planned Business City). 8. Is the use of the property likely to change in the next 20 years? NO Explain: The subject property is currently an active convenience store and petroleum retail facility and will likely remain a convenience store for the foreseeable future. Property Surrounding Source Area of Release The questions below pertain to the area within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release (excludes property containing source area of the release): 9. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest primary or secondary residence (permanent or temporary)? The closest primary residence is 124 Doctor M.L.K. Jr. Drive, located approximately 750 feet northwest of the UST basin. 10. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home or other place of public assembly? The Lincolnton Animal Hospital is located at 112 N Generals Blvd, approximately 525 feet north of the source area. 11. What is the zoning status of properties in the surrounding area? According to the Lincoln County Official Zoning Map, the surrounding areas are zoned Residential (R-8, RMF, PRD), Business (P-B, G-B), Manufacturing/Commercial (GMC) and Office/Institutional (O-I). 12. Briefly characterize the use and activities of the land in the surrounding area. The area surrounding the site is a mixture of commercial, institutional, and residential. Land use information is included in Table 3. A zoning map is included as Figure 2B. 2. RECEPTOR INFORMATION 1. Water Supply Wells: A receptor survey was conducted on May 4, 2023. No water supply wells were identified within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. A Site Location Map is provided as Figure 1 and a Site Vicinity Map showing property boundaries for the site and surrounding properties is included as Figure 2A. 2. Public Water Supplies: Are public water supplies available within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release? YES ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 4 If yes, where is the location of the nearest public water lines and the source(s) of the public water supply. Explain: Municipal water is available to the site and the surrounding properties. Water lines run along the public streets in the area. Public water is supplied by the Lincoln County Public Works. 3. Surface Water: Identify all surface water bodies (e.g., ditch, pond, stream, lake, river) within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release. This information must be shown on the USGS topographic map. No surface water bodies were identified within 1,500 feet of the site. 4. Wellhead Protection Areas: Identify all planned or approved wellhead protection areas in the vicinity of the source area. This information must be shown on the USGS topographic map. Wellhead protection areas are defined in 42 USC 300h-7(e). On May 9, 2023, GRI personnel accessed the NCDEQ SWAP Program’s website to identify wellhead protection areas in the vicinity of the subject site. The site is not located within a wellhead protection area. 5. Deep Aquifers in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region: The site is not located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region. 6. Subsurface Structures: No structures with basements were observed in the vicinity of the source area. The water main and other underground utilities run along E Main Street and N Generals Blvd and several underground utility lines were observed on the property. 7. Property Owners and Occupants: The names and addresses of the owners of properties adjacent to the site are presented in Table 4. Property boundaries are shown in Figure 2A. Property cards for the adjacent property owners are attached as Appendix A. 3. SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY According to the 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina, the site is in the Cherryville Granite, an intrusive igneous rock complex located within the Inner Piedmont Belt. The bedrock is generally described as a massive to weakly foliated pegmatitic granite. A Site Map is included as Figure 3. A photograph of the newly installed monitoring well is shown below. Photographs of two additional wells observed at the site (Unknown-1 and Unknown-2), believed to be sniffer wells, are also shown below: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 6 4. SITE INVESTIGATION On November 30, 2022, one non-passing spill bucket integrity test was reported and on January 27, 2023, a Site Check was conducted at the subject site by TGES. Two soil samples (SB-1-15’ and SB-2-25’) were collected and submitted for analysis of TPH-GRO on January 27, 2023. As part of Site Check activities, one Type II monitoring well (MW-1) was installed and sampled by TGES personnel on January 27, 2023. Monitoring well MW-1 was installed in the vicinity of the spill bucket of Tank 2, the 6,000-gallon regular gasoline UST identified as the source as the release. No free product was noted at the site. Site Check results identified a release at the site and an LSA was required. In accordance with the NORR dated April 10, 2023, LSA activities were conducted by GRI personnel on May 4, 2023. No water supply wells, or surface water bodies were identified in the subsequent receptor survey. Public water is available to the site and all surrounding properties. A copy of the NORR is included in Appendix B. 1. Soil Sampling: Soil samples (SB-1-15’ and SB-2-25’) were collected on January 27, 2023, during Site Check activities and submitted for laboratory analysis of GRO by EPA Method 8015D. The concentrations of TPH-GRO in soil samples SB-1-15’ and SB-2-25’ were below the laboratory method detection limits. No free product was noted at the site. A Soil Quality Map is included as Figure 4. A summary of the soil sample analytical results is presented in Table 5. A copy of the laboratory analytical report from the January 2023 soil sampling event is included in Appendix C. A copy of the current soil sampling data collected during Site Check activities is shown below: Sa m p l e I D Sa m p l e D e p t h (f t - B G S ) TP H - G R O RAL (mg/kg) 50 SB-1-15’ 15 <4.64 SB-2-25’ 25 <2.54 2. Ground Water Sampling: On January 27, 2023, MW-1 was sampled in accordance with NCDEQ guidelines. The ground water sample was submitted for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method 6200B. The concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, MTBE, naphthalene, 2-hexanone, isopropylbenzene, p-isopropyltoluene, n- butylbenzene, sec-butylbenzene, n-propylbenzene, TAA, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5- trimethylbenzene, C5-C8 aliphatics, C9-C12 aliphatics, and C9-C10 aromatics reported in the ground water sample collected from MW-1 exceeded the MACs. Please note that although the concentration of 2-hexanone exceeded the MAC, 2-hexanone is not a petroleum constituent. All contaminant concentrations were below the GCLs. No free product was observed at the site. A Ground Water ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 7 Quality Map is included as Figure 5. A summary of the ground water analytical data is included in Table 6. A copy of the laboratory analytical report is included in Appendix C. A summary of the current ground water sampling data is shown below: Contaminant of Concern  Be n z e n e To l u e n e Et h y l b e n z e n e Xy l e n e s MT B E Na p h t h a l e n e Well ID MAC (µg/l) 1 600 600 500 20 6 GCL (µg/l) 5,000 260,000 80,000 50,000 20,000 6,000 MW-1 248 458 1,300 7,250 214 284 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS  The site is an active convenience store and petroleum retail facility. Land use in the area consists of commercial, institutional, and residential properties.  A Type II monitoring well (MW-1) was installed on January 27, 2023, as part of Site Check activities. Soil samples were collected at 15 and 25 feet BGS during the installation of monitoring well MW- 1. The concentrations of TPH-GRO reported in both soil samples were below the laboratory method detection limits.  On January 27, 2023, a ground water sample was collected from MW-1. The concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, MTBE, naphthalene, 2-hexanone, isopropylbenzene, p- isopropyltoluene, n-butylbenzene, sec-butylbenzene, n-propylbenzene, TAA, 1,2,4- trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, C5-C8 aliphatics, C9-C12 aliphatics, and C9-C10 aromatics reported in the ground water sample collected from MW-1 exceeded the MACs. Please note that although the concentration of 2-hexanone exceeded the MAC, 2-hexanone is not a petroleum constituent. All contaminant concentrations were below the GCLs. No free product was observed at the site.  A receptor survey was conducted by GRI personnel on May 4, 2023. No water supply wells were identified within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. Public water is available to the subject site and to all surrounding properties. No surface water bodies were identified within a 500-foot radius of the site.  Based on the lack of identified receptors in the vicinity of the site and the contaminant concentrations in the ground water being below the GCLs, the site risk should be classified as Low, a NRP for ground water should be filed for the property, and the incident should be closed with an NFA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 24, 2023 Market Basket 19 Project Manager: Joanna Alley, P.E. GRI Project No. 6390 8 6. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Nisbet Oil Company. for specific application to the referenced site in Lincoln County, North Carolina. The assessment was conducted based on the scope of work and level of effort specified by NCDEQ and with resources adequate only for that scope of work. Our findings have been developed in accordance with generally accepted standards of geology and hydrogeology practices in the State of North Carolina, available information, and our professional judgment. No other warranty is expressed or implied. The data that are presented in this report are indicative of conditions that existed at the precise locations sampled and at the time the samples were collected. In addition, the data obtained from samples would be interpreted as being meaningful with respect to parameters indicated in the laboratory report. No additional information can logically be inferred from these data. FIGURES SITE LOCATION Figure 1 Site Location Market Basket 19 1404 E. Main Street Lincolnton, North Carolina Lincoln County Incident No. 48939 GRI Project No. 6390 0 600 M 0 2000 FT Date: 05/10/2023 Location: 35.476115°N -81.239790°W D a d TABLES UST ID Number 1-5 Facility ID Number Owner or Operator? Owner/Operator UST ID Number 1-5 Facility ID Number Owner or Operator? Owner/Operator UST ID Number 1-6 Facility ID Number Owner or Operator? Owner/Operator 1818 Baxter Street, Charlotte, NC 28204 704-332-7755 Name of Owner or Operator Dates of Ownership / Operation Nisbet Oil Company 07/01/2005 - Current Address Telephone Number 0-028023 TABLE 1 UST OWNER/OPERATOR INFORMATION MARKET BASKET 19 (INCIDENT NO. 48939) Address Telephone Number 1404 E Main St. Lincolnton, NC 28092 704-735-2508 0-028023 Name of Owner or Operator Dates of Ownership / Operation Rhodes & Beal Oil Co. 09/25/1974 - 12/31/1996 Address Telephone Number 1404 E Main St. Lincolnton, NC 28092 704-735-2508 0-028023 Name of Owner or Operator Dates of Ownership / Operation Rhodes & Beal Oil Co. 12/31/1996 - 07/01/2005 Page 1 of 1 Date: 05/09/23 Was Release Associated with UST System? (Yes / No) 1 Gasoline NA 6,000 9/21/1989 Single Wall FRP Unknown Single Wall FRP Current No 2 Gasoline NA 6,000 9/21/1989 Single Wall FRP Unknown Single Wall FRP Current Yes 3 Gasoline NA 6,000 9/21/1989 Single Wall FRP Unknown Single Wall FRP Current No 4 Diesel NA 10,000 9/25/1974 Single Wall Steel Unknown Single Wall Steel Current No 5 Diesel NA 4,000 9/25/1974 Single Wall Steel Unknown Single Wall Steel Current No 6 Kerosene NA 550 1/1/1964 Single Wall Steel Unknown Single Wall Steel Removed 12/31/1996 No TABLE 2 UST SYSTEM INFORMATION MARKET BASKET 19 (INCIDENT NO. 48939) UST ID No. Current or Most Recent Contents Previous Contents Capacity (gallons) Date Installed Construction Details Tank Dimensions Description of Associated Product Piping and Pumps Status of UST Facility ID #: 0-028023 Page 1 of 1 Date: 05/09/23 Facility ID # : 00-0-0000028023 Map ID No. Land Use Feature Zoning Description Address Distance from Source Area (feet) 1 Lincolnton Animal Hospital P-B Hospital 112 N Generals Blvd Lincolnton, NC 28092 ~525' N 2 Lincoln County School of Technology R-8 School 1 Timken Dr Lincolnton, NC 28092 ~1,500' N 3 Ebony & White's Funeral Services R-8 Funeral Home 1139 E Pine St Lincolnton, NC 28092 ~1,100' NW 4 Hesed House of Hope R-8 Homeless Shelter 100 Ann Gaither Ct Lincolnton, NC 28092 ~1,225' SW 5 Moore's Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church G-B Church 1009 E Main St Lincolnton, NC 28092 ~1,400' W 6 Providence Missionary Baptist R-8 Church 1110 E Pine St Lincolnton, NC 28092 ~1,250' WNW 7 G E Massey Elementary School G-B School 130 Newbold St Lincolnton, NC 28092 ~950' NE 8 Oaklawn Head Start Program RMF School 410 Linden St Lincolnton, NC 28092 ~1,175' SSW 9 Pentecostal Apostle Church of Jesus Christ RMF Church 306 Linden St Lincolnton, NC 28092 ~1,350' SW n/a R-8 Residential District City n/a n/a n/a RMF Residential Multi-Family District City n/a n/a n/a PRD Planned Residential District City n/a n/a n/a P-B Planned Business City n/a n/a n/a G-B General Business City n/a n/a n/a GMC General Manufacturing and Commercial City n/a n/a n/a O-I Office Institutional District City n/a n/a Note: • Properties are keyed to Figure 2B. TABLE 3 LAND USE INFORMATION MARKET BASKET 19 (INCIDENT NO. 48939) Page 1 of 1 Date: 05/10/23 Facility ID #: 0-028023 PIN Number Property Owner Name Property Owner Address 3633353634 (site) Rhodes & Beal Oil Co. Inc.1404 East Main St. Lincolnton, NC 28092 3633354301 Nisbet Oil Co.P.O. Box 35367 Charlotte, NC 28235 3633355357 Heirs of Bertha Pralow; C/O Mason Ashe 7408 Pawtuckett Road Charlotte, NC 28214 3633354698 Tar Heel Capital Wendys LLC 166 Southgate Drive, Suite 10 Boone, NC 28607 3633364083 Gregory Mariann A.K.A. Tsapukoglu Mariann 104 Doris Court Lincolnton, NC 28092 3633363014 SCP 2001A-CSF-47 LLC; CVS Pharmacy Inc. #3806-02 One CVS Drive Woonsocket, RI 02895 3633269028 2nd Wimbish Family Properties, LLC 858 13th Street Place, SW Hickory, NC 28602 3633258932 Paul E. Parker P.O. Box 814 Lincolnton, NC 28093 3633350509 Exchangeright Net-Leased Portfolio 53 DST 1055 E. Colorado Blvd. Suite 310 Pasadena, CA 91106 3633351334 Saketkumar Patel 278 Valerie Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 3633350159 Lincoln County C/O County Manager 353 N Generals Blvd Lincolnton, NC 28092 Note: • Properties are keyed to Figure 2A. TABLE 4 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION MARKET BASKET 19 (INCIDENT NO. 48939) Page 1 of 1 Date: 05/10/23 Facility ID #: 0-028023 5030/ 8015D Sa m p l e I D Da t e C o l l e c t e d (m m / d d / y y ) Sa m p l e D e p t h (f t - B G S ) Ga s o l i n e - R a n g e T P H 50 SB-1-15'01/27/23 15 <4.64 SB-2-25'01/27/23 25 <2.54 Notes: • Results reported in mg/kg (milligrams per kilograms). • ft-BGS: feet below ground surface • RAL: Regulatory Action Level • SCLs: Soil Cleanup Levels • < : Less than the method detection limit specified in the laboratory report. • NE: Not Established TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS MARKET BASKET 19 (INCIDENT NO. 48939) RAL (mg/kg) Analytical Method  Page 1 of 1 Date: 05/09/23 Facility ID #: 0-028023 Well ID Date Sampled (mm/dd/yy) 1 600 600 500 20 6 40 70 25 70 70 70 40 400 400 400 700 200 5,000 260,000 80,000 50,000 20,000 6,000 40,000 30,500 11,700 5,900 8,800 26,100 40,000 28,500 24,100 NE NE NE MW-1 01/27/23 248 458 1,300 7,250 214 284 212 329 44.3 J 175 112 1,170 306 J 5,770 1,840 5,640 27,700 7,580 Notes: • Results reported in micrograms per liter (µg/l). • MAC: Maximum Allowable Concentration as specified in T15A NCAC 2L.0202. • < : Less than the method detection limit specified in the laboratory report. • GCL: Gross contamination level. • Concentrations in bold face type indicate the reported concentration exceeds the MAC.• J: Estimated value.• NE: Not established. TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF GROUND WATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS MARKET BASKET 19 (INCIDENT NO. 48939) Analytical Method EPA 6200B MADEP VPH TA A se c - B u t y l b e n z e n e 2- H e x a n o n e p- I s o p r o p y l t o l u e n e n- B u t y l b e n z e n e Et h y l b e n z e n e Xy l e n e s • Refer to laboratory report for other detectable concentrations which did not exceed the MACs. n- P r o p y l b e n z e n e C5 - C 8 A l i p h a t i c s C9 - C 1 2 A l i p h a t i c s C9 - C 1 0 A r o m a t i c s MAC (μg/l) GCL (μg/l) MT B E Na p h t h a l e n e Is o p r o p y l b e n z e n e 1, 2 , 4 - Tr i m e t h y l b e n z e n e 1, 3 , 5 - Tr i m e t h y l b e n z e n e Contaminant of Concern  Be n z e n e To l u e n e Page 1 of 1 APPENDICES APPENDIX A Lincoln County Property Cards 5/9/23, 4:08 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?00516 1/3 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 00516 Map 3633 Pin 3633-35-3634 Acres 1.478 Subdivision 1404 E MAIN ST Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:RHODES & BEAL OIL CO INC Deed:- Mailing Address: (OFFICE) 1404 E MAIN ST LINCOLNTON NC 28092-3902 Deed Year: 1970 Account:25899 Deed Acres: Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:1.478 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$929,250 Description:1404 E MAIN ST Improvement Market Value:$395,530 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$1,324,780 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name -01/01/1992 CVT $0 2 RHODES & BEAL OIL CO. INC Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 P-B AC CB 1.478 0.000 5/9/23, 4:08 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?00516 2/3 Improvements Improvement Number:1 Description:CONVIENENCESTORE Quality Grade:C+10 CDU:C4 Year Built:1982 Stories:1 Rooms: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Half Baths: Heat/Air:HVAC Main Finished Area:3,000 Fireplace Count:0.0 Fireplace Type: Rec. Room: Basement Type: Basement SquareFeet:0 Finished Basement Square Feet:0 Unfinished BasementSquare Feet:0 Market Value:$270,680 Physical Address:1404 EAST MAIN ST 5/9/23, 4:08 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?00516 3/3 Improvements Improvement Number:3 Description:WAREHOUSE Quality Grade:D+10 CDU:C4 Year Built:1957 Stories:1 Rooms: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Half Baths: Heat/Air: Main Finished Area:1,529 Fireplace Count:0.0 Fireplace Type: Rec. Room: Basement Type: Basement Square Feet:0 Finished Basement Square Feet:0 Unfinished BasementSquare Feet:0 Market Value:$34,483 Physical Address:1404 EAST MAIN ST Miscellaneous Improvements Improvement Description Area Year Built Market Value 2 ASPHALT PAVING 25000 1982 $45,000 4 SERV STATION CANOPY 24X51 1224 1978 $15,794 5 WOVEN WIRE FENCING 300 1978 $3,900 6 SERV STATION CANOPY 25X50 1250 1995 $24,975 7 CAR SHED POLE 20 X 24 480 1995 $698 5/9/23, 4:11 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?22473 1/1 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 22473 Map 3633 Pin 3633-35-4301 Acres 1.584 Subdivision OFF 321 BY-PASS Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:NISBET OIL CO Deed:2437-240 Mailing Address:PO BOX 35367 CHARLOTTE NC 28235-5367 Deed Year:2014 Account:239803 Deed Acres:1.4 Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:1.584 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$261,630 Description:OFF 321 BY-PASS Improvement Market Value:$0 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$261,630 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name 2437-240 01/08/2014 WD $100,000 B 200 NISBET OIL COMPANY 499-882 04/16/1973 CVT $0 2 EASTER HAYWOOD & GLORIA 499-882 00/00/1973 CNV $0 2 111.11 Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 P-B AC CU 1.584 0.000 Improvements No Improvements 5/9/23, 4:26 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?22474 1/1 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 22474 Map 3633 Pin 3633-35-5357 Acres 1.015 Subdivision E WATER ST VAC Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:PRALOW BERTHA HEIRS OF Deed:134-194 Mailing Address: C/O MASON ASHE 7408 PAWTUCKETT RD CHARLOTTE NC 28214 Deed Year: 1921 Account:11319 Deed Acres:1.02 Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:1.015 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$47,226 Description:E WATER ST VAC Improvement Market Value:$0 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$47,226 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name 134-194 01/01/1992 CVT $0 2 PRALOW BERTHA HEIRS OF 134-194 00/00/1921 CNV $0 2 Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 P-B AC CR 1.015 0.000 Improvements No Improvements 5/9/23, 4:27 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?01289 1/2 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 01289 Map 3633 Pin 3633-35-4698 Acres 0.997 Subdivision WENDYS Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:TAR HEEL CAPITAL WENDYS LLC Deed:2567-663 Mailing Address:166 SOUTHGATE DR STE 10 BOONE NC 28607 Deed Year:2016 Account:257686 Deed Acres: Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:0.997 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$498,500 Description:WENDYS Improvement Market Value:$1,342,261 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$1,840,761 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name 2567-663 02/04/2016 C-MGR $0 C TAR HEEL CAPITAL WENDYS LLC 551-253 01/01/1992 CVT $0 2 TAR HEEL CAPITAL CORP #2 551-253 00/00/1978 CNV $0 2 11.11 Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 P-B AC CB 0.997 0.000 5/9/23, 4:27 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?01289 2/2 Improvements Improvement Number:1 Description:FAST FOOD Quality Grade:A+- CDU:C4 Year Built:1980 Stories:1 Rooms: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Half Baths: Heat/Air:HVAC Main Finished Area:4,023 Fireplace Count:0.0 Fireplace Type: Rec. Room: Basement Type: Basement Square Feet:0 Finished Basement Square Feet:0 Unfinished Basement Square Feet:0 Market Value:$1,274,521 Physical Address:1406 EAST MAIN ST Miscellaneous Improvements Improvement Description Area Year Built Market Value 2 ASPHALT PAVING 31800 1980 $57,240 3 LIGHTING MULTIPLE 6 1985 $10,500 5/9/23, 4:28 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?22210 1/2 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 22210 Map 3633 Pin 3633-36-4083 Acres 0.298 Subdivision 1407 E. MAIN ST.Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:GREGORY MARIANN AKA TSAPUKOGLU MARIANN Deed:MECK-CO DC Mailing Address:104 DORIS CT LINCOLNTON NC 28092-4210 Deed Year:2020 Account:197379 Deed Acres: Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:0.298 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$163,900 Description:1407 E. MAIN ST.Improvement Market Value:$312,276 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$476,176 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name MECK-CO DC 09/14/2020 DC $0 E TSAPUKOGLU MARIANN 693-791 01/01/1992 CVT $0 2 TSAPUKOGLU JOHN & MARIANN 693-791 00/00/1988 CNV $0 2 90 HERITAGE FED S & L 673-354 00/00/1987 CNV $0 2 LINCOLN INVESTMENT SER IN 643-31 00/00/1986 CNV $0 2 Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 P-B AC CB 0.298 0.000 5/9/23, 4:28 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?22210 2/2 Improvements Improvement Number:1 Description:RETAIL Quality Grade:C+- CDU:C4 Year Built:1972 Stories:1 Rooms: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Half Baths: Heat/Air:Heat Pump Main Finished Area:4,264 Fireplace Count:0.0 Fireplace Type: Rec. Room: Basement Type: Basement Square Feet:0 Finished Basement Square Feet:0 Unfinished Basement Square Feet:0 Market Value:$297,876 Physical Address:1407 EAST MAIN ST Miscellaneous Improvements Improvement Description Area Year Built Market Value 2 ASPHALT PAVING 8000 1972 $14,400 5/9/23, 4:32 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?01251 1/2 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 01251 Map 3633 Pin 3633-36-3014 Acres 1.618 Subdivision 1403 E MAIN ST Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:SCP 2001A-CSF-47 LLC Deed:1341-731 Mailing Address: CVS PHARMACY INC #3806-02 ONE CVS DRIVE WOONSOCKET RI 02895 Deed Year: 2002 Account:159081 Deed Acres:1.62 Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:1.618 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$981,750 Description:1403 E MAIN ST Improvement Market Value:$2,086,187 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$3,067,937 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name 1341-731 05/06/2002 SWD $2,040,000 E 4080 SCP 2001A-CSF-47 LLC 1199-625 10/16/2000 SWD $543,500 1087 REVCO DISCOUNT DRUG CENTERS INC 643-29 01/01/1992 CVT $0 2 CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK INC 643-29 03/04/1986 C-MGR $0 E CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK 643-29 00/00/1986 CNV $0 2 FIRST SOUTHERN SAV & LOAN Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 P-B AC CB 1.618 0.000 5/9/23, 4:32 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?01251 2/2 Improvements Improvement Number:3 Description:DRUG STORE Quality Grade:A+- CDU:C4 Year Built:2000 Stories:1 Rooms: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Half Baths: Heat/Air:HVAC Main Finished Area:10,125 Fireplace Count:0.0 Fireplace Type: Rec. Room: Basement Type: Basement Square Feet:0 Finished Basement Square Feet:0 Unfinished Basement Square Feet:0 Market Value:$2,008,187 Physical Address:1403 EAST MAIN ST Miscellaneous Improvements Improvement Description Area Year Built Market Value 4 ASPHALT PAVING 40000 2001 $72,000 5 LIGHTING SINGLE 4 2001 $6,000 5/9/23, 4:34 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?22003 1/1 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 22003 Map 3633 Pin 3633-26-9028 Acres 0.509 Subdivision FORMER HAM & EGGS Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:2ND WIMBISH FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC Deed:2265-636 Mailing Address:858 13TH ST PLACE SW HICKORY NC 28602 Deed Year:2011 Account:235064 Deed Acres: Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:0.509 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$286,312 Description:FORMER HAM & EGGS Improvement Market Value:$62,500 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$348,812 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name 2265-636 08/26/2011 WD $0 E 2ND WIMBISH FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC 1040-679 04/17/1998 WD $275,000 550 WIMBISH, DONALD M & ELECHIA H 990-180 05/23/1997 WD $125,000 250 MORROW PROPERTIES LLC 790-103 03/20/1992 WD $0 4 SMITH BOBBY WHITESIDES 681-662 01/01/1992 CVT $0 2 SMITH BOBBY W & DEBORAH 681-662 00/00/1987 CNV $0 2 150 Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 G-B AC CB 0.509 0.000 Improvements No Improvements Miscellaneous Improvements Improvement Description Area Year Built Market Value 2 ASPHALT PAVING 25000 2013 $45,000 5 LIGHTING MULTIPLE 10 1998 $17,500 5/10/23, 8:43 AM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?00889 1/2 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 00889 Map 3633 Pin 3633-25-8932 Acres 0.599 Subdivision E MAIN ST LT Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:PARKER PAUL E Deed:2030-156 Mailing Address:PO BOX 814 LINCOLNTON NC 28093 Deed Year:2008 Account:192636 Deed Acres: Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:0.599 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$299,500 Description:E MAIN ST LT Improvement Market Value:$379,497 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$678,997 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name 2030-156 04/25/2008 SWD $410,000 820 PARKER PAUL E 1156-631 01/31/2000 WD $269,000 538 FERRARI INVESTMENTS, LLC 585-137 12/30/1981 CVT $0 2 KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN 585-137 00/00/1981 CNV $0 2 10 Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 G-B AC CB 0.599 0.000 5/10/23, 8:43 AM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?00889 2/2 Improvements Improvement Number:1 Description:FAST FOOD Quality Grade:B+- CDU:C4 Year Built:1976 Stories:1 Rooms: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Half Baths: Heat/Air:HVAC Main Finished Area:2,832 Fireplace Count:0.0 Fireplace Type: Rec. Room: Basement Type: Basement Square Feet:0 Finished Basement Square Feet:0 Unfinished Basement Square Feet:0 Market Value:$348,579 Physical Address:1215 EAST MAIN ST Miscellaneous Improvements Improvement Description Area Year Built Market Value 2 ASPHALT PAVING 14900 1988 $26,820 3 WOVEN WIRE FENCING 120 1976 $1,650 4 STORAGE BUILDING 18X20 320 1976 $2,448 5/9/23, 4:54 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?01159 1/2 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 01159 Map 3633 Pin 3633-35-0509 Acres 1.734 Subdivision WALGREEN PROPERTY Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:EXCHANGERIGHT NET-LEASED PORTFOLIO 53 DST Deed:3119-524 Mailing Address: 1055 EAST COLORADO BLVD SUITE 310 PASADENA CA 91106 Deed Year: 2021 Account:288746 Deed Acres:1.783 Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:1.734 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$1,367,000 Description:WALGREEN PROPERTY Improvement Market Value:$6,003,236 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$7,370,236 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name 3119-524 12/20/2021 SWD $7,963,000 15926 EXCHANGERIGHT NET-LEASED PORTFOLIO 53 DST 2422-715 10/02/2013 WD $7,184,000 O 14368 GREGMAB LLC 2264-184 08/18/2011 WD $5,800,000 O 11600 VISION INVESTMENT & TRADING LLC 2259-676 07/22/2011 WD $0 E PC SPECIALTY RETAIL LLC 2256-274 06/29/2011 WD $0 Y PC SPECIALTY RETAIL LLC 2140-182 08/05/2009 WD $0 A PC SPECIALTY RETAIL LLC 2140-182 08/05/2009 SPL $0 T PC SPECIALTY RETAIL LLC 2140-179 08/05/2009 SWD $2,800,000 A 5600 PIEDMONT COMPANIES INC 453-195 01/01/1992 CVT $0 2 CITY OF LINCOLNTON 453-195 00/00/1967 CNV $0 2 22 Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 G-B AC CB 1.734 0.000 5/9/23, 4:54 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?01159 2/2 Improvements Improvement Number:5 Description:DRUG STORE Quality Grade:AA+25 CDU:C4 Year Built:2010 Stories:1 Rooms: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Half Baths: Heat/Air:HVAC Main Finished Area:14,466 Fireplace Count:0.0 Fireplace Type: Rec. Room: Basement Type: Basement Square Feet:0 Finished Basement Square Feet:0 Unfinished Basement Square Feet:0 Market Value:$5,937,236 Physical Address:1230 EAST MAIN ST Miscellaneous Improvements Improvement Description Area Year Built Market Value 2 ASPHALT PAVING 30000 2010 $54,000 3 LIGHTING SINGLE 1 2010 $1,500 4 LIGHTING MULTIPLE 6 2010 $10,500 5/9/23, 4:56 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?20546 1/1 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 20546 Map 3633 Pin 3633-35-1334 Acres 0.059 Subdivision 1308 E WATER Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:PATEL SANKETKUMAR Deed:2926-206 Mailing Address:278 VALERIE DR LINCOLNTON NC 28092 Deed Year:2020 Account:279239 Deed Acres: Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:0.059 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$7,239 Description:1308 E WATER Improvement Market Value:$0 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$7,239 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name 2926-206 07/09/2020 WD $17,000 X 34 PATEL SANKETKUMAR 2484-648 10/20/2014 WD $0 C JOHN NIXON LLC 968-484 12/09/1996 CVT $0 2 KIRKLAND EMMANUEL F & JOHN A NIXON 968-484 12/09/1996 WD $0 E KIRKLAND, EMMANUEL F & JOHN A NIXON 42E-185 01/24/1955 WILL $0 WILSON ESTELLE 263-489 10/07/1949 WD $0 WILSON ROOSEVELT & ESTELLE 258-39 03/07/1945 WD $0 CLARK FANNIE Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 G-B SS CR 2,570.000 0.000 Improvements No Improvements 5/9/23, 4:58 PM Lincoln County Summary Property Report https://arcgisserver.lincolncounty.org/taxparcelviewer/assets/Lincoln/PropertyReport.htm?00924 1/1 Lincoln County Summary Property Record Card 2023 Tax Values Provide Feedback Parcel 00924 Map 3633 Pin 3633-35-0159 Acres 0.948 Subdivision MONTGOMERY & WATER Plat Book-Page N/A OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name:LINCOLN COUNTY Deed:1244-120 Mailing Address: C/O COUNTY MANAGER 353 N GENERALS BLVD LINCOLNTON NC 28092 Deed Year: 2001 Account:33728 Deed Acres:1.057 Fire District:LINCOLNTON Mapped Acres:0.948 Township:LINCOLNTON Neighborhood:0323R Land Market Value:$260,700 Description:MONTGOMERY & WATER Improvement Market Value:$0 Category:REAL Total Market Value:$260,700 Sales History Deed Sales Date Type Sale Price Qualify Stamp Deed Name 1244-120 05/16/2001 WD $50,000 I 100 LINCOLN COUNTY 1170-331 04/24/2000 WD $40,000 P 80 FLEETWOOD RETAIL CORP OF NC 1159-12 02/15/2000 WD $0 E PIEDMONT COMPANIES INC 1027-442 02/05/1998 WD $45,000 D 90 HEAFNER, WILLIAM L & DEBRA D HEAFNER 669-859 01/01/1992 CVT $0 2 ROSS BUILDERS & SUPPLY CO 669-859 00/00/1987 CNV $0 2 S&R DEV Land Segments Segment Zone Code Land Type Land Code Quantity Land Use Acres 1 G-B AC CU 0.948 0.000 Improvements No Improvements APPENDIX B State Correspondence April 10, 2023 James J White IV, Registered Agent Nisbet Oil Company 1818 Baxter Street Charlotte, NC 28204-5367 (via email) Re: Notice of Regulatory Requirements 15A NCAC 2L .0405 Risk-based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Market Basket 19 1404 East Main Street, Lincolnton Lincoln County Incident Number: 48939 UST Number: MO-29837 Risk Classification: U Ranking: U Dear Mr. White: The 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Report form was received by the UST Section, Division of Waste Management, Mooresville Regional Office on March 8, 2023 and has been reviewed. The review indicates groundwater contamination exceeds the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0202 Therefore, the UST Section hereby confirms that you must comply with assessment and reporting requirements of Title 15A NCAC 2L .0405, within the timeframes specified in the rule. The requirements of Title 15A NCAC 2L .0405 include the preparation and submittal of a Limited Site Assessment (LSA) Report, in accordance with the rule and the most recent version of the UST Section Assessment Guidelines and UST Section Corrective Action Guidelines, within 120 days of discovery of the release. Because a release or discharge has been confirmed, a Licensed Geologist or a Professional Engineer, certified by the State of North Carolina, is required to prepare and certify all reports submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality in accordance with Title 15A NCAC 2L .0103(e) and 2L .0111(e). Please note that before you sell, transfer, or request a “No Further Action” determination for a property that has not been remediated to below “unrestricted use” standards, you must file a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NRP) with the Register of Deeds in the county where the property is located (NCGS 143B-279.9 and 143B-279.10). Failure to comply with the State's rules in the manner and time specified may result in the assessment of civil penalties and/or the use of other enforcement mechanisms. 6390 Received APR 10 2023 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality | Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office | 610 East Center Avenue | Suite 301 | Mooresville, NC 28115 | (704) 663-1699 Page 2 of 2 Incident Number 48939 April 10, 2023 Sincerely, If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement from the Commercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 707-8171. If you have any questions regarding the actions that must be taken or the rules mentioned in this letter, please contact me at Ryan.Mills@ncdenr.gov or at 704-235-2175. Ryan Mills Environmental Program Consultant Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ cc: Lena H Jones, Lincoln County Health Department (via email) Joanna Alley, PE, Geological Resources Inc. (via email) James J White, Registered Agent (via email) Site Name City / County /Lincoln Incident #48939 Resp Pty Name / Contact Incident Mgr Region MOR RP Type (Owner/Operator / Landowner / Attny-in-fact)Change Order?Prev. TA #0 Consultant / Project Mgr /Joanna Alley Telephone / Fax Number /Task Authorization Number:1 ChangeOrd: Project Mgr Email Site Risk / Rank / Abatement:RRA Date: Proposal# / Scope Dates /% Commercial (C=100%, NC=0%, Both=1%-99%) Has STF Eligibility Been Determined? (Y/N)Site Status (Active or NFA Date) With Claim: [ ] All Main Consultant/Contractor invoices attached?[ ] Proof of payment attached directly to the front of each invoice? w Important: The date of reimbursement is dependent on the Trust Fund balance. There may be a delay in the reimbursement of claims for work under this ePATA. 3r d P t y D e d ? Task #Lab / SubCode RO A u t h Proposed Rate/Price (Consultant)CO A u t h Proposed Task Subtotal (Consultant) Final Preapproved Subtotal (UST Section) Claimed Amount3 (Consultant) 2.600 1 /site Y $2,300.00 Y $2,300.00 $2,300.00 / // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Requested Preapproved Claimed 3 TOTAL:$2,300.00 $2,300.00 TOTAL: Total Standard Costs (Not Third Party)$2,300.00 $2,300.00 Total Standard Costs Total applied as Third Party Deductible/Damage Costs $0.00 $0.00 Total Third Pty Costs Process Tracking (Date) TA Submittal:4/10/23 by:(PM)(Reserved for RO) RO Review:by:(IM)Joint UST Preapproval Confirmed By:Date1 CO Review:4/18/23 by:(STF)RP or Designee Receipt Confirmation By:Date 4 1 - This ePATA expires one year from the Joint UST Preapproval date. This does not extend, alter, or supersede any regulatory deadlines (e.g., NORR's, NOV's, Enforcements, etc.) 2 - THE ONE YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS APPLIES TO EACH INDIVIDUAL TASK. Costs must be claimed within one year of completion of that task to be reimbursable. 3 - Only Tasks included on this ePATA may be claimed. Do not include other Tasks or claimed costs (i.e., Claim preparation) that were not preapproved or the claim will be returned. 4 - Preapproval is not valid (i.e., claimable) until receipt is signed as 'Confirmed' by the RP or their designee and returned to the Trust Fund within a week of approval. Signature indicates acknowledgement of the tasks and amounts approved. Any objections/appeals must be submitted via Change Order prior to work proceeding. Scope/cost negotiations do not supersede other regulatory deadlines as described in #1 above. Also, any ePATA that has been signed as 'Confirmed' by both the UST Section and RP is not to be modified without written consent by all signatories. 5 - Tasks approved on Directed - CAB Only ePATAs must be performed in accordance with all applicable rules, statutes, and RRD Task Scopes of Work to be reimbursed in full. DWM/UST ePATA 4/1/2022 DIRECTED COSTS Lincolnton (Must Complete with Claim Submittal)(See Instructions / RRD for Tasks requiring Preapproval / Task Authorization) Owner/Operator 704-845-4010 (Reserved for Incident Manager) PREAPPROVAL / TASK AUTHORIZATION Market Basket 19 Note: This Electronic Preapproval Task Authorization (ePATA) shall be used to receive preapproval from the UST Section. A proposal,including maps and figures,must be attached to elaborate on the costs for the tasks listed below that describes the scope of work and the rationale for the proposed activities.If, following completion of this ePATA, you discover that unexpected tasks must be performed, incurring costs for tasks not originally included with this form, you must complete and submit a separate ePATA request designated as a "Change Order"inthe provided space above prior to conducting those tasks. Include a copy of the prior ePATA form for confirmation. Please attach this formto the cover of the corresponding claim when requesting reimbursement. IMPORTANT:Only one claim may be submitted per ePATA and all work on the ePATA must have been completed within 12 months of the completion dateof the FIRST completed task to remain within the Statuteof Limitations. All ePATAs submitted within a claim are closed with that claim, and may not be re-used in a separate submittal,even for costs or tasks that were not originally claimed. Final reimbursement of costs associated with the Total Claimed amount below may be affected by the eligibility status of the site (i.e., deductibles, apportionment, etc.), and the documentary validation of incurred costs as reasonable and necessary expenses per 15A NCAC 2P .0402 and .0404. LP (Initials) JA Proposed Units / Type (Consultant) Ryan Mills NO 23-154 April 2023 704-845-4012 Dates of Work (Consultant) Started1 / Completed2 FINAL REIMBURSEMENT jra@geologicalresourcesinc.com Nisbet Oil Company Jimmy White Geological Resources, Inc. ELECTRONIC PREAPPROVAL TASK AUTHORIZATION FORM Dept of Environmental Quality -Division of Waste Management 4/19/20234/14/2023 RCM 4/19/2023 6390 Received APR 19 2023 APPENDIX C Laboratory Analytical Report