HomeMy WebLinkAbout7102_PenderCoLF_LFGMonitoringPlan_FID1853497_20240530 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING PLAN Prepared For: FORMER PENDER COUNTY LANDFILL FACILITY NO.: 7102-MSWLF-1984 NEW SAVANNAH ROAD PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared By: Cape Fear Engineering, Inc. Submitted: May 23, 2024 Table of Contents Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background .......................................................................................... 1 1.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology ............................................................. 2 1.3 Regulatory Limits .................................................................................. 3 2.0 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING .......................................................................... 3 2.1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Locations ................................................... 3 2.2 Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Construction Specifications .......................... 3 2.3 Structure and Ambient Sampling ............................................................ 4 2.4 Landfill Gas Monitoring Frequency .......................................................... 4 3.0 LANDFILL GAS SAMPLING PROCEDURES .......................................................... 4 3.1 Detection Equipment Used .................................................................... 4 3.2 Landfill Gas Sampling Procedure ............................................................ 5 4.0 RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING ................................................................ 6 4.1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form ......................................................... 6 4.2 Sampling Reports .................................................................................. 6 4.3 Permanent Record Keeping.................................................................... 6 5.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN....................................................................................... 7 6.0 CERTIFICATION OF PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST .............................................. 8 List of Figures Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map Figure 2: Landfill Gas Monitoring Site Map Figure 3: Potentiometric Surface Map Figure 4: Typical Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Schematic Figure 5: Torquer Vapor Extraction Well Plug 1 FORMER PENDER COUNTY LANDFILL – FACILITY NO. 7102-MSWLF-1984: LANDFILL GAS MONITORING PLAN 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The purpose of this Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan (‘Plan’) is to provide a strategy for the quarterly monitoring of landfill gas at the former Pender County Landfill (Facility No. 7102-MSWLF-1984) located on New Savannah Road in Burgaw, North Carolina (‘Site’) (Figure 1). A Plan is necessary to ensure proper performance standards are followed. North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B require quarterly monitoring of methane gas and quarterly monitoring of methane and other explosive landfill gases (LFG) to ensure that landfill gas does not exceed the lower explosive limit (LEL) at the facility property boundary or 25 percent of the LEL in facility structures. If the concentration exceeds the specified limits, steps must be taken to ensure the protection of public health and a remediation plan must be implemented immediately. The Site was used as a municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) from 1982 up until 1994. The extent of the landfill was separated into two phases. Phase I and Phase II, located in the northern half of the Site, were successfully utilized as trench style landfills with a soil cap. The area of the subject property that was designated for Phase III of the landfill was instead used as the current Pender County Animal Shelter (Figure 2). As part of the post closure requirements required by North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to Pender County in 1995, the management of landfill gas was listed. There is no evidence that landfill gas monitoring has occurred at the Site. Additionally, there has not been any provided documentation that landfill gas monitoring has taken place at the Site after it was closed. Gas monitoring is required in near-surface soils at designated locations around the perimeter of the former landfill. Monitoring inside the buildings is required as well. Subsurface gas typically migrates above the groundwater table and is restricted 2 laterally by streams. Long Creek borders the Site to the west and south; therefore, it is unlikely gas will migrate off-site in these directions. 1.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (USGS, 1985), the geology of the Site consists of the Cretaceous Peedee Formation. This formation consists of greenish gray to olive black sand, clayey sand, and clay. In the upper Peedee Formation, there are patches of sandy molluscan-mold limestone. The elevation of the Site slopes downwards from east to west, approximately 50 feet above mean sea level (msl) to approximately 25 feet above msl. A subsurface investigation occurred at the Site in 1982 where four soil borings were advanced, and one piezometer and three monitoring wells were installed. The borings were drilled to varying depths from 21.5 to 31.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). The subsurface conditions were described as a 15-foot thick upper zone of clays, silts, silty sands, and clayey sands which are underlain by clean sands. The uppermost aquifer was characterized as dark gray silty fine to medium sand. Groundwater levels ranged from 6.2 to 19.1 feet bgs. By 1995 when the landfill was closed, there were four groundwater monitoring wells at the Site and have been monitored semi-annually, as described as post-closure conditions by DEHNR in 1995. The most recent groundwater elevations measured at the Site varied from 7.8 to 25 feet bgs. It appears that groundwater flow direction is correlated with surface topography and generally flows toward the west-southwest toward Long Creek. A potentiometric surface map illustrating groundwater elevation and flow direction at the Site is shown in Figure 3. 3 1.3 Regulatory Limits This Plan is in accordance with North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules 15 NCAC 13B.1626 and will require quarterly readings. Pender County will follow all requirements for MSWLF facilities and ensure that: • The concentration of methane gas generated by the facility does not exceed 25 percent of the LEL for methane in facility structures; and • The concentration of methane gas does not exceed the LEL (100% LEL or 5% by volume) for methane at the facility property boundary. 2.0 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING 2.1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Locations The proposed landfill gas monitoring wells for the former Pender County Landfill are shown in Figure 2. Locations were based on the ability to adequately monitor the potential for off-site landfill gas migration, site accessibility and the relationship between the former landfill boundary and on-site/off-site structures. The proposed gas monitoring well locations were selected with approximately 500 foot spacing. Since gas migration is restricted laterally by surface water, it will not be necessary to install gas monitoring wells along the southern and western boundaries of the former landfill. The only proposed well location along the southern boundary will be installed between the former landfill boundary and the Pender County Animal Shelter. 2.2 Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Construction Specifications Details of the proposed landfill gas monitoring well construction are shown on a typical detail included in Figure 4. The depths of each landfill gas monitoring well will be specific depending on depth of groundwater and will be installed just above groundwater levels in the unsaturated zone. The proposed landfill gas monitoring wells will be constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C. Wells will be screened with 2-inch PVC 10-slot screen from the total well depth between 5 and 10 feet bgs. 4 Well casings will also be comprised of 2” Schedule 40 PVC and capped with quick connect fitting (Figure 5). A North Carolina Licensed Professional Geologist will be on- site to supervise the well installation. Each landfill gas monitoring well will be surveyed for location and elevation by a North Carolina Registered Land Surveyor. Within thirty days of the completed construction of each new landfill gas monitoring well, the well construction record (Form GW-1b), a scaled topographic map of the locations of the new wells, and the boring log/well detail diagram of each well will be submitted to the Solid Waste Section. 2.3 Structure and Ambient Sampling For the health and safety for those working at the Pender County Animal Shelter, the only closed on-site structure, quarterly monitoring will take place in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Landfill Gas Guidance Document. It will be ensured that the concentration of methane gas does not exceed 25 percent of the LEL for methane. The location of the Pender County Animal Shelter can be found in Figure 2. 2.4 Landfill Gas Monitoring Frequency Landfill gas monitoring will be conducted on a quarterly basis for all on-site monitoring wells and on-site structures in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B. Monitoring will continue quarterly for one calendar year, at which time it will be determined by NCDEQ if continued monitoring is necessary for the Site, based on monitoring results. 3.0 LANDFILL GAS SAMPLING PROCEDURES 3.1 Detection Equipment Used Gas monitoring at the former Pender County Landfill will be performed on a quarterly 5 basis using a gas analyzer and extraction monitoring instrument, such as a QED GEM5000, or equivalent meter. Readings will be collected by a trained technician under supervision of a North Carolina Licensed Professional Geologist. The environmental consulting firm used should provide calibration records for the equipment used during monitoring. A copy of the calibration records will be provided with the quarterly gas monitoring report. In addition to the factory calibration, field calibration of the instrument should occur as well. Field calibration is performed within a controlled environment and is initiated by zeroing the instrument using a zero calibration gas. A span calibration may be necessary, and it is recommended to use a calibration mixture close to the levels you are trying to measure and should be completed per manufacturers specifications. The methane levels at the Site are expected to be low, therefore, a 15/15 gas canister (15% CO2/15%CH4) will be used. 3.2 Landfill Gas Sampling Procedure Gas monitoring will occur when landfill gas is most likely to migrate. Because subsurface gas pressures are considered to be maximum during the afternoon hours, monitoring will be conducted in the afternoon or whenever barometric pressure is low. The following procedure will be used to complete landfill gas monitoring at the Site: • Calibrate the gas monitoring instrument according to the manufacturer’s specifications. • Allow the instrument to properly warm up and make sure the static pressure shows a zero reading prior to taking the first sample. • Purge sample tube for at least one minute prior to taking the reading. Connect the instrument tube to the landfill gas monitoring well cap fitted with proper quick connect plug. • Open the valve and record the initial reading and then the stabilized reading. Ensure the reading does not vary more than 0.5 percent volume on the instrument’s scale. • Record the stabilized reading including the oxygen concentration and barometric 6 pressure. Oxygen levels should be 2% or lower. If levels are higher, it could be a result of air being drawn into the system, which would give a false reading. • Turn the valve to the off position and disconnect the tubing • Proceed to the next gas monitoring well and repeat steps listed above. 4.0 RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING 4.1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form Landfill gas monitoring results will be recorded on a Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form. The North Carolina Division of Waste Management – Solid Waste Section Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form will be used, and an example is shown in Attachment A. 4.2 Sampling Reports A Landfill Gas Monitoring Report will be prepared after each quarterly monitoring event, and in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B. The report will be presented as a letter report that details the date of monitoring, methods used for sampling, exceptions, and the results of the monitoring event as recorded on the Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form. The reports will be signed, certified, and stamped by a North Carolina Professional Geologist. 4.3 Permanent Record Keeping The Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Forms and quarterly Landfill Gas Monitoring Reports will be retained by Pender County and will be a part of the permanent record for the landfill. The daily activities performed during the quarterly monitoring events by a certified firm will be entered into a field logbook. A copy of the field logbook notes will be maintained in the project file. 7 5.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN A contingency plan will be in place for the Site in the event methane exceeds the regulatory limits defined in Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1626(4)(a). If limits specified in (4)(a) are detected, the owner or operator will: • Immediately take all necessary steps to ensure safety to human health and notify the Division; • Within seven days of detection, place in the operating record the methane gas levels and a description of the steps taken to protect human health; and • Within 60 days of a detection, implement a remediation plan for the methane gas releases, place a copy of the plan in the operating record, and notify the Division that the plan has been implemented. The plan will describe the nature and extent of the problem and the proposed remedy. If explosive gases are detected above 25% of the LEL within a structure, the building must be evacuated immediately. The structure should only be re-entered after it is determined that explosive gas levels are below allowable standards. FIGURES SITE VICINITY 3280 NEW SAVANNAH ROAD BURGAW, NC VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND NOTES DATE: 5/15/2024 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DRAWN: LMH APPROVED: PAD PREPARED FOR: PENDER COUNTY SITE 1. THIS SITE MAP WAS REPRODUCED FROMA GOOGLE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH. 2. THIS SITE MAP IS NOT TO SCALE. 3. THE PROPERTY BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. SITE MAP N.T.S.1 151 Poole Rd. Suite 100 | Leland, NC, 28451TEL (910) 383-1044 | FAX (910) 383-1045www.capefearengineering.com | N.C. LICENSE # C-1621 EX1E405-01 NEW SAVANNAH RD WILMINGTON ST PROPERTY BOUNDARY WETLANDS LANDFILL GAS MONITORING SITE MAP 3280 NEW SAVANNAH ROAD BURGAW, NC VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND NOTES DATE: 4/30/2024 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DRAWN: LMH APPROVED: PAD PREPARED FOR: PENDER COUNTY SITE 1. THIS SITE MAP WAS REPRODUCED FROMA GOOGLE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH. 2. THIS SITE MAP IS NOT TO SCALE. 3. THE PROPERTY BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. SITE MAP N.T.S.1 151 Poole Rd. Suite 100 | Leland, NC, 28451TEL (910) 383-1044 | FAX (910) 383-1045www.capefearengineering.com | N.C. LICENSE # C-1621 EX1E405-01 NEW SAVANNAH RD WILMINGTON ST Approximate Extent of Former Landfill SW-1 MW-3 MW-2 MW-1 MW-4 MONITORING WELL SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPOSED GAS MONITORING LOCATION LFG-6 LFG-5 LFG-3 LFG-2 LFG-1 LFG-4 Pender County Animal Shelter The Torquer Vapor Extraction plug is a locking monitoring well expansion plug with a vented port. As a self-sealing watertight cap, it can be used in place of standard monitoring caps for wells where vapor monitoring is required. The locking nylon expansion plug is a trusted inexpensive watertight locking plug created with integrity. Torquer plugs are reliable, simple to use locking systems with male poppit and dust cap. • Accepts #1 or #3 type padlocks or Safety Lock-Out Tags. • High-tech liquid tight seamless rubber gasket. • Easily disassembled in the field for decon. • Easy on, easy off wingnut. • Large, bold, easy to read well ID lettering. • Bright safety coloring. • Lightweight, yet super strong. • Advanced engineered design will not separate in well. • Easily convertible for vapor extraction, pressure gauges, vacuum gages, and threaded line fittings. • Domed top prevents liquids from pooling. • Designed, engineered and manufactured in the U.S.A. ATTACHMENTS NC Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Facility Name: Permit Number: Sampling Date: NC Landfill Rule (.0500 or .1600): Sample Collector Name & Position: Gas Meter Type & Serial Number: Gas Meter Calibration Date: Field Calibration Date & Time: Field Calibration Gas Type (15/15 or 35/50): Field Calibration Gas Canister Expiration Date: Gas Meter Pump Rate: Ambient Air Temperature: Barometric Pressure (in. or mm Hg): Weather Conditions: Instructions: Under “Location or LFG Well”, list monitoring well # or describe monitoring location (e.g., inside field office). Attach a test location map or drawing. Report methane readings as both % LEL and % CH4 by volume. Convert % CH4 (by volume) to % LEL as follows: % methane (by volume) x 20 = % LEL. *Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas monitoring may be required for Construction & Demolition Landfills (CDLFs). See individual permit conditions and/or Facility LFG monitoring plan. Location or LFG Well ID Sample Tube Purge Time of Day Time Pumped (sec) Initial % LEL Stabilized % LEL % CH4 (volume) % O2 (volume) % CO2 (volume) % H2S* (volume) NOTES NOTE: If needed, attach additional data forms to include additional LFG monitoring data locations for the facility. ACTION LEVELS: Methane: >1.25% by volume (inside structures) AND >5% by volume (at facility boundary) Hydrogen Sulfide: >1% by volume (inside structures) AND >4% by volume (at facility boundary) Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. SIGNATURE TITLE Revised – August 23, 2021