HomeMy WebLinkAboutIH1587_2024-05-10_PROGR_March 2024 Indoor Air Sampling Report March 26, 2024 Indoor Air Sampling Results Report Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, North Carolina Prepared for: Benmar Properties, LLC - Landowner c/o John Griffing Griffing Leaser, PLLC 518 S. Hope Road Gastonia, North Carolina 28054 Prepared by: Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Road Monroe, North Carolina 28112 704-292-4527 harmonenv@yahoo.com May 10, 2024 March 23, 2024 Indoor Air Sampling Results Report Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, North Carolina Table of Contents Section Page Introduction..........................................................................................................................1 March 23, 2024 Sampling Activities ....................................................................................2 List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Layout Map List of Tables Table 1 March 23, 2024 Field Measurements Table 2 Analytical Result List of Attachments Attachment A March 23, 2024 Analytical Results and Chain-of-Custody Record Attachment B NCDEQ Risk Calculator Results for March 23, 2024 Data Attachment C Vapor Mitigation System Operation and Maintenance Report i March 23, 2024 Indoor Air Sampling Results Report 1 Harmon Environmental, PA Former Danalex Facility 615 Bruce Thomas Road 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Monroe, North Carolina March 23, 2024 Indoor Air Sampling Results Report Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue Gastonia, North Carolina Introduction In January 2023, Harmon Environmental, PA and PGP Services, LLC initiated the construction of a vapor mitigation system at the Former Danalex industrial/commercial facility at 515 E. Alabama Avenue in Bessemer City, North Carolina. This project was conducted on behalf of Benmar Properties, LLC, the current landowner. Figure 1 depicts the location of the site on an excerpt of a United States Geologic Survey (USGS) topographic map of the region. This system was constructed to address sub-slab soil contamination resulting from historic uses of the property. Based on files maintained at the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) the property has historically been used for textile manufacturing. In 1998 soil samples collected from beneath the floor slab in Area 5 indicated the presence of chlorinated solvents. The former Danalex building is approximately 125,000 square feet (Figure 2). Approximately 18,000-square feet (labeled Area 2) is constructed with a crawlspace. This portion of the facility operates independently of the remainder of the facility. Area 2 of the facility is currently occupied by Flat Rock Cabinet Shop. The remaining approximately 107,000-square feet of the building is currently being used for dry goods storage by International Express Trucking, Inc. At the time of this sampling event, this portion of the building is not currently occupied by full-time employees. The vapor mitigation system was designed and constructed to address historic sub-slab soil contamination documented beneath Area 5 of the on-site structure. Based on pilot test results, Harmon Environmental, PA and PGP Services, LLC installed a mitigation system consisting of 28 vapor extraction points (Figure 2). This system was designed to operate continuously. In addition to the continuously operating the sub-slab vapor extraction system, multiple ventilation fans within the building and exhaust fans on the exterior walls were installed and operate continuously. To monitor the system’s effectiveness, Harmon Environmental, PA personnel installed 10 Vapor Pin™ permanent sub-slab vapor sample points through the floor of Area 5 (Figure 2). These sample points were constructed with stainless-steel Vapor Pins™ and stainless- steel protective covers. March 23, 2024 Indoor Air Sampling Results Report 2 Harmon Environmental, PA Former Danalex Facility 615 Bruce Thomas Road 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Monroe, North Carolina March 23, 2024 Sampling Event On March 23, 2024 Harmon Environmental, PA collected quarterly indoor air samples at the Benmar Properties, LLC facility. This event was performed in general accordance with the Vapor Intrusion Guidance (Version 2) published by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality in March 2018. This sampling event consisted of collecting 11 indoor and one upwind outdoor sample using Summa® canisters. Following completion of the sampling activities, the canisters were returned to the Waypoint Analytical laboratory in Charlotte North Carolina for analysis. Air sample A-1 was collected from the fence north of the former Danalex structure with Summa® Canister No. 28648 and Flow Controller No. 16222 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC. The intake height of the sampler was 57-inches above the ground. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:06 with an initial vacuum measurement of 29.5 inches of Mercury (in Hg) and terminated at 14:01 on March 23, 2024 with a final vacuum measurement of 10 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample A-2 was collected from the south end of Area 1 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 42645 equipped with Flow Controller No. 16212 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 63-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:09 with an initial vacuum reading of 28 in Hg and terminated on November March 23, 2024 at 14:06 with a final vacuum reading of 9 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample A-3 was collected from the north end of Area 1 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 42652 equipped with Flow Controller No. 17728 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 63-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:07 with an initial vacuum reading of 29 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 14:03 with a final vacuum reading of 10 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample A-4 was collected from Area 4 of the Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 42650 equipped with Flow Controller No. 17724 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 58-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:11 with an initial vacuum reading of 29 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 14:06 with a final vacuum reading of 9.5 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). March 23, 2024 Indoor Air Sampling Results Report 3 Harmon Environmental, PA Former Danalex Facility 615 Bruce Thomas Road 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Monroe, North Carolina Indoor air sample A-5 was collected from Area 4 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 46853 equipped with Flow Controller No. 16232 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 56-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:12 with an initial vacuum reading of 29 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 1409 with a final vacuum reading of 9 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample A-6 was collected from the southeastern corner of Area 5 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 37372 equipped with Flow Controller No. 16235 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 61-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:13 with an initial vacuum reading of 28 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 14:10 with a final vacuum reading of 8.5 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample A-7 was collected from the southwestern corner of Area 5 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 36109 equipped with Flow Controller No. 14326 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 62-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:15 with an initial vacuum reading of 30 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 14:11 with a final vacuum reading of 10.5 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample A-8 was collected from the northwestern corner of Area 5 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 37244 equipped with Flow Controller No. 14317 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 64-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:15 with an initial vacuum reading of 30 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 14:13 with a final vacuum reading of 11 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured six eight during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample A-9 was collected from the northeastern corner of Area 5 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 36110 equipped with Flow Controller No. 14323 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 59-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:16 with an initial vacuum reading of 30 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 14:15 with a final vacuum reading of 10 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). March 23, 2024 Indoor Air Sampling Results Report 4 Harmon Environmental, PA Former Danalex Facility 615 Bruce Thomas Road 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Monroe, North Carolina Indoor air sample A-10 was collected from Area 3 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 36114 equipped with Flow Controller No. 17725 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 61-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:17 with an initial vacuum reading of 29 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 14:16 with a final vacuum reading of 9 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample A-11 was collected from south end of Area 6 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 46857 equipped with Flow Controller No. 17726 provided by Waypoint Analytical, LLC at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 61-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:18 with an initial vacuum reading of 29.5 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 14:16 with a final vacuum reading of 9.5 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample A-12 was collected from north end of Area 6 of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 28744 equipped with Flow Controller No. 13141 provided by Waypoint Analytical at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 66-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 23, 2024 at 07:19 with an initial vacuum reading of 28 in Hg and terminated on March 23, 2024 at 14:17 with a final vacuum reading of 7.5 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured eight times during the testing period (Table 1). The analytical results associated with the March 23, 2024 sampling event are presented in Attachment A. The results of this sampling event were analyzed using the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Risk Based Calculator. The calculator results associated with these indoor air samples did not exceed the NCDEQ threshold for carcinogenic risk of 0.0001 or the NCDEQ hazard threshold of 1 for non-residential use. The Risk Based Calculator results associated with the March 23, 2024 sampling event are presented in Attachment B. At the time of the sampling event, International Express Trucking Inc. was storing dry goods in the building. The building was not occupied by full-time employees. Figures SOURCE: TOPO! 2003 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC HARMON ENVIRONMENTAL, PA 615 BRUCE THOMAS ROAD MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA 704-292-4527 harmonenvironmental.com APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 0 2000 FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP FORMER DANLEX FACILITY 4000 515 E. ALABAMA AVENUE BESSEMER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 0 50 100 AREA2 A-2c AREA I I~ CONCRETE FILLED TRENCH t===========~---I I ,-~ I !L______JI --7~ --f{-r--j--r--IJ j I x A-7 G) AREA4 A-8 G X X 0 A-4 X X X X X '----±-----1 -0 A-5 AREAS A-9 f--Ox X X X X X = A-10 A-6 n ~" J I L1 T_J ..__... IIQ II ._--.--~-~1~1-~1·1 ------~~ I I I I b I OA-12 AREA6 I OA-11 I _d NOTES: SAMPLES COLLECTED BY HARMON ENVIRONMENTAL, PA PERSONNEL AND ANALYZED BY WAYPOINT ANALYTICAL LLC FOR T0-15. SAMPLE A-1 LOCATED UP WIND OF THE FACILITY ON THE FENCE NORTH OF THE STRUCTURE BASED ON BASE MAP PROVIDED BY BENMAR PROPERTIES, LLC AND FIELD MEASUREMENTS 0 X II LEGEND AIR SAMPLING LOCATION BUILDING WALLS APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF COLUMNS IN BUILDING #5 APPROXIMATE LOCATION CHAIN-LINK FENCE Tables Sample No. A·1 A·2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A·6 A·7 A·8 A·9 A·10 A-11 A·12 Tablet Man:h·26, 2024 Field Measurements Former Oanalex Fadllty 515 E. Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, North Carolina ProJect 897-03 Sample Height nme Vacuum Barometric Pressure lnHg lnHg M6 29.5 29.07 7:21 29 29.07' 8:19 26 29.08 57-Inches 9:15 24 29.09 1h05 18.5 29.10 12:19 15 29.08 13:12 12 29.03 14:01 10 29.01 7:09 28 29.07 7:25 28 29.07 8:27 25 29.08 63-lnches 9:16 23 29.10 11:02 18 29.11 12:21 14 29.08 13:17 11.5 29.03 14:06 9 29.02 7:07 29 29.07 7:25 28.5 29,07 8:25 26 29.08 63-lnches 9:15 23.5 29.10 11:00 19 29.12 12:20 14.5 29.08 13:15 12 29.03 14:03 9.5 29.02 7:11 29 29.07 7:22 28.5 29.07 8:30 26 29.08 58-Inches 9:19 23.5 29.10 10:55 19 29.12 12:24 14.5 29.08 13:19 12 29.03 14:02 9.5 29.02 7:12 29 29.07 7:28 28 29.07 8:30 25 29.08 56-Inches 9:20 23 29.10 10:55 19 29.12 12:25 14 29.08 13:20 11.5 29.03 14:09 9 29.02 7:13 28 29.07 7:30 27.5 29.08 8:31 25 29.08 61-lnches 9:21 22.5 29.10 10:57 18 29.12 12:27 14 29.08 13:22 11 29.04 14:10 8.5 29.02 7:15 30 29.08 7:31 29 29.08 8:34 26 29.09 62·1nches 9:25 24 29.10 10:58 20 29.12 12:26 15 29.08 13:21 12.5 29.04 14:11 10.5 29.02 7:15 30 29.07 7:32 30 29.08 8:35 27 29.09 64-lnches 9:26 25 29.10 10:59 20.5 29.11 12:26 16 29.08 13:20 14 29.04 14:13 11 29.01 7:16 30 29.07 7:32 39 29.08 8:36 26 29.09 59· inches 9:27 23.5 29.10 10:56 19 29.12 12:28 15 29.07 13:22 13 29.04 14:15 10 29.01 7:17 29 29.07 h34 29 29.08 8:36 26 29,09 61-lnches 9:28 24.5 29.10 10:56 19 29.12 12:29 14.5 29.07 13:23 12 29.03 14:16 9 29.01 7:18 29.5 29.07 7:34 29 28,08 8:36 26 28.09 61-lnches 9:29 24 '29.10 10:53 20 29.12 12:29 15 29.07 13:24 12 29.03 14:16 9.5 29.01 7:19 28 29.07 7:35 26.5 29.07 8:38 25 29.08 66-lnches 9:30 22 29.10 10:54 18 29.12 12:30 13 29.07 13:35 10 29.03 14:17 7.5 29.00 Note: Temperature and barometric pressure readings collected by Harmon Environmental, PA personnel using aMannx Digital Pocket Weatherman SAM700BAR Temperature "F 53.7 53.3 57.1 58.8 58.6 61.0 65.3 61.0 56.1 55.9 59.4 67.5 58.3 61.5 63~8 59.7 56.0 66.0 69.2 67.2 58.2 62.2 66.7 59.9 59.5 56.4 58.1 62.9 59.4 59.5 60.9 58.5 56.5 56.4 58.0 60.0 59.7 59.7 60.7 58.7 56.4 56.5 57.0 60.2 59.1 59.2 60.4 58.2 56.6 56.7 58.2 59.7 59.2 59.8 60.3 58.2 57.4 56.8 56.9 58.7 59.3 59.3 60.6 58.6 57.5 56.4 56.9 58,5 59.8 58.9 59.4 58.6 57.4 56.8 57.1 57.9 59.7 58.5 59.4 58.6 57.5 56.9 57.0 57.5 61.6 58:1 59.3 58.5 56.3 56.0 56.1, 55.1 59.3 57.2 58.3 57.8 Sample Location Sample Date Location ac e t o n e be n z e n e ca r b o n d i s u l f i d e ca r b o n t e t r a c h l o r i d e ch l o r o f o r m ch l o r o m e t h a n e cy c l o h e x a n e dic h l o r o d i f l u o r o m e t h a n e 1,2 - d i c h l o r o e t h a n e cis - 1 , 2 - d i c h l o r o e t h e n e 1,2 - d i c h l o r o p r o p a n e 1,4 - d i o x a n e et h y l a c e t a t e et h y l b e n z e n e 4-e t h y l t o l u e n e 1,1 , 2 - t r i c h l o r o - 1 , 2 , 2 - t r i f l u o r o e t h a n e he p t a n e n-h e x a n e is o p r o p y l a l c o h o l me t h y l e t h y l k e t o n e me t h y l e n e c h l o r i d e 4-m e t h y l - 2 - p e n t a n o n e na p h t h a l e n e pr o p e n e sty r e n e te t r a c h l o r o e t h e n e te t r a h y d r o f u r a n to l u e n e 1,2 , 4 - t r i c h l o r o b e n z e n e 1,1 , 1 - t r i c h l o r o e t h a n e tri c h l o r o e t h e n e tri c h l o r o f l u o r o m e t h a n e 1,2 , 4 - t r i m e t h y l b e n z e n e 1,3 , 5 - t r i m e t h y l b e n z e n e xy l e n e s ( t o t a l ) Ca r c i n o g e n i c R i s k ( C R ) Ha z a r d o u s I n d e x ( H I ) Ca r c i n o g e n i c R i s k ( C R ) Ha z a r d o u s I n d e x ( H I ) A-1 March 26, 2024 Background 5.47 0.520(J) 2.98(J) <0.155 <0.086 0.675(J) <0.161 2.65 <0.129 <0.095 <0.205 <0.435 <0.136 <0.106 <0.128 <0.561 <0.143 0.518(J) 3.08(J.B) 0.881(J) 0.764(J) <0.121 <0.183 <0.242 <0.124 <0.181 0.392(J) 0.972(J) <0.209 <0.144 <0.199 1.65(J) <0.110 <0.236 0.386(J) A-2 March 26, 2024 Area 1 111 1.01(J) 2.29(J) <0.155 <0.086 0.613(J) <0.161 2.43(J) <0.129 0.336(J) <0.205 <0.435 6.60 3.95 0.943(J) <0.561 2.49 1.86 52.4 10.2 0.767(J) 3.86 <0.183 <0.242 1.47(J) 26.0 0.480(J) 181 <0.209 <0.144 2.92 4.75 3.76(J) 1.03 21.9 1.5E-05 2.8 3.0E-06 0.66 A-3 March 26, 2024 Area 1 60.3 0.798(J) 2.26(J) 0.522(J) <0.086 0.609(J) <0.161 2.45(J) <0.129 <0.095 <0.205 <0.435 3.70 2.36 0.560(J) <0.561 1.46(J) 1.24(J) 28.8(J) 5.53 0.649(J) 2.16 <0.183 <0.242 0.975(J) 27.8 0.398(J) 122 <0.209 <0.144 3.03 3.35 2.25(J) 0.609(J) 12.8 1.4E-05 2.6 2.9E-06 0.62 A-4 March 26, 2024 Area 4 10.7 0.568(J) 2.35(J) <0.155 <0.086 0.693(J) <0.161 2.56 <0.129 <0.178 <0.205 <0.435 0.464(J) 0.334(J) <0.128 <0.561 0.401(J) 0.613(J) 5.84(B) 1.13(J) 0.652(J) <0.121 <0.183 <0.242 <0.124 6.61 <0.107 8.93 <0.209 <0.144 0.510(J) 2.43(J) 0.373(J) <0.236 1.55(J) 3.6E-06 0.52 7.4E-07 0.12 A-5 March 26, 2024 Area 4 19.7 0.632(J) <0.060 <0.155 <0.086 0.693(J) <0.161 2.51 <0.129 0.348(J) <0.205 <0.435 0.918(J) 0.642(J) <0.128 <0.561 0.643(J) 0.754(J) 8.45 1.81 0.632 0.507(J) <0.183 <0.242 <0.124 11.0 <0.107 24.5 <0.209 <0.144 1.10(J) 4.31 0.648(J) <0.236 3.15(J) 5.7E-06 1.3 1.1E-06 0.3 A-6 March 26, 2024 Area 5 32.1 0.852(J) <0.060 <0.155 <0.086 0.712(J) <0.161 2.47 <0.129 0.590(J) <0.205 <0.435 1.77(J) 1.30(J) <0.128 <0.561 1.12(J) 1.42(J) 14.0 3.05 0.642(J) 0.860(J) <0.183 <0.242 0.349(J) 23.1 <0.107 55.6 <0.209 <0.144 2.74 9.34 1.13(J) <0.236 6.41(J) 1.1E-05 2.7 2.2E-06 0.63 A-7 March 26, 2024 Area 5 35.5 0.964(J) <0.060 <0.158 <0.086 0.666(J) 1.75(J) 2.47 <0.129 0.543(J) <0.205 <0.435 1.82 1.47(J) 0.353(J) <0.561 1.49(J) 1.88 15.5 3.29 1.10(J) 0.884(J) <0.183 <0.242 0.400(J)56.1 0.409(J) 62.8 1.36(J) <0.144 5.12 8.38 1.36(J) 0.398(J) 7.49(J) 2.0E-05 4.1 3.8E-06 0.98 A-8 March 26, 2024 Area 5 37.1 1.34(J) <0.060 <0.155 <0.086 0.677(J) <0.161 2.47 <0.129 0.574(J) <0.205 <0.435 1.83 1.49(J) 0.358(J) <0.561 1.66(J) 4.12 19.2 4.07 1.45(J) 1.06(J) <0.183 <0.242 0.408(J) 21.2 0.893(J) 62.1 <0.209 <0.144 2.79 8.38 1.38(J) 0.388(J) 7.61(J) 1.3E-05 2.2 2.5E-06 0.52 A-9 March 26, 2024 Area 5 26.3 0.776(J) 2.41(J) <0.155 <0.086 0.673(J) <0.161 2.49 <0.129 0.673(J) <0.205 <0.435 1.39(J) 1.02(J) <0.128 <0.561 0.958(J) 1.19(J) 11.5 2.55 6.25(J) 0.667(J) <0.183 <0.242 0.310(J) 17.3 <0.107 41.5 <0.209 <0.144 1.92(J)6.43 0.909(J) <0.236 4.97(J) 8.7E-06 1.6 1.7E-06 0.37 A-10 March 26, 2024 Area 4 19.7 0.645(J) 0.414(J) <0.155 <0.086 0.693(J) <0.161 2.49 <0.129 0.832(J) <0.205 <0.435 0.915(J) 0.673(J) <0.128 <0.561 0.618(J) 0.951(J) 7.56 1.81 0.639(J) 0.421(J) <0.183 <0.242 <0.124 20.7 0.259(J) 26.8 <0.209 <0.144 1.45(J) 5.17 0.648(J) <0.236 3.42(J) 7.3E-06 1.4 1.5E-06 0.33 A-11 March 26, 2024 Area 6 6.53 0.520(J) 2.75(J) <0.155 <0.086 0.699(J) <0.161 2.55 <0.129 <0.095 <0.205 <0.435 0.270(J) <0.106 <0.128 <0.561 <0.143 0.384(J) 2.77(J.B) 0.852(J) 0.701(J) <0.121 <0.183 <0.242 <0.124 3.70 <0.107 2.55 <0.110 <0.144 <0.199 1.66(J) <0.110 <0.236 0.486(J)1.8E-06 0.16 4.1E-07 0.039 A-12 March 26, 2024 Area 6 6.4 0.469(J,B) <0.060 <0.155 <0.086 <0.067 <0.161 2.81 <0.129 <0.095 <0.205 <0.435 <0.136 <0.106 <0.128 <0.561 <0.143 0.363(J) 6.69(B) 0.728(J) 0.930(J) <0.121 <0.183 <0.242 <0.124 1.04(J) <0.107 1.54(J,B) <0.209 <0.144 <0.199 2.24(J) <0.110 <0.236 0.434(J)1.4E-06 0.11 3.2E-07 0.025 Residential Screening Level --- 0.36 150 0.47 0.12 19 1,300 21 0.11 8.3 0.76 0.56 15 1.1 --- 1,000 83 150 42 1,000 100 630 --- 630 210 8.3 --- 1,000 0.42 1,000 0.42 --- 13 13 21Non-Residential Screening Level --- 1.6 610 2.0 0.53 79 880 88 0.47 35 3.3 2.5 61 4.9 --- 4,400 350 610 180 4,400 530 2,600 --- 2,600 880 35 --- 4,400 2 4,400 1.8 --- 53 53 88 All results are presented in microgram per cubic meter (ug/M3)Samples were collected by Harmon Environmental, PA on April 12, 2023, July 25, 2023, August 22, 2023, November 14, 2023 and March 26, 2024 and analyzed by Waypoint Analytical, LLCCumulative Risk calculated using the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) Risk Calculator February 2024Itialics indicates an exceedence of the NC DEQ threshold for Carcinogenic Risk of 1.0E-4 and/or the Hazard Index threshold of 1.0Red indicates exceedance of the Non-Residential Screening Levels (February 2024)J = estimated concentration below the Method Reporting LimitB = constituent detected in the Method Blank Sample--- = No Screening Level EstablishedYellow Highlighted Cells Exceeded the Reporting Threshold of 8.8 ug/M3 as defined in the July 2019 Memo for the NCDEQ Method TO-15 Cumulative Risk Table 2 Indoor Air Sample Results Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Project No. 897-03 ug/M3 Residential Non-Residential Attachment A March 23, 2024 Analytical Results and Chain-of-Custody Record   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   4/10/2024 Harmon Environmental, PA Rick Harmon 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Monroe, NC, 28112 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 24-088-0022 Client Project Description: Benmar Dear Rick Harmon: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 3/28/2024 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Page 1 of 63 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 07/31/202437735State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2024402State ProgramNorth Carolina 07/31/202499012State ProgramSouth Carolina 12/31/202399012State ProgramSouth Carolina Page 1 of 1 00016/24-088-0022 Page 2 of 63 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 24-088-0022 Benmar Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 03/26/2024 07:06Air 89470 A-1 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:09Air 89471 A-2 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:07Air 89472 A-3 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:11Air 89473 A-4 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:12Air 89474 A-5 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:13Air 89475 A-6 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:15Air 89476 A-7 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:15Air 89477 A-8 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:16Air 89478 A-9 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:17Air 89479 A-10 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:18Air 89480 A-11 03/28/2024 14:36 03/26/2024 07:19Air 89481 A-12 03/28/2024 14:36 Page 3 of 63 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-088-0022 Report Limit Project:Benmar V 89470A-1 5.47 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.520 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J2.98 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 J0.675 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 2.65 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.518 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 JB3.08 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 J0.881 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.764 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 J0.392 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 J0.972 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 J1.65 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.386 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J0.386 04/04/2024 21:03TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89471A-2 111 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J1.01 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J2.29 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 J0.613 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 J2.43 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.336 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 6.60 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 3.95 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.943 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 2.49 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 1.86 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 52.4 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 10.2 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 3.86 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 J0.767 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 J1.47 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 26.0 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 J0.480 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 181 04/05/2024 22:19TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.899 2.92 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 4.75 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 Page 4 of 63 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-088-0022 Report Limit Project:Benmar V 89471A-2 3.76 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J1.03 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 5.48 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 16.4 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 21.9 04/04/2024 22:01TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89472A-3 60.3 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.798 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J2.26 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 J0.522 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 J0.609 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 J2.45 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 3.70 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 2.36 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.560 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 J1.46 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J1.24 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 28.8 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 5.53 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 2.16 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 J0.649 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 J0.975 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 27.8 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 J0.398 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 122 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 3.03 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 3.35 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J2.25 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.609 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 3.17 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 9.61 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 12.8 04/04/2024 22:57TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89473A-4 10.7 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.568 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J2.35 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 Page 5 of 63 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-088-0022 Report Limit Project:Benmar V 89473A-4 J0.693 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 2.56 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.464 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 J0.334 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.401 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.613 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 B5.84 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 J1.13 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.652 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 6.61 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 8.93 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 J0.510 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 J2.43 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.373 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.434 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J1.12 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J1.55 04/04/2024 23:53TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89474A-5 19.7 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.632 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J0.693 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 2.51 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.348 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 J0.918 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 J0.642 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.643 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.754 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 8.45 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 1.81 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.507 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 J0.632 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 11.0 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 24.5 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 J1.10 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 4.31 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.648 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 Page 6 of 63 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-088-0022 Report Limit Project:Benmar V 89474A-5 J0.851 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J2.30 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J3.15 04/05/2024 00:47TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89475A-6 32.1 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.852 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J0.712 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 2.47 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.590 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 J1.77 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 J1.30 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J1.12 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J1.42 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 14.0 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 3.05 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.860 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 J0.642 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 J0.349 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 23.1 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 55.6 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 2.74 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 9.34 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J1.13 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J1.66 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J4.75 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J6.41 04/05/2024 01:41TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89476A-7 35.5 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.964 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J0.666 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 J1.75 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Cyclohexane µg/m3 0.161 2.47 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.543 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 1.82 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 J1.47 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.353 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 Page 7 of 63 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-088-0022 Report Limit Project:Benmar V 89476A-7 J1.49 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 1.88 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 15.5 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 3.29 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.884 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 J1.10 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 J0.400 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 56.1 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 J0.409 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 62.8 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 5.12 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 8.38 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J1.36 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.398 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 J1.94 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J5.55 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J7.49 04/05/2024 02:37TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89477A-8 37.1 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J1.34 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J0.677 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 2.47 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.574 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 1.83 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 J1.49 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.358 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 J1.66 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 4.12 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 19.2 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 4.07 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J1.06 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 J1.45 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 J0.408 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 21.2 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 J0.893 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 62.1 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 Page 8 of 63 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-088-0022 Report Limit Project:Benmar V 89477A-8 2.79 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 8.38 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J1.38 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.388 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 J2.00 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J5.61 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J7.61 04/05/2024 03:32TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89478A-9 26.3 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.776 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J2.41 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 J0.673 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 2.49 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.673 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 J1.39 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 J1.02 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.958 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J1.19 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 11.5 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 2.55 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.667 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 J0.625 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 J0.310 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 17.3 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 41.5 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 J1.92 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 6.43 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.909 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J1.27 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J3.70 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J4.97 04/05/2024 04:27TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89479A-10 19.7 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.645 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J0.414 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 J0.693 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 Page 9 of 63 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-088-0022 Report Limit Project:Benmar V 89479A-10 2.49 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.832 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 J0.915 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 J0.673 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J0.618 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 J0.951 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 7.56 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 1.81 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.421 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone µg/m3 0.121 J0.639 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 20.7 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 J0.259 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 26.8 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 J1.45 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 5.17 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.648 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.885 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J2.53 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J3.42 04/05/2024 06:07TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 89480A-11 6.53 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.520 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 J2.75 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 J0.699 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 2.55 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.270 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Ethyl Acetate µg/m3 0.136 J0.384 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 JB2.77 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 J0.852 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.701 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 3.70 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 2.55 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 J1.66 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.486 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J0.486 04/05/2024 07:00TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 Page 10 of 63 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 24-088-0022 Report Limit Project:Benmar V 89481A-12 6.37 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 JB0.469 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 2.81 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J0.363 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 B6.69 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Isopropyl Alcohol µg/m3 0.139 J0.728 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J0.930 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.488 J1.04 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 JB1.54 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 J2.24 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.434 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J0.434 04/05/2024 23:13TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 Page 11 of 63   Client: Harmon Environmental, PA CASE NARRATIVE Project: Benmar Lab Report Number: 24-088-0022 Date: 4/9/2024 Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS Method TO-15 Analyte: Benzene QC Batch No: V45794/V45800 Target analyte(s) was identified in the method blank associated with this project, below the Method Quantitation Limit. Per laboratory protocol any associated affected sample result is flagged "B" to indicate that it was detected in the method blank. Analyte: Isopropyl alcohol QC Batch No: V45794/V45800 Target analyte(s) was identified in the method blank associated with this project, below the Method Quantitation Limit. Per laboratory protocol any associated affected sample result is flagged "B" to indicate that it was detected in the method blank. Analyte: Isopropyl alcohol QC Batch No: V45806/V45800 Target analyte(s) was identified in the method blank associated with this project, below the Method Quantitation Limit. Per laboratory protocol any associated affected sample result is flagged "B" to indicate that it was detected in the method blank. Analyte: Toluene QC Batch No: V45794/V45800 Target analyte(s) was identified in the method blank associated with this project, below the Method Quantitation Limit. Per laboratory protocol any associated affected sample result is flagged "B" to indicate that it was detected in the method blank. Page 12 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-1 89470 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:06 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 5.47 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 0.520 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 2.98 J µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 0.675 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 2.65 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 13 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-1 89470 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:06 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.095 µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.106 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.143 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 0.518 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 3.08 JB µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 0.881 J µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 0.764 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 14 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-1 89470 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:06 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.124 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.181 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 0.392 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 0.972 J µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 1.65 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.110 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM <0.157 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 0.386 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806ENM 0.386 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/04/24 21:03 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94.1 Limits: 70-130%04/04/24 21:031 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 15 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-2 89471 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:09 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 V45842 04/05/24 09:53 111 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 1.01 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 2.29 J µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 0.613 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 2.43 J µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 16 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-2 89471 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:09 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 V45842 04/05/24 09:53 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 0.336 J µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 6.60 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 3.95 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 0.943 J µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 2.49 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 1.86 µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 52.4 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 10.2 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 3.86 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 0.767 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 17 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-2 89471 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:09 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 V45842 04/05/24 09:53 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 1.47 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 26.0 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 0.480 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 181 µg/m3 0.899 18.8Toluene 10 04/05/24 22:19 V45843ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 2.92 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 4.75 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 3.76 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 1.03 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 5.48 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 16.4 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806ENM 21.9 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/04/24 22:01 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.8 Limits: 70-130%04/04/24 22:011 ENM V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 Limits: 70-130%04/05/24 22:1910 ENM V45843 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 18 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-3 89472 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:07 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 60.3 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 0.798 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 2.26 J µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 0.522 J µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 0.609 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 2.45 J µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 19 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-3 89472 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:07 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.095 µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 3.70 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 2.36 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 0.560 J µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 1.46 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 1.24 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 28.8 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 5.53 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 2.16 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 0.649 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 20 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-3 89472 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:07 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 0.975 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 27.8 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 0.398 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 122 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 3.03 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 3.35 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 2.25 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 0.609 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 3.17 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 9.61 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806ENM 12.8 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/04/24 22:57 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.8 Limits: 70-130%04/04/24 22:571 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 21 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-4 89473 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:11 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 10.7 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.568 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 2.35 J µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.693 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 2.56 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 22 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-4 89473 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:11 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.095 µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.464 J µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.334 J µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.401 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.613 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 5.84 B µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 1.13 J µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.652 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 23 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-4 89473 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:11 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.124 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 6.61 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 8.93 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.510 J µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 2.43 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.373 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 0.434 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 1.12 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806ENM 1.55 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/04/24 23:53 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.4 Limits: 70-130%04/04/24 23:531 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 24 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-5 89474 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:12 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 19.7 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.632 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.060 µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.693 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 2.51 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 25 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-5 89474 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:12 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.348 J µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.918 J µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.642 J µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.643 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.754 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 8.45 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 1.81 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.507 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.632 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 26 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-5 89474 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:12 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.124 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 11.0 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 24.5 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 1.10 J µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 4.31 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.648 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 0.851 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 2.30 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806ENM 3.15 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/05/24 00:47 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.5 Limits: 70-130%04/05/24 00:471 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 27 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-6 89475 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:13 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 32.1 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 0.852 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.060 µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 0.712 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 2.47 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 28 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-6 89475 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:13 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 0.590 J µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 1.77 J µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 1.30 J µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 1.12 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 1.42 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 14.0 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 3.05 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 0.860 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 0.642 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 29 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-6 89475 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:13 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 0.349 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 23.1 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 55.6 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 2.74 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 9.34 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 1.13 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 1.66 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 4.75 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806ENM 6.41 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/05/24 01:41 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.5 Limits: 70-130%04/05/24 01:411 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 30 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-7 89476 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:15 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 35.5 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 0.964 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.060 µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 0.666 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 1.75 J µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 2.47 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 31 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-7 89476 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:15 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 0.543 J µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 1.82 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 1.47 J µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 0.353 J µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 1.49 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 1.88 µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 15.5 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 3.29 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 0.884 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 1.10 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 32 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-7 89476 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:15 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 0.400 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 56.1 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 0.409 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 62.8 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 5.12 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 8.38 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 1.36 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 0.398 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 1.94 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 5.55 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806ENM 7.49 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/05/24 02:37 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.6 Limits: 70-130%04/05/24 02:371 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 33 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-8 89477 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:15 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 37.1 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 1.34 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.060 µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 0.677 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 2.47 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 34 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-8 89477 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:15 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 0.574 J µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 1.83 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 1.49 J µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 0.358 J µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 1.66 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 4.12 µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 19.2 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 4.07 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 1.06 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 1.45 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 35 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-8 89477 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:15 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 0.408 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 21.2 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 0.893 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 62.1 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 2.79 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 8.38 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 1.38 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 0.388 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 2.00 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 5.61 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806ENM 7.61 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/05/24 03:32 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.9 Limits: 70-130%04/05/24 03:321 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 36 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-9 89478 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:16 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 26.3 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 0.776 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 2.41 J µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 0.673 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 2.49 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 37 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-9 89478 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:16 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 0.673 J µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 1.39 J µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 1.02 J µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 0.958 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 1.19 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 11.5 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 2.55 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 0.667 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 0.625 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 38 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-9 89478 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:16 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 0.310 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 17.3 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 41.5 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 1.92 J µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 6.43 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 0.909 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 1.27 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 3.70 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806ENM 4.97 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/05/24 04:27 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.2 Limits: 70-130%04/05/24 04:271 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 39 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-10 89479 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:17 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 19.7 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.645 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.414 J µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.693 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 2.49 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 40 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-10 89479 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:17 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.832 J µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.915 J µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.673 J µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.618 J µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.951 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 7.56 µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 1.81 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.421 J µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.639 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 41 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-10 89479 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:17 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.124 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 20.7 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.259 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 26.8 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 1.45 J µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 5.17 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.648 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 0.885 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 2.53 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806ENM 3.42 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/05/24 06:07 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.5 Limits: 70-130%04/05/24 06:071 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 42 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-11 89480 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:18 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 6.53 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 0.520 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 2.75 J µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 0.699 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 2.55 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 43 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-11 89480 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:18 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.095 µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 0.270 J µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.106 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.143 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 0.384 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 2.77 JB µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 0.852 J µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 0.701 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 44 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-11 89480 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:18 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45800 04/04/24 14:02 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.124 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 3.70 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 2.55 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 1.66 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.110 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM <0.157 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 0.486 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806ENM 0.486 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/05/24 07:00 V45806 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.3 Limits: 70-130%04/05/24 07:001 ENM V45806 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 45 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-12 89481 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:19 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45793 04/05/24 09:00 6.37 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 0.469 JB µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.147 µg/m3 0.147 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.060 µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15Carbon Tetrachloride 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.086 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.067 µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.161 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.841,2-Dibromoethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.096 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 2.81 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.101 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 46 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-12 89481 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:19 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45793 04/05/24 09:00 <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.095 µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.108 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.622 µg/m3 0.622 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80Ethyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.106 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.561 µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.143 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 0.363 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.052-Hexanone 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 6.69 B µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alcohol 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 0.728 J µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.033 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 0.930 J µg/m3 0.488 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 47 of 63 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28112 24-088-0022 00358 Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Rd. Rick Harmon Monroe Received : 03/28/2024 Benmar Report Date : 04/10/2024 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:A-12 89481 Matrix: 3/26/2024 7:19 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V45793 04/05/24 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.860Propene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.124 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 1.04 J µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 1.54 JB µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.144 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.087 µg/m3 0.087 2.731,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.199 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 2.24 J µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.110 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.236 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM <0.157 µg/m3 0.157 2.17o-Xylene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 0.434 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794ENM 0.434 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 04/05/24 23:13 V45794 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 Limits: 70-130%04/05/24 23:131 ENM V45794 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 48 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45794QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45793 Associated Lab Samples: 89481 LRB-V45793 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 04/05/24 13:594.750.2020.263µg/m3Acetone 04/05/24 13:591.600.0730.325µg/m3Benzene 04/05/24 13:5910.40.147<0.147µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 04/05/24 13:593.350.150<0.150µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 04/05/24 13:595.170.153<0.153µg/m3Bromoform 04/05/24 13:591.940.115<0.115µg/m3Bromomethane 04/05/24 13:591.110.328<0.328µg/m31,3-Butadiene 04/05/24 13:596.230.060<0.060µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 04/05/24 13:593.150.155<0.155µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 04/05/24 13:592.300.107<0.107µg/m3Chlorobenzene 04/05/24 13:594.260.208<0.208µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 04/05/24 13:591.320.164<0.164µg/m3Chloroethane 04/05/24 13:592.440.086<0.086µg/m3Chloroform 04/05/24 13:591.030.067<0.067µg/m3Chloromethane 04/05/24 13:593.440.161<0.161µg/m3Cyclohexane 04/05/24 13:593.840.151<0.151µg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 04/05/24 13:593.010.096<0.096µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 04/05/24 13:5912.00.174<0.174µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 04/05/24 13:593.010.186<0.186µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 04/05/24 13:592.470.134<0.134µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 04/05/24 13:592.020.101<0.101µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 04/05/24 13:592.020.129<0.129µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 04/05/24 13:591.980.107<0.107µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 04/05/24 13:591.980.095<0.095µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 04/05/24 13:591.980.108<0.108µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 04/05/24 13:592.310.205<0.205µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 04/05/24 13:593.500.622<0.622µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Page 1 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 49 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45794QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45793 Associated Lab Samples: 89481 LRB-V45793 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 04/05/24 13:592.270.178<0.178µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 04/05/24 13:592.270.178<0.178µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 04/05/24 13:591.800.435<0.435µg/m31,4-Dioxane 04/05/24 13:591.800.136<0.136µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 04/05/24 13:592.170.106<0.106µg/m3Ethylbenzene 04/05/24 13:592.460.128<0.128µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 04/05/24 13:593.830.561<0.561µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 04/05/24 13:592.050.143<0.143µg/m3Heptane 04/05/24 13:595.330.330<0.330µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 04/05/24 13:591.760.047<0.047µg/m3n-Hexane 04/05/24 13:592.050.285<0.285µg/m32-Hexanone 04/05/24 13:594.920.1390.992µg/m3Isopropyl Alcohol 04/05/24 13:591.470.224<0.224µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 04/05/24 13:591.800.033<0.033µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 04/05/24 13:592.050.121<0.121µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 04/05/24 13:591.740.488<0.488µg/m3Methylene Chloride 04/05/24 13:592.620.183<0.183µg/m3Naphthalene 04/05/24 13:590.8600.242<0.242µg/m3Propene 04/05/24 13:592.130.124<0.124µg/m3Styrene 04/05/24 13:593.430.104<0.104µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 04/05/24 13:593.390.181<0.181µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 04/05/24 13:591.470.107<0.107µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 04/05/24 13:591.880.0900.406µg/m3Toluene 04/05/24 13:593.710.209<0.209µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 04/05/24 13:592.730.144<0.144µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 04/05/24 13:592.730.087<0.087µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 04/05/24 13:592.150.199<0.199µg/m3Trichloroethene Page 2 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 50 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45794QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45793 Associated Lab Samples: 89481 LRB-V45793 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 04/05/24 13:592.810.130<0.130µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 04/05/24 13:592.460.110<0.110µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 04/05/24 13:592.460.236<0.236µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 04/05/24 13:591.760.224<0.224µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 04/05/24 13:591.280.127<0.127µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 04/05/24 13:592.170.157<0.157µg/m3o-Xylene 04/05/24 13:595.650.217<0.217µg/m3m,p-Xylene 04/05/24 13:594-Bromofluorobenzene (S)97.7 70-130 LCS-V45793Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 10412.411.9µg/m3Acetone 70-130 10216.316.0µg/m3Benzene 70-130 12331.925.9µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 70-130 10334.433.5µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 70-130 10755.251.7µg/m3Bromoform 70-130 10520.419.4µg/m3Bromomethane 70-130 10311.411.1µg/m31,3-Butadiene 70-130 10316.115.6µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 70-130 10332.531.5µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 70-130 10524.123.0µg/m3Chlorobenzene 70-130 10544.742.6µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 70-130 10313.613.2µg/m3Chloroethane 70-130 10325.224.4µg/m3Chloroform 70-130 10310.610.3µg/m3Chloromethane 70-130 10317.717.2µg/m3Cyclohexane 70-130 Page 3 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 51 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45794QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45793 LCS-V45793Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 10741.038.4µg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 70-130 12738.130.1µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 12437.330.1µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 12638.030.1µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 10425.624.7µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 70-130 10521.220.2µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 70-130 10421.120.2µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 70-130 10520.819.8µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 70-130 10520.819.8µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130 10520.819.8µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130 10323.723.1µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 70-130 10235.835.0µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 70-130 10523.822.7µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 10423.522.7µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 10318.518.0µg/m31,4-Dioxane 70-130 10418.718.0µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 70-130 10823.521.7µg/m3Ethylbenzene 70-130 12129.724.6µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 70-130 10439.938.3µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 70-130 11423.420.5µg/m3Heptane 70-130 10556.253.3µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 70-130 10919.217.6µg/m3n-Hexane 70-130 10922.420.5µg/m32-Hexanone 70-130 10412.812.3µg/m3Isopropyl Alcohol 70-130 10315.214.8µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)70-130 10318.518.0µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 10722.020.5µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 70-130 Page 4 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 52 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45794QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45793 LCS-V45793Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 95.916.717.4µg/m3Methylene Chloride 70-130 10226.826.2µg/m3Naphthalene 70-130 98.38.478.61µg/m3Propene 70-130 11424.221.3µg/m3Styrene 70-130 11037.734.3µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 70-130 10636.033.9µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 70-130 10215.014.7µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 70-130 10720.118.8µg/m3Toluene 70-130 11241.737.1µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 70-130 10328.127.3µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 70-130 10328.227.3µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-130 10327.826.9µg/m3Trichloroethene 70-130 10629.828.1µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 70-130 12731.324.6µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 11728.824.6µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 10718.817.6µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 70-130 10213.012.8µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 70-130 10923.621.7µg/m3o-Xylene 70-130 11348.943.4µg/m3m,p-Xylene 70-130 1064-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 Page 5 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 53 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45806QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45800 Associated Lab Samples: 89470, 89471, 89472, 89473, 89474, 89475, 89476, 89477, 89478, 89479, 89480 LRB-V45800 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 04/04/24 15:464.750.202<0.202µg/m3Acetone 04/04/24 15:461.600.073<0.073µg/m3Benzene 04/04/24 15:4610.40.147<0.147µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 04/04/24 15:463.350.150<0.150µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 04/04/24 15:465.170.153<0.153µg/m3Bromoform 04/04/24 15:461.940.115<0.115µg/m3Bromomethane 04/04/24 15:461.110.328<0.328µg/m31,3-Butadiene 04/04/24 15:466.230.060<0.060µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 04/04/24 15:463.150.155<0.155µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 04/04/24 15:462.300.107<0.107µg/m3Chlorobenzene 04/04/24 15:464.260.208<0.208µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 04/04/24 15:461.320.164<0.164µg/m3Chloroethane 04/04/24 15:462.440.086<0.086µg/m3Chloroform 04/04/24 15:461.030.067<0.067µg/m3Chloromethane 04/04/24 15:463.440.161<0.161µg/m3Cyclohexane 04/04/24 15:463.840.151<0.151µg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 04/04/24 15:463.010.096<0.096µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 04/04/24 15:4612.00.174<0.174µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 04/04/24 15:463.010.186<0.186µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 04/04/24 15:462.470.134<0.134µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 04/04/24 15:462.020.101<0.101µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 04/04/24 15:462.020.129<0.129µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 04/04/24 15:461.980.107<0.107µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 04/04/24 15:461.980.095<0.095µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 04/04/24 15:461.980.108<0.108µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 04/04/24 15:462.310.205<0.205µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 04/04/24 15:463.500.622<0.622µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Page 6 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 54 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45806QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45800 Associated Lab Samples: 89470, 89471, 89472, 89473, 89474, 89475, 89476, 89477, 89478, 89479, 89480 LRB-V45800 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 04/04/24 15:462.270.178<0.178µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 04/04/24 15:462.270.178<0.178µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 04/04/24 15:461.800.435<0.435µg/m31,4-Dioxane 04/04/24 15:461.800.136<0.136µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 04/04/24 15:462.170.106<0.106µg/m3Ethylbenzene 04/04/24 15:462.460.128<0.128µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 04/04/24 15:463.830.561<0.561µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 04/04/24 15:462.050.143<0.143µg/m3Heptane 04/04/24 15:465.330.330<0.330µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 04/04/24 15:461.760.047<0.047µg/m3n-Hexane 04/04/24 15:462.050.285<0.285µg/m32-Hexanone 04/04/24 15:464.920.1390.653µg/m3Isopropyl Alcohol 04/04/24 15:461.470.224<0.224µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 04/04/24 15:461.800.033<0.033µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 04/04/24 15:462.050.121<0.121µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 04/04/24 15:461.740.488<0.488µg/m3Methylene Chloride 04/04/24 15:462.620.183<0.183µg/m3Naphthalene 04/04/24 15:460.8600.242<0.242µg/m3Propene 04/04/24 15:462.130.124<0.124µg/m3Styrene 04/04/24 15:463.430.104<0.104µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 04/04/24 15:463.390.181<0.181µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 04/04/24 15:461.470.107<0.107µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 04/04/24 15:461.880.090<0.090µg/m3Toluene 04/04/24 15:463.710.209<0.209µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 04/04/24 15:462.730.144<0.144µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 04/04/24 15:462.730.087<0.087µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 04/04/24 15:462.150.199<0.199µg/m3Trichloroethene Page 7 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 55 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45806QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45800 Associated Lab Samples: 89470, 89471, 89472, 89473, 89474, 89475, 89476, 89477, 89478, 89479, 89480 LRB-V45800 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 04/04/24 15:462.810.130<0.130µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 04/04/24 15:462.460.110<0.110µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 04/04/24 15:462.460.236<0.236µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 04/04/24 15:461.760.224<0.224µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 04/04/24 15:461.280.127<0.127µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 04/04/24 15:462.170.157<0.157µg/m3o-Xylene 04/04/24 15:465.650.217<0.217µg/m3m,p-Xylene 04/04/24 15:464-Bromofluorobenzene (S)92.4 70-130 LCS-V45800Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 98.311.711.9µg/m3Acetone 70-130 10016.016.0µg/m3Benzene 70-130 12432.125.9µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 70-130 10234.233.5µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 70-130 10353.151.7µg/m3Bromoform 70-130 98.419.119.4µg/m3Bromomethane 70-130 97.210.811.1µg/m31,3-Butadiene 70-130 96.715.115.6µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 70-130 10332.631.5µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 70-130 10123.223.0µg/m3Chlorobenzene 70-130 10142.942.6µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 70-130 96.912.813.2µg/m3Chloroethane 70-130 10124.724.4µg/m3Chloroform 70-130 94.79.7610.3µg/m3Chloromethane 70-130 10117.417.2µg/m3Cyclohexane 70-130 Page 8 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 56 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45806QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45800 LCS-V45800Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 10239.338.4µg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 70-130 12036.030.1µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 11935.730.1µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 12236.830.1µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 98.724.424.7µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 70-130 99.520.120.2µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 70-130 10421.120.2µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 70-130 10019.819.8µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 70-130 10019.819.8µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130 98.919.619.8µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130 10023.123.1µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 70-130 96.533.835.0µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 70-130 10523.922.7µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 10624.122.7µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 10118.118.0µg/m31,4-Dioxane 70-130 99.417.918.0µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 70-130 10222.121.7µg/m3Ethylbenzene 70-130 11027.124.6µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 70-130 97.937.538.3µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 70-130 11122.720.5µg/m3Heptane 70-130 99.653.153.3µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 70-130 10218.017.6µg/m3n-Hexane 70-130 10621.720.5µg/m32-Hexanone 70-130 10412.812.3µg/m3Isopropyl Alcohol 70-130 97.914.514.8µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)70-130 10118.118.0µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 10722.020.5µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 70-130 Page 9 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 57 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45806QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45800 LCS-V45800Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 89.615.617.4µg/m3Methylene Chloride 70-130 93.524.526.2µg/m3Naphthalene 70-130µg/m3Propene 70-130 10823.021.3µg/m3Styrene 70-130 10235.134.3µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 70-130 10535.533.9µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 70-130 10114.814.7µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 70-130 10519.818.8µg/m3Toluene 70-130 10539.037.1µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 70-130 10328.127.3µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 70-130 98.126.827.3µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-130 10227.526.9µg/m3Trichloroethene 70-130 10028.228.1µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 70-130 12029.624.6µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 10926.924.6µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 10318.117.6µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 70-130 96.012.312.8µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 70-130 10222.221.7µg/m3o-Xylene 70-130 10746.443.4µg/m3m,p-Xylene 70-130 1044-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 Page 10 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 58 of 63 Quality Control Data 24-088-0022Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Harmon Environmental, PA Benmar QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V45843QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V45842 Associated Lab Samples: 89471 LRB-V45842 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 04/05/24 13:591.880.0900.406µg/m3Toluene 04/05/24 13:594-Bromofluorobenzene (S)97.7 70-130 LCS-V45842Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 10720.118.8µg/m3Toluene 70-130 1064-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 Page 11 of 11Date:04/10/2024 08:34 AM Page 59 of 63 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:24-088-0022 Harmon Environmental, PA 00358 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:NA Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)?Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Angelo Norvell Date & Time:03/28/2024 15:29:03 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 60 of 63 Pa g e 6 1 o f 6 3 Waypoint.O ANALYTICAL CompanyName:~~D.J. ~u¥•0 lA-. '"""nv ;..o~ Contact Name: « IJIQ~)'\~ I Address: [pt~ ~~lV V! ~S' fl.., Mcvtt.c J., 2-'l,\1{. Phone#: ~ ~ "2. '-'\s -v+ Email: ~ 1 Ow.,,"" L'll'. I) ~ -u {:1. \...ec (,ew-- Sampler'1{e (Print): \ .d .. c-' (~r. ... ~ "•Ftow Controller and l ab Use Only Canister must be used Canister Certification Batch: together as destgnawd•• lab Flow Controller Cal Flow 2 Outgoing Canister ID: ., ID: (cc/min) ... Canister Client Sample ID iii Pressure 1A 1) A ~\ I lot?~ J0 .5 :?Y>Lti~ tG"-_/ -30 /0 4 L4 A-1--I ~;;<l ;< 4J.tli5 {!) -';)q 2) 1.4 3) A, s \77~ /0 .3 ~~[15;) 0 -3D 1..4 A -'-1 ll7'J4 /0.4 4~lt!5D (6) -;)1 4} TOlS Air Analysis Chain of Custody Invoice to: ~~c.~4V 12MJ"L,e""M=;t • .._r.~ 1..-h Invoice Contact: It . tJ A~ ,.,A Invoice Address:(., ( gq.<-" J~i' vP 1ll\~t JJ( cll t.. Invoice Phone#: ~ 'L-1-{ '1C v 1 Invoice Emaih C..tfy.-. e.-.1 e -1 a~~ r e,...1"'- Sampler's Sign~ ~ 449 Springbrook Rd Charlotte, NC 28217 Office: (704) 529-6364 ~I Project Name: /j{ illlf'N'" Site Name: Site Location: 5" If' !t lJt.I>IJ ~,yA V'.v... Project Number: ~t, 1--0~ Purchase Order#: Quote#: Turn Around nme: I l_ f _3_ Day(s) Page: o Client Sampling Information Sampling Start Information Sampling Stop Information Sample lab Final Comments WPA Receiving Start Time Initial canister Stopnme Canister Type (Any additional information 10#: Start Date Pressure Stop Date (24hr Code Canister (24hr clock) Pressure about the site) (in Hg) dock) Pressure (In Hg) -I ~/14t' 1~ V\$" 1/u/t-1 I'-{ G) lo A~ -<6 '1/Uiv.t '+d\ ~ 1/t<(1t tyoc, 1 IJ ~~ -Jb s/tJ, 'M t'\ ~ltt/d \~~ lo A~ -~ 1/ttiPI 1\\ ~ J/tt/4 \~ 0~ <'-\ .s ~h Sample Type Codes: AA= Indoor/ Ambient Air SG=Soil Gas LV= Landfill/Vent Gas OT= Other R~hed: L Date /Time: Received: 4~ Date/Time: 1 Lar I leo 1"\nlu • ,-,.. //tu 3 -;.}8 1..~ II :.! l$ Relinquished: Date /Time: Jl(eceived: / Date/Time: 111111111111111111111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIUIIII L~ .......-? Harmon Enwonmental PA 15 12.52 Relinquished: Date/Time: Received: /_/ 1);J:?f1, Ben mar V~ A"_.,#_ -~-db. 't-dt:f l t{ ~ (. ~ We ...,;::::-/ A / / r / Rtv 0 9/22/20 Pa g e 6 2 o f 6 3 Waypoint_e ANALYTICAL Company Name: ~~t~ tM~O..tJ.A ~~ L. /~ Contact Name: J{.J'(lA.~ Address: C,J5 /3}VJ~ -~~'f 1?/l M~ jJ(' J,-t;{ VU Phone#: "1-01-1 7 .A w 5"U- Email: h, ~ [t')f}tt~ ~~a '" ('~ Sampler's Na~/::{.t~h J tlc.vwvv ••Flow Controller and Lab Use Only Canister must be used Canister Certification Batch: together as designated-. Lab Flow Controller Cal Flow 2 Outgoing Canister 1 D: Cll ID: (cc/min) ... Canister Client Sample 10 Vi Pressure 1&ct53 1.4 t.\-S llPJ?J /D .?J (!) -~ 1) /~. s 1.4 ~--~ )0;235 3r8JJ I(!) -;A 2) {0.4 L4 ~·~ l ~ 3~lP ,~,{)~ 0 -30 3) 10-4 L4 ,~~ ~ 1~3/l 37;}11 1(6: -30 4) T015 Air Analysis Chain of Custody ' Invoice to: /....la,,m~ €{, v If/""""" t-f j p~ Invoice Contact: f) }-JMn. P Invoice Address: ~~ 5 J5JV en-!7/f?t'IA,~ J!o fl/lav ~ l)C 2 'CIJ't.. Invoice Phone#: YA 'U l 11.S 2/?:f Invoice Email: h t?>/ rrJ 1111 e w @ '\..;_a tv,_, ~ Sampler'sSig~ V ~ 449 Springbrook Rd Charlotte, NC 28217 Office: (704) 529-6364 Project Name: r:/ef')~ Site Name: Site Location:szs ~ IA.L ~a ;,11'\11 /tJ.,.A7 Project Number: Purchase Order It: Quote#: Tum Around Time: I ~ , .3_ Day(s) Page: of Client Sampling Information Sampling Start Information Sampling Stop Information Sample Lab Final Comments WPA Receiving Start Time Initial Canister StopTlme Canister Type (Any additional information 10#: Start Date Pressure Stop Date (24hr Code Canister (24hr clock) Pressure about the site) (in Hg) clock) Pressure (in Hg) -'D 3/u/14 +l2 '7,>\ yu/u r'-1" q ~'I\ -<[; tltt/P! AA J(u/4 tl3 '1~ \ ~lo tC·~ ~to f/-tc/11 1-'l s "?,0 J/tltt \~~~ r a,r A~ -It 1/tt/vi ~\S '1 0 3/~ \'1 r~ \\ AA Sample Type Codes: AA= Indoor/Ambient Air SG= Soil Gas LV= landfill/Vent Gas OT= Other -Relinquished: ~ Date /Time: Received: Date /Time: ! -L "--. ~ ~ -r/~ 3..J~·C1 II . 7..5 I 1111 Ill\\ Ill\ \IIIII II \II Il l llll\1 1\\11111111111111 ~:;::2 Relinquished: Date /Time: .)'lceived: Date/Time: Harmon Enwonmenlal. PA 15:12:52 Ben mar Relinquished: Date/Time: Received: / / Date /Time: ~ """"---/ > 2-~ l-et /Vf ~, ~ ~ ,._j., :3*~w ~~ ,_w / / Rev. 0 9/22/20 Pa g e 6 3 o f 6 3 W aypoint_O ANALYT ICAL TOlS Air Analysis Chain of Custody 449 Springbrook Rd Charlotte, NC 28217 Office: (704) 529-6364 Company Name: ~~~~ ~~'l.../J/LJ<~' tJ4>~. \1\~ Invoice to: IT<\~ f.<V.v"l..-~--'C-~v\,h..,. Project Name: N-4"'\~n_ Contact Name: rt,;. \.""-.b-Invoice Contact: ~ l\ ..... ~ " Site Name: Address: (p \. •.. -~C.'S l~~'i ·~«< Invoice Address: GJ $ 8~ T~ -...~ Se:-0 Site Location: hiS ~ ~-A<?'r.>.-,.~~o. l hA;; Y\f\cJ\ U "6 Ur. ~l"L. ;v..-A~ U c. ~ln...-Project Number: Phone II: ro-1 '/._}\ 1, '-"( <\L + Invoice Phone#: ~A./ 1_-_., ?~ vf$'~4 Purchase Order II: Email: \tl (t /W"_r.+'\ t lA. ~ «< ~ c..~ . ~,.. Invoice Emall:h, 6} tv. Quote II: , n /J'J;J &'Yl ej'l ..; '-1 e-() c..,- Sampl~~~~~ t.1.oJ 'Mol\. Sampler's Signature: ~ n Turn Around Time: II ;j_ f 3_ Day(s) Page: of ••Flow Controller and Lab Use Only Client Sampling Information Canister must be used Canister Certification Batch: Sampling Start Information Sampling Stop Information togerheras Sample designated• • Lab Lab Final Type Comments WPA flow Controller Cal Flow 2 Outgoing Receiving Start Time Initial Canister Stop Time Canister (Any additional Information IDII: 10: (cc/min) canister ID: ~ canister Canister Start Date (24hr clock) Pressure Stop Date (24hr Code Olent Sample 10 v; (inHg) clock) Pressure about the sotl!) Pressure Preuure (inHg) 1.4 -tD ?/ttl~ \~ \0 ~~\ }Y3d-~ /0.3 3~/ID f) -3o 3]14~ 1\~ '3o \~ ~l4 1) mh 1.4 -~ Jj1tltJ ~tc/tJJ ~ -\0 /l7~5 3 tRIIf 0 -30 ff\'T 1)\ ll.\ \ (, ~ 1-\t>. 2) /0.4 1.4 -~ 1tt/u; iu/11 ~I\\ 177?-L; t)~1/57 ri:\ -~ 1t G Vts lyl~ 9.S f:lb. 3) l..J 4) ~· \1,-l 3 JI-J I ID ~~ 1.4 ;t£7;11 0 -;J_q -7 t/144 'i-\~ '7/6 1ttfo I ~ I+ l-S Afo Sample Type Codes: AA= Indoor/Ambient Air SG= Soil Gas LV= Landfill/Vent Gas OT= Other Relinquished: Date /Time: ~~ Date /Time: lab Use Onl~: '-/~ ..1 .J. 3-2~·L'f q r:.z.s ... Relinquished: Date /Time: Receiv~: V' Date I Time: \II \ I 1\1111111111\11111111\ IIIII\ l lll \ll\l\mlll 8ii:: Harmon EnvofOflmental PA 15 12 52 Relinquished: Date /Time: Received: -/ ~J4Ti/~ Ben mar ~~ -~-Z?f·'t.t{ IY '-3< /{_----/ ~ W01 ~--~ _.,/ / / ~ ...... -, Rev 0 9/22/20 < Attachment B NCDEQ Risk Calculator Results For March 23, 2024 Data North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-2 (Area 1) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator t:s rt Point Concmlnllom VtnkNI Ollt: Ftbnury 2024 Bub: No,·anbnlO:U t:rA RSI. T1bk Silt 10: A-2 (Aru I} Es.-.urcUnfiiD: NOfo: OlmJicals highlighlod in onngc: are 1t0n-volatik dx:mictis. Risks an: ukut.ICid ror lhcsc c:hcnUcab if indoor &II' conccn~lions an:: enlerod Uld llldoof ..U ~ levels ""''1: been esllbllmod, but il should be nobllhal dcii:CliOOS orlhae ~ic.als are likely no1wocialod wilh ''JIOr tntru51011. If liM chtmkllllb4 h ct..ned ,..._ • ,.......akut.lw r-. rnnnnlttrl• .ded "Sc..-All Cttm*w .. " • tht 111111 -'1*1 .Mtt w ""ly ..WHI~rhmlb .. wiiMII '--.::tu.tfd In O,k r-kld.l..._ F..Xpo511rePoin1 Contonnlion NOfes CAS Number (uglm1) Ill 67-64-1 1.01 71-43-1 2.29 7S-U-O 0.613 74-17-3 2.43 7j-71-11 O.J36 IS6-S9-2 6.6 141-71-6 3.97 100-41-4 2.49 142-IM \.16 IIG--S4-l SH 67-6).0 102 7&-93-J '·" 1011-11-2 0.767 7S-09-2 1.47 100-42-S 26 127-IS--4 1,1 10&-811-J 2.92 79.<)1.6 4.7S 7S-69-4 ).76 95--6)-6 I. OJ 1011-67-S 21.9 1330-20-7 Chemical llcw..eoo Carbon Disulfide Chlommdw• l>idtlorodiOuoromcttwx L>k:hloruclh\1cne.d5-i.l- Elh\"IAoc:lalc Edr·;lberv:eoc II IC N- Hexane N- 1-oo\ Mclhvl Ellwl Kdonc: 2-l"lui&IIOOC Mdwi-2-Pcntanol4- Mcl!n-kncChlondc: Sf\TCUC TChC:hloroelh,·knc ToluctiC Trichlomctlwknc Trichlarofi\IOftllnelhanc Trimeltr,•lbcn7.c:oc.l2.4-T~l!n-lbcro-.a1Cl3S- X\'k:nes Minimum Maximum Conocncntioo Concc:ncntion (Qualincr) (Q.u.liflcr) Units Locltionor M.uimwn COIICal.tr-.lion Deloction Frequency Range of Delocriorl Lim ill Concentration UtodfOf """""" Sell.'Cning Toxk:ityV•Iue ("""""" l..evel)(n'e) l'o~Cflli•l ARAIVfBC V1luc COI'CFt.g (YIN) Ratiooalcror ScloclionOf lklction Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form 1 Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-2 (Area 1) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreatorffrespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 1.5E-05 2.8E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 3.0E-06 6.6E-Ol NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Groundwater Source Soil Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? NM Source Groundwater Exceedence of2L at Receptor? NM Surface Water Source Soil Exceedence of2B at Receptor? NM Source Groundwater Exceedence of2B at Receptor? NM Notes: 1. Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator \ DEQ RiskCalculator-Vapor futrusion-Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air ... Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November2023 EPA RSL Table SiteiD: A-2 (Areal) Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 J.lg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= 1E-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 111 -- 71-43-2 Benzene 1.01 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 6.4E-07 7.7E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 2.29 -6.1E+02 7.5E-04 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.613 -7.9E+01 1.6E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.43 -8.8E+01 5.5E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2-0.336 -3.5E+01 1.9E-03 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 6.6 -6.1E+01 2.2E-02 100-41-4 Eth_yjbenzene 3.97 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 8.1E-07 9.1E-04 142-82-5 Heptane N-2.49 -3.5E+02 1.4E-03 110-54-3 Hexane,N~ 1.86 -6.1E+02 6.1E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 52.4 -1.8E+02 6.0E-02 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 10.2 -4.4E+03 4.7E-04 108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol, 4-3.86 -2.6E+03 2.9E-04 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.767 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 6.3E-10 2.9E-04 100-42-5 Styrene 1.47 -8.8E+02 3.4E-04 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 26 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 5.5E-07 1.5E-Ol 108-88-3 Toluene 181 -4.4E+03 8.3E-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 2.92 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 9.8E-07 3.3E-01 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 4.75 -- 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-3.76 -5.3E+Ol 1.4E-02 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene 1,3 5-1.03 -5.3E+01 3.9E-03 1330-20-7 Xylenes 21.9 -8.8E+Ol 5.0E-02 I Cumulative: I 3.0E-06 I 6.6E-01 I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-3 (Area 1) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed Bv: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator E1 Uff l'olnl Con«nl~tlons VtDion 0111~: Fcbruuy 2024 BaRt: Nol·tmbtr 201J EPA RSL T1blt Site 10: A..J (Am I) F..IJMIIH~ Unit ID: llrctai lion off~ rePointCoocentnlionSclctlion. NOfc: Chemi~s highlig,hlod in cnnge 10: IWliHtU.Iik chamcals Risbwe~cuiltcd fur lhcscehemicab ifindotw .U C(11K(:f1Qiionl ucmlerlld and indoor lir ~]~<eli lui..-.: bccncsWHishod. but it should bo nobJ hldelottions oflhe5e chemicalsuc likely IIOIIUOC .. Ied "ith \"lpol" inlnlsHJP. lf 1M thm*allbl II thl...,. rr.n • prMroindlhlf" nlllt ~•r .. tdm •8ft AJI (lwmb&t" on tht chU ...,,.. .t.en er "'"""" IMklftl thnlllnk wil not MlnduiiN ... rls.k ~dew. Exposurcl'oint Conm~ntion NoleS: CAS Nwnba (uJfmJ) 60.] 67-64-1 0.798 71-4)-2 2.26 75·1.5..0 O.S22 56-23-5 0609 74-87-J "' 7.5-71-8 IS6--59·2 ].7 141-78-6 2.36 100-41-4 , .. 142-12-S 1.24 110-54-) 23.& 67-63..0 S.H 71·93-J 216 108-11·2 6.49 7.5..()9.2 0.97S 100-42-5 27.8 127-111-4 122 IOil-18-3 3.0) .,.,..,~ JJ' 75-69-4 1.25 95-6)-6 0.609 108-67-8 "' 1))0.20-7 Chcrnical A«"'"' '""'-c.mon Di~~.~lfuJc: Carbon Tctnehloridc """'"""""""' l>ichlorodillLIOrtlnlethlnc Dichloroc:thvlcnc cis-12- EtlwiAt.elale Eth\•lbcn:r.cnc llcm.nc N· llcxanc.N- '"""'"'""' McthviE:dt\·1 KehtCI 2-llulanonc Mclhvi-2-Pcnlan!ll,.4- Mc:dr.·lcn!Chknk St\-rmc Tctrachloroo:lhvlcnc Toluene Tridlloroe'clwkne Trkhlornfltotmethanc Trimcdwlbcn7.cne..l ... Trlmclh';lbm;r. IJS· x,·lcr~e~ Minimum Concentration (Qualifl«) ML"<imum Concentration (QualiflCI") llnih l..ocltic-rof Maximwn ~llrltion Dcl«rion Frequency Ra11gcof lkiOCiion l..imilt lllclgroond V1luc Sao:ning TolciciryValue '""""""' l...c¥d)(n'c) Polcntial ARAR!fOC Value Potential ARAI<ITOC """~ COI'Cflag (YIN) Ratiooalc for­ Seloctionor lklction Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-3 (Area 1) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC Nc NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 1.4E-05 2.6E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 2.6E-06 6.1E-Ol NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Soil NM Groundwater Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Soil NM Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Notes: 1. Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion-Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table SiteiD: A-3 (Area 1) Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0. IS J.lg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard : TCR= 1E-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 60.3 -- 71-43-2 Benzene 0.798 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 S.lE-07 6.1E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 2.26 -6.1E+02 7.4E-04 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.609 -7.9E+01 l.SE-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.45 -8.8E+01 5.6E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2--3.SE+01 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 3.7 -6.1E+01 1.2E-02 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 2.36 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 4.8E-07 5.4E-04 142-82-5 Heptane N-1.46 -3.SE+02 8.3E-04 110-54-3 Hexane N-1.24 -6.1E+02 4.0E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 28.8 -1.8E+02 3.3E-02 78-93-3 Metl1yl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 5.53 -4.4E+03 2.SE-04 108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol 4-2.16 -2.6E+03 1.6E-04 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 6.49 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 5.3E-09 2.SE-03 100-42-5 Styrene 0.975 -8.8E+02 2.2E-04 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 27.8 4.7E+01 3.SE+01 5.9E-07 1.6E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 122 -4.4E+03 5.6E-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 3.03 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO l.OE-06 3.5E-01 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 3.35 - - 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene 1.2.4-2.25 -5.3E+01 8.6E-03 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1 3 5-0.609 -5.3E+01 2.3E-03 1330-20-7 Xvlenes 12.8 -8.8E+01 2.9E-02 I Cumulative: I 2.6E-06 I 6.1E-01 I North Carolina OEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-4 (Area 4) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed Bv: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator t:1 re l'olnt Con«nlr8lloru Vtnk>n lbtt: t'tbru•ry 1014 Bub: Ncn·embtr 101J t:PA RSL Ttbk stet 10: A~ (Am 4} E!"~~UnfiiD: N<Me: Chcmkals highlighted in onnge arenon-YOiatik ~s. Risks arc cakula.lod for lhcscdlcmM:a!s ifindoor urcooocnll'llrions aremlercd and indcn 1ir taa:oing lc:vdshro~ bc:a! CSiablishod. but il sllould be nolcd lhlll ddocbOMoflhc::scehemica1s arc 1il;c1y notU!IOcil.lcd "'ilh vapX mlru!ion. lrtt.ch"'*-1.., • ~,...... • prtwuto.btor ,.,_ f'l'mntlbrr• Mkd "Sec AI Ow:tnkalt"-dw d1t1 GUI!Nf ..,tw.d ...-""'ly14d~ ~h wll_. M Wtud~ • rt.knk..a.t"- F.xposure Point Concenntion NoiCJ' CAS Numb<~' (uglmJ) 10.7 67-64-1 O.S6S 71..43-2 2.3S 7S-1S.O 0.693 74-17-J ,,. 7S-71-II ....... 141-71-6 0.334 100-41-4 0.401 141-82-S 0.613 ll0-S4-3 S.ll4 67-6)-0 1.1) 711-9)-) 0.6Sl 7S-09-2 6.61 127-11-A ,., 101-1111-J O.SI .,.., .. 2.43 7S-69-4 0.373 9S-6J-6 I.SS IJJ0-20-7 Chcmk:.1 Ace""IC Bcn:r.cnc Carbonniw1ftdc ~ DiddorudiflllOI'OII1Cihane Elh't'IAcet~te Elhvlbenzcnc llemanc.N- II N- '--""' McdwiEtlwl Kclorw: 2-llui.UIOIIe McllwlrocChklrick Tetrachlomelh·lcnc T~- Trichloroeltr.·knc: TrkhlorofliiOI'OillCihane Trimctlr;lbc:w.enc 124- x,·lateli Minimum Maximum Coocennlion C(lll(:Cillnlion (Qu.alifltf) (Qua.iifla-) Unitll ugrm' u ·nl "m' uWmJ ,,, u 'mJ ,,, ''"'' ul1ml l.oealionof Ma:Wnwn Concmlnllion Ral~&cof "'""""' Limih ~in& ToxX:ityValue '"""""" Lc\'l:'l)(n'c) Polcntitl ARAIVJ'OC Vtluc COI'Ct=llll ('ON) Rl.tiona.k for Scloctionor Deletion Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-4 (Area 4) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 3.6E-06 5.2E-01 NO Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 7.4E-07 1.2E-01 NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Soil NM Groundwater Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Soil NM Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Notes: 1. Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC =Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator IDEO Risk ~-Vanor 1- !Version Date~ A • uA•J 2024 I Basis: • 2023 EPA RSL Table ISitelD: A-4 (Area 4) :UnitiD: I Worker Indoor Air ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 J.!g/m3. Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in uf!im3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= lE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 10.7 71-43-2 Benzene 0.568 1.6E+OO 2.6E+Ol 3.6E-07 4.3E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 2.35 6.1E+02 7.7E-04 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.693 7.9E+Ol 1.8E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.56 8.8E+Ol 5.8E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2-3.5E+Ol 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 0.464 6.1E+Ol 1.5E-03 100-41-4 Ethyl benzene 0.334 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 6.8E-08 7.6E-05 142-82-5 Heptane N-0.401 3.5E+02 2.3E-04 110-54-3 Hexane N-0.613 6.1E+02 2.0E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 5.84 1.8E+02 6.7E-03 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 1.13 4.4E+03 5.2E-05 108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol 4-2.6E+03 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.652 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 5.3E-10 2.5E-04 100-42-5 Stvrene 8.8E+02 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethvlene 6.61 4.7E+Ol 3.5E+Ol 1.4E-07 3.8E-02 108-88-3 Toluene 8.93 4.4E+03 4.1E-04 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.51 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 1.7E-07 5.8E-02 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 2.43 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene 1 2 4-0.373 5.3E+Ol 1.4E-03 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene 1 3,5-5.3E+Ol 1330-20-7 Xylenes 1.55 8.8E+Ol 3.5E-03 Cumulative: 7.4E-07 1.2E-Ol North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-5 (Area 4) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed Bv: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Es urePolni COfK'ftllnllklm \'r.rWon Da!r_; Fr.bruary 1014 B..,b: No,·r.mbr.r 2013 EPA RSL Tlbk Sltr ID: A-.!i (Am 4) NOII:I: Clv:micalt highlighted in oranac are noM'OI1tile eh::mic.aiJ. Risks ..-c: ukut.lcd ror 1hc:x dlcmiuil irindoor air C(lllCaltraliom arc entaed and indoor llir KI'Cet1ing le\-els have been nlabli!ohod. but it shoukl be nokd !hat det«tioln orlhcse ehelniuls are likely no1 assoda!Od "ilh ,,.por mlrllsion. lrdtt ca-.kM M.t b dw~ frMn • P'*' nk.tator run, ~btl' t• "-'«'!"Set AI ~It" ... the 111•1• WII,.,C .Md or""'" addfd rhnnk-alt wll Ml "~r.tlln rWlrakut.Oont Exposure: Point COiliXllltr.tion Notes: CASNwnbt:r Chcmiell (u&fm') Mirwnum Mu:imwn Cmecntr.tion Con«nrralion Units (Qualilia) (Qualili«) Locatitmor Range or Conccnrrallon ML'Cimwn Dclcerion Dctocrion Uscd ror """""""" Cmccn1r1tioo Frequen~:y Lirnits Scnlenins Value 19.7 67-64-1 . ......., 0.632 71-4.1-2 """"" 0.69) 74-17-3 Chi<>an<- l.SI 7S-71-1 IJiclllorndifluoromdhanc 0.3411 IS6-,9-2 Dichloroclhvlcne.c:is-12- 0.911 141-71-6 EthviAc:.da~ 0.641 1(10..41..( Eltwllx:n:r.c:nc: ,,. 0.643 142-112-S HCPWte. N-,,. 0.7S4 110-,4--3 llc:xanc.N-'m' 1.4S 67-6)..{) """""'""' ,..,. 1.11 71-93-J Methyl Eth,·t Kc10nc: 2-Butanonc 0.~7 1011-10-1 Meth,•li.OOUwiKcklnC 4-mctlwl-2· 0.631 75..()9.1 Mcthvlene(.'II!Mdc " 127-11-4 T--24.5 101-311-J Toluene 0.641 120-112-1 1'ricttlorobcn;..c:nc.l.2.4- 1J ,..,_. Triehklroc1tro1enc 4.31 7S-694 'rrkhlomnuoromclhanc J.IS IJJ0-20-7 Xvk:ncs ultl'm1 -Pokntial l'«cntial Kataon.atc riT Toxicity Value ARARfi'OC AIWVIlJC COPCf-lag Sclocrionor (-\'1lue """" (YIN} Dcletioo Levd)(nlt;:) Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-5 (Area 4) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 5.7E-06 1.3E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air l.lE-06 2.2E-01 NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Soil NM Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Soil NM Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion -Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table SiteiD~ A-5 (Area4) Exposure Unit ID:. ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of0J5.!!g/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= 1E-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 19.7 - - 71-43-2 Benzene 0.632 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 4.0E-07 4.8E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide -6.1E+02 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.693 -7.9E+01 1.8E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.51 -8.8E+01 5.7E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2-0.348 -3.5E+01 2.0E-03 141-78-6 Eth_yl Acetate 0.918 -6.1E+01 3.0E-03 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.642 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 1.3E-07 1.5E-04 142-82-5 Heptane N-0.643 -3.5E+02 3.7E-04 110-54-3 Hexane N-0.754 -6.1E+02 2.5E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 8.45 -1.8E+02 9.6E-03 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 1.81 -4.4E+03 8.3E-05 108-11-2 Methyi-2-Pentanol 4--2.6E+03 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.632 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 5.2E-10 2.4E-04 100-42-5 Stvrene -8.8E+02 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 11 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 2.3E-07 6.3E-02 108-88-3 Toluene 24.5 -4.4E+03 l.IE-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 1.1 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 3.7E-07 1.3E-01 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 4.31 -- 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene. 1 2.4--5.3E+01 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene. 1 3 5--5.3E+01 1330-20-7 Xylenes 3.15 -8.8E+01 7.2E-03 I Cumulative: I l.IE-06 I 2.2E-01 I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-6 (Area 5) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed Bv: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator t:• l'fPWitCon«ntratlons \'tnlon l:t.te: t'tbnury 202-t Rhb: Nonmbu201J EPA RSL T1bk SlttiO: A-6(Arn.5) Espown: UnU ID: Indoor AirEs. "'Poht Conctntntion T1bk- lksalntion or f.xi)OSUn: Poilu Conoen1ration Sc:lcctk.t Nolc: Chc:miub highligbtod in Ofiii&C ~re non-YOlltile chemicals.. Rida are ultulatcd for lhese ehc:miuls if indoor air eonerolnltionJ .ue enknd ILtld indoor 1ir ~c:n:cnina It\..: Is have bocn esublishod. but itlhou1d be noiOd tht.t defoetiom oflhes<l ehcmie.ls are likely iw:M UJOeialod "ith \ .. por intrusion. rrttw chmtk.e KIIC h C'ha"CH ,_. priortakulatOf'""" rttnm~kt taldtd N .. AI e:.lwminh" ... tht dau. MpuC ""-d or_,, IHklftl dwrnbh "Ill ftOI bC' lac:Wt'lllft Nkn.lcullrioN Expoam: Point Concenlrarion Nold: CAS Numb<:r (u.,'m') 32.1 67#1 O.IS2 71..43-2 0.112 74-17-3 "' 7S-71-I O.S9 IS6-S9-2 1.n 141-7&--6 1.3 100-41..<1 112 142-12-S 1.42 IHI-S-4--l 14 67-63-0 3.05 78-93-3 0.&6 108-J(}..I 06U 75-09-2 0.349 100-42-S 23.1 117-11-4 SS.6 108-18-3 l.Jl 120-&2-1 2.74 79.()1-6 9J• 75-69-4 6.41 IJJO..l0-7 a.m<oJ ...... """"" """""""' Diehlorodift~ Diehlu'Oe1fwkne. eif-1.2· Ellr.-1 Aeetalc Edwlben7..coc Hentanc.N- lk N· '"""""""' Mdwl Elhvl Ketone: 2-fluWIOnC Mclh\·1 [Klbuh'( ~etonc 4-methyl-2-pontaoone MdhvkncChloride St'!Tcnc Tclrlclti(JI'I)dh\•laac Totuc:nc Triehknlbcnzav::.l2.4- Trieltb-ocdwk:nc TriehloroftLKlr't'mdhmc X\·lcncs Minimwn Maximum Conomtnrion Conccnlrlrion (Quallfia-) (Qualifier) ..... •!m' u 'm' "m' uJt{mJ u 'mJ ultlmJ l..ocarionof Maximum Conoenlrarion Range of """""' Limits .......... To>.lettyValue (Scrccnin& l.evel)(nle) Potential ARARITOC Value COJ'Ctlag (YIN) Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-6 (Area 5) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air l.lE-05 2.7E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 2.2E-06 S.OE-01 NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Soil NM Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Soil NM Surface Water Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion-Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air •• Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table SiteiD: A-6 (AreaS) Exposure Unit.ID: ** -Note that the EPA bas no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 Jlg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug!m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= lE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 32.1 -- 71-43-2 Benzene 0.852 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 5.4E-07 6.5E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide -6.1E+02 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.712 -7.9E+01 1.8E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.47 -8.8E+01 5.6E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethvlene cis-1 2-0.59 -3.5E+01 3.4E-03 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 1.77 -6.1E+01 5.8E-03 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1.3 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 2.7E-07 3.0E-04 142-82-5 Heptane N-1.12 -3.5E+02 6.4E-04 110-54~3 Hexane N-1.42 -6.1E+02 4.6E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 14 -1.8E+02 1.6E-02 78-93-3 Metbvl Ethvl Ketone (2-Butanone) 3.05 -4.4E+03 1.4E-04 108-11-2 Methvl-2-Pentanol. 4--2.6E+03 75-09-2 Methvlene Chloride 0.642 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 5.2E-10 2.4E-04 100-42-5 Styrene 0.349 -8.8E+02 8.0E-05 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 23.1 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 4.9E-07 1.3E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 55.6 -4.4E+03 2.5E-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 2.74 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 9.2E-07 3.1E-01 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 9.34 - - 95-63-6 Trimethvlbenzene. 1.2 4--5.3E+01 108-67-8 Trimethvlbenzene. 1.3 5--5.3E+01 1330-20-7 Xvlenes 6.41 -8.8E+01 1.5E-02 I Cumulative: I 2.2E-06 I 5.0E-01 I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-7 (Area 5) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator t:l" urt rolnt CCNK'C'ntratloru \'t.ralon Dlte:: t't.brnuy 2024 llasiJ: Nonmbtr 2023 EI'A RSI. Table: Sltt 10: A-7 (Am ~ E1posurt l!nlt Ill: lndoot Air El" rt Polnl Conte'nlraUon Table' Nolc: Chcmiuls hlJhligtuod in orange are non-vobtile ehmticals. Risks an: cakulatod (or lhcsc: chemicals ifimoor air eoneentratioru are eulcrcd and indoiY aU ~ k\ocls ...,,, bocu esu.blishcd, but it should be rM*ld dial detcetioru o(lhesc chcmiells are likely nolusocittod "ilh Vlpor inlnlsion. lftht dtnnlnll hi It~ n-• prWr nnbtcw-""'-mnmtbtr teldtd "Set AI C..'hmlkalt" • tt. l .. ta output .tltri or -ly ..Sdtd dMmkab wtiiiOI lwlndudell .. risk nkublklnt Exposure Point Conccnn.tion Noc.cs: CAS Number (uglm') JS.S 67-64-1 0.964 71-43-2 0.666 74-&7-3 1.7S IIG-12-7 2.<47 n-11-a O.S4J IS6-S9-2 1.&2 141-78-6 1.47 1()()...41-4 1.49 142·&2-S 1.8& IIG-S4-J IS.S 67~3.0 J.l9 7&-93-J 0.&&4 1011-10·1 1.1 75.()9.2 04 100-42-S l6.1 127-1&-4 62.1 10!-!1-3 S.l2 ,.,I .. 1.31 7S~9-4 1.36 9S~J~ 0.398 101~7-1 7.49 IJlO-Z0-7 Chomk.l """= Chi""'"""- 0.-cklhexane Dichloroditluoromclhanc: Dichlaroclhvk:neeis-12· Edti,·IAtctak Edr;lbeuune II ""'-N· Hc:xane.N· I~ Mclh,·IEihvlKc:tone 2-llutariOOi: Mc:lhvl lsobuWI Ketone 4-mclh •1-2-DenWIOIICl Mcth•lcncChloridc s•- Ten.ehlorodlwlcnc Tol- Triehloroedr.-lene TrichlorotluortDK:Ihlnc Trimclh\"lbew.cne I ,_ Trimelhvlbcru-..mc:. u .s. Xvlcncs Minimum Maximum Conoculntian Conc:entrarion (Qualifier) (Qualifier) 11mb 'm' '"'' '"'' 'm' uRfm' 'm' ultfrn1 u m' u 'm1 ».<'m' u 'm' u 'm1 Location of Maximum Conocutrabon """<eof Coneenn.tian "'"""" O.:ICCtion Ulodfor llod<g"""" '""'"""" Limits """""" v""' -~al """"'I Rationllcfor Toxic:ity\'alue ARARrroc ARAI<IfOC COI'CFiag Selcelionor '"""""' Value """""' (YIN) O.:lction ~-el)(nle) Risk for Individual Pathways Output F01·m 1 Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-7 (Area 5) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 2.0E-05 4.1E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 3.8E-06 9.8E-Ol NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Soil NM Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Soil NM Surface Water Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion -Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air 111mmn.~tlll Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-7 (AreaS) Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 J.lg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air-concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= IE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 35.5 - - 71-43-2 Benzene 0.964 1.6E+OO 2.6E+Ol 6.1E-07 7.3E-03 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.666 -7.9E+Ol 1.7E-03 110-82-7 Cyclohexane 1.75 -5.3E+03 6.7E-05 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.47 -8.8E+Ol 5.6E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-! 2-0.543 -3.5E+Ol 3.1E-03 141-78-6 Et11yl Acetate 1.82 -. 6.1E+Ol 5.9E-03 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1.47 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 3.0E-07 3.4E-04 142-82-5 Heptane N-1.49 -3.5E+02 8.5E-04 110-54-3 Hexane N-1.88 -6.1E+02 6.1E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 15.5 -1.8E+02 1.8E-02 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 3.29 -4.4E+03 1.5E-04 108-10-1 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ( 4-methyl-2-pentanone) 0.884 -2.6E+03 6.7E-05 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 1.1 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 9.0E-10 4.2E-04 100-42-5 Stvrene 0.4 -8.8E+02 9.1E-05 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 56.1 4.7E+01 3.5E+Ol 1.2E-06 3.2E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 62.8 -4.4E+03 2.9E-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 5.12 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 1.7E-06 5.8E-01 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 8.38 - - 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene 1 2,4-1.36 -5.3E+01 5.2E-03 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene 1 3 5-0.398 -5.3E+01 1.5E-03 1330-20-7 Xylenes 7.49 -8.8E+01 1.7E-02 I Cumulative: I 3.8E-06 I 9.8E-01 I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Fonner Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-8 (Area 5) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed Bv: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Et rt: Point Con«ntr.dom \'11-nlonOIIt: Ftbruuy:Z014 BaW: No,·rmbet201J EPA IL~L T1bk stttiD: A-I(Art:~S) EtP'*Irt Unit 10: Dcxri · ofF-"' lnd00t Alt Et rt Point Conuntndon T1bk Note: Chemicals lugh.lighlcd in OflWige an: non-volatile dlemicab. Ri5b an: ~lalod for Ibex-cllc:micals if indoor 1lir eooccnhtioru are cnl«od I.Od llllkxx air~ ~Is hn\1' boen 1$1ablisho:od.. but it slloukl be nob! that dcloCtiom ofltl.:sc cllcmicab an:: likely nolauodatod v.ilh \'I pot in1Nsion lftht dwmk'lllllll .. dw .... trem 1 prillr nkWII.,..-, fftMR!btrleldm "Scot AI OWmkail" -lho!4a .. _....,..._..,. _.I)·ICiifftl ~ wllftllll Itt Kfud~ '-' rhknk'Wdenl Exposure: Point Coocen!ntioo NOleS: CAS Nwnba {uglmJ) )7.1 67-64-1 I.J4 71-43-2 o.6n 74-17-3 1.47 7S·71-I O.S74 IS6-S9-2 I.SJ 141·71-6 1.49 100-41-4 1.66 142-·.&2-S 4.12 110-S4.J 19.1 67~)..() 4.07 71-9)-J 1.06 105-10.1 1.4S 7S-09-2 0.401 100-42-S 21.2 127-1&-4 62.1 108-IS-J 2.79 79<11-6 138 , ..... us 9s-6J~ O.JSI 10&.67-& 7.61 IJJ0-20-7 Cl>oiDul ·~-"""""• """""'""""' Dichklrodifluoromc:lhanc: Dichloroc:Th•!'lcne.cis-1.2· EthviAcctlolc: Eth lbc:nzc:nc: """" N- Hexane,.N- '""'"""""' MetlwiJ-:Itn·IKc:mc: 2-llulanooe Methvi!Job.uvl Ketone 4-mcttwl-2-pmtanonc Mcth\1tnc Chlmdc Sr.nn: TetriC:hlorocltn·lcnc T~- Trichloroc:th,•lc!JC TrichloroflUOf'OfllCihane Trimdl:t\•lbav.cne.ll.4- Trimc:Th\ibcnzene I JS .. Xvknes Minimum MIIXimwn Cmcenntioo Cmcmhtion (Qualif~«) (Qualili«) Units L.ocarionof Ma:Omum ~tntion lkk<:lion Frcq~· Range of Detection l.imits Concentration Usodf(Jf -~ina Toxici!yValuc (­~-el)(n.'e) Potential 1\RAIVI'UC '""""' Rationale few Selocrionor Dclc:bon Risk for Individual Pathways Output Fo1·m I Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-8 (Area 5) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Receptor Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air L3E-05 2.2E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 2.5E-06 5.2E-01 NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Soil NM Groundwater Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Soil NM Surface Water Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Notes: L Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion-Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air Ill Version Date: February 2024 Basis:: November 2023 EPA RSL Table SiteiD: A•8 (AreaS) Ex]lpsnre Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of0.15 11g/m3. Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in urr/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= 1E-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 37.1 -- 71-43-2 Benzene 1.34 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 8.5E-07 l.OE-02 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide -6.1E+02 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.677 -7.9E+01 1.7E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.47 -8.8E+01 5.6E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2-0.574 -3.5E+01 3.3E-03 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 1.83 -6.1E+01 6.0E-03 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1.49 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 3.0E-07 3.4E-04 142-82-5 Heptane N-1.66 -3.5E+02 9.5E-04 110-54-3 Hexane N-4.12 -6.1E+02 1.3E-03 67-63-0 IsQIJropanol 19.2 -1.8E+02 2.2E-02 78-93-3 Methyl Eth_yj Ketone (2-Butanone) 4.07 -4.4E+03 1.9E-04 108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol 4--2.6E+03 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 1.45 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 1.2E-09 5.5E-04 100-42-5 Styrene 0.408 -8.8E+02 9.3E-05 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 21.2 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 4.5E-07 1.2E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 62.1 -4.4E+03 2.8E-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 2.79 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 9.3E-07 3.2E-01 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 8.38 -- 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene 1 2 4-1.38 -5.3E+01 5.3E-03 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene. 1 3 5-0.388 -5.3E+01 1.5E-03 1330-20-7 Xvlenes 7.61 -8.8E+01 1.7E-02 I Cumulative: I 2.5E-06 I 5.2E-01 I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-9 (Area 5) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator E• nE Point Cclnc'nttndons \'C'~IbtC'; t"C'bi'Wiry2024 Ruk; N~»·nnlxr202J EPA RSL Tabk ShC' 10: A·' Am S) ~ tim nff.':~_Point Concaalnlim Selection Indoor Air Et Ur1' Point ConcC'nlnlion TabiC' Note:: Chcmfc.lt highlighk:d in orange &f"(l non-VQ!alilc: chemicals. lliW:tareuk:ulalod for Ibex chc:mical5 if indoor air emecntJatiol:lll ~cutc:f<ld .nd indoof air l(:n)Cfling l~'eiJ have boen e5tablimod. but it r.hould be: tiOitxl thal dctoctions ofthc:sc chcnticabarc likely not usoci.ak:d 10oilh \'lpol" fntn.uion. lrlhfchmdu.l tw lfct..rtp4 ,_., • prtwnkubtor !"WI, ~krto .diet "SeC' AI o-.kall" • ttw: data Mput llhtd or.-ly-*1110111 'hm*ala 'fJI&I"" ._ WfudC'If In riakcakulat._ t:xposurcPomt Concentration NOleS: CAS Number (ug.'m'J ,., 67-64.1 o.n6 71-43-2 2.41 7S-15.0 0.673 74-87-J 2.49 7S-71..J 0.673 IS6-S9-2 I.J9 141-7&-6 1.02 100-41-4 0.9S! 142-82-S 1.19 110-54-J IU 67-63-0 2.SS 7&-93-3 0,667 108-10.1 6.2S 7S..()9.2 0.31 100-42-S 17.3 127-111-4 41.S 108-88-3 1.92 ........ 6.43 ,,.. .. 0.909 9S-6J~ .. , lll0-20-7 Chon<-J A""'"' -Carbon Disulfide Chi<>rom<- Oichlorodi~lhanc: Diehloroc:lh\"kn:..tis-1.2- t:lh\"lt\cetlle Eltl~·lben7.enc Hep~anc:.N. llcnnc..N-,..,...,_ Mclh\•lt:lhvtKcklnc: MluiAIIOOI:! t.lethvi lsOOut>,·IKetone 4-mcdwl-2- Melhyknc:Chklridc ·--Tc:ncllloroelh\ienc T~- TtiehkJroetlnieoe TrichloroflliOIUUC:Ihlnc Trimcdn1bc:rw:ne. 1.2.4- X\ienes Minimum Coneenlntion (Qw.lifa) Muimum Coooentration (~ific:f) Units ...... ...... ...... ...... """' ...... """'' . .,.,. """"' . .,.,. """'' •o!m' ,,. ..... """'' ,, . l.oe&rionof Maximum Coneenlntion ......,., """'""' Limits -TOXJCilyValuc: '"""""' l...t\'d)(n'c) Potential ARARflllC Value COPCFI.ag (YIN) RAtionale for Selection or lkk:tion Risk for Individual Pathways Output Fom1 1 Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-9 (Area 5) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 8.7E-06 1.6E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 1.7E-06 3.7E-Ol NO CONTAN.ITNANTNITGRATIONCALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Soil NM Groundwater Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Soil NM Surface Water Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Notes: 1. Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEORisk ·-Vap()l"_ 1- Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-9(Area 5) umtiD: I_Wo_~Tndnnr Air ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 ).lg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= 1E-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 26.3 71-43-2 Benzene 0.776 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 4.9E-07 5.9E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 2.41 6.1E+02 7.9E-04 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.673 7.9E+01 1.7E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.49 8.8E+01 5.7E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2-0.673 3.SE+01 3.8E-03 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 1.39 6.IE+01 4.SE-03 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1.02 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 2.1E-07 2.3E-04 142-82-5 Heptane N-0.958 3.5E+02 5.5E-04 110-54-3 Hexane N-1.19 6.1E+02 3.9E-04 67-63-0 IsQpropanol 11.5 1.8E+02 1.3E-02 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 2.55 4.4E+03 1.2E-04 108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol 4-2.6E+03 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 6.25 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 5.1E-09 2.4E-03 100-42-5 Styrene 0.31 8.8E+02 7.IE-05 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 17.3 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 3.7E-07 9.9E-02 108-88-3 Toluene 41.5 4.4E+03 1.9E-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 1.92 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 6.4E-07 2.2E-Ol 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 6.43 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene L2 4-0.909 5.3E+01 3.5E-03 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3 5-5.3E+01 1330-20-7 Xylenes 4.97 8.8E+01 l.lE-02 Cumulative: 1.7E-06 3.7E-01 North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-10 (Area 4) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator E1 rt Polnl CorK'C'nlr11doru Vtnktn O.tt: •• tbn.ary 2024 Bub: No,·bnbrr201J EPA RSL Tablt StttiD: A·IO(Art~~" ElPOiun Unh ID: Daaiption ofF.XJIOSUI"C 1-'utnl Conccn.-.tion Selection N<M: C..'hem~aoil hlghligluod in CJrlniC are non-\"Oiatiledw:micals. Riibareukulalod for !IICSCc:hcmieab if indoor air eoncenlrllioru: an: cnlcred and indotrair ~ levcl.1 have been esllblishod, but it lbuuld be IIOicd dv.l detections ofi!Qc thankallarc likely 1101 auoeiatod ""11h Ylpor intrusim. lfihtdwtNall .. b dulnpd "-a ,.Wn.k11111tor rwt.. rrmtmbtr .. tried "Scot AI Chankal." • tht ll•te Mil,....,_."'" M•lyHdM chnnkat. ... nut 1M lndudM kl rb.kc:akubtt.. Expo5u-ePoinl Coocentralion NOles: CASNwnbcr (u&fmJ) 19.7 67-64-1 0.645 71-43-2 0.414 75-15..() 0.693 74-17-3 "' 7S..71-& 0.132 IS6-S9-2 0.9U I41-7U 0.673 1()0...41-4 0611 142-12-S 0.9SI IIO.S4-3 7.56 67-63.() 1.11 78-93-3 0.421 101-10-1 0639 7S$-2 20.7 127-1&-4 ,., 101--&&-J 1.4S ,.,.., .. S.l7 ,,..... 0.641 9S-6J-6 3.42 1330-20-7 Cl<m<ol llew.CIICI Carbon Di5Uif!dc Chi-"'- Diehlorodifluoron't"th&nc Dichloroctlwk:ne. d .. l.2· F.ltwiAocl.lte Edwlbaw:nc Heounc N- He:une N· '"""""""'' Mcllwll~tm.·IKeiOI)C 2-llulanllne Mellwl hobuh'l KcluiC 4-o~elhvi·2·PCIII&ri<IOC Mc:tlwk:ne Chkridc Tetndlloroelh•k:.~t T.,_ Tnchloroethvkne TrichloroflliCJf"Uf"l\dhln Trimdlwlbcrw:oc.l 4- Xvlcnes Minimum Maximum Conecntnlion C~tntion (Qualifta") (Qualifier) " . """'' ""'"' Loc&lionof Maximum Conecnlnlion ....,..,., Dckx:tioo l.imirs Conccntntion Used for -'""""'""' Vol~ -Toxicii)'Valuc '"""""" l.&'<el)(nlc) ARARfTOC Value COPCf-la,g (YIN) Rationale for Selcctiorlor D<l<tiM Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form 1 Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-10 (Area 4) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 7.3E-06 1.4E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 1.5E-06 3.3E-01 NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Groundwater Source Soil Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? NM Source Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? NM Surface Water Source Soil Exceedence of2B at Receptor? NM Source Groundwater Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? NM Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ.Risk ~-Vapor 1-1\l· Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPARSL Table Site ID: A-10 (Area4) UnitiD: I Worker Indoor Air ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of0.15 Jlg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in uf!/m3 Chemical Name: Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= IE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient CAS# 67-64-I Acetone 19.7 7I-43-2 Benzene 0.645 1.6E+OO 2.6E+OI 4.1E-07 4.9E-03 75-I5-0 Carbon Disulfide 0.4I4 6.1E+02 1.4E-04 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.693 7.9E+OI 1.8E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.49 8.8E+OI 5.7E-03 I56-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2-0.832 3.5E+OI 4.7E-03 I4I-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 0.9I5 6.1E+OI 3.0E-03 I00-4I-4 Ethylbenzene 0.673 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 1.4E-07 1.5E-04 I42-82-5 Heptane N-0.6I8 3.5E+02 3.5E-04 II0-54-3 Hexane N-0.95I 6.1E+02 3.1E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 7.56 1.8E+02 8.6E-03 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 1.8I 4.4E+03 8.3E-05 I08-II-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol 4-2.6E+03 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.639 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 5.2E-IO 2.4E-04 I00-42-5 Stvrene 8.8E+02 I27-I8-4 Tetrachloroethylene 20.7 4.7E+OI 3.5E+OI 4.4E-07 1.2E-OI I08-88-3 Toluene 26.8 4.4E+03 1.2E-03 79-0I-6 Trichloroethylene 1.45 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 4.8E-07 1.7E-OI 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 5.17 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene I 2,4-0.648 5.3E+OI 2.5E-03 I08-67-8 Trimethylbenzene I 3 5-5.3E+OI 1330-20-7 Xylenes 3.42 8.8E+OI 7.8E-03 Cumulative: 1.5E-06 3.3E-OI North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-ll (Area 6) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed Bv: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator f.1 "' Polnl Conttntralions \'tnlon Dalt: Ftbru1ry 2024 U.Jb: No~·tmbtr202J EPA RSL T1bk StlriiJ: A-ll (Arn 6) t:lposurt Unll IIJ: Indoor Air E1 "'l'olnt Concc-nlnlion T11Mf Note: Cbcmiulshighlighk:d in orange are tllln-\'Oiatilcdlo:mie.tls. RiW ~teulculltod fOf lhcte ~hemiuls ifindcn lir oonocnlntions an:mlacd .00 indoor lir !ICf"DCIIine k:vclshro\'C bom e$1&bli5had. bul it should be notod !hal detections oflheled)Qniellsare lik.~I)'IIOI&uodJICd 10oid! vapor iniJUSKIII trttwC'hdnkl.l~ .. ~"-·fN*~klrrwt.,,_..,.l•lldl'n "~AJa....:.h"Mh .. liMI(RIIthrd.r-111Hi4k4rhm*a .. wiiMCIMIIw~inrbkc-•kUI..,._ EsposurePoint Concenlnllon (ug.'ml) 6.B ·~' 2.7S 0.699 2.SS 0.27 0.314 2.77 O.IS2 0.701 3.7 2.S5 1.66 0.456 NOlet: CAS Number 67~1 71-43-2 75-15..0 74-17-3 75-71-1 141-71-6 110-54-3 J.D 67-63..() 7l-9J-J 75-09-2 127-11-4 101-11-3 , ..... llJO-ZG-7 Chemic~ I """""' CarbonDisulrKic Chlorom<"""" l>ichlorodiOuorom~ll\l.nC E.m·JA~I.Ikl llexar N· '""""""" Mclh\·J F.1lwl KC1011e 2-Ru~ ~kctwlencChklride Tetnchloroellwlcoc T~- Trichklrolluorr.ncll\l.nC X\·lmes Minimum Maximum C~n:enntion Cooc.:nlnlion (Q.lalificr-) (Qualifier) Unils "m' •olm' u_ghn' •'m' ,,. "m' ur/ml 'm' Location of M•ximum COfloCOltr•tion -Toxicity Value (Scre..'rling Ll:vel)(n'c) l'oktltill ARAR!111C Value COPC!olag (YIN) Rltimtk for Selection or l).::lction Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-ll (Area 6) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC V APORINTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 1.8E-06 1.6E-Ol NO Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 4.1E-07 3.9E-02 NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Sonrce Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Soil NM Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Source Soil Exceedence of2B at Receptor? NM Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Notes: 1. Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion-Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-11 (Area 6) Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 Jlg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in uf!/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug!m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= IE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 6.53 - - 71-43-2 Benzene 0.52 1.6E+OO 2.6E+Ol 3.3E-07 4.0E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 2.75 -6.1E+02 9.0E-04 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.699 -7.9E+Ol 1.8E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.55 -8.8E+Ol 5.8E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroetbylene cis-1 2--3.5E+Ol 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 0.27 -6.1E+Ol 8.8E-04 100-41-4 Ethvlbenzene 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 142-82-5 Heptane N--3.5E+02 110-54-3 Hexane N-0.384 -6.1E+02 1.3E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 2.77 -1.8E+02 3.2E-03 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 0.852 -4.4E+03 3.9E-05 108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol. 4--2.6E+03 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.701 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 5.7E-10 2.7E-04 100-42-5 Stvrene -8.8E+02 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 3.7 4.7E+Ol 3.5E+Ol 7.8E-08 2.1E-02 108-88-3 Toluene 2.55 -4.4E+03 1.2E-04 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.66 - - 95-63-6 Trimetbylbenzene 1 2 4--5.3E+Ol 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene 1 3 5--5.3E+Ol 1330-20-7 Xylenes 0.486 -8.8E+Ol l.lE-03 I Cumulative: I 4.IE-07 I 3.9E-02 I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: A-12 (Area 6) Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: RLH North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator E.: Point ~lndons \'n~Date: t'ebnu~ry2014 O.Jb: Non mber 101J EPA RSL T•tM She ID: A·ll (Area 6) E~reUnbi.D: Indoor Air t:... re Point ConcmtnUon T•ble No&c: CbcmtUlshighlighltd in 0RJ181: an: 001'1-\vitriledw:m.Ws. Rilb ue ealcuJ..IOd for 1hese chemleals if indoor air eonoentnriom arc c:ntcn:d U1d indoor air KnXOina lc:\'d5 ha\~ bocrleP&blishcld. but it Mould be nolod !twit dc1c:w;:tkm of !hex chemical! arc likely no1 usoc:illod \Ooilh vapor intrwion, lfthedwmkallbllkdMnp-4 "'-• priernkulrlt..-na, mnftftMrt..dm "S«AI~" .attw••t• wtpvellhr:d..--ly!MHN~ ..... bt-kWM 1ft rt.kak • ..._ 6.4 0,469 2.11 0.)6] 6,69 0.723 0.9) 1.04 '" 2.24 0,4)4 J.D Jll J CAS Number 67--64-1 71-43-1 75-71-11 110-54-J 67-6)..(1 711-9).) 75-09-2 127-111-4 1011-&11-J ,,.. .... IJJ0-20-7 O!emic•l ·~-"""""' l>iehlorodifluoromc"tn.ne Hexmc N· '"""""""' Melh>.1EIIw1Kc:tonc 1-llullnOOe Melh>.·lcnc:Chloride Tctnthloroc:lh ·k:ne Toluale Trid:tlorofloorome!hanc X\·loneJ Minimum Maximum Cono::attnbon Concenntion ""'" (Qua.lifK:r) (Qlalifa) Location or Maximum Concenntian lUnge of """""" Limits Concentnlion Uliedfor """""""' -V•kle Scrc.:nit" Potmtal Potential JUOOnalcfor TrudeityValuc AIWUillC AIWUillC COI'Cflog Seloctionor (-Value """"' (YIN) D<kOOn l..e\'l:l)(n'e) Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November 2023 EPA RSL Table Site ID: A-12 (Area 6) Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC V APORJNTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 1.4E-06 l.lE-01 NO Groundwater to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air O.OE+OO O.OE+OO NO Indoor Air 3.2E-07 2.5E-02 NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Soil NM Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Soil NM Surface Water Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NM Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion-Non-Residential W,orker Indoor Air 1tlllll!lmEI Version Date: February 2024 Basis: November2023 EPARSL Table SiteiD: A-12 (Area 6) Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 Jlg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in uglrn3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= lE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 6.4 -- 71-43-2 Benzene 0.469 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 3.0E-07 3.6E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide -6.!E+02 74-87-3 Chloromethane -7.9E+01 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.81 -8.8E+01 6.4E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2--3.5E+01 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate -6.1E+01 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 4.9E+OO 8.8E+02 142-82-5 Heptane N--3.5E+02 110-54-3 Hexane N-0.363 -6.1E+02 1.2E-04 67-63-0 Isopropanol 6.69 -1.8E+02 7.6E-03 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 0.728 -4.4E+03 3.3E-05 108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol 4--2.6E+03 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.93 1.2E+03 5.3E+02 7.6E-10 3.5E-04 100-42-5 Styrene -8.8E+02 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 1.04 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 2.2E-08 5.9E-03 108-88-3 Toluene 1.54 -4.4E+03 7.0E-05 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 2.24 -- 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--5.3E+01 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, I 3 5--5.3E+01 1330-20-7 Xylenes 0.434 -8.8E+01 9.9E-04 I Cumulative: I 3.2E-07 I 2.5E-02 I North Carolina CEQ Risk Calculator Attachment C Vapor Mitigation System Operation and Maintenance Report Monthly Sub-Slab Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Former Danalex Facility 515 East Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, North Carolina Inspection Date: 9/5/2023 Inspection Time: 11:22 Inspector: RLH Mitigation Point Concrete Piping Blower Alarm Comments 1 OK OK OK OK 2 OK OK OK OK 3 OK OK OK OK 4 OK OK OK OK 5 OK OK OK OK 6 OK OK OK OK 7 OK OK OK OK 8 OK OK OK OK 9 OK OK OK OK 10 OK OK OK OK 11 OK OK OK OK 12 OK OK OK OK 13 OK OK OK OK 14 OK OK OK OK 15 OK OK OK OK 16 OK OK OK OK 17 OK OK OK OK 18 OK OK OK OK 19 OK OK OK OK 20 OK OK OK OK 21 OK OK OK OK 22 OK OK OK OK 23 OK OK OK OK 24 OK OK OK OK 25 OK OK OK OK 26 OK OK OK OK 27 OK OK OK OK 28 OK OK OK OK Monthly Sub-Slab Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Former Danalex Facility 515 East Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, North Carolina Inspection Date: 10/5/2023 Inspection Time: 8:40 Inspector: RLH Mitigation Point Concrete Piping Blower Alarm Comments 1 ok ok ok ok 2 ok ok ok ok 3 ok ok ok ok 4 ok ok ok ok 5 ok ok ok ok 6 ok ok ok ok 7 ok ok ok ok 8 ok ok ok ok 9 ok ok ok ok 10 ok ok ok ok 11 ok ok ok ok 12 ok ok ok ok 13 ok ok ok ok 14 ok ok ok ok 15 ok ok ok ok 16 ok ok ok ok 17 ok ok ok ok 18 ok ok ok ok 19 ok ok ok ok 20 ok ok ok ok 21 ok ok ok ok 22 ok ok ok ok 23 ok ok ok ok 24 ok ok ok ok 25 ok ok ok ok 26 ok ok ok ok 27 ok ok ok ok 28 ok ok ok ok Monthly Sub-Slab Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Former Danalex Facility 515 East Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, North Carolina Inspection Date: 11/6/2023 Inspection Time: 10:05 Inspector: RLH Mitigation Point Concrete Piping Blower Alarm Comments 1 ok ok ok ok 2 ok ok ok ok 3 ok ok ok ok 4 ok ok ok ok 5 ok ok ok ok 6 ok ok ok ok 7 ok ok ok ok 8 ok ok ok ok 9 ok ok ok ok 10 ok ok ok ok 11 ok ok ok ok 12 ok ok ok ok 13 ok ok ok ok 14 ok ok ok ok 15 ok ok ok ok 16 ok ok ok ok 17 ok ok ok ok 18 ok ok ok ok 19 ok ok ok ok 20 ok ok ok ok 21 ok ok ok ok 22 ok ok ok ok 23 ok ok ok ok 24 ok ok ok ok 25 ok ok ok ok 26 ok ok ok ok 27 ok ok ok ok 28 ok ok ok ok Monthly Sub-Slab Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Former Danalex Facility 515 East Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, North Carolina Inspection Date: 12/4/2023 Inspection Time: 10:15 Inspector: RLH Mitigation Point Concrete Piping Blower Alarm Comments 1 ok ok ok ok 2 ok ok ok ok 3 ok ok ok ok 4 ok ok ok ok 5 ok ok ok ok 6 ok ok ok ok 7 ok ok ok ok 8 ok ok ok ok 9 ok ok ok ok 10 ok ok ok ok 11 ok ok ok ok 12 ok ok ok ok 13 ok ok ok ok 14 ok ok ok ok 15 ok ok ok ok 16 ok ok ok ok 17 ok ok ok ok 18 ok ok ok ok 19 ok ok ok ok 20 ok ok ok ok 21 ok ok ok ok 22 ok ok ok ok 23 ok ok ok ok 24 ok oi ok ok 25 ok ok ok ok 26 ok ok ok ok 27 ok ok ok ok 28 ok ok ok ok Monthly Sub-Slab Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Former Danalex Facility 515 East Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, North Carolina Inspection Date: 1/2/2024 Inspection Time: 9:45 Inspector: RH Mitigation Point Concrete Piping Blower Alarm Comments 1 ok ok ok ok 2 ok ok ok ok 3 ok ok ok ok replaced battery 4 ok ok ok ok 5 ok ok ok ok 6 ok ok ok ok 7 ok ok ok ok 8 ok ok ok ok 9 ok ok ok ok 10 ok ok ok ok 11 ok ok ok ok 12 ok ok ok ok 13 ok ok ok ok 14 ok ok ok ok 15 ok ok ok ok 16 ok ok ok ok 17 ok ok ok ok 18 ok ok ok ok 19 ok ok ok ok 20 ok ok ok ok 21 ok ok ok ok 22 ok ok ok ok 23 ok ok ok ok 24 ok ok ok ok 25 ok ok ok ok 26 ok ok ok ok 27 ok ok ok ok 28 ok ok ok ok Monthly Sub-Slab Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Fromer Danalex Facility 515 East Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, North Carolina Inspection Date: 1/31/2024 Inspection Time: 12:15 Inspector: RLH Mitigation Point Concrete Piping Blower Alarm Comments 1 ok ok ok ok 2 ok ok ok ok 3 ok ok ok fail need new alarm 4 ok ok ok ok 5 ok ok ok ok 6 ok ok ok ok minor crack in concrete 7 • ok ok ok ok 8 ok ok ok ok 9 ok ok ok ok 10 ok ok ok ok 11 ok ok ok ok 12 ok ok ok ok 13 ok ok ok ok 14 ok ok ok ok 15 ok ok ok ok 16 ok ok ok ok minor crack in concrete 17 ok ok ok ok 18 ok ok ok ok 19 ok ok ok ok 20 ok ok ok ok 21 ok ok ok ok 22 ok ok ok ok 23 ok ok ok ok 24 ok ok ok ok 25 ok ok ok ok 26 ok ok ok ok 27 ok ok ok ok 28 ok ok ok ok Monthly Sub-Slab Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Fromer Dana lex Facility 515 East Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, North Carolina Inspection Date: 3/4/2024 Inspection Time: 11:20 Inspector: RLH / Mitigation Point Concrete Piping Blower Alarm Comments 1 ok ok ok ok 2 ok ok ok ok 3 ok ok ok ok Replaced alarm 4 ok ok ok ok 5 ok ok ok ok 6 ok ok ok ok minor crack in concrete 7 ok ok ok ok 8 ok ok ok ok 9 ok ok ok ok 10 ok ok ok ok 11 ok ok ok ok 12 ok ok ok ok 13 ok ok ok ok 14 ok ok ok ok 15 ok ok ok ok 16 ok ok ok ok minor crack in concrete 17 ok ok ok ok 18 ok ok ok ok 19 ok ok ok ok 20 ok ok ok ok 21 ok ok ok ok 22 ok ok ok ok 23 ok ok ok ok 24 ok ok ok ok 25 ok ok ok ok 26 ok ok ok ok 27 ok ok ok ok 28 ok ok ok ok Monthly Sub-Slab Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Former Danalex Facility 515 East Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, North Carolina Inspection Date: 3/26/2024 Inspection Time: 10:20 Inspector: Mitigation Point Concrete Piping Blower Alarm Comments 1 ok ok ok ok 2 ok ok ok ok 3 ok ok ok ok 4 ok ok ok ok 5 ok ok ok ok 6 ok ok ok ok minor crack in concrete 7 ok ok ok ok 8 ok ok ok ok 9 ok ok ok ok 10 ok ok ok ok 11 ok ok ok ok 12 ok ok ok ok 13 ok ok ok ok 14 ok ok ok ok 15 ok ok ok ok 16 ok ok ok ok minor crack in concrete 17 ok ok ok ok 18 ok ok ok ok 19 ok ok ok ok 20 ok ok ok ok 21 ok ok ok ok 22 ok ok ok ok 23 ok ok ok ok 24 ok ok ok ok 25 ok ok ok ok 26 ok ok ok ok off, Other equipment plugged in. restarted 27 ok ok ok ok 28 ok ok ok ok