HomeMy WebLinkAboutIH1587_2022-05-22_2-2-22 and 3-22-22 Indoor Air Report February 20, 2022 and March 22, 2022 Indoor Air Quality Sampling Results Report Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, North Carolina Prepared for: Benmar Properties, LLC – Current Property Owner c/o John Griffing Griffing Leaser, PLLC 518 S. Hope Road Gastonia, North Carolina 28054 Prepared by: Harmon Environmental, PA 615 Bruce Thomas Road Monroe, North Carolina 28112 704-292-4527 harmonenv@yahoo.com May 4, 2022 February 20, 2022 and March 22, 2022 Indoor Air Quality Sampling Results Report Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, North Carolina Table of Contents Section Page Introduction..........................................................................................................................1 Sample Locations and Procedures.......................................................................................1 Analytical Results and Conclusions .....................................................................................2 List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Layout Map List of Tables Table 1 February 20, 2022 Field Measurements Table 2 March 22, 2022 Field Measurements Table 3 Analytical Result List of Attachments Attachment A Analytical Results and Chain-of-Custody Record Attachment B NCDEQ Risk Calculator Results i Indoor Air Sampling Report 1 Harmon Environmental, PA Former Danalex Facility 615 Bruce Thomas Road 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Monroe, North Carolina February 20, 2022 and March 22, 2022 Indoor Air Quality Sampling Results Report Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue Gastonia, North Carolina Introduction On February 20, 2022 Harmon Environmental, PA conducted an indoor air sampling event at the Former Danalex facility at 515 E. Alabama Avenue in Bessemer City, North Carolina. This event was performed in general accordance with the Vapor Intrusion Guidance (Version 2) published by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality in March 2018 (“Vapor Mitigation Guidance”). This sampling event consisted of collecting five indoor and one upwind outdoor sample using Summa® canisters. Following completion of the sampling activities, the canisters were returned to the Pace laboratory in Mount Juliet, Tennessee for analysis. The cannisters were transported to and from the laboratory using Federal Express. Based on the analytical results associated with the February 20, 2022 sampling event, and based on recommendations in the Vapor Mitigation Guidance which state that confirmation samples should be taken if exceedances are detected during indoor air sampling, on March 22, 2022, Harmon Environmental, PA resampled the background and three of the inside air locations using Summa® canisters. Following completion of the sampling activities, the canisters were returned to the Pace laboratory in Mount Juliet, Tennessee for analysis. The cannisters were transported to and from the laboratory using Federal Express. Sample Locations and Sampling Procedures February 20, 2022 Air sample 897A1 was collected from the fence near the southeast corner of the former Danalex structure with Summa® Canister No. 15001 and Flow Controller No. FC010062 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. The sample was collected from the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the sampler was 58-inches above the ground. This test was initiated on February 20, 2022 at 08:59 with an initial vacuum measurement of 29 inches of Mercury (in Hg) and terminated at 14:40 on February 20, 2022 with a final vacuum measurement of 5 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample 897A2 was collected from Area 4 near the western side of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 12365 equipped with Flow Controller No. FC010057 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 60-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on February 20, 2022 at 08:55 with an initial vacuum reading of 29 in Hg and terminated on February 20, 2022 at 16:49 with a final Indoor Air Sampling Report 2 Harmon Environmental, PA Former Danalex Facility 615 Bruce Thomas Road 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Monroe, North Carolina vacuum reading of 5 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times during the testing period (Table 1). Indoor air sample 897A3 was collected from Area 1 near the northern corner of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected from the approximate location depicted on Figure 2 with Summa® Canister No. 10647 and Flow Controller No. FC009876 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. The intake height of the canister was 60-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on February 20, 2022 at 09:00 with an initial vacuum reading of 29 in Hg and terminated on February 20, 2022 at 10:36 with a final vacuum reading of 4.5 in Hg. During the test, the ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times (Table 1). Indoor air sample 897A4 was collected from Area 5 near the southeastern side of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected from the approximate location depicted on Figure 2 with Summa® Canister No. 14030 and Flow Controller No. FC005650 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. The intake height of the canister was 61-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on February 20, 2022 at 09:04 with an initial vacuum reading of 26 in Hg and terminated on February 20, 2022 at 14:50 with a final vacuum reading of 5 in Hg. During the test, the ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times (Table 1). Indoor air sample 897A5 was collected from Area 6, the southern bay of the fromer Danalex facility (Figure 2). This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No.9373 and Flow Controller No. FC011326 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. The intake height of the canister was 65-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on February 20, 2022 at 09:08 with an initial vacuum reading of 28 in Hg and terminated on February 20, 2022 at 15:04 with a final vacuum reading of 5 in Hg. During the test, the ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times (Table 1). Indoor air sample 897A6 was collected from Area 2, the Cabinet Manufacturing area in the former Danalex facility (Figure 2). This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 12481 and Flow Controller No. FC009481 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. The intake height of the canister was 62-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on February 20, 2022 at 09:14 with an initial vacuum reading of 23 in Hg and terminated on February 20, 2022 at 09:57 with a final vacuum reading of 4 in Hg. During the test, the ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times (Table 1). Following sample collection, the Summa® canisters were shipped via Federal Express to Pace Analytical Services, Inc. for analyses. Chain-of-Custody protocol was maintained throughout the sample handling process. A copy of the Chain-of-Custody Record is included in Attachment A. Indoor Air Sampling Report 3 Harmon Environmental, PA Former Danalex Facility 615 Bruce Thomas Road 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Monroe, North Carolina March 22, 2022 Air sample 897A1-1 was collected from the fence near the southeast corner of the former Danalex structure with Summa® Canister No. 10872 and Flow Controller No. FC010600 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. The sample was collected from the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the sampler was 56-inches above the ground. This test was initiated on March 22, 2022 at 08:01 with an initial vacuum measurement of 30 inches of Mercury (in Hg) and terminated at 15:01 on March 22, 2022 with a final vacuum measurement of 6 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times during the testing period (Table 2). Indoor air sample 897A2-1 was collected from Area 4 near the western side of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected with Summa® Canister No. 0861 equipped with Flow Controller No. FC007121 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. at the approximate location depicted on Figure 2. The intake height of the canister was 61-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 22, 2022 at 08:04 with an initial vacuum reading of 27 in Hg and terminated on March 22, 2022 at 15:00 with a final vacuum reading of 5.5 in Hg. The ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times during the testing period (Table 2). Indoor air sample 897A3-1 was collected from Area 1 near the northern corner of the former Danalex LLC facility. This sample was collected from the approximate location depicted on Figure 2 with Summa® Canister No. 12239 and Flow Controller No. FC006466 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. The intake height of the canister was 62-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 22, 2022 at 08:09 with an initial vacuum reading of 30 in Hg and terminated on March 22, 2022 at 10:54 with a final vacuum reading of 5.0 in Hg. During the test, the ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times (Table 2). Indoor air sample 897A4-1 was collected from Area 5 near the southeastern side of the former Danalex facility. This sample was collected from the approximate location depicted on Figure 2 with Summa® Canister No. 21280 and Flow Controller No. FC008412 provided by Pace Analytical Services, Inc. The intake height of the canister was 61-inches above the floor. This test was initiated on March 22, 2022 at 08:11 with an initial vacuum reading of 28 in Hg and terminated on March 22, 2022 at 14:41 with a final vacuum reading of 5 in Hg. During the test, the ambient barometric pressure and temperature were measured four times (Table 2). Analytical Results and Conclusions The analytical results associated with this sampling event are presented on Table 3. Complete analytical reports are presented in Attachment A. As indicated in this table, ethylbenzene was detected in sample 897A6, collected on February 20, 2022 at a concentration of 12.9 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/M3). The non-residential screening level established by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Indoor Air Sampling Report 4 Harmon Environmental, PA Former Danalex Facility 615 Bruce Thomas Road 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Monroe, North Carolina (Rev. July 2019) for ethylbenzene is 4.9 µg/M3. The detection of ethylbenzene is suspected of being associated with the cabinet manufacturing activities in this portion of the site. Tetrachloroethene was detected in samples 897A2, 897A3 and 897A4 collected on February 20, 2022 at concentrations of 53.8 µg/M3, 58.9 µg/M3, and 79.4 µg/M3, respectively. The NCDEQ established non-residential screening level for tetrachloroethene is 35 µg/M3. The tetrachloroethene concentrations detected in samples 897A2-1, 897-A3-1 and 897A4-1 collected on March 22, 2022 were 31.2 µg/M3, 44.7 µg/M3, and 25.1 µg/M3, respectively. Trichloroethene was detected in samples 897A2, 897A3, 897A4, 897A5 and 897A6 collected on February 20, 2022 at concentrations of 10.2 µg/M3, 11.5 µg/M3, 19.9 µg/M3, 2.68 µg/M3 and 5.98 µg/M3, respectively. The trichloroethene concentrations detected in samples 897A2-1, 897A3-1 and 897A4-1 collected on March 22, 2022 were 7.13 µg/M3, 10.3 µg/M3, and 6.43 µg/M3, respectively. The NCDEQ established non-residential screening level for trichloroethene is 1.8 µg/M3. Exceedence of an established screening level triggers data evaluation using the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator. On February 28, 2022, Harmon Environmental, PA utilized the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator (Version January 2022) to evaluate the indoor air results associated with the February 20, 2022 sampling event. The data from each sample was evaluated individually. A copy of the Calculator results for each of these sample locations are presented in Attachment B. Based on the Risk Calculator, samples 897A2, 897A3 and 897A4 collected from Area 4, Area 1 and Area 5, respectively exceeded the non-residential standards. On April 1, 2022 the analytical results associated with the March 22, 2022 indoor air samples 897A2-1, 897-A3-1 and 897A4-1 were evaluated using the Risk Calculator. The data from each sample was also evaluated individually. A copy of the Risk Calculator results for each of these sample locations are presented in Attachment B. Based on the Risk Calculator, samples 897A2-1 and A3-1 collected from Area 4 and Area 1, respectively exceeded the non-residential standards. It should be noted that Risk Calculator results for the sample collected from 897A4-1 collected from Area 5 exceeded the residential standards but did not exceed the non- residential standards. These improved results may be attributed to fans operating in this portion of the building during the March 22, 2022 sampling event. These fans were not active during the February 20, 2022 event. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that enhanced ventilation at the subject property could help abate indoor air concerns. In addition to the screening levels, in July 2019 the NCDEQ issued a Trichloroethene Indoor Air Inhalation Immediate Action Levels and Response Memo defining a non- residential Action Level of 8.8 µg/M3. (Note that the Memo is a regulatory guidance Indoor Air Sampling Report 5 Harmon Environmental, PA Former Danalex Facility 615 Bruce Thomas Road 515 E. Alabama Avenue, Bessemer City, North Carolina Monroe, North Carolina document that is neither a law nor a regulation.) Where the Action Level is exceeded, DEQ recommends the following actions: 1. Notification of the NCDEQ within one business day of receiving the validated analytical data. 2. Immediate coordination with the NCDEQ to provide Fact Sheets to potentially affected individuals. 3. Immediately initiate measures to reduce exposure below the action level for trichloroethene-sensitive population. Samples 897A2, 897A3 and 897A4 collected on February 20, 2022 and Sample 897A3-1 collected on March 22, 2022 exceeded this 8.8 µg/M3 action level. Figures SOURCE: TOPOl 2003 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC HARMON ENVIRONMENTAL, PA 615 BRUCE THOMAS ROAD MONROE. NORTH CAROLINA 704-292-4527 harmonenv@yahoo.com APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 0 2000 4000 FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP FORMER DANALEX FACILITY 515 E. ALABAMA AVENUE BESSEMER CITY. NORTH CAROLINA f-- I LJ L_J I I I • 897A1 AREA2 • AREA 1 • 897A3-1 • 897A6 AREA4 • 897A2 & 897A2-1 897A3 I I I =I----r"~! ----r-1 ----r~.l ---------.---·­ r-·- i-----L,--1-f-------.--rr 1---.-----lJ ~ till : J I I • I I 897A5 AREA6 _d AREAS • 897A4& 897A4-1 --__ ......___. LEGEND • APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF AIR SAMPLE BUILDING WALLS APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET BASED ON BASE MAP PROVIDED BY BENMAR PROPERTIES, LLC AND FIELD MEASUREMENTS 0 50 100 897 ~nA E:lr_., n\Ylf <( 0.. Tables I Sample No. I 897A1 897A2 897A3 897A4 897AS 897A6 Table 1 February 20, 2022 Field Measurements Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, North Carolina Project 897-04 Sample Height Time Vacuum Barometric Pressure in Hg in Hg 8:59 29 29.47 10:07 25.5 29.47 11:58 17 29.45 58 inches 13:14 12 29.41 13:46 9.5 29.38 14:22 6.5 29.36 14:40 5 29.36 8:55 29 29.47 10:09 26 29.47 11:45 20.5 29.45 60 inches 13:00 16 29.42 13:59 13 29.38 14:25 10.5 29.36 16:49 5 29.34 9:00 29 29.47 60 inches 10:10 9 29.47 10:36 4.5 29.47 9:04 26 29.47 9:11 22 29.47 11:50 16 29.45 61 inches 13:02 11.5 29.41 13:51 9 29.38 14:26 6.5 29.36 14:50 5 29.35 9:08 28 29.47 10:12 26 29.47 11:30 21.5 29.46 65 inches 13:06 16 29.41 13:54 13.5 29.38 14:27 11 29.36 15:04 5 29.35 9:14 23 29.42 62 inches 9:57 4 29.46 Note: Temperature and barometric pressure readings collected by Harmon Environmental, PA personnel using aMannx Digital Pocket Weatherman SAM700BAR Temperature oc 7.8 10.1 12.0 15.4 16.1 17.0 17.0 11.2 9.9 14.7 15.4 17.2 19.6 15.0 16.2 10.8 37.7 11.0 11.2 14.2 14.7 17.3 18.2 16.3 8.8 11.4 11.4 12.9 16.0 16.9 15.0 11.7 15.7 Sample No. 897A1-1 897A2-1 897 A3-1 897A4-1 Table 2 March 22, 2022 Field Measurements Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, North Carolina Project 897-04 Sample Height Time Vacuum Barometric Pressure in Hg in Hg 8:01 30 29.19 8:26 29.5 29.19 9:00 28 29.20 10:01 24 29.20 56 inches 10:46 21 29.20 11:40 18 29.19 12:29 15 29.17 13:29 11.5 29.15 15:01 6 29.10 8:04 27 29.18 8:29 26.5 29.19 9:01 25 29.20 10:02 21.5 29.20 61 inches 10:47 19.5 29.19 11:41 17.5 29.19 12:31 14 29.17 13:31 10.5 29.14 15:00 6 29.10 8:09 30 20.19 8:31 26.5 29.19 61 inches 9:02 21 19.20 10:04 11 29.20 10:49 5.5 29.19 10:54 5 29.19 8:11 28 29.18 8:32 26.5 29.19 9:04 25 29.20 10:06 21 29.20 61 inches 10:50 18.5 29.19 11:44 14.5 29.19 12:32 13 29.17 13:34 9 29.14 14:41 5 29.12 Note: Temperature and barometric pressure readings collected by Harmon Environmental, PA personnel using aMannx Digital Pocket Weatherman SAM700BAR Temperature oc 13.2 15.1 16.2 17.6 19.6 22.8 22.6 24.0 24.4 13.9 15.4 16.2 17.8 19.3 24.2 24.6 26.4 21.9 14.7 15.3 15.6 17.5 18.4 16.9 15.1 14.3 15.2 16.7 16.9 21.1 20.2 24.1 21.3 Table 3 February 20. 2022. amd March 22. 2022 Indoor Air Samples Analytical Results Former Danalex Facility 515 E. Alabama Avenue Bessemer City. North Carolina Project No. 897-04 I I Residential Noo R•idoo<ol j~ o7 A1-1 897A2 897A2-1 Sample No. Screening level Screening l evel 022 3/22/2022 2/20/2022 3/22/2022 acetone none none 9.55 6.37 15.1 15.2 benzene 0.36 1.6 <0.639 0.920 0.639 <0.639 chloromethane 190 79 1.10 2.48 0.938 1.56 cis-1.2-dichloroethene none none <0.793 <0.908 1.47 1.18 cyclohexane 1300 5300 <0.689 <0.689 <0.689 <0.689 ethanol none none 40.3 3.19 6.43 16.3 ethylbenzene 1.1 4.9 <0.867 <0.867 <0.867 <0.867 4-ethyltoluene none none <0.982 <0.867 <0.982 <0.982 trichlorofluoromethane none none 1.25 1.49 6.41 11.5 dichlorodifluoromethane 21 88 2.29 2.80 2.31 2.73 n-heptane 83 350 <0.818 <0.818 <0.818 <0.818 n-hexane 0.63 610 <2.22 <2.22 <2.22 <2.22 methylene chloride 100 530 1.19 <0.694 <0.694 2.18 2-butanone 1000 4400 <0.369 <3.69 <0.369 <5.11 methyl methacrylate 150 610 <0.819 <0.819 <0.819 <0.819 4-methyl-2-pentanone 630 2600 <0.512 <5.12 <5.12 <5.12 2-propanol none none 3.54 <3.07 3.44 3.93 styrene 210 880 <0.851 <0.851 <0.851 <0.851 tetrachloroethene 8.3 35 <1.36 <1.37 53.8 31.2 tetrahydrofuran none none <1.88 <0.590 <0.590 <0.590 toluene 1000 4400 2.64 <1.88 19.9 15.0 1.1.1-trichloroethane 1000 4400 <1.09 <1.09 <1.09 <1.09 trichloroethene 0.42 1.8 <1.07 <1.07 10.2 7.13 1.2 .4-trimethylbenzene 13 53 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 2.2.4-trimethylpentane none none <0.934 <0.934 <0.934 <0.934 m&p xylenes 21 88 <1.73 <1.73 2.34 2.26 o xylene 21 88 <0.867 <0.867 0.867 <0.867 Notes: Samples collected on February 20. 2022 and March 22. 2022 by Harmon Environmentai.PA personnel and analyzed by Pace Analytical Services. llC of Huntersville. North Carolina Only compounds detected during these sampling events are reported herein For complete analytical results please refer to the laboratory Reports. ug!M3 -micrograms per cubic meter Residential and Non-Residential Action levels based on July 2019 North Carolina Division of Waste Management Supplimental Vapor Intrusion Guidance 897A3 2/20/2022 30.7 0.648 0.977 1.32 <0.689 11.4 0.871 <0.982 5.13 2.29 0.982 <2.22 <0.694 4.33 <0.819 <5.12 7.25 <0.851 58.9 <0.590 39.2 <1.09 11.5 <0.982 <0.934 3.18 1.16 897A3-1 897A4 897A4-1 897A5 897A6 3/22/2022 2/20/2022 3/22/2022 2/20/2022 2/20/2022 17.5 22.6 48.0 5.87 777 0.648 0.901 1.11 <0.626 <0.639 1.46 1.06 1.54 1.00 0.498 1.28 1.97 0.923 <0.793 4.00 <0.689 <0.689 1.13 <0.689 1.62 15.7 12.7 68.3 12.3 129 <0.867 1.01 1.16 <0.867 12.9 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 1.96 11.2 11.9 11.5 2.12 1.44 2.82 2.29 2.71 2.23 2.37 <0.818 0.928 1.24 <0.818 14.6 <2.22 <2.22 4.27 <2.22 <2.22 2.01 <0.694 8.54 <0.694 2.38 <3.69 3.72 5.16 <3.69 70.5 <0.819 <0.819 1.77 <0.819 <0.819 <5.12 <5.12 <5.12 <5.12 31.9 4.74 5.38 9.41 <3.07 166 <0.851 <0.851 0.889 <0.851 7.95 44.7 79.4 25.1 21.9 23.4 <0.590 1.88 27.4 <0.590 <0.590 18.3 32.8 <1.09 5.05 1230 <1.09 1.60 <4.66 <1.09 <1.09 10.3 19.9 6.43 2.68 4.98 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 2.84 <0.934 0.939 <0.934 <0.934 <0.934 2.45 3.77 4.04 <1.73 51.2 <0.867 1.38 1.44 <0.867 15.3 Attachment A Analytical Results and Chain-of-Custody Record #=CL# February 25, 2022 LIMS USE: FR - RICK HARMON LIMS OBJECT ID: 92589607 92589607 Project: Pace Project No.: RE: Mr. Rick Harmon Harmon Environmental 615 Bruce Thomas Road Monroe, NC 28112 897-04 Dear Mr. Harmon: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on February 22, 2022. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the applicable TNI/NELAC Standards and the laboratory's Quality Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. The test results provided in this final report were generated by each of the following laboratories within the Pace Network: • Pace National - Mt. Juliet If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Tyler Forney tyler.forney@pacelabs.com Project Manager (704)875-9092 Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 1 of 26 #=CP# CERTIFICATIONS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Pace Analytical Services National 12065 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 Alabama Certification #: 40660 Alaska Certification 17-026 Arizona Certification #: AZ0612 Arkansas Certification #: 88-0469 California Certification #: 2932 Canada Certification #: 1461.01 Colorado Certification #: TN00003 Connecticut Certification #: PH-0197 DOD Certification: #1461.01 EPA# TN00003 Florida Certification #: E87487 Georgia DW Certification #: 923 Georgia Certification: NELAP Idaho Certification #: TN00003 Illinois Certification #: 200008 Indiana Certification #: C-TN-01 Iowa Certification #: 364 Kansas Certification #: E-10277 Kentucky UST Certification #: 16 Kentucky Certification #: 90010 Louisiana Certification #: AI30792 Louisiana DW Certification #: LA180010 Maine Certification #: TN0002 Maryland Certification #: 324 Massachusetts Certification #: M-TN003 Michigan Certification #: 9958 Minnesota Certification #: 047-999-395 Mississippi Certification #: TN00003 Missouri Certification #: 340 Montana Certification #: CERT0086 Nebraska Certification #: NE-OS-15-05 Nevada Certification #: TN-03-2002-34 New Hampshire Certification #: 2975 New Jersey Certification #: TN002 New Mexico DW Certification New York Certification #: 11742 North Carolina Aquatic Toxicity Certification #: 41 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 21704 North Carolina Environmental Certificate #: 375 North Dakota Certification #: R-140 Ohio VAP Certification #: CL0069 Oklahoma Certification #: 9915 Oregon Certification #: TN200002 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-02979 Rhode Island Certification #: LAO00356 South Carolina Certification #: 84004 South Dakota Certification Tennessee DW/Chem/Micro Certification #: 2006 Texas Certification #: T 104704245-17-14 Texas Mold Certification #: LAB0152 USDA Soil Permit #: P330-15-00234 Utah Certification #: TN00003 Virginia Certification #: VT2006 Vermont Dept. of Health: ID# VT-2006 Virginia Certification #: 460132 Washington Certification #: C847 West Virginia Certification #: 233 Wisconsin Certification #: 998093910 Wyoming UST Certification #: via A2LA 2926.01 A2LA-ISO 17025 Certification #: 1461.01 A2LA-ISO 17025 Certification #: 1461.02 AIHA-LAP/LLC EMLAP Certification #:100789 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 2 of 26 #=SA# SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Lab ID Sample ID Method Analytes Reported LaboratoryAnalysts 92589607001 897 A1 #15001 TO-15 68 PANCEP 92589607002 897 A2 #12365 TO-15 68 PANCEP 92589607003 897 A3 #10647 TO-15 68 PANCEP 92589607004 897 A4 #10430 TO-15 68 PANCEP 92589607005 897 A5 #9323 TO-15 68 PANCEP 92589607006 897 A6 #12481 TO-15 68 PANCEP, DAH PAN = Pace National - Mt. Juliet REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 3 of 26 #=HO# SUMMARY OF DETECTION Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Parameters AnalyzedResult Lab Sample ID Report Limit QualifiersUnitsMethod Client Sample ID 92589607001 897 A1 #15001 Acetone 9.55 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:382.97TO-15 Chloromethane 1.10 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:380.413TO-15 Ethanol 40.3 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:382.36TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.25 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:381.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.29 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:380.989TO-15 Methylene Chloride 1.19 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:380.694TO-15 2-Propanol 3.54 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:383.07TO-15 Toluene 2.64 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:381.88TO-15 92589607002 897 A2 #12365 Acetone 15.1 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:212.97TO-15 Benzene 0.639 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:210.639TO-15 Chloromethane 0.938 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:210.413TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.47 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:210.793TO-15 Ethanol 6.43 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:212.36TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane 6.41 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:211.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.31 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:210.989TO-15 2-Propanol 3.44 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:213.07TO-15 Tetrachloroethene 53.8 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:211.36TO-15 Toluene 19.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:211.88TO-15 Trichloroethene 10.2 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:211.07TO-15 m&p-Xylene 2.34 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:211.73TO-15 o-Xylene 0.867 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:210.867TO-15 92589607003 897 A3 #10647 Acetone 30.7 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:032.97TO-15 Benzene 0.648 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:030.639TO-15 Chloromethane 0.977 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:030.413TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.32 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:030.793TO-15 Ethanol 11.4 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:032.36TO-15 Ethylbenzene 0.871 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:030.867TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane 5.13 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:031.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.29 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:030.989TO-15 n-Heptane 0.982 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:030.818TO-15 2-Butanone (MEK)4.33 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:033.69TO-15 2-Propanol 7.25 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:033.07TO-15 Tetrachloroethene 58.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:031.36TO-15 Toluene 39.2 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:031.88TO-15 Trichloroethene 11.5 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:031.07TO-15 m&p-Xylene 3.18 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:031.73TO-15 o-Xylene 1.16 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:030.867TO-15 92589607004 897 A4 #10430 Acetone 22.6 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:482.97TO-15 Benzene 0.901 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:480.639TO-15 Chloromethane 1.06 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:480.413TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.97 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:480.793TO-15 Ethanol 12.7 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:482.36TO-15 Ethylbenzene 1.01 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:480.867TO-15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 4 of 26 #=HO# SUMMARY OF DETECTION Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Parameters AnalyzedResult Lab Sample ID Report Limit QualifiersUnitsMethod Client Sample ID 92589607004 897 A4 #10430 Trichlorofluoromethane 11.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:481.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.29 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:480.989TO-15 n-Heptane 0.928 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:480.818TO-15 2-Butanone (MEK)3.72 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:483.69TO-15 2-Propanol 5.38 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:483.07TO-15 Tetrachloroethene 79.4 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:481.36TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran 1.88 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:480.590TO-15 Toluene 32.8 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:481.88TO-15 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.60 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:481.09TO-15 Trichloroethene 19.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:481.07TO-15 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.939 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:480.934TO-15 m&p-Xylene 3.77 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:481.73TO-15 o-Xylene 1.38 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:480.867TO-15 92589607005 897 A5 #9323 Acetone 5.87 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:312.97TO-15 Chloromethane 1.00 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:310.413TO-15 Ethanol 12.3 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:312.36TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane 2.12 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:311.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.23 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:310.989TO-15 Tetrachloroethene 21.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:311.36TO-15 Toluene 5.05 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:311.88TO-15 Trichloroethene 2.68 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:311.07TO-15 92589607006 897 A6 #12481 Acetone 777 ug/m3 02/24/22 18:5629.7TO-15 Chloromethane 0.498 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.413TO-15 Cyclohexane 1.62 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.689TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.00 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.793TO-15 Ethanol 129 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:132.36TO-15 Ethylbenzene 12.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.867TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene 1.96 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.982TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.44 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:131.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.37 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.989TO-15 n-Heptane 14.6 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.818TO-15 Methylene Chloride 2.38 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.694TO-15 2-Butanone (MEK)70.5 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:133.69TO-15 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)31.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:135.12TO-15 2-Propanol 166 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:133.07TO-15 Styrene 7.95 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.851TO-15 Tetrachloroethene 23.4 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:131.36TO-15 Toluene 1230 ug/m3 02/24/22 18:5618.8TO-15 Trichloroethene 4.98 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:131.07TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2.84 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.982TO-15 m&p-Xylene 51.2 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:131.73TO-15 o-Xylene 15.3 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:130.867TO-15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 5 of 26 #=NA# PROJECT NARRATIVE Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Method: Client:Harmon Environmental TO-15 Date:February 25, 2022 Description:VOA (MS) TO-15 General Information: 6 samples were analyzed for TO-15 by Pace National Mt. Juliet. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Internal Standards: All internal standards were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: This data package has been reviewed for quality and completeness and is approved for release. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 6 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A1 #15001 Lab ID:92589607001 Collected:02/20/22 14:40 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 9.55 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 67-64-102/23/22 16:382.97 1 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 107-05-102/23/22 16:380.626 1 Benzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 71-43-202/23/22 16:380.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 100-44-702/23/22 16:381.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-27-402/23/22 16:381.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-25-202/23/22 16:386.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 74-83-902/23/22 16:380.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 106-99-002/23/22 16:384.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-15-002/23/22 16:380.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 56-23-502/23/22 16:381.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 108-90-702/23/22 16:380.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-00-302/23/22 16:380.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 67-66-302/23/22 16:380.973 1 Chloromethane 1.10 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 74-87-302/23/22 16:380.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 95-49-802/23/22 16:381.03 1 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 110-82-702/23/22 16:380.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 124-48-102/23/22 16:381.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 106-93-402/23/22 16:381.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 95-50-102/23/22 16:381.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 541-73-102/23/22 16:381.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 106-46-702/23/22 16:381.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 107-06-202/23/22 16:380.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-34-302/23/22 16:380.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-35-402/23/22 16:380.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 156-59-202/23/22 16:380.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 156-60-502/23/22 16:380.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 78-87-502/23/22 16:380.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 10061-01-502/23/22 16:380.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 10061-02-602/23/22 16:380.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 123-91-102/23/22 16:380.721 1 Ethanol 40.3 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 64-17-502/23/22 16:382.36 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 100-41-402/23/22 16:380.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 622-96-802/23/22 16:380.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.25 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-69-402/23/22 16:381.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.29 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-71-802/23/22 16:380.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 76-13-102/23/22 16:381.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 76-14-202/23/22 16:381.40 1 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 142-82-502/23/22 16:380.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 87-68-302/23/22 16:386.73 1 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 110-54-302/23/22 16:382.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 98-82-802/23/22 16:380.983 1 Methylene Chloride 1.19 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-09-202/23/22 16:380.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 591-78-602/23/22 16:385.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 78-93-302/23/22 16:383.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 108-10-102/23/22 16:385.12 1 Methyl methacrylate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 80-62-602/23/22 16:380.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 7 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A1 #15001 Lab ID:92589607001 Collected:02/20/22 14:40 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 1634-04-402/23/22 16:380.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 91-20-302/23/22 16:383.30 1 2-Propanol 3.54 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 67-63-002/23/22 16:383.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 115-07-102/23/22 16:382.15 1 Styrene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 100-42-502/23/22 16:380.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 79-34-502/23/22 16:381.37 1 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 127-18-402/23/22 16:381.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 109-99-902/23/22 16:380.590 1 Toluene 2.64 ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 108-88-302/23/22 16:381.88 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 120-82-102/23/22 16:384.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 71-55-602/23/22 16:381.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 79-00-502/23/22 16:381.09 1 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 79-01-602/23/22 16:381.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 95-63-602/23/22 16:380.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 108-67-802/23/22 16:380.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 540-84-102/23/22 16:380.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 75-01-402/23/22 16:380.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 593-60-202/23/22 16:380.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 108-05-402/23/22 16:380.704 1 m&p-Xylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 179601-23-102/23/22 16:381.73 1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 16:38 95-47-602/23/22 16:380.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)83.0 %02/23/22 16:38 3855-82-102/23/22 16:3860.0-140 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 8 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A2 #12365 Lab ID:92589607002 Collected:02/20/22 10:19 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 15.1 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 67-64-102/23/22 17:212.97 1 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 107-05-102/23/22 17:210.626 1 Benzene 0.639 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 71-43-202/23/22 17:210.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 100-44-702/23/22 17:211.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-27-402/23/22 17:211.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-25-202/23/22 17:216.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 74-83-902/23/22 17:210.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 106-99-002/23/22 17:214.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-15-002/23/22 17:210.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 56-23-502/23/22 17:211.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 108-90-702/23/22 17:210.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-00-302/23/22 17:210.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 67-66-302/23/22 17:210.973 1 Chloromethane 0.938 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 74-87-302/23/22 17:210.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 95-49-802/23/22 17:211.03 1 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 110-82-702/23/22 17:210.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 124-48-102/23/22 17:211.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 106-93-402/23/22 17:211.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 95-50-102/23/22 17:211.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 541-73-102/23/22 17:211.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 106-46-702/23/22 17:211.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 107-06-202/23/22 17:210.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-34-302/23/22 17:210.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-35-402/23/22 17:210.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.47 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 156-59-202/23/22 17:210.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 156-60-502/23/22 17:210.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 78-87-502/23/22 17:210.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 10061-01-502/23/22 17:210.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 10061-02-602/23/22 17:210.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 123-91-102/23/22 17:210.721 1 Ethanol 6.43 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 64-17-502/23/22 17:212.36 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 100-41-402/23/22 17:210.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 622-96-802/23/22 17:210.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 6.41 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-69-402/23/22 17:211.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.31 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-71-802/23/22 17:210.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 76-13-102/23/22 17:211.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 76-14-202/23/22 17:211.40 1 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 142-82-502/23/22 17:210.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 87-68-302/23/22 17:216.73 1 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 110-54-302/23/22 17:212.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 98-82-802/23/22 17:210.983 1 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-09-202/23/22 17:210.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 591-78-602/23/22 17:215.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 78-93-302/23/22 17:213.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 108-10-102/23/22 17:215.12 1 Methyl methacrylate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 80-62-602/23/22 17:210.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 9 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A2 #12365 Lab ID:92589607002 Collected:02/20/22 10:19 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 1634-04-402/23/22 17:210.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 91-20-302/23/22 17:213.30 1 2-Propanol 3.44 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 67-63-002/23/22 17:213.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 115-07-102/23/22 17:212.15 1 Styrene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 100-42-502/23/22 17:210.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 79-34-502/23/22 17:211.37 1 Tetrachloroethene 53.8 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 127-18-402/23/22 17:211.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 109-99-902/23/22 17:210.590 1 Toluene 19.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 108-88-302/23/22 17:211.88 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 120-82-102/23/22 17:214.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 71-55-602/23/22 17:211.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 79-00-502/23/22 17:211.09 1 Trichloroethene 10.2 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 79-01-602/23/22 17:211.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 95-63-602/23/22 17:210.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 108-67-802/23/22 17:210.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 540-84-102/23/22 17:210.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 75-01-402/23/22 17:210.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 593-60-202/23/22 17:210.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 108-05-402/23/22 17:210.704 1 m&p-Xylene 2.34 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 179601-23-102/23/22 17:211.73 1 o-Xylene 0.867 ug/m3 02/23/22 17:21 95-47-602/23/22 17:210.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)85.5 %02/23/22 17:21 3855-82-102/23/22 17:2160.0-140 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 10 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A3 #10647 Lab ID:92589607003 Collected:02/20/22 10:36 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 30.7 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 67-64-102/23/22 18:032.97 1 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 107-05-102/23/22 18:030.626 1 Benzene 0.648 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 71-43-202/23/22 18:030.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 100-44-702/23/22 18:031.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-27-402/23/22 18:031.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-25-202/23/22 18:036.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 74-83-902/23/22 18:030.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 106-99-002/23/22 18:034.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-15-002/23/22 18:030.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 56-23-502/23/22 18:031.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 108-90-702/23/22 18:030.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-00-302/23/22 18:030.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 67-66-302/23/22 18:030.973 1 Chloromethane 0.977 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 74-87-302/23/22 18:030.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 95-49-802/23/22 18:031.03 1 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 110-82-702/23/22 18:030.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 124-48-102/23/22 18:031.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 106-93-402/23/22 18:031.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 95-50-102/23/22 18:031.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 541-73-102/23/22 18:031.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 106-46-702/23/22 18:031.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 107-06-202/23/22 18:030.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-34-302/23/22 18:030.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-35-402/23/22 18:030.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.32 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 156-59-202/23/22 18:030.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 156-60-502/23/22 18:030.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 78-87-502/23/22 18:030.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 10061-01-502/23/22 18:030.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 10061-02-602/23/22 18:030.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 123-91-102/23/22 18:030.721 1 Ethanol 11.4 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 64-17-502/23/22 18:032.36 1 Ethylbenzene 0.871 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 100-41-402/23/22 18:030.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 622-96-802/23/22 18:030.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 5.13 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-69-402/23/22 18:031.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.29 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-71-802/23/22 18:030.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 76-13-102/23/22 18:031.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 76-14-202/23/22 18:031.40 1 n-Heptane 0.982 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 142-82-502/23/22 18:030.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 87-68-302/23/22 18:036.73 1 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 110-54-302/23/22 18:032.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 98-82-802/23/22 18:030.983 1 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-09-202/23/22 18:030.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 591-78-602/23/22 18:035.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)4.33 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 78-93-302/23/22 18:033.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 108-10-102/23/22 18:035.12 1 Methyl methacrylate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 80-62-602/23/22 18:030.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 11 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A3 #10647 Lab ID:92589607003 Collected:02/20/22 10:36 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 1634-04-402/23/22 18:030.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 91-20-302/23/22 18:033.30 1 2-Propanol 7.25 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 67-63-002/23/22 18:033.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 115-07-102/23/22 18:032.15 1 Styrene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 100-42-502/23/22 18:030.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 79-34-502/23/22 18:031.37 1 Tetrachloroethene 58.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 127-18-402/23/22 18:031.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 109-99-902/23/22 18:030.590 1 Toluene 39.2 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 108-88-302/23/22 18:031.88 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 120-82-102/23/22 18:034.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 71-55-602/23/22 18:031.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 79-00-502/23/22 18:031.09 1 Trichloroethene 11.5 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 79-01-602/23/22 18:031.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 95-63-602/23/22 18:030.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 108-67-802/23/22 18:030.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 540-84-102/23/22 18:030.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 75-01-402/23/22 18:030.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 593-60-202/23/22 18:030.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 108-05-402/23/22 18:030.704 1 m&p-Xylene 3.18 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 179601-23-102/23/22 18:031.73 1 o-Xylene 1.16 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:03 95-47-602/23/22 18:030.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)84.5 %02/23/22 18:03 3855-82-102/23/22 18:0360.0-140 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 12 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A4 #10430 Lab ID:92589607004 Collected:02/20/22 14:50 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 22.6 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 67-64-102/23/22 18:482.97 1 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 107-05-102/23/22 18:480.626 1 Benzene 0.901 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 71-43-202/23/22 18:480.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 100-44-702/23/22 18:481.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-27-402/23/22 18:481.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-25-202/23/22 18:486.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 74-83-902/23/22 18:480.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 106-99-002/23/22 18:484.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-15-002/23/22 18:480.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 56-23-502/23/22 18:481.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 108-90-702/23/22 18:480.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-00-302/23/22 18:480.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 67-66-302/23/22 18:480.973 1 Chloromethane 1.06 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 74-87-302/23/22 18:480.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 95-49-802/23/22 18:481.03 1 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 110-82-702/23/22 18:480.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 124-48-102/23/22 18:481.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 106-93-402/23/22 18:481.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 95-50-102/23/22 18:481.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 541-73-102/23/22 18:481.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 106-46-702/23/22 18:481.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 107-06-202/23/22 18:480.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-34-302/23/22 18:480.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-35-402/23/22 18:480.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.97 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 156-59-202/23/22 18:480.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 156-60-502/23/22 18:480.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 78-87-502/23/22 18:480.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 10061-01-502/23/22 18:480.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 10061-02-602/23/22 18:480.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 123-91-102/23/22 18:480.721 1 Ethanol 12.7 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 64-17-502/23/22 18:482.36 1 Ethylbenzene 1.01 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 100-41-402/23/22 18:480.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 622-96-802/23/22 18:480.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 11.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-69-402/23/22 18:481.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.29 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-71-802/23/22 18:480.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 76-13-102/23/22 18:481.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 76-14-202/23/22 18:481.40 1 n-Heptane 0.928 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 142-82-502/23/22 18:480.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 87-68-302/23/22 18:486.73 1 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 110-54-302/23/22 18:482.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 98-82-802/23/22 18:480.983 1 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-09-202/23/22 18:480.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 591-78-602/23/22 18:485.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)3.72 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 78-93-302/23/22 18:483.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 108-10-102/23/22 18:485.12 1 Methyl methacrylate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 80-62-602/23/22 18:480.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 13 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A4 #10430 Lab ID:92589607004 Collected:02/20/22 14:50 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 1634-04-402/23/22 18:480.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 91-20-302/23/22 18:483.30 1 2-Propanol 5.38 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 67-63-002/23/22 18:483.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 115-07-102/23/22 18:482.15 1 Styrene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 100-42-502/23/22 18:480.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 79-34-502/23/22 18:481.37 1 Tetrachloroethene 79.4 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 127-18-402/23/22 18:481.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran 1.88 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 109-99-902/23/22 18:480.590 1 Toluene 32.8 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 108-88-302/23/22 18:481.88 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 120-82-102/23/22 18:484.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.60 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 71-55-602/23/22 18:481.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 79-00-502/23/22 18:481.09 1 Trichloroethene 19.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 79-01-602/23/22 18:481.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 95-63-602/23/22 18:480.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 108-67-802/23/22 18:480.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.939 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 540-84-102/23/22 18:480.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 75-01-402/23/22 18:480.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 593-60-202/23/22 18:480.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 108-05-402/23/22 18:480.704 1 m&p-Xylene 3.77 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 179601-23-102/23/22 18:481.73 1 o-Xylene 1.38 ug/m3 02/23/22 18:48 95-47-602/23/22 18:480.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)85.1 %02/23/22 18:48 3855-82-102/23/22 18:4860.0-140 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 14 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A5 #9323 Lab ID:92589607005 Collected:02/20/22 14:01 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 5.87 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 67-64-102/23/22 19:312.97 1 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 107-05-102/23/22 19:310.626 1 Benzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 71-43-202/23/22 19:310.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 100-44-702/23/22 19:311.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-27-402/23/22 19:311.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-25-202/23/22 19:316.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 74-83-902/23/22 19:310.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 106-99-002/23/22 19:314.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-15-002/23/22 19:310.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 56-23-502/23/22 19:311.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 108-90-702/23/22 19:310.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-00-302/23/22 19:310.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 67-66-302/23/22 19:310.973 1 Chloromethane 1.00 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 74-87-302/23/22 19:310.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 95-49-802/23/22 19:311.03 1 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 110-82-702/23/22 19:310.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 124-48-102/23/22 19:311.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 106-93-402/23/22 19:311.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 95-50-102/23/22 19:311.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 541-73-102/23/22 19:311.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 106-46-702/23/22 19:311.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 107-06-202/23/22 19:310.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-34-302/23/22 19:310.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-35-402/23/22 19:310.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 156-59-202/23/22 19:310.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 156-60-502/23/22 19:310.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 78-87-502/23/22 19:310.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 10061-01-502/23/22 19:310.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 10061-02-602/23/22 19:310.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 123-91-102/23/22 19:310.721 1 Ethanol 12.3 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 64-17-502/23/22 19:312.36 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 100-41-402/23/22 19:310.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 622-96-802/23/22 19:310.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 2.12 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-69-402/23/22 19:311.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.23 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-71-802/23/22 19:310.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 76-13-102/23/22 19:311.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 76-14-202/23/22 19:311.40 1 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 142-82-502/23/22 19:310.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 87-68-302/23/22 19:316.73 1 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 110-54-302/23/22 19:312.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 98-82-802/23/22 19:310.983 1 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-09-202/23/22 19:310.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 591-78-602/23/22 19:315.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 78-93-302/23/22 19:313.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 108-10-102/23/22 19:315.12 1 Methyl methacrylate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 80-62-602/23/22 19:310.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 15 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A5 #9323 Lab ID:92589607005 Collected:02/20/22 14:01 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 1634-04-402/23/22 19:310.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 91-20-302/23/22 19:313.30 1 2-Propanol ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 67-63-002/23/22 19:313.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 115-07-102/23/22 19:312.15 1 Styrene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 100-42-502/23/22 19:310.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 79-34-502/23/22 19:311.37 1 Tetrachloroethene 21.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 127-18-402/23/22 19:311.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 109-99-902/23/22 19:310.590 1 Toluene 5.05 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 108-88-302/23/22 19:311.88 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 120-82-102/23/22 19:314.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 71-55-602/23/22 19:311.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 79-00-502/23/22 19:311.09 1 Trichloroethene 2.68 ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 79-01-602/23/22 19:311.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 95-63-602/23/22 19:310.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 108-67-802/23/22 19:310.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 540-84-102/23/22 19:310.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 75-01-402/23/22 19:310.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 593-60-202/23/22 19:310.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 108-05-402/23/22 19:310.704 1 m&p-Xylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 179601-23-102/23/22 19:311.73 1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 19:31 95-47-602/23/22 19:310.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)84.7 %02/23/22 19:31 3855-82-102/23/22 19:3160.0-140 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 16 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A6 #12481 Lab ID:92589607006 Collected:02/20/22 09:57 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 777 ug/m3 02/24/22 18:56 67-64-102/24/22 18:5629.7 10 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 107-05-102/23/22 20:130.626 1 Benzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 71-43-202/23/22 20:130.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 100-44-702/23/22 20:131.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-27-402/23/22 20:131.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-25-202/23/22 20:136.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 74-83-902/23/22 20:130.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 106-99-002/23/22 20:134.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-15-002/23/22 20:130.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 56-23-502/23/22 20:131.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 108-90-702/23/22 20:130.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-00-302/23/22 20:130.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 67-66-302/23/22 20:130.973 1 Chloromethane 0.498 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 74-87-302/23/22 20:130.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 95-49-802/23/22 20:131.03 1 Cyclohexane 1.62 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 110-82-702/23/22 20:130.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 124-48-102/23/22 20:131.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 106-93-402/23/22 20:131.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 95-50-102/23/22 20:131.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 541-73-102/23/22 20:131.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 106-46-702/23/22 20:131.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 107-06-202/23/22 20:130.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-34-302/23/22 20:130.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-35-402/23/22 20:130.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4.00 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 156-59-202/23/22 20:130.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 156-60-502/23/22 20:130.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 78-87-502/23/22 20:130.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 10061-01-502/23/22 20:130.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 10061-02-602/23/22 20:130.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 123-91-102/23/22 20:130.721 1 Ethanol 129 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 64-17-502/23/22 20:132.36 1 Ethylbenzene 12.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 100-41-402/23/22 20:130.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene 1.96 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 622-96-802/23/22 20:130.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.44 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-69-402/23/22 20:131.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.37 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-71-802/23/22 20:130.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 76-13-102/23/22 20:131.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 76-14-202/23/22 20:131.40 1 n-Heptane 14.6 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 142-82-502/23/22 20:130.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 87-68-302/23/22 20:136.73 1 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 110-54-302/23/22 20:132.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 98-82-802/23/22 20:130.983 1 Methylene Chloride 2.38 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-09-202/23/22 20:130.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 591-78-602/23/22 20:135.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)70.5 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 78-93-302/23/22 20:133.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)31.9 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 108-10-102/23/22 20:135.12 1 Methyl methacrylate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 80-62-602/23/22 20:130.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 17 of 26 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Sample:897 A6 #12481 Lab ID:92589607006 Collected:02/20/22 09:57 Received:02/22/22 00:00 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 1634-04-402/23/22 20:130.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 91-20-302/23/22 20:133.30 1 2-Propanol 166 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 67-63-002/23/22 20:133.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 115-07-102/23/22 20:132.15 1 Styrene 7.95 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 100-42-502/23/22 20:130.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 79-34-502/23/22 20:131.37 1 Tetrachloroethene 23.4 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 127-18-402/23/22 20:131.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 109-99-902/23/22 20:130.590 1 Toluene 1230 ug/m3 02/24/22 18:56 108-88-302/24/22 18:5618.8 10 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 120-82-102/23/22 20:134.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 71-55-602/23/22 20:131.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 79-00-502/23/22 20:131.09 1 Trichloroethene 4.98 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 79-01-602/23/22 20:131.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2.84 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 95-63-602/23/22 20:130.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 108-67-802/23/22 20:130.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 540-84-102/23/22 20:130.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 75-01-402/23/22 20:130.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 593-60-202/23/22 20:130.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 108-05-402/23/22 20:130.704 1 m&p-Xylene 51.2 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 179601-23-102/23/22 20:131.73 1 o-Xylene 15.3 ug/m3 02/23/22 20:13 95-47-602/23/22 20:130.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)87.4 %02/23/22 20:13 3855-82-102/23/22 20:1360.0-140 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)95.3 %02/24/22 18:56 3855-82-102/24/22 18:5660.0-140 10 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 18 of 26 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 1822447 TO-15 TO-15 VOA (MS) TO-15 Laboratory:Pace National - Mt. Juliet Associated Lab Samples:92589607001, 92589607002, 92589607003, 92589607004, 92589607005, 92589607006 Parameter Units Blank Result Reporting Limit Qualifiers METHOD BLANK:R3763273-3 Associated Lab Samples:92589607001, 92589607002, 92589607003, 92589607004, 92589607005, 92589607006 Matrix:Air Analyzed Acetone ppbv ND 1.25 02/23/22 10:20 Allyl chloride ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Benzene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Benzyl chloride ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Bromodichloromethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Bromoform ppbv ND 0.600 02/23/22 10:20 Bromomethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,3-Butadiene ppbv ND 2.00 02/23/22 10:20 Carbon disulfide ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Carbon tetrachloride ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Chlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Chloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Chloroform ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Chloromethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 2-Chlorotoluene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Cyclohexane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Dibromochloromethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,2-Dichloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,1-Dichloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,1-Dichloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,2-Dichloropropane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Ethylbenzene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 4-Ethyltoluene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Trichlorofluoromethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Dichlorodifluoromethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 n-Heptane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ppbv ND 0.630 02/23/22 10:20 n-Hexane ppbv ND 0.630 02/23/22 10:20 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 19 of 26 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. Parameter Units Blank Result Reporting Limit Qualifiers METHOD BLANK:R3763273-3 Associated Lab Samples:92589607001, 92589607002, 92589607003, 92589607004, 92589607005, 92589607006 Matrix:Air Analyzed Methylene Chloride ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 2-Hexanone ppbv ND 1.25 02/23/22 10:20 2-Butanone (MEK)ppbv ND 1.25 02/23/22 10:20 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ppbv ND 1.25 02/23/22 10:20 Methyl methacrylate ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Naphthalene ppbv ND 0.630 02/23/22 10:20 2-Propanol ppbv ND 1.25 02/23/22 10:20 Propylene ppbv ND 1.25 02/23/22 10:20 Styrene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Tetrachloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Tetrahydrofuran ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Toluene ppbv ND 0.500 02/23/22 10:20 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.630 02/23/22 10:20 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Trichloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Vinyl chloride ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Vinyl bromide ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Vinyl acetate ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 m&p-Xylene ppbv ND 0.400 02/23/22 10:20 o-Xylene ppbv ND 0.200 02/23/22 10:20 Ethanol ppbv ND 1.25 02/23/22 10:20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)%85.3 60.0-140 02/23/22 10:20 Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. R3763273-1LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: LCSSpike LCSD % Rec RPD Max RPD LCSD Result R3763273-2 Ethanol ppbv 3.503.75 93.3 55.0-14886.43.24 7.72 25 Propylene ppbv 3.293.75 87.7 64.0-14489.33.35 1.81 25 Dichlorodifluoromethane ppbv 4.153.75 111 64.0-1391124.20 1.20 25 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ppbv 4.043.75 108 70.0-1301094.07 0.740 25 Chloromethane ppbv 3.583.75 95.5 70.0-13096.83.63 1.39 25 Vinyl chloride ppbv 3.683.75 98.1 70.0-13096.83.63 1.37 25 1,3-Butadiene ppbv 3.633.75 96.8 70.0-13094.73.55 2.23 25 Bromomethane ppbv 3.923.75 105 70.0-13098.73.70 5.77 25 Chloroethane ppbv 3.813.75 102 70.0-13097.13.64 4.56 25 Trichlorofluoromethane ppbv 4.353.75 116 70.0-1301154.30 1.16 25 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ppbv 3.893.75 104 70.0-1301033.86 0.774 25 1,1-Dichloroethene ppbv 3.623.75 96.5 70.0-13097.63.66 1.10 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 20 of 26 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. R3763273-1LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: LCSSpike LCSD % Rec RPD Max RPD LCSD Result R3763273-2 1,1-Dichloroethane ppbv 3.553.75 94.7 70.0-13096.03.60 1.40 25 Acetone ppbv 3.283.75 87.5 70.0-13090.73.40 3.59 25 2-Propanol ppbv 3.243.75 86.4 70.0-13986.73.25 0.308 25 Carbon disulfide ppbv 3.373.75 89.9 70.0-13089.93.37 0.00 25 Methylene Chloride ppbv 3.333.75 88.8 70.0-13089.63.36 0.897 25 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ppbv 3.713.75 98.9 70.0-13098.43.69 0.541 25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ppbv 3.643.75 97.1 70.0-13096.03.60 1.10 25 n-Hexane ppbv 3.453.75 92.0 70.0-13091.23.42 0.873 25 Vinyl acetate ppbv 2.823.75 75.2 70.0-13076.52.87 1.76 25 2-Butanone (MEK)ppbv 3.563.75 94.9 70.0-13092.83.48 2.27 25 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ppbv 3.573.75 95.2 70.0-13096.33.61 1.11 25 Chloroform ppbv 3.783.75 101 70.0-1301013.80 0.528 25 Cyclohexane ppbv 3.803.75 101 70.0-1301033.87 1.83 25 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ppbv 4.073.75 109 70.0-1301104.11 0.978 25 Carbon tetrachloride ppbv 4.303.75 115 70.0-1301144.26 0.935 25 Benzene ppbv 3.783.75 101 70.0-1301003.75 0.797 25 1,2-Dichloroethane ppbv 3.953.75 105 70.0-1301043.89 1.53 25 n-Heptane ppbv 3.343.75 89.1 70.0-13088.03.30 1.20 25 Trichloroethene ppbv 4.083.75 109 70.0-1301074.02 1.48 25 1,2-Dichloropropane ppbv 3.693.75 98.4 70.0-13097.33.65 1.09 25 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ppbv 3.853.75 103 70.0-1401023.81 1.04 25 Bromodichloromethane ppbv 3.873.75 103 70.0-1301023.84 0.778 25 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ppbv 3.833.75 102 70.0-1301013.77 1.58 25 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ppbv 3.503.75 93.3 70.0-13991.23.42 2.31 25 Toluene ppbv 4.013.75 107 70.0-1301063.98 0.751 25 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ppbv 3.893.75 104 70.0-1301033.86 0.774 25 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ppbv 4.013.75 107 70.0-1301084.04 0.745 25 Tetrachloroethene ppbv 4.593.75 122 70.0-1301224.56 0.656 25 2-Hexanone ppbv 3.613.75 96.3 70.0-14996.33.61 0.00 25 Dibromochloromethane ppbv 4.343.75 116 70.0-1301164.34 0.00 25 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ppbv 4.103.75 109 70.0-1301094.10 0.00 25 Chlorobenzene ppbv 4.293.75 114 70.0-1301164.34 1.16 25 Ethylbenzene ppbv 3.973.75 106 70.0-1301074.00 0.753 25 m&p-Xylene ppbv 8.197.50 109 70.0-1301118.33 1.69 25 o-Xylene ppbv 4.013.75 107 70.0-1301094.09 1.98 25 Styrene ppbv 4.263.75 114 70.0-1301144.29 0.702 25 Bromoform ppbv 4.373.75 117 70.0-1301174.40 0.684 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ppbv 3.493.75 93.1 70.0-13094.13.53 1.14 25 4-Ethyltoluene ppbv 3.793.75 101 70.0-1301023.83 1.05 25 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ppbv 4.093.75 109 70.0-1301084.06 0.736 25 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ppbv 3.883.75 103 70.0-1301033.87 0.258 25 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ppbv 4.043.75 108 70.0-1301094.08 0.985 25 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ppbv 4.143.75 110 70.0-1301134.23 2.15 25 Benzyl chloride ppbv 3.893.75 104 70.0-1521053.94 1.28 25 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ppbv 4.083.75 109 70.0-1301104.13 1.22 25 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ppbv 4.383.75 117 70.0-1601224.58 4.46 25 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ppbv 4.583.75 122 70.0-1511274.77 4.06 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 21 of 26 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. R3763273-1LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: LCSSpike LCSD % Rec RPD Max RPD LCSD Result R3763273-2 Naphthalene ppbv 4.203.75 112 70.0-1591134.22 0.475 25 Allyl chloride ppbv 3.083.75 82.1 70.0-13082.43.09 0.324 25 2-Chlorotoluene ppbv 3.933.75 105 70.0-1301053.92 0.255 25 Methyl methacrylate ppbv 3.433.75 91.5 70.0-13091.73.44 0.291 25 Tetrahydrofuran ppbv 3.093.75 82.4 70.0-13782.13.08 0.324 25 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ppbv 3.593.75 95.7 70.0-13096.33.61 0.556 25 Vinyl bromide ppbv 4.153.75 111 70.0-1301053.95 4.94 25 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ppbv 4.233.75 113 70.0-1301144.28 1.18 25 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)%89.1 60.0-14089.7 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 22 of 26 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 1823158 M18-Mod/TO-15 TO-15 VOA (MS) TO-15 Laboratory:Pace National - Mt. Juliet Associated Lab Samples:92589607006 Parameter Units Blank Result Reporting Limit Qualifiers METHOD BLANK:R3763575-3 Associated Lab Samples:92589607006 Matrix:Air Analyzed Acetone ppbv ND 1.25 02/24/22 10:21 Toluene ppbv ND 0.500 02/24/22 10:21 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)%95.2 60.0-140 02/24/22 10:21 Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. R3763575-1LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: LCSSpike LCSD % Rec RPD Max RPD LCSD Result R3763575-2 Acetone ppbv 3.493.75 93.1 70.0-13093.93.52 0.856 25 Toluene ppbv 4.053.75 108 70.0-1301084.04 0.247 25 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)%96.0 60.0-14095.7 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 23 of 26 #=QL# QUALIFIERS Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC - Too Numerous To Count J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL - Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit - The lowest concentration value that meets project requirements for quantitative data with known precision and bias for a specific analyte in a specific matrix. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean-Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPAMethod 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Reported results are not rounded until the final step prior to reporting. Therefore, calculated parameters that are typically reported as "Total" may vary slightly from the sum of the reported component parameters. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI - The NELAC Institute. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 24 of 26 #=CR# QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Pace Project No.: Project: 92589607 897-04 Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Analytical Batch 92589607001 1822447 1822447897 A1 #15001 TO-15 TO-15 92589607002 1822447 1822447897 A2 #12365 TO-15 TO-15 92589607003 1822447 1822447897 A3 #10647 TO-15 TO-15 92589607004 1822447 1822447897 A4 #10430 TO-15 TO-15 92589607005 1822447 1822447897 A5 #9323 TO-15 TO-15 92589607006 1822447 1822447897 A6 #12481 TO-15 TO-15 92589607006 1823158 1823158897 A6 #12481 TO-15 TO-15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 02/25/2022 12:11 PM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 25 of 26 Page 26 of 26 Company Name/Address. Billing Information: r Analysis Chaon of Custody Pace_ of -Pace Analytical • Huntersville, NC Accounts Payable f§E!~-9800 Klncey Ave., Ste. 100 9800 Ki ncey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersvtlle, NC 28078 Hunters ville, NC 28078 I MT JUUET, TN '*',..... ._. ~~~ '~"N Pill Report l o: Ema•ITo: ~ 61S-1SI-SIY "-7., SISJ 't.d\miUlnaa wmpk '"" th.aJdl,un a)r "t.a••..it Tyler Forney Tyler.Fomoy@p•celabs.com wattU.Illct .uu.n.r~~ --.1 •cap&.u!a c-ftho. P•u T~rrnu •nd Cvnd1hon• flJUnJ •L Project Harmon Environmental I City/State r.;e~ C..l--t /Nc I I Please Circle· bUpo;/TlOfo po<rlobo.com/huhiJ/pu .ta.nJ.ud~,.:r-mlpdl Deswp1ion: Collected: PT MT CT @::> SDG u l.ffot;_f ()f Client ProJect # e~+~t~ lab Project II Phone: PACE-HARENVAIR r--0157 704-875-9092 Collected by (prQ~ Stte/Facthty ID # PQ,jj r:-PACE '(Q Ute, • .( M..~ Acctnum: <0 Template: T203142 Collected by (stgnature): Rush? (lab MUST Be Nottfled) O:ote Results Needed E ~A--E Prelogln: P903032 _Same Day _Three Day :l PM· 844 • Chrilll M Wagner (/) _Next Day _Five Day L{) ps·C.e C-vzhhv _Two Day Collecuon Cantster Pressure/Vacuum .... I 0 Shipped Vta FedEX Ground Sample ID can 11 Flow Cont. II Date Time ln•ttal Ftnal 1- Rem /Con~minlnt S..mplt r (bb onl'() &<f1-AI /5001 C>Jt::o"z '1-/ta-/:U 8 S~,~ 2~ 5 ,0 X -V1 9~~'1. A 1... p.:~ L-5 0 1 ('JC ;-1-z/t::J/~ S5r '~~ VI 5tJ X -vL <;.<_t,'J.. A ·3 i t)(,'-1~ ooq-c/1'-,__;uf~ <1 ce • i l1.k )..9) '1,~ X -v; q...if1-i!l/ I u'l~o o_r;S"&::6 I d-u/vJ.. ~~-Mro ZJa S.o X -tP! ~A1 Af" c; '51-3 0 ll::r2.b 1/k,ht.. O.,o£:-1~ ],10 so X 115 <CA=t-f.C, tz.4~1 069CI'?i ;;/to/'!z.. '11'1 ·~ t~ '-/ I r-W" X -t4 v ~""· - ,.. Sampl;, RecelpJf :r .. lcKl::.s~ CCC S&il Preser.t nta t: ~~ Ir Apf'bC"ul~ CO~ SlgM:i Accurate : =~-11 V ·A :e ro H.,aJSl·ac ~: _Y_ N Eoctles arnv~ ~n:.s=t: ~N Pc~~.Corc~ct :heck: ll C"ntct oottlss used : ~I' -- SJff_:l..:n~ V'.:'~Urre at:nt: = J1 R 'DAr . .: ... ,.. .... < .. ' "o -. ... , ,., '-'"·--·-· samples returned via: UPS Fedf~ Couner Trackmg ~'tl.~ 1~0t 1.Lll-LI.f7.L.\~~ Hold n ------ Re~~dby :(SIL Date: Time: Received by (Stgnature) Date: Time. Cond1tton: (lab use only) ~~~~1-vt--Am~ v- Re•1 nquished by : (Signature) Date: Time: Received by (Stgnature) ~ t:)Qttk~ NL Date Tlme: COC Seal Intact: v Reli nqulshed by : (Signature) Date: Ttme: ReceiVed for lab by: (S g:1ature) Date: Ttme: NCF: 111 JLI'lXV\M .-t ~ -"' !1 ,2.1, 1.1. _(\_ 00 1\ #=CL# March 29, 2022 LIMS USE: FR - RICK HARMON LIMS OBJECT ID: 92595125 92595125 Project: Pace Project No.: RE: Mr. Rick Harmon Harmon Environmental 615 Bruce Thomas Road Monroe, NC 28112 BENMAR 897-04 Dear Mr. Harmon: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on March 24, 2022. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the applicable TNI/NELAC Standards and the laboratory's Quality Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. The test results provided in this final report were generated by each of the following laboratories within the Pace Network: • Pace National - Mt. Juliet If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Tyler Forney tyler.forney@pacelabs.com Project Manager (704)875-9092 Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 1 of 21 #=CP# CERTIFICATIONS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Pace Analytical Services National 12065 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 Alabama Certification #: 40660 Alaska Certification 17-026 Arizona Certification #: AZ0612 Arkansas Certification #: 88-0469 California Certification #: 2932 Canada Certification #: 1461.01 Colorado Certification #: TN00003 Connecticut Certification #: PH-0197 DOD Certification: #1461.01 EPA# TN00003 Florida Certification #: E87487 Georgia DW Certification #: 923 Georgia Certification: NELAP Idaho Certification #: TN00003 Illinois Certification #: 200008 Indiana Certification #: C-TN-01 Iowa Certification #: 364 Kansas Certification #: E-10277 Kentucky UST Certification #: 16 Kentucky Certification #: 90010 Louisiana Certification #: AI30792 Louisiana DW Certification #: LA180010 Maine Certification #: TN0002 Maryland Certification #: 324 Massachusetts Certification #: M-TN003 Michigan Certification #: 9958 Minnesota Certification #: 047-999-395 Mississippi Certification #: TN00003 Missouri Certification #: 340 Montana Certification #: CERT0086 Nebraska Certification #: NE-OS-15-05 Nevada Certification #: TN-03-2002-34 New Hampshire Certification #: 2975 New Jersey Certification #: TN002 New Mexico DW Certification New York Certification #: 11742 North Carolina Aquatic Toxicity Certification #: 41 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 21704 North Carolina Environmental Certificate #: 375 North Dakota Certification #: R-140 Ohio VAP Certification #: CL0069 Oklahoma Certification #: 9915 Oregon Certification #: TN200002 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-02979 Rhode Island Certification #: LAO00356 South Carolina Certification #: 84004 South Dakota Certification Tennessee DW/Chem/Micro Certification #: 2006 Texas Certification #: T 104704245-17-14 Texas Mold Certification #: LAB0152 USDA Soil Permit #: P330-15-00234 Utah Certification #: TN00003 Virginia Certification #: VT2006 Vermont Dept. of Health: ID# VT-2006 Virginia Certification #: 460132 Washington Certification #: C847 West Virginia Certification #: 233 Wisconsin Certification #: 998093910 Wyoming UST Certification #: via A2LA 2926.01 A2LA-ISO 17025 Certification #: 1461.01 A2LA-ISO 17025 Certification #: 1461.02 AIHA-LAP/LLC EMLAP Certification #:100789 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 2 of 21 #=SA# SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Lab ID Sample ID Method Analytes Reported LaboratoryAnalysts 92595125001 897A1-1 #10872 TO-15 68 PANDAH 92595125002 897A2-1 #8061 TO-15 68 PANDAH 92595125003 897A3-1 #12239 TO-15 68 PANDAH 92595125004 897A4-1 #21280 TO-15 68 PANDAH PAN = Pace National - Mt. Juliet REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 3 of 21 #=HO# SUMMARY OF DETECTION Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Parameters AnalyzedResult Lab Sample ID Report Limit QualifiersUnitsMethod Client Sample ID 92595125001 897A1-1 #10872 Acetone 6.37 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:542.97TO-15 Benzene 0.920 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:540.639TO-15 Chloromethane 2.48 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:540.413TO-15 Ethanol 3.19 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:542.36TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.49 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:541.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.80 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:540.989TO-15 92595125002 897A2-1 #8061 Acetone 15.2 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:332.97TO-15 Chloromethane 1.56 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:330.413TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.18 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:330.793TO-15 Ethanol 16.3 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:332.36TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane 11.5 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:331.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.73 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:330.989TO-15 Methylene Chloride 2.18 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:330.694TO-15 2-Propanol 3.93 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:333.07TO-15 Tetrachloroethene 31.2 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:331.36TO-15 Toluene 15.0 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:331.88TO-15 Trichloroethene 7.13 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:331.07TO-15 m&p-Xylene 2.26 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:331.73TO-15 92595125003 897A3-1 #12239 Acetone 17.5 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:132.97TO-15 Benzene 0.648 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:130.639TO-15 Chloromethane 1.46 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:130.413TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.28 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:130.793TO-15 Ethanol 15.7 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:132.36TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane 11.2 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:131.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.82 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:130.989TO-15 Methylene Chloride 2.01 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:130.694TO-15 2-Propanol 4.74 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:133.07TO-15 Tetrachloroethene 44.7 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:131.36TO-15 Toluene 18.3 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:131.88TO-15 Trichloroethene 10.3 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:131.07TO-15 m&p-Xylene 2.45 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:131.73TO-15 92595125004 897A4-1 #21280 Acetone 48.0 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:522.97TO-15 Benzene 1.11 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.639TO-15 Chloromethane 1.54 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.413TO-15 Cyclohexane 1.13 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.689TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.923 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.793TO-15 Ethanol 68.3 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:522.36TO-15 Ethylbenzene 1.16 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.867TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane 11.5 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:521.12TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.71 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.989TO-15 n-Heptane 1.24 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.818TO-15 n-Hexane 4.27 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:522.22TO-15 Methylene Chloride 8.54 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.694TO-15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 4 of 21 #=HO# SUMMARY OF DETECTION Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Parameters AnalyzedResult Lab Sample ID Report Limit QualifiersUnitsMethod Client Sample ID 92595125004 897A4-1 #21280 2-Butanone (MEK)5.16 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:523.69TO-15 Methyl methacrylate 1.77 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.819TO-15 2-Propanol 9.41 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:523.07TO-15 Styrene 0.889 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.851TO-15 Tetrachloroethene 25.1 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:521.36TO-15 Toluene 27.4 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:521.88TO-15 Trichloroethene 6.43 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:521.07TO-15 m&p-Xylene 4.04 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:521.73TO-15 o-Xylene 1.44 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:520.867TO-15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 5 of 21 #=NA# PROJECT NARRATIVE Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Method: Client:Harmon Environmental TO-15 Date:March 29, 2022 Description:VOA (MS) TO-15 General Information: 4 samples were analyzed for TO-15 by Pace National Mt. Juliet. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Internal Standards: All internal standards were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: 1838353 L0: Analyte recovery in the laboratory control sample (LCS) was outside QC limits. • LCSD (Lab ID: R3774243-3) • Chloroethane • Vinyl acetate Additional Comments: This data package has been reviewed for quality and completeness and is approved for release. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 6 of 21 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Sample:897A1-1 #10872 Lab ID:92595125001 Collected:03/22/22 15:01 Received:03/24/22 09:06 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 6.37 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 67-64-103/25/22 19:542.97 1 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 107-05-103/25/22 19:540.626 1 Benzene 0.920 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 71-43-203/25/22 19:540.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 100-44-703/25/22 19:541.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-27-403/25/22 19:541.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-25-203/25/22 19:546.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 74-83-903/25/22 19:540.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 106-99-003/25/22 19:544.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-15-003/25/22 19:540.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 56-23-503/25/22 19:541.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 108-90-703/25/22 19:540.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-00-3 L003/25/22 19:540.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 67-66-303/25/22 19:540.973 1 Chloromethane 2.48 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 74-87-303/25/22 19:540.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 95-49-803/25/22 19:541.03 1 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 110-82-703/25/22 19:540.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 124-48-103/25/22 19:541.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 106-93-403/25/22 19:541.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 95-50-103/25/22 19:541.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 541-73-103/25/22 19:541.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 106-46-703/25/22 19:541.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 107-06-203/25/22 19:540.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-34-303/25/22 19:540.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-35-403/25/22 19:540.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 156-59-203/25/22 19:540.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 156-60-503/25/22 19:540.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 78-87-503/25/22 19:540.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 10061-01-503/25/22 19:540.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 10061-02-603/25/22 19:540.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 123-91-103/25/22 19:540.721 1 Ethanol 3.19 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 64-17-503/25/22 19:542.36 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 100-41-403/25/22 19:540.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 622-96-803/25/22 19:540.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 1.49 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-69-403/25/22 19:541.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.80 ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-71-803/25/22 19:540.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 76-13-103/25/22 19:541.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 76-14-203/25/22 19:541.40 1 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 142-82-503/25/22 19:540.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 87-68-303/25/22 19:546.73 1 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 110-54-303/25/22 19:542.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 98-82-803/25/22 19:540.983 1 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-09-203/25/22 19:540.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 591-78-603/25/22 19:545.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 78-93-303/25/22 19:543.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 108-10-103/25/22 19:545.12 1 Methyl methacrylate ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 80-62-603/25/22 19:540.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 7 of 21 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Sample:897A1-1 #10872 Lab ID:92595125001 Collected:03/22/22 15:01 Received:03/24/22 09:06 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 1634-04-403/25/22 19:540.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 91-20-303/25/22 19:543.30 1 2-Propanol ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 67-63-003/25/22 19:543.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 115-07-103/25/22 19:542.15 1 Styrene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 100-42-503/25/22 19:540.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 79-34-503/25/22 19:541.37 1 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 127-18-403/25/22 19:541.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 109-99-903/25/22 19:540.590 1 Toluene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 108-88-303/25/22 19:541.88 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 120-82-103/25/22 19:544.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 71-55-603/25/22 19:541.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 79-00-503/25/22 19:541.09 1 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 79-01-603/25/22 19:541.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 95-63-603/25/22 19:540.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 108-67-803/25/22 19:540.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 540-84-103/25/22 19:540.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 75-01-403/25/22 19:540.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 593-60-203/25/22 19:540.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 108-05-4 L003/25/22 19:540.704 1 m&p-Xylene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 179601-23-103/25/22 19:541.73 1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 19:54 95-47-603/25/22 19:540.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)95.4 %03/25/22 19:54 3855-82-103/25/22 19:5460.0-140 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 8 of 21 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Sample:897A2-1 #8061 Lab ID:92595125002 Collected:03/22/22 15:00 Received:03/24/22 09:06 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 15.2 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 67-64-103/25/22 20:332.97 1 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 107-05-103/25/22 20:330.626 1 Benzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 71-43-203/25/22 20:330.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 100-44-703/25/22 20:331.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-27-403/25/22 20:331.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-25-203/25/22 20:336.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 74-83-903/25/22 20:330.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 106-99-003/25/22 20:334.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-15-003/25/22 20:330.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 56-23-503/25/22 20:331.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 108-90-703/25/22 20:330.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-00-3 L003/25/22 20:330.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 67-66-303/25/22 20:330.973 1 Chloromethane 1.56 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 74-87-303/25/22 20:330.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 95-49-803/25/22 20:331.03 1 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 110-82-703/25/22 20:330.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 124-48-103/25/22 20:331.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 106-93-403/25/22 20:331.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 95-50-103/25/22 20:331.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 541-73-103/25/22 20:331.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 106-46-703/25/22 20:331.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 107-06-203/25/22 20:330.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-34-303/25/22 20:330.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-35-403/25/22 20:330.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.18 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 156-59-203/25/22 20:330.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 156-60-503/25/22 20:330.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 78-87-503/25/22 20:330.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 10061-01-503/25/22 20:330.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 10061-02-603/25/22 20:330.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 123-91-103/25/22 20:330.721 1 Ethanol 16.3 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 64-17-503/25/22 20:332.36 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 100-41-403/25/22 20:330.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 622-96-803/25/22 20:330.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 11.5 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-69-403/25/22 20:331.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.73 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-71-803/25/22 20:330.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 76-13-103/25/22 20:331.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 76-14-203/25/22 20:331.40 1 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 142-82-503/25/22 20:330.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 87-68-303/25/22 20:336.73 1 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 110-54-303/25/22 20:332.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 98-82-803/25/22 20:330.983 1 Methylene Chloride 2.18 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-09-203/25/22 20:330.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 591-78-603/25/22 20:335.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 78-93-303/25/22 20:333.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 108-10-103/25/22 20:335.12 1 Methyl methacrylate ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 80-62-603/25/22 20:330.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 9 of 21 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Sample:897A2-1 #8061 Lab ID:92595125002 Collected:03/22/22 15:00 Received:03/24/22 09:06 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 1634-04-403/25/22 20:330.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 91-20-303/25/22 20:333.30 1 2-Propanol 3.93 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 67-63-003/25/22 20:333.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 115-07-103/25/22 20:332.15 1 Styrene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 100-42-503/25/22 20:330.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 79-34-503/25/22 20:331.37 1 Tetrachloroethene 31.2 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 127-18-403/25/22 20:331.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 109-99-903/25/22 20:330.590 1 Toluene 15.0 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 108-88-303/25/22 20:331.88 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 120-82-103/25/22 20:334.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 71-55-603/25/22 20:331.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 79-00-503/25/22 20:331.09 1 Trichloroethene 7.13 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 79-01-603/25/22 20:331.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 95-63-603/25/22 20:330.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 108-67-803/25/22 20:330.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 540-84-103/25/22 20:330.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 75-01-403/25/22 20:330.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 593-60-203/25/22 20:330.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 108-05-4 L003/25/22 20:330.704 1 m&p-Xylene 2.26 ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 179601-23-103/25/22 20:331.73 1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 20:33 95-47-603/25/22 20:330.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)96.0 %03/25/22 20:33 3855-82-103/25/22 20:3360.0-140 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 10 of 21 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Sample:897A3-1 #12239 Lab ID:92595125003 Collected:03/22/22 10:54 Received:03/24/22 09:06 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 17.5 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 67-64-103/25/22 21:132.97 1 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 107-05-103/25/22 21:130.626 1 Benzene 0.648 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 71-43-203/25/22 21:130.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 100-44-703/25/22 21:131.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-27-403/25/22 21:131.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-25-203/25/22 21:136.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 74-83-903/25/22 21:130.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 106-99-003/25/22 21:134.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-15-003/25/22 21:130.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 56-23-503/25/22 21:131.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 108-90-703/25/22 21:130.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-00-3 L003/25/22 21:130.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 67-66-303/25/22 21:130.973 1 Chloromethane 1.46 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 74-87-303/25/22 21:130.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 95-49-803/25/22 21:131.03 1 Cyclohexane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 110-82-703/25/22 21:130.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 124-48-103/25/22 21:131.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 106-93-403/25/22 21:131.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 95-50-103/25/22 21:131.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 541-73-103/25/22 21:131.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 106-46-703/25/22 21:131.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 107-06-203/25/22 21:130.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-34-303/25/22 21:130.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-35-403/25/22 21:130.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.28 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 156-59-203/25/22 21:130.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 156-60-503/25/22 21:130.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 78-87-503/25/22 21:130.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 10061-01-503/25/22 21:130.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 10061-02-603/25/22 21:130.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 123-91-103/25/22 21:130.721 1 Ethanol 15.7 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 64-17-503/25/22 21:132.36 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 100-41-403/25/22 21:130.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 622-96-803/25/22 21:130.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 11.2 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-69-403/25/22 21:131.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.82 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-71-803/25/22 21:130.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 76-13-103/25/22 21:131.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 76-14-203/25/22 21:131.40 1 n-Heptane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 142-82-503/25/22 21:130.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 87-68-303/25/22 21:136.73 1 n-Hexane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 110-54-303/25/22 21:132.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 98-82-803/25/22 21:130.983 1 Methylene Chloride 2.01 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-09-203/25/22 21:130.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 591-78-603/25/22 21:135.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 78-93-303/25/22 21:133.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 108-10-103/25/22 21:135.12 1 Methyl methacrylate ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 80-62-603/25/22 21:130.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 11 of 21 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Sample:897A3-1 #12239 Lab ID:92595125003 Collected:03/22/22 10:54 Received:03/24/22 09:06 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 1634-04-403/25/22 21:130.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 91-20-303/25/22 21:133.30 1 2-Propanol 4.74 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 67-63-003/25/22 21:133.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 115-07-103/25/22 21:132.15 1 Styrene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 100-42-503/25/22 21:130.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 79-34-503/25/22 21:131.37 1 Tetrachloroethene 44.7 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 127-18-403/25/22 21:131.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 109-99-903/25/22 21:130.590 1 Toluene 18.3 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 108-88-303/25/22 21:131.88 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 120-82-103/25/22 21:134.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 71-55-603/25/22 21:131.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 79-00-503/25/22 21:131.09 1 Trichloroethene 10.3 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 79-01-603/25/22 21:131.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 95-63-603/25/22 21:130.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 108-67-803/25/22 21:130.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 540-84-103/25/22 21:130.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 75-01-403/25/22 21:130.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 593-60-203/25/22 21:130.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 108-05-4 L003/25/22 21:130.704 1 m&p-Xylene 2.45 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 179601-23-103/25/22 21:131.73 1 o-Xylene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:13 95-47-603/25/22 21:130.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)95.9 %03/25/22 21:13 3855-82-103/25/22 21:1360.0-140 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 12 of 21 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Sample:897A4-1 #21280 Lab ID:92595125004 Collected:03/22/22 14:41 Received:03/24/22 09:06 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Acetone 48.0 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 67-64-103/25/22 21:522.97 1 Allyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 107-05-103/25/22 21:520.626 1 Benzene 1.11 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 71-43-203/25/22 21:520.639 1 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 100-44-703/25/22 21:521.04 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-27-403/25/22 21:521.34 1 Bromoform ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-25-203/25/22 21:526.21 1 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 74-83-903/25/22 21:520.776 1 1,3-Butadiene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 106-99-003/25/22 21:524.43 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-15-003/25/22 21:520.622 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 56-23-503/25/22 21:521.26 1 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 108-90-703/25/22 21:520.924 1 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-00-3 L003/25/22 21:520.528 1 Chloroform ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 67-66-303/25/22 21:520.973 1 Chloromethane 1.54 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 74-87-303/25/22 21:520.413 1 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 95-49-803/25/22 21:521.03 1 Cyclohexane 1.13 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 110-82-703/25/22 21:520.689 1 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 124-48-103/25/22 21:521.70 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 106-93-403/25/22 21:521.54 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 95-50-103/25/22 21:521.20 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 541-73-103/25/22 21:521.20 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 106-46-703/25/22 21:521.20 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 107-06-203/25/22 21:520.810 1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-34-303/25/22 21:520.802 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-35-403/25/22 21:520.793 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.923 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 156-59-203/25/22 21:520.793 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 156-60-503/25/22 21:520.793 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 78-87-503/25/22 21:520.924 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 10061-01-503/25/22 21:520.908 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 10061-02-603/25/22 21:520.908 1 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 123-91-103/25/22 21:520.721 1 Ethanol 68.3 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 64-17-503/25/22 21:522.36 1 Ethylbenzene 1.16 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 100-41-403/25/22 21:520.867 1 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 622-96-803/25/22 21:520.982 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 11.5 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-69-403/25/22 21:521.12 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.71 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-71-803/25/22 21:520.989 1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 76-13-103/25/22 21:521.53 1 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 76-14-203/25/22 21:521.40 1 n-Heptane 1.24 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 142-82-503/25/22 21:520.818 1 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 87-68-303/25/22 21:526.73 1 n-Hexane 4.27 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 110-54-303/25/22 21:522.22 1 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 98-82-803/25/22 21:520.983 1 Methylene Chloride 8.54 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-09-203/25/22 21:520.694 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 591-78-603/25/22 21:525.11 1 2-Butanone (MEK)5.16 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 78-93-303/25/22 21:523.69 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 108-10-103/25/22 21:525.12 1 Methyl methacrylate 1.77 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 80-62-603/25/22 21:520.819 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 13 of 21 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Sample:897A4-1 #21280 Lab ID:92595125004 Collected:03/22/22 14:41 Received:03/24/22 09:06 Matrix:Air Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit Analytical Method: TO-15 Preparation Method: TO-15 Pace National - Mt. Juliet VOA (MS) TO-15 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 1634-04-403/25/22 21:520.721 1 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 91-20-303/25/22 21:523.30 1 2-Propanol 9.41 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 67-63-003/25/22 21:523.07 1 Propylene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 115-07-103/25/22 21:522.15 1 Styrene 0.889 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 100-42-503/25/22 21:520.851 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 79-34-503/25/22 21:521.37 1 Tetrachloroethene 25.1 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 127-18-403/25/22 21:521.36 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 109-99-903/25/22 21:520.590 1 Toluene 27.4 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 108-88-303/25/22 21:521.88 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 120-82-103/25/22 21:524.66 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 71-55-603/25/22 21:521.09 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 79-00-503/25/22 21:521.09 1 Trichloroethene 6.43 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 79-01-603/25/22 21:521.07 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 95-63-603/25/22 21:520.982 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 108-67-803/25/22 21:520.982 1 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 540-84-103/25/22 21:520.934 1 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 75-01-403/25/22 21:520.511 1 Vinyl bromide ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 593-60-203/25/22 21:520.875 1 Vinyl acetate ND ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 108-05-4 L003/25/22 21:520.704 1 m&p-Xylene 4.04 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 179601-23-103/25/22 21:521.73 1 o-Xylene 1.44 ug/m3 03/25/22 21:52 95-47-603/25/22 21:520.867 1 Surrogates 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)95.6 %03/25/22 21:52 3855-82-103/25/22 21:5260.0-140 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 14 of 21 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 1838353 M18-Mod/TO-15 TO-15 VOA (MS) TO-15 Laboratory:Pace National - Mt. Juliet Associated Lab Samples:92595125001, 92595125002, 92595125003, 92595125004 Parameter Units Blank Result Reporting Limit Qualifiers METHOD BLANK:R3774243-2 Associated Lab Samples:92595125001, 92595125002, 92595125003, 92595125004 Matrix:Air Analyzed Acetone ppbv ND 1.25 03/25/22 09:55 Allyl chloride ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Benzene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Benzyl chloride ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Bromodichloromethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Bromoform ppbv ND 0.600 03/25/22 09:55 Bromomethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,3-Butadiene ppbv ND 2.00 03/25/22 09:55 Carbon disulfide ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Carbon tetrachloride ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Chlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Chloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Chloroform ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Chloromethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 2-Chlorotoluene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Cyclohexane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Dibromochloromethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,2-Dichloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,1-Dichloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,1-Dichloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,2-Dichloropropane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Ethanol ppbv ND 1.25 03/25/22 09:55 Ethylbenzene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 4-Ethyltoluene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Trichlorofluoromethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Dichlorodifluoromethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 n-Heptane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ppbv ND 0.630 03/25/22 09:55 n-Hexane ppbv ND 0.630 03/25/22 09:55 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 15 of 21 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. Parameter Units Blank Result Reporting Limit Qualifiers METHOD BLANK:R3774243-2 Associated Lab Samples:92595125001, 92595125002, 92595125003, 92595125004 Matrix:Air Analyzed Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Methylene Chloride ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 2-Hexanone ppbv ND 1.25 03/25/22 09:55 2-Butanone (MEK)ppbv ND 1.25 03/25/22 09:55 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ppbv ND 1.25 03/25/22 09:55 Methyl methacrylate ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Naphthalene ppbv ND 0.630 03/25/22 09:55 2-Propanol ppbv ND 1.25 03/25/22 09:55 Propylene ppbv ND 1.25 03/25/22 09:55 Styrene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Tetrachloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Tetrahydrofuran ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Toluene ppbv ND 0.500 03/25/22 09:55 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ppbv ND 0.630 03/25/22 09:55 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Trichloroethene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Vinyl chloride ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Vinyl bromide ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 Vinyl acetate ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 m&p-Xylene ppbv ND 0.400 03/25/22 09:55 o-Xylene ppbv ND 0.200 03/25/22 09:55 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)%94.9 60.0-140 03/25/22 09:55 Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. R3774243-1LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: LCSSpike LCSD % Rec RPD Max RPD LCSD Result R3774243-3 Acetone ppbv 4.523.75 121 70.0-1301204.49 0.666 25 Allyl chloride ppbv 4.343.75 116 70.0-1301254.68 7.54 25 Benzene ppbv 4.703.75 125 70.0-1301234.63 1.50 25 Benzyl chloride ppbv 4.783.75 127 70.0-1521254.70 1.69 25 Bromodichloromethane ppbv 4.513.75 120 70.0-1301204.49 0.444 25 Bromoform ppbv 4.533.75 121 70.0-1301194.47 1.33 25 Bromomethane ppbv 4.673.75 125 70.0-1301294.84 3.58 25 1,3-Butadiene ppbv 4.483.75 119 70.0-1301254.70 4.79 25 Carbon disulfide ppbv 4.673.75 125 70.0-1301234.62 1.08 25 Carbon tetrachloride ppbv 4.183.75 111 70.0-1301114.18 0.00 25 Chlorobenzene ppbv 4.833.75 129 70.0-1301264.71 2.52 25 Chloroethane ppbv 4.59 L03.75 122 70.0-1301314.92 6.94 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 16 of 21 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. R3774243-1LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: LCSSpike LCSD % Rec RPD Max RPD LCSD Result R3774243-3 Chloroform ppbv 4.443.75 118 70.0-1301184.44 0.00 25 Chloromethane ppbv 4.673.75 125 70.0-1301234.62 1.08 25 2-Chlorotoluene ppbv 4.643.75 124 70.0-1301224.57 1.52 25 Cyclohexane ppbv 4.623.75 123 70.0-1301204.50 2.63 25 Dibromochloromethane ppbv 4.613.75 123 70.0-1301224.56 1.09 25 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ppbv 4.743.75 126 70.0-1301234.63 2.35 25 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ppbv 4.803.75 128 70.0-1301274.76 0.837 25 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ppbv 4.833.75 129 70.0-1301274.76 1.46 25 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ppbv 4.863.75 130 70.0-1301284.79 1.45 25 1,2-Dichloroethane ppbv 4.433.75 118 70.0-1301174.40 0.679 25 1,1-Dichloroethane ppbv 4.583.75 122 70.0-1301214.55 0.657 25 1,1-Dichloroethene ppbv 4.513.75 120 70.0-1301214.52 0.221 25 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ppbv 4.623.75 123 70.0-1301224.57 1.09 25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ppbv 4.633.75 123 70.0-1301224.58 1.09 25 1,2-Dichloropropane ppbv 4.763.75 127 70.0-1301264.72 0.844 25 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ppbv 4.653.75 124 70.0-1301224.59 1.30 25 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ppbv 4.613.75 123 70.0-1301224.57 0.871 25 1,4-Dioxane (p-Dioxane)ppbv 4.553.75 121 70.0-1401184.42 2.90 25 Ethanol ppbv 4.523.75 121 55.0-1481244.64 2.62 25 Ethylbenzene ppbv 4.573.75 122 70.0-1301214.55 0.439 25 4-Ethyltoluene ppbv 4.653.75 124 70.0-1301224.56 1.95 25 Trichlorofluoromethane ppbv 4.393.75 117 70.0-1301214.52 2.92 25 Dichlorodifluoromethane ppbv 4.363.75 116 64.0-1391184.41 1.14 25 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ppbv 4.543.75 121 70.0-1301204.50 0.885 25 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ppbv 4.543.75 121 70.0-1301224.56 0.440 25 n-Heptane ppbv 4.733.75 126 70.0-1301264.72 0.212 25 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ppbv 4.643.75 124 70.0-1511224.57 1.52 25 n-Hexane ppbv 4.683.75 125 70.0-1301234.63 1.07 25 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene)ppbv 4.633.75 123 70.0-1301224.56 1.52 25 Methylene Chloride ppbv 4.573.75 122 70.0-1301234.60 0.654 25 2-Hexanone ppbv 4.673.75 125 70.0-1491214.55 2.60 25 2-Butanone (MEK)ppbv 4.683.75 125 70.0-1301224.57 2.38 25 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ppbv 4.703.75 125 70.0-1391224.59 2.37 25 Methyl methacrylate ppbv 4.663.75 124 70.0-1301234.60 1.30 25 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ppbv 4.483.75 119 70.0-1301184.41 1.57 25 Naphthalene ppbv 4.893.75 130 70.0-1591274.78 2.28 25 2-Propanol ppbv 4.593.75 122 70.0-1391214.53 1.32 25 Propylene ppbv 4.753.75 127 64.0-1441264.74 0.211 25 Styrene ppbv 4.683.75 125 70.0-1301234.63 1.07 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ppbv 4.763.75 127 70.0-1301264.72 0.844 25 Tetrachloroethene ppbv 4.783.75 127 70.0-1301254.67 2.33 25 Tetrahydrofuran ppbv 4.663.75 124 70.0-1371244.64 0.430 25 Toluene ppbv 4.623.75 123 70.0-1301214.54 1.75 25 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ppbv 5.113.75 136 70.0-1601334.99 2.38 25 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ppbv 4.343.75 116 70.0-1301154.30 0.926 25 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ppbv 4.773.75 127 70.0-1301264.71 1.27 25 Trichloroethene ppbv 4.643.75 124 70.0-1301234.60 0.866 25 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 17 of 21 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. R3774243-1LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: LCSSpike LCSD % Rec RPD Max RPD LCSD Result R3774243-3 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ppbv 4.563.75 122 70.0-1301204.51 1.10 25 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ppbv 4.633.75 123 70.0-1301224.57 1.30 25 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane ppbv 4.643.75 124 70.0-1301224.56 1.74 25 Vinyl chloride ppbv 4.713.75 126 70.0-1301264.72 0.212 25 Vinyl bromide ppbv 4.663.75 124 70.0-1301284.80 2.96 25 Vinyl acetate ppbv 4.89 L03.75 130 70.0-1301314.90 0.204 25 m&p-Xylene ppbv 8.917.50 119 70.0-1301178.77 1.58 25 o-Xylene ppbv 4.443.75 118 70.0-1301174.40 0.905 25 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 (IS)%95.6 60.0-14095.9 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 18 of 21 #=QL# QUALIFIERS Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC - Too Numerous To Count J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL - Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit - The lowest concentration value that meets project requirements for quantitative data with known precision and bias for a specific analyte in a specific matrix. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean-Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPAMethod 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Reported results are not rounded until the final step prior to reporting. Therefore, calculated parameters that are typically reported as "Total" may vary slightly from the sum of the reported component parameters. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI - The NELAC Institute. ANALYTE QUALIFIERS Analyte recovery in the laboratory control sample (LCS) was outside QC limits.L0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 19 of 21 #=CR# QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Pace Project No.: Project: 92595125 BENMAR 897-04 Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Analytical Batch 92595125001 1838353 1838353897A1-1 #10872 TO-15 TO-15 92595125002 1838353 1838353897A2-1 #8061 TO-15 TO-15 92595125003 1838353 1838353897A3-1 #12239 TO-15 TO-15 92595125004 1838353 1838353897A4-1 #21280 TO-15 TO-15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 03/29/2022 09:51 AM Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Page 20 of 21 Pa g e 2 1 o f 2 1 Analytlc;al • Huntersville, NC Coliecred: Rush? (tabMUSTlleNotifiedl _Same Dny _ {hll;f ruy _N10%.tO;;:y ~FtveDay _TwnDay W0#'92595125 1111111111111111111111 92!59!512!5 Attachment B NCDEQ Risk Calculator Results North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: 897 A2 (Area 4) 2-20-22 Event Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Exposure Point Concentrations Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897A2 (Area 4) 2-20-22 Event Exposure Unit ID: Description of Exposure Point Concentration Selection: Exposure Point Concentration (ug/m3) Notes: CAS Number Chemical Minimum Concentration (Qualifier) Maximum Concentration (Qualifier)Units Location of Maximum Concentration Detection Frequency Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening Background Value Screening Toxicity Value (Screening Level) (n/c) Potential ARAR/TBC Value Potential ARAR/TBC Source COPC Flag (Y/N) Rationale for Selection or Deletion 15.1 67-64-1 Acetone ug/m3 0.639 71-43-2 Benzene ug/m3 0.938 74-87-3 Chloromethane ug/m3 2.31 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/m3 1.47 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-ug/m3 53.8 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ug/m3 19.9 108-88-3 Toluene ug/m3 10.2 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ug/m3 6.41 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/m3 2.34 108-38-3 Xylene, m-ug/m3 0.867 95-47-6 Xylene, o-ug/m3 Input Form 2E Indoor Air Exposure Point Concentration Table Note: Chemicals highlighted in orange are non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these chemicals if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion.If the chemical list is changed from a prior calculator run, remember to select "See All Chemicals" on the data output sheet or newly added chemicals will not be included in risk calculations North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Risk for Individual Pathways Output Fo1·m I Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897 A2 (Area 4) 2-20-22 Event Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Resident Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Receptor Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 2.8E-05 6.3E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 5.0E-06 L5E+OO YES CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Soil NC Groundwater Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Soil NC Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Notes: L If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vanor Intrusion-Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air •• Version Date: January 2022 Basis: Noveinber2021 EPA RSL Table SiteiD: 897 A2 (Area 4) 2~20-22 Event Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 J.lg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in uf!/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= lE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 15.1 - - 71-43-2 Benzene 0.639 1.6E+OO 2.6E+Ol 4.1E-07 4.9E-03 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.938 -7.9E+Ol 2.4E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.31 -8.8E+Ol 5.3E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethvlene cis-1 2-1.47 -- 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 53.8 4.7E+Ol 3.5E+Ol l.lE-06 3.1E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 19.9 -4.4E+03 9.1E-04 79-01-6 Trichloroethvlene 10.2 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 3.4E-06 1.2E+OO 108-38;3 Xvlene m-2.34 -8.8E+Ol 5.3E-03 95-47-6 Xvlene o-0.867 -8.8E+Ol 2.0E-03 I Cumulative: I 5.0E-06 I 1.5E+OO I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: 897 A3 (Area 1) 2-20-22 Event Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Vtf'Jion lbiC': JanUJII')" 2022 IS.,t,: No,·,mbu20ll EPA RSL Tab&C' Sift ID: 897 A3 {Ama I) 2-20-22 E,·ml Note: Otc:mk:l.ls hiJhlightod in onngc an: non-volatile ehcmic.l1. RiWarec.alculltod for tbc5c: chemicals if indoor ait' C(l!'l[:el!lnlliom are etlicfod 'fKI indoor ailscroeningle.,.dsha\'C been esWilillhod, bill it should be •M>IOd ltult dctoctioruoflhcte chemic.ls are likely 001 IWO(;i&tcd "ilh , .. J'IOI inii'Uslon. lftMthnnkaiKtl .. d.l!lp'4 '""-"a priorC'Ilkubtor ,__ rmwmbn' to..tm "Sw AI (.'MMkllh" .. tht d•t• .uillput ltWft w ,....., alklttl ct.m.kl .. wll IMf ._~In rWt~ E>.~Puint Cooo::nlnltim Notes: CAS Numb« Chmriul (ug.'m1) Minimwn Ma.ximum Conccnnbon Concmlnlrion Units (QualifiCf) (QualifiCl) L.oc:.rionof ....,..,, COOCO'IIr&tion Maximum Odo<rioo """""'" Used fur IJ.actground Conea!IJI!ion Frequency Umib -Value: "'·' 67-64-1 .... 0.641 71-·.IJ-2 --o.m 74-17-J a.Jomm<-.... 2.29 7~-71-& DichlorudiHoonmc!Mne 1.32 IS6-S9-2 I>ichloroetlwknc c:is-1 2-u 'm1 0.171 100-'11-4 Eth,·lbl::w.cnc 0.912 142-12-S llc:t~tanc N- 4.33 71-93-l Mc:th •IF.th,·IKc:tone 2-llutlnolle Sl.9 127-11-4 Tc:tnochloroed!\•lcne 39.2 101-111-3 T~- IU ""'' .. Trichloroeth1enc s.u 7S..69-4 TrichlorolltKironlcthanc 3.111 1011-JI-J X\'lcoc m- 1.16 9S-47..6 X\'kl ~ -l'otc:ntial Potential Ratiooakfor ToJCic:iryVai!M:l ARARITRC ARARflllC C:OPCFiag Sc:lcl:llonor (-Value """" (\'IN) Delc:tion l.e\'d)(nc) Risk for Individual Pathways Output Fo1·m I Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897 A3 (Area 1) 2-20-22 Event Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Resident Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Recreator!Trespasser Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 3.2E-05 7.0E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air S.SE-06 1.7E+OO YES CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Groundwater Source Soil Exceedence of2L at Receptor? NC Source Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? NC Surface Water Source Soil Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? NC Source Groundwater Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? NC Notes: 1. Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion -Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air ILl Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table SiteiD: 897 A3 (Area 1) 2-20-22 Event Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 Jlg/m3. Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= IE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 30.7 - - 71-43-2 Benzene 0.648 1.6E+OO 2.6E+Ol 4.1E-07 4.9E-03 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.977 -7.9E+01 2.5E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.29 -8.8E+Ol 5.2E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2-1.32 -- 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 58.9 4.7E+Ol 3.5E+01 1.2E-06 3.4E-Ol 108-88-3 Toluene 39.2 -4.4E+03 1.8E-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 11.5 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 3.8E-06 1.3E+OO 108-38-3 Xylene m-3.18 -8.8E+Ol 7.3E-03 95-47-6 Xylene o-1.16 -8.8E+01 2.6E-03 I Cumulative: I 5.5E-06 I 1.7E+OO I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: 897 A4 (Area 5) 2-20-22 Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator E1 u" Point ConcnundonJ Vll'nion Dltt: J•nu.ry lOll Da.W.: No,·nnbu2021 EPA RSL T1bk Stet 10: 897 A4 (Aru 2-20-22 Deteri · or .. - Indoor Air t:• "Point Conc:C'ntntk>n T•biC' Note: Olemicals highhg.htod in orange uc non-YO!atllec:hemicals Ri~an: c:alc:ulatcd r~ these cbcmical1 if indoor .Uc:onccntr•tions uc culcrcd lnd indoor 1ir ~ k:vels hl\-e been established. but it should be nofod !hit detections of these c:hcmicab arc likely not U$0Cilotod ""lth npm intrusion lflhtthC'Mk:loi!W Ill c:l!Hp41'tom • prlort.an.bltot "*"' mnc:mbtr .. lldm "tift All C'hmtkalt" enllwd•ta .Upwi*"C .,. .. !)" ldtlt-d thmnlll "'1IIMII k ~In .W.. n!C'Witfoftt Exposwc Point COI'ICC'ntrlrioo Notes: CAS Number Choruul (ug.m1) 22.6 67-64-1 0.901 7) .. 4)-2 '""""' 1.116 74-37-3 Chloromdhono 229 JS-71-3 OidlkxudifluorOO\Cltlll-.: 1.97 156-S<J.l Di<:hlomr:thvk::nec:l$.12- LOJ 100-41-4 Edn~ 0.921 142-12-S HCJ)(&ne.N· ).72 71-93-J Mc:th •I Edl\1 Kc:10nc 2-llullnOne 79.4 117-11-4 Tetrldtloroeth\1cne "' 108-IU\-J Toluene 1.6 71-SS-6 Trichloroethane Ill- 19.9 79-01-6 Trichlorocdwlcnc IL9 7S-69-4 TriehlomfllKJfl'Jmelhane 0.9)9 2SI67-70-1 Trimelh\1 ·~ 1.31 101-JI-J x,·k:nc,m- J.n 106-42·3 XYlene Minimum MIXimum Conc:cnrnlion Conccrltr1tion UnitJ (Qualifia) {Quliif>Cf) ,..,, "m' " ' ,.,.,, Loc:alionof """'""' ~luimum FllliiLKII'q' CorttenrnOOn ....... , Concc:arntioo """"""""' """""' Used for Vllue Limils "'""""' -"""'"" PQ!eutill Rlt!Onlkfllf Toxicii)'VIIue COPCI~q (-ARARI11JC ARARI1llC (YIN) Sc:loclionor I..GVCI)(n'c:) Vllue """"' I),;Jetion Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897 A4 (Area 5) 2-20-22 Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Resident Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Recreator!frespasser VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS ~ ~ Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Receptor Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 5.2E-05 1.2E+Ol YES Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 8.9E-06 2.7E+OO YES CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Soil NC Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Soil NC Surface Water Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion -Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897 A4 (Area 5) 2-20-22 Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of0.15 J.lg/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in u!!lm3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= 1E-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 22.6 - - 71-43-2 Benzene 0.901 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 5.7E-07 6.9E-03 74-87-3 Chloromethane 1.06 -7.9E+01 2.7E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.29 -8.8E+01 5.2E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1.2-1.97 -- 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 79.4 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 1.7E-06 4.5E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 32.8 -4.4E+03 1.5E-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 19.9 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 6.7E-06 2.3E+OO 108-38-3 Xvlene m-1.38 -8.8E+01 3.2E-03 95-47-6 Xv1ene. o--8.8E+01 I Cumulative: I 8.9E-06 I 2.7E+OO I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: 897 AS (Area 6) 2-20-22 Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Vrnkln lbtt: J•nulll'y 1022 Bub: Nonmbu 2021 EPA RSL T•bk­ Sftt ID: 197 A5 CAm 6} 1-2()...22 EsposuiT Unlc ID: Note; Cbemkai.J hiJhlighlcd in orange arc nan-\'Oiatik ehcmieals. RiJbve caleulalod few !hac chcoucals ifindoor air (.Oni;:Qllraliam arcenlal:ld ..ld indoor .u ~ lcvelslui\'C bocnC$tabli§hcd. but it5hould be noted lhat dct«ttom oftheledlcmicals -.rc likely no1 auoci..tod 111if! ,,.(101' Ullrusion. trtt. rhnnkaJ a.t ~ (h.llnp!i r..... • prt.rcak.btor ,_, nt~Wmbtr• tldm "Set AI Olttnkdt" en the .... ..,.,_ .twet ... _.,_.... (._... d netlw tMWt4 "-risk c.lnMt._. t:xposurcPoint Concenlnlrion NOICI: CAS Number (us.tm') 5.&1 67~-· I 74-87-) 2.23 75-71-8 21.9 127-1&-4 ,., 101-U-3 2.68 .,..., .. 2.12 75-69-4 Chcrnictl A~"'"" Chloromethane Dichlorodinuorotlletlw.e T~·lmc T"'""" Trichloroclhylmc Trictlloronuoromcthanc: Minimum M1xirnum COOIX:Iltrarion Concentration Uniu (QualifiC'I') (Qualifter) l..ocabonof MIIXimum <Alnccnlnltion R&n&cof Detoction U:nUts Concenlnltion Usodfcw --TolCidi)'V•Iue (Scroc:ning level)(n.'c) l'otcnriaJ ARARffllC Value Rati01111lefcw Seloctionor "'"""" Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897 A5 (Area 6) 2-20-22 Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Resident Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Recreator!Trespasser VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Receptor Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 7.6E-06 1.8E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 1.4E-06 4.4E-Ol NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Soil NC Groundwater Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Soil NC Surface Water Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator ifk.t. ·-Vapor t-Nnn-R, Date: January 2022 November2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID; 897 AS (Area 6) 2-20-22 UnitiD: I Worker Indoor Air ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of0.15 Jlg/m3. Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= IE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 5.87 71-43-2 Benzene 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 74-87-3 Chloromethane 7.9E+01 2.5E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.23 8.8E+01 5.1E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1,2- 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 21.9 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 4.6E-07 1.3E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 5.05 4.4E+03 2.3E-04 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 2.68 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 9.0E-07 3.1E-Ol 108-38-3 Xylene,m-8.8E+01 95-47-6 Xylene o-8.8E+01 Cumulative: 1.4E-06 4.4E-01 North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: 897 A6 (Area 2) 2-20-22 Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, f.l" IT Pofnl Con«ntnnlons Vtnlon Date:: Januaey 1022 B•sb: No,·rmbc-r 2021 EPA R.-.1. Table' Stfe ID: 891 A6 (Am l) 2-20..22 E.-poosun.Unii iD: Descri ionofE Indoor Air 1!.1 Point Concc:nll'llllon Tabk Nok:: Chemicals highlighled in onngc arc non-volatile chemicals. Risb are calculated for these chcrnieals if indoor air wntenlrllions are auerc:d and indoor air saoc:ning lcvcls have boer! C$lllblished. but il should be OOkd lhllt detections oflbcsc chemic..!! m: likely not associAted ~>.ilh vapor intrusiun. lfthedtm'ltnllbt bcful.l'f'Om 1 priorukullttorrun.l'fml:lnbutoMkd "SwAI C.lK-rnk.k" onlhcdalll aulpui.MdM-b adft4 chemktlkwllnot MkwtudN lftritknkulatklnl E:'i:posurePoint Conccnlralion No~: CAS Number Chern leal (uglm') Minimum MLxirnum ConocotratH..I Ccn:a1tratioo (Qualifier) (Qualifier) l.octtionof Rlll\8eof Conccnlflllion urn" Maximum lktoction Detection Used for "'"'"""""' Coo..entration FrcqUCIIC)' Limits Screening Value 717 67-64-1 0,498 74-117-3 Chloromclhanc 2.37 75-71-8 l>ichlorodifluon.nclhanc 156-59-2 Oichloroedwteoo cis..-12- 12.9 100-41-4 F.dwlbenzeoe 14.6 142-32-S Hcptane.N- 70.S 78-93-3 Mellwl Ettwl Ke100e 2-Butaoonc 31.9 103-1().1 Mclhvl bobuM Ketone 4-mcdwl-2- 2.38 7S-09-2 McdwlcoeChloridc 7.9S 100-42-S ,,_ 23.4 127-18-4 Tctrachloroetbvlcne 1130 108-88-3 Toluene 4.96 79..01-6 Trichlorocltwlcnc 1.44 7S-69-4 TrichJOJofluoromclhane 2.84 95-63..(i Trimelh\·lbeo7,roc l 24- 51.2 108-3&-3 X\•k:ne m- 15.3 95-47-6 X\•leoe o-"m' """"" Potcutial Potential Ratiooalc fllf Toxicity Vallie ARARrr13C ARAR!fDC COPCl-1ag Selecriooor (S<:I\lelling Value """" (YIN) lkletion Lc••cl)(nlc) Risk for Individual Pathways Output Fot·m I Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897 A6 (Area 2) 2-20-22 Ex osure Unit ID: .DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Resident Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser V APORINTRUSION CALCULATORS Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Receptor Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 2.4E-05 4.0E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 2.2E-06 9.1E-Ol NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Soil NC Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Soil NC Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Notes: 1. Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion-Non-Residential Wotker Indoor Air .. 1mmn111 Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSLTable SiteiD: 897 A6 (Area 2) 2-20-22 Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of0.15 J.lg/m3. Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= lE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 777 - - 71-43-2 Benzene 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.498 -7.9E+01 1.3E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.37 -8.8E+01 5.4E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene cis-1 2-4 - - 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 23.4 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 5.0E-07 1.3E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 1230 -4.4E+03 5.6E-02 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 4.96 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 1.7E-06 5.7E-01 108-38-3 Xvlene m-51.2 -8.8E+01 1.2E-01 95-47-6 Xvlene o-15.3 -8.8E+01 3.5E-02 I Cumulative: I 2.2E-06 I 9.1E-01 I North Carolina DE~? Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: 897 A2-1 (Area 4) 3-22-22 Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed By: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator \'trNon O.tt: J•nu.ry 1022 Uub: Nonrnbtr1011 t:PA RSI. T•bk SHt ID: 197 Al-l Ara .4} l-11-12 t:sposurt:Unlti.D: Indoor AirEs rt P~nt CCNKmtnUon Ttbk l)e,aiptjon offo::l(posurc Point Coooentratioo Selection: NINe: Chemie~ls highlighk.'d in oranse an: non-\'Oiatik: chemicals Rillor; we uh;:ui•IOd for ~hex chernielb ifindOI¥ •ifQOnCQ!trahON an: entcrod and indoor air saoening !~IIi tu.ve bocn established. but it ihould be noccd !Mt deteo:tioNofthetcchcrnicals an: likdynot auod"cd v.ilh .,..por intruJion. lflht thmlk.llbt" ch."l:"l ,._ t prklrakulttw~ nmmtkrlo Kkd •s.r AI Olnnk:th .. on the dab eutput llhnt or ~~n~ty a4ft4 r-hnnkt .. wll not ht lrduck4 ... riM; n~t'- F~e l'oi.nl Concenrratioo Noks: CAS Number (ug.'mJ) 15.1 67-64-1 71-43-2 1.56 74-17-J 1.7) 7S-71-S \.II IS6-S9-2 2.11 7S-09-2 31.2 127-11-4 " 101-SI-3 7.U 79-01~ II.S 7S-69-4 2.26 101-31-J 0867 9S-47-6 """'""' . ..- """""' ~ Dictuorodii1UOIUTICthanc Diehloroedw cis-12- Methvk:ncOIIoride T~·k:nc Tol- Trichloroelh>'knc Tricltlorolluoromethanc x,·lene m- Xvk:nc o- Minimum Maximum Concentration Conc:cnlrl.rion (Qualifier) (Que.lif~er) l..octtiooof Ma."<imum C<Jneenhtion Concentration Used for -"" .......... Value -ToxicityV•Ioe 1-l.,e\-d)(n'c) Polcntial ARARIJ1lC """"' CO!'CF1a1 {YIN) R&tionak:for Sekx:tionor "'"'""' Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897 A2-1 (Area 4) 3-22-22 Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Resident Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Recreatorffrespasser VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Receptor Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 1.8E-05 4.2E+OO YES Groundwater to Indopr Air NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 3.0E-06 l.OE+OO YES CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Soil NC Groundwater Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Soil NC Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Notes: I. Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion-Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air •IW.IIJ~ Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table SiteiD: 897 A2-1 (Area 4) 3-22-22 Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 11g/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= lE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 15.1 - - 71-43-2 Benzene 1.6E+OO 2.6E+Ol 74-87-3 Chloromethane 1.56 -7.9E+Ol 4.0E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.73 -8.8E+Ol 6.2E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethvlene cis-1,2-1.18 -- 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 31.2 4.7E+Ol 3.5E+Ol 6.6E-07 1.8E-Ol 108-88-3 Toluene 15 -4.4E+03 . 6.8E-04 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 7.13 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 2.4E-06 S.lE-01 108-38-3 Xylene m-2.26 -8.8E+Ol 5.2E-03 95-47-6 Xylene o-0.867 -8.8E+Ol 2.0E-03 I Cumulative: I 3.0E-06 I l.OE+OO I North Cart>llna DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Facility Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: 897 A3-1 (Area 1) 3-22-22 Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed Bv: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E1 "' rotnt Concmtntiom \'trMon lbtt: JlnWiry2022 Rub.: !'llonmbulOlt EPA RSL T•tM Sltt m: 891 A3-l (Aru l)l-21·12 l:bcri lion of f.xiJOSIIl'e Point Concentnlion Sekx:tion. Indoor Air £J. "'Pdnt Concmtnlkln T1bk- Note: Chemicals highlighlod in orange an: non-YOI,.ile dlcmicall. Risks .ue ealeulatod for lhc:sc chcmiuls if indoor air con;cntraticm arc cnk:rod and indoor l1l' scn.lCrlini ~~b ba\'C bc:cJ cslabiMod. b1U it should be nowd lhlt dclcctions of these clK:micab arc likely not usoriatcd "ith vapor inlruiioo Jrh ~lit b ~ ~ • prior ntc.Utw rua. rnnnnber .. Mkd "SH AJI Ottmlnlt .. •ltw llat1 .utpuil.tW'd ... ~ Hdnl thmtlntt. 111111 not Itt lndulkd 1ft rilkntndalklm f..xpo$UrePoint Conecntntioo Nolc:S: CAS Nwnbcf {uglnl) IU 67~1 0.648 71-43-2 1.46 74-37-3 2.12 75-71-1 1.2! 156-59-2 100-41-4 142-12-S 71-93-J 2.01 75-09-2 44.7 127-18-4 1&.3 108-88-3 10.3 79..01-6 75-69-4 lAS 108-Jk-3 95-47-6 Chonw A~"'"' --~ l:>ithlorodinuoromelhanc Dichloroetltvle<:U-12- Elh\'lbenzc:ne Uep~ane.N- Mcttr.·t!-:~1Kc10nC 2-llutanonc: McdwlmeChloride Tctradlionx:lh ·knc ToiUQ'IC Trithloro.:lh\•lenc l'riehloroflooromethano Xv X\•ler ~ Minimum Maximum Concaatntion Conecntntion (Qualificr) (Qualir.cr) Uniu "m' •olm' ul!!m1 •oJm' ul!fm1 ,olm' "m' ,olm' ,.,. Location of Muimum Cmcentnrion """"'"' ToxkilyValuo (­Levd)(n't) Polcntial ARARflllC """""' COPCFlq (YIN) Rltionrole for Scl«lionor Dderion Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form I Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897 A3-1 (Area 1) 3-22-22 Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTAC.T SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Resident Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Receptor Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 2.7E-05 6.1E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 4.8E-06 1.5E+OO YES CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of2L at Receptor? Source Soil NC Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Soil NC Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC Notes: 1. Iflead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion-Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air 11.1 Version,Date: January2022 Basis: November 2021 :EPARSL Table SiteiD: 897 A3-1 (Area 1) 3-22-22 Exposure Unit ID: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of0.15 f.1g/m3• Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= 1E-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 17.5 -- 71-43-2 Benzene 0.648 1.6E+OO 2.6E+01 4.IE-07 4.9E-03 74-87-3 Chloromethane 1.46 -7.9E+01 3.7E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.82 -8.8E+01 6.4E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethvlene cis-1 2-1.28 - - 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 44.7 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 9.5E-07 2.6E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 18.3 -4.4E+03 8.4E-04 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 10.3 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 3.4E-06 1.2E+OO 108-38-3 Xylene m-2.45 -8.8E+01 5.6E-03 95-47-6 Xylene o--8.8E+01 I Cumulative: I 4.8E-06 I l.SE+OO I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site Name: Former Danalex Site Address: 515 E. Alabama Ave. DEQ Section: Site ID: 897 A4-1 (Area 5) 3-22-22 Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Prepared By: RLH Reviewed Bv: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Indoor Air l-:1 rT PO'Int Conc:mtntion Tabk DescriptionofE.>:JIOSUrc:l'ointConccnn.tionSdoetiun: Note. Cbamcals highhgllied 111 orqe uc norH""Oitlllc cl1emK:a.ls. Rtsb an: ulwlated for~ <:hamuls tf indoor llf coocenlntiOOS an: entered and uxkxw au !ICf"OCIIin& lc\·ds hiY'C been estllbhshcd. butt! &hould be: noted that detccbQru oflhese ehcmtcals are J•kel) not llSSOCta!Cd \Oo11h \I pol" mtruSKII\. lfttw dwmklil tbc II dw!~ tt.n 1 priOI" ntnUtor..-. ~hn"t•adm .. Sn AI C"'htmkah" on tiM' •.a• CMtlpul.twd ~-ly llddttl dwmbll d n8f be klcWC'CIIII rill!. ukubtfom F.xposore l'oi:nl Concentration NotllS: CAS Number (ugtmJ) 48 67-64-1 1.11 71-43-2 1.54 74-&7-J 1.13 110-32-7 2.74 75-71-8 0.923 IS6-59-2 1.16 100-41-4 1.24 142-&2-5 4.27 110-54-3 8.54 78-93-3 Ln .,.., .. 8.54 75-09-2 0.889 100-42-5 25.1 127-18-4 27.4 108-88-J 71-5S-6 6.4) ,.., .. 11.5 75-69-4 25167-70-11 4.04 108-38-3 Chemical Acetooc """"" ""'"'"""""' c ... clohc~ l)ichlorodifluoronw:ltwlc Dichloroclh\•le!tc cis-12· Elh ·lbenzc:nc: llepllnc.N· llelWlC N- Melh\·l F.lh,·l Ketone 2-ilutanonc Melhvl~lelhlcrvlale Mellwl.:neChloridc Stneoe Tetrachloroelhvlcne Toluene Tridtloroellwx:lll- Trichlorocth,·lcne Tri<:hlorofluoromellwle Trimctm•lpenlcne "44- Xvkoe m· X,·J Minimum Maximum Conccnn.tion Contelllration (Qualilla) (QJ.aliflcr) Units ,,. om' om' u 'mJ ,,.,. Location or Ma.ximum Concoentration Detoction Fn:qucncy ~<ong<or [)election Limils Conccntrl.tion Ulieldfor -Background Value -Toxkii)'Vatuc (Screening LAvcl)(nlc) Potential ARARITIJC Val~~<: Potcutill ARAR!TDC s...~ COPCI-l1g (YIN) RttiooaJefor Seloctionor Deletion Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form 1 Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 897 A4-1 (Area 5) 3-22-22 Ex osure Unit ID: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Resident Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water* NC NC NC Recreator/Trespasser VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Pathway Carcinogenic Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Risk Receptor Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 2.0E-05 3.8E+OO YES Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Non-Residential Worker Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air 3.4E-06 9.1E-01 NO CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Soil NC Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Source Groundwater NC NC Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Source Soil NC. Surface Water Exceedence of2B at Receptor? Source Groundwater Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. 3. NM =Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not calculated North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator-Vapor Intrusion -Non-Residential Worker Indoor Air • Version Date: January 2022 Basis: November 2021 EPARSL Table Site ID: 897 A4-1 (Area 5) 3-22-22 Exposure UnitiD: ** -Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate carcinogenic risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 0.15 Jlg/m3. Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Risks are calculated for these values if indoor air concentrations are entered and indoor air screening levels have been established, but it should be noted that detections of these chemicals are likely not associated with vapor intrusion. All concentrations are in ug/m3 Target Indoor Target Indoor Air Calculated Indoor Air Calculated Non- CAS# Chemical Name: Concentration Air Cone. for Cone. for Non-Carcinogenic Carcinogenic (ug/m3) Carcinogens @ Carcinogens @ Risk Hazard TCR= IE-06 THQ=0.2 Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 48 - - 71-43-2 Benzene 1.11 1.6E+OO 2.6E+Ol 7.1E-07 8.4E-03 74-87-3 Chloromethane 1.54 -7.9E+Ol 3.9E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.74 -8.8E+Ol 6.3E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethvlene cis-1,2-0.923 - - 127-!8-4 Tetrachloroethvlene 25.1 4.7E+OI 3.5E+Ol 5.3E-07 1.4E-01 108-88-3 Toluene 27.4 -4.4E+03 1.3E-03 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 6.43 3.0E+OO 1.8E+OO 2.1E-06 7.3E-Ol 108-38-3 Xylene m-4.04 -8.8E+Ol 9.2E-03 95-47-6 Xvlene o--8.8E+Ol I Cumulative: I 3.4E-06 I 9.1E-01 I North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator