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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWS-88501_95335_CA_MRP_20150727P.O. Box 5884 • Winston-Salem, NC 27113-5884 Office 336.722.9999 • Fax 336.722.9998 July 27, 2015 Ms. Connie Miller Piedmont Sheet Metal 801 North Broad Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 Subject: Letter Report of Environmental Services Clawson Street AST Release 2307 Clawson Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Progress Project No. 1015005.002 Dear Ms. Miller: Progress Environmental, Inc. (Progress) is pleased to provide this Letter Report of Environmental Services related to a surficial release of heating oil at a residence located at 2307 Clawson Street in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Progress previously completed and submitted an Initial Abatement Action Report with respect to the release (Progress Project No. 1015005.001, dated January 20, 2015). INTRODUCTION Progress was contracted by Piedmont Sheet Metal to perform soil remediation and cleanup activities associated with the release from an aboveground storage tank (AST) located at 2307 Clawson Street in Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The site consists of a single-family residence. The site is located in an area of Winston-Salem that is developed with residential properties. The water supply to the site and the surrounding area is provided by municipal water; however, evidence of water- supply wells was present in the area. On January 6 and 7, 2015, Progress and A&D Environmental Services, Inc. (A&D) were on-site to excavate the accessible impacted soil from beneath the former AST location and remove the impacted soil from the vicinity of the AST. Free product and impacted plastic sheeting from the crawl space was also removed. Piedmont Sheet Metal personnel evacuated approximately 30 gallons of heating oil from the AST using a hand pump prior to the AST being moved to a new location to allow for soil remediation activities. The AST was relocated to a location immediately north of the previous location and reconnected by Piedmont Sheet Metal personnel. A&D excavated the accessible impacted soil using a mini-trackhoe. Progress personnel provided oversight during excavation activities. The source of the release appeared to be the result of a faulty plug on the bottom of the AST. Following the removal of the accessible contaminated soil, evidence of remaining soil contamination was observed on the sidewalls and the base of the excavation. The free product and minor amounts of impacted soil and debris were removed from the crawl space and sump pump reservoir using a vacuum truck and absorbent pads. The concrete floor in the crawl space was cleaned using a pressure washer and the generated sludge was removed using the vacuum truck. Letter Report of Environmental Services Progress Project No. 1015005.002 Clawson Street AST Release July 27, 2015 2307 Clawson Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina 2 Free product was recovered from an inoperable sump located proximal to the furnace and water heater. Free product appeared to be weeping into the crawlspace from behind a finished concrete surface. Progress placed absorbent pads along the area where free product appeared to be entering the crawlspace. Additionally, absorbent pads were placed in the sump to recover fluids that entered the sump. On January 13, 2015 Progress returned to the site to replace the absorbent pads. Continued evidence of free product intrusion was observed at that time. Please note, evidence of soil contamination within the crawlspace was not observed. Progress was unable to determine the pathway of contamination from the heating oil release to the crawlspace. Progress was on site on April 30, 2015 to collect additional soil samples to be analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using EPA Method 8260/5035 and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using EPA Method 8270BNA, as requested by Ms. Karen Hall of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) in a letter dated April 24, 2015 (attached). The NCDENR requested that two additional soil samples be collected from the northern boundary and the approximate center of the former excavation from a depth of fifteen feet below land surface (bls). Please note, the previously completed excavation was restricted based on the presence of underground utilities (electric and phone), the residence to the east, and a chain link fence to the west. Therefore, Progress was limited to collecting soil samples from the approximate center of the former excavation and from the southern limits of the excavation. The soil borings were advanced using a decontaminated hand auger. Progress advanced one soil boring (B-2) in the approximate center of the former excavation to an approximate depth of thirteen feet below land surface (bls). Soil sample B-2-13 was collected from soil boring B-2 at an approximate depth of 13 feet bls. Observations made at the time the soil boring was advanced indicated that the soil boring was advanced beyond the limits of the former excavation and into residual material. Soil boring S-2 was advanced along the southern side of the former excavation to an approximate depth of nine feet bls. Progress terminated the soil boring at an approximate depth of nine feet based on the absence of visual or olfactory evidence of soil contamination. Please note, evidence of residual soil contamination was observed during the advancement of soil boring S-2; however, the evidence of contamination appeared to dissipate at an approximate depth of eight feet bls. The soil borings were backfilled with soil cuttings. The samples were delivered under chain-of-custody to Research and Analytical Laboratories, Inc. (R&A) in Kernersville, North Carolina for analysis for VOCs using EPA Method 8260/5035 and SVOCs using EPA Method 8270BNA. Laboratory analysis of the soil samples did not detect VOCs or SVOCs at concentrations that exceed the laboratory’s detection limits. Based on the results of the laboratory analysis, Progress determined that the vertical extent of the soil contamination in excess of the applicable Soil-to-Groundwater Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations does not persist at a depth of thirteen feet below land surface in the approximate center of the former excavation. Additionally, laboratory testing indicated that residual soil contamination does not persist to the south of the former excavation at an approximate depth of nine feet bls. FIELD ACTIVITIES On July 2, 2015, 3D Environmental Investigations, LLC (3D) mobilized a track-mounted Geoprobe® drill rig to install a two-inch monitoring well in the vicinity of the former heating oil AST. The apparent water table was encountered at approximately 20 feet during drilling; therefore, a permanent monitoring well was Letter Report of Environmental Services Progress Project No. 1015005.002 Clawson Street AST Release July 27, 2015 2307 Clawson Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina 3 installed. Soil samples were not collected during the advancement of the soil boring. A boring log for soil boring MW-1 is included in Appendix A. A permanent two inch monitoring well (MW-1) was installed to an approximate depth of 30 feet bls with 20 feet of 0.01 slotted Schedule 40 PVC screen using solid-stem augers. Progress returned to the site in the afternoon to collect a groundwater sample from the monitoring well. The groundwater sample was collected using a disposable bailer and new length of cord and transferred to laboratory containers and delivered under chain-of-custody to Research and Analytical Laboratories in Kernersville, North Carolina. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-1 was analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 602, for SVOCs using EPA Method 625BNA plus ten tentatively identified compounds (TICs) by library search, and for volatile and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH and EPH) using the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Methods. Laboratory analysis of the groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-1 detected total xylenes (2.93 µg/L) at a concentration not exceeding its North Carolina 2L Groundwater Quality Standard (NC2LGWQS). Copies of the monitoring well construction record and a monitoring well diagram are included in Appendix A. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMEDATIONS The laboratory results of the groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-1 installed in the vicinity of the former excavation do not indicate targeted compounds at concentrations exceeding their respective NC2LGWQS. Progress recommends that a copy of this report be provided to the NCDENR for their review. We appreciate your selection of Progress for this project and look forward to the opportunity to assist you in the future. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Jeff Ballsieper at (336) 722-9999. Sincerely, PROGRESS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Joseph S. Lawson, III Jeffrey A. Ballsieper, L.G. Director of Ecological Services Director of Environmental Services NC Licensed 1653 Attachments: Figure 1 Topographic Site Map Figure 2 Monitoring Well Location Map Boring Log Well Construction Record Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain-of-Custody Figure 1 Topographic Site Map 2307 Clawson Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina P.O. Box 5884 Winston-Salem, NC 27113 Telephone: (336) 722-9999 Fax: (336) 722-9998 USGS 7.5 Minute Series Topographic Map Contour Interval: 10 feet Scale: 1” = 2000’ West Winston-Salem, N.C. Date: 1951, Photorevised 1994 Project: Clawson Street Client: Piedmont Sheet Metal Progress Job #: 1015005.002 Date: July 2015 SITE Site 0'30' REV 0 DRAWING TITLE DRAWING NUMBER BY DATEREV DR.: JAB JULY 15 CK.: APP'D.: SCALE: 1" = 30' GRAPHIC SCALE 30'60' PROGRESS NO.: 1015005.002 1" = 30' %db ( " M A G - D A T E " ) Figure 2 P.O. Box 5884 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27113 (336) 722-9999 Progress Environmental, Inc. MONITORING WELL LOCATION FORMER HEATING OIL AST LOCATION Monitoring Well Location Map 2307 Clawson Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF EXCAVATION Clawson St. LEGEND UNDERGROUND, PHONE, POWER, AND CABLE LINES FENCE MW-1 MW-1 Remarks: Total Depth: 30' Project Manager: J. Ballsieper Casing Diameter: 2.00 (I.D.) Hole Diameter: 6.25" TELEPHONE: (336) 722-9999 P.O. BOX 5884 WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27113-5884 Start Date: 7/2/15 Date: July 2015 Location: Winston-Salem, NC Project: 2307 Clawson Street Job No.: 1015005.002 Boring/Well ID: Geologist: 60 50 40 30 Drilling Method: Geoprobe w/SSA 20 10 Sample ID Complete Date: 7/2/15 (f e e t ) De p t h Re c / A d v (p p m ) Bl o w s ( i n ) PI D Geologic Description Li t h o l o g y Wa t e r Ta b l e Page 1 of 1 30 40 20 10 Well Diagram MW-1 60 50 Boring Terminated @ 30 feet bls Ground Surface (10') Schedule 40 PVC (20') 0.010" Slotted PVC (2.0') Bent. (22.0') #2 Sand (6.0') Grout Brown gray fine sandy silt with slight odors Reddish brown fine sandy silt with petroleum odors