HomeMy WebLinkAbout09058_Midtown Mall_high rise VIMP_Compliance letter_20240524 May 23, 2024 Sent Via E-mail Kyle Whitaker NR Met Property Owner, LP 3015 Carrington Mill Blvd, Suite 460 Morrisville, NC 27560 kwhitaker@nwravin.com Subject: VIMP Compliance Approval Midtown Square Mall Brownfields Property 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Brownfields Project Numbers 09058-05-060 Dear Kyle Whitaker, The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Brownfields Redevelopment Section (DEQ BRS) received and reviewed the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Design Submittal (VIMS) - Revision 1, dated May 21, 2024, prepared by Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. The VIMS is in compliance with the DWM Minimum Mitigation and Sampling Requirements for Reuse dated May 2024. Consistent with Brownfields Agreement requirements, a crucial element of public health protection for this design is the professional engineer’s seal on these documents, attesting that the proposed design will effectively mitigate the potential for vapor intrusion on the property and safeguard public health. Furthermore, the safe occupancy of the building will be evaluated upon system effectiveness, sub-slab soil gas sampling, and indoor air sampling as required by Sections 4 and 5 of the VIMS. In addition, DEQ BRS reserves the authority to require confirmation of efficacy in the future. Please be advised that this design compliance review from DEQ Brownfields does not waive any applicable requirement to obtain any necessary permits, licenses or certifications which may be required from other state or local entities. If you have any questions, please contact me at (704) 661-0330, or via e-mail at carolyn.minnich@deq.nc.gov. Sincerely, Carolyn Minnich Project Manager ec: Neil Edwards nedwards@nwravin.com Thomas Lauda thomas.lauda@nwravin.com Casey. White casey.white@nwravin.com Shane Sisco ssisco@maaonline.com Dan Nielsen dnielsen@maaonline.com Greg Icenhour GIcenhour@maaonline.com SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION On behalf of NW Property Owner, LP, Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Mid-Atlantic) has prepared this Design Submittal for a Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) associated with the redevelopment project Midtown Square Mall located at 1200 Metropolitan Avenue in Charlotte, North Carolina (Figure 1). This Design Submittal is organized in general accordance with Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Requirements, NCDEQ Brownfields Program (now Brownfields Redevelopment Section), May 2024 (VIMS Design Submittal Requirements). The site has a recorded Brownfields Agreement (Agreement) dated February 28, 2007 and was assigned Brownfields Project Number 09058-05-060. In accordance with VIMS Design Submittal Requirements, the following project information is provided: Background: As summarized in the Agreement, previous environmental assessments conducted at the site from 1999 to 2006 indicate that chlorinated solvents are present in soil, groundwater and soil gas. The maximum concentrations of PCE and TCE detected in soil gas at the site were 400,000 ug/m3 and 120,000 ug/m3, respectively. Additional soil gas assessment was conducted in the proposed building footprint in October 2023. During this assessment, the maximum PCE and TCE concentrations were 120 and 1.1 ug/m3, respectively. The historical concentrations (1999 to 2006) of PCE and TCE exceed soil gas-to- indoor air screening levels for residential use adopted by the Brownfields Redevelopment Section. Risk evaluations conducted using the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Assessment Calculator identified unacceptable risk of vapor intrusion at the subject site using these historical data. The data collected in October 2023 in the footprint of the proposed building did not show concentrations of PCE or TCE exceeding soil gas screening levels nor did it indicate unacceptable risk from vapor intrusion. The source of the solvents in the soil gas identified at the site is a former dry-cleaning facility which, over the years, occupied several locations on the Brownfields Property. Portions of the site were redeveloped in 2008 and 2009 for mixed use. Vapor intrusion mitigation systems (VIMS) were included in the buildings constructed in 2008/2009. The VIMS described herein addresses a portion of the site that was not redeveloped in 2008/2009. Since the current planned redevelopment is for mixed use, which includes residential use, and volatile compounds are known present in soil gas at historical concentrations exceeding screening levels, as well as exceeding acceptable risk targets, vapor intrusion mitigation is warranted. The foundation for the new building has ground-floor slab-on-grade lobby/amenities, retail, building operations support facilities and parking uses and incorporates podium construction for the parking garage connecting to upper floor residential units. Portions of the Mechanical Level are subterranean, but no portion of the First Level is subterranean. Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 2 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfield Project Number: 09058-05-060 Parcels: 401 South Independence Boulevard 431 South Kings Drive (now known as 1200 Metropolitan Avenue) Parcel PINs: 12522701 12522801 (parcel for which this VIMS Design Submittal applies) Site History: The site was undeveloped until the 1950s at which time it was developed with the Charlottetown Mall Shopping Center. In 1968 a parking structure was added and in 1988 the mall underwent major renovations and was renamed Midtown Square Mall. The mall ceased operation in 2004 and was razed in 2006. Portions of the site were redeveloped in 2008-2009 with five buildings and a parking garage used for retail, office and residential purposes. During the time when the site was used as a mall it included a dry-cleaning operation. Releases of dry-cleaning solvents from this operation resulted in impacts to soil, groundwater and soil gas at the site. Figure 2 illustrates historical sampling locations on the portion of the site addressed in this document. The site is currently occupied by five buildings and a parking garage, but the area where the redevelopment and VIMS described in this document are located is unoccupied vacant land. Property Size: 10.3 acres (Entire Brownfields Property) Project Contacts: Prospective Developer: NR Met Property Owner LP Kyle Whitaker 3015 Carrington Mill Boulevard #460 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Phone: 919-354-3692 Email: kwhitaker@nwravin.com Consultant: Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. Shane Sisco, PG 1125 E. Morehead Street, suite 104 Charlotte, North Carolina, 28204 Phone: 980-585-1271 Email: ssisco@maaonline.com Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 3 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina VIMS Installation Contractor: NWR Construction LLC Casey White 929 Jay Street, #100 Charlotte, NC 28208 Phone: 704.714.9640 Email: casey.white@nwravin.com Brownfields Project Manager: Carolyn Minnich 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina, 28115 Phone: 704-661-0330 Email: carolyn.minnich@deq.nc.gov Vapor Mitigation Areas Currently there are no buildings on the portion of the site addressed in this VIMS Design Submittal. Therefore, demolition of existing buildings is not necessary. The new building will be constructed on the southern portion (parcel 12522801) of the Brownfields Property. Vapor intrusion mitigation measures will be implemented at non-parking portions of the new building’s ground floor. Proposed Redevelopment The southern portion of the Brownfields Property will be a mixed-use building including retail, residential and parking. The foundation for the new building has ground-floor slab-on-grade at two levels. The lowest level is the Mechanical Level which has a small footprint (Figure 3a) that includes an amenity area and building support facilities. The First Floor has a larger on-grade footprint that includes lobby/amenities, retail, building operations facilities and parking uses and incorporates podium construction for the parking garage (Figure 3b). The parking structure is on Floors 1 through 5. The building’s sixth through twentieth-seventh floors are residential apartments. Mechanical Level and Floor 1 are in ground contact. These levels include parking, retail, leasing offices, lobby, mail room, bicycle storage, recycling and building support facilities (generator room, storage, remote generator fueling, water, fire pump, transformers, backflow, electrical and trash loading facilities). Parking on Floor 1 is open to outside air on approximately 33% of the perimeter with openings on all four sides of the roughly rectangular building. Parking on Floors 2 through 5 are open to outside air. There are three stairs and three elevators on Floor 1. There are no ground-contact portions of the building for Floors 2 through 27. There are four stories of parking above Floor 1, above which are 22 floors of residential apartments (Attachment 1). Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 4 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina SECTION 2. DESIGN BASIS The building will be constructed and used primarily for residential apartments with some retail use. The building has parking, amenities, lobby and building support facilities on the Mechanical Level (partially subterranean) and ground level (Floor 1). Floors 2 through 5 are parking and Floors 6 through 27 are residential (see Attachment 1). Attached Table 1 summarizes the proposed uses and Figures 3a and 3b illustrate the locations of the various use areas on the ground floor of the proposed building. Structural details (foundation footers, slabs, etc.) are included in Exhibit 1. The use of each section is categorized as parking, transient occupancy, commercial or residential occupancy. The parking deck for this project is five stories and has openings to outside air on all four sides of the structure. In total, approximately 33% of the exterior perimeter of the ground floor is open to outside air. Parking decks open to ambient air on two or more sides are typically considered outdoor space and do not warrant vapor intrusion mitigation systems. Therefore, vapor intrusion mitigation in parking areas at ground level (first floor) is not necessary. Similarly, the transformer area is open to outside air along its eastern side to help dissipate heat. Thus, the transformer area is an outdoor space. Stair C on the western side of the building extends from Mechanical Level and terminates at the top parking level. This stairwell is not connected to occupied space. It is a parking deck stairwell and therefore vapor intrusion mitigation is not required. Transiently occupied spaces are spaces that tend to be occupied for brief periods of time and/or on an infrequent basis. Unlike commercial spaces, transient spaces are spaces unlikely to be occupied by the same person 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. These spaces are enclosed, but often not conditioned (some communication and electrical equipment may need to be protected from weather extremes). Due to the enclosed nature of these spaces, vapor intrusion mitigation may be warranted. However, the low occupancy time (usually less than 1 hour/day) associated with these spaces, suggests that passive mitigation measures are sufficient. Table 1 includes a summary of the transiently occupied ground contact spaces identified at the proposed building. Commercial and residential spaces are those that are likely to be occupied for extended periods of time by the same individual. Therefore, for these spaces, a VIMS that can be operated passively and switched to active operation, if necessary, is warranted. The spaces in the building that fit this category have also been summarized in Table 1. For transiently occupied spaces (bicycle storage, generator room, storage, remote generator fueling, water, fire pump, transformers, backflow, electrical, recycling, elevators, and stairs), vapor intrusion mitigation will be accomplished using a chemical resistant barrier, VaporBlock 20 Plus, to interrupt contaminant migration pathways into the building envelope. VaporBlock 20 Plus is designed specifically for vapor intrusion mitigation and the manufacturer states that it is effective at retarding the migration of PCE and TCE, which are present at the site. The locations of the VaporBlock 20 Plus placement are illustrated in Figures 3a and 3b. These locations as well as site-specific construction details associated with the VaporBlock 20 Plus are included in the design (Exhibit 1). The barrier will be installed in place of a typical moisture barrier in Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 5 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (Exhibit 2). In these transiently occupied spaces, the base course (typically stone) is overlain with a taped-seam VaporBlock 20 Plus. The seams are to overlap a minimum of 12 inches and penetrations (pipes, conduits, etc.), perimeter walls, and columns are sealed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations using manufacturer-approved materials. The concrete floor will be poured over these layers. The VaporBlock 20 Plus will also be placed on walls that are in contact with soil (if these walls connect to an occupied enclosed space) and along elevator pit side walls that are in contact with soil. Trench dams intended to retard the lateral migration of vapors in utilities are not necessary for this mitigation system. Major electrical utilities originate inside the building footprint at the transformer area and terminate in the nearby transiently occupied main electrical room (i.e., do not create preferential pathways connecting areas outside the building footprint). As an additional measure, utility banks located in the main electrical room will be sealed using epoxy in conjunction with the vapor barrier. Minor electric and water lines are sealed at their penetrations through the foundation. In addition, the proposed membrane barrier and optional depressurization system is sufficient to prevent intrusion of vapor migration associated with minor utilities. In the commercial spaces (lobby/leasing/mail room area, and retail areas) where longer occupancy durations can be expected, the VaporBlock 20 Plus-based vapor intrusion mitigation can be augmented with sub-slab soil gas depressurization if conditions warrant active mitigation (see Exhibit 1 for details). For these areas, a 6” layer (minimum) of washed #57 stone that is overlain with the taped-seam polyethylene vapor barrier (VaporBlock 20 Plus) will be placed to create a soil gas plenum. The concrete floor will be poured over these layers. In general, sub-slab depressurization is accomplished using vapor pits or perforated PVC pipe. Each vapor pit is exposed to the sub-slab plenum and fit with a solid PVC pipe. When perforated pipes are used, these pipes are placed laterally in the gravel layer and are connected to a solid pipe. The solid pipe (running either from the vapor pit or the perforated pipe laterals) is routed horizontally under the slab to a convenient location where it turns vertical (riser) through the building to the roof or to another suitable outdoor location. A fan is placed on the pipe above roof level (outside the building envelop) or at another suitable outdoor location. The operation of the fan (Exhibit 2) moves air from the sub-slab soil gas plenum and discharges it to the atmosphere above the roof or other suitable outdoor location. This movement of air creates a zone of low-pressure under the concrete floor of the building (sub-slab depressurization). The low-pressure zone interrupts the pathway of VOCs emanating from beneath the plenum and prevents them from entering the building envelope. Exhibit 1 describes the depressurization system designed for this building in detail. The design of the depressurization system is based on the 2018 ANSI document Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Buildings (CC-1000 2018). Evaluation of the building design indicated that two soil gas plenums are required to address the areas targeted for the optional active mitigation system (sub-slab depressurization). In Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 6 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina addition, for this design, perforated pipes are used to collect soil gas vapors (vapor pits are not employed). The plenum locations are illustrated in Figure 3b and the characteristics of the plenums are summarized in Table 2. One plenum is located in the retail area while the other plenum is in the lobby/mail room/Stair A/amenity area. All solid piping will be 6-inch diameter. In accordance with CC-1000 2018, the discharge points will be a minimum of 18 inches above the roof deck or 12 (6-inch pipe) feet above grade. The trajectory of the exhaust at a 45-degree radius from the centerline of the discharge point and within 12 feet of the discharge point cannot impinge on operable openings in buildings, building materials, or breathing space. The trajectory of the exhaust at an 11-degree radius from the centerline of the discharge point and within 25 feet of the discharge point cannot impinge on operable openings in buildings, attic ventilation openings, building materials, or breathing space. For this building, the discharge location is out the side of the 4th floor of the parking deck. The discharge will be in a horizontal configuration and will meet or exceed all the criterion listed above. The piping will also be labeled on each floor of the building at no greater than 10-foot intervals as shown in Exhibit 1. The target pressure differential between the sub slab and the adjacent indoor space for the optional active sub-slab depressurization system is 4 Pascals or greater. If operating in the optional active mode, the vacuum at the riser pipe near the fan will be monitored by a vacuum transducer (Exhibit 2). In the event insufficient vacuum is identified by the transducer, a signal will be sent to a monitoring panel located in the 3rd Floor Maintenance Room. Normal operation will be annunciated by a green light and the fault condition (low vacuum) will be annunciated by a red light and audible alarm (Exhibit 2). An alternative wireless web-based monitoring system may be implemented in lieu of the hard-wired analog system described above. In the wireless system, each pressure switch is wired to a transmitter. A single 30-channel receiver is located in the Engineer Workshop. This receiver is connected to the internet. The control panel (dashboard) is accessed by a computer via the internet. The system is capable of sending phone messages, texts and/or emails to VIMS system operators in the event of a fault condition. The influence of the active VIMS beneath the slab will be evaluated by monitoring the pressure differential at the following sub-slab monitoring points: • Two monitoring points in the retail area • One monitoring point in the lobby/amenity area • One monitoring point in the elevator lobby/Stair A An additional monitoring point will be installed at five locations which are not within sub-slab depressurization zones. These three locations include Stair B, southeast amenities area, storage room, generator room and bicycle room. The nine sub-slab monitoring points are summarized in Table 3, the locations are illustrated in Figures 3a and 3b, Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 7 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina and construction details are included in Exhibit 1. The active VIMS will cover 7,500 ft2 and be monitored by four points for an average monitoring point density of 1,900 ft2 per monitoring point. The barrier-only VIMS covers approximately 7,300 ft2 and is monitored by five points for a monitoring density of approximately 1,500 ft2 per point. No monitoring points are planned in the parking areas. SECTION 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL To satisfy Brownfields Redevelopment Section QA/QC requirements, it is imperative that the VIMS system components be inspected by the North Carolina Professional Engineer or his/her representative before the components are covered by building materials. For the areas where depressurization systems will be constructed, inspections are required of the gravel layer and the sub-slab piping (perforated or solid) prior to placement of the VaporBlock 20 Plus vapor barrier. For all areas with vapor mitigation infrastructure, inspections are required after placement of the VaporBlock 20 Plus but prior to pouring the concrete floor. Since multiple penetration utility banks are common leak locations, each penetration bank must be inspected, and a dedicated inspection entry log developed. Inspections will be conducted under the supervision of a qualified North Carolina Professional Engineer and will be documented in writing and will include photographic documentation. Modifications to the design required during construction will be approved by the North Carolina Professional Engineer and documented. The Brownfields Redevelopment Section will be notified no less than two business days prior to the planned inspections. Smoke testing will be used to evaluate the integrity of the vapor barrier. SECTION 4. POST-CONSTRUCTION/PRE-OCCUPATION SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS TESTING Preliminary evaluation of the influence of the optional active sub-slab depressurization system will be documented by measuring the pressure differential between the vapor monitoring points located in the soil gas plenum and the ambient air above each soil gas plenum. These activities will be conducted during building construction using temporary fans shortly after concrete floor slabs are poured. Pressure differentials less than 4 Pascals may trigger system adjustment to achieve this pressure differential goal. During the Pre-Redevelopment Assessment (report dated May 20, 2024) for the subject site, four soil gas samples were collected. Using the highest detected concentration of all detected VOCs site wide in soil gas, a Hazard Index of 0.13 was determined for soil gas-to-indoor air under the residential scenario using the DEQ Cumulative Risk Calculator. Of the four samples collected, TCE was detected in one sample (and its duplicate) at a concentration of 1.1 ug/m3 which is below the soil gas to indoor air screening level of 14 ug/m3. The Brownfield Redevelopment Section is using the Division of Waste Management Minimum Mitigation and Sampling Requirements for Reuse (May 2024) Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 8 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina Matrix (Matrix) to determine pre- and post-occupancy sampling requirements. The Matrix, for HI 0.1 to <1.0, with TCE detected, residential use and passive or active mitigation, indicates that pre-occupancy indoor air and sub-slab vapor sampling is required. The sub-slab monitoring points included in the VIMS Design (Figures 3a and 3b, Exhibit 1) will be installed prior to placement of poured concrete floors. The Vapor Pin insert for each monitoring point will be embedded in the concrete slab. Following installation of a Vapor Pin into the insert, a protective cover will be placed on the barb of the Vapor Pin and the monitoring point will be capped with a secure stainless-steel cover (Exhibit 2). Sub-slab soil gas samples will be collected from four of the monitoring points (MP-3 through MP-6) located in sub-slab depressurization areas. The samples will be collected after the depressurization has been deactivated for a minimum of 48 hours. Sub-slab soil gas samples will also be collected from the five monitoring points located in non-depressurized areas. Each soil gas sample (total of nine) and one duplicate sample will be tested using the EPA Method TO-15. The Brownfields Redevelopment Section will be notified no less than two business days prior to the planned sampling. Each sub slab soil gas sample will be collected using dedicated ¼-inch diameter Teflon® lined tubing for the sample train construction. Prior to sampling, the soil vapor points will be purged using a syringe to evacuate a minimum of three volumes of air from the full sampling train at a maximum flow rate of 200 mL/min. A laboratory-supplied 1-liter batch-certified Summa canister with a calibrated flow regulator will be connected to the tubing at each sampling point using a ferrule to form an air-tight seal. Leak checks will then be performed by placing a shroud over the sampling location and entire sampling train (tubing, 3-way valve, flow regulator and Summa canister) and saturating the air within the shroud with helium gas. A helium gas detector will be used to determine the concentration of helium in the shroud. Helium concentrations of 200,000 to 300,000 parts per million will be maintained within the shroud. The sampling point will then be purged into a Tedlar® bag, with the collected vapor analyzed by the helium gas detector to confirm that the Tedlar® bag did not contain a helium concentration greater than 10% of that detected in the shroud. If this condition is not met, tubing connections will be checked and, if necessary, a new sampling train will be constructed. The process will be repeated until a successful leak check is achieved. Following purging and a successful leak check, the canister’s intake valve will be opened to collect the sub-slab vapor sample. The duration of sampling will be approximately five minutes per sample based on the volume of the sample container at a flow rate of 200 ml per minute. The sampler will record the serial numbers of the flow controller and Summa canisters, documenting the beginning and ending vacuum pressures and duration of the sampling event on the canister tag and in field notes. If the vacuum pressure of a canister prior to sampling is more than 10% lower than the vacuum documented at the laboratory prior to shipment, the canister will not be used for sampling. The flow choke will then be opened and the sample will be collected at the proposed sample rate. Sampling will cease after the planned five-minute sampling period or when the flow choke reaches 5 inches of mercury vacuum. One duplicate soil gas sample will be collected. Once the primary Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 9 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina sample is collected, the duplicate Summa canister and regulator will be attached to the same port and leak tested. If the seal around the sampling port and sample train fittings are considered acceptable, the duplicate sample will be collected as described above. The ten soil gas samples plus one duplicate sample will be delivered under chain-of-custody to an AIHA-LAP, LLC-certified laboratory for analysis by EPA Method TO-15. The laboratory will be instructed to provide reporting limits below the NCDEQ Residential Soil Gas Screening Levels. Estimated concentrations will be reported as “J” flags. Laboratory Level II QA/QC will be provided. In accordance with the Matrix, a total of nine indoor air samples will be collected. All indoor air samples will be co-located with sub-slab monitoring points described above. The indoor air samples will be paired with the four sub-slab soil gas samples collected in the depressurization area (MP-3 thru 6, Figure 3b). These samples will be collected before the sub-slab samples are collected while the depressurization system is not active. Indoor air samples (paired with sub-slab samples MP-1, 2, 7, 8 and 9) will also be collected at bicycle storage, southwest amenities area, Stair B, generator room and storage (Figures 3a and 3b). Combined, these nine indoor air samples provide coverage over the entire occupied building ground contact footprint as well as targeting stairs, elevators, and depressurization areas. During this indoor air sampling event, a duplicate and ambient air sample will also be collected. For the duplicate indoor air sample, the primary and duplicate sample canisters will be placed side-by-side with their inlets within three feet of each other and the samples will be collected simultaneously. Each indoor air sample will be collected from approximately 3-5 feet above the floor. One ambient outdoor air sample will also be collected at an upwind location. The eight-hour air samples will be collected using individually certified, 6-liter, stainless steel Summa canisters at a maximum pre-determined flow rate of 8-10 milliliters per minute (ml/min) by using the laboratory-provided flow regulator. The initial vacuum displayed on the laboratory-provided vacuum gauge on the Summa/flow regulator will be recorded. The laboratory-provided Summa canister will be filled such that the final vacuum in the canister is at least 5 inches of mercury and the final reading will be recorded on the chain of custody. The air samples will be collected in accordance with the Division of Waste Management’s Vapor Intrusion Guidance document (March 2018). The ten indoor air samples plus one duplicate and one ambient outdoor air sample will be delivered under chain-of-custody to an AIHA-LAP, LLC-certified laboratory for analysis by EPA Compendium Method TO-15. The results of the sub-slab soil gas testing, indoor air testing and pressure differential readings will be provided to the Brownfields Redevelopment Section prior to occupancy of the building. In situations that are time critical, Brownfields Redevelopment Section may be able to review laboratory data to determine if occupancy is appropriate prior to the completion of a formal report. The buildings cannot be occupied until the Brownfields Redevelopment Section has provided written approval. Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 10 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina The building design may implement ‘pour back’ areas in retail spaces. If pour back areas are necessary, they will be managed in accordance with Section 6.0. Prior to building occupancy, the spaces with pour back areas will be locked to prevent building residents from entering these spaces. The integrity of the barrier will be evaluated monthly as described in Section 6.0. If chronic breaches of the barrier occur due to construction activities, a protective layer of stone or other materials will be placed on the barrier. Potential future repairs or modification affecting the VIMS will be addressed in accordance with Section 6. SECTION 5. POST-OCCUPANCY TESTING According to the Matrix, post occupancy sampling requirements are different if the mitigation system is operated passively or actively. For passive mitigation: Concurrent sub-slab soil gas sampling and indoor air sampling are required semi-annually for 2 years. Indoor air samples will be tested for VOCs previously detected at the site. The sub-slab soil gas samples will be tested for the full list of TO-15. These data will be submitted to the BRS as they are collected and used to determine if continued or additional post occupancy sampling is warranted. Changes to the monitoring schedule require BRS approval prior to being implemented. For active mitigation: One concurrent sub-slab soil gas sampling and indoor air sampling event is required. This sampling event will be conducted approximately six months after occupancy of the building starts. These data will be submitted to the BRS and used to determine if additional post occupancy sampling is warranted. Post-occupancy pressure differential measurements will be collected at each vapor monitoring point where sub-slab depressurization is deployed (four locations). These data will be collected monthly and will be reported with the annual Land Use Restriction Update. If these data indicate consistent satisfactory depressurization, a request to the BRS may be made to reduce or terminate monitoring. Changes to the monitoring schedule require BRS approval prior to being implemented. Note: If TCE is detected in indoor air below the action level of 2.1 μg/m3, or subsequent level if modified in the future, during pre-occupancy sampling, post-occupancy indoor air sampling will also be required for three (3) consecutive monthly events followed by two (2) years of semi-annual sampling rounds. If the TCE action level is exceeded, proceed to DWM Response Actions guidance, including any required consultation with DWM Toxicologist. Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 11 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina SECTION 6. FUTURE TENANTS & BUILDING USES Tenants of the building will be notified that the property is a Brownfields Property in accordance with the Brownfields Agreement. Tenants will also be made aware of the presence of the VIMS to prevent future tampering or damage to the system. There are ground floor commercial tenant spaces in the building. All future upgrades or repair activities will be conducted by or under the direction of the Building Maintenance Department. Personnel in the Building Maintenance Department who operate the VIMS will review the proposed construction plans to identify potential conflicts with the VIMS. If conflicts are identified, alternative plans will be considered. If disruptions to the VIMS cannot be avoided, repairs/modifications to the VIMS will be inspected under the supervision of a qualified North Carolina Professional Engineer in accordance with Section 3. “Pour back” areas may be required in the retail portions of the building. These areas will initially be constructed with ribbon slab around the perimeter of the space. The gravel layer, the solid and perforated pipe runs, and the membrane barrier will all be placed in this space. However, the concrete floor slab, other than the ribbon slab around the perimeter of the space will not be constructed. The exposed barrier will be temporarily protected by sheet plywood or other materials until the floor slab is poured. Access to the pour-back area will also be restricted. The BRS will be notified at least two business days in advance of tenant upfit activities. Inspections of the VIMS components in the retail space during tenant upfits will occur throughout the installation process as described in Section 3 to ensure the system is constructed according to this design. Per the NCDEQ VIMS Design Submittal Requirements document (May 2024), communication testing in the pour back area “will be required after completion of each of the following events: 1) preventative measures implemented when the barrier is removed, 2) once the pour back area VI barrier has been installed, 3) following completion of tenant up-fit activities, 4) prior to pouring the concrete floor slab, and 5) following repair of any damage to the VI barrier.” Following completion of VIMS construction in the retail space (and assuming another portion of the building has been occupied), post-occupancy testing (i.e., indoor air and sub-slab soil gas) will then be conducted within the space from the two newly installed monitoring points (MP-3/IA-3 and MP-4/IA-4) as described in Section 5 and the results provided to the BRS. If significant modifications of VIMS components or monitoring points is required during construction or during subsequent occupancy, a VIMS Modification Proposal, which will include the reason for the proposed changes and illustrations of the proposed changes; will be submitted to the Brownfields Redevelopment Section for approval prior to implementing. Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 12 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina SECTION 7. REPORTING Within 60 days following completion of the initial post-construction testing (Sections 4 and 5), a final submittal document will be developed and sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer and includes: • Summary of installation, QA/QC measures and post-construction/pre-occupancy system effectiveness testing results; • A summary of significant deviations from the approved plan and their potential to impact public health; • A statement from the North Carolina Professional Engineer providing an opinion of whether the VIMS was delivered in a condition consistent with the VIMS design and objectives; • As-built drawings (signed by North Carolina Professional Engineer) • All inspection logs including photographs and field notes; • An index of and Safety Data Sheets for materials used during construction that could contribute to background indoor air contamination; and • The following statement sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer: The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate the intrusion of subsurface vapors into building features in accordance with the most recent and applicable DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards, or alternative standards approved in writing in advance by DEQ, and that a professional engineer licensed in North Carolina, as evidenced by said engineer’s professional seal, is satisfied that the system has been designed so as to be fully protective of public health within the meaning of NCGS 130A-310.32 (a)(2), from known Brownfields Property contaminants. Reminder: The buildings cannot be occupied until the Brownfields Redevelopment Section has provided written approval. SECTION 8. DESIGN SUBMITTAL EXHIBITS In accordance with the VIMS Design Submittal Requirements, the following figures and exhibits are attached: Figure 1 General Site Location Map (with scale and north arrow) Figure 2 Site Map (with scale, north arrow, historic sample locations, historic structures and proposed building location) Figure 3a Mechanical Floor VIMS Schematic Figure 3b 1st Floor VIMS Schematic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal May 21, 2024 Midtown Square Mall Page 13 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina Table 1 Ground Contact Space Summary Table 2 Sub-Slab Depressurization Plenums Table 3 Sub-Slab Monitoring Points Exhibit 1 VIMS Plans and Specifications Exhibit 2 Material/Equipment Information Exhibit 3 Safety Data Sheets Exhibit 4 Historical Data Tables Exhibit 5 Completed Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Requirements Checklist Attachment 1 Building Plans SECTION 9. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR RETROFITS The proposed redevelopment does not require retrofits. REFERENCES The following references were used in the development of this VIMS Design package. Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Buildings (CC-1000 2018), ANSI/AARST, 2018. Technical Resources for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation, ITRC, December 2020 Vapor Intrusion Guidance, North Carolina Division of Waste Management (Version 2), March 2018. FIGURES ´ TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP1200 METROPOLITAN AVENUECHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN BY:DATE: ENG. CHECK: JOB NO: APPROVAL: DRAFTCHECK: GIS NO: DWG NO: REFERENCES: MARCH 2024 H1824.00 03G-H1824.00-1 1 1. CHARLOTTE EAST, NC DIGITAL RASTER GRAPHICS, USGS. PUBLISHED 2022, USGS.2. INSET MAP DIGITAL DATA FROM 2002 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ATLAS, BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS, WASHINGTON, D.C.3. PROPERTY BOUNDARY DATA FROM NC ONEMAP. CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10 FEET 0 1,000 2,000Feet 1 inch = 1,000 feet KRC Union Mecklenburg Gaston Cabarrus Lincoln Stanly §¨¦I85 §¨¦U74 §¨¦I7 7 §¨¦I485 §¨¦U3 2 1 AREA SHOWNWITHIN MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N.C. DHN SUBJECT PROPERTY DHN #* #* #* #* ´ DRAWN BY: DRAFT CHECK BY: ENGINEER CHECK BY: APPROVED BY: SITE MAP1200 METROPOLITAN AVENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA REFERENCE: BOUNDARY DATA FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. 2022 AERIAL IMAGERY FROM NCONE MAP. 1/16TH BUILDING SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY SK+I ARCHITECTURE DATED MAY 2023 . DATE: MAY 2024 JOB NO.: H1824.00 GIS NO.: 03G-H1824.00-02 DRAWING NO.: 2 Legend #*Historic Soil-GasSample Location Former Structure Proposed Structure Subject Property Parcel Boundaries05010015020025Feet 1 inch = 50 feet DHN DHN SG-1SG-2 SG-3 SG-4 KRC South K i n g s D r i v e Baxte r S t r e e t Charlotteto w n e A v e n u e Met r o p o l i t a n A v e n u e Ke n l i w o r t h A v e n u e SubjectProperty CL CL CL CLCL CL X" DN DN UP DN UP 511 SFTRASH ROOM (RESI) LOADING TRANSFORMERROOM TRASH ROOM (RET) MAIN ELECTRICALROOM VESTIBULE STAIR B STAIR A RECYCLE ELECT CANOPY ABOVE BOLLARDS STAIR C CORRIDOR LOBBY 1ST FL ELEV. LOBBY OPEN TO BELOW PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TEMPORARY GENERATORCONNECTIONS & GENERATORREMOTE REFUELING FUEL PORT.SEE ELEC. WATER AND FIREPUMP ROOM E-L5E-L5 SEE ID E-L5 MIDTOWN PARK LIT T L E S U G A R C R E E K " G R E E N W A Y " SOU T H K I N G S D R I V E G1-30 G1-31 G1-25 G1-24 G1-23 G1-22 G1-21 G1-20 G1-19 G1-10 G1-07 G1-12 G1-05 G1-04G1-29 G1-28 G1-15G1-16 G1-06 G1-27 G1-26 G1-11 G1-14 G1-08 G1-13 G1-03 G1-02 G1-01 G1-09 RAMP DN FROM 2 N D F L O O R P A R K I N G UNEXCAVATEDUNDER RAMP G2-02 G2-03 G2-04 G2-05 G2-06 G2-07 G2-08 G2-01 EDGE OF SLABABOVE STORAGE ATS ROOM STORAGE FLOOD VENTSEE PLUMBING STEEL POSTS, SEESTRUCT. FDC BOLLARDS BOLLARDS BACK F L O W 1 FIRE BACKFLOW 2DOMESTIC/ IRRIG FLOOD VENTSEE PLUMB. GENERATOR ROOM FIRE PUMP TEST HEADERSEE FIRE PROTECTION VEST FDC OPEN TO BELOW CL CL E-L5 E-L5 STAIR E TRANSFORMERROOM DOORS PSD1 VEHICLE BARRIER KNOX BOX E-L5 STAIR FGENERATORFLUE ABOVE TRENCH DRAIN REMOTE FUELING DN UP METR O P O L I T A N A V E N U E S RETAIL LOADINGTRASH ROOM (RET) VESTIBULE 104c OH1 CANOPY ABOVE RECYCLE 104b 117b117a 118 E104a CANOPY ABOVE BOLLARDS STAIR C OH1A 102a 115b LOBBY PEDESTRIAN ACCESS S-C01a 105a 101b E-L5 E-L5E-L5 DOUBLE DECKERBIKE PARKING24 BIKES SEE ID E-L5 METRO P O L I T A N A V E . RESIDENTIALAMENITY RESIDENTIALAMENITY (BIKEROOM) G1-21 G1-20 G1-19 G1-18 G1-17 EDGE OF SLABABOVE 115a INVERTED U BIKEPARKING6 BIKES BIKE FIXITSTATION 100b 105 116a 116b 115c 100a RESIDENTIALAMENITY E-L5 EDGE OF SLABABOVE TRENCH DRAIN TABLES Approximate Area (ft2)Space Type Residential Above?VIMS Type Bicycle storage 1,600 Transient No Passive Stair C 200 Outdoor No None Retail 3,900 Commercial No Passive with Option to go Active Mail room, lobby, amenities, Stair A 3,600 Commercial No Passive with Option to go Active Recycling 1,500 Transient No Passive Elevators (3) 300 Transient No Passive Main electrical/backflow 1,100 Transient No Passive Southwest amenities 380 Transient No Passive Stair B 200 Transient No Passive Generator room 800 Transient No Passive Fire, water, fuel, storage 1,200 Transient No Passive Parking 28,700 Outdoor No None Transformer area 1,100 Outdoor No None Location TABLE 1 GROUND CONTACT SPACE SUMMARY MIDTOWN SQUARE MALL 1200 METROPOLITAN AVENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELD PROJECT NO. 09058-05-060 MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. 000H1824.00 Plenum ID Plenum Area (ft2)* Perforated Pipe Run (ft) Vapor Collect Pit(s) Monitoring Points Riser Pipe Diameter (in) Equivalent Pipe Run (ft)** Rn 4EC-4 Fan(s) Level L1 Retail P-1 3,900 200 N/A 2 6 270 1 Lobby, mail room, amenities, Stair A P-2 3,600 210 N/A 2 6 420 1 *Maximum ANSI CC‐1000 2018 recommended plenum area with inspected plenums and 6 inch duct is 14,000 ft2 **Maximum ANSI CC‐1000 2018 recommended pipe run for 6 inch duct is 440 equivalent feet MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. 000H1824.00 Location TABLE 2 SUB-SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION PLENUMS MIDTOWN SQUARE MALL 1200 METROPOLITAN AVENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELD PROJECT NO. 09058-05-060 Monitoring Point ID Depressurization Area? Bicycle storage MP-1 No Southwest Amenities MP-2 No Retail MP-3, MP-4 Yes (optional) Elevator lobby, Stair A MP-5 Yes (optional) Amenities MP-6 Yes (optional) Stair B MP-7 No Generator room MP-8 No Storage MP-9 No BROWNFIELD PROJECT NO. 09058-05-060 MID-ATLANTIC JOB NO. 000H1824.00 Location TABLE 3 SUB-SLAB MONITORING POINTS MIDTOWN SQUARE MALL 1200 METROPOLITAN AVENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA EXHIBIT 1 VIMS DESIGN VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) NR MET PROPERTY OWNER LP MIDTOWN SQUARE MALL 1200 METROPOLITAN AVENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA JI E BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 09058-05-060 JI E CL CL CL CL CL CL CLCL CL DN DN UP DN UP 511 SFTRASH ROOM (RESI) LOADING TRANSFORMERROOM TRASH ROOM (RET) MAIN ELECTRICALROOM VESTIBULE STAIR B STAIR A RECYCLE ELECT CANOPY ABOVE BOLLARDS STAIR C CORRIDOR LOBBY 1ST FL ELEV. LOBBY OPEN TO BELOW PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TEMPORARY GENERATOR WATER AND FIREPUMP ROOM E-L5E-L5 SEE ID E-L5 LI T T L E S U G A R C R E E K " G R E E N W A Y " SO U T H K I N G S D R I V E G1-30 G1-31 G1-25 G1-24 G1-23 G1-22 G1-21 G1-20 G1-19 G1-10 G1-07 G1-12 G1-05 G1-04G1-29 G1-28 G1-15G1-16 G1-06 G1-27 G1-26 G1-11 G1-14 G1-08 G1-13 G1-03 G1-02 G1-01 G1-09 RAMP DN FR O M 2 N D F L O O R P A R K I N G UNEXCAVATEDUNDER RAMP G2-02 G2-03 G2-04 G2-05 G2-06 G2-07 G2-08 G2-01 EDGE OF SLABABOVE STORAGE ATS ROOM STORAGE FLOOD VENTSEE PLUMBING STEEL POSTS, SEESTRUCT. FDC BOLLARDS BOLLARDS BAC K F L O W 1 FIRE BACKFLOW 2DOMESTIC/ IRRIG GENERATOR ROOM VEST FDC OPEN TO BELOW CL CL E-L5 E-L5 STAIR E TRANSFORMERROOM DOORS PSD1 VEHICLE BARRIER E-L5 STAIR FGENERATORFLUE ABOVE TRENCH DRAIN REMOTE FUELING DN UP S S RETAIL LOADING TRASH ROOM (RET) VESTIBULE 104c OH1 CANOPY ABOVE RECYCLE 104b 117b117a 118 E104a CANOPY ABOVE BOLLARDS STAIR C OH1A 102a 115b LOBBY PEDESTRIAN ACCESS S-C01a 105a 101b E-L5 E-L5E-L5 DOUBLE DECKERBIKE PARKING24 BIKES SEE ID E-L5 METRO P O L I T A N A V E . RESIDENTIALAMENITY RESIDENTIALAMENITY (BIKEROOM) G1-21 G1-20 G1-19 G1-18 G1-17 EDGE OF SLABABOVE 115a INVERTED U BIKEPARKING6 BIKES BIKE FIXITSTATION 100b 105 116a 116b 115c 100a RESIDENTIALAMENITY E-L5 EDGE OF SLABABOVE TRENCH DRAIN JI E 5" SLAB ON GRADE SEE 1/S301 4" SLAB ON GRADE, FFE=641'-5" 10" THICK RETAINING WALL, 10" THICK RETAINING WALL,10" THICK RETAINING WALL, 10" THICK RETAINING WALL 10" THICK RETAINING WALL 10" THICK RETAININGWALL, 10" THICK RETAINING WALL, 10" THICK RETAINING WALL, 10" THICK RETAINING WALL, FFE= 641'-5" 10" THICK RETAININGWALL, 4" SLAB ON GRADE FFE=637'-9" PROPERTY LINE, TYP SEE CIVIL 10" THICK RETAINING WALL, 8" CMU WALL ON THICKENED SLAB, TYP FFE 10" THICK RETAINING WALL 4" SLAB ON GRADE, FFE=638'-9" /S301SEE 1 /S312SEE 16 /S312SEE 16 /S325SEE 4 CONCRETE STAIRS, SEE S312 SPACE CONTROL JOINTS AT MAXIMUM OF 12'-0" ON-CENTER EACH DIRECTION <639'-0"> CONCRETE STAIRS, SEE S312 /S325SEE 4 CONCRETE STAIRS, SEE S312 CONCRETE STAIRS, SEE S312 /S312SEE 16 /S312SEE 16 FFE=639'-0" /S301SEE 1 /S312SEE 16 /S312SEE 16 /S312SEE 16 /S312SEE 16 /S312SEE 16 /S312SEE 16 JOINT TOP OF WALLTO SLAB ON-GRADESIM TO 2/S322. JI E 4" SLAB ON GRADESEE 1/S301 5" SLAB ON GRADESEE 1/S301 4" SLAB ON GRADESEE 1/S301 5" SLAB ON GRADESEE 1/S301, TYP UNO 5" SLAB ON GRADESEE 1/S301 5" SLAB ON GRADE SEE 1/S301 5" SLAB ONGRADE ATTRANSFORMERROOM. REFER TO ARCH DWGS FORREQUIREDSLOPING OFSLAB.SEE 1/S301 SEE 1/S250 FOR RAMPUP TO LEVEL 2 8" CMU ONTHICKENED SLAB 8" CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE WALL, 8" CMU ONTHICKENED SLAB 4" SLAB ON GRADE 5" SLABON GRADE 8" CMU ABOVE RETAINING WALL 8" CMU ABOVERETAINING WALL 8" CMU ABOVERETAINING WALL GREASERECEPTORPIT, SEE ARCHDWGS FOR DIMENSIONS. 8" THICK CAST-IN-PLACECONCRETE WALL 8" CMU ONTHICKENED SLAB 8" CAST-IN-PLACECONCRETE WALL PROPERTY LINE, TYPSEE CIVIL LEAVE OUT FORTOWER CRANE, COORD W/CONTRACTOR 8" CMU ON THICKENED SLAB 8" CMU ONTHICKENED SLAB 8" CMU WALL ONTHICKENED SLAB 8" CMU WALL ONTHICKENED SLAB 8" CMU WALL ONTHICKENED SLAB 8" CMU ON THICKENED SLAB TYP FOR SIMWALL DETAILING ATSLAB-ON-GRADE FOR SIMWALL DETAILING AT SLAB- ON-GRADE /S312SEE 14 /S322SEE 5 /S312SEE 14 TYP CONCRETE STAIRS, SEE S312. 8" CMU ONTHICKENED SLAB JI E S 115b DOUBLE DECKER BIKE PARKING 24 BIKES RESIDENTIAL AMENITY RESIDENTIALAMENITY (BIKE ROOM) INVERTED U BIKE PARKING 6 BIKES 115c RESIDENTIAL AMENITY G3-79 G3-78 G3-77 JI E 2'-0" (2)#5 CONT t 4" THICKENED SLAB CONSTRUCTION JOINT AT INTERIOR MASONRY PARTITION CONT 1 1/2"x2 1/2"FORMED KEYED JOINT 1/2"Ø x18" LONG GREASED DOWELS @2'-6"OC 2'-0" (2)#5 CONT MASONRY WALL, SEE ARCH t 4" THICKENED SLAB AT INTERIOR MASONRY PARTITION HORIZ JT REINF@16"OC, TYP EQ MASONRY WALL, SEE ARCH 1 1 / 2 " CL R 1 1 / 2 " CL R EQ EQ TERMINATE SLAB REINF AT KEYED JOINT EQ HORIZ JT REINF@16"OC, TYPVERT REINF AS REQD, SEESCHD; DRILL AND SET IN ADH (2 1/2" EMBED) VERT REINF AS REQD, SEESCHD; DRILL AND SET IN ADH (2 1/2" EMBED) VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS TOF SEE PLAN TOF SEE PLAN 3'-0" 1' - 6 " 1' - 6 " CONT 2x6 KEYWAY SLAB ON GRADE EJ MATERIAL 10" 10" THICK CONCRETE PERIMETER RETAINING WALL, SEE PLAN AND 16/S312 #7 @ 12" OC MAT FDN, SEE PLAN MAT FDN, SEE PLAN SLAB-ON-GRADE VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS FFESEE PLAN T/MAT FDN SEE PLAN SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN 5" EJ MATERIAL 10" THICK CONCRETE PERIMETER RETAINING WALL, SEE PLAN AND 16/S312. #57 STONE LAP WITH BARS FROM RET WALL BELOW 8" CMU W/#5@16"OCMASONRY VENEER W/ TIES @16"OC FINISHED GRADE, SEE CIVIL HORIZ JT REINF@16"OC, TYP 4"CMU BELOW GRADE MAT FDN, SEE PLAN FOR REINF 3/4" CHAMFER TOW=642'-0" VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS 5" T/GRADE BEAM SEE PLAN STOREFRONT, SEE ARCH SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN PAVING, SEE CIVIL EJ MATERIAL GRADE BEAM, SEE PLAN (2)#4 CONT FFE SEE PLAN #4 @ 32" OC 1'-0" VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS 6" MINIMUM WASHED NO. 57STONE 1ST FLOOR644'-3"5" 8" CMU W/ #4@32"OC, MIDDLE OF WALL #4 CONT SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN EJ MATERIAL SLAB ON GRADE,SEE PLAN #4x2'-0"x2'-0" DOWEL @16"OC CONT 2x4 KEYWAY MECHANICAL ROOM MAT FOUNDATION, REF PILE CAP SCHD RETAINING WALL, SEE 16/S312 T/MAT FTG SEE PLAN #57 STONE HORIZ JT REINF @16"OC, TYP DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE & SPACING OF VERT REINF; LAP PER SCHD (3)#5 CONT 8" 2'-0" VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS 1ST FLOOR 644'-3" 20 1 1 PAVING, SEE CIVIL 4"CMU BELOW GRADE WALL REINF, REF PLANS VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS 1ST FLOOR644'-3" MASONRY VENEER, TIES @16"OC, SEE ARCH FINISHED GRADE,SEE CIVIL 1 1 #4@16"OC VERT W/ STD HOOK 4" CMU, GROUT SOLID BELOW GRADE (2)#4 CONT HORIZ SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN METAL STUDS, SEE ARCH T/GRADE BEAMSEE PLAN GRADE BEAM, SEEPLAN & SCHD1'-0"7 5/8" HORIZ JT REINF @16"OC, TYP GROUT SOLID BELOWGRADE B VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS 6" MINIMUM WASHED#57 STONE SLAB ON GRADE, SEE PLAN 10" SLOPE DOWN T/MAT FTG SEE PLAN MAT FOUNDATION , SEE PLANS FOR REINFORCING #7 DOWEL @12" OC, TYP #5@12" OC, VERT, TYP #5@12" OC, HORIZ, TYP #5@12" OC, VERT, TYP #5@12" OC, HORIZ, TYP FFE SEE PLAN 5" ELEVATED RAMP SLAB, SEE PLAN 10" EJ MATERIAL SLAB ON GRADE,SEE PLAN DOWELS TO MATCH SIZEAND SPACING OF VERTREINF; LAP PER 9/S312 EJ MATERIAL LA P P E R 9 / S 3 1 2 TROWEL FINISH ANDCOVER W/ (3) LAYERS OF6MIL POLYETHYLENE FILM #5x30"x30" DOWELS @24"OC, TYP (4)#5 CONT 4'-6" 8" VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS JI E JI E EXHIBIT 2 MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT INFORMATION Technical parameters Norminal data Voltage (nominal)120 V Frequency 60 Hz Phase(s)1~ Input power 169 W Input current 2.1 A Impeller speed 4,084 r.p.m. Air flow max 555 cfm Protection/Classification Enclosure class, motor IP54 Insulation class B Certificate HVI, cULus Dimensions and weights Weight 7.8 lb Performances HVI Certified Rating(s) Model Speed CtrlVoltage High Static/Low Flow Low Static/High Flow InchWC CFM W InchWC CFM W Rn4EC-4 100%10V 4.5 39 141 0.2 320 174 80% 8V 3.14 31 84 0.2 300 135 60% 6V 1.56 20 33 0.2 210 52 NOTE: Performance is based on 4 inch diameter ducting. Dimensions Model A B C D E F G Rn2EC​4 15/32 (114) 10 (254) 1 1/4 (32) 9 1/4 (235) --- Rn4EC-3 5 7/8 (149) 11 1/2 (292) 1 1/4 (32) 9 1/4 (235) 4 (102) 3 1/2 (89) 6 (152) Rn4EC-4 5 7/8 (149) 11 1/2 (292) 1 1/4 (32) 9 1/4 (235) 4 (102) 4 1/2 (114) 6 (152) Dimensions in inches (mm). Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan Item #: 99923 Variant : 120V 1~ 60Hz Description Rn4EC-4 Radon Fan is the most powerful product on the market for active radon mitigation applications where high suction and high flow are required. It is an excellent solution for high radon levels, poor sub- slab communication, multiple suction points and/or large sub slab footprint. • Designed specifically for Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) mitigation applications • High Suction, High Flow • Dial your suction in with a built-in speed control • Two soft anti-vibration couplers included • Set up for a 4” PVC pipe • For residential and commercial applications • Air-tight housing - zero leakage • UV resistant plastic housing... Find more details in our online catalogue Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan | Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 | Item #: 99923 | Variant: 120V 1~ 60Hz | Document type: Product card | Created on: 2021-06-17 | Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue | Language: English Page 1 of 3 Wiring Performance curve 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 cfm 0 1 2 3 4 5 in. wg. Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan | Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 | Item #: 99923 | Variant: 120V 1~ 60Hz | Document type: Product card | Created on: 2021-06-17 | Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue | Language: English Page 2 of 3 Documents Hydraulic data Required air flow - Required static pressure - Working air flow - Working static pressure - Air density 0.075 lb/ft³ Power - Fan control - RPM - Current - Airflow efficiency - Control voltage - Supply voltage - 142001 Rn2EC-Rn4-EC OIPM EN FR.PDF Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan | Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 | Item #: 99923 | Variant: 120V 1~ 60Hz | Document type: Product card | Created on: 2021-06-17 | Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue | Language: English Page 3 of 3 MADE INUSA Family owned and made in the USA since 1985 901 Tryens Road Aston, PA 19301 Phone: 877-373-2700 Web: sensaphone.com TECH SPECS WSGWireless All specifi cations subject to change without notice Connect to any NO/NC output The WSG Wireless Dry Contact Bridge is designed to work exclusively with the Sensaphone WSG30. This sensor includes a built-in radio transmitter and input terminals for connecting to any normally-open or normally closed output. (Use of this device with solid-state outputs is not recommended.) The sensor comes with two AA alkaline batteries which will power the sensor for up to two years. An optional plug-in power supply is also available. Name Dry Contact Interface Operating Range 32° to 122°F | 0° to 50°C Input Normally open or normally closed dry contact Wireless Range 300’ | 90m Connection Wireless Housing Plastic Dimensions 3.1 x 3.9 x 1.1” | 79 x 99 x 28mm Sensor Series WSG Wireless Product Name Part Number WSG Wireless Dry Contact Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FGD-WSG30-DRY DRY CONTACT INTERFACE Sentinel Pro alarM notIFIcatIon MEtHodS: E-Mail, Text Messages, Voice Phone Calls Programmable alarm escalation levels Comprehensive scheduling per input, profile, and alarm destination Unlimited number of User Profiles Multiple contact types per user InPutS: 12 Universal Inputs • Normally Open / Normally Closed Dry Contact • 2.8K / 10K Thermistor • 4-20mA Current Loop • Pulse Count • 12 Bit Resolution ModBuS: • Modbus RTU via RS485 • Up to 64 registers tEMPEraturE SEnSInG ranGE: -109° to 168°F | -85° to 76°C rElaY outPut: 2 programmable relay outputs Rated for 1A 30VAC/ 1A 30VDC cEllular coMMunIcatIon : 4G Cellular Modem for use on Verizon, AT&T or Rogers data loGGInG: Unlimited samples securely stored on the Sentinel servers Programmable sampling Interval - 5 min to 24 hrs User programmable channel selection BattErY BacKuP: 4.8V 2000mAHr NiMh Battery pack (included) 12V 3000 mAHR SLA Battery (included) Provides 8 hours of backup local IndIcatorS: 12 Alarm Status LEDs • Power LED • Online LED • Standby LED • Ethernet link and Activity LEDs PoWEr rEQuIrEMEntS: Power Requirement: 12-24DC • Comes with 12VDC plug-in power supply • International power options available Current Draw: 300mA at 24VDC EnVIronMEntal: Operating Humidity: 0-90% RH, non–condensing Operating Temperature: 32° to 122°F | 0° to 50°C PHYSIcal: Dimensions: 12.5 x 12.2 x 7.0” | 318 x 310 x 178mm Weight: 10.5lbs. | 4.7kg Technical Specifi cations Continued on back StandardS: FCC Part 15 – Class A Compliant EncloSurE: NEMA 4X rated plastic weatherproof enclosure antEnna: 2G/3G/4G Frequencies: 698-960/1710-2700MHz Peak gain: 5dBi Pattern: Omni-directional Height: 6.45” (164mm) Diameter: 1.90” (48mm) IP Rating: IP-66 901 Tryens Road • Aston, PA 19014 • PH: 877-373-2700 • F: 610-558-0222 • www.sensaphone.com • An easy solution to web-based monitoring ideal for applications where running wires can be difficult • Connect up to 30 wireless sensors monitor temperature, humidity, water, and more • Data-logging records up to 100,000 samples; including data, date, and time • Receive alarm notifications through a standard Internet connection • Notifies up to thirty-two contacts by e-mail, text message or SNMP in the event of an alarm • Make programming changes and access status conditions online MONITORING & ALERTING WEB-BASED MONITORING... MADE AFFORDABLE HOW LONG BEFORE YOU KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG? COUNTLESS INDUSTRIES DEPEND ON SENSAPHONE FOR THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE REMOTE MONITORING SOLUTIONS AVAILABLE. WHEN YOU NEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY SURE A REMOTE SITE IS STABLE, SECURE, AND MONITORED AROUND THE CLOCK, THERE’S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR CERTAINTY. LI T - 1 0 2 9 © S E N S A P H O N E 9 / 2 0 2 1 SENSAPHONE® 901 TRYENS ROAD ASTON, PA 19014 PH: 877-373-2700 F: 610-558-0222 WWW.SENSAPHONE.COM Distributed By: Sensaphone WSG30 Features and Specifi cations Compatible Sensors & Accessories Temperature Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FGD-WSG30-TMP Temperature Sensor w/ External Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FGD-WSG30-TEX Ultra Low Temperature Sensor w/ External Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FGD-WSG30-TEX85 WSG Wireless Humidity Sensor . . . .FGD-WSG30-HUM Dry Contact Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FGD-WSG30-DRY Power Failure Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FGD-WSG30-PWR 4-20mA Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FGD-WSG30-4-20 Spot Water Detection Sensor . . . . . . FGD-WSG30-SPOT Zone Water Detection Sensor . . . . . FGD-WSG30-ZONE Powerful Wireless Sensors Accept thirty diff erent wireless sensors from distances of up to 300’ away (or farther if there is a line of site or are other sensors in between). A list of popular sensors and accessories is below. WSGWireless Ethernet Receive an e–mail or text message when an alarm has been detected. Or check the status on the WSG30’s web page. Web Services Program, adjust and monitor the status of the sensors on a webpage the WSG30 creates. Battery Backup Rest easy knowing that even if the power goes out, the WSG30 will keep monitoring. LCD Display For a quick local check of the sensor’s status. Keypad Use to scroll through the LCD display. Power Comes with a plug in power supply that also monitors for power failures. Industrial Automation Communicate with an existing automation system using the Modbus protocol. 08/2018 | www.dap.com DAP® Concrete & Mortar Siliconized Filler & Sealant DAP® CONCRETE & MORTAR FILLER & SEALANT is a ready-to-use, waterproof sealant formulated to repair cracks and holes in concrete, mortar and masonry surfaces. It contains silicone additives for improved adhesion, flexibility and water resistance. It forms a durable, 100% waterproof and weatherproof seal. Resists gas, oil, grease and salt. Paintable. Easy to apply, low in odor and water clean-up. VOC compliant. Interior/exterior use.  Fills and seals cracks and holes in concrete surfaces  Ready to use – needs no mixing or additives  Provides a durable, long-lasting repair that is resistant to gasoline, salt, grease or oil when cured  100% waterproof & weatherproof seal  Excellent flexibility & adhesion  Paintable  Easy water clean-up  Low odor  VOC compliant  Exterior/interior use PACKAGING COLOR UPC 10.1 fl oz (300 mL) Cartridge Gray 7079818021 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION KEY FEATURES & BENEFITS 08/2018 | www.dap.com FILLING & SEALING CRACKS & GAPS IN:  Concrete surfaces  Concrete driveways  Patios  Steps  Above ground foundations  Sidewalks  Garage floors  Pavements ADHERES TO:  Concrete  Mortar  Brick  Stone  Masonry  Cinderblock  Stucco  Wood – painted & unpainted  Most metals  Most building materials  Apply in temperatures above 40F.  Do not apply when rain or freezing temperatures are forecasted within 24 hours. Cooler temperatures and higher humidity will slow down dry time.  Not for continuous underwater use, filling butt joints, surface defects, tuck-pointing or expansion joints.  Joint size should not exceed 1/2" wide x 1/2" deep. If joint depth exceeds 1/2", use backer rod material.  Allow sealant to cure 24 hours before direct exposure to water (longer in cooler and/or humid conditions).  Serviceable for pedestrian and vehicular traffic after 24 hours (minimum).  Store sealant away from extreme heat or cold. Surface Preparation Surface must be clean, dry, structurally sound and free of all old caulk, dirt, grease, damaged concrete & foreign material. Product Application 1. Apply in temperatures above 40F. Do not apply when rain or freezing temperatures are forecasted within 24 hours. Cooler temperatures and higher humidity will slow down dry time. 2. Cut nozzle at 45° angle to desired bead size. 3. Load cartridge into caulk gun. 4. Fill cracks and gaps with sealant. SUGGESTED USES FOR BEST RESULTS APPLICATION 08/2018 | www.dap.com 5. After application, a more uniform fill or neater appearance may be obtained by tooling lightly with a trowel or putty knife. 6. Allow to cure 24 hours before direct exposure to water (longer in cooler and/or humid conditions). 7. Paintable after 2 hours (longer in cool or humid conditions) with latex or oil-based paints. 8. Clean up excess wet sealant with a damp sponge before it skins over. Excess dried sealant will need to be cut or scraped away. 9. Reseal cartridge for storage and reuse. Typical Uncured Physical Properties Appearance/Consistency Gunnable, non-sag paste Base Polymer Acrylic latex Filler Calcium carbonate Volatile Water Weight % Solids 81% Density (lbs per gallon) 13.2 Odor Very mild Clean Up Water Flash Point >212ºF Freeze Thaw Stability (ASTM C1183) Passes 5 Cycles Shelf Life 12 months Coverage 55 linear feet at 3/16” diameter bead Typical Application Properties Application Temperature Range 40ºF to 100ºF Tooling Time (Working Time) 10 minutes Tack Free Time 30 minutes Full Dry Through 7-14 days Return to Service Time 24 hours Vertical Sag (ASTM D2202) 0.05” Typical Cured Performance Properties Service Temperature Range -30ºF to 180ºF Water Ready Time 24 hours Paint Ready Time 2 hours Mildew Resistance Cured sealant is mold & mildew resistant TYPICAL PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 08/2018 | www.dap.com Clean up excess wet caulk with a damp sponge before it skins over. Excess dried caulk must be cut or scraped away. Clean hands and tools with warm water and soap. Store container in a cool, dry place away from extreme heat or cold. See product label or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for health and safety information. You can request a SDS by visiting our website at dap.com or calling 888-DAP-TIPS. LIMITED WARRANTY: If product fails to perform when used as directed, within one year of date of purchase, call 888-DAP-TIPS, with your sales receipt and product container available, for replacement product or sales price refund. DAP Products Inc. will not be responsible for incidental or consequential damages. Manufacturer: DAP Products Inc., 2400 Boston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Usage Information: Call 888-DAP-TIPS or visit dap.com & click on “Ask the Expert” Order Information: 800-327-3339 or orders@dap.com Fax Number: 410-558-1068 Also, visit the DAP website at dap.com CLEAN UP & STORAGE SAFETY WARRANTY COMPANY IDENTIFICATION EXHIBIT 3 SAFETY DATA SHEETS SDS Number: 1001001 Revision Date: 4/12/2022SAP Number: Safety Data Sheet 24 Hour Emergency Phone Numbers Medical/Poison Control: In U.S.: Call 1-800-222-1222 Outside U.S.: Call your local poison control center Transportation/National Response Center: 1-800-535-5053 1-352-323-3500 NOTE: The National ResponseCenter emergencynumbers to be used only in the event of chemical emergencies involving a spill, leak, fire, exposure or accident involving chemicals. IMPORTANT: Provide this information to employees, customers, and users of this product. Read this SDS before handling or disposing of this product. This product is covered by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and this document has been prepared in accordance with requirements of this standard. All abbreviated terms used in this SDS are further described in Section 16. 1. Identification Product Name:Concrete Siliconized Filler & Sealant Revision Date:4/12/2022 12/29/2021Product UPC Number:070798180215 Supercedes Date: Product Use/Class:Caulking CompoundManufacturer:DAP Global Inc. 2400 Boston Street Suite 200Baltimore, MD 21224-4723 888-327-8477 (non - emergency matters) SDS Coordinator: MSDS@dap.com Emergency Telephone: Transportation: 1-800-535 -5053 1-352-323-3500 Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 SDS No:1001001 Preparer:Regulatory and Environmental Affairs 2. Hazards Identification EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. GHS Classification Not a hazardous substance or mixture. Symbol(s) of Product None Signal Word Not a hazardous substance or mixture. Possible Hazards 55% of the mixture consists of ingredients of unknown acute toxicity 3. Composition/Information on Ingredients Chemical Name CAS-No.Wt. %GHS Symbols GHS Statements Limestone 1317-65-3 Page 1 / 5 SDS Number: 1001001 Revision Date: 4/12/2022SAP Number: 72623-86-0 64741-88-4 64741-89-5 Proprietary The text for GHS Hazard Statements shown above (if any) is given in the "Other information" Section. 4. First-aid Measures FIRST AID - INHALATION: Material is not likely to present an inhalation hazard at ambient conditions. If you experience difficulty in breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is experienced, get medical attention immediately. FIRST AID - SKIN CONTACT: In case of contact, wash skin immediately with soap and water. FIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes until irritation subsides. Get medical attention immediately. FIRST AID - INGESTION: If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Get medical attention immediately. 5. Fire-fighting Measures UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None Known. SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand (NIOSH approved or equivalent) and full protective gear. Use water spray to cool exposed surfaces. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Alcohol Foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water Spray or Fog, Water 6. Accidental Release Measures ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES: Wipe up or scrape up and contain for salvage or disposal. Clean area as appropriate. Dispose of saturated absorbent or cleaning materials appropriately. Local, state and federal laws and regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materials and items employed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which federal, state and local laws and regulations are applicable. Sections 13 and 15 of this MSDS provide information regarding certain federal and state requirements. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Use personal protective equipment as necessary. In case of spillage, absorb with inert material and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations. Scrape up dried material and place into containers. 7. Handling and Storage HANDLING: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN!DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. Use only with adequate ventilation. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. Wash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE: Avoid excessive heat and freezing. Do not store at temperatures above 120 °F (49 °C). Store away from caustics and oxidizers. 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Ingredients with Occupational Exposure Limits Chemical Name ACGIH TLV-TWA ACGIH-TLV STEL OSHA PEL-TWA OSHA PEL-CEILING Limestone N.E.N.E.15 mg/m3 TWA total dust, 5 mg/m3 TWA respirable fraction N.E. Lubricating petroleum oil N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E. Petroleum distillates N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E. Solvent ref. light paraffinic N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E. Glycol ethers N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E. Further Advice: MEL = Maximum Exposure Limit OES = Occupational Exposure Standard SUP = Supplier's Recommendation Sk = Skin Sensitizer N.E. = Not Established Page 2 / 5 SDS Number: 1001001 Revision Date: 4/12/2022SAP Number: Personal Protection RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required. SKIN PROTECTION: Rubber gloves. EYE PROTECTION: Goggles or safety glasses with side shields. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Not required under normal use. HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before re-use. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance:Gray Physical State:Paste Odor:Very Slight Ammonia Odor Threshold:Not Established Density, g/cm3:1.56 - 1.57 pH:Between 7.0 and 12.0 Freeze Point, °C:Not Established Viscosity (mPa.s):Not Established Solubility in Water:Not Established Partition Coeff., n-octanol/water:Not Established Decomposition Temperature, °C:Not Established Explosive Limits, %:N.E. - N.E.Boiling Range, °C:100 - 100 Auto-Ignition Temperature, °C Not Established Minimum Flash Point, °C:100 Vapor Pressure, mmHg:Not Established Evaporation Rate:Slower Than n-Butyl Acetate Flash Method:Seta Closed Cup Vapor Density:Heavier Than Air Flammability, NFPA:Non-FlammableCombustible Dust:Does not support combustion (See "Other information" Section for abbreviation legend) (If product is an aerosol, the flash point stated above is that of the propellant.) 10. Stability and Reactivity STABILITY: Stable under recommended storage conditions. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat and freezing. INCOMPATIBILITY: Incompatible with strong bases and oxidizing agents. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Normal decomposition products, i.e., COx, NOx. 11. Toxicological Information EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - INHALATION: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Inhalation of vapors in high concentration may cause mild irritation of respiratory system (nose, mouth, mucous membranes). EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - SKIN CONTACT: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Prolonged or repeated contact with skin may cause mild irritation. EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - EYE CONTACT: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Direct eye contact may cause irritation. EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - INGESTION: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Single dose oral toxicity is very low. Amounts ingested incidental to industrial handling are not likely to cause injury; however, ingestion of large amounts may cause injury. CARCINOGENICITY: No Information Page 3 / 5 SDS Number: 1001001 Revision Date: 4/12/2022SAP Number: EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - CHRONIC HAZARDS: Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause mild irritation of eyes and skin. Constituents of this product include crystalline silica which ,if inhalable, may cause silicosis, a form of progressive pulmonary fibrosis. Inhalable crystalline silica is listed by IARC as a group I carcinogen (lung) based on sufficient evidence in occupationally exposed humans and sufficient evidence in animals. Crystalline silica is also listed by the NTP as a known human carcinogen. Constituents may also contain asbestiform or non-asbestiform tremolite or other silicates as impurities, and above de minimus exposure to these impurities in inhalable form may be carcinogenic or cause other serious lung problems. PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Skin Contact Acute Toxicity Values The acute effects of this product have not been tested. Data on individual components are tabulated below CAS-No.Chemical Name Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Vapor LC50 1317-65-3 Limestone 6450 mg/kg Rat N.I.N.I. 72623-86-0 Lubricating petroleum oil >5000 mg/kg Rat >2000 mg/kg Rabbit N.I. 64741-88-4 Petroleum distillates >5000 mg/kg Rat >2000 mg/kg Rabbit N.I. 64741-89-5 Solvent ref. light paraffinic >15000 mg/kg Rat >5000 mg/kg Rabbit 2.18 mg/L Rat SEQ548 Glycol ethers N.I.N.I.N.I. N.I. = No Information 12. Ecological Information ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Ecological injuries are not known or expected under normal use. 13. Disposal Information DISPOSAL INFORMATION: This product does not meet the definition of a hazardous waste according to U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste Management Regulation, 40 CFR Section 261. Dispose as hazardous waste according to all local, state, federal and provincial regulations. State and Local regulations/restrictions are complex and may differ from Federal regulations. Responsibility for proper waste disposal is with the owner of the waste. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Use personal protective equipment as necessary. In case of spillage, absorb with inert material and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations. Scrape up dried material and place into containers. 14. Transport Information DOT UN/NA Number:N.A. DOT Proper Shipping Name:Not RegulatedDOT Technical Name:N.A. DOT Hazard Class:N.A. Hazard SubClass:N.A. Packing Group:N.A. 15. Regulatory Information U.S. Federal Regulations: CERCLA - SARA Hazard Category This product has been reviewed according to the EPA ‘Hazard Categories’ promulgated under Sections 311 and 312 of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA Title III) and is considered, under applicable definitions, to meet the following categories: None Known SARA SECTION 313: This product contains the following substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372: No Sara 313 components exist in this product. Page 4 / 5 SDS Number: 1001001 Revision Date: 4/12/2022SAP Number: TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT: All ingredients in this product are either on TSCA inventory list, or otherwise exempt. This product contains the following chemical substances subject to the reporting requirements of TSCA 12(B) if exported from the United States: No TSCA 12(b) components exist in this product. 16. Other Information Supersedes Date:12/29/2021Revision Date:4/11/2022 Reason for revision:Substance Hazard Threshold % Changed Substance and/or Product Properties Changed in Section(s): 01 - Product Information 08 - Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Datasheet produced by:Regulatory Department HMIS Ratings: Health:Flammability:Reactivity:Personal Protection: 1 0 0 X VOC Less Water Less Exempt Solvent, g/L:9.5 VOC Material, g/L:7 0.02VOC as Defined by California Consumer Product Regulation, Wt/Wt%: VOC Actual, Wt/Wt%:0.4 Text for GHS Hazard Statements shown in Section 3 describing each ingredient: H331 Toxic if inhaled. H332 Harmful if inhaled. Icons for GHS Pictograms shown in Section 3 describing each ingredient: GHS06 GHS07 Legend: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not Determined DAP believes the data and statements contained herein are accurate as of the date hereof. They are offered in good faith as typical values and not as a product specification. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WITH REGARD TO THE INFORMATION HEREIN PROVIDED OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. Since this document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate use and precautionary handling of the referenced product by a properly trained person, it is therefore the responsibility of the user to (i) review the recommendations with due consideration for the specific context of the intended use and (ii) determine if they are appropriate. Page 5 / 5 EXHIBIT 4 HISTORICAL DATA TABLES EXHIBIT 5 COMPLETED VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) DESIGN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST VIMS Design Checklist Version 2, Feb 2022 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Requirements NCDEQ Brownfields Program – February 2022 In order to more efficiently process and approve VIMS designs, the Brownfields Program has standardized the format for design submittals. We have generated this format in the form of a checklist to allow for ease in submittal by the prospective developer’s consultant and the Brownfields Program’s completeness review. The checklist below outlines the minimum requirements and submittal format under the Brownfields Program for VIMS system design considerations and reporting. All VIMS design submittals to the Brownfields Program must include this completed checklist in this required format. Strictly adhering to these design submittal requirements will allow DEQ to minimize its review time for the design and the scope of performance and pre- occupancy sampling wherever possible. However, if these requirements are not followed fully, DEQ will require a more extensive and on-going sampling protocol to ensure that the VIMS is fully protective of public health. For the purposes of these requirements, PE shall mean a Professional Engineer licensed in North Carolina. The benefits of following these requirements include: - Significant Professional Engineering design discretion by a PE as to the VIMS design; - Minimal turnaround time as the Brownfields Program review will consist of a completeness check rather than a detailed design review; - Pre- and post-occupancy sampling location and frequency minimization and the lowest possible frequency of pre-/post-occupancy sampling to confirm system efficacy, at DEQ’s discretion; and - Potential reduction in long term monitoring requirements and costs. If these requirements are not followed, and the VIMS design fails a completeness check: - Significant delays and associated costs may be incurred as DEQ conducts an in-depth review; - Subsequent design modifications and costs of delay associated with multiple review iterations; and - The establishment of extensive ongoing sampling requirements to ensure adequate system performance and public health protection. Please note that this VIMS design submittal is not the end of communication with the Brownfields Program. Best practices for successful project completion and avoiding installation/construction delays include maintaining close coordination and consultation with the Brownfields Program between the PD, VIMS contractors, and all general contractors for the installation of the design. This will avoid costly construction delays and installation issues that would trigger additional monitoring requirements that otherwise would not be necessary. It is important that significant advance notification of schedules, and subsequent rescheduling as it occurs, for the following activities (at a minimum) is provided to the Brownfields Program: - Project construction; - Design modification/addenda; - Installation; - Performance testing; and - Inspections Note: The format below should be followed verbatim in its entirety in the VIMS design submittal to satisfy and facilitate the completeness review performed by the DEQ Brownfields Program. In addition, this document is to be completed and submitted as a checklist along with the design to ensure the necessary elements are addressed in the design. 2 VIMS Design Checklist Version 2, Feb 2022 ☐ Section 1. Introduction Provide a brief background of the Brownfields Property and basis for installing a VIMS (e.g. off-site migration of contaminants, on-site releases, chlorinated solvents, pre-emptive approach for residential redevelopment, etc.). Document the type of foundation design required by construction plans (e.g. waffled construction, ground floor post-tension cabling, build-to-suit construction, or other unique construction plans). Additional items to be included in the VIMS design submittal must include: ☐ Brownfield Project ID#, Parcel #s, address(es), site history, approximate acreage of site, and contact information for the developer, consultant, VIMS installation contractor, and Brownfields Project Manager. ☐ If vapor mitigation is not proposed for all buildings (new, existing, or partial building), provide a risk-based justification for why mitigation is not needed for all buildings (note that confirmatory sampling of unmitigated areas may be required post construction/renovation). ☐ Discussion of proposed site redevelopment (e.g., townhomes, apartments, commercial, mixed-use, retail, etc.), and general layout of building(s) - (e.g., garage on first floor, with living space on second and third floors, presence of elevators, former textile mill with ground floor and basement level apartments, podium parking first floor, 10 story apartment building with podium parking on first three floors, etc.). Include references to the following figures (to be included in the Figures section outlined below): ☐ Site vicinity map ☐ Figures detailing all existing and/or proposed buildings overlain on historical sampling locations/known impacts ☐ Figures detailing the approximate ground floor square footage, including square footage of area proposed for mitigation (if different), of relative buildings and their proposed use per floor. Include footprint of planned demolition or retention of existing buildings. ☐ Locations of thickened footers, separate slabs, etc. that may hinder communication between slab segments ☐ Locations of relevant mitigation features (including but not limited to extent of vapor barrier, suction lines, risers, extraction points, pressure monitoring points, etc.) ☐ Locations of vertical walls in contact with soils (and a statement regarding whether any such features exist or not) ☐ The Design and any figures as appropriate have a PE Seal using the following language: “The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate intrusion of subsurface vapors into the subject building from known Brownfields Property contaminants in a manner that is in accordance with the most recent and applicable guidelines including, but not limited to, DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. The sealing professional engineer below is satisfied that the design [add “and its installation” for use in an installation report] is [are] fully protective of public health from known Brownfields Property contaminants.” Note: If a VIMS is not installed for certain portions of a Brownfields Property due to open-air ‘podium’ construction or parking decks, a VIMS may still be required for features such as elevator shafts, stairwells, and/or areas with utility penetrations that exchange air with occupied areas. Confirmatory sampling of these areas and associated occupied spaces may be required during post construction/renovation. 3 VIMS Design Checklist Version 2, Feb 2022 ☐ Section 2. Design Basis Specify which type(s) of VIMS is intended for the planned structures, selecting which is appropriate, and explaining the basis for the selection: ☐Passive System. Note for all passive systems, a mechanism/process shall be established (to be approved by DEQ) by which the system can be made active, which may include a reliance on information from pressure measurements, exterior soil gas, sub slab vapor, and/or indoor air sampling, or changes in site conditions. A passive system should be designed and installed such that the passive system is as effective as an active system at preventing vapor intrusion. ☐Active System. Note a pressure differential resulting in depressurization below the slab of 4 pascals or greater at remote extents of each VIMS area is considered sufficiently depressurized (low pressure readings such as 1 to 2 pascals may be acceptable if employed with continuous pressure measurement during varied HVAC situations, weather events, and climate for winter and summer months). An overview of the alarm system that informs appropriate parties in the event the system malfunctions should be included. Note: Pressure monitoring points are recommended to be placed at locations remotely distant from where each suction point transitions to below the slab in addition to locations positioned near each suction point and associated horizontal piping. If monitoring points are not installed at remote locations, future sampling requirements may necessitate installation of additional monitoring locations or an evaluation of indoor air quality. For all system designs, the following design specifications must be included as exhibits: ☐ Sub-slab Venting Construction Materials and Installation. Design specifications must be included as an exhibit (see Section 8 below). All piping, including above a roof line must be labeled at intervals no greater than 10 linear feet permanently labeled with “Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System” with contact information for questions or repairs. ☐ Membrane Vapor Barrier Construction Materials and Installation. Design specifications must be included as an exhibit (see Section 8 below). Particular attention should be paid to the design and diagrams for sealing barriers at slab penetrations and edges. Note: Brownfields Property contaminants of concern (COCs) must not be present in building materials. Note: If materials are proposed that are not specifically rated for chemical resistance to specific site contaminants of concern, this will have a bearing on DEQ’s determination of performance testing requirements following construction. Specification documentation should be provided for all materials utilized as part of the VIMS. Note: All utility penetrations are required to include trench dams. Include details on trench dam installation as part of system design. ☐ Section 3. Quality Assurance / Quality Control ☐ Details on planned inspections are required for all gravel & piping prior to installing the vapor barrier, and are required for all sections of the vapor barrier prior to pouring the slab. These inspections must be conducted by qualified personnel under the supervision of the design PE and include field logs and photographs. ☐ A statement committing to provide a minimum of 2 business days’ advance notification to the Brownfields Program prior to inspections should be included. ☐ Smoke Testing and/or Thickness (Coupon) Measurements: Smoke testing is strongly recommended for both roll-out and spray applied barriers. Coupon testing will be required on spray application barriers only. Note: Non-performance of adequate inspections or smoke testing will have a bearing on DEQ’s determination of performance testing requirements following construction. 4 VIMS Design Checklist Version 2, Feb 2022 ☐ Section 4. Post-Construction / Pre-Occupancy Effectiveness Testing ☐ Discussion of Pilot/Influence Testing is required for passive and active systems prior to occupancy with the objective being to document that all areas below the slab can be effectively influenced by the current piping network. Testing details should include, at minimum: ☐ Pressure monitoring points: Note based on pilot testing results and review by the Brownfields Program, the number of pressure monitoring points installed for pilot testing may ultimately reduce the number of permanent pressure monitoring points. ☐ Pressure monitoring points are placed at locations that are demonstrated to be remotely distant from where each suction point transitions and are located at the extents of the area of influence to below the slab in addition to locations near each suction point and associated horizontal piping ☐ Sub-slab vacuum monitoring and/or sample collection points: Note these should be installed PRIOR to installation of floor slab(s). Drilling through concrete slabs and VIMS barriers after a concrete slab is in place may result in significant issues regarding the sealing of the sampling point to the VI barrier once the concrete slab has been poured. ☐ A statement committing to provide a minimum of 2 business days’ advance notification to the Brownfields Program prior to testing should be included. ☐ Discussion of pour back areas including: ☐ Protection of and testing following completion: Note if concrete pour back areas for future tenants are included in the VIMS design or if slab modifications are made in the future, communication testing will be required after completion of each of the following events: 1) in the event TCE is present, preventative measures implemented when the barrier is removed, 2)once the pour back area VI barrier has been installed, 3) following completion of tenant up-fit activities, 4) prior to pouring the concrete floor slab, and 5) following repair of any damage to the VI barrier. ☐ Commitment to DEQ notification of a minimum of 2 business days prior to the start of tenant up-fit activities. ☐ Discussion regarding sampling/protective measures that will be taken if a building is occupied during up- fit activities. Note: Section 3 (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) above will apply to all future pour backs and slab modifications; these requirements apply to all system or slab alterations regardless of how small the altered area. If pour-back area communication testing is not deemed sufficient prior to floor slab being poured, this will result in the need for additional sampling. Alteration of pour back areas or alteration of slabs in the future may necessitate future sampling of the site buildings. ☐ Discussion of protection of exposed systems: During any time that the system is left exposed (i.e. without a concrete/wooden cover in place), protective measures must be implemented, as noted above, and scheduled inspections of the exposed system are required. In addition to the pre-occupancy testing, during the time that the system is left exposed, monitoring, including vapor intrusion assessment, will be conducted in the subject building. If PCE, TCE, and/or select daughter products are present at the Brownfields Property, indoor air sampling will be required. ☐ Discussion of proposed pre-occupancy soil gas and/or indoor air sampling: Sampling is to be completed prior to occupancy and the data will be compared to applicable DEQ screening criteria. Include considerations for resampling in the event that impacts are identified above applicable criteria. Note: Unlike the remainder of this document, which has significant PE discretion in design; soil gas/indoor air sampling frequency and locations is subject to the sole discretion of the DEQ Brownfields Program. Note: Pilot/Influence Testing, Exterior Soil Gas, Sub Slab Vapor, and/or Indoor Air Sampling must be submitted to the Brownfields Program for conditional occupancy considerations as per standard Brownfields VI provisions. 5 VIMS Design Checklist Version 2, Feb 2022 ☐ Section 5. Post-Occupancy Effectiveness Testing – Should be specified with the design submittal and not at a later date. ☐ Discussion of On-going Pressure Testing: Note this is required for active systems to be conducted on a monthly basis for the first year with collected information submitted to the Brownfields Program on a quarterly basis. Based on the first year of pressure readings, and with approval of the Brownfields Program, pressure testing may be collected quarterly (see below) and data would be submitted with the annual Land Use Restriction Update (LURU) following the first year of data collection. Note that the Brownfields Program utilizes a ‘sliding scale’ of pressure reading collection frequency vs. the stated depressurization goal or observed depressurization (e.g., if a VIMS is designed (or observed) to obtain a pressure differential less than 4 pascals, more frequent depressurization measurements will be necessary and may include continuous data logging; or an upgrade to the VIMS to increase pressure differentials may be necessary). ☐ Discussion of proposed post-occupancy sub slab vapor and/or indoor air sampling: Sampling is to be completed post occupancy and the data will be compared to applicable DEQ screening criteria. Include considerations for resampling in the event that impacts are identified above applicable screening criteria. Note: Unlike the remainder of this document, which has significant PE discretion in design; sub slab vapor/indoor air sampling frequency and locations is subject to the sole discretion of the DEQ Brownfields Program. Note: In addition to these requirements, townhomes remain subject to the sampling requirements outlined in the DEQ Brownfields Townhome Minimum Requirements located at www.ncbrownfields.org. Ensure that Townhome redevelopment has been approved by the NC DEQ Brownfields Program in advance of redevelopment planning. ☐ Section 6. Future Tenants & Building Uses This section must address plans to notify future tenants of the presence of a VIMS and to prevent future tenants or occupants from exposing/damaging the VIMS without the oversight of a qualified P.E. Note that if the VIMS is exposed (for installation of new utilities, etc.), the same inspection requirements and reporting as for initial installation is required. ☐ Section 7. Reporting This section must discuss reporting deliverables within 60 days following completion of initial post-construction testing as outlined in Sections 4 and 5 above and a commitment to include in the final deliverable: ☐ A report prepared and submitted to the Brownfields Program under PE seal ☐ Summary of the installation, QA/QC measures, post-construction/pre-occupancy system effectiveness testing ☐ A statement from the PE providing an opinion of whether the VIMS was delivered in a condition consistent with the VIMS design and objectives. Note: Certain components of these reporting requirements, including pressure measurements, sub slab vapor sampling, and indoor air sampling, can be conducted and reported under a N.C. licensed Professional Geologist seal. ☐ Appendices to include at minimum: ☐ as-built drawings (also signed/sealed by a PE); ☐ all inspection logs including photographs and field logs. Note that the inspection logs do not need to be addressed in the text of the report unless information pertinent to the operation of the VIMS was discovered; and ☐ An index of, and individual safety data sheets for, any materials used during construction that could contribute to background indoor air contamination. ☐ PE sealed statement regarding the system effectiveness verbatim as follows: “The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate intrusion of subsurface vapors into the subject building from known Brownfields Property contaminants in a manner that is in accordance with the most recent and applicable guidelines including, but not limited to, DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) 6 VIMS Design Checklist Version 2, Feb 2022 guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. The sealing professional engineer below is satisfied that the design [add “and its installation” for use in an installation report] is [are] fully protective of public health from known Brownfields Property contaminants.” ☐ Section 8. Design Submittal Exhibits Drawings to be included: ☐ General Site Location Map (to include a scale and north arrow) ☐ Site Figure that includes: ☐ The Brownfields Property boundary and immediately adjacent properties or landmarks such as streets; ☐ Graphic scale and north arrow; ☐ Historical sampling locations and known impacts (groundwater, soil, exterior soil-gas, sub slab vapor, indoor air, and if available on-site or adjacent surface water locations) relative to existing and proposed structures; and ☐ Reference to table(s) in the VIMS Plan where analytical results are provided. These results should be compared to the appropriate screening criteria (residential or non-residential IASL’s, etc.). ☐ Design Specifications: Sub-Slab Venting Construction Materials and Installation; Membrane Vapor Barrier Construction Materials and Installation ☐ Material Specification Sheets for all items associated with the VIMS (vapor barrier, piping, mastic, tape, sealants, cleaners, etc.) ☐ Section 9. Special Considerations for Retrofits The following details will need to be provided for DEQ review for a planned retrofit of existing buildings: ☐ Complete explanation of subsurface structural conditions on all site buildings, including those buildings that are not proposed for mitigation but will remain on-site including but not limited to details on the presence or absence of the following: ☐ Basements/crawlspaces; ☐ Vertical walls in contact with soil; ☐ Details on slab thickness and underlying conditions (i.e. slab on gravel, slab on grade, slab over crawlspace, etc.); ☐ Details on number of slabs per building that are connected that have differing thicknesses or thickened footer separations or sub-walls that would create isolated slab areas for consideration or would hinder overall VIMS influence; ☐ Obvious issues with slab integrity such as cracks or voids, etc.); ☐ Presence of sub-slab utility conduits, trenches, or tunnels that could act as preferential pathways and the need to mitigate (e.g. installation of trench dams, anti-seep collars, etc.); ☐ Sumps; ☐ Elevator pits; and ☐ Other applicable subsurface building features. ☐ Details on proposed sealing/repairs of obvious/existing concrete slab from minor caulking of floor cracks/expansion joints, and VIMS core drilled suction points, to possible VIMS saw cut trench sealing or specialized coatings for entire floor slab (e.g. Retro-CoatTM or other similar coatings). ☐ Details on radius of influence in pilot/communication testing planned. ☐ Existing buildings to remain as part of redevelopment and/or proposed buildings shown on the Site Plan should be accurate and complete. At a minimum, plans should provide the following details: Not Applicable 7 VIMS Design Checklist Version 2, Feb 2022 ☐Detailed foundation plans - In addition to displaying piping network and proposed monitoring point locations, foundation plans should show all footers, grade beams, and other sub-slab features that could affect vacuum communication. This would also include sub-grade crawl spaces, basements, tunnels, walk-out basements, elevator pits, and other situations where soil is in contact with side walls of structure in addition to below the footprint of the building slab. Provide details on any vertical walls in contact with soil and the planned mitigation of such. ☐Drawings shall be provided of each VIMS barrier sealing detail, including piping layout (transition from slotted PVC, terra vent, etc. to solid piping through grade beams for example, and examples of these detail drawings should be called out on VIMS layout drawing. When possible, drawings should be provided in color so that VIMS piping, extents of proposed vapor barrier, proposed sample/vacuum monitoring locations and other features can be easily distinguished. ☐Detailed drawings of grade beams, thickened slabs, and other sub-slab features that could affect VIMS influence must be clearly defined and easily discernable from existing or proposed interior walls that are above the floor slab (which would have no effect on vacuum influence below the slab). Useful Reference(s): ☐ NOTE: Include references to any guidance/documents used or referenced by the PE during design of the VIMS. Division of Waste Management (March 2018, Version 2) - “Vapor Intrusion Guidance” Note: this document also contains in Appendix H the “Brownfields Program Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal New Construction Minimum Requirements Checklist” https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-permit-guidance/dwm-vapor-intrusion-guidance “North Carolina Brownfields Program Minimum Requirements for Townhome Developments” (May 2020) https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/bf/statutes ITRC Guidance Website - “Technical Resources for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation” https://www.itrcweb.org/Guidance/ListDocuments?topicID=28&subTopicID=39 ANSI/AARST CC-1000, “Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Buildings”. Note: CC-1000 includes companion guidance that is not part of the ANSI/AARST American National Standard Institute (ANSI), and may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process. https://standards.aarst.org/CC-1000-2018/4/ ATTACHMENT 1 BUILDING PLANS