HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRLF9389_20231117_RI-1&2_Work PlanS&ME, Inc. | 3201 Spring Forest Road | Raleigh, NC 27616 | p 919.872.2660 | www.smeinc.com November 17, 2023 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management – Special Remediation Branch Pre-Regulatory Landfill Unit 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Attention: Mr. Sean Gallagher via email: sean.gallagher@deq.nc.gov Environmental Engineer Reference: Work Plan & Cost Estimate for Soil Gas and Soil Cover Evaluation Tarboro Landfill Baker Street Extension, Tarboro, Edgecombe County, North Carolina NCDEQ ID No. NCD980559389 NCDEQ Task Orders 9389RI-1 & RI-2 S&ME Proposal No. 23050206A, Revision 1 Dear Mr. Gallagher: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME), appreciates the opportunity to provide this work plan and cost estimate to conduct remedial investigation (RI) activities at the Tarboro Landfill site located in Tarboro, North Carolina as requested by the Pre- Regulatory Landfill Unit. This proposal outlines our understanding of the project, a scope of services, an estimated fee, and a project schedule. These services will be performed according to the terms of Contract Number N42621-B, dated January 4, 2021 between NCDEQ and S&ME. SCOPE OF SERVICES As requested by the Unit, S&ME proposes to offer the following Scope of Services at the Tarboro Landfill site. These services will be performed in general accordance with NCDEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Program guidance documents: Guidelines for Addressing Pre-Regulatory Landfills and Dumps, and S&ME’s approved Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance (SOP/QA) Manual. Investigation Goals: Evaluate perimeter soil gas levels from existing soil gas probes and proposed soil gas probes. Evaluate soil cover suitability of the waste disposal area, open area only (approximately eight acres). Work Plan & Cost Estimate for Soil Gas and Soil Cover Evaluation Tarboro Landfill NCDEQ ID No. NCD980559389 NCDEQ Task Orders 9389RI-1 & RI-2 S&ME Proposal No. 23050206, Rev. 1 November 17, 2023 2 TASK ORDER 9389RI-1 Subtask A Work Plan & Proposal Preparation The following services were performed: Coordination with NCDEQ for Scope of Work guidance. Procured competitive subcontractor quotes for laboratories and drillers. Developed a site drawing to present the proposed boring/sample locations. Developed cost estimate spreadsheets. Prepared field services schedule and task descriptions. Prepared this proposal and work plan. Field Services The following activities and tasks will be completed for the soil boring installation/sampling: S&ME’s project professional will make site visits to conduct the initial site safety meeting and to conduct an on-site scope meeting with the field team. S&ME will take photographs of the locations of the site where soil boring installations will be conducted before site services begin. S&ME will also take photographs during the installation and sampling/screening. These photos will provide a “before sampling condition” photo log. A photo log will only be submitted as part of the report where property was/is damaged and/or not restored to near its original condition. Soil samples will be continuously logged from the cuttings that are turned up at the ground surface from the auger flights or from Geoprobe macro-core tubes. Soil samples will be logged and classified to identify soil types according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). A track mounted drill rig with macro core tubes or an auger will be used to install soil gas probe borings. Decontamination procedures will be followed according to S&ME’s SOP/QA Manual. Decontamination will be conducted between general boring location areas and between each of the monitor wells and landfill gas probes. GPS coordinates will be collected at all boring locations and reported in decimal degrees to the seventh order using the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) and in latitude and longitude using WGS 84. GPS coordinates will be differentially corrected and provided in an appendix with location descriptions (e.g. SB-1, GP-1 etc.). One duplicate sample will be collected per media per day of sampling. Work Plan & Cost Estimate for Soil Gas and Soil Cover Evaluation Tarboro Landfill NCDEQ ID No. NCD980559389 NCDEQ Task Orders 9389RI-1 & RI-2 S&ME Proposal No. 23050206, Rev. 1 November 17, 2023 3 Media samples will be analyzed by a North Carolina certified laboratory using the most current USEPA Contract Laboratory Program Target Compound list for: Soil Gas Samples: Volatile organic compounds by Method TO-15 Methane by Method 1946 Hydrogen sulfide by ASTM D5504 Soil Cover Samples: Volatile Organic Compounds by Method 8260B; Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds by Method 8270D 1,4 Dioxane Method 8270 SIM; Metals (16) by EPA Method 6020 Mercury by EPA Method 7470A Hexavalent Chromium by Method 7199; Ammonia by Method 350.1; and, Nitrate-N & Sulfate by Method 9056. Daily updates will be provided to the Unit Project Manager. Subtask B Soil Gas Probe Installation The following activities and tasks will be completed for the landfill gas probe installations: Soil Gas Probe Installation Prior to conducting field work, S&ME will notify the North Carolina One-Call Center (811) to locate underground utilities. In additional, S&ME will retain the services of a private utility locator to assist in demarcation of subsurface utilities. Ten Soil Gas Probes (LG-10 through LG-19) will be installed as shown on Figure 1. For cost estimating purposes, the soil gas probes are proposed to be installed outside of the WDA up to a depth of 11 feet bgs. The gas probes will be installed as follows: A decontaminated 3 ¼” or 4 ¼” diameter auger will be extended up to 11 feet bgs. The bottom of the PVC well screen will be installed at least two feet or more above the estimated groundwater table elevation. If the estimated groundwater table is expected to be less than 13 ft. bgs, adjustments to the length of well screen will be made. (If the depth to the estimated groundwater is too shallow to allow at least a five-foot distance between the top of the well screen and the top of the ground surface, a gas probe will not be installed. The Unit Project Manager will be contacted in this case and a soil gas implant may be installed (if requested) instead of a gas probe. A five- to ten-foot long 1-inch diameter, 0.010-inch slot screen with 1-inch diameter PVC well casing will be placed into the open boring. o If the well screen is shortened to accommodate shallow groundwater, a push cap will be placed onto the cut bottom of the well screen. o A locking compression well plug will be installed at the top of the PVC well casing. Work Plan & Cost Estimate for Soil Gas and Soil Cover Evaluation Tarboro Landfill NCDEQ ID No. NCD980559389 NCDEQ Task Orders 9389RI-1 & RI-2 S&ME Proposal No. 23050206, Rev. 1 November 17, 2023 4 o Coarse sand (#3 sand) will be tremmied into the annulus around the PVC screen and casing from the bottom of the boring up to approximately one foot above the top of the screen. o A two-foot thickness of bentonite pellets will be poured into the boring around the PVC casing from the top of the sand to one foot above the sand. The soil gas probes will be installed to ensure that there is at least four feet from the top of the bentonite to the ground surface. Approximately one gallon of clean water will be poured into the boring to hydrate the bentonite seal. o Concrete grout will be packed into the boring from the top of the bentonite layer to the ground surface. The gas probes will be finished as permanent sampling points with concrete pads, flush mount protective steel casings and locks. Flagging will be used to mark the gas probe locations. Subtask C Soil Gas Screening and Sampling S&ME will collect a gas sample from each new gas probe location (LG-10 thru LG-19), and from seven existing landfill gas probes (LG-1, LG-2, LG-4, LG-6, LG-7, LG-8 and LG-9) if they can be located, using batch-certified summa canisters. See Figure 1 for the soil gas probe locations. A sample train will be used at each sample location that will include: Teflon tubing, roto-meter, valves, gauges, tubing fittings, flow control valve and Summa canisters. After the sampling train is connected, a leak tightness check will be conducted at each of the locations in accordance with the Guidance. The existing soil gas probes are installed as stick-ups, therefore a shut-in tightness test will only be conducted at these locations. Collect Soil Gas Samples with Summa Canisters: o Laboratory certified Summa canisters under approximately 28 – 30 inches of mercury (Hg) vacuum will be provided by a NC certified laboratory. The Summa canisters will be six liters and will be batch certified. The laboratory will provide a pressure gauge and flow controller for the Summa canisters, Swagelok type fittings with Teflon tape will be used. The flow controller will be set by the laboratory to collect landfill gas into the Summa canisters at approximately 100 ml/minute. (A collection rate of 200 ml/minute or less is recommended to limit stripping of VOCs from the air samples). o The Summa canister valve and the valve at the top of the PVC soil gas probe will be opened to ensure that air flow is from the landfill soil gas probe into the Summa canister only. It will take about four-hours to fill the Summa canister. o The sampling and Summa canisters parameters will be recorded (e.g. time, rate, begin pressure, end pressure, etc.). o When the Summa canister is full, the valve on the Summa canister will be closed and disconnected from the sampling train. o Upon completion the air pump and bag will be disconnected from the sampling train. The sampling train will also be removed from the PVC landfill soil gas probe and a PVC cap will be replaced on the landfill soil gas probe to close the probe. o The Summa canisters will be shipped under standard chain of custody to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method TO-15 and methane by EPA Method D1946, and hydrogen sulfide by ASTM Method D5504. o One QC sample will be collected: one duplicate drawn concurrently from one of the landfill soil gas probes. Work Plan & Cost Estimate for Soil Gas and Soil Cover Evaluation Tarboro Landfill NCDEQ ID No. NCD980559389 NCDEQ Task Orders 9389RI-1 & RI-2 S&ME Proposal No. 23050206, Rev. 1 November 17, 2023 5 Field Screening of Soil Gas: S&ME will field screen the soil gas probes for the presence of landfill gases. Soil gas screening will not be conducted 24-hours of soil gas sampling. Portable meters will be used to collect the following parameters at each landfill/soil gas probe location. Landfill Gas Meter - GEM2000 PLUS for: o methane: 0-100%, +/- 0.5% to 3.0% accuracy o hydrogen sulfide: 0-500 ppmv, with +/- 50 ppmv resolution o carbon dioxide: 0-100%, +/- 0.5% to 3.0% accuracy o oxygen: 0-25%, +/- 1.0% accuracy o barometric pressure: +/- 5.9 inches mercury from calibration pressure, +/- 0.15 inches mercury accuracy Photo-Ionization Detector - MiniRAE 3000 PID for total VOCs: 0-15,000 ppmv, with +/- 0.1 ppmv resolution over range of 0 to 999.9 ppmv and +/- 1 ppmv resolution over range of 1,000 to 15,000 ppmv. A thermo-hygrometer will be used to measure ambient air for humidity, and temperature. Each of the meters listed above has an internal pump. New Teflon tubing will be connected from the meters to each soil gas probe cap for sampling. For field instruments used, the following information will be recorded and provided in the appendices of the report: manufacturer, model number, serial number, date of factory calibration and maintenance, set up parameters, and detection limit. Instruments will be calibrated in the field following manufacturer recommendations for each instrument. A summary of field calibration procedures used (according to manufacturer’s recommendations) and bump tests (to verify full calibration and instrument accuracy) performed before, during, and after evaluation will be documented. Additional field calibrations that may be required for changing field conditions (such as barometric pressure or temperature) will be documented. Types of calibration gasses and their expiration dates will also be documented. Multiple background readings will be collected away from the waste disposal area. Field logs will be maintained and will include at a minimum: Names of persons conducting the evaluation. Brief description of weather conditions (possible impacts on data: windy, nearby exhaust from vehicles, etc.). Date and time began/ended. Ambient temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure readings at least hourly. Verification of field instrument calibration. Additional field calibration as needed for changing field conditions. Duplicate readings from at least one background and two probes. Detection limit of each instrument used. A table that includes sample location, readings, and notations of other things that may affect the results (e.g. water trap, filters, increasing barometric pressure, significant change in temperature, etc.). Work Plan & Cost Estimate for Soil Gas and Soil Cover Evaluation Tarboro Landfill NCDEQ ID No. NCD980559389 NCDEQ Task Orders 9389RI-1 & RI-2 S&ME Proposal No. 23050206, Rev. 1 November 17, 2023 6 Subtask D Soil Cover Evaluation Refer to Figure 1 for the proposed sampling locations. To assess the soil cover thickness across the open are shown on Figure 1, an estimated 200 soil borings will be installed within the waste disposal area on an approximate 100-foot sample grid (100’ x 100’, ~ 10,000 square foot areas). Within each grid node, S&ME will collect one grab sample from the center of the grid (grab sample for VOCs) and will offset by 25' in four directions (N, S, E, and W) to collect composite samples for all other analysis listed above. At locations where obstructions (buildings, vehicles, or concrete pads) are encountered, we will off-set the boring locations to collect a representative composite sample. In some coverage areas there will be sample grids that are less than 100’ x 100’ over the investigation area. S&ME field personnel will do the following at these locations: If the investigation area is between 25’ and 50’ wide, S&ME field personnel will collect one representative sample in the middle of the investigation area and a minimum of two composite samples from the investigation area. If the investigation area is less than 25’ wide, S&ME field personnel will combine this area with an adjacent sample grid and will collect a minimum of one composite sample from this sample grid. Soil borings will be advanced to an approximate total depth of one foot below ground surface (bgs). S&ME will use a stainless-steel hand auger or electric operated power auger to assess the soil cover thickness and to collect soil samples. Soil samples will be continuously logged from the cuttings that are turned up at the ground surface from the auger flights. Soil samples will be logged and classified to identify soil types according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). At locations where the soil cover is at least twelve inches, S&ME will collect one soil sample between from within the top twelve inches bgs. At locations where soil cover is less than 12 inches, no soil samples will be collected. For the purpose of preparing this proposal, S&ME will assume a total of one soil sample from each boring, plus QC samples. S&ME estimates a total of 43 samples (including 3 days of QC samples) will be submitted for laboratory analysis. Background soil samples will also be collected from 12 locations that appear not to be impacted by landfill or industrial operations and are in a natural setting. S&ME will collect one soil sample at each location from approximately six inches bgs and also from approximately 12 inches bgs. For the purpose of preparing this proposal, S&ME will assume a total of two soil samples from each boring, plus QC samples. S&ME estimates a total of 25 samples (including 1 day of QC samples) will be submitted for laboratory analysis. Subtask E Project Management, Coordination & Support Project Management, Coordination and Support services include: Tasks and deliverables required prior to commencing field services: Development of site-specific field sampling forms and logs. Provide project management and technical support to the field sampling teams. Work Plan & Cost Estimate for Soil Gas and Soil Cover Evaluation Tarboro Landfill NCDEQ ID No. NCD980559389 NCDEQ Task Orders 9389RI-1 & RI-2 S&ME Proposal No. 23050206, Rev. 1 November 17, 2023 7 Provide project management and communication with NCDEQ project manager. 9389RI-2 - Compile Remedial Investigation Report S&ME will compile a report that includes the findings of the items listed above for the scope of services. The following sections and information will be included in the report: Explanation of services performed and the findings. A section concerning variations from the work plan or the SOPs. Table summarizing field data including GPS coordinates of all sample locations. Table summarizing laboratory data. Tables summarizing the soil gas results and soil cover thickness across the investigation area. Figures presenting the soil gas results and soil cover thicknesses and sampling results. Copies of original field notes. We will submit a digital copy (.pdf) of the report as required. SCHEDULE The proposed Scope of Services will be completed within eight weeks following receipt of a Task Authorization from the Unit. A proposed field services schedule is presented below. Task 9389RI-1 Proposed Field Services Schedule & Level of Effort Schedule Subtask S&ME On-Site Staff Others on- Site Project PM Staff Tech Week 1, Days 1-3 (3 Days) RI-1 Subtask B: Soil Gas Probe Installations (10) 1 1 Drillers Week 2, Days 1-4 (4 Days) RI-1 Subtask C: Soil Gas Screening & Sampling Soil Gas Probes (10 new + 7 Existing) 1 1 Week 3, Days 1 - 4 (4 Days) RI-1 Subtask D: Soil Cover & Background Sampling (37 Grid Locations + 12 Background Locations) 1 1 2 PROJECT BUDGET See the attached spreadsheets for details of the proposed budget. Work Plan & Cost Estimate for Soil Gas and Soil Cover Evaluation Tarboro Landfill NCDEQ ID No. NCD980559389 NCDEQ Task Orders 9389RI-1 & RI-2 S&ME Proposal No. 23050206, Rev. 1 November 17, 2023 8 AUTHORIZATION These services will be performed according to the terms of Contract Number N15002i, dated April 20, 2016 between NCDEQ and S&ME. S&ME will not begin site assessment services until receipt of a Task Authorization from the Unit which will authorize acceptance of this proposal. CLOSURE S&ME appreciates the opportunity to submit this change order proposal to provide additional environmental services for this project. If you have questions concerning this proposal, or if you require additional information, please contact us at (919) 872-2660. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Gerald Paul Thomas Raymond, P. E., PMP Senior Project Manager Program Manager jpaul@smeinc.com traymond@smeinc.com Attachments: Attachment I: Site Maps with Proposed Sample Locations (Figure 1) Attachment II: Budget Estimate Spreadsheets Attachment III: Subcontract Laboratory Bids Attachment IV: Subcontract Driller Bids Attachments Attachment I – Site Maps with Proposed Sample Locations EBakerSt BakerSt EBakerSt TarRiver TarRiver TarRiver LG-10 LG-11 LG-12 LG-13 LG-14 LG-15 LG-16 LG-17 LG-18 LG-19 LG-1 LG-2 LG-4 LG-6 LG-7 LG-9 LG-8 Existing Landfill Gas Probes Landfill Gas Probes Waste Delineation Boundary Sample Area Boundary 100 ft Sample Grid Project Parcel SCALE: DATE: 11-17-2023 PROJECT NUMBER FIGURE NO. 1 23050206 TA R B O R O L A N D F I L L NC D 9 8 0 5 5 9 3 8 9 BA K E R S T R E E T E X T E N S I O N ( S R - 1 5 1 8 ) , T A R B O R O , E D G E C O M B E C O U N T Y , N C Dr a w i n g P a t h : p l o t t e d b y C o n n o r H i c k s 1 1 - 1 7 - 2 0 2 3 > 0 300 600 (FEET) TA R B O R O L A N D F I L L P R O P O S E D S O I L C O V E R A N D L A N D F I L L G A S P R O P E L O C A T I O N S ³ REFERENCE:GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM WORLD IMAGERY: NC CGIA MAXAR. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED 1" : 300' At each grid, S&ME will collect one grab sample from the center of the grid, and will offset by 25' in four directions (North, South, East, and West) to collect composite samples for other analysis. At locations where a grid is between 25' and 50' wide, a single grab sample will be collected. Samples will not be collected in grids that are less than 25' wide. There is a total of 40 grids on the property. Attachment II – Budget Estimate Spreadsheets