HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRLF730_20230620_RI-1&2_WorkPlan2725 East Millbrook Road Suite 121 Raleigh, NC 27604 Tel: 919-871-0999 Fax: 919-871-0335 www.atcassociates.com N.C. Engineering License No. C-1598 June 20, 2023 Ms. Jordan Brummal North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management, Superfund Section – Special Remediation Branch Pre-Regulatory Landfill Unit 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 RE: Work Plan and Cost Proposals for Task Orders 730RI-1 and 730RI-2 Elon College Dump Elon, Alamance County, North Carolina ID No. NONCD0000730 State Contract No. N17012 Dear Ms. Brummal: ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. (ATC) is submitting this work plan and cost proposal in response to the Pre-Regulatory Landfill Unit’s (Unit) April 24, 2023 request referencing Task Orders 730RI-1 and 730RI-2. This work plan details contaminant delineation activities to be performed at the above referenced site. The following outlines the proposed scope of work for this project. 1.0 GENERAL PROCEDURES All field work outlined in this work plan will be in accordance with ATC’s approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Quality Assurance (QA) Manual dated April 17, 2013 and the Unit’s March 2022 Guidelines for Addressing Pre-Regulatory Landfills and Dumps. In addition, all employees and subcontractors engaged in intrusive field activities will be trained in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) requirements. The following general procedures will be followed for all field activities detailed in this work plan:  Before and after photographs will be taken of areas that are disturbed as part of the scope of work. Photographs of any damage will be provided to the Unit within 48 hours.  Survey locations will be recorded with a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit in latitude and longitude by decimal degrees to the seventh order using the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) format. Coordinates will also be reported in latitude and longitude using WGS 84 format.  Updates will be provided to the Unit on a daily basis during field activities via email and/or telephone. ID No. NONCD0000730 Task Orders 730RI-1 and 730RI-2 Page 2  A copy of Appendix D of the Unit Guidelines (March 2022) has been provided to the laboratory as a reference for the required analytical parameters. The groundwater samples will be submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory and analyzed for the following parameters by the most current U.S. EPA Contract Laboratory Program Target Compound List: o Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by SW-846 Method 8260 o 1,4-Dioxane by SW-846 Method 8270SIM o Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds by SW-846 Method 8270 o Inorganic hazardous substances by SW-846 Method 6020 (antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc) o Mercury by Method 7470  The surface water samples will be analyzed for the same parameter list above but will also include hexavalent chromium, which will be analyzed by USEPA Method 218.7. The sediment samples will include the same parameter list as the surface water samples, except that the 1,4-dioxane samples will be analyzed by SW-846 Method 8270 and the hexavalent chromium samples will be analyzed using SW-846 3060A for extraction.  The soil-gas samples will be submitted to a National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) certified laboratory and analyzed on standard turnaround by the following methods: o VOCs by Method TO-15 o Hydrogen Sulfide by Method 15/ASTM D5504 o Methane by ASTM D1946  A completeness check of laboratory analytical reports will be performed. If issues are identified, ATC will work with the laboratory to attempt to resolve issues. Once issues are resolved, ATC will provide documentation of the completeness check with a statement that the data is usable.  Sample collection procedures will also follow the latest methods published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IV Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD). 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK Task Order 730RI-1 – Contaminant Delineation RI Activities Subtask A – Work Plan Preparation Under this subtask, ATC will prepare a work plan and cost proposal for the requested scope of work. ATC will also coordinate access with the property owners. This submittal is intended to fulfill this task. Refer to subsequent sections of this submittal for details regarding the proposed scope of work. ID No. NONCD0000730 Task Orders 730RI-1 and 730RI-2 Page 3 Subtask B – Groundwater Prior to initiating the drilling, ATC will contact NC One Call (811) to identify and mark local utilities at all drilling locations shown on the attached figure. ATC will also subcontract with a private utility location firm to locate other underground utilities not identified by 811. The utility locating will occur prior to drilling in case of any conflicts that require relocation of the borings and the revised locations can be reviewed and approved by the Unit. ATC will install 6 permanent groundwater monitoring wells at the locations shown on the attached figure. Well depths are assumed not to exceed 25 feet below ground surface (bgs). Prior to well installation, a monitoring well construction permit will be obtained from the Winston-Salem Regional Office for the four monitoring wells that are located off the subject parcel. The boreholes will be advanced using hollow-stem augers. Bedrock was encountered prior to groundwater during a previous phase, so the driller will have the capability to switch to air rotary drilling methods should it be needed. The monitoring wells will be constructed with two-inch PVC well casing and a 10-foot screen interval. A sand pack will be placed around the screen interval extending two feet above the top of the screen. A two-foot thick bentonite seal will be placed above the sand pack and the remaining annular space will be filled with grout. The wells will be completed with a flush mounted bolted cover and a 2 x 2 foot concrete pad. Well construction will comply with Title 15A NCAC 2C (2C) standards. The monitoring wells will be developed using a peristaltic or submersible pump. The top of casing (TOC) elevations will be surveyed using an autolevel. During drilling, soil cuttings will be screened using a photoionization detector (PID) and the readings recorded in the field book and boring log. Approximately 24 hours following installation, static water levels will be gauged and groundwater samples will be collected from the monitoring wells. ATC will collect samples using low flow sampling methods. The samples will be submitted for laboratory analysis using the methods described above. ATC will collect one duplicate sample and one equipment blank per day (estimated two days of sampling) for a total of 10 samples. Additionally, a trip blank will be included with each shipment of VOC samples. Analysis of trip blanks will not be charged. Investigation-derived waste (IDW) is not expected to be contaminated and will be spread in the vicinity of the borings. If elevated readings are detected during drilling, the IDW will be placed in 55-gallon drums until the IDW is characterized for disposal purposes. A separate cost will be provided for IDW characterization. Subtask C – Surface Water and Sediment This subtask includes sampling of surface water and sediment at five locations (SW-1 through SW-5) as shown on Figure 1 in Attachment 1. Samples will be collected in a downstream to upstream order. During sample collection, field parameters, including pH, temperature, conductivity and turbidity, will be measured and recorded. If the surface water samples are highly turbid, samples for metals analysis will be allowed to sit for several minutes prior to decanting into sample containers. If decantation is performed, ATC will also collect post-decantation turbidity readings. Samples for other analyses will be immediately placed into sample containers. Sediment samples will be collected at each location after the surface water samples have been collected to reduce turbidity. See Section 1.0 for details regarding laboratory analysis. ATC proposes to collect one duplicate sample per media per day (estimated one day of sampling). Therefore, costs for six surface water and six sediment samples are included in this work plan. ID No. NONCD0000730 Task Orders 730RI-1 and 730RI-2 Page 4 Subtask D – Landfill Gas Probes ATC will also install two permanent landfill gas probes within the waste disposal area (WDA) as shown on the attached figure. The landfill gas probes will be installed using hollow/solid stem auger drilling techniques to an estimated depth of 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). If groundwater is encountered above 10 ft bgs the probe will be installed 2 ft above the groundwater per the Unit guidelines, unless otherwise designated by the Unit project manager. The probes will be constructed with a 1-inch diameter PVC well casing with a five-foot prepacked 1-inch diameter screen interval. The annular space of the boreholes will be filled with filter sand followed by a bentonite and grout seal to prevent short-circuiting of air from the surface. To facilitate sampling of the probes, ¼-inch Teflon® tubing will be installed inside of the probe intersecting the screen interval and connected to a 1-inch slip cap and a two-way valve. The probes will be completed the same as the landfill gas probes with the flush cover and a 2’x2’ concrete pad. The probes will be allowed to equilibrate for 48 hours before samples are collected. ATC will also install six soil gas probes outside of the WDA at the locations shown on the attached figure. The soil gas probes will be installed using direct push technology (DPT) to a depth that will allow a minimum five foot seal below ground surface, with a targeted depth of 10 feet. The soil gas probes will be constructed with a six-inch implant connected to Teflon tubing that extends to the surface. The annular space around the implant will be filled with filter sand and the soil gas probe will be constructed the same as the landfill gas probes described above. The probes will be allowed to equilibrate for two hours, if installed using DPT, and 48 hours if installed using hollow stem augers, before samples are collected. Prior to sample collection, a shut-in test will be conducted on the sampling process lines to ensure an air-tight connection by applying vacuum pressure to the lines and observing for vacuum pressure loss. Once the shut-in test has been completed and determined to pass, differential pressure readings will be collected prior to purging. Samples will be collected at a flow rate of less than 200 ml/min. The TO-15 and methane samples will been collected in 1-liter stainless steel batch certified Summa canisters, while the ASTM D5504 samples will be collected in a Tedlar bag (two Tedlar bags per sample). One duplicate sample will also be collected for each day of sampling (two days estimated) for a total of ten samples. An additional summa canister and flow regulator is included in the cost as a backup. After the landfill gas samples have been collected, ATC will initiate landfill gas screening activities at both the landfill and soil gas probes. To perform the survey, ATC will use field instruments to measure target landfill gases and other parameters. To complete the screening, the instrumentation will be connected using ¼-inch Teflon® tubing either directly to the landfill gas probe or tubing already installed inside of the permanent probes. The target parameters and type of instruments to be used for the screening are as follows:  Methane – GEM 5000+  Oxygen – GEM 5000+  Carbon dioxide – GEM 5000+  Hydrogen sulfide – GEM 5000+  VOCs – MiniRAE Photoionization Detector (PID)  Barometric pressure – GEM 5000+ (collected at least every hour)  Temperature and humidity – GEM 5000+ and Hygrometer (collected at least every hour) ID No. NONCD0000730 Task Orders 730RI-1 and 730RI-2 Page 5 The instrumentation listed above meets the detection limit requirements specified by the Unit. ATC will calibrate each instrument in the field per the manufacturer’s specifications and will conduct bump tests before, periodically during, and after the landfill gas survey to insure proper calibration. Calibration procedures will be documented in the field as well as information detailing the equipment manufacturer, model number, serial number, date of factory calibration and maintenance, set up parameters, measurement units, detection limits, and types of calibration gas and their expiration dates. In addition, field logs will include the name of the person conducting the evaluation, a description of weather conditions, and potential forms of cross-contamination, as well as hourly ambient temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure readings. Subtask E – Project Management This subtask includes labor for scheduling personnel, coordination with field personnel, property owners, and the Unit, evaluation of data collected in the field, development of site-specific sampling forms and logs, and pre-loading the GPS unit. Costs are also included for the project manager to do a site visit to initiate the field work. Task Order 730RI-2 - Report This Task Order is for the compilation of a report once the field work is completed for Task Order 730RI-1. The report will include one or more CAD drawn site maps showing the locations of the monitoring wells, landfill and gas probes, the surface water and sediment sampling locations with background topographic contours in light grey. Additional maps will show media exceedances (if detected). In addition, the report will include tables summarizing GPS coordinates of the sampling locations, and analytical data. Analytical data from this event will be entered into the EQuIS program for distribution to the Unit’s database. ATC will also enter both the new and historical groundwater and soil gas data into the Risk Calculator both residential and non-residential scenarios, for each monitoring well and gas probe and on a site wide basis Lastly, boring logs, field notes including calibration logs, field readings, and procedures will also be included as appendices. Staffing and Schedule The following tables detail our proposed staffing and schedule for the project. STAFFING Level Proposed Staff Senior Project Manager Larry George, P.G. Project Manager Tim Grant, P.G. Staff Scientists Nathan Reel, Jeremy Robbins Note: Technician, CAD, and administrative level staff not specified. ID No. NONCD0000730 Task Orders 730RI-1 and 730RI-2 Page 6 Task Order 730RI-1 – Proposed Field Services Schedule & Level of Effort Schedule Subtask ATC On-Site Staff Others On-Site Project/ PM Staff Tech Week 1, Day 1 Subtask B 1 1 Utility locate Week 2, Day 1-5 Subtask B and D 1 Driller Week 3, Days 1-2 Subtask B 1 1 Week 3, Days 3-5 Subtasks C&D 1 1 The field work will begin within three weeks following approval of this work plan by the Unit, assuming subcontractor availability. Field activities will require two weeks, then laboratory analyses will require an additional two to three weeks. ATC requests three weeks to review lab data, request changes if needed, and compile tables and figures. Per this schedule, a package which includes field notes, sample sheets, laboratory reports, tables, and figures will be provided to the Unit within 12 weeks of authorization to proceed. The final report will be submitted within two weeks following Unit approval of the initial submittal. Estimated Costs Cost proposal spreadsheets showing the breakdown of estimated costs for the Task Orders are included under separate cover. Labor, expenses, and subcontractor costs for monitoring well and gas probe installation are included under Subtask B. A request for proposals was submitted to three qualified subcontractors. If you have questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Larry George or Tim Grant at (919) 871-0999. Sincerely, ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. Tim Grant, P.G. Larry George, P.G., R.S.M. Project Manager Program Manager 590 59 0 600 600 600 610 620 620 592 592 594 596 59 8 602 604 606 608 612 614 616 616 61 6 618 618 622 622 624 624 626 628 62 8 MW-1 GP-5 GP-4 LEGEND: NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE PARCEL LINE MW-1 MONITORING WELL Well Identification GP-1 LANDFILL GAS PROBE Sample Identification TOPO GRAPHIC LINE610 2830 AMICK EXPOSED SURFACE WATER ON STEEP SLOPE WASTE DISPOSAL BOUNDARY (BASED ON JUNE 2015 SOIL BORINGS) 2834 AMICK 2834 WATER SUPPLY WELL Well Identification TRAVIS CREEK SCALE: 1" = 100' 100 0 25 1005075 N GP-3/FC-2 GP-6/FC-1 Figure: Dra w i n g F i l e : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r : Ck d . B y : Dr n . B y : Ap p ' d B y : Ck d . D a t e : Scale: Date: H: \ 2 0 2 1 \ O T H E R O F F I C E S \ N O R T H C A R O L I N A \ N C D E N R P R E - R E G U L A T O R Y L A N D F I L L \ E L O N C O L L E G E \ P R L U 0 7 3 0 U - G W . D W G , FI G 2 GR O U N D W A T E R I N V E S T I G A T I O N M A P 03/18/2021 SE E L O W E R L E F T EL O N C O L L E G E L D F L - A M I C K R O A D TA S K O R D E R 7 3 0 D P - 9 EL O N , A L A M A N C E C O U N T Y , N O R T H C A R O L I N A NO N C D 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 PR L U 0 7 3 0 U AS SHOWN DH TG 2 NO T E S : 1. Fe a t u r e s s h o w n a r e n o t a n a u t h o r i t a t i v e l o c a t i o n , n o r a r e t h e y p r e s e n t e d to a s t a t e d a c c u r a c y . 2. Gr o u n d w a t e r s a m p l e c o l l e c t e d o n J a n u a r y 6 , 2 0 2 1 . 3. Gr o u n d w a t e r i s m e a s u r e d i n m i c r o g r a m s p e r l i t e r ( µg/ L ) . 4. Co n s t i t u e n t s p r e s e n t e d e x c e e d t h e T i t l e 1 5 A 2 L G r o u n d w a t e r S t a n d a r d . CO O R D I N A T E S Y S T E M : NA D 1 9 8 3 N O R T H C A R O L I N A S T A T E P L A N E F I P S 3 2 0 0 , U S S U R V E Y F E E T