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E R M Water Quality Monitoring ReportPREPARED FOR ReUseTecchnology D ATF November 2023 March 18, 2024 REFERENCE Swift Creek CCB Structural Fill-CCBOOS7 0397281 ;A -ROOM SIGNATURE PAGE Water Quality Monitoring Report -November 2023 Swift Creek CCB Structural Fill-CCB0057 0397281 Chris Means Project Manager ERM NC, Inc. 300 West Summit Avenue Suite 330 Charlotte, NC 28206 T +01 704 541 8345 Rick Tarravechia, P.G. Principal in Charge © Copyright 2024 by The ERM International Group Limited and/or its affiliates ('ERM'). All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of ERM. i 1'1 � CLIENT: Reuse Technology /��I, C K PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 INTRODUCTION AND SITE HISTORY CONTENTS el. INTRODUCTION AND SITE HISTORY _ 1.1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.2 SUMMARY OF SITE ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY AND CORRECTIVE ACTION 3 . CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL L2.1 HYDROGEOLOGY 2.2 CONTAMINATE FATE AND TRANSPORT 3. WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES 3.1 OBJECTIVES 3.2 MONITORING METHODS I" MONITORING RESULTS m 4.1 GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS 4.2 SURFACE WATER MONITORING RESULTS 4.3 LABORATORY DATA QUALITY ANALYSIS �5. SUMMARY LIST OF TABLES NO TABLE OF FIGURES ENTRIES FOUND. LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 SITE MAP AND MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS FIGURE 3 SHALLOW GROUNDWATER POTENTIOMETRIC MAP - NOVEMBER 2023 FIGURE 4 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL SAMPLE RESULTS - NOVEMBER 2023 FIGURE 5 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL SAMPLE RESULTS - SULFATE - SURFICIAL AQUIFER FIGURE 6 HYDROGEOLOGIC PROFILE A -A' FIGURE 7 SULFATE CONCENTRATIONS OVER TIME 5 6 1 7 7 1 9 12 12 ER M PROJEC:TRNO: 0397281Io9Y DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 1 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 INTRODUCTION AND SITE HISTORY APPENDIX A HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER RESULTS APPENDIX B FIELD DATA SHEETS APPENDIX C LABORATORY DATA \\ E R M PROJECT ReUse Io9Y NO: 0397281DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 2 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 INTRODUCTION AND SITE HISTORY 1. INTRODUCTION AND SITE HISTORY 1.1 INTRODUCTION On behalf of ReUse Technology, Inc. (ReUse), ERM NC, Inc. (ERM) has prepared this Water Quality Monitoring Report to summarize corrective action activities conducted for the Swift Creek Coal Combustion By -Products (CCBs) Structural Fill site (CCB-0057) located along U.S. Highway 301 north of Battleboro, Nash County, North Carolina (hereafter called the "Site" or "subject property"). Corrective actions have been implemented at the Site to address groundwater quality impacts in accordance with the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (ERM, February 27, 2015) approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) on March 12, 2015. The corrective actions were implemented in 2017 and included temporary removal of CCB materials to allow raising the floor elevation above the seasonal high groundwater table, placing the CCB materials on the raised floor in a reduced footprint, installation of a synthetic liner (cap) over the limits of the CCBs, and drainage improvements to minimize rainfall infiltration. Groundwater and surface water monitoring activities presented herein are being conducted at the Site to monitor the effectiveness of the previously completed corrective actions. The Site location is shown in Figure 1. A Site map is included as Figure 2. 1.2 SUMMARY OF SITE ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY AND CORRECTIVE ACTION The Site consists of a 25-acre property in northeast Nash County bounded by US Highway 301 to the west, Lane Swamp to the north and east, and Swift Creek to the south. The area surrounding the Site is comprised of sparsely populated agricultural land and partially wooded land. In December 1991, the Solid Waste Section approved a proposed plan submitted by ReUse to use CCBs as structural fill material in the development of the Site as a commercial property. In September 1992, ReUse began placement of CCBs as beneficial use fill at the Site. In January 2003, the last shipment of CCBs was accepted at the Site. In March 2003, the Site had been graded, compacted, covered with an 18-inch soil cap and planted with grass seed. In December 2003, Full Circle Solutions, Inc. purchased the business assets of ReUse Technology, Inc., including the Swift Creek Site. According to records of Full Circle Solutions, Inc., a total of approximately 134,000 tons of CCBs were placed at the Site. On November 4, 2004, the Closure Notice was forwarded to the Solid Waste Section. In August 2004, Sherrill Environmental, Inc. reported the results of groundwater monitoring at four newly installed monitoring wells (MW-1S/MW-1D, MW-2S/MW-2D) at the Site. Lead and sulfate were detected at concentrations above the respective groundwater quality standards listed in Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 2L .0202 (2L standards), in shallow groundwater on the east side of the CCB fill. In October 2004, the Solid Waste Section required an assessment by ReUse to determine the extent of the groundwater impact resulting from the placement of CCBs at the Site. In March 2006, a Comprehensive Site Assessment for the Swift Creek Project was submitted to the Solid Waste Section that included the results of an expanded groundwater and surface water assessment. In September 2006, a Compliance Order was issued by the Solid Waste Section to ReUse. In December 2006, pursuant to the Compliance Order, an Assessment Monitoring Plan and a Swift Creek Dewatering Analysis were submitted to CLIENT: ReUse Technology fl\ E R M PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 3 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 INTRODUCTION AND SITE HISTORY the Solid Waste Section. The Assessment Monitoring Plan described a proposed groundwater and surface water monitoring program for the Site. The Swift Creek Dewatering Analysis described a proposed dewatering subsurface drain along the western boundary of the fill along US Highway 301 to remove water from the coal ash fill and lower the local groundwater table to provide a required minimum 1-foot vertical separation between coal ash and seasonal high groundwater elevations. The Assessment Monitoring Plan was approved by the Solid Waste Section in February 2007. The Swift Creek Dewatering Analysis was conditionally approved by the Solid Waste Section in July 2007 based on the performance of the proposed dewatering plan. In January 2008, a dewatering subsurface drain was installed consisting of a 6-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) drain pipe along the western boundary of the fill along US Highway 301. The drain was designed to lower the local groundwater table to provide a required minimum 1-foot vertical separation between coal ash and seasonal high groundwater elevations. Groundwater collected in the pipe was transmitted by gravity flow to an outfall box located at the north end of the Site at Lane Swamp. The groundwater and surface water monitoring program was initiated at the Site in October 2007 in accordance with the Assessment Monitoring Plan. The program consisted of semi-annual sampling and laboratory analytical testing for metals and sulfates at eight groundwater monitoring well locations and three surface water monitoring locations. Groundwater levels were also measured in the monitoring wells and piezometers in order to evaluate ground water flow direction and determine water levels relative to the CCB fill. The reported results of the groundwater monitoring from 2007 to 2014 confirmed groundwater quality impacts including concentrations of sulfate, arsenic and lead at levels above the respective 2L standards. The monitoring reported no impacts to surface water quality in Lane Swamp or Swift Creek adjacent to the Site. The Division of Waste Management issued a "Warning Notice" to Full Circle Solutions and ReUse dated May 16, 2014. The notice stated that the required groundwater vertical separation between filled CCBs and seasonal high groundwater elevations had not been achieved and exceedances of the 2L standards had been routinely reported. As a result, a "Groundwater Corrective Action Application" was required to be submitted for approval. On behalf of Full Circle Solutions and ReUse, ERM submitted a Corrective Action Application, dated October 16, 2014, to the Division of Waste Management for approval. The Corrective Action Application proposed the construction of a synthetic liner (cap) and drainage improvements as corrective actions to significantly reduce or eliminate rainfall infiltration and leachate generation from the beneficial fill. Two contingency corrective actions also were identified. The Division issued approval in December 2014 and requested the submittal of a detailed Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to the Solid Waste Section. The Corrective Action Plan was submitted in February 2015 and approved by the NCDEQ Solid Waste Section in March 2015. The Corrective Action Plan was designed to raise existing CCBs to above historically high groundwater levels to prevent the leaching of contaminants of concern from the existing CCBs. The CAP included the installation of a protective liner system, cover soil layer, and drainage outlets to prevent infiltration of precipitation into the CCBs to assist in the CLIENT: ReUse Technology fl\ E R M PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 4 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL prevention of leaching. The footprint of the limits of ash was condensed from approximately 10 acres to 5 acres, reducing the effective infiltration area. Implementation of the CAP was delayed approximately one year in 2015-2016 due to a North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) project to realign US Highway 301, along with bridge replacements across Swift Creek. The corrective measures began on April 24, 2017 and were completed on January 12, 2018. In June 2018, two new monitoring wells, MW-5RS and MW-5RD, were installed as replacements for former upgradient wells MW-5S and MW-5D, which were abandoned in 2015 by the NCDOT as part of the Highway 301 realignment project. The new wells were located hydraulically upgradient (west) of the Site on the west side of Highway 301 (see Figure 2) to monitor background water quality in the surficial aquifer (MW-5RS) and deep aquifer (MW-5RD) zones. The monitoring wells were installed under an NCDOT right-of-way encroachment agreement (E-0420981800025). In accordance with the CAP, a performance monitoring and reporting plan was implemented in 2018 to monitor the effectiveness of the corrective action. The elements of the performance monitoring plan include: • Semi-annual groundwater and surface water monitoring and reporting, • Quarterly inspection and reporting of the Site for cap structural integrity, erosion control, proper drainage, etc., and • Corrective Action Effectiveness Reports prepared every five years to evaluate and document a reduction in contaminant concentrations in groundwater and a stable or decreasing plume extent. 2. CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL 2.1 HYDROGEOLOGY The following updated conceptual site model (CSM) has been developed based on the corrective action and monitoring work performed by ERM, as well as previous site investigation activities performed by others. The Site is located in the Coastal Plain physiographic province of North Carolina. The Site surficial geology consists of alluvial terrace deposits consisting of layers and mixtures of silts, clay, sands and gravels. The alluvial deposits at the Site range in thickness from approximately 8 to 16 feet. The shallow groundwater at the Site occurs in the alluvial deposits and is referred to as the surficial or alluvial aquifer. The alluvial aquifer sands are of low to moderate permeability (average hydraulic conductivity 0.67 feet/day). Within the alluvial aquifer zone, a yellowish - brown clay layer was encountered in the majority of the borings for monitoring wells and piezometers installed at the Site. The clay layer of the alluvial aquifer at the Site is approximately 1 to 4 feet thick and has a low permeability (average hydraulic conductivity 0.002 feet/day). The clay layer behaves as a confining layer or perching layer, which appears to limit the vertical migration of contaminants at the Site. On the west (upgradient) edge of the Site, the clay layer was reported to be absent in the borings for former wells MW-5S, MW-5D, P-23 and P-24. The alluvial deposits at the Site are underlain by the Yorktown Formation, a regionally extensive CLIENT: ReUse Technology fl\ E R M PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 5 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL marine deposit. The upper Yorktown Formation, consisting typically of greenish -gray, clayey, silty, shelly, very fine sands, is encountered at the Site from approximately 13 feet below ground surface (bgs) to the maximum depth of investigation of 35 feet bgs, and has a low permeability (average of 0.002 feet/day). No groundwater quality impacts have been detected in monitoring wells completed in the deeper Yorktown aquifer zone. The general groundwater flow pattern at the Site is controlled largely by two groundwater discharge features: Lane Swamp to the north and east, and Swift Creek to the south. Groundwater flow in the area of the Site is generally from west to east with a northeast component of flow toward Lane Swamp at the north end of the Site, and a southeast component of flow toward Swift Creek at the south end of the Site. 2.2 CONTAMINATE FATE AND TRANSPORT The key features of the CSM for contaminant fate and transport are summarized as follows: • The depth to groundwater ranges from the ground surface at the creeks and swamps to more than 6 feet bgs in topographically higher areas (not including the beneficial fill footprint). • The regional groundwater flow regime within the surficial (alluvial) aquifer flows west to east, with north and south flow components near Swift Creek and Lane Swamp, which serve as shallow groundwater discharge features. • The estimated groundwater velocities at the Site are very low. The historical calculated groundwater velocities are approximately 6 to 27 feet per year for the surficial (alluvial) aquifer and approximately 0.03 feet per year for the deeper Yorktown aquifer. • Prior to the 2018 corrective action, seasonal rises of the underlying water table and rainfall infiltration downward through the old soil cap resulted in water infiltration into the coal ash fill. Constituents within the coal ash fill were dissolved by the infiltration water and became mobile. The former infiltration mechanism has been mitigated by the corrective action. • Once the infiltration water enters the surficial groundwater, it migrates laterally above a clay confining or perching layer within the alluvial aquifer zone towards the groundwater discharge features of Lane Swamp and Swift Creek, which serve to limit the lateral extent of the affected groundwater. The limited lateral extent of the affected groundwater is evident at wells MW-2S and 2D, located approximately 200 feet east of the former perimeter of the beneficial fill, where groundwater concentrations are below 2L standards. Similarly, there is no evidence of affected groundwater to the west (upgradient) as demonstrated by groundwater monitoring results at current monitoring wells MW-5RS and MW-5RD and former monitoring wells MW-5S and 5D. • Based on historical groundwater monitoring results, the groundwater quality impacts at the Site are limited to the surficial aquifer zone. No groundwater quality impacts are detected in the deeper aquifer zone of the Yorktown Formation. • The swamps and creeks surrounding the beneficial fill site act as a "natural perimeter drain" and intercept the affected groundwater. Based on the historical surface water monitoring results, there are no surface water quality impacts to Lane Swamp or Swift Creek due to affected groundwater from the Site. CLIENT: ReUse Technology fl\ E R M PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 6 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES 3. WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES 3.1 OBJECTIVES Demonstration of effectiveness of the completed remediation is the primary objective of the water quality monitoring program (i.e., remedial performance monitoring). This objective is achieved by monitoring the reduction of the site -specific contaminants of concern (COC) in groundwater, therefore mitigating the potential for surface water quality impacts due to contaminated groundwater migration and discharge to surface water. The applicable preliminary remedial goals for groundwater and surface water are summarized in the following table. Compounds Groundwater 2L Standard' (mg/L) Surface Water 2113 Standard2 (mg/L) Arsenic 0.01 0.15 Barium 0.7 NE Cadmium 0.002 h Chromium (Total) 0.01 h Lead 0.015 0.025 Mercury 0.001 0.000012 Selenium 0.02 0.005 Silver 0.02 0.00006 Sulfate 250 NE Total Dissolved Solids 500 NE pH 6.5-8.5 6.0-9.0 I Title 15A NCAC, Subchapter 2L .0202, (April 1, 2022) z Title 15A NCAC, Subchapter 2B .0200 (2B standards) for Class C Waters (July 26, 2021) NE = Not Established mg1L = milligrams per liter h = hardness dependent dissolved metal standard Water quality monitoring is conducted in accordance with the NCDEQ-approved Corrective Action Plan (ERM, March 2015). The following sections summarize the groundwater and surface water monitoring activities conducted at the Site during the reporting period. 3.2 MONITORING METHODS A water quality monitoring event was conducted at the Site on November 29-30, 2023. Groundwater and surface water samples were collected from the following monitoring wells and surface water locations. CLIENT: ReUse Technology fl\ E R M PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 7 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES Monitoring Wells Surface Water Locations MW-1S SW-1 MW-1D SW-2 MW-2S SW-3 MW-2D MW-3 MW-4 M W-5RS MW-5RD MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 Subtotal: 11 Subtotal: 3 The monitoring well and surface water locations are shown on Figure 2. Monitoring well construction details are summarized in Table 1. Surface water location SW-3 was inaccessible during the sampling event due to the presence of a biological hazard (water moccasin); therefore, no sample could be collected from this location. All monitoring wells were gauged for water levels and then purged and sampled by low -flow purging methods. The surface water samples were collected as grab samples using clean containers. Field parameters (pH, conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and oxidation- reduction potential) were measured for each groundwater and surface water sample by calibrated meters. Well purge logs were completed for each monitoring well to document the stabilization of field parameters prior to sample collection. Well purge logs included in the Field Data Sheets provided in Appendix B. The groundwater and surface water samples were placed in laboratory supplied containers and placed on ice. The samples were submitted to North Carolina certified laboratory Pace Analytical Services (NC329) and were analyzed for eight specific metals, sulfates and total dissolved solids using the analytical methods summarized below: Analytical Methods EPA Method Compound EPA Method 6010D EPA Method 7470A Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium (Total) Lead Selenium Silver Mercury EPA 300.0 Sulfates SM 2540 C Total Dissolved Solids CLIENT: ReUse Technology fl\ E R M PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 8 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 MONITORING RESULTS 4. MONITORING RESULTS 4.1 GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS Groundwater monitoring activities were conducted at 11 monitoring wells at the Site. Groundwater depth -to -water gauging and elevation data are presented in Table 2. The groundwater elevations in the surficial aquifer on November 29, 2023, ranged from 90.13 feet above mean sea level (ft MSL) at MW-6 located on the east (downgradient) side of the Site to 93.25 ft MSL at MW-4 located on the west (upgradient) side of the Site. The groundwater elevations are below the base of the CCB fill, which generally ranges from 94 to 99 ft MSL from east to west. A potentiometric surface map for the surficial (alluvial) aquifer zone for the November 2023 monitoring event is presented as Figure 3. Groundwater flow in the surficial aquifer over most of the Site is generally west to east towards Lane Swamp Swift Creek, which serves as a groundwater discharge zone. Using the current groundwater elevation data, the hydraulic gradients for the Site were calculated and are summarized in the following table. Horizontal Hydraulic Gradients - Shallow Aquifer 29-Nov-23 Well Designation Head Head Distance Hydraulic Elevation Change Change Gradient (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) MW-5RS 90.49 0.36 700.00 0.0005 MW-6 90.13 MW-4 93.25 1.59 400.00 0.0040 MW-3 91.66 Average Hydraulic Gradient 0.0022 \ \\ PROJEC�TReUse NO: 0397281Io9Y DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 9 r�„ E RM WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 MONITORING RESULTS Vertical Hydraulic Gradients 29-Nov-23 Head Mid - Well Designation Measurement Location Elevation* Head Elevation Head Change Point Length Change Hydraulic Gradient Up/ Down (relative ft ASL) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) MW-is 88.84 90.70 -0.11 19.74 -0.0056 Up MW-1D 69.10 90.81 M W-2S 81.07 90.73 0.13 19.85 0.0065 Down MW-2D 61.22 90.60 MW-5RS 85.80 90.49 -0.84 19.73 -0.0426 Up MW-5RD 66.07 91.33 Groundwater seepage velocities were calculated using Darcy's equation, summarized as: Where: V=(Kxi)/ne V = seepage velocity of groundwater in ft/day K = hydraulic conductivity in ft/day i = hydraulic gradient (ft/ft) ne = effective porosity As summarized below, the estimated groundwater seepage velocity in the surficial aquifer zone using a primary porosity range of 10-25% is approximately 2 to 4.5 feet per year (ft/yr) based on the November 2023 hydraulic gradients and the previously calculated mean hydraulic conductivities. Seepage Velocity Range (Surficial Aquifer) _ _ (0.55) (0.0022) / (0.25) = 4.92E-03 ft/day _ (0.55) (0.0022) / (0.10) = 1.23E-02 ft/day Range 25% 1.80 ft/yr of porosity 10% 4.49 ft/yr Seepage Velocity Approximate Range of 2 to 4.5 ft/yr The November 2023 groundwater analytical results are summarized in Table 3 for metals, sulfate and total dissolved solids (TDS), and in Table 4 for field parameters. Constituents that exceeded CLIENT: ReUse Technology fl\ E R M PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 10 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 MONITORING RESULTS 2L standards are summarized on Figure 4. Laboratory analytical reports for the sampling event are provided in Appendix C. A historical groundwater data summary is provided in Appendix A. For the November 2023 monitoring event, five analytes were detected above their respective NC 2L groundwater standards, as summarized in the following table. Current Maximum Concentrations in Groundwater — November 2023 Maximum 2L Standards Analyte Concentration (mg/L) m /L Cadmium 0.0071 0.002 Chromium 0.0131 0.01 Lead 0.171 0.015 Sulfate 677 250 Total Dissolved 9,330 500 Solids mg/L = milligrams per liter Sulfate, a primary indicator analyte for CCB contaminant releases, was detected in groundwater at concentrations above its 2L standard (250 mg/L) at five of the 11 monitoring wells. The distribution of sulfate concentrations across the Site is depicted in Figure 5. A hydrogeologic profile across the Site, including sulfate concentrations in groundwater, is presented in Figure 6. The highest concentration of sulfate was detected in the groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-6 (677 mg/L) located on the northern side of the Site. Graphs of sulfate concentrations over time for select monitoring wells are presented in Figure 7. Since the completion of the corrective action in January 2018, the graphs indicate fluctuating but overall decreasing sulfate concentration trends at MW-3, MW-6, MW-7 and MW-8, where the most elevated sulfate levels have historically been observed. Notably low values of pH were measured in the groundwater samples from MW-6 (3.7), MW-7 (3.8), and MW-8 (4.0). The low pH values at the three wells are consistent with historical monitoring results, and correlate with detections of lead and sulfate and historical detections of arsenic, at concentrations above their respective North Carolina 2L groundwater standards at the three wells. There were no exceedances of 2L standards in the groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells MW-5RS and MW-5RD located on the west (upgradient) side of the Site, nor in the sample collected from monitoring well MW-4, located near the southwest limit of the CCB fill area. The groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-4 exhibited an exceedance of the 2L standard for arsenic during the November 2021 monitoring event, which was not consistent with historical sampling events. The groundwater sample collected from monitoring well MW-4 during the May 2023 event was again below the 2L standard for arsenic. Historically, there have been no detectable levels of arsenic at MW-4 since 2010, with exception of the anomalous result from the November 2021 event. On the east side of the Site, sulfate and TDS concentrations exceeded their 2L standards in groundwater samples collected from MW-1S. The sulfate concentrations exhibit a stable trend in CLIENT: ReUse Technology fl\ E R M PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 11 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 SUMMARY groundwater samples collected from MW-1S following completion of the corrective action activities. All remaining constituent concentrations in samples from the four monitoring wells located on the east side of the Site (MW-1S, MW-1D, MW-2S and MW-2D) were below their respective 2L standards with the exception of a concentration of TDS in MW-1D. The elevated TDS concentration at MW-11D does not appear to be attributable to sulfate or metals, which were below their respective 2L standards. Sulfate and TDS concentrations in the groundwater sample collected from well MW-3, which is located on the central portion of the Site along the southern limit of the CCB fill area, were detected above their 2L standards, which is consistent with historical monitoring results. Sulfate concentrations in MW-3 show an overall decreasing trend following completion of the corrective action activities. 4.2 SURFACE WATER MONITORING RESULTS Consistent with historical monitoring results, all November 2023 surface water monitoring results were below the respective North Carolina 213 surface water standards for samples collected from Swift Creek (SW-1) and Lane Swamp (SW-2). As noted previously, surface water location SW-3 was inaccessible and could not be sampled during the November 2023 monitoring event due to the presence of a biological hazard. The May 2023 surface water sampling results are summarized in Table 3. Laboratory analytical reports for the surface water samples are provided in Appendix C. Historical surface water data is summarized in Appendix A. 4.3 LABORATORY DATA QUALITY ANALYSIS Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) samples collected during the November 2023 groundwater sampling activities included one blind duplicate sample collected at MW-1S. The duplicate and parent sample results for MW-1S can be compared in Table 3. The analytical results of the MW-1S and duplicate groundwater samples compare favorably, indicating no analytical discrepancy. 5. SUMMARY Corrective actions have been implemented at the Site to address groundwater quality impacts in accordance with the approved CAP. The corrective actions were completed in January 2018 and included temporary removal of CCB materials to allow raising the floor foundation above the seasonal high groundwater table, placing the CCB materials on the raised floor in a reduced footprint, installation of a synthetic liner (cap) over the limits of the CCBs, and drainage improvements to minimize rainfall infiltration. Groundwater and surface water monitoring activities are being conducted at the Site to monitor the effectiveness of the previously completed corrective actions. The November 2023 water quality monitoring event was conducted to evaluate groundwater and surface water quality at the Site approximately six years after corrective action implementation. Since the completion of the corrective action in 2018, the four monitoring wells (MW-3, MW-6, MW-7 and MW-8) where the greatest sulfate concentrations in groundwater have historically been detected continue to exhibit overall decreasing trends as shown in Figure 7. Decreasing sulfate CLIENT: ReUse Technology fl\ E R M PROJECT NO: 0397281 DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 12 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT - NOVEMBER 2023 SUMMARY concentration trends indicate that the corrective action is effectively mitigating groundwater quality impacts at the Site. The November 2023 surface water quality results continue to demonstrate that there have been no surface water impacts to Swift Creek or Lane Swamp due to discharges of affected groundwater from the Site. In accordance with the CAP, semi-annual water quality monitoring will continue at the Site, with the next monitoring event tentatively planned for May 2024. � E R M ReUse Io9Y PROJECT NO: 0397281DATE: March 18, 2024 VERSION: 01 Page 13 ►lip,,.ERM TABLES - NOVEMBER 2023 TABLE 1 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Monitoring Well Top of Casing Elev. ft MSL Ground Surface Elev. ft MSL Casing Stick Up ft MSL Screen Interval ft MSL Total Depth (TOC) ft MSL Status MW-1 S 99.54 96.8 2.7 3-13 15.7 Active MW-1 D 99.90 97.1 2.8 23-33 35.7 Active MW-2S 94.87 92.1 2.8 6-16 18.7 Active MW-2D 95.22 92.2 3.0 26-36 39.1 Active MW-3 102.15 99.2 3.0 7-17 20.0 Active MW-4 106.06 104.1 2.0 8-18 20.0 Active MW-5S 102.68 99.7 3.0 6-16 17.0 Abandoned MW-5D 102.67 99.8 2.9 25-35 37.9 Abandoned MW-5RS 98.80 TBD Flush Mount 8-18 18.0 Active MW-5RD 98.57 TBD Flush Mount 30-35 37.9 Active MW-6 98.41 95.0 3.4 6-16 19.4 Active MW-7 98.63 95.1 3.5 6-16 19.5 Active MW-8 95.42 92.4 3.0 6-16 19.0 Active Piezometer P-1 108.19 105.6 2.6 20-30 32.6 Abandoned P-2 109.53 106.7 2.8 20-30 32.8 Abandoned P-3 106.18 104.4 1.8 18-28 30.0 Abandoned P-4 106.57 104.0 2.6 20-30 32.6 Abandoned P-5 108.39 105.9 2.5 20-30 32.5 Abandoned P-6 109.79 107.5 2.3 20-30 32.3 Abandoned P-7 107.77 105.9 1.9 30-40 41.9 Abandoned P-8 106.53 103.9 2.6 30-40 42.6 Abandoned P-9 103.32 100.9 2.4 20-30 32.4 Abandoned P-10 108.17 106.1 2.1 20-30 32.1 Abandoned P-11 101.88 99.2 2.7 13-23 25.7 Abandoned P-12 107.04 104.0 3.0 6-16 19.0 Abandoned P-13 108.99 105.9 3.1 6-16 19.1 Abandoned P-14 105.38 101.9 3.5 4-14 17.5 Abandoned P-15 103.76 101.0 2.8 4-14 16.8 Abandoned P-16 105.28 102.1 3.2 4-14 17.2 Abandoned P-17 105.31 101.8 3.5 4-14 17.5 Abandoned P-18 111.21 107.5 3.7 5-15 18.7 Abandoned P-19 111.86 108.3 3.6 7-17 20.6 Abandoned P-20 107.00 104.2 2.8 7-17 19.8 Abandoned P-21 104.99 99.5 5.5 4.5-11.5 16.5 Abandoned P-22 103.60 101.8 1.8 17-27 28.8 Abandoned P-23East 109.75 107.1 2.7 9-19 21.8 Abandoned P-24West 103.17 101.1 2.1 3-13 15.3 Abandoned B-1 107.66 105.7 2.0 14-19 21.0 Abandoned Notes TOC - top of casing ft MSL - feet above mean sea level TABLE 2 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA SWIFT CREEK - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Depth Elevation Gauging Date ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL ft BTOC ft MSL Well Identification MWAS MAD MW-2S MW-21) MW-3 MW-4 MW-5S MW-513 MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-5RS MW-5RD Lane Swamp TOC Elevation (ft MSL): 99.54 99.90 94.87 95.22 102.15 106.06 102.68 102.67 98.41 98.63 95.42 98.80 98.57 92.25 TOC Stickup (Ft from GL) 2.7 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.9 3.4 3.5 3.0 - - N/A Screened Interval (Ft BGL) 3-13 23-33 6-16 26-36 7-17 8-18 6-16 25-35 6-16 6-16 6-16 8-18 30-35 N/A Geologic Zone Screened Surficial Surficial Surficial Deep (Yorktown) Surficial Surficial Surficial Deep (Yorktown) Surficial Surficial Surficial Surficial Deep (Yorktown) N/A 12-Jan-2005 8.21 91.33 8.57 91.33 4.72 90.15 4.7 90.52 9.65 92.50 11.24 94.82 6.01 96.67 6.4 96.27 7.17 91.24 7.63 91.00 NM 1-Aug-2006 8.11 91.43 8.28 91.62 NM -- NM -- 9.48 92.67 10.15 95.91 5.86 96.82 5.68 96.99 7.18 91.23 7.74 90.89 NM -- 6-Sep-2006 8.69 90.85 9.05 90.85 4.83 90.04 4.87 90.35 10.32 91.83 11.41 94.65 6.94 95.74 6.84 95.83 7.74 90.67 8.66 89.97 NM -- 4-Apr-2007 7.80 91.74 8.18 91.72 4.4 90.47 4.75 90.47 9.31 92.84 9.96 96.10 6.12 96.56 5.96 96.71 7.28 91.13 7.8 90.83 4.84 90.58 -- - 21-Aug-2007 10.89 88.65 11.30 88.60 6.77 88.10 6.82 88.40 11.4 90.75 13.28 92.78 9.57 93.11 9.42 93.25 10.8 87.61 10.71 87.92 7.67 87.75 - -- 21-Oct-2007 11.40 88.14 11.76 88.14 7.31 87.56 7.43 87.79 12.98 89.17 14.06 92.00 10.62 92.06 10.63 92.04 11.9 86.51 11.41 87.22 8.3 87.12 - -- 31-Jan-2008 9.13 90.41 9.42 90.48 4.86 90.01 5.02 90.20 10.7 91.45 14.11 91.95 7.65 95.03 8.11 94.56 8.44 89.97 8.71 89.92 5.57 89.85 -- -- 22-Mar-2008 8.10 91.44 8.44 91.46 4.4 90.47 4.54 90.68 9.18 92.97 13.28 92.78 6.98 95.70 7.34 95.33 7.18 91.23 7.79 90.84 4.78 90.64 -- 2.51 89.74 9-Apr-2008 9.26 90.28 9.47 90.43 4.58 90.29 5.02 90.20 10.98 91.17 14.82 91.24 10.87 91.81 10.72 91.95 8.92 89.49 9.06 89.57 5.97 89.45 - -- 3.1 89.15 17-Jun-2008 9.12 90.42 9.42 90.48 5.03 89.84 5.23 89.99 10.54 91.61 14.05 92.01 8.93 93.75 8.92 93.75 8.36 90.05 9.06 89.57 6.09 89.33 - -- 3.2 89.05 13-Jan-2009 8.22 91.32 8.55 91.35 4.26 90.61 4.46 90.76 9.35 92.80 13.41 92.65 7.16 95.52 7.54 95.13 7.02 91.39 7.6 91.03 4.58 90.84 - -- 2.52 89.73 31-Mar-2009 7.60 91.94 7.96 91.94 4.36 90.51 4.38 90.84 6.74 95.41 12.43 93.63 5.98 96.70 6.22 96.45 6.81 91.60 7.2 91.43 4.21 91.21 -- 2.5 89.75 23-Jun-2009 8.62 90.92 8.92 90.98 4.41 90.46 4.77 90.45 10.06 92.09 13.86 92.20 9.83 92.85 9.63 93.04 7.72 90.69 8.52 90.11 5.56 89.86 - -- 2.9 89.35 30-Sep-2009 8.86 90.68 9.18 90.72 4.64 90.23 5.00 90.22 10.82 91.33 14.7 91.36 10.4 92.28 10.26 92.41 8.08 90.33 8.51 90.12 5.5 89.92 - -- 3.15 89.10 15-Dec-2009 7.54 92.00 NM -- 4.22 90.65 NM -- 8.68 93.47 12.85 93.21 6.3 96.38 NM -- 6.78 91.63 7.13 91.50 4.21 91.21 -- 2.6 89.65 31-Mar-2010 7.37 92.17 7.74 92.16 2.42 92.45 4.46 90.76 8.64 93.51 12.52 93.54 5.8 96.88 6.19 96.48 6.77 91.64 7.93 90.70 3.96 91.46 - 2.14 90.11 29-Jun-2010 9.35 90.19 NM -- 4.94 89.93 NM -- 10.66 91.49 14.62 91.44 9.97 92.71 NM -- 9.21 89.20 9.25 89.38 6.31 89.11 - -- 3.35 88.90 28-Sep-2010 9.23 90.31 10.05 89.85 4.8 90.07 5.50 89.72 11.55 90.60 14.8 91.26 10.85 91.83 11.1 91.57 9.11 89.30 8.52 90.11 5.48 89.94 - -- 4.1 88.15 13-Dec-2010 8.54 91.00 NM -- 4.36 90.51 NM -- 10.12 92.03 14.02 92.04 8.72 93.96 NM -- 7.37 91.04 7.93 90.70 4.81 90.61 - -- 2.02 90.23 28-Mar-2011 8.03 91.51 8.42 91.48 4.35 90.52 4.67 90.55 9.17 92.98 13.32 92.74 7.45 95.23 7.84 94.83 7.25 91.16 7.53 91.10 4.42 91.00 -- - -- 2.85 89.40 26-Jun-2011 10.05 89.49 10.35 89.55 6.02 88.85 6.32 88.90 11.23 90.92 14.82 91.24 10.59 92.09 10.43 92.24 9.2 89.21 9.98 88.65 7.04 88.38 - - -- 2.85 89.40 28-Sep-2011 7.84 91.70 NM -- 4.24 90.63 NM -- 8.9 93.25 13.09 92.97 7.62 95.06 NM -- 7.13 91.28 7.71 90.92 4.83 90.59 - -- -- - 2.2 90.05 18-Dec-2011 8.00 91.54 8.35 91.55 4.32 90.55 4.65 90.57 8.88 93.27 13.1 92.96 7.35 95.33 7.7 94.97 6.98 91.43 7.53 91.10 4.47 90.95 - -- -- 1.8 90.45 23-Mar-2012 8.01 91.53 8.35 91.55 4.31 90.56 4.56 90.66 8.89 93.26 13.01 93.05 7.35 95.33 7.66 95.01 7.03 91.38 7.75 90.88 4.8 90.62 - -- - 1.65 90.60 28-Jun-2012 8.39 91.15 8.72 91.18 4.65 90.22 4.92 90.30 9.4 92.75 13.38 92.68 8.52 94.16 8.54 94.13 7.42 90.99 8.45 90.18 5.63 89.79 - -- - 1.95 90.30 18-Sep-2012 7.41 92.13 7.86 92.04 4.16 90.71 4.5 90.72 8.21 93.94 12.73 93.33 7.21 95.47 7.45 95.22 6.82 91.59 7.37 91.26 4.51 90.91 -- - 1.52 90.73 17-Dec-2012 8.04 91.50 8.44 91.46 NM -- NM -- 9.19 92.96 13.36 92.70 8.55 94.13 8.76 93.91 6.82 91.59 7.37 91.26 4.51 90.91 - -- 1.45 90.80 26-Mar-2013 7.87 91.67 8.13 91.77 4.23 90.64 4.46 90.76 8.71 93.44 12.84 93.22 7.03 95.65 7.38 95.29 7.08 91.33 7.26 91.37 4.22 91.20 - -- 2.05 90.20 12-Apr-2013 8.30 91.24 8.59 91.31 4.31 90.56 4.72 90.50 9.59 92.56 14.13 91.93 8.48 94.20 8.7 93.97 7.47 90.94 7.8 90.83 4.82 90.60 - - 2.85 89.40 25-Jun-2013 8.00 91.54 8.34 91.56 4.18 90.69 4.57 90.65 9.05 93.10 12.97 93.09 6.92 95.76 7.44 95.23 7.05 91.36 7.7 90.93 4.69 90.73 - - 2.45 89.80 26-Sep-2013 8.38 91.16 8.67 91.23 4.32 90.55 4.71 90.51 9.57 92.58 13.65 92.41 9.5 93.18 9.5 93.17 8.75 89.66 8.19 90.44 5.25 90.17 -- 3.05 89.20 28-Mar-2014 7.74 91.80 8.03 91.87 4.33 90.54 4.54 90.68 8.56 93.59 12.53 93.53 6.68 96.00 7.03 95.64 6.92 91.49 7.23 91.40 4.39 91.03 - 1.85 90.40 27-Jun-2014 8.43 91.11 8.74 91.16 4.45 90.42 4.8 90.42 9.69 92.46 13.93 92.13 7.78 94.90 8.8 93.87 8.33 90.08 8.54 90.09 5.6 89.82 - -- 2.95 89.30 26-Sep-2014 7.82 91.72 8.20 91.70 3.91 90.96 4.28 90.94 8.62 93.53 13.81 92.25 6.68 96.00 7.33 95.34 7.1 91.31 7.36 91.27 4.4 91.02 -- 1.95 90.30 17-Dec-2014 7.88 91.66 8.30 91.60 4.22 90.65 4.53 90.69 9.01 93.14 13.71 92.35 7.94 94.74 7.46 95.21 7.24 91.17 7.4 91.23 4.34 91.08 -- 2.1 90.15 28-Jun-2018 9.36 90.18 9.55 90.35 4.56 90.31 4.96 90.26 10.35 91.80 11.65 94.41 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 8.68 89.73 9.12 89.51 5.86 89.56 6.84 91.96 10.52 88.05 22-Jan-2019 8.68 90.86 9.14 90.76 3.8 91.07 4.55 90.67 9.71 92.44 11.24 94.82 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 7.78 90.63 7.93 90.70 4.93 90.49 6.59 92.21 5.75 92.82 -- 17-Jun-2019 8.90 90.64 10.16 89.74 4.06 90.81 4.56 90.66 10.54 91.61 11.96 94.10 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 8.19 90.22 8.55 90.08 5.35 90.07 6.98 91.82 8.95 89.62 9-Mar-2020 8.66 90.88 8.99 90.91 3.95 90.92 4.45 90.77 9.74 92.41 11.26 94.80 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 7.79 90.62 8.08 90.55 4.61 90.81 5.81 92.99 6.01 92.56 9-Nov-2020 8.65 90.89 8.80 91.10 3.73 91.14 4.27 90.95 9.98 92.17 11.56 94.50 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 7.8 90.61 8.2 90.43 4.89 90.53 5.7 93.10 6.03 92.54 25-Mar-2021 8.52 91.02 8.82 91.08 3.8 91.07 4.35 90.87 9.61 92.54 11.3 94.76 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 7.61 90.80 7.5 91.13 NM NM 5.88 92.92 5.28 93.29 1-Nov-2021 8.77 90.77 9.44 90.46 4.21 90.66 4.72 90.50 10.91 91.24 12.94 93.12 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 8.52 89.89 8.7 89.93 5.36 90.06 7.31 91.49 7.35 91.22 -- 22-Mar-2022 8.63 90.91 9.15 90.75 4.19 90.68 4.65 90.57 9.99 92.16 11.56 94.50 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 8.09 90.32 8.45 90.18 5.05 90.37 6.92 91.88 5.79 92.78 19-Oct-2022 9.11 90.43 10.38 89.52 4.24 90.63 5.24 89.98 10.95 91.20 13.11 92.95 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 8.63 89.78 8.71 89.92 5.41 90.01 6.85 91.95 7.53 91.04 23-May-2023 8.70 90.84 9.12 90.78 4.13 90.74 4.61 90.61 10.15 92.00 11.53 94.53 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 8.34 90.07 8.69 89.94 5.35 90.07 7.94 90.86 5.25 93.32 28-Nov-2023 8.84 90.70 9.09 90.81 4.14 90.73 4.62 90.60 10.49 91.66 12.81 93.25 Abandoned 2015 Abandoned 2015 1 8.28 90.13 8.49 90.14 5.17 90.25 8.31 90.49 7.24 91.33 NE - Not Established -- = Not Measured BTOC = Below Top of Casing BGL - Below ground level ft MSL = feet above Mean Sea Level TOC Stickup data per Sherrill Environmental, Assessment Montoring Report , Feb 10, 2015 10-7-20 Note: Historical GW elevation values corrected for MW-3 Page 2 of 4 RJRPDRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.x1sA2. GW Elevations TABLE 3 GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL SAMPLE RESULTS SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 3 of 4 370 Date D Cl) 0 W °� C' B n a C 3 s o N E , B r Q m c Z Cn m C' S Cn < cn N 0 cn a o Q< Cl) O Cn Q m NC 2L Groundwater Standard 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 NC 2B Surface Water Standard 0.15 NE h h 0.025 0.000012 0.005 0.00006 NE NE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS MW-1S 11/29/23 <0.01 0.188 0.00095 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 401 5,000 FD-01 (MW-1S) 11/29/23 <0.01 0.188 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 402 6,450 MW-1D 11/29/23 <0.01 0.644 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 15.6 880 MW-2S 11/29/23 <0.01 0.140 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 3.7 255 MW-2D 11/29/23 <0.01 0.303 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 1.3 300 MW-3 11/29/23 <0.01 0.0632 0.0015 <0.005 0.0179 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 492 1,350 MW-4 11/29/23 <0.01 0.149 .00064 J 0.0131 0.0331 0.00074 .0053 J <0.005 20.1 260 MW-5RS 11/29/23 <0.01 0.086 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 2.6 183 MW-5RD 11/29/23 <0.01 0.185 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 10.5 189 MW-6 11/29/23 <0.05 0.0697 <0.025 0.0552 <0.0002 <0.075 <0.025 677 5,420 MW-7 11/29/23 <0.05 0.111 0.0071 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.075 <0.025 657 9,330 MW-8 1 11/29/23 <0.05 0.096 .0046 J I <0.025 0.143 <0.0002 <0.075 <0.025 6011 6,690 SURFACE WATER SW-01 11/28/23 <0.01 0.0426 <0.01 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 11.4 120 SW-02 11/29/23 <0.01 0.0267 <0.005 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 6.3 165 SW-03 11/28/23 <0.01 0.0319 <0.005 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 6.0 91 All concentrations in milligrams per liter (mg/L) unless otherwise noted. --- Not sampled NE - Not established Bold with gray background indicates exceedance of NC Groundwater or Surface Water Standard h = hardness dependent dissolved metal standard H - Out of holding time E - Quantitation of compound exceeded calibration range DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table 3-Event Data 2023-11 TABLE 4 GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER FIELD PARAMETER RESULTS SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 4of4 Sample Location / ID Date a = CD_0 3 n Q a n v 3' m V 3° s a N < 3 s C LI v ° CD x O m x v Q 9 0 p' < p O n 3,< o cQ < v Q NC 2L Groundwater Standard 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE NC 213 Surface Water Standard 6.0 - 9.0 NE NE 50 NE >5.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS MW-is 11/29/23 5.6 14.2 10,587 3.9 5.6 3.57 MW-1D 11/29/23 5.1 14.8 1,298 2.3 29.6 0.05 MW-2S 11/29/23 6.8 14.5 427 4.1 -117 0.04 MW-2D 11/29/23 7.2 13.2 526 3.3 -99.9 0.79 MW-3 11/29/23 5.5 9.9 2,088 6.8 176.1 0.57 MW-4 11/29/23 6.5 13.9 519 266.0 -19.9 0.81 MW-5RS 11/29/23 6.6 16.1 406 1.5 181.9 1.00 MW-5RD 11/29/23 7.3 12.8 349 7.5 -21.9 0.47 MW-6 11/29/23 3.7 12.9 8,351 2.1 273 6.48 MW-7 11/29/23 3.8 13.9 15,440 14.8 287 0.30 MW-8 11/29/23 4.0 14.3 8,020 34.2 260 0.27 SURFACE WATER SW-01 11/28/23 6.6 12.3 178 29.8 25 8.18 SW-02 11/29/23 6.4 5.3 628 14.6 16 2.27 SW-03 11/28/23 6.6 8.9 129 29.8 0.1 6.98 NE - Not established Bold value outside of pH standard range pmhos/cm -micromhos per centimeter NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity unit my - millivolt mg/L - milligram per liter n/a - not applicable DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table 4-Field Parameters2023-11 ►lip,,.ERM FIGURES - NOVEMBER 2023 m f Mann ■ v _ 0 1/.' \ D I Waetb Wbitakaea N 8ch ' ". SubStattan q ! Cem ' T k �iltakers • 4• It - � r i?6 di f s �� i� i• em ■J� r v3\., .'a K E R'1 fr ' ryp yy �� � r � 1 � � 1 � �41 [` • i �_l� ��- ! 1 l � •' yam• • 127. ° w rIt r }EruS;lem °a _. Gem lat+ e� rJJ Si �� N i♦ I� - ,'=Cem a;�� ' r�p ', • Y ;t,'.. % r� --� r r a its np C I' _.! a ``� r • •' •p ns .,� r ti _ r� _ , . �� r1 `.•�. <�-`'•`.. lie Il9 • f f 1 - . • - ■CSC t R !� f �t = .- : r ■ _p :r y ; ir ►3a_ +�+• k t x 9 r It 41 ,� ♦'M Ali + err t +� .► + - - w f + + 4 - �"" _ T- + ^+ + - - ' +s ^,r - ; �, + a ^ + AII 7 � T T ._ � y. — �, i� � M yF —" � J► - +i M 'r �! _ F � + �►—� �'� �^ rt may' + F � +. � � �� T T F +r + ►f F.F T '� T TF = —F T+ + F T t � �!T � t� _'�`. + + +-F F i- T+� +• F -T T F � �f + r r A yN Y r E• - F - _ - ~ - + '� F - F F F _F _ T T'-- {� _ '� ;1v .' T �.^ + .� F _ T T T k $Al _ El- n � - .ram � Y _ � - r+ yM ■�yC� + �+ ++ + _ r-� r .1 �� ~�� •. �� � " 8 e IN Z. 71 OF E- 01 V. • T � _ p � � 1 r/ ii� i � ■ l�i � i � _ ■ 1} � 1r 1 � - - " I�� � �9' • ter# � P s♦ ?� �¢ 4l 1 r Tr -may"`_^ _ it V� e —• ` i K •IF sue ' •+ • �, a ttleboro 4 . ' ; Battleboro s 2 ■ - II am 136 ► - m �1�� y t�sa •. j - i - . _ S s � L 0 1,000 2,000 �► �Cem , �• s 023 Feet Legend N Figure 1 n 0 Site Site Location Map V ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek CCB Structural Fill - CCB0057 n o 1,800 3,600 Battleboro, Nash County, North Carolina n D Feet 1 n 1:24,000 1 inch = 2,000 feet �1 _,I F P M �� •■rig. Source: Esri - World Topoqraphic Map; NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet MW-5RS�—MW=5RD� `� SW-1 SVN�3 [Al Legend Notes: Figure 2 CCB - Coal Combustion By -Products Site Map and Monitoring Well Locations t Shallow Monitoring Well Topographic Contour (1-ft intervals) Reuse Technology, Inc. L y • Abandoned Shallow Monitoring Well Wetland Swift Creek CCB Structural Fill - CCB0057 o $ Deep Monitoring Well Freshwater Pond Battleboro, Nash County, North Carolina "g Abandoned Deep Monitoring Well Riverine oA Surface Water Monitoring Location o_ Site I •!%" E R M Z 0 0.125 0.25 0. Miles Cniir r—i - \ —1.1 Tnnnnn kir M.— N4h 10R7 Cf.f.Dl CCB Structural Fill Boundary North r—ii— FTDC 'Z)nn Fcc4 • 1 I1�� . SW-1 � MW-05RS � 90.49 MW=05S Abandoned MW-05RD MW=05D 91'.33* _ J1 MW-06 90-1-3 if Il � Vl � I'1 ■ 1� �M�Wt03 9166� J ■■ � � _ 907.0 ■ MW=01D . MW'07 ■ ■ 90.14 MW-02D MW-02S 90.60* `90.73 MW-08 90.25 r ■ ■ 4 L1 S W=3 N 0 180 360 � II m F o - 0 Feet [AlLegend Notes: Figure 3 v -U�hir.F t Shallow Monitoring Well Topographic Contour (1-ft intervals) Groundwater elevation measurements collected 29 Shallow Groundwater Potentiometric Map a November 2023. November 2023 L • Abandoned Shallow Monitoring Well Wetland 90.70 - Groundwater Elevation in Shallow Reuse Technology Inc. o $ Deep Monitoring Well [ Freshwater Pond Monitoring Well 90.81 Groundwater Elevation in Deep Swift Creek CCB Structural Fill - CCB0057 "g Abandoned Deep Monitoring Well Riverine Monitoring Well (not contoured) Battleboro, Nash Count North Carolina Ln A Surface Water Monitoring Location Potentiometric Surface Contour Elevations in feet above mean sea level Ln �, Q Site — - Inferred Potentionmetric Surface Contour CCB - Coal Combustion By -Products In o o.izs o.zs o.s N Miles 5 I CCB Structural Fill Boundary Apparent Groundwater Flow Direction Source: Esri - World Topooqraphic Map; NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet is SW-1 None Exceed MW-4 11/29/2023 Chromium 0.013 Lead 0.033 r l MW-5S ' M W-5 RS 1-- None Exceed 7-7-7 MW-5RD None Exceed MW-6 11/29/2023 Lead 0.055 Sulfate 677 Dissolved Solids, Total 5,420 Gad . MW-3f�� \` 11/29/2023 Lead 0.018 f Sulfate 492 MW-7 Dissolved Solids, Total 1350 11/29/2023 .-_ Cadmium 0.007 $ MW-1S Lead 0.171 I1/29/2023 �= "�_ Sulfate 657 Sulfate 401 Dissolved Solids, Total 9,330 Dissolved Solids, Total 5,000 MW-2D MW-1D None Exceed 11/29/2023 MW-8 Dissolved Solids, Total 880 SW-2 MW-2S 11/29/2023 None Exceed None Exceed Cadmium 0.0053 Lead 0.143 - - y Sulfate 601 M 1 Dissolved Solids, Total 6,690 SW-3 None Exceed DI 0 150 300 z Feet Y N U/ 3 [Ai Legend Figure 4 2 Shallow Monitoring Well Topographic Contour (1-ft intervals) Notes: Groundwater Analytical Sample Results -Constituents Ex seeding Abandoned Shallow Monitoring Well Wetland Groundwater elevation measurements 2L Groundwater Standards — November 2023 collected 29 November 2023. ReUse Technology, Inc. $ Deep Monitoring Well W1 Freshwater Pond 0 880 -Groundwater sample concentration in Swift Creek CCB Structural Fill - CCB0057 $ Abandoned Deep Monitoring Well monitoring well Battleboro Nash Coun�,c rth Carolina y Surface Water Monitoring Location Riverine g Concentrations in milligrams per liter (mg/L) Q Site Only Concentrations that exceed applicable �y,IE R M o o.�25 0.25 0.5 y�� CCB Structural Fill Boundar regulatory standards are shown !%//I��\\ Miles Y CCB -Coal Combustion By -Products Source: Esri - World Topooqraphic Map; NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet ■ ■ MW=04f MW-05RS MW-05RD 01 15 ��ee MW-02D SW-02- MW-02S 3 3.7 ., ■ r O MW-06 ■ ■ ■ ■ MW'07 SW-03 6 -,_-. 0 180 360 Feet [AlLegend Notes: Figure 5 v 2 t Shallow Monitoring Well Topographic Contour (1-ft intervals) Groundwater elevation measurements collected Groundwater Analytical Sample Results — Sulfate 29 November 2023. Surficial Aquife L Abandoned Shallow Monitoring Well Wetland 677 - Sulfate groundwater sample concentration Reuse Technology, Inc. $ Deep Monitoring Well [� Freshwater Pond in monitoring well Concentration in milligrams per liter (mg/L) Swift Creek CCB Structural Fill - CCB0057 Abandoned Deep Monitoring Well Riverine Battleboro, Nash Count North Carolina ����' oA Surface Water Monitoring Location Sulfate Isoconcentration Contour Q Site — Inferred Sulfate Isoconcentration Contour I E R M V 0 0.125 0.25!!% CCB Structural Fill Boundary • 1 I1�� . Notes: Vertical Exaggeration = 10:1 1 inch = 150 feet s A Isn 140 130 120 80 70 60 50 0 , Maxar, (92.00) Groundwater Elevation 657 Sulfate Concentration (mg/L) Groundwater Elevation A (November 2023) Well Details 150 _ Casing F=� Screen 140 Subsurface Details Existing Clay Layer from Boring Logs (Alluvial) 130 120 110 100 90 80 MW-5S - --- A tiM�`W-4 MW-3 M W-,, S MW-2S 0 325 650 Feet 70 60 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Distance (ft) W T..� Figure 6 Hydrogeologic Profile A -A' ReUse Technology, Inc. Swift Creek CCB Structural Fill - CCB0057 Battleboro, Nash County, North Carolina Environmental Resources Management www.erm.com ERM Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet FIGURE 7 - SULFATE CONCENTRATIONS OVER TIME SWIFT CREEK CCB FILL SITE BATTLEBORO, NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 , 100 0 'cl- Ln W I, n 00 Ol O r-I N N M 'zT Ln W I, n 00 Ol O r-1 N N M > C > Q T C > Q75? C > Q >- C > Q Sulfate • • • • • • Poly. (Sulfate) 1[l/l�i� 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Ln W 1, 00 00 M 0 r-1 .-1 N M v Ln W I, I, 00 M O O —1 N M M O O O O O O N N N N N N U Q c i U Q c i U Q c i U Q c i U Q c i U Q c i U of c) m OJ a) OJ 4J W a) OJ a) of a) m OJ O N Ln 0 Ln 0 Ln 0 Ln O N Sulfate • • • • • • Poly. (Sulfate) 0 1200 1000 800 600 400 „ 200 0 Ln LO I, oo oo m O c-I r-I N M -zi- zt Ln LO I, n oo a) O O r-I N M M O O O O O O .-i r� 1� r� 1i .-i 1i 11 r- 1� N N N N N N U 0-C U 0-a U 0-C U 0-C U 0-C U 0-C U 0 N 0 V) 0 N 0 Ln in V) 0 V) Sulfate • • • • • • Poly. (Sulfate) FIGURE 7 - SULFATE CONCENTRATIONS OVER TIME SWIFT CREEK CCB FILL SITE BATTLEBORO, NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MW-7 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 100 200 100 0 V1 lD I, w w m O c-I r-1 N M -zl* -It V1 lD I- n w m O O "q N M M V 0.c U Q c U p. U p. U p_ U Q O VN VN 0 to 0 cN 0 VI O V) 0 Sulfate • • • • • • Poly. (Sulfate) 1200 1000 800 600 400 .. 200 0 MW-8 I, W W M O O -1 N N M V M lD LD I, W W M O O .--I N N M O O O O ci i-V 1i ci i-V 1i ci i-V 1i ci 1l 1i ci i-V ci N N rV N N N T C Q T C Q T C Q T C Q T C Q T C Q T C Q T C Q T (6 f6 aJ C c6 aJ c c6 aJ m c6 aJ c c6 a) c c6 a) r t6 a) r t6 a) (9 2 LO 2 Ln 2 Ln 2 Ln 2 N 2 N 2 V) 2 V) :E Sulfate • • • • • • Poly. (Sulfate) ►lip,,.ERM APPENDIX A HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER RESULTS NOVEMBER 2023 APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 1 of 10 Sample Location / ID Date D N W °' �. C� n 3 3. 3 n S o 3 O C' v 3 r CD n m C cn � C' 3 < cn N m o N ( NO `D Q cn -o 2 CD N 3 �"� -o m N m c' C m 30 S a o c n <' Z s C Q v CD 70 O CD X v Q Q v 0 p' < 0 0 Cn O n O .� cc (� vCD CD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE Jul-04 0.028 0.19 <0.001 <0.01 0.068 <0.01 <0.01 490 MW-is Dec-05 0.02 0.17 <0.001 <0.01 0.042 <0.01 <0.01 608 Oct-06 0.012 0.472 <0.001 <0.01 0.052 0.00064 <0.01 <0.01 740 May-07 <0.01 0.458 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 0.00047 <0.01 <0.01 420 Nov-07 <0.01 0.529 <0.001 <0.01 0.031 0.00089 <0.01 <0.01 520 Jun-08 <0.01 0.619 <0.001 <0.01 0.011 0.00051 <0.01 <0.01 470 Jan-09 <0.01 0.416 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 210 Jun-09 <0.01 0.412 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 220 Dec-09 <0.01 0.256 0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 0.022 <0.01 160 Jun-10 0.012 0.691 0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 280 Dec-10 <0.01 0.599 0.003 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 400 Jun-11 <0.10 0.475 <0.01 <0.10 <0.10 <0.00028 <0.10 <0.10 590 Dec-11 <0.050 0.422 <0.005 <0.050 <0.050 <0.0002 <0.050 <0.050 170 Jun-12 <0.01 0.419 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 150 Dec-12 0.018 0.567 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 180 Jun-13 <0.01 0.174 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 75 Dec-13 <0.01 0.163 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 99 Jun-14 <0.01 0.25 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 110 Dec-14 <0.01 0.408 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 310 Jun-18 <0.015 0.24 <0.005 <0.030 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 320 8,100 5.8 27.0 14,679 5 47 0.18 Jan-19 <0.015 0.27 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 270 4,700 6.0 6.4 4,305 7 4 0.53 Jun-19 <0.015 0.28 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 320 7,400 5.8 21.4 11,617 9 -51 0.19 Mar-20 <0.015 0.22 <0.005 <0.01 0.03 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 480 8,500 6.0 17.0 14,566 5 2 0.25 Nov-20 <0.015 0.26 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 400 8,500 5.6 23.8 8,023 2 -116 0.43 Mar-21 <0.015 0.23 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 430 6,200 6.1 16.1 10,125 8 -80 0.41 Duplicate (FD-01) Mar-21 <0.015 0.22 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 430 6,100 -- -- -- -- -- Nov-21 <0.015 <0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 380 6,800 5.8 20.2 10,278 4.5 -27 0.31 Duplicate (FD-01) Nov-21 <0.015 0.27 <0.005 <0.01 0.031 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 410 7,000 -- -- -- -- -- Mar-22 <0.015 0.19 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 500 5,100 5.8 15.4 7,670.0 8.2 -7.1 0.0 Duplicate (FD-01) Mar-22 <0.015 0.19 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 510 5,400 - -- -- -- -- Oct-22 <0.015 0.26 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 370 7,500 5.6 16.9 13,200.0 3.2 -54.0 0.3 Duplicate (FD-01) Oct-22 <0.015 0.27 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 340 6,900 -- -- -- -- - May-23 <0.03 0.104 <0.01 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 622 4,320 6.2 17.9 6,298 9.4 -9.5 0.61 Duplicate (FD-01) May-23 <0.03 0.111 <0.01 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 654 4,420 Nov-23 <0.01 0.188 0.00095 J <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 401 5,000 5.6 14.2 10,587 3.9 5.6 3.57 Duplicate (FD-01) Nov-23 <0.01 0.188 0.00093 J <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 402 6,450 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 2 of 10 o 0 N CD N 3 Cn O C� n cn ( 30 CD 70 O n D W n S o m � cn NO �"� -o m o S a o c Z CD X v o o O Sample N °' �. 3 �. O 3 r � C N CD Q N m C � n s 0 9 --^. Location / ID Date 3 C' v 3 n C' 3 < m m cn -o 2 c' S, m v < vCD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE Jul-04 <0.01 0.54 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 13 MW-1D Dec-05 <0.01 0.36 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 7.7 Oct-06 <0.01 0.341 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 20 May-07 <0.01 0.343 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 12 Oct-07 <0.01 0.365 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 11 Jun-08 <0.01 0.334 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 14 Jan-08 <0.01 0.356 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 14 Jun-09 <0.01 0.403 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 20 Jun-18 <0.01 0.66 <0.005 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 19 8,200 6.9 25.6 1,221 3 -93 0.18 Jan-19 <0.01 0.67 <0.005 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 17 750 6.9 8.9 1,165 7 -46 0.85 Jun-19 <0.01 0.66 <0.005 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 13 800 6.8 22.4 1,374 11 -56 0.23 Mar-20 <0.01 0.67 <0.005 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 13 730 7.0 18.2 1,344 9 11 1.97 Nov-20 <0.01 0.6 <0.005 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 16 810 6.9 24.4 1,304 2 -68 0.40 Mar-21 <0.01 0.59 <0.005 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 15 780 7.1 20.9 1,229 10 94 1.78 Nov-21 <0.015 0.027 <0.005 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 16 720 7.0 20.4 1,205 1 -41 0.97 Mar-22 <0.015 0.63 <0.005 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 14 710 7.0 17.5 1,260 5 76 1.05 Oct-22 <0.015 0.63 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 14 810 7.2 18.4 1,350 5 -45 1.42 May-23 <0.03 0.6 <0.001 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 17.6 880 6.9 19.8 1,460 1 -50 0.32 Nov-23 <0.01 0.644 <0.001 1 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.0051 15.6 880 5.1 14.81 1,298 2.3 30 0.05 Jun-04 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 32 MW-2S Dec-05 <0.01 0.18 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 10.1 Oct-06 <0.01 0.198 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 May-07 <0.01 0.232 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 4.4 Oct-07 <0.01 0.256 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 3.6 Jun-08 <0.01 0.103 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 4.4 Jan-09 <0.01 0.164 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR <5 Jun-09 <0.01 0.173 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR <5 Dec-09 <0.01 0.218 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 Jun-10 <0.01 0.229 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 Dec-10 <0.01 0.235 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 Jun-11 <0.01 0.182 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 Dec-11 <0.01 0.216 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 Jun-12 <0.01 0.178 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 Jun-13 <0.01 0.21 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 Dec-13 <0.01 0.199 <0.001 I <0.01 I <0.01 1 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 3 of 10 o 0 N CD N 3 Cn O C� n cn ( 30 CD 70 O n D W n S o m � cn NO �"� -o m o S a o c Z CD X v o o O Sample N °' �. 3 �. O 3 r � C N CD Q N m C � n s 0 9 --^. Location / ID Date 3 C' v 3 v n C' 3 < m m cn -o 2 c' u m v < vCD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE Jun-14 <0.01 0.165 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 MW-2S Dec-14 <0.01 0.2 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 Jun-18 <0.015 0.13 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 790 6.3 21.0 448 0 -36 0.18 Jan-19 <0.015 0.21 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 400 6.9 10.0 611 5 -124 0.55 Jun-19 <0.015 0.24 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 430 7.0 20.8 641 2 -152 0.18 Mar-20 <0.015 0.28 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 400 6.9 16.8 759 4 -146 0.36 Nov-20 <0.015 0.24 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 400 6.3 21.3 732 15 -120 0.34 Mar-21 <0.015 0.23 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 340 6.6 16.7 615 2 -101 0.20 Nov-21 <0.015 0.20 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1.0 360 6.9 18.8 684 25 -106 0.30 Mar-22 <0.015 0.20 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1.0 320 7.0 17.0 503 4 -83 0.00 Oct-22 <0.015 0.29 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <2.0 400 7.6 17.5 402 8 -2 0.00 May-23 <0.03 0.114 <0.001 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 <1.0 211 7.0 18.2 382 8 -147 0.04 Nov-23 <0.01 0.14 <0.001 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.0051 3.7 255 6.8 14.5 427 4.1 -117 0.04 MW-213 Jun-04 <0.01 0.17 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 5.6 Dec-05 <0.01 0.3 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 3.1 Oct-06 <0.01 0.29 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 11 May-07 <0.01 0.254 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 2.9 Oct-07 <0.01 0.273 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 4.8 Jun-08 <0.01 0.265 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 22 Jan-09 <0.01 0.253 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 16 Jun-09 <0.01 0.289 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 6.3 Jun-18 <0.015 0.13 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 790 7.1 25.0 444 10 18 1.30 Jan-19 <0.015 0.30 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1.5 310 7.2 9.7 474 5 -94 880.38 Jun-19 <0.015 0.29 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 330 7.3 20.0 501 10 -63 0.27 Mar-20 <0.015 0.29 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 300 7.1 19.4 540 2 75 0.52 Nov-20 <0.015 0.27 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1.3 300 7.1 22.0 529 3 -86 0.34 Mar-21 <0.015 0.27 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 300 7.3 20.4 538 2 -84 0.61 Nov-21 <0.015 0.07 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1.1 320 7.2 18.3 478 3 -91 0.34 Mar-22 <0.015 0.29 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1 300 7.2 19.1 499 10 -141 0.51 Oct-22 <0.015 0.36 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1.2 H 300 7.9 16.3 347 1 33 0.00 May-23 <0.03 0.271 <0.001 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 1.8 317 7.3 17.1 529 4 -27 0.09 Nov-23 <0.01 1 0.303 <0.001 <0.005 <0.01 1 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.0051 1.3 300 7.2 13.2 526 3.3 -99.9 0.79 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 4 of 10 Sample Location / ID Date D N W °' �. C� n 3 �. 3 n S o 3 O C' v 3 r � v n m C cn � C' 3 < m cn N m o N ( NO CD Q cn -o 2 CD N 3 �"� -o m o N m c' C u m 30 S a o c � n Z s v CD 70 O CD X v o o 0 9 --^. < 0 Cn O n O vCD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE Dec-05 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 334 MW-3 Oct-06 <0.01 0.192 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 580 May-07 <0.01 0.342 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 C <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 570 Nov-07 <0.01 0.133 <0.001 <0.01 0.036 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 380 Jun-08 <0.01 0.145 <0.001 <0.01 0.022 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 370 Jan-09 <0.01 0.144 <0.001 <0.01 0.013 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 550 Jun-09 <0.01 0.202 <0.001 <0.01 0.081 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 570 Dec-09 0.012 0.192 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 710 Jun-10 0.011 0.094 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 840 Dec-10 <0.01 0.125 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 690 Jun-11 <0.10 0.119 <0.01 <0.10 <0.10 <0.0002 <0.10 <0.10 790 Dec-11 <0.01 0.234 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 410 Jun-12 <0.01 0.125 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.05 <0.01 1,000 Dec-12 0.013 0.136 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 0.011 <0.01 910 Jun-13 <0.10d 0.201 <0.01 d <0.1 d <0.1 d <0.0002 <0.1 d <0.1 d 950 Dec-13 <0.050d 0.162 <0.005d <0.05d <0.05d <0.0002 <0.05d <0.05d 890 Jun-14 <0.027d 0.116 <0.002d <0.07d <0.01d <0.0002 <0.025d <0.07d 970 Dec-14 <0.050d 0.151 <0.005d <0.05d <0.05d <0.0002 <0.05d <0.05d 760 Jun-18 <0.015 0.066 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 980 830 5.5 27.2 7,611 9 60 0.30 Jan-19 <0.015 0.088 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 930 130 -- 4.4 5,256 11 679 369.94 Jun-19 <0.015 0.072 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1,000 4,400 5.2 22.9 6,520 10 -39 0.20 Mar-20 <0.015 0.044 <0.005 <0.01 0.014 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 580 1,600 5.6 16.0 2,456 10.8 -49 0.63 Nov-20 <0.015 0.049 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 710 25,000 5.2 18.9 2,921 6.3 66 0.20 Duplicate (FD-01) Nov-20 <0.015 0.26 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 370 6,400 -- -- -- -- -- Mar-21 <0.015 0.038 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 240 830 6.0 17.5 1,357 19.8 57 0.38 Nov-21 <0.015 <0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 810 2,700 5.4 19.5 3,831 6.0 48 0.39 Mar-22 <0.015 0.038 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 280 850 5.7 15.7 1,287 3.4 -8 0.00 Oct-22 <0.015 0.055 <0.005 <0.01 0.042 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 630 1,800 5.8 16.8 2,340 6.1 113 0.00 May-23 <0.03 0.0398 <0.01 <0.01 0.011 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 251 890 5.7 18.2 1,226 9 97 0.22 Nov-23 I <0.01 1 0.06321 0.0015 <0.0051 0.0179 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.0051 4921 1,3501 5.51 9.91 2,0881 6.81 176.11 0.57 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 5 of 10 Sample Location / ID Date D N W °' �. C� n 3 �. 3 n S o 3 O C' v 3 r � v n m C cn CD C' 3 < m cn N m o N ( NO CD Q cn -o 2 CD N 3 �"� -o m o N El c' C u m 30 S D. o c � n Z s v CD 70 O CD X v o o 0 9 --^. < 0 Cn O n O vCD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE MW-4 Dec-05 <0.01 0.46 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 5.7 Oct-06 <0.01 0.171 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 May-07 <0.01 <0.100 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 8.6 Oct-07 <0.01 0.147 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 5.9 Jun-08 <0.01 0.198 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 5.4 Jan-09 <0.01 0.083 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 6.4 Jun-09 <0.01 0.349 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 7.7 Dec-09 <0.01 0.121 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 7.5 Jun-10 <0.01 0.181 <0.001 0.018 <0.010 0.0006 <0.01 <0.01 15 Dec-10 0.016 0.195 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 16 Jun-11 <0.01 0.227 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01P <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 28 Dec-11 <0.01 0.516 0.003 <0.01 0.021 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 51 Jun-12 <0.01 0.356 0.008 <0.01 0.032 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 100 duplicate 12/18/12 <0.01 0.262 0.019 <0.01 0.095 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 220 Jun-13 <0.01 0.109 0.004 <0.01 0.021 0.00078 <0.01 <0.01 250 Dec-13 <0.01 0.167 0.006 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 130 Jul-14 <0.01 0.085 0.0017 <0.01 <0.010 0.00101 <0.01 <0.01 190 Dec-14 <0.01 0.071 0.0017 <0.01 <0.010 0.00111 <0.01 <0.01 260 Jun-18 <0.01 0.041 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 66 450 6.4 25.1 72 7 56 0.28 Jan-19 <0.01 0.044 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 46 320 6.7 9.3 499 13 52 0.83 Jun-19 <0.01 0.052 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 30 310 6.9 22.0 553 7 -91 0.47 Mar-20 <0.01 0.054 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 37 - 6.5 16.0 455 5 -51 0.42 Nov-20 <0.01 0.061 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 29 250 6.3 43.0 442 10 43 0.52 Mar-21 <0.01 0.059 <0.005 0.14 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 17 200 6.4 16.9 345 22 9 0.26 Nov-21 0.035 0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 25 230 6.4 21.9 320 6 14 0.29 Mar-22 <0.015 0.064 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 17 200 6.4 15.0 352 4 97 0.00 Oct-22 <0.015 0.086 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 20 250 6.4 20.6 381 9 -103 0.00 May-23 <0.03 0.0657 <0.01 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 17.4 266 6.4 17.2 413 62 57 0.36 Nov-23 <0.01 0.149 0.01311 0.03311 0.000741 -0.0051 20.1 260 6.5 13.9 519 266.0 -19.9 0.81 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 6 of 10 o 0 N CD Cn O C� n ( N 3 30 CD 70 O n D W n S o m cn � cn NO �"� -o m o S a o c Z CD X v o o O Sample N °' �. 3 O 3 r � C CD N m � n s 0 9 --^. Location / ID Date �. 3 C' v 3 n C' 3 < m N m Q cn -o 2 c' C S, m v < vCD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE Dec-05 <0.01 0.45 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.1 MW-5S Oct-06 <0.01 0.121 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 7 May-07 <0.01 0.218 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 4.7 Oct-07 <0.01 0.278 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 4.9 Jun-08 <0.01 0.046 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 8.7 Jan-09 <0.01 0.051 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 10 Jun-09 <0.01 0.058 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 13 Dec-09 <0.01 0.056 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 17 Jun-10 <0.01 0.057 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 12 Dec-10 <0.01 0.102 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 14 Jun-11 <0.01 0.064 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 17 Dec-11 <0.01 0.087 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 21 Jun-12 <0.01 0.095 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 22 Dec-12 <0.01 0.131 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 25 Jun-13 <0.01 0.025 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 22 Dec-13 <0.01 0.088 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 21 Jun-14 <0.01 0.052 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 14 Dec-14 <0.01 0.082 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 21 Monitor Well Abandoned on 4/17/15 by NCDOT and replaced on 6/11/18 by MW-5RS DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 7 of 10 o 0 N CD N 3 Cn O C� n cn ( 30 CD 70 O n D W n S o m � cn NO �"� -o m o S a o c Z CD X v o o O Sample N °' �. 3 �. O 3 r � C N CD Q N m C � n s 0 9 --^. Location / ID Date 3 C' v 3 n C' 3 < m m cn -o 2 c' S, m v < vCD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE MW-5RS Jun-18 <0.015 0.098 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 12 420 6.9 23.9 454 7 45 3.37 Jan-19 <0.015 0.10 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 3.4 260 6.6 12.6 382 2 78 0.99 Jun-19 <0.015 0.11 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1.0 320 7.0 25.3 594 9 -106 0.17 Mar-20 <0.015 0.09 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 3.1 230 6.6 16.4 363 4 -13 1.10 Nov-20 <0.015 0.10 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 3.1 290 7.0 22.0 477 1 -17 0.32 Mar-21 <0.015 0.07 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 2.3 210 6.4 18.2 297 3 143 0.69 Nov-21 <0.015 <0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 2.8 300 7.0 22.8 450 3 24 0.47 Mar-22 <0.015 0.10 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 4.7 220 6.7 16.5 364 6 124 0.54 Oct-22 <0.015 0.08 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 150 6.0 22.1 244 0 213 0.35 May-23 <0.03 0.084 <0.001 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 3.2 249 7.2 20.0 296 10 9 2.63 Nov-23 <0.01 0.086 <0.001 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.0051 2.6 183 6.6 16.1 406 1.5 181.9 1.00 Dec-05 <0.01 0.17 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 8.1 MW-5D Oct-06 <0.01 0.236 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6 May-07 <0.01 0.227 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 5.8 Oct-07 <0.01 0.258 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.6 Jun-08 <0.01 0.254 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 10 Jan-09 <0.01 0.255 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 10 Jun-09 <0.01 0.261 NR NR <0.010 <0.0002 NR NR 17 Monitor Well Abandoned on 4/17/15 by NCDOT and replaced on 6/11/18 by MW-5RD MW-51RD Jun-18 <0.01 0.15 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 26 230 7.3 23.0 327 20 29 0.12 Jan-19 <0.01 0.22 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 17 230 7.4 11.9 374 10 -125 730.47 Jun-19 <0.01 0.21 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 14 250 7.3 24.0 388 9 -94 0.21 Mar-20 <0.01 0.25 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 11 240 7.3 16.2 383 4 -1 2.09 Nov-20 <0.01 0.22 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 7.9 240 7.3 21.5 384 10 -120 0.67 Mar-21 <0.01 0.096 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 4.7 140 7.4 18.6 265 4 136 1.77 Nov-21 <0.01 <0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.0 190 7.4 21.6 321 1 -45 1.05 Mar-22 <0.015 0.18 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 5.2 220 7.4 17.7 242 8 -2 2.98 Oct-22 <0.015 0.16 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 7.7 H 170 7.0 20.4 298 0 41 0.40 May-23 <0.03 0.143 <0.001 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 8.2 183 6.8 19.9 402 3 50 0.04 Nov-23 <0.01 0.185 <0.001 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.005 10.5 189 7.3 12.8 349 7.5 21.9 0.47 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 8 of 10 Sample Location / ID Date D N W °' �. C� n 3 �. 3 n S o 3 O C' v 3 r � n m C cn � C' 3 < m cn N m o N ( NO CD Q cn -o 2 CD N 3 �"� -o m o N m c' C S, m 30 S a o c � n Z s v CD 70 O CD X v o o 0 9 --^. < 0 Cn O n O vCD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE Dec-05 <0.01 1.3 <0.001 <0.01 0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 174 MW-6 Oct-06 <0.01 0.816 <0.001 <0.01 0.013 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 510 May-07 <0.01 0.312 <0.001 <0.01 0.032 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 220 Nov-07 <0.01 0.12 <0.001 <0.01 0.074 0.00026 <0.01 <0.01 290 Jun-08 <0.01 0.08 <0.001 <0.01 0.054 0.00091 <0.01 <0.01 490 Jan-09 <0.01 0.066 NR NR 0.014 <0.0002 NR NR 560 Jun-09 0.018 0.155 NR NR 0.016 0.00026 NR NR 430 Dec-09 0.014 0.126 <0.001 <0.01 0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 220 Jun-10 0.109 0.313 <0.001 <0.01 0.155 0.0003 <0.01 <0.01 300 Dec-10 0.018 0.138 <0.001 <0.01 <0.010 <0.01 <0.01 350 Jun-11 <0.10 0.717 <0.01 <0.10 <0.10 0.00095 <0.10 <0.10 460 Dec-11 <0.01 0.148 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 260 Jun-12 <0.05 0.156 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.05 <0.01 330 Dec-12 0.031 0.131 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 0.012 <0.01 270 Jun-13 <0.01 0.152 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 270 Dec-13 <0.05d 0.247 <0.005d <0.05d <0.05d <0.0002 <0.05d <0.05d 300 Jun-14 0.0189 0.193 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 260 Dec-14 0.099 0.155 <0.005d <0.05d 0.122 <0.0002 <0.05d <0.05d 660 Jun-18 0.043 0.047 <0.005 <0.01 0.045 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1,000 6,300 3.9 25.3 9,665 0 196 0.78 Jan-19 0.039 0.077 <0.005 <0.01 0.022 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 870 3,600 3.8 8.3 4,993 4 290 975.76 Jun-19 0.083 0.086 <0.005 <0.01 0.074 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 760 7,100 3.8 22.0 11,164 5 45 0.20 Mar-20 0.073 0.11 <0.005 <0.01 0.160 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 740 7,000 3.7 16.6 11,118 2 246 0.28 Nov-20 0.066 0.078 <0.005 <0.01 0.085 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 820 7,700 3.5 23.0 9,811 1 294 0.20 Mar-21 0.055 0.075 <0.005 <0.01 0.052 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 600 5,800 3.8 17.6 8,772 1 105 0.26 Nov-21 <0.015 <0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 790 5,500 3.7 20.2 9,522 0 231 0.30 Mar-22 0.052 0.083 <0.005 <0.01 0.070 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 670 4,900 3.6 14.9 9,348 3 213 0.00 Oct-22 0.058 0.081 <0.005 <0.01 0.100 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 650 5,100 3.5 19.8 7,890 0 248 0.00 May-23 0.0461 0.0656 <0.01 <0.01 0.073 <0.0002 <0.200 <0.05 569 6,750 3.8 15.8 9,422 4 227 0.31 Nov-23 1 1 0.0697 .00 <0.0251 0.0552 <0.0002 <0.015 <0.0051 6771 5,4201 3.71 12.91 8,3511 2.1 2731 6.48 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 9 of 10 Sample Location / ID Date D N W °' �. C� n 3 �. 3 n S o 3 O C' v 3 r � n m C cn � C' 3 < m cn N m o N ( NO CD Q cn -o 2 CD N 3 �"� -o m o N m c' C S, m 30 S a o c � n Z s v CD 70 O CD X v o o 0 9 --^. < 0 Cn O n O vCD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE Dec-05 0.038 <0.001 <0.01 0.093 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 379 MW 7 Oct-06 0.03 0.059 <0.001 <0.01 0.053 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 500 May-07 0.017 <0.001 <0.01 0.047 0.0003 <0.01 <0.01 460 Nov-07 0.029 <0.100 <0.001 <0.01 0.124 0.00072 <0.01 <0.01 250 Jun-08 0.019 0.042 <0.001 <0.01 0.072 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 420 Jan-09 0.022 0.052 <0.001 <0.01 0.088 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 500 Jun-09 0.072 0.08 <0.001 <0.01 0.171 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 500 Dec-09 0.128 0.123 <0.01 <0.01 0.273 0.0006 <0.10 <0.10 490 Jun-10 0.208 0.172 <0.01 <0.01 0.379 0.0002 <0.10 <0.10 530 Dec-10 0.23 0.255 <0.01 <0.01 0.649 0.00057 <0.10 <0.10 590 Jun-11 0.134 0.159 <0.01 <0.10 0.396 0.00033 <0.10 <0.10 540 Dec-11 0.107 0.172 <0.01 <0.10 0.468 -U.Uuv< <0.10 <0.10 640 Jun-12 0.059 0.12 <0.005 <0.05 0.27 <0.0002 <0.05 <0.05 580 Dec-12 0.158 <0.01 <0.10 0.397 <0.0002 <0.10 <0.10 700 Jun-13 0.114 <0.01d <0.10d 0.19 <0.0002 <0.10d <0.10d 600 Dec-13 0.07 0.119 <0.05d <0.050d 0.235 <0.0002 <0.050d <0.050d 470 Jun-14 0.078 0.093 <0.002d <0.007d 0.139 <0.0002 <0.025d <0.010d 670 Dec-14 0.167 0.205 <0.05d <0.050d 0.553 <0.0002 <0.050d <0.050d 710 Jun-18 0.041 0.1 0.0074 <0.02 0.089 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 770 9,400 3.8 23.0 13,584 2 243 1.37 Jan-19 0.089 0.097 <0.01 0.190 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 920 8,100 3.8 8.1 10,375 2 250 0.97 Jun-19 0.077 0.16 0.012 <0.01 0.160 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 630 10,000 3.7 21.5 15,916 9 128 0.31 Mar-20 0.093 0.13 0.012 <0.01 0.260 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 770 10,000 4.0 12.0 16,317 5 193 0.41 Nov-20 0.089 0.14 <0.005 <0.01 0.260 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 640 12,000 3.5 20.9 16,203 3 259 0.24 Mar-21 0.080 0.092 <0.005 <0.01 0.160 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 670 8,000 3.8 16.0 12,734 8 186 0.25 Nov-21 0.090 0.13 <0.005 <0.01 0.270 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 700 10,000 3.7 20.9 15,392 4 205 0.27 Mar-22 0.081 0.13 <0.005 <0.01 0.200 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 720 8,300 3.6 14.8 14,887 5 311 0.07 Oct-22 0.077 0.13 0.0052 <0.01 0.220 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 680 9,600 3.5 19.4 16,500 0 255 0.08 May-23 0.0637 0.0874 <0.01 <0.01 0.185 <0.0002 <0.200 <0.05 565 10,700 3.8 17.8 1,540 11 209 7.36 Nov-23 0.111 0.0071 <0.005 0.171 <0.0002 <0.075 <0.025 657 9,330 3.8 13.9 15,440 14.8 287 0.30 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater APPENDIX Al GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 10 of 10 Sample Location / ID Date D N W °' �. C� n 3 �. 3 n S o 3 O C' v 3 r � n m C cn � C' 3 < m cn N m o N ( NO CD Q cn -o 2 CD N 3 �"� -o m o N m c' C S, m 30 S a o c � n Z s v CD 70 O CD X v o o 0 9 --^. < 0 Cn O n O vCD NC 2L Ground Water Standard (mg/1) 0.01 0.7 0.002 0.01 0.015 0.001 0.02 0.02 250 500 6.5 - 8.5 NE NE NE NE NE MW-8 May-07 0.025 <0.100 <0.001 <0.01 0.024 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 400 Nov-07 0.03 <0.100 <0.001 <0.01 0.038 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 430 Jun-08 0.031 0.048 <0.001 <0.01 0.027 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 300 Jan-09 0.028 0.039 NR NR 0.032 <0.0002 NR NR 350 Jun-09 0.159 0.114 NR NR 0.173 0.0003 NR NR 460 Dec-09 0.569 0.286j <0.016 <0.050 0.376j 0.0002 <0.135 <0.095 460 Jun-10 0.366 0.232 <0.016 <0.050 0.283 0.0002 <0.135 <0.095 500 Dec-10 0.267 0.243 <0.01 <0.100 0.369 0.0013 <0.100 <0.100 470 Jun-11 0.207 0.223 <0.01 <0.100 0.103 <0.0002 <0.100 <0.100 410.0 Dec-11 <0.100 0.321 <0.01 <0.100 <0.100 <0.0002 <0.100 <0.100 270 Jun-12 0.146 0.169 <0.005 <0.05 0.199 <0.0002 <0.05 <0.05 580 Dec-12 0.11 0.168 <0.01 <0.100 0.234 <0.0002 <0.10 <0.10 580 Jun-13 0.14 0.172 <0.01d <0.100d 0.169 <0.0002 <0.10d <0.10d 620 Dec-13 0.126 0.177 <0.05d <0.050d 0.211 <0.0002 <0.050d <0.050d 510 Jun-14 0.154 0.13 <0.002d <0.007d 0.168 <0.0002 <0.025d <0.010d 700 Dec-14 0.124 0.143 <0.05d <0.050d 0.263 <0.0002 <0.050d <0.050d 620 Jun-18 0.055 0.056 <0.005 <0.02 0.10 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1,000 8,400 3.9 19.0 11,539 0 125 0.69 Jan-19 0.1 0.093 <0.005 <0.01 0.100 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 870 7,800 3.8 9.2 11,013 5 216 0.64 Jun-19 0.092 0.092 <0.005 <0.01 0.190 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 780 9,900 3.9 20.5 14,721 2 92 0.33 Mar-20 0.09 0.1 <0.005 <0.01 0.150 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 710 8,100 3.9 13.3 13,074 38 251 0.76 Nov-20 0.078 0.092 <0.005 <0.01 0.230 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 660 16,000 3.4 20.4 13,803 5 204 0.59 Mar-21 Monitor well unable to be sampled due to biological hazard Nov-21 0.07 0.089 <0.005 <0.01 0.240 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 610 7,300 3.9 19.5 12,230 9 235 0.29 Mar-22 0.071 0.11 <0.005 <0.01 0.110 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 580 6,400 3.8 15.2 11,810 4 261 0.00 Oct-20 0.055 0.1 <0.005 <0.01 0.180 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 650 6,200 3.7 18.4 10,200 4 2 0.00 May-23 0.0598 0.106 <0.01 0.0043J 0.148 <0.0002 <0.400 <0.05 541 8,400 4.0 17.0 1,234 76 244 0.03 Nov-23 1 1 0.0967 <0.01 1 0.143 <0.0002 <0.075 <0.025 601 6,6901 4.0 14.3 8,0201 34.21 2601 0.27 All concentrations in milligrams per liter (mg/L) unless otherwise noted NE - Not established -- - Not sampled Bold with gray background indicates exceedance of NC 2L Groundwater Standard DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A1-Historic Groundwater I_1 „=1 L1 101►:I_�+% SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 1 of 3 Sample Location / ID Date D 0 oo m c' 3 n n 3 C: 3 3 o 0 3 c' v 3 r m Q c Cn m CD c' 3 Cn < m Cn � v m o o m U) Q 6 = a � C@ (n 3 CD m v E v � � . o c <' 4 Z c C a V O x a v' Q G� o N. o < 0 . O 3 co ca V� NC 2B Surface Water Standard - Class C (ug/1) 0.15 1 NE 1 0.002 h 0.05 h 0.025 1 0.0000121 0.005 1 0.00006 1 NE I NE 1 6.0 - 9.0 1 NE I NE 1 50 1 NE 1 >5.0 04/03/03 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.005 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 12 SW-01 06/22/04 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <2.0 12/01 /05 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.3 10/06/06 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 Surface Water - Upstream 05/04/07 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.6 10/22/07 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 3.8 06/18/08 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 2.5 01/14/09 <0.01 <0.10 NR NR <0.01 <0.0002 NR NR 5.6 06/24/09 <0.01 0.03 NR NR <0.01 <0.0002 NR NR <5 12/16/09 <0.01 0.048 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.2 06/30/10 <0.01 0.032 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 12/14/10 <0.01 0.025 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 06/27/11 <0.01 0.041 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 12/19/11 <0.01 0.025 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 12/18/12 <0.01 0.028 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 06/25/13 <0.01 0.04 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 04/13/12 <0.01 0.025 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 5.3 06/27/14 <0.01 0.03 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 12/17/14 <0.01 0.027 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 06/28/18 <0.015 0.031 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 73 6.95 28.46 101 NM -2.5 4.2 01/21/19 <0.015 0.090 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 6.1 79 7.84 6.50 107 11.0 37.1 19.2 06/17/19 <0.015 0.058 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1.7 110 8.21 27.00 91 139.0 -130.0 2.1 03/09/20 <0.015 0.046 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 3.4 110 6.65 13.00 176 14.4 -45.6 8.4 11/09/20 <0.015 0.032 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1.8 91 6.79 15.20 94 9.7 26.2 4.2 03/26/21 <0.015 0.031 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 2.0 66 6.68 19.20 92 39.0 126.5 6.5 11/01/21 <0.015 0.027 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 2.3 75 7.32 14.40 77 A 35.4 8.2 03/22/22 <0.015 0.029 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 2.6 55 7.60 16.00 660 NM 102.0 9.0 10/20/22 <0.015 0.027 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1.8 110 5.58 12.19 233 2.2 125.0 7.0 5/25/23 <0.03 0.038 <0.01 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 6.0 76 7.3 19.6 105 15.5 33 6.86 11/28/23 1 <0.031 0.0426 <0.01 I <0.01 1 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 1 11.41 1201 6.61 12.31 1781 29.81 251 8.18 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A2-Historic SurfaceWater /_1,:j =10111/:I_�+� SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 2 of 3 Sample Location / ID Date > CD co v 3 n 3 3 3 o 0 3 �' 3 r CD Q 0 Cl) m ` 3 � ` Cn �_ ° m o o ° o 2 Q ��= � N� CD w m m 3 o �- < c Z �� O x v �� _C v a 3 G o N. o < Q O D NC 2B Surface Water Standard - Class C (ug/1) 0.15 1 NE 1 0.002 " 0.05 " 1 0.025 1 0.000012 0.005 1 0.00006 1 NE I NE 1 6.0 - 9.0 1 NE I NE 1 50 1 NE 1 >5.0 04/03/03 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <O.G -�0.005 <O.000 <O.0 <O.0 12 SW-02 06/22/04 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <2.0 12/01 /05 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.3 10/06/06 <0.01 0.09 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 Surface Water - Downstream 05/04/07 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.6 10/22/07 DRY <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 3.8 08/07/08 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 2.5 01/14/09 <0.01 '^ ^ NR NR <0.01 <0.0002 NR NR 5.6 06/24/09 <0.01 0.088 NR NR <0.01 <0.0002 NR NR <5 12/16/09 <O.G 0.025 0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.2 06/30/10 DRY <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 12/14/10 <0.01 0.034 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 06/27/11 DRY <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 12/19/11 <0.01 0.027 0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 12/18/12 <0.01 0.031 :0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 06/25/13 <0.01 0.037 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 04/13/12 <0.01 0.023 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 5.3 06/27/14 <0.01 0.038 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 12/17/14 <0.01 0.027 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 06/28/18 <0.015 0.089 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 130 6.98 29.68 369 90.0 -0.4 0.7 01/21/19 <0.01 0.027 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 7 100 5.81 3.60 171 6.6 139.6 14.2 06/17/19 <0.01 0.052 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 150 5.76 26.10 225 23.4 44.2 1.6 03/09/20 <0.01 :0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 4.9 98 6.94 13.40 166 5.2 -39.0 9.8 11/09/20 <0.015 0.039 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.0 1.1 91 6.41 19.30 133 11.0 -72.0 13.0 03/25/21 <0.01 � 0.026 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 2.8 66 7.16 20.40 65 16.2 65.1 9.9 11/09/20 <0.01b :0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 2.5 67 6.8 18.3 325.3 11.4 63.4 3.78 11/01/21 <0.015 0.048 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 5.3 110 6.7 17.1 184.5 6.98 -8.7 2.48 03/22/22 <0.01 :0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 2.5 64 6.7 19.3 70 15 100 11.16 03/22/22 <0.01 0.04 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 1.6 58 7.1 10.8 59 0.8 37 2.83 5/26/23 <0.0 0.0256 <0.005 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 65.2 164 6.5 21.4 186 18.1 25 2.81 11/29/23 <O.0 0.0267 :0.005 <0.01 1 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 6.3 165 6.4 5.3 628 14.6 16 2.27 DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A2-Historic SurfaceWater I_1 „=1 L1 101►:I_�+% SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY SWIFT CREEK STRUCTURAL FILL - CCB0057 BATTLEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Page 3 of 3 Sample Location / ID Date D m 0 pp v C' 3 C� a 3 C: 3 3 o 3 C' v 3 r m Q cn CD (D 3 � m cn C v m o m Cn o m = a (D �V N 3. m0-0 v m CL o c N �» c a C Q 0 x m' n o N. o a O 1< cQ m � NC 2B Surface Water Standard - Class C (ug/I) 0.15 1 NE 1 0.002 h 0.05 h 0.025 1 0.0000121 0.005 1 0.00006 1 NE I NE 1 6.0 - 9.0 1 NE I NE 1 50 1 NE 1 >5.0 05/04/07 <0.01 <0.10 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 2.4 SW-03 10/22/07 DRY 06/18/08 <0.01 0.089 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 3.3 01/14/09 <0.01 <0.10 NR NR <0.01 <0.0002 NR NR 20 Surface Water- Downstream 06/24/09 <0.01 0.087 NR NR <0.01 <0.0002 NR NR <5 12/16/09 <0.01 0.075 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 14 06/30/10 <0.01 0.328 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 47 12/14/10 <0.01 0.074 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 16 06/27/11 DRY 12/19/11 <0.01 0.065 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 8 12/18/12 <0.01 0.067 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 6.5 06/25/13 <0.01 0.087 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 7.4 04/13/12 <0.01 0.051 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 23 06/27/14 <0.01 0.038 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 <5 12/17/14 <0.01 0.08 <0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.01 <0.01 9.9 06/28/18 <0.015 0.032 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 76 NM NM NM NM NM NM 01/21/19 <0.015 0.03 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 31 160 5.6 6.3 257 14.5 138 13.1 06/17/19 <0.015 0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 <1 99 5.7 26.4 235.5 19.7 48.4 5.06 03/09/20 <0.015 0.035 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 9.8 94 6.3 10.5 265.4 6.98 55.1 8.9 11/09/20 <0.015 <0.025 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 2.5 67 6.8 18.3 325.3 11.4 63.4 3.78 03/25/21 Unable to collect sample due to biological hazard near sampling location 11/01/21 <0.015 0.026 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 9.3 82 6.5 20.7 172.8 7.28 34.6 3.14 03/22/22 <0.015 0.036 <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0002 <0.02 <0.01 15 120 6.5 16.4 81 11.00 69.0 10.83 05/25/23 DRY 11/28/23 1 <0.03 0.0319 <0.005 <0.01 <0.025 <0.0002 <0.04 <0.01 1 6.01 911 6.61 8.9 128.7 29.8 0.11 6.98 All concentrations in micrograms per liter (ug/L) unless otherwise noted NE - Not established -- - Not sampled NM - Not measured DRAFT Swift Creek Tables 2023 11.xlsx/Table A2-Historic SurfaceWater Bold indicates exceedance of NC 2B Water Quality Standard h = hardness dependent dissolved metal standard ►lip,,.ERM APPENDIX B FIELD DATA SHEETS NOVEMBER 2023 ERM Bottle Order/Label Sheet Site: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 BOTTLE LABEL Water Level Metals (6010) Sulfate (300) TDS (2540C) *MW-01S-WG-202003 $1 q X X X MW-0ID-WG-202003 4,0 b X X X MW-02S-WG-202003 , X X X MW-02D-WG-202003 X X X MW-03-WG-202003 X X X MW-04-WG-202003 I'(, `51 X X X MW-05RS-WG-202003 X X X MW-05RD-WG-202003 2 X X X MW-06-WG-202003 12 X X X MW-07-WG-202003 a G X X X MW-08-WG-202003 , X X X SW-01-WG-202003 % X X X SW-02-WG-202003 X X X SW-03-WG-202003 X X X FD-01-WG-202003 X X X -WG-202003 X X X SUM (Bottle Count): Notes Please include: - 1 trip blank per cooler. - At least 1 CoC per cooler. - 1 custody seal per cooler. - Prepaid shipping labels, if possible. *Collect FD-01 at MW-01S Key: = Normal sample = Duplicate sample = QAQC sample = Extra set for breakag, Ib 5 5 "/t`6 1pgN II/2� IL)S�I �I/7 I�; i�� ll i IU'ZW II/24 ,g 1(,- 2 IG r` �o iyi�0 I(/Z ERM Field Team Note: add the sample day in dd format to the end of the sample ID (i.e. MW-C �4c� e-n dl :2 4 � a , /'? /(,- /tit F 0y4 e 4�'cT — --ff WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM j ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Monitor Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID:(j S -yj Z 11` Date: a -z-?, Time: 1 S 1 Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela A "y ---� Andrew Jaskowiak Weather Conditions (circle one): Sunn artly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: FI h Surface Completion tick Up Completion— Well Tag Present: a No ___.. _. Well Locked: -Sj No Lock Present: 0, No Well ID info on Tag: es No Well Bolted: s, o Well Cap: Yq, No Well Cap Condition:- o , Replace, Other: Well Pad Condition: oo , Cracked, Replace, Other: Well Location; Gra s, Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments: 9 Total Depth of Well (T.D.): , U Screen Length: 5, io 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): (1> 1 Well Diameter: L2t' 4, 6, 8 Total Volume Purged: ptiL Casing Type: ,Steel Purge Rate: (lio mL/min Sampling Device: eris a _ onsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene Measuring Point: op of Casing other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: Odor: es, No Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC) pH std units SpC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria' (gallons) (see note belOW)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 mV +/- 10%4 5 Z G A2, ( iU 1, 2( 15, 4' Poo Ot 2i r li Z (4, t 5 (b'A q (7, ( - �? I r 1 .Z 5r5S I05' 5-7 5.� c � l e c_ - c; ✓V I ' ._.e ..e .M.... � n ma N» _,...n. / .� Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro /\ `- Official Sampling Date & Time: `� i `i ? 41 Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D H NO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1) -Do not measure depth to bottom of welI until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that maybe resting on the well bottom. (2)- Stabil'¢ation criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) - Total dravdovm in well to be less than 0.1 m (0.32 ft). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep drawdown below 0.1 or (0,32 ft). (4) t/- 10%when turbidity is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h: (6) - DO is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7)- RP is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type:((Monitor Well PT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: omq - 0 t D - Vq U I, - j 1 U1 Date: // ` &2-�a Time: Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela Aljy.- Andrew Jaskowiak Weather Conditions (circle one): unny artly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion tick 1p Complettorr=' Well Tag Present: Y , No Well Locked: es No Lock Present: Ye No Well ID info on Tag: Y� , No Well Bolted: Yes, tco Well Cap: Yes, No Well Cap Condition: (Goo-q. eplace, Other: Well Pad Condition: .off racked, Replace, Other: Well Location:,Grass,,Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments: lit '' � e� GVt i �) G� IM � VG�: � `- � �� eVl �ctIll LqMeA� Total Depth of Well (T.D. Screen Length: 5, 10, 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): tit Well Diameter: (P 4, s, 8 Total Volume Purged: K2 Casing Type: 'PV-6, Steel Purge Rate: mL/min Sampling Device: erisfaatf Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing T e: olyethyle e -. g yp Measuring Point: - Top of Ca ng:> other: Pump Intake (ft beTow M.P.): J Color: r Odor: Yes, a Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp (oc) pH std units SPC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria' (gallons) (see note belOW)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 mV +/- 10%4 AL�we i 14 - v U 0, L4 -, �o U D to - 2 "Or, 5fl i, IZ I tJ.) LINT,, Z c Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro/ Official Sampling Date & Time: i i /-Ui I Itr23 / 1,4 Ul Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C — 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1) - Do not measure depth to bottom of well until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that may be resting on the well bottom. (2)-Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) - Total dra�sdown in well to be less than 0.1 m (0.32 fl). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep drawdovm below 0.1 in (0.32 ft). (4)+/- 10%vfien turbidity is over 10 NTUa. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h: is - DO Is hot a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SEED Standard Operating Procedure. (7)- ORP is not a stabilization cri erion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM `r.:..J ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Monitor Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: ' - U ,1 �, 11 - v Date: it Time: Sampling Personnel (circle one): clanie J' Andrew jaskowiak Weather Conditions (circle one): t66na Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion, Stick Up Completio Well Tag Present: a No Well Locked: es No Lock Present: No Well ID info on Tag: es,? No Well Bolted: Yes, 19 Well Cap: Yes, o Well Cap Condition:. _ d eplace, Other: Well Pad Condition oo , Cracked, Replace, Other: Well Location Gras ,Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments: Total Depth of Well (T.D.): a t? Screen Length: 5, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): 1�1 Well Diameter: 2 4, s, a Total Volume Purged: Casing Type: (P—vo Steel Purge Rate: Q>; mL/min Sampling Device: Peristaltic Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Poiyethylen Measuring Point: op of Casin other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: IN N Odor: Yes, 00 Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp Cc) pH std units SPC uS/cm DO m /L ORP my Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria2 (gallons) (see note below)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 my +/- 10p4 CI.At) G 3 of LAZ 110 1 S' -1 c? o z1, U0 t I Z 9t7 5 C , C 'l 1 1U I $4 UJA 0, 0 41- V G -777 Field Parameters measured with: &Sl Pro_Fl Official Sampling Date & Time: u lul I U yid 1.1 l! s Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1) -Do not measure depth to bottom of v elI until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that may be resting on the well bottom. (2) - Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) - Total dray.down in well to be less than 0.1 m (0.32 it). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep dray.dovm below 0.1 m (0.32 it). (4) +/-10% when turbidity is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h: (6)- DO rs not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure , (7)-ORP is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure, WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Monitor Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: w C-,- �Z?jll 2 Date: I I Ii 1 Time: Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela Ali ` Andrew Jaskowiak Weather Conditions (circle one): Sun , Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completio Stick Up Com Ptio Well Tag Present: 0e, No Well Locked: Ye No Lock Present: est No Well ID info on Tag: No Well Bolted: Yes, No Well Cap: N Well Cap ConditiReplace, Other: " Well Pad Condition. Good racked, Replace, Other: Well Location: GrasO Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments: Total Depth of Well (T.D.): Screen Length: 5, co, 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): ('I Well Diameter: z 4," 6, 8 Total Volume Purged: Casing Type: vC Steel Purge Rate: mL/min Sampling Device: eristaltic Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyeth P Measuring Point: op -of other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: Odor: Yes, o Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp Cc pH std units SPC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria2 (gallons) (see note belllOW)3 +/- 3%/� +/- 0.1 unit +/- +/- 10% +/- 1(j0my +/- 1o%4 [ i. J1 r 8r I Y-in/3% C'•/ [� 1 maw, C. ( U t UP 2 .3 -G u � a r Field Parameters measured with: sl Pro]� Official Sampling Date & Time: 1"A ( ICU Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540c 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1)- Do not measure depth to bottom of we II until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that maybe resting on the well bottom. (2)- Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) - Total drav,dovm in well to be less than 0.1 in (0.32 fp. Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep drawdown below 0.1 m (0.32 ft). (4) +/-10% v.t— turbidity Is over 10 NT Us. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h: (6)- DO is net a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7)-ORP is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM `3 ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Mon) r Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: — - i✓ 2 Date: 2- Time: Sampling Personnel (circle one): Da iela Aliy drew Jaskoww Weather Conditions (circle one): un , Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion, ick Cow letion Well Tag Present: YQ No Well Locked: Ke , No Lock Present: , No Well ID info on Tag: Y sf No Well Bolted: Yes, o Well Cap: e , No Well Cap Condition! Go ,Replace, Other: Well Pad Condition: co), Cracked, Replace, Other: Well Location' ras , Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments: Total Depth of Well (T.D.): 2 Screen Length: 5, 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): (1) Well Diameter: 04, 5, 8 Total Volume Purged: p!'a Casing Type: V , Steel Purge Rate: mL/min Sampling Device: Pen tat c, Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene Measuring Point: Top of Casing other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: A 0 Odor: Yes, N* 0 Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC) pH std units SPC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria' (gallons) (see note below) 3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 mV +/- 1o%4 -- I,17 A -41 iq 32- 040 i n ', T 7 13 f - - Z r � - �( ( I OU 12 i t 1200 )v Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro / Official Sampling Date & Time: l 'Z�- 1 ; / 13 i 0 Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540c 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1)- Do not measure depth to bottom of well until aRer purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that may th resting on the well bottom. (2J - Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutNe measurements. (3) - Total rl-%down in well to be less than 0.1 in (0.32 fl). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep dr-down below 0.1 in (0.32 ft). (4) It. 10% wban turbiddy is .,or 10 NTUs. (5) WeII Volume (gal)=0.04ld2h (6) - DO is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure, (7)-ORP s not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (.Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: Date: r _ Time: I Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela Aliy ndrew-da—sRowiakE Weather Conditions (circle one): Su , Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion, ick Completion Well Tag Present: e , No Well Locked: s, No Lock Present: ns, No Well ID info on Tag: a No Well Bolted: Well Cap: No Well Cap Condition: oo , Replace, Other: Well Pad Conditio ood Cracked, Replace, Other: Well Location'' ra , Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments. Total Depth of Well (T.D.): Screen Length: 5, , 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): (1) t Well Diameter: tea, 4, 6, 8 Total Volume Purge i2 7 Casing Type: , Steel Purge Rate: mL/min Sampling Device: erist ic, Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene Measuring Point: T (Cas g other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: ,� Odor: Yes, o Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC) pH std units SpC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria2 /'A'L (gallons) (see note below)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 my +/- 10%4 ( 14 "_` a,q( 6 n "3 q, t _ S _ .- !i Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro / Official Sampling Date & Time: 11-21 —Z 5 / 12,11 02 Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 — 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540c 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1) -Do not measure depth to bottom of well until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that maybe resting on the well bottom. (2) - Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) - Total dray.dovm in well to be less than 0.1 in(0.32 f ). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep dravdovm below 0.1 in (0.32 f). (4) ,,- 10 % when turbidly is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h: (6)- DO isnot a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7) - ORP is, not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (rofonitr DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: sL Date: — 2- Time: 1 Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela Aliy 0�rtdrew Jaskowiak Weather Conditions (circle one): Sunny) Partly Cloudy, Clobdy,-Rain Other 3 ERM Well Type: Flush Surf e Completion, Stick Up CoUlpletion Well Tag Present: esf No Well Locked: o Lock Present: , e No Well ID info on Tag: e , No Well Bolted: Yes, Well Cap: e , No Well Cap Condition: 402, Replace, Other: Well Pad Condition: ood racked, Replace, Other: Well Location' rass Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments: Total Depth of Well (T.D.): N, 36 Screen Length: 5, 110215, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): 111 Well Diameter: 224, 6, 8 Total Volume Purged: 12 �7a Casing Type: v , Steel Purge Rate: 0,9 mL/min Sampling Device: r eristat Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene Measuring Point: Top of Casi other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: C�: .� Odor: Yes, 6o Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC) pH std units SpC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Critena2 (gallons) (see note below)3 3% 0.1 unit 3% 10% 10 mV 10%, o5z - 7a .3 FZ..q 7;,Tl ��r. Zi'.S— zT ?r Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro/ /� Official Sampling Date & Time: 0� 2q— 7 7 / 10i 1® Samples Collected: Analysis Reauested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1)-Do not measure depth to bottom of well until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that maybe resting on the well bottom. (2)-Stabilization criteria based on three most recent c.nsecuWe measurements. f3) -Total drvo own in well to be less than 0.1 m (0.32 f). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep draw -down below, 0.1 m (0.32 ft). fill t/-10%when turbidly Is over 10 NTUs_ f5l Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h: 6l-Do 's not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. f7)- ORP e, not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM ERM Site Name: Swift C_reqk ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: ` onitor Vell, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: n, 0 2- Date: J(- - Z02 � Time: Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela My rAndrew Jaskowlak Weather Conditions (circle one): Sun y, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion, Stick Up Completion Well Tag Present: No Well Locked: Y , No Lock Present: 1'&�, No Well ID info on Tag: e , No Well Bolted: Yes, o, Well Cap: /Yet, No Well Cap Condition: , Replace, Other: Well Pad COndltlOn: (Go ,Cracked, Replace, Other: W011 Location' lass Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments: Total Depth of Well (T.D.): Screen Length: 5, 1 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): 11) t Well Diameter: z, 4, 6, 8 Total Volume Purged: Casing Type: t'Pv t steel Purge Rate: -r � ,,,,6, mL/min Sampling Device: Veristaly , Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene a' l✓Jf� Measuring Point: —Top Casing other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): ..O Color: G( ./ Odor: Yes, Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC) pH std units SPC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria' f-I L (gallons) (see note belOW)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 my +/- 10%, I P--- - 2 0o 2 y( Z v. 2q, 0 LfI r'4w 4 41 �b 1Z 2 Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro ��� / 111,00 Official Sampling Date & Time: ,q —2 Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 — 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C — 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1) -Do not measure depth to bottom of well until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that may be resting on the well bottom. (2) -Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutwe m easurements. (3) - Total dravdovm in yell to be less than 0.1 m (0.321t). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep drawdown below 0.1 in(0.32 ft). (4) +/-10%when turbidity is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h: (6)- DO s not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7)-ORP is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Monitor Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: M W - 8 0 Date: 1114,42 Time: Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela Aliy Andrew Jaskowiak Weather Conditions (circle one): Sunn Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion�rese�_ Well Tag Present: G1, No Well Locked: No Lock P Well ID info on Tag: No Well Bolted: Yes, Co Well Cap: (Ye , No Well Cap Condition: o0, Replace, Other: Well Pad Condition: oo Cracked, Replace, Other: , Well Location' rass, Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments: Total Depth of Well (T.D.): (��, L Screen Length: 5, 10 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): t11 ` Well Diameter: z a, 6, 8 Total Volume Purged: /J Casing Type: v steel Purge Rate: mL/min Sampling Device: eristaitic Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene Measuring Point: Top of Casin other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): , (� ' Color: 11 d i,X Odor: Yes, Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC) pH std units SPC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria' (gallons) (see note below)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 my +/- 10%, +n �-1k 4 ql) L 1 ( ,e G i- '1�. v l, ^" 60 Ll r r o 16� l5 al b t l ell A Oq I 1i i U0 q,1 I U. , +,C 'f •Z. 1 r t 0 5' 2. 2r 4 215 1 6, LA ?2 5 v y.. S Field Parameters measured with:"YSI Pro / Official Sampling Date & Time: i I f zat 111 z ; / I it S L r—� Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 — 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1) - Do not measure depth to bottom of well until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that may be resting on the well bottom. (2) - Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) - Total dray.dovm in well to be less than 0.1 m (0.32 ft). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep dr-d— below 0.1 in(0,32 11). (4) +1_ 10 % Men turbidity is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal)= 0,041d2h: (6)- DO s not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampli g" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7)- ORP is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Monitor Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: 7 w`" V - Date: tl -Z F 7- Time: ' Sampling Personnel (circle one): D_ajiiela Aliy ndrew Jaskow'a Weather Conditions (circle one): Sun y, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Raifr6ther Well Type: Flush Surface Completion, ick U Completion Well Tag Present: Yes No Well Locked: e , No Lock Present• e , No Well ID info on Tag: � s No Well Bolted: Yes, o Well Cap: fi? No Well Cap Condit' n: o , Replace, Other: Well Pad Condition',Goo Cracked, Replace, Other: Well Location. Gra , Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comment . Total Depth of Well (T.D.): Screen Length: 5, , 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): 0) Well Diameter: 4, 6, 8 Total Volume Purged:YL Casing Type: v steel Purge Rate: loo mL/min Sampling Device: r ,�qjdtic, Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene Measuring Point: Top of Casing other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: (/ Odor: Yes, . , o Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC) pH std units SpC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria' 11vt (_ (gallons) (see note beloW)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 my +/- 10%4 -- —A, k, q i • 2l 1, .� 12 -? t 73 9 9 P -� - tl f2 - I 9 r ) �- rJ3 Z q oLgq - . Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro / Official Sampling Date & Time: 11_ Z (.-2 Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 — 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1) - Do not measure depth to bottom of well until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that may be resting on the well bottom. (2)- Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) - Total dravdovm in well to be less than 0.1 m (0.32 it). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep draedovm below 0,1 m (0.32 ft). (4) +1- 10%wtien turbidity Is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0,041d2h: (6)- DO is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7)- ORP is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Mon`it r Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) Sample ID: (� Date: ��IZr Time: -Ij 0 0 Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela Aliy drew Jas iak Weather Conditions (circle one): un y, Partly Cloudy, Clou ain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion, tick U Completion Well Tag Present: eq, No Well Locked: e , No Lock Present: e , No Well ID info on Tag: Xes No Well Bolted: Yes, Well Cap: 19s, No Well Cap Condition: If.9d. Replace, Other: Well Pad Condition: oo , Cracked, Replace, Other: Well Location: Grass, Asphalt, Concrete, oo s, Other: Additional Comments:` Total Depth of Well (T.D.): Screen Length: 5, 0 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): I'I Well Diameter: a, 6, 8 Total Volume Purged: ; 019 Casing Type: v , steel Purge Rate: , mL/min Sampling Device: perishtic, Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene Measuring Point: Top of Casing other: Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): } Color: Odor: Yes, o Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC) pH std units SPC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria' /V1L,. (gallons) (see note belOW)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 my +/- 10%4 10 z Itf 922 10 27' 0 t z i - 14, It 1 r% 10 o 5 -7 .9 - ;` j. p ,. - 0_ 2 q �+ �� t- i r - o 01,27 2J• , -I 2 Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro / Official Sampling Date & Time: 1 /-%9-21v7 z / 15 1 /v Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 5010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1)-Do not measure depth to bottom of well unit after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that may be resting on the well bottom. (2)- Stabilization crHeds based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) - Total dr-down in well to be less than 0,1 m (0.32 ft). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep dr-'Jam below 0.1 m (0.32 ft), (4) +/- 10% When turbidny is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.04ld2h: (6) - DO s not a stabilization criterion forthe "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7) -ORP 5 not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM `3 ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Monitor Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other�101_/ Sample ID: VA Date: Vu It Time: ' Sampling Personnel (circle one): t Daniela Ali Andrew Jaskowiak Weather Conditions (circle one): Sun y, Partly Cloudy,, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion, Stick Up Completiop Oro 4l Well Tag Present: Yes, Well Locked: Yes, Lock Present: Yes, Well ID info on Tag: es, ; o Well Bolted: Yes, Well Cap: Yes, N Well Cap Condition: Goo ,Replace, Other: Well Pad Condition: Good, Cracked, Replace, Other: i� Well Location: Grass, Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: l iiiy Additional Comments: Total Depth of Well (T.D.): If Vs k� Screen Length: 5, 10, 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): ti) Well Diameter: 2, 4, s, 8 Total Volume Purged: Casing Type: PVC, Steel Purge Rate: mL/min Sampling Device: Peristaltic, Monsoon, Grundfos, 'I r, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene r Measuring Point: Top of Casing other: i' ; ,� •, , Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: L ' Odor: Yes, o Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp (eC) pH std units SpC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria' (gallons) (see note below)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 mV +/- 10%4 C 1 �L Field Parameters measured with: Official Sampling Date & Time: YSI Pr2 - Samples Collected: Analvsis Requested: Preservative Metals 6010D HNO3 Sulfate 300 TDS 2540c _ Notes: (1) - Do not measure depth to bottom of well unto after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that may be resting on the well bottom (2)- Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. 3)-Total drawdovm in-11 to be less than 0.1 in (0.32 ft). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep drawdo— below0.1 in (0.32 ft). (4) +/-10% when turbidity is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h: IS) -DO Is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7)- ORP is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. Hold Time (days): Lab: 28 Pace Analytical 28 Pace Analytical 7 Pace Analytical ►s(lMP) e WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ERM Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Monitor Well, DPT, urface Water,~ otable WSW; other) Sample ID; 5w - d - U/ %, C ^ L Date: Time: Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela y--_> Andrew Jaskowiak Weather Conditions (circle one): Suzy, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion, Stick Up Completion 6 ra - Well Tag Present: Yes, Q0 Well Locked: Yes, .N Lock Present: Yes, Well ID info on Tag: Yes, o Well Bolted: Yes, 12 Well Cap: Yes, Well Cap Condition: Good, Replace, Other: Well Pad Condition: Good, Cracked, Replace, Other: r! Well Location: Grass, Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: t-ald Additional Comments: Total Depth of Well (T.D.): Screen Length: 5, 10, 15, 20 Depth to Water (D.T.W): (1) � Well Diameter: 2, 4, 6, 8 V7111 Total Volume Purged: Casing Type: PVC, Steel Purge Rate: 4-1 mL/min Sampling Device: Peristaltic, Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer, Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene Measuring Point: Top of Casing other: L-Qnd Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: r0v\Je\ Odor: e No y/,' 5 u!tw -d Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC pH std units SPC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria' (gallons) (see note belOW)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 mV +/_ 10%4 - [ [ i-f fzt d s'Y F �r 9 Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro / Official Sampling Date & Time: 'T Iy4 i J / W1 Z Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1) -Do not measure depth to bottom of Well until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that maybe resting on the Well bottom. (2)- Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) - Total drawdom in well to be less than 0.1 in (0.32 ft). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep drawdovm below 0.1 m (0.32 ft). (4) tl- 10%when turbidity is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h, (6) - DO is not a stabilization crderion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7) -ORP Is not a stabilization crderion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. WATER MATRIX SAMPLING FIELD DATA FORM ERM Site Name: Swift Creek ER`M Project Number: 0397281 Sample Type: (Monitor Well, DPT, Surface Water, Potable WSW; other) l '�ti•�` Sample ID: Date: 11Z Time: 1 15 ' , U Sampling Personnel (circle one): Daniela Aliy Andrew Jaskowi Weather Conditions (circle one): unn , Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rain, Other Well Type: Flush Surface Completion, Stick Up Completion Ay L Well Tag Present: Yes, (Nod Well Locked: Yes, N� Lock Present: Yes, N9) Well ID info on Tag: Yes, ,No) Well Bolted: Yes, N Well Cap: Yes, cj Well Cap Condition: Good, Replace, Other: L u V\—k Well Pad Condition: Good, Cracked, Replace, Other: Well Location: Grass, Asphalt, Concrete, Woods, Other: Additional Comments: Total Depth of Well (T.D.): )' i Screen Length: 5, 10, 15, 20 7 Depth to Water (D.T.W): 11) a `> Well Diameter: 2, 4, 6, 8 iA } Total Volume Purged: Casing Type: PVC, Steel Purge Rate: n mL/min Sampling Device: Peristaltic, Monsoon, Grundfos, Bailer Other: Tubing Type: Polyethylene ilyyy Measuring Point: Top of Casing other: ido v" 12 P k o Pump Intake (ft below M.P.): Color: h Odor: Yes, 6% Time: min Volume Purged DTW: feet Temp CC) pH std units SpC uS/cm DO m /L ORP mV Turb NTU Comments: Stabalization Criteria2 (gallons) (see note belOW)3 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 unit +/- 3% +/- 10% +/- 10 mV +/- 10%4 Field Parameters measured with: YSI Pro/ z Official Sampling Date & Time: Samples Collected: Analysis Requested: Preservative: Hold Time (days): Lab: Metals 6010D HNO3 28 Pace Analytical Sulfate 300 28 Pace Analytical TDS 2540C 7 Pace Analytical Notes: (1)- Do not measure depth to bottom of well until after purging and sampling to reduce resuspending fines that may be resting on the well bottom. (2) -Stabilization criteria based on three most recent consecutive measurements. (3) -Total dra„down in well to be less than 0.1 m (0.32 ft). Purging rate to be lowered as necessary to keep dravdovm below 0.1 re (0.32 0). (4) +I- 10%when turbidity is over 10 NTUs. (5) Well Volume (gal) = 0.041d2h: is -DO is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. (7)- ORP is not a stabilization criterion for the "Groundwater sampling" SESD Standard Operating Procedure. ►lip,,.ERM APPENDIX C LABORATORY DATA NOVMEBER 2023 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 December 13, 2023 Chris Means ERM 300 West Summit Ave Suite 330 Charlotte, NC 28203 RE: Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Dear Chris Means: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on November 30, 2023. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the applicable TNI/NELAC Standards and the laboratory's Quality Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. The test results provided in this final report were generated by each of the following laboratories within the Pace Network: • Pace Analytical Services - Asheville • Pace Analytical Services - Eden • Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Matthew Brainard matthew.brainard@pacelabs.com 704-977-0942 Project Manager Enclosures cc: EDDs, Reports, ERM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 1 of 36 Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Pace Analytical Services Ormond Beach 8 East Tower Circle, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Alaska DEC- CS/UST/LUST Alabama Certification #: 41320 Colorado Certification: FL NELAC Reciprocity Connecticut Certification #: PH-0216 Delaware Certification: FL NELAC Reciprocity DoD-ANAB MADE-3199 Florida Certification #: E83079 Georgia Certification #: 955 Guam Certification: FL NELAC Reciprocity Hawaii Certification: FL NELAC Reciprocity Illinois Certification #: 200068 Indiana Certification: FL NELAC Reciprocity Kansas Certification #: E-10383 Kentucky Certification #: 90050 Louisiana Certification #: FL NELAC Reciprocity Louisiana Environmental Certificate #: 05007 Maine Certification #: FL01264 Maryland Certification: #346 Massachusetts Certification #: M-FL1264 Michigan Certification #: 9911 Mississippi Certification: FL NELAC Reciprocity Pace Analytical Services Asheville 2225 Riverside Drive, Asheville, NC 28804 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87648 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37712 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 40 Pace Analytical Services Eden 205 East Meadow Road Suite A, Eden, NC 27288 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37738 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 CERTIFICATIONS Missouri Certification #: 236 Montana Certification #: Cert 0074 Nebraska Certification: NE-OS-28-14 New Hampshire Certification #: 2958 New Jersey Certification #: FL022 New York Certification #: 11608 North Carolina Environmental Certificate #: 667 North Carolina Certification #: 12710 North Dakota Certification #: R-216 Ohio DEP 87780 Oklahoma Certification #: D9947 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-00547 Puerto Rico Certification #: FLO1264 South Carolina Certification: #96042001 Tennessee Certification #: TN02974 Texas Certification: FL NELAC Reciprocity US Virgin Islands Certification: FL NELAC Reciprocity Virginia Environmental Certification #: 460165 West Virginia Certification #: 9962C Wisconsin Certification #: 399079670 Wyoming (EPA Region 8): FL NELAC Reciprocity South Carolina Laboratory ID: 99030 South Carolina Certification #: 99030001 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460222 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 633 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460025 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 2 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE SUMMARY Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 92700971001 FD-01-WG- Water 11/29/23 00:00 11/30/23 09:54 92700971002 MW-01D-WG- Water 11/29/23 14:40 11/30/23 09:54 92700971003 MW-01S-WG- Water 11/29/23 15:59 11/30/23 09:54 92700971004 MW-02D-WG- Water 11/29/23 11:25 11/30/23 09:54 92700971005 MW-02S-WG- Water 11/29/23 12:45 11/30/23 09:54 92700971006 MW-03-WG- Water 11/29/23 13:20 11/30/23 09:54 92700971007 MW-04-WG- Water 11/29/23 12:00 11/30/23 09:54 92700971008 MW-05RD-WG- Water 11/29/23 11:00 11/30/23 09:54 92700971009 MW-05RS-WG- Water 11/29/23 10:20 11/30/23 09:54 92700971010 MW-06-WG- Water 11/29/23 09:50 11/30/23 09:54 92700971011 MW-07-WG- Water 11/29/23 14:45 11/30/23 09:54 92700971012 MW-08-WG- Water 11/29/23 15:30 11/30/23 09:54 92700971013 SW-01-WG- Water 11/28/23 14:45 11/30/23 09:54 92700971014 SW-02-WG- Water 11/29/23 16:42 11/30/23 09:54 92700971015 SW-03-WG- Water 11/28/23 15:35 11/30/23 09:54 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 3 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Pace Project No.: Swift Creek 92700971 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92700971001 FD-01-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 AAM1,TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971002 MW-01D-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971003 MW-01S-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 AAM1,TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971004 MW-02D-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971005 MW-02S-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971006 MW-03-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971007 MW-04-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971008 MW-05RD-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971009 MW-05RS-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971010 MW-06-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 4 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory EPA 6010 AAM1 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971011 MW-07-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 AAM1 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971012 MW-08-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 AAM1 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971013 SW-01-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971014 SW-02-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A 92700971015 SW-03-WG- SM 2540C-2015 VLG 1 PASI-E EPA 6010 TMA 7 PASI-O EPA 7470 JNK 1 PASI-O EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 CDC 1 PASI-A PASI-A = Pace Analytical Services -Asheville PASI-E = Pace Analytical Services - Eden PASI-O = Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 5 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: FD-01-WG- Lab ID: 92700971001 Collected: 11/29/23 00:00 Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 6450 mg/L 250 250 1 12/01/23 15:45 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 22:54 7440-38-2 Barium 188 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 22:54 7440-39-3 Cadmium 0.93J ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 22:54 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 22:54 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 22:54 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 22:54 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 10.0 2.0 2 12/04/23 11:32 12/06/2310:24 7440-22-4 D3 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/11/2316:04 12/12/2314:43 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 402 mg/L 8.0 4.0 8 12/03/23 07:57 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 6 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-01D-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971002 Collected: 11/29/23 14:40 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 880 mg/L 250 250 1 12/01/23 15:45 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:05 7440-38-2 Barium 644 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:05 7440-39-3 Cadmium ND ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:05 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:05 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:05 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:05 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:05 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/11/2316:04 12/12/2314:45 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 15.6 mg/L 1.0 0.50 1 12/02/23 22:54 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 7 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-01S-WG- Lab ID: 92700971003 Collected: 11/29/23 15:59 Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 5000 mg/L 250 250 1 12/01/23 15:45 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:08 7440-38-2 Barium 188 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:08 7440-39-3 Cadmium 0.95J ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:08 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:08 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:08 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:08 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 10.0 2.0 2 12/04/23 11:32 12/06/2310:28 7440-22-4 D3 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 12:32 7439-97-6 M1 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 401 mg/L 8.0 4.0 8 12/03/23 08:53 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 8 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-02D-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971004 Collected: 11/29/23 11:25 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540C-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 300 mg/L 50.0 50.0 1 12/06/23 11:23 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:11 7440-38-2 Barium 303 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:11 7440-39-3 Cadmium ND ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:11 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:11 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:11 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:11 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:11 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 12:48 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 1.3 mg/L 1.0 0.50 1 12/02/23 23:51 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 9 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-02S-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971005 Collected: 11/29/23 12:45 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 255 mg/L 25.0 25.0 1 12/01/23 14:08 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:15 7440-38-2 Barium 140 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:15 7440-39-3 Cadmium ND ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:15 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:15 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:15 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:15 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:15 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 12:50 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 3.7 mg/L 1.0 0.50 1 12/03/23 00:05 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 10 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-03-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971006 Collected: 11/29/23 13:20 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 1350 mg/L 250 250 1 12/01/23 15:46 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:18 7440-38-2 Barium 63.2 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:18 7440-39-3 Cadmium 1.5 ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:18 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:18 7440-47-3 Lead 17.9 ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:18 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:18 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:18 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 12:52 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 492 mg/L 10.0 5.0 10 12/03/23 09:07 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 11 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-04-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971007 Collected: 11/29/23 12:00 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 260 mg/L 25.0 25.0 1 12/01/23 15:46 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:22 7440-38-2 Barium 149 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:22 7440-39-3 Cadmium 0.64J ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:22 7440-43-9 Chromium 13.1 ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:22 7440-47-3 Lead 33.1 ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:22 7439-92-1 Selenium 5.3J ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:22 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:22 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury 0.74 ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 12:55 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 20.1 mg/L 1.0 0.50 1 12/03/23 00:34 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 12 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-05RD-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971008 Collected: 11/29/23 11:00 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 189 mg/L 25.0 25.0 1 12/01/23 15:45 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:25 7440-38-2 Barium 185 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:25 7440-39-3 Cadmium ND ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:25 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:25 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:25 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:25 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:25 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 12:57 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 10.5 mg/L 1.0 0.50 1 12/03/23 01:17 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 13 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-05RS-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971009 Collected: 11/29/23 10:20 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 183 mg/L 25.0 25.0 1 12/01/23 15:45 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:29 7440-38-2 Barium 80.6 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:29 7440-39-3 Cadmium ND ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:29 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:29 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:29 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:29 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:29 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 12:59 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 2.6 mg/L 1.0 0.50 1 12/03/23 01:31 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 14 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-06-WG- Lab ID: 92700971010 Collected: 11/29/23 09:50 Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 5420 mg/L 250 250 1 12/01/23 15:45 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 50.0 17.0 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:38 7440-38-2 D3 Barium 69.7 ug/L 50.0 4.2 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:38 7440-39-3 Cadmium 2.OJ ug/L 5.0 1.6 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:38 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 25.0 8.5 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:38 7440-47-3 D3 Lead 55.2 ug/L 50.0 10.5 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:38 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 75.0 19.5 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:38 7782-49-2 D3 Silver ND ug/L 25.0 5.0 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:38 7440-22-4 D3 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 13:06 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 677 mg/L 13.0 6.5 13 12/03/23 09:50 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 15 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-07-WG- Lab ID: 92700971011 Collected: 11/29/23 14:45 Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 9330 mg/L 250 250 1 12/01/23 15:46 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 50.0 17.0 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:41 7440-38-2 D3 Barium 111 ug/L 50.0 4.2 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:41 7440-39-3 Cadmium 7.1 ug/L 5.0 1.6 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:41 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 25.0 8.5 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:41 7440-47-3 D3 Lead 171 ug/L 50.0 10.5 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:41 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 75.0 19.5 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:41 7782-49-2 D3 Silver ND ug/L 25.0 5.0 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:41 7440-22-4 D3 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 13:08 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 657 mg/L 10.0 5.0 10 12/05/2312:20 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 16 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: MW-08-WG- Lab ID: 92700971012 Collected: 11/29/23 15:30 Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 6690 mg/L 250 250 1 12/01/23 15:45 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 50.0 17.0 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:45 7440-38-2 D3 Barium 96.7 ug/L 50.0 4.2 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:45 7440-39-3 Cadmium 4.6J ug/L 5.0 1.6 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:45 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 25.0 8.5 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:45 7440-47-3 D3 Lead 143 ug/L 50.0 10.5 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:45 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 75.0 19.5 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:45 7782-49-2 D3 Silver ND ug/L 25.0 5.0 5 12/04/2311:32 12/06/2310:45 7440-22-4 D3 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 13:11 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 601 mg/L 16.0 8.0 16 12/03/2310:18 14808-79-8 M1 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 17 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: SW-01-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971013 Collected: 11/28/23 14:45 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 120 mg/L 25.0 25.0 1 12/01/23 15:44 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:49 7440-38-2 Barium 42.6 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:49 7440-39-3 Cadmium ND ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:49 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:49 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:49 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:49 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:49 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 13:13 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 11.4 mg/L 1.0 0.50 1 12/03/23 02:57 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 18 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: SW-02-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971014 Collected: 11/29/23 16:42 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 165 mg/L 25.0 25.0 1 12/01/23 15:46 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:53 7440-38-2 Barium 26.7 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:53 7440-39-3 Cadmium ND ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:53 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:53 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:53 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:53 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:53 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 13:15 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 6.3 mg/L 1.0 0.50 1 12/03/23 03:11 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 19 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Sample: SW-03-WG- Parameters Lab ID: 92700971015 Collected: 11/28/23 15:35 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Received: 11/30/23 09:54 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OC-2015 Pace Analytical Services - Eden Total Dissolved Solids 91.0 mg/L 25.0 25.0 1 12/01/23 15:45 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 3.4 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:56 7440-38-2 Barium 31.9 ug/L 10.0 0.84 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:56 7440-39-3 Cadmium ND ug/L 1.0 0.33 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:56 7440-43-9 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1.7 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:56 7440-47-3 Lead ND ug/L 10.0 2.1 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:56 7439-92-1 Selenium ND ug/L 15.0 3.9 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:56 7782-49-2 Silver ND ug/L 5.0 1.0 1 12/04/23 11:32 12/04/23 23:56 7440-22-4 7470 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7470 Preparation Method: EPA 7470 Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 0.14 1 12/12/23 09:38 12/13/23 13:18 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 6.0 mg/L 1.0 0.50 1 12/03/23 03:26 14808-79-8 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 20 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 QC Batch: 816688 Analysis Method: SM 2540C-2015 QC Batch Method: SM 2540C-2015 Analysis Description: 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services - Eden Associated Lab Samples: 92700971001, 92700971002, 92700971003, 92700971006, 92700971007, 92700971008, 92700971009, 92700971010,92700971011,92700971012,92700971013,92700971014,92700971015 METHOD BLANK: 4226930 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92700971001, 92700971002, 92700971003, 92700971006, 92700971007, 92700971008, 92700971009, 92700971010,92700971011,92700971012,92700971013,92700971014,92700971015 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND 25.0 25.0 12/01/23 15:43 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 4226931 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 250 250 100 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 4226932 92700971013 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 120 128 6 25 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 4226933 92700800001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 2200 2090 5 25 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 21 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 QC Batch: 816692 Analysis Method: SM 2540C-2015 QC Batch Method: SM 2540C-2015 Analysis Description: 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services - Eden Associated Lab Samples: 92700971005 METHOD BLANK: 4226939 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92700971005 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND 25.0 25.0 12/01/23 14:07 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 4226940 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 250 258 103 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 4226941 92701002001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 158 159 1 25 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 22 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 QC Batch: 817551 Analysis Method: SM 2540C-2015 QC Batch Method: SM 2540C-2015 Analysis Description: 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services - Eden Associated Lab Samples: 92700971004 METHOD BLANK: 4231422 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92700971004 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND 25.0 25.0 12/06/23 11:22 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 4231423 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 250 232 93 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 4231424 92700971004 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 300 324 8 25 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 23 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 QC Batch: 972604 Analysis Method: EPA 7470 QC Batch Method: EPA 7470 Analysis Description: 7470 Mercury Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Associated Lab Samples: 92700971001, 92700971002 METHOD BLANK: 5350634 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92700971001, 92700971002 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Mercury ug/L ND 0.20 0.14 12/12/2313:46 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 5350635 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Mercury ug/L 2 1.9 95 80-120 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 5350636 5350637 MS MSD 35844067010 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Mercury ug/L 0.14U 2 2 1.8 1.8 91 90 75-125 1 20 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 24 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 QC Batch: 972605 Analysis Method: EPA 7470 QC Batch Method: EPA 7470 Analysis Description: 7470 Mercury Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Associated Lab Samples: 92700971003, 92700971004, 92700971005, 92700971006, 92700971007, 92700971008, 92700971009, 92700971010,92700971011,92700971012,92700971013,92700971014,92700971015 METHOD BLANK: 5350653 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92700971003, 92700971004, 92700971005, 92700971006, 92700971007, 92700971008, 92700971009, 92700971010,92700971011,92700971012,92700971013,92700971014,92700971015 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Mercury ug/L ND 0.20 0.14 12/13/2312:27 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 5350654 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Mercury ug/L 2 1.8 92 80-120 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 5350655 5350656 MS MSD 92700971003 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Mercury ug/L ND 2 2 1.4 1.5 68 70 75-125 2 20 M1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 25 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 QC Batch: 970800 Analysis Method: EPA 6010 QC Batch Method: EPA 3010 Analysis Description: 6010 MET Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services - Ormond Beach Associated Lab Samples: 92700971001, 92700971002, 92700971003, 92700971004, 92700971005, 92700971006, 92700971007, 92700971008,92700971009,92700971010,92700971011,92700971012,92700971013,92700971014, 92700971015 METHOD BLANK: 5338932 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92700971001, 92700971002, 92700971003, 92700971004, 92700971005, 92700971006, 92700971007, 92700971008,92700971009,92700971010,92700971011,92700971012,92700971013,92700971014, 92700971015 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Arsenic ug/L ND 10.0 3.4 12/04/23 22:13 Barium ug/L ND 10.0 0.84 12/04/23 22:13 Cadmium ug/L ND 1.0 0.33 12/04/23 22:13 Chromium ug/L ND 5.0 1.7 12/04/23 22:13 Lead ug/L ND 10.0 2.1 12/04/23 22:13 Selenium ug/L ND 15.0 3.9 12/04/23 22:13 Silver ug/L ND 5.0 1.0 12/04/23 22:13 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 5338933 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Arsenic ug/L 250 233 93 80-120 Barium ug/L 250 265 106 80-120 Cadmium ug/L 25 24.7 99 80-120 Chromium ug/L 250 253 101 80-120 Lead ug/L 250 260 104 80-120 Selenium ug/L 250 242 97 80-120 Silver ug/L 25 25.7 103 80-120 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 5338934 5338935 MS MSD 35845119001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Arsenic ug/L 3AU 250 250 232 233 92 93 75-125 0 20 Barium ug/L 72.8 250 250 337 335 105 105 75-125 0 20 Cadmium ug/L 0.33U 25 25 24.6 24.7 98 99 75-125 0 20 Chromium ug/L 1.7U 250 250 254 254 101 101 75-125 0 20 Lead ug/L 2.1 U 250 250 260 261 104 104 75-125 0 20 Selenium ug/L 3.9U 250 250 242 242 97 96 75-125 0 20 Silver ug/L 1.0U 25 25 25.5 25.7 99 100 75-125 1 20 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 26 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 QC Batch: 816865 Analysis Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 QC Batch Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Analysis Description: 300.0 IC Anions Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Associated Lab Samples: 92700971001 METHOD BLANK: 4228153 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92700971001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Sulfate mg/L ND 1.0 0.50 12/02/2312:30 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 4228154 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Sulfate mg/L 50 52.6 105 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 4228155 4228156 MS MSD 92701183001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Sulfate mg/L 130 50 50 176 176 91 92 90-110 0 10 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 4228157 4228158 MS MSD 92700989010 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Sulfate mg/L 28100 50 50 18800 18700 -18400 -18700 90-110 1 10 M1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 27 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 QC Batch: 816866 Analysis Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 QC Batch Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Analysis Description: 300.0 IC Anions Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Associated Lab Samples: 92700971002, 92700971003, 92700971004, 92700971005, 92700971006, 92700971007, 92700971008, 92700971009,92700971010,92700971011,92700971012,92700971013,92700971014,92700971015 METHOD BLANK: 4228159 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92700971002, 92700971003, 92700971004, 92700971005, 92700971006, 92700971007, 92700971008, 92700971009,92700971010,92700971011,92700971012,92700971013,92700971014,92700971015 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Sulfate mg/L ND 1.0 0.50 12/02/23 22:25 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 4228160 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Sulfate mg/L 50 53.3 107 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 4228161 4228162 MS MSD 92700971002 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Sulfate mg/L 15.6 50 50 66.9 68.2 102 105 90-110 2 10 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 4228163 4228164 MS MSD 92700971012 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Sulfate mg/L 601 50 50 655 662 108 122 90-110 1 10 M1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 28 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALIFIERS Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC - Too Numerous To Count J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit - The lowest concentration value that meets project requirements for quantitative data with known precision and bias for a specific analyte in a specific matrix. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Reported results are not rounded until the final step prior to reporting. Therefore, calculated parameters that are typically reported as "Total" may vary slightly from the sum of the reported component parameters. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TN -The NELAC Institute. ANALYTE QUALIFIERS D3 Sample was diluted due to the presence of high levels of non -target analytes or other matrix interference. M1 Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 29 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Pace Project No.: Swift Creek 92700971 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92700971001 FD-01-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971002 MW-01D-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971003 MW-01S-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971004 MW-02D-WG- SM 2540C-2015 817551 92700971005 MW-02S-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816692 92700971006 MW-03-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971007 MW-04-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971008 MW-05RD-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971009 MW-05RS-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971010 MW-06-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971011 MW-07-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971012 MW-08-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971013 SW-01-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971014 SW-02-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971015 SW-03-WG- SM 2540C-2015 816688 92700971001 FD-01-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971002 MW-01 D-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971003 MW-01S-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA6010 970851 92700971004 MW-02D-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971005 MW-02S-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971006 MW-03-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971007 MW-04-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971008 MW-05RD-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971009 MW-05RS-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971010 MW-06-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971011 MW-07-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971012 MW-08-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971013 SW-01-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971014 SW-02-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971015 SW-03-WG- EPA 3010 970800 EPA 6010 970851 92700971001 FD-01-WG- EPA 7470 972604 EPA 7470 972731 92700971002 MW-01 D-WG- EPA 7470 972604 EPA 7470 972731 92700971003 MW-01 S-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971004 MW-02D-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971005 MW-02S-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971006 MW-03-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971007 MW-04-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971008 MW-05RD-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971009 MW-05RS-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971010 MW-06-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971011 MW-07-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971012 MW-08-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971013 SW-01-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971014 SW-02-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 92700971015 SW-03-WG- EPA 7470 972605 EPA 7470 972860 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 30 of 36 ceo Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Swift Creek Pace Project No.: 92700971 Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch 92700971001 FD-01-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816865 92700971002 MW-01 D-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971003 MW-01S-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971004 MW-02D-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971005 MW-02S-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971006 MW-03-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971007 MW-04-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971008 MW-05RD-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971009 MW-05RS-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971010 MW-06-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971011 MW-07-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971012 MW-08-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971013 SW-01-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971014 SW-02-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 92700971015 SW-03-WG- EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 816866 Date: 12/13/2023 03:31 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Analytical Method Analytical Batch Page 31 of 36 a a (gal) sP�p4 PGAPSMO rB X X X X X X X X X X (01MOL09) WHOM U401 X X X X X X X X X X O'OOE AQ eigllnS X X X X X X X X X X s a � V 8 b € 1 .g LL 0 V � V Z tl G � 1 L C -�C R f ^ 4 g G W LL c QQ b $ E Y — N CS y = C Cc7 03 ' 9 W T .cT 7c 7c 3c 3C 3 .� }OaEj6j d a c C} c3 q [yJ ff, x _ a 8 Aq A4 P2UMmPI83" wOlm*wou ucluivasaid CS N TQ474 •i ' ` r 3 to (Sal) cP!IoS PoAl-210 iglul VO (01 volo9) ff"OO f anol X X X X X X 0.00C AV wgnns X X X I X X X cr °Gs 4 e 6 .o All xa 3 L" F�N8 VIA e �u hh v N z _ s� $g 4�s 9 p b gg g F 3 p°c F O I 8 c age 53 OT 3U urgrurnssnxa DC# Title: ENV-FRM-HUN1-0063 vOl Sample Condition Upon Receipt Effective Date: 05/12/2022 Laboratory receiving samples: Sample Condifion Client Name: Upon Receipt project 1!: Eam Courier: LJ Fed Ex UUPS U USPS Client ❑ Commercial El Pace ❑Other: Custody seal Present? ❑ Yes /No Seals Intact? ❑ Yes XO Packing Material:. El Bubble Wrap El Bubble Bags /None ❑ Other Thermometer: 91T� El�' IR Gun ID: type of Ice: /Wet ❑ Blue Correction Factor. Cooler Temp: Add/Subtract ('Cj 0 Cooler Temp Correcte/In USDA Regulated Soil (, water sample) Did samples origina ntine zone within the United States: CA, NY, or SC Kernersvill Date/initials Person Examining Contents• / 3 Biological Tissue F I ❑ Yes ❑ No NIA ❑ None Temp should be above freezing to 6'C ❑ Samples out of temp criteria. Samples on ice,cooling process has begun Did samples originate from a foreign source (inteK.Ntl ionally, including Hawaii and Puerto Ricol? ❑Yes o Comtnents/Discrepanc : a Samples Arrived within Hold Time? Ofyes ❑ No ❑ WA 2, Short Hold Time Analysis (02 hr.)? ❑Yes No ❑ WA 3. Rush Turn Around Time Requested? ❑ Yes o ❑ WA 4. Sufficient Volume? es ❑ No ❑ N/A S. Correct Containers Used? -Pace Containers Used? es 245 es ElNo ❑ No ❑ WA ❑ WA 6. Containers Intact? es ❑No ❑N/A 7. Dissolved analysis: Samples Field Filtered? ❑Yes ❑No R A S. Sample Labels Match COC7 -includesDate/nme/ID/Analysis Matrix: Yes ❑ No ❑ WA 9. Headspace in VOA Vials (>5-6mm)? ❑Yes ❑ No 4A 10. Trip Blank Present? Trip Blank Custody Seals Present? ❑Yes ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ No h ❑ Nlaoe 11. COMMENTS/SAMPLE DISCREPANCY / meie uata itecluirear u res Wrlio CLIENT NOTIFICATICN9/RESOLUr.t •h' -- Person contacted: Project Manager SCURF Review: Project Manager SRF Review: Lot ID of split container Date/Time: Date: Date: M4ualfrov Ill• ACAid Pona 'I of O Page 34 of 36 SCE' uwm�a raw DC# Title: ENV-FRM-HUN1-0083 v01 Sample Condition Upon Receipt Effective Date: 05/12/2022 *Check mark top half of box if pH and/or dechlorination is verified and project # within the acceptance range for preservation samples. Exceptions: VOA, Coliform, TOG, 011 and Grease, DRO/8015 (water) DOG, LLHg **Bottom half of box is to list number of battles ***Check;r<r unpreserved Nitrates for chlorine 'e r z � u m dJ E N io 2 u m E LA 3 rr Pft m Z m C u m J E O >d4 N 7 is ILJ •+ n m E N v Sd � g m u_ J E N c m a iv 2 u J E N d m ^ za r O Z J E N d m � m I L o WWW �_ 3 � I C 7 rl a v a i-.7 z 'i a � 7 J E N 49 a � v w qp VI = b - 9 a V z a S N m J E w in Is s .Ur � z a w d J �' N a 0 a a w u O J E O Cn 0 a a`- Y m O m t �j J E O p�p�� l9 > Z Bi ?�yz�I ` CL O 7 J E O p� 9 > z O �! 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Exceptions: VOA, Coliform, TOC, oil and Grease, DRO/8015 (water) DOC, LLHS * *Bottom half of box is to list number of battles ***Check all unpreserved Nitrates for chlorine "MM MEME 211"I'Ll MEMME 0 LOMME MEN on ME M II Gi■0�aa�■a �i�ilii��.-� pH Adjustment Log for Preserved Samples �~ Sample ID Type of Preservative pH upon receipt Data preservation adjusted Time preservation adjusted Amount of Preservative added lot 0 Note: Whenever there Is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy of this form wit be sent to the NOnnCarounautrvnt.ernricatrontmrceii.e. out of hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers. I I fliioltrov Nl• AQR1d Donn 9 of 9 i Page 36 of 36 ERM ERM HAS OVER 160 OFFICES ACROSS THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES WORLDWIDE Argentina The Netherlands ERM Charlotte Australia New Zealand 300 West Summit Avenue Suite 330 Belgium Peru Charlotte, NC, 28206 Brazil Poland T: 704-541-8345 Canada Portugal China Romania www.erm.com Colombia Senegal France Singapore Germany South Africa Ghana South Korea Guyana Spain Hong Kong Switzerland India Taiwan Indonesia Tanzania Ireland Thailand Italy UAE Japan UK Kazakhstan US Kenya Vietnam Malaysia Mexico Mozambique