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HomeMy WebLinkAboutFA-29108_48295_G_ACCLTR_20230725 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality | Division of Waste Management Fayetteville Regional Office | 225 Green Street | Suite 714 | Systel Building | Fayetteville, NC 28301 | (910) 433-3300 July 25, 2023 Email Only Yonas Badi Mercy, LLC 412 Carthage Street Cameron, NC 28326 Re: Limited Site Assessment (LSA) Phase II Report Review Mercy Grocery Carthage, Moore County Incident Number: 48295 Risk Classification: High Ranking: H 245 D Dear Yonas Badi: The Division of Waste Management (DWM), Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, received a LSA Phase II Report dated March 15, 2023, prepared on your behalf by Geological Resources, Inc (GRI). The report has been reviewed and will be maintained in the Fayetteville Regional Office. After reviewing the report, DWM UST Section agrees with the conclusion of the report. In addition to the installation of two (2) monitoring wells to be installed downgradient of GMW-2 and GMW-5, across US Hwy 501, one (1) monitoring well should be installed westerly of GMW-5 to further delineate the groundwater contamination plume nearest the highest concentrations present. A groundwater monitoring event should supplement the monitoring well installation and include all onsite monitoring wells and three (3) potable water supply wells, WSW-2, WSW-4, and WSW-6. Please provide a TA request to include the monitoring well installation, monitoring well and water supply well sampling, and reporting. If State Trust Fund reimbursement is anticipated, please submit a completed pre-approval form to the Division before any work has been completed. If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 733-8486. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at or (910) 796-7263. Sincerely, Corey D. Futral Hydrogeologist Wilmington Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ cc: Scott Driscoll, – GRI (via email)