HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ_Annual_Waste_Report_2024_04_15Annual Report to the North Carolina General Assembly D)-, 0. EE j Q-a� 0QUarwen7 )rFnvirunrmrtn'al [Tim lrkp Division of Waste Management Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service April 15, 2024 N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service https://deq.nc.gov/ 1 Roy Cooper, Governor Elizabeth Biser, Secretary N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Michael E. Scott, Director Division of Waste Management Jamie Ragan, Director Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service DEQ 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 (919) 707-8200 2 Executive Summary: In accordance with General Statute 130A-309.06(c), the Department of Environmental Quality's Divisions of Waste Management and Division of Environment Assistance and Customer Service shall provide a report on the status of solid waste management efforts in the State. Session law 2017-10 (SECTION 4.14 (a)) added additional programs to the report. This report is to include: • An analysis of solid waste generation and disposal. • Total amounts of waste recycled and disposed during the previous calendar year. • An evaluation of the development and implementation of local solid waste management programs and county and municipal recycling programs. • A look at the successes of each county in meeting municipal solid waste reduction goals • Recommendations concerning existing and potential programs for solid waste reduction and recycling that would be appropriate for units of local government and State agencies. • Evaluation of the recycling industry, the markets for recycled materials, the recycling of polystyrene, and the success of State, local, and private industry efforts to enhance the markets for these materials. • Recommendations to the Governor and the Environmental Review Commission to improve the management and recycling of solid waste in the State. • A description of the review and revision of bid procedures and the purchase and use of reusable, refillable, repairable, more durable, and less toxic supplies and products by both the Department of Administration and the Department of Transportation. • Review of North Carolina Scrap Tire Disposal Act implementation. • A description of the management of white goods in the State. • A summary of the report by the Department of Transportation on the amounts and types of recycled materials that were specified or used in contracts that were entered into by the Department of Transportation during the previous fiscal year. • A description of the activities related to the management of abandoned manufactured homes in the State. • A report on the recycling of discarded computer equipment and televisions. • An evaluation of the Brownfields Property Reuse Act. • A report on the Inactive Hazardous Waste Response Act. • A report on the Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act. • A report on the implementation and cost of the hazardous waste management program. These requirements are fulfilled in the following report. 3 Table of Contents ChapterI: Brownfields.................................................................................................................................................... l l A. Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................................11 B. Program Output.........................................................................................................................................................11 C. Program Background.................................................................................................................................................11 D. Program Status...........................................................................................................................................................12 E. Program Inventory.....................................................................................................................................................12 1. Recorded Brownfields Agreements.......................................................................................................................13 2. Active Eligible Projects.........................................................................................................................................13 F. Improving Effectiveness............................................................................................................................................13 1. Leveraging Resources into Private Sector Investment..........................................................................................13 2. New Data Management System Nearing Completion...........................................................................................13 G. Outreach to Local Governments................................................................................................................................13 H. Meeting Technical Challenges in Vapor Intrusion....................................................................................................14 1. Evolution of Future Work...........................................................................................................................................14 J. Fund Status.................................................................................................................................................................15 K. Further Information...................................................................................................................................................15 Chapter II: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act............................................................................................................16 A. Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................................16 B. Program Activity.......................................................................................................................................................16 1. Assessing Health Risk at Sites and Conducting Site Cleanups.............................................................................16 2. Sites in the Program...............................................................................................................................................17 3. Site Prioritization System......................................................................................................................................19 4. Vapor Intrusion......................................................................................................................................................19 5. Investigation of Potential New Sites.....................................................................................................................19 6. Identified Contamination Sites.............................................................................................................................. 20 7. DSCA Contracts....................................................................................................................................................20 8. Customer Service Initiatives..................................................................................................................................20 C. Facility Compliance...................................................................................................................................................21 1. Educational Assistance Visits................................................................................................................................21 2. Inspections and Enforcement................................................................................................................................21 3. Additional Compliance Outreach.......................................................................................................................... 22 D. Program Financial Status and Projections.................................................................................................................23 1. Fund Receipts and Disbursements.........................................................................................................................23 2. Estimated Future Assessment and Remediation Expenditures.............................................................................23 E. DSCA Administrative Costs......................................................................................................................................25 F. Actions to Ensure Fund Solvency..............................................................................................................................26 G. Program Challenges...................................................................................................................................................27 ChapterIII: Hazardous Waste Program.......................................................................................................................28 A. Executive Summary............................................................................... B. Hazardous Waste Management Program ............................................... 1. Hazardous Waste Generation, Management, and Remediation ........ 2. Compliance and Enforcement........................................................... ...............................................................28 28 28 31 4 3. Information Management...................................................................................................................................... 31 4. Hazardous Waste Program Development.............................................................................................................. 31 5. Hazardous Waste Reduction Initiatives................................................................................................................. 31 6. Cost of Hazardous Waste Management Program.................................................................................................. 32 C. Resident Inspector Program....................................................................................................................................... 32 1. Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................................32 2. Program Description..............................................................................................................................................32 3. Program Funding...................................................................................................................................................33 4. Program Results.....................................................................................................................................................33 D. Mercury Switch Removal Program...........................................................................................................................34 1. Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................................34 2. Program Description.............................................................................................................................................. 34 3. Program Funding...................................................................................................................................................35 4. Program Results.....................................................................................................................................................35 ChapterIV: Inactive Hazardous Sites............................................................................................................................37 A. Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................................37 B. The Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory and the Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List...............................38 C. Sites Using the Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund...........................................................................................40 D. Pre -Regulatory Landfills........................................................................................................................................... 42 E. Federal National Priorities List Sites Requiring a State Cost Share..........................................................................45 1. Establishment of a Federal and State Superfund Program.................................................................................... 45 2. State Superfund Cost Share Fund(SSCSF)...........................................................................................................45 F. Responsible Party Voluntary Site Remedial Action.................................................................................................. 50 G. Imminent Hazard Sites..............................................................................................................................................57 H. Summary of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (Funds 6372 and 6379) and the National Priorities List Cost Share Fund (Fund 6375) for FY 2022-23..............................................................................................................60 1. Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (6372) FY 2022-23................................................................................60 2. Revenue Dedicated to the Pre -Regulatory Landfills (Fund 6379) FY 2022-23....................................................60 3. National Priorities List Cost -Share Fund (Fund 6375) FY 2022-23.....................................................................62 Chapter V: Solid Waste and Materials Management...................................................................................................63 A. Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................................63 1. Key Findings FY 2022-23.....................................................................................................................................63 2. Departmental Considerations and Recommendations...........................................................................................64 B. Solid Waste Management..........................................................................................................................................64 1. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfill Disposal .............................64 2. Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) and Product (CCP) Generation, Disposal, and Reuse....................................65 3. Solid Waste Tax....................................................................................................................................................66 4. Per Capita Disposal Rate.......................................................................................................................................67 5. Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Capacity.............................................................................................................68 6. Industrial Landfill Disposal...................................................................................................................................68 7. Composting and Mulching.................................................................................................................................... 69 8. Land Application...................................................................................................................................................69 9. Medical Waste....................................................................................................................................................... 70 10. Household Hazardous Waste............................................................................................................................... 71 11. Facility Inspections..............................................................................................................................................72 12. Non -Facility Inspections and Evaluations...........................................................................................................72 13. Facility Operator Training and Public Outreach................................................................................................. 74 5 C. Local Government Waste Reduction Activities and Recycling Markets..................................................................74 1. Source Reduction and Reuse Programs.................................................................................................................75 2. Local Government Recovery.................................................................................................................................75 3. Recovery of Particular Materials...........................................................................................................................76 4. Recovery of Traditional Materials.........................................................................................................................77 5. Recovery of Construction and Demolition Materials............................................................................................78 6. Plastic Recycling in North Carolina......................................................................................................................79 7. Collection of Commingled Recyclables................................................................................................................80 8. Public Electronics Recycling.................................................................................................................................82 9. Types of Public Recycling Efforts........................................................................................................................ 83 10. Public Curbside Recycling Programs in North Carolina..................................................................................... 84 11. Specialty Waste Management.............................................................................................................................85 12. Yard Waste Management.................................................................................................................................... 87 13. Recycling Markets and Prices.............................................................................................................................88 14. Recycling Market Developments in FY 2022-23................................................................................................90 D. Scrap Tire Management Program..............................................................................................................................91 1. Scrap Tire Management........................................................................................................................................91 2. County Tire Disposal.............................................................................................................................................92 3. Tire Disposal and Recycling.................................................................................................................................92 E. White Goods Management........................................................................................................................................95 1. White Goods Tax Collections and Distributions...................................................................................................95 F. Abandoned Manufactured Homes (AMH) Program..................................................................................................97 1. AMH Grants Awarded by Fiscal Year..................................................................................................................98 2. AMH Program Statistics........................................................................................................................................98 3. Program Participant Highlights, FY 2022-23........................................................................................................99 4. Additional Information on the AMH Program......................................................................................................99 G. Electronics Management Program............................................................................................................................99 1. Manufacturers' Responsibilities..........................................................................................................................100 2. Retailer's Responsibilities...................................................................................................................................100 3. State Agencies and Governmental Entities Responsibilities...............................................................................100 4. Registration of Facilities Recovering or Recycling Electronics..........................................................................100 5. Recycling Rates Within North Carolina..............................................................................................................100 6. Compliance and Enforcement of Electronics Laws............................................................................................102 7. Electronics Management Fund............................................................................................................................102 8. Types of Equipment Recovered by Local Programs...........................................................................................102 H. Additional Documentation from the N.C. Department of Administration and Department of Transportation ...... 104 Chapter VI: Utility -Scale Solar Management Program.............................................................................................106 A. Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................................106 B. Program Background...............................................................................................................................................106 C. Program Activity.....................................................................................................................................................106 71 Tables Chapter I: Brownfields Table I-1 Brownfields Property Reuse Act Implementation Account Balances .................................................. 15 Chapter II: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act Table II-1 DSCA Certified Site Status (through June 30, 2023)........ Table II-2. Classifications of DSCA Certified Sites (June 30, 2023). Table II-3. DSCA Site Cleanup Statistics ........................................... Table II-4. DSCA Fund through Fiscal Year 2022-23 ....................... Table II-5. Historic DSCA Fund Statistics ......................................... Chapter III: Hazardous Waste Program .............................................................. 17 .............................................................. 18 .............................................................. 18 .............................................................. 23 .............................................................. 24 Table III-1 Corrective Action at RCRA facilities................................................................................................. 30 Table III-2 Hazardous Waste Legislative Report Financials July 1, 22-June 30, 23............................................ 32 Table III-3. Resident Inspector Program Commercial Hazardous Waste Facilities' Data FY 2022-23 ............... 33 Table III-4 Mercury Switch Removal Program Summary of Data 2022-2023.................................................... 35 Chapter IV: Inactive Hazardous Waste Table IV-1 Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory List of New Sites During FY 2022-23...................................... 38 Table IV-2 Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory List of Sites Assigned No Further Action Status During FY 2022-23................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Table IV-3 Summary of Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund Expenditures FY 2022-23............................. 41 Table IV-4 North Carolina National Priorities List Sites......................................................................................... Table IV-5 Voluntary Party Remedial Actions Under Administrative Agreements During FY 2022-23 ........... 50 Table IV-6 . 66 Ongoing Division -Directed Responsible Party Assessments/Cleanups not Under Agreements DuringFY 2022-23............................................................................................................................................... 55 Table IV-7 Summary of Imminent Hazard Sites.................................................................................................. 57 Chapter V: Solid Waste Materials and Management Table V-1 Coal Combustion By -Products and Impoundment Excavation........................................................... 66 TableV-2 N.C. Dept. of Revenue Solid Waste Tax Distribution.......................................................................... 67 Table V-3 North Carolina's Per Capita Disposal Rate......................................................................................... 68 Table V-4 Permanent HHW Facility Collections FY 2022-2023......................................................................... 71 Table V-5 Local Source Reduction / Reuse Programs in FY 2022-23................................................................. 75 Table V-6 Local Government Recovery (Tons) FY 2018-19 through FY 2022-23.............................................. 76 Table V-7 Types of Local Government Electronics Recycling Programs in FY 2022-23................................... 82 Table V-8 Local Government Specialty Waste Management FY 2022-23.......................................................... 86 Table V-9 Local Government Yard Waste Management FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23...................................... 87 Table V-10 Calculation of MRF Blended Material Value, Summer 2023.......................................................... 89 Table V-I I Distributions of Scrap Tire Tax Revenue.......................................................................................... 91 Table V-12 Scrap Tire Management Account...................................................................................................... 92 Table V-13 Final Disposal/Recycling of Tires (tons)........................................................................................... 92 Table V-14 Scrap Tire Cost Over -Run Grant October 2021-March 2022 Grants Awarded July 2022 ............... 93 Table V-15 Scrap Tire Cost Over -Run April 2022-September 2022 Grants Awarded January 2023Applicant County................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Table V-16 Illegal Tire Dump Clean -Up Costs................................................................................................... 95 Table V-17 White Goods Tax Collections/Distributions...................................................................................... 95 Table V-18 Counties Ineligible to Receive Tax Proceeds Distributions August, 2022-November 2022 ............ 96 Table V-19 Counties Ineligible to Receive Tax Proceeds Distributions February 2022-May 2023 .................... 97 Table V-20 AMH Grants Awarded by Year......................................................................................................... 98 7 Table V-21 AMH Units Deconstructed in FY 2022-23............................................................................... Table V-22 Active AMH Grant Program Participants During FY 2022-23................................................ Table V-23 Electronics Collection by Weight............................................................................................. Table V-24 Electronics Collected (Tons) by County and Municipal Collection Programs by Fiscal Year Table V-25 Overall Recycling of Electronics.............................................................................................. Table V-26 Electronics Management Fund................................................................................................. Table V-27 Electronics Management Distribution February 2023.............................................................. List of Figures Chapter II: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act Figure II-1. Known dry-cleaning solvent -contaminated sites in North Carolina ................................................. 18 FigureII-2. DSCA Fund Trends........................................................................................................................... 25 Figure II-3 DSCA Administrative Expenses........................................................................................................ 26 Chapter IV: Inactive Hazardous Waste Figure IV-1 Pre -Regulatory Landfill Program Funds........................................................................................... 62 Chapter V: Solid Waste and Materials Management Figure V-1 MSW and C&D 20-Year Disposal Forecast...................................................................................... 65 Figure V-2 Feedstocks Composted / Mulched...................................................................................................... 69 Figure V-3 Gallons of Septage Pumped Per Year................................................................................................ 70 Figure V-4 Tons of Medical Waste Processed by Fiscal Year............................................................................. 70 Figure V-5 Household Hazardous Waste in Tons by Fiscal Year........................................................................ 72 Figure V-6 Hurricane Incident GIS Tracking Tool.............................................................................................. 73 Figure V-7 Tax Certification Applications Received and Approved................................................................... 74 Figure V-8 Estimated Value of Business Equipment Certified as Tax Exempt ................................................... 74 Figure V-9 Characterization of Local Government Recovery.............................................................................. 76 Figure V-10 20-Year Local Government Traditional Recyclable Material Recovery (Tons) .............................. 78 Figure V-11 Public C&D Recycling (Tons) FY 2006-07 to FY 2022-23............................................................ 79 Figure V-12 20-Year Plastics Recovery (Tons).................................................................................................... 80 Figure V-13 20 Year Reporting of Commingled vs. Separated Recycling Tonnage ........................................... 81 Figure V-14 Constituents per Average Ton of Commingled Recyclables in NC FY 2022-23............................. 82 Figure V-15 Public Electronics Recovery FY 2008-09 to FY 2022-23............................................................... 83 Figure V-16 Local Government Curbside Recycling Programs & Households Served FY 02-03 — FY 22-23... 85 Figure V-17 Local Government Specialty Waste Tons Collected FY 2018-19 through FY 2022-23 ................. 86 Figure V-18 Local Government Diversion of Yard Waste from Disposal FY 1995-96 to FY 2022-23 .............. 88 Figure V-19 Quarterly MRF Blended Material Values, FY 2018-19 to FY 2022-23.......................................... 89 Figure V-20 Market Prices Received for Fiber Materials by Major North Carolina Processors Since 2022..... 90 Figure V-21 20-Year Market Prices Received for Select Container Materials by Major North Carolina ProcessorsSince 2023........................................................................................................................................... 90 Figure V-22 Final Disposal of Scrap Tires in NC................................................................................................ 93 7 Appendices Chapter I: Brownfields A. Brownfields Agreements Finalized Between January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 ........................ 107 Chapter II: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act B. Sites with Dry -Cleaning Solvent Contamination by County and City and Sites Certified into the DSCA Programby County and City.............................................................................................................................. 109 Chapter IV: Inactive Hazardous Waste C. Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List................................................................................................. 119 D. Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory - Site Status................................................................................................ E. Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory — Pre -Regulatory Landfills.......................................................................... Chapter V: Solid Waste and Materials Management F. Landfill Capacity Report FY 2022-2023............................................................................................................. G. Public and Private Construction and Demolition Disposal, FY 2022-2023........................................................ H. County Population, Waste Disposal, Per Capita Rate and Percent Reduction FY 2022-2023........................... I. NC Waste Disposal Report FY 2021-2022........................................................................................................... J. Municipal Solid Waste and construction and Demolition Waste — Exports and Imports FY 2022-2023 ........... K Industrial Waste Disposal FY 2022-2023............................................................................................................ L. Public and Private Municipal Solid Waste and Construction and Demolition Disposal FY 2022-2023 ............ M. Public and Private Municipal Solid Waste FY 2022-2023................................................................................. N. Public and Private Tipping Fees FY 2021-2022.................................................................................................. O. Transfer and Mixed Waste Processing Facilities FY 2022-2023........................................................................ P. Recycling and Solid Waste Management Report for Highway Construction, Maintenance Projects and Office Products..................................................................................................................................................................... Q. Department of Administration Environmentally Preferred Purchasing............................................................... 10 Chapter I: Brownfields A. Executive Summary This report to the General Assembly is required by the Brownfields Property Reuse Act of 1997 (G.S. 130A-310.40 et seq.) and describes the activities and status of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) Division of Waste Management Brownfields Redevelopment Section for the period of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. The Brownfields Redevelopment Section (Section) is pleased to report continued success in the state's efforts to revitalize and safely reuse brownfields properties. B. Program Output The Section produced 55 finalized brownfields agreements during the reporting period, bringing the total number of finalized agreements and major amendments since its inception to 760. For the current reporting period, totals for the measures tracked by the Section are: • Program applications received: 74 • Brownfields agreements finalized: 55 • Acres of Brownfields being revitalized to safe, productive reuse: 1,969 • Estimated committed capital investment for projects completed during 2023: $3.08 billion All of these economic development benefits are produced without any state -appropriated funds. The Section operates on fees from the prospective developers and cooperative agreement funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Since the Program was authorized under statute in 1997, it has created thousands of jobs and facilitated nearly $30 billion in private investment in the redevelopment of brownfields properties across North Carolina, without cost to state taxpayers. A summary of the brownfields agreements completed in 2023 is shown in Table A at the bottom of this report. C. Program Background Brownfields are abandoned, idle or underused properties where environmental contamination hinders redevelopment due to concerns about environmental liability. Redevelopment of brownfields properties has become increasingly popular as developers and local governments realize that these properties offer viable opportunities to bring economic growth, public health protection, jobs and quality -of -life benefits to cities and rural areas. The Brownfields Property Reuse Act of 1997 (BPRA) gives DEQ the authority to enter into brownfields agreements with prospective developers who did not cause or contribute to site contamination. The BPRA modifies the environmental liability barrier for prospective developers, motivating them to bring these properties and their hindrances to the DEQ's attention. Under this authorization, the Section works in partnership with the prospective developer to evaluate the potential environmental risks associated with site contamination, and then negotiates a brownfields agreement stipulating the steps necessary to make the site safe for a specific intended reuse or suite of uses. The result is a redevelopment project that fuels economic growth while protecting public health and the environment. Redevelopment projects that are undertaken via the Section's brownfields agreement process, and the developers who advance these projects, enjoy several benefits. Developers work with the Section to define the actions they must complete to make the property safe for the intended reuse, and lenders are more willing to make loans on these projects because the cost to complete these actions is not an open-ended proposition. Additionally, if developers make and maintain the site safe for the intended reuse, they receive liability protection against future state enforcement for existing contamination. The same liability protection extends by statute to lenders, tenants, occupants, and future owners as long as these entities did not cause or contribute to site contamination. Finally, owners of property with a brownfields agreement have access to a special property tax exclusion whereby property tax is phased in over five years, resulting in a property tax savings of approximately 50 percent over those first five years. These tax savings can be used to offset the costs to complete the actions required by the Section that make the property safe for reuse. The BPRA allows DWM to distinguish between prospective developers of brownfields properties and the polluters of those properties. Instead of mandating that the site be remediated to unrestricted use standards, the BPRA requires developers make the site safe for a specifically identified reuse. The Section evaluates site contamination and identifies the potential risks that residual contamination may pose to public health and the environment. DEQ then determines what 11 actions the prospective developer must take to ensure safe redevelopment. These actions can range from land -use restrictions to cleanup, or a mixture of both. In addition to holding prospective developers accountable to their agreements, DEQ reserves the right to enforce against those parties responsible for the original contamination. The overall result is a winning scenario for both the environment and economic development. Risk reductions and cleanups are achieved at sites that could have harmed the public or environment, and prospective developers capitalize on opportunities to redevelop abandoned properties that once had little hope for productive reuse. The public benefits are job creation, improved quality of life in the surrounding neighborhoods, local tax base expansion and contribution to the general fund. From program inception through the end of calendar 2023, an estimated $30 billion in capital investment will have been committed to redevelop these abandoned, idled, or underused brownfields properties that afflict both urban and rural landscapes. The Section also supports smart growth and sustainability and motivates the real estate market to recycle these sites back into to safe, productive reuse, while preserving or reducing the use of pristine or undeveloped "greenfields" properties. Every project that reuses property — whether it is in an urban center or a rural area — preserves green space, reduces suburban sprawl, and supports sustainable urban development. The 760 properties that have received completed agreements (or major amendments to previous agreements that facilitate even higher uses in some cases) represent nearly 14,000 acres of recycled land and, wherever possible, buildings that have historic or aesthetic value. This is acreage that is being recycled into reuse, sparing more pristine lands from development and risk for future contamination. D. Program Status Project managers hired to fill attrition vacancies last year have gained traction in producing brownfields agreements this year. As a result, the Section increased production from 31 agreements in 2022 to 55 agreements in 2023. During calendar year 2023, the Section received 74 applications for projects seeking entry into the program. This reflects the continued strong demand for brownfields services as real estate developers continued to invest in North Carolina as the economy grows. The elevated interest rates experienced by developers during 2023 are the likely reason for somewhat lower number of applications than 2022 when there were 94 total applications. However, 74 applications remain an historically healthy number. In 2022, the staffing shortage also caused a backlog of sites awaiting project managers to provide technical guidance to developers for conducting the necessary environmental assessments. The Section took steps to alleviate this by developing self-implementable guidance for brownfields assessments for prospective developers and assigning two experienced project managers to give initial assessment guidance to those sites in the backlog. This was successful in eliminating the backlog of sites awaiting guidance for assessment, thereby further increasing agreement production as a result. The Section is continuing to use this project initiation approach as it provides assessment guidance as quickly as possible for redevelopers on tight schedules. The Brownflelds Redevelopment Section was one of twenty states awarded this grant in January 2022, and was the only one funded for its full application amount. The grant total is for $5.8 million over 5 years with the first year of award being for $1.29 million in 2023. North Carolina's grant application was for the development of site stewardship processes that include land use restriction monitoring through the Section's Property Management Brach. With the Section having completed more than 750 agreements and amendments, the compliance stewardship tasks are ever-growing. This grant will not only help the Section provide the needed resources for this stewardship, but will also provide a potential model for the U.S. EPA to build upon. The existing positions within the Property Management Branch were converted over to this grant funding source to begin using these grant dollars. However there remain significant unspent grant funds for an additional 4 to 5 more site stewardship positions. These additional positions have not been created or hired as of yet due to the delays in passage of the state budget and its prohibitive effects on position creation through OSHR. With this resolved, these positions are in the process of being created in 2024. E. Program Inventory An interactive map of the Program's cumulative inventory can be found online at the Section's website, ncbrownfields.org, or more specifically at this link: https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/science- data-and-reports/gis-maps/brownfields-projects-map-inventory-and-document-download. The inventory includes the 12 following categories of sites: 1. Recorded Brownfields Agreements Recorded brownfields agreements are those projects whose brownfields agreements or major amendments to previous agreements have been completed, signed, and are recorded at their county register of deeds. Since its inception in October 1997, the Program has finalized 760 such brownfields agreements and amendments across the state; 55 of which were completed during calendar 2023. A list of those brownfields agreements finalized during calendar 2023 is provided in Appendix I -A. 2. Active Eligible Projects Active eligible projects have been deemed eligible for a brownfields agreement under BPRA statutory criteria. Developers are working with the Division in some stage of data gathering, risk analysis, or agreement drafting/negotiation. As of December 31, 2023, there were 270 active -eligible projects. Projects at this stage receive guidance from DWM as the developers gather the additional data needed to ensure protection of public health and the environment. Once site assessment is complete, the Section analyzes the data, evaluates risks, determines what actions must be taken to adequately address the risks, drafts and negotiates the terms of the brownfields agreement with the prospective developer, and then approves initiation of the statutory 30-day public comment period. F. Improving Effectiveness 1. Leveraging Resources into Private Sector Investment Another measure the Section tracks is committed private investment facilitated by brownfields agreements. Developers provide the estimated investment figure in their application for entry into the Program. The total private investment facilitated by the Program from its inception is approximately $30 billion, with $3.08 billion of that being added by projects for which brownfields agreements were finalized in calendar year 2023. Generally, investments in the redevelopment of these properties would not have happened without the liability relief provided by a brownfields agreement. Throughout its existence, the Program has provided a very high economic development value for North Carolina through a federal grant and not state appropriation. The high ratio to which the funds have been successfully leveraged into private development dollars for brownfields redevelopment is just one measure of the effectiveness of the BPRA. The economic activity and increased tax base generated by construction and subsequent use of these brownfields projects substantially exceeds the use of public funds. 2. New Data Management System Nearing Completion The Section was designated the first DWM program to develop a data management system through DEQ's permit transformation process. The Section worked with the Department of Information Technology to map its processes and lay the foundation for developers to develop a comprehensive data management and tracking system, including both internal and public facing components. Work on this data management system continued through 2023. Beta testing of various system components began in December 2023, with a planned online date for the whole system in May 2024. This system represents a significant technical stride in efficient data management, data transfer, electronic fee payment, and project tracking for the Section and for Section's customers. G. Outreach to Local Governments The Section continues to successfully utilize its U.S. EPA MARC Grant (awarded $2 million over 5 years) to fund brownfields assessments in disadvantaged communities in the Appalachian region, the Lumber River Valley, and Northeastern Coastal Plan. The state has used these funds to conduct assessments at several sites in its partner communities. These assessments lay the foundation for their redevelopment via a brownfields agreement. These grant partners initially included Beaufort County, Belhaven, Mid -East Commission Council of Governments, North Wilkesboro, Rocky Mount, and the Town of Pembroke, the Mainspring Conservation Trust in Franklin' and the Eastern Cherokee Band of Indians. The Section has developed and expanded this group of local governments into "The Brownfields Community Network" (BCN) in support of brownfields assessments through the MARC Grant Funds or 13 other EPA Grant funds. We provide education and support to members which include the original partners above as well as new members that include the Towns of Fairmont, Leland, Canton, Waynesville, Maxton, Cities of Marion, Dunn, High Shoals, Havelock, Lenoir, and Counties of Haywood Hertford, Forsyth, Alexander, and numerous Councils of Government and Economic Development Groups. The BCN continues to gain interest and new members as we deploy grant funds and support local governments in applying for their own EPA brownfields grant. The Section has not only utilized its MARC Grant for direct brownfields assessments for local governments, but it has also worked in support of many other local governments to educate, encourage and support their applications for their own EPA Brownfields Grants. These are nationally competitive grants provided directly to local governments by the U.S. EPA for activities related to brownfields properties, including environmental assessment, planning, and/or cleanup. The Section has provided interested local governments advice, contacts for technical grant writing assistance, and letters of support for grant applications to numerous applicants every grant cycle. Four local governments were awarded EPA brownfields grants in 2023 including Fairmont ($500,000), Marion ($500,000), Winston Salem/Forsythe County Schools ($744,700), and Alamance County ($1,000,000). The Section will continue to work with them in support of their brownfields efforts. This includes providing training that summarizes the economic development benefits of brownfields redevelopment as well as providing practical advice for the EPA grant application process. H. Meeting Technical Challenges in Vapor Intrusion Over the last decade, contaminant vapor intrusion has become a focal point for numerous cleanup programs at commercial/industrial sites of all kinds. Facilities are often over or near groundwater contamination that can act as a source of contaminant vapors that enter buildings, much like radon. However, contaminant vapor detection and mitigation is more complex than radon. Contaminant vapor intrusion is a dynamic technical issue with new knowledge continuously arising for assessment,mitigation, toxicology, and risk assessment. Because site reuse is inherent in brownfields redevelopment projects, it is imperative that the program be technically sound regarding vapor intrusion to protect the users of these properties. Because there are mow more than 750 completed brownfields agreements, the North Carolina has more varied experience with vapor intrusion than any other state in the South or mid -Atlantic region. The Section is meeting this challenge by ensuring stewardship of land use restrictions through its Property Management Branch, and that vapor intrusion mitigation systems are properly designed and installed through professional engineers. The Section is at the national forefront of technical issues surrounding the assessment and mitigation of contaminant vapor intrusion. In 2023 the Section's Vapor Mitigation Specialist has had the distinction of being named team leader for the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) efforts to revise their Vapor Intrusion Assessment and mitigation Guidance. I. Evolution of Future Work Because the Section has completed 760 agreements and amendments since 1998, the need for more post -agreement work continues to rise. This includes work on compliance assistance for all completed agreements as well as work that arises from new owners seeking land -use changes on existing agreements or new information regarding contaminants on properties that may affect public health. When public health protections rely on land -use restrictions, a robust compliance monitoring and assistance program is an absolute must. With the substantial and sustained increase in numbers of existing brownfields agreements, the Section saw a growing need to rebalance some of its expenditures toward compliance monitoring and assistance. As such, the Section created the Property Management Unit in 2018 to address all post -agreement activities to manage the continued effectiveness of the land -use restrictions at brownfields properties without compromising production of new agreements. The Section soon realized that additional funding would be needed for this and made this site stewardship effort its centerpiece for the BIL Grant it applied for from the U.S. EPA. The grant application was successful, and the Section was awarded BIL grant funds for this public health stewardship effort in January 2023. Through these funds, the property management unit will expand to meet this challenge. The emerging short-term risk of trichloroethene (TCE) and the subsequent Immediate Action Level guidance from the Secretaries' Science Advisory Board has affected the resource requirements on brownfields agreements and their monitoring. Because TCE is a common vapor intrusion contaminant with potential short-term impacts on human development as well as longer term impacts on human health, sites with TCE in groundwater or soil vapor are requiring 14 more assessment, more mitigation, and a higher level of effort from the Section and prospective developers than ever before to ensure risk mitigation. Through the BIL grant the Section has received, it will be able to purchase portable VOC monitoring equipment which is able to detect TCE at the necessary levels at or below the SAB Immediate Action level in real time. This will allow a significant technical advance in public health protection for sites with TCE vapor Intrusion issues. J. Fund Status The Section receives no state appropriation and exists through two funding sources: federal cooperative agreement funds and Section fee receipts. All of the brownfields fees charged by the Section are deposited into the Brownfields Property Reuse Act Implementation Account and used to fund the Section's operating costs as required under the statute. For the state fiscal reporting year from July 1, 4 through June 30, 2023, the Brownfields Property Reuse Act Implementation Account had a beginning balance of $2,884,878, fee receipts of $1,995,000 and disbursements of $1,694,444. This yields a state fiscal year 2023 ending fund balance of $3,185,434. From July 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023 (first half of Fiscal 2024), there has been revenue of $583,000 and disbursements of $695,224. Therefore, as of December 31.2023, the fund has a balance of $3,073,210. Table I-1 below shows the fund status for the last 6 years. Table 1. Brownfields Property Reuse Act Implementation Account Balances Date Fund Balance June 30, 2018 $2,528,388 June 30, 2019 $2,674,401 June 30, 2020 $2,433,134 June 30, 2021 $2,320,586 June 30, 2022 $2,884,878 June 30, 2023 $3,185,434 Dec. 31, 2023 $3,073,210 The statute authorizes fees equivalent to the cost to the state. The fund balance serves not only to generate brownfields agreements but also implementation and monitoring per the statute. For the long-term health of the fund, the Section is developing an appropriate fee increase that represents the cost to the state, as there has not been an increase since 2008. Regardless, the Section plans to continue to fully use its brownfields implementation account to increase its staff capacity as demand for brownfields agreements and their long-term stewardship continue to increase. K. Further Information For additional information on the Brownfields Program, please visit the Section's website at: www.ncbrownfields.org. The website contains a map of all completed and active sites in the program, which also serves as a portal to the electronic records for each site within the program. The Section also posts information about properties being redeveloped or other relevant programmatic news items via DEQ's Facebook and Twitter channels. 15 Chapter II: Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act A. Executive Summary As required by the Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act (DSCA) of 1997 and amendments (G.S. 143- 215.104A et seq.), this report provides an annual update on activities conducted in the DSCA program in fiscal year (FY) 2022-23. The DSCA of 1997 and its amendments created a fund for assessment and cleanup of dry-cleaning solvent environmental contamination at dry-cleaning and wholesale distribution facilities. It also authorized the program to develop and enforce rules relating to the prevention of dry- cleaning solvent releases at operating facilities. Since the start of the DSCA Program began, 562 sites with known or suspected dry-cleaning solvent contamination have been reported to DEQ's Division of Waste Management (DWM). Of these, 512 have been certified into the DSCA Program. During FY 2022-23, the DSCA Program continued to make significant progress in all aspects of program implementation. Highlights of DSCA's accomplishments in remediating sites, protecting human health, and preventing future releases, include: • Issuing No Further Action (NFA) notices for 4 remediated sites, with 10 additional sites identified as ready for NFA status; • Installing subslab depressurization systems at one business and one residence to address vapor intrusion; • Monitoring vapor mitigation systems and control measures at 22 residences and 38 businesses; • Maintaining well water filtration systems for five residences; • Issuing a total of 362 work authorizations to the program's independent contractors for work at certified sites; • Conducting 355 compliance inspections at 329 active dry cleaners; • Performing outreach visits to educate and assist new business owners/operators with environmental compliance; and • Distributing 166 perchloroethylene compliance calendars to assist with dry cleaners with record -keeping requirements. • Distributing 215 self -inspection packets to hydrocarbon dry cleaners. The DSCA Fund continues to be solvent with an end -of -fiscal year fund balance of approximately $14.5 million and encumbered funds totaling $7.4 million. The program is using its resources efficiently, and expenditures are closely monitored to ensure adequate funding is maintained. Additional funds will be encumbered in FY 2023-24 as new contracts are implemented. The fund balance is accruing in anticipation of funds needed for new contracts. Based on data regarding site cleanup costs in North Carolina and the nation, cleaning up the 512 sites that have been certified in DSCA will cost an estimated $256 million. DEQ estimates there may be as many as 1,500 contaminated dry- cleaning sites in North Carolina. Projected costs to clean up 50 percent of those sites are expected to exceed $375 million. To ensure that the program and funding remain viable to adequately address sites certified and new sites yet to be discovered, House Bill 399 was signed on Nov. 1, 2019, which extended the DSCA Program and funding for an additional 10 years. B. Program Activity The General Assembly enacted DSCA to 1) clean up contamination from dry-cleaning solvents at both retail dry cleaners and wholesale solvent distribution sites, and 2) protect human health and the environment by preventing future dry- cleaning solvent contamination. The department made significant progress during FY 2022-23 in implementing the cleanup and compliance components of DSCA. 1. Assessing Health Risk at Sites and Conducting Site Cleanups During the past fiscal year, DWM directed significant energy toward the assessment and remediation of sites with contamination from dry-cleaning solvents. DWM continued to implement initiatives to ensure the protection of human health by assessing and mitigating vapor intrusion (indoor air pollution from solvent contamination in the soil or groundwater) and providing clean water supplies to affected residents. During FY 2022-23, DWM staff and the program's three independent contractors performed the following activities: • screened sites for imminent hazards, such as threatened water supply wells and vapor intrusion into buildings; • abated indoor vapor hazards from contaminated soils and groundwater; • continued testing and maintenance of vapor mitigation systems installed at businesses and residences; • investigated active and abandoned dry-cleaning sites with potential dry-cleaning solvent contamination; 16 • provided temporary clean water supplies; • conducted comprehensive site assessments delineating the extent of contamination; • remediated contaminated soil; • remediated contaminated groundwater; • performed operation and maintenance of remediation systems; and • evaluated site risks and prepared sites for closure. 2. Sites in the Program Seventeen new sites were certified into DSCA during FY 2022-23 as compared to 23 sites in FY 2021-22. Table II--1 provides current and cumulative statistics for sites certified into the DSCA Program. A site becomes certified when a petitioner enters into an assessment and remediation agreement with DWM. Figure 1 depicts the number of contaminated dry-cleaning sites participating in the DSCA Program. A list of certified sites, along with current site status, is provided in Appendix A. Table 11--2 provides the distribution of certified sites by classification and operating facility size. Following certification, the risk to human health, safety and the environment are assessed, with specific emphasis on risk posed by contaminated well water and vapor intrusion into buildings. During FY 2022-23, the DSCA Program issued 362 authorizations and/or change orders to the program's independent contractors for work at certified sites, 258 of those were for assessment of impacted groundwater and/or vapor intrusion risk and 58 were for groundwater monitoring. Another 46 work authorizations issued were for interim actions such as soil excavation or installation of indoor air filtration units to mitigate vapor intrusion, operation and maintenance of remedial systems or water filtration systems, risk assessments and closure activities. The total number of work authorizations increased from 234 in FY 2021-2022 to 362 in FY 2022-23. Rules that establish a risk -based approach to assessing and cleaning up certified sites in the DSCA Program became effective on Oct. 1, 2007. These rules and associated guidance allow program staff to determine the risk posed to human health and the environment at each site and, if necessary, to calculate the appropriate cleanup levels for soil and groundwater. During FY 2022-23, DWM issued No Further Action (NFA) notices for 4 contaminated dry- cleaning sites in the program, bringing the total to 132 DSCA sites that have been given NFA status since the risk -based rules became effective in October 2007. DWM is recommending no further action at an additional 10 DSCA sites ("Sites Pending Closure" in Table 11--1). The program anticipates issuing between 4 and 7 NFA notices in the coming fiscal year. Preparing a site for No Further Action involves completing an assessment of the extent and magnitude of contamination, evaluating the risks posed by the contaminants, mitigating any unacceptable risks, remediating contamination as needed, ensuring stability of the groundwater contaminant plume, preparing a risk management plan, soliciting public input, and recording notices to ensure that site conditions remain protective. In accordance with DSCA statutes, the program provides the proposed risk management plan and associated notices to the appropriate local governments (counties and municipalities) and announces the availability of the plan to the public through local newspapers, direct mailings to property owners on or adjacent to the contamination site, and by posting a notice at the site. Table II-4. DSCA Certified Site Status (through June 30, 2023) Certification Status FY 2022-23 Cumulative Contaminated Sites 13 562 Certified 17 512 Determined Ineligible - 4 Not Certified - 46 Certified Sites Pending Closure 10 - Certified Sites Closed 4 132 17 Figure II --I. Known dry-cleaning solvent contaminated sites in North Carolina I FI r 0 zb °� �,• ti° �� tiff ��' �� ��' tib �'�• ti� �� ti° .yam tip' ■ Discovered Sites ■ Sites Certified in DSCA ■No Further Action Sites Table II--2. Classifications of DSCA Certified Sites (June 30, 2023) Classifications Number of Sites Percentage Abandoned 348 68 % Wholesale Distribution 3 1 % Operating 161 31 % Small Size 1-4 employees) 90 56 % Medium Size 5 - 9 employees) 41 25 % Large Size > 10 employees) 30 19 % Table II--3 provides a summary of the actions undertaken to address direct threats to human health and the environment. During FY 2022-23, the DWM continued to supply clean water to five residences where municipal water is not available. In total, the division has provided municipal water to 65 residences and 13 businesses that have had their water supply wells impacted or threatened by dry-cleaning solvent contamination from 22 DSCA sites. Table II--3. DSCA Site Cleanup Statistics Accomplishments FY 2022-23 Cumulative Water Supply Provided Municipal Water Connection - residences 2 65 Municipal Water Connection - businesses - 13 Temporary Water Supplied - residences 1 32 Temporary Water Supplied - businesses 1 7 Number of DSCA sites involved - 22 Vapor Intrusion VI Mitigated 18 VI Control System Installed - residences l 22 VI Control System Installed - businesses 1 92 Number of DSCA sites involved 2 70 Active Remediation Implemented Number of DSCA Soil Remediations Implemented 1 110 Number of DSCA sites involved 1 98 Number of DSCA Groundwater Remediations Implemented 1 77 Number of DSCA sites involved 1 56 Addressing indoor air pollution from tetrachloroethylene (PERC) releases and breakdown contaminants continues to be a high priority since many DSCA sites have occupied structures on or adjacent to PERC contamination. During FY 2022- 23, the program: • Installed subslab depressurization systems at one business and one residence to address vapor intrusion; Since 2006, DWM has installed vapor control measures at 92 businesses and 22 residences because of dry-cleaning solvent contamination from 70 DSCA sites. During FY 2022-23, the program monitored the effectiveness of groundwater remedies at 33 DSCA sites and maintained active groundwater remediation systems at three sites. During the life of the DSCA Program, DWM has implemented 110 soil cleanup actions at 98 DSCA sites and conducted 77 groundwater cleanup actions at 56 DSCA sites. 3. Site Prioritization System The DSCA Program requires that site cleanup disbursements be made on higher priority sites first. Data from the program's vapor intrusion investigations indicate that this type of direct human exposure is a threat at several DSCA sites. To ensure that this health concern receives appropriate attention, the program has revised its prioritization method to include potential indoor air threats. Due to the growing number of DSCA sites and the complex nature of assessing and remediating PERC contamination, the DSCA Program continues to evaluate and implement cost- efficient measures to ensure the fund's solvency. 4. Vapor Intrusion Among states with dry-cleaning programs, the North Carolina DSCA Program continues to work at the forefront in addressing vapor intrusion issues at dry-cleaning solvent -contaminated sites. Due to the volatility of PERC — one of the most common dry-cleaning solvents — the potential for vapor intrusion exists at many dry-cleaning sites. The DSCA Program has shared its large library of North Carolina vapor intrusion data with the EPA to supplement data it uses to establish attenuation factors and screening levels. The EPA welcomed North Carolina's data from commercial structures in the southeastern United States. An issue that continues to affect some contaminated dry-cleaning sites involves the presence of trichloroethylene (TCE) in indoor air. Not only is TCE a chemical produced by the breakdown of PERC in the environment, but TCE is also a spotting agent in the dry-cleaning industry as well as a common solvent in many industrial settings. At contaminated sites, health threats from volatile contaminants in indoor air are often associated with long-term (chronic) exposure to chemicals migrating from the subsurface into indoor air. Recent studies along with other toxicological information suggest that short-term (acute) exposure to TCE in indoor air may raise the risk for fetal heart malformation during the first trimester of pregnancy. Staff from the division's cleanup programs, including DSCA, worked with the department to develop protocols to promptly address acute exposure situations. When site data suggest that there is a potential for exposure to unacceptable levels of TCE in indoor air, staff provide immediate notification and educational resources to affected parties. The DSCA Program promptly mitigates risks to indoor air quality when dry-cleaning solvent contamination in the environment is causing unacceptable risks in indoor air. Since 2006, DWM has installed vapor control measures at 92 businesses and 22 residences because of dry-cleaning solvent contamination from 70 DSCA sites. DSCA is currently performing monitoring and maintenance of vapor mitigation systems and control measures at 22 residences and 38 businesses. 5. Investigation of Potential New Sites In 2007, DSCA was amended to allow the program to spend up to 1 percent of the DSCA fund balance each year to 19 investigate active and abandoned dry-cleaning sites that the program believes may be contaminated. If dry-cleaning solvent contamination is found, the potentially responsible party is given the choice of entering the program as a petitioner or allowing the site to be addressed under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch. If they choose the latter, the responsible party may be required to reimburse DSCA for the investigation costs. There has been an increase each year in the number of sites with potential dry-cleaning solvent contamination identified or referred for investigation. A number of these do not get investigated due to the spending limit for investigations. In July 2022, House Bill 103 was signed which included an amendment to DSCA, GS 143-215.104C (d) which increased the amount of the fund that can be used for investigation of contaminated sites to 3%. Under this provision, the program conducted a limited investigation at one potential dry-cleaning contaminated site during FY 2022-23. Since 2007, DSCA has investigated 124 sites for potential dry-cleaning solvent contamination, with 90 of those sites becoming certified into the program. The DSCA Program continues to partner with other agencies to identify new sites and coordinate assessment and cleanup efforts to ensure effective use of state resources. Data provided by DEQ's Underground Storage Tank Section, Brownfields Program, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch, Public Water Supply Section, and municipal environmental programs reveal monitoring wells and supply wells with contaminants that may be from dry-cleaning operations. DSCA staff compare contaminated well locations to known locations of more than 2,000 active and abandoned dry- cleaning facility sites to help identify potential dry-cleaning contaminant sources. The program also shares data and coordinates assessment and cleanup activities with other DWM programs, such as the Brownfields Program and Underground Storage Tanks Section, to ensure that remedial strategies are protective and implemented effectively. 6. Identified Contamination Sites A total of 562 sites known or suspected to be contaminated by dry-cleaning solvents have been reported to the department. The DSCA Program has certified 512 of these sites into the cleanup program, as noted in Table 11-1. Appendix A lists, by county, the sites with known or suspected dry-cleaning solvent contamination reported to the department and sites certified in the program. During FY 2022-23, the DSCA Program certified 17 new sites into the program. The program's 3 percent investigation allowance was used to identify contamination at one of the sites certified during the fiscal year. As noted above, the program anticipates that additional dry-cleaning solvent contamination sites will be discovered using the investigative allowance in FY 2023-24. 7. DSCA Contracts The program currently manages three contracts with state -lead environmental engineering firms, with a total end -of -fiscal year encumbrance of approximately $7.4 million. The contracts establish terms and conditions under which qualified environmental engineering firms to assess and remediate contaminated dry-cleaning sites in the DSCA Program. 8. Customer Service Initiatives During FY 2022-23, the program continued to promote the DEQ mission of excellent customer service by making public records more accessible, providing easy access to DSCA site locations, engaging communities affected by dry-cleaning solvent contamination, assisting property owners, lenders and interested parties with property transactions and sharing program updates with interested stakeholders on a regular basis. The program uses its website to provide a variety of information including, but not limited to maps, public records access, forms, rules and statutes, updates on sites of interest, stakeholder meeting information, and staff contact information. a. Public Records i. Improving the accessibility to public records has been a high priority for all DWM programs. To date, all the DSCA Program's current and legacy records have been digitized, and the frequently requested document types have been uploaded to the Laserfiche document management system. Laserfiche is available through DEQ's and DWM's websites and allows users the ability to search and download public records. ii. In FY 2023-24, the DSCA Program will launch efforts to enter all site laboratory data and results into the online EQuIS environmental data management system. b. Site Location Information The availability of site location information is important to the public and many decision- makers, including property buyers and sellers, lenders, municipalities, and state and local environmental programs. The program continues to maintain location data on a web -based map viewer on the DWM website. In addition, the program has consistently supported and been involved in the development of DWM's well -permitting support system, which is an online site FA locator tool based on the ARC-GIS Online platform. c. Meetings and Presentations The division continues to encourage stakeholder involvement in the DSCA Program. The existing stakeholder group is comprised of representatives from the dry-cleaning industry, environmental organizations, attorneys, environmental consultants, and the public. Program representatives hold semi-annual meetings to report on accomplishments and initiatives, solicit feedback on topics that affect the program and present remediation projects of interest to the attendees. Virtual stakeholder meetings were held in November 2022 and May 2023. In upcoming FY 2023-24, it is anticipated that stakeholder meetings will continue to be held virtually or will be a hybrid of in -person and virtual meetings. The virtual stakeholder meetings have increased participation since stakeholders, particularly dry cleaner owners/operators can participate from their hometowns and do not have leave their businesses to travel to Raleigh to attend. The DSCA Program continues to participate as one of the original members of the State Coalition for the Remediation of Drycleaners (SCRD). The coalition was established in 1998, with support from the EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives from 13 states with established dry-cleaning remediation programs, and 12 additional states with representatives who are considering developing a dry- cleaning remediation program or are managing dry-cleaner remediation under other authorities. The coalition conducts regular conference calls throughout the year to provide a forum to share and discuss program information, remediation technologies, case studies, state initiatives, or state and federal hot topics. d. Property Assistance The DSCA Program provides continuous assistance to property owners, prospective buyers/developers, lenders and interested parties to facilitate transactions which provide for the reuse of contaminated property. Correspondence and phone calls are frequently provided to explain the DSCA Program or the status of a site already in the program which allows a comfort level to interested parties to move forward with property transactions. C. Facility Compliance The Environmental Management Commission has been authorized under the Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act to develop rules that operating dry-cleaning facilities must follow to prevent environmental contamination by dry-cleaning solvents. During FY 2022-23, the DSCA Program had three inspectors performing outreach visits, inspections and enforcement at dry-cleaning facilities and wholesale distribution facilities statewide. In addition to the program's Minimum Management Practices (MMP) regulations, enforcement authority is delegated to the DWM for violations of applicable air quality rules. The division's, Hazardous Waste Section has granted authority to the DSCA Compliance Program to inspect dry cleaners for compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Hazardous Waste regulations. This allows one program in DEQ to ensure compliance with all environmental regulatory requirements and gives dry- cleaners and the public a single DEQ point -of -contact for compliance questions or concerns. 1. Educational Assistance Visits During FY 2022-23, DWM inspectors did not conduct any educational assistance visits at active dry-cleaning facilities. Typically, outreach visits in the program currently are conducted when a new owner/operator takes over a facility or a new facility opens. The dry-cleaning industry is declining or stable and there are not new facilities opening on a regular basis. However, during routine inspections, DWM inspectors educate facility owners and operators on a variety of topics including record keeping, waste storage, filter changes, etc. To date, DSCA inspectors performed 86 educational outreach visits at active dry-cleaners — many of which had not previously been inspected by a DEQ program. These outreach visits were mainly conducted when the compliance program was implemented and in the immediate years afterward (2012- 2015) to familiarize the facilities with new regulations. This outreach educates owners and operators regarding the MMPs, hazardous waste and air quality regulations. 2. Inspections and Enforcement The DSCA Program conducts unannounced, full compliance inspections at regulated dry-cleaning facilities and wholesale 21 distribution facilities to ensure that dry-cleaning facilities are compliant with all applicable regulations. In setting inspection priorities, the program considers multiple factors including facility- specific compliance history, business owner/operator changes, emerging solvents or equipment, and regulatory changes at the federal, state, or municipal level. At the beginning of FY 2022-23, there were 376 dry-cleaning facilities subject to inspection by the DSCA Program. At the close of FY 2022-2023, there were 358 dry-cleaning facilities subject to inspection by the DSCA Program. The number of dry-cleaning facilities operating continues to decline and many of the cleaners are switching to solvents that are not subject to inspection by the DSCA Program. The goal of the compliance program is to inspect facilities at a minimum of once every 2 years. In May 2022, a self - inspection checklist and process was developed for dry-cleaning facilities using hydrocarbon solvents. These facilities pose less of a threat to the environment than facilities using perchloroethylene solvent and compliance can be managed in a more efficient manner allowing inspectors to concentrate on perchloroethylene cleaners. Following implementation of this self -inspection process for hydrocarbon dry-cleaning facilities, the goal will be to inspect all perchloroethylene dry- cleaning facilities at a minimum once a year. During FY 2022-23, the DSCA Program staff conducted 355 inspections at 329 facilities. Some facilities require repeat visits accounting for the difference of 26 inspections/facilities. This inspection rate represents a 38% increase in the number of inspections compared to FY 2021-2022. Common violations identified were the failure to install spill containment under dry-cleaning machines and waste solvent storage areas, failure to seal waste solvent containers, failure to inspect dry- cleaning equipment, and failure to record and maintain National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants recordkeeping logs. To be eligible to participate in the DSCA Program, all operating dry-cleaning facilities and wholesale distribution facilities must be compliant with the DSCA MMPs. During FY 2022-23, DSCA staff inspected 5 active facilities seeking entry into the cleanup program and 27 certified active facilities to ensure that cleanup funds are being used at facilities where owners and operators are diligent about preventing future dry-cleaning solvent releases. 3. Additional Compliance Outreach The DSCA Compliance Unit continues to evaluate and implement enhancements to improve compliance rates among the regulated community. Since 2007, the DSCA Program has produced a PERC compliance calendar that provides all applicable rules, recordkeeping, guidance, and reference information in one document for the convenience of facility owners and operators. The calendar has received positive reviews from North Carolina dry-cleaners and industry officials in other states, where it has been praised for its comprehensive scope and functionality. In FY 2022-23, the program mailed or hand -delivered approximately 166 PERC calendars to dry-cleaning facilities statewide for the 2022 calendar year. The calendars include instructions in Spanish and Korean. Since the 2016 calendar year, the program had also produced a petroleum solvent compliance calendar for cleaners who operate dry-cleaning machines that use regulated petroleum solvent. Through collaboration with stakeholders and DEQ small business assistance personnel, it was determined that a self -inspection checklist required to be submitted annually by dry-cleaning facilities using regulated petroleum solvent could be an efficient way to manage compliance at these facilities that pose less of a threat to the environment regarding contamination. The self -inspection checklist will be used by the compliance inspectors to prioritize inspections at these facilities. Submission of the checklist does not exclude any facility from inspection by the DSCA Program and it is still the goal of the program to inspect these facilities at a minimum once every two years. In FY 2022-23, the program mailed or hand -delivered approximately 215 self -inspection checklist packets to dry-cleaning facilities statewide to be returned January 2024. The packets also included informational materials, such as an emergency information form, facility change status form, regional inspector map, etc., to assist dry- cleaning facilities with compliance. The packets are also available in Spanish and Korean. 22 The DSCA Program has access to a hazardous waste inspector who speaks Korean fluently and translates outreach materials and regulations to better serve North Carolina's regulated community. Reducing language and cultural barriers help improve communication and compliance among Korean -speaking dry-cleaning owners and operators. The Korean - speaking members of the dry-cleaning community have responded very positively to DSCA's efforts to improve communication. The program continues to evaluate ways to better enable compliance among all North Carolina dry- cleaners and wholesale distribution facilities. D. Program Financial Status and Projections 1. Fund Receipts and Disbursements The primary funding sources for the dry-cleaning solvent cleanup fund are a tax on dry-cleaning solvents, the state portion of the current sales tax on dry-cleaning, and co -payments from petitioners participating in the cleanup program. Disbursements consist primarily of payments to the program's independent contractors for site assessment and remediation and program administration costs. DSCA Fund receipts and disbursements for the FY 2022-23 and for the life of the DSCA Program are shown in Table II-4. Table II-4. DSCA Fund through Fiscal Year 2022-23 Receipts FY 2022-23 Duration of Pro ram Solvent Tax Revenue $ 97,997.61 $ 12,580,989.50 Sales Tax Revenue $ 8,263,219.84 $ 162,031,570.12 Petitioner Payments $ 104,739.87 $ 2,265,543.73 Miscellaneous $ 0 $ 195,051.93 Rebate $ 0 $ 28,870.11 Interest $ 0 $ 7,522,262.17 TOTAL $ 8,465,957.32 $ 184,624,287.56 Disbursements Dept. of Revenuel $ 0 $ 57,272.02 Petitioner Reimbursements $ 0 $ 1,963,993.23 Contracts $ 6,016,455.04 $ 132,107,502.01 Well Permit Fees $ 64,940.00 $ 796,530.00 Hazardous Waste Fees $ 84,350.00 $ 1,971,178.41 Transfer to Inactive Hazardous Sites $ 0 $ 400,000.00 Transfer to Green Square Project $ 0 $ 1,291,035.00 Transfer — Budget Shortfall $ 0 $ 6,475,812.93 DEQ Administration $ 1,491,315.00 $ 25,030,355.05 TOTAL $ 7,657,060.04 $ 170,093,678.65 Fund Balance $ 14,530,608.91 Funds Encumbered in Contracts $ 7,359,145.72 1 Represents the actual amount charged by the N.C. Department of Revenue for its expenses. The Department of Revenue is authorized by DSCA to charge no more than $125,000 per year. 2. Estimated Future Assessment and Remediation Expenditures During FY 2022-23, fund expenditures directly related to the implementation of DSCA was like the previous fiscal year (see DSCA-Related Disbursements in Table II--5 and Figure 2). The DSCA Program closely monitors expenditures to ensure adequate funding is maintained to assess all sites, perform mitigation and remediation activities when needed, and move sites toward closure. Site work expenditures have reduced the fund balance from its peak of $37.6 million in 2008 to a low of $5.6 million in 2016. DSCA Fund receipts for the past thirteen years have been relatively stable, ranging between approximately $8 million and $9 million per year. The total FY 2022-23 receipts from the solvent tax, sales and 23 use tax, and petitioner payments increased approximately 6% from the FY 2021-22 receipts, compared to a decrease of approximately 9% the previous fiscal year. The DSCA Fund receipts for FY 2023-24 are expected to be relatively stable and like FY 2022-23. Table II--5. Historic DSCA Fund Statistics Fiscal Year Receipts Total Disbursements DSCA-Related Disbursements Fund Balance FY 03-04 9,487,233.94 489,024.96 489,024.96 13,547,987.50 FY 04-05 9,660,612.84 1,806,911.93 1,806,911.93 21,401,688.41 FY 05-06 9,913,615.29 2,126,835.62 2,126,835.62 29,188,468.08 FY 06-07 10,687,669.06 4,184,051.63 4,184,051.63 35,692,085.50 FY 07-08 10,307,477.83 8,413,240.75 8,413,240.75 37,586,322.59 FY 08-09* 9,513,473.12 22,818,089.84 14,803,890.84 24,281,705.87 FY 09-10* 8,147,167.40 16,812,337.01 16,808,702.01 15,658,644.76 FY 10-11* 8,627,803.92 11,371,154.52 11,222,140.59 12,915,294.16 FY 11-12 9,124,256.44 8,208,478.47 8,208,478.47 13,859,866.72 FY 12-13 8,580,621.94 9,835,705.15 9,835,705.15 12,604,783.26 FY 13-14 8,190,699.90 11,958,967.35 11,958,967.35 8,836,516.06 FY 14-15 8,181,706.31 10,939,433.40 10,939,433.40 6,078,788.97 FY 15-16 8,284,815.52 8,741,519.44 8,741,519.44 5,622,085.05 FY 16-17 8,393,644.71 7,349,688.20 7,349,688.20 6,666,041.56 FY 17-18 8,681,394.03 7,429,454.53 7,429,454.53 7,917,981.06 FY 18-19 9,063,204.11 7,801,661.38 7,801,661.38 9,179,523.79 FY 19-20 9,180,783.26 7,970,265.54 7,970,265.54 10,390,041.51 FY 20-21 8,717,494.34 5,841,099.71 5,841,099.71 13,266,436.14 FY 21-22 7,969,523.95 7,514,248.46 7,514,248.46 13,721,711.63 FY 22-23 8,465,957.32 7,657,060.04 7,657,060.04 14,530,608.91 * Difference in total disbursements and DSCA-related disbursements due to non- DSCA-related fund transfers. 24 $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $5 $0 Figure II--2. DSCA Fund Trends r 1 1 � r 000, Nor m" 090 ge 00 , --..000 R?` °h o� °� °� og �° �� 1ti ti� �� tih �`° 1� N% \11 ,y° ,yti titi tip' ' °�o' ' ' ' �o tiff �ti �'�' '�+\' tiI �a' .y°' tiN tip' Receipts Disbursements — — Fund Balance Using the DSCA Program's state -lead cleanup costs and national estimates of total average costs to clean up contaminated dry-cleaning sites, the program can project the estimated costs to address the sites currently certified in the DSCA Program. Using an estimated average total cleanup cost of $500,000 per site, it will take more than $256 million (not including DEQ's administrative costs) to address the 512 sites that have been certified in the program. Based on data from the N.C. Department of Labor, there are at least 2,000 active and abandoned dry- cleaning facilities in the state. Investigations performed across the nation indicate that contamination is present in at least 75 percent of all dry-cleaning operations. Applying this percentage to the number of current and former facilities in North Carolina, a total of 1,500 contaminated sites may be present, equaling an estimated $750 million in cleanup costs. If only 50 percent of these contaminated sites are accepted into the DSCA Program, the projected total cleanup cost (adjusted for inflation) would be approximately $375 million. E. DSCA Administrative Costs According to DSCA, up to 20 percent of annual revenues deposited into the fund may be used by DEQ and the North Carolina Attorney General's Office to administer the program. The administrative costs -to- revenue ratio has been relatively steady, fluctuating between 17 and 19 percent since FY 2018-19 and is shown in Figure I1--3. The current administrative cost -to -revenue ratio is at 17.6 percent and is expected to slightly increase or in the coming fiscal year. The dry-cleaning industry is declining in general and is accelerated with the aftereffects of COVID. As the DSCA fund revenues decrease because of a decrease in receipts, the administrative costs -to -revenue ratio may increase in the future. If the 20 percent of annual revenues to administer the program is not adequate in the future, a legislative change to increase the administrative percentage may be necessary. 25 Figure II--3. DSCA Administrative Expenses DSCA Administrative Expenses 25% 200/0 15% 100/0 5% N c° LO `,N `d ° titi F� Fk qk Fy F� Fk ZZkti� <kti° <kti�atiFkti� Fy�� Fyti°' Fytiqk <ktiti ♦Administrative Expenses Percentage -Administrative Cap F. Actions to Ensure Fund Solvency Between 2008 until 2011, the increased expenditures on -site cleanups had substantially reduced the fund balance (Figure 2). The program continues to experience an increase in the number of sites petitioning into the cleanup program, along with an increase in vapor intrusion -related assessment and mitigation. As demonstrated during previous years, the program continues to closely monitor and adjust expenditures to ensure that funds are available to address certified sites. The DSCA Program's prioritization strategy ensures that sites requiring remediation are addressed in priority order while maintaining fund solvency. As noted above, total collections for FY 2022-23 were approximately $8.5 million. The fund has a balance of approximately $14.5 million, with contract monies encumbered or pending encumbrance totaling $7.4 million. The DSCA Fund is solvent. The remaining fund balance is expected to be encumbered in new contracts in FY 2023-24. The DSCA Program implements measures to closely monitor expenditures and prioritize spending at identified dry- cleaning contaminated sites to ensure that potentially reduced funds are sufficient to address risk to human health and safety. The DSCA Program is entirely receipt funded by taxes on dry-cleaning solvents and the dry-cleaning related sales and use tax. These taxes are appropriately used to assess and remediate dry-cleaning solvent contamination. Given the DSCA Program's broad support by the dry-cleaning industry and its success in cleaning up contaminated dry-cleaning sites, mitigating risks and preventing future releases, legislation was signed Nov. 1, 2019, to extend the program and the funding for an additional 10 years. The sunset date for the DSCA Program is now Jan. 1, 2032. The dry-cleaning solvent tax was extended to Jan. 1, 2030, and the sales and use tax transfer was extended to July 1, 2030. The DSCA Program provides a cost-effective means of protecting the public and the environment from risks posed by dry-cleaning solvent contamination and provides property owners and dry cleaners the opportunity to allow site contamination to be remediated at costs that they can afford. ►�. G. Program Challenges Over the past decade, contaminant vapor intrusion has been a focal point for the DSCA Program as discussed in Section B.4. The DSCA Program is a leader in rapid response to address vapor intrusion issues across North Carolina at DSCA sites and assists other programs with technical expertise when needed. Typically, within 24 hours of verifying contaminant concentrations in indoor air that exceed the inhalation action level, the DSCA Program staff is on -site deploying air handling units to immediately to reduce exposures to below the action levels. This scenario occurs approximately 10 times a year. The DSCA Program then develops a plan to address vapor intrusion on a more permanent basis through remediation or installation of a more robust mitigation system. Not every DSCA site requires rapid response to vapor intrusion because the contaminant levels in indoor air do not exceed immediate action levels. However, vapor intrusion is an issue that is addressed by the DSCA Program at approximately 80 percent of its sites to protect against current and future exposure to potential vapor intrusion contaminants. The DSCA Program meets the challenges of vapor intrusion by remaining at the forefront of technical assessment and mitigation of sites and has set the standard for innovative sampling techniques and the collection of data to assist EPA with vapor intrusion guidance. 27 Chapter III: Hazardous Waste Program A. Executive Summary This annual report describes the activities of North Carolina's Hazardous Waste Management Program, Resident Inspector Program, and Mercury Switch Removal Program for state fiscal year (FY) from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. It is prepared pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-294(i) and is presented to the General Assembly and its Fiscal Research Division. North Carolina's Hazardous Waste Management Program protects human health and the environment from the risks presented by the potential mismanagement of hazardous waste. • Hazardous waste received by the nine commercial hazardous waste facilities in North Carolina in FY 2022-23 amounted to 32,026.47 tons. The hazardous waste received data is from the Resident Inspector Program. • Hazardous waste generated by businesses and industries in North Carolina in FY 2022-23 totaled approximately 137,718 tons. Hazardous waste generated data is from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Resource Conservation Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo) database system. • The number of small quantity generators (SQGs) decreased while the number of very small quantity generators (VSQGs) increased in FY 2022-23. The quantity of hazardous waste generated by these facilities is not available since there is no regulatory requirement for these facilities to report hazardous waste generated. • Inspection, compliance assistance, and enforcement activities at hazardous waste facilities resulted in the safe management of an estimated 9,090 gallons and 78,484 pounds of hazardous waste, 109,522 gallons and 26,658 pounds of non -hazardous waste, 3,399 gallons of used oil, 60,215 pounds of used oil contaminated soil, 10 pounds of universal waste, 603 gallons of waste asbestos and 831,600 pounds of waste solar panels. In addition, the program continues to make significant progress in cleaning up contamination at permitted hazardous waste management facilities. The national goal is for final remedies to be constructed and fully operational at 95 percent of these facilities nationally; although, this does not necessarily mean remediation will have been completed. Currently, in North Carolina, 71 percent of facilities have had a remedy constructed. It is important to note that after a stable universe of facilities for many years, three (3) additional facilities have been added to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) universe since FY 2022-23. B. Hazardous Waste Management Program North Carolina was authorized to implement the federal hazardous waste regulatory program in lieu of the EPA in 1980. Federal authorization is the process through which EPA delegates primary program implementation and enforcement responsibility to states while maintaining an oversight role to ensure national consistency. The federal program, established under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Subtitle C, regulates the generation, transport, treatment, storage, disposal, and recycling of hazardous waste. The program also governs the environmental remediation of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities that have been contaminated by prior waste management activities. The North Carolina hazardous waste program is administered and enforced by DEQ's Division of Waste Management's Hazardous Waste Section. 1. Hazardous Waste Generation, Management, and Remediation a. Generation Hazardous waste is defined as industrial material destined for disposal or recycling that may be ignitable, corrosive, reactive, and/or toxic and, as such, poses a risk to human health and the environment if improperly managed. The comprehensive hazardous waste generation data is available biennially through RCRA Info (see Information Management Section). In FY 2022-23, there were approximately 406 (as of January 25, 2024, source RCRAInfo) North Carolina large quantity generators'. The amount of hazardous waste generated in FY 2022-23 was approximately 137,718 tons. 1 Large quantity generators generate any of the following amounts in a calendar month: greater than or equal to 1,000 kg of non -acute hazardous waste, or greater than 1 kg of acute hazardous waste, or greater than 100 kg of any residue from a cleanup of acute hazardous waste. 1: In FY 2022-23, there were approximately 1,330 (as of January 25, 2024) small quantity generators2 in North Carolina and 6,199 (as of January 25, 2024) very small quantity generators3. These generators are subject to reduced reporting and regulatory requirements because they are often small businesses for whom periodic reporting could be overly burdensome. They are also subject to reduced reporting because the amounts of waste generated at each site are less likely to present significant risks to human health and the environment. However, these facilities collectively generate a significant amount of hazardous waste that must be managed properly and in compliance with applicable rules. Significant resources are devoted to technical assistance, outreach, and compliance activities at these facilities. Staff conduct compliance assistance visits or other types of inspections as a way of outreach to help facilities comply with the RCRA hazardous waste regulations. b. Management Comprehensive hazardous waste generation data is available biennially. In FY 2022-23, North Carolina's nine commercial hazardous waste facilities4 received and processed 32,026.47 tons of hazardous waste from offsite generators. c. Remediation There are 72 active hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal, and corrective action facilities in North Carolina. They are permitted RCRA facilities. Each facility is governed by a permit, an enforceable order, or another operational control mechanism for the management and/or remediation of hazardous waste. There are 86 facilities (3 new facilities added since FY2022-2023) subject to the RCRA Corrective Action Program, which addresses the remediation of environmental contamination at permitted hazardous waste facilities. These 86 facilities are sites with waste releases that must be remediated and include Federal Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments -only sites that are no longer active facilities but have permits to remedy past releases. The Hazardous Waste Program tracks the remediation progress at these sites using five environmental indicators: • Human exposure controlled • Groundwater contamination controlled • Cleanup remedy constructed • Ready for Anticipated Use • Remedy completed The program continues to make significant progress in overseeing the remediation of contamination at permitted hazardous waste management facilities. The national goal is for 95 percent of these facilities to meet three EPA environmental indicator priorities. Currently, in North Carolina, 95 percent of facilities have human exposure controlled, 91 percent have groundwater contamination controlled and 66 percent have a remedy constructed. It is important to note that beginning FY 2022-2023 EPA has granted states the ability to add sites to the RCRA Corrective Action Universe, which reflects lower completion percentages in comparison with previous years. In addition, EPA set goals of 32 percent of the facilities completing all remediation and identifying facilities that are Ready for Anticipated Use (RAU CA800). Currently, 27 percent of North Carolina facilities have all hazardous waste remediation completed. The Hazardous Waste Section summary of corrective action at RCRA facilities is summarized in the table. z Small quantity generators generate any of the following amounts in a calendar month: greater than 100 kg but less than 1,000 kg of non -acute hazardous waste, and less than or equal to 1 kg of acute hazardous waste, and less than or equal to 100 kg of any residue from a cleanup of acute hazardous waste. 3 Very small quantity generators generate less than or equal to the following amounts in a calendar month: 100 kg or non -acute hazardous waste, and 1 kg of acute hazardous waste, and 100 kg of any residue from a cleanup of acute hazardous waste. 4 Commercial hazardous waste facilities are permitted facilities that receive hazardous waste from off- site generators and store, treat, and dispose of hazardous waste. 29 Table III-1 Corrective Action at RCRA facilities CA900 CA CA725 Performance Current CA750 Standards Human Groundwater CA800 Attained/ RCRA Corrective CA050 Exposures Releases CA550 Ready for CA999 CA Action Universe Assessment Under Control Controlled Remedy Anticipated Process Tracking' Completed' Determination? Determination$ Constructiod Use10 Terminated' FY 2022-23 0 0 0 0 1 2 Accomplishments Total 84 82 78 57 14 23 Accomplishments through FY 2022- 2023 State % Final 98% 95% 91% 66% 16% 27% (Cumulative / Baseline Goal 95% Strategy to achieve the goals: The Facility Management Branch (FMB) evaluates and projects RCRA Corrective Action goals multiple times per year: during the EPA Work Plan development stage, at the EPA End -of -Year Reporting stage, at each review, and during the regular supervisor/employee meetings. Facilities that have not met the Human Exposures Controlled and Groundwater Contamination Controlled projections have been evaluated and have been notified concerning information needed to meet the goals, including the newly permitted facilities. The Remedy Constructed (CA550) indicator is very dependent on the facility, not necessarily the Hazardous Waste Project Manager. The facility team needs to have conducted a sufficient job assessing the contamination before they can propose and implement what could be considered a final remedy. One needs to remember that fully assessing groundwater contamination and remediating groundwater contamination is not an easy or inexpensive task. The Remedy Constructed indicator requires extensive discussions between the FMB and subject facilities to identify and approve remedies that are protective of human health and the environment and meet the appropriate media standards. The selection of the proper remedy and implementation of the remedy may require a large investment of time and money at each facility. For the s The universe of current Corrective Action facilities is 86. Three added since FY 2022-2023. 6 The event by which the RFA is completed. The event by which the State verifies that the current human exposures are under control. a The event by which the State verifies that the migration of contaminated groundwater is under control. 9 Remedy construction may also acknowledge the event where no remedy is constructed and/or where final remedy construction has been deferred in specified operating areas at the facility as long as certain criteria are met. The event when the State acknowledges in writing that the RCRA facility has completed construction of a facility's remedy that was designed to achieve long-term protection of human health and the environment and that the remedy is fully functional as designed, whether or not final cleanup levels or other requirements have been achieved. " This code is not equivalent to a no further action decision or final cleanup of a facility. The event by which the State makes an RAU determination and completes an RAU form. The RAU milestone is achieved when a piece of property can be safely used for an anticipated use and, depending upon the anticipated future use, may not require a facility -wide construction complete determination. i i CA900 - This event indicates remedies selected for the protection of human health and the environment standard have been fully implemented and associated performance standards have been attained at the entire facility or specific areas within the facility. CA999 - This event indicates the completion of the corrective action process for the entire facility or for areas at the facility; that active remedial measures as specified in the RCRA permit or enforcement order are completed, and that all obligations with respect to compliance with 40 CFR Part 264.101 or equivalent State requirements with respect to known Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) or Areas or Concern have been met. 30 FMB to meet the goal of 95 percent, no more than four facilities can miss the goal. EPA is aware that it is unlikely that the FMB will meet the 95 percent Remedy Constructed goal. However, the FMB continues working to meet these goals. The FMB continues to evaluate facilities that appear to have the necessary elements required for the Ready for Anticipated Use (RAU CA800). Once evaluated and a positive RAU CA800 is determined, the proper forms will be completed. To meet the All RCRA Remediation Complete goal, a facility must meet the appropriate clean-up standards for all media: soil, groundwater, surface water, and air. Typically, groundwater cleanup is a multi -decade process, depending on the constituents and concentrations that need to be remediated. However, the Risk -Based Remediation of Industrial Sites legislation enacted through Session Law 2011-186 and revised by Session Law 2015-286 allows for a risk -based approach to the soil, groundwater, and air standards as long as the remedy still provides for the protection of human health and the environment. 2. Compliance and Enforcement The Hazardous Waste Program is responsible for implementing inspection, compliance, and enforcement activities. The environmental benefits achieved through compliance and enforcement activities are identified each year to measure the overall success of the program in meeting environmental goals. During FY 2022-23, the Section's actions ensured the safe management of an estimated 9,090 gallons and 78,484 pounds of hazardous waste, 109,522 gallons and 26,658 pounds of non -hazardous waste, 3,399 gallons of used oil, 60,215 pounds of used oil contaminated soil, 10 pounds of universal waste, 603 gallons of waste asbestos and 831,600 pounds of waste solar panels, which otherwise may have been mismanaged. These actions also ensured the protection of staff at affected facilities, emergency responders, nearby general public, and environmental receptors who could have been adversely affected by mismanaged waste. 3. Information Management Comprehensive information about North Carolina's hazardous waste facilities is entered and stored in the national hazardous waste database known as Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo) a system that gives EPA and state environmental staff access to RCRA and Biennial Report information. The RCRAInfo database was developed by and is managed by the EPA. The state's data is entered into the database and maintained by Hazardous Waste Section staff. RCRAInfo contains comprehensive information on facilities that generate and/or manage hazardous waste in the state as well as all the Hazardous Waste Section's activities affecting these facilities. To view RCRAInfo, visit https:Henviro.epa.gov/envirofacts/rcrainfo/search. To view environmental information for specific hazardous waste sites in North Carolina, visit https:Henviro.epa.gov/. To view biennial report information, visit https:Henviro.epa.gov/envirofacts/br/search. For details about the DEQ Division of Waste Management and its Hazardous Waste Section, visit the division's website: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management, or the Section's website: https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/hazardous-waste-section. 4. Hazardous Waste Program Development The Hazardous Waste Program will continue to ensure safe hazardous waste management in North Carolina by: Supporting opportunities for waste minimization, including source reduction and recycling, as well as supporting annual generator workshops that educate hazardous waste generators about hazardous waste regulations to help these generators achieve and maintain compliance. Maintaining a variety of easily accessible online guidance documents to educate all generators about hazardous waste regulations that help them achieve and maintain compliance. Visit the Section's Guidance Documents website: https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/hazardous-waste-section/technical-assistance-and-guidance- documents. Continuing to seek EPA authorization to maintain the Section's authority to implement the federal program. Maintaining high -quality hazardous waste data for hazardous waste trend analysis and sound decision -making. Utilizing the EPA's RCRA Integrated Targeted Assistant (RITA) online dashboard that incorporates the Section's data to identify potential at -risk facilities. Participating in the EPA rulemaking process. Examples include the automatic incorporation of the Modernizing Ignitable Liquids Determination rule (effective on the federal level and in North Carolina on September 8, 2020. 5. Hazardous Waste Reduction Initiatives The Hazardous Waste Section promotes waste minimization, including source reduction and recycling in all its programs. Some of these activities include: 31 Incorporating pollution prevention and sustainable materials management training into annual generator workshops, industry meetings, and enforcement settlement negotiations. Reviewing facility requests for alternative management practices for hazardous waste (use/reuse, reclamation, substitution, reclassification, and delisting). Ensuring that generators continue to develop programs to minimize or reduce the volume and quantity or toxicity of hazardous waste when staff conduct compliance assistance visits and during facility inspections. 6. Cost of Hazardous Waste Management Program Table III-2 Hazardous Waste Legislative Report Financials J ly 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 Receipts Appropriations Federal TOTALS Salary and Fringe $2,518,327.56 0.00 $2,147,896.28 $4,666,223.84 Purchased Services $79,116.77 0.00 $463,925.31 $543,042.08 Supplies $11,667.91 0.00 $7,282.73 $18,950.64 Property Plant and Equipment $1,021.33 0.00 $11,500.36 $12,521.69 Other Expenses and Adjustments $31,405.00 0.00 $192,447.13 $223,852.13 Intragovernmental Transfers $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS $2,641,538.57 0.00 $2,823,051.81 $5,464,590.38 C. Resident Inspector Program 1. Executive Summary The Resident Inspector Program has been operating for more than 26 years and is administered by the DEQ, Division of Waste Management, Hazardous Waste Section. The program uses a multimedia approach during required regulatory inspections involving hazardous waste management and treatment requirements, workplace safety, air emissions requirements, and wastewater treatment and discharge requirements. Resident inspectors also evaluate commercial hazardous waste facilities for potential violations in other regulatory areas, such as the North Carolina Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Act and the North Carolina Department of Transportation's hazardous materials transportation regulations. The program inspected the state's nine permitted commercial hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities during this period. For FY 2022-23, the Resident Inspector Program operated with a staff of five (5) positions paid from the commercial hazardous waste facility fees. The program's operating fee -based budget collected $423,767.89 and program expenses totaled $492,496.48. Program staff conducted 422 multi -media inspections with two (2) notices of violation and one (1) notice of deficiency. 2. Program Description The Resident Inspector Program was established "... to enhance the ability of the department to protect public health and the environment by providing the department with the authority and resources necessary to maintain a rigorous inspection and enforcement program at commercial hazardous waste facilities" [G.S. 130A-295.02(f)]. The program monitors all aspects of commercial hazardous waste facilities in North Carolina, provides facility support through assistance and education, assures compliance with laws and rules administered by NCDEQ, and may include enforcement of laws or rules administered by any other state agency through a memorandum of agreement. The Resident Inspector Program is part of the Hazardous Waste Section's Compliance Branch. For FY 2022-23, the program was comprised of three resident inspector positions, one administrative assistant, and one (half-time) program supervisor. 32 During FY 2022-23, Resident Inspector Program staff conducted 422 multimedia inspections at North Carolina's nine commercial hazardous waste treatment and storage and disposal facilities. This performance met the statute -mandated minimum of 422 inspections. [See Table III-3 for details.] 3. Program Funding The Resident Inspector Program is intended to be funded solely by fees collected from commercial hazardous waste facilities [G.S. 130A-295.02(h)]. These fees are based on each facility's category ranking and the volume (tons) of hazardous waste received. For FY 2022-23, facility ranking fees totaled $281,052 same and tonnage fees ($4.50 per ton) equaled $143,125.04. [See Table III-3.1 The program's expenses totaled $492,496.48. 4. Program Results Resident inspectors offer compliance assistance routinely — often in the form of education, technical assistance, and recommendations or comments during the site visits. Since the inspectors visit these facilities at least twice a month, they become familiar with facility management, operations, and site conditions. Inspection rates are based on facility ranking, which is based on the facility's size, what type of treatment they do, what type of waste they manage and how much, their enforcement history, their locations, and what reclamation they may conduct. Resident inspectors visit these sites two (2) to six (6) times per month, depending on the facility's ranking. Resident inspectors can easily identify potential problem areas and work with the facility toward a permanent solution. If a facility begins to have operational or compliance problems, the inspector reviews these problem areas during each visit to provide assistance and keep the facility's compliance awareness high. Inspectors communicate frequently with facility management and front- line workers to address conditions or behaviors before they become a compliance issue. The inspectors also communicate to clarify permit conditions and current regulatory requirements and explain the reasons for the requirements as well as the potential risks and costs of noncompliance. During the past fiscal year, resident inspectors issued two (2) notices of violation and one (1) notice of deficiency. [See Table III-3 for details.] The Resident Inspector Program staff members continue to provide rigorous oversight of commercial hazardous waste facilities across the state. The staff constantly seeks new approaches and initiatives to ensure that commercial hazardous waste facilities can protect public health and the environment. The Resident Inspector Program staff has also worked with the commercial facilities to maintain compliance during times of economic challenge. Economic pressures can cause hazardous waste facilities to operate with fewer staff members and provide employees with less training. All these factors can lead to non-compliance. The Resident Inspector Program continues to work toward a high level of compliance at the commercial hazardous waste facilities in North Carolina through facility education, technical assistance, and regulatory oversight activities. Table III-3. Resident Inspector Program Commercial Hazardous Waste Facilities' Data FY 2022-23 Commercial/ Facility Minimum Actual HW Tons HW Tons Notices of Notices of Compliance Treatment/ Ranking Number of Number Received Received Deficiency Violation Orders Storage/ Inspections Inspections FY2021- FY 2022- Issued Issued Issued Disposal Conducted 22 23 Facility Clean 3 72 72 3855.83 4271.32 0 0 0 Harbors Clean Earth/ 3 72 86 4705 5891 0 0 0 DART Republic 3 72 72 9348.51 9415.17 0 1 0 /Ecoflo Univar/ 2 48 48 9308 9780 1 0 0 Nexeo Solutions SK- 1 24 24 44.43 27.37 0 0 0 Archdale SK- 1 24 24 5.26 3.33 0 1 0 Charlotte 33 SK-Raleigh 1 24 24 17.6 18.15 0 0 0 SK-St. Pauls 1 24 24 24.87 31.88 0 0 0 Veolia ES Industrial Services 2 48 48 2436.81 2436.81 0 0 0 Total 422 422 29,746.31 32,026.47 1 2 0 D. Mercury Switch Removal Program 1. Executive Summary The Mercury Switch Removal Program (MSR Program) has been operating for 18 years and is administered by the NCDEQ's Division of Waste Management's Hazardous Waste Section. The program continues to inspect the end -of -life vehicle dismantling, crushing, and shredding facilities. For FY 2022-23, the Mercury Switch Removal Program operated with a staff equivalent to approximately five (5) positions supplied by the Hazardous Waste Section's Compliance Branch. The program's operating budget is funded by fees collected as part of the N.C. Department of Transportation's application for a certificate of vehicle title fee. The program's total operating costs FY 2022-23 were $472,411.90. Those costs include switch reimbursements of $5 for every mercury switch removed and recycled or disposed of as RCRA "Universal Waste." A total of $20,405 was disbursed to the dismantlers, crushers, and shredders for mercury switch reimbursements. Program staff conducted 25 inspections during FY 2022-23 to determine compliance with state and federal RCRA regulations. One notice of violation was issued. 2. Program Description Through S.L. 2005-384, as amended by S.L. 2007-142, the General Assembly acted to reduce the amount of mercury entering the state's environment. As stated in G.S. 130A- 310.51, the purpose of the program is to reduce the quantity of mercury released into the environment by removing mercury switches from end -of -life vehicles and creating a removal, collection, and recovery program for those switches. The mercury switches control convenience lighting in the trunk and under the hood. Specifically, the law requires all vehicle dismantlers, vehicle recyclers, vehicle crushers and/or vehicle scrap processors to remove, collect and recover mercury switches contained in end -of -life vehicles prior to crushing, shredding, or smelting the vehicles. To ensure compliance with requirements established in G.S. 130A-310.50 through 310.55, NCDEQ's DWM's Hazardous Waste Section created the MSR Program, which is coordinated through the Section's Compliance Branch. During FY 2022-23, the MSR Program inspectors conducted 25 inspections in North Carolina. The site visits are used to evaluate whether the facility was subject to the law and acquaint those regulated facility operators with the legislative requirements. Additional compliance assistance was provided by the inspectors, as needed, regarding the MSR Program and other RCRA and Clean Water Act regulated requirements. In accordance with the National Vehicle Mercury Switch Removal Program (NVMSRP), North Carolina's MSR Program receives support from a corporation, End -of -Life Vehicle Solutions (ELVS), which was formed by and represents the major automobile manufacturers. ELVS provides the following support to North Carolina's vehicle dismantlers/recyclers, vehicle crushers, and scrap processing facilities: • Educational materials regarding mercury switch removal, guidance on which vehicles contain mercury switches, and instructions on how to locate, identify and remove mercury switches. • U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) appropriate storage/shipping containers, including. applicable labeling and shipping documents necessary for the shipment of the mercury switches. • Transportation of the mercury switches in a timely fashion to an RCRA-permitted mercury recycling/disposal facility. • Recycling of the mercury switches by a qualified mercury retort facility or, when recycling is not feasible, for the proper disposal of the mercury switches at an RCRA-permitted disposal facility. • Indemnification from liability for participating vehicle dismantlers, scrap processing facilities, vehicle crushers, and others once mercury switches are collected by the ELVS contractor. With this level of support from automobile manufacturers, dismantlers/recyclers, vehicle crushers, and scrap processing facilities can effectively remove the mercury switches from end -of -life vehicles before crushing, shredding, or smelting them. 34 When the switches are removed from the vehicles, they are placed in the supplied DOT container, which is labeled with the date the first switch was placed in the container and with the words "Universal Waste — Mercury -Containing Equipment." When the container is full, with a maximum of 454 switches per container, or the date on the container approaches one year, the container is shipped to the ELVS-contracted receiving facility (shipping is paid for by ELVS). ELVS continues to provide new containers and supplies as needed. 3. Program Funding The MSR Program was funded by fees collected as part of the DOT fee for the application of a vehicle title certificate. Twenty cents of each $40-per-vehicle certificate of title fee is now given to the Division of Waste Management for this program. (Formerly, fifty cents of each fee went to the now -defunct Mercury Pollution Prevention Trust Fund). Under G.S. 130A-310.54(b)(1) and (bl), the Mercury Pollution Prevention Fund, in part, reimburses the MSR Program with • $5 for each mercury switch removed and properly recycled or disposed of via the NVMSRP, paid to a vehicle crusher, vehicle dismantler, vehicle recycler, or scrap vehicle processing facility; and costs incurred by the department to administer the program. Operationally, the funding provided for approximately five (5) full-time equivalent positions, travel, and equipment expenses plus mercury switch removal reimbursement payments. Program duties are, on a part-time basis, spread among these staff and others, including a chemist and supervisor. FY 2022-23 revenues were approximately $467,825.20. Reimbursement paid to the vehicle dismantlers/ recyclers, vehicle crushers, or scrap processing facilities, for removal of the mercury switches with proper recovery and disposal ($5 per switch) totaled $20,405 and total administrative costs totaled $4472,411.90. The fund balance did not see a net increase due to changes in legislation for the fiscal year. 4. Program Results As directed by ELVS, the contracted facility receiving the collected mercury switches supplies data to the MSR Program detailing the number of switches received, the date the switches were received, and the name and location of the facility that shipped the switches (dismantler, crusher, shredder, etc.). For calendar year 2023, 4,081 mercury switches were removed from vehicles and received by the ELVS contractor from North Carolina vehicle dismantlers/recyclers, vehicle crushers, and scrap processing facilities. This waste is managed as a universal waste. A total of 8.99 pounds of mercury (from the 4,081 switches) was prevented from being released into the environment in North Carolina as a result of mercury switches being removed from vehicles this year. Table III-4 Mercury Switch Removal Program Summary of Data 2022-2023 Calendar Year Switches Collected Pounds Collected North Carolina National Rank 2023 4,081 8.99 2022 6,724 14.79 2021 7,192 15.82 2020 99417 20.72 3rd 2019 8,927 19.64 5th 2018 12,020 26.45 4th 2017 12,180 26.80 4th 2016 12,470 27.44 4th 2015 30,381 66.84 2nd 2014 38,479 84.66 2nd 2013 39,195 86.24 2nd 2012 49,561 109.05 2nd 2006-11 289,636 637.26 TOTAL 2006-23 520,263 1144.7lbs. In the 18 years, this program has been in place, a total of 1,144.7 pounds of mercury has been prevented from being released into North Carolina's environment from metal processing and smelting of scrap vehicles. North Carolina's 35 national rank is calculated based on the mercury recovery performance ratio. This is calculated by dividing the number of mercury switches received by the ELVS Federal program contractor from North Carolina for the fiscal year, by the number of mercury switches available for removal in North Carolina for that same period. The same calculations are made using the total national switch collection and availability, allowing ELVS to rank the state programs. S.L. 2017-57 was rewritten to change the sunset date of the Mercury Switch program from June 30, 2017, to June 30, 2031, by repealing Part 6 of Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the General Statutes. The law also ended the transfer of funds into the Mercury Pollution Prevention Fund from the N.C. Highway Fund, removed most of the dollars from the fund and transferred all remaining funds to the NCDEQ, Division of Waste Management. All activities of the program in North Carolina, including education, assistance, inspections, and switch reimbursements, will cease as of June 30, 2031. 36 Chapter IV: Inactive Hazardous Sites A. Executive Summary The N.C. General Assembly created the Inactive Hazardous Sites Program in the Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) Division of Waste Management (the division) to identify, investigate and clean up properties contaminated with hazardous substances. The program also manages the assessment and cleanup of old pre -regulatory landfill sites that have environmental contamination and predate modern hazardous and solid waste landfill standards designed to prevent contamination. This report satisfies the requirements, set out in G.S. 130A-310.10, for an annual report to the General Assembly. To date, a total of 3288 chemical spill or disposal sites and old, unlined dumps or landfills (pre -regulatory) have been cataloged in North Carolina. Of this number, 2579 still require work to address public health or environmental hazards. Of the 2579 remaining open cases, 628 are old, unlined landfills that predate solid and hazardous waste permitting laws. By state law, approximately 50 percent of the proceeds of a statewide solid waste disposal tax is directed to address contamination at these pre -regulatory landfills. The division contracts with private firms to assess and remedy the contamination at pre -regulatory landfill sites. The Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (Fund) receives an annual $400,000 appropriation to address the non -landfill inactive hazardous waste sites. At the end of FY 2022-23, the cash balance of the fund was $285,789.11. $157,084.04 were committed to impending work, leaving $128,705.07 uncommitted. The following provides the status of sites cataloged by the Inactive Hazardous Sites Program. Catalog of Contaminated Sites Total Number of Inactive Hazardous Sites Cataloged 3288 Chemical Spill or Disposal Sites 2625 Pre -Regulatory Landfills 663 Total Number of Sites Re uirin No Further Action 709 Chemical Spill or Disposal Sites 674 Pre -Regulatory Landfill Sites 35 Remaining Open Sites 2579 Chemical Spill or Disposal Sites 1951 Pre -Regulatory Landfills 628 Program Activities Completed or Ongoing During FY 2022-23: Chemical Spill or Disposal Sites: Oversight of Responsible Party Cleanup Actions - Total 284 Registered Environmental Consultant (REC)- 108 Supervised Remedial Actions Staff- Supervised Remedial Actions under 65 Administrative Agreements Additional Staff -Supervised Owner/Responsible 83 Party Actions Spill Response Actions 28 Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund Actions Contaminated Site Assessments or Abatement 13 Actions Completed or Ongoing Homes Provided with Alternate Water, Well 4 Abandonment or Treatment System Maintenance Testing Conducted by Staff Water Supply Wells Sampled at Non -Landfill 7 Sites Sites with Other Testing (soils, surface water) 3 37 Pre -Regulatory Landfill Sites: New Site Screenings Sites Screened 61 Sites Added to Inventory 39 Sites Reopened 0 Sites Evaluated for No Further Action (NFA) Status Sites Evaluated 23 NFAs Granted for Entire Site 18 Remedial Investigation Ongoing 43 Local Government Remedial Investigation Ongoing 10 Remedial Investigation Completed 3 Remedial Design Ongoing 36 Remedial Design Completed 4 Remedial Action Ongoing 1 Remedial Action Completed 5 No Further Action Issued 3 New Site Evaluations 0 Homes Provided Alternate Water or Treatment Systems 9 Maintained Number of Water Supply Wells Sampled 102 B. The Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory and the Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List The Division of Waste Management's Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch implements the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act of 1987 (IHSRA). The IHSRA requires the division to maintain a catalog of inactive hazardous substance or waste disposal sites. The program has cataloged 2625 chemical spill sites and 663 old unlined landfills. A total of 39 new chemical spill sites were added to the inventory of sites in FY 2022-23 (Table IV-1). No chemical spill sites were reopened based on additional evidence of contamination. A total of 709 sites now has all work completed and are assigned "No Further Action" status. Of those, 18 have completed all work and were assigned "No Further Action" status in FY 2022-23. Table IV-2 provides a list of the "No Further Action" sites. N.C.G.S. 130A-310.2 requires the division to prioritize sites cataloged in the Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory based on the threat to public health and the environment. Sites are first cataloged in the "Evaluations Pending" category of the Inventory until the division ranks the site based on rules found in 15A NCAC 13C .0200.Once ranked, sites are transferred to the Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List. The priority list is provided in Appendix C to this report organized in order of the threat to public health and the environment. The purpose of this list is to prioritize full-scale (complete) contaminant remedial actions at sites without responsible parties. The rank or absence of a site on the priority list does not limit the division in conducting abatement actions at sites with immediate hazards. N.C.G.S. 130A-310.10 requires reporting of the location of each inactive hazardous waste disposal site, the type and number of hazardous substances or waste known or believed to be located at each of these sites, last action taken at each of these sites and date of the last action. Due to the large numbers of contaminated sites, most of the sites have not undergone complete assessments needed to provide complete information. Appendix D provides the required supplemental information to the extent available. TABLE IV-1. INACTIVE HAZARDOUS SITES INVENTORY LIST OF NEW SITES DURING FY 2022-23 Chemical Spill/Disposal Sites: ID Number Site Name city County NONCDO003230 BROOKS STREET 610 PROPERTY WAKE FOREST WAKE NONCDO003234 C&D MOTORS JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW NONCDO003239 CAROLINA CIVIC CENTER LUMBERTON LUMBERTON ROBESON NONCDO003224 CAROLINA HOSIERY MILLS, INC BURLINGTON ALAMANCE NONCDO003240 CARTERS ROAD METALS GATESVILLE GATES 38 NONCD0003212 CIRCLE K 2723303 - SOLVENTS RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003215 D&H DEHAII PROPERTY KINSTON LENOIR NONCD0003206 ETHAN ALLEN WOODFIN WOODFIN BUNCOMBE NONCD0003210 ETNA 231 REIDSVILLE ROCKINGHAM NONCD0003205 EVERHART TIRE NON -UST LEXINGTON DAVIDSON NONCD0003208 FORMER PRESBYTERIAN HOME OF HIGH POINT HIGH POINT GUILFORD NONCD0003237 GOLDSBORO BULK PLANT GOLDSBORO WAYNE NONCD0003218 GREENSBORO AIRPORT VICINITY PFAS GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0003221 GUC OPERATIONS CENTER GREENVILLE PITT NONCD0003232 GURLEY MILL PRINCETON PRINCETON JOHNSTON NCDO03232477 HIGH FALLS MILLS LLC BURLINGTON ALAMANCE NONCD0003204 KINGSLEY DR METALS ALBEMARLE STANLY NONCD0003220 MAPLE AVENUE SOLVENTS WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NONCD0003189 MOUNTAIN POINT LN PCE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003225 NATIONAL SALVAGE FIRE GOLDSBORO WAYNE NONCD0003211 NCDOT MAINT FACILITY CASHIERS NON- UST CASHIERS JACKSON NONCD0003233 NORTHWEST BLVD WASTE OIL TANK WINSTON- SALEM FORSYTH NONCD0003207 PENDER COUNTY ABC BOARD BURGAW PENDER NONCD0003217 POLK STREET CONTAMINATION PINEVILLE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003203 RED WOLVES INC FERTILIZER SPILL I-40 EAST HAYWOOD NONCD0003219 SAWYER ROAD STOCKPILES - A RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003226 SAWYER ROAD STOCKPILES - B RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003214 SELKIRK RLTY: PHARR YARNS SPACE DYE PLNT MCADENVILLE GASTON NONCD0003216 SODA POP CENTER, LLC WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NONCD0003209 SOUTHSIDE DR TCE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003236 SPEEDWAY 6986 RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003229 SPEEDWAY 8183 GREENVILLE PITT NONCD0003238 STEELE COTTON MILL LENOIR CALDWELL NONCD0003213 THE CHILDRENS CLINIC FAIRMONT ROBESON NONCD0003227 TRIANGLE CHEMICAL COMPANY WILLIAMSTON MARTIN NONCD0003222 W CUMBERLAND ST PCE DUNN HARNETT NONCD0003231 WASHINGTON ST PCE DURHAM DURHAM NONCD0003235 WEAVER FERTILIZER BROWNSBORO ROAD WINSTON- SALEM FORSYTH NONCD0003223 WEAVER FERTILIZER WINSTON-SALEM WINSTON- SALEM FORSYTH Pre-Reaulatory Landfill Sites: TABLE IV-2. INACTIVE HAZARDOUS SITES INVENTORY LIST OF SITES ASSIGNED NO FURTHER ACTION STATUS DURING FY 2022-23 Chemical SnilUDisbosal Sites: ID Number Site Name city County NONCD0003197 3M MINERAI - MONCURE MONCURE CHATHAM NONCD0002817 AGATHA DRIVE ISTOKESDALE GUILFORD 39 NONCD0003191 BAILEY PROPERTY RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0001564 CRIBBS HOBBY WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NONCD0001628 DOROTHY B. JOHNSON SCHOOLYARD WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NONCD0001726 FLOWLINE CORP. WHITEVILLE COLUMBUS NONCD0002822 GRAY & CREECH FRMR RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0001296 H&G PROPERTY #1 WALTSONBURG GREENE NONCD0003081 HYDRO EXTRUSION USA_BLDGS 2 AND 3 BURLINGTON ALAMANCE NONCD0001902 INGERSOLL RAND DAVIDSON IREDELL NONCD0002918 OAKWOOD ST EXT WELL CONTAMINATION MEBANE ORANGE NONCD0002413 ROCKY POINT TRADING POST TCE DISCOV BURGAW PENDER NCN000410316 SOUTHERN MEADOWS SUBDIVISION STOKESDALE GUILFORD NONCD0002519 SPEIGHTS AUTO SERVICE CENTER DURHAM DURHAM NONCD0002910 STANCIL PROPERTY JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW NCD054284518 STANDARD PACKAGING CORPORATION MT GILEAD MONTGOMERY NONCD0002843 TRION, INC SANFORD LEE NONCD0002750 WK HOBBS BP SITE WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER Pre -Regulatory Landfill Sites: ID Number Site Name city County NONCD0000682 BUNCOMBE CO. LF ENKA BUNCOMBE NONCD0000712 CITY OF LUMBERTON LDFL LUMBERTON ROBESON NONCD0000310 FRANKLINTON DUMP FRANKLINTON FRANKLIN C. Sites Using the Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund An annual appropriation of $400,000 is used to address the highest risk chemical spill sites without responsible parties that can pay for cleanup. The Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List helps determine priorities for cleanup. Less than half of the open cases have an identified or potential financially viable responsible party available to pay for contaminant testing and cleanup. The remaining cases are referred to as "orphan" sites, and many new ones are reported to the Division each year. Determining whether a potential responsible party exists most often requires research, inquiry, and sampling, because it is difficult to prove who caused the contaminant releases at these sites. Once a responsible party is identified, they are encouraged to voluntarily clean up their sites. However, when they are no longer in business, financially unsound, or do not comply with a request and subsequent order to clean up a site, state funds must perform the cleanup using the Fund. The demand for state funds to conduct site cleanups depends on two factors: (1) how often responsible parties refuse to comply with orders to conduct cleanup and (2) the risks associated with orphan sites that lack financially viable responsible parties. A high percentage of these "orphan" sites have been identified as higher risk because they are either used for residential purposes, have contaminated water supply wells, have a drinking water source within one -quarter mile of the site, or have the potential for indoor air concerns associated with volatile subsurface contamination. The Fund is used to: (1) address these imminent hazard sites; (2) pay for assessment and cleanup when responsible parties do not comply with orders to clean up sites; (3) pay for assessment and cleanup of orphan sites; (4) pay for preparation of a notice of Inactive Hazardous Substance or Waste Disposal Site if the owner does not comply with orders to record a notice; and (5) provide alternate water in response to private well contamination. When a financially viable responsible party exists, the state must attempt to recover its expenditures from the responsible party. The Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund was used to address several sites this year. A summary of the work is provided in Table IV-3. 40 TABLE IV-3. SUMMARY OF INACTIVE HAZARDOUS SITES CLEANUP FUND EXPENDITURES FY 2022-23 Site Name City/ County Activity FY 2022-23 Fund Ex enditures* Allen Lane Contaminated Hillsborough/ Orange Maintenance of treatment $2,745.49 Wells system installed on contaminated residential well. Brekenwood Subdivsion Pleasant Garden/ Guilford Maintenance of treatment $2,767.99 system installed on contaminated residential well. Busick Rd TCE Reidsville/ Rockingham Maintenance of treatment $2,789.97 system installed on contaminated residential well. Carolina Biological York Elon/ Alamance Soil gas testing at a $18,523.26 Rd. - Residence neighboring apartment complex to assess potential vapor intrusion risks. Chemical and Solvents, Inc. Greensboro/ Guilford Soil and groundwater $8,280.00 assessment. Cinderella Knitting Mills Kings Mountain/ Cleveland Indoor air and groundwater $46,092.07 assessment of source property. Groundwater, surface water, and sediment sampling to assess recreator risk on an adjacent municipal park. Crowders Mountain State Gastonia/ Gaston Assessment and monitoring $17,649.63 Park of oundwater. Geltman Corporation Conover/ Catawba Indoor air and groundwater $89,849.61 assessment of source property. Oversee property owner's design and implementation of a subslab depressurization system. Kayser -Roth - Graham-C Graham/ Alamance Groundwater sampling and $24,426.07 vapor intrusion evaluation of neighboring ro erties. Kinston Shirt Factory Kinston/Lenoir Vapor intrusion evaluation $13,057.98 of neighboring properties. Groundwater water testing on a downgradient school to assess contaminant migration. Morgan Mills (Dawson Albemarle/ Stanly Assessment of groundwater $55,127.54 Plant #6) conditions and vapor intrusion IN Mountain Point Ln. PCE Charlotte/ Mecklenburg Water supply well sampling $28,079.52 and alternate water provision. Mullinex Grocery Troy/ Montgomery Abandon contaminated $11,981.22 water supply wells. PSNC Energy Mooresville, Mooresville/ Iredell Vapor intrusion evaluation $15,487.36 Former of neighboring ro erties. South Tunnel Road Asheville/ Buncombe Groundwater testing to $6,301.00 Solvents monitor contaminant concentrations. W.E. Garrison Co Raleigh/Wake Maintenance of treatment $4,495.75 system installed on contaminated residential well. Yadkin Rd Circle K Fayetteville/ Cumberland Soil and groundwater $28,623.78 assessment. Alternate (bottled) water $1,181.90 provision TOTAL EXPENDITURES $377,460.14 *Authorized expenses that were not yet invoiced in FY22-23 = $157,084.04 D. Pre -Regulatory Landfills Session Law 2007- 550 established a statewide tax on solid waste disposal, half of which goes to address the hazards posed by landfills that predate federal and state rules on solid waste disposal. The portion of the solid waste disposal tax received by the program may be used only for addressing the pre -regulatory landfill threats. The division received $12,366,462 in tax revenue in FY 2022-23. Nineteen percent of the tax revenue may be used for administrative expenses. Included in the administrative expense allowance is $561,522 for administration of the non -pre -regulatory landfill portion of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Program and $500,000 for programs in the Division's Solid and Hazardous Waste Sections, leaving approximately $749,840 for administration of the Pre -Regulatory Landfill Program. The division has cataloged 663 unpermitted, unlined landfills. The list of PRLF sites by county is presented in Appendix E. Initial work at each site involved confirming the location, determining the current use of the property, and identifying the use of surrounding property to help prioritize the sites for action. Based on inspections conducted as part of that work, 80 percent of the sites have been determined to have a water supply source, residence, school, church, day care or park on or within 1,000 feet of the landfill. The division established contracts for contaminant assessment and mitigation of the sites. Using these contracts, the nature and extent of the contamination was defined through testing. A remedy is then designed and implemented to address the exposure risks. The division also provides review and approval of contaminant assessment work being conducted by local governments at these sites and reimburses the cost of that work from the tax proceeds. In FY 2022-23 ten contaminant assessments were conducted by local governments with division oversight and reimbursement. FY 2022-23 actions: • 43 — Remedial investigations ongoing • 10 — Local Government remedial investigations ongoing • 3 — Remedial investigations completed • 36 — Remedial designs ongoing • 4 — Remedial designs completed • 1 — Remedial actions ongoing • 5 — Remedial actions completed • 3 — No further action issued • 9 — Homes provided alternate water or treatment systems maintained • 102 — Water supply wells sampled 42 The assessment and cleanup process is complex. Exposure caused by contaminated water supplies, contaminated vapors entering buildings, methane gas posing explosion risks and exposed wastes on residential property must be addressed. Difficulties can arise in attempting to gain access to affected properties at each site and with illegal dumping during investigation and remedial action activities. PRLF staff coordinate with current property owners to determine the acceptable safe usage of each impacted parcel based on current and planned activities. Remedial investigation ongoing during FY 2022-23: Bur aw Dump Bur aw, Pender County Buxton Dump Buxton, Dare County Cabarrus Disposal Dump Concord, Cabarrus County Cary Dump Cary, Wake County City of Fayetteville Landfill Fayetteville, Cumberland County Cumberland Coun /Cliffdale Landfill Fayetteville, Cumberland County Denver Landfill Denver, Lincoln, County Dudley Shoals Landfill 2 Dudley Shoals, Caldwell County Fishburne Landfill Arden, Buncombe County Gaston Refuse Disposal Gaston, Northampton County Goldsboro Dump Goldsboro, Wayne Count Greenville City Landfill Greenville, Pitt County Hanover Road Landfill Burlington, Alamance County Hardin Refuse Dump Dallas, Gaston County Harmony Refuse Disposal Harmony, Iredell County HenryRiver Community Dump Hildebran, Burke, County Hoglen Refuse Disposal Waynesville, Haywood County Hurle 's Dump Biscoe, Montgomery County Jackson Lake Road Landfill High Point, Guilford County Manteo Dump Manteo, Dare County Miller Street Landfill Gastonia, Gaston County Mooresville Dump Mooresville, Iredell Count Mooresville Landfill Mooresville, Iredell County N Davidson County Landfill Midway, Davidson County Old Allegheny County Landfill Sparta, Al eghany County Old Durham County Landfill Durham, Durham County Old Hickory Landfill Hickory, Catawba County Old Holly Springs Dump Holly S rin s, Wake County Old Raleigh #1 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Old Raleigh #6 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Old Raleigh #9 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Old Raleigh #8 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Old Richmond County Landfill Rockingham, Richmond County Pond Road Landfill #2 Ashville, Buncombe County Princeville Dump Tarboro, Ed ecombe County Rowan County Landfill Salisbury, owan County Rowan Road Landfill Clinton, Sampson County Southern Pines Dump Southern Pine, Moore County Swannanoa Landfill Swannanoa, Buncombe County Sweetwater Road Dump Hickory, Catawba County Waxhaw Dump Waxhaw, Union County Westgate Park Landfill Cherryville, Gaston County Winnabow Landfill Winnabow, Brunswick County 43 Local Government remedial investigations ongoing durina FY 2022-23: Dare Coun Dump Manteo, Dare County Hillsborough Dump Hillsborough, Orange County Les Myers Park Landfill Concord, Cabarrus County Mud Creek Dump Hendersonville, Henderson County Old City of Burlington SW Disposal Burlin ton, Alamance County Oxford Dump Oxford, Granville County Pilot Mt. Refuse Dump Pilot Mountain, Surry County Plymouth Refuse Dump Plymouth, Washington County Reidsville Landfill Reidsville, Rockingham County Yadkinville Refuse Disposal Yadkinville, Yadkin Count Remedial investigations completed during FY 2022-23: Grifton Dump Grifton, Pitt County Kni htdale Dump Kni htdale, Wake County Old Raleigh #5 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Remedial design onaoing during FY 2022-23: Angier Refuse Dump Angier, Harnett County Beaufort Refuse Dump Beaufort, Carteret, County Belltown Road Dump Belltown, Craven County Bingham Park Landfill Greensboro, Guilford County Bud Holding Company Landfill Greensboro, Guilford County Burnt Mill Creek Landfill Wilmington, New Hanover, County Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill #1 Concord, Cabarrus County China Gove Dump China Grove, Rowan County City of Wilson Landfill — 1 Wilson, Wilson County City of Winston-Salem Landfill Winston-Salem, Forsyth County Davidson River Dump Pisgah Forest, Transylvania Count Durham County Landfill Durham, Durham County E. H. Glass Landfill Greensboro, Guilford County East Wake Landfill Kni htdale, Wake County Ed ecombe County Landfill Tarboro, Ed ecombe County Elon College Landfill Elon College, Alamance County Gaston County Landfill Mount Holly, Gaston County Greensboro City Landfill Greensboro, Guilford County Henderson County Landfill Hendersonville, Henderson County Hickory Grove Road Landfill McAdenville, Gaston Count Hominy Creek Landfill Asheville, Buncombe County Jacksonville WWTP at Sturgeon City Jacksonville, Onslow County Kinston Demolition Kinston, Lenoir County Marbery Landfill Durham, Durham County Monroe Landfill Monroe, Union Count Old CharlotteNanguard Center Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Old Ralei h #11 —Dorothea Dix Raleigh, Wake County Old Raleigh #4 Landfill Raleigh, Wake County Rocky Knoll School Site Durham, Durham County Sims Legion Park Landfill Gastonia, Gaston County Stanley Refuse Dump Stanley, Gaston County 44 Statesville Road Landfill Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Tarboro Landfill Tarboro, Nash County Trenton Refuse Disposal Trenton, Jones County Tin Mine Landfill Lincolnton, Lincoln County UNC Old Sanitary Landfill Chapel Hill, Orange Count Remedial design completed during FY 2022-23: Albemarle Dump Albemarle, Stanley County Clayton Ball Field Landfill Clayton, Johnston County Fishertown Dump Kanna olis, Cabarrus County Nash County Landfill Red Oak, Nash County Remedial action ongoing during FY 2022-23: Stedman Landfill I Stedman, Cumberland County Remedial action construction completed during FY 2022-23: Buncombe Co. Landfill Enka, Buncombe County City of Lumberton Landfill Lumberton, Robeson County Franklinton Dump Franklinton, Franklin County Gibsonville Properties Landfill Gibsonville, Alamance County Re old's School Road Landfill Canton, Haywood County No Further Action Issued during FY 2022-23: Buncombe Co. LF Enka, Buncombe County City of Lumberton Landfill Lumberton, Robeson County Franklinton Dump Franklinton, Franklin County E. Federal National Priorities List Sites Requiring a State Cost Share 1. Establishment of a Federal and State Superfund Program Thousands of contaminated sites exist nationally due to hazardous waste being dumped, left out in the open, or otherwise improperly managed. These sites include manufacturing facilities, processing plants, landfills and mining sites. In the late 1970s, toxic waste dumps such as Love Canal and Valley of the Drums received national attention when the public learned about the risks to human health and the environment posed by contaminated sites. In response, Congress established the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) in 1980. Hazard Ranking System (HRS) is established as the principal mechanism for evaluating environmental hazards of a site. In 1982, the EPA published the Hazard Ranking System (HRS) as the principal mechanism for evaluating environmental hazards of a site. HRS is a numerically based screening system that uses information from preliminary investigations to assess the potential threats that sites pose to human health or the environment. CERCLA, or the "Superfund," allows EPA, working with NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Superfund Section staff, to clean up contaminated sites. It also forces the parties responsible for the contamination to either perform cleanups or reimburse the state government for EPA -led cleanup work. When there is no viable responsible party, Superfund gives EPA and the State of North Carolina the 90 percent of the funds needed to clean up contaminated sites. CERCLA makes states responsible for the remaining 10 percent of the cleanup funds needed at these sites. Goals of the EPA and state Superfund program are to: • Protect human health and the environment by cleaning up contaminated sites; • Make responsible parties pay for cleanup work; • Involve communities in the Superfund process; and • Return Superfund sites to productive use. 2. State Superfund Cost Share Fund (SSCSF) Session Law 1999-237 Section 15.6 established that the NCDEQ may use available funds, with the approval of the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM), to provide the 10 percent cost share required for Superfund cleanups on the 45 National Priority List (NPL) sites having no viable responsible party to pay the operating and maintenance costs associated with these Superfund cleanups. These funds may be in addition to those appropriated for this purpose. The Session Law also required NCDEQ to report to the Environmental Review Commission and the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations the amount and the source of the funds used. North Carolina currently has 40 hazardous waste sites out of a nationwide total of 1329 sites on the EPA NPL. Two of them, Reasor Chemical and New Hanover County Airport, were delisted. The 38 active sites ranked as the nation's priority to clean up actions. There are no viable responsible parties for 18 NPL sites in the State of North Carolina, and a combination of federal and state public funds are used to conduct remediation at these sites. The Hazardous Response Trust Fund (the federal Superfund) contributes 90 percent of the money for the remedial action, and the state contributes the remaining 10 percent. The state also is obligated to conduct operation and maintenance (O&M) at NPL sites after the EPA completes its remedial action. Summary of North Carolina Superfund Cost -Share Fund Status as of June 30, 2023 Amount of cost share funds distributed in FY 2022-23: $67,088 North Carolina's 10 percent cost share for past, ongoing, and pending cleanups (based on signed contracts): $12,392,239 Fund balance as of June 30, 2023: $3,857,938 Amount currently committed in contracts for future cost share payments and operation and maintenance of remedies: $1,635,930* Remaining Amount Encumbered on Cape Fear Wood Contract $56,746 Unobli ated Fund balance as of June 30, 2023: $2,165,262 * In the future, this obligated amount will increase. Cleanup cost estimates are not available for sites that are currently in various stages of Remedial Investigation, and for which contracts are not yet signed. New sites may be added to the National Priorities List; some of which will require a state cost -share. Also, increases in remedial costs that differ from the original state/EPA contract amounts can occur. Notably, Record of Decision documents for five federal trust fund lead/state cost share NPL sites were signed in recent years waiting for funding to start remedial actions. These sites will be funded by the Federal Infrastructure Bill Fund. Sites funded under this bill will not require the state to pay a 10% cost share. The State Superfund Contracts (SSC) were signed for these sites: Ram Leather ($17,221,300); ABC Cleaner ($5,556,900); Hemphill Road TCE ($7,939,772); Holcomb Creosote ($7,209,778); and Cristex Drum ($10,159,863). An SSC amendment was signed for GMH to switch the remaining amount of $3,057,630 to the Infrastructure Bill funding and de -obligate 10% of the state share from the original SSC. The total funding provided by Infrastructure fund for NC Superfund Program is $51,145,243 without 10% state match, which saved state $5,114,524. The SSC for Cape Fear Wood Preserving site ($20,549,537) may be signed after the 30% Remedial Designs are completed and approved. The funding for this site may be provided by the Federal Infrastructure Bill funding if the fund is still available when the Remedial Designs are completed and approved by the end of March 2024. However, the funds are likely all allocated by that time. The Record of Decision for Ore Knob site has not been finalized; the draft Proposed Plan is still in review, and the first phase remediation will cost more than $40 million. The cost of phase II and III remediation will also be substantial. The state cost share ($4,000,000 for phase I) for the site will likely be required. Operations and Maintenance for the following sites is being managed by North Carolina and paid for using the SCSF at this time: 1) FCX Statesville in Iredell County, 2) Cape Fear Wood Preserving in Cumberland County, 3) Davis Park Road TCE in Gaston County, and 4) Potter's Septic Tank Service Pits in Brunswick County. Anticipated site O&M transferring to the State in 2023 and 2024: 1) Barber Orchard in Haywood County, 2) Blue Ridge Plating in Buncombe County, 3) Ore Knob in Ashe County, 4) Carolina Transformer. 46 O&M obligation at these 8 sites involves sampling wells and preparing reports, site/well maintenance, sampling impacted 17 water supplying wells at Ore Knob site and maintenance of the filtration systems at the water supplying wells. The estimated O&M cost for all these sites is about $350,000 per year. We are still in negotiation with EPA as the timing and the scope of the work will be transferred to the State. Table 4 provides a list of the North Carolina NPL sites and the following information for each site: location, investigation/cleanup status, estimated costs and projected start dates for cleanup. Part I of Table 4 includes those sites where the federal trust fund/North Carolina cost share is required. Part II of Table 4 includes the status of responsible party -funded cleanups. NPL Site ABC One Hour Cleaners Barber Orchard Benfield Industries Blue Ridge Plating Cape Fear Wood Preserving Carolina Transformer Cristex Drum Davis Park Road TCE City/County Operable Unit Cleanup Status Jacksonville, Onslow OU1-Groundwater RA Waynesville, Haywood Waynesville, Haywood Arden, Buncombe Fayetteville, Cumberland Fayetteville, Cumberland Oxford, Granville Gastonia, Gaston FCX, Inc. -Statesville Statesville, Iredell FCX, Inc. -Washington Washington, Beaufort OU2-Soil RA OU-3 Soil and Groundwater RA OU1-Soil Complete OU2-Groundwater O&M Entire Site Soil Complete Groundwater Entire Site Soil Complete Groundwater O&M Entire Site Soil Complete Groundwater O&M Soil & Groundwater RD Soil/Sediment Complete Groundwater O&M All RA Entire Site RA Complete Groundwater O&M OU1-Groundwater O&M OU2-Soil Complete OU1-Groundwater O&M Work Cleanup Cost Phase Status $4,481,077 In Progress $1,675,548 In Progress $5,556,900* In Progress $24,300,000 Complete Pending $6,729,200 Complete In Progress $2,275,200 Complete Pending $24,407,574 Complete $56,746 In Progress ($20,549,537)* $22,328,300 Complete Pending $10,159,8637* P ogress $3,873,299 Complete In Progress $1,460,315 In Progress $5,787,620 Complete 47 GMH Electronics Hemphill Road TCE Holcombe Creosote Company North Belmont PCE Ore Knob Potter's Septic Tank Service Ram Leather OU2-Soil/Surface Water/Sediment Complete Roxboro, Person OU1-Public Water Complete Supply OU2-Entire Site RA Gastonia, Gaston All RA Yadkinville, Yadkin Soil and Groundwater RA Belmont, Gaston Groundwater RA West Jefferson, Ashe Entire Site Groundwater Maco, Brunswick Entire Site Soil Groundwater Mint Hill, Entire Site Mecklenburg Sigmon's Septic Tank Statesville, Iredell Entire Site Soil Cleanup Status Legend Phase I PP O&M Complete O&M Interim RA RA Complete $255,791 Complete $2,158,550 Complete $4,724,626 Complete $3,057,630* In progress $7,939,772* In Progress $7,209,778* In Progress $7,535,000 In Progress Not Determined In Progress Pending $8,350,000 Complete In Progress $2,244,800 On Hold In $17,220,000* progress $1,329,400 Complete O&M - Remedy Operation and Maintenance RD - Remedial Design RI - Remedial Investigation OU - Operable Unit RA - Remedial Action RI/FS- Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study PP — Proposed Plan *Indicates the Funding will be provided by Federal Infrastructure Bill *() Indicates site in the process of finishing of RD; the site is anticipated to be funded by Federal Infrastructure Bill after the RDs are complete and approved and if the funding is still available NPL Sites City/County Aberdeen Pesticides Aberdeen, Moore Aberdeen Aberdeen, Moore Contaminated GW Cleanup Operable Unit Status OU1 and OU4 - Soils -All Sites Complete OU3-Groundwater for FC, TS, F6 O&M OU5-Groundwater for Rt 211 and McIver O&M OU 1- Town Well Replacement Complete OU 2- Groundwater Bypass 601/Martin Concord, Cabarrus OU1-Soil/Sediment at Martin Scrap Scrap OU2-Off-Site Soil/Sediment OU3-Groundwater Celanese Shelby, Cleveland OU1-Groundwater Corporation OU2-Soil Surface Water Charles Macon Cordova, Soil Lagoon and Drum Richmond Groundwater Chemtronics Inc. Swannanoa, Soil Buncombe Groundwater CTS of Asheville Asheville, All Buncombe FCX Inc. Statesville, Iredell OU3-Burlington Industries Site Geigy Chemical Aberdeen, Moore Soil Groundwater General East Flat Rock, Electric/Shepherd Henderson Sol] Farm Groundwater Surface Water/Sediment Horton Iron and Wilmington, New All Metal Hanover Jadco-Hughes Belmont, Gaston Soil/Sediment Groundwater JFD Electronics/Channel Oxford, Granville Soil Master Kerr-McGee Chemical Koppers Company Inc. Navassa, Brunswick Morrisville, Wake National Starch and Salisbury, Rowan Chemical Groundwater OU 1 Soil Only OU 2 Soil Only RA OU 3 Marsh RI OU 4 Operation Area RI OU 5 Groundwater RI Soil Groundwater Surface Water OU1-Groundwater in Western Part of Site OU2-Trench Area Soil/Surface Water RI O&M Complete O&M O&M Complete Complete Complete O&M RD RD RA RA Complete O&M M_ O&M Complete RD O&M O&M Complete O&M Complete Delisted In Progress In Progress In Progress In Progress Complete O&M Complete O&M/RI Complete 49 OU3-Area 2 Groundwater/Wastewater Treatment O&M Area/Surface Water/Sediments in NE Tributary OU4-Area 2 Soil/Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Area O&M New Hanover Wilmington, New Groundwater Complete/ County Airport Hanover Delisted NCSU Lot 86 Raleigh, Wake Soil O&M Groundwater O&M Reasor Chemical Castle Hayne, Soil Complete/ New Hanover Delisted Groundwater Complete/ Delisted USMC Camp Jacksonville, Multiple Units Various LeJeune Onslow Stages USMC Cherry Cherry Point, Multiple Units Various Point Craven Stages Ward Transformer Raleigh, Wake OU1-Downgradient Reaches RA Complete OU2-Plant Area and Groundwater FS Time Critical Removal Complete Wright Chemical Riegelwood, Not Determined RI Corporation Columbus F. Responsible Party Voluntary Site Remedial Action When the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch requests that a person responsible for contamination at a priority site take action to address the risks, some parties agree to voluntarily conduct a cleanup. Some responsible parties and owners also initiate an approved assessment and/or remedial action on their own. Due to the number of voluntary remediation projects and limited staff resources, the General Assembly authorized the division to privatize oversight of voluntary remediation activities at lower -priority sites. The division continues to provide oversight for assessment and remediation at sites that present more severe public health threats or other concerns. The privatized portion of the voluntary cleanup program is called the Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) Program. Under this program, the responsible party hires a private consultant to conduct the site assessment and cleanup and to certify that those activities comply with regulations. The REC's certification replaces division oversight of the assessment and cleanup. Firms must meet certain requirements to qualify as an REC. Division staff conduct REC certification, training, and performance audits each year to ensure program integrity. The division has the authority to sanction an REC where necessary. These staff are funded through fees collected from the voluntary program participants. A current list of the 173 sites where assessments and cleanups are underway in accordance with an administrative agreement with the state is provided in Table IV-5. There are 108 REC-directed and 65 division -directed actions. Table IV-6 is a list of an additional 82 division -directed responsible party assessment and cleanup actions pending administrative agreements. TABLE IV-5. VOLUNTARY PARTY REMEDIAL ACTIONS UNDER ADMINISTRATIVE AGREEMENTS DURING FY 2022-23 (108 REC and 65 DIVISION DIRECTED) ID Number Site Name NONCDO000040 ABBOTT LABORATORIES NCD045924339 ACME UNITED CORPORATION NONCDO001226 ADAMS-MILLIS PLANT 2/33 — NONUST NONCDO001245 ALLEN-BECK NON -PETROLEUM NCDO02464691 ALLIANCE CAROLINA TOOL AND MOLD City County LAURINBURG SCOTLAND FREMONT WAYNE MOUNT AIRY SURRY GRANITE CALDWELL FALLS ARDEN BUNCOMBE 50 NONCD0001257 AMERICAN TRUETZSCHLER NONCD0001273 ANSELL HEALTHCARE NONCD0001275 AO SMITH ELECTRIC MOTOR NONCD0002881 ARDEE/TRANSLITE NCD986188787 ASHEVILLE COAL GAS PLANT #1 NONCD0000032 ASHEVILLE COAL GAS PLANT #2 NCD003193588 BARBOUR BOAT WORKS, INC. NONCD0003099 BASF NCD003149705 NCD083673590 NCD054412283 NCD003189024 NONCD0000002 NONCD0001400 NCD986171965 NCD000608117 NCD986188803 NCD981861214 NONCD0000041 NCD061801361 NONCD0001509 NCD986230688 NCD982116477 NCD986197333 NONCD0002304 NONCD0001544 NONCD0001097 NCD003195161 NONCD0001551 NONCD0001061 NONCD0002990 NONCD0002216 NONCD0001901 NONCD0001569 NONCD0001262 NONCD0001420 NONCD0001182 NCD057454670 BASF WAYNDOTTE CORPORATION BENDIX CORPORATION BLACK & DECKER PLANT (FORMER) BORDEN CHEMICAL FAYETTEVILLE PLANT BURLINGTON COAL GAS PLANT BURLINGTON HOUSE REIDSVILLE PLANT CARO-KNIT CELANESE CORPORATION/FIBERS TECH CHARLOTTE COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 CHARLOTTE TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL CIBA-GEIGY CIBA-GEIGY CORPORATION CLAIRE MANUFACTURING COMMERCIAL VEHICLE GROUP, INC CONAGRA FOODS, INC CONCORD COAL GAS PLANT CONOVER CHAIR COMPANY COOKSON FIBERS COPES-VULCAN, INC CORNING GLASS WORKS COTTON MILL SQUARE - SOLVENTS CP&L NORTHERN DIVISION COMPLEX CROWN ACURA CROWN AUTO DEALERSHIP CROWN FORD FAYETTEVILLE CROWN HONDA & CAMCO CROWN PONTIAC-SOLVENT CSX HAMLET DIESEL SHOP CUMMINS ATLANTIC -GENERAL OFFICE BLDG DIAMOND SHAMROCK CORP/OCCIDENTAL NCD981861743 DUKE POWER/GREENSBORO GAS PLANT CHARLOTTE TARBORO MEBANE SHELBY ASHEVILLE ASHEVILLE NEW BERN HOLLY SPRINGS CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE TARBORO FAYETTEVILLE BURLINGTON REIDSVILLE WILMINGTON CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE GREENSBORO CHARLOTTE STATESVILLE GARNER CONCORD CONOVER ANSONVILLE CHARLOTTE RALEIGH GREENSBORO GARNER GREENSBORO GREENSBORO FAYETTEVILLE GREENSBORO GREENSBORO HAMLET CHARLOTTE CASTLE HAYNE GREENSBORO MECKLENBURG EDGECOMBE ALAMANCE CLEVELAND BUNCOMBE BUNCOMBE CRAVEN WAKE MECKLENBURG MECKLENBURG EDGECOMBE CUMBERLAND ALAMANCE ROCKINGHAM NEW HANOVER MECKLENBURG MECKLENBURG MECKLENBURG MECKLENBURG GUILFORD MECKLENBURG IREDELL WAKE CABARRUS CATAWBA ANSON MECKLENBURG WAKE GUILFORD WAKE GUILFORD GUILFORD CUMBERLAND GUILFORD GUILFORD RICHMOND MECKLENBURG NEW HANOVER GUILFORD 51 NCD000813519 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM DURHAM NONCD0002818 DUPONT-KENTEC GRIFTON LENOIR NCD986173938 DURHAM GAS PLANT DURHAM DURHAM NONCD0001661 EATON CORPORATION LAURINBURG SCOTLAND NCD004520136 EATON CORPORATION ROXBORO PERSON NONCD0001662 EATON CORPORATION - SANFORD SANFORD LEE NONCD0002853 EATON MANUFACTURING SELMA JOHNSTON ELIZABETH NCD986197267 ELIZABETH CITY COAL GAS CITY PASQUOTANK NONCD0001681 Empire Brush Facility GREENVILLE PITT NCD003201837 ENCEE CHEMICAL SALES, INC. BRIDGETON CRAVEN NONCD0001683 Energy Conversion Systems DUNN HARNETT NONCD0002904 ENGINEERED CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL ELON ALAMANCE NONCD0002903 ENGINEERED CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL WHITSETT GUILFORD F FASTENING SYSTEMS/DIXIE NONCD0001137 NS YARNONCD0001700 STANFIELD STANLY FAIRCHILD INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS CO. WINSTON- FORSYTH SALEM NCD062566047 FASCO CONTROLS CORPORATION SHELBY CLEVELAND NCD986197341 FAYETTEVILLE COAL GAS/RAY AVE FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND NONCD0002854 FIBER DYNAMICS HIGH POINT GUILFORD NONCD0000017 FLAKT PRODUCTS WINSTON- FORSYTH SALEM NONCD0000092 FUNDER AMERICA MOCKSVILLE DAVIE NCD986188829 GASTONIA COAL GAS PLANT GASTONIA GASTON NONCD0001757 GB LABELS, INC. BURLINGTON ALAMANCE NCD051322980 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCD003163730 GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORP. FAIRVIEW BUNCOMBE GLENN MANUFACTURING/DECORATIVE NONCD0001779 HOME ACCE MORVEN ANSON NCD986197309 GOLDSBORO COAL GAS PLANT #1 GOLDSBORO WAYNE NONCD0002891 GOLDSBORO MILLING -MILL #1 & #2 GOLDSBORO WAYNE NONCD0001089 GREENSBORO COAL GAS PLANT #1 GREENSBORO GUILFORD NCD986188886 GREENVILLE COAL GAS PLANT GREENVILLE PITT NCD981922362 GREIF, INC BLADENBORO BLADEN FUQUA NONCD0001064 GUILFORD MILLS PLANT VARINA WAKE NCD051739209 HARRELSON RUBBER COMPANY ASHEBORO RANDOLPH NONCD0001084 HENDERSON COAL GAS PLANT HENDERSON VANCE NONCD0001085 HICKORY COAL GAS PLANT HICKORY CATAWBA NCD986188837 HIGH POINT COAL GAS PLANT HIGH POINT GUILFORD NONCD0002602 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL MAIDEN CATAWBA PLEASANT NCD048401087 HOOKER FURNITURE GARDEN GUILFORD NCD003215696 HUNT MANUFACTURING STATESVILLE IREDELL 52 NONCD0001888 NONCD0001907 NCD986215465 NONCD0001947 NONCD0001948 NONCD0001951 NCD000653576 NONCD0001953 NONCD0001118 NCD097361018 NCD986197366 NCD980729677 NONCD0001173 NCD986197358 NCD982084113 NCD062552989 NCD055359079 NONCD0002992 NONCD0002068 NONCD0002085 NONCD0003047 NONCD0002490 NCD986197259 NONCD0002802 NONCD0002236 NCD057248759 NCD055162069 NONCD0001425 NONCD0001939 NONCD0003150 NCD000613273 NONCD0001020 NCD040047425 NONCD0002128 NONCD0002345 NONCD0002350 NCD062548995 NCD986188894 NCD986188902 NONCD0001087 NONCD0001108 HYDROLABS, INC. (ALLIED COLLOIDS) INTERNATIONAL RESISTIVE CORP. JMC USA INC KAYSER-ROTH KAYSER-ROTH - ASHEBORO KERN POLYMERIC KERN RUBBER CO. URETHANE PLANT KEYSTONE POWDERED METAL COMPANY KIDDE TECHNOLOGIES KIN PROPERTIES ABANDONED DRUMS KINSTON COAL GAS PLANT KNOB CREEK FLYASH DISPOSAL LEBANON CHEMICAL LEXINGTON COAL GAS PLANT LINAMAR FORGINGS/CAROLINA FORGE MALLARD CREEK RD/UNION OIL CO OF CA MASONITE CORP. FIBERBOARD DIV. MCCULLERS WALK PROPERTY MICROMATIC/TEXTRON FACILITY MITSUBISHI ELECTRONICS MOUNT HOLLY STEAM STATION (FRMR) NATIONAL FLEET SUPPLY NEW BERN COAL GAS PLANT NEWLAND PESTICIDES SITE OLYMPIC PRODUCTS PATCH RUBBER POND PELTON & CRANE PLANT (FORMER) PETERBILT OF DUNN "A" PARCEL PETRO EXPRESS NO. 56 POWERSECURE MANUFACTURING INC PRAXAIR SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES PRECISION FABRICS GROUP, INC PRILLAMAN CHEMICALS PURINA MILLS PUROLATOR PRODUCTS, INC. QUALITY FOREST PRODUCTS QUORUM KNITTING RALEIGH COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 RALEIGH COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 REIDSVILLE COAL GAS PLANT RENTAL UNIFORM SERVICE ALBEMARLE BOONE RTP LUMBERTON ASHEBORO SALISBURY SALISBURY CHERRYVILLE WILSON CHARLOTTE KINSTON BREVARD HERTFORD LEXINGTON WILSON CHARLOTTE SPRING HOPE RALEIGH SWANNANOA DURHAM MOUNT HOLLY CHARLOTTE NEW BERN NEWLAND GREENSBORO ROANOKE RAPIDS CHARLOTTE DUNN KINGS MOUNTAIN RANDELMAN CHARLOTTE GREENSBORO FAYETTEVILLE WILSON FAYETTEVILLE ENFIELD WEAVERVILLE RALEIGH RALEIGH REIDSVILLE ASHEVILLE STANLY WATAUGA DURHAM ROBESON RANDOLPH ROWAN ROWAN GASTON WILSON MECKLENBURG LENOIR TRANSYLVANIA PERQUIMANS DAVIDSON WILSON MECKLENBURG NASH WAKE BUNCOMBE DURHAM GASTON MECKLENBURG CRAVEN AVERY GUILFORD HALIFAX MECKLENBURG HARNETT CLEVELAND RANDOLPH MECKLENBURG GUILFORD CUMBERLAND WILSON CUMBERLAND HALIFAX BUNCOMBE WAKE WAKE ROCKINGHAM BUNCOMBE 53 NONCD0001171 RENTAL UNIFORM SERVICES NONCD0002391 REXAM CORPORATION - B NCD986182582 RHONE-POULENC (RHODIA) NONCD0001157 ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORP NONCD0001154 ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORP NCD986197325 ROCKY MOUNT COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 NCD986197317 ROCKY MOUNT COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 NCD041466525 ROCKY MOUNT FIBER DUMP NONCD0002427 ROYSTER-CLARK FERTILIZER FACILITY NONCD0002431 RUS NONCD0002438 NCD986197283 NONCD0003219 NONCD0003226 NCD003234549 NONCD0003214 NCN000407206 NONCD0002511 NONCD0002491 NCD058517467 NCD053488557 NONCD0002531 NCD986197291 NCD024895864 NCD083669952 NONCD0001101 NONCD0002575 NONCD0002787 NONCD0002633 NCD082362989 NONCD0002833 NCR000010272 NONCD0002645 NONCD0002646 NCD000822957 NONCD0002871 NCD980557623 NONCD0002656 SALEM UNIFORM SERVICES FACILITY SALISBURY COAL GAS PLANT #1 SAWYER ROAD STOCKPILES - A SAWYER ROAD STOCKPILES - B SCM PROCTOR SILEX/WEAREVER SELKIRK RLTY: PHARR YARNS SPACE DYE PLNT SHULIMSON BROTHERS SCRAP YARD SOUTH BRUNSWICK MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH SEA RATTAN SOUTHERN WOOD PIEDMONT COMPANY SOUTHERN WOOD PIEDMONT COMPANY STANLEY FASTENING STATESVILLE COAL GAS PLANT STEWART-WARNER CORPBASSICK-SACK STORY BURIAL AREAS/UNION CHEMICAL STRONGHAVEN WAREHOUSE TAKEDA - BASF TRAVIS KNITS, INC (AKA MOHICAN MILLS) TRINITY AMERICAN CORP. TUNGSTEN QUEEN MINE/ATLAS MINE UMICORE CSM NA UNC-COGENERATION FACILITY UNIFIRST UNIFIRST CORPORATION (FRMR TEXTILEASE) UNION CARBIDE CORP/EVEREADY BATTERY UNITED METAL FINISHING UNIVERSITY OF NC/ARPT WASTE DISP UNOCAL-GOODRICH CLINTON GREENSBORO GASTONIA GREENVILLE LINCOLNTON ROCKY MOUNT ROCKY MOUNT ROCKY MOUNT STATESVILLE WINSTON- SALEM WINSTON- SALEM SALISBURY RALEIGH RALEIGH SOUTHERN PINES MCADENVILLE ASHEVILLE SOUTHPORT GREENSBORO WILMINGTON GULF SANFORD STATESVILLE WINSTON- SALEM CHARLOTTE MATTHEWS WILMINGTON CHERRYVILLE GLENOLA TOWNSVILLE MAXTON CHAPEL HILL WILMINGTON GOLDSBORO ASHEBORO GREENSBORO CHAPEL HILL CHARLOTTE SAMPSON GUILFORD GASTON PITT LINCOLN NASH NASH EDGECOMBE IREDELL FORSYTH FORSYTH ROWAN WAKE WAKE MOORE GASTON BUNCOMBE BRUNSWICK GUILFORD NEW HANOVER CHATHAM LEE IREDELL FORSYTH MECKLENBURG MECKLENBURG NEW HANOVER GASTON RANDOLPH VANCE SCOTLAND ORANGE NEW HANOVER WAYNE RANDOLPH GUILFORD ORANGE MECKLENBURG 54 NCD053485991 VARCO-PRUDEN BUILDINGS KERNERSVILLE FORSYTH NONCDO001139 VERMONT AMERICAN BOONE WATAUGA NONCDO002676 VITAFOAM, INC HIGH POINT RANDOLPH NONCD0001103 WALTER KIDDE PORTABLE EQUIPMENT MEBANE ALAMANCE NCD986197275 WASHINGTON COAL GAS PLANT WASHINGTON BEAUFORT NCDO01493931 WECK, EDWARD INC. RTP DURHAM NCN000407582 WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVCES KINSTON LENOIR NCD986188910 WILMINGTON COAL GAS PLANT WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NCD093334209 WILSON, RALPH PLASTICS FLETCHER HENDERSON WINSTON- NCD986188845 WINSTON-SALEM COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 SALEM FORSYTH NCD986188852 WINSTON-SALEM COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 WINSTON- FORSYTH SALEM NCD982156812 WYSONG & MILES GREENSBORO GUILFORD * - Remediating party conducting cleanup of a portion of the site only. TABLE IV-6. 83 ONGOING DIVISION -DIRECTED RESPONSIBLE PARTY ASSESSMENTS/CLEANUPS NOT UNDER AGREEMENTS DURING FY 2022-23 ID Number Site Name City County NONCDO001263 AMP, INC. - BUILDING 54 CLEMMONS FORSYTH NCD980844518 AMP BUILDING 68 CLEMMONS FORSYTH NONCDO002205 AMP, INC-BLDG 090 KERNERSVILLE FORSYTH NCD047257472 APPLIED RESEARCH GROUP, INC. CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCDO003190 ATLANTIC AVE METALS ROCKY MOUNT EDGECOMBE NONCDO001323 BASF-ENKA (OTM BUILDING) ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE NONCDO001862 BETA FLUID SYSTEMS REIDVILLE ROCKINGHAM WINSTON- NONCDO001133 BOWMAN GRAY-FRIEDBURG CAMPUS SALEM FORSYTH NONCDO001429 CAPE FEAR AUTO WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER NONCDO001434 CAPRI INDUSTRIES, INC. MORGANTON BURKE NONCDO003035 CAROLINA ASBESTOS COR DAVIDSON MECKLENBURG NONCDO003224 CAROLINA HOSIERY MILLS, INC BURLINGTON ALAMANCE NONCDO001408 CARTER WOODSON CHARTER SCHOOL WINSTON FORSYTH SALEM NCD046148540 CENTRAL TRANSPORT CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NCDO03221868 CENTURY FURNITURE HICKORY CATAWBA NONCD0001162 CHAMPION FINISHING CO ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE NONCDO001473 CHAMPION -PIGEON RIVER SEEP CANTON HAYWOOD NCD991278680 CHEMCRAFT/SADOLIN PAINT PRODCUTS WINSTON- FORSYTH SALEM NONCDO001206 CITY OF CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG FUQUA NONCDO002953 CORNELL DUBLIER ELECTRONICS (FRMR) VARINA WAKE NCDO06556963 CR INDUSTRIES GASTONIA GASTON NCN000410174 DALY-HERRING COMPANY/PRILLAMAN KINSTON LENOIR 55 NCN000405052 DAVIDSON ASBESTOS NONCD0001141 DIAZIT COMPANY NONCD0002996 DICEY MILLS NONCD0002624 DODSON EXTERMINATIORS/US CELL NONCD0001625 DOMINION TEXTILES (USA) NONCD0001663 EATON FACILITY (FORMER) NONCD0001679 ELOX CORPORATION FACILITY NONCD0003196 FAULKNERS GULF GREENSBORO NCD067178707 FAWN PLASTICS NONCD0002956 FIE TOP ROAD SALT PILE NONCD0001720 NCD003154960 NONCD0003119 NONCD0003149 NONCD0001759 NCD050409150 NCD043679349 NCD009305699 NONCD0001219 NONCD0002809 NCD062571658 NCD000770487 NONCD0003200 NCD049997786 NCD980557888 NONCD0003220 NCD055167324 NONCD0003225 NCD091572073 NONCD0002873 NONCD0001655 NONCD0003105 NONCD0002440 NONCD0003219 NONCD0003226 NCD095458709 NCD093338119 NCD000616516 NCD071561864 NCD003951878 NCD091567065 FLEET SUPPLY COMPANY - NONUST FLEMING LABORATORIES FORWARD HIGH POINT PROPERTY GALLANT MARITIME GELTMAN CORPORATION GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL TIRE & RUBBER CO GTE SYLVANIA, INC. HARLEE AVENUE CONTAMINATION HIGH POINT ENTERPRISE HONEYWELL MICRO SWITCH DIV. IMC/INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & CHEM INDUSTRIAL DRIVE TCE INMONT CORP/BASF CORPORATION LENOIR CITY LANDFILL MAPLE AVENUE SOLVENTS MITCHELL-BISSELL PLANT NATIONAL SALVAGE FIRE NATIONAL STARCH & CHEMICAL CO NELLO TEER QUARRY-DENFIELD RENTAL TOWEL AND UNIFORM SAAB BARRACUDA FACILITY SAM'S MART #788 SAWYER ROAD STOCKPILES - A SAWYER ROAD STOCKPILES - B SCHRADER AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS DIV SCM CORP. GLIDDEN CINGS & RESINS SCOVILL INC/SECURITY PRODUCTS SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY SQUARE D COMPANY STANADYNE, INC/DIESEL SYSTEMS DAVIDSON YOUNGSVILLE SHELBY JACKSONVILLE HICKORY FLETCHER DAVIDSON GREENSBORO MIDDLESEX MAGGIE VALLEY WINSTON- SALEM CHARLOTTE HIGH POINT BEAUFORT CONOVER WILMINGTON CHARLOTTE SMITHFIELD CHARLOTTE HIGH POINT MARS HILL WINSTON- SALEM WENDELL MORGANTON LENOIR WILMINGTON ROSMAN GOLDSBORO LELAND DURHAM GRAHAM LLLINGTON GREENSBORO RALEIGH RALEIGH MONROE CHARLOTTE MONROE GREENSBORO ASHEVILLE WASHINGTON MECKLENBURG FRANKLIN CLEVELAND ONSLOW CATAWBA HENDERSON MECKLENBURG GUILFORD NASH HAYWOOD FORSYTH MECKLENBURG GUILFORD CARTERET CATAWBA NEW HANOVER MECKLENBURG JOHNSTON MECKLENBURG GUILFORD MADISON FORSYTH WAKE BURKE CALDWELL NEW HANOVER TRANSYLVANIA WAYNE BRUNSWICK DURHAM ALAMANCE HARNETT GUILFORD WAKE WAKE UNION MECKLENBURG UNION GUILFORD BUNCOMBE BEAUFORT 56 NONCD0002579 TALON ZIPPER FACILITY (FORMER) STANLEY GASTON NONCD0002583 TAYLOR SALT & CHEMICAL CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0002238 TERMINEX PEST CONTROL WINSTON- FORSYTH SALEM NONCD0002587 TEXTILE PIECE DYEING LINCOLNTON LINCOLN NONCD0002595 THOMSON CROWN WOOD PRODUCTS MOCKSVILLE DAVIE NONCD0002599 TICAR CHEMICAL ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE NONCD0002600 TILLETT CHEMICAL, INC PINEVILLE MECKLENBURG NONCD0002611 TOWN CENTER PROJECT CORNELIUS MECKLENBURG NONCD0000088 TRANS TECHNOLOGY (LUNDY) CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0002972 TRIUMPH ACTUATION SYSTEMS CLEMMONS FORSYTH NCDO03184249 UNION CARBIDE CORP/EVEREADY GREENVILLE PITT NONCD0002648 UNITED CHEM-CON-NONUST LANSING ASHE NCDO89903983 UNIVAR USA, INC GREENSBORO GUILFORD NONCD0000003 VAN WATERS & ROGERS CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0003222 W CUMBERLAND ST PCE DUNN HARNETT WINSTON- NONCD0003223 WEAVER FERTILIZER WINSTON-SALEM SALEM FORSYTH NONCD0003235 WEAVER FERTILIZER BROWNSBORO ROAD WINSTON- FORSYTH SALEM NCDO03195963 WESTINGHOUSE ELEC METER & LIGHT RALEIGH WAKE NONCD0003235 WISCASSETT MILLS ALBEMARLE STANLY NONCD0002760 WORTH CHEMICAL CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG Note: Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch staff are conducting work at many other sites not listed in Tables IV-5 and IV-6. Such work includes (1) assessing and abating risk from contaminated drinking water wells and indoor air where there are no identifiable responsible parties, (2) investigating responsible parties at higher priority sites, (3) preparing bankruptcy claims and overseeing contractor work conducted with receipts, (4) responding to requests for "No Further Action Status" reviews, (5) responding to spills, (6) screening of newly discovered sites and (7) responding to public inquiries on sites. G. Imminent Hazard Sites The division and the EPA are committed to addressing imminent hazard sites when identified. Table IV-7 provides a list of 16 sites where potential imminent hazards were reported, or where abatement activities continued in FY 2022-23. Their location, a site description, status, and funding source are also provided. Table IV-7. SUMMARY OF IMMINENT HAZARD SITES Site City/Cou my Site Description Status Funding Source IHSB continued the investigation of chlorinated solvent contamination in the area by conducting Carolina Trichloroethylene from an unknown source has soil vapor sampling at a nearby student Biological Elon/ contaminated groundwater and drinking water apartment complex, where it was determined DWM/ York Rd. - Alamance wells in the area. that there is no risk of vapor intrusion related to Owner Residence the site. Additional work is unlikely due to issues gaining property access at other properties. Former textile mill with very elevated Groundwater wells, Potts Creek, and indoor air Cinderella Kings perchloroethylene (PCE) levels in soil, soil gas, are routinely monitored. Several areas within the Knitting Mountain/ indoor air, groundwater, surface water, and onsite building continued to have elevated PCE DWM Mills Cleveland sediments. A large groundwater contamination in the indoor air. A Vapor Mitigation Subslab plume extends off the property to a city ark Pilot Test was conducted to determine 57 which is bordered by a stream accessible to the appropriate locations for blowers to enhance the public. PCE concentrations in the stream are of passive system by forcing air movement. Based concern. Soil vapor levels exceeded vapor on the pilot study results, blowers were installed screening levels. In FY 2016-17, the EPA on five existing mitigation vents. Recent installed a passive vapor mitigation system in the quarterly sampling indicated elevated indoor air onsite building to reduce PCE levels in the indoor concentrations in two additional areas. Two air. additional blowers were installed in the vents in those areas. Current results indicate the two additional blowers alleviated the issue. A health risk evaluation was performed on the surface water samples from Potts Creek and the results indicated a risk to recreators. The County Health Department plans to install warning signs. DWM collected downstream samples to determine an endpoint for the signage. Data included in a Duke University student's City's enviromnental consultant conducted Durham Durham/ Master's Thesis indicated lead contaminated additional sampling and confirmed previous findings. City evaluating plans for additional Responsibl Parks- Lead Durham soil was found in in three city parks due ash sampling and pursuing eligibility for sites to e Party from historical waste incinerator operations. enter PRLF Program. A final report was received and reviewed in October 2022. Health Risk Evaluations were Assessment work was initiated in May 2022, to requested and generated in November 2022 and update groundwater conditions and begin a forwarded to property owner after meeting on vapor intrusion evaluation of the active facility November 15, 2022. The IHSB obtained on the property with soil gas testing. The results Property access from neighboring properties and of the soil -gas sampling indicated TCE, PCE, drafted an expanded offsite vapor intrusion and cis-1,2-DCE levels that required indoor air evaluation request, approved the work plan sampling. In June 2022, indoor air results between October and November 2022. indicated TCE and cis-1,2-DCE levels required Additional expanded field work was completed Geltman Conover/ immediate mitigation. Staff deployed six (6) air in January 2023. Staff also developed a draft DWM/Ow Corporation Catawba purification units and confirmed levels were NORR in December 2022 for the property ner within acceptable risk thresholds. IHSB owner. The owner replaced APUs with six (6) coordinated a meeting with site facility workers, of his own in January 2023. The IHSB upper North Carolina DWM staff and toxicologists management and NC DEQ consult met with the from the North Carolina Department of Health owner and executed the NORR in January 2023. and Human Services (DHHS) to communication March Indoor Air data was above NCDEQ risk and assisted the property owner with plans guidance values. Additional Mitigation for a permanent indoor air mitigation system. measures were implemented, and confirmation samples collected in April 2023. A permanent vapor mitigation system (VIMS) was installed in April 2023. March 2023 indoor air (IA) testing showed TCE levels exceeded commercial screening levels. A March 2022 Phase II ESA prepared for the HVAC adjustments were used to reduce TCE UST Section indicated that high concentrations levels to acceptable levels. Confirmation Industrial Wendell/ TCE were detected in a monitoring well located sampling performed in June 2023 shows TCE Responsibl Drive TCE Wake near a occupied building at concentrations concentrations remain at acceptable levels. The e Party exceeding vapor intrusion screening levels. The responsible party plans to seal cracks in the TCE was never fully investigated. floor and determine if other action needed. Follow-up IA testing is planned for late fall 2023. During routine groundwater monitoring, Final soil gas and groundwater testing report unexpectedly high solvent concentrations were completed in September. No further VI work Graham/ detected in a groundwater monitoring well near needed. PCE still present in groundwater at DWM Alamance DSCA & IHSB site. The concentrations concentration exceeding the 2L groundwater Kayser -Roth detected were much higher than previous results standard. All businesses and homes in area are — Graham-C in that well. on city water. Mallard Charlotte/ On February 18, 2022, the IHSB was notified of IHSB staff received the final abatement report Creek Mecklenbur a release of styrene due to a product line gasket on March 7, 2023, and subsequently approved Polymers failure at a 150-acre facility The total calculated the documented abatement actions. A no -further Responsibl g discharge was 8,253 gallons, most of which was action letter was issued in September 2023. e Party Styrene observed to have been released into the Release secondary containment area. However, a crack in the secondary containment, resulted in a discharge of into a storm water pond. Due to a change in property ownership, IHSB was able to conduct groundwater and soil vapor sampling on a potential source property after investigating chlorinated solvent contamination off -site in previous years. Groundwater is contaminated on at least three properties but the risk for vapor intrusion was not exceeded. Since public water is available in the area, and the Troy/ remaining property owners will not grant DWM Mullinex Montgomer Chlorinated solvents discovered in drinking access to sample their properties, there is no Grocery water wells during a UST investigation. further work planned at this time. DWM A partial abatement was performed in August 2022. Stream and sediment sampling indicated that Walters Lake was not affected. The discharge incident was entered into the IHSB On July 14, 2022, a truck hauling liquid inventory as an open site with an undetermined fertilizer overturned on the side of the I-40 volume of contaminated soil remaining that eastbound lane. 2,700 gallons of liquid fertilizer could not be removed without impacting the Red Wolves was discharged onto the shoulder of the road. interstate roadway. Another round of stream and Fertilizer Clyde/ The discharge was located approximately 350 lake sampling is being required for the Responsibl Discharge Haywood feet from Walters Lake. responsible party to conduct by March 2024. e Party The EPA conducted groundwater, soil vapor, A former textile facility with chlorinated and surface water sampling on site, along the solvent contamination in groundwater, site boundary, and down -gradient of the site to including PCE and TCE. There is a concern that characterize offsite contaminant migration and groundwater contamination may move off -site vapor intrusion risk. Levels of chlorinated Roanoke and pose a vapor intrusion concern at the solvents were present on and off -site, but not at Rosemary Rapids/Hali residential and commercial structures located levels that pose an exposure risk. There is no Complex fax downgradient. further work planned for this site. USEPA IHSB requested that a water sample be collected from the water supply well at the property. A On June 10, 2022, IHSB received information that sample was collected by Mecklenburg County a landlord applied turpentine to the perimeter and Groundwater Services (GS) on August 4, 2022. crawlspace of a home at 4818 Sadler Road. This Laboratory results were received on August 24, application led to immediate vapors entering the 2022. No contaminants of concern were Mecklenbu Saddler Road Charlotte/ home with the tenant contacting the local fire detected. The site incident was closed with a site rg County — Turpentine Mecklenbur department. Application of turpentine was used as screening file, number SSF000001149, being Governme Release 9 a pest deterrent. created. nt GS The former drycleaner, Specialty Cleaners, operated until the mid- 1970's when the property was redeveloped into the current commercial building. The current property owner was unaware of historic drycleaning operations. IHSB Chlorinated solvents were found above the provided the property owner an application to the state's 2L groundwater standards around a Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act (DSCA) former Sears Tire and Auto Store. Successive Program, which accepted the Site into the offsite investigations conducted by the IHSB program as an abandoned facility. A DSCA orphan contractor finally indicated that the contractor has performed sub -slab soil gas and South Tunnel source for these solvents were from a former indoor air sampling, and is currently performing Road Asheville/ drycleaner that is located to the northeast of the additional soil, groundwater, and vapor intrusion Solvents Buncombe former Sears store. investigation activities. DWM Stat Inc: Red A 24% hydrofluorosilicic acid spill, on Hill - September 7, 2022, from a tanker truck owned Hydrofluoros Red by Stat Incorporated (Lenoir, NC) that was Spill was fully contained, cleaned -up to visual ilic Acid Hill/Caldwe carrying 4,400 gallons of hydrofluorosilicic indicators and all material or waste is properly Responsibl Spill 11 acid. handled. e Party 59 TMI Services Inc. - Paint Release Charlotte/ Mecklenbur 9 A spill of approximately 350 gallons of "Water Bom Paint" occurred in April 2022 at an exit ramp. Methanol was released to soil. Final abatement actions were completed on September 20, 2022. Report was submitted in February 2023. Responsibl e Party Historical operations at this facility included the blending and storage of fertilizers used in agriculture applications. On January 31, 2022, a On July 18, 2022, a remedial investigation work fire occurred at the facility. Consequently, plan was received and approved. Field activities several NCDEQ agencies were involved in in support of this remedial investigation were be managing the environmental risks. Following completed by the end of January 2023. The RI Winston- the extinguishment of the fire, the IHSB was Report Phase 1 was received on March 24, Weaver Salem/ tasked with overseeing the assessment of the 2023. A RI Phase II workplan will be submitted Fertilizer Fire Forsyth site. in the Fall 2023. Owner TCE from an unknown source was detected in groundwater during a UST investigation. Concentrations exceed vapor intrusion screening levels and vapor intrusion Initial soil Gas & groundwater testing Yadkin Road Fayetteville/ investigation needed at adjacent shopping completed in April 2023, based on results Circle K Cumberland center. second phase of soil gas sampling lanned. DWM H. Summary of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (Funds 6372 and 6379) and the National Priorities List Cost Share Fund (Fund 6375) for FY 2022-23 1. Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund (6372) FY 2022-23 Beginning Cash Balance $261,249 Deposits FY 2022-23 Appropriations $400,000 No Further Action review fees $2,000 Bankruptcy income $0 Total Deposits $402,000 Expenditures FY 2022-23 Orphan priority site sampling/remediation/alternate water supplies $377,460 Total Expenditures $377,460 Ending Cash Balance $285,789 Obligations Remediation, laboratory, and bottled water contract obligations* $157,084 Total Current Obligations $157,084 *-Encumbered under contracts. Available Untasked Funds at End of FY 2022-23 $128,705 2. Revenue Dedicated to the Pre -Regulatory Landfills (Fund 6379) FY 2022-23 Beginning Cash Balance $19,212,660 Deposits (FY 2021-22) Tax (actual total income) $12,366,463 Administrative expense overcharge refund $0 Total Deposits $12,366,463 Expenditures (FY2021-22) Contracts $9,453,128 Local government reimbursement $218,908 Transfer to DWM Solid & Hazardous Waste Programs $500,000 •1 Operating budget: PRLF operating budget $749,840 Inactive Hazardous Sites operating budget $561,522 Combined operating budget $1,311,362 Total Expenditures $11,483,399 Ending Cash Balance $20,095,724 Total Current Contract and Local Government Obligations (Encumbrances not yet Paid) $4,658,795 Current Effective Cash Balance $15,436,929 A portion of a solid waste disposal tax established by the legislature is dedicated toward contracting assessment and remediation at uncontrolled pre -regulatory landfills and to fund staff to implement the program. These funds are also used to fund a portion of the staff overseeing work at other Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites. A table and graph depicting the fund income and expenditures by years is below. Fiscal Year Annual Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 2008-09 $ 3,904,260.91 $ 46,846.21 $ 3,857,414.70 2009-10 $ 9,338,017.99 $ 749,888.22 $ 12,445,544.47 2010-11 $ 9,175,887.91 $ 2,846,727.53 $ 18,774,704.85 2011-12 $ 9,521,021.27 $ 2,824,888.81 $ 25,470,837.31 2012-13 $ 8,850,589.92 $ 4,273,171.09 $ 30,048,256.14 2013-14 $ 8,097,660.71 $ 7,834,699.76 $ 30,311,217.09 2014-15 $ 9,094,712.92 $ 10,629,385.28 $ 28,712,428.51 2015-16 $ 9,173,960.00 $ 8,832,144.00 $ 29,054,245.00 2016-17 $ 9,816,029.45 $ 7,378,389.70 $ 31,491,884.47 2017-18 $ 10,113,745.73 $ 12,918,429.82 $ 28,687,200.38 2018-19 $ 10,509,092.00 $ 22,422,020.00 $ 16,774,272.38 2019-20 $ 11,560,035.01 $ 13,447,047.00 $ 14,887,260.39 2020-21 $ 11,464,201.14 $ 7,834,580.96 $ 18,516,482.18 2021-22 $ 11,959,297.00 $ 11,263,119.00 $ 19,212,660.18 2022-23 $ 12,366,462.76 $ 11,483,399.16 $ 20,095,723.78 2023-24 $ 12,367,000.00 $ 15,000,000.00 $ 17,462,723.78 Projections for fiscal year 2023-24 were estimated using current project activities. 61 Figure IV-1 Pre -Regulatory Landfill Program Funds Pre -Regulatory Landfill Program Funds $35,000,000.00 — $30,000,000.00 $25,000,000.00 — $20,000,000.00 — $15,000,000.00 — $10,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 r� A 00� 00� 010' 01� 01� 0, 0, O~�' O~� O~^' O~� O~, OHO ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti --A--Annual Receipts -.*—Disbursements mmlHmFund Balance • Historic data provided from fiscal years 2008-09 through 2022-23. • Projections for fiscal year 2023-24 were estimated using current project activities. • Work activities may not be completed and invoiced in the same fiscal year. 3. National Priorities List Cost -Share Fund (Fund 6375) FY 2022-23 Estimated cost of federal trust fund/North Carolina cost- share cleanups $123,916,300 North Carolina's 10 percent cost -share for pending/ongoingcleanups $12,391,630* Total fund disbursements for cost -share payments $9,640,974 Balance as of June 30, 2022 $3,925,026 Encumbered amount of the fund balance for cost -share payments $1,712,324 Encumbered amount for Cape Fear Wood contract $56,746 Effective Cash Balance 1 $2,155,956 *Cleanup cost estimates are not yet available for all sites. The cost -share figure will increase as cost estimates become available. Other sites may be added to the National Priorities List that will require a state cost -share. This account is also used to pay for the state's operation and maintenance obligations at these sites. The fund has no continuing source of income. 62 Chapter V: Solid Waste and Materials Management A. Executive Summary North Carolina General Statute 130A-309.06 (c) requires the NCDEQ to annually report the status of solid waste management efforts in the state to the North Carolina General Assembly's Environmental Review Commission and Fiscal Research Division. The Demographer's Office in the N.C. Office of State Budget and Management reported that North Carolina's population increased by 1.26 percent between FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23, while the amount of waste disposed of in municipal solid waste landfills and construction and demolition landfills increased by 0.09 percent from an adjusted disposal amount of 14,024,453 tons in FY 2021-22. A total of 14,037,108 tons of solid waste originating from North Carolina Counties was disposed of at in -state and out-of-state facilities — an increase in disposal of 12,655 tons from the previous fiscal year. During FY 2020-21, the rule review and readoption process required by G.S. 15013-21.3A and initiated in 2013 was completed for the solid waste management rules in Title 15A, Subchapter 13B of the Administrative Code. As a part of the readoption process, the rules in Section .1700 of Subchapter 13B pertaining to coal combustion by-products were updated to be consistent with changes made to the General Statutes in the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 (LAMA), including changes made to the annual reporting requirements. CAMA required in G.S. 130A-309.204(c) that annual reporting on the generation of coal combustion residuals (CCR) and coal combustion products (CCP) was required for public utilities only, and not for other generators of CCR or CCP. Two current North Carolina public utilities generating CCR and CCP reported that they disposed of 176,347 tons of CCR in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills and did not dispose of any CCP in structural fills in FY 2022-23. CCP was instead sent for beneficial use within STAR® Units located at Duke Energy's Buck, Cape Fear, and H.F. Lee facilities. Disposal of produced and excavated ash material in coal ash monofills, which are special landfills that contain only coal ash waste, has increased as excavation of ash basins continues across North Carolina in accordance with the Consent Order signed in February of 2020 directing Duke Energy to excavate more than 80 million tons of coal ash from open, unlined impoundments at several locations and place the excavated coal ash in onsite lined landfills. During FY 2022-23, 3,720,573 tons of CCR were placed in coal ash monofills. Data used in this report, along with other subsidiary reports, is available online at: https:Hdeq.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section/solid-waste-facility-lists-presentations-and- annual-reports/solid-waste-management-annual-reports. 1. Key Findings FY 2022-23 • The in -state and out-of-state Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D) disposed of in North Carolina plus the waste that was generated in North Carolina and disposed of in out-of-state facilities amounted to 14,037,108 tons in FY 2022-23. • The 89 sanitary landfills permitted and operating in North Carolina reported disposing of a total of 13,966,261 tons of MSW and C&D solid waste, including waste imported from out-of-state. • Municipal and C&D solid waste reported as disposed of in North Carolina originating from South Carolina was 63,910 tons and Virginia was 30,493 tons for a total of 94,403 tons from out-of-state sources. • Waste exported to Georgia [68,566 tons], South Carolina [198,529 tons], Tennessee [110,644 tons], and Virginia [101,602 tons] amounted to 479,341 tons. • The remaining capacity for the 41 active MSW landfills in North Carolina calculates to approximately 28 years of municipal solid waste at the FY 2022-23 rate of disposal. • Industrial waste disposal amounted to 4,021,880 tons for FY 2022-23. o North Carolina industrial waste is now predominantly from producers of paper products (pulp and paper sludges) with contributions from the electric energy industry (CCR). • The per capita rate of North Carolina waste disposed into in -state and out-of-state MSW and C&D landfills has remained steady at 1.31 tons per person within range of the last 3 fiscal years. • Coal ash disposal in a MSW landfill did not affect the per capita disposal rate in FY 2022-23 as shown in Table V 1 below. • Excavated Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) from Duke Energy coal ash impoundments totaling 3,170,874 tons were reported as disposed of in onsite landfills in FY 2022-23. • Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) waste produced from Duke Energy coal -fueled plants totaled 491,402 tons; however, 634,797 tons of produced and excavated FGD waste were credited as beneficially used. 63 • Local government recycling programs diverted 430,212 tons of household recyclables (glass bottles and jars, plastic containers, metal cans, paper, cartons, and cardboard), which resulted in greenhouse gas savings of 1,136,754 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. • Additional recyclables recovered by local government programs totaled 1,067,310 tons which include yard waste, food waste, scrap metal, tires, electronics, textiles, construction and demolition debris, and other hard -to -recycle materials such as batteries, paint, automotive fluids, and chemicals. • DEQ recycling grants continued to support important market investments, including material recovery facility (MRF) upgrades, plastic recycling expansions, glass recycling improvements, and food waste diversion. 2. Departmental Considerations and Recommendations • The General Assembly is encouraged to consider ways to support the increased recovery and recycling of food waste which is estimated to make up nearly one -quarter of residential landfilled waste. • The General Assembly is encouraged to consider the new tire advanced disposal fee to better support local recycling programs. • Due to the increased presence of and discovery of emerging contaminants like 1,4, dioxane and PFAS and PFOA, the general assembly is encouraged to consider requiring all sanitary landfills, and construction and demolition debris landfills, in particular, to be constructed with a composite base liner system and leachate collection. While this will increase operational costs to some facilities, it will decrease the contamination of valuable state groundwater resources. B. Solid Waste Management Waste types handled at North Carolina facilities include municipal solid waste, industrial waste, construction and demolition waste, land -clearing waste, scrap tires, medical waste, compost, and septage. Coal combustion residuals, or CCR, classified as industrial waste generated at North Carolina's six electric power plants, have received much study and attention because of the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014. The Act requires that the coal ash in surface water disposal impoundments be removed and the ash be placed into lined landfills or recovered. In recent years, CCR has primarily been disposed of in onsite industrial landfills at power plants or recovered for beneficial use primarily in the cement industry. 1. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Construction and Demolition (C&D) Landfill Disposal North Carolina generated and disposed of a total of 14,037,108 tons of waste (generated during the fiscal year) into MSW and C&D landfills within the state and out-of-state. This represents an increase of 12,655 tons of waste from the previous fiscal year. Figure V 1 below displays the history of disposal of waste since 1991. For each fiscal year, the tonnage figure represents the material that was generated during that year that entered disposal facilities. 64 Figure V-1 MSW and C&D 20-Year Disposal Forecast 18,000,000 n,000,000 ACTl1AL FORECAST 16,000,000 1s,000,000 � a — 0 2023Tons Disposed: 14, 037,108 14,000,000 v 13,000,000 — a a 12,000,000 11,000,000 10,0oo,000 i 2022 Population: 10,705,403 9Aoo,aoa sAoaAaa 7AOVA0o —Waste Disposed —Population 6,000,000 s,000Aoo 'DO 190 10 11* VO 1q� f�l 10 1a10 11pa _110 V�o ,Lq� ,iq'yq .�'L'i' 101 10 Note: Population data is from the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) State Demographer website: https://www.osbm.nc.gov/demog/county-projections for Annual County Populations available at the following web link: https://www.osbm.nc.gov/population-projections-age-group-data/download?attachment Solid waste exported from North Carolina generators to out-of-state landfills located in Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia totaled approximately 479,341 tons in FY 2022-23. During that period, North Carolina landfills received and disposed of approximately 94,403 tons of waste that originated from South Carolina and Virginia. In addition to normal MSW and C&D wastes, other post-industrial or business cleanups that are safely disposed of in lined MSW landfills include petroleum -contaminated soils from leaking storage tanks under the Division of Waste Management's Underground Storage Tank Section and wastes from development at industrial facilities under the Division of Waste Management's Brownfields Program. In past years, the cleanup from tropical storms created noticeable spikes in waste generation and disposal. Tables related to waste disposal per county, facility, and per capita can be found at: https:Hdeq.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section/solid-waste-facility-lists-presentations-and- annual-reports/solid-waste-management-annual-reports. 2. Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) and Product (CCP) Generation, Disposal, and Reuse North Carolina public utility generators of CCR and CCP recorded 176,347 tons of generated coal ash disposed of in MSW or non -coal ash industrial landfills, during FY 2022-23. Produced and excavated ash material removed from coal -fueled plants and coal ash impoundments were reported as not used in structural fill projects. The reporting of zero placement of CCR and CCP within structural fills is a result of being governed by the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, beneficial use within STAR® Units located at Duke Energy's Buck, 65 Cape Fear, and H.F. Lee facilities, as well as better recovery systems. Disposal of produced and excavated ash material in coal ash monofills has increased as excavation of ash basins continues across North Carolina. Within FY 2022-23, 3,720,573 tons of CCR were placed in coal ash monofills. Table V 1 shares information on the disposition of coal combustion wastes that intersected with landfill disposal. The information is derived from reporting of the two public utility companies that generate ash at their facilities across North Carolina. Table V-1 Coal Combustion By -Products and Impoundment Excavation Coal Combustion By- products (tons) generated Ash (tons) Generator Annual Reporting FY 2022-23 excavated from Ash Gypsum impoundment Total produced 396,235 491,405 3,170,874 Used as Structural Fill - - - Other Beneficial Uses 1,234,223 634,797 198,022 Disposed in MSW and Industrial Landfills [not Coal Ash monofills] 176,347 - - • Recycling efforts continue to increase at industrial facilities statewide. • Management of CCR, which consists of bottom and fly ash, is produced from coal-fired electric power plants and is disposed of in onsite CCR landfills. Coal combustion products (CCP) in the form of ash are predominantly reused as an ingredient in cement. • Flue gas desulphurization (FGD) residuals, or synthetic gypsum, is the primary ingredient in drywall. • Fly ash, slag, and bottom ash can be used as construction material such as gravel or fill. • Session Law 2016-95 revising the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, required that Duke Energy provide ash beneficiation projects capable of processing 300,000 tons of ash, reclaimed from surface impoundments, for cementitious products. The STARO Units have been placed in service. Duke Energy has been addressing production challenges and will continue to take measures to improve feed ash quality as well as pursue equipment modifications to increase production. • Duke Energy has three recycling sites in North Carolina located at the Buck Station (Spencer, N.C.), HF Lee Station (Goldsboro, N.C.) and Cape Fear (Moncure, N.C.). • Duke Energy reported in FY 2022-23 that 634,797 tons of gypsum were sent to the drywall or wallboard industry for reuse. 3. Solid Waste Tax The N.C. Department of Revenue reported solid waste tax distribution of $25,695,985, which equates to 12,804,503 tons of taxable solid waste going into landfills within North Carolina and through transfer stations to landfills in neighboring states. The gap between reported disposed tonnage and tax -paid tonnage was due to waste at federally owned landfills on military bases and some specific waste streams received at MSW facilities (for example, biosolids) that are exempt from the solid waste tax. In addition, the large amount of excavated CCR impoundment wastes was not taxed because they were not transferred through a permitted solid waste facility. Revenue from the solid waste tax was distributed to: • Inactive Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund — 50 percent is used to fund the assessment and remediation of pre-1983 landfills • Local governments — 18.75 percent to counties and 18.75 percent to municipalities to assist with their waste and materials management programs • General Fund — 12.5 percent The Solid Waste Tax proceeds and distribution are summarized in TableV 2 below. Table V- 2 N.C. Dept. of Revenue Solid Waste Tax Distribution PROCEEDS tat Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Totals PROCEEDS AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION BEFORE COST $ 6,005,706.90 $ 7,207,574.29 $ 6,099,323.00 $ 6,383,380.37 $ 25,695,984.56 LESS: REIMBURSEMENT UNDER SESSION LAW 2007-543 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ LESS: COST OF COLLECTING $ 21,376.87 I $ 22,597.67 $ 21,450.37 1$ 21,554-591 $ 86,979.50 PROCEEDS AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION $ 5,984,33D.03 $ 7,184,976.62 $ 6,077,872.63 $ 6,361,825.78 1 $ 25,609 005 06 DISTRIBUTION OF PROCEEDS INACTIVE HAZARDOUS SITES CLEANUP FUND (50%) $ 2,992,165.02 $ 3,592,488.32 $ 3,038,936.32 $ 3,180,912.89 $ 12,8fl4,502.55 AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO DISTRIBUTE TO CITIES ( 18.75%) $ 1,122,061.89 $ 1,347,183.12 $ 1,139,601.12 $ 1,192,842.34 $ 4,801,688.47 AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO DISTRIBUTE TO COUNTJES (18.75%0) $ 1,122,061.89 $ 1,347,183.12 $ 1,139,601.12 $ 1,192,842.34 $ 4,801,688.47 GENERAL FUND (12.5%) $ 748,041.23 $ 898,122.06 $ 759,734.07 $ 795,228.21 $ 3,201,125.57 TOTALS $ 5,984,330.03 $ 7,184,976.62 $ 6,077,872.63 $ 6,361,825.73 $ 25,609,005.06 1. Solid waste disposal taxes are levied pursuant to Article 5G of Chapter 105 which provide for a per capita distribution of the proceeds. 2. A city of county is excluded from the distribution under Article 5G if it does not provide salmi waste management programs and is not responsible by contract for payment for these programs and services, unless it is served by a regional solid waste management authority established under -Article 22 of Chapter 153A of the General Statutes. Note: Totals do not match DEQ budget reports for FY22-23 due to the timing of distributions from N.C. Department of Revenue (NCDOR). The table above was compiled using the following NCDOR data: • 1st Quarter FY22-23: https://www.ncdor.gov/solid-waste-disposal-tax-distribution-quarter-ending-09-30-2022 • 2nd Quarter FY22-23: https://www.ncdor.gov/solid-waste-disposal-tax-distribution-quarter-ending-12-31-2022 • 3rd Quarter FY22-23: https://www.ncdor.gov/solid-waste-disposal-tax-distribution-quarter-ending-03-31-2023 • 4th Quarter FY22-23: https://www.ncdor.gov/solid-waste-disposal-tax-distribution-quarter-ending-06-30-2023 4. Per Capita Disposal Rate Table V 3 below shows the history of North Carolina's per capita disposal rate, including the impact of including excavated CCR on that rate. The table shows the baseline measurement of solid waste disposal in the benchmark years of FY 1990-91 and 1991-92 as well as the most recent 17 fiscal years. Two calculations were performed to determine per capita waste this fiscal year — one showing disposal per capita for wastes generated during the fiscal year and the other including both generated waste plus excavated CCR. 67 Table V- 3 North Carolina's Per Ca ita Disposal Rate Fiscal Year NC Population MSW and C&D Disposed [tons] MSW per Capita [tons] Coal Ash Disposed [tons] MSW minus Coal Ash Disposed [tons] MSW minus Coal Ash Disposed per Capita [tons] 2022-23 10,705,403 14,037,108 1.26 0 14,037,108 1.26 2021-22 10,556,299 14,024,453 1.33 0 14,024,453 1.33 2020-21 10,587,440 13,949,017 1.32 0 13,949,017 1.32 2019-20 10,508,254 13, 916, 869 1.32 127,005 13,789, 864 1.31 2018-19 10,401,960 13,846,258 1.33 32,809 13,813,449 1.35 2017-18 10,283,255 11,651,999 1.13 643,808 11,008,191 1.07 2016-17 10,155,942 11,385,939 1.12 1,678,882 9,707,057 0.96 2015-16 10,056,683 11,323,734 1.13 743,822 10,579,912 1.05 2014-15 9,953,687 9,635,874 0.97 Not Measured Prior to FY15-16 9,635,874 0.97 2013-14 9,861,952 9,273,571 0.94 9,273,571 0.94 2012-13 9,765,229 9,149,130 0.94 9,149,130 0.94 2011-12 9,669,244 9,443,380 0.98 9,443,380 0.98 2010-11 9,586,227 9,467,045 0.99 9,467,045 0.99 2009-10 9,382,609 9,395,457 1.00 9,395,457 1.00 2008-09 9,227,016 9,910,031 1.07 9,910,031 1.07 2007-08 9,069,398 11,284,712 1.24 11,284,712 1.24 2006-07 8,860,341 11,837,104 1.34 11,837,104 1.34 2005-06 8,682,066 11,765,183 1.36 11,765,183 1.36 1991-92 [Benchmark] 6,781,321 7,257,428 1.07 7,257,428 1.07 1990-91 6,632,448 7,161,455 1.08 7,161,455 1.08 Note: MSW disposal data were updated based on additional report submittals. 5. Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Capacity The total remaining capacity of North Carolina's 41 active permitted MSW landfills measures approximately 364 million cubic yards, equating to approximately 379 million tons based on a calculated average compaction rate of 1.04 tons of waste per cubic yard of air space. The capacity does not distinguish between imported or exported waste. The state capacity calculates to 28 years of waste disposal should the rate of landfill use remain steady at last fiscal year's rate of approximately 11.4 million tons per year for all active MSW landfills. Continued efforts to increase recycling and material diversion will help maximize landfill capacity. Landfill capacity in the state is currently sufficient, and all regions have access to adequate disposal capacity. However, the state's landfill capacity is not uniformly available statewide due to permit conditions, franchise arrangements, service areas, population densities, and distances. Some regions have limited disposal options and may be subject to higher disposal costs and possible disruptions in service should facilities close or fuel costs become prohibitive due to transport to distant facilities. As some landfills come to capacity in the next 8-10 years, the availability and convenience of municipal solid waste disposal facilities will change and some areas will have less access than they do currently. As shown in Table V 3 above, the disposal of coal ash in MSW landfills did not occur in FY 2022-23. The downward trend for the past several years has favorably affected MSW landfill capacity in the State. Tabulation of MSW and C&D landfill capacity can be found in the FY 2022-23 Landfill Capacity Report contained on the following website: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section/solid-waste-facility-lists- presentations-and-annual-reports/solid-waste-management-annual-reports. 6. Industrial Landfill Disposal In North Carolina, 11 out of 13 active permitted industrial landfills disposed of various types of industrial waste originating from internal operations. The majority of industrial landfills are located where the waste is produced. The largest volume of waste disposed into industrial landfills is at electric power plants and from the paper product industry, which disposes of sludge and wood ash. Tabulation of landfilled industrial waste can be found in the FY 2022-23 Solid Waste Management Annual Report folder, located online at: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid- waste-section/solid-waste-facility-lists-presentations-and-annual-reports/solid-waste-management-annual-reports.. 7. Composting and Mulching A total of 58 composting and an additional 16 permitted mulching operations continued to divert organics from the municipal solid waste stream. Composting operations diverted 18,469 tons of food residuals produced from industrial food processors with an additional 34,263 tons of yard waste, wood waste, biosolids, and other wastes. The combined composting and mulching operations managed more than 480,000 tons of feedstocks in FY 2020-21. Waste diversion through these operations continues to grow in importance. Currently, food waste diversion accounts for only 11 percent of feedstocks processed — an increase of two percent more than last year. These facilities have the available capacity to increase food waste diversion in North Carolina. Figure V 2 Feedstocks Composted / Mulched below shows the fractions of materials used as feedstocks. Figure V- 2 Feedstocks Composted / Mulched Other. Ir% Food Waste & Food Processing Residuals, 11% Grease Trap Waste, 8% Wooden Pallets, 2% Sludge & Blosolids, 13% Yard Waste, 45% Animal Wastes, Clean Wood, 6% to /o Sawdust, 1% 8. Land Application Septage waste land application is accomplished through staff permitting and compliance activities for more than 620 septage haulers, 197 septage detention or treatment (dewatering) facilities, and 110 land application sites (representing 1,700 acres). While most of the land -applied waste is septic tank, portable toilet, and restaurant grease trap waste, the program also assists waste generators with other wastes and by-products to determine if they are suitable for beneficial use through land application. Examples of beneficially reused waste include wood ash and tobacco dust. Best management practices are followed for each by-product to assure the protection of public health and the environment after evaluation by staff and are included in the site operational plans. Since septage haulers are permitted on a calendar year basis, the volumes of septic tank (domestic septage), portable toilet, and grease trap wastes pumped are reported for the previous calendar year. Approximately 262,519,064 gallons total of domestic septage, grease septage, and portable toilet waste was pumped in the calendar year 2022 compared to 234,498,657 pumped in the calendar year 2021. The increase in total septage pumped from 2021 to 2022 was primarily due to a reported increase in the amount of domestic septage and portable toilet waste pumped. The reported increase in domestic septage and portable toilet waste pumped may reflect a start to the return of business as normal after the pandemic and an increase in construction projects. Figure V 3 below shows the gallons of septage pumped per year. Figure V- 3 Gallons of Septage Pumped Per Year MILLION GALLONS SEPTAGE PUMPED PER YEAR —+--Domestic Grease —Portable Toilet 180,000,000 160,000,000 140,000,000 120,000,000 10D,000,000 8D,000,000 60,000,000 - a 4D,000,000 2D,000,000 0 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 a. In 2019, two Firms reported over 10,000,000 gallons each of portable toilet waste pumped. The extra 20,000,000 galllons is suspected to be reporting error. 9. Medical Waste During FY 2022-2023, four permitted medical waste treatment facilities that receive waste from off -site operated in the state. There are also nineteen alternative medical waste treatment technologies approved for use in the state that operate using a combination of waste shredding and steam sterilization, chemical, infrared, ozone, and heat to treat medical waste at individual generator locations. Figure V 4 below shows the tonnage of medical waste treated at North Carolina's permitted medical waste treatment facilities during FY 2022-23. A total of 16,271.31 tons of medical waste generated in North Carolina and 9,723.60 tons generated from other states, totaling 25,994.91 tons, were treated. A total of 18,106.04 tons of treated medical waste was disposed of in landfills with a waste tonnage reduction to (incinerator) ash of 5,289.04. Figure V 4 does not include medical waste treated from healthcare facilities that treat waste on -site. These healthcare facilities are regulated by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services; although, DEQ may address specific concerns regarding medical waste treatment such as packaged stored medical waste awaiting shipment and treatment device operation. Figure V- 4 Tons of Medical Waste Processed by Fiscal Year 40,000.00 35,000.00 3o,oaD.U0 25,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 3oi 70 10. Household Hazardous Waste Household hazardous waste (HHW) is household items that are toxic, ignitable, corrosive or reactive. Household hazardous waste includes items such as household cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, pool chemicals, paints, automotive fluids, and batteries. These waste types are dangerous to human health and the environment. The Solid Waste Section recommends that citizens properly dispose of HHW at an approved collection site. Units of local government HHW collection sites may be temporary one -day events, commonly conducted in a physical structure, or permanent ongoing collection sites at bricks and mortar locations. Twenty-three counties in North Carolina have permanent HHW collection sites (30 sites total). These 30 permanent sites are permitted facilities and collected 9,723,408.00 pounds or 4,861.70 tons of household hazardous wastes as shown in Table V 4 below. Table V- 4 Permanent HHW Facility Collections FY 2022-2023 Household Hazardous Waste Pounds Various paints 4,564,128.00 Flammable liquids and solids 1,000,776.00 Automotive oil, filters, and antifreeze 524,057.00 Lead -acid, cadmium, lithium and alkaline batteries 145,171.00 Mercury containing fluorescent light bulbs and other mercury -containing materials 723.000 Compressed gases 131,219.00 Poisonous materials such as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and pool chemicals 138,624.00 Corrosive materials 161,997.00 Oxidizing substances 87,992.00 Aerosols 92,424.00 Smoke Alarms 0.00 PCB/Ballasts 48.00 Propane tanks 0.00 Fire extinguishers 19,158.00 Twenty-nine counties, six municipalities, and one business held 53 one -day temporary HHW collection events during FY 2022-2023. The 53 events collected a total of 621,467.00 pounds or 310.73 tons of household hazardous wastes. Figure V 5 below illustrates the amounts of HHW collected annually since FY 2011-12. A complete listing of locations of permanent HHW sites as well as current one -day events can be found at: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management/hhw. Although the collection of HHW is a costly endeavor, increasing numbers of units of local government as well as civic organizations, and private industries are arranging for this valuable service for North Carolina communities. The fiscal year total collected is 5,107.38 tons and the collection cost reported by units of local government for temporary and permanent collection events is $5,995,288.28. 71 Figure V- 5 Household Hazardous Waste in Tons by Fiscal Year 6,0N.00 S,01)0.00 4,OOO.00 3,0{}0.00 2,ow.00 S,O{}OA{} 0.00 11. Facility Inspections The Division of Waste Management's Solid Waste Section is responsible for conducting inspections/site visits at the following variety of solid waste management facility types: • C&D Landfills over pre -regulatory MSW • Coal Combustion Product Landfills and Structural Landfills Fills • Closed Post -Closure Landfills • Household Hazardous Waste Collection Sites • Compost Facilities • Construction & Demolition Landfills (C&DLF) • Industrial Landfills • Land Application Sites • Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfills (LCID) • LCID Notification Landfills (open and closed) • MSW Landfills • Transfer Stations • Material Recovery Facilities • Medical Waste Treatment Facilities and Incinerators • Septage Detention and Treatment Facilities • Septage (hauler) Firms • Tire Monofills • Tire Processing / Collection Facilities • Treatment and Processing Facilities • White Goods Collection • Yard Waste Notifications 12. Non -Facility Inspections and Evaluations In addition to the facility types listed above, the Solid Waste Section also provides inspections and evaluations for the following: Illegal Dumping: The Solid Waste Section provides technical assistance to residents and businesses on the proper management, recycling, or disposal of solid wastes. It investigates complaints of solid waste illegal dumping, working to have the sites cleaned up and taking enforcement action when necessary for the protection of human health and the environment. The Solid Waste Section also works with local governments to establish and maintain ordinances and programs that address littering and indiscriminate dumping in their communities, and to avoid illegal dumping by communicating disposal procedures and locations to residents, especially following a storm or other disaster. Disaster Response and Preparation: The Solid Waste Section collaborates with federal partners, N.C. Department of Public Safety's Division of Emergency Management, and local governments to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Response Framework Emergency Support Functions related to solid waste debris removal (ESF-3), oil and hazardous materials response (ESF-10), and agriculture and natural resources (ESF-11). DEQ staff assisted with preparation and response for Hurricane Ian in 2022 by continuing to develop and improve GIS (Geographical Information System mapping) tools for reporting, sharing, and summarizing information about the environmental incidents that DEQ handles during an emergency response. DEQ also worked to develop GIS tools for locating waste management facilities to assist with preparation in the storm's projected path and for disposal. 72 V- 6 Hurricane Incident GIN '1'rackin2 'fool ,51"` Hurricane Incident Tracking Application BUM emu..,` F•• i . 4i„/l'. rr ; �iZ. . 1,898 Mv m.r•+nurar.rlr.r �.aa+b I The Solid Waste Section continues to work with local governments to foster the message that disaster preparedness is essential, given the history of storm destruction in North Carolina, and encourages communities to establish pre -approved temporary debris storage and reduction (TDSR) sites for vegetative and demolition debris prior to an emergency or disaster. The department maintains a record of more than 650 of these pre -approved TDSR sites. Pre -approval is critical because it allows for rapid mobilization of cleanup services as well as ensuring that the maximum reimbursement of cleanup costs from FEMA can be obtained. The Solid Waste Section is in the process of developing a new online application tool for the submittal of applications for potential TDSRs. This will allow the Section to efficiently track applications as they are submitted and processed. The Solid Waste Section assisted with response and clean-up following Hurricane Ian; evaluated and coordinated the review of seven new TDSR sites with the State Historic Preservation Office and Natural Heritage Program; and coordinated with local governments and FEMA for the activation and subsequent clean-up of six TDSR sites. It also provided technical assistance with the proper disposal of storm debris. Because DEQ already had systems in place to communicate and conduct debris site reviews using virtual means and GIS tools like the one depicted above, it was able to continue activities remotely, with minimal interruption of the normal procedures. Tax Certifications: The Solid Waste Section processes certification applications (see Figure V 7 below) for special tax treatment of facilities and equipment used in recycling of a solid waste or resource recovery from a solid waste. The Solid Waste Section has been processing these applications since the mid-1970s at no cost to the applicant. Recently the Solid Waste Section has launched a new online application tool that allows for a more efficient application process and one that helps the Department track applications as they go through the process. North Carolina's tax certification program is very robust and provides property tax benefits to numerous companies and business types. Tax certification programs in other southeastern states typically place more restrictions on the types of businesses that can apply. Since North Carolina's program is broad and open to any company or business that maintains assets used exclusively for recycling or resource recovery, the program has been an effective tool in new business recruitment for the state. In the past seven years, the Solid Waste Section has processed approximately 1,180 certification applications. Figure V 7 below shows applications received and approved for the past seven years, while Figure V 8 shows that these approximately 1,180 applications resulted in an estimated value (as reported by the applicant) of $1.2 Billion in business equipment being exempted from local government property tax assessment. This amount does not include the value of the land and facility areas also exempted from local government tax assessment in that time frame since this data is not available. The department estimates that Solid Waste Section staff collectively spend time equivalent to two staff positions reviewing and processing tax certification applications, providing technical assistance, and conducting site visits for these facilities to determine whether the requested items comply with the general statutes and administrative code regarding special tax treatment. The estimated staff time does not include time spent by the department's Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service staff providing additional technical assistance for these applications. The estimated value of business equipment exempted was much greater in FY22-23 than in previous years. This was due to an estimated $363,769,560 of business equipment exempted from the three STAR® Units located at Duke Energy's 73 Buck, Cape Fear, and H.F. Lee facilities, where coal combustion residual materials are recycled. More information regarding the STAR® Units is included in Section B2. Figure V8 includes a breakdown of the estimated value of business equipment exempted. Figure V- 7 Tax Certification Applications Received and Approved ■ Applications Received ■ Applications Approved 250 205 200 18M1 191 1951F1 lE N 172 a 1.57165 1611E 152 m DLO 137 cL 4 122 0 a 100 E 50 0 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Fiscal Year Figure V- 8 Estimated Value of Business Eauiument Certified as Tax Exemut ■EstinatedValue Exempted ■ STAR FaciitiesFstimatedViiLeExempted $400,000,000 $363,769,560 s350,000,000 s300,000,000 s250,000,000 6200,000,000 $155,221,149 $173,716,285 $181,813,936 $150,000,000 $133,324,855 $114,525 $104,00t},004 $91, 349,7f $98,729,752 ,189 $50,000,000 ' s0 2015-17 2017-19 2019-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-2,3 FiscalYear 13. Facility Operator Training and Public Outreach The Solid Waste Section is committed to the protection of public health and the environment through education, inspections and compliance, and environmental monitoring. The section has a long-standing history of promoting training for the regulated community and public as required by statute as well as through technical assistance, collaboration, outreach activities, and customer service. C. Local Government Waste Reduction Activities and Recycling Markets Each unit of local government is required to report to DEQ annually about their solid waste management programs and waste reduction activities per G.S. 130A-309.09A. The Solid Waste and Materials Management Reports help produce a picture of waste reduction, recycling, and materials management efforts in North Carolina. This data offers information that helps gauge the breadth and relative effectiveness of local government programs in diverting materials from disposal and delivering them to industry for reprocessing. Data from these annual reports also helps document the trends in recycling and reuse program implementation, and the evolving nature of public materials recovery efforts in North 74 Carolina. The reporting process was modernized in FY2021-22 to allow local governments to complete the report online, consistent with annual reports for permitted solid waste facilities. The new reporting process improved the efficiency of local governments to complete reports and for DEQ staff to receive and review reports. 1. Source Reduction and Reuse Programs Operating a source reduction or local reuse program can be a cost-effective way to help residents reduce the amount of solid waste that is discarded. These programs are typically popular with residents and have the potential to be a low-cost opportunity to engage the community, creating awareness about strategies that can be used to reduce the cost of disposal. Despite these benefits, only 44 of North Carolina's counties and 43 out of 451 municipalities reported operating these programs. The number of total programs in the state has remained steady over the past five years, ranging from 87 to 92 local governments reporting source reduction and reuse programs each year. In general, waste prevention through source reduction and reuse does not seem to be a high priority for most communities. Table V 5 below examines the types of source reduction and reuse programs operated by local governments during FY 2022-23. Table V- 5 Local Source Reduction / Reuse Programs in FY 2022-23 Number of Programs Program Type Backyard Composting 44 38 Education Programs 14 Compost Bins Sales (1,419 total bins sold Public Reuse 14 Swap Shop Programs (70 swap shop locations) 26 8 Paint Exchange Programs (77,830 pounds of paint reused) 2 Reusable Dish/Utensil Loan Programs 10 Others (e.g., book swaps, pallet exchange, moving box exchange, swap events) Source Reduction 26 Promoting Food Waste Reduction 35 Promoting Single -Use Plastic Reduction 61 34 Promoting Junk Mail Reduction 43 Promoting Reuse and Donation 6 Promoting Other Source Reduction Activities 87 Total Local Governments with Source Reduction or Reuse Programs 2. Local Government Recovery Table V 6 below compiles local government materials recovery operations over the past five years. Local government recovery showed a small increase in FY 2022-23 when compared to the previous fiscal year. Recovery of traditional recyclables (paper, glass, plastics and metal) and electronics decreased slightly while recovery of organics, tires, and construction and demolition debris increased. Overall, amount recovered per capita increased by 10 pounds of material for the year. Total recovery results from the past five years reflect a mature public recycling system that has maintained resiliency despite recycling market challenges beginning in 2018 and through the COVID-19 pandemic. Local governments operate a base level of programs and have maintained public participation in terms of material capture, even as the "evolving ton" of traditional recyclables generated in households becomes lighter over time. Highlights from Table V 6 will be examined in greater detail throughout this chapter. 75 Table V- 6 Local Government Recovery Tons FY 2018-19 through FY 2022-23 Material FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 Total Paper 322,959 285,848 311,703 291,418 280,440 Total Glass 124,632 104,659 91,164 85,865 74,866 Total Plastics 40,611 39,444 38,185 36,993 34,148 Total Metal' 76,140 87,167 91,515 82,153 80,174 TotalOrganics2 925,289 817,307 828,155 786,205 866,600 Special Wastes 9,400 8,720 9,693 8,839 9,990 Electronics 13,444 11,736 10,624 8,908 8,172 Construction and 102,240 86,973 90,586 98,165 104,330 Demolition Debris Tires3 153,645 139,104 118,165 97,899 110,475 Other 2,004 2,118 961 1,078 1,073 Totals 1,770,364 1,583,076 1,590,751 1,497,522 1,570,268 Per Capita Recovery 340.39 301.30 300.50 283.72 293.36 (lbs.) Recovery Ratio 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 (Recycling: Disposal) Includes white goods, aluminum cans, steel cans and other metals. s Includes yard waste, pallets, wood waste and food waste. 'Tons of tires listed as recovered includes only those tires originating from within North Carolina that were processed in orth Carolina. Data on the recovery of North Carolina -originated tires that were exported outside of the state is not available. 3. Recovery of Particular Materials Public recycling programs play an important role in providing recovered materials to the supply chain for private manufacturing. Figure V 9 below provides a material -specific look at those materials diverted from disposal to economic use by local government recovery operations in FY 2022-23. Figure V- 9 Characterization of Local Government Recovery Organics, 55 Glass.4.8%�_ 17.9% Other, 0.1% _tronics, 0.5% )ecialty ftes, 0.6% ---, The single largest category of material recovered by local governments continues to be organics. This category includes vegetative debris, clean wood (unpainted and untreated dimensional lumber), pallets, food waste, and oyster shells. The recovery of vegetative debris or yard waste is accomplished through public and private mulching and composting, though boiler fuel and other energy markets are also an important destination for yard waste collected by local governments. For a detailed look at the management of yard waste in FY 2022-23, please see the section titled Yard Waste Management. 76 The annual recovery of organic materials can be erratic because yard waste recovery can vary widely from one year to the next due to weather conditions and storm events. During FY 2022-23, organics constituted more than 55 percent of the total local government recovery. As in past years, fiber, or paper products, constituted the next largest category of recovered materials at 17.9 percent. Tires and construction and demolition debris make up the next largest categories of recovered materials at 7 percent and 6.6 percent, respectively. 4. Recovery of Traditional Materials Traditional recyclable materials are the items or materials that most residents think of when reflecting on recycling. These materials include fiber or paper (corrugated cardboard, magazines, newspapers, office paper, and residential mixed paper) and containers (aluminum beverage cans, glass bottles, and jars, plastic bottles and containers, and steel food containers). These materials are common in households, though they are also found in the workplace, bars, restaurants, and away - from -home settings such as parks and other public venues. In FY 2022-23, North Carolina's local government recycling programs reported recycling 404,083 tons of traditional materials (glass bottles and jars, plastic containers, metal cans, paper, cartons, and cardboard). The EPA has provided the Waste Reduction Model to help estimate the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions avoided from recycling instead of landfilling discarded materials. In most cases, manufacturing products from recycled material use less energy than manufacturing products from raw materials, which translates to fewer fossil fuels burned and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Recycling instead of landfilling these traditional materials resulted in greenhouse gas emissions savings of 1,089,341 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which is equivalent to removing the annual emissions of 231,283 passenger vehicles. The total amount of traditional materials recovered by weight by public recycling programs in FY 2022-23 decreased 6.1 percent compared to the previous fiscal year. While this represents a small decline, the recovery of fiber and containers for the past four years is lower than in previous years due to a change in methodology beginning in FY 2019-20. In previous years, all materials collected through commingled recycling programs were allocated as recycled fiber or container materials. However, a portion of the collected commingled mix is known to be contamination, or non -recyclable material, that gets removed for landfill disposal. Beginning in FY 2019-20, a percentage of the commingled mix is subtracted as contamination to provide a more accurate estimate of the true recycling resulting from commingled programs. In FY 2022-23, nearly 20 percent of commingled tons were removed as contamination, as discussed in Collection of Commingled Recyclables below. Fiber recovery during FY 2022-23 decreased by 4 percent compared to FY 2021-22. This decrease follows a 6.5 percent decrease experienced last fiscal year following a spike in cardboard and mixed paper recapture influenced by market prices and an increase in shipping boxes from e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic. This year's decrease likely indicates a return to typical rates of fiber recovery. Container recovery during FY 2022-23 decreased by 11 percent compared to the previous year. This follows the overall trend of decreased tonnage for traditional materials, which is partially due to the expanded practice of "lightweighting," in which product manufacturers and distributors reduce packaging and use lighter materials to increase energy efficiency in shipping and processing. The decreased weight of materials entering the recycling stream can lead to a decrease in overall tonnage despite similar levels of participation and collection. Furthermore, the collection of glass for recycling has declined in recent years as some communities have removed glass from the mix of commingled materials accepted in curbside recycling. Efforts to counteract this trend are discussed in Recycling Market Developments in FY 2022-23 below. The overall changing make-up of traditional materials recovery is known in the recycling industry as the "evolving ton," and this phenomenon is not unique to North Carolina. Figure V 10 below documents the trend in the recovery of traditional materials over the past 20 years. As discussed previously, FY 2019-20 was the first year calculating and removing a portion of the commingled recycling tons as contamination. 77 ure V-10 20-Year Local Government Traditional Recyclable Material Recovery (Tons 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 h A g O ti ti 3 U h ° �° p ti O'� ti ' V'y 1b, V V (oW a L O L ti ry L °ti Off' Oti OS' 6 ON CN Oti 01 O� O� J'L Jry Jti J'L J'b Jry Jti Jti Jti Jti ■ Containers ■ Fiber / Contamination 5. Recovery of Construction and Demolition Materials Local government recovery of C&D debris includes the capture of materials generated by construction and/or demolition activities. Materials in this waste stream include shingles, vinyl siding, sheetrock, carpet, and aggregate (brick, block, concrete, asphalt, and other rubble). Clean lumber and wooden pallets, corrugated cardboard, and scrap metal may also be generated as a result of construction and demolition activities, though for the sake of this report when these materials are recycled by local governments they are included in categories for organics, metal, and paper. Local governments have increasingly looked to the C&D waste stream for recycling success, and this has increased as new construction remains strong across the state. Recycling efforts focused on the C&D waste stream can yield impressive tonnage results. A large makeup of C&D recycling tonnage can be attributed to the recovery of aggregate such as concrete and brick. This material is relatively easy to recover at disposal facilities such as C&D landfills, and it can be processed into a gravel substitute that can provide substantial cost avoidance through a decreased need to purchase new gravel. Construction and demolition recycling in FY 2022-23 increased 6 percent from the previous year, with 104,330 tons reported. Figure V 11 below illustrates the change in the amount of C&D materials captured by public programs since FY 2006-07. in v- 11 ruDuc u&i) Kecvcnn2 (Tons) h Y LUuo-u / to r Y LULL-LS 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 50,000 40,000 20,000 6 & e 1° 1> titi ti� ti°` -` ti` tit tit ti� ti° titi ti, ti, (P °°X 001 61 (P °ti° °ti~ QN� -: '' °tip Is, °tip °tip °tip Ql; °ti° °ti~ °ti' �' <� �ti 'y' <� �� �ti <,j �ti q, <j �ti "( �,ti << ti �ti 'y' 6. Plastic Recycling in North Carolina Total plastic recycling by local governments in North Carolina decreased from 36,993 tons in FY 2021-22 to 34,148 tons during FY 2022-23. This continues a general trend of declining plastic recovery since FY 2015-16. This decrease may be explained in part by the continued light -weighting of consumer bottles, occurring because plastics manufacturers are advancing packaging designs to use less plastic to create containers that are the same size. This means that more plastic bottles need to be collected to achieve consistent recycling tonnage. A national 2021 Post -Consumer Plastic Recycling Data Report also shows a general declining plastic bottle recovery trend following a peak in 2014. The report estimates a 28.2% recycling rate for plastic bottles nationally in 2021. In North Carolina, FY 2018-19 has been the only year since FY 2015-16 that plastic recovery by local governments increased. Figure V 12 below illustrates the public recovery of plastic over the past 20 fiscal years. 79 Figure V- 12 20-Year Plastics Recovery (Tons) 50,000 45,000 Nor E 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 doy o0 aF01 a°e F o'° o"'� o'ti F oN ONV of aN '� '� oN r� �� a a �� �� � �� rti r� (�0F aa 4 F F F F� ti 4 F F F F F ti 4 F ■ PET Bottles ■ HQPE Bottles Other Plastic Containers ■ Bulky Rigid Plastics I I Plastic bottles made of PET and HDPE combine to represent 96 percent of all plastic materials recovered by local governments in FY 2022-23. They have strong markets in North Carolina and the southeastern U.S. and demand for these plastic bottles is increasing as more brands are making commitments to increase recycled content in new products and consumer packaging. Additionally, more recycling processors are putting emphasis and making investments to capture polypropylene tubs and containers (represented in the other plastic containers category) so recovery may grow in the coming years. 7. Collection of Commingled Recyclables The nature of public recycling collection has changed substantially during the past two decades, with the public recycling system moving from the collection of source -separated (sorted) materials to the collection of commingled or mixed recyclables. The recycling industry uses the term commingled to describe when commodities of different types are mixed for collection and processing. The collection of mixed recyclables is commonly known as single -stream recycling. The benefits of single -stream recycling include increased collection efficiency and public participation due to the ease of use. The transition to a single -stream collection system has been enabled by the establishment of mechanized Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) where mixed recyclables are processed, sorted, and prepared for sale in the recovered materials marketplace. North Carolina is home to 16 MRFs that process the recyclables collected by public recycling programs. As communities across the state moved to the collection of mixed recyclables, they have become less connected to or aware of the constituents in the mixed or commingled materials that their programs collect. Those constituents are the traditional recyclable materials, or cans, bottles, and paper that are discussed in the earlier section, titled Recovery of Traditional Materials. When local governments submit their Local Government Solid Waste and Materials Management Reports to the state, they are asked to provide data on the amounts and types of recyclable materials that they have collected. Increasingly, the materials are not reported by individual commodities but instead as "commingled" tons. Figure V 13 below examines the reporting of commingled versus source -separated tonnage by communities over the last 20 years. :1 I I Plastic bottles made of PET and HDPE combine to represent 96 percent of all plastic materials recovered by local governments in FY 2022-23. They have strong markets in North Carolina and the southeastern U.S. and demand for these plastic bottles is increasing as more brands are making commitments to increase recycled content in new products and consumer packaging. Additionally, more recycling processors are putting emphasis and making investments to capture polypropylene tubs and containers (represented in the other plastic containers category) so recovery may grow in the coming years. 7. Collection of Commingled Recyclables The nature of public recycling collection has changed substantially during the past two decades, with the public recycling system moving from the collection of source -separated (sorted) materials to the collection of commingled or mixed recyclables. The recycling industry uses the term commingled to describe when commodities of different types are mixed for collection and processing. The collection of mixed recyclables is commonly known as single -stream recycling. The benefits of single -stream recycling include increased collection efficiency and public participation due to the ease of use. The transition to a single -stream collection system has been enabled by the establishment of mechanized Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) where mixed recyclables are processed, sorted, and prepared for sale in the recovered materials marketplace. North Carolina is home to 16 MRFs that process the recyclables collected by public recycling programs. As communities across the state moved to the collection of mixed recyclables, they have become less connected to or aware of the constituents in the mixed or commingled materials that their programs collect. Those constituents are the traditional recyclable materials, or cans, bottles, and paper that are discussed in the earlier section, titled Recovery of Traditional Materials. When local governments submit their Local Government Solid Waste and Materials Management Reports to the state, they are asked to provide data on the amounts and types of recyclable materials that they have collected. Increasingly, the materials are not reported by individual commodities but instead as "commingled" tons. Figure V 13 below examines the reporting of commingled versus source -separated tonnage by communities over the last 20 years. :1 Plastic bottles made of PET and HDPE combine to represent 96 percent of all plastic materials recovered by local governments in FY 2022-23. They have strong markets in North Carolina and the southeastern U.S. and demand for these plastic bottles is increasing as more brands are making commitments to increase recycled content in new products and consumer packaging. Additionally, more recycling processors are putting emphasis and making investments to capture polypropylene tubs and containers (represented in the other plastic containers category) so recovery may grow in the coming years. 7. Collection of Commingled Recyclables The nature of public recycling collection has changed substantially during the past two decades, with the public recycling system moving from the collection of source -separated (sorted) materials to the collection of commingled or mixed recyclables. The recycling industry uses the term commingled to describe when commodities of different types are mixed for collection and processing. The collection of mixed recyclables is commonly known as single -stream recycling. The benefits of single -stream recycling include increased collection efficiency and public participation due to the ease of use. The transition to a single -stream collection system has been enabled by the establishment of mechanized Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) where mixed recyclables are processed, sorted, and prepared for sale in the recovered materials marketplace. North Carolina is home to 16 MRFs that process the recyclables collected by public recycling programs. As communities across the state moved to the collection of mixed recyclables, they have become less connected to or aware of the constituents in the mixed or commingled materials that their programs collect. Those constituents are the traditional recyclable materials, or cans, bottles, and paper that are discussed in the earlier section, titled Recovery of Traditional Materials. When local governments submit their Local Government Solid Waste and Materials Management Reports to the state, they are asked to provide data on the amounts and types of recyclable materials that they have collected. Increasingly, the materials are not reported by individual commodities but instead as "commingled" tons. Figure V 13 below examines the reporting of commingled versus source -separated tonnage by communities over the last 20 years. :1 Figure V-13 20 Year Reporting of Commingled vs. Separated Recycling Tonnage 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 D A A, O a� 0) ti 'L si (o A� 0) O ti L si A A A o A ti ti ti 'y ti I I `L `L Al w o�I � otio oy�: otiti k k k k k k k k k 4 k k k k 4 k k k k 4 ■ Comminged Separated When communities report commingled recycling tonnage, it becomes necessary to make assumptions about the constituents of those commingled materials to project recycling by individual commodities. As explored earlier in the Recovery of Traditional Materials section, the changing makeup of the traditional material stream is known as the evolving ton. There are a variety of forces acting on the mix of materials in the commingled ton from the adoption of paperless news consumption to changes in the types of packaging used in consumer goods. Each year, the MRFs processing the commingled materials in North Carolina are asked to voluntarily provide data on the composition of the commingled materials they process. This information is used to produce an average materials composition that is then used to project the recycling of individual materials — from paper and plastic to aluminum and steel cans to glass bottles and jars. The influence of the determination of the make-up of the commingled ton has become increasingly important as more recyclables are reported as commingled. The fiscal year 2019-20 marked an important change in the calculation of commingled tons to project the recovery of individual materials. Beginning in FY 2019-20, contamination is factored in as a percentage of the commingled mix. Contamination is defined as non -recyclable items that are placed in the recycling bin and cannot be recovered for recycling. Common examples include plastic bags, takeout containers, food waste, rubber hoses, wires, and textiles. While contamination has always been a part of the commingled mix of recyclables, more attention and focus have been placed on efforts to reduce levels of contamination in the past few years and better information is being collected to measure the amount of contamination. In FY 2022-23, MRFs reported an average contamination level of 19.4 percent. This proportion (64,260 tons of contamination) of the total commingled recycling tonnage (330,481 tons) is assumed to be removed by the MRFs and sent for landfill disposal, decreasing the actual recycling tons to 266,221. Figure V 14 below shows the constituents of the average ton of commingled recyclables collected in North Carolina in FY 2022-23. Figure V-14 Constituents per Average Ton of Commingled Recyclables in NC FY 2022- Contamination 19;% Mixed Plastics 0% Mixed Paper HDPE Natural___ 28% 1% HDPE Colored_ 1% PET #1� 4% Steel Cans 2% G lass Cardboard Aluminum Cans 18% 24% 1% 23 8. Public Electronics Recycling North Carolina residents continue to have wide access to recycling programs collecting electronics and televisions. Local governments operate electronics recycling programs in response to public demand for responsible e-waste management options as well as to help consumers comply with the state disposal ban on computer equipment and televisions that went into effect July 1, 2011. During FY 2022-23, 164 local governments indicated that they operated an electronics recycling program — many in partnership with another community. For example, in FY 2022-23, 31 municipalities indicated cooperating with their respective county to provide electronics recycling services, with the municipality collecting electronics from residents within their jurisdiction and then delivering the material to the county for further management. Table V 7 below describes the different types of electronics recycling services that communities offered in FY 2022-23. Table V- 7 Type of Local Government Electronics Recycling Programs in FY 2022-23 Number of Programs Electronics Recycling Collection Method 107 Drop-off Program 366 Total Drop-offSites Operated 31 Curbside Pickup 34 One -Da Event(s) 11 I HHW Program 164 1 Total Local Governments Operating a Public Electronics Recycling Pro ram As indicated above, the most common strategy used to collect electronics is to accept them at staffed recycling sites or convenience centers. During FY 2022-23, 107 communities operated a combined 366 individual recycling sites statewide for electronics collection. Data on the amount of material collected by public electronics recycling efforts measures the collection of televisions, computer equipment, and other electronics, including printers, scanners, cell phones, tablets, video players, and other low- grade electronic devices. The combined total tonnage of electronics recovered by local governments during FY 2022-23 decreased by 8.3 percent from FY 2021-22. Although this decrease may demonstrate continuing impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, during which many local governments suspended or limited special collection services, it also reflects the general national trend of declining electronics recycling tonnage, due in part to advancing technology and lighter material content of computerized electronics. Figure V 15 below examines public electronics recycling efforts since FY 2008-09 and shows the relative amounts of televisions and other electronics recovered each year, with computer equipment broken out separately from other electronics beginning in FY 2019-20. Figure V- 15 Public Electronics Recovery FY 2008-09 to FY 2022-23 18,000 Television and 16,000 computer landfill 14,000 ; 12,000 N 10,000 i c � 8,000 6,000 4,000 ; 2,000 N$ y°3 }� 11* 'L01• 'L'y tea°$• ���, Kayo �o,�ti �6 �6", �(V �6 �4 "" • �4 y� l�ti$a �oyti �otiti Fkq qk 1y 4`k4'� f� f� ■Televisions ■ Other Electronics ■ Computer Equipment The collection of computer equipment increased by 58 percent from the previous year, with other electronics collections decreasing by 36 percent. The collection of televisions decreased 13 percent, from 5,613 tons last year to 4,894 tons this year. Television recycling has been tracked separately since FY 2008-09. Each year from 2008-09 through 2015-16, televisions constituted a proportionally larger amount of the total electronics collected and managed by public programs. The proportion of televisions remained relatively steady between 70 to 74 percent of total electronics recovery between FY 2015-16 through FY 2018-19. In the past four years, that proportion declined and now makes up 60 percent of total electronics recovery. It is likely that FY 2015-16 marked the peak in the recycling of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) televisions in North Carolina. Compared to more modern Flat Panel Display (FPD) televisions, CRT televisions are substantially heavier and more difficult to handle for public recycling programs. 9. Types of Public Recycling Efforts Public recycling programs employ different strategies to recover a range of materials, including the operation of curbside recycling programs, drop-off recycling programs, and other recycling programs that collect traditional recyclable materials from parks, schools, businesses, and multi -family properties. Public recycling programs also manage specialty wastes to divert potentially toxic materials from disposal. In addition, public recycling programs offer services that target specific waste streams such as construction and demolition debris, scrap metal, yard waste, and other organic materials such as food waste, textiles, and oyster shells. Finally, North Carolina counties are statutorily responsible for providing services to collect and manage white goods and scrap tires, though in some cases these services may also be operated by municipalities on behalf of a county. In addition to providing the types of services listed above, local governments can also implement policies and employ strategies that encourage or facilitate private -sector recycling activities without necessitating that public recycling programs directly or contractually provide a recycling service. Examples of these strategies include local disposal bans on materials, such as corrugated cardboard, mandatory recycling ordinances, and licensed hauler systems where service providers are required to offer recycling collection as a condition of doing business in a jurisdiction. These types of strategies encourage the growth of private sector recovery activities and infrastructure. 10. Public Curbside Recycling Programs in North Carolina Curbside recycling programs are facing challenges from increased handling and contamination charges from recycling processors following the transition to domestic recycling markets and cost models. North Carolina local governments reported 303 publicly operated curbside recycling programs during FY 2022-23, as shown in Figure V 16 below. This represents a net decrease of eight compared to the 311 curbside programs reported in FY 2021-22. A summary of changes is provided below. Two municipalities began new curbside recycling programs: o Speed launched a new curbside recycling program for its 39 residences. o Weddington launched a new curbside recycling program for 4,761 households in January 2023, collected mixed recycling and glass on alternating weeks. Eight municipalities ended curbside recycling programs, including: o Clinton discontinued its curbside recycling program for 3,200 households on July 1, 2022. The City continues to collect cardboard for recycling from commercial businesses. o Garland ended its curbside recycling and public parks recycling on July 1, 2022, citing higher costs. The program, which served 343 households, was replaced with a drop-off recycling option at Town Hall. o Halifax ended its curbside recycling program for 111 households. o High Shoals ended its curbside recycling program for 309 households citing a lack of available recycling options. o Marshville ended its curbside recycling program for 904 households. o McAdenville ended its curbside recycling program for 379 households during FY 2022-23, however, plans to secure a new solid waste and recycling contract in 2024 to reinstate the recycling program. o Newton suspended the curbside recycling program in July 2022 due to staffing issues and decided to end the program in September 2022 for its 4,952 households. The City expanded drop-off recycling sites to offer 3 locations for residents to bring recycling if they wish to participate. o Stanley ended its curbside recycling program for 1,928 households in August 2022. Two local governments (Dover and Bermuda Run) were mistakenly added as new curbside programs in FY 2021- 22. However, on FY 2022-23 reports, Bermuda Run indicated that a recycling option is provided to town residents through the county rather than the town. Dover indicated that recycling is available through a private subscription service, but the town is not involved in the provision of that service. With the cancellation of eight curbside recycling programs, residents in the affected communities must take recyclables to a drop-off collection site or independently subscribe to recycling collection service with a private company, if available in their area. The NCDEQ's Recycling and Materials Management Section in the Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service continues to work with municipalities that are interested to identify recycling solutions. Despite the issues described above, curbside recycling continues to be the most popular way for citizens to access public recycling services in North Carolina. Through the 303 active programs, it is estimated that 2.25 million North Carolina households have access to publicly operated curbside recycling services. Excluding yard waste, just under half of all public recycling tonnage, or 48 percent, was collected by curbside recycling programs in FY 2022-23. Figure V- 16 Local Government Curbside Recycling Programs and Households Served FY 2003-04 — FY 2022-23 350 2,500,000 300 2,000,000 250 vn 1,500,000 ci 0 200 cn d 0 Oj 79 O A _S__ 1,000,000 ci U = 100 500,000 50 0 o$ A°� yo yti yL y3 �a by ti1 'T yti titi y3 A� oh ADO A� ,y`° N N -ZN4 i, O�3 O O�5 Odo OQ1 O�� Obi' Oy0 Otiti Otiti Oti3 Otib O1h' Otis Oti1 Z', 4y0 OLti Otil A"' k: A �� i� i� L� i� i� a� L � �� a� i� �� A �� ,� 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Local Government Curbside Recycling Programs -Households Served 11. Specialty Waste Management Many counties and municipalities in North Carolina offer their residents the opportunity to recycle a wide range of additional materials beyond the traditional paper, bottles, and cans commonly collected in curbside and drop-off programs. These `specialty wastes' include automotive -related materials such as oil, oil filters, and antifreeze as well as other ubiquitous household items such as cooking oil, batteries, and fluorescent lamps as shown in Table V 8 below. Recycling services for specialty wastes are typically provided at staffed collection locations such as county solid waste convenience centers or municipal public works departments. Some communities only collect specialty wastes at temporary HHW collection events or programs, while others collect specialty wastes year-round. Specialty waste tonnages can be affected by a range of factors, including a program's implementation or discontinuance, scheduling of special waste removal in relation to market price, and changes in local record -keeping and reporting. The scrap or reclamation value of a particular special waste can also impact its collection rate. For example, when the scrap value of lead is down, communities generally collect more lead acid batteries; whereas, when the scrap value of lead is high, residents are more likely to bring used lead acid batteries to private scrap yards where the batteries can be sold. Two types of HHW programs are operated by local governments: temporary and permanent. Temporary HHW programs, also known as one -day events, are designed to collect HHW at a temporary location approved to be used for a single specific date or specified date range if concerning disaster debris cleanup. Permanent HHW programs are for the collection of materials year-round at a facility permitted by the Division of Waste Management. Some local governments accept materials from Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQGs), or businesses that generate small amounts of HHW and are not required to report to the Solid Waste Management section. Four local governments reported HHW collected from VSQGs in FY 2022-23, totaling 6,418 pounds of material. Information about HHW collection programs is available in the Household Hazardous Waste section above. Table V 8 below shows the recovery of specialty wastes by local governments during FY 2022-23 and Figure V 17 shows a trend over the past five years. The most notable change in FY 2022-23 from the previous year is an increase in the amount of HHW collected, which was down from prior years in FY 2021-22. The overall amount of specialty wastes diverted through local government programs, including HHW programs, increased by 13 percent from FY 2021-22. 85 Table V- 8 Local Government Specialty Waste Management FY 2022-23 Specialty Waste Type Number o Pro rams Tons Collected Automotive Used Motor Oil 113 2,854 Oil Filters 88 106 Antifreeze 68 117 Batteries Lead Acid Batteries 74 467 Dry Cell Batteries 28 27 Paint Paint Recycling 16 711 Paint Reuse (Exchange Program) 8 39 Pesticides Pesticides 14 27 Pesticide Containers 47 100 HHW Permanent HHW Programs 23 4,797 Temporary HHW Events 53 311 Other Lights Containing Mercury 48 63 Propane Tanks 33 79 Used Cooking Oil 67 280 Other 14 14 Total Total Specialty Waste Recovery 132 9,990 Figure V- 17 Local Government Specialty Waste Tons Collected FY 2018-19 through FY 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 ■Automotive ■ Batteries ■ Paint ■ Pesticides ■ HHW ■ Other 2022-23 12. Yard Waste Management The overall amount of yard waste managed by local programs in FY 2022-23 increased by 10 percent from FY 2021-22. Of the 975,446 tons managed by municipalities and counties during FY 2022-23, 845,504 tons of yard waste were diverted from disposal in four main ways: delivery of materials like leaves to gardeners and farmers (end -users); processing by local government mulching and composting operations; mulching and composting of locally collected materials at private facilities; and sale of yard waste materials to boiler fuel and other energy markets. Table V 9 below examines the use of these strategies in FY 2022-23 and compares that to FY 2021-22. A portion of locally managed yard waste is disposed of in LCID landfills, which is allowed under the disposal ban. However, as in past years, not all the material delivered to LCID facilities may be disposed of. Some of it may be converted by LCID operators to mulch, compost, or biomass fuels, undercounting actual total diversion. Table V- 9 Local Government Yard Waste Management FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 Destination of Materials FY 2021-22 Tons Managed FY 2022-23 Tons Managed End Users (direct delivery) 34,823 54,259 Local Mulch/Compost Facility 595,178 608,686 Local Government Yard Waste Diverted to Private Mulch and Compost Facilities 108,771 148,556 Wood/Yard Waste Fuel Markets 29,632 34,003 TOTAL DISPOSAL DIVERSION* 768,404 845,504 LCID Landfill* 121,807 129,942 YARD WASTE TOTALS 890,211 975,446 * Yard waste tons delivered to LCID landfills are not included in diversion calculations. The total amount of yard waste diverted from disposal since the implementation of the state's yard waste disposal ban in January 1993 is now at 17.8 million tons of material, which is equivalent to 28.7 million cubic yards of landfill space. This is shown in Figure V 18 below. Figure V- 18 Local Government Diversion of Yard Waste from Disposal FY 4995-96 to FY 2022-23 1,000,000 Hurricane 900,000 Matthew Hurricane 2003 Ire Fran Hurricane Storms 800 000 Floyd Hurricane 1 Irene 700,000 600,000 500,000 A.. -AV 400,000 — Ice/CoastalStorms 300,000 & Data Changes 200,000 100,000 Hurricane Florence 0 0CP 611o�o''lz'd) d)o� oIon 1�11>-`'-''-°'-`)_11b- ;�b_g "IV" �PJ y055 ti°'c� mac' tig� °��°°tip°°tip°°3�°��°°h�°��°° °°w�° , °tiq�°titi�z'- (°' Q;" °tih�6", Q~' (Z � 6, °tiotiti 13. Recycling Markets and Prices Recycling commodity prices were lower and fairly steady throughout FY 2022-23 compared to the previous year. After a year of record high pricing for HDPE and increased cardboard value in FY 2021-22, prices of most commodities returned to values more in line with years prior. Plastics prices experienced the most significant drop; however, it is worth noting that plastics prices have recovered during the first two quarters of FY 2023-24, marking Summer 2023 as a low for PET, HDPE natural and HDPE colored values. Figure V 19 shows a five-year history of the quarterly blended value, or weighted average price, of a ton of commingled recycling material at MRFs and Table V 10 below shows the calculation of the MRF blended value. Figure V-19 Quarterly MRF Blended Material Values, FY 2018-19 to FY 2022-23 $160 $140 o $120 d p $100 0 � $80 m 7 a $60 d a d $40 m $20 ' Oyu 'ti�i Otis Oyoi O$1 \10 4111 O1O Oti0 O,'1ti O'L� 6`b' &N yN-l" ti&ry v6`1' ,y4,1' y,'b� y41 y0`L T Fa�tid��� �et� �a��ti iti0� `\��ti �etT �a��ti When considering the blended material value of a ton of commingled recycling, it is important to consider the makeup of the traditional recycling mix, as provided in Table V 10 below. Glass and contamination make up 37.4 percent of the weight of the commingled mix, both of which have a cost to manage. Whereas the most valuable commodities by weight (aluminum and HDPE natural in Summer 2023) make up only 2.2 percent of the weight of the commingled mix. With the blended value averaging $51 during FY 2022-23, that revenue does not cover the cost for MRFs to process the materials, meaning that most local governments are charged a tipping fee to drop off recyclables. In addition to the cost, contamination continues to be an operational challenge for MRFs. To meet the expectations of domestic markets and the stricter standards of international markets, these facilities have added labor, slowed production lines, and invested in equipment to remove contaminants and produce higher -quality outgoing commodity bales. While the improved quality of recycling is favorable, these adjustments require increased per -ton processing costs which are directly passed on to customers, including local governments. Table V-10 Calculation of MRF Blended Material Value. Summer 2023 Material Percent of a MRF Ton Market Price Per Ton Proportional Value in a MRF Ton Aluminum Cans 1.4% $1,340.00 $19.32 Steel Cans 2.1 % $198.50 $4.22 PET 4.5% $180.00 $8.08 HDPE Natural 0.8% $460.00 $3.82 HDPE Colored 1.2% $140.00 $1.69 Corrugated Cardboard 23.7% $80.00 $18.99 Mixed paper 28.4% $27.50 $7.80 Glass 18.0% -$34.00 -$6.10 Contamination 19.4% -$70.00 -$13.61 Total $44.20 Figure V 20 below shows the history of paper pricing throughout the past 20 years, demonstrating the fluctuating aspects of commodity markets. The value of cardboard and mixed paper experienced a drop after improvements during FY 2021- 22. Figure V- 20 20-Year Market Prices Received for Fiber Materials by Major North Carolina Processors 225 200 175 150 125 AA A 0 i 100 75 50 25 0 -25 — 'T Ln LJO n co a) 0 .--I N m 'T ul L.0 n o0 a) 0 .--I N m O O O O O O C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 —Cardboard — Mixed Paper Figure V 21 shows 20-year pricing for three key container materials: aluminum, PET, and HDPE. While all materials decreased in value compared to the previous year, PET and HDPE values have begun rebounding in FY 2023-24, marking Summer 2023 as a low point for plastics commodity pricing. Figure V- 21 20-Year Market Prices Received for Select Container Materials by Major North Carolina Processors 1 2500 14. Recycling Market Developments in FY 2022-23 In Spring of 2023, NCDEQ Secretary Elizabeth Biser formed the North Carolina Circular Economy Council to identify ways to expand and accelerate beneficial impacts of recycling in the state. Members of the Council include leading recycling companies, non-profit organizations, industry associations, and product manufacturers. The Council developed a set of findings, emphasizing that recycling and other waste diversion activities are proven strategies for job creation and economic development, returning valuable materials to the circular economy for the manufacturing of new products. These activities also reduce the environmental impacts of material use and disposal, which helps save energy, decrease greenhouse gases, and conserve limited landfill space. The Council met during spring and summer of 2023 and continue their collaborative work into FY 2023-24, hosting a series of infrastructure tours and developing resources to highlight examples of North Carolina's circular economy where recycled materials are turned into new products locally. North Carolina's private -sector recycling economy continued its strong momentum during FY 2022-23. The state's longstanding recycling grant programs supported key infrastructure investments to expand recycling opportunities, particularly for plastics and food waste. The state's Recycling Business Development Grant program provided funding to support eight projects aimed at increasing the capacity to recycle plastic. Four projects expand opportunities to recycle foam from commercial and residential sources, two projects focus on increasing capacity for handling industrial plastics at EnviroVision in Lexington and Pelican Packaging in Halifax and two projects improve recycling infrastructure for plastic bottles at R3cycle in Waxhaw and Waste Management's Lakeville MRF in Morrisville. Another focus area of the state's recycling grant programs during FY 2022-23 was the diversion of food waste, which makes up 24 percent of landfill disposal according to national data from the Environmental Protection Agency. With support from state recycling grants, four local governments and three private businesses made investments to recover more food waste for composting. Henderson County made upgrades to their permitted compost facilities, Durham is expanding a curbside compost pilot, and Davidson and Asheville/Buncombe County are providing community compost drop-off locations for residents to bring their food scraps. McGill Environmental made upgrades to their permitted compost facility in Chatham County, Crown Town Compost purchased additional collection equipment to improve transportation of food waste in the Charlotte region, and Terra Bella established a new compost collection service and processing facility in Greenville. Momentum to continue reducing food waste have been bolstered during FY 2022-23 with DEQ's launch of the Use the Food NC campaign in October 2022. The campaign launch brought together more than 60 stakeholders including the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, US Composting Council, NC Composting Council, EPA Region 4, local governments, food rescue organizations, community groups, private composters, and food waste generators at an in - person meeting in Raleigh. The Use the Food NC campaign offers online resources to promote eating, donating, composting, or anaerobically digesting food before landfilling. Additionally, NCDEQ launched a new Food Waste Reduction Grant program specifically focused on developing the state's infrastructure to divert food waste for donation or composting. The first round of Food Waste Reduction Grants were awarded in Spring of 2023 to four local governments and seven businesses and will be discussed in the FY2023-24 report. D. Scrap Tire Management Program 1. Scrap Tire Management Whole scrap tires were banned from disposal in landfills by G.S. 130A-309.10 in 1990. The Solid Waste Section administers the Scrap Tire Management Program, part of which is the Scrap Tire Disposal Account Fund. The Account Fund was created to provide each qualifying county that incurred a Program deficit with additional funds for the disposal and recycling of scrap tires. To fund the 1993 statute, the General Assembly imposed a 1 percent tax on the sale of new large tires (bus, tractor -trailer, and construction equipment tires) and a 2 percent tax on the sale of new small tires (automobile tires). The statute requires that each county provide at least one collection site at no cost to the public and businesses for the disposal of qualifying scrap tires. Counties receive a quarterly tax distribution from the DOR to be used for scrap tire program operational costs. In the past, some of the tax collected was allocated to the scrap tire disposal account fund. However, Session Law 2013-360, Senate Bill 402 eliminated the tax money allocated to the scrap tire disposal account fund. Currently, money is distributed to the Account Fund annually from the General Fund. Table V 11 shows the revenue and distribution of the taxes FY2022-2023. Table V-11 Distributions of Scrap Tire Tax Revenue Net Tax Collections by the N.C. Department of Revenue $28,321,901.98 Dept. of Revenue Cost of Collecting $374,654.99 91 Amount distributed to counties (70%) $19,563,072.88 Amount distributed to the General Fund (30%) $8,384,174.11 Money allocated to the Division of Waste Management from the General Fund is used to provide additional funding to counties in the form of a grant for the cleanup of illegal tire dumps and for county -incurred deficits in their scrap tire management programs. Scrap tire legislation requires the Division of Waste Management to consider county efforts to avoid free disposal of out-of-state tires and other ineligible tires and county program efficiency in using allocated funds when making decisions about grant awards. Table V 12 below provides an overview of the Scrap Tire Disposal Account Fund. Table V- 12 Scrap Tire Management Account Balance of Funds as of July 1, 2022 $218,035.89 Cost Overrun Grants to Counties July 2022 [$202,535.00] Cost Overrun Grants to Counties January 2023 [$211,140.21 ] - Clean Up Grants to Counties [$0.00] - Total Debits [$413,675.21] Transfer from General Fund $420,000.00 Total Credits - $420,000.00 Ending Balance June 30, 2023 - $224,360.68 2. County Tire Disposal Seventy-six county programs, including one regional program (the Coastal Regional Solid Waste Management Authority, which serves Carteret, Craven and Pamlico Counties), applied for the Scrap Tire Disposal Account Fund Grant during the fall and spring (a total of two grant cycles) of FY22-23. It was reported that they collected 96,499.45 tons of scrap tires and spent $10,655,827.30 on disposal costs and received $7,790,428.83 from the scrap tire disposal tax. The counties requested $2,865,398.45 in grant requests and received $413,675.21 in grants. The average contract disposal cost is $95.42 per ton; however, that cost can vary based on tonnage, contract agreement, and distance from the disposal and recycling facility. The maximum contract disposal cost reported is $208.31 per ton. The FY 2022-2023 Local Governmental Annual Report (LGAR) submitted by each county shows that they collected a total of 176,586.11 tons of scrap tires and spent a total of $20,425,184.12 for scrap tire management and disposal and recycling. County reports state that they received a total of $19,500,130.13 in revenue (tax proceeds, grants, cleanup monies, and scrap tire charges) to operate the scrap tire management programs The average contract disposal cost per ton is $139.43 however the cost can vary based on tonnage, contract agreement, and distance from the disposal and recycling facility. The maximum contract disposal cost per ton reported is $208.25. 3. Tire Disposal and Recycling In FY 2022-2023, North Carolina tire processors reported they received 294,734.00 tons of scrap tires from North Carolina counties and from other states. Some tire sellers bypass county scrap tire collection sites and have scrap tires taken directly to processors. Reuse or disposal is shown in Table V 13 and Figure V 22 below. Scrap Tire Cost Overrun Grants are summarized in Table V 14a and V 14b below. As shown in those tables, each county that applied for a grant award was awarded a percentage of that amount. The tax proceeds distributions are a combination of two quarterly distributions dispersed by the N.C. Department of Revenue. Table V 16 below shows the Illegal Tire Dump Clean -Up Costs for the fiscal year. Table V- 13 Final Disposal/Recycling of Tires (tons) Scrap tires disposed (landfill) 136,527.00 Scrap tires used as fuel 82,545.00 Scrap tires used as crumb rubber 42,648.00 Scrap tires re -used or re -capped 9,958.00 92 Scrap Tires used in civil engineering 0 Scrap tires used for other purposes 12,853.00 Scrap tires used as mulch 8,229.00 Scrap tires stockpiled 1,974.00 Scrap tire stockpiled after FY end 101 Total scrap tires received 294,734.00 Figure V- 22 Final Disposal of Scrap Tires in NC ■ TiresD"sed (landfill) ■ Tires used as fuel ■ Tires used ascrumb rubber ■ Tires re -used or recapped ■ Tires mulched ■ Tires used for other purposes ■ Tiresstock piled Table V- 14 Scrap Tire Cost Over -Run Grant October 2021-March 2022 Grants Awarded July 2022 Applicant County Grant Period [six -months] Tax Proceeds from NCDOR Disposal Account Fund Grant Amount Requested Disposal Account Fund Grant Awarded Ashe $22,244.48 $24,555.55 $3,060.00 Beaufort $37,331.78 $68,512.54 $10,080.00 Carteret $56,649.52 $23,017.39 $3,600.00 Catawba $134,913.88 $154,632.37 $37,828.00 Cherokee $24,067.93 $5,308.91 $734.40 Chowan $11,476.46 $41,331.98 $6,885.00 Cleveland $83,651.75 $3,757.37 $576.00 Dare $31,021.37 $8,263.87 $1,101.60 Duplin $40,476.50 $27,778.50 $4,320.00 Gates $8,708.99 $10,323.80 $1,836.00 Graham $6,717.86 $10,803.13 $1,836.00 Halifax 40,577.96 $28,256.64 $3,672.00 Haywood $52,074.52 $31,645.34 $6,300.00 Henderson $97,665.94 $3,454.89 $1,133.60 Hertford $17,905.08 $21,685.67 $3,060.00 93 Jackson $36,141.30 $2,435.17 $367.20 Lenoir $46,148.94 $46,196.02 $9,000.00 Macon $31,105.21 $25,553.61 $3,672.00 McDowell $37,316.70 $3,524.24 $489.60 Mecklenburg $937,450.57 $2,913.91 $2,234.40 Mitchell $12,493.40 $16,523.63 $2,448.00 Nash $79,667.80 $26,484.53 $4,320.00 New Hanover $189,245.32 $47,500.53 $10,900.00 Pamlico $10,270.03 $4,088.68 $612.00 Pasquotank $34,047.06 $44,071.18 $8,100.00 Perquimans $10,870.31 $1,327.09 $244.80 Pitt $142,572.41 $115,475.61 $29,012.00 Rutherford $53,895.47 $11,435.27 $2,160.00 Scotland $28,537.28 $5,756.80 $734.40 Surry $59,813.51 $25,548.49 $4,320.00 Wake $951,402.67 $37,997.40 $14,740.00 Wayne $98,080.09 $43,180.35 $9,410.00 Washington $9,166.74 $16,096.00 $2,448.00 Wilkes $55,187.40 $19,278.22 $2,880.00 Wilson $65,936.13 $39,391.11 $8,420.00 Totals: $3,554,832.36 $998,105.79 $202,535.00 Table V-15 Scrap Tire Cost Over -Run Grant April 2022-September 2022 Grants Awarded January 2023 Applicant County Grant Period [six -months] Tax Proceeds from NCDOR Disposal Account Fund Grant Amount Requested Disposal Account Fund Grant Awarded Alexander $30,330.87 $15,253.00 $777.90 Ashe $22,126.05 $24,405.46 $1,244.68 Beaufort $37,133.04 $80,245.83 $6,499.91 Carteret $56,347.93 $25,166.61 $1,510.00 Catawba $134,195.64 $182,446.68 $20,062.22 Cherokee $23,939.80 $24,983.74 $1,274.17 Chowan $11,415.35 $47,109.94 $3,003.26 Cleveland $83,206.39 $13,393.72 $803.62 Craven $84,808.34 $17,907.94 $1,074.48 Duplin $40,255.03 $47,662.25 $3,574.67 Forsyth $319,614.82 $10,189.72 $3,672.52 Gates $8,662.62 $8,933.63 $455.62 Graham $6,682.10 $19,788.49 $1,009.21 Halifax 40,361.92 $57,383.18 $3,658.18 Haywood $51,797.28 $45,499.54 $3,412.47 Henderson $97,145.99 $24,796.04 $1,487.76 Hertford $17,809.76 $31,935.20 $1,628.70 Iredell $156,519.32 $12,527.63 $1,826.82 Jackson $35,948.89 $11,906.73 $607.24 Lenoir $45,903.25 $56,097.02 $4,207.28 Lincoln $72,679.15 $1,208.59 $72.52 Macon $30,939.61 $34,590.98 $1,764.14 Martin $18,290.07 $18,726.78 $955.07 McDowell $37,118.02 $10,875.74 $554.66 Mecklenburg $932,459.69 $259,701.39 $51,734.31 Mitchell $12,426.88 $18,597.80 $948.49 Nash $79,243.67 $80,862.25 $6,549.84 New Hanover $188,237.80 $61,114.56 $7,445.31 Pasquotank $33,865.79 $68,397.50 $5,540.20 Perquimans $10,812.44 $4,795.52 $244.57 Person $32,590.76 $6,568.48 $334.99 Pitt $141,813.37 $156,284.28 $17,472.14 Rockingham $76,016.47 $13,022.13 $781.33 Rutherford $53,608.54 $32,168.97 $1,930.14 Scotland $28,385.35 $15,065.52 $768.34 Surry $59,495.09 $36,421.91 $2,731.64 Wake $946,337.58 $205,794.86 $43,486.61 Warren $15,502.33 $1,108.54 $56.54 Washington $9,117.94 $27,903.62 $1,423.08 Wayne $97,557.94 28087.58 2853.78028 Wilkes $54,893.59 28363.31 1701.7986 Totals: $4,235,596.47 $1,867,292.66 $211,140.21 Table V-16 Illegal Tire Dump Clean -Up Costs No grant monies were allocated for clean-up costs in FY22-23. E. White Goods Management 1. White Goods Tax Collections and Distributions White goods are defined in G.S. 130A-290 as: "refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, unit air conditioners, washing machines, dishwashers, clothes dryers and other similar domestic and commercial large appliances." In 1993, the North Carolina General Assembly passed the Management of Discarded White Goods Act, as white goods were difficult to dispose of and contained greenhouse gasses particularly chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants (CFCs). To fund this statute, the General Assembly imposed a $3 tax on new white goods. Counties are mandated to manage white goods by providing at least one disposal site, at no cost to residents, and to arrange for the removal of CFCs. The FY 2022-2023 LGAR submitted by each county shows that they collected a total of 29,837.07 tons of white goods and spent a total of $5,810,658.98 on white goods management and recycling. County reports state that they received a total of $8,087,886.12 in revenue from tax proceeds and scrap metal sales to operate the white goods management programs. Much of the white goods tax revenue is distributed to county governments for use in administering their Programs as shown in Table V 17 Table V-17 White Goods Tax Collections/Distributions Net Tax Collections by the Department of Revenue 1 $7,843,697.89 95 Department of Revenue Cost of Collecting [$396,464.54] Total Revenue Available for Distribution $7,447,233.35 72% of Revenue - Available for Distributions to Counties $5,362,008.01 Funds Forfeited from ineligible counties (Sent to the General Fund) [$2,040,750.58] Total Distributed to Counties $3,321,257.43 Funds Forfeited from ineligible counties (Sent to the General Fund) $2,040,750.58 28% of Revenue - Sent to the General Fund $2,085,225.34 Total Sent to the General Fund $4,125,975.92 County governments with an undesignated ending balance exceeding 25 percent of the tax proceeds received, or would have received if eligible, during the preceding fiscal year and those counties that failed to submit reports demonstrating their eligibility were ineligible to receive tax proceeds. The forfeited funds went to the North Carolina General Fund. Table V 18 below summarizes ineligible counties per distribution quarter. The county fund information is from the North Carolina Department of Revenue — White Goods Disposal Tax Distribution Reports issued in August and November 2022 and February and May 2023. Prior to July 1, 2017, county governments could apply for grants from a White Goods Disposal Account for white goods program cost overruns, white goods cleanup activities, and white goods -related capital improvements. The White Goods Disposal Account was repealed effective June 30, 2017. Table V-18 Counties Ineligible to Receive Tax Proceeds Distributions August 15, 2022 August 16, 2022 November 15, 2022 November 15, 2022 Anson Martin Anson Martin Cabarrus Mecklenburg Cabarrus Mecklenburg Caswell Montgomery Caswell Montgomery Cherokee Northampton Cherokee Northampton Columbus Pasquotank Columbus Pasquotank Cumberland Pender Cumberland Pender Dare Randolph Dare Randolph Duplin Richmond Duplin Richmond Forsyth Robeson Forsyth Robeson Edgecombe Rowan Edgecombe Rowan Graham Sampson Graham Sampson Granville Transylvania Granville Transylvania Halifax Union Halifax Union Harnett Wilkes Harnett Wilkes Haywood Haywood Hendeson Hendeson Hertford Hertford Hoke Hoke Hyde Hyde Jones Jones Lenoir Lenoir Madison Madison 96 36 36 July 2022 letter to NCDOR October 2022 letter to NCDOR 2nd use of 2021 AFIR 3rd use of 2021 AFIR < ineligible counties than previous quarter equals ineligible counties from previous quarter Table V-19 Counties Ineligible to Receive Tax Proceeds Distributions February 15, 2022 February 15, 2022 May 15, 2023 May 15, 2023 Anson Martin Anson Lenoir Cabarrus Mecklenburg Bertie Lincoln Caswell Montgomery Caswell Martin Cherokee Northampton Cherokee Mecklenburg Columbus Pasquotank Clay Montgomery Cumberland Pender Columbus Northhampton Dare Randolph Cumberland Onslow Duplin Richmond Dare Orange Forsyth Robeson Davidson Pasquotank Edgecombe Rowan Duplin Pender Graham Sampson Edgcombe Randolph Granville Transylvania Forsyth Richmond Halifax Union Gates Rockingham Harnett Wilkes Granville Rowan Haywood Greene Sampson Hendeson Halifax Scotland Hertford Harnett Stokes Hoke Henderson Surry Hyde Hertford Swain Jones Hoke Transylvania Lenoir Hyde Warren Madison Jones Wilkes Yancey 36 45 January 2023 letter to NCDOR April 2023 letter to NCDOR 4th use of 2021 AFIR 1st use of 2022 AFIR equals ineligible counties from previous quarter > ineligible counties in first use of a quarter F. Abandoned Manufactured Homes (AMH) Program As established in G.S. 130A-309.111, NCDEQ's Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service (DEACS) operates a grant program that provides a portion of the Division's annually appropriated grant funding to North Carolina counties to facilitate the identification, deconstruction, recycling, and disposal of abandoned manufactured homes which are deemed unfit, unsafe, and hazardous. The Abandoned Manufactured Homes (AMH) Grant Program Request for 97 Proposals (RFP) was originally developed and made available to North Carolina counties in October 2009. FY 2022-23 was the 14th year of grant program operation. The legislation states that the AMH grant program expires on October 1, 2023, making the FY 2022-23 grant round the final set of funding awarded under this program. 1. AMH Grants Awarded by Fiscal Year Table V 20 shows the number of grants awarded during each of the 14 years of the program's operation and funding allocated to those grants. Table V- 20 AMH Grants Awarded by Year Fiscal Year Number of AMH Grants Awarded Grant Funds Allocated FY 2009-10 10 $385,000 FY 2010-11 3 $105,000 FY 2011-12 4 $150,000 FY 2012-13 3 $117,500 FY 2013-14 4 $80,000 FY 2014-15 3 $74,500 FY 2015-16 6 $69,000 FY 2016-17 4 $35,500 FY 2017-18 5 $49,000 FY 2018-19 0 0 FY 2019-20 8 $100,000 FY 2020-21 3 $32,000 FY 2021-22 4 $40,000 FY 2022-23 3 $51,000 During FY 2022-23, DEACS held the final fourth round of AMH grants under a competitive cycle. Staff developed and released the Request for Proposals (RFP) in October 2022. Three AMH grant applications were received, and all were approved for state contracts by March 2023 totaling $51,000 in grant funding. All applications received met the criteria of the RFP guidelines and were approved with all or partially requested funding for Jones, Iredell, and Wilson Counties. 2. AMH Program Statistics As required by G.S. 130A-309.117, each AMH grant program participant must submit an annual report to the state every August that documents and summarizes county program information from the previous fiscal year. Based on the August 2023 grantee reports, Table V 21 below shows the total number of AMH units deconstructed under the program and the resulting amount of waste disposed of and materials recycled in FY 2022-23, including mercury thermostats, which are required to be removed before disposal. Program statistics do not include deconstruction activities conducted in counties without state grant support. Table V- 21 AMH Units Deconstructed in FY 2022-23 Statistics for AMH Program for Fiscal Year 2022-23 Units Deconstructed 29 Units Materials Landfilled 582.54 Tons Materials Recycled (percentage of total tonnage) 116.54 Tons (16.7 %) Mercury Thermostats Recovered 0 Thermostats In addition to the three new AMH cleanup grants, there were seven AMH program grants active during FY 2022-23. The number of units deconstructed during FY 2022-23 increased when compared to FY 2021-22, from 14 units to 29 units. Thus, the tons of materials landfilled and recycled increased, with the overall percentage of materials recycled increasing from 0.8 percent in FY 2021-22 to 16.7 percent in FY 2022-23. No thermostats were recovered during FY 2022-23. Table V 22 below presents the individual AMH grants that were active during FY 2022-23 and provides details from those M programs. Table V- 22 Active AMH Grant Program Participants Du ing FY 2022-23 County Contract Start Date Contract End Date Grant Award County Costs during FY Responsible Party Fees Collected # Units Deconstructed with Grant Support during FY 2022-23 Alamance 3/l/2022 3/l/2023 $12,500 $12,000 $0 8 Ashe 6/l/2022 5/31/2024 $155000 $0 $0 0 Henderson 3/l/2022 2/28/2023 $10,000 $32,686.70 $0 10 Iredell 7/l/2023 6/30/2025 $16,000 $0 $0 0 Nash 3/1/2021 3/l/2023 $27,000 $9,300.00 $800 5 Jones 3/l/2023 3/l/2025 $15,000 $0 $0 0 Rockingham 3/5/2020 3/l/2023 $10,000 $9,000.00 $0 6 Warren 3/5/2020 2/28/2024 $10,000 $0 $0 0 Wilson 5/15/2023 5/14/2024 $20,000 $0 $0 0 Yadkin 3/7/2022 2/28/2023 $2,500 $0 $0 0 3. Program Participant Highlights, FY 2022-23 Yadkin County withdrew its AMH planning grant by mutual agreement with NCDEQ after the county decided it could not complete the planning grant it applied for in 2021. Four grantees completed work on AMH grants during FY 2022-23 and these grantees were Alamance, Nash, Henderson, and Rockingham Counties. Two grantees, Warren and Rockingham Counties, used grant extensions to continue work on their respective AMH grants. Three new abandoned manufactured homes (AMH) grants were approved for Jones, Iredell, and Wilson Counties. All of these new grants are repeat grantees and Jones and Wilson Counties first grants were planning grants. The total expenditure by counties associated with the AMH grant program in FY 2022-23 was $62,986.70. This expenditure is higher than the previous year due to six grantees completing all or some of their planned demolitions. The total amount of funds contributed by responsible parties in FY 2022-23 was $ 800.00, which is down from the previous fiscal year. As shown in Table V 22 above, Nash County accounted for all of the responsible party fees collected. 4. Additional Information on the AMH Program An examination of the fiscal year county reports submitted by grantees showed that there were significant delays from the COVID -19 pandemic, economic issues related to the recovery, and employment instability in the counties and their contractors. Every AMH County has been impacted resulting in delays in getting work completed. DEACS will continue to work with the grantees as needed to assess the impact of these issues and to assist as practicable, including grant extensions. The authorizing legislation for the AMH program is found in G.S. 130A-309.111 through 130A-309.117. The legislation states that the AMH grant program expires on October 1, 2023, making the FY 2022-23 grant round the final set of funding awarded under this program. DEACS will continue to report on the progress and results of the five remaining active grants in subsequent reports until all are completed. G. Electronics Management Program North Carolina General Statute 130A-309.130 established the Electronics Management Program. The program directs manufacturers of electronics, retailers, consumers, and state and local governments to share accountability for the responsible recycling and reuse of electronic equipment. The law applies to computer equipment and televisions intended primarily for consumer use. Computer equipment includes computers, tablets, gaming systems, monitors, video display units, printers, scanners, combination printer -scanner fax machines, and other peripherals (except for keyboards and mice). Items such as mobile telephones, video recorders, cable, and satellite boxes, and all commercial devices such as printers and data -networking systems are not covered devices under the law. 1. Manufacturers' Responsibilities Before selling computer equipment and televisions in North Carolina, manufacturers must register with the state and pay a registration fee, which is dependent upon the type of equipment manufactured and, for computer equipment, a recycling plan (level I,11 or III) is required. Television and computer equipment manufacturers have different recycling obligations under the law. Television manufacturers are assigned an annual target weight by the Division of Waste Management to recycle based on their market share. Computer equipment manufacturers are required to have a plan in place to make the recycling of computers available to consumers. The law is designed to provide electronics recycling opportunities for the consumer, which is defined as an occupant of a dwelling who used the equipment primarily for personal or home business use. A nonprofit organization with fewer than 10 employees is also considered a consumer. Television manufacturers pay an initial fee of $2,500 plus an annual fee of $2,500. Each television manufacturer is obligated to recycle or arrange for the recycling of its market share of televisions and must annually report the weight of televisions they recycled or arranged to recycle for the previous fiscal year. Computer equipment manufacturers' responsibility: • Pay an initial registration fee of $10,000 to $15,000, followed by an annual registration fee of $2,500 to $15,000, depending on the level of recycling plan chosen. • Computer equipment manufacturers must provide a plan, through which consumers are provided free and reasonably convenient recycling. • Recycling and transportation must be accomplished using environmentally sound management practices. • Manufacturers must provide consumer recycling education and a toll -free phone number. • Each registered computer equipment manufacturer must also submit an annual report detailing the total weight of computer equipment collected for recycling and reuse for the previous fiscal year, summarizing the actions implemented from the approved plan. 2. Retailer's Responsibilities Retailers in North Carolina may only sell computer equipment and televisions that display the manufacturer label of a registered manufacturer in compliance with the electronics management law. 3. State Agencies and Governmental Entities Responsibilities State agencies and governmental entities in North Carolina may only purchase computer equipment and televisions that are produced by registered manufacturers in compliance with the electronics management law. A list of manufacturers that are compliant can be viewed at: https:Hedocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/DocView.aspx?id=1390200&dbid=0&repo=WasteManagement for computer equipment and https:Hedocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/DocView.aspx?id=1390199&dbid=0&repo=WasteManagement for televisions. 4. Registration of Facilities Recovering or Recycling Electronics Facilities that recover or recycle covered devices or other electronic devices diverted from the waste stream for transfer, treatment, or processing must register annually with the Department on or before August 1 each year. 5. Recycling Rates Within North Carolina Data on the recycling of computer equipment and televisions come from two primary sources: manufacturer reports and Local Government Annual Reports (LGAR). Table V 23 below presents information reported by manufacturers registered with North Carolina. 100 Table V- 23 Electronics Collection by Weight Computer Equipment Television Manufacturers Type of Collection Manufacturers (lbs.) (lbs.) Mail -back Program 349,306 7,000 Retail Collection or Scheduled Collection 630,370 4,974,407 Events Permanent drop-off through local government 621,623 7,189,711 programs Total lbs 1,601,299 12,171,118 Permanent drop-off locations are the option most offered to consumers for their electronics recycling. Drop-off operations can be at local government locations and via manufacturer -sponsored sites, such as retailers, thrift stores, and temporary collection events. Mail -back programs are an important option for rural areas with fewer drop-off locations available, although, the weight collected through this collection method continues to be relatively small. Almost two thirds (66 percent) of televisions being recycled by consumers are brought to local government programs. Table V 24 and Table V 25 below show the recycling of electronics collected by county and municipal collection programs as well as overall collection programs by fiscal year. Table V- 24 Electronics Collected (Tons) by County and Municipal Collection Programs by Fiscal Year County and Municipal Collection Programs Televisions Computer Equipment" Other Electronics Total FY 2012-13 8,739.47 5,419.81 14,159.28 FY 2013-14 9,314.94 5,470.99 14,785.93 FY 2014-15 10,025.66 5,050.77 15,076.43 FY 2015-16 12,057.66 4,623.86 16,681.52 FY 2016-17 11,137.81 4,656.75 15,794.56 FY 2017-18* 9,833.78 3,519.09 13,352.87 FY 2018-19 9,912.60 3,531.48 13,444.08 FY 2019-20 7,742.63 1,145.35 2,847.79 11,735.77 FY 2020-21 6,847.92 1,121.02 2,655.35 10,624.28 FY 2021-22 5,613.34 2,058.54 1,235.70 8,907.58 FY 2022-23 1 4,893.95 1 1,325.46 1 1,952.24 8,171.65 * A correction was made to the FY 2017-18 local government television and other electronics tons in the FY 2018-19 report. ** Local governments were asked for the first time in FY 2019-20 to report computer equipment separately. In previous years, computer equipment has been combined with other electronics. Table V- 25 Overall Recycling of Electronics Manufacturer Manufacturer Local Local Government Total Television Computer Government Other Electronics Total Tons Pounds Per Tons Collected Equipment Tons Television Tons Tons Collected ** Capita Collected Collected FY 2012-13 1,624 2,099 8,739 5,420 17,882 3.7 FY 2013-14 2,460 1,843 9,315 5,471 19,090 3.9 FY 2014-15 2,834 1,193 10,026 5,051 19,104 3.8 FY 2015-16 1,743 1,598 12,058 4,624 20,023 4.0 FY2016-17 2,086 694 11,138 4,657 18,575 3.8 101 FY 2017-18* 2,901 725 9,834 3,519 16,979 3.3 FY 2018-19 1,507 516 9,913 3,531 15,467 3.0 FY 2019-20 250 829 7,743 3,993 12,815 2.4 FY 2020-21 150 465 6,848 3,776 11,239 2.1 FY 2021-22 1,570 590 5,613 3,294 11,068 2.1 FY 2022-23 2,491 1 490 1 4,894 3,278 1 11,152 2.1 * A correction was made to the FY 2017-18 local government television and other electronics tons in the FY 2018-19 report. ** Local government other electronics include computer equipment. 6. Compliance and Enforcement of Electronics Laws Manufacturers that have not paid their annual fees or submitted required documentation are ineligible to market their products in North Carolina. Residents and government agencies can check the DWM website https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section/special-wastes-and-alternative- handling/electronics-management#QuickLinks-11327 to determine which companies may sell in North Carolina. The Division of Waste Management and DEACS have been coordinating with manufacturer stakeholder groups, as well as a national consortium of states with electronics programs — Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC), to seek ways to streamline and automate reporting requirements for North Carolina. Manufacturer reporting requirements vary greatly from state to state. North Carolina has joined with other states in allowing manufacturers to register via web access at: https:Hecycleregistration.org/Default.aspx. 7. Electronics Management Fund The Electronics Management Fund, administered by DWM, is funded by computer equipment and television manufacturers' initial registration and annual fees. Fees paid into the electronics management fund are used to support approved electronics management programs within North Carolina counties. Table V 26 reflects the fund's balance and payout for FY 2022-2023. Table V- 26 Electronics Management Fund Balance of Funds as of July 1, 2022 $482,581.69 Debits February 2023 Distributions to Local Government Programs * [$482,581.00] Cost of Market Share Data [$6,727.27] ERCC Membership and participation in e-Cycle Registration [$6,500.00] Administrative and Salary Costs [$125,622.32] Total Debits $621,430.59 Credits Computer Equipment Manufacturer Fees $893,475.00 Television Manufacturer Fees $65,000.00 Total Credits $958,475.00 Ending Balance June 30, 2023 $819,626.10 *Fund balance in mid -January prior to distribution of funds was approximately $750,756. 8. Types of Equipment Recovered by Local Programs Based on information reported from local governments in FY 2022-23, the full cost of electronics recycling through local government programs is estimated to be approximately $0.38 per person. Local governments can become eligible for funds by implementing an electronics management plan, submitting the plan and required plan elements as a Fund 102 application, and using an electronics recycler/vendor that holds the e-Stewards or R2 certification. Although costs to operate local government programs vary significantly, the calendar year 2023 fund monies distributed covered approximately 17 percent of the estimated costs to operate programs that made themselves eligible to receive funds. Because of consolidation among electronics manufacturers and an increasing number of computer manufacturers choosing to register with a Level II plan, the distribution amounts may vary in the future. Electronics programs are required to demonstrate to DWM that all recycling of computer equipment and televisions is being conducted by R2 or e-Steward-certified facilities to receive future distributions. The funding must be used only for the management of electronics. The 58 local governments with approved electronics management fund applications received their pro rata share of a total of $482,581.00 in distributions from the Electronics Management Fund in February 2023. The list of local governments that received funds last fiscal year is shown in Table V 27 below. Table V- 27 Electronics Management - Distribution February 2023 Unit of Local Government Fund Amount Alamance $10,150.48 Alexander $3,461.53 Ashe $4,942.18 Avery $1,985.88 Brunswick $13,543.98 Cabarrus $6,206.74 Catawba $6,493.87 Chatham $7,847.46 Cherokee $3,042.34 Chowan $1,297.57 Cleveland $17,434.70 Craven $5,478.42 Dare $800.35 Durham, City of $15,706.93 Edgecombe $362.16 Franklin $2,435.07 Gates $893.39 Granville $8,620.81 Guilford $22,006.71 Halifax $1,102.49 Haywood $6,002.65 Henderson $12,422.48 Hoke $445.20 Hyde $736.32 Iredell $13,366.90 Jackson $3,155.39 Lee $5,297.34 Lenoir $500.22 Lincoln $15,529.85 Macon $3,295.45 103 McDowell $5,025.22 Mecklenburg $57,033.17 Mitchell $791.35 Moore $18,809.30 New Hanover $12,756.63 Pasquotank $1,318.58 Pender $20,972.26 Perquimans $924.41 Person $1,878.83 Polk $1,705.75 Randolph $5,920.61 Richmond $1,097.48 Robeson $194.09 Rockingham $2,881.27 Rutherford $1,058.47 Stanly $2,030.90 Stokes $5,202.30 Surry $6,609.92 Transylvania $1,851.82 Union $16,365.22 Vance $3,098.37 Wake $89,120.34 Watauga $208.09 Warren $320.14 Wayne $5,702.52 Wilkes $3,964.75 Winston-Salem, City of $18,518.17 Yadkin $2,656.18 58 Applicants $482,581.00 H. Additional Documentation from the N.C. Department of Administration and Department of Transportation Please refer to these links for reports from the North Carolina Department of Administration and Department of Transportation that summarize the environmental and resource conservation programs provided by those agencies. The N.C. Department of Administration promotes the purchase and use of sustainable, efficient supplies and products. As the department progresses with this effort, more of those types of products are being added to statewide term contracts and agency -specific term contracts awarded through open market bids. For more information, visit the Division of Purchase and Contract's website at: https://ncadmin.nc.gov/about-doa/divisions/purchase-contract. G.S. 136-28.8(g) and G.S. 130A-309.14(3) mandate that the N.C. Department of Transportation prepares an annual report on the amounts and types of recycled materials specified or used in construction and maintenance projects during the previous state fiscal year and review of bid procedures, respectively. The types of recycled materials incorporated into the report would routinely contribute to the consumer and industrial waste streams, compounding the problem of declining space in landfills. 104 105 Chapter VI: Utility -Scale Solar Management Program A. Executive Summary North Carolina Session Law 2023-58, s.2, effective June 26, 2023, enacted a new Part within Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the North Carolina General Statutes: Part 2J "Management of Solar Energy Equipment" (G.S. 130A-309.240 though 130A-309.243). The session law also revised North Carolina General Statute 130A-309.06(c) to require the NCDEQ to annually report on the management of solar energy equipment pursuant to Part 2J to the North Carolina General Assembly's Environmental Review Commission and Fiscal Research Division. B. Program Background S.L. 2023-58 made DEQ the lead agency in the statewide administration and enforcement of utility -scale solar project registration, decommissioning, and financial assurance program for new projects, and for enforcing the new state -level statutory registration and decommissioning requirements for existing utility -scale solar projects. The session law requires the owner of a utility -scale solar project capable of generating two (2) or more megawatts (MV) alternating current (AC) that is directly connected to the electrical grid to: • Properly decommission the project upon cessation of operations and restore the property. • Register with the DEQ and pay a fee. • Submit a decommissioning plan and establish financial assurance for new and rebuilt/expanded utility -scale solar projects. To administer Part 2J of Article 9, NCDEQ has created a new program within the Division of Waste Management, the Utility -Scale Solar Management Program. As a part of establishing the new program, the Division has created a new webpage that provides information and updates about the program and the requirements of Part 2J. This webpage can be accessed on the Division's website at: https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/utility-scale-solar- management-program. Sections 2.(c) and (d) of the session law also required NCDEQ to adopt rules and submit quarterly reports to the Environmental Review Commission and the Joint Legislative Commission on Energy Policy on the implementation of the requirements of S.L. 2023-58, s. 2, including program development and the status of the Department's rulemaking efforts. The quarterly reports must be submitted December 1, 2023 through December 1, 2025. Additional background, data, and information pertaining to the requirements in S.L. 2023-58 can be reviewed in the following legislation and the associated reports/plans submitted to the General Assembly as required in the respective legislation: S.L. 2019-132 (H329): The EMC and DEQ evaluated the end -of -life management of renewable energy equipment and summarized the evaluation in the January 1, 2021 "Final Report on the Activities Conducted to Establish a Regulatory Program for the Management and Decommissioning of Renewable Energy Equipment." S.L. 2021-165 (H951): DEQ evaluated options for the decommissioning of utility -scale solar projects and financial assurance and summarized the evaluation in the March 1, 2022 "Plan and Recommendations for Financial Resources for Decommissioning of Utility -Scale Solar Panel Projects." S.L. 2023-137 (H600), s. 19.(a): bans photovoltaic modules from disposal in unlined landfills. C. Program Activity Because this annual report presents information on fiscal year 2022-23, the session law establishing these new requirements was effective at the end of that fiscal year on June 26, 2023, and most of the new program requirements do not become effective until November 1, 2025, NCDEQ does not have any updates on the program to provide for the fiscal year covered by this annual report. However, the latest updates on the development of the new program and the status of rulemaking can be found in the quarterly reports submitted beginning December 1, 2023, which can also be accessed on the program's new webpage at https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/utility-scale-solar- management-program. 106 A. Brownfields Agreements Finalized Between Januaryl, 2023 through December 31, 2023 Site Name city County Project Number Acres 1 Byrum Seed Charlotte Mecklenburg 25017-21-060 4 2 Brayton International Furnishin s High Point/Archdale Guilford/Randolph 24056-20-041 7.69 3 AMI (American Media International Burlington Alamance 19025-15-001 17 4 Former PE Valve RFR Asheville Buncombe 22081-18-011 1.63 5 Bookers Garage Charlotte Mecklenburg 23074-19-060 0.53 6 Selles Bagwell/Interstate Electric Charlotte Mecklenburg 24008-20-060 4.06 7 Vega Metals Durham Durham 23071-19-032 0.62 8 Andale Amendment Forest City Rutherfordton 14036-10-081 amendment 9 South Saunders Street Raleigh Wake 21050-17-092 9.15 10 Dynatech III RN Charlotte Mecklenburg 25067-21-060 3 11 REEP-LRC 1I Charlotte Mecklenburg 24001-20-060 118.74 12 Bancroft Street II Charlotte Mecklenburg 24021-20-060 3.73 13 Clin man Avenue Asheville Buncombe 24018-20-011 1.5 14 Coleman Mill Concord Cabarrus 25004-21-013 10.14 15 Harrelson Ford Charlotte Mecklenburg 25046-21-060 10.58 16 AJACC Auto Charlotte Mecklenburg 24054-20-060 4.94 17 Stewart -Warner Winston-Salem Forsyth 25032-21-034 10.97 18 Hammond Center Raleigh Wake 25087-21-092 35.77 19 North Hills Expansion Raleigh Wake 25008-21-092 8.63 20 MillerCoors Brewery Eden Rockingham 24046-20-079 1359 21 Raleigh MGP 1I Raleigh Wake 23076-19-092 7.06 22 Jones Electric Charlotte Mecklenburg 24039-20-060 1.21 23 Charlotte Tank and Truck Amendment Charlotte Mecklenburg 07028-03-060 2.23 24 Sonrise Industrial Center Roanoke Rapids Halifax 20010-16-042 54.3 25 Cameron Village Condos Raleigh Wake 24017-20-092 4.91 26 Clariant Corp. Charlotte Mecklenburg 25036-21-060 9.799 27 Raleigh Union Station Bus Raleigh Wake 23010-19-092 1.76 28 Fairey Finishing Mill Durham Durham 22034-18-032 4.33 29 Sim son's Texaco Charlotte Mecklenburg 25063-21-060 4.2 30 Raleigh Ice Center Raleigh Wake 25077-21-092 13.28 31 Philcron Automotive II Charlotte Mecklenburg 23060-19-060 1.55 32 WPDA Area 4 Winston-Salem Forsyth 26026-22-034 3.69 33 N Craven Street RR & Bulk Oil New Bern Craven 20063-16-25 3.98 34 Hoke Street Passage Home Amendment Raleigh Wake 21007-17-092 amendment 35 Hanover Center II Wilmington New Hanover 24012-20-065 39.26 36 Erwin Oil Company Durham Durham 24060-20-032 5.24 37 Peerless Master Cleaner & Dyers Raleigh Wake 24020-20-092 1.15 38 West Bros. Transfer Raleigh Wake 23078-19-092 11.44 39 Venable Center Clayton Durham 22048-18-032 3.76 40 Caraustar Mills Charlotte Mecklenburg 23061-19-060 30 41 Yandle-Withers oon Charlotte Mecklenburg 24010-20-060 4.7 42 National Welders Supply Charlotte Mecklenburg 25035-21-060 3.6 43 Dilworth Auto Service II Charlotte Mecklenburg 26004-22-060 1.23 107 44 McLaurin Trucking Co. II Charlotte Mecklenburg 26018-22-060 3.5 45 Fulbri ht Laboratories Charlotte Mecklenburg 25073-21-060 0.92 46 Johnson's Arco Service Station Asheville Buncombe 22050-18-011 0.66 47 Wilson's Pest Control Winston-Salem Forsyth 23011-19-034 2.93 48 Victory Cab Charlotte Mecklenburg 24016-20-060 1.73 49 F T Williams Trucking Charlotte Mecklenburg 25040-21-060 5.58 50 Rhyne West Charlotte Mecklenburg 25079-21-060 25.942 51 Martin Transfer & Storage Charlotte Mecklenburg 26094-22-060 1.2985 52 SouthBank Building Durham Durham 25022-21-032 1.836 53 Eno Industrial Park Durham Durham 25097-21-032 160.73 54 Robert Street Organics Asheville Buncombe 23044-19-011 1.72 55 Phil Mechanic 11 Asheville Buncombe 24041-20-011 1.2 Total 1,969 108 A. Sites with Dry -Cleaning Solvent Contamination by County and City and Sites Certified into the DSCA Program by County and City (Certified Sites are bold, Site Status definitions follow Appendix B.) COUNTY CITY ID NAME STATUS JURISDICTION lamance (14) Burlington 10002 Workman Property 1361 Church St IHSB Burlington 10003 A Cleaner World 2781 Church St Monitoring DSCA Burlington 10004 RE Boone Cleaners 306 Main St Assessment DSCA Burlington 10006 McPherson Cleaners 2469 Church St NFA DSCA Burlington 10008 Norge Laundry & Cleaning Village 2102 Webb Ave Assessment DSCA Burlington 10009 Boston Cleaners 2182 Church St Monitoring DSCA Burlington 10010 Regal Cleaners 1603 Church St NFA DSCA Burlington 10011 Westbrook Cleaners 1030 Williamson Ave NFA DSCA Burlington 10012 Boston Cleaners 1902 Webb Ave Assessment DSCA Burlington 10013 One Hour Klean 1785 Webb Ave Monitoring DSCA Burlington 10014 Fifth Street Cleaners 232 Fifth St IHSB Burlington 10015 Professional Klean 918 Church St Assessment DSCA Graham 10001 Harden Cleaners 220 Harden St NFA DSCA Graham 10005 Impressive Cleaners 226 Harden St Monitoring DSCA Bertie(1) Windsor 80001 Williford Cleaners 108 Sterlingworth St Assessment DSCA Brunswick (2) Calabash 100002 Love Cleaners, Inc. 9956 Beach Dr NFA DSCA Southport 100001 Towngate Cleaners 715 Howe St Monitoring DSCA Buncombe (14) Asheville 110001 Swannanoa Laundry 22 Church St Assessment DSCA Asheville 110003 Swannanoa Cleaners 916 Tunnel Rd Assessment DSCA Asheville 110004 Swannanoa Cleaners 712 Merrimon Ave Assessment DSCA Asheville 110005 Nu -Way Cleaners 167 Patton Ave Assessment DSCA Asheville 110006 Blue Ridge Cleaners 1378 Hendersonville Rd NFA DSCA Asheville 110007 Swananoa Cleaners 1336 Patton Ave NFA DSCA Asheville 110008 Crisp One Hour Cleaners 121 Biltmore Ave Assessment DSCA Asheville 110009 Hour Glass Cleaners 85 Tunnel Rd Assessment DSCA Asheville 110010 Norge Laundry & Cleaning Village 713 Merrimon Ave Assessment DSCA Asheville 110011 Bon Ton Cleaners & Laundry 650 Haywood Rd Assessment DSCA Asheville 110012 Mayflower Cleaners 732 Haywood Rd Assessment DSCA Asheville 110014 Thru-Out Cleaning & Pressing 2 London Rd Assessment DSCA Asheville 110015 Specialty Cleaners 246 Tunnel Rd Assessment DSCA Weaverville 110002 Quorum Knitting 115 Reems Creek Rd IHSB Burke (3) Morganton 120001 Ferree Cleaners 406 Sterling St Assessment DSCA Morganton 120002 Jordan's Cleaners 302 College St Assessment DSCA Morganton 120003 Superior Cleaners 242 Fleming Dr Assessment DSCA Cabarrus (3) Concord 130001 Fuller Supply Company 191 Crowell Dr Assessment DSCA Concord 130002 Caldwell Cleaners 800 Church St Assessment DSCA Kannapolis 130003 Jay's One -hour Cleaners 1803 Main St Petitioned DSCA Caldwell (1) Lenoir 140001 Jordan Cleaners 220 Morganton Blvd NFA DSCA Carteret (2) Morehead City 160001 Coastal Dry Cleaners 3000 Arendell St NFA DSCA Morehead City 160002 Sunshine Cleaners 1612 Bridges St NFA DSCA Catawba (3) Conover 180001 Conover Cleaners 430 Conover Blvd Assessment DSCA Hickory 180002 One Hour Cleaners 1925 12th Ave Assessment DSCA Hickory 180003 A Cleaner World #107 1009 2nd St Assessment DSCA Chatham (2) Chapel Hill 190001 Cole Park Cleaners 11552 US Highway 15 501 NFA DSCA Siler City 190002 Chatham Cleaners and Laundrette 401 Third St Assessment DSCA Cleveland (5) Shelby 230001 Folks Dry Cleaners 1165 Marion St NFA DSCA Shelby 230002 Folk's Cleaners 200 Marion St Assessment DSCA Shelby 230003 Bills One Hour Cleaners 410 Lafayette St Assessment DSCA Shelby 230004 One Hour Martinizing 300 Marion St Assessment DSCA Shelby 230005 Boulevard Cleaners 1510 Dixon Blvd Interim Action DSCA 109 Craven (2) New Bern 250001 Carriage House Cleaners 422 Pollock St Monitoring DSCA New Bern 250002 Glam-O-Rama Cleaners and Laundromat 715 Degrafenreid Ave Assessment DSCA Cumberland (19) Fayetteville 260001 Mayflower Laundry And Dry Cleaning 512 Russell St NFA DSCA Fayetteville 260002 Easy Wash Dry Cleaners 5308 Bragg Blvd Monitoring DSCA Fayetteville 260003 Smitty's Dry Cleaners 3060 Owen Dr Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260004 Kore-o-mat Laundromat 3311 Bragg Blvd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260005 Davis Cleaners 1672 Owen Dr NFA DSCA Fayetteville 260006 One Hour Koretizing Cleaners 4924 Raeford Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260007 Parker Cleaners 4950 Bragg Blvd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260008 Verne's Cleaners 6341 Bragg Blvd NFA DSCA Fayetteville 260010 Highland Cleaners 2609 Raeford Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260012 Hamont Cleaners 5228 Bragg Blvd IHSB Fayetteville 260013 A&H Cleaners 4515 Bragg Blvd IHSB Fayetteville 260014 Scotty Cleaners 244 Robeson St NFA DSCA Fayetteville 260015 Glam-O-Rama 5701 Yadkin Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260016 Prestige Cleaners 3120 Raeford Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260018 One Hour Cleaners 1303 Fort Bragg Rd Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260020 Norge Laundry and Dry Cleaning 818 Elm St Assessment DSCA Fayetteville 260021 Smitty's Cleaners 812 Elm St Certified DSCA Fayetteville 260022 Washy Washy Washy 846 Elm St Certified DSCA Spring Lake 260009 Crown Cleaners 115 Main St Assessment DSCA Dare (3) Manteo 280001 Ange Speed Wash 118 HWY 64/264 Assessment DSCA Manteo 280002 Outer Banks Cleaners 412 HWY 64/264 Assessment DSCA Southern Shores 280003 Outer Banks Cleaners, Inc. 5593 Croatan Hwy NFA DSCA Davidson (6) Lexington 290001 Country Club Cleaners 972 Main St Assessment DSCA Lexington 290004 J&J Cleaners 5901 Old US HIGHWAY 52 UST Lexington 290005 J & J Dry Cleaner 9 Plaza Pkwy Assessment DSCA Lexington 290007 Leonard Cleaners 406 Center St Investigation DSCA Thomasville 290002 Young's Cleaners 501 Randolph St Assessment DSCA Welcome 290006 J&J Dry Clean and Laundry 5891 Old US Highway 52 Assessment DSCA Davie (3) Advance 300002 K&R Cleaners 5289 US HIGHWAY 158 NFA DSCA Advance 300003 Village Cleaners 110 Commerce PI Assessment DSCA Mocksville 300001 Fallies Dry Cleaning 899 Main St IHSB Durham (38) Chapel Hill 320016 Carolina Cleaners 2214 Nelson Hwy NFA DSCA Durham 320001 One Hour Koretizing 4404 Roxboro St Assessment DSCA Durham 320002 Plants Unlimited 3535 Hillsborough Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320003 Triangle Laundromat & Cleaners 4871 NC 55 Hwy Assessment DSCA Durham 320004 Eakes Cleaners 827 Morgan St IHSB Durham 320005 American Dry Cleaners 4711 Hope Valley Rd NFA DSCA Durham 320006 American Drycleaners 700 Mallard Ave IHSB Durham 320007 Model Laundry 1005 Holloway St Monitoring DSCA Durham 320008 W.P. Ballard 639 Junction Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320009 TNT Cleaners 5308 Roxboro St Assessment DSCA Durham 320010 Weavers Cleaners 1212 Fayetteville St Assessment DSCA Durham 320011 Scott And Roberts Dry Cleaners 733 Foster St Assessment DSCA Durham 320012 Shannon Dry Cleaning and Laundromat 3710 Shannon Rd NFA DSCA Durham 320013 One Hour Martinizing 1103 Club Blvd Assessment DSCA Durham 320014 Hollywood Cleaners 3823 Guess Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320015 Durham Dry Cleaners 2526 Erwin Rd Monitoring DSCA Durham 320017 Rambo Cleaners 4306 Roxboro St Interim Action DSCA Durham 320018 H & S Cleaners 105 NC Highway 54 Assessment DSCA Durham 320019 New Method Laundry & Dry Cleaners 1201 Chapel Hill St Assessment DSCA Durham 320020 White Star Laundry and Cleaners 637 Broad St NFA DSCA Durham 320021 A Cleaner World # 203 5700 Fayetteville Rd Assessment DSCA Durham 320022 H & S Cleaners 4015 University Dr Assessment DSCA 110 Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham 320023 Regency Cleaners 320024 White Star Cleaners 320026 Durham Dry Cleaners 320027 Model Laundry and Cleaners 320028 Model Cleaners and Laundry 320029 One Hour Koretizing Laundry 320030 New Method Laundry and Dry Cleaners 320031 Bernard's Formalwear 320032 D W Dry Cleaners 320034 Sunshine Cleaners 320035 Indigo Montessori School 320036 Boykin and Roberts Dry Cleaners 320037 Classic Cleaners 320038 White Star Laundry and Cleaners 320039 Triangle Laundry and Cleaners 320040 Eakes Cleaners 3912 904 810 808 1910 1016 400 734 314 3300 1101 2510 5300 610 3117 229 University 9th Peabody Washington Chapel Hill Main Cleveland 9TH Driver Guess Main Fayetteville Roxboro Lakeland Guess Gregson Dr St St St Rd St St St St Rd St St St St Rd St Assessment Assessment Assessment NFA Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment DSCA DSCA DSCA DSCA DSCA DSCA DSCA DSCA DSCA DSCA Fed Remediation DSCA IHSB DSCA DSCA DSCA dgecombe (5) Rocky Mount 330002 Thorne's Dry Cleaners 502 Rose St NFA DSCA Rocky Mount 330003 Prestige Cleaners 620 Thomas St Assessment DSCA Rocky Mount 330006 Quality Laundry & Cleaners 242 Tarboro St NFA DSCA Rocky Mount 330007 Rocky Mount Laundry and Dry Cleaners 219 Washington St Assessment DSCA Tarboro 330005 Deluxe Cleaners 2223 Main St Assessment DSCA Forsyth (36) Clemmons 340042 Village Cleaners 2600 Lewisville Clemmons Rd Assessment DSCA Kemersville 340004 Hooker Furniture 210 Main St IHSB Kemersville 340007 Camelot Cleaners 820 Main St Assessment DSCA Kemersville 340021 Modern Cleaners 211 Main St Assessment DSCA Kemersville 340022 Warren Cleaners 129 Church Ln Assessment DSCA Kemersville 340031 A Cleaner World #175 611 Main St Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340002 Shores Cleaners 692 Hanes Mall Blvd NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340003 Rodem Cleaners 1221 Academy St IHSB Winston Salem 340005 $2.75 Cleaners 1322 Hawthorne Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340006 Young Cleaners 4309 Liberty St IHSB Winston Salem 340008 Hour Glass Cleaners 5955 University Pkwy Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340009 Smith Dry Cleaners 310 Martin Luther King Jr Dr Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340011 Camelot Cleaners 1218 Waughtown St Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340012 A Cleaner World 3251 Healy Dr Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340013 A Cleaner World #161 101 Peacehaven Rd NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340014 Camel City Cleaners 2808 Reynolda Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340015 Camel City Laundry 501 3rd St Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340016 $2.50 Krystal Cleaners 357 Jonestown Rd NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340017 Trade Street Cleaners 426 Trade St Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340018 U.S. $2.09 Cleaners 3915 Country Club Rd Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340020 XL Cleaners 3001 University Pkwy NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340024 Sunshine Cleaners 5013 Country Club Rd Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340027 Davis -Frye Cleaners 704 Waughtown St Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340028 One Hour Martinizing 4332 Old Walkertown Rd Certified DSCA Winston Salem 340029 One Hour Martinizing 4001 Country Club Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340032 Club Haven Cleaners 5013 Country Club Rd Monitoring DSCA Winston Salem 340033 Jarrard's Self Sevice Laundry 807 Marshall St Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340034 Camel City Dry Cleaners 285 Stratford Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340035 $2.50 Cleaners 3604 Reynolda Rd NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340037 South Fork Cleaners 3900 Country Club Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340038 Bee Cleaners 5395 Shattalon Dr NFA DSCA Winston Salem 340039 NS Farrington & Co 2355 Farrington Point Dr Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340040 The Cleaners 200 Jonestown Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340041 A Cleaner World #150 3735 Peters Creek Pkwy Assessment DSCA 111 Winston Salem 340043 One Hour Martinizing 3520 Yadkinville Rd Assessment DSCA Winston Salem 340044 Winston Steam Laundry 1102 Ivy Ave Investigation DSCA Franklin (1) Louisburg 350001 401 Cleaners 608 Bickett Blvd Assessment DSCA Gaston (8) Belmont 360001 Untz Drycleaners 514 Woodlawn Ave NPL Belmont 360005 Prestown Cleaners & Laundry 91 McAdenville Rd Assessment DSCA Belmont 360008 Belmont Dry Cleaners 111 Main Street Assessment DSCA Gastonia 360002 Carson Drycleaners 401 Chester St Brownfields Gastonia 360003 Deluxe Cleaners 2529 Franklin Blvd Assessment DSCA Gastonia 360004 Union Road Cleaners 2210 Union Rd NFA DSCA Gastonia 360006 One Hour Martinizing 143 Franklin Blvd Monitoring DSCA Gastonia 360007 Carson Cleaners 1328 Franklin Blvd Assessment DSCA Granville (1) Oxford 390001 Oxford Dry Cleaners 700 Hillsboro St UST Guilford (58) Greensboro 410001 Cleaner Image 4711 Lawndale Dr NFA DSCA Greensboro 410002 Cinderella Cleaners 2043 Martin Luther King Jr Dr NFA DSCA Greensboro 410003 U.S. $1.75 Cleaners 2900 Randleman Rd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410004 Columbia Laundry Corp 2507 Battleground Ave IHSB Greensboro 410007 Master Kleen 5320 Liberty Rd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410009 Everhart Dry Cleaners 1000 Summit Ave Interim Action DSCA Greensboro 410010 Glam-o-rama 719 Market St IHSB Greensboro 410011 O Henry Cleaners 3210 Summit Ave IHSB Greensboro 410014 Master Kleen Cleaners 3402 Gate City Blvd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410015 Quality Cleaners 4117 Spring Garden St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410017 Premier Cleaners 513 Summit Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410018 Dry Clean America 403 Meadowview Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410019 Burnetts Cleaner And Laundry 1932 Market St Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410022 Fordhams Cleaners 1900 Spring Garden St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410023 A Cleaner City 2804 Battleground Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410024 A Cleaner World #162 4506 High Point Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410026 A Cleaner World #168 1949 Battleground Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410028 Columbia Laundry 920 Bessemer Ave NFA DSCA Greensboro 410029 Presto Cleaners 4625 High Point Rd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410033 A Cleaner World #182 531 College Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410034 Village Laundry 707 College Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410035 The Cleaners 829 Lee St Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410038 Phoenix Supply Company 2701 Branchwood Dr Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410039 One Hour Martinizing 2519 High Point Rd IHSB Greensboro 410040 Yong's Cleaners 1901 Westridge Rd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410041 New Era Cleaners 2840 Randleman Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410042 Model Laundry of Greensboro 1600 Gate City Blvd NFA DSCA Greensboro 410044 Blue Bird Cleaners 3134 Kathleen Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410045 Crystal Cleaners 2943 Battleground Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410046 A Cleaner World #184 2282 Golden Gate Dr Closure DSCA Greensboro 410047 Odorless Cleaners 219 Lewis St Monitoring DSCA Greensboro 410049 Lucas Cleaners 1101 Gate City Blvd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410051 Tops Cleaners 2702 Battleground Ave Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410052 Wades Dry Cleaning 607 Elm St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410054 Prestige Dry Cleaners and Laundry 3204 Randleman Rd Closure DSCA Greensboro 410055 ALS Laundry & Cleaners 3015 Spring Garden St IHSB Greensboro 410056 Master Kleen 4534 Market St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410058 Fox Cleaners and Laundry, Inc. 3704 Old Battleground Rd Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410060 Florida St One Hour Cleaners 815 Florida St Assessment DSCA Greensboro 410062 Burnetts Glam-O-Rama Cleaners 719 Market St On Hold DSCA Greensboro 410064 Frye & Webster Dry Cleaners 608 Elwell Ave Certified DSCA High Point 410005 Dutch Laundry Inc. 833 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410006 Eastgate Cleaners 101 Greensboro Rd Monitoring DSCA 112 High Point 410013 Banner Laundry 2117 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410016 Pro Clean 2406 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410021 Gingiss Formal Wear 906 Main St NFA DSCA High Point 410030 $2.50 Cleaners 1310 Centennial St Assessment DSCA High Point 410031 A Cleaner World #102 2517 Main St Monitoring DSCA High Point 410043 High Point Cleaners & Hatters 206 Martin Luther King Jr Dr Assessment DSCA High Point 410050 Star Cleaners 723 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410053 Tinsley's Cleaners 3811 Tinsley Dr Monitoring DSCA High Point 410057 Quality Dry Cleaners 501 English Rd Assessment DSCA High Point 410059 Daniels Cleaners 660 Main St Assessment DSCA High Point 410061 Leonard Cleaners 435 Wrenn St Assessment DSCA High Point 410063 A Cleaner World #188 2527 Eastchester Dr Assessment DSCA Jamestown 410008 A Cleaner World 102 Main St Assessment DSCA Jamestown 410048 $2.75 Crystal Cleaners 5011 Mackay Rd Assessment DSCA Stokesdale 410032 Stokesdale Cleaners 8604 Ellisboro Rd Monitoring DSCA Halifax (1) Roanoke Rapids 420001 Oakland Cleaners 1190 Julian R Allsbrook Hwy Assessment DSCA Haywood (3) Waynesville 440001 Central Cleaners 44 Church St Assessment DSCA Waynesville 440002 American Cleaners 72 Depot St IHSB Waynesville 440003 Dovers Cleaners and Laundry 94 Depot St IHSB Henderson (5) Hendersonville 450001 Blue Ridge Cleaners 503 7th Ave NFA DSCA Hendersonville 450002 Carolina Cleaners 120 Barnwell St Assessment DSCA Hendersonville 450004 Superior Cleaners & Laundry 826 Locust St Assessment DSCA Hendersonville 450005 No Way Cleaners 414 Main St Interim Action DSCA Hendersonville 450006 Miller's Laundry & Cleaners 423 King St Monitoring DSCA Hoke (1) Raeford 470001 Smitty's Cleaners 214 Main St NFA DSCA redell (9) Mooresville 490010 U.S. $2.50 Cleaners 2785 Charlotte Hwy Assessment DSCA Mooresville 490011 Kim's Cleaners 250 Main St Assessment DSCA Statesville 490001 Smiths Dry Cleaners 225 Gordon St IHSB Statesville 490002 Johnson Cleaners, Inc. 1563 Broad St NFA DSCA Statesville 490003 Brookdale Cleaners 975 Davie Ave Assessment DSCA Statesville 490007 Iredell Laundry 213 Tradd St Assessment DSCA Statesville 490008 Sloan's Cleaners 109 Water St Assessment DSCA Statesville 490009 Smith's Cleaners 225 Gordon Ave Assessment DSCA Troutman 490004 Campbell's Cleaners 171 Wagner St NFA DSCA Johnston (3) Clayton 510003 Clayton Village Cleaners 10183 US 70 BUSINESS Hwy Assessment DSCA Clayton 510004 Barrett's Cleaners 261 NC HIGHWAY 42 Assessment DSCA Smithfield 510002 Glam-O-Rama Cleaners 716 Market St NFA DSCA Lee (3) Sanford 530001 Dryclean Express 1117 Spring Ln NFA DSCA Sanford 530002 Twin City Cleaners 102 Trade St IHSB Sanford 530003 Crystal Cleaners 133 Horner Blvd Monitoring DSCA Lenoir (2) Kinston 540001 Vicks Cleaners 2405 Herritage St Assessment DSCA La Grange 540002 The Cleaners 603 Washington St NFA DSCA Lincoln (4) Denver 550003 Lowe's Cleaners 3866 NC 16 BUSINESS Hwy Assessment DSCA Denver 550004 US $2.50 Cleaners 7558 NC 73 Hwy IHSB Denver 550005 Denver Laundromat 3717 NC 16 Business Hwy Assessment DSCA Lincolnton 550002 Lincoln Laundry and Dry Cleaners 1220 Main St Assessment DSCA Martin (2) Robersonville 590001 Williford Cleaners 203 Academy St Assessment DSCA Williamston 590002 Town & Country Cleaners 617 Washington St IHSB Mcdowell (1) Old Fort 560001 Nichols Laundry And Dry Cleaning 91 Catawba Ave Assessment DSCA Mecklenburg (94) Charlotte 600001 A Cleaner 5333 Monroe Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600002 American Dry Cleaning Company 309 Morehead St NFA DSCA Charlotte 600004 Minute Man Cleaners 3058 Eastway Dr Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600005 Mitchells Formal Wear Warehouse 115 Scaleybark Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600006 Peoples Cleaners 1930 Beanies Ford Rd IHSB Charlotte 600007 Quail Dry Cleaners 8538 Park Rd NFA DSCA 113 Charlotte 600008 Sno-white Cleaners And Launderers 4400 Sharon Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600009 Springfresh Cleaner 9800 Monroe Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600010 Boggs And Company 3931 Glenwood Dr Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600011 Sno-white Cleaners 7629 Pineville Matthews Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600012 Domestic Laundry - CAMDUS site 801 Mcdowell St Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600013 Cunningham Cleaners 104 Sharon Amity Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600014 One Price Drycleaning 816 Arrowood Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600015 Carriage Fine Dry Cleaning 8020 Providence Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600016 60 Minute Cleaners 9100 Tryon St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600017 Gateway Village Development 700 Trade St IHSB Charlotte 600018 Dynasty Cleaners and Laundry 3145 Sharon Amity Rd DSCA Charlotte 600019 Cunningham Cleaners 2909 Davidson St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600020 Midtown Square One Hour Valet Dry Cleaners 401 Independence Blvd Brownfields Charlotte 600022 Rainbow Cleaners 8500 Pineville Matthews Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600023 Prestown Laundry And Cleaners 6214 Idlewild Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600024 60 Minute Cleaners 4447 The Plaza Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600026 Sno-White Cleaners 901 4th St Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600027 Charlie Browns Dry Cleaners 3701 Freedom Dr Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600028 Sharon Cleaners 4724 Sharon Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600029 Abra Costumes 1611 Central Ave Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600030 Village Cleaners 7221 Albemarle Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600031 Sno-white Cleaners 5669 Farm Pond Lane Interim Action DSCA Charlotte 600032 Eastway Quick Clean Service 3052 Eastway Dr NFA DSCA Charlotte 600033 Jones Dry Cleaning 1601 4th St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600035 Ivory Cleaners 2511 Westerly Hills Dr Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600036 Faulk Cleaners 2615 Westerly Hills Dr Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600037 Dryclean Carolinas 2508 South Blvd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600039 Providence Cleaners 631 Sharon Amity Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600040 People's Dry Cleaners 2133 Beatties Ford Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600041 Holiday Cleaners 2241 Beatties Ford Rd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600042 Holiday Cleaners 3221 Monroe Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600043 Douglas Furrier and Cleaners 1200 Charlottetown Ave NFA DSCA Charlotte 600044 Gay Laundry and Cleaners 1101 Brevard St NFA DSCA Charlotte 600045 Carillon Building 227 Trade St Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600046 Arrow Laundry & Cleaners 4735 Monroe Rd Brownfields Charlotte 600048 Dan Meigs Cleaners 1101 Central Ave NFA DSCA Charlotte 600049 Starmount Cleaners 6215 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600050 Plaza Cleaners 9002 JM Keynes Dr NFA DSCA Charlotte 600052 JFR Cleaners 9710 Monroe Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600053 Prosperity Cleaners 3020 Prosperity Church Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600056 Zenith Cleaners 2301 South Blvd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600057 Myers Park Cleaners 1027 Providence Rd Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600058 Seneca Dry Cleaning 5020 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600059 Coachman Cleaners 4001 Park Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600060 Arrow Laundry & Cleaners 1933 7th St Brownfields Charlotte 600061 Derita Dry Cleaners & Laundry 2414 Sugar Creek Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600063 King's Cleaner 632 Sugar Creek Rd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600064 New Image Cleaners 5655 Tryon St Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600065 Tryon Mall Cleaning Center 451 Sugar Creek Rd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600066 Hickory Square Cleaners 5724 WT Harris Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600067 Blue Band 1 Hour Cleaners 2216 Statesville Ave Monitoring DSCA Charlotte 600068 Swan Cleaners 7201 Independence Blvd NFA DSCA Charlotte 600069 Coleman Dry Cleaners 2557 West Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600072 TC Cleaners, Inc. DBA US $1.85 Dry Cleaners 5109 South Blvd Assessment DSCA Charlotte 600073 R & R Cleaners 3601 Tryon St IHSB 114 Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Huntersville Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Pineville Pineville 0oore(7) Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Pinehurst Southern Pines Southern Pines Southern Pines Vash (9) Nashville Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Vew Hanover (21) Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington 600074 Childress Dry Cleaning 600075 A Cleaner World 600076 Regal Cleaners 600077 McCorkles Cleaners 600078 Harts Cleaners 600079 American Dry Cleaners 600080 Carriage Fine Dry Cleaning 600081 Alpine Cleaners 600082 A Cleaner World 600083 Holiday Cleaners 600085 Sno White Launderers 600086 Four Seasons Cleaners 600087 One Price Dry Cleaning 600088 Dutch Cleaners and Laundry 600089 One Hour Martinizing 600090 Press Club Dry Cleaners 600091 60 Minute Cleaners 600093 Wash Zone Coin Laundry 600094 Countryside Cleaners 600096 April Showers Dry Cleaners 600098 Cambridge Cleaners 600101 Bennett Ultra Cleaners 600102 Strawn's Cleaners 600103 Master Cleaners, Inc. 600108 Longs Cleaners and Laundry 600109 Sunrise Cleaners 600095 Family Cleaners 600003 Crossroads Dry Cleaners 600025 Ho Cleaners 600034 Ho Cleaners 600097 Preslar Dry Cleaning 600021 Hearts Dry Cleaners 600107 Griffin Dry Cleaners 630002 Carters Laundry and Cleaning 630004 Soapy Bubbles 630007 Neighborhood Dry Cleaners 630001 Pinehurst Hotel Cleaners 630003 Carters Laundry And Cleaning 630005 Dry Clean Express 630006 Valet Cleaners 640001 Clean -clean Dry Cleaners 640002 Clean Clean Dry Cleaners 640003 One Hour Koretizing Cleaners 640004 Clean Clean Drycleaners 640005 VIP Cleaners 640006 One Hour Koretizing 640007 Bishop's Laundry 640008 One Hour Koretizing 650001 Modern Dry Cleaners And Laundry 650002 Coastal Dry Cleaners 650003 Coastal Dry Cleaners And Coin Laundry 650004 Coastal Dry Cleaners 650005 Williams Cleaners 650006 Williams Fabricare Inc 9101 Monroe 1650 Pacific 7143 South 1437 South 2040 Graham 1806 Graham 1338 Cross Beam 9205 Baybrook 4701 South 8920 Nations Ford 3712 Independence 4314 The Plaza 1636 Sardis 4405 The Plaza 1941 7th 3305 South 6315 South 1622 Trade 5516 Independence 5616 Farm Pond 8006 Cambridge Commons 2826 Sugar Creek 3512 Wilkinson 1809 Commonwealth 918 Morehead 9013 Albemarle 102 Statesville 3607 Matthews Mint Hill 3116 Weddington 10420 Independence 110 Matthews Station 9101 Pineville Matthews 105 Dover 1906 Poplar 1680 NC 5 250 Mccaskill 155 New York 1930 Poplar 205 Morganton 120 Winstead 627 Tarrytown Ctr 129 Church 2408 Sunset 3468 Sunset 1691 Northern 301 Church 202 Falls 1104 Fordham 4502 Shipyard 4701 Oleander 2629 Carolina Beach 6845 Market 5521 Carolina Beach Rd IHSB St Assessment DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA Blvd Monitoring DSCA St Brownfields St Interim Action DSCA Dr Assessment DSCA Dr Assessment DSCA Blvd NFA DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Blvd NFA DSCA Assessment DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Closure DSCA St Assessment DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA ST Assessment DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA Ln NFA DSCA Dr NFA DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA Ave IHSB St Assessment DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Blvd NFA DSCA St Assessment DSCA Rd NFA DSCA St Assessment DSCA St NFA DSCA Hwy Assessment DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Ave Monitoring DSCA St NFA DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Ave IHSB IHSB St Assessment DSCA Ave NFA DSCA Ave NFA DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA St Assessment DSCA Rd Interim Action DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Blvd Closure DSCA Dr NFA DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA St NFA DSCA Rd NFA DSCA 115 Wilmington 650007 Coastal Dry Cleaners - Ogden Plaza 6840 Market St NFA DSCA Wilmington 650008 Kings Laundry 4615 Market St NFA DSCA Wilmington 650009 Coastal Cleaners 7 Kerr Ave NFA DSCA Wilmington 650010 Modern Laundry & Dry Cleaners 118 17th St Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650011 $2.50 Cleaners at University Square 810 College Rd NFA DSCA Wilmington 650012 Three Dollar Crystal Cleaners 7336 Market St NFA DSCA Wilmington 650013 Winter Park Dry Cleaners 1437 College Rd NFA DSCA Wilmington 650014 Williams Cleaners 1402 College Rd Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650015 Carter Coin Laundry and Cleaners 1018 3rd St IHSB Wilmington 650016 Modern Laundry and Dry Cleaners 3607 Oleander Dr Monitoring DSCA Wilmington 650018 Heritage Cleaners 522 Third St Interim Action DSCA Wilmington 650019 Liberty Cleaners 5424 Oleander Dr Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650020 Coastal Dry Cleaners 545 Castle St Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650021 Four Seasons Cleaners 7015 Market St Assessment DSCA Wilmington 650022 Cape Fear Cleaners 1047 College Rd Certified DSCA nslow (12) Jacksonville 670001 ABC One Hour Cleaners 2127 Lejeune Blvd NPL Jacksonville 670002 Southern Cleaners And Laundry 820 Court St Assessment DSCA Jacksonville 670004 Coastal Dry Cleaners 1170 Henderson Dr NFA DSCA Jacksonville 670006 Al Cleaners 327 Henderson Dr Remediation DSCA Jacksonville 670007 Quality Cleaners and Laundry 701 New Bridge St NFA DSCA Jacksonville 670008 New River Cleaners 1215 Hargett St Assessment DSCA Jacksonville 670009 Southern Cleaners and Laundry 415 Chaney Ave Assessment DSCA Jacksonville 670010 Quality Cleaners and Laundry 955 Lejeune Blvd NFA DSCA Jacksonville 670011 Coastal Cleaners 345 Western Blvd Assessment DSCA Jacksonville 670012 Coastal Garment Care 2155 LeJeune Blvd Assessment DSCA Midway Park 670005 Village Cleaners 175 Freedom Way Assessment DSCA Swansboro 670003 Coastal Dry Cleaners 628 Corbett Ave Assessment DSCA Orange (14) Carrboro 680007 Hangers Cleaners 127 Fidelity St Assessment DSCA Carrboro 680008 Webster's Cleaners 302 Main St Assessment DSCA Carrboro 680009 MEM One Hour Martinizing 408 Weaver St Assessment DSCA Carrboro 680012 Village Laundry & Cleaners 106 Greensboro St Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680001 KSP Cleaners 1490 Fordham Blvd Monitoring DSCA Chapel Hill 680002 American Dry Cleaners 201 Estes Dr Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680003 Deluxe Cleaners 227 Elliott Rd NFA DSCA Chapel Hill 680005 Midtown Shops 750 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680006 One Hour Koretizing Cleaners 301 Franklin St Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680010 Chapel Hill Cleaners 422 Franklin St Monitoring DSCA Chapel Hill 680013 Village Plaza Dry Cleaners 115 Elliot Road Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680015 Carolina Cleaners 400 Franklin St Assessment DSCA Chapel Hill 680016 Carolina Cleaners 406 Franklin St Assessment DSCA Hillsborough 680014 Webster's Cleaners, Inc 114 US HIGHWAY 70 Assessment DSCA Pasquotank (1) Elizabeth City 700001 Southgate Koretizing 1409 Ehringhaus St Assessment DSCA Pender (1) Hampstead 710001 Hampstead Village Dry Cleaners 302 Hampstead Village Monitoring DSCA Pitt (13) Ayden 740002 Ayden Plaza 144 Third St NFA DSCA Greenville 740001 Koretizing Cleaners 2105 Charles Blvd IHSB Greenville 740003 Better Look Garment Care 600 Greenville Blvd IHSB Greenville 740004 Bowen Cleaners 2480 Stantonsburg Rd Closure DSCA Greenville 740005 Bowen Cleaners 3114 Evans St Assessment DSCA Greenville 740006 Rabo Cleaners 701 Hooker Rd Monitoring DSCA Greenville 740007 One Hour Martinizing ill loth St Assessment DSCA Greenville 740008 Stadium Cleaners 205 Tenth St Assessment DSCA Greenville 740009 Cleaner Look Garment Care 622 Greenville Blvd Assessment DSCA Greenville 740010 Scott's Cleaners ill loth St Assessment DSCA Greenville 740011 Scott's Cleaners 1699 Farmville Blvd Monitoring DSCA Greenville 740012 Bowen Cleaners 3400 Memorial Dr Assessment DSCA 116 Greenville 740014 Fabric Care Center 2512 Memorial Dr Assessment DSCA Polk (1) Tryon 750001 Brocks Cleaners 46 Maple St Monitoring DSCA Randolph (1) Asheboro 760001 Kizer's Automatic Self Service Laundry 133 Taft Ave Assessment DSCA Richmond (2) Rockingham 770001 L & L One Hour Cleaners 1305 Broad Ave Monitoring DSCA Rockingham 770002 Champion Cleaning Center 1300 Broad Ave Assessment DSCA Robeson (1) Fairmont 780001 Stevens Dry Cleaners 117 Center St IHSB Rockingham (3) Reidsville 790001 Hicks Poly Clean Center Self Service Laundry 812 Scales St Assessment DSCA Reidsville 790002 Ace One Hour Cleaners 1601 Scales St Closure DSCA Reidsville 790003 Complete Dry Cleaners 1537 Freeway Dr NFA DSCA Rowan (10) Kannapolis 800011 Jay's One -Hour Cleaners 1803 Main St Assessment DSCA Salisbury 800002 Avalon Cleaners 124 Avalon Dr Assessment DSCA Salisbury 800003 WMS Cleaners 712 Jake Alexander Blvd NFA DSCA Salisbury 800005 M&S Cleaners 1729 Innes St Assessment DSCA Salisbury 800006 Highlander Center Laundry 2000 Statesville Blvd NFA DSCA Salisbury 800008 Vogue Cleaners 106 Long St Monitoring DSCA Salisbury 800009 Cress Residence 8207 Old Concord Rd Site Ineligible IHSB Salisbury 800010 Vogue Cleaners 402 Innes ST Assessment DSCA Salisbury 800012 Star Laundry 111 Bank St Certified DSCA Spencer 800001 Shaping Cleaners 400 Salisbury Ave Monitoring DSCA Rutherford (1) Forest City 810001 Forest Dale Cleaners 139 Depot St Monitoring DSCA Sampson (2) Clinton 820001 Acme Cleaners 209 Beaman St Monitoring DSCA Roseboro 820002 Brown's Cleaners and Laundromat 317 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Assessment DSCA Scotland (2) Laurinburg 830001 One Hour Cleaners 1514 Main St Monitoring DSCA Laurinburg 830002 Village Cleaners 1691 Main St Assessment DSCA Stanly (2) Albemarle 840001 Dry Clean Express 636 NC 24-27 Byp NFA DSCA Norwood 840002 Garment Care Center 560 Fork Rd NFA DSCA Stokes (1) Walnut Cove 850001 Klean Rite Cleaners 318 Main St NFA DSCA Sorry (4) Elkin 860002 White Swan Rentals 204 Market St Assessment DSCA Elkin 860003 Lawrence Dry Cleaners 221 Main St Assessment DSCA Elkin 860004 Ray's Cleaners 1558 Bridge St Assessment DSCA Mount Airy 860001 Modern Laundry And Dry Cleaners 526 Lebanon St Interim Action DSCA Transylvania (1) Brevard 880001 Rainbow Cleaners 249 Caldwell St Monitoring DSCA Union (2) Monroe 900001 Prestown Presto Clean 405 Sutherland Ave Monitoring DSCA Monroe 900002 Mills Cleaners 1305 Skyway Dr Monitoring DSCA Vance (1) Henderson 910001 Henderson Laundry 341 Chestnut St IHSB Wake (75) Apex 920030 Best Dry Cleaners 1781 William St NFA DSCA Apex 920052 Martin Cleaners 540 Williams St NFA DSCA Apex 920065 A Cleaner World #209 1250 Williams St Assessment DSCA Cary 920004 Medlin -Davis Cleaners 1207 Kildaire Farm Rd NFA DSCA Cary 920011 Medlin -Davis Cleaners 107 Edinburgh Dr Closure DSCA Cary 920029 Galaxy Cleaners 101 New Waverly Pi NFA DSCA Cary 920037 Avalon Cleaners 686 Cary Towne Blvd Assessment DSCA Cary 920038 Medlin Davis- Shoppes at Kildaire 173 Cary Pkwy Assessment DSCA Cary 920040 Village Cleaners 6420 Tryon Rd NFA DSCA Cary 920041 Martinizing Dry Cleaners 4246 Cary Pkwy NFA DSCA Cary 920063 Karr Cleaners 101 Ward St Monitoring DSCA Cary 920064 Village Cleaners 113 Maynard Rd Assessment DSCA Cary 920076 Merit Cleaners 1301 Buck Jones Rd Assessment DSCA Gamer 920051 Carriage House Cleaners 537 Plaza Cir Assessment DSCA Knightdale 920009 Knightdale Cleaners 1013 Smithfield Rd NFA DSCA Raleigh 920001 Pro Cleaners 8377 Creedmoor Rd Monitoring DSCA Raleigh 920003 Rainbow Cleaners And Laundry 2915 Essex Cir NFA DSCA Raleigh 920005 DJ Cleaners 3591 Maitland Dr Assessment DSCA Raleigh 920006 Hilkers Cleaners 4043 Wake Forest Rd Monitoring DSCA Raleigh 920007 Brothers Cleaners 6144 Falls Of Neuse Rd NFA DSCA 117 Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Wake Forest Zebulon 920008 Johnsons Dry Cleaners 920010 Fuller Supply Company 920012 Newtons Cleaners 920013 Medlin -Davis Cleaners 920014 Glam-o-rama Cleaners 920015 Emporium Cleaners 920016 New Hope Cleaners And Tailors 920017 Brothers Cleaners 920018 Ace Dry Cleaners 920019 Sanitary Laundry 920020 Sherrill's Dry Cleaning And Laundry 920021 T And J Cleaners 920022 Medlin Davis Cleaners 920023 Popes Dry Cleaners 920024 Pleasant Valley Cleaners 920025 Hilkers Cleaners 920026 Ideal Cleaners 920027 Eagle Cleaners 920028 Joy Cleaners 920031 The Cleaners 920032 Greenbrier Cleaners 920033 Courtesy Cleaners 920034 S & S Cleaning 920035 Barrett's Cleaners 920036 North Boulevard Cleaners 920039 Brookside Dry Cleaners & Laundry 920043 Ideal Cleaners 920045 Holden Cleaners 920046 Flints Laundry and Dry Cleaning 920047 Southgate Cleaners 920048 Rollins Economy Cleaners 920049 Glam-O-Rama Cleaners 920050 Hidden Valley Dry Cleaners 920053 Hilkers Cleaners and Laundromat 920054 Litchford Ivory Cleaners 920055 Roberts Drapery Service and Dry Cleaners 920056 Reaves Spic & Span 920057 Roy's Drive In Cleaning 920058 Medlin Davis Dry Cleaning 920059 One Hour Martinizing 920062 Best Price Cleaners 920066 Hilkers Cleaners 920067 Rainbow Cleaners 920068 Glam O Rama 920069 Peggy's Cleaners 920070 Lake Boone Cleaners 920071 Honeycutt Cleaners 920072 Pope's Dry Cleaners 920073 Pope's Dry Cleaners 920075 Acme Cleaners 920077 VIP Formal Wear 920078 Ivory Cleaners 920079 Kwiklean Cleaners 920061 Best Dry Cleaners 920074 Zebulon Dry Cleaners 3534 Wade 421 Eby 2023 Cameron 2028 Cameron 3165 Capital 3501 Capital 3901 Capital 4221 Six Forks 4701 Atlantic 417 McDowell 7463 Six Forks 2423 Crabtree 4434 Creedmoor 7713 Lead Mine 4112 Pleasant Valley 6325 Falls Of Neuse 7209 Sandy Forks 900 Spring Forest 4503 Fayetteville 3209 Avent Ferry 4207 Fayetteville 8111 Creedmoor 425 Chapanoke 5563 Western 5141 New Hope 1028 Brookside 2403 Wake Forest 702 Martin 430 Salisbury 1969 Rock Quarry 407 Peace 1601 Cross Link 2315 Lynn 3612 Spring Forest 8320 Litchford 2205 New Hope Church 219 Franklin 719 Person 121 Jones 707 Person 6820 Davis 7486 Creedmoor 5265 Six Forks 3801 Western 1605 New Bern 2508 Wycliff 605 New Bern 1408 Corporation 3075 Medlin 331 New Bern 3801 Wilmington 4556 Capital 1004 Saunders 12231 Capital 131 Vance Ave Assessment DSCA Dr Assessment DSCA St NFA DSCA St NFA DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA Blvd NFA DSCA Blvd NFA DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Ave NFA DSCA St IHSB Rd Assessment DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Rd Monitoring DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Rd Emergency DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Dr NFA DSCA Rd NFA DSCA St Assessment DSCA St Monitoring DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA St Assessment DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Rd NFA DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA St Assessment DSCA St Assessment DSCA St NFA DSCA St Closure DSCA Cir Assessment DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA 14 Assessment DSCA Ave Assessment DSCA Rd Assessment DSCA Ave Assessment DSCA Pkwy Monitoring DSCA Dr Assessment DSCA Ave Assessment DSCA St Interim Action DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA St Petitioned DSCA Blvd Assessment DSCA St Assessment DSCA 118 Warren (1) Manson 930001 Boyd's Cleaners 295 Manson Drewry Rd IHSB Watauga (2) Boone 950001 High Country Cleaners 396 King St Monitoring DSCA Boone 950002 Trailway Cleaners, Inc. 320 King St NFA DSCA Wayne (5) Goldsboro 960001 Penny Dry Cleaners 214 Ash St Monitoring DSCA Goldsboro 960002 Penny One Hour Cleaners and Laundry 433 Berkley Blvd Assessment DSCA Goldsboro 960003 Goldwayne Dry Cleaning & Laundry Co 607 Mulberry St UST Goldsboro 960004 Paramount Cleaners 225 Walnut St Monitoring DSCA Goldsboro 960005 Terry One Hour Cleaners 1515 Ash St Assessment DSCA Wilkes (1) Wilkesboro 970001 Wilkesboro Drive -In Cleaners 513 Main St NFA DSCA Wilson (8) Wilson 980001 Koretizing Cleaners 1313 Ward Blvd NFA DSCA Wilson 980002 Discount Cleaners 700 US HIGHWAY 301 NFA DSCA Wilson 980003 Exclusive Cleaners 725 Goldsboro St Assessment DSCA Wilson 980004 Exclusive Cleaners 1513 Ward Blvd Assessment DSCA Wilson 980005 Friendly Cleaners 605 Pender St Brownfields Wilson 980006 Exclusive Cleaners 1673 Parkwood Blvd Assessment DSCA Wilson 980007 Exclusive Cleaners 2700 Ward Blvd NFA DSCA Wilson 980008 Cokes Cleaners 305 Nash St Assessment DSCA 562 Sites Identified 512 Sites Certified DSCA Site Status Definitions Petitioned: The DSCA Program has received a petition to enter the program and is in the process of completing the required paperwork. Certified: The DSCA Program has entered into an agreement with a petitioner and is in the process of assigning a state -hired, independent environmental contractor to conduct a prioritization assessment. Assessment: The DSCA Program's independent environmental contractor is determining the extent of soil and groundwater contamination at the site. Monitoring: The DSCA Program's independent environmental contractor is monitoring the levels of contaminants in the groundwater at the site. Remediation: The DSCA Program's independent environmental contractor is performing cleanup at the site. Interim Action: Site conditions are favorable for source removal or for conducting a pilot study for remediation. Emergency: The DSCA Program has determined there is an immediate need for corrective action to abate a potential hazard to human health or the environment. On Hold: Please contact the site's project manager for more details. Closure: The extent of contamination is defined and considered stable. The DSCA Program is developing and implementing a risk management plan to protect human health and the environment from remaining contamination. NFA: No Further Action Required 119 B. Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites Priority List II) Site Name Address NCD048181218 CAROLINA GALVANIZING CORP. HWY221 E NONCD0002379 REA CONSTRUCTION -WEST RALEIGH 5801 CHAPEL HILL ROAD NCN000407672 BEACON MANUFACTURING 2425 US HWY 70 NONCD0002734 WILMINGTON FERTILIZER COMPANY NONCD0002736 WILMINGTON SHIPYARD (FORMER) NCDO03184710 CAROLINA CREOSOTING CORPORATION NCD000605303 FEDERAL PAPER BOARD CO., INC. NONCD0001250 ALMONT SHIPPING NCD050409150 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO/WILMINGTON NCD074511361 AQUAIR CORPORATION NONCD0001098 NATIONAL TEXTILES, LLP NONCD0001892 ICl/DUPONT NCD051745685 HOLDING POND FOR WASTE/USS VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 1702 NORTH 6TH STREET 1500 POINT HARBOR RD. EASTBROOK ROAD 865 JOHN L RIEGEL RD 929 N FRONT STREET 3901 CASTLE HAYNE RD 13300 SAM NEELY RD REEP DRIVE HWY 53 EAST (CEDAR CREEK) 500 BROOME RD City County ABERDEEN MOORE RALEIGH WAKE SWANNANOA BUNCOMBE WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER LELAND BRUNSWICK RIEGELWOOD COLUMBUS WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG MORGANTON BURKE FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND GREENSBORO GUILFORD Score Medium 63.73 groundwater soil 59.98 soil surface water groundwater groundwater 58.93 groundwater groundwater soil groundwater surface water 57.49 groundwater 57.49 soil groundwater soil soil 57.17 soil groundwater 56.08 groundwater groundwater groundwater 56.01 groundwater soil soil groundwater groundwater 55.76 groundwater 55.35 groundwater soil soil groundwater 54.94 soil surface water groundwater 53.76 groundwater soil 53.06 soil soil surface water surface water soil groundwater Contaminant metals metals VOCs VOCs SVOCs VOCs metals VOCs metals SVOCs metals morganics SVOCs metals metals VOCs SVOCs SVOCs SVOCs metals VOCs inorganics SVOCs metals metals VOCs 11161 metals metals VOCs VOCs VOCs VOCs VOCs VOCs VOCs Pesticides/Her metals metals SVOCs SVOCs SVOCs 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCDO03229358 SCM PROCTOR-SILEXIWEAREVER HAY ST MOUNT AIRY SURRY 53.02 sediment soil metals groundwater VOCs sediment VOCs surface water soil VOCs groundwater metals metals metals NCN000407584 SOUTHERN METALS RECYCLING, INC 13 WRIGHTST WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 52.56 soil groundwater metals metals NCD981027915 J STREET FLYASH DISPOSAL SITE SR 1769 ERWIN HARNETT 52.48 soil metals NCD986166692 HARWELL ROAD SEPTIC PIT BEATY AND JOHN D ROADS GASTONIA GASTON 52.37 soil sediment VOCs surface water soil metals groundwater VOCs groundwater soil SVOCs SVOCs VOCs metals NCDO03167780 SPRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY HWY 194 LANSING ASHE 52.33 groundwater metals groundwater soil VOCs metals NONCD0002857 ABERDEEN FLORIST & GARDEN CENTER 500 S SANDHILLS BLVD ABERDEEN MOORE 52.02 groundwater VOCs NCN000407775 ROYSTER FERTILIZER 1690 NE ROYSTER RD LELAND BRUNSWICK 52.02 groundwater soil metals surface water soil SVOCs groundwater metals metals SVOCs NCDO88563242 MONSANTO COMPANY/ROHM & HAAS CEDAR CREEK RD FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND 51.78 sediment metals groundwater VOCs NCN000407333 TRIAD USED AUTO SALES 1520 ALAMANCE CHURCH RD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 51.53 groundwater SVOCs groundwater soil metals soil SVOCs metals NONCD0001025 TOOMEY PROPERTY 1020 HICKORY GROVE ROAD SPRINGWOOD GASTON 51.23 groundwater soil SVOCs soil groundwater SVOCs pesticides/her VOCs NONCD0001967 AMERICAN DISTILLATION, INC 1690 NE ROYSTER RD LELAND BRUNSWICK 51.07 soil SVOCs soil metals soil VOCs groundwater metals NONCD0001554 COX DODGE (FORMER) 1501 LIPSCOMB ROAD WILSON WILSON 51.05 soil VOCs surface water VOCs groundwater SVOCs groundwater VOCs VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID NCD982117590 NONCD0000016 NCD986178226 NONCD0001141 NCD093338119 NCD986172518 NONCD0002835 NCDO03231545 NCDO47371794 NONCD0002564 NONCD0000004 NCD038551263 NCD986176444 NCD000813592 Site Name Address CUSTOM PROCESSING AND MANUFACTURIN 1110 SURRETT DRIVE CMC LANDFILL EAST MAIN STREET TEXFI INDUSTRIES, INC 601 HOFFER DRIVE DIAZIT COMPANY SCM CORP. GLIDDEN COATINGS & RESINS OLD MOUNT HOLLY ROAD PCE SITE PRIME EQUIPMENT CO SHERWOOD TREATING CO., INC. COASTAL LUMBER CO ALLENS FARM SUPPLY STURGEON CITY SITE (NON-PRLF PORTION) TRI-COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE STROH/CHITTY FARM GA -PACIFIC CORP/HDWD SAW NONCD0001052 THOMASVILLE FURNITURE VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds City County HIGH POINT GUILFORD ELKIN SURRY FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND US 1 YOUNGSVILLE FRANKLIN 3926 GLENWOOD DRIVE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG OLD MT HOLLY RD & FREEDOM DR CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 1020 N FRONT ST WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 1660 SILAS CREEK PKWAY WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH 934 N CRAVEN ST NEW BERN CRAVEN 511 N 3RD ST WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 4 COURT STREET JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW OFF US 64 E SOUTH OF NC 1 MURPHY CHEROKEE 5066 OVERDALE RD WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH PLYWOOD DR PLYMOUTH WASHINGTON 151 SMETHPORT DRIVE WEST JEFFERSON ASHE Score Medium Contaminant 51.04 groundwater VOCS groundwater soil metals VOCS 51.02 soil groundwater VOCS VOCS 50.55 soil VOCS groundwater PFAS soil groundwater PFAS VOCS 50.34 surface water VOCS groundwater soil VOCS VOCS 50.29 groundwater VOCS 50.26 groundwater SVOCS groundwater VOCS 50.19 groundwater VOCS 49.78 soil groundwater metals metals 49.73 groundwater soil inorganics inorganics 49.72 groundwater VOCS groundwater metals 49.67 sediment metals groundwater VOCS 49.66 groundwater soil VOCS VOCS 49.56 groundwater soil VOCS VOCS 49.53 groundwater Pesticides/Her groundwater metals SVOCs sediment soil metals soil groundwater SVOCS sediment soil VOCS metals Pesticides/Her 49.51 soil groundwater inorganics groundwater soil SVOCS VOCS metals 119 ED NCD000772046 NC0001279710 NCD986171379 NCD046148540 NCSFN0407074 Site Name Address MOBIL OIL CORP/KOCH REFINING 3334 RIVER RD WOODY WILSON BATTERY/ASHLEY HEIGHTS 301 OLD PINEHURST RD NEW HAVEN DRIVE TCE NEW HAVEN DRIVE CENTRAL TRANSPORT COMPANY 600 MELYNDA ROAD NC MARITIME MUSEUM NONCD0002381 REDDICK FUMIGANTS, INC. NCD986175636 ASHE PATTERN SHOP (FORMER) NCD986180909 SHELBY DYEING & FINISHING NONCD0001233 LOFTIN PROPERTY NCD980729412 CAROLINA TANK CLEANING COMPANY NONCD0000085 JONES & PRESNELL STUDIO NCD986175628 LEES MOTOR WORKS NCD000623223 MARTIN MANUFACTURING PROPERTIES NCD986186518 OLD ATC REFINERY VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 310 FRONT ST 3002 WEST MAIN STREET 4411 BEATY ROAD 1038 SAM LATTIMORE ROAD 2361 LENNOXVILLE RD 1025 NC HWY 68 433 LAWTON ROAD 4415 BEATY ROAD E MAIN ST US 17 801 SURRY STREET City County Score Medium Contaminant WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 49.07 groundwater soil VOCs groundwater metals metals ASHLEY HEIGHTS HOKE 49.02 soil soil SVOCs metals GASTONIA GASTON 48.98 groundwater VOCs CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 48.84 sediment metals groundwater VOCs groundwater metals inorganics groundwater SVOCs groundwater BEAUFORT CARTERET 48.84 sediment VOCs sediment metals sediment Pesticides/Her sediment SVOCs WILLIAMSTON MARTIN 48.83 groundwater VOCs GASTONIA GASTON 48.82 groundwater VOCs groundwater SVOCs SHELBY CLEVELAND 48.82 soil groundwater metals soil groundwater metals VOCs VOCs BEAUFORT CARTERET 48.58 groundwater soil metals metals GREENSBORO GUILFORD 48.53 soil soil metals VOCs CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 48.48 groundwater VOCs groundwater SVOCs GASTONIA GASTON 48.48 soil groundwater SVOCs soil groundwater SVOCs surface water VOCs VOCs VOCs WILLIAMSTON MARTIN 48.40 groundwater metals groundwater VOCs WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 48.40 soil sediment metals groundwater soil metals metals SVOCs 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD042269134 SOUTHERN SCREW/FARLEY METALS 1225 BARKLEY RD STATESVILLE IREDELL 48.40 groundwater cyanide groundwater soil metals soil groundwater metals bases SVOCs NCD981474158 SWEETEN CREEK DRUM SITE 115 SWEETEN CREEK ROAD ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE 48.40 soil metals NCD041230418 AMP INCORPORATED 3900 REIDSVILLE ROAD WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH 48.35 surface water sediment metals soil sediment metals soil cyanide soil cyanide SVOCs metals NCD986188027 CHAMPION LANDFILL NO 3 SR 1550140 CANTON HAYWOOD 48.25 soil metals NONCD0001185 CSX-NUTT ST 515 NUTT ST WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 48.21 groundwater metals groundwater VOCs groundwater SVOCs NONCD0002550 NCDOT MARINE BLVD & US 17 MARINE BLVD & US 17 JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW 48.21 groundwater soil metals groundwater SVOCs groundwater soil SVOCs soil VOCs metals VOCs NCD980600449 SED, INC. RADAR ROAD 500 RADAR ROAD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 48.18 soil groundwater SVOCs metals NCDO03163888 HENREDON FURNITURE 400 HENREDON RD MORGANTON BURKE 48.17 soil sediment metals soil groundwater SVOCs groundwater SVOCs VOCs SVOCs NCDO03198520 HONEYWELL, INC 921 HOLLOWAY STREET DURHAM DURHAM 48.17 soil soil VOCs groundwater soil metals groundwater SVOCs SVOCs VOCs NONCD0002028 MALLARD GRIFFIN LUMBER 1304 W VERNON AVE KINSTON LENOIR 48.14 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NONCD0002368 EASTERN CAR CARE (FRMR) 703 E MAIN ST MURFREESBORO HERTFORD 48.10 groundwater SVOCs groundwater VOCs NONCD0002995 JOHNS MANVILLE LDFL SKYWAY CHURCH RD MAXTON SCOTLAND 48.10 groundwater metals groundwater VOCs VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD041414780 FIELDCREST MILLS INC./NC FINISHING US 29/70 N SPENCER ROWAN 48.07 groundwater metals groundwater soil SVOCS soil SVOCS metals NCD091572073 NATIONAL STARCH & CHEMICAL COMPANY 2271 ANDREW JACKSON HWY LELAND BRUNSWICK 48.04 groundwater VOCs NCDO45924032 WEST POINT PEPPERELL_ALAMAC 1885 ALAMAC RD LUMBERTON ROBESON 48.02 groundwater SVOCS groundwater VOCs known/suspected soil PFAS soil soil VOCs metals SVOCS NCD065288847 CF NITROGEN, INCORPORATED HWY45 WINTON HERTFORD 47.99 soil groundwater metals metals NONCD0001843 HERCULES 9 DAVIS DRIVE DURHAM DURHAM 47.93 groundwater VOCs surface water VOCS NCD024477556 WINSTON CONTAINER COMPANY 4732 MORRIS FIELD RD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 47.89 soil metals soil SVOCS NONCD0001094 ALLISON MANUFACTURING CO 930 OLD CHARLOTTE ROAD ALBEMARLE STANLY 47.87 soil soil SVOCS groundwater VOCS VOCS NONCD0000023 CAROLINA P&L CO. FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND RD & OWEN DR FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND 47.78 soil SVOCS surface water groundwater SVOCS SVOCS NONCD0001058 ELECTRONICS COMPONENT CORPORATION 200 ELECTRONICS PARKWAY BURGAW PENDER 47.78 groundwater VOCS NONCD0002201 NEWS & OBSERVER MECH BLV-SPILL 1400 MECHANICAL BLVD. GARNER WAKE 47.78 groundwater VOCs NONCD0003105 SAAB BARRACUDA FACILITY 608 E MCNEIL ST LILLINGTON HARNETT 47.72 groundwater VOCs NONCD0002852 CLAYTON FARMS 1833 LOOP RD CLAYTON JOHNSTON 47.63 groundwater soil pesticides/her pesticides/her NONCD0002420 APAC MAINTENANCE SHOP (FRMR) 240 CENTER ST JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW 47.59 soil groundwater metals metals NCN000409881 PAYNE RD SOLVENTS 105 PAYNE RD BESSEMER CITY GASTON 47.59 soil groundwater VOCS VOCs NONCD0001200 COASTLINE INN PROPERTY 503 NUTT ST WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 47.44 groundwater VOCS groundwater metals NCD990883001 MONARCH FURNITURE CORPORATION 301 SCIENTIFIC ST JAMESTOWN GUILFORD 47.40 soil groundwater metals metals NONCD0001550 COTTMAN TRANSMISSION 145-147 S. COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 47.30 groundwater VOCS groundwater soil SVOCS VOCS VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address city County Score Medium Contaminant NCD986180917 SPANN PROPERTY US HIGHWAY 25 HENDERSONVILLE HENDERSON 47.26 known/suspected NONCD0001029 R & D LAMINATORS INC HOLLOMAN ROAD (SR 1187) AHOSKIE HERTFORD 47.21 groundwater VOCs NCD037160439 TOASTMASTER, INCORPORATED 17160 PLANT RD LAURINBURG SCOTLAND 47.08 groundwater SVOCs groundwater VOCs groundwater soil metals soil groundwater cyanide metals cyanide NONCD0001952 KERR FACILITY - AHOSKIE 228 JOHNNY MITCHELL RD AHOSKIE HERTFORD 46.99 groundwater VOCs NCD986176030 RHODERIA DRIVE WELLS LAKEWOOD & RHODERA DRIVE STALLINGS UNION 46.98 groundwater soil VOCs metals NCD044444735 CROMPTON & KNOWLES CORP. SPENCER MT RD LOWELL GASTON 46.97 groundwater VOCs groundwater soil metals soil VOCs metals NCD986231967 TOM SADLER ROAD WELLS TOM SADLER RD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 46.92 soil VOCs soil SVOCs groundwater VOCs groundwater soil metals metals NCDO03183571 WINTERVILLE MACHINE WORKS, INC. 2672 MILL ST WINTERVILLE PITT 46.90 soil metals soil cyanide soil VOCs soil SVOCs groundwater VOCs NCN000407188 US 1-151501 ABERDEEN 517 S SANDHILLS BLVD ABERDEEN MOORE 46.88 groundwater soil VOCs sediment metals sediment metals surface water soil VOCs VOCs VOCs NONCD0000081 TRITON, INC 1610 SOUTHWARD BLVD WILSON WILSON 46.84 groundwater SVOCs groundwater VOCs groundwater metals NCD067187302 FULFLEX 500 AIR BOSS PKWY SCOTLANDNECK HALIFAX 46.73 groundwater VOCs NCDO03233673 HOOVER REPAIR SHOP 461 N SOUTH STREET SR1669 MT AIRY SURRY 46.69 soil groundwater metals soil groundwater cyanide cyanide metals NCD980518211 IRTQBM CORPORATION 4101 S I-85 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 46.67 groundwater metals VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0002874 MOHAWK-KARASTAN 2007 DICKINSON AVE GREENVILLE PITT 46.67 soil metals soil SVOCs groundwater metals NONCD0001685 EAST MAIN STREET PCE EAST MAIN ST MURFREESBORO HERTFORD 46.66 groundwater VOCs NONCD0002779 APAC-CASTLE HAYNE ASPHALT PLANT 4909 N COLLEGE RD CASTLE HAYNE NEW HANOVER 46.65 soil soil metals groundwater VOCs VOCs NONCD0001156 CLEAN -CLEAN DRY CLEANERSNIP CLEANER 627 TARRYTO WN CTR ROCKY MOUNT NASH 46.63 groundwater soil VOCs VOCs NONCD0003025 WORLD WOOD PRODUCTS 12045 OLD HWY 70 W COVE CITY CRAVEN 46.59 soil groundwater SVOCs groundwater metals groundwater soil SVOCs VOCs metals NONCD0001155 D&G PROPERTIES -SLAUGHTERHOUSE PARC ROYSTER RD NAVASSA BRUNSWICK 46.57 groundwater soil metals metals NCD072012354 SINGER CO/FURNITURE DIV WASHINGTON STATE ROAD1175 CHOCOWINITY BEAUFORT 46.57 groundwater metals groundwater Pesticides/Her sediment soil SVOCs SVOCs groundwater SVOCs NONCD0001690 CITY OF GOLDSBORO MAINTENANCE COMPL 1601 N CLINGMAN ST GOLDSBORO WAYNE 46.56 groundwater VOCs NCD093137636 GENERAL WOOD PRESERVING CO., INC. HWY 74/76 LELAND BRUNSWICK 46.56 soil groundwater SVOCs SVOCs NONCD0001886 HYDE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 30 OYSTER CREEK RD SWAN QUARTER HYDE 46.56 groundwater soil pesticides/her pesticides/her NCD041519364 TEXASGULF CHEMICALS COMPANY HWY 306 NORTH AURORA BEAUFORT 46.56 surface water metals sediment VOCs soil groundwater Pesticides/Her soil sediment Pesticides/Her groundwater VOCs metals VOCs NCDO03184249 UNION CARBIDE CORP/EVEREADY BATTERY 264 BYPASS-EVANS ST EXTN GREENVILLE PITT 46.52 groundwater metals groundwater VOCs NONCD0003187 KOURY ENTERPRISES COMPANY LLC 1029 WINSTON ST GREENSBORO GUILFORD 46.51 soil groundwater SVOCs groundwater soil VOCs SVOCs VOCs NC5210022906 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 405 FISHER ST MOREHEAD CITY CARTERET 46.51 known/suspected VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0001049 LEXINGTON FURNITURE IND. PLNT NO 7 178 LFI COMPLEX LANE LEXINGTON DAVIDSON 46.43 groundwater SVOCS groundwater metals NONCD0002492 SOUTH SEA RATTAN - FAIRFAX ROAD 1702 & 1708 FAIRFAX ROAD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 46.43 soil groundwater VOCS soil VOCs metals NCD980844336 UNION CARBIDE BATTERY 5400 HOVIS ROAD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 46.30 surface water VOCS groundwater metals groundwater soil VOCS metals NONCD0001186 CARR MILL MALL 200 N GREENSBORO ST CARRBORO ORANGE 46.28 groundwater VOCS NONCD0001778 GLEN RAVEN MILLS (FORMER) 142 GLEN RAVEN ROAD GLEN RAVEN ALAMANCE 46.24 groundwater VOCS groundwater metals NCN000409811 ELECTRIC MOTOR & TRANSFORMER 1900 S SAUNDERS ST RALEIGH WAKE 46.21 groundwater soil SVOCS groundwater soil VOCs VOCs SVOCS NONCD0001128 RESOLUTION PACKAGING 468 CAROLINA AVE MARION MCDOWELL 46.21 groundwater metals NONCD0001023 HEAVY EQUIPMENT SCHOOL HEAVY EQUIPMENT ROAD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 46.20 groundwater SVOCS groundwater VOCs NCDO03149663 RADIATOR SPECIALTY COMPANY 1900 WILKINSON BLVD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 46.16 groundwater soil VOCS sediment soil metals sediment SVOCS SVOCS metals NCDO49772023 H & S PROCESSORS, INC. NC HIGHWAY 150 WEST LINCOLNTON LINCOLN 46.11 groundwater VOCS NCDO03216462 UNION CARBIDE CORP/EVEREADY BATTERY 800 ALBEMARLE RD ASHEBORO RANDOLPH 45.97 groundwater soil VOCS VOCS NONCD0002555 WHITEVILLE BUMPER & GLASS (FORMER) 824 JEFFERSON ST WHITEVILLE COLUMBUS 45.86 soil groundwater metals VOCS NCDO03213030 DOUGLAS BATTERY MANUFACTURING CO. 500 BATTERY DR WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH 45.69 groundwater metals NCD144192606 PARKER -ZENITH 160 TAYLOR ST ABERDEEN MOORE 45.67 groundwater soil VOCS VOCS NONCD0002968 TOWN OF EDENTON STREET DEPT 120 W HICKS ST EDENTON CHOWAN 45.63 groundwater VOCS NONCD0001074 OLD FORD BLDG FIFTH ST TABOR CITY COLUMBUS 45.62 groundwater soil metals soil VOCS metals NONCD0001259 AMI, LIMITED 2609 TUCKER ST. BURLINGTON ALAMANCE 45.40 groundwater soil VOCS VOCS VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD981015746 CAROLINA ALUMINUMMERBERT TAYLOR SR 1125 ROPER WASHINGTON 45.33 soil VOCs NCD024600579 SUPERIOR PRODUCTS COMPANY 4801 BURLINGTON RD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 45.25 soil metals NCN000409779 WAYNE AGRICULTURAL WORKS 700 S JOHN ST GOLDSBORO WAYNE 45.25 groundwater VOCs groundwater metals NONCD0003176 COROLLA CATTLE DIP 1215 PONTON LN COROLLA CURRITUCK 45.22 groundwater soil metals metals NONCD0001485 CHATHAM MILLS, INC. 480 HILLSBORO STREET PITTSBORO CHATHAM 45.21 groundwater VOCs NONCD0001174 ARROW LAUNDRY 4735 MONROE RD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 45.15 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NONCD0002969 CAPITAL INN 1625 CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH WAKE 45.15 groundwater VOCs NONCD0002821 COMPLETE AUTO CENTER 909 CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH WAKE 45.15 groundwater soil SVOCs groundwater VOCs VOCs NONCD0002277 PAZIUK WAREHOUSE 710 SUNNYVALE DRIVE WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 45.15 groundwater soil VOCs VOCs NCD981473150 CHERRY MT STREET DRUM 602 CHERRY MOUNTAIN FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD 45.07 soil metals NCN000407830 CLOROX CHEMICAL 800GESCOST CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 45.07 surface water SVOCs sediment surface SVOCs water surface water Pesticides/Her sediment sediment metals soil metals soil Pesticides/Her soil metals SVOCs Pesticides/Her NONCD0001022 GIBBS ELECTROPLATING - OLD LOCATION 2229 N DAVIDSON CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 45.07 groundwater soil VOCs groundwater metals metals NONCD0001899 INESCO SITE 800 WHITFIELD RD. FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND 45.07 groundwater VOCs NONCD0001092 CMI WWTP (PARCELI) HWY 268 ELKIN SURRY 44.85 groundwater metals sediment soil VOCs groundwater soil VOCs VOCs metals NCD980728745 OSHIELDS FLY ASH SR 1510 BREVARD TRANSYLVANIA 44.80 known/suspected NCDO03528825 FIELDCREST MILLS INC. WALPAT RD SMITHFIELD JOHNSTON 44.79 groundwater VOCs NONCD0001011 JUNG CORPORATION 718-720 INDUSTRIAL PARK AVE ASHEBORO RANDOLPH 44.77 groundwater VOCs NONCD0001169 LIBERTY FABRICS (FORMER) US 64 JAMESVILLE MARTIN 44.72 groundwater VOCs VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 II) Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD986228054 KANNAPOLIS PCE SPILL ENOCHVILLE ROAD KANNAPOLIS ROWAN 44.71 groundwater VOCs NCD981863228 SCHERER, RP. 2021 E. ROOSEVELT BLVD. MONROE UNION 44.71 soil groundwater VOCS VOCS NCD990734055 HERCOFINA/CAPE INDUSTRIES 4600 HWY 421 N WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 44.62 soil soil VOCS groundwater metals groundwater VOCs metals NONCD0002792 MARSHALLBERG BOAT YARD 1290 & 1295 MARSHALLBERG RD MARSHALLBERG CARTERET 44.57 soil groundwater metals VOCs NONCD0002623 RED APPLE MARKETS #40 (FMR) 925 E MEMORIAL DR AHOSKIE HERTFORD 44.52 groundwater VOCS NCD093334969 S & S METALS RECYCLING COMPANY SHORTCUT ROAD/SR 2455 GOLD HILL CABARRUS 44.49 soil metals surface water metals NONCD0002612 TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH 406 S. DOW ROAD CAROLINA BEACH NEW HANOVER 44.49 soil SVOCS soil VOCS soil metals NONCD0000060 WATTS REGULATOR -GENERAL AIDES SITE WITHROW ROAD FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD 44.49 soil metals NCD982080152 PEE DEE TIMBER CO 230 W BIZZELL ST LAURINBURG SCOTLAND 44.48 soil metals surface water metals NONCD0001116 REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NC 312 JACK SHERMAN RD ROUGEMONT PERSON 44.48 groundwater VOCs NCDO42091215 RJR TECH COMPANY 841 AVOCA FARM RD MERRY HILL BERTIE 44.48 soil VOCs NONCD0000802 LES MYERS PARK LAWNDALE AVENUE EXT. CONCORD CABARRUS 44.42 soil metals NONCD0002228 OAK ISLAND POLICE DEPT. 4621 E. OAK ISLAND DRIVE OAK ISLAND BRUNSWICK 44.36 soil groundwater SVOCS soil groundwater SVOCS pesticides/her pesticides/her NCD981928088 TEXFI INDUSTRIES, INC/NEW BERN SR 1317/BOSCH STREET NEW BERN CRAVEN 44.30 groundwater VOCS groundwater SVOCS NCD084167444 STANADYNE, INC/DIESEL SYSTEMS 405 WHITE ST JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW 44.22 soil metals soil VOCS soil SVOCS NCD072003635 ATHOL MANUFACTURING COMPANY C & 22ND ST BUTNER GRANVILLE 44.19 groundwater SVOCS sediment SVOCS groundwater VOCS surface water SVOCS NCD980557631 LIVEWIRE ELEC CO/CALIFORNIA SPRAY 1004 SOUTH GEORGE STREET GOLDSBORO WAYNE 44.16 groundwater soil pesticides/her pesticides/her VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCDO06390561 AKZO NOBLE COATINGS, INC. 1431 PROGRESS ST HIGH POINT GUILFORD 44.13 soil soil SVOCS groundwater VOCS groundwater VOCS SVOCS NONCD0002838 WACCAMAW TRANSPORT (FORMER) 1106 S 2ND ST WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 44.12 soil groundwater VOCs groundwater metals VOCS NCDO83674713 HULL SERVICE STATION/PHILLIPS 66 HIGHWAY 274 SOUTH VALE LINCOLN 44.07 groundwater VOCS NONCD0001178 PACKERPROPERTY US 701 & JEWEL ST WHITEVILLE COLUMBUS 43.99 groundwater VOCS NONCD0001432 THE CAPE GOLF COURSE 535 THE CAPE BLVD WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 43.99 groundwater metals groundwater Pesticides/Her NONCD0001054 WILLIAMS AUTO CENTER 401 D STREET BRIDGETON CRAVEN 43.93 groundwater soil metals metals NONCD0000038 AYCOCK PROPERTY SR 1162 & 1103 WILSON WILSON 43.92 groundwater Pesticides/Her NONCD0002711 WESTPOINT STEVENS AIRPORT ROAD WAGRAM SCOTLAND 43.92 groundwater VOCS NCDO03164464 UNIROYAL INC/UNIROYAL CHEMICAL 214 W RUBY AVE GASTONIA GASTON 43.79 soil soil SVOCS metals NONCD0002977 RESINALL CORPORATION 302 WATER ST SEVERN NORTHAMPTON 43.77 groundwater metals groundwater VOCS groundwater SVOCS NONCD0002543 STEVECOKNIT FABRICS COMPANY 601 WILMINGTON ROAD WALLACE DUPLIN 43.75 groundwater soil VOCs VOCS NONCD0002981 TRI POINT-CAROLINA FREIGHTLINER 3500 YONKERS RD RALEIGH WAKE 43.75 groundwater VOCS NONCD0002777 APAC-GOLDSBORO ASPHALT PLANT 2421 ARRINGTON BRIDGE RD GOLDSBORO WAYNE 43.72 groundwater soil VOCS VOCS NONCD0001922 ALKALI SCREEN PRINTING 6420 AMSTERDAM WAY WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 43.48 known/suspected NCDO09305699 GTE SYLVANIA, INC. INDUSTRIAL PARK DR SMITHFIELD JOHNSTON 43.47 soil groundwater VOCs VOCS NONCD0001391 BROWNS RADIATOR SERVICE 2136 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 43.38 soil metals NONCD0001397 BURKARTCAROLINA DABNEY DRIVE HENDERSON VANCE 43.38 soil groundwater VOCS VOCS NCD053487765 STRATFORD METAL FINISHINGS, INC. 807 S MARSHALL ST WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH 43.38 soil metals NCN000410280 GREAT LAKES CARBON CORPORATION 307 JAMESTOWN ROAD MORGANTON BURKE 43.36 groundwater VOCs groundwater metals NCD062571658 HONEYWELL MICRO SWITCH DIV. 1 HICKORY DRIVE MARS HILL MADISON 43.33 soil soil VOCS metals VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD082363102 HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY 17321 HARRY MALLOY RD LAURINBURG SCOTLAND 43.32 groundwater soil Pesticides/Her metals NONCD0001046 B&H RECYCLERS 7256 US 74 W POLKTON ANSON 43.31 groundwater VOCS NCD060306727 RICHARDS, WC COMPANY, INC. 101 EAST MAPLE STREET ABERDEEN MOORE 43.31 soil soil metals VOCS NONCD0002531 STANLEY FASTENING 2903 LEE AVE SANFORD LEE 43.31 groundwater VOCS NCD986211274 STONEY FORK CREEK DRUM DUMP SITE MT. ZION ROAD DEEP GAP WILKES 43.31 known/suspected NONCD0001168 RIVER CITY CONSTRUCTION CO 3534 CHERRY RUN RD WASHINGTON BEAUFORT 43.30 groundwater soil SVOCS groundwater VOCS groundwater soil VOCS metals metals NCD986232676 ROCK-TENN MARION FOLDING 33 BURGIN ST MARION MCDOWELL 43.30 groundwater metals NONCD0001265 AMP, INC. BUILDING 11 1124 N.CHURCH ST. GREENSBORO GUILFORD 43.29 groundwater VOCS NONCD0001491 COUSINS PERSONAL MINI -STORAGE 723 HWY 117 N BYPASS GOLDSBORO WAYNE 43.19 groundwater soil metals metals NONCD0001138 DEUTSCH RELAYS 2021 GARDNERDR WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 43.19 groundwater VOCS NONCD0001095 MOSES CONE MEMORIAL PARK BLUE RIDGE PKWY BLOWING ROCK WATAUGA 43.19 soil metals NCD981022072 BETTIS PROPERTY 1/2 MI. E OF BETTIS RD & EARL CLEVELAND 43.16 known/suspected NONCD0000027 MEADOWVIEW ROAD MEADOWVIEW ROAD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 43.04 groundwater VOCS NCD986172617 FORBES ROAD WELLS/RAUCH IND 2408 FORBES ROAD GASTONIA GASTON 43.02 soil groundwater VOCS surface water VOCS VOCS NONCD0001677 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE 2103 US HYW 13 SOUTH AHOSKIE HERTFORD 42.94 groundwater VOCS groundwater SVOCS NONCD0002553 STONEVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY 525 SOUTH HENRY STREET STONEVILLE ROCKINGHAM 42.93 soil groundwater VOCS VOCS NONCD0002798 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLEANERS 617 WASHINGTON ST WILLIAMSTON MARTIN 42.91 groundwater soil VOCS VOCS NCDO03230836 DUKE REFINING CORPORATION 2020 JARRELL STREET HIGH POINT GUILFORD 42.87 sediment soil VOCS groundwater SVOCS groundwater SVOCS VOCS NONCD0002542 STEVENS CLEANERS IONA AND MAIN STREET FAIRMONT ROBESON 42.87 soil groundwater VOCS VOCS VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0001668 CORNER COTTON GIN 151 MINGO CHURCH RD MINGO SAMPSON 42.86 groundwater soil inorganics groundwater inorganics VOCs NONCD0001538 CONFLANDEYINC. 3620 CHADBOURN HIGHWAY WHITEVILLE COLUMBUS 42.84 soil groundwater metals metals NONCD0001113 SOUTHERN STATES (FORMER) 125 LINE AVE GRENVILLE PITT 42.81 groundwater soil Pesticides/Her SVOCs NONCD0000025 RANGE ROAD BURN SITE RANGE ROAD BUTNER GRANVILLE 42.80 soil metals NONCD0001090 OLD MILL BLDG 301 FOURTH AVE EAST HENDERSONVILLE HENDERSON 42.75 groundwater VOCs NCN000407197 LEARY BROTHERS STORAGE (FORMER) VIRGINIA & BROAD STREET EDENTON CHOWAN 42.74 soil groundwater metals soil groundwater VOCs soil SVOCs metals pesticides/her NONCD0001016 ROYSTER-CLARK FERTILIZER PLANT 1598 HINES RD OAK CITY MARTIN 42.74 soil groundwater inorganics groundwater inorganics Pesticides/Her NCD000615872 AMP INCORPORATED 1260 SHANNON-BRADLEY RD GASTONIA GASTON 42.72 soil groundwater SVOCs soil metals metals NCD981014517 DYNATECH TOOMEYAVE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 42.60 sediment metals groundwater metals NONCD0001105 WETSIG YACHTS 4022 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 42.60 soil groundwater metals metals NCD130708126 CONSOLIDATED WAREHOUSE 8300 MOORES CHAPEL RD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 42.58 surface water soil VOCs groundwater VOCs VOCs NCDO03198967 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO/CAROLINA 900 N GEORGE ST GOLDSBORO WAYNE 42.53 groundwater metals NCD051853547 AUSTIN FOODS E CHATHAM ST CARY WAKE 42.43 groundwater soil SVOCs soil groundwater Pesticides/Her soil groundwater VOCs Pesticides/Her SVOCs VOCs NONCD0001330 BECKER BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 4614 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 42.43 groundwater SVOCs NONCD0001430 DELL MOORE PROPERTY 5815 HILLSBOROUGH ST RALEIGH WAKE 42.43 soil groundwater VOCs groundwater SVOCs VOCs VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCN000409865 FORSHAW CHEMICALS 650 STATE ST CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 42.43 surface water soil metals soil Pesticides/Her surface water SVOCs surface water soil Pesticides/Her SVOCs metals NONCD0002091 MOREHEAD MARINE (FORMER) 4971 ARENDELL ST MOREHEAD CITY CARTERET 42.37 groundwater metals groundwater VOCs NCSFN0407140 CARDINAL CONTAINER SERVICES 138 WALSER ROAD LEXINGTON DAVIDSON 42.30 groundwater metals groundwater VOCs NCN000409854 ROMATIC MANUFACTURING 402 E ROSE ST SANFORD LEE 42.27 sediment SVOCs sediment metals NONCD0002124 WELDON MILL (FRMR) E I ITH ST & SYCAMORE ST WELDON HALIFAX 42.15 known/suspected NCDO43711977 CHEMICAL LEAMAN TANK LINES, INC. 6600 WEST MARKET STREET GREENSBORO GUILFORD 42.05 groundwater VOCs NCD990733180 ABBOTTLABS HWY301N ROCKY MOUNT NASH 42.03 groundwater VOCs NONCD0001072 J & C DYEING 1000 WEST GROVER STREET SHELBY CLEVELAND 41.98 soil groundwater metals groundwater metals VOCs NCDO02571438 ABC ENGRAVERS 724 NORTH I-85 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 41.91 soil groundwater metals groundwater metals VOCs NONCD0002880 PATCHES BODY SHOP 1903 E GREEN ST HIGH POINT GUILFORD 41.91 groundwater VOCs NCD981932023 TARBORO-EDGECOMBE AIRPORT HWY 44 TARBORO EDGECOMBE 41.81 soil SVOCs NCN000407243 WOODYS SALVAGE YARD 4139 CLINTON RD VANDER CUMBERLAND 41.80 known/suspected NCDO03155587 SCOTT AVIATION OF MONROE/TOOL SERV 309 W. CROWELL ST MONROE UNION 41.73 groundwater soil VOCs groundwater metals SVOCs NCD047257472 APPLIED RESEARCH GROUP, INC. 2221 N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 41.66 soil groundwater SVOCs groundwater SVOCs groundwater soil VOCs metals metals NCD981031578 RAINBOW DRIVE BATTERY SR 1646 KANNAPOLIS CABARRUS 41.66 soil metals NONCD0001248 UNITED SALVAGE BUTTERCUP LANE ROANOKE RAPIDS HALIFAX 41.62 soil metals NCD981030893 MUSIC CLUB PESTICIDE SITE SE QUADRANT OF INT US 17 WILLIAMSTON MARTIN 41.61 soil Pesticides/Her NCD991278730 SQUIBB E R & SONS FLOWERS RD KENLY JOHNSTON 41.61 groundwater VOCs NONCD0002790 RIVERS JUNKYARD 5501 DOGWOOD ST WINNABOW BRUNSWICK 41.52 known/suspected VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0000073 H. M. WADE FURNITURE SOUTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 41.50 groundwater VOCs NONCD0001125 RALEIGH TTA-DILLON PARCEL 102 S WEST ST RALEIGH WAKE 41.50 groundwater soil SVOCs groundwater soil inorganics VOCs soil SVOCs metals NONCD0001126 RALEIGH TTA-DILLON PARCEL B S WEST ST RALEIGH WAKE 41.50 groundwater soil SVOCs groundwater SVOCs VOCs NCD980557854 FMC/NIAGARA PESTICIDES 3595 OLD NC 11 AYDEN PM 41.44 soil soil SVOCs Pesticides/Her NONCD0001490 KINDER MORGAN/CHEMSERV 2005 N 6TH STREET WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 41.42 soil groundwater metals inorganics groundwater metals NONCD0001127 RALEIGH TTA-DILLON PARCEL C 510 & 602 W MARTIN ST RALEIGH WAKE 41.40 groundwater SVOCs groundwater VOCs NCD055165609 PANTASOTE INC. FILM/COMPOUND DIV. 1508 S CENTER ST HICKORY CATAWBA 41.38 groundwater soil SVOCs groundwater metals groundwater metals VOCs NONCD0001176 MURFREESBORO VENEER 307 N 2ND ST MURFREESBORO HERTFORD 41.37 groundwater VOCs NCD991278755 MARTINS BATTERY SALVAGE, INC. 5500 ASHLAND RD KANNAPOLIS CABARRUS 41.22 soil metals NONCD0000047 MEADS AIRFIELD PESTICIDES SR 1100 WEEKSVILLE PASQUOTANK 41.22 soil Pesticides/Her NCD986171445 BENFIELD CHEMICALS OLD CANTON CLYDE HWY CANTON HAYWOOD 41.20 soil Pesticides/Her soil metals soil VOCs NONCD0001099 C & L SURPLUS 1868 HWY 64 W HAYESVILLE CLAY 41.20 sediment metals NCD980848782 MADISON COUNTY CYANIDE SITE 7735 NC 63 HWY LEICESTER MADISON 41.20 soil groundwater cyanide groundwater soil cyanide metals metals NCD062664883 REINCO CHEMICAL COMPANY EAST 11 ST ROANOKE RAPIDS HALIFAX 41.20 soil groundwater pesticides/her pesticides/her NCD024817827 HENREDON FURNITURE ALTAPASS ROAD SPRUCE PINE MITCHELL 41.19 soil metals NCD986195154 PENDER PLATING COMPANY 110 W HAYES ST. BURGAW PENDER 41.19 soil metals NCD054283189 HOOVER MACHINE SHOP RATCHFORD ROAD GASTONIA GASTON 41.09 groundwater VOCs VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0002319 POLYLOK, INC./WELLINGTON SEARS 3006 ANACONDA RD. TARBORO EDGECOMBE 41.09 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NONCD0001295 HOLT STREET DUMP HOLT ST MEBANE ALAMANCE 41.08 groundwater soil SVOCs soil groundwater metals VOCs metals NONCD0002522 JIFFY MART 1801 N RALEIGH ST ROCKY MOUNT EDGECOMBE 41.04 groundwater VOCs NCDO01704980 WILMINGTON BRANCHBORDEN/SMITH DOUGNAVASSA ROAD NAVASSA BRUNSWICK 40.81 groundwater soil SVOCs groundwater soil pesticides/her soil Pesticides/Her metals SVOCs NONCD0001107 CONE MILLS - FLORENCE PLANT FLORENCE & DEPOT RDS FOREST CITY RUTHERFORD 40.75 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NONCD0001077 CATAWISSA LUMBER CO 301 LOCUST ST WEST JEFFERSON ASHE 40.72 groundwater SVOCs NONCD0002815 CAROLINA CHEMICAL CORP (FORMER) 6600 WARD BLVD WILSON WILSON 40.71 groundwater soil pesticides/her groundwater soil metals VOCs pesticides/her NCD075570820 PLYMOUTH WOOD TREATING COMPANY N HWY 45 PLYMOUTH WASHINGTON 40.68 groundwater metals NCD982119463 DAYCO LANDFILL CRYME COVE ROAD SR 1134 WAYNESVILLE HAYWOOD 40.52 groundwater SVOCs NCD981927908 KIDD LANE BATTERY DISPOSAL 3607 KIDD LANE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 40.49 soil metals NCDO03235066 NEW AGE FURNITURE CO/MILLER TOOL PROSPECT INDUSTRIAL PARK LEXINGTON DAVIDSON 40.42 groundwater metals NONCD0002378 REA CONSTRUCTION -ROCKY MOUNT 1970 TANNER RD ROCKY MOUNT EDGECOMBE 40.19 groundwater VOCs NCD980838379 ROWE CORP PROPERTYBOULIGNY SITE 433 W MOREHEAD ST CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 40.18 groundwater soil metals metals NONCD0001832 HB FULLER CO. 3005 HOLTS CHAPEL ROAD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 40.07 groundwater soil cyanide soil pesticides/her soil VOCs SVOCs groundwater metals groundwater SVOCs groundwater soil VOCs metals NCD982140014 HYDRO EXTRUSION USA BLDG NO.1 1507 INDUSTRY DRIVE BURLINGTON ALAMANCE 40.07 groundwater metals VOCs groundwater soil metals NONCD0001124 RALEIGH TTA-WILSON PARCEL 200 S WEST ST RALEIGH WAKE 40.07 groundwater VOCs NCDO03158094 GLEN RAVEN MILLS EAST MAIN STREET BURNSVILLE YANCEY 40.02 soil metals VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address NCD986166379 PILOT MOUNTAIN TIRE FIRE DAVENPORT ROAD NCSFN0406911 CAROLINA ASSOCIATED MILL 766 HWY 10 W NCN000407700 SPRINGS ROAD GO CART TRACK 4254 SPRINGS RD NONCD0000012 WHITES GRAVEL PIT 1515 HWY 49 SOUTH NCD986223170 MCBESS INDUSTRIES OLD HWY 321 NONCD0001188 SHELBY BODY SHOP 1904 E DIXON BLVD NCD980839757 INDIAN GRAVE GAP DRUM DISPOSAL APPROX 2 MLS N OF SR 1513 NCD986172500 MCLEAN BROTHERS FARM SR 1415 NCD048958615 KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRE CO/GOODYEAR NAVASSARD NONCD000001 I TERRELL MACHINE SHOP 3000-3030 SOUTH BLVD NONCD0001483 POPE PROPERTY 800 S WILSON AVE NC0001402213 ELLIS JUNK YARD NEEDMORE DRIVE NONCD0001697 EXXON CORPORATION 3340 RIVER ROAD NCD045924487 CAROLINA ALUMINUM/EASCO/ALFINITY 600 METCALF STREET NCD079066833 LENOIR REFINING COMPANY 263 PENNTON AVE NW NCDO03216397 HIGHLAND INDUSTRIES/BURLINGTON IND. 215 DRUMMOND ST/SR 2089 NCDO03154960 FLEMING LABORATORIES 2215 THRIFT ROAD City County PILOT MOUNTAIN SURRY NEWTON CATAWBA CONOVER CATAWBA CONCORD CABARRUS HIGH SHOALS GASTON SHELBY CLEVELAND LENOIR CALDWELL WAGRAM SCOTLAND FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG DUNN HARNETT HAYESVILLE CLAY WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER WINTON HERTFORD LENOIR CALDWELL KERNERSVrLLE FORSYTH CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG NONCD0002120 NATIONS BANK - MACKAY RD. 5013 MACKAY RD. GREENSBORO GUILFORD NCD981863277 PERRY BUILDERS - RALEIGH RD 2846 RALEIGH RD HENDERSON VANCE NONCD0001143 PRESTIGE LABELS 151 INDUSTRIAL DR BURGAW PENDER VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds Score Medium 39.94 known/suspected 39.88 soil soil groundwater soil 39.86 sediment surface water sediment surface water 39.83 soil 39.75 sediment soil 39.74 groundwater 39.69 surface water 39.67 soil soil 39.64 soil 39.62 soil groundwater 39.58 groundwater groundwater 39.52 soil soil 39.43 groundwater 39.31 groundwater 39.26 soil 39.25 soil groundwater 39.24 groundwater groundwater groundwater soil 39.24 groundwater 39.05 surface water 38.97 groundwater Contaminant metals SVOCs metals VOCs VOCs VOCs SVOCs SVOCs metals metals SVOCs VOCs metals Pesticides/Her SVOCs SVOCs VOCs VOCs inorganics VOCs metals SVOCs VOCs VOCs SVOCs VOCs VOCs VOCs SVOCs metals metals VOCs metals VOCs 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD033978396 ATEC INDUSTRIES PERKINS DRIVE ROYBORO PERSON 38.92 soil soil metals groundwater VOCs groundwater VOCs metals NCD982115040 PERRY BUILDERS - MOBILE TRACT NICHOLAS ST & SKENES AVE HENDERSON VANCE 38.91 surface water metals NCN000407686 CARALEIGH PHOSPHATE AND FERTILIZER 1601 LAKE WHEELER ROAD RALEIGH WAKE 38.87 soil metals NCDO89914311 MILLER BREWING CO/CONT DIV 1900 BARNES ST REIDSVILLE ROCKINGHAM 38.85 groundwater soil Pesticides/Her groundwater Pesticides/Her VOCs NCD075582197 AMORE/WORTH CHEMICAL 2418 EAST PETTIGREW ST DURHAM DURHAM 38.82 groundwater soil VOCs VOCs NONCD0000001 STANLY NEWS & PRESS 237 W NORTH STREET ALBEMARLE STANLY 38.78 soil metals NCD000827832 ELECTRICAL UTILITIES/CO BB&T 309 ANDERSON AVE FARMVILLE PITT 38.70 groundwater VOCs NONCD0001122 CABARRUS ROUNDABOUT CABARRUS AVE & OLD CHARLOTTE CONCORD CABARRUS 38.69 groundwater soil metals metals NCDO03520301 OVERCASH MACHINE SHOP, INC. 865 CONNOR STREET STATESVILLE IREDELL 38.69 known/suspected NCD105797922 TECHNIBILT/DIV OF WHITTAKER EAST PEACE ST NEWTON CATAWBA 38.61 soil groundwater metals soil VOCs SVOCs NONCD0001018 HWY 49 BATTERY DUMP NC HIGHWAY 49 CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 38.47 groundwater soil metals metals NONCD0000015 CENTRAL TRANSPORT COMPANY 215SAMPSON ST WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 38.45 surface water metals NONCD0000044 CHEMICAL AND SOLVENTS, INC. 2804 PATTERSON STREET GREENSBORO GUILFORD 38.45 soil VOCs NCD986190239 CHEROKEE OIL 925 SOUTH SUMMIT AVE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 38.45 soil metals NCD986232379 GRESHAMS LAKE INDUSTRIAL PARK 3220 NORTHSIDE DRIVE RALEIGH WAKE 38.42 soil groundwater VOCs groundwater VOCs SVOCs NCD052553641 WEYERHAEUSERCO/LEWISTON HWY 308W LEWISTON BERTIE 38.38 soil metals NONCD0001121 R & R PLATING 623 COLUMBUS APPAREL ST WHITEVILLE COLUMBUS 38.37 soil metals NONCD0001869 HOOVER ROAD CONTAMINATION 211 SOUTH HOOVER ROAD DURHAM DURHAM 38.26 soil groundwater SVOCs soil VOCs VOCs NONCD0002816 RADCLIFFE MARINE (PRIVATEER BOATS) HWY 264 BYPASS N BELHAVEN BEAUFORT 38.20 groundwater VOCs NCDO01871854 FRUEHAUF TRAILER CORPORATION 310 DALTON CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 38.12 groundwater VOCs VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0000055 GLISSON ENTERPRISES HWY 903 GREENVILLE PITT 38.12 known/suspected NONCD0003175 GUARDSMAN CHEMICALS INC 2147 BREVARD RD HIGH POINT GUILFORD 38.08 groundwater soil VOCs VOCs NONCD0001076 SOUTHSIDE INVESTMENTS LLC 2222 SOUTH BLVD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 38.05 groundwater soil VOCs groundwater soil metals metals SVOCs NONCD0000003 VAN WATERS & ROGERS ATANDO INDUSTRIAL PARK CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 38.05 groundwater soil VOCs VOCs NONCD0000030 COLLINS AND AIKMAN 327 EAST ELM ST. GRAHAM ALAMANCE 38.04 groundwater VOCs NONCD0003113 3C PACKAGING 1000 CC DRIVE CLAYTON JOHNSTON 38.03 groundwater metals groundwater soil VOCs soil soil VOCs metals SVOCs NONCD0000066 WAKE AUTO PARTS (FORMER) 3520 TRYON RD RALEIGH WAKE 38.03 soil metals NCD980503148 SOUTHCHEM LANDFILL 722 EAST MARKHAM AVE DURHAM DURHAM 37.98 surface water SVOCs surface water soil Pesticides/Her sediment surface Pesticides/Her water Pesticides/Her VOCs NCD980559983 PPG IND., INC./WKS 52 WASHBURN SWITCH ROAD SHELBY CLEVELAND 37.89 known/suspected NONCD0002301 PIEDMONT CIRCUITS TELECOMM DR. CREEDMOOR GRANVILLE 37.84 groundwater VOCs NCDO03148889 CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL_CANTON MILL NEWFOUND STREET CANTON HAYWOOD 37.79 groundwater SVOCs NCDO42423087 APOLLO CHEMICAL CORPORATION 1105 SOUTHERLAND STREET GRAHAM ALAMANCE 37.72 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NCD053010724 ICI - AMERICAS, INC. 2130 N TRYON CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 37.67 groundwater VOCs surface water VOCs NCN000409780 INDUSTRIAL METAL ALLOY 20 E ACADIA AVE WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH 37.67 soil sediment metals metals NONCD0000074 TEXTILE CHEMICAL FACILITY GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 37.60 groundwater VOCs NONCD0001192 EAKES CLEANERS (FORMER) 827 W MORGAN ST DURHAM DURHAM 37.59 groundwater VOCs groundwater soil SVOCs VOCs NONCD0002855 PATTERSON PROPERTY 900 JEFFERSON ST ROANOKE RAPIDS HALIFAX 37.59 soil VOCs soil SVOCs soil metals groundwater VOCs VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0002973 TONYS AUTOMOTIVE 2396 N GARNETT ST HENDERSON VANCE 37.57 groundwater soil VOCs VOCs NCN000407564 WATHA FIRING RANGE 3311 SHILOH RD WATHA PENDER 37.54 groundwater metals NONCD0000024 GAITHER TRANSOU PROPERTY 1202 GUILFORD COLLEGE RD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 37.52 soil metals soil SVOCs NCD986171338 PEELE CO. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL NC 42 EAST CLAYTON JOHNSTON 37.13 soil soil metals Pesticides/Her NCD101750305 INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS, INC. CLOVER & MCONNELL ROAD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 36.97 groundwater metals NCD986166759 WILSON SEPTIC PITS SR 1131 HICKORY CATAWBA 36.90 soil metals NCN000409783 WHITIN ROBERTS PLANT #2 202 MAPLE AVE SANFORD LEE 36.89 soil metals soil SVOCs NCD067428821 SIEMENS-ALLIS, INC/SWITCHGEAR DIV 5000WOMACKRD SANFORD LEE 36.86 groundwater metals sediment SVOCs NCD981022288 C&T REFINERY 4800 SOUTH BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 36.80 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NCD081332900 INX (FORMER) FACILITY 3200 & 3210 CULLMAN AVE CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 36.75 soil metals soil VOCs NCD982095093 JAYS CLEANERS 1803 N MAIN ST KANNAPOLIS ROWAN 36.75 soil VOCs NCDO03196847 NATIONAL SPINNING COMPANY WEST 3RD STREET WASHINGTON BEAUFORT 36.61 groundwater VOCs groundwater SVOCs NONCD0001207 APAC-WASHINGTON ASPHALT PLANT DIRT RD WASHINGTON BEAUFORT 36.59 groundwater VOCs NCD044447639 CROWN CENTRAL PETROLEUM CORP. 7720 MOUNT HOLLY ROAD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 36.59 soil groundwater metals soil groundwater VOCs VOCs SVOCs NCD024577421 NORTH CAROLINA SALVAGE CO. HWY 117 SOUTH GOLDSBORO WAYNE 36.38 soil metals NCD986188001 CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL LANDFILL NO 1 SR 1571 & 1573 CANTON HAYWOOD 36.35 soil VOCs NCD980712038 SED, INC. SWING COURT SWING COURT GREENSBORO GUILFORD 36.30 known/suspected NONCD0000065 CMI INDUSTRIES 304 EAST MAIN STREET ELKIN SURRY 36.25 soil groundwater SVOCs soil groundwater SVOCs VOCs VOCs NONCD0001009 SINGER PLANT #2 VIRGINIA STREET LENOIR CALDWELL 36.09 groundwater VOCs NCD986188019 CHAMPION LANDFILL NO 2 SR 1539 CANTON HAYWOOD 36.04 soil VOCs VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCDO41466806 PHILLIPS PLATING US 17 HWY NORTH BRIDGETON CRAVEN 36.04 sediment soil metals groundwater metals metals NCD981015886 CAROLINA PRODUCTION FINISHING 105 FAIRVIEW RD ASHEVILLE BUNCOMBE 35.86 groundwater VOCs groundwater metals NONCD0001814 HAMILTON BEACH/PROCTOR SILEX OFF SR 1509, NEAR WASHINGTON A WASHINGTON BEAUFORT 35.84 soil soil VOCs groundwater soil metals groundwater SVOCs groundwater SVOCs groundwater pesticides/her VOCs inorganics NCD981021702 CAMP, LEONARD PROPERTY SR 2226 EARL CLEVELAND 35.79 sediment VOCs NONCD0001130 SOUTH MAIN ST SEWER LINE EXT 4660 FOLLANSBEE RD WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH 35.47 soil metals NONCD0002561 SUNOCO BULK TERMINAL RIVER ROAD WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 35.41 groundwater soil VOCs VOCs NCD070619911 TELEDYNE ALLVAC MONROE PLANT 2020 ASHCRAFT AVE MONROE UNION 35.37 soil metals NONCD0001598 DEHAVEN 413 AIRPORT BLVD. MORRISVILLE WAKE 35.29 groundwater VOCs NONCD0002728 WILLIAMS, E. W. FACILITY 8200 AND 8250 FAYETTEVILLE RD RALEIGH WAKE 35.29 soil groundwater SVOCs soil groundwater SVOCs VOCs VOCs NCD067437400 GULF OIL CORPORATION 5955 ROCK CREEK DAIRY RD MCLEANSVILLE GUILFORD 35.22 surface water metals NCDO03216413 RALEIGH ROAD FURNITURE CORP/STANLEY 802 WEST CENTER ROAD LEXINGTON DAVIDSON 35.22 known/suspected NONCD0000088 TRANS TECHNOLOGY 5535 WILKINSON BLVD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 35.19 groundwater soil VOCs groundwater VOCs SVOCs NCDO44515211 HAYES-ALBION CORP/BRIGGS-SHAFFNER 3760 KIMWELL DR WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH 35.17 soil metals NONCD0002836 RABO CLEANERS 701 HOOKER RD GREENVILLE PITT 35.17 known/suspected NCD044514602 RJR ARCHER, INC. CUNNINGHAM AVE WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH 35.04 known/suspected NCD108702606 HARTSOE BATTERY 2513LINAAVE KANNAPOLIS ROWAN 35.01 soil metals NCDO03183480 UNION CAMP CORPORATION 524 BROGDEN RD SMITHFIELD JOHNSTON 35.01 known/suspected NCD041466525 ROCKY MOUNT FIBER DUMP ATLANTIC AVE EXTENSION ROCKY MOUNT EDGECOMBE 34.94 known/suspected NCD024459471 GUYTON BATTERY SERVICE HWY 401 S CHADBOURN COLUMBUS 34.92 soil metals NCN000407205 TRI-COUNTY AIRPORT NC 561 AULANDER HERTFORD 34.92 soil Pesticides/Her VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD061795696 UNITEX CHEMICALS 520 BROOME RD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 34.91 groundwater VOCS NCD981023732 NEUVILLE SOCK PROPERTY US 64/70 I-40 ACCESS ROAD HILDEBRAN BURKE 34.80 soil metals NCR000135418 ZNR, INC 1020 CORPORATION PKWY RALEIGH WAKE 34.69 soil metals NONCD0001038 BRYANT FARM DRUM DUMP W OF NC 86 400 FT S OF VA LINE GATEWOOD CASWELL 34.61 known/suspected NCD000616219 GA -PACIFIC CORP HWY 177 S HAMLET RICHMOND 34.61 known/suspected NONCD0001048 LEXINGTON FURNITURE IND. PLNT NO 2 3979 OLD LINWOOD ROAD LEXINGTON DAVIDSON 34.53 soil groundwater VOCS groundwater VOCS SVOCS NONCD0000075 FOAMEX/REEVES BROTHERS 18801 OLD STATESVILLE RD CORNELIUS MECKLENBURG 34.50 soil VOCS NONCD0002156 NCDOT ASPHALT MATERIAL TEST LAB NO 52 6190 NEW BERN HWY MAYSVILLE ONSLOW 34.50 groundwater SVOCS groundwater soil VOCS soil VOCS SVOCS NCD980557672 PITT COUNTY UTILITY LANDFILL PORT TERMINAL RD GREENVILLE PITT 34.38 known/suspected NC0001206473 GLEN RAVEN MILLS TUCKER STREET C BURLINGTON ALAMANCE 34.27 groundwater VOCS NCDO83673681 SINGER CO/KEARFOTT DIV HIGHWAY70 BLACK MOUNTAIN BUNCOMBE 34.24 soil VOCS NCD990867855 FAWN PLASTICS CO., INC. 401 JEFFREYS ROAD ROCKY MOUNT NASH 34.23 known/suspected NCDO40042426 AEROQUIP 8171 PLANER MILL RD MIDDLESEX NASH 34.22 groundwater VOCS NCD093132207 VOICE OF AMERICA RELAY STATION COUNTY ROAD 1212 GREENVILLE PM 34.21 known/suspected NCD098765506 SINGER CO/FURNITURE DIV BRYSON BRYSON WALK BRYSON CITY SWAIN 34.16 groundwater SVOCS groundwater metals NONCD0001109 FRIENDLY CLEANERS 605 S. PENDER ST WILSON WILSON 34.14 soil VOCS NCD083673616 REEVESBROTHERS RAILROAD AVE RUTHERFORDTON RUTHERFORD 34.10 groundwater soil VOCS VOCS NCD000006361 SUPERIOR ELECTRO FINISHES 115 EAST CORUM ST KERNERSVILLE FORSYTH 34.04 soil metals NONCD0001151 MATTHEWS BLDG SUPPLY/ESTUL TOOL 215 AMES ST MATTHEWS MECKLENBURG 33.98 soil groundwater VOCS VOCS NCD986209575 CARDINAL CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE FIRE NC 211 & NC 72 LUMBERTON ROBESON 33.96 soil Pesticides/Her NONCD0001114 CONOVER METAL PRODUCTS 315 S MCLIN CREEK RD CONOVER CATAWBA 33.96 soil metals NONCD0001991 LEESONA - ALAMANCE CO PLANT - NONUST 2727 TUCKER ST. EXT BURLINGTON ALAMANCE 33.78 groundwater VOCS NONCD0000078 CAROLINA METAL AND ALLOYS 1016 E. SPRINGFIELD AVENUE HIGH POINT GUILFORD 33.72 soil metals NCD990715658 SOUTHERN MANUFACTURING, INC. 1000 SEABOARD ST CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 33.72 soil inorganics VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD046148318 TEXACO INC/PAW CREEK 410 SADLER RD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 33.72 known/suspected NONCD0001150 CHARLOTTE BATTERY 2926 YOUNGBLOOD ST CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 33.67 known/suspected NCDO03196193 PIFER INDUSTRIES, INC. 2210 E PETTIGREW ST DURHAM DURHAM 33.67 known/suspected NCDO03162500 CONSOLIDATED ENGRAVERS CORP. 311 E 12TH ST CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 33.51 sediment surface metals water VOCs groundwater soil VOCs soil sediment VOCs surface water groundwater metals VOCs metals metals NCD065295495 TEXFI IMPRESSIONS 401 PATETOWN RD GOLDSBORO WAYNE 33.41 groundwater soil VOCs VOCs NONCD0000054 MOORES COMPANY US 1 BUSINESS & SR 1001 HENDERSON VANCE 33.35 soil VOCs NCD055550560 GULF ADHESIVES & RESINS/PERKINS 1717 WARD STREET HIGH POINT GUILFORD 33.33 groundwater VOCs NCD000281832 SANFORD PLATING COMPANY SR 1466 SANFORD LEE 33.32 soil soil VOCs metals NONCD0000097 MORRIS, NORMAN HIGHWAY 87 NORTH ELON COLLEGE ALAMANCE 33.23 soil metals NONCD0001119 EDWARDS PROPERTY FOUNDRY SAND 10209 ROZZELLE'S FERRY RD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 33.18 soil metals NCD054417308 COASTAL CHEMICAL CORP. NC 42 CLAYTON JOHNSTON 33.11 soil Pesticides/Her NONCD0000096 MASON DRUM STORAGE 42 FIBERVILLE STREET CANTON HAYWOOD 32.99 known/suspected NCD981928385 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR HWY 601 AND SR 1413 MOCKSVILLE DAVIE 32.95 known/suspected NONCD0001164 COOPERAGE TRACT NC 99 & US 264 BELHAVEN BEAUFORT 32.94 groundwater VOCs groundwater inorganics NONCD0001123 RALEIGH TTA-SE PARCEL S WEST ST & MORGAN ST RALEIGH WAKE 32.94 groundwater VOCs NCD072018252 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO/MED STEAM TURBIN OLD RALEIGH RD DURHAM DURHAM 32.88 groundwater VOCs NCD093783876 VANIER GRAPHICS CORPORATION 655 MEADOW RD EDEN ROCKINGHAM 32.86 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NCD980729479 CAROLAWN COMPANY 1426 W MOUNTAIN ST KERNERSVrLLE FORSYTH 32.81 soil VOCs NONCD0001723 FLINT HILLS RESOURCES-CMT SITE 3330 RIVER ROAD WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 32.62 groundwater VOCs surface water VOCs NCDO02388965 LACKAWANNA LEATHER CO., INC. HWY 70A WEST CONOVER CATAWBA 32.48 groundwater metals NCD981472624 US 70 DRUM DUMP US 70 MORGANTON BURKE 32.41 soil soil VOCs SVOCs VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0001036 JOYCETON WATER WORKS WELLS 2 & 9 N OF SWANSON RD LENOIR CALDWELL 32.38 groundwater VOCS NCD980502892 CREEKBRIDGE/BORDEN CHEMICAL US HWY 24-87 (GROVE ST) FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND 32.35 known/suspected NCD095470332 THONIT A SIMMONS COMPANY 11900 STEELE CREEK ROAD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 32.33 soil metals soil SVOCS NONCD0002558 319 S WEST ST DEVELOPMENT 319 WEST ST RALEIGH WAKE 32.27 soil soil VOCS SVOCS NCD080885551 DAUGHERTY CHEMICAL COMPANY 307 WALKER STREET DURHAM DURHAM 32.27 soil metals NCD980848766 GIBBS ELECTROPLATING 5210/5216 HOVIS ROAD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 32.27 soil metals NCD980847123 HURT RESIDENCE HWY 64 MORGANTON BURKE 32.27 soil VOCS NONCD0002570 SWEETWATER MHP & BOBBY TAYLOR OIL C SWEETWATER DRIVE FAYETTEVILLE CUMBERLAND 32.27 soil groundwater VOCs groundwater VOCS groundwater metals SVOCS NCDO03183167 LONG MANUFACTURING 111 FAIRVIEW STREET TARBORO EDGECOMBE 32.13 groundwater soil VOCs SVOCS NCD982098774 CAL -TONE PAINTS 5115 NEW BERN AVE RALEIGH WAKE 31.94 soil groundwater metals metals NCD991278680 CHEMCRAFT/SADOLIN PAINT PRODUCTS 3950 NEW WALKERTOWN RD WINSTON-SALEM FORSYTH 31.92 groundwater VOCS groundwater soil metals soil groundwater VOCS metals SVOCS NCDO03221868 CENTURY FURNITURE COMPANY 42012THSTNW HICKORY CATAWBA 31.90 soil metals NONCD0000084 THERMO PRODUCTS, INC. 800 JONES STREET DENTON DAVIDSON 31.77 soil metals soil VOCS NCD980799019 CHEROKEE OIL 1201 BERRYHILL ROAD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 31.76 soil metals soil VOCS surface water metals NCD053010732 PARKS-CRAMER COMPANY 2000 S BLVD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 31.73 groundwater metals groundwater VOCS NONCD0000059 DAYCO COCHRAN LANDFILL RT 1 HYATT CREEK ROAD WAYNESVILLE HAYWOOD 31.71 groundwater VOCs NCSFN0407143 AMERICAN ELEMENTS 500 WALLACE ST FARMVILLE PITT 31.68 soil metals NCD986180883 CCFC PESTICIDE DISPOSAL 607 HILLSBOROUGH STREET OXFORD GRANVILLE 31.67 known/suspected NCD981476708 CTI OF NC, INC 1002 S FRONT ST WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 31.63 soil groundwater VOCS VOCS VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD980557847 KAISER ACME FARMARKET SR 1870 RIEGELWOOD COLUMBUS 31.60 soil groundwater Pesticides/Her groundwater VOCS SVOCS NONCD0001177 ALCOA-PINE RD RAVINE DISPOSAL PINE RD STANLY 31.53 soil metals soil VOCS soil cyanide soil SVOCS soil inorganics NCD980845119 BUCKHORN PESTICIDES NC 581 & NC 42 WILSON WILSON 31.36 soil soil VOCS Pesticides/Her NCD000828566 TARTAN MARINE PROPERTY NC HIGHWAY 77 & SR 2032 HAMLET RICHMOND 31.33 soil metals NCD981863814 LANCASTER PLATING 802 EDWARDS ROAD LILLINGTON HARNETT 31.32 soil metals NONCD0001015 MARY CIRCLE BATTERY ZION CHURCH & MARY CRL CONCORD CABARRUS 31.18 soil metals NCD045451473 ACE CHEMICAL CORPORATION 9801 S TRYON ST CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 31.05 soil groundwater VOCS groundwater SVOCS VOCS NCD049845266 STANLEY CASE GOODS (FORMER) HWY 211 WEST END MOORE 31.01 groundwater VOCS NONCD0000019 SIR WALTER GUN CLUB US 64 KNIGHTDALE WAKE 30.96 soil metals NONCD0002788 ALLOWAY RESIDENCE 405 PARADISE LANE SHALLOTTE BRUNSWICK 30.88 groundwater VOCS NONCD0000070 BENFIELD SANITATION SERVICE 1809 W FRONT ST STATESVILLE IREDELL 30.87 known/suspected NCD980843460 GRANT CREEK W WTP CRUSE ROAD SALISBURY ROWAN 30.66 soil VOCS NONCD0003193 FARM CHEMICALS RAEFORD 2274 ST. PAULS HWY RAEFORD HOKE 30.63 soil pesticides/her NCDO03195963 WESTINGHOUSE ELEC METER & LIGHT US 1 N RALEIGH WAKE 30.57 groundwater soil VOCS soil VOCS metals NONCD0001060 DIXIE MACHINE & TOOL CO 2204 PATTERSON ST GREENSBORO GUILFORD 30.46 soil VOCS NCD024740433 EC MANUFACTURING 413 N. POLK STREET PINEVILLE MECKLENBURG 30.45 soil metals NONCD0001033 AMERICAN CONTRACT COATINGS HWY 55 APEX WAKE 30.43 known/suspected NONCD0001067 CC DICKSON 1524 SOUTH BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 30.43 groundwater soil SVOCS groundwater soil SVOCS VOCS VOCS NCDO03938586 CORNING GLASS WORKS 310 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 30.37 known/suspected NC0000998336 CP PROPERTIES 2350 BROWN ROAD SANFORD LEE 30.23 soil soil metals sediment SVOCS metals VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0001595 DEANS PICKLES, FMR CATES 354 N. FAISON AVE. FAISON DUPLIN 30.23 groundwater inorganics NCD000616516 SCOVILL INC/SECURITY PRODUCTS HWY 74 E MONROE UNION 30.21 groundwater soil metals groundwater soil VOCs soil VOCs SVOCS metals NCDO03186004 INTERNATIONAL PAPER/RICHMOND GRAVUR 2215 S. WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH WAKE 30.10 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NONCD0001175 MIDTOWN SQUARE VALET DRY CLEANERS 401 S INDEPENDENCE BLVD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 30.06 groundwater soil VOCS groundwater VOCs metals NCD024762668 BUSH BROTHERS PLATING INC/GREER 107 NE MARKET ST REIDSVILLE ROCKINGHAM 30.05 known/suspected NONCD0002999 PARRIS & N MAIN ST SOLVENTS 2300 BLOCK N MAIN STREET HIGH POINT GUILFORD 30.05 groundwater VOCs NCD980557722 HARRISBURG BATTERY 2609 HIGHWAY 49 HARRISBURG CABARRUS 30.00 soil metals NCD067392175 TRAMCO, INC. SR 1611 CONNELLY SPRINGS BURKE 29.87 soil SVOCS NCD991277724 MITCHELL SYSTEMS, INC. ALTAPASS RD SPRUCE PINE MITCHELL 29.82 soil metals NCD057248759 PATCH RUBBER POND GRACE BOULEVARD ROANOKE RAPIDS HALIFAX 29.82 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NONCD0002781 ADAMS PAINTING SERVICE 722 WELLINGTON AVE WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 29.71 known/suspected NCDO03213568 LIBERTY FURNITURE CORP/CHROMCRAFT 330 N GREENSBORO ST LIBERTY RANDOLPH 29.60 soil SVOCS NONCD0002797 KOCH NORTH PARAXYLENE 3225RIVER RD WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 29.51 soil groundwater VOCS VOCS NCD986170678 WOOD ROAD DRUM BURIAL CIRCLE WOOD RD/SR 2641 GASTONIA GASTON 29.44 known/suspected NCD049845548 REICHHOLD CHEMICAL, INC. SR 1916 MONCURE CHATHAM 29.33 soil VOCS NONCD0002863 BABY DIAPER SERVICE 1819 SPRING GARDEN ST GREENSBORO GUILFORD 29.31 soil groundwater VOCs groundwater bases VOCs NONCD0002280 PCS NITROGEN, FMRLYARCADIAN 2830 HWY 421 NORTH WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 29.09 groundwater inorganics NCDO03218161 CORNELL-DUBILIER ELECTRONICS 2652 DALYRUMPLE STREET SANFORD LEE 29.02 groundwater soil VOCs VOCs NONCD0001106 MICROTRON ABRASIVES, INC 10424 RODNEY ST PINEVILLE MECKLENBURG 28.94 soil groundwater SVOCS groundwater SVOCS VOCS NCD991278714 CAROCHEM, INC. 540 GULF ST DURHAM DURHAM 28.72 soil VOCS VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NONCD0001050 LEXINGTON FURNITURE IND. PLNT NO 12 3301 COTTON GROVE LANE LEXINGTON DAVIDSON 28.59 soil VOCs NCD980843528 TOWN CREEK REGIONALWWTP HEILIGTOWN ROAD SALISBURY ROWAN 28.50 known/suspected NCD048184451 BURLINGTON HOME CHAIR HIGHWAY268 RONDA WILKES 28.49 known/suspected NCD000828616 USS AGRI-CHEMICALS FARM SERVICE HWY 701 WHITEVILLE COLUMBUS 28.45 known/suspected NONCD0001805 EXXON PIPELINE RIVER RD LELAND BRUNSWICK 28.37 groundwater VOCs NCD991277922 GASTON COUNTY DYEING MACHINE CO. 200 S MAIN ST STANLEY GASTON 28.34 groundwater inorganics VOCs groundwater NCDO03149291 GASTON COUNTY DYEING MACHINE CO. HWY 27 EAST MOUNT HOLLY GASTON 28.34 groundwater inorganics NCDO03186178 COASTAL CHEMICAL CORP. EVANS ST EXT GREENVILLE PITT 28.33 soil Pesticides/Her NONCD0001985 LEBANON CHEMICAL CORPORATION 1665 HIGHWAY 64 E PLYMOUTH WASHINGTON 28.22 groundwater VOCs groundwater inorganics NCD991278581 BURLINGTON FURNITURE/LUMBER PL US 64 EAST LEXINGTON DAVIDSON 28.12 known/suspected NCD980483275 HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY DENNIS STREET EXTENSION ENFIELD HALIFAX 28.04 soil metals soil SVOCS soil Pesticides/Her NCDO03151651 WILLARD SMELTING CO. 101 NEWBERN ST CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 27.86 soil metals NCD991278839 NORTH STATE CHEMICALS 6211 HUNT RD PLEASANT GARDEN GUILFORD 27.60 soil groundwater VOCS soil VOCs metals NONCD0001030 BLR 2911 JUNO DR SANFORD LEE 27.50 soil groundwater VOCS VOCs NONCD0000013 CAROLINA HARDWOODS 158 FACTORY STREET WILLIAMSTON MARTIN 27.49 surface water metals NONCD0001166 CENTRAL GRAIN-MORGANS CORNER 1312 HASSELL RD ELIZABETH CITY PASQUOTANK 27.28 soil groundwater inorganics metals groundwater soil SVOCS groundwater metals inorganics NCD024770125 BURLINGTON FURNITURE ATOAH STREET ROBBINSVILLE GRAHAM 27.10 soil SVOCS NONCD0000091 DUKE POWERIWALNUT COVE POWER HOUSE ROAD WALNUT COVE STOKES 26.95 known/suspected NONCD0001153 UNITED AGRI PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTION 17021 OLD MAXTON ROAD LAURINBURG SCOTLAND 26.75 groundwater inorganics NCDO24468597 CHARLOTTE STEEL DRUM 2900 WEST TRADE STREET CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 26.67 known/suspected NCD991278300 UNITED DRUM T/A RELIANCE UNIV. 214 BERKLEY ST HIGH POINT GUILFORD 26.55 groundwater VOCs groundwater metals NCDO03213881 BENDIX CORPORATION I-85 INNES ST EXIT SALISBURY ROWAN 26.36 soil metals VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 II) Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD986166288 WOODYS TIRE FIRE HIGHWAY 321 GASTONIA GASTON 26.35 known/suspected NCD990868168 INMONT CORP/BASF CORPORATION 1701 W WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG 26.22 soil groundwater VOCs VOCS NONCD0002529 BASSETT FURNITURE-WEIMAN PLANT 1603 LEONARD ST RAMSEUR RANDOLPH 26.05 known/suspected NCDO03218492 CAROLINA RUBBER HOSE COMPANY 1801 SOUTH RAILROAD SALISBURY ROWAN 26.04 soil metals soil VOCS soil SVOCS NONCD0002988 PEMBROKE FARM HOME & GARDEN 302 W 3RD ST PEMBROKE ROBESON 26.02 groundwater inorganics NCDO03464765 VAUGHAN-BASSETT FURNITURE CO. ROUTE 268 EAST ELKIN SURRY 25.93 soil SVOCS NONCD0001039 OVERCASH GRAVEL & GRADING CO. INC. 1150 SHELTON ROAD CONCORD CABARRUS 25.71 known/suspected NCD980602791 SALVAGE OIL OF AMERICA 1227 MCLEOD STREET ROCKINGHAN RICHMOND 25.68 soil VOCS soil SVOCS NCD000822130 HARRELSON RUBBER COMPANY HWY 220SOUTH ASHEBORO RANDOLPH 25.45 known/suspected NCDO03200656 FEATHER PROCESSORS, INC HWY 117 NORTH ROSE HILL DUPLIN 25.30 soil metals NCDO03148798 DAYCO CORP BALSAMRD WAYNESVILLE HAYWOOD 25.26 soil groundwater VOCS groundwater soil VOCS SVOCS SVOCS NCSFN0406894 STALLINGS SALVAGE SECREST AVE MONROE UNION 24.89 known/suspected NCD067191262 FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY HWY 301 WILSON WILSON 24.45 soil VOCS NCD077821296 SOUTHERN RESIN/US INDUSTRIES INC 1510 DENTON ROAD THOMASVILLE DAVIDSON 23.62 groundwater SVOCS NCD077838589 THOMASVILLE FOREST PRODUCTS CLARKSBURY CHRUCH ROAD THOMASVILLE DAVIDSON 23.10 soil metals NCD980838551 MCDOWELL FIREMAN ASSOCIATION SITE SR 1214 GREENLEE ROAD MARION MCDOWELL 23.09 known/suspected NCD096158696 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. 6008 HIGH POINT RD GREENSBORO GUILFORD 22.43 groundwater soil metals soil groundwater VOCS groundwater bases SVOCS VOCS NCD071579528 FORBUSHMETAL SPEER BRIDGE ROAD YADKINVILLE YADKIN 21.90 soil VOCS soil metals soil cyanide NCS000000478 CROWDERS MOUNTAIN STATE PARK CROWDERS MOUNTAIN STATE PARK GASTONIA GASTON 21.57 known/suspected NCDO03236841 WARLICK PAINT COMPANY 945 MONROE ST STATESVILLE IREDELL 21.47 known/suspected VOCs — Volatile organic compounds SVOCs-Semi-volatile organic compounds 119 ID Site Name Address City County Score Medium Contaminant NCD986232213 SUMMIT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 3501 GRIBBLE ROAD STALLINGS UNION 21.45 soil inorganics soil VOCs VOCs surface water soil SVOCs NCD003214574 SPRUANCE SOUTHERN, INC. 115 E ELLER DR DAVIDSON 20.81 known/suspected NCD046149019 HISTRAND CHEMICAL, INC. HWY 9 LENOIR CALDWELL 20.72 known/suspected NCD980559637 BEAUNIT CORP./DYING & FINISHING LINEBERGER STREET LOWELL GASTON 19.99 known/suspected NONCD0001005 TRANSEASTERN CORP. 509 S LODGE ST WILSON WILSON 19.56 known/suspected NCD048462881 ARMOLOY CO OF NC/HI-TECH 1603 SALISBURY ROAD STATESVILLE IREDELL 19.37 known/suspected NCD981921083 SWIFT ADHESIVES 9724 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE PINEVILLE MECKLENBURG 19.19 known/suspected NONCD0000014 BOISE CASCADE SR 1916 MONCURE CHATHAM 18.86 known/suspected NCD057037178 PFIZER INC/COTY DIVISION COX MILL RD & HWY 42 E SANFORD LEE 18.48 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NCD067178707 FAWN PLASTICS CO., INC. 10235 US 264A MIDDLESEX NASH 17.34 soil groundwater VOCs VOCs NONCD0000034 ASHEVILLE INDUSTRIES 20 GLEN BRIDGE RD/SR3495 ARDEN BUNCOMBE 16.30 soil soil VOCs metals NONCD0002498 SOUTHERN GRAPHICS SYSTEMS 2406 N. 23RD STREET WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER 15.92 groundwater metals NONCD0000053 CAROLINA MARBLE CO. INDIAN MOUND ROAD ALBEMARLE STANLY 15.28 known/suspected NONCD0000099 PARTONS MOTOR COMPANY 2800 SOUTH YORK ROAD GASTONIA GASTON 15.22 known/suspected NONCD0000082 CAPE FEAR CHEMICALS/HL BRICE HWY 701 S ELIZABETHTOWN BLADEN 11.48 soil Pesticides/Her NONCD0002985 TOTAL AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE 325 ROSMAN HWY BREVARD TRANSYLVANIA groundwater soil VOCs VOCs 148 D. Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory - Site Status Note: Upon discovery, sites are added to the Evaluations Pending or Pollutant Only Site -Open categories of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory. As resources are available, the sites are ranked and transferred to the Sites Priority List (Appendix Q. The Sites Priority List has information on contaminants and contaminated media and a score used to determine the order of full-scale remedial actions at sites without responsible parties, providing funds are available for such. If a party volunteers to clean up a site and enters into an agreement with the Division, the site is then transferred to the Voluntary Action category. Once cleanup is complete, the site is transferred to one of the "No Further Action" (NFA) categories. A list of the pre-1983 landfills by county can be found in Appendix E. County Site ID Site Name Street Address city Category NONCD000 Evaluation ALAMANCE 1313 CORTINA FABRICS 3165 VIEWMONT DR SWEPSONVILLE Pending NONCD000 Alamance 1778 Glen Raven Mills former 142 Glen Raven Road Glen Raven SPL NCD042423 ALAMANCE 087 APOLLO CHEMICAL CORPORATION 1105 SOUTHERLAND STREET GRAHAM SPL NONCD000 ENGINEERED CONTROLS Voluntary ALAMANCE 2904 INTERNATIONAL 100 REGO DR ELON (AA) NONCD000 Voluntary ALAMANCE 1103 WALTER KIDDE PORTABLE EQUIPMENT 1394 S THIRD ST L MEBANE AA NONC13000 NCDOT - SITE #23 KIRKPATRICK Evaluation Alamance 2137 ASPHALT 1521 HUFFMAN MILL RD BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 ALAMANCE 0097 MORRIS, NORMAN HIGHWAY 87 NORTH ELON COLLEGE SPL NONCD000 1361-1375 NORTH CHURCH Evaluation Alamance 2759 WORKMAN PROPERTY STREET BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 2466 SHIELDS MOBILE HOME PARK 1341HWY 87 NORTH ELON COLLEGE Pending NONCD000 KING STREET SOLVENT Evaluation ALAMANCE 1190 CONTAMINATION 860 KING ST BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 3174 GRAHAM WWTP DISPOSAL AREA 1204 E Gilbreath St Graham Pending NCDO03219 Evaluation Alamance 789 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO 2700 YORK RD. BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 2698 Washington Street Incidents 918, 920, 926 Washington Stree Graham Pending NCDO03467 ALAMANCE 099 CONE MILLS CORP/GRANITE FINISHING OLD HWY 70 HAW RIVER NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 2428 RUDD RESIDENCE, GEORGE 1263 N. NC 87 ELON COLLEGE Pending NONCD000 GLEN RAVEN MILLS - CONSUMER PROD 3726 ALTAHAMAW UNION Evaluation Alamance 1777 DIV - C RIDGE RD ALTAMAHAW Pending NONCD000 ALAMANCE 1295 HOLT STREET DUMP HOLT ST MEBANE SPL NCDO03220 ALAMANCE 969 WHITE FURNITURE CO. 201 E CENTER ST MEBANE NFA NONCD000 Voluntary Alamance 1275 AO SMITH ELECTRIC MOTOR 709 AO SMITH RD MEBANE AA NONCD000 Evaluation ALAMANCE 3118 MR TIRE 421 S FISHER ST BURLINGTON Pending NCD986167 CHURCH AND GRAVES ALAMANCE 104 RED CAP DOG FOOD STREETS BURLINGTON NFA NONCD000 ALAMANCE 1044 COMMERCIAL-LEVIN 2600 PARK ROAD EXT. BURLINGTON NFA NONCD000 Alamance 1259 AMI, LIMITED 2609 TUCKER ST. BURLINGTON SPL NCDO03232 Evaluation Alamance 477 HIGH FALLS MILLS LLC 1714 CAROLINA MILL RD BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Alamance 1757 GB LABELS, INC. 1070 S. RIVERVIEW DRIVE BURLINGTON AA NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 1770 GIBSONVILLE, CITY OF E JOYNER ST GIBSONVILLE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 2041 MASSEY RESIDENCE, GLEN 540 TROLLINGWOOD ROAD HAW RIVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ALAMANCE 3056 BRADLEY ST SOLVENTS 704 BRADLEY ST BURLINGTON Pendin NCD982140 ALAMANCE 014 HYDRO EXTRUSION USA BLDG NO.1 1507 INDUSTRY DRIVE BURLINGTON SPL NCD060289 ALAMANCE 469 1 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. 1 664 GILMER STREET BURLINGTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 1655 RENTAL TOWEL AND UNIFORM 610 WOODY DR GRAHAM Pending NCD 144212 Evaluation ALAMANCE 701 WOODY DRIVE VOCS 609 WOODY DRIVE GRAHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ALAMANCE 1968 MEREDITH-WEBB PRINTING COMPANY 334 N MAIN STREET BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 LEESONA - ALAMANCE CO PLANT - Alamance 1991 NONUST 2727 TUCKER ST. EXT BURLINGTON SPL NONCD000 Alamance 2767 WRIGHTENBERRY MILLS 405 SOUTH MAIN STREET GRAHAM NFA NONCD000 ALAMANCE 2382 REDMAN FACILITY FRMR 200 REDMAN CROSSING ROAD MEBANE NFA NCDO85443 ALAMANCE 182 AMETEK INC./LAMB ELEC DIVISION 704 MYRTLE DR GRAHAM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 2571 SYKES RESIDENCE, RONNIE 1456 GANT ROAD GRAHAM Pending NC0001206 ALAMANCE 473 GLEN RAVEN MILLS TUCKER STREET C BURLINGTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 3224 CAROLINA HOSIERY MILLS, INC 220 Elmira St BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 1949 KAYSER-ROTH - GRAHAM-C 219 W. HARDEN ST. GRAHAM Pending NONCD000 N GRAHAM HOPEDALE RD Evaluation ALAMANCE 3057 CONTAMINATION N GRAHAM HOPEDALE RD BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ALAMANCE 2885 ANNEDEEN HOSIERY BLDG 717 NORTH PARK AVE BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Alamance 2053 McDonald Residence, Elizabeth 3560 Mt. Herman Rock Creek Rd Graham Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ALAMANCE 2837 B & C GROCERY 942 E HARDEN ST GRAHAM Pending NONCD000 Alamance 2259 PANTRY 161 - SOLVENTS 1031 HWY 87 NORTH ELON NFA NONCD000 Voluntary ALAMANCE 0002 BURLINGTON COAL GAS PLANT 1205 N CHURCH ST BURLINGTON (AA) NONCD000 Alamance 2710 WestPoint Home, Inc. - Alamance 2516 Industry Drive Burlington NFA NONCD000 ALAMANCE 0030 COLLINS AND AIKMAN 327 EAST ELM ST. GRAHAM SPL NONCD000 NCDOT - SITE #26 MARTIN MARIETTA Evaluation Alamance 2140 BURLING 1671 HUFFMAN MILL RD BURLINGTON Pending NONCD000 ALAMANCE 3081 HYDRO EXTRUSION USA BLDGS 2 AND 3 1512 AND 1516 INDUSTRY DR BURLINGTON NFA ALEXANDE NCDO03223 R 799 CLAYTON-MARCUS CO., INC. HWY 127 N BETHLEHEM NFA ALEXANDE NCD981932 R 932 PCB CONTAMINATION WELLS ROUTE 12 BOX 479 TAYLORSVILLE NFA ALLEGHAN NCD982119 Y 638 LAUREL SPRINGS HWY 18 LAUREL SPRINGS NFA ALLEGHAN NCDO03466 Y 505 SPARTA INDUSTRIES - NEW PLANT 1731 US HWY 21 SOUTH SPARTA NFA ALLEGHAN NONCD000 Y 0086 SPARTA INDUSTIRES US HWY 21 SPARTA NFA NONCD000 NFA w/ ANSON 1187 COFFING HOISTS 2020 COUNTRY CLUB RD WADESBORO Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation ANSON 1 142 FLYNT/WANSONA ONE WANSONA PLACE WADESBORO Pending NCD986171 ANSON 924 GOAT PASTURE ROAD SR 1114 WADESBORO NFA NONCD000 Voluntary Anson 1544 COOKSON FIBERS HIGHWAY 52 NORTH ANSONVILLE AA NONCD000 ANSON 1046 B&H RECYCLERS 7256 US 74 W POLKTON SPL NCD980579 ANSON 601 CHEMICAL SECURITY SYSTEMS SR 1812 ANSONVILLE NFA NCD986171 ANSON 932 HIGHTOWER ROAD SRI101 WADESBORO NFA NONCD000 GLENN MANUFACTURING/DECORATIVE Voluntary Anson 1779 HOME ACCE HWY 52 & RATLIFF GIN ROAD MORVEN AA NONCD000 ASHE 1077 CATAWISSA LUMBER CO 301 LOCUST ST WEST JEFFERSON SPL NONCD000 ASHE 1052 THOMASVILLE FURNITURE 151 SMETHPORT DRIVE WEST JEFFERSON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Ashe 2150 NCDOT - SITE #73 Epp 1608 Highway 221 North Jefferson I Pending NONCD000 PIEDMONT CONCRETE DBA DIXIE Ashe 2302 CONCRETE-B 126 BEAVER CREEK ROAD WEST JEFFERSON NFA NCDO03167 Ekbo ASHE 780 SPRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY HWY 194 LANSING SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Ashe 2648 UNITED CHEMI-CON - NONUST 185 MCNEIL RD. LANSING Pending NONCD000 Avery 2192 NCDOT/FRANKLIN RESIDENCE OFF 181, RT 2 NEWLAND Non-Haz Site NONCD000 Voluntary AVERY 2802 NEWLAND PESTICIDES SITE 1339 NEWLAND HWY NEWLAND AA NONCD000 Evaluation AVERY 1102 BLUE RIDGE AUTO SALES 7786 LINVILLE FALLS HWY ALTAMONT Pending NONCD000 BEAUFORT 2816 RADCLIFFE MARINE PRIVATEER BOATS HWY 264 BYPASS N BELHAVEN SPL NCD041519 BEAUFORT 364 TEXASGULF CHEMICALS COMPANY HWY 306 NORTH AURORA SPL NONCD000 OFF SR 1509, NEAR Beaufort 1814 HAMILTON BEACH/PROCTOR SILEX WASHINGTON A WASHINGTON SPL NCD003196 BEAUFORT 847 NATIONAL SPINNING COMPANY WEST 3RD STREET WASHINGTON SPL NCD072012 SINGER CO/FURNITURE DIV BEAUFORT 354 WASHINGTON STATE ROAD 1175 CHOCOWINITY SPL NONCD000 BEAUFORT 1055 PERKINS AUTO BODY REPAIR SHOP 5TH STREET WASHINGTON NFA NCD986197 Voluntary BEAUFORT 275 WASHINGTON COAL GAS PLANT West 3rd Street WASHINGTON AA NCD091567 Evaluation BEAUFORT 065 STANADYNE, INC/DIESEL SYSTEMS CLARKS NECK RD WASHINGTON Pending NONCD000 BEAUFORT 1164 COOPERAGE TRACT NC 99 & US 264 BELHAVEN SPL NONCD000 BEAUFORT 1207 APAC-WASHINGTON ASPHALT PLANT DIRT RD WASHINGTON SPL NONCD000 BEAUFORT 1285 MASON LUMBER CO FRMR 1835 W 5TH ST WASHINGTON NFA NONCD000 BEAUFORT 1168 RIVER CITY CONSTRUCTION CO 3534 CHERRY RUN RD WASHINGTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Beaufort 2510 Southside Home & Garden NC HWY 33 E Chocowinity Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BERTIE 2087 ROXOBEL TEXACO 102 N MAIN ST ROXOBEL Pending NCD042091 BERTIE 215 RJR TECH COMPANY 841 AVOCA FARM RD MERRY HILL SPL NCD052553 BERTIE 641 WEYERHAEUSER CO/LEWISTON HWY 308 W LEWISTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Bertie 2326 POWELL AND STOKES, INC 225 US 13N WINDSOR Pending NONCD000 I Evaluation BERTIE 1904 BAZEMORE GROCERY 730 MT OLIVE RD REPUBLICAN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Bcrtie 2176 NCDOT ASPHALT TESTING LAB SITE # 50 SE OF NCI & NC308 LEWISTON Pending NONCD000 NFA w/ Bladen 2776 CSX-ROSINDALE 7 MI. EAST OF CLARKTON CLARKTON Restrictions NONCD000 ELIZABETHTOW Evaluation Bladen 1539 CONGENTRIX-ELIZABETHTOWN 3100 WEST BROAD STREET N Pending NCD981922 Voluntary BLADEN 362 GREIF, INC 409 E ELM ST BLADENBORO AA NONCD000 Evaluation BLADEN 1801 COLLEGE STREET SOLVENT RELEASE COLLEGE ST AND GREEN ST CLARKTON Pending NONCD000 ELIZABETHTOW BLADEN 0082 CAPE FEAR CHEMICALS/HL BRICE HWY 701 S N SPL NONCD000 NEAR HWY 87 & DUPONT RR BLADEN 2467 HWY 87 METHANOL SPILL SPUR NFA NONCD000 Brunswick 1799 GREGORY POOLE EQUIPMENT CO, 151 BACKHOE RD. LELAND NFA BRUNSWIC NCSFN0406 K 896 MULBERRY ROAD N MULBERRY RD NW SHALLOTTE NFA BRUNSWIC NONCD000 K 0072 LOWE'S PROPERTY 4891 LONG BEACH RD SOUTHPORT NFA BRUNSWIC NONCD000 K 1805 EXXON PIPELINE RIVER RD LELAND SPL BRUNSWIC NCD045920 NFA w/ K 279 HOLDING POND FOR WASTE/USS 100 QUALITY DR NAVASSA Restrictions BRUNSWIC NCD075578 K 385 PFIZER INC/THOMAS PHILLIPS MOORE ST SR 1528 SOUTHPORT NFA BRUNSWIC NCD091570 K 960 CAROLINA P&L CO. BRUNSWICK STEAM HWY 87 SOUTHPORT NFA BRUNSWIC NCD091572 NATIONAL STARCH & CHEMICAL K 073 COMPANY 2271 ANDREW JACKSON HWY LELAND SPL BRUNSWIC NCD093137 K 636 GENERAL WOOD PRESERVING CO., INC. HWY 74/76 LELAND SPL BRUNSWIC NCN000407 K 775 1 ROYSTER FERTILIZER 1690 NE ROYSTER RD LELAND SPL BRUNSWIC NONCD000 Evaluation K 1556 QUARTER HORSE LANE PROPERTY 6450 QUARTER HORSE LANE OCEAN ISLE Pending BRUNSWIC NONCD000 Evaluation K 3084 LELAND AUTO SALVAGE 142 AND 150 S NAVASSA RD LELAND Pending BRUNSWIC NONCD000 MOLPUS WOODLANDS PLANE CRASH Evaluation K 3024 SITE TOWN CREEK RD LELAND Pending BRUNSWIC NONCD000 Voluntary K 2511 SOUTH BRUNSWICK MIDDLE SCHOOL 100 COUGAR DRIVE SOUTHPORT AA BRUNSWIC NCD982119 K 612 NC DOT MAINTENANCE YARD PCB BRIDGERS ROAD SHALLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Brunswick 2228 Oak Island Police Dept. 4621 E. Oak Island Drive Oak Island SPL BRUNSWIC NONCD000 D&G PROPERTIES -SLAUGHTERHOUSE K 1155 PARCEL ROYSTER RD NAVASSA SPL BRUNSWIC NONCD000 Evaluation K 1100 DUPONT DUMP NORTH OF SR 1430 NAVASSA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Brunswick 1897 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL SALES & SERV 2051 ANDREW JACKSON HWY LELAND Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Brunswick 3151 STEVENS PARK W 9th Street and Maple Street south ort Pending BRUNSWIC NC0000183 K 103 CHEMICAL CARTAGE COMPANY 141 OLD FAYETTEVILLE RD. LELAND NFA BRUNSWIC NCD001704 WILMINGTON BRANCH/BORDEN/SMITH K 980 DOUGL NAVASSA ROAD NAVASSA SPL BRUNSWIC NCD003184 K 710 CAROLINA CREOSOTING CORPORATION EASTBROOK ROAD LELAND SPL BRUNSWIC NCD986215 K 671 ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND PCB 1730 E MOORE ST SOUTHPORT NFA BRUNSWIC NONCD000 K 2790 RIVERS JUNKYARD 5501 DOGWOOD ST WINNABOW SPL BRUNSWIC NONCD000 K 2788 ALLOWAY RESIDENCE 405 PARADISE LANE SHALLOTTE SPL BRUNSWIC NONCD000 K 1967 AMERICAN DISTILLATION, INC 1690 NE ROYSTER RD LELAND SPL NONCD000 Brunswick 2225 Nucon 1969 Popular Street Leland NFA BRUNSWIC NCO210020 SUNNY POINT OCEAN Evaluation K 541 US DOD MILITARY OCEAN TERMINAL TERMINL SOUTHPORT Pending BRUNSWIC NCD986215 Evaluation K 242 P AND W WASTE OIL 10518 Ro ster Rd LELAND Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 1451 CAROLINA TIRE #2936 990 PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 3028 MARTEL MILL 1990 RIVERSIDE DR ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 1452 CAROLINA TIRE 2945 2300 HENDERSONVILLE ROAD ARDEN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 3030 EAST -WEST CAPITAL 217 COXE AVE ASHEVILLE Pending NCD981015 BUNCOMBE 886 CAROLINA PRODUCTION FINISHING 105 FAIRVIEW RD ASHEVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 1450 CAROLINA TIRE #2933 670 WEAVERVILLE HWY. ASHEVILLE Pending NCD062552 BUNCOMBE 153 SAYLES-BILTMORE BLEACHERIES SWANNANOA RD ASHEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 2212 Norfolk Southern Railyard- PCE 33 Meadow Road Asheville Pending NCD071065 BUNCOMBE 957 PATHOLOGISTS MEDICAL LAB 104 DOCTORS BLD, DRS. DRI ASHEVILLE NFA NCN000407 BUNCOMBE 672 BEACON MANUFACTURING 2425 US HWY 70 SWANNANOA SPL NCD986188 BUNCOMBE 308 HIGHWAY 29 DUMP SITE I - 26 ASHEVILLE NFA NC4210020 BUNCOMBE 042 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 224 LOUISIANA ASHEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 1525 COCA -COLA CO. SKYLAND CLAYTON RD. SKYLAND Pending NCD052813 BUNCOMBE 250 AMERICAN ENKA COMPANY/BASF US 19 & 23 WEST ENKA NFA NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 2742 PARKWAY CHEVROLET FRMR 205 SMOKEY PARK HWY ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 3008 RIVERSIDE DRIVE CONTAMINATION RIVERSIDE DR WOODFIN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 3070 MCDOWELL ST SOLVENTS 3 MCDOWELL ST ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 2361 RadioShack Property 11 I Old Bee Tree Road Swannanoa Pendin NONCD000 HWY 74 CHARLOTTE Evaluation Buncombe 1704 FAIRVIEW 66 SOLVENT CONTAMINATION HIGHWAY FAIRVIEW Pending NCN000407 Voluntary BUNCOMBE 206 SHULIMSON BROTHERS SCRAP YARD MEADOW ROAD ASHEVILLE (AA) NCD062548 Voluntary BUNCOMBE 995 QUORUM KNITTING REEMS CREEK RD WEAVERVILLE AA NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 3068 EXXON GAS STATION FRMR 51 MERRIMON AVE ASHEVILLE Pending NCD986188 Voluntary BUNCOMBE 787 ASHEVILLE COAL GAS PLANT #1 31 Riverside Drive ASHEVILLE AA NONCD000 NFA w/ BUNCOMBE 2801 SWANNANOA DJJDP PROPERTY WOODLAND DR SWANNANOA Restrictions NCD002221 BUNCOMBE 703 SYBRON ARDEN PLANT 95 GLENN BRIDGE ROAD ARDEN NFA NONCD000 Voluntary BUNCOMBE 0032 ASHEVILLE COAL GAS PLANT #2 173 S Charotte Street ASHEVILLE AA NONCD000 EVE Evaluation Buncombe 1271 ANDREX INDUSTRIES 180 DEAVERVIEW RD. ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 NEW LEICESTER HWY PCE Evaluation BUNCOMBE 2971 CONTAMINATION 3161 NEW LEICESTER HWY LEICESTER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 1772 GIRMES - FORMERLY SKF US 74 ASHEVILLE Pending NCD000830 BUNCOMBE 638 CAROLINA P&L CO. ASHEVILLE STEAM LONG SHOALS RD SKYLAND NFA NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 2626 ROBERTS ST ORGANICS 109 ROBERTS ST ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 ALBANYINTERNATIONAL /CHEYNEY Buncombe 1237 BIGELOW P WEAVERVILLE HIGHWAY WEAVERVILLE NFA NONCD000 VOLVO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Evaluation BUNCOMBE 2887 FRMR 2169 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Buncombe 2274 PATTIES BOOK SWAP 1478 PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 2066 METPRO PROP. FOR. DRY CLEANER 1030 PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 2038 SILVERMAN PROPERTY 48 SWANNANOA RIVER RD ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 0 Evaluation Buncombe 1290 ASHEVILLE MICA COMPANY 75 THOMPSON STREET ASHEVILLE Pending NCD002464 Voluntary BUNCOMBE 691 ALLIANCE CAROLINA TOOL AND MOLD SR 3495-GLENN BRIDGE RD ARDEN AA NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 3141 LYMAN ST SOLVENT CONTAMINATION 175 LYMAN ST ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Voluntary BUNCOMBE 1108 RENTAL UNIFORM SERVICE 1829 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE (AA) NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 2599 TICAR CHEMICAL CO PO BOX 4205 ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 1172 HYMAN YOUNG GREENHOUSE 675 CEDAR HILL RD ASHEVILLE Pending NCD083673 BLACK BUNCOMBE 681 SINGER CO/KEARFOTT DIV HIGHWAY 70 MOUNTAIN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 2284 GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE BLDG 499 CHARLOTTE ST ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 1162 CHAMPION FINISHING CO 200 BINGHAM RD ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 1163 SMITH'S AEROSPACE 401 SWEETEN CREEK IND. PK. ASHEVILLE Pending NCD003163 Voluntary BUNCOMBE 730 GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORP. 1396 Charlotte Hwy FAIRVIEW AA NONCD000 BUNCOMBE 0061 BULL MOUNTAIN RD DUMP BLUE RIDGE PKWY MP 373.5 NFA NCD981474 BUNCOMBE 158 SWEETEN CREEK DRUM SITE 115 SWEETEN CREEK ROAD ASHEVILLE SPL NCD980558 BUNCOMBE 761 GS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 275 AIKEN RD ASHEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 3206 ETHAN ALLEN WOODFIN 950 RIVERSIDE DR WOODFIN Pending NONCD000 LYTLE COVE RD SOLVENT Evaluation BUNCOMBE 1379 CONTAMINATION LYTLE COVE RD SWANNANOA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 1863 Home Solutions former 1625 Patton Avenue Asheville Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 2679 VULCAN MATERIALS P.O. BOX 156 ENKA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 2878 ROBERTS ST HATCHERY 144 ROBERTS ST ASHEVILLE Pending NCD079070 BUNCOMBE 702 DOTSON METAL FINISHING, INC. HWY 74 E ASHEVILLE NFA NONCD000 SWEETEN CREEK ROAD Evaluation BUNCOMBE 3159 CONTAMINATION 1140 SWEETEN CREEK RD ASHEVILLE Pendin NCD986166 BUNCOMBE 320 MARTINS CREEK ROAD MARTIN'S CREEK ROAD BARNARDSVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 1357 Blue Ridge Broadcasting 3049 US Highway 70 Black Mountain Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 1890 CHRISTIAN CREEK RD PCE 124 CHRISTIAN CREEK RD SWANNANOA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 2483 SMOKY MOUNTAIN MACHINE 80 MCINTOSH RD. ASHEVILLE Pending NCD079068 BUNCOMBE 607 CLARK EQUIPMENT COMPANY HIGHWAY 25 SOUTH SKYLAND NFA NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 0045 ALCAN PACKAGING 3055 SWEETEN CREEK RD ASHEVILLE Pending NCD003951 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 878 SQUARE D COMPANY 128 BINGHAM RD ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 3086 ASHEVILLE TANNERY 339 OLD LYMAN STREET ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 BUNCOMBE 0034 ASHEVILLE INDUSTRIES 20 GLEN BRIDGE RD/SR3495 ARDEN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 1323 BASF-ENKA (OTM BUILDING SANDHILL ROAD ASHEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Buncombe 2068 Micromatic/Textron Facility 105 Lytle Cove Road Swannanoa Pending NONCD000 Evaluation BUNCOMBE 2263 HAYWOOD RD CONTAMINATION 520 HAYWOOD RD ASHEVILLE Pending NCD986215 CONNELLY BURKE 499 PARKER INDUSTRIES 4867 RHONEY ROAD SPRINGS NFA NCD067392 CONNELLY BURKE 175 TRAMCO, INC. SR 1611 SPRINGS SPL NONCD000 Evaluation BURKE 2922 ANTIOCH FOOD MART 2940 NC 18 MORGANTON Pending NCD986176 BURKE 477 LAKE JAMES UNDERWATER BOX GLEN ALPINE NFA NCD091258 BURKE 517 DANA CORPORATION 105 WAMSUTTA MILL ROAD MORGANTON NFA NCD980847 BURKE 123 HURT RESIDENCE HWY 64 MORGANTON SPL NCD981023 BURKE 732 NEUVILLE SOCK PROPERTY US 64/70 1-40 ACCESS ROAD HILDEBRAN SPL NCD981472 BURKE 624 US 70 DRUM DUMP US 70 MORGANTON SPL NONCD000 GEORGE HILDEBRAND SCH. CONNELLY Evaluation Burke 1766 GEO HILDEBRAND ELEM. SCHOOL RD. SPRINGS Pending NONCD000 I Evaluation Burke 1689 ETHAN ALLEN FACILITY (FORMER) 1185 DREXEL RD. VALDESE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Burke 1434 CAPRI INDUSTRIES, INC. 1401 BURKEMONT AVE. MORGANTON Pending NCD000609 BURKE 784 PT COMPONENTS INC ONE CHAIN DR MORGANTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Burke 1398 BURKE MILLS, INC. 119 STERLING ST. VALDESE Pending NCD000623 BURKE 140 DURACELL INTL. LITHIUM SYSTEMS LOVELADY LN VALDESE NFA NONCD000 CONNELLY Evaluation BURKE 1246 VINCENTE WELL 17761 STONE PATH LANE SPRINGS Pending NCD003163 BURKE 888 HENREDON FURNITURE 400 HENREDON RD MORGANTON SPL NCD003167 BURKE 988 MARANTZ PIANO CO INC/ANEVKA, INC HWY 64/70 E MORGANTON NFA NONCD000 BURKE 1098 NATIONAL TEXTILES, LLP REEP DRIVE MORGANTON SPL NONCD000 BURKE 0051 BURKE COUNTY SCHOOL PROPERTY NC 126 & WATER MILL GLEN MORGANTON NFA NCN000410 BURKE 280 GREAT LAKES CARBON CORPORATION 307 JAMESTOWN ROAD MORGANTON SPL NCN000410 Evaluation BURKE 098 BURLINGTON 100 BURKE ST RHODHISS Pending NCD049997 Evaluation BURKE 786 INMONT CORP/BASF CORPORATION HWY 70 W MORGANTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Burke 2572 T&T SUPERMARKET 261 WEST FLEMING DRIVE MORGANTON Pending NCD055161 BURKE 186 ROMARCO, LTD. ROMARCO RD MORGANTON NFA NONCD000 RUTHERFORD BURKE 2783 VALDESE MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG 720 MALCOLM BLVD COLLEGE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Cabarrus 2079 MINI -MART JL 1250 OLD CHARLOTTE RD. CONCORD Pending NCD003152 CONCORD TELEPHONE/REICHHOLD CABARRUS 659 CHEMICAL 161 BUFFALO AVENUE CONCORD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Cabarrus 2533 STAR AMERICA INC - Mt Pleasant 8455 NC Hwy 49N Mt. Pleasant Pending NONCD000 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #4 (M & M N OF HWY 73, S OF I-85, W OF Evaluation Cabarrus 2167 MINERALS) H CONCORD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Cabarrus 2168 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #40/13LYTHE IND. 7450 POPLAR TENT ROAD CONCORD Pending NCN000407 CABARRUS 204 PHOENIX MINE PHOENIX CIR CONCORD NFA NCD000822 CABARRUS 304 BREY MCNAR WWTP NC HWY 49 NR US HWY 601 CONCORD NFA NCD991278 CABARRUS 755 MARTINS BATTERY SALVAGE, INC. 5500 ASHLAND RD KANNAPOLIS SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Cabarrus 2460 SERVCO STATION FORMER 520 N CANNON BLVD KANNAPOLIS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Cabarrus 1373 BRAKE XPERTS FORMER 1579 HIGHWAY 29N CONCORD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CABARRUS 2966 HOMETOWN CONVENIENCE L610 8830 E FRANKLIN ST MT PLEASANT Pending NCD981031 CABARRUS 511 LOVE BATTERY SITE US HIGHWAY 29 & LIST AVE CONCORD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CABARRUS 1215 WAYNE'S AUTO SALVAGE 11801 MOORESVILLE RD DAVIDSON Pending NONCD000 CABARRUS 2803 FERREE PROPERTY 1140 & 1150 IVEY CLINE RD CONCORD NFA NCD093334 CABARRUS 969 S & S METALS RECYCLING COMPANY SHORTCUT ROAD/SR 2455 GOLD HILL SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Cabarrus 2406 ROACH, INC HALE TRAILER.. 1335 IVEY CLINE ROAD CONCORD Pending NCD991277 CABARRUS 773 CONCORD ROCKY RIVER REGIONAL BREEZY LANE CONCORD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CABARRUS 1561 FREDRICKSON MOTORS EXP PCE 2244 PITTS SCHOOL RD CONCORD Pending NONCD000 Cabarrus 1581 DA MOORE CORPORATION 2 36 OAK DRIVE CONCORD NFA NONCD000 106 OLD DAVIDSON PLACE Evaluation Cabarrus 1933 JOHNSON CONCRETE/PIEDMONT BLOCK NW CONCORD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Cabarrus 1594 DB PENNINGTON ESTATE 869 West C St. Kanna olis Pending NCD980729 CABARRUS 651 SOUTHERN LATEX CORP. 379 CENTRAL DRIVE CONCORD NFA NCD980557 CABARRUS 722 HARRISBURG BATTERY 2609 HIGHWAY 49 HARRISBURG SPL NONCD000 BRUMLEY AVE NE & CHURCH Evaluation CABARRUS 2929 BRUMLEY AVE NE & CHUCH ST N ST N CONCORD Pending NC0001096 CABARRUS 601 BRANCH BATTERY 658 SUNDERLAND ROAD CONCORD NFA NCD981031 CABARRUS 578 RAINBOW DRIVE BATTERY SR 1646 KANNAPOLIS SPL NONCD000 CABARRUS 1039 OVERCASH GRAVEL & GRADING CO. INC. 1150 SHELTON ROAD CONCORD SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Cabarrus 1885 HWY 601 AND HWY 24/27, MIDLAND HWY 601 AND HWY 24/27 MIDLAND Pending NCD986185 CABARRUS 403 CLINE PCB CONTAMINATED WELL 2648 CENTER GROVE ROAD KANNAPOLIS NFA NONCD000 CABARRUS 0083 CHEESMAN PROPERTY 3251 GREGORY ROAD ROCKWELL NFA NCD986197 Voluntary CABARRUS 333 CONCORD COAL GAS PLANT 183 Academy Avenue NW CONCORD AA NONCD000 Evaluation CABARRUS 2982 TURKEY ROAD PCE TURKEY RD KANNAPOLIS Pending NONCD000 CABARRUS 1015 MARY CIRCLE BATTERY ZION CHURCH & MARY CRL CONCORD SPL NONCD000 CABARRUS 1026 COOK PROPERTY COLD SPRINGS ROAD CONCORD NFA NONCD000 CABARRUS 0012 WHITES GRAVEL PIT 1515 HWY 49 SOUTH CONCORD SPL NONCD000 CABARRUS 0802 LES MYERS PARK LAWNDALE AVENUE EXT. CONCORD SPL NCN000410 Evaluation CABARRUS 583 VILLA MHP-BATTERYDUMP IRENE AVE & VENICE ST KANNAPOLIS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Cabarrus 2639 TUSCARORA YARNS, INC. 8760 E. FRANKLIN ST. MT. PLEASANT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CABARRUS 2823 STOGNER RESIDENCE 8500 FLOWE'S ST CONCORD Pending NONCD000 MOUNT CABARRUS 1 115 HAHN DAIRY FARM LONG RUN FARM RD PLEASANT NFA NONCD000 CABARRUS AVE & OLD CABARRUS 1122 CABARRUSROUNDABOUT CHARLOTTE CONCORD SPL NCD986232 CABARRUS 700 RILEY BATTERY SITE DILEEN DRIVE CONCORD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CABARRUS 3092 CHESTNUT AVE SOIL CONTAMINATION 203 CHESTNUT AVE KANNAPOLIS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CABARRUS 1860 I85 & HWY73 CHLORINATED SOLVENTS 4662 DAVIDSON HWY CONCORD Pending NCN000410 PATTERSON AVE & BONNIE Evaluation CABARRUS 937 PATTERSON AVE BATTERY DUMP ST-SE CONCORD Pending NONCD000 CALDWELL 1009 SINGER PLANT #2 VIRGINIA STREET LENOIR SPL NCN000410 Evaluation Caldwell 100 APPALACHIAN CHEMICAL COMPANY S.R. 1159, WEBB-PRICE ROAD GRANITE FALLS Pending NCD980799 CALDWELL 142 CALDWELL INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC SPARTAN ROAD HUDSON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CALDWELL 1597 AVERY DENNISON (FMR PAXAR CORP 950 GERMAN ST LENOIR Pending NCD980839 CALDWELL 757 INDIAN GRAVE GAP DRUM DISPOSAL APPROX 2 MLS N OF SR 1513 LENOIR SPL NONCD000 Caldwell 2195 NEPTCO PLANT TRC ENV CONSULTANTS LENIOR NFA NCD991278 CALDWELL 466 BROYHILL FURNITURE MILLER HILL NC 18 S LENOIR NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CALDWELL 1189 CROSSROADS OIL 320 ELIZABETH ST LENOIR Pending NONCD000 CALDWELL 1008 HAMMORY/KINCAID FURNITURE 2961 ROCKY RD GAMEWELL NFA NCD986171 CALDWELL 262 MARSHALL MONEY BUCKET WASHING HWY 321 NORTH LENOIR NFA NONCD000 CALDWELL 1031 WIENBERGER PROPERTY SMOKEY GREEN ROAD GAMEWELL NFA NONCD000 CALDWELL 1036 JOYCETON WATER WORKS WELLS 2 & 9 N OF SWANSON RD LENOIR SPL NONCD000 Voluntary Caldwell 1245 ALLEN-BECK NON -PETROLEUM HWY 321 N. GRANITE FALLS AA NCD986204 mma CALDWELL 758 GAMEWELL DRUM SITE CRAIG MOUNTAIN ROAD GAMEWELL NFA NCD986190 CALDWELL 858 OAKHILL PCB SR 1719 LENOIR NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Caldwell 1416 Caldwell Freight Lines mi 2550 Hickory Boulevard Southwe Lenoir Pending NCD053009 CALDWELL 510 RELIANCE UNIVERSAL OF KENTUCKY 1713 MAIN STREET NW LENOIR NFA NCD079066 CALDWELL 833 LENOIR REFINING COMPANY 263 PENNTON AVE NW LENOIR SPL NCD079047 CALDWELL 148 CHEMICAL COATINGS HIGHWAY 301 BYPASS HUDSON NFA NCD000604 Evaluation CALDWELL 322 SINGER CO/FURNITURE DIV PLTS 3 904 VIRGINIA STREET LENOIR Pending NCD062568 CALDWELL 035 SINGER CO/FURNITURE DIV 5 6 7 2424 NORWOOD ST-HWY 321S LENOIR NFA NCD000604 CALDWELL 330 SINGER CO/FURNITURE DIV PLT 1 1409 WEST COLLEGE AVE, SW LENOIR NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Caldwell 3238 STEELE COTTON MILL 1201 STEEL ST LENOIR Pending NCDO54290 NFA w/ CALDWELL 770 THOMASVILLE FURNITURE INDS/LENOIR 315 ELIZABETH ST NW LENOIR Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation CALDWELL 3071 DAFCO ABANDONNED TOTES 2698 HICKORY BLVD HUDSON Pending NCD046149 CALDWELL 019 HISTRAND CHEMICAL, INC. HWY 9 LENOIR SPL NCD045456 Evaluation CALDWELL 134 BUSS AUTOMATION INCORPORATED 511 CREEKWAY DR, NW LENOIR Pending NCD980557 Evaluation CALDWELL 888 LENOIR CITY LANDFILL 829 FAIRVIEW DR SW LENOIR Pending NCDO03158 CALDWELL 979 BERNHART FURNITURE CO. PLANT #2 VIRGINIA ST LENOIR NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Carteret 1298 ATLANTIC AUTO SALVAGE 5871 HWY 70 EAST NEWPORT Pending NONCD000 CARTERET 2091 MOREHEAD MARINE FORMER 4971 ARENDELL ST MOREHEAD CITY SPL NC3131430 CARTERET 180 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERV. ARENDELL STREET BEAUFORT NFA NONCD000 CARTERET 1233 LOFTIN PROPERTY 2361 LENNOXVILLE RD BEAUFORT SPL NC5210022 CARTERET 906 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 405 FISHER ST MOREHEAD CITY SPL NC5690308 ATLANTIC CARTERET 262 ANT USCG FORT MACON STATION FORT MACON ROAD BEACH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CARTERET 1466 BEACHVIEW EXXON 2410 ARENDELL ST MOREHEAD CITY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CARTERET 3149 GALLANT MARITIME 293 W BEAUFORT RD EXT BEAUFORT Pending NCSFN0407 CARTERET 074 NC MARITIME MUSEUM 310 FRONT ST BEAUFORT SPL NONCD000 1290 & 1295 MARSHALLBERG CARTERET 2792 MARSHALLBERG BOAT YARD RD MARSHALLBERG SPL NCD980557 CARTERET 862 GUTHRIE, ERNEST PROPERTY 260 UTOPIA DRIVE NEWPORT NFA NONCD000 199 UTOPIA DR-170 CARTERET 1820 HANKISON INTERNATIONAL HANKINSON DR NEWPORT NFA NONCD000 Carteret 2096 MOREHEAD CITY DMV 5347 HWY. 70 WEST MOREHEAD CITY NFA NONCD000 CARTERET 1347 ZAR PROPERTY 2371 LENNOXVILLE RD BEAUFORT NFA NONCD000 BURLINGTON IND. - WILLIAMSBURG Evaluation Caswell 1401 PLANT SR 1100 MATKINS Pending NONCD000 CASWELL 3015 CAMP SPRING 76 8920 CHERRY GROVE RD REIDSVILLE NFA NONCD000 W OF NC 86 400 FT S OF VA CASWELL 1038 BRYANT FARM DRUM DUMP LINE GATEWOOD SPL NONCD000 Evaluation CASWELL 2411 CORBETT RIDGE GROCERY 4887 CORBETT RIDGE RD YANCEYVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Caswell 1928 JIMMYS QUICKIE MART 6883 OLD HIGHWAY 86 PROVIDENCE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 2846 HICKORY WIRE (AKA MOSER PROPERTY) 1711 11TH AVE SW HICKORY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 1903 REGAL MANUFACTURING 212 12TH AVE HICKORY Pending NCSFN0406 CATAWBA 911 CAROLINA ASSOCIATED MILL 766 HWY 10 W NEWTON SPL NONCD000 HICKORY-LINCOLNTON HWY WELLS HICKORY-LINCOLNTON HWY Evaluation CATAWBA 1997 (SWINKS) & ROCKY NEWTON Pending NCD000616 CATAWBA 763 HK RESEARCH CORPORATION 908 LENOIR HICKORY NFA NC6210021 CATAWBA 626 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 1500 12TH ST NW HICKORY NFA NONCD000 NORTHWEST BLVD PCE Evaluation CATAWBA 2020 CONTAMINATION 2950 NORTHWEST BLVD NEWTON Pending NCD044440 CATAWBA 642 LANE COMPANY, INC. 37 NINTH STREET PLACE, SE HICKORY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 2470 SHURTAPE TECHNOLOGIES 1620 HIGHLAND AVE., NE HICKORY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1308 BACHS MHP SITE BACH RD & HWY 150E SHERRILLS FORD Pending NONCD000 408 SOUTH MCLIN CREEK Evaluation Catawba 1728 FOAMEX LP I - CONOVER ROAD CONOVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1631 DOUG WHITE AUTO MART 3351 HIGHWAY 70E NEWTON Pending NONCD000 Voluntary CATAWBA 2304 CONOVER CHAIR COMPANY 210 FOURTH ST CONOVER (AA) NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 3106 SIXTEENTH ST PCE TCE 1400 16TH ST NE HICKORY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1625 DOMINION TEXTILES USA 155 21ST STREET NW HICKORY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1643 Dunmore Furniture 1245 3rd Street NE Hickory Pending NCD079049 CATAWBA 409 LANE CO. INC., VENTURE FURNITURE DEBORAH HERMAN RD CONOVER NFA NCD000648 CATAWBA 436 TREND LINE FURNITURE CORP. W HOLLY ST MAIDEN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 2103 MOUNTAIN VIEW MARKETPLACE 2341 Rockshire Lane off 127 S Hickory Pending NCD000648 CATAWBA 428 CARTER -WEBER INC. HICKORY PLANT 1120 TATE BLVD HICKORY NFA NCD105797 CATAWBA 922 TECHNIBILT/DIV OF WHITTAKER EAST PEACE ST NEWTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 2234 old sealtest dairy solvents 2115 Hwy 70 SE Hickory Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 2785 BROYHILL/FURNITURE BRANDS 409 4TH ST PLACE SE CONOVER Pending NCD991279 CATAWBA 118 MEREDITH/BURDA, INC. ST JAMES CHURCH RD NEWTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 2434 S&W CHEMICAL - SOLVENTS OLD US 70A CONOVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 2800 SPRINGS ROAD 76 2048 12TH AVE NE HICKORY Pending NCD055165 CATAWBA 609 PANTASOTE INC. FILM/COMPOUND DIV. 1508 S CENTER ST HICKORY SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 2535 STARNES MOBILE HOME 2111 31 ST AVE DR NE HICKORY Pending NCN000407 CATAWBA 700 SPRINGS ROAD GO CART TRACK 4254 SPRINGS RD CONOVER SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1912 J&G BROKERS - SOLVENTS 750 18TH STREET NE t HICKORY Pending NONCD000 117 SOUTH MCLIN CREEK Evaluation Catawba 1636 DUDE INC ROAD CONOVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 2825 ROBERT EXPRESS 606 LENOIR RHYNE BLVD HICKORY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 2811 PERFECT IMAGE THE 1907 3RD AVENUE DR NW HICKORY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1806 SHERRILLS FORD RD CONTAMINATION SHERRILLS FORD ROAD SHERRILLS FORD Pending NONCD000 CATAWBA COUNTY SCHOOL BUS Evaluation Catawba 1464 GARAGE - SOLVE 2440 NORTH MAIN AVENUE NEWTON Pending NCD066304 CATAWBA 627 PREMIUM COATINGS, INC. HWY 70A E. HICKORY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 2917 LANE VENTURE PLANT 14 1405 DEBORAH HERMAN RD CONOVER Pending NCD047285 CATAWBA 598 CAROLINA SOLVENTS, INC. 2274 1ST ST SE HICKORY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 2077 MILLS YARN, INC. 1125 7TH AVE N.W HICKORY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1465 CATAWBA TRUCK RENTAL CT GROUP 3350 N. OXFORD ST. CLAREMONT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1731 FOREST CITY TOOL 620 23RD ST NW LONG VIEW Pending NCD062550 Evaluation CATAWBA 082 CARPENTER CO - CONOVER PLANT 2009 KEISLER DAIRY RD CONOVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 1279 FRYE CREEK US 321 N S OF US 321 N & 7TH AVE NW HICKORY Pending NONCD000 NATIONAL PARTITIONS & INTERIORS Evaluation Catawba 2118 FORMER 321 EAST J STREET MAIDEN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1759 GELTMAN CORPORATION 1703 PINEVIEW ST, SE CONOVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 1286 MOSS FARM RD PCE 1993 MOSS FARM RD M HICKORY Pending NCD986166 CATAWBA 353 SOUTHERN DESK 1720 FIRST AVENUE, SW HICKORY NFA NCD081332 CATAWBA 991 TREND LINE FURNITURE CORP. 641 4TH STREET PLACE SW CONOVER NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CATAWBA 2040 HWY 70 PCE HICKORY 66 SERVICE 1727 HWY 70 SW HICKORY Pending NONCD000 Voluntary CATAWBA 2602 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL 1845 WITHERS RD MAIDEN AA NCD002388 CATAWBA 965 LACKAWANNA LEATHER CO., INC. HWY 70A WEST CONOVER SPL NONCD000 Catawba 2524 SPRINGS ROAD SOLVENTS 3360 SPRINGS ROAD NE HICKORY NFA NCD083682 CATAWBA 583 BROYHILL FURNITURE 2309 NORTH COLLEGE AVE NEWTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 2516 Spectrum Dyed Yarns 422 15th Street SW Hickory Pending NONCD000 CATAWBA 1114 CONOVER METAL PRODUCTS 315 S MCLIN CREEK RD CONOVER SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 2033 MARKET BASKET - SOLVENTS 6593 HIGHWAY 16 CONOVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1328 BEAM RESIDENCES KEN AND DON 3367 BURGANDY STREET MAIDEN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 2162 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #20 (APAC) 1520 11TH AVENUE SE HICKORY Pendin NCD003228 CATAWBA 087 S&W CHEMICALS, INC. OLD QUARRY ROAD SE HICKORY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1244 ALEXVALE FURNITURE PLANT #3 6005 HWY 10 WEST HICKORY Pending NONCD000 Voluntary CATAWBA 1085 HICKORY COAL GAS PLANT 625 12th Street Drive NW HICKORY AA NCD986166 CATAWBA 759 WILSON SEPTIC PITS SR 1131 HICKORY SPL NONCD000 1106 2ND STREET NE, 11 TH Evaluation Catawba 1213 2ND STREET NE SOLVENTS AVE N HICKORY Pending NONCD000 7150 NC HIGHWAY 10 WEST, Evaluation Catawba 2035 MARTINS FOOD CENTER - SOLVENTS BANOA VALE Pending NCD003221 CATAWBA 868 CENTURY FURNITURE COMPANY 420 12TH ST NW HICKORY SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1915 JACKSONLEA-TOLUENE AST 1701 HIGHWAY 70 EAST CONOVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1656 EAST I ITH STREET 100 EAST I ITH STREET NEWTON Pending NCD003228 CATAWBA 483 STYLE UPHOLSTERING, INC. 33 23RD AVE NE HICKORY NFA NONCD000 NFA w/ Catawba 1680 EMERSON LEATHER FORMER 816 13TH STREET NE HICKORY Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Catawba 1619 DIXIE YARNS - NEWTON 101 EAST 11 TH STREET NEWTON Pending NONCD000 GRIFFINS Evaluation Chatham 1990 LEE PAVING/NCDOT #48 SUGAR LAKE RD. [SR 1714] CROSSROADS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CHATHAM 1159 HYDRO TUBE SOUTH 1755 HILLSBORO ST PITTSBORO Pending NCD000830 CHATHAM 919 CAROLINA P&L CO. CAPE FEAR STM SR 1916 MONCURE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CHATHAM 1362 JAY'S HYDRAULICS FRMR 1911 NC HWY 902 PITTSBORO Pending NCD053488 ALLIED CHEMICAL CORP/PERFORMANCE Evaluation CHATHAM 409 FIBERS 338 PEA RIDGE ROAD NEW HILL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Chatham 1650 DYNEA 790 CORNITH ROAD MONCURE Pending NCD049845 CHATHAM 548 REICHHOLD CHEMICAL, INC. SR 1916 MONCURE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation CHATHAM 3052 TOWNSEND & MCcRARY 1101 AND 1200 E THIRD ST SILER CITY Pending NCD053488 Voluntary CHATHAM 557 SOUTHERN WOOD PIEDMONT COMPANY SR 2139 GULF (AA) NONCD000 Evaluation CHATHAM 3116 HART FURNITURE CO 420 E 3RD ST SILER CITY Pending NCD071567 CHATHAM 259 WEYERHAEUSER CO/MONCURE STATE ROAD 1916 MONCURE NFA NONCD000 Chatham 3197 3M Mineral - Moncure 4191 HWY 87 South MONCURE NFA NONCD000 Chatham 1485 CHATHAM MILLS, INC. 480 HILLSBORO STREET PITTSBORO SPL NONCD000 CHATHAM 0014 BOISE CASCADE SR 1916 MONCURE SPL NCD003234 CHATHAM 879 CHATHAM NOVELTIES COMPANY S CHATHAM AVE SILER CITY NFA NONCD000 CHATHAM 1110 WOODSON-TENET LABORATORIES 17570 HWY 902 GOLDSTON NFA NCD071581 CHATHAM 128 HARRELSON RUBBER COMPANY SOUTH CHATHAM AVENUE SILER CITY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CHEROKEE 1934 BRP US INC FRMR 3750 AIRPORT RD ANDREWS Pending NCD089989 Evaluation CHEROKEE 917 EMERSON ELECTRIC COMPANY US 64 MURPHY Pending NCD038551 CHEROKEE 263 TRI-COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE OFF US 64 E SOUTH OF NC I MURPHY SPL NONCD000 CHOWAN 2968 TOWN OF EDENTON STREET DEPT 120 W HICKS ST EDENTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Chowan 1496 CHOWAN VENEER CO 259 and 262 Coke Avenue Edenton Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CHOWAN 2063 EDENTON DYEING & FINISHING FRMR 125 DYE PLANT RD EDENTON Pending NONCD000 Chowan 1913 JACK MARSH SPILL HWY 17 & HWY 37 SO. EDENTON NFA NCN000407 CHOWAN 197 LEARY BROTHERS STORAGE FORMER VIRGINIA & BROAD STREET EDENTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation CHOWAN 3082 SIMPSON STRONG TIE FRMR 809 SOUNDSIDE RD EDENTON Pending NCD980844 CHOWAN 450 GRAMPION BOAT WORKS SR 119 EDENTON NFA NC0001402 CLAY 213 ELLIS JUNK YARD NEEDMORE DRIVE HAYESVILLE SPL NONCD000 CLAY 1099 C & L SURPLUS 1868 HWY 64 W HAYESVILLE SPL CLEVELAN NCD980729 D 354 FOOTE MINERAL OFF SOUTH SERVICE RD KINGS MTN NFA NCN000410 KINGS Evaluation Cleveland 427 SPECTRUM DYED YARNS 136 PATTERSON RD MOUNTAIN Pending CLEVELAN NCD980559 D 983 PPG IND., INC./WKS 52 WASHBURN SWITCH ROAD SHELBY SPL NONCD000 KINGS Evaluation Cleveland 2464 SHELBY ROAD PCE SITE 1505 SHELBY RD MOUNTAIN Pending CLEVELAN NONCD000 Evaluation D 2778 SHELBY FARMERS MARKET 200 W WARREN ST SHELBY Pend'n CLEVELAN NONCD000 D 1188 1 SHELBY BODY SHOP 1904 E DIXON BLVD SHELBY SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Cleveland 1923 JENKINS FOODS #2 2119 NEW HOUSE ROAD SHELBY Pending CLEVELAN NONCD000 D 1072 J & C DYEING 1000 WEST GROVER STREET SHELBY SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Cleveland 3167 CORMETECH, INC. 304 Linwood Road Kings Mountain Pending CLEVELAN NCN000407 Evaluation D 089 L AND R OIL RECOVERY 601 LINEBERGER ST SHELBY Pending CLEVELAN NCD000828 KINGS D 244 KINGS MOUNTAIN PILOT CREEK WWTP ROUTE 74 WEST MOUNTAIN NFA CLEVELAN NCD980558 D 803 SULTZER-RUTI, INC. HWY 29 NORTH GROVER NFA NONCD000 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #22 ( ASPHALT Evaluation Cleveland 2163 PAVING HWY74/LONG BRANCH ROAD SHELBY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Cleveland 2323 POST ROAD SITE 612 N. POST RD SHELBY Pending NONCD000 KINGS Evaluation Cleveland 1959 KINGS MOUNTAIN SMARTWAY U.S. 74 AND N.C. 161 MOUNTAIN Pending CLEVELAN NCD062566 Voluntary D 047 FASCO CONTROLS CORPORATION 1100 AIRPORT RD SHELBY AA CLEVELAN NONCD000 KINGS Voluntary D 1939 PETRO EXPRESS NO. 56 225 CLEVELAND AVE MOUNTAIN AA CLEVELAN NCD981022 D 072 BETTIS PROPERTY 1/2 MI. E OF BETTIS RD & EARL SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Cleveland 1414 C&C SCRAP METAL 1538 Bethlehem Road Kings Mountain Pending CLEVELAN NONCD000 Voluntary D 2881 ARDEE/TRANSLITE 639 WASHBURN SWITCH RD SHELBY AA CLEVELAN NCD986180 D 909 SHELBY DYEING & FINISHING 1038 SAM LATTIMORE ROAD SHELBY SPL CLEVELAN NCD986175 KINGS D 651 GLEN RAVEN MILLS 114 RAVEN CIRCLE MOUNTAIN NFA CLEVELAN NONCD000 Evaluation D 2970 ELLA MILL 1012 S WASHINGTON ST SHELBY Pending CLEVELAN NCN000404 KINGS Evaluation D 801 CINDERELLA KNITTING MILLS 502 MITCHELL ST MOUNTAIN Pending CLEVELAN NCD981022 D 015 ADYLOTTE, JP ESTATE SR 2214 EARL NFA CLEVELAN NCD981021 D 702 CAMP, LEONARD PROPERTY SR 2226 EARL SPL CLEVELAN NONCD000 Evaluation D 2996 DICEY MILLS 430 NEISLER ST SHELBY Pending NONCD000 2146 OLD STAGE HWY Evaluation Columbus 1942 JR HEATH PROPERTY HWY87 RIEGELWOOD Pending NCSFN0406 COLUMBUS 906 OLD STAKE ROAD OLD STAKE ROAD CHADBOURN NFA NCD980557 COLUMBUS 847 KAISER ACME FARMARKET SR 1870 RIEGELWOOD SPL NCSFN0407 COLUMBUS 144 CARTRETTE FIELD HWY 401 S CHADBOURN NFA NCD000813 COLUMBUS 600 GA -PACIFIC CORP CHIP-N-SAW HIGHWAY 74 WEST WHITEVILLE NFA NCD024459 COLUMBUS 471 GUYTON BATTERY SERVICE HWY 401 S CHADBOURN SPL NONCD000 Columbus 1538 CONFLANDEY INC. 3620 CHADBOURN HIGHWAY WHITEVILLE SPL NONCD000 COLUMBUS 0057 WATTS, LEVI PROPERTY 103 FAIRBLUFF ROAD TABOR CITY NFA NONCD000 COLUMBUS 1121 R & R PLATING 623 COLUMBUS APPAREL ST WHITEVILLE SPL NCDO80891 COLUMBUS 039 LACKEY INDUSTRIES WAREHOUSE PINE LOG ROAD WHITEVILLE NFA NONCD000 6721 CLARENDON Evaluation COLUMBUS 2669 STEPHENS TIRE FIRE CHADBOURN RD CHADBOURN Pending NONCD000 COLUMBUS 2819 PLANTER'S WAREHOUSE 1007 PIREWAY RD TABOR CITY NFA NCSFN0406 COLUMBUS 962 VINEGAR HILL LEAD SITE HWY 701 N TABOR CITY NFA NONCD000 COLUMBUS 0062 S.R. 1943 BATTERY DUMP S.R. 1943 NAKINA NFA NCD986166 COLUMBUS 460 CHADBOURN TIRE FIRE WILSON, BROWN,2ND & 3RD CHADBURN NFA NONCD000 COLUMBUS 1074 OLD FORD BLDG FIFTH ST TABOR CITY SPL NCD000813 COLUMBUS 543 GA -PACIFIC CORP/PANELBOARD HIGHWAY US 74-76 WHITEVILLE NFA NCN000407 COLUMBUS 241 1 CHADBOURN BATTERY I US 76/74 & NC 410 CHADBOURN NFA NONCD000 NFA w/ Columbus 1726 Flowline Corp. 164 Industrial Drive Whiteville Restrictions NONCD000 COLUMBUS 1178 PACKER PROPERTY US 701 & JEWEL ST WHITEVILLE SPL NONCD000 WHITEVILLE BUMPER & GLASS Columbus 2555 FORMER 824 Jefferson St Whiteville SPL NCD047375 COLUMBUS 639 GA -PACIFIC CORP/TIMBER WEST MAIN STREET WHITEVILLE NFA NCD000813 COLUMBUS 667 GA -PACIFIC CORP/PLYWOOD SR 1436 WHITEVILLE NFA NCD000828 COLUMBUS 616 USS AGRI-CHEMICALS FARM SERVICE HWY 701 WHITEVILLE SPL NONCD000 COLUMBUS 2786 METAL RECYCLING SERVICES 5192 JAMES B WHITE HWY WHITEVILLE NFA NCD000605 COLUMBUS 303 FEDERAL PAPER BOARD CO., INC. 865 JOHN L RIEGEL RD RIEGELWOOD SPL NCD003201 Voluntary CRAVEN 837 ENCEE CHEMICAL SALES, INC. HWY 17 N BRIDGETON (AA) NONCD000 ANTHONY SCARANO RESIDENCE (DEM- Evaluation Craven 1274 GW SITE) HWY 55 WEST NEW BERN Pending NONCD000 CRAVEN 1032 COCA COLA BOTTLING WORKS INC HIGHWAY 17 NEW BERN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CRAVEN 2906 BRIDGETON HARBOUR MARINA 1101 NORTH B ST BRIDGETON Pending NCD003197 Evaluation CRAVEN 704 SALT WOOD PRODUCTS, INC. 11065 OLD HWY 70 W COVE CITY Pending NCD003190 CRAVEN 584 EVERHART LUMBER COMPANY SR 1117 NEW BERN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CRAVEN 2883 BIDDLE STREET-1104 1104 BIDDLE ST NEW BERN Pending NCD041466 CRAVEN 806 PHILLIPS PLATING US 17 HWY NORTH BRIDGETON SPL NONCD000 CRAVEN 1209 APAC-NEW BERN ASPHALT PLANT 510 S GLENBURNIE RD NEW BERN NFA NCD981928 CRAVEN 088 TEXFI INDUSTRIES, INC/NEW BERN SR 1317/13OSCH STREET NEW BERN SPL NONCD000 Craven 1828 HAVELOCK WASTEWATER TREATMENT 304 NORTH JACKSON DRIVE NEW BERN NFA NCD075550 CRAVEN 517 SWISS BEAR INC/TEXACO INC. 200-208 E. FRONT ST NEW BERN NFA NONCD000 HARRIS TRUCKING EQUIPMENT CRAVEN 1059 (FORMER) 5000 US HWY 70E NEW BERN NFA NONCD000 CRAVEN 1054 WILLIAMS AUTO CENTER 401 D STREET BRIDGETON SPL NONCD000 CRAVEN 2780 APAC-CLARKS ASPHALT PLANT OLD US HWY 70 CLARKS NFA NONCD000 Evaluation CRAVEN 1191 MIRACLE WATER REFINERS HWY 70 HAVELOCK Pending NONCD000 CRAVEN 3025 WORLD WOOD PRODUCTS 12045 OLD HWY 70 W COVE CITY SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Craven 1791 Graham Dixon Property 2100 Highway 17 North Bridgeton Pending NCR000179 Evaluation Craven 606 N&B CO. - TERMINIX 2201 E US 70 HWY JAMES CITY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CRAVEN 3114 DL ROGERS CORP 1814 NEUSE BLVD NEW BERN Pending NCD986197 Voluntary CRAVEN 259 NEW BERN COAL GAS PLANT 506 Tryon Palace Drive NEW BERN (AA) NCD045924 NFA w/ CRAVEN 065 AMF/HATTERAS YACHTS 110 N GLENBURNIE ROAD NEW BERN Restrictions NCD980848 CRAVEN 840 SCOTT'S CREEK BATTERY SITE 402 HOWELL ROAD NEW BERN NFA NCD047371 CRAVEN 794 COASTAL LUMBER CO 934 N CRAVEN ST NEW BERN SPL NCD981929 CRAVEN 854 ROWES CORNER DRUM DUMP SR'S 1615 AND 1617 ROWES CORNER NFA NONCD000 I NFA w/ CRAVEN 3061 URETHANE INNOVATORS INC 403 INDUSTRIAL DR NEW BERN Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation CRAVEN 1651 AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORP FRMR 1456 STATE CAMP RD VANCEBORO Pending NCD003193 Voluntary CRAVEN 588 BARBOUR BOAT WORKS, INC. 527 TRYON PALACE DR NEW BERN AA NONCD000 Evaluation CRAVEN 1350 PHOENIX RECYCLING HWY 70 & PINE GROVE RD HAVELOCK Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 1240 CHROME -RITE PLATING FACILITY 514 SOUTH EASTERN BLVD FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 2909 PLANTERS CHEMICAL 636 ROBESON ST FAYETTEVILLE I Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 2993 PARKS BLDG SUPPLY/TERMINEX OWEN DR & ENTERPRISE AVE FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NCD981932 ND 072 BIDWELL FARM SR 1609 LINDEN NFA CUMBERLA NCDO03189 BORDEN CHEMICAL FAYETTEVILLE Voluntary ND 024 PLANT 1411 INDUSTRIAL DR FAYETTEVILLE AA CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 3162 JUDSON CHURCH ROAD TRUCK REPAIR 520 JUDSON CHURCH RD FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 1736 CARGILL HEXANE RELEASE 1754 RIVER RD FAYETTEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Cumberland 1591 DAVID HALL SZMANSKI PROPERTY 5035 HADDOCK STREET FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 1667 MCGILL'S MUFFLER SHOP 5860 YADKIN RD FAYETTEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Cumberland 1899 INESCO SITE 800 WHITFIELD RD. FAYETTEVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Cumberland 2169 NCDOT Asphalt Site #47/Barnhill 936 Shaw Mill Rd Fayetteville Pending NONCD000 Cumberland 1892 ICl/DUPONT HWY 53 EAST CEDAR CREEK FAYETTEVILLE SPL CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 1131 AMERICAN REFUSE SYSTEMS MURCHISON RD FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 Voluntary ND 1901 CROWN FORD FAYETTEVILLE 256 SWAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE AA CUMBERLA NONCD000 ND 1199 COTTON FIRE DEPT 4618 CALICO ST HOPE MILLS NFA CUMBERLA NCD981744 ND 717 PARKER FARM STRICKLAND BRIDGE SR 1403 FAYETTEVILLE NFA CUMBERLA NCDO03198 ND 934 FASCO INDUSTRIES, INC. 810 GILLESPIE ST FAYETTEVILLE NFA CUMBERLA NONCD000 ND 2900 VETERAN'S PARK 401 BRAGG BLVD FAYETTEVILLE NFA CUMBERLA NCD088563 ND 242 MONSANTO COMPANY/ROHM & HAAS CEDAR CREEK RD FAYETTEVILLE SPL NONCD000 SWEETWATER MHP & BOBBY TAYLOR Cumberland 2570 OIL COMPAN SWEETWATER DRIVE FAYETTEVILLE SPL CUMBERLA NCD981928 ND 021 HOLLINGSWORTH PROPERTY 307 BROADFOOT AVE FAYETTEVILLE NFA CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 3135 QUALITY CONCRETE 1587 WILMINGTON HWY FAYETTEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Cumberland 2345 PUROLATOR PRODUCTS, INC. 3200 NATAL STREET FAYETTEVILLE AA CUMBERLA NCD040047 Voluntary ND 425 PRILLAMAN CHEMICALS 334 WORTH STREET FAYETTEVILLE AA NONCD000 Evaluation Cumberland 1342 BENTON TRUCK SERVICE EASTERN BLVD. FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NCD041467 BLACK AND DECKER/GENERAL ND 267 ELECTRIC HWY 301 S FAYETTEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Cumberland 1484 CHASON DIESEL INJECTION SERV. 2980 GILLESPIE ST. FAYETTEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Cumberland 2702 WELLMAN FIBER INDUSTRIES HWY 53 CEDAR CREEK Pending CUMBERLA NCD000623 ND 199 TEXACO INC/FAYETTEVILLE 992 SHAW MILL RD FAYETTEVILLE NFA CUMBERLA NONCD000 CUMBERLAND RD & OWEN ND 0023 CAROLINA P&L CO. FAYETTEVILLE DR FAYETTEVILLE SPL CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 3009 A&H CLEANERS A 4515 BRAGG BLVD FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 BRIDGE NO. 116 REPLACEMENT @ CSX Evaluation ND 1849 RR HILLSBORO ST FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NCD986178 ND 226 TEXFI INDUSTRIES, INC 601 HOFFER DRIVE FAYETTEVILLE SPL CUMBERLA NCD986197 Voluntary ND 341 FAYETTEVILLE COAL GAS/RAY AVE RAY AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE (AA) CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 3007 BRAGG BLVD SOLVENTS BRAGG BLVD FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 3066 YADKIN RD CIRCLE K 6489 YADKIN RD FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 ND 3019 PEPSI-COLA 131 PEPSI LANE FAYETTEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Cumberland 1977 LAKE RIM SOLVENTS RIM ROAD & SANDRA STREET FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NCD048958 KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRE ND 615 CO/GOODYEAR NAVASSA RD FAYETTEVILLE SPL NONCD000 Cumberland 1378 BRENDA BAKER PROPERTY HIGHWAY 301/SR 2243 HOPE MILLS NFA CUMBERLA NCD980502 ND 892 CREEK BRIDGE/BORDEN CHEMICAL US HWY 24-87 GROVE ST FAYETTEVILLE SPL CUMBERLA NCN000407 ND 243 WOODYS SALVAGE YARD 4139 CLINTON RD VANDER SPL CUMBERLA NONCD000 m Evaluation ND 3050 VALLEY MOTORS 3203 BRAGG BLVD FAYETTEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Cumberland 1410 BUTLER WARNER GENERATING PLANT CLUSTER AVENUE SR 1723 FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 ND 2731 WADE-GODWIN LDFL SISK-CULBRETH RD WADE NFA CUMBERLA NCD024548 ND 133 CLARKE & PROCTOR TURPENTINE CO. 331-249 WORTH ST FAYETTEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Cumberland 2670 VEMCO MUSIC -LAKE LYNN 3542 GILLESPIE STREET FAYETTEVILLE Pending CUMBERLA NONCD000 Evaluation ND 2997 VANDER SOUTH 115KV SUBSTN 711 JOHN B CARTER RD FAYETTEVILLE Pendin NONCD000 Currituck 3176 COROLLA CATTLE DIP 1215 PONTON LN COROLLA SPL NONCD000 Evaluation CURRITUCK 2640 POWELL'S POINT REST STOP FRMR 8364 CARATOKE HWY POWELLS POINT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CURRITUCK 3046 MOYOCK MUSCLE CARATOKE HWY MOYOCK Pending NONCD000 Evaluation CURRITUCK 1158 STATE LINE HONDA 134 CARATOKE HWY MOYOCK Pending NCD986166 WST SIDE OF MEMORIAL CURRITUCK 726 CURRITUCK PHOSPHORUS BRDG POINT HARBOR NFA NONCD000 HWY 158 AT MAIME SR# SIDE Evaluation Currituck 2193 NCDOT-FORMER ASPHALT TEST.#37 ROAD POWELLS POINT Pending NCD980803 WHALEHEAD BEACH/SUSQUEHONNA CURRITUCK 001 CORP COROLLA DRIVE COROLLA NFA NCD986171 DARE 304 OREGON INLET BEACH CONTAINER AT OREGON INLET NFA NC6570027 DARE 460 USAF DARE COUNTY RANGE SEYMOUR HWY 264 NFA NONCD000 2209 SOUTH CROATAN Evaluation Dare 2344 PUGHS CAR CARE CENTER HIGHWAY NAGS HEAD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation DARE 1147 LIGHTHOUSE SERVICE CENTER HWY 12 & LIGHTHOUSE RD BUXTON Pending NC1690308 DARE 233 CAPE HATTERAS NATIONAL SEASHORE RODANTHE NFA NONCD000 DARE 1768 DECATUR PARTNERSHIP SITE 1013 US 264/64 MANTEO NFA NONCD000 NCDOT - FORMER ASPHALTIC TESTING Evaluation Dare 2130 SITE 62 OFF DRIFTWOOD DRIVE MANTEO Pending NCD986191 DARE 799 MANTEO DRUM SITE MANTEO NFA NONCD000 KILL DEVIL Evaluation DARE 2499 KILL DEVIL HILLS AMOCO US 158 & EDEN ST HILLS Pending NONCD000 MARION KULICK - FORMER CATTLE DIP Evaluation Dare 2032 VAT JUNIOR ROAD FRISCO Pending NONCD000 DARE 1640 NAGS HEAD SHELL 3643 S CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Dare 1411 CAROLINA TELEPHONE-BUXTON 48161 NC 12 HWY BUXTON Pending NONCD000 DARE 1043 CAPE HATTERAS SCHOOL HIGHWAY 12 BUXTON NFA NCD115990 DAVIDSON 574 JMC PLATING PROSPECT INDUSTRIAL PARK LEXINGTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation DAVIDSON 1034 SALEM ST RESIDENTIAL DUMP 125 SALEM ST THOMASVILLE Pending NONCD000 Davidson 1707 FAMILY BOAT CENTER BADIN LAKE HWY 49 HWY 8 BADIN LAKE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Davidson 1370 BOWERS ESTATE 107 S. Urban Street Thomasville Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Davidson 3181 THOMASVILLE PLANT B 310 FISHER FERRY ST Thomasville Pending NONCD000 Evaluation DAVIDSON 2963 CARTER LUMBER 747 OLD HARGRAVE RD LEXINGTON Pending NCD991278 DAVIDSON 581 BURLINGTON FURNITURE/LUMBER PL US 64 EAST LEXINGTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation DAVIDSON 1202 INGRAM PLYWOOD INC 718 BASSETT DRIVE THOMASVILLE Pending NCD060298 DAVIDSON 809 CLASSIC FURNITURE CORPORATION ZION CHURCH RD THOMASVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Davidson 3205 EVERHART TIRE NON -UST 806 N MAIN ST LEXINGTON Pending NCD000616 DAVIDSON 334 LILLY CO. DRUM RECOND PLANT TRINITY AVENUE THOMASVILLE NFA NCD003235 DAVIDSON 066 NEW AGE FURNITURE CO/MILLER TOOL PROSPECT INDUSTRIAL PARK LEXINGTON SPL NC0001763 DAVIDSON 366 BYERLY DRUM 501 & 503 OAK AVENUE LEXINGTON NFA NCD039129 DAVIDSON 697 DUPONT EI DE NEMOURS & CO. ROUTE 8 DENTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Davidson 1332 BELL RESIDENCE, JOHN 1508WHITEHART SCH. THOMASVILLE Pending NONCD000 DAVIDSON 0084 THERMO PRODUCTS, INC. 800 JONES STREET DENTON SPL NCD003214 DAVIDSON 574 SPRUANCE SOUTHERN, INC. 115 E ELLER DR SPL NONCD000 NCDOT - SITE NO 16 LEXINGTON Evaluation Davidson 2136 ASPHALT CITY DUMP ROAD LEXINGTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Davidson 1727 FOAM TECH, INC. 117 CEDAR LANE DRIVE LEXINGTON Pending NCD003216 RALEIGH ROAD FURNITURE DAVIDSON 413 CORP/STANLEY 802 WEST CENTER ROAD LEXINGTON SPL NONCD000 DAVIDSON 0067 ASTOR DELK DENTON NFA NCD982115 DAVIDSON 370 TRIPLE PLATING, INC 27 W MAIN ST THOMASVILLE NFA NCD077827 DAVIDSON 244 FLEET TRANSPORT CO., INC. 1820 S MAIN ST LEXINGTON NFA NCD003233 DAVIDSON 756 MASONITE CORP. CUSTOM COMPONENT 200 MASON WAY THOMASVILLE NFA NCD077821 DAVIDSON 296 SOUTHERN RESIN/US INDUSTRIES INC 1510 DENTON ROAD THOMASVILLE SPL NONCD000 Davidson 1552 COUNCIL PLANT 2-DENTON 1156 North Main Street Denton NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Davidson 2486 SNYDER RESIDENCE, ROY 3142NEW CUT RD. LEXINGTON Pending NONCD000 DAVIDSON 1050 LEXINGTON FURNITURE IND. PLNT NO 12 3301 COTTON GROVE LANE LEXINGTON SPL NONCD000 DAVIDSON 1049 LEXINGTON FURNITURE IND. PLNT NO 7 178 LFI COMPLEX LANE LEXINGTON SPL NONCD000 DAVIDSON 1048 LEXINGTON FURNITURE IND. PLNT NO 2 3979 OLD LINWOOD ROAD LEXINGTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Davidson 2303 PIEDMONT METALS OLD HWY 29 LEXINGTON N Pending NCD077838 DAVIDSON 589 THOMASVILLE FOREST PRODUCTS CLARKSBURY CHRUCH ROAD THOMASVILLE SPL NCSFN0407 DAVIDSON 140 CARDINAL CONTAINER SERVICES 138 WALSER ROAD LEXINGTON SPL NCD986197 Voluntary DAVIDSON 358 LEXINGTON COAL GAS PLANT SR 2001-GAS PLANT ROAD LEXINGTON AA NONCD000 Evaluation DAVIDSON 2691 DIAMONDBACK PRODUCTS, INC 40 W 12TH AVE LEXINGTON Pending NONCD000 SOUTH MAIN ST. @ Evaluation Davie 1706 FALLIES DRY CLEANING SALISBURY ST. MOCKSVILLE Pending NCD981928 DAVIE 385 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR HWY 601 AND SR 1413 MOCKSVILLE SPL NONCD000 Voluntary DAVIE 0092 FUNDER AMERICA 200 FUNDER RD MOCKSVILLE AA NONCD000 Evaluation DAVIE 2123 ERWIN MILLS #3 314 MAIN ST COOLEEMEE Pending NONCD000 TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE MAINTENANCE DAVIE 2856 SHOP 337 SANFORD AVE MOCKSVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Davie 2595 THOMSON CROWN WOOD PRODCUTS 390 Bethal Church Road Mocksville Pending NCD000773 NFA w/ DUPLIN 515 GA -PACIFIC CORP/HDWD SAW SR 1301 BOWDENS Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Du lin 1790 GRADY FARM SERVICE WARREN RD CSR 1301 FAISON Pending NONCD000 Du lin 1595 DEANS PICKLES, FMR CATES 354 N. FAISON AVE. FAISON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation DUPLIN 1453 WALLACE SOLVENT CONTAMINATION 114 E MAIN ST WALLACE Pending NCD000776 DUPLIN 732 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP 3-031-02 HWY 41W WALLACE NFA NCD003200 DUPLIN 656 FEATHER PROCESSORS, INC HWY 117 NORTH ROSE HILL SPL NONCD000 Du lin 2543 STEVECOKNIT FABRICS COMPANY 601 WILMINGTON ROAD WALLACE SPL NONCD000 Durham 2769 WYNNE, MAY PROPERTY (FORMER) 905 DANBURY ST DURHAM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 2321 PONDVIEW LANE PONDVIEW LANE DURHAM Pending NONCD000 HARRIS SEMICONDUCTOR FACILITY(SEE Evaluation Durham 1826 COMMEN 3026 CORNWALLIS RD RTP Pending NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 2782 NELLO TEER-CAMDEN AVE 1435 CAMDEN AVE DURHAM Pending NC4210021 DURHAM 891 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 1228 CARROLL ST DURHAM NFA NCD037160 DURHAM 116 SCM-GLIDDEN METAL FINISHERS 2601 WECK DRIVE RTP NFA NCD986171 DUKE UNIVERSITY TRANSFORMER TOWERVIEW & DURHAM 098 STORAGE WANNAMAKER DURHAM NFA NCD001493 Voluntary DURHAM 931 WECK, EDWARD INC. WECK DR RTP (AA) NCD084172 DURHAM 469 AIRCO INDUSTRIAL GASES TRIANGLE DRIVE RTP NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 2094 BEASLEY AVE WELLS 3034-3036 HOLLOWAY STREET DURHAM Pending NCD991278 DURHAM 524 ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING CO. 1901 PEABODY ST DURHAM NFA NCD091568 CONTINENTAL FOREST IND/FEDERAL DURHAM 279 PAPER 923 FRANKLIN STREET DURHAM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 2965 CLASSIC TOYOTA 4513 CHAPEL HILL RD DURHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 2338 PSNC OPERATIONS AND GARAGE 3001 HARVARD AVENUE DURHAM Pending NONCD000 SCARBOROUGH & HARGETT FUNERAL Durham 2449 HOME 306 SOUTH ROXBORO STREET DURHAM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 2078 ROCHELLE STREET WELLS 2505 ROCHELLE ST DURHAM Pending NCN000410 Evaluation Durham 370 BECKMANN DURHAM SANDEFUR 3333 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE DURHAM Pending NCD986171 DURHAM 072 BURNHAM SERVICE CORP. 3211 MAIMI BOULEVARD DURHAM NFA NCD986171 DURHAM 080 GLIDDEN PAINT 2717 WECK DRIVE DURHAM NFA NCD986171 DURHAM 064 COLEJON MECHANICS 3002 BRUNSON ROAD DURHAM NFA NCD075582 DURHAM 197 AMORE/WORTH CHEMICAL 2418 EAST PETTIGREW ST DURHAM SPL NCD072018 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO/MED STEAM DURHAM 252 TURBIN OLD RALEIGH RD DURHAM SPL NCD986188 DURHAM 878 SUPREME FINISHING FOUNTAIN STREET DURHAM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 2870 RPM NISSAN 3930 CHAPEL HILL BLVD DURHAM Pending NC6680090 HIGHWAY 54 & ALEXANDER DURHAM 002 US EPA TECH CENTER DR RTP NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 2219 NORTHERN TELECOM-CEM.TANK SOLV 4600 EMPEROR BLVD. MORRISVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 3231 Washington St PCE 802 Washington St DURHAM Pending NCD991278 DURHAM 714 CAROCHEM, INC. 540 GULF ST DURHAM SPL NCD986215 Voluntary DURHAM 465 JMC USA INC ONE INNOVATION DR RTP AA NCD080885 DURHAM 551 DAUGHERTY CHEMICAL COMPANY 307 WALKER STREET DURHAM SPL NONCD000 Durham 1843 HERCULES 9 DAVIS DRIVE DURHAM SPL NONCD000 Durham 1869 HOOVER ROAD CONTAMINATION 211 SOUTH HOOVER ROAD DURHAM SPL NCN000410 Evaluation DURHAM 852 DANNY ROBERTS/INTERSTATE BP 2815 WAYCROSS RD DURHAM Pending NONCD000 DURHAM PUBLIC SERVICE CO PROP Evaluation DURHAM 2858 FORMER 309 BLACKWELL ST DURHAM Pending NCD047372 Evaluation Durham 503 BRENNTAG/SOUTHCHEM 2000 E. PETTIGREW ST. DURHAM Pending NC9210022 DURHAM 787 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 724 FOSTER ST DURHAM NFA NONCD000 Voluntary Durham 2085 MITSUBISHI ELECTRONICS THREE DIAMOND LANE DURHAM AA NCD065655 Durham 599 GLAXOSMITHKLINE FIVE MOORE DRIVE DURHAM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 2873 NELLO TEER QUARRY-DENFIELD 5013 DENFIELD ST DURHAM Pending NONCD000 DURHAM 1739 HILLS SOUTHPOINT LOTS 128 & 129 SOUTH BEND DR DURHAM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 3108 NC HWY 54 CONTAMINATION 4001 and 4151 East NC Hwy 54 DURHAM Pending NONCD000 Durham 2278 PBM GRAPHICS 4900 PROSPECTUS DRIVE Durham NFA NCD980515 Evaluation DURHAM 308 UNIVERSITY OF NC AT CHAPEL HILL FINLEY GOLF COURSE RD Pending NONCD000 Durham 2519 SPEIGHTS AUTO SERVICE CENTER 4723 FAYETTEVILLE ROAD DURHAM NFA NCD980503 DURHAM 148 SOUTHCHEM LANDFILL 722 EAST MARKHAM AVE DURHAM SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 3194 DURHAM MAIN SUBSTATION 947 WASHINGTON ST DURHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 2650 WHITNEY ENTERPRISES 814 MIDLAND TERRACE DURHAM Pending NONCD000 DUKE MEDICAL CENTER (BELL Evaluation Durham 1639 BUILDING) TRENT DRIVE DURHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 3107 RIGSBEE AVE CR IN SOIL 730 and 723 Ri sbee Avenue; 62 DURHAM Pending NONC13000 Evaluation Durham 2627 TRIANGLE FURNITURE STRIPPING 1221 & 1179 W NC 54 HWY DURHAM Pending NONCD000 DURHAM 3133 CHATHAM PLAZA PROPERTIES 1108 E MAIN ST DURHAM NFA NONCD000 DURHAM 3138 CLASSIC CLEANERS 5300 N ROXBORO ST DURHAM NFA NCD003198 DURHAM 520 HONEYWELL, INC 921 HOLLOWAY STREET DURHAM SPL NCD003196 DURHAM 193 PIFER INDUSTRIES, INC. 2210 E PETTIGREW ST DURHAM SPL NCD000813 Voluntary DURHAM 519 DUKE UNIVERSITY HWY 751 GATE 11 DURHAM AA NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 1404 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES FORMER WEST MAIN ST DURHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 2693 WAND, JOSEPH PROPERTY 2501 ENGLEWOOD DRIVE DURHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 3202 N ROXBORO ST PCE 5258 N ROXBORO ST DURHAM Pending NCD097724 DURHAM 009 LIGGETT AND MYERS COMPANY 700 W MAIN ST DURHAM NFA NONCD000 Durham 2261 PANTRY 4024 5274 NORTH ROXBORO ROAD DURHAM NFA NONCD000 DURHAM 0020 TRIANGLE CHURCH OF CHRIST STATE ROAD 1110 RTP NFA NONCD000 DURHAM 1192 EAKES CLEANERS FORMER 827 W MORGAN ST DURHAM SPL NCD980839 DURHAM 716 RIVERDALE HOMES/EARL GETTS 404 RIVERDALE DRIVE DURHAM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 2047 MATTHEWS, VC RESIDENCE 3426 HIGHWAY 55 DURHAM Pending NCD986173 Voluntary DURHAM 938 DURHAM GAS PLANT 812 Mallard Avenue DURHAM AA NCD980600 DURHAM 274 UNION CARBIDE CORP/AGRIC PROD 2 - TW ALEXANDER DR RTP NFA NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 1341 FREUDENBERG NONWOVENS FRMR 3440 INDUSTRIAL DR DURHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Durham 1337 BENCHMARK MATERIALS 311 S. PLUM ST DURHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 3157 UNIVERSITY FORD 601 WILLARD ST DURHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation DURHAM 3096 HUNT ST CHROMIUM CONTAMINATION 214 AND 216 HUNT ST DURHAM Pending EDGECOMB NCD003183 E 167 LONG MANUFACTURING 111 FAIRVIEW STREET TARBORO SPL EDGECOMB NONCD000 E 2522 JIFFY MART 1801 N RALEIGH ST ROCKY MOUNT SPL NONCD000 Voluntary Ed ecombe 1273 ANSELL HEALTHCARE 2906 ANACONDA ROAD TARBORO AA NONCD000 Ed ecombe 2378 REA CONSTRUCTION -ROCKY MOUNT 1970 TANNER RD ROCKY MOUNT SPL NONCD000 Ed ecombe 2196 NEVAMAR DECORATIVE SURFACES 2901 ANACONDA ROAD TARBORO NFA EDGECOMB NONCD000 Evaluation E 2054 PINETOPS JENKINS CLEANERS 106 S 2ND ST PINETOPS Pending NONCD000 Ed ecombe 2319 POLYLOK, INC./WELLINGTON SEARS 3006 ANACONDA RD. TARBORO SPL EDGECOMB NCD980842 E 413 WILKINSON PROPERTY BATTERY SITE 3552 COOL SPRING ROAD ROCKY MOUNT NFA EDGECOMB NONCD000 E 0046 BRYANT, ROY PROPERTY SR 1149 & 1006 SHARPSBURG NFA EDGECOMB NONC13000 Evaluation E 1386 SUPERIOR ESSEX 2801 ANACONDA RD TARBORO I Pending NONCD000 Ed ecombe 1783 GNS EXPRESS MART 1637 BARNES ST ROCKY MOUNT I NFA EDGECOMB NCD041466 E 525 ROCKY MOUNT FIBER DUMP ATLANTIC AVE EXTENSION ROCKY MOUNT SPL EDGECOMB NCD040028 E Oil TRINITY INDUSTRIES, INC. 1529 VANCE ST ROCKY MOUNT NFA EDGECOMB NC8210021 E 624 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 804 FAIRVIEW RD ROCKY MOUNT NFA EDGECOMB NCD054412 1w 7oluntary E 283 BLACK & DECKER PLANT FORMER 3301 MAIN ST TARBORO AA NONCD000 Evaluation Ed ecombe 2405 RIVENBARK RESIDENCE 1831 VANCE ST. ROCKY MOUNT Pending EDGECOMB NCD981932 E 023 TARBORO-EDGECOMBE AIRPORT HWY 44 TARBORO SPL EDGECOMB NCD980838 E 726 DAVENPORT CREOSOTE SR 1201 PINETOPS NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Ed ecombe 1986 LEBANON UNLOADING STATION VANCE STREET ROCKY MOUNT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Ed ecombe 1310 BAILEY RESIDENCE 2704 ANACONDA ROAD TARBORO Pending EDGECOMB NCD095118 GENERAL FOAM PLASTICS E 212 CORPORATION 501 DANIEL ST EXT TARBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Ed ecombe 3190 ATLANTIC AVE METALS 1110 ATLANTIC AVE ROCKY MOUNT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 1671 EDWARDS SEAT COVERS - SOLVENT 847 N. LIBERTY STREET WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2238 TERMINEX PEST CONTROL 3495 LEO ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 FORSYTH 2291 PEPSI COLA - WINSTON-SALEM 3425 MYER LEE DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 1664 MARTIN LUTHER KING Forsyth 1749 GARDNER ASPHALT DR. WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Forsyth 2285 PENN ENGINEERING 2400 LOWERY STREET WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 2134 NCDOT - SITE #9 PAPCO ASPHALT SR 1120 WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 1734 FORSYTH PARTNERS - WAUGHTOWN 595 WAUGHTOWN ST. WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 NCDOT - SITE #24 RAMEY CONST. Evaluation Forsyth 2138 ASPHALT PATTERSON AVE. WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 2010 LINK ROAD SITE 1725 LINK ROAD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Forsyth 2003 Liberty Group 709 N. Main Street Winston-Salem NFA NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 1794 PATTERSON AVE SOLVENTS PATTERSON AVE WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 OVERDALE ROAD TRANSFER STATION Forsyth 2246 PROPOSED OVERDALE ROAD WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 1711 FAWLKES, R. - FENNEL ST. FENNEL ST. KERNERSVILLE Pending NONCD000 NCDOT - SITE #55 PAPCO-SHERRILL Evaluation Forsyth 2146 ASPHALT CRAFT DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 1691 PARKWAY SHELL STATION -QUALITY OIL 1630 SILAS CREEK PKWY WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 1720 FLEET SUPPLY COMPANY - NONUST 2744 W. MOUNTAIN ST. WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 FORSYTH 1713 CARDINAL SHOPPING CENTER 2200 W CLEMMONSVILLE RD WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 OGBURN DRY CLEANERS (FORMER)/ONE 4318 OLD WALKERTOWN Evaluation Forsyth 2229 HOUR ROAD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 1987 FAIRWAY ONE STOP NO. 5 1253 N LIBERTY ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 1966 28TH STREET TCE CONTAMINATION 2500 BLOCK OF STOKES AVE WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 NORTH LIBERTY STREET PROPERTY @ Evaluation Forsyth 2218 SAMS CUR 4215 N Liberty St 0 WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2205 AMP,INC-BLDG 090 375 W BODENHAMER ST KERNERSVILLE Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Forsyth 1700 FAIRCHILD INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS CO. 3920 WESTPOINT BLVD. WINSTON-SALEM AA NONCD000 Forsyth 1868 HOOKER FURNITURE CORP. - NONUST 210 N. MAIN ST. KERNERSVILLE NFA NONCD000 Forsyth 2328 PRECISION CONCEPTS GROUP 2701 BOULDER PARK COURT WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 NCDOT - SITE #54 THOMPSON ARTHUR Evaluation Forsyth 2145 ASPHALT 2805 INDIANA AVE. WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD044515 FORSYTH 211 HAYES-ALBION CORP/BRIGGS-SHAFFNER 3760 KIMWELL DR WINSTON-SALEM SPL NCD024895 STEWART-WARNER CORP/BASSICK- Voluntary FORSYTH 864 SACK 2941 INDIANA AVE WINSTON-SALEM AA NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 3039 MODERN INFINITI 1500 PETERS CREEK PKWY W INSTON-SALEM Pending NCD991278 FORSYTH 680 CHEMCRAFT/SADOLIN PAINT PRODUCTS 3950 NEW WALKERTOWN RD WINSTON-SALEM SPL NCD053487 FORSYTH 765 STRATFORD METAL FINISHINGS, INC. 807 S MARSHALL ST WINSTON-SALEM SPL NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2793 H&S OIL COMPNAY 5280 HIGHT POINT RD KERNERSVILLE Pending NCD053485 Voluntary FORSYTH 991 VARCO-PRUDEN BUILDINGS 1140 PERRY RD KERNERSVILLE (AA) NCN000407 FORSYTH 364 QUARTER MASTER AUTO DETAIL 1239 OLD SALEM RD KERNERSVILLE NFA NCN000407 FORSYTH 491 P&B DISTRIBUTION CHEMICAL FIRE 744 CHATHAM RD WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 1469 CENTRAL PARK-SALEM AVENUE CITY YARD DR WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 3076 NORTH LIBERTY ST SOLVENTS 1100 BLK 1100 BLK NORTH LIBERTY ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD060294 Evaluation FORSYTH 139 A CLEANER WORLD 1221 W ACADEMY ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 NORTH PATTERSON AVE SOLVENTS 3500 Evaluation FORSYTH 3078 BLK 3591 N PATTERSON AVE WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2829 TWIN CITY INDUSTRIAL CENTER 800 CHATHAM RD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Forsyth 2746 WINSTON-SALEM BUSINESS, INC. 3190 CENTRE PARK BLVD. WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 2738 WILSON PEST CONTROL 401 WEST END BOULEVARD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2737 CAYUGA ST & N LIBERTY ST PCE 4212 N GLENN AVE WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD044514 FORSYTH 602 RJR ARCHER, INC. CUNNINGHAM AVE WINSTON-SALEM SPL NONCD000 T I Evaluation FORSYTH 2972 TRIUMPH ACTUATION SYSTEMS 4520 HAMPTON RD CLEMMONS Pending NONCD000 Voluntary FORSYTH 0017 FLAKT PRODUCTS 200 LOWERY STREET WINSTON-SALEM AA NCD986188 Voluntary FORSYTH 845 WINSTON-SALEM COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 BETWEEN EAST 3RD & 4TH WINSTON-SALEM AA NONCD000 WEST 7TH ST GROUNDWATER PCE Evaluation FORSYTH 3089 CONTAMINATIO 310 WEST 7TH STREET WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD041230 FORSYTH 418 AMP INCORPORATED 3900 REIDSVILLE ROAD WINSTON-SALEM SPL NONCD000 DUKE ENERGY-WINSTON-SALEM POWER FORSYTH 1035 DELIVERY 1198 SOUTH BROAD STREET WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2765 DUDLEY PRODUCTS 1080 OLD GREENSBORO RD KERNERSVILLE Pending NCD083629 FORSYTH 196 AMERICAN INKS & COATINGS CORP. 3755 KIMWELL DR WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2964 1400 BLOCK S MAIN ST SOLVENTS 1400 BLOCK S MAIN ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2945 HANESBRANDS INDUSTRIAL FACILITY 700 SOUTH STRATFORD RD WINSTON-SALEM Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2974 EAST 27TH ST METALS CONTAMINATION 740 E 27TH ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2937 1-40 INDUSTRIAL PARK 1640 LOWERY ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 OLD LEXINGTON RD PCE Evaluation FORSYTH 2975 CONTAMINATION 2350-2390 OLD LEXINGTON RD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2935 SPATCO FACILITY I680 LOWRY ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 FAIRCHILD RD SOLVENT-BOWEN Evaluation FORSYTH 2933 BRANCH 1105 FAIRCHILD RD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD980729 FORSYTH 479 CAROLAWN COMPANY 1426 W MOUNTAIN ST KERNERSVILLE SPL NONCD000 REICH ST PESTICDE-PAH Evaluation FORSYTH 2926 CONTAMINATION 4000 BLOCK REICH ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD980844 Evaluation FORSYTH 518 AMP INCORPORATED 4798 KINNAMON ROAD CLEMMONS Pending NCD986232 FORSYTH 163 JSC GRAPHIC ARTS 300 PERIMETER BLVD WINSTON-SALEM NFA NCD982101 FORSYTH 966 COLLINGWOOD FURNITURE INDUSTRIES 1665 MARTIN LUTHER KING D WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 0071 STROH BREWERY CO 4000 OLD MILWAUKEE LANE WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD081428 FORSYTH 104 SUN CHEM CORPORATION/GPI DIV 2400 OLD LEXINGTON ROAD WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 FORSYTH 1 2864 1 CONSIGNMENT FURNITURE 599 S STRATFORD RD WINSTON-SALEM NFA NCD081427 FORSYTH 890 CAROLINA METALIZING CO., INC. 1925 VARGRAVE STREET WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 3011 DAVIS ACRES LANE DAVIS ACRES LANE WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD986176 FORSYTH 444 STROH/CHITTY FARM 5066 OVERDALE RD WINSTON-SALEM SPL NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 3013 BURK ST SOLVENTS 1020 BURK ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD067441 Evaluation FORSYTH 394 RJR ARCHER, INC. 220 EAST POLO ROAD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCN000409 FORSYTH 780 INDUSTRIAL METAL ALLOY 20 E ACADIA AVE WINSTON-SALEM SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 2349 QUALIFIED METAL - OLD WINSTON 950 OLD WINSTON RD. WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD986188 Voluntary FORSYTH 852 WINSTON-SALEM COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 HIGH STREET & BRANCH AVE WINSTON-SALEM AA NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 2980 WARREN CLEANERS 127 CHURCH LANE KENERSVILLE Pending NCD000616 FORSYTH 474 REYNOLDS RJ TOBACCO COMPANY 7TH ST & LINDEN ST WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 2442 SANDERSON NISSAN-NONUST 3475 MYER LEE DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 2628 TRIANGLE MACHINE & ELECTRONICS 705 N.MAIN STREET KERNERSVILLE Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Forsyth 2438 SALEM UNIFORM SERVICES FACILITY 4015 NORTH CHERRY STREET WINSTON-SALEM (AA) NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 2437 SALEM ELECTRIC 801 BETHESDA ROAD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 1408 CARTER G. WOODSON CHARTER SCHOOL 420 GOLDFLOSS ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Forsyth 2431 RUS 3775 INDUSTRIAL DR. WINSTON-SALEM AA NCD002560 FORSYTH 159 THIELE-ENGDAHL, INCORPORATED 1100 FAIRCHILD RD WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 3182 LIBERTY ST METALS 3305 N LIBERTY ST Winston Salem Pending NCD000813 Evaluation FORSYTH 501 UNITED FURNITURE INDUSTRIES 401 W HANES MILL BLVD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 INTERSECTION OF NC Evaluation Forsyth 2445 SANTARO HOT MIX ASPHALT PLANT HIGHWAY 66 KERNERSVILLE Pending NCD000770 FORSYTH 487 JOHNSON CONTROLS GLOBE BATTERY 2701 Johnson Controls Drive Kemersville NFA NONCD000 SALVAGE BUILDING MATERIALS - Evaluation Forsyth 2439 SOLVENT 920 N. LIBERTY STREET WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Forsyth 1508 CL SMITH PROPERTY 25.11 Acre Tract Zi lar Road Winston-Salem NFA NCD000616 FORSYTH 466 REYNOLDS RJ TOBACCO COMPANY 5TH ST & PATTERSON AVE WINSTON-SALEM NFA NCD000276 FORSYTH 188 BEAUNIT CORP. PRINT PLANT 3801 KIMWELL WINSTON-SALEM NFA NCD000006 FORSYTH 361 SUPERIOR ELECTRO FINISHES 115 EAST CORUM ST KERNERSVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 3223 WEAVER FERTILIZER WINSTON-SALEM 4440 N CHERRY ST WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 3233 NORTHWEST BLVD WASTE OIL TANK 727 W Northwest Blvd WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 WEAVER FERTILIZER BROWNSBORO Evaluation Forsyth 3235 ROAD 4020 BROWNSBORO RD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Forsyth 1633 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FIRST ST CHURCH ST I-40 WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 1634 DOWNTOWN MIDDLE SCHOOL 280 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 2354 R. J. REYNOLDS - QUALITY BLDG. 100 S. CHESTNUT ST. WINSTON-SALEM Pending NCD000772 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC/WINSTON- FORSYTH 376 SALEM 3050 WESTINGHOUSE RD WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 FORSYTH 2513 Special Children's School Duke Power 1480 South Broad Street Winston-Salem NFA NONCD000 Forsyth 2580 Tan lewood Park Maintenance - Solvent 4061 Clemmons Road Clemmons NFA NCD003233 Evaluation FORSYTH III MARSH FURNITURE COMPANY 1001 S CENTENNIAL ST HIGH POINT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 1263 AMP, INC. - BUILDING 54 6399 AMP DRIVE CLEMMONS Pending NCD003231 FORSYTH 545 SHERWOOD TREATING CO., INC. 1660 SILAS CREEK PKWAY WINSTON-SALEM SPL NONCD000 Forsyth 1264 AMP, INC. BUILDING 109 3441 MYER LEE DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 NFA w/ FORSYTH 1140 PIEDMONT HAWTHORNE 3817 N LIBERTY ST W INSTON-SALEM Restrictions NCD003464 IMC/INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & Evaluation FORSYTH 369 CHEM GLEEN AVENUE EXTENSION WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 FORSYTH 1130 SOUTH MAIN ST SEWER LINE EXT 4660 FOLLANSBEE RD WINSTON-SALEM SPL NCD003216 HIGHLAND INDUSTRIES/BURLINGTON FORSYTH 397 IND. 215 DRUMMOND ST/SR 2089 KERNERSVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 1294 WACHOVIA CENTER TOWER 100 NORTH MAIN WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Forsyth 2487 SOMERSET COURT UNIVERSITY PLACE CAMERON AVENUE WINSTON-SALEM NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 2592 Thomasville Furniture -Winston Salem 1201 North Patterson Avenue Winston-Salem Pending NCD003213 DOUGLAS BATTERY MANUFACTURING FORSYTH 030 CO. 500 BATTERY DR WINSTON-SALEM SPL NONCD000 KIMWELL DR SOLVENT Evaluation FORSYTH 3148 CONTAMINATION 3803 KIMWELL DR WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Forsyth 3164 ARDMORE COMMONS 1451 EBERT STREET WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 TRIAD WAREHOUSE AND COLD FORSYTH 2625 STORAGE 829 GRAVES STREET KERNERSVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation FORSYTH 1133 BOWMAN GRAY-FRIEDBURG CAMPUS WELFARE ROAD WINSTON-SALEM Pending NONCD000 FRANKLIN 1141 DIAZIT COMPANY US 1 YOUNGSVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation FRANKLIN 2952 ET'S QUICK STOP 5703 NC HWY 96 WEST YOUNGSVILLE Pending NONCD000 Franklin 2718 HWY 98 DIELDRIN CONTAMINATION 462 HIGHWAY 98 PO BOX 24 BUNN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Franklin 2721 WILDER FARM, GAIL 3343 West River Rd FRANKLINTON Pending NONCD000 506 SOUTH BICKETT Evaluation Franklin 1368 BOSTON GEAR BOULEVARD LOUISBURG Pending NONCD000 Evaluation FRANKLIN 3045 STERLING COTTON MILL 106 E GREEN ST FRANKLINTON Pending NCD006556 Evaluation GASTON 963 CR INDUSTRIES 4328 S YORK HWY GASTONIA Pending NCD000615 GASTON 872 AMP INCORPORATED 1260 SHANNON-BRADLEY RD GASTONIA SPL NCD085083 GASTON 004 MOORE CO., INC/EASCO HAND TOOLS ISLEY RD GASTONIA NFA NCD062552 GASTON 336 DENNISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1640 HARGROVE AVE GASTONIA NFA NONCD000 Voluntary Gaston 1953 Keystone Powdered Metal Company 100 Commerce Drive Che ille AA NCD054283 GASTON 189 HOOVER MACHINE SHOP RATCHFORD ROAD GASTONIA SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1964 KLUTTZ FOUNDRY, FORMER 711 EAST FRANKLIN BLVD GASTONIA Pending NCD003149 GASTON 291 GASTON COUNTY DYEING MACHINE CO. HWY 27 EAST MOUNT HOLLY SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 2048 MAULDIN WELL 310 MITCHELL ST BELMONT Pending NCD070626 GASTON 197 WARNER & SWASEY TEX MCH. CO. HWY 274 BESSEMER CITY NFA NCD067435 GASTON 925 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. EAGLE ROAD CRAMERTON NFA NCD044444 GASTON 735 CROMPTON & KNOWLES CORP. SPENCER MT RD LOWELL SPL NCD003164 GASTON 464 UNIROYAL INC/UNIROYAL CHEMICAL 214 W RUBY AVE GASTONIA SPL NCD003150 GASTON 562 FIRESTONE TEXTILES COMPANY 1101 W SECOND AVE GASTONIA NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1950 KEN DUNCAN HEATING & COOLING #2 5002 HICKORY GROVE RD MT. HOLLY Pending NONCD000 EDISON DR AND W DAVIDSON Evaluation Gaston 1705 WEST DAVIDSON AVE CONTAMINATION AVE GASTONIA Pending NCD986188 Voluntary GASTON 829 GASTONIA COAL GAS PLANT 859-A MARIETTA RD GASTONIA AA NONCD000 2101 DALLAS/STANLEY Evaluation Gaston 1767 GEORGE MATTHEWS PCE SITE HIGHWAY STANLEY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1243 ALEXIS SOLVENTS ALEXIS HIGH SHOALS ROAD ALEXIS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1753 GASTON SHELL 279 W. FRANKLIN BLVD GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 GASTON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS - MARIETTA STREET AND Evaluation Gaston 1752 SOLVENTS LONG AVENU GASTONIA I Pending NONCD000 GASTON COUNTY DEVELOPMENT Evaluation Gaston 1751 CORPORATION COURT DR. GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1327 BEAM CONSTRUCTION CO Bess Road Facility Bessemer City Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1335 Belmont Dyers 18 Linestone Drive Belmont Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1336 BELTEX CORPORATION 345 MCADENVILLE ROAD BELMONT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1344 BESSEMER CITY ROAD PCE SITE BESSEMER CITY RD BESSEMER CITY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1353 BLANTON WELL PCE SITE 1038 OLD CHURCH ROAD GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 GASTON 1025 TOOMEY PROPERTY 1020 HICKORY GROVE ROAD SPRINGWOOD SPL NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 1467 DELTA MILLS -FORMER RAGAN LDFL OATES RD, NEAR HWY 274 GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 GASTON 1012 HAYS, A DIVISION OF ROMAC HWY 7 RANLO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1472 Champion Properties 1661 Federal Ave Gastonia Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1482 CHARLOTTE PAINT COMPANY 1604 LANE ROAD MT. HOLLY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1495 CHOICE, USA 809 E. FRANKLIN BLVD GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1502 CIRCLE K 8379 - SOLVENTS 101 MOUNT HOLLY ROAD BELMONT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1506 CITY OF GASTONIA 2ND AVE. PARKING 2ND AVENUE GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 1546 CEDAR GROVE DRIVE SITE 609 CEDAR GROVE DR GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 KINGS Evaluation Gaston 1553 COUNTY LINE ROAD SOLVENTS 2383 COUNTY LINE ROAD MOUNTAIN Pending NONCD000 3701 DALLAS-HIGH SHOALS Evaluation Gaston 1584 DALE NORMAN TIRE COMPANY #2 RD DALLAS Pending NONCD000 Gaston 1585 DALLAS MACHINE COMPANY 610 E. AIRLINE AVE GASTONIA NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1587 DANALEX FACILITY 501 E. ALABAMA AVE BESSEMER CITY Pending NONCD000 Gaston 1621 DIXIE YARNS PIEDMONT 1500 RIVER DR BELMONT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1652 EAGLE PLANT R.L. STOWE, JPS) EAGLE MILL RD CRAMERTON Pending NONCD000 400 CHESTER AVE JCT WITH Evaluation Gaston 1457 CARSONS DRY CLEANERS FORMER RANKI GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1859 HODGSTON TEXTILE CHEMICALS 235 TUCKASEEGEE ROAD MT. HOLLY Pending NCD980559 GASTON 637 BEAUNIT CORP./DYING & FINISHING LINEBERGER STREET LOWELL SPL NCD981929 GASTON 300 GASTON COUNTY DRUM ROBERTS DRIVE GASTONIA NFA NCD986166 GASTON 288 WOODYS TIRE FIRE HIGHWAY 321 GASTONIA SPL NCD986166 GASTON 692 HARWELL ROAD SEPTIC PIT BEATY AND JOHN D ROADS GASTONIA SPL NCD986170 GASTON 678 WOOD ROAD DRUM BURIAL CIRCLE WOOD RD/SR 2641 GASTONIA SPL NCD986171 GASTON 379 NEW HAVEN DRIVE TCE NEW HAVEN DRIVE GASTONIA SPL NCD986172 GASTON 617 FORBES ROAD WELLS/RAUCH IND 2408 FORBES ROAD GASTONIA SPL NCD986175 GASTON 628 LEES MOTOR WORKS 4415 BEATY ROAD GASTONIA SPL NCD986175 GASTON 636 ASHE PATTERN SHOP (FORMER) 4411 BEATY ROAD GASTONIA SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1880 HUNSUCKER WELL 111 FIELDCREST DRIVE STANLEY Pending NCD986176 Evaluation GASTON 480 SOUTHEASTERN ELECTRO POLISHING 936 N MARRIETTA ST GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 GASTON 1045 FREIGHTLINER 1800 N MAIN ST MT HOLLY NFA NCD986187 GASTON 110 MORNINGSIDE DRIVE DUMP MORNINGSIDE DRIVE MT. HOLLY NFA NONCD000 936 / 1001 NORTH MARIETTA Evaluation Gaston 1924 JENKINS METAL CORPORATION STRE GASTONIA Pending NCD986191 GASTON 807 ROSS ROAD TIRE FIRE ROSS ROAD CHERRYVILLE NFA NCD986223 GASTON 170 MCBESS INDUSTRIES OLD HWY 321 HIGH SHOALS SPL NONCD000 HAWTHORN AND MILL Evaluation Gaston 1830 HAWTHORNE ROAD PCE SITE STREET BELMONT Pending NCD991277 GASTON 922 GASTON COUNTY DYEING MACHINE CO. 200 S MAIN ST STANLEY SPL NCD991279 GASTON 126 BESSEMER CITY OAKS CREEK WWTP SOUTH 11TH STREET EXT. BESSEMER CITY NFA NCN000404 Evaluation Gaston 461 EIGHTH AVENUE EXT SOLVENTS EIGHTH AVE EXT CRAMERTON Pending NONCD000 COMPONENT REMANUFACTURING Evaluation GASTON 1824 SPECIALISTS 1224 ISLEY DR GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 1813 HALL WELL 908 PIERCE ROAD MT. HOLLY Pending NCN000409 GASTON 881 PAYNE RD SOLVENTS 105 PAYNE RD BESSEMER CITY SPL NCN000409 Evaluation GASTON 889 CERTIFIED PLATING 2738 E OZARK PLATING GASTONIA Pending NCS000000 CROWDERS MOUNTAIN GASTON 478 CROWDERS MOUNTAIN STATE PARK STATE PARK GASTONIA SPL NONCD000 GASTON 0099 PARTONS MOTOR COMPANY 2800 SOUTH YORK ROAD GASTONIA SPL NCD986182 Voluntary Gaston 582 RHONE-POULENC RHODIA 207 TELEGRAPH ROAD GASTONIA AA NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 2932 WIX FILTRATION CORP-OZARK PLANT 1301 OZARK AVE GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 2579 TALON ZIPPER FACILITY (FORMER) 500 HOVIS ROAD STANLEY Pending NONCD000 1612 WEST FRANKLIN Evaluation Gaston 2459 SERVCO GASTONIA - SOLVENTS BOULEVARD GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 3004 SOUTH GASTON RESIDENTIAL WELL 4804 HEMPHILL F GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 3160 BELTEX MILL 130 PERFORMANCE DR BELMONT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 2359 RACHEL STREET PCE SITE 102 RACHEL ST MT. HOLLY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 2493 SOUTHAMPTON RA UET CLUB 2813 KENDRICK ROAD GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 4127 KINGS MOUNTAIN Evaluation Gaston 2700 WATSON TRANSPORT WELL HIGHWAY BESSEMER CITY Pending NONCD000 TRAVIS KNITS, INC (AKA MOHICAN Voluntary GASTON 2787 MILLS) 1515 WEST ACADEMY ST CHERRYVILLE AA NONCD000 7202 DALLAS CHERRYVILLE Evaluation GASTON 2927 SELLERS SERVICE STATION HWY CHERRYVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 2298 PHARR YARNS - STERLING 217 STERLING ST BELMONT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 2899 STATELINE SCRAP METAL 5401 SOUTH YORK HWY GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 2930 ALABAMA AVE PCE ALABAMA AVE & 11TH ST BESSEMER CITY Pending NONCD000 GASTON 2925 WIX FILTRATION CORP-DIXON PLANT 1525 S MARIETTA ST GASTONIA NFA NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 2276 AFFORDABLE AUTO REPAIR 500 W FRANKLIN BLVD GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 INTERSECTION OF NC 273 Evaluation Gaston 2264 PARK STREET SOLVENT SITE AND WIL BELMONT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 2383 REECE MOSS RESIDENCE 1630 ARMSTRONG FORD RD BELMONT Pending NONCD000 SELKIRK RLTY: PHARR YARNS SPACE Voluntary Gaston 3214 DYE PLNT MAIN ST MCADENVILLE AA NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 2959 MARVE ST TCE CONTAMINATION 908 MARVE ST GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 2647 UNION ROAD 122 FAIRSTONE ROAD GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Gaston 2539 STEEL SPECIALITY 5907 WILKINSON BLVD BELMONT NFA NONCD000 NEAR INTERSECTION HWY 7 Evaluation Gaston 2299 PHARR YARNS SLUDGE LANDFILL & SR22 MCADENVILLE Pending NONCD000 PUBLIC SERVICE CO. - MARIETTA - 900 NORTH MARIETTA Evaluation Gaston 2341 SOLVENTS STREET GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 3112 NORTHWEST Evaluation Gaston 2443 SANDS & COMPANY - SOLVENTS BOULEVARD GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 2824 DUKE ENERGY-ALLEN STEAM 253 PLANT ALLEN RD BELMONT Pending NONCD000 WHITINSVILLE SPINNING RING Evaluation Gaston 2717 COMPANY 148 BOXWOOD LANE GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 3137 ABC TOWING OF THE CAROLINAS 613 E SECOND ST GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 GASTON 2847 DISTRICT 12 HEAD UARTERS-NCFS NC 273 MOUNT HOLLY NFA NONCD000 108 CHICKASAW ROAD @ JCT Evaluation Gaston 2105 MTE HYDRAULICS W/ PE GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 1305 PHILADELPHIA CHURCH Evaluation Gaston 3180 WEBB METALS RD Dallas Pending NONCD000 Voluntary GASTON 3047 MOUNT HOLLY STEAM STATION FRMR 599 AMERICAN ST MOUNT HOLLY AA NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 2841 GOBLE WELL 444 MCGUIRE ST GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 2877 VIRGINIA AVE PCE CONTAMINATION 8TH ST & VIRGINIA AVE BESSEMER CITY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 3032 SOUTH TRENTON STREET SOLVENTS SOUTH TRENTON STREET GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 2253 PAINTER WELL 108 BARNES STREET BELMONT Pending NONCD000 R.L. STOWE MILLS (FRMR CHRONICLE Evaluation GASTON 2902 MILLS) 96 E CATAWBA ST BELMONT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Gaston 2351 QUALITY METALS INC. I I I 1 OATES ROAD GASTONIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GASTON 2983 WOODLAWN ST-180 BLOCK SOLVENTS 180 BLOCK WOODLAWN ST BELMONT Pending NONCD000 GASTON 2849 RANLO DUMP RANLO AVE RANLO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Gates 3240 CARTERS ROAD METALS 38 Carters Rd GATESVILLE Pending NCD981015 CAROLINA ALUMINUM STATE RD 1128 GATES 860 DUMP SR 1128 EURE NFA NCD024770 GRAHAM 125 BURLINGTON FURNITURE ATOAH STREET ROBBINSVILLE SPL NCD072003 GRANVILLE 635 ATHOL MANUFACTURING COMPANY C & 22ND ST BUTNER SPL NCD091576 ZAPATA INDS INC/NEWTON GRANVILLE 033 INSTRUMENT 111 EAST A ST BUTNER NFA NONCD000 Granville 2301 PIEDMONT CIRCUITS TELECOMM DR. CREEDMOOR SPL NCD986180 GRANVILLE 883 CCFC PESTICIDE DISPOSAL 607 HILLSBOROUGH STREET OXFORD SPL NCD991278 MEAD CONTAINERS/WEYERHAEUSER GRANVILLE 870 PAPER HWY 56 BUTNER NFA NC0001206 GRANVILLE 572 HORSESHOE CREEK ROAD HORSESHOE CREEK ROAD CREEDMOOR NFA NONCD000 Granville 2154 NCDOT 58 SR 1100 AND 1175 BUTNER NFA NONCD000 GRANVILLE 0025 RANGE ROAD BURN SITE RANGE ROAD BUTNER SPL NONCD000 NFA w/ Greene 2267 Parker Hannifin Corporation 310 kIN old Boulevard Snow Hill Restrictions NONCD000 GREENE 1296 H&G PROPERTY #1 202 E RAILROAD ST WALTSONBURG NFA NCD981466 GREENE 931 WGM SAFETY HIGHWAY 258 SNOW HILL NFA NONCD000 Evaluation GREENE 1599 A.E. VANDIFORD STORE NC 903 & ORMANDSVILLE RD ORMANDSVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 1857 KURTZ PROPERTY, STEPHEN 7000 KIVETTE HOUSE RD GIBSONVILLE Pending NONCD000 GUILFORD 0044 CHEMICAL AND SOLVENTS, INC. 2804 PATTERSON STREET GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1535 Community Plumbing & Heating 305 Swing Road Greensboro Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2979 PRICE -SMITH PROPERTY 6116 HICKORY CREEK RD HIGH POINT Pending NONCD000 GUILFORD 2817 AGATHA DRIVE AGATHA DRIVE STOKESDALE NFA NCD003467 Evaluation GUILFORD 974 AMP INCORPORATED 1126 CHURCH ST GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Guilford 1832 HB FULLER CO. 3005 HOLTS CHAPEL ROAD GREENSBORO SPL NCD990715 GUILFORD 625 HOOVER UNIVERSAL, INC. 1131 BLANDWOOD CIRCLE HIGH POINT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1489 Chemonic 1316 Oakland Avenue Greensboro Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1866 HOMETOWN CASH AND CARRY 3011 SPRING GARDEN GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2694 WAR MEMORIAL STADIUM 510 YANCEYVILLE STREET GREENSBORO Pending NCD024583 GUILFORD 288 AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. 115 SOUTHERN OXYGEN RD GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 GREENSBORO, CITY OF - CITY GARAGE - Evaluation Guilford 1798 B 401 PATTON AVE GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 1436 YORKSHIRE DRIVE 2100 YORKSHIRE DR GREENSBORO Pending NCD024600 GUILFORD 579 SUPERIOR PRODUCTS COMPANY 4801 BURLINGTON RD GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2986 PARKS SUZUKI/PARKS HOLDINGS 2307 & 2309 N MAIN ST HIGH POINT Pending NCD000828 GUILFORD 814 ASHLAND PETROLEUM COMPANY 6311 BURNT POPLAR ROAD GREENSBORO NFA NCD980729 GUILFORD 669 HUBERT ATKINS PROPERTY #4 ROUTE 9 GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Guilford 3175 GUARDSMAN CHEMICALS INC 2147 BREVARD RD HIGH POINT SPL NONCD000 Voluntary Guilford 2236 OLYMPIC PRODUCTS 4100 PLEASANT GARDEN GREENSBORO AA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2231 OHENRY CLEANERS 3210 SUMMIT AVENUE GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 1522 COBLE PROPERTY 2611 HUSBANDS ST GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Guilford 2391 REXAM CORPORATION - B 2619 PHOENIX DRIVE GREENSBORO AA NCD980798 GUILFORD 870 GUILFORD SPILL GROOMETOWN ROAD GREENSBORO NFA NCD089903 Evaluation GUILFORD 983 UNIVAR USA, INC 3600 WEST WENDOVER AVE GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 3172 SHOWROOM PROPERTIES S ELM ST & W RUSSELL AVE HIGH POINT Pending NONCD000 Voluntary GUILFORD 2216 CROWN AUTO DEALERSHIP 3607 W WENDOVER AVE GREENSBORO AA NCD006390 GUILFORD 561 AKZO NOBLE COATINGS, INC. 1431 PROGRESS ST HIGH POINT SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1807 Guilford Mills - Fishman Solvents 4925 West Market St Greensboro Pending NONCD000 GUILFORD 0027 MEADOWVIEW ROAD MEADOWVIEW ROAD GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1529 COLORWORKS 3010 EXECUTIVE DR. GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 PLEASANT GARDEN RD PLEASANT GARDEN RD & PLEASANT Evaluation GUILFORD 2251 CONTAMINATION LAUREL M GARDEN Pending NONCD000 GUILFORD 0024 GAITHER TRANSOU PROPERTY 1202 GUILFORD COLLEGE RD GREENSBORO SPL NCD003521 GUILFORD 960 ROYAL DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 1417 COURTESY RD HIGH POINT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2314 JOHNSON PROPERTY 114 STAGE COACH TRAIL GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2809 HIGH POINT ENTERPRISE 210 CHURCH AVE HIGH POINT Pending NCD980600 GUILFORD 449 SED, INC. RADAR ROAD 500 RADAR ROAD GREENSBORO SPL NCD003216 GUILFORD 959 UNION CAMP CORPORATION 100 RAGSDALE RD JAMESTOWN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1616 DIXIE SALES AUTO REPAIR - B 327 BATTLEGROUND AVE GREENSBORO Pending NCD980503 GUILFORD 064 NORTH BUFFALO POLLUTION CONTROL WHITE STREET GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 GUILFORD 2784 MGM TRANSPORT CORP 1264 JACKSON LAKE RD HIGH POINT NFA NCD980503 GUILFORD 098 PFIZER INC/SKATE STADIUM 4500 BLOCK OF HIGH POINT GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2357 WALKER AVE CURB MARKET FRMR 437-441 SPRING GARDEN ST GREENSBORO Pending NCD980559 GUILFORD 157 CONE MILLS CORP/PRINT WORKS PL 1800 FAIRVIEW STREET GREENSBORO NFA NCN000407 GUILFORD 333 TRIAD USED AUTO SALES 1520 ALAMANCE CHURCH RD GREENSBORO SPL NCD980503 GUILFORD 114 SMITH FARM COLFAX #3 SR 2007 COLFAX NFA NCD 107885 GUILFORD 188 MEADOWLARK SOARING SCHOOL 6504 BURLINGTON RD HWY 70 WHITSETT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1635 DRAPER CORPORATION - NONUST 5644 HORNADAY ROAD GREENSBORO Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1745 Gaines Corporation 4001 Battleground Ave. Greensboro Pending NCD003215 GUILFORD 621 MILLER DESK, INC. 1212 LINCOLN DR HIGH POINT NFA NCN000410 Guilford 316 SOUTHERN MEADOWS SUBDIVISION SOUTHERN MEADOWS DRIVE STOKESDALE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1649 Dwiggins Property, Christopher 125 W. Lee Street Greensboro Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2339 CARDINAL CHEMICAL 4715 GRAFTON RD GREENSBORO Pending NCD003214 GUILFORD 319 DESOTO, INCORPORATED 1025 HOWARD ST GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Guilford 2336 Property Shop of the Triad, Inc. 5443 Ferguson Road Liberty NFA NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 3139 RTC HILL BLDG 862 N RALEIGH ST GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1670 Edmunds Manufacturing Company 1016 Battleground Ave. Greensboro Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2332 Proctor & Gamble - weigh scales 6200 Bryan Park Road Browns Summit Pending NCD980557 GUILFORD 599 PRIVATE FARM ROUTE 1 STOKESDALE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 3144 ELM ST DCA CONTAMINATION 225 NORTH ELM ST HIGH POINT Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2355 R. W. MCCOLLUM CO., INC. - B 107 W. MEADOWVIEW RD. GREENSBORO Pending NCD096160 GUILFORD 262 AMERICAN PETROFINA MKTG 7115 WEST MARKET ST GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Guilford 2257 PANEL CONCEPTS 415 WESTCLIFF RD. GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Voluntary Guilford 1551 COTTON MILLSQUARE - SOLVENTS 801 MERRIT DRIVE GREENSBORO AA NCD990883 GUILFORD 001 MONARCH FURNITURE CORPORATION 301 SCIENTIFIC ST JAMESTOWN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 3119 FORWARD HIGH POINT PROPERTY 720 N MAIN ST HIGH POINT Pending NCD096158 GUILFORD 696 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. 6008 HIGH POINT RD GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 3121 BSC HOLDINGS GUILFORD COLLEGE RD JAMESTOWN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2197 New Generation Yarn 1248 S rin wood CHURCH RD Gibsonville Pending NCD003232 GUILFORD 030 LILLY CO., INC. 1717 ENGLISH ROAD HIGH POINT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2826 HAMILTON STREET PROPERTY-B 330 N HAMILTON ST HIGH POINT Pending NCD980729 GUILFORD 412 CAROLINA TANK CLEANING COMPANY 1025 NC HWY 68 GREENSBORO SPL NCD991277 GUILFORD 898 ROYAL DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 325 KETTERING DR HIGH POINT NFA NCN000403 Evaluation GUILFORD 952 MARKET STREET STORAGE 3939 W MARKET ST GREENSBORO Pending NCD991278 GUILFORD 300 UNITED DRUM T/A RELIANCE UNIV. 214 BERKLEY ST HIGH POINT SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1796 GREENSBORO AUTO AUCTION, INC 3802 W WENDOVER AVE GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Guilford 1568 Crown Dodge - NonUST 3710 W. Wendover Ave. Greensboro NFA NONCD000 Voluntary Guilford 1569 Crown Honda & Camco 3633 W. Wendover Ave. Greensboro AA NCD003230 GUILFORD 836 DUKE REFINING CORPORATION 2020 JARRELL STREET HIGH POINT SPL NCD003230 GUILFORD 083 FANCOURT, W F CO. 408 BANNER AVE GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1576 CULP TICKING 7209 HWY 158 STOKESDALE Pending NCD991278 PLEASANT GUILFORD 839 NORTH STATE CHEMICALS 6211 HUNT RD GARDEN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 1754 GUILFORD PLATING 3318 N CHURCH ST GREENSBORO Pending NCD101750 GUILFORD 305 INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS, INC. CLOVER & MCONNELL ROAD GREENSBORO SPL NCN000410 PLEASANT Evaluation GUILFORD 797 PLEASANT GARDEN RD PCE 4710 4710 PLEASANT GARDEN RD GARDEN Pending NCD980712 GUILFORD 038 SED, INC. SWING COURT SWING COURT GREENSBORO SPL NCD003219 802 WEST GATE CITY GUILFORD 433 PUGH METAL FINISHING CORP BOULEVARD GREENSBORO NFA NCD991278 GUILFORD 169 CONVERTERS INK COMPANY SUITE 305 FRIENDSHIP CTR GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Guilford 2537 STATE STREET PROPERTIES STATE ST. GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2135 NCDOT - SITE #10 JAMESTOWN ASPHALT 5730 RIVERDALE DR. JAMESTOWN Pending NONCD000 MYERS BROTHERS RECYCLING Evaluation GUILFORD 2030 FORMER 3303 SPRING GARDEN ST GREENSBORO I Pending NCD067437 GUILFORD 400 GULF OIL CORPORATION 5955 ROCK CREEK DAIRY RD MCLEANSVILLE SPL NCD071561 Evaluation GUILFORD 864 SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY 113 STAGECOACH TRAIL GREENSBORO Pending NC9210021 GUILFORD 755 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 1120 CHURCH ST GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2025 ANDREA DRIVE CONTAMINATION 101 ANDREA DR JAMESTOWN Pending NCD048401 PLEASANT Voluntary GUILFORD 087 HOOKER FURNITURE 1212 THROWER ROAD GARDEN AA NONCD000 NCDOT - SITE #25 MARTIN MARIETTA Evaluation Guilford 2139 GBORO 825 MARIETTA RD. GREENSBORO Pending NCD071567 GUILFORD 374 AGRICO #2/BILL MARTIN LIVESTOCK 408 PATTON AVENUE GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2016 LONGVIEW GOLF COURSE 6321 BALLINGER ROAD GREENSBORO Pending NCD071572 GUILFORD 036 MORFLEX CHEMICAL CO. INC/PFIZER 2110 HIGH POINT RD GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 ENGINEERED CONTROLS Voluntary GUILFORD 2903 INTERNATIONAL 1239 ROCK CREEK DAIRY RD WHITSETT AA NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2859 WILCO #301 3610 W WENDOVER AVE GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 GUILFORD 2863 BABY DIAPER SERVICE 1819 SPRING GARDEN ST GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Guilford 2007 LIMITORQUE FACILITY 7615 BOEING DRIVE GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2534 STARMOUNT CO -GREEN VALLEY RD 702-800 GREEN VALLEY RD GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2001 LEWIS PROPERTY, MAE 7182 SOCKWELL ROAD ELON COLLEGE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2532 STAPLES, L.P. 105 RAGSDALE RD. JAMESTOWN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1252 American Coatings 506 A Radar Road Greensboro Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2440 Sam's Mart #788 3101 Summit Ave. Greensboro Pending NONCD000 Voluntary GUILFORD 2854 FIBER DYNAMICS 200 SOUTH WEST POINT AVE HIGH POINT AA NONCD000 NCDOT - SITE #61 NORFOLK Evaluation Guilford 2148 SOUTHERN/THOMPS 1124 S. HOLDEN ROAD GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2666 CARQUEST RETAIL FACILITY 5307 W MARKET ST GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Voluntary GUILFORD 1262 CROWN PONTIAC-SOLVENT 3904 W WENDOVER AVE GREENSBORO AA NONCD000 1330 OLD JACKSON LAKE Guilford 2149 NCDOT - SITE #72 LARCO/SLOAN ROAD HIGH POINT NFA NONCD000 Guilford 1265 AMP, INC. BUILDING 11 1124 N.CHURCH ST. GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2655 UNIVERSITY SQUARE 830 WEST MARKET STREET GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2114 NAI Maxwell Property 612 Industrial Ave Greensboro Pending NCD060291 GUILFORD 648 AVERY DENNISON 2305 SOOBAR ST GREENSBORO NFA NCD057037 GUILFORD 780 CUSTOM FINISHERS, INC. 2213 SHORE ST HIGH POINT NFA NCD061793 GUILFORD 253 AMF/HATTERAS YACHTS 2100 KIVETT DR HIGH POINT NFA NCD982117 CUSTOM PROCESSING AND GUILFORD 590 MANUFACTURING 1110 SURRETT DRIVE HIGH POINT SPL NCD055550 GUILFORD 560 GULF ADHESIVES & RESINS/PERKINS 1717 WARD STREET HIGH POINT SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2088 MODEL LINEN SERVICE - B 120 W. LEWIS STREET GREENSBORO Pending NCD061795 GUILFORD 696 UNITEX CHEMICALS 520 BROOME RD GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 3041 MODERN GARBAGE SERVICE 4102 W WENDOVER GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2109 MYATT PROPERTY 1822 ENGLISH RD. HIGH POINT Pending NCD982156 Voluntary GUILFORD 812 WYSONG & MILES 4820 US HWY 29 N GREENSBORO (AA) NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2590 THOMAS BUILT BUSES - NONUST 412-RI RIDGEWAY PLACE HIGH POINT Pending NCD061801 Voluntary GUILFORD 361 CIBA-GEIGY CORPORATION 410 SWING RD GREENSBORO AA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2133 NCDOT - SITE #8 STOKESDALE ASPHALT 6826 US HWY 158 STOKESDALE Pending NONCD000 Voluntary GUILFORD 1089 GREENSBORO COAL GAS PLANT #1 Church Street GREENSBORO (AA) NCD051745 GUILFORD 685 HOLDING POND FOR WASTE/USS 500 BROOME RD GREENSBORO SPL NCD053491 GUILFORD 221 GUARDSMANS CHEMICALS, INC. 2147 BREVARD ST HIGH POINT NFA NONCD000 Guilford 2120 NATIONS BANK - MACKAY RD. 5013 MACKAY RD. GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Voluntary GUILFORD 2871 UNITED METAL FINISHING 133 BLUE BELL RD GREENSBORO (AA) NCD053486 GUILFORD 395 METAL PLATING & FABRICATING INC. 1539 W FAIRFIELD RD HIGH POINT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 3058 ARLINGTON STREET CONTAMINATION 1109 ARLINGTON ST GREENSBORO Pending NC3210022 GUILFORD 486 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 156 PARRIS AVE HIGH POINT NFA NCD981861 Voluntary GUILFORD 743 DUKE POWER/GREENSBORO GAS PLANT 320 East Friendly Avenue GREENSBORO (AA) NONCD000 GUILFORD 1060 DIXIE MACHINE & TOOL CO 2204 PATTERSON ST GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2622 MOCK JUDSON VOEHRINGER MILL 2610 OAKLAND AVE GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 3218 Greensboro Airport Vicinity PFAS 803 N Terminal service Rd Greensboro Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2865 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT -AIR CARGO 6415 AIRPORT PKWY GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Voluntary GUILFORD 1020 PRECISION FABRICS GROUP, INC 301 MEADOWVIEW ROAD GREENSBORO AA NONCD000 GUILFORD 2880 PATCHES BODY SHOP 1903 E GREEN ST HIGH POINT SPL NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 1910 ALLEN BRADLEY CO 5925 SUMMIT AVE GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2473 Sierra Property 725 S. Elm Street Greensboro Pending NONCD000 GUILFORD 2999 PARRIS & N MAIN ST SOLVENTS 2300 BLOCK N MAIN STREET HIGH POINT SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1351 BILLER PROPERTY S. EUGENE ST. GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2911 ONE HOUR MARTINIZING 2519 HIGH POINT RD GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 3208 Former Presbyterian Home of High Point 201 Greensboro Road High Point Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2457 SHERFIELD RD WELLS Shefield Road Colfax Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2658 US AIRWAYS MAINTENANCE HANGAR-B 815 RADAR ROAD GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 1365 STEVECOKNIT FABRICS COMPANY-B 2602 S ELM ST GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 GUILFORD 0080 LOT #5 TANKS - 3880 IMMANUEL RD 3880 IMMANUEL ROAD GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 GUILFORD 0078 CAROLINA METAL AND ALLOYS 1016 E. SPRINGFIELD AVENUE HIGH POINT SPL NONCD000 Voluntary GUILFORD 2990 CROWN ACURA 3908 W WENDOVER AVE GREENSBORO AA NONCD000 GUILFORD 0090 CENTRAL TRANSPORT COMPANY HIGH POINT NFA NONCD000 Guilford 1375 Brayton International - C 250 E. Swathmore Avenue High Point NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2684 W.L. AUTO SERVICE 129 MONTLIEU AVENUE GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2828 TP SHERWOOD LLC PROPERTY 2001 SHERWOOD ST GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 BRAYTON INTERNATIONAL Guilford 1376 COLLECTION, INC. 265 SWATHMORE AVENUE HIGH POINT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1377 Brekenwood Subdivision 2105 E. Brekenwood Court Pleasant Garden Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1383 BRIN MONT CHEMICALS, INC. 3921 SPRING GARDEN ST GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2187 LWY GROOMETOWN ECKERD 3611 GROOMETOWN RD GREENSBORO Pending NCD041415 Evaluation GUILFORD 019 VALSPAR CORPORATION 1647 ENGLISH RD HIGH POINT Pending NCD000776 GUILFORD 914 CONE MILLS CORP/WHT OAK PLANT 2420 FAIRVIEW STREET GREENSBORO NFA NCD003220 GUILFORD 670 STRANDBERG ENGINEERING LABS HIGHWAY 73 WEST GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 1302 AND 1308 W GATE CITY Evaluation GUILFORD 2989 ANTIQUE WAREHOUSE BLVD GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 GUILFORD 0063 DUTCH CLEANERS SOUTH MAIN STREET HIGH POINT NFA NONCD000 Guilford 3187 KOURY ENTERPRISES COMPANY LLC 1029 WINSTON ST GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 BROWNS Evaluation Guilford 1914 JACK'S USED AUTO PARTS 4907 YANCEYVILLE ROAD SUMMIT Pending NONCD000 NFA w/ Guilford 1318 BARBER PARK 1500 DANS RD. GREENSBORO Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1293 Associated Mechanical Contractors 307 Swing Road Greensboro Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1277 APAC-CAROLINA, INC. DULUTH LOOP ROAD GREENSBORO Pending NCD986180 GUILFORD 891 ROSS AVENUE PROPERTY 604 ROSS AVENUE GREENSBORO NFA NCD045179 GUILFORD 504 WESTINGHOUSE ELEC/GREENSBORO 406 BANNER AVE GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 3196 Faulkners Gulf Greensboro 2910 West Gate Blvd GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2501 SOUTHERN PLASTICS ENGINEERING 4643 N.HWY 29 GREENSBORO Pending NCD986188 Voluntary GUILFORD 837 HIGH POINT COAL GAS PLANT Centennial St and Kivett Drive HIGH POINT AA NONCD000 GUILFORD 1007 ZIMMERMAN AND ASSOCIATES 5512 WEST MARKET STREET GREENSBORO NFA NONCD000 Voluntary GUILFORD 2491 SOUTH SEA RATTAN 200 E. SENECA RD. GREENSBORO AA NCD044513 Evaluation GUILFORD 307 CE SMITH CO 3704 OLD BATTLEGROUND RD GREENSBORO Pendin NCD043711 GUILFORD 977 CHEMICAL LEAMAN TANK LINES, INC. 6600 WEST MARKET STREET GREENSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 2479 RAILYARD PARKING LOT 120 BARNHARDT ST GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation GUILFORD 3003 GATE CITY MOTOR COMPANY 300 N CHURCH ST GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2667 VALSPAR MIRROR COATINGS 3125 SPRING GARDEN STREET GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 1105-1107 W MARKET CENTER NFA w/ GUILFORD 1937 PATRICIAN FURNITURE -RAVINE DR HIGH POINT Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 2478 SMITH RESIDENCE, LUCY 215 STAGECOACH TRAIL GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1283 ARATEX SERVICES 509 TEAGUE ST. GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Guilford 1974 LACY ALLRED FARM SUBDIVISION ANITA LN. GREENSBORO Pending NONCD000 Guilford 2492 South Sea Rattan - Fairfax Road 1702 & 1708 Fairfax Road Greensboro SPL NONCD000 Voluntary Halifax 2350 QUALITY FOREST PRODUCTS HWY 301 ENFIELD AA NONCD000 Evaluation HALIFAX 2916 COASTAL LUMBER 1772 TRUEBLOOD RD WELDON Pending NONCD000 ROANOKE Evaluation Halifax 1666 ECKERD DRUG STORE 1845 E. IOTH STREET RAPIDS Pending NCD000773 HALIFAX 499 GA -PACIFIC CORP/TIMBER SOUTH DENNIS STREET EXT. ENFIELD NFA NCD057248 ROANOKE HALIFAX 759 PATCH RUBBER POND GRACE BOULEVARD RAPIDS SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Halifax 1682 ENDERS RESIDENCE, FRANK SR 1615 DARLINGTON Pending NCD062664 ROANOKE HALIFAX 883 REINCO CHEMICAL COMPANY EAST 11 ST RAPIDS SPL NCD980602 ROANOKE HALIFAX 163 PCB SPILLS 210 MILES OF NC HIGHWAY RAPIDS NFA NCD067187 Halifax 302 FULFLEX 500 AIR BOSS PKWY SCOTLAND NECK SPL NONCD000 HALIFAX 2124 WELDON MILL FRMR E 11TH ST & SYCAMORE ST WELDON SPL NONCD000 ROANOKE Evaluation HALIFAX 3156 ROSEMARY COMPLEX 1200 HENRY ST RAPIDS Pending NCD000645 ROANOKE HALIFAX 705 KENNAMETAL, INC. BECKER INDUSTRIAL PARK RAPIDS NFA NCSFN0406 DOUG HILL FARM RD (SR HALIFAX 953 G&B/FARMER PROPERTY 1100) SCOTLAND NECK NFA NONCD000 ROANOKE HALIFAX 1248 UNITED SALVAGE BUTTERCUP LANE RAPIDS SPL NONCD000 HALIFAX 1071 DOE -SPUN GIBBS AVE HOLLISTER NFA NCD980483 HALIFAX 275 HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY DENNIS STREET EXTENSION ENFIELD SPL NCD000773 NFA w/ HALIFAX 507 GA -PACIFIC CORP/HDWD SAW S DENNIS ST EXTENSION ENFIELD Restrictions NONCD000 ROANOKE HALIFAX 2855 PATTERSON PROPERTY 900 JEFFERSON ST RAPIDS SPL NONCD000 HARNETT 3105 SAAB BARRACUDA FACILITY 608 E MCNEIL ST LILLINGTON SPL NONCD000 mor- HARNETT 1010 HARDEE SEPTAGE FARM MITCHELL RD BUIES CREEK NFA NONCD000 HARNETT 1093 KIDDE FIRE FIGHTING 141 JUNNY RD ANGIER NFA NONCD000 Voluntary HARNETT 1425 PETERBILT OF DUNN "A" PARCEL 1185 SADLER RD DUNN AA NONCD000 HARNETT 1483 POPE PROPERTY 800 S WILSON AVE DUNN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation HARNETT 1419 PETERBILT OF DUNN "B" PARCEL 1365 SADLER RD DUNN Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation HARNETT 2367 BETSY JOHNSON REGIONAL HOSPITAL 800 TILGHMAN DR DUNN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation HARNETT 3097 CFI READY MIX FRMR 306 E MCNEIL ST LILLINGTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Harnett 2165 NCDOT Asphalt Site #32/Johnson Bros 1924 N Main St Lillin ton Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Harnett 3222 W Cumberland St PCE 1206 West Cumberland St Dunn Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Harnett 1683 Energy Conversion Systems 1 Mor ante Drive Dunn (AA) NONCD000 Evaluation Harnett 1687 ERWIN MILLS/BURLINGTON IND. SOUTH BURLINGTON ST. ERWIN Pending NCD981027 HARNETT 915 J STREET FLYASH DISPOSAL SITE SR 1769 ERWIN SPL NCD986188 HARNETT 498 DURA-BUILT ENGINES CO OFF HWY 55 COATS NFA NCD981863 HARNETT 814 LANCASTER PLATING 802 EDWARDS ROAD LILLINGTON SPL NCD986171 HAYWOOD 445 BENFIELD CHEMICALS OLD CANTON CLYDE HWY CANTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Haywood 3203 RED WOLVES INC FERTILIZER SPILL Mile Marker 11, I-40 East I-40 East Pending NONCD000 Evaluation HAYWOOD 2956 FIE TOP ROAD SALT SITE FIE TOP RD MAGGIE VALLEY Pending NCD986188 HAYWOOD 019 CHAMPION LANDFILL NO 2 SR 1539 CANTON SPL NCD986188 HAYWOOD 027 CHAMPION LANDFILL NO 3 SR 1550 I40 CANTON SPL NONCD000 HAYWOOD 0096 MASON DRUM STORAGE 42 FIBERVILLE STREET CANTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Haywood 2262 PANTRY 421 FORMER P. O. BOX 1410 CANTON Pending NCD003148 HAYWOOD 798 DAYCO CORP BALSAM RD WAYNESVILLE SPL NCD986188 CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL LANDFILL HAYWOOD 001 NO 1 SR 1571 & 1573 CANTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation HAYWOOD 2469 WR BOYD INVESTMENTS 90 HOWELL MILL RD WAYNESVILLE Pending NCD081333 19119 GREAT SMOKEY MTN HAYWOOD 858 HOLSTON ENERGY INC/HOLSTON FUEL EXPWAY WAYNESVILLE NFA NCD024852 Evaluation HAYWOOD 675 SCHULHOFER JUNKYARD 816 HOWELL MILL ROAD WAYNESVILLE Pending NCD986231 HAYWOOD 520 ZOE LABS HIGHWAY 19/23 CANTON NFA NONCD000 HAYWOOD 0059 DAYCO COCHRAN LANDFILL RT 1 HYATT CREEK ROAD WAYNESVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Haywood 1473 CHAMPION -PIGEON RIVER SEEP CANTON MILL CANTON Pending NCD003148 CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL_CANTON HAYWOOD 889 MILL NEWFOUND STREET CANTON SPL NCD982119 HAYWOOD 463 DAYCO LANDFILL CRYME COVE ROAD SR 1134 WAYNESVILLE SPL NC0000195 HAYWOOD 701 A.C. LAWRENCE LEATHER CO 100 WEST MAIN STREET HAZELWOOD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Henderson 1497 Chrisman's Garage 6352 B Hendersonville Road Fletcher Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Henderson 1603 DIAMOND BRAND CANVAS PRODUCTS HIGHWAY 25 NAPLES Pending HENDERSO NCD003155 N 405 FEDERAL PAPER BOARD CO., INC. 200 TABOR RD, SR 1809 EAST FLAT ROCK NFA HENDERSO NCD093334 Voluntary N 209 WILSON, RALPH PLASTICS CANE CREEK IND PARK FLETCHER AA HENDERSO NCD986185 N 411 OLD WESTERN NC FAIRGROUNDS BTWN US 176 & SOUTHER RR EAST FLAT ROCK NFA HENDERSO NONCD000 Evaluation N 2471 NAPLES ASHEVILLE HWY PCE US 25 & 126 NAPLES Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Henderson 2617 TRACY LIPE 31 KINGWOOD HILLS DR. FLETCHER Pending HENDERSO NCD986180 HENDERSONVILL N 917 SPANN PROPERTY US HIGHWAY 25 E SPL HENDERSO NONCD000 HENDERSONVILL Evaluation N 3130 ROBINSON TERRACE VOCS 810 ROBINSON TERRACE E Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Henderson 3173 HOOPERS CREEK ROAD VOCS HOOPERS CREEK ROAD FLETCHER Pending HENDERSO NCD054282 N 272 CAROLINA LOG BLDGS, INC. HOWARD GAP RD FLETCHER NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Henderson 1663 EATON FACILITY FORMER LANE CREEK INDUSTRIAL PK. FLETCHER Pending HENDERSO NONCD000 HENDERSONVILL N 1090 OLD MILL BLDG 301 FOURTH AVE EAST E SPL NONCD000 MAIN ST SOLVENT CONTAMINATION_500 HENDERSONVILL Evaluation Henderson 3087 BLOCK 510 TO 520 S MAIN STREET E Pending HENDERSO NCDO03150 N 539 CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY US 25 FLETCHER j NFA HENDERSO NCD024617 HENDERSONVILL N 524 BELDING CORTICELLI THREAD CO. US 64 W E NFA NONCD000 HENDERSONVILL Evaluation Henderson 1852 HIGHWAY 26 EAST MILE MARKER 45.75 HIGHWAY 26 EAST E Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Henderson 1722 FLETCHER PUBLIC WORKS SITE 21 HOWARD GAP RD. FLETCHER Pending HENDERSO NCD062572 N 391 STEELCASE, INCORPORATED CANE CREEK IND PARK FLETCHER NFA HENDERSO NONCD000 Evaluation N 2569 ARVIN MERITOR, INC 1000 ROCKWELL DR FLETCHER Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Hertford 2180 NCDOT FACILITY -UNION NCSR 1130 UNION Pending NONCD000 HERTFORD 2623 RED APPLE MARKETS #40 (FMR) 925 E MEMORIAL DR AHOSKIE SPL NONCD000 HERTFORD 1685 EAST MAIN STREET PCE EAST MAIN ST MURFREESBORO SPL NONCD000 HERTFORD 1176 MURFREESBORO VENEER 307 N 2ND ST MURFREESBORO SPL NONCD000 Hertford 1952 KERR FACILITY - AHOSKIE 228 JOHNNY MITCHELL RD AHOSKIE SPL NCN000407 HERTFORD 205 TRI-COUNTY AIRPORT NC 561 AULANDER SPL NCD050412 HERTFORD 923 WEST POINT PEPPERELL AHOSKIE MITCHEL ROAD AHOSKIE NFA NCD981929 HERTFORD 185 MIDNIGHT DUMPING NC 11 & SR 1106 AHOSKIE NFA NCD097724 HERTFORD 306 GA -PACIFIC CORP CHIP-N-SAW HARRELLSVILLE HWY 561 AHOSKIE NFA NCD065288 HERTFORD 847 CF NITROGEN, INCORPORATED HWY 45 WINTON SPL NONCD000 HERTFORD 2368 EASTERN CAR CARE FRMR 703 E MAIN ST MURFREESBORO SPL NCN000410 Evaluation HERTFORD 290 RIVERSIDE CHEMICAL 110 NC42 WEST AHOSKIE Pending NONCD000 Hertford 1677 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE 2103 US HYW 13 SOUTH AHOSKIE SPL NCD045924 HERTFORD 487 CAROLINA ALUMINUM/EASCO/ALFINITY 600 METCALF STREET WINTON SPL NONCD000 HERTFORD 1488 COLLEGE TEXACO FRMR 301 W MAIN ST MURFREESBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation HERTFORD 1204 SOUTHERN STATES-AHOSKIE SERVICE 1383 MEMORIAL DR AHOSKIE Pending NONCD000 HERTFORD 1029 R & D LAMINATORS INC HOLLOMAN ROAD SR 1187 AHOSKIE SPL NC0001279 WOODY WILSON BATTERY/ASHLEY ASHLEY HOKE 710 HEIGHTS 301 OLD PINEHURST RD HEIGHTS SPL NONCD000 Hoke 3193 FARM CHEMICALS RAEFORD 2274 ST. PAULS HWY RAEFORD SPL NCD981021 ASHLEY HOKE 546 KOPPERS BORROW PIT RT. 211 HEIGHTS NFA NONCD000 LEONARD THOMPSON (GROVES Evaluation Hoke 1998 SALVAGE) T C JONES ROAD RAEFORD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation HOKE 0005 WOODY WILSON-MCCAIN SR1215 & SR1219 MCCAIN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation HOKE 2834 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES 1000 TURNPIKE RD RAEFORD Pending NONCD000 Hyde 1886 Hyde County Courthouse 30 OYSTER CREEK RD Swan Quarter SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 1931 JOHN BOYLE FACILITY STATESVILLE STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation IREDELL 2892 MERCHANTS METALS MMI PRODUCTS 165 FANJOY RD STATESVILLE Pending NCD003520 IREDELL 301 OVERCASH MACHINE SHOP, INC. 865 CONNER STREET STATESVILLE SPL NCD986197 Voluntary IREDELL 291 STATESVILLE COAL GAS PLANT 615 SOUTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE (AA) NCD042269 IREDELL 134 SOUTHERN SCREW/FARLEY METALS 1225 BARKLEY RD STATESVILLE SPL NONCD000 SHELBY WILLIAMS - STATESVILLE Evaluation Iredell 2465 PLANT 401 MEACHAM ROAD STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 2173 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #66/APAC 164 Bostian Bridge Dr off BUF STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 1918 JANTZEN WELL- G.L.WILSON WILSON PARK ROAD STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 OLD MOUNTAIN RD WATER SUPPLY OLD MOUNTAIN RD & N MAIN Evaluation IREDELL 2813 WELLS ST TROUTMAN Pending NONCD000 IREDELL 0070 BENFIELD SANITATION SERVICE 1809 W FRONT ST STATESVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation IREDELL 0033 SPRINGS IND/UNIGLASS IND. 535 CONNER ST. STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 1402 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES 476 SOUTH MAIN STREET MOORESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 2214 NORTH AMERICAN PRODUCTS 1053 CRAWFORD RD STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 3210 TAYLORSVILLE Voluntary Iredell 2427 ROYSTER-CLARK FERTILIZER FACILITY HIGHWAY STATESVILLE AA NONCD000 Iredell 2213 NORTEX INTERNATIONAL, INC 523 PATTERSON AVE MOORESVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 2226 O W SLANE GLASS WELL 606 MECHAM ROAD STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 WISE STREET AND MEETING Evaluation Iredell 2596 THONET PROPERTY #2 STREET STATESVILLE Pending NCD986230 2227 OLD SALISBURY HWY Voluntary IREDELL 688 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE GROUP, INC US 70 STATESVILLE AA NCD081434 CLARK EQUIPMENT COMPANY/AXLE IREDELL 219 DIV. I40 & I77 STATESVILLE NFA NONCD000 Iredell 1902 INGERSOLL RAND 800-A BEATY RD. DAVIDSON NFA NCD097362 IREDELL 594 BERNHART FURNITURE CO. PLANT #8 HWY 21 TROUTMAN NFA NONCD000 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTH Evaluation Iredell 2342 CAROLINA 433 DRAKE STREET STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 2034 MARTIN PROPERTY #2 2328 DAVIE AVE STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 OLD MOUNTAIN & BUFFALO SHOALS BUFFALO SHOALS & OLD Evaluation IREDELL 2031 RDS WELLS MOUNTAIN STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 2635 TROUTMAN PULPWOOD #2 116 WHITE MILL RD STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 2649 UNITED ENGRAVING 320 MEACHAM ROAD STATESVILLE Pending NCD003215 Voluntary IREDELL 696 HUNT MANUFACTURING 2301 SPEEDBALL ROAD STATESVILLE AA NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 2307 PILCH, INC FORMERLY PEARTREE RD PILCH RD TROUTMAN Pending NCD048462 IREDELL 881 ARMOLOY CO OF NC/HI-TECH JJJM 1603 SALISBURY ROAD STATESVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation IREDELL 1230 AG LIQUIDS 2504 DAVIE AVENUE STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 1116 & 1122 NORTH MAIN Evaluation Iredell 2337 PSNC ENERGY MOORESVILLE, FORMER STREET MOORESVILLE Pending NCD980600 IREDELL 530 GTE PRODUCTS CORPORATION SR 2350 TROUTMAN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 1580 D&G MART SOLVENTS 792 BRAWLEY SCHOOL ROAD MOORESVILLE Pending NCD003236 IREDELL 841 WARLICK PAINT COMPANY 945 MONROE ST STATESVILLE SPL NONCD000 CHARLOTTE HIGHWAY AND Evaluation Iredell 1481 CHARLOTTE HIGHWAY WELLS CORNELIU MOORESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 2722 WILDWOOD LOOP 133 - 137 WILDWOOD LOOP STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 1761 GENERAL STORE SOLVENTS 849 OAKRIDGE FARM ROAD MOORESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 1339 BENFIELDS PAINT AND BODY SHOP SR 2308 STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Iredell 2481 SMITHS DRY CLEANERS #2 225 GORDON AVENUE STATESVILLE Pending NCD003235 IREDELL 413 NIEMAND INDUSTRIES 2500 WEST FRONT STREET STATESVILLE NFA NONCD000 131 TURNERSBURG HWY Evaluation IREDELL 2804 PETRO EXPRESS #31 HWY21 STATESVILLE Pending NONCD000 IREDELL 0094 IREDELL COUNTY FIRE TRAINING GRNDS MURDOCK ROAD TROUTMAN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation IREDELL 2733 PERTH ROAD PCE SITE 1156 PERTH RD TROUTMAN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Jackson 1630 DOT -ASPHALT TESTING SITE #18 SR 1377 DILLSBORO Pending NONCD000 NCDOT MAINT FACILITY CASHIERS NON- Evaluation Jackson 3211 UST 150 US 64 W CASHIERS Pending NONCD000 JOHNSTON 1148 UNION CARBIDE HWY 42 CLAYTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Johnston 1340 BENSON NEWSPAPER PRINTING 611 CHICOPEE ROAD BENSON Pending NCD080892 Evaluation Johnston 441 CHAMPION PRODUCTS INC 350 ATKINSON ST CLAYTON Pending NONCD000 Johnston 2076 MILLERS AUTO SALES 13513 US HIGHWAY 70 CLAYTON NFA NCD042888 JOHNSTON 230 ASM CORPORATION 1211 S FIRST ST SMITHFIELD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Johnston 2447 SAUCEDO PROP. / NCDOT SITE #69 US HWY. 701 NEWTON GROVE Pending NCD086330 JOHNSTON 412 DATA GENERAL CORPORATION NC 42 E CLAYTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation JOHNSTON 3079 KINDER MORGAN SELMA SPILL 2200 W OAK ST SELMA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Johnston 3232 Gurley Mill Princeton 120 S PINE ST PRINCETON Pending NONCD000 JOHNSTON 1208 APAC-PRINCETON ASPHALT PLANT 1288 RAINS MILL RD PRINCETON NFA NONCD000 JOHNSTON 2852 CLAYTON FARMS 1833 LOOP RD CLAYTON SPL NCD054417 JOHNSTON 308 COASTAL CHEMICAL CORP. NC 42 CLAYTON SPL NCD986171 JOHNSTON 338 PEELE CO. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL NC 42 EAST CLAYTON SPL NONCD000 JOHNSTON 2840 WEST CLAYTON MOBILE VILLAGE OLD US 70 WEST CLAYTON NFA NONCD000 BUFFALO CRK & NC96 Evaluation JOHNSTON 2897 NC DOT BRIDGE #71 BRIDGE SELMA Pending NONCD000 PEEDIN STREETA.G. LEE Evaluation Johnston 2186 NCDOT SELMA PLANT P-I I TRUCK ST SELMA Pending NONCD000 Voluntary JOHNSTON 2853 EATON MANUFACTURING 1100 E PRESTON ST SELMA AA NONCD000 1305 GRAM STREET, PO BOX Evaluation Johnston 1405 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES-SMITHFIELD 691 SMITHFIELD Pending NCD000770 JOHNSTON 032 AMERICAN PETROFINA MKTG SR 1929 SELMA NFA NCD075559 JOHNSTON 526 BP OIL/GULF PRODUCTS DIVISION WILSON'S MILL RD SR 1003 SELMA NFA NCN000410 Evaluation JOHNSTON 293 GURMICO CHEMICALS 9710 HWY 70 E PRINCETON Pending NONCD000 JOHNSTON 3113 3C PACKAGING 1000 CC DRIVE CLAYTON SPL NCD991278 JOHNSTON 730 S UIBB E R & SONS FLOWERS RD KENLY SPL NCD003528 JOHNSTON 825 FIELDCREST MILLS INC. WALPAT RD SMITHFIELD SPL NCD009305 JOHNSTON 699 GTE SYLVANIA, INC. INDUSTRIAL PARK DR SMITHFIELD SPL NCD003183 JOHNSTON 480 UNION CAMP CORPORATION 524 BROGDEN RD SMITHFIELD SPL NONCD000 Evaluation LEE 3065 PANTRY 219 1413 BROADWAY SANFORD Pending NCN000409 LEE 783 WHITIN ROBERTS PLANT #2 202 MAPLE AVE SANFORD SPL NONCD000 LEE 2843 TRION, INC 101 MCNEILL RD SANFORD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation LEE 2998 WICKER ST NAPHTHALENE 229 WICKER ST SANFORD Pending NCD981929 LEE 813 CARBONTON ROAD DRUM SITE 2816 CARBONTON ROAD SANFORD NFA NCD981021 LEE 652 SAN LEE PARK PUMPING STATION RD-NC1510 SANFORD NFA NONCD000 Voluntary Lee 1662 EATON CORPORATION - SANFORD 3020 LEE AVENUE SANFORD (AA) NONCD000 Evaluation Lee 2446 SAPONA MILLS 311 EAST ROSE STREET SANFORD Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Lee 2188 NCDOT SITE #44/ UAIL RIDGE QUAIL RIDGE DR. SANFORD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation LEE 3104 LEE AVE PCE CONTAMINATION 2820 LEE AVE SANFORD Pending NCN000409 LEE 854 ROMATIC MANUFACTURING 402 E ROSE ST SANFORD SPL NCD067427 LEE 922 STANADYNE, INC. COX MILL RD SANFORD NFA NCD053490 LEE 462 SINGER CONURNITURE DIV SANFORD 133 CHARLOTTE AVE SANFORD NFA NCD067428 LEE 821 SIEMENS-ALLIS, INC/SWITCHGEAR DIV 5000 WOMACK RD SANFORD SPL NONCD000 Evaluation LEE 2944 PANTRY 385 3420 WICKER ST SANFORD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lee 2512 SPANCO INDUSTRIES 1604 BOON TRAIL RD. SANFORD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lee 2027 MAKEPEACE PROPERTY 1214 HAWKINS AVENUE SANFORD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lee 1988 LEE PAVING / NCDOT SITE #31 SR 1179 ROCKY FORK CH.RD. SANFORD Pending NCD003218 LEE 161 CORNELL-DUBILIER ELECTRONICS 2652 DALYRUMPLE STREET SANFORD SPL NCD981747 LEE 934 COX MILL ROAD PLATING 3723 COX MILL ROAD SANFORD NFA NCD982119 LEE 588 BUCKHORN ROAD 2427 BUCKHORN ROAD SANFORD NFA NONCD000 Lee 2531 STANLEY FASTENING 2903 LEE AVE SANFORD SPL NCD000281 LEE 832 SANFORD PLATING COMPANY SR 1466 SANFORD SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Lee 2013 LOCK ON 1506 LANDIS STREET SANFORD Pending NONCD000 LEE 1030 BLR 2911 JUNO DR SANFORD SPL NONCD000 Evaluation LEE 3085 COCA COLA SANFORD 1605 HAWKINS AVE SANFORD Pending NCD057037 LEE 178 PFIZER INC/COTY DIVISION COX MILL RD & HWY 42 E SANFORD SPL NC0000998 LEE 336 CP PROPERTIES 2350 BROWN ROAD SANFORD SPL NONCD000 NFA w/ Lee 2090 MOEN - SANFORD 2609 COX MILL RD. SANFORD Restrictions NONCD000 LEE 0049 C. E. SMITH PROPERTY 1400 TRAMWAY ROAD SANFORD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Lee 1456 CARRIER RENTAL SYSTEMS 4300 OAK PARK SANFORD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lenoir 3215 D&H Dehaii Property 1155 Enterprise Blvd Kinston Pending NCN000410 Evaluation LENOIR 174 DALY-HERRING COMPANY/PRILLAMAN NEUSE RD KINSTON Pending NCD986197 Voluntary LENOIR 366 KINSTON COAL GAS PLANT SOUTH & HERITAGE STREETS KINSTON AA NCN000407 Voluntary LENOIR 582 WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVCES 2525 ROUSE RD EXT KINSTON AA NONCD000 I Evaluation LENOIR 2004 COLONIAL ICE COMPANY FRMR 405 E KING ST KINSTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation LENOIR 2576 CASWELL CENTER RESEARCH FARM 2415 W VERNON AVE KINSTON Pending NCD001725 Evaluation LENOIR 464 BORDEN CHEMICAL SMITH-DOUGLASS 3106 HWY 11 NORTH KINSTON N Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lenoir 1877 HUGH D. WALLER-TRAVELERS 224 E WASHINGTON ST LA GRANGE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation LENOIR 3031 KINSTON SHIRT FACTORY 501 E CASWELL ST KINSTON Pending NONCD000 Lenoir 1524 COCA COLA WAREHOUSE 4191 W VERNON AVE KINSTON NFA NONCD000 COASTAL LUMBER COMPANY - KINSTON Evaluation Lenoir 1521 SAWMILL 800 HULL ROAD KINSTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lenoir 2755 Woods Service Station - Former 108 W. Washington Street La Grange Pending NCD986214 LENOIR 989 KINSTON TORNADO SITE STATE ROAD 1921 KINSTON NFA NONCD000 Lenoir 2028 MALLARD GRIFFIN LUMBER 1304 W VERNON AVE KINSTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation LENOIR 2915 SUTTON PROPERTY 223 E WASHINGTON ST LA GRANGE Pending NONCD000 LENOIR 2886 SALE FORD 1145 US HWY 258 KINSTON NFA NONCD000 Voluntary LENOIR 2818 DUPONT-KENTEC BRAXTON RD SR 1802 GRIFTON AA NONCD000 Voluntary LINCOLN 1154 ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORP 129 LEGIONAIRE RD LINCOLNTON AA NCD990745 LINCOLN 242 VERMONT AMERICAN CORPORATION MAIDEN HWY 321 N LINCOLNTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation LINCOLN 1069 GENERAL MARBLE COMPANY 350 NORTH GENERALS BLVD LINCOLNTON Pending NCD083674 LINCOLN 713 HULL SERVICE STATION/PHILLIPS 66 HIGHWAY 274 SOUTH VALE SPL NCN000410 SOUTHSIDE RD & Evaluation Lincoln 439 SOUTHSIDE ROAD INCIDENT SOUTHFORK RD LINCOLNTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lincoln 2396 RHYNE MILLS, INC. HWY 150, LINCOLNTON LINCOLNTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation LINCOLN 2924 US $2.50 CLEANERS 7558 HWY 73 DENVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation LINCOLN 3059 EAST LINCOLN FIRE STATION FRMR 7654 NC HWY 73 STANLEY Pending NCD049772 LINCOLN 023 H & S PROCESSORS, INC. NC HIGHWAY 150 WEST LINCOLNTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Lincoln 1526 COCHRANE FURN. DIV #15 402 SOUTH EDWARDS ST LINCOLNTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lincoln 1703 FAIRLAND LANE 125 FAIRLAND LANE LINCOLNTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation LINCOLN 2673 ENVIRONETICS BURN SITE ASHBURY CHURCH RD IRONTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lincoln 2696 WARLICKS GROCERY 2673 PLATEAU ROAD VALE Pending NONCD000 LINCOLN 0009 TREND LINE FURNITURE CORP. 321 INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD LINCOLNTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Lincoln 1883 ASPEN STREET PCE N ASPEN ST LINCOLNTON Pending NONCD000 CULP, INC. (FORMERLY ARTEE Evaluation Lincoln 1577 INDUSTRIES) 1808 INDIAN CREEK ROAD LINCOLNTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation LINCOLN 1827 ABERNETHY TEXACO PCE 5781 E HWY 150 LINCOLNTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lincoln 2386 REINHARDT CIRCLE TCE SITE REINHARDT CIRCLE IRON STATION Pending NCD981929 LINCOLN 367 FURNACE ROAD ABANDONED DRUMS SR 1355 LINCOLNTON NFA NONCD000 225&235 HERNDON CHAPEL Evaluation LINCOLN 2914 HERNDON CHAPEL CHURCH LANE CHURCH LINCOLNTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Lincoln 1838 HELMER WELL 5420 BIG CREEK HOLLAR ALEXIS Pending NONCD000 HIGHWAY 321, NORTH Evaluation Lincoln 2587 TEXTILE PIECE DYEING BYPASS LINCOLNTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Macon 1737 FRANKLIN UARRY-NCDOT-SITE #15 HIGHWAY 64 FRANKLIN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation MACON 2967 PARRISH PROPERTY-DESOTO TRAIL 3370 BRYSON CITY RD FRANKLIN Pending NCD980848 MADISON 782 MADISON COUNTY CYANIDE SITE 7735 NC 63 HWY LEICESTER SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Madison 1884 HWY 23 ACETIC ACID SPILL HIGHWAY 23 MARS HILL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Madison 1543 COOKS FARM AND GARDEN 4050 NC HIGHWAY 208 MARSHALL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation MADISON 2955 ANDREWS AVE SOLVENT RELEASE 172 S ANDREWS AVE HOT SPRINGS Pending NCN000410 Evaluation MADISON 861 DERRINGER DRIVE DERRINGER DRIVE MARSHALL Pending NCD062571 MADISON 658 HONEYWELL MICRO SWITCH DIV. 1 HICKORY DRIVE MARS HILL SPL NCD000623 MARTIN 223 MARTIN MANUFACTURING PROPERTIES E MAIN ST US 17 WILLIAMSTON SPL NONCD000 MARTIN 1016 ROYSTER-CLARK FERTILIZER PLANT 1598 HINES RD OAK CITY SPL NONCD000 MARTIN 1 169 LIBERTY FABRICS (FORMER) US 64 JAMESVILLE SPL NCDO03184 MARTIN 520 WEST POINT PEPPERELL HAMILTON HWY 125 mm HAMILTON NFA NCD981030 MARTIN 893 MUSIC CLUB PESTICIDE SITE SE QUADRANT OF INT US 17 WILLIAMSTON SPL NONCD000 MARTIN 0013 CAROLINA HARDWOODS 158 FACTORY STREET WILLIAMSTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Martin 3227 Triangle Chemical Company WASHINGTON ST & DIXIE DR WILLIAMSTON Pending NONCD000 Martin 2381 Reddick Fumigants, Inc. 3002 West Main Street Williamston SPL NONCD000 PEELE'S SERVICE STATION/HONORA Evaluation MARTIN 1161 MANNING 2771 OLD HWY 64 JAMESVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Martin 1235 ALAMAC KNITS DYERSBURG CORP. NC HWY 125 HAMILTON Pending NONCD000 MARTIN 2798 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLEANERS 617 WASHINGTON ST WILLIAMSTON SPL NCD981744 MARTIN 618 UNITED ORGANICS WILLIAMSTON NFA NCD980838 MCDOWELL FIREMAN ASSOCIATION MCDOWELL 551 SITE SR 1214 GREENLEE ROAD MARION SPL NONCD000 MCDOWELL 1128 RESOLUTION PACKAGING 468 CAROLINA AVE MARION SPL NCD059140 MCDOWELL 764 TRAVENOL LABS, INCORPORATED HWY 221 N MARION NFA NONCD000 Evaluation MCDOWELL 0010 UNITED MERCHANTS/OLD FORT PLANT NORTH OF INTERSTATE 40 OLD FORT Pending NCD986232 MCDOWELL 676 ROCK-TENN MARION FOLDING 33 BURGIN ST MARION SPL NCN000410 MCDOWELL 250 ETHAN ALLEN FURNITURE HWY 70 OLD FORT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation MCDOWELL 2389 APACHE WELLS 640 APACHE PATH MARION Pending NCD074510 MCDOWELL 728 ETHAN ALLEN INC./BLUE RIDGE DIV. COMMERCE STREET OLD FORT NFA NCD003157 NFA w/ MCDOWELL 377 AMERICAN THREAD/SEVIER PLANT 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARION Restrictions NONCD000 MCDOWELL 1075 HIGGINS TOWNSHIP FIRING RANGE NC 226 MARION NFA NCN000410 Evaluation McDowell 289 METAL INDUSTRIES HWY 70 WEST MARION Pending NONCD000 MY FAVORITE MARTIN TRUCK Evaluation MCDOWELL 2435 ACCIDENT US 221 S RT OF WAY MARION Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 W KINGSTON AVE & CAMDEN Evaluation URG 2634 CAMDEN, KINGSTON, & PARK SOLVENTS RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD980518 URG 211 IRT/IBM CORPORATION 4101 S I-85 CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1041 MITCHELL & BECKER 1928 SOUTH BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD980558 URG 779 PHOENIX RESOURCES, INC. 1373 E MOREHEAD STREET CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 Voluntary URG 1 101 STRONGHAVEN WAREHOUSE 433 EAST JOHNS ST MATTHEWS AA NCN000410 Evaluation Mecklenburg 441 SCERCY WELL/ROBINWOOD DR 5101 ROBINWOOD DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1037 WEST BLVD 224 & 228 WEST BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1067 CC DICKSON 1524 SOUTH BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2860 BREVARD & 4TH STS CONTAMINATION BREVARD AND 4TH STS CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1104 CATO FARMS 11415 TOM SHORT ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1106 MICROTRON ABRASIVES, INC 10424 RODNEY ST PINEVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2654 UNIVERSAL STAINLESS 10801 NATIONS FORD ROAD PINEVILLE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3012 CHADBOURN GOTHAM, INC JORDAN PL & DAVIDSON ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCN000405 DEPOT,EDEN,SLOAN,WATSON Evaluation URG 052 DAVIDSON ASBESTOS &CRANE DAVIDSON Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2890 YARDS AT NODA 400 E 33RD ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3029 BLOCK 42 500 N COLLEGE ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1076 SOUTHSIDE INVESTMENTS LLC 2222 SOUTH BLVD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCN000410 RIDGE LANE RD DIELDRIN Evaluation URG 302 CONTAMINATION RIDGE LANE RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD062567 DIAMOND SHAMROCK CORP/HENKEL URG 623 PROCES 3300 WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCN000409 URG 865 FORSHAW CHEMICALS 650 STATE ST CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2611 TOWN CENTER PROJECT 20101 N MAIN ST CORNELIUS Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2895 UNITED SCRAP, INC. 3600 PRIMROSE AVE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 500 BLOCK S COLLEGE Evaluation Mecklenburg 2618 TRADEMART ASSOC UNITED PROP STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD062552 MALLARD CREEK RD/UNION OIL CO OF Voluntary URG 989 CA 14700 MALLARD CREEK RD CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3034 NORFOLK SOUTHERN INTERMODAL 325 PARKWOOD AVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3035 CAROLINA ASBESTOS CORP 301 DEPOT ST DAVIDSON Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2757 IDLEWILD RD CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 13101 IDLEWILD RD MINT HILL Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1091 WEST MOREHEAD ST PESTICIDE 147 W MOREHEAD ST CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2753 WOODLAWN CENTER PROPERTY 1600 WOODLAWN ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD062553 Evaluation URG 490 FLEET TRANSPORT CO., INC. 6712 FREEDOM DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2948 GREEN CROSS DRY CLEANERS 9101 MONROE RD; STE 100 CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1051 YUASA-EXIDE DISTRIBUTION CTR 3713 N. DAVIDSON ST. CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2771 YELLOW FREIGHT SYSTEM 3 11001 REAMES ROAD CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NCD981861 CHARLOTTE TRANSPORTATION Voluntary URG 214 TERMINAL 2246 OLD STEELE CREEK RD CHARLOTTE (AA) MECKLENB NCD066309 URG 113 PIEDMONT HEAT TREATING CORP 3311 GRIFFITH STREET CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD980503 URG 155 SUMMIT AVENUE SITE 420 SOUTH SUMMIT AVE CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 Voluntary URG 1097 COPES-VULCAN, INC 601 W SUMMIT AVE CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NCN000407 URG 830 CLOROX CHEMICAL 800 GESCO ST CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2609 TOMMYS AUTOMOTIVE - SOLVENTS 6000 THE PLAZA CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD981921 URG 083 SWIFT ADHESIVES 9724 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE PINEVILLE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1066 DIMETRICS INC 404 ARMOUR STREET DAVIDSON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2756 WOODWARD NITRATES 19714 STOUGH FARM ROAD CORNELIUS Pending MECKLENB NCD981927 URG 908 KIDD LANE BATTERY DISPOSAL 3607 KIDD LANE CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2760 WORTH CHEMICAL 818 TUCKASEEGEE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2620 TRANE SERVICE FIRST 4500 MORRIS FIELD DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD980557 SWIFT ADHESIVES & URG 763 COATINGS/CHARLOTTE 2917 YOUNGBLOOD STREET CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 QUARLES PETROLEUM -WEST Evaluation URG 2991 CRAIGHEAD RD 1509 W CRAIGHEAD RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD980799 URG 019 CHEROKEE OIL 1201 BERRYHILL ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCDO81332 URG 900 INX (FORMER) FACILITY 3200 & 3210 CULLMAN AVE CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0068 BARON-BLAKESLEE DIVISION 1225 ATANDO AVE CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0069 PLANK ROAD/UNION CARBIDE OLD PLANK RD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD093338 SCM CORP. GLIDDEN COATINGS & URG 119 RESINS 3926 GLENWOOD DRIVE CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0011 TERRELL MACHINE SHOP 3000-3030 SOUTH BLVD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD981014 URG 517 DYNATECH TOOMEY AVE CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0073 H. M. WADE FURNITURE SOUTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2845 CLAWSON RADIATOR FORMER 108 WEST PARK RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0075 FOAMEX/REEVES BROTHERS 18801 OLD STATESVILLE RD CORNELIUS SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 EASTWAY DRIVE & THE PLAZA Evaluation URG 2960 SOLVENTS EASTWAY DR & THE PLAZA CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2912 PRIMROSE AVE PCE CONTAMINATION 2310 OLD STEELE CREEK RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD986190 URG 239 CHEROKEE OIL 925 SOUTH SUMMIT AVE CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD986189 MECKLENBURG CO. OIL SPILL BASIN URG 983 CREE 626 MILLER STREET CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2994 CLARKSON STREET CONTAMINATION 908 S CLARKSON ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0085 JONES & PRESNELL STUDIO 433 LAWTON ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD093340 w NFA w/ URG 487 FLORIDA STEEL CORPORATION LAKEVIEW RD CHARLOTTE Restrictions MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 2810 PEP BOYS 150 9415 E INDEPENDENCE BLVD MATTHEWS NFA MECKLENB NCD990715 URG 062 HENKEL CORPORATION 600 E SUGAR CREEK RD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0003 VAN WATERS & ROGERS ATANDO INDUSTRIAL PARK CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0074 TEXTILE CHEMICAL FACILITY GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD083673 Evaluation URG 590 BENDIX CORPORATION 701 NORTH 1-85 ACCESS RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD091258 URG 806 ESB EXIDE CHARLOTTE SERVICE CTR. 3300 PIPER LN CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2976 PARKWOOD STATION 1721 N CALDWELL ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD980838 URG 379 ROWE CORP PROPERTY/BOULIGNY SITE 433 W MOREHEAD ST CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 Voluntary URG 0041 CIBA-GEIGY WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE (AA) MECKLENB NCD086861 URG 770 METAL IMPROVEMENT COMPANY 10000 OLD PINEVILLE RD PINEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2705 WEST LIDDELL ST 235 WEST LIDDELL STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 WARREN ROAD - NEAR CHAR- Evaluation Mecklenburg 2697 WARREN ROAD DOUG A CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD085082 URG 311 AMERICAN COLORS INCORPORATED 831 MORETZ AVE CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD083678 NFA w/ URG 631 SINCLAIR AND VALENTINE CO. 515 S TURNER AVE CHARLOTTE Restrictions MECKLENB NCD980848 URG 766 GIBBS ELECTROPLATING 5210/5216 HOVIS ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL NCD986205 Evaluation Mecklenburg 953 SOUTHWOOD CORPORATION 4700 WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2709 WESTOVER SHOPPING CENTER 1506 - 1550 WEST BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 MELATEX INC (FORMER MELODY Evaluation URG 2820 CHEMICALS) 3818 NORTHMORE ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD083669 STORY BURIAL AREAS/UNION Voluntary URG 952 CHEMICAL 6101 ORR ROAD CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NONCD000 NFA w/ URG 0029 FLEET AEROSPACE CORP./AERONCA BROOKFORD STREET CHARLOTTE Restrictions MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0026 WESTINGHOUSE DISTRIBUTION CENTER 2001 W MOREHEAD ST CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 ml WALDON ROAD & KIKER Evaluation Mecklenburg 2690 WALDON ROAD ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD081430 URG 258 GENERAL LATEX & CHEM CORP OF NC 2321 N. DAVIDSON ST CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD986231 URG 967 TOM SADLER ROAD WELLS TOM SADLER RD CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 WESTINGHOUSE BV & Evaluation Mecklenbur 2708 WESTINGHOUSE & CORDAGE CORDAGE ST V CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NCD990715 URG 658 SOUTHERN MANUFACTURING, INC. 1000 SEABOARD ST CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD980844 URG 336 UNION CARBIDE BATTERY 5400 HOVIS ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD986172 OLD MT HOLLY RD & URG 518 OLD MOUNT HOLLY ROAD PCE SITE FREEDOM DR CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0087 HARPER CRAWFORD BAG CO. 401 PARKWOOD AVE CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD097361 Voluntary URG 018 KIN PROPERTIES ABANDONED DRUMS 920 EASTWAY DRIVE CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NONCD000 E CRAIGHEAD RD & Evaluation URG 3005 PHILEMON AVE SITE PHILEMON AVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD980728 URG 620 SOUTHEASTERN POLLUTION CONTROL PINEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2686 WAHLRAB RESIDENCE 3040 SHAMROCK DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD074518 DOW CHEMICAL CORP/ALLIED URG 671 CHEMICAL 202 E WOODLAWN RD, BLDG 2 CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2600 TILLETT CHEMICAL, INC. 316 COLLEGE STREET PINEVILLE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2796 BRENNTAG SOUTHEAST 11750 FRUEHAUF DR CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD074511 URG 361 A UAIR CORPORATION 13300 SAM NEELY RD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 CHILDRESS DRY CLEANING/GREYLYN Evaluation URG 2806 BUS PK 9101 MONROE RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1019 HUTTIG SASH AND DOOR COMPANY 1018 JAY STREET CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2907 CHEM-TEX (FRMR) AKA CLASSIC COFFEE 1016 & 1024 MONTANA DR CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 GIBBS ELECTROPLATING - OLD URG 1022 LOCATION 2229 N DAVIDSON CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD981478 URG 480 TODDVILLE OPERATIONS/DUKE POWER 610 TODDVILLE ROAD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1023 HEAVY EQUIPMENT SCHOOL HEAVY EQUIPMENT ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD986171 URG 957 HOSKINS MILL 201 S. HOSKINS MILL ROAD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2657 US AIRWAYS MAINTENANCE FACILITY 5020 HANGAR ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD119168 URG 813 ANILOX ROLL COMPANY 4840 WALLACE NEAL RD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD130708 URG 126 CONSOLIDATED WAREHOUSE 8300 MOORES CHAPEL RD CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Voluntary Mecklenburg 2656 UNOCAL - GOODRICH 12040 GOODRICH DRIVE CHARLOTTE (AA) MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 2794 JET LINE PRODUCTS, INC 720 MATTHEWS MINT HILL RD MATTHEWS NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1018 HWY 49 BATTERY DUMP NC HIGHWAY 49 CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2724 WILGROVE EXPRESS - SOLVENTS 10102 ALBEMARLE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 BANCROFT ST GROUNDWATER Evaluation URG 2934 CONTAMINATION rE 1906 BANCROFT ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0088 TRANS TECHNOLOGY 5535 WILKINSON BLVD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD079045 URG 027 QUEENSPROPERTY RESEARCH DRIVE CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD093344 URG 133 KOPPERS COMPANY, INC/KOCH ASPHALT 8030 OLD MOUNT HOLLY RD PAW CREEK NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3002 DELBURG STREET SOLVENTS DELBURG ST 200-300 BLOCK DAVIDSON Pending MECKLENB NCD986188 Evaluation URG 811 CHARLOTTE COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 200 South College Street CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD986188 Voluntary URG 803 CHARLOTTE COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 1400 South Boulevard CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0093 HARPER CORP. OF AMERICA 311 CROMPTON STREET CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD990868 URG 168 INMONT CORP/BASF CORPORATION 1701 W WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 3610 SOUTH BLVD & Evaluation URG 2805 CITY OF CHARLOTTE-SCALEYBARK SITE CLANTON RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0095 MARKEM CORPORATION 11401 WILMAR BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD981022 URG 288 C&T REFINERY 4800 SOUTH BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD980729 URG 545 KELLY ROAD/BAILEY PROPERTY 2905 KELLY RD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2675 VIRKLER CO. PLANT 1022 PRESSLEY ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2725 WILGROVE MOBILE HOME PARK ALBEMARLE RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 0098 OZONIC INTERNATIONAL 2033 SOUTH BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2674 VIRGINIA CAROLINA FREIGHT LINES #2 710 CALVERT STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2807 MORNINGSIDE VILLAGE APTS 1418/1420 IRIS DR CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1000 PRINTING TECHNOLOGY 1009 CARPET STREET CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1002 SIGNART CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1003 SOUTHLAND 4450 SOUTH BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD095470 URG 332 THONIT A SIMMONS COMPANY 11900 STEELE CREEK ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3154 NEBEL KNITTING 121 WEST BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 3320 GIBBON ROAD (FORMER Evaluation Mecklenburg 1747 GAMBLE PALLET CO. (FORMER) ADDRE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1741 FULTON WELL 8501 OLD CONCORD ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 SAINT FRANCES DRIVE Evaluation URG 2295 CONTAMINATION 5916 SAINT FRANCES DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2296 PETROLEUM TANK SERVICE #2 7335 ORR ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3163 South Tryon Street PCE 4500 South Tryon Street Charlotte Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 3534 MARGARET WALLACE Evaluation URG 2300 MARGARET WALLACE ROAD SITE RD MATTHEWS Pending MECKLENB NCD003162 URG 500 CONSOLIDATED ENGRAVERS CORP. 311 E 12TH ST CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 BUNGALOW & ROZZELLES Evaluation Mecklenburg 3170 ROZZELLES FERRY RD PCE FERRY RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3158 BLAND STREET CONTAMINATION 322 W. BLAND ST CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2293 PERFECTING SERVICE DIVISION 332 ATANDO AVENUE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2310 PINE ISLAND DRIVE 10135 LITTLE FIELD RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2324 NCDOT PROPERTY -PARCEL 7B 510 W 4TH ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2325 SUNSET DRIVE SOLVENTS SUNSET DR MINT HILL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1702 FAIRFAX PROPERTIES FORMER REEVES 8900 RESEARCH DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2327 POWELL LUMBER COMPANY CROMPTON STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 3001/3009 ROZZELLES FERRY Evaluation Mecklenburg 1698 F T WILLIAMS TRUCKING FACILITY ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1696 EXXON 4-3524 SOLVENTS 11208 INDEPENDENCE BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3152 SOUTHERN RESOURCES SCRAP METAL 3826 Raleigh Street Charlotte Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3161 WINONA STREET CONTAMINATION 131 WINONA ST CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2270 PARKER NALL WELL 8702-B STATESVILLE RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3110 GREENSBORO ST TCE 4101 Greensboro St. CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1792 GRANITEVILLE TWO SITE 2508 LUCENA STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2260 PANTRY 824 SOLVENTS 8925 NATIONS FORD ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD002571 URG 438 ABC ENGRAVERS 724 NORTH I-85 CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1782 GM TRAINING CENTER 5500 N TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD003149 URG 283 DELMAR COMPANY 3300 MONROE ROAD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3169 LAKEFILL ROAD CONTAMINATION LAKEFILL RD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 GLEN CLARENCE CLINE PROP Mecklenburg 1776 (SOLVENTS) 11431 US HWY 29 CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2294 PERIGON 107 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE MATTHEWS Pending MECKLENB NCD003149 Voluntary URG 705 BASF WAYNDOTTE CORPORATION 4330 CHESAPEAKE DR CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NCD003154 URG 960 FLEMING LABORATORIES 2215 THRIFT ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1769 GERRARD TIRE 11252 LAWYERS ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1764 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1 124 ATANDO AVENUE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2287 PEOPLES CLEANERS 1930 BEATTIES FORD ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1758 GEE'S FOOD STORE - SOLVENTS 3600 TUCKASEEGEE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD003150 URG 208 CAROLINA COATINGS, INC. 711 PRESSLEY RD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 WEST TRADE STREET & N Evaluation Mecklenburg 1755 GATEWAY VILLAGE CEDAR CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD003151 URG 651 WILLARD SMELTING CO. 101 NEWBERN ST CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2331 PRIME EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1901 SOUTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD003149 URG 663 RADIATOR SPECIALTY COMPANY 1900 WILKINSON BLVD CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Voluntary Mecklenburg 1509 CLAIRE MANUFACTURING 2120 NORTH CHURCH STREET CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3146 EAST 36TH ST LEAD CONTAMINATION 430 E 36TH ST CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2373 RANGER TRANSPORT WELL 6624 LAKEVIEW RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 2601 AND 2613 WILKINSON Evaluation URG 3126 WILKINSON BLVD PCE BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1572 CSX RAILROAD SOUTH CEDAR STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1563 CRESCENT EMC - CORNELIUS #2 18014 STATESVILLE ROAD CORNELIUS Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3124 N COLLEGE ST METALS IN GW 300 N COLLEGE ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3117 DENBUR DRIVE PCE DENBUR DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1549 STORK PRINT AMERICANA 3201 ROTARY DR CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1586 DANA TRANSPORT FACILITY FORMER 7254 MT HOLLY RD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1515 CLINIPAD 7101 MACFARLANE BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2369 RAMSEY PRODUCTS 3701 PERFORMANCE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1507 CITY PLUMBING & HEATING CO 211 TUCKASEEGEE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3111 WEST TREMONT CONTAMINATION 511 and 527 West Tremont Ave CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1504 TERMINEX OF CHARLOTTE 2001 S TRYON ST CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2390 REXAM FACILITY, FORMER 700 CRESTDALE ROAD MATTHEWS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1501 CIRCLE K 5111 - SOLVENTS 2833 FREEDOM DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenbur 1499 CHT FACILITY M-2 WAREHOUSE 5046 OLD PINEVILLE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenbur 1498 MARSHALL AVE PCE 3616 MARSHALL AVENUE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2392 REYNOLDS & SON CONSTRUCTION 11401 LAWYERS ROAD MINT HILL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1531 COMMERCE BUSINESS PARK S. COMMERCE BLVD. CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 2320 NORTH DAVIDSON Evaluation Mecklenburg 2356 R.H. BOULIGNY #2 STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1803 GRINNELL SUPPLY SALES 2 1431 W MOREHEAD ST CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1679 ELOX CORPORATION FACILITY GRIFFITH STREET DAVIDSON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1678 ELMWOOD CIRCLE ELMWOOD CIRCLE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1676 ELECTO-MEK 1412 WEST CRAIGHEAD ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3143 HOVIS RD SOIL CONTAMINATION 5205 HOVIS RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 KMART AUTO SERVICE FACILITY Evaluation URG 1665 FRMER 2609 FREEDOM DR CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 TRYON AND MATHESON PCE Evaluation URG 3142 CONTAMINATION 110 MATHESON AVE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 2727 AND 2731 EAST GIBBON Evaluation Mecklenbur 1657 EAST GIBBON ROAD ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3128 TRYON STREET TCE 2321 SOUTH TRYON ST CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2348 QUALEX 2519 DISTRIBUTION STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 WEST CARSON GROUNDWATER Evaluation URG 3145 CONTAMINATION 308 WEST CARSON BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3132 VERMEER ALL ROADS 201 CROMPTON ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3131 WILKINSON BLVD METALS 3015 WILKINSON BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1255 AMERICAN FENCE SOLVENTS 3605 SOUTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1617 DIXIE TRUCKING - SOLVENTS 3606 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklcnburg 1608 DISCOVERY PLACE 301 N. TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 DIRTY LAUNDRY CLEANERS (FORMER 511, 513, 515 WEST TRADE Evaluation Mecklenburg 1607 NIXON PRO STREE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 P-3800 CHARLOTTE RAIL MULTIMODAL Evaluation URG 1604 STATION 511 W TRADE,' CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3129 CENTRAL AVE METALS 1400 CENTRAL AVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3134 MONROE RD ORGANICS 4726 MONROE RD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1982 LAWYERS ROAD WELLS 12315 LAWYERS ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2006 INDEPENDENCE PROPERTY 3030 E INDEPENDENCE BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD000608 Voluntary URG 117 CELANESE CORPORATION/FIBERS TECH 2300 ARCHDALE DR CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NONCD000 SOUTH BOULEVARD SOLVENT 3000 BLOCK SOUTH Evaluation URG 1994 CONTAMINATION BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 ATANDO AVE SOLVENT Evaluation URG 1992 CONTAMINATION 527 ATANDO AVE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3209 SOUTHSIDE DR TCE 101 AND 117 SOUTHSIDE DR CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD000609 URG 859 SCA CHEMICAL SERVICES, INC. WAS NEVER BUILT CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD000609 Evaluation URG 982 UNION OIL CO. SE TERM/PAW CREEK 7300 OLD MT HOLLY RD PAW CREEK Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2256 PALOMINO CLUB 9607 ALBEMARLE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1983 LB FOSTER FORMER 1625 & 1701 STARITA ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2012 LIVINGSTONE COATINGS CORPORATION 240 RHYNE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1973 KYSOR-MICH. FLEET DIVISION 5019 HOVIS ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD000623 URG 165 IBM CORPORATION 1001 W.T. HARRIS BLVD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE NO 13 REA Evaluation Mecklenburg 2158 CONTSR 6001 OLD DOWD ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1962 KITTY DRIVE 4126 KITTY DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3199 BLYTHE BLVD HOSPITAL PROPERTY 1130 BLYTHE BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2159 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #14 OLD NATIONS FORD RD PINEVILLE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1958 BELTON STREET SOLVENTS BELTON ST & GREYSTONE RD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1956 KILDARE DRIVE SITE KILDARE DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending NCD000613 Voluntary Mecklenburg 273 PRAXAIR SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES 8501 OLD STATESVILLE RD CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NC3210021 URG 330 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 1412 WESTOVER DR CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Mecklenburg 2099 REVERDY LANE SOLVENTS REVERDY LANE MATTHEWS NFA NONCD000 Mecklenburg 2101 MOUNT HOPE FACILITY 2000 DONALD ROSS ROAD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NC0001290 URG 667 TRYON STREET U-HAUL 1224 NORTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2111 MYERS WELL 14217 SPRINGWATER DRIVE MATTHEWS Pending MECKLENB NC0001329 MALLARANNY & OUTWELL URG 507 LAKE WYLIE PARTNERS, LLC ROAD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2112 N. TRYON MALL CLEANING 451 E SUGAR CREEK RD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Mecklenburg 2062 MERIDIAN CORPORATE CENTER 8501 IBM DRIVE CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2056 MCLEAN ROAD 2532 MCLEAN ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2009 LINDE GASES, FORMER 2810 WEST TRADE STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2119 NATIONAL TRANSPORT #2 601 JOHNSON ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2011 LITTON-AIRTRON 1201 CONTINENTAL BLVD. CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2121 NATIONS BANK - SOLVENT 201 NORTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2046 MATTHEWS COUNTRY CLUB 465 SAM NEWELL ROAD MATTHEWS Pending MECKLENB NC6210022 URG 905 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 1300 WESTOVER DR CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3217 POLK STREET CONTAMINATION 311, 313, & 315 N POLK ST PINEVILLE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2024 MAGLA PRODUCTS 1 404 NORTH CHURCH STREET HUNTERSVILLE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2022 LYONS RESIDENCE 3800 GLENWOOD DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2019 AZALEA LANE CONTAMINATION HARTLEY ST & AZALEA LN CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #17/13LYTHE OFF OF ERVIN LANE - 9510 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2160 DEVELOPMEN RODNE PINEVILLE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2055 MCKELVEY NITRATES 6148 ST JOHNS LANE CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3179 CRAYTON PRINTING 2301, 2321, 2327 Distribution Charlotte Pendin MECKLENB NCD000623 URG 207 UNION CARBIDE-LINDE DIVISION 6017 BELHAVEN BLVD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1881 HUNTER AVENUE HUNTER AVENUE CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3185 AUTO TOP MANUFACTURING 1532 S TRYON ST Charlotte Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1878 HUGHS SUPPLY #0939 1927 SOUTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1 3184 BANK ST TCE 3331 GRIFFITH ST Charlotte Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3183 ELIZABETH AVE PCE 1609 ELIZABETH AVE Charlotte Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2204 NIVENS PROPERTY 3022 GRIFFITH STREET CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1864 HOMESTEAD OLD MT HOLLY RD/WEST AVE CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1893 INDUSTRIAL & TEXTILE SUPPLY 1300 S. MINT STREET CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NCD000828 URG 905 PACKAGE PRODUCTS COMPANY 1930 CAMDEN RD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1894 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE 1121 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE MATTHEWS Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenbur 1839 HENDERSON WELL 9744 IDLEWILD ROAD CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenbur 1836 HEFNER WELL 509 W. SUGAR CREEK CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1835 HEATH WELL 2231 BELLMEADE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2232 OLD COLONIAL MARBLE 9943 PACKARD ST PINEVILLE Pendin NONCD000 132 HANSARD DRIVE & 109 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1823 HANSARD DRIVE LEE DR CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NCDO01871 URG 854 FRUEHAUF TRAILER CORPORATION 310 DALTON CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2243 ORR ROAD RESIDENTIAL ORR ROAD CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NCDO02462 JONES CHEMICALS INC. OF NORTH URG 414 CAROLI 610 MCNINCH STREET CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY- Evaluation Mecklenburg 2211 SOLVENT-UNI EMA 2100 NORTH TRYON ST. CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #57 - REA Evaluation Mecklenburg 2172 CONSTRUCTIO 2701 YOUNGBLOOD COURT CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1610 DIVERSEY WATER TECHNOLOGIES 1201 SOUTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #2 (CROWDER CROWDER CONST, HWY 16, Evaluation Mecklenburg 2161 CONST) 6433 Br CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NCD000770 Evaluation URG 016 TEXAS CITY REFINING COMPANY 7325 OLD MT HOLLY RD PAW CREEK Pendin NONCD000 530 EAST SUGAR CREEK Evaluation Mecklenburg 1946 KAISER FLUID TECHNOLOGIES ROAD CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1943 ELECTROLUX/WHITE CONSOLIDATED MERRIMAN AVE CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3195 CENTRAL AVE PESTICIDES AND VOCS 3512 & 3534 Central Ave CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1938 JONES ELECTRIC REPAIR CO 4251 GOLF ACRES DR CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #5 (REA 1220 NORTH WENDOVER Evaluation Mecklenburg 2170 CONSTRUCTION) ROAD CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 3189 MOUNTAIN POINT LN PCE MOUNTAIN POINT LN CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1932 JOHN PLUMIDES 4642 SHARON VIEW ROAD CHARLOTTE Pendin NONCD000 KFC - UNIVERSITY PARK SHOPPING Evaluation Mecklcnburg 1 1954 1 CENTER 1 2121 BEATTIES FORD ROAD CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NONCD000 TENNECO ALBEMARLE & LAWYERS RD Evaluation URG 1927 CT/PCE 7008 ALBEMARLE RD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2174 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #67 11333 REAMES ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1917 JAMGOTCH WELL 4640 RANDOLPH ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 GRAHAM STREET BRIDGE Evaluation Mecklenburg 2177 NCDOT BRIDGE 108 OVER RR T CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2179 NCDOT DIV 10 FACILITY (FORMER) 1119 E SUGAR CREEK RD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 2200 & 2233 INTERSTATE N. Evaluation Mecklenburg 1909 INTERSTATE N. BUS. PRK DRIV CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD000773 URG 663 REICHHOLD CHEMICAL, INC. DORMAN ROAD PINEVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1895 INDUSTRIAL DYNAMICS CORP. IDC 536 JETTON ST DAVIDSON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2171 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #56/BLYTHE IND. 2911 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 WEST MOREHEAD ST GROUNDWATER Evaluation URG 3093 TCE CONTAMI 1300 W MOREHEAD ST CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2574 MONROE RD PCE CONTAMINATION 4102 MONROE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1352 BIRNAMWOOD LANE 14624 BIRNAMWOOD LANE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD049774 URG 375 BORDEN CHEMICAL PRINTING INK 3013 GRIFFITH ST CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 NFA w/ URG 1201 REEVES BROTHERS -BAILEY RD DUMP BAILEY RD CORNELIUS Restrictions MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1354 SWEDEN RD PCE 4710 & 4746 SWEDEN RD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 10500 OLD NATIONS FORD Evaluation Mecklenburg 1360 BLYTHE CONSTRUCTION-PINEVILLE ROAD PINEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1366 BONDS DISTRIBUTING - SOLVENTS 10227 MALLARD CREEK ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3060 CORNELIUS ARTS CENTER 21328 - 21348 CATAWBA AVE CORNELIUS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenbur 2560 SUNOCO #4-1475 - SOLVENTS 1138 N TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenbur 2456 SEARS 8075 SOLVENTS 11407 GRANITE ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD051322 Voluntary URG 980 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 2328 THRIFT RD CHARLOTTE (AA) MECKLENB NONCD000 WEST MOREHEAD ST GROUNDWATER Evaluation URG 3090 PCE CONTAMI 2100 TO 2200 W MOREHEAD ST CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2472 SIDES RESIDENCE 336 FIELDING ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 CUMMINS ATLANTIC -GENERAL OFFICE Voluntary URG 1182 BLDG 11101 NATIONS FORD RD CHARLOTTE AA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1338 BENDEL CORPORATION 4823 NORTH GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 NFA w/ URG 1181 CUMMINS ATLANTIC -DISTRIBUTORSHIP 3700 JEFF ADAMS DR CHARLOTTE Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2563 SUPERIOR INK COMPANY 4820 ROZZELLS FERRY ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3094 MINT ST TCE CONTAMINATION 1500 BLOCK S MINT ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 BEATTIES FORD RD PCE Evaluation URG 3075 CONTAMINATION BEATTIES FORD RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1384 STANDARD UNIFORM 600 PHILLIP DAVIS DR CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD045451 URG 473 ACE CHEMICAL CORPORATION 9801 S TRYON ST CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 MIDTOWN SQUARE VALET DRY URG 1175 CLEANERS 401 S INDEPENDENCE BLVD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1174 ARROW LAUNDRY 4735 MONROE RD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD053010 URG 724 ICI - AMERICAS, INC. 2130 N TRYON CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NCD053010 URG 732 PARKS-CRAMER COMPANY 2000 S BLVD CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 SWARTZ & SONS (SMITH METAL & IRON Evaluation Mecklenburg 2568 W W. 3RD AND CEDAR CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE DRY Evaluation URG 3103 CLEANERS 1809 COMMONWEALTH AVE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 1000 WEST MOREHEAD Evaluation Mecklenburg 1372 BOXER TEXTILE MACHINERY CO STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD047257 URG 472 APPLIED RESEARCH GROUP, INC. 2221 N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2520 SPEIZMAN PROPERTY 4801 SILABERT AVENUE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3074 R AND R CLEANERS 3601 S TRYON ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCN000410 Evaluation URG 558 BENNETT STREET 316 CONTAMINATION 316 BENNETT ST CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Mecklenburg 1257 AMERICAN TRUETZSCHLER 12300 MOORES CHAPEL ROAD CHARLOTTE AA MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2506 PAWLEY DRIVE CONTAMINATION 312 PAWLEY DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD046148 URG 318 TEXACO INC/PAW CREEK 410 SADLER RD CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1282 ARATEX FACILITY ARAMARK 2321 WILKINSON BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2500 SOUTHERN METALS - SOLVENTS 2200 DONALD ROSS ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2497 SOUTHERN CAST 801 PECAN AVENUE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 1800 COMMONWEALTH Evaluation Mecklenburg 1301 AUTO VERKS AVENUE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD044447 URG 639 CROWN CENTRAL PETROLEUM CORP. 7720 MOUNT HOLLY ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3083 NORTH GRAHAM ST SOLVENTS 4227 N GRAHAM ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 CITY OF CHARLOTTE DOT STREET Evaluation URG 1206 MAINTENANCE 4600 SWEDEN RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD046148 URG 540 CENTRAL TRANSPORT COMPANY 600 MELYNDA ROAD CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1387 BROOKWOOD DEVELOPMENT 301 SOUTH COLLEGE STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 HAWKINS AND DOGGETT Evaluation URG 3069 KALE BINDEX INC STREETS CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Voluntary URG 2490 NATIONAL FLEET SUPPLY 6613 STATESVILLE RD CHARLOTTE AA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1231 AIR LI UIDE 2414 SOUTH BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1229 GENERAL STEEL DRUM CORP 4500 SOUTH BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Mecklenburg 2488 SONOCO CARTON FACILITY, FORMER 8800 SOUTH BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1326 BEACHAM PROPERTY 420 W TREMONT AVENUE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD043679 Evaluation URG 349 GENERAL TIRE & RUBBER CO 1900 CONTINENTAL BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLEN13 NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1219 HARLEE AVENUE CONTAMINATION 3701 HARLEE AVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 OMNISOURCE SE/ATLANTIC SCRAP & Evaluation URG 1333 PROCESS 410 ATANDO AVE CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1334 BELLSOUTH WORK CENTER SOLVENTS 24TH STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 STEELE CREEK & SAM NEELY Evaluation URG 2540 STEELE CREEK AND SAM NEELY RDS RDS CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1211 200 NORTH TRYON STREET 200 N. TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1251 ALPHAGARY CORP 9635 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE PINEVILLE Pending MECKLENB NCD024468 URG 597 CHARLOTTE STEEL DRUM 2900 WEST TRADE STREET CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1487 CHEMATRON 5216 HOVIS ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD024477 URG 556 WINSTON CONTAINER COMPANY 4732 MORRIS FIELD RD CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2585 TEMCO FORMER VENTRA) 2711 WILKINSON BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCDO59144 URG 188 PHOTO CORPORATION OF AMERICA 801 CRESTDATEL AVE MATTHEWS NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3109 MONROE RD VOCS 3412 Monroe Rd CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1479 HERTRON INTERNATIONAL 306 CLANTON RD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD024473 URG 423 FROEHLING AND ROBERTSON, INC. 208 N GRAHAM ST CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLEN13 NCD055162 Voluntary URG 069 PELTON & CRANE PLANT FORMER 200 CLANTON ROAD CHARLOTTE AA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2433 RYERSON FACILITY, FORMER 5435 HOVIS ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD024481 7901 BROOKSHIRE URG 848 1 MORELAND MCKESSON COMPANY BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NCD055165 URG 005 BUDD LEE PAVING COMPANY 8521 MT. HOLLY RD CHARLOTTE NFA MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 3044 PERFECTION DRY CLEANER & LAUNDRY 1423 E 4TH ST mi CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1132 BALDOR ELECTRIC COMPANY 3821 BARRINGER RD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2589 THIRD AND CHURCH STREET THIRD AND CHURCH STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD024462 NFA w/ URG 327 ACADEMY STEEL DRUM 3213 RIDGE RD MATTHEWS Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2397 RHYNE ROAD RHYNE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2591 THOMAS CONCRETE 3701 N GRAHAM STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 2593 RJS/STS, LLC PROPERTY -PARCEL 32 1320 S GRAHAM ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1 119 EDWARDS PROPERTY FOUNDRY SAND 10209 ROZZELLE'S FERRY RD CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 5501 JOSH BIRMINGHAM Evaluation Mecklenburg 1480 CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS AIRPORT 7 PARKWAY CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1478 CHARLOTTE AIRCRAFT #3 7705 EAST W.T. HARRIS BLVD CHARLOTTE Pending NONCD000 BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE RETAIL Evaluation Mecklenburg 1380 SERVICES 530 S TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1 151 MATTHEWS BLDG SUPPLY/ESTUL TOOL 215 AMES ST MATTHEWS SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 1413 C BAKER WELL 6505 WISTERIA DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD024740 URG 433 EC MANUFACTURING 413 N. POLK STREET PINEVILLE SPL MECKLENB NCD024488 URG 025 SMITH METAL & IRON COMPANY 712 W 3RD ST CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 ROUNTREE PLANTATION GARDEN Evaluation Mecklenburg 2423 CENTER 517 ROUNTREE ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 URG 1150 CHARLOTTE BATTERY 2926 YOUNGBLOOD ST CHARLOTTE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2583 TAYLOR SALT & CHEMICAL 2 3915 GLENWOOD DRIVE CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NONCD000 Evaluation URG 1144 MAMMOTH OAKS WATER SUPPLY WELL MAMMOTH OAKS DR CHARLOTTE Pendin MECKLENB NONCD000 LYNX LIGHT RAIL LINE/CHARLOTTE Evaluation URG 2584 TRANSP 210 E TRADE ST CHARLOTTE Pending MECKLENB NCD024488 URG 355 SOUTHEASTERN EXTERMINATING CO. 4037 E INDEPENDENCE BLVD CHARLOTTE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Mecklenburg 2419 ROHM & HAAS 215 LAWTON ROAD CHARLOTTE Pending NCD024817 MITCHELL 827 HENREDON FURNITURE ALTAPASS ROAD SPRUCE PINE SPL NONCD000 MITCHELL 0028 CAROLINA P&L CO. SPRUCE PINE MOUNTAIN LAUREL DR SPRUCE PINE NFA NCD981929 MITCHELL 375 HUMPBACK MOUNTAIN ROAD DRUM 4 MI EAST OF SPRUCE PINE SPRUCE PINE NFA NCD986171 MITCHELL 171 ETHAN ALLEN-SPRUCE PINE 200 ETHAN ALLEN DRIVE SPRUCE PINE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation MITCHELL 2950 UNIMIN CRYSTAL PLANT 136 CRYSTAL DR SPRUCE PINE Pending NCD986188 MITCHELL 795 CARTERS RIDGE ROAD SITE CARTER'S RIDGE ROAD SPRUCE PINE NFA NCD991277 MITCHELL 724 MITCHELL SYSTEMS, INC. ALTAPASS RD SPRUCE PINE SPL MONTGOM NONCD000 ERY 1081 ALCOA-NARROWS POWERHOUSE PINE STREET NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Montgomery 2106 MULLINEX GROCERY 3079 HIGHWAY 109 TROY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Montgomery 3177 MT GILEAD COTTON OIL CO 299 INDUSTRY AVE Mount Gilead Pending MONTGOM NONCD000 ERY 2862 ALCOA SHOOTING RANGE TUCKERTOWN RD NFA MONTGOM NCD054284 ERY 518 STANDARD PACKAGING CORPORATION 5465 NC HWY 73 W MT GILEAD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Montgomery 1476 CHAPPEL FARM SITE 228 SULFER SPRINGS RD CANDOR Pending NCD048181 MOORE 218 CAROLINA GALVANIZING CORP. HWY 221 E ABERDEEN SPL NONCD000 MOORE 2857 ABERDEEN FLORIST & GARDEN CENTER 500 S SANDHILLS BLVD ABERDEEN SPL NCD981929 MOORE 391 VASS TRUCK WRECK US 1 VASS NFA NCD060306 MOORE 727 RICHARDS, WC COMPANY, INC. 101 EAST MAPLE STREET ABERDEEN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Moore 1716 FIRST BANK PROPERTY -OLD DUMP OFF HWY 211 PINEHURST Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Moore 1528 COLONIAL ABRASIVES 312 SOUTH PINE STREET ABERDEEN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Moore 2461 Seven Lakes Well # 3 NC 211 Seven Lakes Pending NONCD000 MOORE 0064 ROY F. BURT ENTERPRISES HWY 15/501 CARTHAGE NFA NCD060291 MOORE 051 HOW ENTERPRISES TAYLOR STREET ABERDEEN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation MOORE 3115 BREWERS REPAIR SHOP 8325 NC HWY 705 EAGLE SPRINGS Pending NCD003234 Voluntary MOORE 549 SCM PROCTOR SILEX/WEAREVER 575 YADKIN RD SOUTHERN PINES AA NCD049845 MOORE 266 STANLEY CASE GOODS FORMER HWY 211 WEST END SPL NCN000407 MOORE 188 US 1-151501 ABERDEEN 517 S SANDHILLS BLVD ABERDEEN SPL NCD144192 MOORE 606 PARKER -ZENITH 160 TAYLOR ST ABERDEEN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Nash 1258 AMERLINK SPILL PO BOX 669 BATTLEBORO Pending NC0000195 NASH 743 JIMMY GREEN METALS BARN HILL CHURCH ROAD NASHVILLE NFA NCD072028 NASH 251 TORPEDO WIRE & STRIP, INC. INSTRUMENT DR ROCKY MOUNT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation NASH 3040 GOODYEAR 2056 2088 STONE ROSE DRIVE ROCKY MOUNT Pending NONCD000 Nash 1831 HAYNES RUBBER & SUPPLY COMPANY 942 NORTH CHURCH STREET ROCKY MOUNT NFA NCD981933 NFA w/ NASH 096 ROCKY MOUNT, OLD AIRPORT US 301 BUSINESS ROCKY MOUNT Restrictions NCD980838 Evaluation NASH 478 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC 3475 N WESLEYAN BLVD ROCKY MOUNT Pending NCD055359 Voluntary NASH 079 MASONITE CORP. FIBERBOARD DIV. HWY 64 & SR 1306 SPRING HOPE AA NCD986197 Voluntary NASH 317 ROCKY MOUNT COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 100 East Virginia Street ROCKY MOUNT AA NONCD000 Evaluation Nash 1896 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC/HALE HWY 97 W. ROCKY MOUNT Pending NONCD000 NASH 1047 BAILEY SUBSTATION NC 581 SOUTH BAILEY NFA NONCD000 16013 WATSON SEED FARM Evaluation NASH 3062 SEPRO RESEARCH AND TECH CAMPUS RD WHITAKERS Pending NCD067178 NASH 707 FAWN PLASTICS CO., INC. 10235 US 264A MIDDLESEX SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Nash 2582 TAU VALLEY APARTMENTS 237 WINSTEAD AVENUE ROCKY MOUNT Pending NONCD000 CLEAN -CLEAN DRY CLEANERS/VIP NASH 1 156 CLEANERS 627 TARRYTOWN CTR ROCKY MOUNT SPL NONCD000 NASH 1073 BONE FARM PESTICIDE AREA HWY 58/SR 1717 NASHVILLE NFA NCD986197 Voluntary NASH 325 ROCKY MOUNT COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 Wye Street ROCKY MOUNT (AA) NCD040042 NASH 426 AEROQUIP 8171 PLANER MILL RD MIDDLESEX SPL NONCD000 Evaluation NASH 1345 BOBBY MURRAY TOYOTA 387 WESLEYAN BLVD ROCKY MOUNT Pending NCD042891 NFA w/ NASH 663 MITCHELL ENGR CO/CECO BLDG. DIV. BYPASS 301 ROCKY MOUNT Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Nash 1762 GENTEX PRINTING 1021 THORPE ROAD ROCKY MOUNT Pending NONCD000 NFA w/ Nash 1730 FONTAINE FIFTH WHEEL FORMER 3883 SOUTH CHURCH STREET ROCKY MOUNT Restrictions NONCD000 Nash 1800 GRIFFIN FERTILIZER SPILL GREEN HILLS ROAD ROCKY MOUNT NFA NONCD000 1216 MACEDONIA ROAD (ST. I Evaluation Nash 1511 CLAY STRICKLAND/LITTLE RIVER HWY 1 SPRING HOPE Pending NCD990733 NASH 180 ABBOTT LABS HWY 301 N ROCKY MOUNT SPL NCD990867 NASH 855 FAWN PLASTICS CO., INC. 401 JEFFREYS ROAD ROCKY MOUNT I SPL NONCD000 WESTRIDGE VILLAGE SHP CTR/CLEAN Evaluation Nash 2712 CLEAN 120 S WINSTEAD AVE ROCKY MOUNT Pending NEW NONCD000 I Evaluation HANOVER 2962 JEFF FOUNTAIN TIRE SALES & SERVICE 4400 OLEANDER DR WILMINGTON Pending NEW NCD986171 Voluntary HANOVER 965 CARO-KNIT SMITH CREEK PKWY & 23RD WILMINGTON (AA) NONCD000 New Hanover 1432 THE CAPE GOLF COURSE 535 The Cape Blvd Wilmington SPL NEW NCD981476 HANOVER 708 CTI OF NC, INC 1002 S FRONT ST WILMINGTON SPL NEW NCD986186 HANOVER 518 OLD ATC REFINERY 801 SURRY STREET WILMINGTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation New Hanover 1429 CAPE FEAR AUTO 4222 OLEANDER DR WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 2851 COCA -COLA BOTTLING FACILITY 1002 PRINCESS ST WILMINGTON NFA NONCD000 New Hanover 1628 Dorothy B. Johnson School Yard 1100 McRay Street Wilmington NFA NONCD000 New Hanover 2750 WK HOBBS BP SITE 2461 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON NFA NONCD000 Voluntary New Hanover 2575 TAKEDA - BASF 101 Vitamin DRIVE WILMINGTON (AA) NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 3101 CORBETT FARMING FACILITY 2501 BLUE CLAY RD WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 ALDERMAN PROPERTY (FRMR) POINT HANOVER 2888 HARBOR 1400 POINT HARBOR RD WILMINGTON NFA NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 0015 CENTRAL TRANSPORT COMPANY 215 SAMPSON ST WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 2884 KING'S SCOOTERS 501 N 3RD ST WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 2842 SOUTH COLLEGE RD PCP SPILL 145-147 S COLLEGE RD WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 2564 ALLENS FARM SUPPLY 511 N 3RD ST WILMINGTON SPL NONCD000 New Hanover 1391 BROWNS RADIATOR SERVICE 2136 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE WILMINGTON SPL NEW NCD990734 HANOVER 055 HERCOFINA/CAPE INDUSTRIES 4600 HWY 421 N WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 2961 CARTER COIN LAUNDRY & CLEANERS 1018 N 3RD ST WILMINGTON Pending NEW NCD003938 HANOVER 586 CORNING GLASS WORKS 310 NORTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 S WATER, S FRONT, & HANOVER 1179 WILMINGTON IRON WORKS FORMER ORANGE STS WILMINGTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation New Hanover 2426 ROYSTER TRANSPORT CO., INC. 206 SHIPYARD BLVD. WILMINGTON Pending NONCD000 HWY 421 N., NEXT TO SUTTON Evaluation New Hanover 1557 CP&L TRANSFORMER SITE PLA WILMINGTON Pending NEW NCD058517 Voluntary HANOVER 467 SOUTHERN WOOD PIEDMONT COMPANY GREENFIELD ST WILMINGTON AA NONCD000 Evaluation New Hanover 2074 MILLER & TALENT RADIATOR SERVICE 1815 CASTLE STREET WILMINGTON Pending NEW NCD981929 HANOVER 557 ALANDALE DR 4008 CHEMICALS 4008 ALANDALE DRIVE WILMINGTON NFA NEW NCO210021 HANOVER 929 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 2144 LAKESHORE DR WILMINGTON NFA NEW NCD057454 DIAMOND SHAMROCK Voluntary HANOVER 670 CORP/OCCIDENTAL SR 1002 CASTLE HAYNE AA NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 3112 EW GODWIN PROPERTY 1233 CASTLE HAYNE RD WILMINGTON Pending NONCD000 CAROLINA New Hanover 2612 TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH 406 S. DOW ROAD BEACH SPL NONCD000 New Hanover 2052 MCCARTHY COMPLAINT 1411 AIRLIE ROAD WILMINGTON NFA NEW NONCD000 USCG LORAN STATION CAROLINA HANOVER 1475 BEACH 9001 RIVER RD WILMINGTON NFA NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 1105 WETSIG YACHTS 4022 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation New Hanover 1579 Cypress Grove Subdivision Leiutenant Con Teton Road Wilmington Pending NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 3120 NEUWIRTH MOTORS 219 S COLLEGE RD WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 3127 HANOVER CENTER METALS 1301 INDEPENDENCE BLVD WILMINGTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation New Hanover 3216 Soda Pop Center, LLC 5 N 12th St wilmin ton Pending NEW NC0000102 HANOVER 228 SHACKLEFORD BANKS DRUMS WILMINGTON NFA NONCD000 New Hanover 1564 CRIBBS HOBBY 6225 CAROLINA BEACH RD. WILMINGTON NFA NONCD000 NFA w/ New Hanover 2404 RITTER MILLWORKS SHOP 2913 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE Restrictions NONCD000 New Hanover 2734 WILMINGTON FERTILIZER COMPANY 1702 NORTH 6TH STREET WILMINGTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation New Hanover 2735 WILMINGTON RESOURCES 2200 US HWY 421 N WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 1138 DEUTSCH RELAYS 2021 GARDNER DR WILMINGTON SPL NONCD000 New Hanover 1697 EXXON CORPORATION 3340 RIVER ROAD WILMINGTON SPL NONCD000 New Hanover 2736 WILMINGTON SHIPYARD (former) 1500 POINT HARBOR RD. WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 1185 CSX-NUTT ST 515 NUTT ST WILMINGTON SPL NONCD000 New Hanover 1550 Cottman Transmission 145-147 S. College Road Wilmington SPL NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 3073 BOB KING PONTIAC 5115 NEW CENTRE DR WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 2781 ADAMS PAINTING SERVICE 722 WELLINGTON AVE WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 2838 WACCAMAW TRANSPORT FORMER 1106 S 2ND ST WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 2789 WHITE RESIDENCE 406 LINDEN LANE WILMINGTON NFA NEW NCD042890 Evaluation HANOVER 525 DIAMOND SHAMROCK CORP/MARIETTA SR 1002 CASTLE HAYNE Pending NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 2194 NCSPA BLDG C-1 2202 BURNETT BLVD WILMINGTON Pending NONCD000 New Hanover 1330 BECKER BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 4614 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 1875 NCDOT MAINTENANCE STATION FRMR 124 DIVISION DR WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 3064 EXXON WOOSTER ST FRMR 315 WOOSTER ST WILMINGTON Pending NONCD000 New Hanover 1490 KINDER MORGAN/Chemsery 2005 n 6th Street Wilmington SPL NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 2797 KOCH NORTH PARAXYLENE 3225 RIVER RD WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 2779 APAC-CASTLE HAYNE ASPHALT PLANT 4909 N COLLEGE RD CASTLE HAYNE SPL NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 2799 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE 2501-2509 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE WILMINGTON Pending NONCD000 New Hanover 1723 Flint Hills Resources-CMT Site 3330 River Road Wilmington SPL NONCD000 New Hanover 1306 B&K Auto Services 5932 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington NFA NONCD000 New Hanover 2280 PCS NITROGEN, FMRLY ARCADIAN 2830 HWY 421 NORTH WILMINGTON SPL NONCD000 New Hanover 2277 Paziuk Warehouse 710 Sunnyvale Drive Wilmington SPL NONCD000 Ncw Hanover 1250 ALMONT SHIPPING 929 N Front Street Wilmington SPL NEW NCD980801 HANOVER 484 SHEPARD CHEMICAL WORKS 320 Eastwood Rd (Hwy 74 WILMINGTON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation New Hanover 1253 AMERICAN CRANE CORPORATION 202 RALEIGH ST. WILMINGTON Pending NEW NCD075562 HANOVER 074 POTTER'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE MASONBORO LOOP RD WILMINGTON NFA NONCD000 New Hanover 2498 Southern Graphics Systems 2406 N. 23rd street Wilmington SPL NEW NCD006991 HANOVER 210 DEPOORTERE CORPORATION 240 CASTLE HAYNE RD WILMINGTON NFA NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 2951 MUDDY WATERS PROPERTY 105 & 125 BATTLESHIP RD WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 Evaluation HANOVER 2489 SOUTH ATLANTIC SERVICES, INC 3527 HWY 421 N WILMINGTON Pending NEW NONCD000 MARKET ST GROUNDWATER PCE Evaluation HANOVER 3088 CONTAMINATION 7984 MARKET ST WILMINGTON Pending NEW NCD980557 HANOVER 813 CONTAINER PRODUCTS CORP. 1223 N. 23RD STREET WILMINGTON NFA NEW NCD980557 HANOVER 821 DOW CHEMICAL PLANT CAPE FEAR MOTSU BUFFER ZONE CAPE FEAR NFA NONCD000 New Hanover 2561 SUNOCO BULK TERMINAL RIVER ROAD WILMINGTON SPL NEW NCD000772 HANOVER 046 MOBIL OIL CORP/KOCH REFINING 3334 RIVER RD WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 2835 PRIME EQUIPMENT CO 1020 N FRONT ST WILMINGTON SPL NEW NCN000407 HANOVER 584 SOUTHERN METALS RECYCLING, INC 13 WRIGHT ST WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 2908 WILMINGTON MATERIALS PLANT #1 3612 N 421 HWY WILMINGTON NFA NEW NCD050409 HANOVER 150 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO/WILMINGTON 3901 CASTLE HAYNE RD WILMINGTON SPL NEW NCD986188 Voluntary HANOVER 910 WILMINGTON COAL GAS PLANT CASTLE & SURRY STS WILMINGTON AA NEW NCD980557 IDEAL BASIC INDS/PLANT MARL HANOVER 839 QUARRY 5635 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE NFA NEW NCN000407 NFA w/ HANOVER 302 WILMINGTON GUN CLUB (FORMER) MILITARY CUTOFF ROAD WILMINGTON Restrictions NONCD000 Voluntary New Hanover 2645 UniFirst 1821 Dawson Street Wilmington AA NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 1922 ALKALI SCREEN PRINTING 6420 AMSTERDAM WAY WILMINGTON SPL NEW NONCD000 HANOVER 1200 COASTLINE INN PROPERTY 503 NUTT ST WILMINGTON SPL NEW NCD981021 HANOVER 157 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT BURN GARDNER DRIVE WILMINGTON NFA NEW NONCD000 WILMINGTON SOUTH LINE & SERVICE Evaluation HANOVER 1042 YD 6854 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON Pending NORTHAMP NCD044388 Evaluation TON 015 GA -PACIFIC CORP HDBD AMPAC RD CONWAY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Northampton 2333 PRODUCER SERVICE & SUPPLY 4084 NC HWY 186 SEABOARD Pending NORTHAMP NCD980559 TON 975 GA -PACIFIC CORP/RESIN DIV AMPAC RD CONWAY NFA NORTHAMP NCD986227 TON 965 STOLLER CHEMICAL - SEVERN HIGHWAY 35 SEVERN NFA NORTHAMP NONCD000 TON 2977 RESINALL CORPORATION 302 WATER ST SEVERN SPL NONCD000 ONSLOW 2420 APAC MAINTENANCE SHOP FRMR 240 CENTER ST JACKSONVILLE SPL NCD084167 ONSLOW 444 STANADYNE, INC/DIESEL SYSTEMS 405 WHITE ST JACKSONVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation ONSLOW 2503 PADGETT PROPERTIES, LLC 2043 LEJEUNE BLVD JACKSONVILLE Pending NONCD000 ONSLOW 2550 NCDOT MARINE BLVD & US 17 MARINE BLVD & US 17 JACKSONVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Onslow 3234 C&D MOTORS 2227 Le'eune Blvd JACKSONVILLE Pending NONCD000 TOMMY POLLARD PROPERTY, PARCEL INTERSECTION OF HWY. 24 & Evaluation Onslow 2608 901 53 JACKSONVILLE Pending NONCD000 DODSON EXTERMINATORS/US Evaluation ONSLOW 2624 CELLULAR 2861 RICHLANDS HWY JACKSONVILLE Pending NONCD000 ONSLOW 2910 STANCIL PROPERTY 540 RICHLANDS HWY JACKSONVILLE NFA NONCD000 STURGEON CITY SITE (NON-PRLF ONSLOW 0004 PORTION) m 4 COURT STREET JACKSONVILLE SPL NONCD000 NCDOT ASPHALT MATERIAL TEST LAB Onslow 2156 NO 52 6190 NEW BERN HWY MAYSVILLE SPL NCD982119 ONSLOW 554 BOSTIC DRUM US HWY 17 HOLLY RIDGE NFA NCN000410 AOPC 10 CAMP LEJEUNE ALTERNATE Evaluation ONSLOW 765 OFF -BASE TARAWA BLVD & NC24 JACKSONVILLE Pending NONCD000 OFF BELGRADE-SWANSBORO ONSLOW 1079 BELGRADE POND PESTICIDE DRUMS RD MAYSVILLE NFA NCD980728 ONSLOW 687 RENROH HIGHWAY 50 AND LLOYD ST HOLLY RIDGE NFA NCD057037 ORANGE 194 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO/MEBANE OPER 6801 INDUSTRIAL DR MEBANE NFA NCD084172 ORANGE 188 ROGERS-TRIEM INC/AMETEK INC LAMB 501 S GREENSBORO ST CARRBORO NFA NCD003203 ORANGE 213 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA B-5 VENABLE HALL CHAPEL HILL NFA NONCD000 Evaluation ORANGE 3053 FLYNT FABRICS MILL 202 S NASH ST HILLSBOROUGH Pending NCD003185 ORANGE 816 WHITE FURNITURE CO. HIGHWAY 70A EAST HILLSBOROUGH NFA NCD980557 Voluntary ORANGE 623 UNIVERSITY OF NC/ARPT WASTE DISP AIRPORT RD CHAPEL HILL AA NONCD000 NORTH MERRITT MILL RD PCE N MERRITT MILL RD AND W Evaluation ORANGE 3091 CONTAMINATION FRANKL CHAPEL HILL Pending NONCD000 OAKWOOD ST EXT WELL ORANGE 2918 CONTAMINATION 818 OAKWOOD ST EXT MEBANE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation ORANGE 3095 NC HWY 86 METALS CONTAMINATION 1908 TO 2032 NC HWY 86 HILLSBOROUGH Pending NCR000010 Voluntary ORANGE 272 1 UNC-COGENERATION FACILITY 575 W CAMERON AVE CHAPEL HILL AA NONCD000 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD (DURHAM ORANGE 1356 SERVICE C HIGHWAY 15-501 CHAPEL HILL NFA NONCD000 ORANGE 1186 CARR MILL MALL 200 N GREENSBORO ST CARRBORO SPL NONCD000 828 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR Evaluation ORANGE 1486 CHAPEL HILL POLICE DEPT BLVD CHAPEL HILL Pending NONCD000 ORANGE 2538 WEST HAMPTON SUBDIVISION LOT #9 205 WESTHAMPTON WAY CHAPEL HILL NFA NONCD000 Evaluation ORANGE 2408 UNC-PHILLIPS HALL 120 E CAMERON AVE CHAPEL HILL Pending NCD986205 Evaluation ORANGE 839 ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOL BUS GARAGE 231 HOLMAN DR HILLSBOROUGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Orange 1961 KIRSCHNER, GEORGE PROPERTY 6806 MILLHOUSE ROAD CHAPEL HILL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ORANGE 2552 USA DUTCH, INC. 3604 SOUTHERN DR EFLAND Pending NCN000410 Evaluation ORANGE 563 EUBANKS RD CONTAMINATED WELL 1621 Genestu Dr CHAPEL HILL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ORANGE 2203 ALLEN LANE CONTAMINATED WELLS 3000 US 70 BYPASS HILLSBOROUGH Pending NCD991277 ORANGE 757 NC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MANNING DRIVE CHAPEL HILL NFA NONCD000 Orange 2247 OWASA - NELLO TEER QUARRY HIGHWAY 54 CARBORRO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Orange 2254 PAK-LITE 6508 EAST WASHINGTON ST. MEBANE Pending NONCD000 1730 NORTH FORDHAM Orange 1570 CROWN HONDA AND VOLVO BOULEVARD CHAPEL HILL NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Pamlico L 1614 Dixie Chemicals 13495 NC 55 Hwy Alliance Pending NONCD000 Evaluation PAMLICO 2482 PIRICZKY/PRICE SERVICE STATION 8287 HWY 306 S ARAPAHOE Pending PASQUOTA NCD986175 NK 610 POPLAR DRIVE DRUM DUMP POPLAR DRIVE ELIZABETH CITY NFA PASQUOTA NONCD000 400 E ELIZABETH ST & 501 NK 2905 Y-9 DITCH ELIZABETH STREET PEARL ELIZABETH CITY NFA PASQUOTA NONCD000 NK 0047 MEADS AIRFIELD PESTICIDES SR 1100 WEEKSVILLE SPL NONCD000 CHESAPEAK WOOD PRODUCTS Evaluation Pas uotank 1493 COMPANY WOOD TREATING PLANT ELIZABETH CITY Pending PASQUOTA NCD981929 NK 318 ELIZABETH CITY ABANDONED DRUMS 5 BRIDGES RD SR 1223 ELIZABETH CITY NFA PASQUOTA NONCD000 Evaluation NK 2958 ELIZABETH CITY SHIPYARD 722 RIVERSIDE AVE ELIZABETH CITY Pending PASQUOTA NCD986197 Voluntary NK 267 ELIZABETH CITY COAL GAS WARD AND FOURTH STREETS ELIZABETH CITY AA NONCD000 Pas uotank 2745 Winslow Memorial Home 1700 West Ehrin hugs Street Elizabeth City NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Pas uotank 2155 NCDOT ASPHALT LAB SITE NO.71 NORTHSIDE ROAD(HWY-158) ELIZABETH CITY Pending PASQUOTA NONCD000 NK 1166 CENTRAL GRAIN-MORGANS CORNER 1312 HASSELL RD ELIZABETH CITY SPL PASQUOTA NCD982157 Evaluation NK 067 FORTRESS WOOD PRODUCTS 889 FOREMAN BUNDY RD ELIZABETH CITY Pending PASQUOTA NCD986166 NK 163 JENNINGS (DON) PROPERTY 215 SMALL DRIVE ELIZABETH CITY NFA NONCD000 OFF NCSR 1387, NEAR ELIZ. Evaluation Pas uotank 2129 NCDOT - ATL 16-6 CITY ELIZABETH CITY Pending NONCD000 PENDER 1143 PRESTIGE LABELS 151 INDUSTRIAL DR BURGAW SPL NCD062677 NEAR PENDER 273 CHEMICAL LEAMAN TANK LINES, INC. 120 COWPEN LANDING WILMINGTON NFA NONCD000 ELECTRONICS COMPONENT PENDER 1058 CORPORATION 200 ELECTRONICS PARKWAY BURGAW SPL NONCD000 Evaluation PENDER 2913 WALLACE AIRPORT 250 HENDERSON FIELD RD WALLACE Pending NCN000407 PENDER 564 WATHA FIRING RANGE 3311 SHILOH RD WATHA SPL NONCD000 Evaluation PENDER 2681 WOOD TREATERS, INC 224 SAW DUST RD ROCKY POINT Pending NCD986195 Pender 154 PENDER PLATING COMPANY 110 W HAYES ST. BURGAW SPL NONCD000 Evaluation PENDER 1775 DURWOOD GROCERY 23585 US HWY 421 WILLARD Pending NONCD000 ROCKY POINT TRADING POST TCE 8160 US HWY 117S, ROCKY Pender 2413 DISCOV POINT BURGAW NFA NONCD000 NFA w/ PENDER 1996 AMERICAN SKIN FOOD GROUP 140 INDUSTRIAL DR BURGAW Restrictions NONCD000 SCHOONMAKERS-DECORATIVE TIN Pender 2451 BUSIN. 725 CAMP KIRKWOOD RD WATHA NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Pender 3207 Pender County ABC Board HWY 117 S BURGAW Pending NONCD000 Evaluation PENDER 3077 PHOENIX 308 TRAVEL CENTER 13493 NC HWY 210 ROCKY POINT Pending PERQUIMA NONCD000 NS 3043 SOUTHERN SCRAP DISPOSAL AREA 2835 HARVEY POINT RD HERTFORD NFA PERQUIMA NONCD000 Evaluation NS 1 167 CENTRAL GRAIN-CHAPANOKE 647 CHAPANOKE RD HERTFORD Pending PERQUIMA NONCD000 NS 2893 TOWERS RD DISPOSAL AREA 2835 HARVEY POINT RD HERTFORD NFA PERQUIMA NONCD000 Voluntary NS 1173 LEBANON CHEMICAL ALBERMARLE ST HERTFORD AA PERQUIMA NONCD000 Mq NS 2931 RIVER ROAD RIVER RD HERTFORD NFA NCD033978 PERSON 396 ATEC INDUSTRIES PERKINS DRIVE ROXBORO SPL NCN000410 Evaluation PERSON 375 COUNTRY CLUB LANE CONTAMINATION 192 COUNTRY CLUB LANE ROXBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation PERSON 3054 BROMMA INC 2285 DURHAM RD ROXBORO Pending NCD004520 Voluntary PERSON 136 EATON CORPORATION ROUTE 501 SOUTH ROXBORO AA NONCD000 PERSON 2848 LOXCREEN RT 501 S ROXBORO NFA NCD003194 PERSON 271 ALUMARK CORP/HUNTER DOUGLAS, INC HWY 501 S ROXBORO NFA NONCD000 PERSON 1116 REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NC 312 JACK SHERMAN RD ROUGEMONT SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Pitt 3221 GUC O erations Center 801 Mumford Rd Greenville Pending NCSFN0407 PITT 143 AMERICAN ELEMENTS 500 WALLACE ST FARMVILLE SPL NONCD000 PITT 2874 MOHAWK-KARASTAN 2007 DICKINSON AVE GREENVILLE SPL NCD095119 PITT 210 MCGRAW EDISON COMPANY 251 INDUSTRIAL BLVD GREENVILLE NFA NONCD000 14TH AND COTANCHE PITT 0008 UNION CARBIDE FORMER STREETS GREENVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation PITT 3026 HARRIS & ROGERS TOBACCO SALES PITT ST GREENVILLE Pending NCD003184 UNION CARBIDE CORP/EVEREADY PITT 249 BATTERY 264 BYPASS-EVANS ST EXTN GREENVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Pitt 3229 SPEEDWAY 8183 502 SW GREENVILLE BLVD GREENVILLE Pending NCD003185 PITT 311 STARLING DAVID PROPERTY HWY 258 N FARMVILLE NFA NC8210022 PITT 044 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 1391 N MEM DR GREENVILLE NFA NONCD000 BLACK CRK & STATONSBURG Evaluation PITT 2896 NC DOT BRIDGE #80 RD BRG FARMVILLE Pending NCD003186 PITT 178 COASTAL CHEMICAL CORP. EVANS ST EXT GREENVILLE SPL NCD980557 PITT 854 FMC/NIAGARA PESTICIDES 3595 OLD NC 11 AYDEN SPL NCD980557 PITT 672 PITT COUNTY UTILITY LANDFILL PORT TERMINAL RD GREENVILLE SPL NCD000827 PITT 832 ELECTRICAL UTILITIES/CO BB&T 309 ANDERSON AVE FARMVILLE SPL NONCD000 Voluntary Pitt 1681 Empire Brush Facility 105 Staton Road Greenville AA NONCD000 Voluntary PITT 1157 ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORP 310 STATON RD GREENVILLE AA NONCD000 GRANDE AVE & DICKINSON Evaluation PITT 2941 GRANDE AVE PCE AVE GREENVILLE Pending NONCD000 STATON ROAD SOLVENT—RW Evaluation PITT 2455 CONTAMINATION STATON RD GREENVILLE Pendin NONCD000 PITT 2901 PITT COUNTY SCHOOL BUS GARAGE 901 MALL DRIVE GREENVILLE NFA NCD986171 PITT 296 GRAY FARM SITE SR 1545 STOKES NFA NONCD000 Evaluation PITT 3021 AYDEN DIESEL 3890 JOLLY RD AYDEN Pending NONCD000 PITT 0055 GLISSON ENTERPRISES HWY 903 GREENVILLE SPL NCD980600 PITT 951 EAST CAROLINA MEDICAL SCHOOL GREENVILLE NFA NONCD000 PITT 1113 SOUTHERN STATES FORMER 125 LINE AVE GREENVILLE SPL NCD981468 PITT 622 FORK SWAMP/GRADY WHITE BOAT SR 1725 AYDEN NFA NCD072020 PITT 399 PROCTER & GAMBLE PAPER PRODS CO. 1029 OLD CREEK ROAD GREENVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation PITT 3055 UNX PROPERTY 200 W 9TH ST GREENVILLE Pending NONCD000 PITT 0042 SOUTHMET, INC. NORTH GREENE STREET GREENVILLE NFA NONCD000 PITT 2836 RABO CLEANERS 701 HOOKER RD GREENVILLE SPL NCD986188 Voluntary PITT 886 GREENVILLE COAL GAS PLANT PLANT STREET GREENVILLE AA NCD093132 PITT 207 VOICE OF AMERICA RELAY STATION COUNTY ROAD 1212 GREENVILLE SPL NCDO03183 PITT 571 WINTERVILLE MACHINE WORKS, INC. 2672 MILL ST WINTERVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation PITT 1785 SOUTHERN STATES COOP 3648 SOUTH FIELDS ST FARMVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation PITT 3017 WINNER CHEVROLET 6246 NC 11 SOUTH AYDEN Pending NCD075575 PITT 191 REED NATIONAL CORPORATION S FIELDS ST FARMVILLE NFA NCD991278 POLK 045 RECON DRUM COMPANY ROUTE 1 COLUMBUS NFA NONCD000 Evaluation POLK 1212 WOODLAND MILLS CORP 4021 HWY 108 E MILL SPRING Pending NCD051739 Voluntary RANDOLPH 209 HARRELSON RUBBER COMPANY 408 TELEPHONE AVE ASHEBORO AA NONCD000 Evaluation RANDOLPH 3042 BALFOUR BP 1553 N FAYETTEVILLE ST ASHEBORO Pending NCN000407 RANDOLPH 301 LOFLIN GOLD MINE LOFLIN HILL RD TRINITY NFA NONCD000 Voluntary RANDOLPH 3150 POWERSECURE MANUFACTURING INC 1410 COLTRANE MILL RD RANDELMAN AA NCDO03226 RANDOLPH 560 STEVENS JP AND COMPANY, INC. NAOMI STREET RANDELMAN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation RANDOLPH 3051 SWAIM METALS 414 BERKLEY ST HIGH POINT Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Randolph 2633 TRINITY AMERICAN CORP. 5275 GLENOLA IND. DR GLENOLA AA NONCD000 Voluntary Randolph 2676 Vitafoam, Inc. 2222 Surrett Drive High Point AA NCN000410 Evaluation RANDOLPH 534 STALEY PCE/BROWN'S GROCERY 6488 WHITES CHAPEL RD STALEY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Randolph 1541 CONITRON WINOLA RD. TRINITY Pending NONCD000 Randolph 1555 COX MOBILE HOME PARK ROCKY KNOLL RD. ASHEBORO NFA NONCD000 718-720 INDUSTRIAL PARK RANDOLPH 1011 JUNG CORPORATION AVE ASHEBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Randolph 2372 RANDOLPH SCH. - BUS GARAGE-B 2234-AENTERPRISE ST. ASHEBORO Pending NCDO03225 RANDOLPH 620 HIGH POINT FURNITURE INDUSTRIES 1121 CORPORATION DRIVE ARCHDALE NFA NONCD000 RANDOLPH 1136 EASTSIDE GROCERY 1339 E SALISBURY ST ASHEBORO NFA NONCD000 Randolph 2371 RANDOLPH ELECTRIC HWY 42 @ PATTON STREET ASHEBORO NFA NCN000410 Evaluation Randolph 733 LIBERTY, TOWN OF - PUBLIC WELL BRINKLEY COUNTRY LN LIBERTY Pending NCDO03216 UNION CARBIDE CORP/EVEREADY RANDOLPH 462 BATTERY 800 ALBEMARLE RD ASHEBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Randolph 1470 Central Transport - Solvents 2829 Uwharrie Road Archdale Pending NCDO03213 LIBERTY FURNITURE RANDOLPH 568 CORP/CHROMCRAFT 330 N GREENSBORO ST LIBERTY SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Randolph 2766 WRIGHT OF THOMASVILLE - NONUST SR 1619 THOMASVILLE Pending NONCD000 RANDOLPH 2529 BASSETT FURNITURE-WEIMAN PLANT 1603 LEONARD ST RAMSEUR SPL NONCD000 Voluntary Randolph 1948 KAYSER-ROTH - ASHEBORO 515 W. BALFOUR AVE. ASHEBORO (AA) NC0001351 RANDOLPH 212 GRAVE'S PROPERTY FORT CREEK MILL ROAD SEAGROVE NFA NCD000822 RANDOLPH 130 HARRELSON RUBBER COMPANY HWY 220 SOUTH ASHEBORO SPL NCD000822 RANDOLPH 064 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. 229 W. CENTRAL AVENUE ASHEBORO NFA NCD981864 NFA w/ RANDOLPH 614 ULAH BATTERY/BATTERY PILES SR 1219/DINAH RD ASHEBORO Restrictions NCD000822 UNION CARBIDE CORP/EVEREADY Voluntary RANDOLPH 957 BATTERY ART BRYAN DR ASHEBORO AA NONCD000 RANDOLPH 2O65 CARBON BLACK HOUSE 1900 S FAYETTEVILLE ST ASHEBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation RANDOLPH 2814 HANCOCK COUNTRY HAMS 3484 NC HWY 22 N FRANKLINVILLE Pending NCD982108 Evaluation Randolph 433 BEAMAN CORP. 6306 MOLD HWY 421 LIBERTY Pending NONCD000 NCDOT - SITE #43 RILEY PAVING Evaluation Randolph 2143 ASPHALT HWY 421 LIBERTY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Randolph 2292 Perdue Farms - Liberty - Solvents 2607 Old Highway 421 Staley Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Randolph 2142 NCDOT - SITE #42 APAC ASPHALT PLANT PINE VIEW ROAD ASHEBORO Pending NCN000040 Evaluation RANDOLPH 532 CARL DRIVE TIRE FIRE 2242 CARL DRIVE ASHEBORO Pendin NCD982124 RANDOLPH 646 GREGSON FUNITURE INDUSTRIES 206 E FRAIZER AVENUE LIBERTY NFA NONCD000 Voluntary RICHMOND 1420 CSX HAMLET DIESEL SHOP NC 177 HAMLET AA NONCD000 RICHMOND 1712 SOLENE INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS 709 AIRPORT RD ROCKINGHAM NFA NCD000828 RICHMOND 566 TARTAN MARINE PROPERTY NC HIGHWAY 77 & SR 2032 HAMLET SPL NCD071061 RICHMOND 147 CLARK EQUIPMENT COMPANY HIGHWAY 74 WEST ROCKINGHAM NFA NONCD000 RICHMOND APPAREL/FRUIT OF THE Evaluation Richmond 2400 LOOM HWY 74 WEST ROCKINGHAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation RICHMOND 2867 ATKINSON ST CONTAMINATION 109 ATKINSON ST HAMLET Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Richmond 2164 NCDOT Asphalt Site #3Brown Paving Intersection of SR 1305 and Hw Rockingham Pending NCD980602 RICHMOND 791 SALVAGE OIL OF AMERICA 1227 MCLEOD STREET ROCKINGHAN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation RICHMOND 2832 HWY 177 TCE 1061 HWY 177 HAMLET Pending NCD000616 RICHMOND 219 GA -PACIFIC CORP HWY 177 S HAMLET SPL NCD982078 ROBESON 271 BARNES PROPERTY ROUTE 2 FAIRMONT NFA NONCD000 Evaluation ROBESON 1 135 LUMBERTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 163 AIRPORT BLVD LUMBERTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Robeson 2049 MAXTON OIL & FERT. CO. - PLANT 207 N MCNAIR ST MAXTON Pending NCD067200 ROBESON 949 CROFT METALS HWY 71 S LUMBER BRIDGE NFA NCD097728 ROBESON 000 CAMPBELL SOUP HIGHWAY 71 NORTH MAXTON NFA NONCD000 Voluntary Robeson 1947 KAYSER-ROTH 3707 W. 5TH ST LUMBERTON AA NONCD000 SW OF LEESVILLE & N Evaluation Robeson 3213 The Childrens Clinic =AMR= MORRO STS FAIRMONT Pending NCD045924 ROBESON 032 WEST POINT PEPPERELL ALAMAC 1885 ALAMAC RD LUMBERTON SPL NCD061099 Evaluation ROBESON 248 CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR SITE 4019 NC 72 WEST LUMBERTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ROBESON 2869 NCDOT ASPHALT TESTING SITE #70 HWY 74 LUMBERTON Pendin NONCD000 Evaluation Robeson 3239 Carolina Civic Center Lumberton 315 N Chestnut St N LUMBERTON Pending NONCD000 FIRST AND TOWN COMMON Evaluation ROBESON 1862 LUMBERTON DYE CO STS LUMBERTON Pending NC9210022 ROBESON 043 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 1400 CARTHAGE RD LUMBERTON NFA NCD057454 ROBESON 571 ROYAL DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. HWY 71 W RED SPRINGS NFA NONCD000 ROBESON 2988 PEMBROKE FARM HOME & GARDEN 302 W 3RD ST PEMBROKE SPL NONCD000 SOUTHERN STATES-LUMBERTON Evaluation ROBESON 1014 FERTILIZER 875 OLD WHITEVILLE RD LUMBERTON Pending NONCD000 Robeson 2542 STEVENS CLEANERS IONA AND MAIN STREET FAIRMONT SPL NONCD000 INDUSTRIAL & AGRICULTURAL Evaluation ROBESON 1232 CHEMICALS 2042 BUIE-PHILADELPUS RD RED SPRINGS Pending NCD986209 ROBESON 575 CARDINAL CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE FIRE NC 211 & NC 72 LUMBERTON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Robeson 1540 COGENTRIX-LUMBERTON 1886 HESTERTOWN RD LUMBERTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Robeson 2444 SANFATEX HIGHWAY 211 RED SPRINGS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rockingham 2388 RENTZ OIL CO.-KENAN TRANSPORT 2502 RICHARDSON DR. REIDSVILLE Pending NONCD000 US HIGHWAY 29 BYPASS & Evaluation Rockingham 2385 REIDSVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARK REIDSVI REIDSVILLE Pending ROCKINGH NONCD000 Evaluation AM 3123 EAST MEADOW ROAD PCP 863 EAST MEADOW RD EDEN Pending ROCKINGH NCD003530 AM 078 GTE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1704 BARNES STREET REIDSVILLE NFA ROCKINGH NCD089914 AM 311 MILLER BREWING CO/CONT DIV 1900 BARNES ST REIDSVILLE SPL ROCKINGH NONCD000 Evaluation AM 2894 VFW ROAD CONTAMINATION VFW ROAD REIDSVILLE Pending ROCKINGH NCD085438 AM 810 MILLER BREWING CO/PHILLIP MORRIS 863 E MEADOW RD EDEN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Rockingham 2147 NCDOT - SITE #59 WENTWORTH ASPHALT HWY 65/87 WENTWORTH Pending ROCKINGH NONCD000 Evaluation AM 2879 TAYLOR ROAD WELLS 801 TAYLOR RD STONEVILLE Pending NONCD000 Rockingham 2553 Stoneville Furniture Company 525 South HenryStreet Stoneville SPL ROCKINGH NCD024762 AM 668 BUSH BROTHERS PLATING INC/GREER 107 NE MARKET ST REIDSVILLE SPL ROCKINGH NONCD000 Evaluation AM 2850 BUSICK ROAD TCE BUSICK RD REIDSVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rockingham 1390 Brown, Frances and Larry Somers Wells 3089 NC 150 Reidsville Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rockingham 3210 ETNA 231 226 W Harrison St Reidsville Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rockingham 1348 BIG APPLE FARM SUPPLY - SOLVENTS 407 SW MARKET STREET REIDSVILLE Pending ROCKINGH NONCD000 Evaluation AM 3000 REIDSVILLE MCDONALD'S 665 S SCALES ST REIDSVILLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rockingham 1256 AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. - NONUST 301 N.SCALES STREET REIDSVILLE Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Rockingham 1400 Burlington House Reidsville Plant 2362 Holiday Loop Road Reidsville AA ROCKINGH NCD093783 AM 876 VANIER GRAPHICS CORPORATION 655 MEADOW RD EDEN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Rockingham 1715 Fieldcrest Blanket Mill Warehouse Street Eden Pending ROCKINGH NCD003218 AM 203 FIELDCREST MILLS INC. 326 STADIUM DRIVE EDEN NFA ROCKINGH NCD061786 Evaluation AM 000 BETA FUELING SYSTEMS 1209 FREEWAY DR REIDSVILLE Pending ROCKINGH NONCD000 Evaluation AM 2346 UNIFI, INC 2920 VANCE ST REIDSVILLE Pending ROCKINGH NONCD000 Voluntary AM 1087 REIDSVILLE COAL GAS PLANT 825 Way Street REIDSVILLE AA NCN000410 ROWAN 518 CHAPEL STREET BATTERY DUMP CHAPEL STREET KANNAPOLIS NFA NCD003213 ROWAN 881 BENDIX CORPORATION I-85 INNES ST EXIT INA SALISBURY SPL NONCD000 1709 JAKE ALEXANDER BLVD Evaluation ROWAN 1027 JAKE ALEXANDER BLVD SITE S SALISBURY Pending NCN000410 ROWAN 468 OAK HAVEN MHP 775 AIRPORT RD SALISBURY NFA NCD081322 ROWAN 117 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO/SALISBURY 1114 OLD CONCORD RD SALISBURY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 1626 DOMINION YARN - CORLIN PLANT 414 NORTH MARIAH STREET LANDIS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ROWAN 2898 WOODLEAF & RIDGE PCE 3150 WOODLEAF RD SALISBURY Pending NCD048469 PROCTOR CHEMICAL CO INC/NATIONAL Evaluation ROWAN 993 STA 237 LUMBER STREET SALISBURY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 2424 ROWLAND WELL 1703 DANIEL STREET KANNAPOLIS Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Rowan 1951 KERN POLYMERIC 465 AIRPORT ROAD SALISBURY (AA) NCD980503 ROWAN 080 PAUL LOVE'S PIT SPENCER NFA NCD041414 ROWAN 780 FIELDCREST MILLS INC./NC FINISHING US 29/70 N SPENCER SPL NONCD000 CHINA GROVE TOWN MAINTENANCE Evaluation ROWAN 2921 AREA 618 SALISBURY ST CHINA GROVE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 2754 WOODLEAF ROAD SOLVENT SITE 2021 WOODLEAF ROAD SALISBURY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ROWAN 2920 FCX CHEMICALS FRMR KLUMAC RD SALISBURY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 1658 East Ridge Road 155 East Ride Road Salisbury Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 1367 CRESS PROPERTY/Bostian Heights Solvents 8207 Old Concord Road Salisbury Pending NCD079054 ROWAN 979 UNITED HOUSE OF PRAYER DRUM SITE 501 OLD CONCORD ROAD SALISBURY NFA NONCD000 JCT OF OLD BEATTY FORD RD Evaluation Rowan 1664 EBENEZER LUTHERAN CHURCH AND ROCKWELL Pending NCD980557 ROWAN 755 OWENS ILL/SALISBURY BOX PLT OLD US 29 NORTH SPENCER NFA NCD986228 ROWAN 054 KANNAPOLIS PCE SPILL ENOCHVILLE ROAD KANNAPOLIS SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 1872 Hot Spot Solvents Midway Drive and South Main St Salisbury Pending NONCD000 423 N. MARTIN LUTHER KING Evaluation ROWAN 3155 KESLER MILL JR A SALISBURY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ROWAN 2868 STATESVILLE BLVD CONTAMINATION 2620 STATESVILLE BLVD SALISBURY Pending NONCD000 PEACH ORCHARD LN & Evaluation ROWAN 2616 PEACH ORCHARD LANE HARDER ST SALISBURY Pending NC5210022 ROWAN 047 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 1825 WOODLEAF RD SALISBURY NFA NCD982095 ROWAN 093 JAYS CLEANERS 1803 N MAIN ST KANNAPOLIS SPL NCD000653 Voluntary ROWAN 576 KERN RUBBER CO. URETHANE PLANT 1415 JAKE ALEXANDER RD S SALISBURY AA NCD066327 ROWAN 313 FINETEX, INC. 500 HINKLE LANE SALISBURY NFA NCD986197 Voluntary ROWAN 283 SALISBURY COAL GAS PLANT #1 324 EAST LIBERTY STREET SALISBURY AA NONCD000 GRANITE ROWAN 0036 BALFOUR ROAD BATTERY BALFOUR ROAD QUARRY NFA NONCD000 SPRING AND COLONIAL Evaluation Rowan 2073 MILFORD HILLS PCE SITE DRIVES SALISBURY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 2166 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE #35 500 INDUSTRIAL AVE ROCKWELL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 1936 JOHNSON WELL 135 DILLON STREET CHINA GROVE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation ROWAN 1 145 SALISBURY ASPHALT PLANT/SITE #45 JAKE ALEXANDER BLVD SALISBURY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 3192 CHINA GROVE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX 308 E THOM ST CHINA GROVE Pending NONCD000 1825 JAKE ALEXANDER BLVD Rowan 1494 CHEVRON WEST SALISBURY NFA NONCD000 ROWAN 0058 ABEX CORP. US 29 SOUTH SALISBURY NFA NCD003218 ROWAN 492 CAROLINA RUBBER HOSE COMPANY 1801 SOUTH RAILROAD SALISBURY SPL NCD981471 ROWAN 873 HWY 801 BARBER SR 1958 100 FT. S OF SR1 BARBER NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 2562 SUNSHINE MFG - PCE HIGHWAY 52 SOUTH ROCKWELL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 2095 MOORES RENTAL #2 625 NORTH MAIN STREET SALISBURY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 1588 DAUGHERTY ROAD DAUGHERTY ROAD LANDIS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 2110 Myers Brothers Gin Solvents 3165 Woodleaf Road Salisbury Pending NCD980843 ROWAN 528 TOWN CREEK REGIONAL WWTP HEILIGTOWN ROAD SALISBURY SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 2410 ROCKWELL WELL 003 HWY 52 ROCKWELL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 1601 DERRICK TRUCK STOP #2 PEELER ROAD AND I-85 SALISBURY Pending NONCD000 WYATTS CHURCH GROVE ROWAN 0048 WALKER DRUM DISPOSAL ROAD GOLD HILL NFA NCD108702 ROWAN 606 HARTSOE BATTERY 2513 LINA AVE KANNAPOLIS SPL NCD980843 ROWAN 460 GRANT CREEK WWTP CRUSE ROAD SALISBURY SPL NCD021388 ROWAN 939 HARRIS BATTERY AND METAL CO. 300 W CEMETARY ST SALISBURY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Rowan 1427 CANNON BLVD SOLVENT SITE 2800 BLOCK CANNON BLVD KANNAPOLIS Pending RUTHERFO NONCD000 Evaluation RD 2597 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES 1181 OLD CAROLEEN RD FOREST CITY Pending RUTHERFO NONCD000 RD 1107 CONE MILLS - FLORENCE PLANT FLORENCE & DEPOT RDS FOREST CITY SPL RUTHERFO NCD986166 RUTHERFORDTO RD 411 CAMPBELL PROPERTY DRUM STATE ROAD 1181 N NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Rutherford 2551 Stonecutter Mills Corporation 300 Dallas Street S indale Pending RUTHERFO NCD066307 RD 851 POLYSAR INC RESINS DIV 688 VANCE ST FOREST CITY NFA RUTHERFO NONCD000 Evaluation RD 2954 WATTS INDUSTRIES 100 WATTS RD SPINDALE Pendin NONCD000 RUTHERFORDTO Evaluation Rutherford 2237 OMC FACILITY FORMER 160 Executive Drive N Pending NONCD000 ALEXANDER Evaluation Rutherford 1562 CRELLIN CORP. PINE ST. MILLS Pending RUTHERFO NCD981003 NFA w/ RD 957 HENSON LANDFILL US HIGHWAY 221 SOUTH FOREST CITY Restrictions RUTHERFO NCD981473 RD 150 CHERRY MT STREET DRUM 602 CHERRY MOUNTAIN FOREST CITY SPL RUTHERFO NCDO03162 RD 971 ELMORE, CORP THE 204 OAK STREET SPINDALE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Rutherford 2603 Timken US Corp. 1510 Hi hwa 221 South Rutherfordton Pending RUTHERFO NCDO83673 RUTHERFORDTO RD 616 REEVES BROTHERS RAILROAD AVE N SPL RUTHERFO NONCD000 WATTS REGULATOR -GENERAL AIDES RD 0060 SITE WITHROW ROAD FOREST CITY SPL NONCD000 Voluntary SAMPSON 1171 RENTAL UNIFORM SERVICES 117 W ELIZABETH STREET CLINTON AA NCD000613 IP SAMPSON 364 WEST POINT PEPPERELL CLINTON HWY 421 CLINTON NFA NCD981929 SAMPSON 797 SAMPSON COUNTY TRASH DUMPSTER NEAR SPIVEY'S CORNER DUNN NFA NONCD000 Sampson 2504 Southern States Coop Spill SR 1130 Lundy Rd Clinton Non-Haz NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Sampson 1908 INTERPANE GLASS COMPANY 520 EAST RAILROAD STREET CLINTON Pending NONCD000 SAMPSON 1668 CORNER COTTON GIN 151 MINGO CHURCH RD MINGO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation SAMPSON 1851 ALCATEL 510 COMMERCE ST CLINTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Sampson 1815 Hamilton Beach -Proctor Silex 100-A Fontana Street Clinton Pending NONCD000 ROANOKE AND CHURCH Evaluation Sampson 2668 VANN CROSSROADS ROADS CLINTON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Scotland 2050 MAXTON OIL & FERT. CO. - SHAW FARM SR 1424 WAGRAM Pending NONCD000 Evaluation SCOTLAND 2748 RAIL ROAD FRICTION PRODUCTS 13601 AIRPORT RD MAXTON Pending NCD982119 SCOTLAND 620 GIBSON MIDNIGHT DUMPING SITE OFF HIGHWAY 391 GIBSON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation SCOTLAND 2949 SCOTLAND COUNTY PRISON FRMR) 22600 WAGRAM RD WAGRAM Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Scotland 1661 EATON CORPORATION HWY 401 BYPASS NORTH LAURINBURG AA NONCD000 Scotland 1574 CSX-GIBSON TRAIN DERAILMENT HIGHWAY 79 GIBSON NFA NONCD000 Scotland 2711 WESTPOINT STEVENS AIRPORT ROAD WAGRAM SPL NONCD000 NFA w/ SCOTLAND 0056 JAMES LANDFILL HWY 74 & SR 1369 LAURINBURG Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Scotland 2308 PILKINGTON-LIBBY OWEN FORD US HIGHWAY 74 EAST LAURINBURG Pending NCD982080 SCOTLAND 152 PEE DEE TIMBER CO 230 W BIZZELL ST LAURINBURG SPL NONCD000 SCOTLAND 1153 UNITED AGRI PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTION 17021 Old Maxton Road LAURINBURG SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Scotland 2418 ROGOSIN CONVERTERS (KORDSA USA) 17780 ARMSTRONG RD LAUREL HILL Pending NONCD000 Voluntary SCOTLAND 0040 ABBOTT LABORATORIES HWYS 401 AND 15-501 LAURINBURG (AA) NCD986172 SCOTLAND 500 MCLEAN BROTHERS FARM SR 1415 WAGRAM SPL NCDO82358 SCOTLAND 854 ARMSTRONG RUBBER COMPANY STATE ROAD 1304 LAUREL HILL NFA NCD082363 SCOTLAND 102 HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY 17321 HARRY MALLOY RD LAURINBURG SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Scotland 2685 WAGRAM INTENTIONAL DUMP OFF 401 WAGRAM Pending NONCD000 SCOTLAND 2995 JOHNS MANVILLE LDFL SKYWAY CHURCH RD MAXTON SPL NCD037160 SCOTLAND 439 TOASTMASTER, INCORPORATED 17160 PLANT RD LAURINBURG SPL NCD000605 SCOTLAND 022 PLANT MANAGERS PROPERTY SR 1614 LAURINBURG NFA NONCD000 A Voluntary SCOTLAND 2833 UMICORE CSM NA 17180 AIRPORT RD MAXTON AA NONCD000 Evaluation STANLY 2223 STANLY STATION SHOPPING CENTER 636 NC HWY 27 E ALBERMARLE Pending NONCD000 Now Evaluation Stanly 1319 Barefoot -Carolina Oil 850 South Second Street Albemarle Pending NONCD000 Evaluation STANLY 2242 FLAME REFRACTORIES, INC 152 AMERICAN DR OAKBORO Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 1287 AREY/TAYLOR WELLS 24459 HIGHWAY 52 ALBEMARLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation STANLY 1 120 EATON AERO UIP, INC FORMER 680 LANIER RD NORWOOD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 1388 BROOKWOOD INDUSTRIAL 127 CHARTER ST ALBERMARLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 2018 LOVE LUMBER COMPANY #3 301 WEST STANLY STREET STANFIELD Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Stanly 1888 HYDROLABS, INC. ALLIED COLLOIDS 2028 KINGSLEY DRIVE ALBEMARLE AA NONCD000 Stanly 1536 CONCORD TELEPHONE 250 N 1ST ST ALBEMARLE NFA NCD000773 STANLY 655 OLDOVER CORP/CAROLINA SOLITE RT 2 - SR 2001 NORWOOD NFA NONCD000 FABCO FASTENING SYSTEMS/DIXIE Voluntary STANLY 1137 YARNS 614 NC HWY 200 S STANFIELD (AA) NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 2026 MAIN STREET SOLVENT SITE WEST MAIN STREET LOCUST Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 2358 OLD SALISBURY ROAD WELLS OLD SALISBURY RD ALBEMARLE Pending NC6210022 STANLY 046 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 1816 E MAIN ST ALBEMARLE NFA NONCD000 STANLY 1177 ALCOA-PINE RD RAVINE DISPOSAL PINE RD SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 3204 KINGSLEY DR METALS 2035 KINGSLEY DR ALBEMARLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 1955 KIKER HOSIERY BROWNS HILL RD LOCUST Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 2384 Reeves Brothers, Inc. 1135 Montgomery Ave Albemarle Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 2100 MORTON RESIDENCE HWY 200, S OF STANFIELD STANFIELD Pending NONCD000 STANLY 0053 CAROLINA MARBLE CO. INDIAN MOUND ROAD ALBEMARLE SPL NONCD000 STANLY 0001 STANLY NEWS & PRESS 237 W NORTH STREET ALBEMARLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 2098 MORGAN MILLS DAWSON PLANT #6) 200 HWY 24/27 ALBEMARLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation STANLY 2936 CONCRETE SUPPLY COMPANY 115 AQUADALE DR ALBERMARLE Pending NONCD000 I Evaluation Stanly 2749 WISCASSETT MILLS 233 MONTGOMERY AVENUE ALBEMARLE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 2651 UNITED SCREEN PRINTERS, INC. BROWNS HILL ROAD LOCUST Pendin NONCD000 STANLY 1063 ARROWOOD, INC 13183 INDIAN MOUND ROAD NORWOOD NFA NONCD000 Evaluation STANLY 2812 RANDALLS FERRY RD SUPPLY WELLS 17586 RANDALLS FERRY RD NORWOOD Pending NONCD000 STANLY 1094 ALLISON MANUFACTURING CO 930 OLD CHARLOTTE ROAD ALBEMARLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Stanly 2770 YADKIN BRICK COMPANY 44266 MOSS LANE NEW LONDON Pending NONCD000 WALNUT COVE, TOWN OF/PUBLIC Evaluation Stokes 2692 SUPPLY WELL MAIN STREET WALNUT COVE Pending NONCD000 STOKES 1789 OAKLEY'S GROCERY 6148 NC 66 SOUTH KING NFA NONCD000 Evaluation STOKES 2872 WALNUT COVE TIRE CENTER, INC 1293 US HWY 311 WALNUT COVE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Stokes 2330 PRIDDY PROPERTY, WINIFRED 4707 HIGHWAY 8 N. LAWSONVILLE Pending NONCD000 STOKES 0091 DUKE POWER/WALNUT COVE POWER HOUSE ROAD WALNUT COVE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation STOKES 1786 WATT STEVENS 4461 NC HWY 8 N DANBURY Pending NCD980250 REYNOLDS, RJ TOBACCO CO/BROOK BROOKE COVE STREET STOKES 450 COVE SR1941 GERMANTOWN NFA NONCD000 Evaluation STOKES 1654 DEAN'S 76 3390 US HWY 311 N PINE HALL Pending NONCD000 Evaluation SURRY 2632 WHITE SWANS RENTALS 204 E MARKET ST ELKIN Pending NCDO03229 SURRY 358 SCM PROCTOR-SILEX/WEAREVER HAY ST MOUNT AIRY SPL NONCD000 Voluntary Surry 1226 ADAMS-MILLIS PLANT 2/33 - NONUST 838 S. MAIN ST. MOUNT AIRY AA NCDO03233 SURRY 673 HOOVER REPAIR SHOP 461 N SOUTH STREET SR1669 MT AIRY SPL NCDO03464 SURRY 765 VAUGHAN-BASSETT FURNITURE CO. ROUTE 268 EAST ELKIN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 2652 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES AUTOMOTIVE 511 HAY ST. MOUNT AIRY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation SURRY 1446 INTERSTATE SIGN CO 1990 ROCKFORD ST MOUNT AIRY Pending NONCD000 NFA w/ SURRY 2987 CMI DRUM CLEANING AREA 200 BLANKET LANE ELKIN Restrictions NONCD000 SURRY 0065 CMI INDUSTRIES 304 EAST MAIN STREET ELKIN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 2536 STATE ROAD GROCERY 1930 US 21 STATE ROAD Pending NONCD000 SURRY 0016 CMC LANDFILL EAST MAIN STREET ELKIN SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 1821 Hanna Shoemaker Residence 194 Ararat Lon hill Road Pilot Mountain Pending NONCD000 Evaluation SURRY 2044 KAPP ST FERTILIZER SPILL 515 W KAPP ST DOBSON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 2125 NC FOAM INDUSTRIES - NONUST 511 CARTER ST. MOUNT AIRY Pending NCD986166 PILOT SURRY 379 PILOT MOUNTAIN TIRE FIRE DAVENPORT ROAD MOUNTAIN SPL NONCD000 SURRY 1092 CMI WWTP PARCELI HWY 268 ELKIN SPL NCD986171 SURRY 254 SURRY COUNTY TIRE FIRE HWY 268 DOBSON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 2151 NCDOT - SURRY COUNTY HWY 601 NORTH DOBSON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 2772 Yoco Rental property 110 Quaker Road Mt. Airy Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 3188 RENFRO CORPORATION 611 LINVILLE ROAD MOUNT AIRY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 2311 PINE STATE KNITWEAR - C 630 INDEPENDENCE BL MOUNT AIRY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 1748 GANT STATION, FORMER 102 WEST LEBANON STREET MOUNT AIRY Pending NONCD000 Evaluation SURRY 2791 THE TRIBUNE 214 E MAIN ST ELKIN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 1719 Flavor-o-rich 1607 West Pine Street Mt. Airy Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 2588 The Store - Siloam 3069 Siloam Road Siloam Pending NONCD000 NFA w/ SURRY 1082 CMI FLYASH DISPOSAL PARCEL 2 HWY 268 ELKIN Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Surry 2306 Pike Electric, Inc. 418 Smith Street Mt. Airy Pending NONCD000 SWAIN 2190 NCDOT SITE #49 HEWITTS RD NANTAHALA NFA NCD098765 SWAIN 506 SINGER CO/FURNITURE DIV BRYSON BRYSON WALK BRYSON CITY SPL TRANSYLV NC7210022 ANIA 045 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS E FRENCH BROAD ST BREVARD NFA TRANSYLV NCN000410 Evaluation ANIA 007 TRANSYLVANIA TANNING CO SILVERSTEEN AVENUE BREVARD Pending TRANSYLV NONCD000 ANIA 2985 TOTAL AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE 325 ROSMAN HWY BREVARD SPL TRANSYLV NCD980729 Voluntary ANIA 677 KNOB CREEK FLYASH DISPOSAL SR 1540 BREVARD AA NONCD000 Transylvania 2182 NCDOT ROSMAN-SALT STORAGE SR 1388 ROSMAN Non-Haz Site NONCD000 Evaluation Transylvania 1523 COATS AMERICAN-SYLVAN PLANT OLD US 64 ROSMAN Pending TRANSYLV NCD980502 NFA w/ ANIA 827 BROWN #1 SR 1504 VANDERBILT RD PISGAH FOREST Restrictions TRANSYLV NCD980729 ANIA 537 CAMP STRAUSS BOLVESTON HIGHWAY SR 276 BREVARD NFA TRANSYLV NCD980728 ANIA 745 OSHIELDS FLY ASH SR 1510 BREVARD SPL TRANSYLV NCD980503 ANIA 072 OWENS LANDFILL/OLIN OSBORNE ROAD BREVARD NFA NCD055167 Evaluation Transylvania 324 MITCHELL-BISSELL PLANT HWY US 64 ROSMAN Pending TRANSYLV NONCD000 Evaluation ANIA 1083 TOXAWAY TANNING CO MAIN ST ROSMAN Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Transylvania 2621 TRANSAMERICA MEDICAL BUILDING 158 MCCLEAN ROAD BREVARD Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Tyrrell 2677 VOLIVA OIL COMPANY SITE 201 WATER STREET COLUMBIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Tyrrell 1505 CITY MOTOR PARTS HWY 64 COLUMBIA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation TYRRELL 1638 SOUTHERN STATES COOP US 64 & TRAVIS RD COLUMBIA Pending NCD986176 LAKEWOOD & RHODERA UNION 030 RHODERIA DRIVE WELLS DRIVE STALLINGS SPL NCD986191 Evaluation UNION 484 STOUT INTERNATIONAL OF NC, INC HIGHWAY 74 EAST MONROE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Union 2157 NCDOT ASPHALT SITE NO 12 BOGGS 2318 CONCORD HWY MONROE Pending NCD000616 UNION 516 SCOVILL INC/SECURITY PRODUCTS HWY 74 E MONROE SPL NCD003155 SCOTT AVIATION OF MONROE/TOOL UNION 587 SERV 309 W. CROWELL ST MONROE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation UNION 2923 COOPER TOOLS, LLC 3012 MASON ST MONROE Pending NCD981863 UNION 228 SCHERER, R.P. 2021 E. ROOSEVELT BLVD. MONROE SPL NONCD000 3600 BLOCK OLD CHARLOTTE Evaluation UNION 3020 OLD CHARLOTTE HWY PCE 3600 BLOCK HWY MONROE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Union 1355 BLOOMSBURG MILLS PLANT - SOLVENT 3000 STITT ST MONROE Pending NCD981030 NW CORNER S PROVIDENCE UNION 836 WAXHAW STORAGE TANKS ST WAXHAW NFA NONCD000 COMAR INDUSTRIES/MELVILLE Evaluation UNION 1945 KNITWARE 915 CURTIS ST MONROE Pending NCSFN0406 UNION 894 STALLINGS SALVAGE SECREST AVE MONROE SPL NCD070619 UNION 911 TELEDYNE ALLVAC MONROE PLANT 2020 ASHCRAFT AVE MONROE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation UNION 2919 ROCKY RIVER RD PCE 3501 N ROCKY RIVER RD MONROE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation UNION 2380 SUTTON PARK GROCERY 2701 WALKUP AVE MONROE Pending NONCD000 CONCRETE SERVICE CO/CEMEX/READY 4206 W UNIONVILLE INDIAN UNION 2395 MIX TRAIL INDIAN TRAIL NFA NCD986232 UNION 213 SUMMIT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 3501 Gribble Road STALLINGS SPL NCD086872 UNION 082 GENCORP PRINTWORLD INC 2011 ROCKY RIVER ROAD MONROE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation UNION 2928 SKYWAY DR PCE 1012 SKYWAY DR MONROE Pending NONCD000 IF Evaluation Union 3178 LUDWIG MUSSER FACILITY 2804 & 2806 MASON ST Monroe Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Union 1516 CLONTZ RESIDENCE 5304 LANDSFORD RD MARSHVILLE Pending NCD095458 SCHRADER AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS Evaluation UNION 709 DIV. 1609 AIRPORT ROAD MONROE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Union 2329 PRICES PHILLIPS 66 1601 ROOSEVELT AVE MONROE Pending NCD982145 Union 690 MCGEE BROS.-CARRIKER RD - SOLVENT 4608 CARRIKER RD MONROE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Union 2093 MONROE MUNICIPAL SERVICE 2401 WALKUP AVE MONROE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Union 2092 MONROE ICE AND FUEL (SOLVENTS) 601 NORTH CHARLOTTE AVE MONROE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Union 2527 SQUARE D - CATCH BASIN 1809 AIRPORT RD MONROE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Union 1717 FIRST CITIZENS BANK 2743 W. Roosevelt Blvd Monroe Pending NONCD000 Evaluation UNION 2122 MORGAN MILL RD CONTAMINATION 5613 MORGAN MILL RD MONROE Pending NONCD000 Union 1225 ADA MCGEE 5212 LEE MASSEY RD WAXHAW NFA NCD981930 UNION 217 UNION COUNTY DRUM SOUTHERLIN AVENUE MONROE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Union 2039 MASON RESIDENCE 409 BIVENS RD MONROE Pending NCN000410 RIDGE RD & UNIONVILLE- Evaluation UNION 585 UNIONVILLE-INDIAN TRAIL DRUM INDIAN MONROE Pending NONCD000 VANCE 1062 SWAIM'S TRUCK PARTS & SERVICE WELCOME AVENUE HENDERSON NFA NCD981863 VANCE 277 PERRY BUILDERS - RALEIGH RD 2846 RALEIGH RD HENDERSON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Vance 1371 BOWMAN BODY SHOP FREDS ST. ANDREWS CHURCH RD HENDERSON Pending NCDO82362 Voluntary VANCE 989 TUNGSTEN QUEEN MINE/ATLAS MINE SR 1348 TOWNSVILLE AA NONCD000 Voluntary VANCE 1084 HENDERSON COAL GAS PLANT Yadkin Street HENDERSON AA NONCD000 Evaluation Vance 3201 HENDERSON LAUNDRY 341 N Chestnut St HENDERSON Pending NONCD000 VANCE 0054 MOORES COMPANY US I BUSINESS & SR 1001 HENDERSON SPL NC0001122 VANCE 142 VANCE COUNTY DRUM FIRE HWY 39 N HENDERSON NFA NCDO53528 LAURENS GLASS/BALL-INCON GLASS VANCE 170 PACK USISOUTH HENDERSON NFA NONCD000 VANCE 2973 TONYS AUTOMOTIVE 2396 N GARNETT ST HENDERSON SPL NCD986215 VANCE 697 KRAJACK TRUCK SPILL PARHAM ROAD HENDERSON NFA NONCD000 Vance 1397 BURKART CAROLINA DABNEY DRIVE HENDERSON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Vance 1527 COFFEY, SARA PROPERTY 339 WEST YOUNG AVENUE HENDERSON Pending NCD982115 VANCE 040 PERRY BUILDERS - MOBILE TRACT NICHOLAS ST & SKENES AVE HENDERSON SPL NCD991278 WAKE 284 CAROLINA P&L CO. HARRIS NUCLEAR PL SR 1134 NEW HILL NFA NONCD000 EAST MARTIN ST SOLVENT Evaluation WAKE 3147 CONTAMINATION 215 SOUTH PERSON ST RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3171 SANITARY LAUNDRY 417 S MCDOWELL ST RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 1127 RALEIGH TTA-DILLON PARCEL C 510 & 602 W MARTIN ST RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 Voluntary WAKE 1061 CP&L NORTHERN DIVISION COMPLEX 902 WITHERS RD; SR 1466 GARNER AA NCN000407 CARALEIGH PHOSPHATE AND WAKE 686 FERTILIZER 1601 LAKE WHEELER ROAD RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 2289 DUNN, R.F. PROPERTY 6425 GLENWOOD AVE RALEIGH Pending NCDO03195 Voluntary WAKE 161 CORNING GLASS WORKS 3900 ELECTRONICS DRIVE RALEIGH AA NCDO03195 WAKE 963 WESTINGHOUSE ELEC METER & LIGHT US I N RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 WAKE 1 126 RALEIGH TTA-DILLON PARCEL B S WEST ST RALEIGH SPL NCD991277 WAKE 856 NCDA PESTICIDE LAB STORAGE BLUE RIDGE ROAD RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3168 FORMER UNION 76 STATION 6101 Glenwood Avenue RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Wake 2360 C-MINI MART 8035 CHAPEL HILL ROAD CARY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2773 ZEMA CORP. 6514 CHAPEL HILL RD. RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 2943 POOLE ROAD PCE POOLE RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Voluntary WAKE 1064 GUILFORD MILLS PLANT 200 DICKENS ROAD FU UAY-VARINA AA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 1709 FAST FARE 581 2721 MCNEIL STREET RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3166 ROBB PROPERTIES 1300-1318 Capital Boulevard RALEIGH Pending NCD991278 Evaluation WAKE 920 RALEIGH NEUSE RIVER WWTP BATTLE -BRIDGE RD SR 2552 RALEIGH Pending NCD065302 WAKE 267 WASTE INDUSTRIES 4900 CRAFTSMAN DRIVE RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 I Evaluation WAKE 2947 SURTRONICS ELECTROPLATING 4001 BERYL RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 HODGE RD & SATTERWHITE WAKF. 1744 HODGE RD & SATTERWHITE DR WELLS DR KNIGHTDALE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 2290 HILLIARD FOREST 7503 GREEN HOPE SCHOOL RD CARY Pending NCN000404 Evaluation WAKE 408 WOODLIEF ROAD TCE 9008 WOODLIEF RD WAKE FOREST Pending NONCD000 413 SOUTH GLENWOOD Evaluation Wake 1780 GLENWOOD AVENUE AVENUE RALEIGH Pending NCD003186 INTERNATIONAL PAPER/RICHMOND WAKE 004 GRAVURE 2215 S. WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 AEvaluation WAKE 2946 APEX VILLAGE 500-610 WILLIAMS ST APEX Pending NCN000402 Evaluation WAKE 583 STACKPOLE COMPOENTS/ARK-LES LABS 3400 YONKERS ROAD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3226 SAWYER ROAD STOCKPILES - B 1421 SAWYER RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Wake 2201 NEWS & OBSERVER MECH BLV-SPILL 1400 MECHANICAL BLVD. GARNER SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3212 CIRCLE K 2723303 - SOLVENTS 2506 S Saunders St RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 2875 CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM 409 W MARTIN ST RALEIGH Pending NCD981929 WAKE 243 GILLCREST ROAD DRUM MIDNIGHT GILLCREST ROAD WAKE FOREST NFA NC9210020 WAKE 732 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 3115 WESTERN BLVD RALEIGH NFA NCD986166 WAKE 171 PIERCE LYNN PROPERTY ROUTE 5 APEX NFA NCD981929 WAKE 615 AUBURN CHURCH ROAD DRUM AUBURN CHURCH ROAD RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3219 Sawyer Road Stockpiles - A 1451 Sawyer Rd Raleigh Pending NCD986166 WAKE 155 BAKER MAGGIE PROPERTY 1209 TRINITY ROAD RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 1980 LAN-O-SHEEN, INC. 201 DICKENS RD FU UAY-VARINA Pending NC4210022 WAKE 907 USA RESERVE XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS 2017 W GARNER ST GARNER NFA NCD000616 WAKE 276 ITT CORPORATION 1208 FRONT ST BLDG K RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2116 NAPA/LOCKAMY'S BODY SHOP FORMER 1305 US 70 HWY WEST GARNER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3230 BROOKS STREET 610 PROPERTY 610 Brooks St WAKE FOREST Pending NCD982098 WAKE 774 CAL -TONE PAINTS 5115 NEW BERN AVE RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 Wake 2069 MICROWAVE LABORATORIES, INC. 8917 GLENWOOD AVE. RALEIGH NFA NCD982101 Evaluation Wake 669 CARY VILLAGE 66 1101 WALNUT ST. CARY Pending NCD982153 WAKE 280 PRECISION ALLOYS 1040 CORPORATION PKWY RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Wake 2082 MITCHELL PROPERTY FORMER 3601 DOYLE ROAD ZEBULON NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3236 SPEEDWAY 6986 3912 Western Blvd RALEIGH Pending NCD982116 Voluntary WAKE 477 CONAGRA FOODS, INC 4851 JONES SAUSAGE RD GARNER AA NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 2882 NEEDMORE GENERAL STORE 1921 BASS LAKE RD FU UAY-VARINA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3038 AVERETTE ROAD SOLVENTS 900 AVERETTE ROAD WAKE FOREST Pending NONCD000 Wake 3191 BAILEY PROPERTY 9101 FALLS OF NEUSE RD RALEIGH NFA NCD000831 WAKE 065 PHOTO CHEMICAL SYSTEMS, INC 105 FOREST DRIVE KNIGHTDALE NFA NCD986232 WAKE 379 GRESHAMS LAKE INDUSTRIAL PARK 3220 NORTHSIDE DRIVE RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 WAKE 1125 RALEIGH TTA-DILLON PARCEL A 102 S WEST ST RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 Wake 1865 HOMESTEAD VILLAGE MOBILE HM PK 7434 CAPITAL BLVD. RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 WAKE 1124 RALEIGH TTA-WILSON PARCEL 200 S WEST ST RALEIGH SPL NCD986229 WAKF. 359 PHOTO CHEMICAL SYSTEMS, INC. 11 N. PINE STREET WENDELL NFA NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3049 NCDOT-1301 BLUE RIDGE RD 1301 BLUE RIDGE RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3186 W SOUTH ST TCE 601 W SOUTH ST Raleigh Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3153 FORMER CONOCO PHILLIPS 66 6000 Glenwood Avenue ralei h Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 1989 PEDEN FAMILY, LLC 1859 CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2191 NCDOT SITE-C.C. MANGUM US 64E 5201 OLD US 64 EAST RALEIGH Pending NCD991277 WAKE. 807 WOOLFOLK CHEMICAL WORKS WILSON ROAD WENDELL NFA NCD980843 WAKE 106 WEATHERSFIELD PLACE CONDOMINIUM 774 WEATHERGREE DRIVE RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 WAKE 2821 COMPLETE AUTO CENTER 909 CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 NFA w/ WAKE 2822 GRAY & CREECH FRMR 8024 GLENWOOD AVE RALEIGH Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3198 W MARTIN STREET TCE 313 W MARTIN ST RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 2831 TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION 223 ROPE WALK COURT MORRISVILLE NFA NCD986188 Voluntary WAKE 902 RALEIGH COAL GAS PLANT NO. 2 600 West Cabarrus Street RALEIGH AA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 3200 Industrial Drive TCE 430 Industrial Dr WENDELL Pending NCD986188 S MCDOWELL & W CABARRUS Voluntary WAKE 894 RALEIGH COAL GAS PLANT NO. 1 STS RALEIGH (AA) NCD981028 WAKE 236 TAYLOR'S POND TOWNHOUSES 115 BRIGHTLEAF COURT CARY NFA NCD000616 WAKE 284 ITT CORPORATION 3004 INDUSTRIAL DR BDG D RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 WAKE 1123 RALEIGH TTA-SE PARCEL S WEST ST & MORGAN ST RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 WAKE 2558 319 S WEST ST DEVELOPMENT 319 WEST ST RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3018 SOUTH BLOUNT STREET SOLVENTS S BLOUNT & S PERSON STS RALEIGH Pending NCDO80894 Evaluation WAKE 645 CHLORIDE AUTOMOTIVE BATTERIES 2525 AND 2539 NOBLIN RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 0077 OLD STATE LAB 950 E. CHATHAM STREET CARY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2448 SBI FACILITY 121 EAST TRYON RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 0037 DURANT PARK DURANT ROAD RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3014 CITY OF RALEIGH VEHICLE MAINT. 901 CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 2969 CAPITAL INN 1625 CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 WAKE 2981 TRI POINT-CAROLINA FREIGHTLINER 3500 YONKERS RD RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 Wake 2707 WESTGATE PROPERTY 8720 FLEET SERVICE DRIVE RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 1468 CC MANGUM-HIGHWAY 54 6105 CHAPEL HILL ROAD Raleigh Pending NONCD000 SR 1010 & OLD MCCULLERS Voluntary WAKE 2992 MCCULLERS WALK PROPERTY RD RALEIGH (AA) NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 1399 BURKE'S HARDWARE 5227 HILLSBOROUGH STREET RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 0019 SIR WALTER GUN CLUB US 64 KNIGHTDALE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2377 RC MOTOR COMPANY 6921 CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2683 W.E. GARRISON COMPANY 5820 FAYETTEVILLE ROAD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2475 SIRCHIE FINGERPRINT LAB 5831 TRIANGLE DR RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3001 SMOKEY HOLLOW WEST AND PEACE STREETS RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Wake 2701 WEAVEXX CORPORATION 11120 CAPITOL BOULEVARD WAKE FOREST NFA NONCD000 Voluntary WAKE 3099 BASF 7308 ROUSE RD HOLLY SPRINGS (AA) NONCD000 WAKE COUNTY SCHOOLS -NOBLE ROAD Evaluation Wake 2689 FORMER MA 503 NOBLE ROAD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 1403 WAKEFIELD CITGO 23 SUNNYBROOK RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 1418 CROSLAND PROPERTY HIGH HOUSE RD & DAVIS DR CARY NFA NONCD000 WAKF, 1033 AMERICAN CONTRACT COATINGS HWY 55 APEX SPL NONCD000 Evaluation WAKF. 3063 MCNEILS GROCERY 2237 OLD US HWY 1 APEX Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2546 STOCK BUILDING SUPPLY 1701 NORTH SALEM STREET APEX Pending NONCD000 WAKE 1430 DELL MOORE PROPERTY 5815 HILLSBOROUGH ST RALEIGH SPL NCD086326 WAKE 741 TEXACO INC/APEX 2232 TEN TEN RD APEX NFA NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3100 HILLTOP RD CONTAMINATION 5801 HILLTOP RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Wake 2379 REA CONSTRUCTION -WEST RALEIGH 5801 CHAPEL HILL ROAD RALEIGH SPL NCD980557 WAKE 664 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. US 1 NORTH RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 1393 PILOT MILLS 1121 HAYNES ST RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 2984 HWY 70 W 1100 BLOCK SOLVENTS US HWY 70 WEST GARNER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2416 Rogers Realty Property 502 W MORGAN ST RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 1203 ROYAL/CROWN PONTIAC 2501 CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH NFA NCD040047 WAKE 466 EAST CAROLINA METAL TREAT, INC. 1010 S. SAUNDERS STREET RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 WAKE COUNTY HOMELESS Evaluation Wake 2688 SHELTER MONTGOMERY 1420 S. WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 0066 WAKE AUTO PARTS FORMER 3520 TRYON RD RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 ARROW DR & GLENWOOD WAKE 1170 ARROW DRIVE-CRABTREE CREEK AVE RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2374 RAY PAVING FORMER /98 FOOD MART 995 DURHAM RD WAKE FOREST Pending NONCD000 CARPENTER FIRE STATION WAKE 1057 CARPENTER BATTERY DUMP ROAD CARY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2629 TRIANGLE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMEN 2602 S ELM ST RALEIGH Pending NCN000410 Evaluation WAKE 936 TRAWICK RD/BOND ST TRAWICK RD RALEIGH Pending NCD075563 WAKE 932 ESB INC/EXIDE CORPORATION 2510 NORTH BOULEVARD RALEIGH NFA NCN000409 WAKE 811 ELECTRIC MOTOR & TRANSFORMER 1900 S SAUNDERS ST RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 1659 POWERHOUSES UARE JONES & WEST STREETS RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 TRYON HILL DR SOLVENT Evaluation WAKE 3140 CONTAMINATION 905 TRYON HILL DR RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Wake 1598 DEHAVEN 413 AIRPORT BLVD. MORRISVILLE SPL NONCD000 WAKE 1021 ISLEY ESTATE 5640 WESTGATE ROAD RALEIGH NFA NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3022 AMETHYST RIDGE DRIVE SOLVENTS AMETHYST RIDGE DR RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 WAKE 2672 WAKE ENTERPRISES, INC 3333 AIR PARK RD FUQUAY-VARINA NFA NCN000410 WILLOW Evaluation Wake 369 JAMES AUSTIN RD TCE 7834 JAMES AUSTIN ROAD SPRINGS Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3080 CAROLINA PINES AVE CONTAMINATION 405 CAROLINA PINES AVE RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 2365 RALEIGH WELDING WORKS FORMER 414 SOUTH EAST STREET RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 1303 HARRELL SIGN COMPANY 512 PERSHING RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3010 TRIANGLE RENT -A -CAR 5401 HILLSBOROUGH ST RALEIGH Pending NCR000135 WAKE 418 ZNR, INC 1020 CORPORATION PKWY RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 8200 AND 8250 FAYETTEVILLE Wake 2728 WILLIAMS, E. W. FACILITY RD RALEIGH SPL NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3006 STORAGE MAX vi 1932 WAKE FOREST RD RALEIGH Pending NCD045915 Evaluation WAKE 568 RALEIGH METAL PROCESSORS 2310 GARNER RD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 1575 DOROTHEA DIX PROPERTY UMSTEAD DR I RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wake 1322 BARWELL ROAD WELLS CHARLES ST & ANN AVE RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3067 LEITH CHRYSLER JEEP 5500 CAPITAL BLVD RALEIGH Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 3125 SALISBURY STREET CONTAMINATION 616 SOUTH SALISBURY ST RALEIGH Pending NCD051853 WAKE 547 AUSTIN FOODS E CHATHAM ST CARY SPL NONCD000 Evaluation WAKE 1223 BROOKS STREET TCE BROOKS ST WAKE FOREST Pending NONCD000 Wake 1325 Bazemore Wake LLC site 9440 Durant Road Ralcigh NFA NONCD000 CORNELL DUBLIER ELECTRONICS Evaluation WAKE 2953 FRMR 118 E JONES ST FU UA-VARINA Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WARREN 2363 BOYD'S CLEANERS 295 MASON DREWERY RD MANSON Pending NONCD000 RR TRACK NORLINA TO Evaluation WARREN 2830 CSX RAILWAY, NORLINA TO LITTLETON LITTLETON Pending WASHINGT NCD981015 CAROLINA ALUMINUM STATE RD 1126 ON 803 DUMP SR 1126 1.7 MILES SOUTH O CRESWELL NFA WASHINGT NCD000813 ON 592 GA -PACIFIC CORP/HDWD SAW PLYWOOD DR PLYMOUTH SPL WASHINGT NCD981015 CAROLINA ALUMINUM/HERBERT ON 746 TAYLOR SR 1125 ROPER SPL WASHINGT NCD075570 ON 820 PLYMOUTH WOOD TREATING COMPANY N HWY 45 PLYMOUTH SPL WASHINGT NCD000605 ON 055 PLYMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER HIGHWAY 64 & 32 PLYMOUTH NFA NONCD000 Washington 1985 LEBANON CHEMICAL CORPORATION 1665 HIGHWAY 64 E PLYMOUTH SPL NONCD000 WATAUGA 1095 MOSES CONE MEMORIAL PARK BLUE RIDGE PKWY BLOWING ROCK SPL NONCD000 NCDOT - SITE #38 BROWN BROTHERS Evaluation Watauga 2141 ASPHALT HWY 105 BOONE Pending NONC13000 Evaluation WATAUGA 1205 TOYOTA OF BOONE 665 E KING ST BOONE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Watauga 1825 HARMON RESIDENCE, LARRY 5195 OLD HIGHWAY 321 SUGAR GROVE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WATAUGA 1088 BOONE KAWASAKI POLARIS FRMR 524 E KING ST BOONE Pending NONCD000 Evaluation WATAUGA 1930 PANTRY 141 771 BLOWING ROCK RD BOONE Pending NONC13000 Voluntary WATAUGA 1139 VERMONT AMERICAN STATE FARM RD BOONE AA NONCD000 Voluntary Watauga 1907 INTERNATIONAL RESISTIVE CORP. 736 GREENWAY RD. BOONE AA NCD986228 1410 BEECH MOUNTAIN BEECH WATAUGA 757 KAPLAN ETHYL ETHER DRUMS PKWY. MOUNTAIN NFA NONCD000 WATAUGA 1013 VERMONT AMERICAN CORP-WOOD PROP BLOWING ROCK NFA NONCD000 NAPA AUTO REPAIR-TODD GREENE Evaluation WATAUGA 1086 PROPERTY 578 E KING ST BOONE Pending NONCD000 MILE MARKER 296.1, BR WATAUGA 1 112 OLD JOHN'S RIVER ROAD DUMP PKWY BLOWING ROCK NFA NCD039102 NFA w/ WAYNE 959 HEVI-DUTY ELECTRIC/GENERAL SIG 2701 HWY 117 S GOLDSBORO Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Wayne 3237 Goldsboro Bulk Plant 610 N James St goldsboro Pending NONCD000 Voluntary WAYNE 2891 GOLDSBORO MILLING -MILL #I & #2 938 MILLERS CHAPEL RD GOLDSBORO AA NONCD000 Evaluation Wayne 3225 NATIONAL SALVAGE FIRE 430 Old Mt Olive Hwy GOLDSBORO Pending NCD045924 Voluntary WAYNE 339 ACME UNITED CORPORATION HWY 117 FREMONT AA NCD986188 WAYNE 043 PINEWOOD DUMP SITE 302 NEW HOPE ROAD GOLDSBORO NFA NONCD000 WAYNE 2598 COOPER BUSSMAN 210 DIXIE TRAIL GOLDSBORO NFA NONCD000 WAYNE 2839 PERRY AUTO/YOUNG RESIDENCE 4172 US 117 SOUTH DUDLEY NFA NONCD000 Evaluation WAYNE 3036 HOLCOMBE HERBICIDE FIRE 1717 NC HWY 581 PIKEVILLE Pending NONCD000 CITY OF GOLDSBORO MAINTENANCE WAYNE 1690 COMPLEX 1601 N CLINGMAN ST GOLDSBORO SPL NCN000404 117 BEST SAND AND GRAVEL Evaluation Wayne 504 BEST SAND & GRAVEL MAINT. SHOP ROAD GOLDSBORO Pending NONCD000 WAYNE 2777 APAC-GOLDSBORO ASPHALT PLANT 2421 ARRINGTON BRIDGE RD GOLDSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation WAYNE 1558 1 DANIELS PROPERTY 200 N MALLORY ST GOLDSBORO Pending NONCD000 Voluntary Wayne 2646 Unifirst Corporation (FRMR TEXTILEASE) 800 South John Street Goldsboro (AA) NONCD000 WAYNE 0018 ICI AMERICAS FORMER 703 NOR -AM ROAD =WL= PIKEVILLE NFA NONCD000 WAYNE 1053 PARAMOUNT CHEVROLET 3300 HWY 70 BYPASS EAST GOLDSBORO NFA NCD000830 WAYNE 661 CAROLINA P&L CO. LEE STEAM ELEC SR 1007 GOLDSBORO NFA NONCD000 Evaluation WAYNE 2795 RD PATE ESTATE 101 E MAIN ST PIKEVILLE Pending NONCD000 WAYNE 1491 COUSINS PERSONAL MINI -STORAGE 723 HWY 117 N BYPASS GOLDSBORO SPL NCD980557 WAYNE 631 LIVEWIRE ELEC CO/CALIFORNIA SPRAY 1004 SOUTH GEORGE STREET GOLDSBORO SPL NONCD000 OW Evaluation WAYNE 0043 GOLDSBORO IRON & METAL 801 N JOHN ST GOLDSBORO Pending NCD003198 WAYNE 967 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO/CAROLINA 900 N GEORGE ST GOLDSBORO SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Wayne 2421 ROHR CHEMICAL, INC. 694 SHERIDAN FORREST RD. GOLDSBORO Pending NCD986197 Voluntary WAYNE 309 GOLDSBORO COAL GAS PLANT #1 Virginia and Vine Streets GOLDSBORO AA NCN000409 WAYNF. 779 WAYNE AGRICULTURAL WORKS 700 S JOHN ST GOLDSBORO SPL NCD024577 WAYNE 421 NORTH CAROLINA SALVAGE CO. HWY 117 SOUTH GOLDSBORO SPL NCD065295 WAYNE 495 TEXFI IMPRESSIONS 401 PATETOWN RD GOLDSBORO SPL NCD000813 WAYNE 659 GA -PACIFIC CORP COMPLY OLD MOUNT OLIVE HIGHWAY DUDLEY NFA NONCD000 WAYNE 3023 AIRBORO TEXACO FRMR 1619 S SLOCUMB ST GOLDSBORO NFA NONCD000 WAYNE 0052 NC CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO. BRICK ROAD GOLDSBORO NFA NCD000813 WAYNE 683 GA -PACIFIC CORP CHIP-N-SAW OLD MOUNT OLIVE HIGHWAY DUDLEY NFA NCD048184 WILKES 451 BURLINGTON HOME CHAIR HIGHWAY 268 RONDA SPL NCD003221 NORTH WILKES 462 GARDNER MIRROR CORPORATION HWY 268 E WILKESBORO NFA NONCD000 WILKES 0039 ABITIBI-PRICE CORPORATION US 268 ROARING RIVER NFA NONCD000 1502 RIVER LIBERTY CHURCH NORTH WILKES 1750 ARTHUR LOWE JUNK YARD GRV WILKESBORO NFA NONCD000 2366 RED, WHITE AND BLUE Evaluation Wilkes 2719 WILBORN PROPERTY, GARFIELD ROAD ROARING RIVER Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wilkes 1254 American Drew Plant 12 1101 West D Street North Wilkesboro Pending NONCD000 NORTH Evaluation Wilkes 2474 SINK PROPERTY, CHARLES VANCE STREET WILKESBORO Pending NCD986211 WILKES 274 STONEY FORK CREEK DRUM DUMP SITE MT. ZION ROAD DEEP GAP SPL NONCD000 NORTH NFA w/ WILKES 0050 HWY 268 MIRROR WASTE DUMP HWY 268 WILKESBORO Restrictions NCD982084 2401 STATONSBURG RD Voluntary WILSON 113 LINAMAR FORGINGS/CAROLINA FORGE SOUTHEAST WILSON AA NCD982174 WILSON 492 NATIONAL PIN SR 1572/7776 CRADY COURT SARATOGA NFA NONCD000 Evaluation WILSON 2515 BOYETTE PROPERTY 403 FOREST HILLS RD WILSON Pending NCD003182 Evaluation WILSON 805 HACKNEY BROTHERS BODY CO. HERRING AVE & PENDER ST WILSON Pending NONCD000 Evaluation Wilson 2528 ST WOOTEN ASPHALT /P-27 SR 1301 GREEN POND RD.) SIMS Pending NONCD000 Wilson 1686 ERSHIGS, INC. 300 LAYTON ST. WILSON NFA NCD067191 FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER WILSON 262 COMPANY HWY 301 WILSON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Wilson 2740 WILSON TECH -FIRE TRAINING 2315 WHITLEY RD WILSON Pending NONCD000 WILSON 1005 TRANSEASTERN CORP. 509 S LODGE ST WILSON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation WILSON 0089 JOHN MORRELL & CO 2401 WILCO BLVD S WILSON Pending NCD980845 WILSON 119 BUCKHORN PESTICIDES NC 581 & NC 42 WILSON SPL NCD040052 KAISER AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS Evaluation WILSON 854 FRMR 510 E BARNES ST WILSON Pending NONCD000 WILSON 2815 CAROLINA CHEMICAL CORP (FORMER) 6600 WARD BLVD WILSON SPL NCD981468 WILSON 960 ROCK QUARRY FARM DRUM BURIAL 1/3MI SW SR1400/1402 INT ELM CITY NFA NONCD000 WILSON 0038 AYCOCK PROPERTY SR 1162 & 1103 WILSON SPL NONCD000 WILSON 0081 TRITON, INC 1610 SOUTH WARD BLVD WILSON SPL NONCD000 Voluntary WILSON 2128 PURINA MILLS HWY 301 SOUTH WILSON AA NCD986166 NFA w/ WILSON 700 TOISNOT SWAMP PINE STREET WILSON Restrictions NONCD000 WILSON 1297 CRADY COURT SITE 7769 CRADY CT STANTONSBURG NFA NONCD000 SOUTHERN STATES COOP-WILSON Evaluation WILSON 2265 SERVICE 6601 WARD BLVD WILSON Pending NONCD000 WILSON 1109 FRIENDLY CLEANERS 605 S. PENDER ST WILSON SPL NONCD000 Voluntary WILSON ills KIDDE TECHNOLOGIES 4200 AIRPORT DR WILSON AA NONCD000 NFA w/ Wilson 2268 PARKER HANNIFIN-WILSON 2600 WILCO BLVD. WILSON Restrictions NONCD000 Evaluation Wilson 1735 FOSTER FORBES GLASS 2200 FIRESTONE PARKWAY WILSON Pending NONCD000 Wilson 1554 COX DODGE FORMER 1501 LIPSCOMB ROAD WILSON SPL NONCD000 Evaluation YADKIN 3037 PARRISH TIRE 547 WINSTON ROAD JONESVILLE Pending NCD071579 YADKIN 528 FORBUSH METAL SPEER BRIDGE ROAD YADKINVILLE SPL NONCD000 Evaluation Yadkin 1873 HOWARD STREET WELL 165 HOWARD STREET BOONVILLE Pending NONCD000 YANCEY 0021 CRABTREE MEADOWS DUMP BLUE RIDGE PKWY MP 340.2 NFA NONCD000 Evaluation YANCEY 2866 OMC/BOMBARDIER 1 Omc Drive BURNSVILLE Pending NCDO03158 YANCEY 094 GLEN RAVEN MILLS EAST MAIN STREET BURNSVILLE SPL NONCD000 YANCEY 1004 TIPTON HILL SCHOOL TIPTON HILL SCHOOL ROAD BURNSVILLE NFA NONCD000 Evaluation Yancey 1305 Avondale Mills/High Five 700 West Main Street Burnsville Pending E. Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory — Pre -Regulatory Landfills COUNTY: ALAMANCE Site ID City Street Address ALAMANCE GARBAGE SERVICE NONCD0000102 BURLINGTON FREELAND TRAIL CIVIC CENTER AREA NONCD0000726 GRAHAM GOLEY STREET DURHAM ST LDFL NONCD0000723 BURLINGTON DURHAM STREET EXT. ELON COLLEGE LDFL - AMICK RD NONCD0000730 ELON COLLEGE AMICK RD GIBSONVILLE PROPERTIES NONCD0000819 GIBSONVILLE ALAMANCE STREET AT GRAHAM DISPOSAL NONCD0000104 GRAHAM COOPER RD (SR 2109) HANOVER RD LDFL NONCD0000722 BURLINGTON HANOVER RD MEBANE DUMP NONCD0000101 MEBANE CORRIGIDOR ROAD OLD CITY OF BURLINGTON SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL NONCD0000106 BURLINGTON ANTHONY ROAD PORTER AVENUE LDFL NONCD0000727 GRAHAM PORTER AVENUE S MEBANE ST LDFL NONCD0000724 BURLINGTON S MEBANE ST STONE QUARRY RD LDFL NONCD0000721 BURLINGTON STONE QUARRY RD Number of Sites: 12 CKili1►Y 11•A\ � a1IV 1 '7 Site ID city Street Address BETHLEHEM COMMUNITY DUMP NONCD0000108 BETHLEHEM SHILOH CHURCH RD OLD ALEXANDER COUNTY LF (SR 1608) NONCD0000111 TAYLORSVILLE WARREN ACRES LANE ROGERS PROPERTY NCD981021090 HIDDENITE 256 JEFF WALKER LANE SANITARY PICK-UP SERVICE NONCD0000109 TAYLORSVILLE 46 WARREN RD TAYLORSVILLE DUMP NONCD0000112 TAYLORSVILLE CARSON CHAPEL RD Number of Sites: 5 COUNTY: ALLEGHANY Site ID city Street Address OLD ALLEGHANY COUNTY LF NONCD0000113 SPARTA SOUTHSIDE DR SPARTA REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000114 SPARTA 271 GRANDVIEW AVE Number of Sites: 2 COUNTY: ANSON Site ID city Street Address BRONSON SAND & GRAVEL LANDFILL NONCD0000119 LILESVILLE CLARK MOUNTAIN ROAD MORVEN DUMP NONCD0000116 MORVEN ROSEHAVEN ROAD PEACHLAND DUMP NONCD0000118 PEACHLAND GERMAN HILL ROAD POLKTON DUMP NONCD0000115 POLKTON BILL CURLEE ROAD (SR 1415) W R BONSAL #1 NONCD0000772 LILESVILLE HAILEY'S FERRY ROAD W R BONSAL #2 NONCD0000774 LILESVILLE HAILEY'S FERRY ROAD WADESBORO LANDFILL NONCD0000117 WADESBORO MAPLE LANE Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: ASHE Site ID city Street Address ASHE COUNTY LANDFILL NONCD0000120 JEFFERSON WADE BARE RD Number of Sites: 1 COUNTY: AVERY Site ID city Street Address CROSSNORE REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000122 CROSSMORE HORTON RD ELK PARK DUMP NONCD0000123 ELK PARK N65-19E GREEN VALLEY DUMP NONCD0000121 SPRUCE PINE BRUSHY CREEK RD NEWLAND REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000124 NEWLAND HICKORY NUT GAP Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY:BEAUFORT Site ID City Street Address AURORA DUMP NONCD0000126 SR 1921, 1 MILE EAST OF BATH DUMP NONCD0000128 BATH POSSUM HILL ROAD (SR 1743) BELHAVEN DUMP NONCD0000131 BELHAVEN BUSINESS US 264 AND CHOCOWINITY DUMP NONCD0000127 CHOCOWINITY OLD US 17 HIGHWAY SOUTH OLD BEAUFORT COUNTY LF NCD986166734 WASHINGTON FLANDERS FILTER ROAD PANTEGO DUMP NONCD0000130 BELHAVEN OLD COUNTRY ROAD (SR 1706) PANTEGO REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000133 PANTEGO 25179 US HIGHWAY 264 EAST PUNGO DUMP NONCD0000132 PANTEGO NC HIGHWAY 99 NORTH SUBURBAN SANITATION SERVICE DUMP NONCD0000125 WASHINGTON OLD BATH HIGHWAY TOWN OF WASHINGTON PARK DUMP NONCD0000135 WASHINGTON KEYSVILLE CHURCH RD. (SR WASHINGTON DUMP NONCD0000129 WASHINGTON PLYMOUTH STREET WASHINGTON PARK DUMP NONCD0000134 WASHINGTON RIVER ROAD (SR 1300) Number of Sites: 12 COUNTY: BERTIE Site ID City Street Address COLERAIN REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000142 COLERAIN NC 42 EAST KELFORD DUMP NONCD0000136 KELFORD HARRELLS SIDING ROAD (SR LEWISTON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000140 LEWISTON 551 BLACK JACK ROAD (SR ROXOBEL REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000139 KELFORD HARRELLS SIDING ROAD (SR WINDSOR REFUSE DISPOSAL AREA NONCD0000141 WINDSOR EAST ELM STREET Number of Sites: 5 COUNTY: BLADEN Site ID City Street Address BLADENBORO REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000148 BLADENBORO WEST BLADEN STREET CLARKTON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000147 CLARKTON BROWN MARSH ROAD (SR DUBLIN REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000144 DUBLIN RICE POND ROAD ELIZABETHTOWN REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000145 ELIZABETHTOWN QUEEN STREET TAR HEEL REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000143 TAR HEEL TAR HEEL FERRY ROAD (SR WHITE LAKE REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000146 WHITE LAKE EAST WILLIAMS STREET Number of Sites: 6 COUNTY: BRUNSWICK Site ID City Street Address BOILING SPRINGS LAKES DUMP NONCD0000160 BOILING SPRINGS INTERSECTION OF LUBEE BOLIVIA REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000149 BOLIVIA 161 DANFORD RD. SE (SR 1513) GRISSETTOWN LANDFILL NONCD0000150 SEASIDE ANGEL'S CLUB DRIVE LONG BEACH REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000155 LONG BEACH 4110 AIRPORT ROAD OCEAN ISLE DUMP NONCD0000656 OCEAN ISLE HALE SWAMP ROAD SHALLOTTE REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000159 SHALLOTTE NC 130 SHALLOTTE SANITARY LANDFILL NONCD0000152 SHALLOTTE 2930 POCONO TRAIL, SW SUNNY POINT BASE LANDFILL NONCD0000810 SOUTHPORT SUNNY POINT ROAD WINNABOW LANDFILL NONCD0000151 WINNABOW 5719 BELMONT ROAD NE YAUPON BEACH DUMP NONCD0000158 OAK ISLAND MCGLAMMERY STREET Number of Sites: 10 COUNTY: BUNCOMBE Site ID City Street Address AZALEA ROAD LANDFILL NONCD0000773 OTEEN HARDESTY RD BLACK MOUNTAIN NONCD0000166 BLACK MOUNTAIN 11 TOM BROWN RD BUNCOMBE CO LF/E CANTON LF/OLD CHANDLER LF NONCD0000682 ENKA LITTLE PINEY RD CANDLER REFUSE DISPOSAL AREA NONCD0000162 CANDLER 103 DANIEL RIDGE RD ELK MOUNTAIN LDFL/ASHVILLE CITY LF NCD980558019 ASHEVILLE ELK PARK DR FAIRVIEW LANDFILL NCD980557946 FAIRVIEW HOLLYWOOD RD. FISHBURNE LANDFILL NCD980557953 ARDEN 39 BRADLEY BRANCH RD. FISHBURNE REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000163 ARDEN BRADLEY BRANCH RD GROVE STONE LF NCD980557912 BLACK MOUNTAIN 842 OLD US HWY 70 HOMINY CREEK LF NCD980558035 ASHEVILLE 190 HOMINY CREEK RD. MONEY -WORTH, INC. NCDO08839276 SWANNANOA US 70 EAST PEARSON BRIDGE DUMP NONCD0000811 ASHEVILLE 690 RIVERSIDE DR POND ROAD LF #2 NCD980558027 ASHEVILLE 79 AND 80 POND RD. SWANNANOA LANDFILL NCD980557987 SWANNANOA MOUNTAIN RIDGE RD. WEAVERVILLE LANDFILL NONCD0000161 WEAVERVILLE LAKESHORE RD Number of Sites: 15 COUNTY: BURKE Site ID City Street Address BRISTOL CREEK COMM. DUMP NONCD0000168 CHESTERFIELD 1180 SUNDANCE LANE DREXEL DUMP NONCD0000172 DREXEL 524 BRYANT RD DYSARTSVILLE DUMP NONCD0000169 DYSARTSVILLE 5391 MORNING STAR CHURCH GLEN ALPINE DUMP NONCD0000173 GLEN ALPINE 2414 CONLEY BUMGARNER RD HENRY RIVER COMM. DUMP NONCD0000171 HILDEBRAN 4300 HENERY RIVER RD HICKORY LANDFILL NONCD0000651 HICKORY CITY OF HICKORY REGIONAL HILDEBRAN DISPOSAL AREA NONCD0000170 HILDEBRAN TEX'S FISH CAMP RD MORGANTOWN DUMP NONCD0000177 MORGANTON VINE ARDEN RD VALDESE REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000174 VALDESE 1400 FALLS RD NW Number of Sites: 9 L011joY 1 Won 1-\ 7 Rwi Site ID City Street Address ARTHUR ALLMAN DUMP NONCD0000799 CONCORD 3224 POPLAR TENT RD. CABARRUS DISPOSAL DUMP NCD980502850 CONCORD ZION CHURCH RD. CHARLOTTE MOTOR SPEEDWAY LF#1 NONCD0000182 CONCORD LOWES MOTOR SPEEDWAY CONCORD LANDFILL NONCD0000180 CONCORD 850 WARREN COLEMAN BLVD. EARNHARDT ROAD DUMP NONCD0000178 KANNAPOLIS DICKENS PLACE FISHERTOWN DUMP NONCD0000179 KANNAPOLLIS ROME ST. FRANK JAMES DUMP NONCD0000797 KANNAPOLIS 6210 HILLTOP AVE. GURLEY DRIVE LDFL NONCD0001028 CONCORD 292 GURLEY DR. LES MYERS PARK NONCD0000802 CONCORD 338 LAWNDALE AVENUE LINKER PROPERTIES NONCD0000818 CONCORD 5225 FIREBRICK LANE MOUNT PLEASANT DUMP NONCD0000181 MOUNT PLEASANT MOUNT PLEASANT RD. (SR Number of Sites: 11 COUNTY: CALDWELL Site ID City Street Address BLOWING ROCK LF NONCD0000194 BLOWING ROCK PACK HILL RD CHARLIE LITTLE RD LDFL NONCD0000716 GRANITE FALLS DUDLEY SHOALS RD CHESTER REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000187 LENOIR DAVE CHESTER DR DUDLEY SHOALS LDFL 2 NONCD0000770 DUDLEY SHOALS 621 DUDLEY SHOALS DUDLEY SHOALS RD LDFL NONCD0000769 DUDLEY SHOALS DUDLEY SHOALS RD GARNES REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000188 LENOIR 2250 GARNES PLACE GRANITE FALLS DUMP NONCD0000186 GRANITE FALLS QUARRY RD HELTON REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000191 GRANITE FALLS 5351 CANNON DR LENOIRDUMP NONCD0000193 LENOIR BEARD COLLETTSVILLE RD RHODHISS DUMP NONCD0000190 RHODHISS PARK PLACE SHEW REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000195 SR 1143 W WALSH REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000189 LENOIR 2171 PINEY GROVE CIRCLE COUNTY: CAMDEN Site ID City Street Address NEWBY'S TRASH SERVICE DUMP NONCD0000196 CAMDEN SOUTH MILL DAM ROAD Number of Sites: 1 COUNTY:CARTERET Site ID City Street Address ATLANTIC REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000199 ATLANTIC CORE SOUND LOOP ROAD BEAUFORT REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000200 BEAUFORT FREEDOM PARK ROAD CAPE CARTERET DUMP NONCD0000213 CAPE CARTERET HOLLAND POINT ROAD CARTERET COUNTY LF - MOUNT RUSSEL NONCD0000209 NEWPORT LANDFILL RD. EMERALD ISLE DUMP NONCD0000212 EMERALD ISLE 6712 EMERALD DRIVE HARKERS ISLAND REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000207 HARKERS ISLAND WHALERS RIDGE SUBDIVISION MARSHALLBERG DUMP NONCD0000203 MARSHALLBERG SR 1348 MILL CREEK REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000204 MILL CREEK MILL CREEK ROAD (SR 1154) MOREHEAD CITY REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000205 MOREHEAD CITY 25TH STREET OTWAY COMMUNITY REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000198 OTWAY 574 FIRE TOWER ROAD (SR 1325) RAYNOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL DUMP NONCD0000211 BOGUE 264 BOGUE LOOP ROAD STACY REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000206 WINSTON HILL LF NONCD0000210 ATLANTIC WINSTON DRIVE Number of Sites: 13 COUNTY: CASWELL Site ID City Street Address CASWELL LF NONCD0000216 MILTON SLAUGHTER RD. (SR 1555) MILES GARBAGE DUMP NONCD0000215 YANCEYVILLE HIGHWAY 62 Number of Sites: 2 COUNTY: CATAWBA Site ID City Street Address CATAWBA DUMP NONCD0000217 CLAIRMONT OLD CATAWBA RD. (SR 1722) CONOVER DUMP NONCD0000218 CONOVER 208 HERMAN SIPE RD. LONG VIEW REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000219 HICKORY US HIGHWAY 70 MAIDEN DUMP NONCD0000220 MAIDEN SOUTH F STREET NEWTON LANDFILL NONCD0000221 NEWTON BOSTON RD. OLD HICKORY LANDFILL NONCD0000794 HICKORY US HIGHWAY 70 SWEETWATER ROAD DUMP NONCD0000793 HICKORY 15TH AVE. SE Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: CHATHAM Site ID City Street Address BYNUM DUMP NONCD0000224 BYNUM EDDIE PERRY ROAD GOLDSTON DUMP NONCD0000227 GOLDSTON ST. LUKE CHURCH ROAD PITTSBORO DUMP NONCD0000742 PITTSBORO PITTSBORO FIRE TOWER ROAD SILER CITY DUMP NONCD0000225 SILER CITY WATER PLANT ROAD Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY:CHEROKEE Site ID City Street Address ANDREWS DUMP NONCD0000231 ANDREWS CONNAHETA AVENUE LAKE HIWASSEE RESORT DUMP NONCD0000228 MURPHY NC 294 WEST MURPHY REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000230 MURPHY TEYANA ROAD Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: CHOWAN Site ID City Street Address EDENTON LANDFILL NONCD0000233 EDENTON OFF POPLAR NECK ROAD J.W. BRADLEY DUMP NONCD0000232 EDENTON 206 OAK GROVE ROAD PERQUIMANS-CHOWAN LF NONCD0000234 TYNER 600 SANDY RIDGE ROAD COUNTY: CLEVELAND Site ID City Street Address BOILING SPRINGS DUMP NONCD0000241 BOILING SPRINGS CLEARWATER RD. CHERRYVILLE DUMP NONCD0000250 CHERRYVILLE THOMPSON DR - CITY OF SHELBY LANDFILL (STUBBS) NONCD0000699 STUBBS AIRPORT RD. CITY OF SHELBY LF NCD986176451 SHELBY WEST GROVE STREET E.Z. SANITATION DUMP NONCD0000236 LATTIMORE PLATO LEE RD. (SR 1315) KINGS MOUNTAIN LANDFILL NONCD0000675 KINGS MOUNTAIN 200 POTTS CREEK RD. KINGS MOUNTAIN LANDFILL #2 NONCD0000803 KINGS MOUNTAIN NORTH CANSLER STREET KINGS MTN. DUMP NONCD0000239 KINGS MOUNTAIN INDUSTRIAL DR. (SR 2312) LATTIMORE DUMP NONCD0000237 LATTIMORE 3847 ARTEE RD. (SR 1314) PATTERSON SPRINGS DUMP NONCD0000249 EARL JETER RD. (SR 2212) POLKVILLE DUMP NONCD0000248 POLKVILLE 2606 W. STAGGECOASH TRAIL UPPER CLEVELAND DUMP NONCD0000238 FALLSTON BUCK HAVEN COURT WACO DUMP NONCD0000243 WACO 143 STROUP RD. Number of Sites: 13 COUNTY: COLUMBUS Site ID City Street Address BOLTON DUMP NONCD0000252 BOLTON TRAM ROAD CHADBOURN DUMP NONCD0000254 CHADBOURN BROWN STREET (NC 410) LAKE WACCAMAW DUMP NONCD0000253 LAKE WACCAMAW DUPREE LANDING ROAD RHONE ANDERSON LDFL NONCD0000715 WHITEVILLE OAK TREE LANE RIEGELWOOD DUMP NONCD0000251 RIEGELWOOD SAND HOLE ROAD (SR 1846) TABOR CITY DUMP NONCD0000257 TABOR CITY HINSON TRAIL WHITEVILLE DUMP NONCD0000256 WHITEVILLE MILL STREET Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: CRAVEN Site ID City Street Address BELLTOWN ROAD DUMP NONCD0000780 HAVELOCK 302 BELLTOWN RD. CRAVEN COUNTY NONCD0000261 HAVELOCK US HWY 70 DOVER REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000259 DOVER 13530 OLD US 70 MATTHEWS POINT DUMP NONCD0000781 HAVELOCK NEW BERN SANITARY DUMP NONCD0000263 NEW BERN US HWY. 70 AND PEMBROKE VANCEBORO DUMP NONCD0000260 VANCEBORO SR 1637 VANCEBORO LANDFILL NONCD0000262 VANCEBORO OLD LANDFILL ROAD Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: CUMBERLAND Site ID City Street Address CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE LANDFILL NONCD0000739 FAYETTEVILLE SHAW MILL RD. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE LANDFILL #2 NONCD0000740 FAYETTEVILLE WILKES RD. (SR 2210) CUMBERLAND COUNTY LANDFILL NONCD0000741 HOPE MILLS SMOKEY CANYON DR. CUMBERLAND COUNTY LANDFILL - BEAVER DAM NONCD0000736 AUTRYVILLE NC 210 CUMBERLAND COUNTY LANDFILL - BONES CREEK NONCD0000733 FAYETTEVILLE WINWARD COVE RD. CUMBERLAND COUNTY LANDFILL - TRAILER TOWN NONCD0000734 FAYETTEVILLE DISTRIBUTION DR. CUMBERLAND COUNTY/CLIFFDALE LF NCD980502900 FAYETTEVILLE WINWARD COVE RD. FAYETTEVILLE CITY LF NONCD0000267 FAYETTEVILLE CLAUDE LEE RD. FAYETTEVILLE LDFL NCD980502934 FAYETTEVILLE NORTH EASTERN BLVD. HOPE MILLS DUMP NONCD0000264 HOPE MILLS CECILY CIRCLE HOPE MILLS LANDFILL NCD980502983 HOPE MILLS 1 MILE SOUTH OF SR 1003 LEWIS CHAPEL SCHOOL RUBBLE STUMP SITE NONCD0000725 FAYETTEVILLE SKIBO RD. (US 401 BYPASS) LIEBER SANITATION DUMP NONCD0000266 FAYETTEVILLE SHAW MILL RD. MILAN YARD LANDFILL NCD980503031 FAYETTEVILLE MILAN RD. STEDMAN DUMP NONCD0000265 STEDMAN NC 210 STEDMAN LANDFILL NONCD0000375 STEDMAN PAGE ROAD Number of Sites: 16 COUNTY: CURRITUCK Site ID City Street Address INDEPENDENT TRASH SERVICE DUMP NONCD0000269 MAMIE SR 1112 COUNTY: DARE Site ID City Street Address BUXTON DUMP NCD981750425 BUXTON 47646 BUXTON BACK ROAD BUXTON DUMP TWO NONCD0000765 BUXTON 47371 BUXTON BACK ROAD DARE COUNTY DUMP NONCD0000272 MANTEO 138 S. CALIFORNIA LANE JENNETTE'S DUMP NONCD0000273 BUXTON NC HWY. 12 KILL DEVILS HILLS DUMP NONCD0000271 KILL DEVIL HILLS 1541 COLINGTON ROAD MANTEO DUMP NONCD0000270 MANTEO SIR WALTER RALEIGH STREET Number of Sites: 6 COUNTY: DAVIDSON Site ID City Street Address DENTON DUMP NONCD0000275 DENTON GRUBB DR DENTON LANDFILL NONCD0000276 DENTON SUMMVERVILLE CHURCH RD DENTON-GRUBB DR LANDFILL NONCD0000277 DENTON GRUBB DR N DAVIDSON CO LDFL NONCD0000737 MIDWAY 287 SPRY RD NICOMA PARK NONCD0000791 DENTON NICOMA SUBDIVISION SCARLETT LANDFILL NONCD0000509 HOLLY GROVE LANDFILL RD W DAVIDSON CO LDFL NONCD0000676 LEXINGTON 3104 HORSESHOE NECK ROAD WHEELERS SAND ROCK PIT DUMP NONCD0000652 HIGH POINT 1001 WESTOVER DR Number of Sites: 8 COUNTY: DAVIE Site ID City Street Address CLEMENT REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000280 MOCKSVILLE WALKERROAD DALTON REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000279 MOCKSVILLE DALTON ROAD (SR 1605) Number of Sites: 2 COUNTY: DUPLIN Site ID City Street Address BEULAVILLE DUMP NONCD0000283 BEULAVILLE HWY I I I FAISON DUMP NONCD0000287 FAISON TAYLOR TOWN ROAD (SR 1354) KENANSVILLE DUMP NONCD0000282 KENANSVILLE CHURCH STREET MAGNOLIA DUMP NONCD0000286 MAGNOLIA NASH JOHNSON'S POND RD ROSE HILL DUMP NONCD0000281 ROSE HILL LAKE TUT ROAD (SR 1146) WALLACE DUMP NONCD0000288 WALLACE WASTE TREATMENT PLANT RD WARSAW DUMP NONCD0000285 WARSAW WORKS FARM ROAD (SR1346) Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: DURHAM Site ID City Street Address DURHAM COUNTY LANDFILL NONCD0000289 OAK GROVE 1245 WREN RD DURHAM LAND DISPOSAL AREA NONCD0000291 DURHAM 1833 CAMDEN AVE MARBERY NONCD0000786 DURHAM BEN BOW RD. MITCHELL FARM NONCD0000785 DURHAM CHEEK RD OLD DURHAM COUNTY LF NONCD0000290 DURHAM ELECTRA ROAD ROCKY KNOLL SCHOOL SITE NONCD0000787 DURHAM BEN BOW ROAD W. C. BECK PROPERTY NONCD0000805 DURHAM AMBERLEY DRIVE Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: EDGECOMBE Site ID City Street Address CONETOE REFUSE DISPOSAL AREA NONCD0000295 CONETOE NC HIGHWAY 42 EDGECOMBE COUNTY LANDFILL NONCD0000653 TARBORO COLONIAL ROAD (SR 1601) MACCLESFIELD DUMP NONCD0000296 MACCLESFIELD SOUTH FOUNTAIN ROAD (SR OLD ROCKY MOUNT LF NONCD0000299 ROCKY MOUNT LEGGETT ROAD PINETOPS REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000298 PINETOPS TEMPERANCE HALL ROAD (SR PRINCEVILLE DUMP NONCD0000297 TARBORO JENKINS STREET (SR 1622) ROCKY MOUNT LDFL (LIEBERS) NONCD0000710 ROCKY MOUNT GAY ROAD (SR1268) TARBORO LANDFILL NCD980559389 TARBORO BAKER STREET EXTENSION (SR COUNTY: FORSYTH Site ID City Street Address AIRPORT LANDFILL NONCD0000307 WINSTON-SALEM AIRPORT RD BECKEL ROAD DUMP NONCD0000302 WINSTON-SALEM 4974 BECKEL RD BUDDY ROBINS LANDFILL NONCD0000306 WINSTON-SALEM 3459 THOMASVILLE RD BUILDING RUBBLE LF NONCD0000300 WINSTON-SALEM 918 HAZELWOOD DR CENTRAL PARK LDFL NONCD0000782 WINSTON-SALEM S MAIN & SALEM AVE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM NONCD0000743 WINSTON-SALEM OVERDALE RD CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM NONCD0000744 WINSTON-SALEM 2000 SILAS CREEK PKWY CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM LF NONCD0000308 WINSTON-SALEM EBERT ST COUNTY GARBAGE LANDFILL NONCD0000301 RURAL HALL 645 MONTROYAL RD KERNERSVILLE DUMP NONCD0000303 KERNERSVILLE 720 MCKAUHAN ST KERNERSVILLE RUBBLE DUMP NCD980503189 KERNERSVILLE GREEN ST Number of Sites: 11 Site ID City Street Address BUNN DUMP NONCD0000312 BUNN HOWARD TANT ROAD FRANKLINTON DUMP NONCD0000310 FRANKLINTON PARKERS WAY J.H. WINSTON DUMP NONCD0000311 YOUNGSVILLE LONGMILL ROAD (SR-1134) LOUISBURG DUMP NONCD0000315 LOUISBURG EAST RIVER RD (SR 1600) LOUISBURG SITE #2 NONCD0000655 LOUISBURG EAST JOHNSON STREET LOUISBURG SITE #3 NONCD0000657 LOUISBURG SEABORD ST Number of Sites: 6 COUNTY: GASTON Site ID City Street Address BESSEMER CITY DUMP NONCD0000325 BESSEMER CITY 521 S. PINCHBACK AVE BRUCES COUNTY LANDFILL NONCD0000320 GASTONIA 4604 S YORK RD GASTON CO. LF (MT. HOLLY LF) NONCD0000321 MT. HOLLY OLD HWY NC 27 GASTONIA REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000658 GASTONIA ATUEN RD HARDIN REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000317 DALLAS 129 DAYTON RD HICKORY GROVE ROAD TCE NC0000998344 MCADENVILLE 201 MCKINNEY CIR HIGH SHOALS DUMP NONCD0000319 DALLAS 701 S. LINCOLN ST LOWELL REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000323 LOWELL 1101 LOWELL SPENCER MTN MCADENVILLE DUMP NONCD0000318 MCADENVILLE MCADENVILLE RD MILLER STREET NONCD0000245 GASTONIA 937 MILLER ST SIMS LEGION PARK LF NONCD0000766 GASTONIA MARIETTA ST STANLEY REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000316 STANLEY 524 BLACKSNAKE ROAD WESTGATE PARK LANDFILL NONCD0000817 CHERRYVILLE 1109 W. CARROLL STREET Number of Sites: 13 COUNTY: GATES Site ID City Street Address GATESVILLE DUMP NONCD0000326 GATESVILLE 257 CARTERS ROAD Number of Sites: 1 COUNTY: GRAHAM Site ID City Street Address ROBBINSVILLE DUMP NONCD0000329 ROBBINSVILLE 569 OLD TALLULAH RD USFS-MASSEY BRANCH NONCD0000247 ROBBINSVILLE MASSEY BRANCH RD Number of Sites: 2 COUNTY: GRANVILLE Site ID City Street Address CITYOF OXFORD LF NONCD0000593 OXFORD EAST INDUSTRY DRIVE CREEDMORE DUMP NONCD0000333 CREEDMOOR PARK AVE OXFORD DUMP NONCD0000331 OXFORD EAST INDUSTRY DRIVE STOVALL DUMP NONCD0000330 STOVALL CRAWFORD CURRIN ROAD (SR COUNTY:GREENE Site ID City Street Address HOOKERTON DUMP NONCD0000335 HOOKERTON BEHIND HOOKERTON WWTP SNOW HILL DUMP NONCD0000337 SNOW HILL DANIEL RD. WALSTONBURG DUMP NONCD0000334 WALSTONBURG NC HIGHWAY 121 Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: GUILFORD Site ID City Street Address BINGHAM PARK NONCD0000244 GREENSBORO 400 BINGHAM ST BUD HOLDING COMPANY NONCD0000673 GREENSBORO SHARP'S AIRPARK CT GLASS EH COUNTY LF NCD980557607 GREENSBORO 1103 NEALTOWN RD GREENSBORO CITY LANDFILL NCD991279027 GREENSBORO 2199 WHITE STREET JACKSON LAKE ROAD LANDFILL NONCD0000820 HIGH POINT 1315 JACKSON LAKE ROAD Number of Sites: 5 COUNTY: HALIFAX Site ID City Street Address ENFIELD REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000340 ENFIELD HWY 301 N HALIFAX DUMP NONCD0000343 HALIFAX DOBBS STREET LITTLETON DUMP NONCD0000339 LITTLETON HACKETT STREET ROANOKE RAPIDS CITY LF NONCD0000347 THELMA HWY 158 ROANOKE RAPIDS LANDFILL NONCD0000341 ROANOKE RAPIDS GODLEY STREET (SR 1452) ROANOKE RAPIDS LF (HINSON ST) NONCD0000790 ROANOKE RAPIDS HINSON ST SCOTLAND NECK DUMP NONCD0000344 SCOTLAND NECK MARY CHAPEL ROAD (SR 1117) STRICKLAND CIRCLE LF NONCD0000789 ROANOKE RAPIDS STRICKLAND CIRCLE & WELDON CITY LANDFILL NONCD0000346 WELDON 1128 COUNTY ROAD (SR 1600) WELDON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000342 WELDON HWY 301 S Number of Sites: 10 COUNTY:HARNETT Site ID City Street Address ANGIER REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000349 ANGIER RAELS CHURCH ROAD (SR BUIES CREEK DUMP NONCD0000348 BUIES CREEK KEITH HILLS ROAD COATS MODIFIED LDFL NONCD0000745 COATS MCGEE BAREFOOT ROAD COATS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000353 COATS NC HWY 27 DUNN-ERWIN DUMP NONCD0000352 ERWIN OLD HAMILTON ROAD JOHNSONVILLE MODIFIED LDFL NONCD0000749 JOHNSONVILLE CAMERON HILL RD LILLINGTON DUMP NONCD0000350 LILLINGTON EAST DUNCAN STREET LILLINGTON MODIFIED LDFL NONCD0000746 LILLINGTON US HWY 401 MASON'S STORE MODIFIED LDFL NONCD0000747 MAMERS TIM CURRIN ROAD Number of Sites: 9 CK�lif►Y 11 ii: /_�L���Z�11: Site ID City Street Address HAZELWOOD DUMP NONCD0000355 WAYNESVILLE HYATT CREEK RD. (SR 1160) HOGLEN REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000800 WAYNESVILLE 160 WHITE RIDGE (SR 1338) REYNOLD'S SCHOOL ROAD NONCD0000813 CANTON REYNOLD'S SCHOOL ROAD TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE DUMP NONCD0000356 WAYNESVILLE BIBLE BAPTIST RD. Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY:HENDERSON Site ID City Street Address HENDERSON CO. LANDFILL NCD980557961 HENDERSONVILLE STONEY MOUNTAIN RD. HENDERSON DUMP NONCD0000359 HENDERSONVILLE WILLIAMS ST. MISTY VIEW DR LF NONCD0000761 HENERSONVILLE MISTY VIEW DR MUD CREEK DUMP NONCD0000798 HENDERSONVILLE LINCOLN CIRCLE SALUDA REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000505 SALUDA CHESTNUT ST. COUNTY:HERTFORD Site ID City Street Address AHOSKIE DUMP NONCD0000361 AHOSKIE LEE JERNIGAN ROAD (SR 1101) AULANDER REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000138 AULANDER SR 1112 HERTFORD CO LDFL NONCD0000718 UNION SR 1189 MURFREESBORO DUMP NONCD0000362 MURFREESBORO OLD US 258 POWELLSVILLE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000137 AHOSKIE 406 MOORETOWN ROAD WINTON DUMP NONCD0000360 WINTON SR 1174 Number of Sites: 6 COUNTY: HOKE Site ID City Street Address CLYDE LEACH DUMP NONCD0000363 ARABIA ASPEN LOOP RAEFORD DUMP NONCD0000364 RAEFORD VASS RD. (SR 1300) RAEFORD DUMP #2 NONCD0000801 RAEFORD US-401 BYPASS (FAYETTEVILLE Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: HYDE Site ID City Street Address ENGLEHARD DUMP NONCD0000367 ENGLEHARD US HWY. 264 EAST FAIRFIELD DUMP NONCD0000365 FAIRFIELD NC HWY 94 NEW HOLLAND DUMP NONCD0000368 SWAN QUARTER 20577 US HWY. 264 EAST OCRACOKE DUMP NONCD0000369 OCRACOKE SR 1358 SOUND SHORES LOTS 18 & 19 NONCD0000775 OCRACOKE SOUND SHORES SWAN QUARTER DUMP NONCD0000366 SWAN QUARTER SR 1127 Number of Sites: 6 COUNTY: IREDELL Site ID City Street Address ALBERT MCCLURE BALL FIELD NONCD0000623 STATESVILLE 1230 MUSEUM RD COUNTY GARBAGE NONCD0000372 STATESVILLE TWIN OAKS RD HARMONY REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000370 HARMONY TOMLIN RD MARBLE ROAD DISPOSAL NONCD0001129 STATESVILLE MARBLE & TAYLORSVILLE MOORESVILLE DUMP NONCD0000376 MOORESVILLE 439 RINEHARDT RD MOORESVILLE LANDFILL NONCD0000374 MOORESVILLE 2586 CHARLOTTE HWY OLD LOVE VALLEY DUMP NONCD0000167 LOVE VALLEY M&M LANE STATESVILLE DUMP NONCD0000371 STATESVILLE 402 SIGNAL HILL DR Number of Sites: 8 COUNTY: JACKSON Site ID City Street Address CASHIER'S REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000377 CASHIERS NC HWY. 107 SYLVA DUMP NONCD0000378 SYLVA GUNSMOKE RD. WOODFIN CREEK DUMP NONCD0000796 SYLVA MARIAH DR. Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: JOHNSTON Site ID City Street Address BENSON REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000384 BENSON MASSENGILL FARM ROAD CLAYTON BALL FIELD NCD980844732 CLAYTON CITY ROAD FOUR OAKS DUMP NONCD0000379 FOUR OAKS 123 CIVITAN RD KENLY DUMP NONCD0000380 KENLY S. RAILROAD STREET NEWTON GROVE DUMP NONCD0000559 NEWTON GROVE HARPERS HOUSE ROAD (SR OLD SMITHFIELD LANDFILL NONCD0000777 SMITHFIELD E. HUNTLEY ST. PINE LEVEL DUMP NONCD0000382 PINE LEVEL 7714 RAINS CROSSROADS PRINCETON DUMP NONCD0000383 PRINCETON PROGRESSIVE CHURCH ROAD SELMA REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000381 SELMA 1661 NC HWY 96 N. SMITHFIELD REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000385 SMITHFIELD E. HUNTLEY ST Number of Sites: 10 COUNTY: JONES Site ID City Street Address MAYSVILLE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000387 MAYSVILLE WEST SIXTH STREET POLLOCKSVILLE DUMP NONCD0000388 MAYSVILLE 144 WHITE OAK RIVER ROAD POLLOCKSVILLE DUMP #2 NONCD0000776 POLLOCKSVILLE 235 BEAUFORT RD. TRENTON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000386 TRENTON 504 LANDFILL ROAD Number of Sites: 4 3ill"LlY 11'A y Site ID City Street Address BROADWAY DUMP NONCD0000389 BROADWAY DALRYMPLE FARM ROAD LEE COUNTY LF NCD980503015 SANFORD LANDFILL RD SANFORD DUMP NONCD0000390 SANFORD VALLEY ROAD Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: LENOIR Site ID City Street Address CARTER HILL SANITATION NONCD0000815 KINSTON BRITTISH ROAD CARTER'S REFUSE DISPOSAL NCN000407588 KINSTON LAKE STREET CASWELL SCHOOL DUMP NONCD0000392 KINSTON HULL ROAD DOBBS FARM DUMP NONCD0000391 KINSTON 3060 DOBBS FARM ROAD EVERETT GARBAGE SERVICE DUMP NONCD0000396 KINSTON END OF HENRY BLVD. KENNEDY HOME DUMP NONCD0000393 KINSTON CEDAR DELL LANE (SR 1338) KINSTON DEMOLITION LF NCD075588913 KINSTON DAVIS STREET LA GRANGE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000394 LA GRANGE KING STREET PINK HILL DUMP NONCD0000397 PINK HILL SR 1103 SEVEN SPRINGS DUMP NONCD0000398 SEVEN SPRINGS JONES ROAD Number of Sites: 10 COUNTY: LINCOLN Site ID City Street Address ABATTOIR LANDFILL NONCD0000401 LINCOLNTON 2457 INDUSTRIAL PARK RD. DENVER LANDFILL NONCD0000408 DENVER 2585 NORTH HWY. 16 HOWARD CREEK LANDFILL NONCD0000402 LINCOLNTON 801 ALF HOOVER RD. JONES AIRPORT LANDFILL NONCD0000400 LINCOLNTON SUNNY HILL DR. (SR 1650) LINCOLNTON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000405 LINCOLNTON FRINGEWOOD LANE MACHPELAH LANDFILL NONCD0000407 IRON STATION MOUNT ZION CHURCH RD. NORTH BROOK LANDFILL NONCD0000403 VALE NORTH BROOK #3 SCHOOL RD. TIN MINE LANDFILL NONCD0000406 LINCOLNTON TIN MINE RD. Number of Sites: 8 COUNTY: MACON Site ID City Street Address HIGHLANDS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000413 HIGHLANDS 1080 RICH GAP RD LEDFORD PICK-UP SERVICE NONCD0000411 FRANKLIN GEORGIA RD Number of Sites: 2 COUNTY: MADISON Site ID City Street Address HOT SPRINGS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000416 HOT SPRINGS COGDILLS DR MARS HILL REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000415 MARS HILL PARK DRIVE MARSHALL REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000414 MARSHALL COTTON MILL HILL RD Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: MARTIN Site ID City Street Address HAMILTON DUMP NONCD0000418 HAMILTON JOHNSON BRIDGE ROAD (SR HOBGOOD DUMP NONCD0000345 HOBGOOD NC 125 E JAMESVILLE DUMP NONCD0000421 JAMESVILLE ASTORIA ROAD OAK CITY DUMP NONCD0000417 OAK CITY 8505 NC HWY 125 ROBERSONVILLE DUMP NONCD0000420 ROBERSONVILLE NC HWY 903 S WILLIAMSTON DUMP NONCD0000419 WILLIAMSTON US 64 E Number of Sites: 6 COUNTY: MCDOWELL Site ID City Street Address GREENLEE POTHOLES NONCD0000795 MARION OLD GREENLEE RD LINVILLE FALLS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000423 LINVILLE FALLS NC HWY 183 LITTLE SWITZERLAND LANDFILL NONCD0000422 LITTLE HWY 226-A MARION REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000425 MARION HWY 226 OLD FORT REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000424 OLD FORT LACKEYTOWN RD Number of Sites: 5 COUNTY: MECKLENBURG Site ID City Street Address DAVIDSON LANDFILL NONCD0000428 DAVIDSON GREY RD. (SR 2417) DAVIDSON SANITARY LANDFILL NONCD0000184 DAVIDSON FISHER RD. (SR 2419) DOUBLE OAKS LANDFILL NONCD0000806 CHARLOTTE DOUBLE OAKS RD MCALPINE CREEK PARK NONCD0000698 CHARLOTTE 811 MONROE RD OLD CHARLOTTE LDFL/ VANGUARD CENTER NONCD0001065 CHARLOTTE 77 CENTER PINEVILLE DUMP NONCD0000427 PINEVILLE SAM MEEKS RD. (SR 3638) SOUTHSIDE PARK LANDFILL NONCD0000807 CHARLOTTE 2645 TOOMEY AVENUE STATESVILLE RD. LF NCD000605097 CHARLOTTE 3200 NORTHERLY RD. Number of Sites: 8 COUNTY: MITCHELL Site ID City Street Address BAKERSVILLE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000431 BAKERVILLE WHITE OAK RD SPRUCE PINE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000432 SPRUCE PINE BEAVER CREEK RD Number of Sites: 2 COUNTY: MONTGOMERY Site ID City Street Address BISCOE OLD TOWN DUMP NONCD0000672 BISCOE 303 MARTIN RD CANDOR DUMP NONCD0000433 CANDOR WEST RIDGE LANE HURLEY'S DUMP NONCD0000435 BISCOE ALTERNATE HYW 220 MOUNT GILEAD DUMP NONCD0000434 MT GILEAD HEARNE FARM ROAD (SR 1128) TROY LANDFILL NONCD0000436 TROY MOUNT OLIVE CHURCH ROAD Number of Sites: 5 COUNTY: MOORE Site ID City Street Address ABERDEEN DUMP NONCD0000443 ABERDEEN 517 SOUTH SANDHILLS BLVD. CAMERON DUMP NONCD0000442 CAMERON KELLY RD. CARTHAGE DUMP NONCD0000446 CARTHAGE SUNSET DR - EAGLE SPRINGS DUMP NONCD0000439 EAGLE SPRINGS NC 211 MOORE COUNTY FL - CARTHAGE NONCD0000720 CARTHAGE JOEL RD. (SR 1833) OLD ROBBINS-HIGH FALLS LF NONCD0000445 ROBBINS RITTER RD. PINE BLUFF DUMP NONCD0000440 PINE BLUFF WEST BOSTON AVE. ROBBINS DUMP NONCD0000437 ROBBINS CHEYENNE RD. SOUTHERN PINES DUMP NONCD0000762 SOUTHERN PINES WEST MORGANTON RD. SOUTHERN PINES LANDFILL NONCD0000447 SOUTHERN PINES WOOSTER RD. VASS DUMP NONCD0000441 VASS ROLLINS DR. WEST END DUMP NONCD0000438 WEST END CARTHAGE RD. WICKER PARK LANDFILL NONCD0000670 PINEHURST MAGNOLIA RD. COUNTY: NASH Site ID City Street Address BAILEY DUMP NONCD0000454 BAILEY STONE HERITAGE ROAD (S.R. BATTLEBORO DUMP NONCD0000451 BATTLEBORO 752 W. BATTLEBORO AVE. CASTALIA REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000448 CASTALIA SIMMONS ROAD MIDDLESEX DUMP NONCD0000449 MIDDLESEX BAINES LANE NASH COUNTY LF (RED OAK LF) NCD980559330 RED OAK RED OAK - BATTLEBORO ROAD NASH COUNTY LF (SPRING HOPE) NCD980559355 SPRING HOPE OFF S.R. 1145 NASHVILLE DUMP NONCD0000456 NASHVILLE J.W. GLOVER MEMORIAL PARK, ROCKY MOUNT LANDFILL NONCD0000455 ROCKY MOUNT COMMUNITY DRIVE SHARPSBURG DUMP NONCD0000450 SHARPSBURG LANGLEY DRIVE SPRING HOPE DUMP NONCD0000452 SPRING HOPE NC 581, CP&L POLE ZWH214 WHITAKERS DUMP NONCD0000453 WHITAKERS US 301 NORTH, NEAR PERRY'S Number of Sites: 11 COUNTY: NEW HANOVER Site ID City Street Address BARFIELD'S DUMP NONCD0000457 WILMINGTON SOUTHERLANDS AVE. BLUE CLAY RD. LF NONCD0000465 JUVENILE CENTER DR. BURNT MILL CREEK LF NONCD0000695 WILMINGTON STANLEY ST. CAROLINA BEACH REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000458 CAROLINA BEACH DOW RD. CASTLE HAYNE SERVICE DUMP NONCD0000459 CASTEL HAYNE 5 MILES OFF HWY. 17 OFF SR EAST LAKE SHORE DRIVE LF NONCD0000757 WILMINGTON EAST LAKE SHORE DRIVE FLEMINGTON LF NCD980503056 WILMINGTON 205 SUTTON STEAM PLANT KURE BEACH REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000461 KURE BEACH SUNNY POINT SAFETY ZONE MCRAE STREET LF NCD986171973 WILMINGTON MCRAE ST MILITARY CUTOFF LANDFILL NONCD0000462 WILMINGTON 620 OLD MACCUMBER NEW HANOVER CO & CAROLINA BEACH LANDFILL NCD990715070 CAROLINA BEACH DOW RD. NEW HANOVER CO. LANDFILL NONCD0000463 CAROLINA BEACH DOW RD. OPTIMIST BALL PARK NONCD0000760 WILMINGTON SOUTH FRONT STREET RURAL GARBAGE SERVICE NONCD0000467 SR 1524 TALLMAN CLAY PIT NONCD0000759 WILMINGTON 16TH STREET TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH OLD LANDFILL NONCD0000404 WILMINGTON 910 OLD MCCUMBER STATION WILMINGTON LANDFILL NONCD0000466 WILMINGTON MARTIN LUTHER KING WILMINGTON LDFL (KIDDER ST) NONCD0000756 WILMINGTON 1225 13TH ST. WISTERIA DR. LF NONCD0000758 WILMINGTON 2126 WISTERIA DR. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH DUMP NONCD0000464 WRIGHTSVILLE 200 PARMELE BLVD. Number of Sites: 20 COUNTY: NORTHAWTON Site ID City Street Address CONWAY REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000470 CONWAY DELOATCH MILL ROAD (SR GASTON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000475 GASTON PORCH DRIVE (SR 1219) JACKSON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000469 JACKSON LANDFILL ROAD (SR 1378) RICH SQUARE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000473 RICH SQUARE HART SWAMP ROAD (SR 1106) SEABOARD REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000471 SEABOARD PEANUT MARKET ROAD (SR SEVERN REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000472 SEVERN 259 ROYAL WATSON RD (NC WOODLAND REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000468 WOODLAND BAUGHAN DRIVE (SR 1533) Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: ONSLOW Site ID City Street Address CAMP DAVIS LANDFILL NONCD0000683 HOLLY RIDGE NC 50 HENDERSON DR. LDFL NONCD0000680 JACKSONVILLE HENDERSON DRIVE & RIVER HOLLY RIDGE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000478 HOLLY RIDGE E. OCEAN BLVD. (NC 50) JACKSONVILLE DUMP NONCD0000479 JACKSONVILLE US 17 AND CHANEY CREEK JACKSONVILLE LF - GEORGETOWN RD. NCD980502991 JACKSONVILLE GEORGETOWN RD. JACKSONVILLE WWTP LANDFILL AT STURGEON NONCD0000679 JACKSONVILLE LOYOLA DRIVE & WARDOLA KERR CITY PARK NONCD0000678 JACKSONVILLE KERR STREET ONSLOW PINES RD. LDFL NONCD0000681 JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW PINES ROAD PHILLIPS PARK LANDFILL NONCD0000677 JACKSONVILLE HIGHWAY 17 NORTH AND RAY'S RURAL DUMP NONCD0000481 JACKSONVILLE BRIDGET LANE RICHLANDS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000477 RICHLANDS JIMMY POWELL LANE SWANSBORO DUMP NONCD0000476 SWANSBORO GLANCY ROAD (SR 1559) COUNTY:ORANGE Site ID City Street Address CHAPEL HILL LANDFILL NONCD0000484 CHAPEL HILL 1000 ESTES DRIVE EXTENSION HILLSBOROUGH DUMP NONCD0000483 HILLSBOROUGH TORAIN STREET UNIVERSITY OF NC/OLD SANITARY LF NCD980557615 CHAPEL HILL MUNICIPAL DRIVE Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: PAMLICO Site ID City Street Address ARAPAHOE LDFL NONCD0000717 ARAPAHOE LEES LANDING RD BAYBORO DUMP NONCD0000485 BAYBORO NEALS CREEK ROAD ORIENTAL DUMP NONCD0000486 ORIENTAL SR 1308 Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: PENDER Site ID City Street Address ATKINSON DUMP NONCD0000489 ATKINSON SLOCUM TRAIL (SR 1100) BURGAW DUMP NONCD0000490 BURGAW PINEY WOODS RD. (SR 1216) KIRKLAND'S DUMP NONCD0000491 HAMPSTEAD PERKINS RD. Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: PERQUIMANS Site ID City Street Address HERTFORD DUMP NONCD0000492 HERTFORD HWY. BUS. 17 AT BEAR Number of Sites: 1 COUNTY: PERSON Site ID City Street Address ROXBORO DUMP NONCD0000494 ROXBORO MOUNTAIN ROAD Number of Sites: 1 COUNTY: PITT Site ID City Street Address AYDEN REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000502 AYDEN NORTH EAST AVENUE BETHEL REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000501 BETHEL BIG OAK ROAD FALKLAND DUMP NONCD0000498 FALKLAND HWY. 222 FARMVILLE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000497 FARMVILLE HWY. 121 FOUNTAIN REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000496 FOUNTAIN SOUTH LYNCH STREET GREENVILLE CITY LF NCD980557698 GREENVILLE 5TH STREET AND CEMETERY GRIFTON DUMP NONCD0000500 GRIFTON CREEK SHORE DRIVE GRIMESLAND REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000495 GRIMESLAND GRIMESLAND BRIDGE ROAD LITTLEFIELD LDFL NONCD0000006 LITTLEFIELD SR 1906 GARRIS ROAD UNKNOWN #1 - PITT NONCD0000661 NORTH GREENE STREET UNKNOWN #2 - PITT NONCD0000660 GREENVILLE PACTOLUS HIGHWAY (NC 33) WINTERVILLE DUMP NONCD0000499 WINTERVILLE REEDY BRANCH RD (SR 1131) Number of Sites: 12 COUNTY: POLK Site ID City Street Address BURT BLACKWELL RD DUMP NONCD0000332 MILL SPRING BURT BLACKWELL RD COLUMBUS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000503 COLUMBUS WATERTOWN DR. LITTLE MOUNTAIN LDFL NONCD0001056 COLUMBUS SR 1522 - LITTLE MT. RD. TRYON REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000504 TRYON NEW MARKET RD. Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY: RANDOLPH Site ID City Street Address ASHEBORO MUNICIPAL LF NCD980557557 ASHEBORO OFF OLD US 64 C.A. BOWERS DUMP NONCD0000510 TRINITY 3904, 3906 FULLER MILL RD COLERIDGE NONCD0000663 COLERIDGE 4930 NC 22/NC 42 FRANKLINVILLE DUMP NONCD0000508 FRANKLINVILLE SUNSET AVE. LIBERTY DUMP NONCD0000512 LIBERTY 5876 SANDY CREEK CHURCH MODERN GARBAGE DUMP NONCD0000513 RANDLEMAN 1200 FOX COUNTRY OLD RANDLEMAN TOWN DUMP NCD986197374 RANDLEMAN RANDELMAN LAKE RD PLEASANT RIDGE (BURGESS DUMP) NONCD0000662 RAMSEUR PARKWOOD RD RAMSEUR NONCD0000506 RAMSEUR 339 RAMSEUR JULIAN RD RANDLEMAN DUMP NONCD0000511 RANDLEMAN 3475 APPLEWOOD RD SEAGROVE DUMP NONCD0000507 SEAGROVE E OF 5377 RIDGE RD Number of Sites: 11 COUNTY: RICHMOND Site ID City Street Address ELLERBE DUMP NONCD0000516 ELLERBE RAILROAD STREET HAMLET DUMP NONCD0000515 HAMLET 402 LAKESIDE DRIVE HAMLET TRASH DISPOSAL AREA NONCD0000519 HAMLET 133 CHALK ROAD OLD ELLERBE DUMP NONCD0000304 ELLERBE MAIN STREET OLD RICHMOND COUNTY LF NONCD0000594 ROCKINGHAM 166 POPPY SEED DR ROCKINGHAM DUMP NONCD0000517 ROCKINGHAM ORAL BESSIE LANE SUBURBAN WASTE & GARBAGE CO. DUMP NONCD0000518 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY HOME ROAD TOWN OF HAMLET LDFL NONCD0000750 HAMLET EAST HAMLET AVENUE Number of Sites: 8 COUNTY: ROBESON Site ID City Street Address CITY OF LUMBERTON LDFL NONCD0000712 LUMBERTON ODUM ROAD (SR 1526) FAIR BLUFF DUMP NONCD0000255 FAIR BLUFF NC 904 FAIRMONT DUMP NONCD0000521 FARIMONT INDUSTRIAL DRIVE (SR 2300) JAMES DEBRAHL LAFAYETTE TRANSP. LDFL NONCD0000713 ROWLAND BRIGGS ROAD (SR-1159) LUMBER BRIDGE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000522 LUMBER BRIDGE MCINTOSH ROAD (SR 1705) LUMBERTON DUMP NONCD0000527 HESTERTOWN SR 1544 MAXTON DUMP NONCD0000524 MAXTON US 74-BYPASS & NC 71 PARKTON DUMP NONCD0000520 PARKTON SR 1731 PEMBROKE DUMP NONCD0000525 PEMBROKE DEEP BRANCH ROAD RED SPRINGS DUMP NONCD0000529 RED SPRINGS GREEN HILL DR. ROWLAND REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000523 ROWLAND CHERRY STREET SANITATION SERVICE LF NCD980503106 RENNERT COVINGTON FARM ROAD (SR TOWN OF MAXTON LDFL NONCD0000714 MAXTON MAXTON POND RD. Number of Sites: 13 COUNTY: ROCKINGHAM Site ID City Street Address DRAPER DUMP NONCD0000531 DRAPER PARK ST HOPKINS GARBAGE DUMP NONCD0000535 EDEN 338 BARNES RD LEAKSVILLE LANDFILL NONCD0000534 EDEN 1050 KLYCE ST MADISON LANDFILL NONCD0000536 MADISON OLD COVERED BRIDGE RD MAYODAN DISPOSAL NONCD0000816 MAYODAN 7800 NC HWY 135 REIDSVILLE LANDFILL NONCD0000537 REIDSVILLE GOLDWATER TRAIL SPRAY DUMP NONCD0000533 EDEN 7487 HWY 14 STONEVILLE DUMP NONCD0000532 STONEVILLE SNEAD RD Number of Sites: 8 COUNTY: ROWAN Site ID City Street Address CANNON MILLS LANDFILL NCDO03162666 KANNAPOLIS 614 8TH STREET CHINA GROVE DUMP NONCD0000540 CHINA GROVE KIRK STREET EAST SPENCER DUMP NONCD0000541 EAST SPENCER BROWN STREET (AKA SOUTH I-85 LANDFILL NONCD0000763 SALISBURY REAMER CIRCLE LANDIS WASTE DISPOSAL AREA NONCD0000539 CHINA GROVE 950 KIMBALL ROAD ROWAN COUNTY LANDFILL NCD980557748 SALISBURY NATIONAL GUARD ROAD SALISBURY LANDFILL NONCD0000543 SALISBURY 1920 OLD WILKESBORO ROAD SPENCER LAND DISPOSAL AREA NONCD0000542 SPENCER SOWERS FERRY RD. Number of Sites: 8 COUNTY: RUTHERFORD Site ID City Street Address ALEXANDER MILLS DUMP NONCD0000551 FOREST CITY US HIGHWAY 221-A ARROWOOD DUMP NONCD0000788 FOREST CITY 470 OLD HENRIETTA RD. BOSTIC REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000546 BOSTIC 389 WEST CHURCH ST. CLIFFSIDE MILL DUMP NONCD0000544 CLIFFSIDE PEA RIDGE RD. (SR 1960) CLIFFSIDE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000755 CLIFFSIDE US HIGHWAY 221-A FOREST CITY DUMP #1 NONCD0000554 FOREST CITY RIVERSIDE DR. FOREST CITY DUMP #2 NONCD0000107 FOREST CITY 140/152 US 74 BUSINESS HAWKINS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000548 FOREST CITY CLIFFSIDE STREET HAYNES REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000553 FOREST CITY 474 AVONDALE LANDFILL RD. HENDRICKS DUMP NONCD0000549 FOREST CITY BROOKLYN RD. HORN OPEN DUMP NONCD0000664 FOREST CITY 184 WEST TRADE ST. LAKE LURE DUMP NONCD0000552 LAKE LURE ISLAND CREEK RD. SPINDALE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000022 SPINDALE 1060 OLD BALL PARK RD. Number of Sites: 13 COUNTY: SAMPSON Site ID City Street Address AUTRYVILLE LDFL NONCD0000560 AUTRYVILLE SR 1233 CLINTON DUMP NONCD0000558 CLINTON ROYAL LANE DUNN REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000351 DUNN US HWY 421 GARLAND DUMP NONCD0000562 GARLAND SR 1133 KEENER LANDFILL NCD981031693 CLINTON 10 TANGELWOOD LANE ROSEBORO DUMP NONCD0000561 ROSEBORO NC 242 ROWAN ROAD LANDFILL NCN000407196 CLINTON ROWAN ROAD SALEMBURG DUMP NONCD0000557 SALEMBURG BUBBA GUMP LANE SAMPSON CO LDFL (CARTERS BRIDGE) NONCD0000706 GARLAND SR 1134 SAMPSON CO LDFL (INGOLD) NONCD0000702 INGOLD EZZELL ROAD (SR 1142) SAMPSON CO LDFL (IVANHOE) NONCD0000703 IVANHOE IVANHOE ROAD (SR 1100) SAMPSON CO LDFL (MT GILEAD) NONCD0000701 MT GILEAD US 421 SAMPSON CO LDFL (SPIVEYS CORNER) NONCD0000700 SPIVEYS CORNER HUDSONTOWN ROAD (SR 1634) SAMPSON CO LDFL (SUTTONTOWN) NONCD0000704 SUTTONTOWN PREACHER HENRY ROAD (SR Number of Sites: 14 COUNTY: SCOTLAND Site ID City Street Address GIBSON REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000564 GIBSON HUNSUCKER RD. LAURINBURG DUMP NONCD0000565 LAURINBURG HALL ST. SCOTLAND COUNTY COMM. DUMP NONCD0000563 LAURINBURG 12281 BARNES BRIDGE RD. SCOTLAND COUNTY SANITARY LANDFILL NONCD0000804 LAURINBURG HIGHLAND ROAD Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY: STANLY Site ID City Street Address ALBEMARLE DUMP NONCD0000571 ALBEMARLE 32311 NANNY DRIVE AQUADALE DUMP NONCD0000568 AQUADALE 12423 OLD AQUADALE ROAD CITY OF ALBEMARLE DUMP NONCD0000751 ALBEMARLE COBLE AVENUE NORWOOD DUMP NONCD0000570 NORWOOD HWY 52 OAKBORO DUMP NONCD0000569 OAKBORO 12566 GREENE ROAD RICHFIELD DUMP NONCD0000566 RICHFIELD STATE STREET STANFIELD DUMP NONCD0000567 STANFIELD SR 1147 Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: STOKES Site ID City Street Address DANBURY DUMP NONCD0000575 DANBURY SHEPPARD MILL RD. GORDON'S DUMP NONCD0000576 PINNACLE 1290 PERCH RD. (SR 1147) KINGS DUMP NONCD0000572 KING BROWN RD. (SR 1128) MONROE CRAIG LF NONCD0000752 WALNUT COVE BRAY RD. WALNUT COVE DUMP NONCD0000577 WALNUT COVE MIDDLETON LOOP (SR 1909) Number of Sites: 5 COUNTY: SURRY Site ID City Street Address BEAULAH COMM. DUMP NONCD0000579 LOWGAP 124 PAULA LANE ELKIN LANDFILL NONCD0000581 ELKIN BENGE DRIVE GARBAGE SERVICE DUMP NONCD0000580 MT AIRY PINE TERRRACE DRIVE MT. AIRY DUMP NONCD0000584 MT AIRY CITY VIEW DRIVE PILOT MT. REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000583 PILOT MT INDIGO LANE TWO BRIDGES LF NONCD0000809 ELKIN STANDARD ST. WASTEWATER TREATMENT ROAD LANDFILL NONCD0000597 MOUNT AIRY WASTEWATER TREATMENT WEYERHAEUSER LF NONCD0000586 ELKIN 184 GENTRY ROAD Number of Sites: 8 COUNTY: SWAIN Site ID City Street Address SWAIN COUNTY DUMP NONCD0000588 BRYSON CITY BUCKNER BRANCH RD Number of Sites: 1 COUNTY: TRANSYLVANIA Site ID City Street Address BREVARD DUMP NONCD0000208 BREVARD ILLAHEE POINT (SR 1124) DAVIDSON RIVER DUMP NONCD0000591 PISGAH FOREST POPLAR LANE LAKE TOXAWAY DUMP NONCD0000592 LAKE TOXAWAY CATATOGA RESORT ROSMAN DUMP NONCD0000590 ROSMAN OLD HWY. 64 Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY: TYRRELL Site ID City Street Address COLUMBIA DUMP NONCD0000595 COLUMBIA HOWARD STREET SCUPPERNONG COMM. DUMP NONCD0000596 SCUPPERNONG CHAPEL HILL ROAD (SR 1114) Number of Sites: 2 COUNTY: UNION Site ID City Street Address MARSHVILLE DUMP NONCD0000600 MARSHEVILLE HASTY RD. (SR 1901) MONROE LANDFILL NONCD0000599 MONROE RICHARDSON ST. UNION COUNTY LF NCD980503163 MONROE AUSTIN CHANEY RD. WAXHAW DUMP NONCD0000598 WAXHAW 8625 RICHARDSON-KING RD. Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY: VANCE Site ID City Street Address CLOSED CITY OF HENDERSON LDFL NONCD0001001 HENDERSON NC 39 RAMSEY STREET DUMP NONCD0000814 HENDERSON TERMINUS OF RAMSEY STREET Number of Sites: 2 COUNTY: WAKE Site ID City Street Address APEX SANITARY LF NCD980502793 APEX 451 W WILLIAMS ST BENTLEY WOODS SITE NONCD0000669 RALEIGH SR 2006 OR PERRY CREEK RD CARY DUMP NONCD0000602 CARY 313 N DIXON ST EAST WAKE COUNTY LF NONCD0000614 KNIGHTDALE SR 2655/ US 64 ELWOOD PINES DUMP NONCD0000729 HOLLY SPRINGS 180 NEWSPAPER WAY FUQUAY VARINA NONCD0000606 FUQUAY VARINA 900 ANGIER RD GARNER TRASH DUMP NONCD0000604 GARNER 3175 BENSON RD GILL STREET PARK NONCD0000201 ZEBULON N GILL ST HOLLY SPRINGS DUMP NONCD0000605 HOLLY SPRINGS BASS LAKE RD KNIGHTDALE DUMP NONCD0000603 KNIGHTDALE ROBERTSON MANGUM ESTATES NONCD0000812 WAKE FOREST LEDBURY WAY NC DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE LF NONCD0000607 RALEIGH SR 1656/TRINITY RD. OLD HOLLY SPRINGS DUMP/ CARY SANITARY LFL NONCD0000665 HOLLY SPRINGS HOLLY SPRINGS RD OLD RALEIGH #9-HOWARD JOHNSON CRABTREE NCD980845903 RALEIGH 2102 CENTURY DRIVE OLD RALEIGH LDFL #11 - DOROTHEA DIX NONCD0000610 RALEIGH DOROTHEA DIX HOSPITAL OLD RALEIGH LF #1 NONCD0000684 RALEIGH 1430 S BLOUNT ST OLD RALEIGH LF #10 NONCD0000693 RALEIGH 211 SIX FORKS RD OLD RALEIGH LF #12 NONCD0000694 RALEIGH SHIRLEY ST OLD RALEIGH LF #2 NONCD0000685 RALEIGH 1401 CAPITAL BLVD OLD RALEIGH LF #3 NONCD0000686 RALEIGH 1408 BROOKSIDE RD OLD RALEIGH LF #4 NONCD0000687 RALEIGH 1817 CAPITAL BLVD OLD RALEIGH LF #5 NONCD0000688 RALEIGH 2405 WADE AVE OLD RALEIGH LF #6 NONCD0000689 RALEIGH BLUFF ST OLD RALEIGH LF #7 NONCD0000690 RALEIGH 2226 CAPITAL BLVD. OLD RALEIGH LF #8 NONCD0000691 RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL DR OLD WALTON'S DUMP NONCD0000753 MORRISVILLE 10310 CHAPEL HILL RD ROLESVILLE DUMP NONCD0000601 ROLESVILLE HWY 401 ROWLAND LF NCD065300113 RALEIGH 3000 GRESHAM LAKE RD SOUTH SAUNDERS ST DUMP NONCD0000668 RALEIGH 2603 SAUNDERS & 601 WALTON'S SANITATION SERVICE DUMP NONCD0000696 MORRISVILLE 580 CHURCH ST WE BUFFALOE, JR PRIVATE DUMP NONCD0000667 GARNER US-70 WENDELL DUMP NONCD0000609 WENDELL LAKE GLAD RD ZEBULON DUMP NONCD0000608 ZEBULON 509 HORTON ST Number of Sites: 33 COUNTY: WARREN Site ID City Street Address MACON DUMP NONCD0000617 MACON DOC THOMPSON ROAD (SR NORLINA DUMP NONCD0000615 NORLINA ROSE STREET (SR 1106) WARRENTON DUMP NONCD0000616 WARRENTON HAMME MILL ROAD (SR 1602) Number of Sites: 3 COUNTY: WASHINGTON Site ID City Street Address CRESWELL REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000620 CRESWELL MAIN STREET AND MACKEY'S DUMP NONCD0000619 LANDFILL ROAD PLYMOUTH REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000621 PLYMOUTH WATER STREET ROPER REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000618 ROPER CROSS STREET - ACROSS Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY: WAYNE Site ID City Street Address CHERRY HOSPITAL DUMP NONCD0000627 GOLDSBORO W. ASH STREET EUREKA REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000632 EUREKA WEST CHASE STREET FREMONT REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000628 FREMONT SR 1359 GOLDSBORO DUMP NONCD0000630 GOLDSBORO US HIGHWAY 117 BYPASS GOLDSBORO MUNICIPAL LF NCD980557649 GOLDSBORO US HIGHWAY 117 BYPASS KERMIT GURLEY DUMP NONCD0000626 GOLDSBORO BUCK SWAMP ROAD MT OLIVE LDFL NONCD0000709 MOUNT OLIVE KELLY SPRINGS ROAD MT. OLIVE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000631 MOUNT OLIVE EAST JAMES STREET PIKEVILLE DUMP NONCD0000629 PIKEVILLE PIKEVILLE LDFL NONCD0000708 PIKEVILLE LEIGH DRIVE Number of Sites: 10 COUNTY: WILKES Site ID City Street Address BETHEL DUMP NONCD0000792 JONESVILLE 314 NORTH RIVER RD N. WILKESBORO DUMP NONCD0000634 NORTH RIVER LIBERTY GROVE SOMERS ROAD DUMP NCD981477318 HAMPTONVILLE 2646 SOMERS ROAD WILKESBORO REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000633 WILKESBORO KELLY HILL RD Number of Sites: 4 COUNTY: WILSON Site ID City Street Address BLACK CREEK DUMP NONCD0000636 BLACK CREEK NEAR SR 1628 CITY OF WILSON LANDFILL-1 NONCD0000674 WILSON 105 GOLDSBORO ST. NE CITY OF WILSON LDFL-2 NONCD0000202 WILSON 6741 WARD BLVD ELM CITY REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000638 ELM CITY NORTH RAILROAD STREET SARATOGA DUMP NONCD0000637 SARATOGA 7340 CABIN BRANCH RD. (SR SIMS REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000639 SIMS 7002 BRUCE ROAD STATONSBURG DUMP NONCD0000635 STANTONSBURG 5345 NC HWY 222 WILSON SANITARY LF NONCD0000640 WILSON 4545 NW AIRPORT DRIVE Number of Sites: 8 CK�lNob 1 MIM 7 11410 Site ID City Street Address ARLINGTON DUMP NONCD0000644 ARLINGTON 345 SOUTH MAIN STREET BOONVILLE DUMP NONCD0000645 BOONVILLE RIVER BEND ROAD CHAMBERLAND-HODGE DUMP NONCD0000642 YADKINVILLE FALL CREEK COMM. DUMP NONCD0000641 BOONVILLE PULLIAM ROAD JOYNER REFUSE DUMP NONCD0000646 YADKINVILLE 1425 OLD STAGE ROAD OLD YADKIN COUNTY LF NONCD0000648 YADKINVILLE SIZEMORE ROAD YADKINVILLE REFUSE DISPOSAL NONCD0000647 YADKINVILLE 1141 TENNESSEE STREET Number of Sites: 7 COUNTY: YANCEY Site ID City Street Address BURNSVILLE DUMP NONCD0000649 BURNSVILLE OLD FORK RD Number of Sites: 1 F. Landfill Capacity Report FY 2022-2023 Alamance I " I I 1 " 0603-CDLF-1996 CD Cobles C&D Landfill Alexander County CDLF Avery County C&D Landfill Open Date 9/25/1998 Open Date 1/1/1998 Open Date 7/1/1996 Survey Date 6/12/2023 Survey Date 5/11/2023 Survey Date 4/21/2022 Years Open 24.7 Years Open 25.4 Years Open 25.8 Fiscal Year Tons 25,635.00 Fiscal Year Tons 4,574.00 Fiscal Year Tons 16.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 758,250.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 80,590.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 74,875.00 * Average Tons per Year 30,683.67 * Average Tons per Year 3,178.44 * Average Tons per Year 2,901.65 Volume Used 1,226,356 Volume Used 159,712 Volume Used 222,138 Volume Constructed 1,605,176 Volume Constructed 165,661 Volume Constructed 228,450 Total Permitted Volume 6,935,903 Total Permitted Volume 269,193 Total Permitted Volume 228,450 * Compaction Density 0.62 * Compaction Density 0.50 * Compaction Density 0.34 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 378,820 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 5,949 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 6,312 * Remaining Permitted Volume 5,709,547 * Remaining Permitted Volume 109,481 * Remaining Permitted Volume 6,312 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 234,222.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 3,001.8 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 2,127.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 7.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 0.9 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 0.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 9.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 0.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 133.0 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 3,530,185 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 55,244 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Ton 2,128 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 115.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 17.4 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 0.7 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Brunswick 1007-CDLF-1997 137.7 CD * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Buncombe 1107-CDLF-1998 12.1 CD * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Burke 1203-CDLF-2014 133.0 Brunswick County CDLF Buncombe County C&D Unit Burke County Johns River Waste Management Open Date 7/1/1998 Open Date 1/21/1998 Open Date 1/7/1998 Survey Date 7/28/2023 Survey Date 4/28/2023 Survey Date 5/19/2023 Years Open 25.1 Years Open 25.3 Years Open 25.4 Fiscal Year Tons 17,516.00 Fiscal Year Tons 83,024.00 Fiscal Year Tons 7,505.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 710,544.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 952,497.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 9,346.00 * Average Tons per Year 28,338.74 * Average Tons per Year 37,700.43 * Average Tons per Year 368.52 Volume Used 1,068,081 Volume Used 1,524,194 Volume Used 18,156 Volume Constructed 1,146,100 Volume Constructed 1,962,600 Volume Constructed 322,496 Total Permitted Volume 1,146,100 Total Permitted Volume 2,492,600 Total Permitted Volume 322,496 * Compaction Density 0.67 * Compaction Density 0.62 * Compaction Density 0.51 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 78,019 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 438,406 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 304,340 * Remaining Permitted Volume 78,019 * Remaining Permitted Volume 968,406 * Remaining Permitted Volume 304,340 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 51,902.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 273,968.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 156,662.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 1.8 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 7.3 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 425.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 3.0 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 3.3 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 20.9 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 51,902 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 605,175 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 156,662 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 1.8 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 16.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 425.1 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 3.0 Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 7.3 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 20.9 b. I 1 III CD Cabarrus 1306-CDLF-2000 CD Catawba I 1 1 Cabarrus County CDLF ighway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway Blackburn Resource Recovery C&D Facility aste Open Date 12/5/2006 Open Date 4/4/2000 Open Date 10/1/2002 Survey Date 7/7/2023 Survey Date 6/2/2023 Survey Date 5/24/2023 Years Open 16.6 Years Open 23.2 Years Open 20.6 Fiscal Year Tons 16,770.00 Fiscal Year Tons 188,648.00 Fiscal Year Tons 54,409.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 386,300.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,426,605.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 726,301.00 * Average Tons per Year 23,290.87 * Average Tons per Year 104,778.04 * Average Tons per Year 35,183.21 Volume Used 671,679 Volume Used 3,704,652 Volume Used 1,161,614 Volume Constructed 711,255 Volume Constructed 3,936,671 Volume Constructed 1,449,000 Total Permitted Volume 876,581 Total Permitted Volume 5,995,188 Total Permitted Volume 1,449,000 * Compaction Density 0.58 * Compaction Density 0.66 * Compaction Density 0.63 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 39,576 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 232,019 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 287,386 * Remaining Permitted Volume 204,902 * Remaining Permitted Volume 2,290,536 * Remaining Permitted Volume 287,386 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 22,761.2 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 151,976.1 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 179,688.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 1.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 1.5 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 5.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 1.4 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 0.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 3.3 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 117,844 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 1,500,337 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 179,689 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 5.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 14.3 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 5.1 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Cleveland 2301-CDLF-1997 7.0 CD * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Cumberland 2601-CDLF-1997Dare 8.0 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 2803-CDLF-19951 3.3 Cleveland County CDLF Cumberland County C&D Unit Dare County C&D Landfill Open Date 1/l/1998 Open Date 1/1/1998 Open Date 11/15/1995 Survey Date 6/27/2023 Survey Date 3/l/2023 Survey Date 5/9/2023 Years Open 25.5 Years Open 25.2 Years Open 27.5 Fiscal Year Tons 67,881.00 Fiscal Year Tons 64,523.00 Fiscal Year Tons 17,019.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,281,099.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 879,364.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 455,240.00 * Average Tons per Year 50,270.89 * Average Tons per Year 34,949.70 * Average Tons per Year 16,566.35 Volume Used 1,363,382 Volume Used 1,459,168 Volume Used 1,187,791 Volume Constructed 2,645,400 Volume Constructed 1,697,278 Volume Constructed 1,478,100 Total Permitted Volume 2,645,400 Total Permitted Volume 2,026,570 Total Permitted Volume 3,044,300 * Compaction Density 0.94 * Compaction Density 0.60 * Compaction Density 0.38 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 1,282,018 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 238,110 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 290,309 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,282,018 * Remaining Permitted Volume 567,402 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,856,509 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 1,204,645.5 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 143,496.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 111,265.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 24.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 4.1 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 6.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 17.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 2.2 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 6.5 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 1,204,645 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 341,943 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 711,537 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 24.0 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 9.8 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 43.0 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 17.7 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 5.3 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 41.8 EdgecombeI 1 "7 CD Forsyth 3412-CDLF-1995 CD Gaston 3606-CDLF-19951 Edgecombe County CDLF Winston-Salem, City of Old Salisbury Road CDLF Gaston County C&D Landfill Open Date 12/30/1997 Open Date 8/1/1996 Open Date 2/5/1999 Survey Date 4/7/2023 Survey Date 1/10/2023 Survey Date 1 6/13/2023 Years Open 25.3 Years Open 26.4 Years Openj 24.4 Fiscal Year Tons 10,338.00 Fiscal Year Tons 33,751.00 Fiscal Year Tons 101,100.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 504,567.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,690,503.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,379,300.00 * Average Tons per Year 19,968.91 * Average Tons per Year 63,932.10 * Average Tons per Year 56,643.73 Volume Used 947,711 Volume Used 3,261,765 Volume Used 1,137,647 Volume Constructed 1,700,000 Volume Constructed 4,030,000 Volume Constructed 1,482,196 Total Permitted Volume 1,700,000 Total Permitted Volume 4,030,000 Total Permitted Volume 1,482,196 * Compaction Density 0.53 * Compaction Density 0.52 * Compaction Density 1.21 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 752,289 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 768,235 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 344,549 * Remaining Permitted Volume 752,289 * Remaining Permitted Volume 768,235 * Remaining Permitted Volume 344,549 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 400,523.2 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 398,159.8 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 417,736.3 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 20.1 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 6.2 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 7.4 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 38.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 11.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 4.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 400,523 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 398,160 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 417,736 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 20.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 6.2 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 7.4 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Greene I 1 38.7 '97 CD * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Guilford 4103-CDLF-1998 11.8 CD * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Guilford 4116-CDLF-20121 4.1 Greene County CDLF Greensboro, City of White Street Landfill WI High Point Landfill, LLC Open Date 1/l/1998 Open Date 1/1/1998 Open Date 2/4/2004 Survey Date 5/4/2023 Survey Date 6/1/2023 Survey Date 1/28/2023 Years Open 25.3 Years Open 25.4 Years Open 19.0 Fiscal Year Tons 3,466.00 Fiscal Year Tons 47,183.00 Fiscal Year Tons 120,866.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 55,610.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,057,032.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 110,289.00 * Average Tons per Year 2,194.89 * Average Tons per Year 80,944.94 * Average Tons per Year 5,810.34 Volume Used 180,812 Volume Used 1,798,520 Volume Used 175,318 Volume Constructed 471,466 Volume Constructed 2,370,000 Volume Constructed 2,467,437 Total Permitted Volume 471,466 Total Permitted Volume 2,370,000 Total Permitted Volume 4,773,968 * Compaction Density 0.31 * Compaction Density 1.14 * Compaction Density 0.63 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 290,654 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 571,480 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 2,292,119 * Remaining Permitted Volume 290,654 * Remaining Permitted Volume 571,480 * Remaining Permitted Volume 4,598,650 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 89,392.7 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 653,622.2 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 1,441,925.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 40.7 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 8.1 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 248.2 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 25.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 13.9 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 11.9 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 89,393 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 653,622 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 2,892,917 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 40.7 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 8.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 497.9 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 25.8 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 13.9 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 23.9 Guilford 1 II: CD Halifax 4204-CDLF-20134 I 1 I: CD A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill Halifax County Landfill Harnett County Dunn -Erwin C&D Landfill Open Date 4/19/2009 Open Date 6/3/2016 Open Date 1/1/1998 Survey Date 7/20/2023 Survey Date 7/19/2023 Survey Date 1/24/2023 Years Open 14.3 Years Open 7.1 Years Open 25.1 Fiscal Year Tons 53,747.00 Fiscal Year Tons 2,526.00 Fiscal Year Tons 33,267.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,159,821.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 7,079.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 446,469.00 * Average Tons per Year 81,388.02 * Average Tons per Year 993.70 * Average Tons per Year 17,814.38 Volume Used 1,981,081 Volume Used 17,698 Volume Used 858,744 Volume Constructed 2,240,000 Volume Constructed 73,129 Volume Constructed 2,047,985 Total Permitted Volume 2,240,000 Total Permitted Volume 73,129 Total Permitted Volume 2,047,985 * Compaction Density 0.59 * Compaction Density 0.40 * Compaction Density 0.52 * Remaining Volume for Future 258,919 * Remaining Volume for Future 55,431 * Remaining Volume for Future 1,189,241 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 258,919 * Remaining Permitted Volume 55,431 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,189,241 * Approximate Constructed 151,583.8 * Approximate Constructed 22,171.8 * Approximate Constructed 618,297.5 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 1.9 * Approximate Constructed 22.3 * Approximate Constructed 34.7 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 2.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 8.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 18.6 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 151,584 * Approximate Total Permitted 22,172 * Approximate Total Permitted 618,297 Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 1.9 * Approximate Total Permitted 22.3 * Approximate Total Permitted 34.7 Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 2.8 * Approximate Total Tonnage 8.8 * Approximate Total Tonnage 18.6 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Harnett 1IF-1997 CD Jones 5203-CDI,F-2013 CD Lenoir 5403-CDIF-19971 Harnett Co. Anderson Creek C&D Landfill The Maysville Construction and Demolition Lenoir County CDLF Landfill Open Date 12/1/1996 Open Date 4/6/2015 Open Date 1/1/1998 Survey Date 6/6/2023 Survey Date 7/20/2023 Survey Date 5/2/2023 Years Open 26.5 Years Open 8.3 Years Open 25.3 Fiscal Year 13,192.00 Fiscal Year 63,236.00 Fiscal Year 30,158.00 Tons Tons Tons Total Tons Disposed to Date 272,649.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 59,444.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 395,382.00 * Average Tons per 10,284.52 * Average Tons per Yew 7,172.75 * Average Tons per Yew 15,608.87 Year Volume Used 612,227 Volume Used 174,964 Volume Used 618,397 Volume Constructed 618,779 Volume Constructed 297,087 Volume Constructed 630,432 Total Permitted Volume 1,121,930 Total Permitted Volume 586,764 Total Permitted Volume 1,126,540 * Compaction Density 0.45 * Compaction Density 0.34 * Compaction Density 0.64 * Remaining Volume for Future 6,552 * Remaining Volume for Future 122,123 * Remaining Volume for Future 12,035 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 509,703 * Remaining Permitted Volume 411,800 * Remaining Permitted Volume 508,143 * Approximate Constructed 2,917.9 * Approximate Constructed 41,491.3 * Approximate Constructed 7,694.8 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 0.3 * Approximate Constructed 5.8 * Approximate Constructed 0.5 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.2 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.3 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 226,991 * Approximate Total Permitted 139,909 * Approximate Total Permitted 324,889 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 22.1 * Approximate Total Permitted 19.5 * Approximate Total Permitted 20.8 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 17.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage 2.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage 10.8 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Tons Tons LincolnI 1 i :I 1 99 I 1 1 Lake Norman Landfill Madison County C&D Unit Martin County C&D Landfill Open Date 3/25/1999 Open Date l l/l/2006 Open Date 3/23/1994 Survey Date 12/19/2022 Survey Date 7/20/2023 Survey Date 2/26/2021 Years Open 23.7 Years Open 16.7 Years Open 26.9 Fiscal Year Tons 33,623.00 Fiscal Year Tons 1,186.00 Fiscal Year Tons 4,269.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,422,806.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 33,279.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 126,780.00 * Average Tons per Year 59,940.01 * Average Tons per Year 1,991.02 * Average Tons per Year 4,707.37 Volume Used 2,289,974 Volume Used 83,181 Volume Used 0 Volume Constructed 2,727,347 Volume Constructed 209,700 Volume Constructed 165,353 Total Permitted Volume 3,271,000 Total Permitted Volume 209,700 Total Permitted Volume 177,696 * Compaction Density 0.62 * Compaction Density 0.40 * Compaction Density 0.00 * Remaining Volume for Future 437,373 * Remaining Volume for Future 126,519 * Remaining Volume for Future 165,353 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 981,026 * Remaining Permitted Volume 126,519 * Remaining Permitted Volume 177,696 * Approximate Constructed 271,748.5 * Approximate Constructed 50,617.6 * Approximate Constructed 0.0 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 4.5 * Approximate Constructed 25.4 * Approximate Constructed 0.0 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 8.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 42.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.0 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 609,531 proximate Total Permitted Volume 50,618 * Approximate Total Permitted 0 Volume Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 10.2 proximate Total Permitted 25.4 * Approximate Total Permitted 0.0 Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 18.1 Approximate Total Tonnage 42.7 * Approximate Total Tonnage 0.0 emaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Mecklenburg 6I 1 I21 C D Moore i t 1 ' Greenway Waste Solutions of North Meek Moore County C&D Landfill Nash County C&D Landfill Open Date 3/12/2006 Open Date 10/1/1993 Open Date 1/3/2000 Survey Date 6/3/2023 Survey Date 7/14/2023 Survey Date 7/25/2023 Years Open 17.2 Years Open 29.8 Years Open 23.6 Fiscal Year 76,009.00 Fiscal Year 28,295.00 Fiscal Year 13,344.00 Tons Tons Tons Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,855,970.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 28,296.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 295,895.00 * Average Tons per 107,738.88 * Average Tons per Year 950.09 * Average Tons per Year 12,561.09 Year Volume Used 2,602,781 Volume Used 49,178 Volume Used 867,480 Volume Constructed 3,141,000 Volume Constructed 2,500,000 Volume Constructed 936,406 Total Permitted Volume 3,141,000 Total Permitted Volume 2,500,000 Total Permitted Volume 2,405,358 * Compaction Density 0.71 * Compaction Density 0.58 * Compaction Density 0.34 * Remaining Volume for Future 538,219 * Remaining Volume for Future 2,450,822 * Remaining Volume for Future 68,926 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 538,219 * Remaining Permitted Volume 2,450,822 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,537,878 * Approximate Constructed 383,788.8 * Approximate Constructed 1,410,152.1 * Approximate Constructed 23,510.5 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 3.6 * Approximate Constructed 1,484.2 * Approximate Constructed 1.9 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 5.0 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 49.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 1.8 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 383,789 * Approximate Total Permitted 1,410,152 * Approximate Total Permitted 524,566 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 3.6 * Approximate Total Permitted 1,484.2 * Approximate Total Permitted 41.8 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 5.0 * Approximate Total Tonnage 49.8 * Approximate Total Tonnage 39.3 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Tons Tons Orange 6804-CDLF-2005 CD Pasquotank 7002-CDLF-19964I 1 II' CD Orange County CDLF Pasquotank County C&D Landfill C & D Landfill Inc Open Date 5/31/2005 Open Date 4/1/1996 Open Date 6/1/2001 Survey Date 6/27/2023 Survey Date 7/8/2023 Survey Date 7/29/2022 Years Open 18.1 Years Open 27.3 Years Open 21.2 Fiscal Year Tons 19,966.00 Fiscal Year Tons 15,370.00 Fiscal Year Tons 32,488.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 171,611.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 347,950.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 32,488.00 * Average Tons per Year 9,495.67 * Average Tons per Year 12,761.19 * Average Tons per Year 1,535.49 Volume Used 356,036 Volume Used 1,125,700 Volume Used 48,732 Volume Constructed 424,000 Volume Constructed 1,149,212 Volume Constructed 1,541,089 Total Permitted Volume 789,250 Total Permitted Volume 1,445,382 Total Permitted Volume 1,888,156 * Compaction Density 0.48 * Compaction Density 0.31 * Compaction Density 0.67 * Remaining Volume for Future Constructio 67,964 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 23,512 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 1,492,357 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1 433,214 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1 319,682 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1 1,839,424 * Approximate Constructed 32,759.0 * Approximate Constructed 7,267.5 * Approximate Constructed 994,904.7 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 3.4 * Approximate Constructed 0.6 * Approximate Constructed 647.9 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 1.6 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 30.6 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 208,811 * Approximate Total Permitted 98,813 * Approximate Total Permitted 1,226,283 Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 22.0 * Approximate Total Permitted 7.7 * Approximate Total Permitted 798.6 Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 10.5 * Approximate Total Tonnage 6.4 * Approximate Total Tonnage 37.7 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Randolph 6I 1 I :I 1 ' i8103-CDLF-2002 CD Wall Recycling CDLF Robeson County CDLF Rutherford County C&D Open Date 10/19/2001 Open Date 1/2/1998 Open Date 1/1/2001 Survey Date 1/28/2023 Survey Date 6/5/2023 Survey Date 7/13/2023 Years Open 21.3 Years Open 25.4 Years Open 22.5 Fiscal Year 25,646.00 Fiscal Year 39,964.00 Fiscal Year 8,993.00 Tons Tons Tons Total Tons Disposed to Date 303,960.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,015,013.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 297,179.00 * Average Tons per 14,286.63 * Average Tons per Yew 39,928.22 * Average Tons per Yew 13,192.10 Year Volume Used 547,546 Volume Used 1,041,195 Volume Used 585,618 Volume Constructed 551,951 Volume Constructed 2,341,464 Volume Constructed 926,000 Total Permitted Volume 1,104,617 Total Permitted Volume 2,341,464 Total Permitted Volume 3,207,000 * Compaction Density 0.56 * Compaction Density 0.97 * Compaction Density 0.51 * Remaining Volume for Future 4,405 * Remaining Volume for Future 1,300,269 * Remaining Volume for Future 340,382 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 557,071 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,300,269 * Remaining Permitted Volume 2,621,382 * Approximate Constructed 2,445.4 * Approximate Constructed 1,267,572.3 * Approximate Constructed 172,731.0 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 0.2 * Approximate Constructed 31.7 * Approximate Constructed 13.1 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 31.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 19.2 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 309,248 * Approximate Total Permitted 1,267,572 * Approximate Total Permitted 1,330,252 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 21.6 * Approximate Total Permitted 31.7 * Approximate Total Permitted 100.8 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 12.1 * Approximate Total Tonnage 31.7 * Approximate Total Tonnage 147.9 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons I Tons I Tons Sampson I 1 " 1 Scotland 8301-CDLF-1997 CD Stanly 8401-CDLF-1997 CD Sampson County Disposal, LLC Scotland County CDLF Albemarle, City of CDLF Open Date 9/16/1996 Open Date 1/1/1998 Open Date 5/31/1998 Survey Date 1/27/2023 Survey Date 6/26/2023 Survey Date 6/29/2023 Years Open 26.4 Years Open 25.5 Years Open 25.1 Fiscal Year Tons 399.00 Fiscal Year Tons 7,390.00 Fiscal Year Tons 19,114.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 74,966.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 344,095.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 435,577.00 * Average Tons per Year 2,843.63 * Average Tons per Year 13,503.89 * Average Tons per Year 17,368.40 Volume Used 268,135 Volume Used 656,198 Volume Used 871,432 Volume Constructed 1,054,182 Volume Constructed 1,144,442 Volume Constructed 2,390,900 Total Permitted Volume 2,180,681 Total Permitted Volume 1,144,442 Total Permitted Volume 2,390,900 * Compaction Density 0.28 * Compaction Density 0.52 * Compaction Density 0.50 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 786,047 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 488,244 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 1,519,468 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,912,546 * Remaining Permitted Volume 488,244 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,519,468 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 219,765.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 256,023.8 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 759,491.6 * Approximate Constructed 77.3 * Approximate Constructed 19.0 * Approximate Constructed 43.7 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 550.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 34.6 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 39.7 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 534,715 * Approximate Total Permitted 256,024 * Approximate Total Permitted 759,492 Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 188.0 * Approximate Total Permitted 19.0 * Approximate Total Permitted 43.7 Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 1,340.1 * Approximate Total Tonnage 34.6 * Approximate Total Tonnage 39.7 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons UnionI I 1 ' ' 1 I 9228-CDLF-2001 CD Union County C&D Shotwell Landfill, Inc Red Rock Disposal C&D Landfill Open Date 1/l/1998 Open Date 10/13/1997 Open Date 11/19/2001 Survey Date 7/17/2023 Survey Date 5/22/2023 Survey Date 1/28/2023 Years Open 25.5 Years Open 25.6 Years Open 21.2 Fiscal Year 90,643.00 Fiscal Year 177,884.00 Fiscal Year 412,050.00 Tons Tons Tons Total Tons Disposed to Date 754,950.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,649,385.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,596,384.00 * Average Tons per 29,561.05 * Average Tons per Year 64,418.08 * Average Tons per Year 169,713.08 Year Volume Used 1,661,003 Volume Used 4,244,107 Volume Used 5,615,394 Volume Constructed 1,832,800 Volume Constructed 5,300,000 Volume Constructed 6,907,990 Total Permitted Volume 1,832,800 Total Permitted Volume 9,800,000 Total Permitted Volume 19,177,110 * Compaction Density 0.45 * Compaction Density 0.39 * Compaction Density 0.64 * Remaining Volume for Future 171,797 * Remaining Volume for Future 1,055,893 * Remaining Volume for Future 1,292,596 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 171,797 * Remaining Permitted Volume 5,555,893 * Remaining Permitted Volume 13,561,716 * Approximate Constructed 78,084.2 * Approximate Constructed 410,351.1 * Approximate Constructed 827,844.2 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 2.6 * Approximate Constructed 6.4 * Approximate Constructed 4.9 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.9 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 2.3 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 2.0 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 78,084 * Approximate Total Permitted 2,159,184 * Approximate Total Permitted 8,685,613 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 2.6 * Approximate Total Permitted 33.5 * Approximate Total Permitted 51.2 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 0.9 * Approximate Total Tonnage 12.1 * Approximate Total Tonnage 21.1 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Tons Tons Wake I 1 I 9231-CDLF-2012 CD Washington ' 40 1 "6 CD Greenway Waste Solutions of Apex, LLC Brownfield Road C&D Landfill Washington County C&D Landfill Open Date 10/1/2002 Open Date 10/1/2003 Open Date 1/1/1996 Survey Date 6/3/2023 Survey Date 1/27/2023 Survey Date 6/30/2023 Years Open 20.7 Years Open 19.3 Years Open 27.5 Fiscal Year Tons 65,582.00 Fiscal Year Tons 289,732.00 Fiscal Year Tons 1,979.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,732,421.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,885,373.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 39,370.00 * Average Tons per Year 83,810.17 * Average Tons per Year 149,317.44 * Average Tons per Year 1,431.97 Volume Used 3,109,526 Volume Used 4,582,107 Volume Used 98,425 Volume Constructed 3,130,000 Volume Constructed 6,203,700 Volume Constructed 147,076 Total Permitted Volume 3,130,000 Total Permitted Volume 8,426,800 Total Permitted Volume 147,076 * Compaction Density 0.56 * Compaction Density 0.63 * Compaction Density 0.40 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 20,474 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 1,621,593 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 48,651 * Remaining Permitted Volume 20,474 * Remaining Permitted Volume 3,844,693 * Remaining Permitted Volume 48,651 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 11,406.8 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 1,021,124.3 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 19,460.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 0.1 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 6.8 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 13.6 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.2 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 3.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 9.8 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons proximate Total Permitted Volume 11,407 * Approximate Total Permitted 2,421,020 * Approximate Total Permitted 19,460 Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons proximate Total Permitted 0.1 * Approximate Total Permitted 16.2 * Approximate Total Permitted 13.6 Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Approximate Total Tonnage 0.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage 8.4 * Approximate Total Tonnage 9.8 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Wayne 6I 1 " i 1 I Wayne County CDLF Wilson County Westside C&D Landfill (Area 1) Duke Energy Progress - Asheville Open Date 1/l/1998 Open Date 10/4/2004 Open Date 4/1/2021 Survey Date 6/7/2023 Survey Date 6/7/2023 Survey Date 9/15/2022 Years Open 25.4 Years Open 18.7 Years Open 1.5 Fiscal Year 28,169.00 Fiscal Year 31,341.00 Fiscal Year 32,696.00 Tons Tons Tons Total Tons Disposed to Date 759,044.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 478,653.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,295,211.00 * Average Tons per 29,849.36 * Average Tons per Year 25,634.61 * Average Tons per Year 889,240.26 Year Volume Used 1,882,061 Volume Used 478,653 Volume Used 1,065,664 Volume Constructed 2,736,883 Volume Constructed 674,170 Volume Constructed 1,262,515 Total Permitted Volume 2,736,883 Total Permitted Volume 2,002,070 Total Permitted Volume 1,262,515 * Compaction Density 0.40 * Compaction Density 1.00 * Compaction Density 1.22 * Remaining Volume for Future 854,822 * Remaining Volume for Future 195,517 * Remaining Volume for Future 196,851 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 854,822 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,523,417 * Remaining Permitted Volume 196,851 * Approximate Constructed 344,753.7 * Approximate Constructed 195,517.0 * Approximate Constructed 239,253.3 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 11.5 * Approximate Constructed 7.6 * Approximate Constructed 0.3 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 12.2 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 6.2 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 7.3 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 344,754 * Approximate Total Permitted 1,523,417 * Approximate Total Permitted 239,253 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 11.5 * Approximate Total Permitted 59.4 * Approximate Total Permitted 0.3 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 12.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage 48.6 * Approximate Total Tonnage 7.3 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Tons Tons Catawba 1 II. IND Duke Energy Carolinas - Marshall, Industrial ColumbusI 1 II 1'Gaston1 International Paper II. IND Duke Energy Carolinas - Allen Open Date 3/7/2011 Open Date 12/30/2002 Open Date 12/9/2009 Survey Date 5/8/2023 Survey Date 5/16/2023 Survey Date 4/24/2023 Years Open 12.2 Years Open 20.4 Years Open 13.4 Fiscal Year Tons 887,915.00 Fiscal Year Tons 54,320.00 Fiscal Year Tons 14,702.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 4,988,960.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,051,276.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,576,537.00 * Average Tons per Year 409,947.73 * Average Tons per Year 51,596.15 * Average Tons per Year 117,901.34 Volume Used 4,129,110 VolumeUsed 1,165,670 Volume Used 1,273,659 Volume Constructed 10,389,020 Volume Constructed 2,290,150 Volume Constructed 2,082,500 Total Permitted Volume 18,679,000 Total Permitted Volume 2,290,150 Total Permitted Volume 6,040,700 * Compaction Density 1.21 * Compaction Density 0.90 * Compaction Density 1.24 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 6,259,910 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 1,124,480 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 808,841 * Remaining Permitted Volume 14,549,890 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,124,480 * Remaining Permitted Volume 4,767,041 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 7,563,479.9 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 1,014,128.2 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 1,001,184.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 18.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 19.7 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 8.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 8.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 18.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 68.1 * Approximate Total Permitted 17,579,774 * Approximate Total Permitted 1,014,128 * Approximate Total Permitted 5,900,650 Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons Volume Remaining in Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 42.9 * Approximate Total Permitted 19.7 * Approximate Total Permitted 50.0 Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 19.8 * Approximate Total Tonnage 18.7 * Approximate Total Tonnage 401.4 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Haywood I61 1 Mecklenburg ill 1 " 1 Person 7302-INDUS-19881 Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc. olinas - McGuire Landfill 2 (fmr misnamed permit # Duke Energy Progress - Roxboro 0 Open Date 3/28/1984 Open Date Open Date 11/25/2003 Survey Date 4/6/2023 Survey Date 5/4/2023 Survey Date 4/22/2023 Years Open 39.0 Years Open Years Open 19.4 Fiscal Year 321,307.00 Fiscal Year 134.00 Fiscal Year 268,440.00 Tons Tons Tons Total Tons Disposed to Date 9,639,268.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 72,368.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 9,042,270.00 * Average Tons per 247,017.66 * Average Tons per Yeai Average Tons per Yeai 465,955.01 Year Volume Used 6,224,631 Volume Used 76,786 Volume Used 9,524,779 Volume Constructed 8,317,000 Volume Constructed Volume Constructed 16,328,208 Total Permitted Volume 8,317,000 Total Permitted Volume Total Permitted Volume 16,328,208 * Compaction Density 1.55 * Compaction Density 0.94 * Compaction Density 0.95 * Remaining Volume for Future 2,092,369 * Remaining Volume for Future * Remaining Volume for Future 6,803,429 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 2,092,369 * Remaining Permitted Volume * Remaining Permitted Volume 6,803,429 * Approximate Constructed 3,240,176.9 * Approximate Constructed * Approximate Constructed 6,458,778.9 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 13.1 * Approximate Constructed * Approximate Constructed 13.9 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 10.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 24.1 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 3,240,177 * Approximate Total Permitted * Approximate Total Permitted 6,458,779 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 13.1 * Approximate Total Permitted * Approximate Total Permitted 13.9 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 10.1 * Approximate Total Tonnage * Approximate Total Tonnage 24.1 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Tons Tons Person 7305-INDUS-2012 IND Duke Energy, Mayo Steam Electric Plant Rutherford ; I 1 I Duke Energy Carolinas - Rogers 8504-INDUS-2007 IND Duke Energy Carolinas - Belews Creek, Craig Road Landfill Open Date 7/10/2014 Open Date 9/7/2010 Open Date 11/5/2007 Survey Date 4/18/2023 Survey Date 4/28/2023 Survey Date 4/17/2023 Years Open 8.8 Years Open 12.6 Years Open 15.4 Fiscal Year Tons 667,644.00 Fiscal Year Tons 1,815,756.00 Fiscal Year Tons 156,004.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,602,288.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 6,631,160.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,784,900.00 * Average Tons per Year 182,657.83 * Average Tons per Year 524,703.46 * Average Tons per Year 180,287.97 olume Used 1,149,245 Volume Used 5,379,071 Volume Used 2,433,825 olume Constructed 2,227,886 Volume Constructed 11,318,000 Volume Constructed 6,321,890 Total Permitted Volume 12,010,584 Total Permitted Volume 13,343,000 Total Permitted Volume 24,621,890 * Compaction Density 1.39 * Compaction Density 1.23 * Compaction Density 1.14 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 1,078,641 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 5,938,929 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 3,888,065 * Remaining Permitted Volume 10,861,339 * Remaining Permitted Volume 7,963,929 * Remaining Permitted Volume 22,188,065 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 1,503,851.3 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 7,321,336.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 4,448,911.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 8.2 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 14.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 24.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 2.3 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 4.0 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 28.5 roximate Total Permitted Volume emaining in Tons 15,142,979 roximate Total Permitted Volume emaining in Tons 9,817,697 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 25,388,655 proximate Total Permitted 82.9 proximate Total Permitted 18.7 * Approximate Total Permitted 140.8 Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Volume Remaining in Years Approximate Total Tonnage 22.7 Approximate Total Tonnage 5.4 * Approximate Total Tonnage 162.7 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons WashingtonI 1 II: IND Alamance 0104-MSWLF-19941 1 I I MSW Domtar Paper Company Landfill, Lined #3 klamance County Austin Quarter Road Landfill Anson Landfill ?acility Open Date 12/14/2000 Open Date 3/18/1994 Open Date 12/12/2000 Survey Date 3/16/2023 Survey Date 3/15/2023 Survey Date 2/20/2023 Years Open 22.3 Years Open 29.0 Years Open 22.2 Fiscal Year 984.00 Fiscal Year 138,821.00 Fiscal Year 1,039,493.00 Tons Tons Tons Total Tons Disposed to Date 952,637.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,557,267.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 10,310,596.00 * Average Tons per 42,814.16 * Average Tons per Year 88,208.69 * Average Tons per Yew 464,644.69 Year Volume Used 2,234,160 Volume Used 3,368,153 Volume Used 11,829,219 Volume Constructed 2,692,063 Volume Constructed 3,694,758 Volume Constructed 15,021,074 Total Permitted Volume 10,749,000 Total Permitted Volume 10,982,800 Total Permitted Volume 21,640,632 * Compaction Density 0.43 * Compaction Density 0.76 * Compaction Density 0.87 * Remaining Volume for Future 457,903 * Remaining Volume for Future 326,605 * Remaining Volume for Future 3,191,855 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 8,514,840 * Remaining Permitted Volume 7,614,647 * Remaining Permitted Volume 9,811,413 * Approximate Constructed 195,248.0 * Approximate Constructed 247,974.5 * Approximate Constructed 2,782,087.9 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 4.6 * Approximate Constructed 2.8 * Approximate Constructed 6.0 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 198.4 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 1.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 2.7 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 3,630,694 * Approximate Total Permitted 5,781,414 * Approximate Total Permitted 8,551,834 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 84.8 * Approximate Total Permitted 65.5 * Approximate Total Permitted 18.4 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 3,689.7 * Approximate Total Tonnage 41.6 * Approximate Total Tonnage 8.2 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Tons Tons Ashe I I Ashe County Landfill I:I " East Carolina Regional Landfill Buncombe I "6 MSW Buncombe County MSW Landfill Open Date 11/1/1993 Open Date 8/6/1993 Open Date 9/29/1997 Survey Date 5/30/2023 Survey Date 12/12/2022 Survey Date 4/28/2023 Years Open 29.6 Years Open 29.3 Years Open 25.6 Fiscal Year Tons 23,387.00 Fiscal Year Tons 546,200.00 Fiscal Year Tons 154,171.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 554,430.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 15,273,940.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,388,070.00 * Average Tons per Year 18,747.04 * Average Tons per Year 520,411.06 * Average Tons per Year 132,465.49 Volume Used 1,100,707 Volume Used 15,599,310 Volume Used 5,180,040 Volume Constructed 1,159,714 Volume Constructed 20,129,000 Volume Constructed 6,878,500 Total Permitted Volume 1,548,800 Total Permitted Volume 24,833,000 Total Permitted Volume 12,477,000 * Compaction Density 0.50 * Compaction Density 0.98 * Compaction Density 0.65 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 59,007 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 4,529,690 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 1,698,460 * Remaining Permitted Volume 448,093 * Remaining Permitted Volume 9,233,690 * Remaining Permitted Volume 7,296,960 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 29,722.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 4,435,209.8 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 1,110,899.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 1.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 8.5 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 8.4 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 1.3 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 8.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 7.2 * Approximate Total Permitted olume Remaining in Tons 225,706 proximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 9,041,094 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 4,772,668 * Approximate Total Permitted olume Remaining in Years 12.0 proximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 17.4 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 36.0 * Approximate Total Tonnage 9.7 Approximate Total Tonnage 16.6 * Approximate Total Tonnage 31.0 emaining in Fiscal Year Tons Cabarrus I' �emaining in Fiscal Year Tons I "' NISW IRemaining in Fiscal Year Tons Catawba 1803-MSWLF-1997 1992 BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfill V Foothills Environmental Landfill Blackburn Resource Recovery Facility Open Date 3/6/1992 Open Date 8/26/1998 Open Date 12/30/1997 Survey Date 12/20/2022 Survey Date 3/10/2023 Survey Date 5/24/2023 Years Open 30.8 Years Open 24.5 Years Open 25.4 Fiscal Year 1,233,739.00 Fiscal Year 370,357.00 Fiscal Year 200,166.00 Tons Tons Tons Total Tons Disposed to Date 39,342,814.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 6,641,389.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,862,131.00 * Average Tons per 1,277,784.35 * Average Tons per Year 270,672.54 * Average Tons per Year 152,074.53 Year Volume Used 39,165,552 Volume Used 10,258,067 Volume Used 6,964,563 Volume Constructed 50,869,000 Volume Constructed 18,040,000 Volume Constructed 9,945,000 Total Permitted Volume 50,869,000 Total Permitted Volume 18,040,000 Total Permitted Volume 46,441,000 * Compaction Density 1.00 * Compaction Density 0.65 * Compaction Density 0.55 * Remaining Volume for Future 11,703,448 * Remaining Volume for Future 7,781,933 * Remaining Volume for Future 2,980,437 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 11,703,448 * Remaining Permitted Volume 7,781,933 * Remaining Permitted Volume 39,476,437 * Approximate Constructed 11,756,417.4 * Approximate Constructed 5,038,263.5 * Approximate Constructed 1,652,772.5 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 9.2 * Approximate Constructed 18.6 * Approximate Constructed 10.9 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 9.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 13.6 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 8.3 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 11,756,417 * Approximate Total Permitted 5,038,263 * Approximate Total Permitted 21,891,276 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 9.2 * Approximate Total Permitted 18.6 * Approximate Total Permitted 144.0 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 9.5 * Approximate Total Tonnage 13.6 * Approximate Total Tonnage 109.4 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Tons Tons CherokeeII Cherokee County MSW Facility I II' MSW Cleveland County Landfill Self-McNeilly Craven 12509-MSWLF-1999 NISW CRSWMA - Long Term Regional Landfill Open Date 1/9/1998 Open Date 5/15/2009 Open Date 8/25/1999 Survey Date 5/30/2023 Survey Date 6/26/2023 Survey Date 6/13/2023 Years Open 25.4 Years Open 14.1 Years Open 23.8 Fiscal Year Tons 17,266.00 Fiscal Year Tons 99,042.00 Fiscal Year Tons 228,052.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 442,931.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,260,779.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 219,720.00 * Average Tons per Year 17,448.29 * Average Tons per Year 89,330.66 * Average Tons per Year 9,231.88 Volume Used 745,190 Volume Used 2,353,357 Volume Used 320,102 Volume Constructed 1,349,449 Volume Constructed 3,234,000 Volume Constructed 7,049,300 Total Permitted Volume 1,934,055 Total Permitted Volume 9,470,009 Total Permitted Volume 13,948,700 * Compaction Density 0.59 * Compaction Density 0.54 * Compaction Density 0.69 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 604,259 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 880,643 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 6,729,198 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,188,865 * Remaining Permitted Volume 7,116,652 * Remaining Permitted Volume 13,628,598 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 359,163.5 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 471,792.5 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 4,618,963.3 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 20.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 5.3 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 500.3 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 20.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 4.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 20.3 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 706,646 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 3,812,650 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 9,354,754 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 40.5 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 42.7 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 1,013.3 * Approximate Total Tonnage 40.9 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Cumberland , I * Approximate Total Tonnage 38.5 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Davidson'I * Approximate Total Tonnage 41.0 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons I Ann Street Cumberland County Landfill Davidson County MSW Lined Landfill Hanes Mill Road Landfill Open Date 12/17/1997 Open Date 10/1/1994 Open Date 4/7/1997 Survey Date 3/l/2023 Survey Date 4/12/2023 Survey Date 1/10/2023 Years Open 25.2 Years Open 28.5 Years Open 25.8 Fiscal Year Tons 139,134.00 Fiscal Year Tons 152,647.00 Fiscal Year Tons 238,866.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,593,337.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,220,378.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 4,442,372.00 * Average Tons per Year 142,581.89 * Average Tons per Year 112,883.21 * Average Tons per Year 172,449.40 Volume Used 5,036,634 Volume Used 5,411,810 Volume Used 6,653,241 Volume Constructed 5,233,262 Volume Constructed 5,864,162 Volume Constructed 7,526,000 Total Permitted Volume 6,739,400 Total Permitted Volume 12,000,000 Total Permitted Volume 13,700,000 * Compaction Density 0.71 * Compaction Density 0.60 * Compaction Density 0.67 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 196,628 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 452,352 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 872,759 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,702,766 * Remaining Permitted Volume 6,588,190 * Remaining Permitted Volume 7,046,759 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 140,282.3 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 269,178.8 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 582,741.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 1.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 2.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 3.4 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 1.0 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 1.8 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 2.4 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 1,214,822 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 3,920,400 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Ton 4,705,124 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 8.5 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 34.7 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 27.3 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 8.7 I * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 25.7 I * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 19.7 Gaston I 1997 Gaston County Landfill i 'I I Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF I' High Point, City of Kersey Valley Landfill Open Date 7/1/1997 Open Date 5/1/2013 Open Date 10/1/1993 Survey Date 6/13/2023 Survey Date 5/30/2023 Survey Date 6/14/2023 Years Open 25.9 Years Open 10.1 Years Open 29.7 Fiscal Year Tons 221,499.00 Fiscal Year Tons 36,686.00 Fiscal Year Tons 125,777.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,586,122.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 385,181.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,409,662.00 * Average Tons per Year 138,196.99 * Average Tons per Year 38,219.88 * Average Tons per Year 114,802.64 Volume Used 5,977,866 Volume Used 654,103 Volume Used 5,690,808 Volume Constructed 6,179,872 Volume Constructed 660,000 Volume Constructed 5,917,954 Total Permitted Volume 11,071,872 Total Permitted Volume 16,886,000 Total Permitted Volume 10,530,795 * Compaction Density 0.60 * Compaction Density 0.59 * Compaction Density 0.60 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 202,006 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 5,897 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 227,146 * Remaining Permitted Volume 5,094,006 * Remaining Permitted Volume 16,231,897 * Remaining Permitted Volume 4,839,987 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 121,183.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 3,472.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 136,095.1 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 0.9 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 0.1 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 1.2 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 0.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 0.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 1.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 3,055,894 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 9,558,461 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 2,899,890 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 22.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 250.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 25.3 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 13.8 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 260.5 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 23.1 1997 Greensboro, City of White Street MSWLF Haywood I Haywood Co White Oak Landfill .I Iredell County Sanitary LF Open Date 12/9/1997 1 Open Date 10/15/1993 Open Date 10/8/1993 Survey Date 7/26/2023 Survey Date 3/10/2023 Survey Date 3/4/2023 Years Open 25.6 Years Open 29.4 Years Open 29.4 Fiscal Year 9,197.00 Fiscal Year 174,093.00 Fiscal Year 239,708.00 Tons Tons Tons Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,416,345.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,379,207.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 5,398,316.00 * Average Tons per 94,291.67 * Average Tons per Year 80,928.05 * Average Tons per Year 183,605.08 Year Volume Used 3,489,183 Volume Used 3,572,401 Volume Used 7,777,322 Volume Constructed 5,058,000 Volume Constructed 4,805,703 Volume Constructed 13,787,533 Total Permitted Volume 5,058,000 Total Permitted Volume 9,380,078 Total Permitted Volume 13,787,533 * Compaction Density 0.69 * Compaction Density 0.67 * Compaction Density 0.69 * Remaining Volume for Future 1,568,817 * Remaining Volume for Future 1,233,302 * Remaining Volume for Future 6,010,211 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,568,817 * Remaining Permitted Volume 5,807,677 * Remaining Permitted Volume 6,010,211 * Approximate Constructed 1,086,444.3 * Approximate Constructed 821,375.0 * Approximate Constructed 4,171,746.8 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 11.5 * Approximate Constructed 10.1 * Approximate Constructed 22.7 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 118.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 4.7 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 17.4 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 1,086,444 * Approximate Total Permitted 3,867,893 * Approximate Total Permitted 4,171,747 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 11.5 * Approximate Total Permitted 47.8 * Approximate Total Permitted 22.7 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 118.1 * Approximate Total Tonnage 22.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage 17.4 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons I Tons I Tons Johnston I Johnston County MSW Landfill I " Lincoln County Landfill I Macon County Landfill Open Open Date 10/1/1997 Open Date 7/1/1993 Open Date 5/1/1992 Survey Date 3/21/2023 Survey Date 5/10/2023 Survey Date 5/18/2023 Years Open 25.5 Years Open 29.9 Years Open 31.0 Fiscal Year Tons 156,075.00 Fiscal Year Tons 54,208.00 Fiscal Year Tons 41,593.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,802,744.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,246,469.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 134,873.00 * Average Tons per Year 110,051.84 * Average Tons per Year 41,749.00 * Average Tons per Year 4,344.51 Volume Used 4,683,221 Volume Used 2,750,854 Volume Used 273,813 Volume Constructed 6,927,217 Volume Constructed 4,314,883 Volume Constructed 1,795,525 Total Permitted Volume 18,809,727 Total Permitted Volume 6,561,483 Total Permitted Volume 4,945,525 * Compaction Density 0.60 * Compaction Density 0.45 * Compaction Density 0.49 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 2,243,996 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 1,564,029 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 1,521,712 * Remaining Permitted Volume 14,126,506 * Remaining Permitted Volume 3,810,629 * Remaining Permitted Volume 4,671,712 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 1,342,953.1 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 708,694.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 749,554.9 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 12.2 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 17.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 172.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 8.6 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 13.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 18.0 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 8,454,220 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 1,726,675 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 2,301,161 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 76.8 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 41.4 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 529.7 * Approximate Total Tonnage 54.2 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons III Mecklenburg County Landfill * Approximate Total Tonnage 31.9 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill * Approximate Total Tonnage 55.3 Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons New Hanover County Landfill Open Date 4/l/2000 Open Date 12/11/1995 Open Date 1/23/2019 Survey Date 2/14/2023 Survey Date 12/20/2022 Survey Date 6/9/2023 Years Open 22.9 Years Open 27.0 Years Open 4.4 Fiscal Year Tons 147,955.00 Fiscal Year Tons 568,674.00 Fiscal Year Tons 374,819.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,551,927.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 16,760,266.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,331,759.00 * Average Tons per 111,574.26 * Average Tons per Year 620,168.89 * Average Tons per Year 532,963.06 Year Volume Used 4,804,059 Volume Used 19,835,436 Volume Used 2,581,978 Volume Constructed 5,346,500 Volume Constructed 21,305,000 Volume Constructed 2,922,716 Total Permitted Volume 20,724,550 Total Permitted Volume 33,785,000 Total Permitted Volume 15,779,090 * Compaction Density 0.53 * Compaction Density 0.84 * Compaction Density 0.90 * Remaining Volume for Future 542,441 * Remaining Volume for Future 1,469,564 * Remaining Volume for Future 340,738 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 15,920,491 * Remaining Permitted Volume 13,949,564 * Remaining Permitted Volume 13,197,112 * Approximate Constructed 288,145.9 * Approximate Constructed 1,241,731.4 * Approximate Constructed 307,717.1 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 2.6 * Approximate Constructed 2.0 * Approximate Constructed 0.6 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 1.9 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 2.2 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 0.8 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 8,457,001 * Approximate Total Permitted 11,786,905 * Approximate Total Permitted 11,918,182 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 75.8 * Approximate Total Permitted 19.0 * Approximate Total Permitted 22.4 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 57.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage 20.7 * Approximate Total Tonnage 31.8 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons I Tons I Tons Onslow I' Camp Lejeune MSW Landfill I i I' Onslow County Subtitle D Landfill I- Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill Open Date 1/l/1998 Open Date 1/1/1998 Open Date 7/30/1997 Survey Date 5/2/2023 Survey Date 4/13/2023 Survey Date 12/13/2022 Years Open 25.3 Years Open 25.3 Years Open 25.4 Fiscal Year Tons 40,479.00 Fiscal Year Tons 115,006.00 Fiscal Year Tons 347,437.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 943,188.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,196,647.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 5,992,404.00 * Average Tons per Year 37,235.13 * Average Tons per Year 126,456.77 * Average Tons per Year 236,184.91 Volume Used 2,330,829 Volume Used 4,457,509 Volume Used 7,407,536 Volume Constructed 3,150,346 Volume Constructed 4,792,780 Volume Constructed 11,340,000 Total Permitted Volume 4,089,000 Total Permitted Volume 9,925,630 Total Permitted Volume 17,400,000 * Compaction Density 0.40 * Compaction Density 0.72 * Compaction Density 0.81 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 819,517 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 335,271 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 3,932,464 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,758,171 * Remaining Permitted Volume 5,468,121 * Remaining Permitted Volume 9,992,464 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 331,623.9 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 240,435.4 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 3,181,208.0 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 8.9 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 1.9 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 13.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 8.2 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 2.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 9.2 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 711,458 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 3,921,395 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 8,083,509 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 19.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 31.0 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 34.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 17.6 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 34.1 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 23.3 Randolph .I I Great Oak Landfill Robeson .I Robeson County Landfill .o i 9I. 99 Rockingham County Landfill Open Date 12/29/2016 Open Date 1/1/1998 Open Date 5/5/1995 Survey Date 12/18/2022 Survey Date 8/6/2023 Survey Date 3/8/2023 Years Open 6.0 Years Open 25.6 Years Open 27.8 Fiscal Year Tons 789,850.00 Fiscal Year Tons 132,819.00 Fiscal Year Tons 121,625.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,412,701.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,278,801.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,275,386.00 * Average Tons per Year 571,783.96 * Average Tons per Year 89,038.52 * Average Tons per Year 81,727.28 Volume Used 4,630,245 Volume Used 3,145,331 Volume Used 4,141,129 Volume Constructed 7,160,621 Volume Constructed 4,421,333 Volume Constructed 8,930,717 Total Permitted Volume 38,414,389 Total Permitted Volume 6,124,298 Total Permitted Volume 8,930,717 * Compaction Density 0.74 * Compaction Density 0.72 * Compaction Density 0.55 * Remaining Volume for Future 2,530,376 * Remaining Volume for Future 1,276,002 * Remaining Volume for Future 4,789,588 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 33,784,144 * Remaining Permitted Volume 2,978,967 * Remaining Permitted Volume 4,789,588 * Approximate Constructed 1,865,002.1 * Approximate Constructed 924,467.0 * Approximate Constructed 2,631,688.5 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 3.3 * Approximate Constructed 10.4 * Approximate Constructed 32.2 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 2.4 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 7.0 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 21.6 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 24,900,450 * Approximate Total Permitted 2,158,270 * Approximate Total Permitted 2,631,688 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 43.5 * Approximate Total Permitted 24.2 * Approximate Total Permitted 32.2 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 31.5 * Approximate Total Tonnage 16.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage 21.6 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons Tons Tons Rowan .II 1988 Rowan County Landfill I Sampson County Disposal, LLC I "' Albemarle, City of Landfill Open Date 12/1/1989 Open Date 2/22/1999 Open Date 5/20/1999 Survey Date 5/4/2023 Survey Date 1/27/2023 Survey Date 6/29/2023 Years Open 33.4 Years Open 23.9 Years Open 24.1 Fiscal Year Tons 188,306.00 Fiscal Year Tons 2,035,335.00 Fiscal Year Tons 51,096.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 3,540,489.81 Total Tons Disposed to Date 27,643,020.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,147,922.00 * Average Tons per Year 105,936.26 * Average Tons per Year 1,155,218.89 * Average Tons per Year 47,612.82 Volume Used 5,323,656 Volume Used 29,856,924 Volume Used 1,945,047 Volume Constructed 8,751,600 Volume Constructed 55,097,069 Volume Constructed 2,740,403 Total Permitted Volume 15,071,000 Total Permitted Volume 56,600,000 Total Permitted Volume 4,970,842 * Compaction Density 0.67 * Compaction Density 0.93 * Compaction Density 0.59 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 3,427,944 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 25,240,145 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 795,356 * Remaining Permitted Volume 9,747,344 * Remaining Permitted Volume 26,743,076 * Remaining Permitted Volume 3,025,795 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 2,279,749.3 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 23,368,577.2 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 469,400.8 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 21.5 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 20.2 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 9.9 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 12.1 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 11.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 9.2 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 6,482,457 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 24,760,065 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 1,785,755 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 61.2 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 21.4 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 37.5 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 34.4 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 12.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 34.9 Surry :6I6 1998 Surry County MSWLF .I " I Transylvania County Landfill II: NISW Wake County South Wake MSWLF Open Date 12/1/1998 Open Date 6/13/1990 Open Date 2/7/2008 Survey Date 4/11/2023 Survey Date 6/2/2023 Survey Date 7/3/2023 Years Open 24.4 Years Open 33.0 Years Open 15.4 Fiscal Year Tons 67,931.00 Fiscal Year Tons 37,767.00 Fiscal Year Tons 530,742.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,529,917.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 719,150.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 7,031,362.00 * Average Tons per Year 62,807.93 * Average Tons per Year 21,812.78 * Average Tons per Year 456,569.77 Volume Used 2,839,128 Volume Used 1,283,786 Volume Used 9,999,766 Volume Constructed 5,932,026 Volume Constructed 1,387,090 Volume Constructed 13,331,000 Total Permitted Volume 5,932,026 Total Permitted Volume 1,387,090 Total Permitted Volume 31,001,000 * Compaction Density 0.54 * Compaction Density 0.56 * Compaction Density 0.70 * Remaining Volume for Future 3,092,898 * Remaining Volume for Future 103,304 * Remaining Volume for Future 3,331,234 Construction Construction Construction * Remaining Permitted Volume 3,092,898 * Remaining Permitted Volume 103,304 * Remaining Permitted Volume 21,001,234 * Approximate Constructed 1,666,665.7 * Approximate Constructed 57,868.7 * Approximate Constructed 2,342,366.0 Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons Remaining in Tons * Approximate Constructed 26.5 * Approximate Constructed 2.7 * Approximate Constructed 5.1 Remaining in Years Remaining in Years Remaining in Years * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 24.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 1.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal 4.4 Year Tons Year Tons Year Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 1,666,666 * Approximate Total Permitted 57,869 * Approximate Total Permitted 14,767,073 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Ton Tons Tons * Approximate Total Permitted 26.5 * Approximate Total Permitted 2.7 * Approximate Total Permitted 32.3 Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Volume Remaining in Years Years Years * Approximate Total Tonnage 24.5 * Approximate Total Tonnage 1.5 * Approximate Total Tonnage 27.8 Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons I Tons I Tons Wayne 6I 99 Wayne County Landfill 0. Wilkes County MSWLF Open Date 1/26/1998 Open Date 10/7/1993 Survey Date 6/7/2023 Survey Date 3/15/2023 Years Open 25.4 Years Open 29.4 Fiscal Year Tons 117,835.00 Fiscal Year Tons 83,979.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 2,062,915.00 Total Tons Disposed to Date 1,595,309.00 * Average Tons per Year 81,342.95 * Average Tons per Year 54,198.36 Volume Used 2,947,315 Volume Used 3,355,470 Volume Constructed 3,371,831 Volume Constructed 3,726,224 Total Permitted Volume 5,365,695 Total Permitted Volume 4,629,502 * Compaction Density 0.70 * Compaction Density 0.48 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 424,516 * Remaining Volume for Future Construction 370,754 * Remaining Permitted Volume 2,418,380 * Remaining Permitted Volume 1,274,032 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 297,131.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons 176,269.6 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 3.7 * Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years 3.3 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 2.5 * Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons 2.1 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 1,692,697 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons 605,720 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 20.8 * Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years 11.2 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 14.4 * Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons 7.2 Calculated Values: Average Tons = (Total Tons Received) / (Years Open) Compaction Density = (Total Tons) / (Volume Used) Remaining Volume for Future Construction = (Volume Constructed) - (Volume Used) Remaining Permitted Volume = (Volume Overall) - (Volume Used) Approximate Constructed Remaining in Tons = (Volume Cosntructed Remaining) x (Compaction Density) Approximate Constructed Remaining in Years = (Volume Constructed Remaining in Tons) / (Average Tons) Remaining Constructed in Fiscal Year Tons = (Volume Constructed Remaining in Tons) / (Fiscal Year Tons) Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Tons = (Volume Overall Remaining) x (Comp Approximate Total Permitted Volume Remaining in Years = (Volume Overall Remaining in Tons) / (Average Tons) Approximate Total Tonnage Remaining in Fiscal Year Tons = (Volume Overall Remaining in Tons) / (Fiscal Year Tons) Note The data for these calculations are collected from Annual Facility Reports. The calculations are based on historic tonnage and compaction density data. The approximations may be affected by changes in operations, waste stream characteristics or growth. G. Public and Private Construction and Demolition Disposal, FY 2022-2023 Permit # Facility 2022-2023 2021-2022 Tuns 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 0105-CDLF-1998 Cobles C&D Landfill 25,635 11,292 14,556 17,412 19,487 0201-CDLF-1997 Alexander County CDLF 4,574 4,416 4,032 4,960 3,205 0603-CDLF-1996 Avery County C&D Landfill 16 34 4,480 4,194 2,991 1007-CDLF-1997 Brunswick County CDLF 17,516 16,689 18,967 17,007 25,840 1107-CDLF-1998 Buncombe County C&D Unit 83,024 90,867 47,121 37,232 33,760 1203-CDLF-2014 Burke County Johns River Waste Management 7,505 7,360 8,005 8,629 9,071 1302-CDLF-2006 Cabarrus County CDLF 16,770 15,550 17,968 21,089 19,804 1306-CDLF-2000 Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Recycling Greenway 188,648 147,778 139,872 114,958 114,348 Waste 1803-CDLF- Blackburn Resource Recovery C&D Facility 54,409 49,399 51,808 46,920 37,075 2301-CDLF-1997 Cleveland County CDLF 67,881 72,772 56,182 53,191 102,902 2601-CDLF-1997 Cumberland County C&D Unit 64,523 41,413 44,394 52,066 61,291 2803-CDLF-1995 Dare County C&D Landfill 17,019 17,846 13,127 12,345 13,464 3301-CDLF-1997 Edgecombe County CDLF 10,338 14,556 13,946 12,671 9,863 3412-CDLF-1995 Winston-Salem, City of Old Salisbury Road CDLF 33,751 26,626 48,733 54,269 57,938 3606-CDLF-1995 Gaston County C&D Landfill 101,100 85,757 91,753 78,902 76,965 4002-CDLF-1997 Greene County CDLF 3,466 1,829 2,112 2,005 3,388 4103-CDLF-1998 Greensboro, City of White Street Landfill 47,183 50,733 66,938 46,391 44,980 4116-CDLF-2012 WI High Point Landfill, LLC 120,866 75,807 54,350 45,776 51,118 4117-CDLF-2008 A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill 53,747 104,313 109,411 94,394 108,030 4204-CDLF-1998 Halifax County Landfill 4,986 4204-CDLF-2013 Halifax County Landfill 2,526 4,537 8 8 4302-CDLF-1998 Harnett County CDLF 19,621 4302-CDLF-2018 Harnett County Dunn -Erwin C&D Landfill 33,267 30,984 23,241 19,532 4303-CDLF-1997 Harnett Co. Anderson Creek C&D Landfill 13,192 16,958 13,166 15,267 13,856 5103-CDLF- Johnston County C&D Landfill 17,066 77,208 53,949 5203-CDLF-2013 The Maysville Construction and Demolition Landfill 63,236 68,151 20,543 49,452 108,229 5403-CDLF-1997 Lenoir County CDLF 30,158 29,293 0 13,340 9,804 5503-CDLF-1999 Lincoln County C&D Unit 0 8,674 5504-CDLF-1999 Lake Norman Landfill 33,623 53,408 45,519 56,489 42,731 Permit# Facility 2022-2023 2021-2022 Tons 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 5803-CDLF-1995 Madison County C&D Unit 1,186 1,231 1,215 1,429 2,444 5901-CDLF-1995 Martin County C&D Landfill 4,269 4,638 5,636 4,402 4,972 6013-CDLF-1993 Greenway Waste Solutions at North Meck 112,655 116,104 97,607 6013-CDLF-2021 Greenway Waste Solutions of North Meck 76,009 122,218 6301-CDLF-1992 Moore County C&D Landfill 28,295 29,313 27,317 30,816 32,107 6403-CDLF-2000 Nash County C&D Landfill 13,344 14,922 20,876 15,749 13,663 6804-CDLF-2005 Orange County CDLF 19,966 22,799 23,629 12,398 12,795 7002-CDLF-1996 Pasquotank County C&D Landfill 15,370 17,195 16,654 17,050 14,600 7407-CDLF-2009 C & D Landfill hic 32,488 33,963 35,828 31,715 37,803 7606-CDLF-2001 Wall Recycling CDLF 19,149 22,760 7606-CDLF-2021 Wall Recycling CDLF 25,646 27,131 20,993 7803-CDLF-1997 Robeson County CDLF 39,964 29,733 38,042 31,323 34,853 8103-CDLF-2002 Rutherford County C&D 8,993 15,180 11,682 8,463 8,254 8202-CDLF-1996 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 399 530 3,966 16,876 3,480 8301-CDLF-1997 Scotland County CDLF 7,390 7,176 8,587 11,672 24,157 8401-CDLF-1997 Albemarle, City of CDLF 19,114 17,984 18,962 20,621 10,910 9001-CDLF-1998 Union County C&D 90,643 75,184 63,489 53,031 44,971 9001-CDLF-2022 Union County C&D 90,643 9226-CDLF-2001 Shotwell Landfill, Inc. 142,470 9226-CDLF-2020 Shotwell Landfill, Inc 177,884 139,683 161,192 149,836 9228-CDLF-2001 Red Rock Disposal C&D Landfill 412,050 425,689 449,167 416,806 350,854 9230-CDLF-2014 Greenway Waste Solutions of Apex, LLC 65,582 81,362 112,208 98,458 88,405 9231-CDLF-2012 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill 289,732 384,856 201,742 205,309 199,998 9404-CDLF-1996 Washington County C&D Landfill 1,979 738 1,461 16,950 3,600 9601-CDLF-1997 Wayne County CDLF 28,169 27,470 29,949 35,802 38,451 9809-CDLF-2004 Wilson County Westside C&D Landfill 31,341 27,433 28,455 U0117-CDLF- Hampton Roads Recovery Center VA #603 0 20,825 U0124-CDLF- Marion Co. C & D Reclamation 70 5,598 Total All C/D Landfills 2,574,429 2,544,865 2,326,602 2,290,493 2,246,521 H. County Population, Waste Disposal, Per Capita Rate and Percent Reduction FY 2022-2023 July2022 1991-1992 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2019 2019-2018 2018-2017 1991-1992 2022-2023 2020-2021** Alamance 177,141 99,302 169,901 166,616 153,229 142,462 155,168 0.91 0.96 5% Alexander 36,429 25,716 28,814 29,270 28,255 27,605 25,056 0.90 0.79 -12% Alleghany 11,132 14,131 11,752 12,009 11,330 9,936 9,916 1.45 1.06 -27% Anson 21,502 14,229 70,275 34,965 27,612 26,536 25,559 0.61 3.27 436% Ashe 26,653 18,089 23,427 25,332 24,648 24,892 22,409 0.81 0.88 9% Avery 17,951 11,130 17,273 22,726 23,813 19,804 18,093 0.74 0.96 30% Beaufort 44,395 41,796 44,268 43,649 45,550 61,092 58,135 0.99 1.00 1% Bertie 16,933 17,372 18,860 46,540 18,905 32,715 29,328 0.86 1.11 30% Bladen 29,195 25,048 74,806 66,145 62,486 47,607 59,198 0.86 2.56 198% Brunswick 150,848 78,123 208,406 196,190 217,430 222,287 225,786 1.48 1.38 -7% Buncombe 274,361 159,040 318,506 288,611 352,181 303,257 1,027,266 0.90 1.16 29% Burke 87,412 78,006 81,966 78,703 80,856 80,657 83,980 1.02 0.94 -8% Cabamrs 235,654 95,215 318,602 294,511 303,333 283,506 290,693 0.94 1.35 44% Caldwell 80,975 65,532 94,920 95,900 98,540 87,960 88,870 0.92 1.17 27% Camden 10,915 1,850 5,026 5,125 5,081 4,846 4,235 0.31 0.46 49% Carteret 68,813 86,894 147,878 131,060 130,709 153,301 197,552 1.62 2.15 33% Caswell 22,339 5,136 4,986 10,704 9,516 11,210 10,873 0.25 0.22 -11% Catawba 162,790 151,559 255,543 222,495 230,450 220,359 191,110 1.26 1.57 25% Chatham 78,450 33,235 199,658 110,600 41,523 43,672 42,890 0.84 2.55 203% Cherokee 29,177 16,020 17,266 18,758 20,852 19,102 21,225 0.78 0.59 -24% Chowan 13,677 13,692 17,384 18,570 17,889 15,949 14,058 0.99 1.27 28% Clay 11,415 4,172 5,373 5,989 5,710 4,131 5,676 0.57 0.47 -17% Cleveland 101,874 73,138 191,690 249,768 219,971 175,539 231,285 0.86 i 1.88 119% Columbus 50,043 45,199 38,768 42,655 47,164 42,451 44,977 0.91 0.77 -15% Craven 102,032 86,549 145,547 152,744 96,941 97,426 143,478 1.05 1.43 36% Cumberland 343,588 227,302 443,143 378,993 419,958 408,242 378,930 0.81 1.29 59% July 2022 1991-1992 022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2019 2019-2018 2018-2017 1991-1992 2022-2023 2020-2021** Currituck 30,904 13,792 4,770 15,975 30,034 53,571 7,870 1.00 0.15 -85% Dare 37,937 51,300 97,814 97,800 99,123 91,920 89,253 2.23 2.58 16% Davidson 172,093 139,617 167,526 184,657 184,344 164,884 164,457 1.08 0.97 -10% Davie 43,754 19,348 33,372 35,443 37,531 23,474 31,224 0.68 0.76 12% Duplin 48,747 33,310 109,655 90,522 86,237 68,771 93,995 0.82 2.25 174% Durham 332,576 218,972 386,548 367,219 524,081 453,449 371,241 1.17 1.16 -1% Edgecombe 47,707 71,471 67,725 68,729 67,761 68,245 55,994 1.25 1.42 14% Forsyth 386,047 304,290 481,544 477,857 543,944 486,031 473,887 1.14 1.25 9% Franklin 73,371 28,702 55,909 73,792 51,532 65,487 46,238 0.76 0.76 0% Gaston 237,542 165,100 313,290 372,008 362,287 401,402 346,215 0.93 1.32 42% Gates 10,312 5,897 7,878 8,540 8,852 8,549 7,583 0.63 0.76 21% Graham 8,052 4,508 66 7,225 7,078 7,779 6,544 0.62 0.01 -99% Granville 62,050 54,548 54,645 50,929 64,230 61,052 54,956 1.39 0.88 -37% Greene 20,119 7,428 11,529 10,304 15,070 10,375 11,203 0.48 0.57 19% Guilford 544,278 471,541 807,328 806,989 781,197 735,647 709,033 1.35 1.48 10% Halifax 47,787 54,907 50,390 90,963 87,535 90,302 90,470 0.98 1.05 8% Harnett 139,562 69,073 125,307 135,004 125,964 108,718 109,074 1.01 0.90 -11% Haywood 62,888 57,842 81,089 101,343 83,282 71,404 69,022 1.21 1.29 7% Henderson 117,274 81,498 130,918 38,539 65,086 76,164 118,446 1.14 1.12 -2% Hertford 19,507 14,288 19,940 56,087 21,435 57,808 20,122 0.63 1.02 62% Hoke 55,151 18,331 43,754 40,670 39,203 38,834 34,936 0.80 0.79 -1% Hyde 4,549 2,762 7,459 4,836 4,984 12,239 4,751 0.50 1.64 228% Iredell 196,170 114,539 251,076 283,614 276,569 264,183 261,912 1.19 1.28 8% Jackson 42,972 18,661 36,308 37,344 39,597 37,135 41,629 0.68 0.84 24% Johnston 233,435 74,169 188,891 177,006 215,143 218,138 189,833 0.88 0.81 -8% Jones 9,199 4,360 -54,057 6,424 5,645 4,914 9,322 0.47 -5.88 -1350% Lee 64,907 48,341 73,070 71,648 105,728 101,108 89,812 1.16 1.13 -3% Lenoir 54,572 67,693 82,614 54,692 69,332 68,657 60,286 1.17 1.51 29% July 2022 1991-1992 022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2019 2019-2018 2018-2017 1991-1992 2022-2023 2020-2021** Lincoln 91,171 44,442 81,767 68,597 75,157 75,097 73,300 0.87 0.90 3% Macon 37,653 19,738 41,609 43,484 40,777 38,116 40,148 0.82 1.11 35% Madison 21,522 11,676 12,728 12,827 12,674 12,768 12,974 0.68 0.59 -13% Martin 21,476 30,112 23,810 24,366 26,819 21,994 19,319 1.19 1.11 -7% McDowell 44,443 29,180 44,259 43,822 46,767 41,655 47,267 0.82 1.00 21% Mecklenburg 1,135,873 677,573 1,755,493 1,765,703 1,639,517 1,712,436 1,587,153 1.29 1.55 20% Mitchell 14,895 15,768 14,984 14,149 13,247 12,555 12,151 1.11 1.01 -9% Montgomery 25,757 28,873 42,249 51,784 49,627 43,443 48,272 1.23 1.64 33% Moore 104,758 74,062 106,689 105,338 104,386 105,348 106,895 1.23 1.02 -17% Nash 95,446 84,594 107,536 111,341 140,545 135,401 137,194 1.09 1.13 3% New Hanover 235,245 157,647 410,337 402,416 413,138 421,188 471,098 1.28 1.74 36% Northampton 17,036 19,528 9,493 9,490 14,042 11,011 13,026 0.94 0.56 -41% Onslow 209,491 158,344 349,425 335,022 260,934 318,613 255,727 1.04 1.67 60% Orange 149,665 131,067 84,452 75,140 96,571 94,842 87,640 1.36 0.56 -59% Pamlico 12,299 8,541 20,603 17,302 16,628 16,228 26,308 0.75 1.68 123% Pasquotank 40,763 30,150 19,376 52,596 24,468 49,563 46,022 0.97 0.48 -51% Pender 65,282 18,188 52,502 46,680 45,379 44,975 78,695 0.60 0.80 34% Perquimans 13,445 7,520 7,953 6,219 23,344 23,304 6,967 0.73 0.59 -19% Person 39,586 24,249 37,903 50,554 52,451 58,182 54,968 0.80 0.96 20% Pitt 172,231 132,896 165,432 172,395 193,026 159,551 162,189 1.21 0.96 -21% Polk 19,571 9,327 24,198 24,528 22,987 29,598 24,197 0.63 1.24 96% Randolph 145,796 78,663 130,499 126,724 125,751 126,533 146,150 0.73 0.90 23% Richmond 42,330 60,752 70,977 65,362 67,469 71,785 78,132 1.35 1.68 24% Robeson 116,951 104,700 197,793 185,047 181,971 159,954 177,927 0.99 1.69 71% Rockingham 91,912 71,481 150,600 149,807 136,795 148,918 170,601 0.83 1.64 97% Rowan 148,765 90,081 185,054 207,496 199,527 171,653 142,744 0.80 1.24 55% Rutherford 64,184 89,175 55,736 62,981 67,976 57,393 48,164 1.56 0.87 -44% Sampson 58,987 33,545 66,125 65,614 67,679 62,633 64,655 0.70 1.12 60% July2022 1991-1992 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2019 2019-2018 2018-2017 1991-1992 2022-2023 2020-2021** Scotland 33,079 39,867 31,629 36,643 42,855 38,861 41,464 1.17 0.96 -18% Stanly 62,883 69,288 78,065 84,753 79,432 75,169 72,492 1.32 1.24 -6% Stokes 45,039 17,976 15,086 17,327 11,515 11,239 10,716 0.47 0.33 -29% Surry 71,329 73,595 68,187 66,716 67,676 63,691 60,839 1.18 0.96 -19% Swain 14,316 5,651 9,679 9,516 9,619 8,851 8,233 0.50 0.68 35% Transylvania 33,498 30,072 37,810 34,516 32,258 23,284 26,058 1.16 1.13 -3% Tyrrell 3,193 2,985 2,363 2,461 2,537 2,867 2,916 0.79 0.74 -6% Union 247,301 77,842 478,799 380,424 378,443 343,465 289,218 090 1.94 115% Vance 42,014 43,267 47,558 44,334 57,296 52,801 48,617 1.11 1.13 2% Wake 1,169,294 569,622 1,700,314 1,826,769 1,704,283 1,658,603 1,487,916 1.29 1.45 13% Warren 18,873 10,978 2,396 9,309 9,515 9,785 6,858 0.63 0.13 -80% Washington 10,607 11,699 9,949 7,709 8,946 24,594 10,492 0.84 0.94 12% Watauga 54,068 36,755 87,406 63,415 68,316 66,285 63,505 099 1.62 63% Wayne 117,544 106,149 142,216 188,043 145,265 144,872 138,852 1.00 1.21 21% Wilkes 65,698 58,818 84,395 67,846 61,469 61,395 61,082 0.97 1.28 32% Wilson 77,877 120,870 135,466 148,315 214,120 184,777 189,967 1.82 1.74 4% Yadkin 37,117 20,779 33,223 35,370 41,846 31,439 33,716 0.67 0.90 34% Yancey 18,455 15,576 16,481 16,262 27,537 26,436 14,423 1.01 0.89 -12% N.C. Waste - Cherokee 16,889 16,322 19,054 16,114 17,367 Reservation N.C. Waste -Unspecified 179,219 156,839 110,645 440,627 155,979 County State Totals 10,667,874 7,257,428 14,037,108 14,024,45 13,949,01 13,926,67 13,855,649 1.07 1.32 23% 3 7 6 ** Percent Change formula: (current year per capita minus base year per capita) divided by base year per capita I. NC Waste Disposal Report FY 2021-2022 County Total Tons Disposed Po ulation Per Capita Disposal Landfilled Tons Exported Tons Imported Tons Alamance 169,900.99 177,141.00 0.96 166,172.00 3,999.30 270.31 Alexander 28,814.00 36,429.00 0.79 28,814.00 - - Alleghany 11,752.00 11,132.00 1.06 11,752.00 - - Anson 70,274.79 21,502.00 3.27 69,958.00 316.79 - Ashe 23,427.00 26,653.00 0.88 23,427.00 - - Avery 17,273.00 17,951.00 0.96 17,273.00 - - Beaufort 44,267.72 44,395.00 1.00 37,363.00 7,584.72 680.00 Bertie 18,860.00 16,933.00 1.11 18,860.00 - - Bladen 74,805.99 29,195.00 2.56 70,027.00 4,778.99 - Brunswick 208,406.00 150,848.00 1.38 208,406.00 - - Buncombe 318,505.69 274,361.00 1.16 325,950.00 3,312.69 10,757.00 Burke 81,966.00 87,412.00 0.94 81,966.00 - - Cabarrus 318,601.65 235,654.00 1.35 297,335.00 21,266.65 - Caldwell 94,920.00 80,975.00 1.17 94,920.00 - - Camden 5,026.05 10,915.00 0.46 1,572.00 3,454.05 - Carteret 147,877.56 68,813.00 2.15 135,507.00 17,109.56 4,739.00 Caswell 4,986.42 22,339.00 0.22 917.00 4,069.42 - Catawba 255,542.82 162,790.00 1.57 255,505.00 37.82 - Chatham 199,658.29 78,450.00 2.55 173,556.00 26,102.29 - Cherokee 17,266.00 29,177.00 0.59 17,266.00 - - Chowan 17,383.77 13,677.00 1.27 7,771.00 9,612.77 - Clay 5,373.00 11,415.00 0.47 5,373.00 - - Cleveland 191,690.30 101,874.00 1.88 191,126.00 564.30 - Columbus 38,768.34 50,043.00 0.77 44,353.00 459.34 6,044.00 Craven 145,546.89 102,032.00 1.43 139,974.00 5,572.89 - Cumberland 443,142.50 343,588.00 1.29 478,107.00 3,209.45 38,173.95 Currituck 4,769.90 30,904.00 0.15 29,911.00 - 25,141.10 Dare 97,814.44 37,937.00 2.58 73,571.00 24,243.44 - Davidson 167,525.61 172,093.00 0.97 159,768.00 7,757.61 - Davie 33,371.76 43,754.00 0.76 33,144.00 227.76 - Du lin 109,655.37 48,747.00 2.25 102,113.00 7,542.37 - Durham 386,548.39 332,576.00 1.16 477,803.00 23,647.96 114,902.56 Ed ecombe 67,725.02 47,707.00 1.42 45,915.00 21,904.02 94.00 Forsyth 481,543.60 386,047.00 1.25 468,469.00 15,792.06 2,717.46 Franklin 55,908.95 73,371.00 0.76 76,081.00 4,411.82 24,583.87 Gaston 313,289.85 237,542.00 1.32 331,530.00 3,451.21 21,691.37 Gates 7,877.94 10,312.00 0.76 1,325.00 6,552.94 - Graham 65.72 8,052.00 0.01 65.00 0.72 - Granville 54,645.03 62,050.00 0.88 40,577.00 14,068.03 - Greene 11,529.40 20,119.00 0.57 3,467.00 8,062.40 - Guilford 807,328.20 544,278.00 1.48 824,651.00 1,727.03 19,049.83 Halifax 50,390.22 47,787.00 1.05 59,194.00 11.22 8,815.00 Harnett 125,307.06 139,562.00 0.90 118,371.00 6,936.06 - Haywood 81,089.00 62,888.00 1.29 81,089.00 - - Henderson 130,917.59 117,274.00 1.12 123,531.00 10,757.00 3,370.41 Hertford 19,940.00 19,507.00 1.02 18,295.00 1,645.00 - Hoke 43,753.57 55,151.00 0.79 42,034.00 1,719.57 - Hyde 7,459.50 4,549.00 1.64 6,952.00 507.50 - Iredell 251,076.00 196,170.00 1.28 249,195.00 1,881.00 - Jackson 36,308.00 42,972.00 0.84 36,308.00 - - Johnston 188,941.53 233,435.00 0.81 167,073.00 21,868.53 - Jones 54,057.17 9,199.00 5.88 2,779.00 3,663.37 60,499.54 Lee 73,070.47 64,907.00 1.13 106,390.00 501.92 33,821.44 Lenoir 82,614.00 54,572.00 1.51 98,298.00 87.62 15,771.61 Lincoln 81,767.46 91,171.00 0.90 78,376.00 3,391.46 - Macon 41,609.00 37,653.00 1.11 41,609.00 - - Madison 12,728.00 21,522.00 0.59 12,728.00 - - Martin 23,810.43 21,476.00 1.11 14,775.00 9,035.43 - McDowell 44,259.00 44,443.00 1.00 44,259.00 - - Mecklenburg 1,755,492.90 1,135,873.00 1.55 1,759,715.00 22,792.60 27,014.70 Mitchell 14,984.03 14,895.00 1.01 1,515.00 13,469.03 - Montgomery 42,248.86 25,757.00 1.64 44,734.00 6.80 2,491.94 Moore 106,688.55 104,758.00 1.02 92,643.00 14,045.55 - Nash 107,535.54 95,446.00 1.13 102,250.00 23,196.52 17,910.98 New Hanover 410,337.34 235,245.00 1.74 410,213.00 124.34 - Northampton 9,493.00 17,036.00 0.56 2,323.00 7,170.00 - Onslow 349,425.04 209,491.00 1.67 313,723.00 38,792.04 3,090.00 Orange 84,451.64 149,665.00 0.56 23,630.00 60,821.64 - Pamlico 20,603.21 12,299.00 1.68 19,798.00 889.21 84.00 Pas uotank 19,376.31 40,763.00 0.48 21,897.00 876.21 3,396.89 Pender 52,502.25 65,282.00 0.80 46,333.00 6,304.62 135.37 Per uimans 7,952.60 13,445.00 0.59 24,117.00 - 16,164.40 Person 37,902.88 39,586.00 0.96 36,598.00 1,304.88 - Pitt 165,432.02 172,231.00 0.96 183,674.00 1,304.24 19,546.22 Polk 24,198.43 19,571.00 1.24 24,184.00 14.43 - Randolph 130,499.17 145,796.00 0.90 131,359.00 2,215.24 3,075.08 Richmond 70,976.69 42,330.00 1.68 68,171.00 2,805.69 - Robeson 197,793.24 116,951.00 1.69 183,980.00 13,813.24 - Rockingham 150,600.06 91,912.00 1.64 148,398.00 2,202.06 - Rowan 185,053.78 148,765.00 1.24 219,352.00 13.20 34,311.43 Rutherford 55,736.00 64,184.00 0.87 55,736.00 - - Sampson 66,125.17 58,987.00 1.12 61,032.00 5,093.17 - Scotland 31,628.53 33,079.00 0.96 30,673.00 1,172.64 217.11 Stanly 78,064.87 62,883.00 1.24 72,816.00 5,248.87 - Stokes 15,086.00 45,039.00 0.33 15,085.00 1.00 - Surry 68,187.00 71,329.00 0.96 68,187.00 - - Swain 9,679.00 14,316.00 0.68 9,679.00 - - Transylvania 37,810.29 33,498.00 1.13 37,767.00 43.29 - Tyrrell 2,363.40 3,193.00 0.74 2,256.00 107.40 - Union 478,799.05 247,301.00 1.94 488,421.00 428.86 10,050.81 Vance 47,557.97 42,014.00 1.13 57,185.00 1,882.97 11,510.00 Wake 1,700,313.80 1,169,294.00 1.45 1,673,874.00 67,500.12 41,060.33 Warren 2,396.37 18,873.00 0.13 6.00 2,390.37 - Washington 9,949.33 10,607.00 0.94 9,756.00 193.33 - Watauga 87,406.00 54,068.00 1.62 87,406.00 - - Wayne 142,215.93 117,544.00 1.21 127,838.00 14,377.93 - Wilkes 84,395.00 65,698.00 1.28 84,395.00 - - Wilson 135,465.76 77,877.00 1.74 194,826.00 70.94 59,431.18 Yadkin 33,223.45 37,117.00 0.90 33,206.00 17.45 - Yancey 16,480.97 18,455.00 0.89 29,950.00 - 13,469.03 J. Municipal Solid Waste and construction and Demolition Waste — Exports and Imports FY 2022-2023 Imports Receiving Facility Source Type Tons Anson Landfill SC MSW 31,816.00 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill VA MSW 30,492.00 South Charlotte Transfer Station SC MSW 12,809.00 Mecklenburg County Landfill SC MSW 6,339.00 Lake Norman Landfill SC CD 4,163.00 Waste Connections Monroe Transfer Station SC MSW 3,619.00 Waste Management Of Carolinas SC MSW 2,469.00 O'Leary Resource Recovery Center SC MSW 1,572.00 Queen City Transfer Station SC MSW 557.00 Scotland County CDLF SC CD 552.00 Gaston County Landfill SC MSW 10.00 Gaston County C&D Landfill SC CD 4.00 Vance County Transfer Station VA MSW 1.00 Total 94,403.00 Exports Facility Receiving Facility State Type Tons Union County Landfill dba Upstate Regional Landfill SC SC MSW 197,120.00 First Piedmont Industrial Landfill VA Indus 101,601.81 Eco Safe Landfill TN MSW 99,102.00 WM R&B LANDFILL GA MSW 68,566.00 Lakeway Recycling and Sanitation TN MSW 11,542.00 Lee County Landfill SC, LLC SC #312411-1101 SC MSW 1,409.00 Total 668,146.81 K. Industrial Waste Disposal FY 2022-2023 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 Permit Number Status Facility tons tons tons tons tons 1119-INDUS- 1,057,828. 2020 Active Duke Energy Progress - Asheville 32,696.00 00 370,123.00 1812-INDUS- 1,306,356. 2008 Active Duke Energy Carolinas - Marshall, Industrial 887,915.00 00 311,584.00 359,736.00 350,613.00 2402-INDUS- 2005 Active International Paper 54,320.00 92,458.00 56,101.00 60,321.00 141,531.00 3612-INDUS- 2008 Active Duke Energy Carolinas - Allen 14,702.00 30,542.00 50,898.00 77,044.00 37,822.00 4406-INDUS- 1984 Active Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc. 321,307.00 352,960.00 285,929.00 326,342.00 359,795.00 6004-INDUS- Post- Duke Energy Carolinas - McGuire Landfill 1 (fmr 1981 Closure misnamed permit # 6004-MSWLF) 1,134.00 5,617.00 2,990.00 2,774.00 6004-INDUS- Duke Energy Carolinas - McGuire Landfill 2 (fmr 1991 Active misnamed permit # 6004-INDUS-1981) 134.00 6512-INDUS- Post- 2,885,004. 2016 Closure Duke Energy Progress - Sutton Energy Complex 865,371.00 00 7302-INDUS- 1,092,256. 1988 Active Duke Energy Progress - Roxboro 268,440.00 00 671,081.00 345,759.00 265,809.00 7305-INDUS- 2012 Active Duke Energy, Mao Steam Electric Plant 667,644.00 284,699.00 71,670.00 224,685.00 67,314.00 7906-INDUS- Post- 1,238,469. 2016 Closure Duke Energy Carolinas - Dan River 317,166.00 00 8106-INDUS- 1,815,756. 1,360,685. 2009 Active Duke Energy Carolinas - Rogers 00 00 537,242.00 252,929.00 259,979.00 8504-INDUS- Duke Energy Carolinas - Belews Creek, Craig Road 2007 Activc Landfill 156,004.00 153,502.00 184,835.00 167,323.00 106,927.00 8505-INDUS- Duke Energy Carolinas - Belews Creek, Craig Road - - 2008 Active Landfill, FGD 198,022.00 284,108.00 -64,678.00 15,605.00 68,427.00 9401-INDUS- 2008 Active Domtar Paper Company Landfill, Lined #3 984.00 1,917.00 1,468.00 939.00 1,874.00 9703-INDUS- 1981 Active Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 6,278.00 8,905.00 4,021,880. 5,450,229. 2,481,870. 3,022,488. 5,795,243. Total All Landfills 1 00 00 00 1 00 00 L. Public and Private Municipal Solid Waste and Construction and Demolition Disposal FY 2022-2023 Tons Permit Number Facility 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 0104-MSWLF- Alamance County Austin Quarter 1994 Road Landfill Facility 138,821.00 130,664.00 129,889.00 118,024.00 118,863.00 0105-CDLF- 1998 Cobles C&D Landfill 25,635.00 11,292.00 14,556.00 17,412.00 19,487.00 0201-CDLF- 1997 Alexander County CDLF 4,574.00 4,416.00 4,032.00 4,960.00 3,205.00 0403-MSWLF- 1,039,493.0 2010 Anson Landfill 0 979,453.00 893,176.00 800,151.00 797,245.00 0501-MSWLF- 1993 Ashe County Landfill 23,387.00 25,287.00 24,595.00 23,355.00 22,353.00 0603-CDLF- 1996 Avery County C&D Landfill 16.00 34.00 4,480.00 4,194.00 2,991.00 0803-MSWLF- 1993 East Carolina Regional Landfill 546,200.00 555,813.00 527,992.00 528,641.00 495,068.00 1007-CDLF- 1997 Brunswick County CDLF 17,516.00 16,689.00 18,967.00 17,007.00 25,840.00 1107-CDLF- 1998 Buncombe County C&D Unit 83,024.00 90,867.00 47,121.00 37,232.00 33,760.00 1107-MSWLF- 1996 Buncombe County MSW Landfill 154,171.00 140,738.00 185,387.00 189,039.00 158,150.00 1203-CDLF- Burke County Johns River Waste 2014 Management 7,505.00 7,360.00 8,005.00 8,629.00 9,071.00 1302-CDLF- 2006 Cabarrus County CDLF 16,770.00 15,550.00 17,968.00 21,089.00 19,804.00 1304-MSWLF- BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfill 1,014,395.0 1,200,920.0 1,072,588.0 1,215,991.0 1,253,897.0 1992 V 0 0 0 0 0 1306-CDLF- Highway 49 C&D Landfill & 2000 Recycling Greenway Waste 188,648.00 147,778.00 139,872.00 114,958.00 114,348.00 1403-MSWLF- 1998 Foothills Environmental Landfill 370,357.00 371,727.00 385,653.00 359,543.00 383,003.00 Blackburn Resource Recovery C&D 1803-CDLF- Facility 54,409.00 49,399.00 51,808.00 46,920.00 37,075.00 1803-MSWLF- 1997 Blackburn Resource Recovery Facility 200,166.00 173,994.00 177,352.00 159,175.00 157,455.00 2002-MSWLF- 1998 Cherokee County MSW Facility 17,266.00 18,758.00 20,630.00 18,573.00 20,491.00 2301-CDLF- 1997 Cleveland County CDLF 67,881.00 72,772.00 56,182.00 53,191.00 102,902.00 2301-MSWLF- Cleveland County Landfill Self- 2009 McNeilly 99,042.00 99,427.00 95,171.00 95,948.00 113,580.00 2509-MSWLF- CRSWMA - Long Term Regional 1999 Landfill 228,052.00 237,143.00 230,367.00 244,810.00 326,054.00 2601-CDLF- 1997 Cumberland County C&D Unit 64,523.00 41,413.00 44,394.00 52,066.00 61,291.00 2601-MSWLF- Ann Street Cumberland County 1997 Landfill 139,134.00 139,077.00 139,318.00 136,850.00 134,999.00 2803-CDLF- 1995 Dare County C&D Landfill 17,019.00 17,846.00 13,127.00 12,345.00 13,464.00 2906-MSWLF- 2008 Davidson County MSW Lined Landfill 152,647.00 168,430.00 166,162.00 151,981.00 149,294.00 3301-CDLF- 1997 Ed ecombe County CDLF 10,338.00 14,556.00 13,946.00 12,671.00 9,863.00 3402-MSWLF- 1997 Hanes Mill Road Landfill 238,866.00 297,426.00 281,228.00 276,064.00 283,949.00 3412-CDLF- Winston-Salem, City of Old Salisbury 1995 Road CDLF 33,751.00 26,626.00 48,733.00 54,269.00 57,938.00 3606-CDLF- 1995 Gaston County C&D Landfill 101,100.00 85,757.00 91,753.00 78,902.00 76,965.00 3606-MSWLF- 1997 Gaston County Landfill 221,499.00 209,459.00 195,126.00 191,123.00 188,991.00 3901-MSWLF- 2012 Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF 36,686.00 35,850.00 43,809.00 43,998.00 47,597.00 4002-CDLF- 1997 Greene County CDLF 3,466.00 1,829.00 2,112.00 2,005.00 3,388.00 4103-CDLF- Greensboro, City of White Street 1998 Landfill 47,183.00 50,733.00 66,938.00 46,391.00 44,980.00 4104-MSWLF- High Point, City of Kersey Valley 1991 Landfill 125,777.00 125,669.00 137,642.00 154,932.00 135,807.00 4112-MSWLF- Greensboro, City of White Street 1997 MSWLF 9,197.00 8,881.00 7,584.00 8,285.00 7,533.00 4116-CDLF- 2012 WI High Point Landfill, LLC 120,866.00 75,807.00 54,350.00 45,776.00 51,118.00 4117-CDLF- 2008 A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill 53,747.00 104,313.00 109,411.00 94,394.00 108,030.00 4204-CDLF- 1998 Halifax County Landfill 4,986.00 4204-CDLF- 2013 Halifax County Landfill 2,526.00 4,537.00 8.00 8.00 4302-CDLF- 1998 Harnett County CDLF 19,621.00 4302-CDLF- Harnett County Dunn -Erwin C&D 2018 Landfill 33,267.00 30,984.00 23,241.00 19,532.00 4303-CDLF- Harnett Co. Anderson Creek C&D 1997 Landfill 13,192.00 16,958.00 13,166.00 15,267.00 13,856.00 4407-MSWLF- 1993 Haywood Co White Oak Landfill 174,093.00 179,034.00 159,304.00 160,354.00 143,683.00 4903-MSWLF- 1993 Iredell County Sanitary LF 239,708.00 261,212.00 251,172.00 240,738.00 237,964.00 5103-CDLF- Johnston County C&D Landfill 17,066.00 77,208.00 53,949.00 5103-MSWLF- Johnston County MSW Landfill 156,075.00 148,917.00 1 175,706.00 112,223.00 106,880.00 5203-CDLF- The Maysville Construction and 2013 Demolition Landfill 63,236.00 68,151.00 20,543.00 49,452.00 108,229.00 5403-CDLF- 1997 Lenoir County CDLF 30,158.00 29,293.00 0.00 13,340.00 9,804.00 5503-CDLF- 1999 Lincoln County C&D Unit 0.00 8,674.00 5503-MSWLF- 1986 Lincoln County Landfill 54,208.00 46,727.00 49,985.00 51,114.00 41,173.00 5504-CDLF- 1999 Lake Norman Landfill 33,623.00 53,408.00 45,519.00 56,489.00 42,731.00 5703-MSWLF- 1992 Macon County Landfill Open 41,593.00 43,416.00 40,775.00 38,114.00 40,135.00 5803-CDLF- 1995 Madison County C&D Unit 1,186.00 1,231.00 1,215.00 1,429.00 2,444.00 5901-CDLF- 1995 Martin County C&D Landfill 4,269.00 4,638.00 5,636.00 4,402.00 4,972.00 6013-CDLF- Greenway Waste Solutions at North 1993 Meck 112,655.00 116,104.00 97,607.00 6013-CDLF- Greenway Waste Solutions of North 2021 Meck 76,009.00 122,218.00 6019-MSWLF- 2000 Mecklenburg County Landfill 147,955.00 140,952.00 154,005.00 144,609.00 128,944.00 6204-MSWLF- 1995 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 568,674.00 558,099.00 491,999.00 456,366.00 464,672.00 6301-CDLF- 1992 Moore County C&D Landfill 28,295.00 29,313.00 27,317.00 30,816.00 32,107.00 6403-CDLF- 2000 Nash County C&D Landfill 13,344.00 14,922.00 20,876.00 15,749.00 13,663.00 6504-MSWLF- 1981 New Hanover County Landfill 37,395.00 286,808.00 6504-MSWLF- 2017 New Hanover County Landfill 374,819.00 374,355.00 374,871.00 359,867.00 164,634.00 6708-MSWLF- 1997 Camp Le'eune MSW Landfill 40,479.00 18,877.00 21,609.00 55,949.00 26,694.00 6709-MSWLF- 1997 Onslow County Subtitle D Landfill 115,006.00 173,494.00 181,803.00 178,768.00 175,750.00 6804-CDLF- 2005 Orange County CDLF 19,966.00 22,799.00 23,629.00 12,398.00 12,795.00 7002-CDLF- 1996 Pas uotank County C&D Landfill 15,370.00 17,195.00 16,654.00 17,050.00 14,600.00 7304-MSWLF- 1997 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill 347,437.00 345,514.00 319,794.00 270,889.00 254,420.00 7407-CDLF- 2009 C & D Landfill Inc 32,488.00 33,963.00 35,828.00 31,715.00 37,803.00 7606-CDLF- 2001 Wall Recycling CDLF 19,149.00 22,760.00 7606-CDLF- 2021 Wall Recycling CDLF 25,646.00 27,131.00 20,993.00 7607-MSWLF- 2015 Great Oak Landfill 789,850.00 725,977.00 643,036.00 559,029.00 556,126.00 7803-CDLF- 1997 Robeson County CDLF 39,964.00 29,733.00 38,042.00 31,323.00 34,853.00 7803-MSWLF- 1997 Robeson County Landfill 132,819.00 127,341.00 117,755.00 108,328.00 115,689.00 7904-MSWLF- 1995 Rockingham County Landfill 121,625.00 110,264.00 107,759.00 126,046.00 137,337.00 8003-MSWLF- 1988 Rowan County Landfill 188,306.00 185,317.00 175,954.00 150,707.00 142,631.00 8103-CDLF- 2002 Rutherford County C&D 8,993.00 15,180.00 11,682.00 8,463.00 8,254.00 8202-CDLF- 1996 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 399.00 530.00 3,966.00 16,876.00 3,480.00 8202-MSWLF- 2,035,335.0 1,853,380.0 1,740,095.0 1,615,337.0 1,767,087.0 2000 Sampson County Disposal, LLC 0 0 0 0 0 8301-CDLF- 1997 Scotland County CDLF 7,390.00 7,176.00 8,587.00 11,672.00 24,157.00 8401-CDLF- 1997 Albemarle, City of CDLF 19,114.00 17,984.00 18,962.00 20,621.00 10,910.00 8401-MSWLF- 1999 Albemarle, City of Landfill 51,096.00 54,007.00 52,204.00 47,796.00 54,137.00 8606-MSWLF- 1998 Surry County MSWLF 67,931.00 65,632.00 67,398.00 63,402.00 59,413.00 8807-MSWLF- 1990 Transylvania County Landfill 37,767.00 33,258.00 30,227.00 23,160.00 25,385.00 9001-CDLF- 1998 Union County C&D 90,643.00 75,184.00 63,489.00 53,031.00 44,971.00 9001-CDLF- 2022 Union County C&D 90,643.00 9222-MSWLF- 2008 Wake County South Wake MSWLF 530,742.00 545,071.00 552,767.00 529,870.00 506,581.00 9226-CDLF- 2001 Shotwell Landfill, Inc. 142,470.00 9226-CDLF- 2020 Shotwell Landfill, Inc 177,884.00 139,683.00 161,192.00 149,836.00 9228-CDLF- 2001 Red Rock Disposal C&D Landfill 412,050.00 425,689.00 449,167.00 416,806.00 350,854.00 9230-CDLF- Greenway Waste Solutions of Apex, 2014 LLC 65,582.00 81,362.00 112,208.00 98,458.00 88,405.00 9231-CDLF- 2012 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill 289,732.00 384,856.00 201,742.00 205,309.00 199,998.00 9404-CDLF- 1996 Washington County C&D Landfill 1,979.00 738.00 1,461.00 16,950.00 3,600.00 9601-CDLF- 1997 Wayne County CDLF 28,169.00 27,470.00 29,949.00 35,802.00 38,451.00 9606-MSWLF- 1998 Wayne County Landfill 117,835.00 97,561.00 97,145.00 91,377.00 82,807.00 9704-MSWLF- 1993 Wilkes County MSWLF 83,979.00 67,296.00 61,439.00 61,392.00 61,061.00 9809-CDLF- Wilson County Westside C&D 2004 Landfill Area 1 31,341.00 27,433.00 28,455.00 U0024- Brunswick Waste Management MSWLF- Facility 62,436.00 57,589.00 139,992.00 145,418.00 U0033- MSWLF- Pine Bluff Landfill 0.00 2,448.00 5,676.00 U0034- Lee County Landfill SC, LLC SC MSWLF- #312411-1101 1,409.00 U0035- MSWLF- Bristol Landfill VA #588 21,191.00 18,105.00 15,506.00 14,823.00 U003 8- MSWLF- R & B Landfill 68,566.00 69,561.00 79,386.00 413,102.00 838,469.00 U0039- MSWLF- Atlantic Waste Disposal, Inc. VA #562 83,150.00 52,759.00 48,232.00 U0047- MSWLF- Eagle Point MSWLF GA #058-012D 6,500.00 U0048- Union County (SC) Landfill SC MSWLF- #442441-1101 197,120.00 125,157.00 204,372.00 148,318.00 191,489.00 U0050- MSWLF- Richland Landfill, Inc. 66,945.00 101,704.00 99,914.00 88,754.00 U0051- Lakeway Recycling & Sanitation, MSWLF- Inc.TN #32-0280 11,542.00 12,118.00 11,347.00 11,338.00 10,501.00 U0111- Waste Management -Hickory Hill MSWLF- Landfill #272401-1101 0.00 0.00 42.00 976.00 Hampton Roads Recovery Center VA U0117-CDLF- #603 0.00 20,825.00 U0118- MSWLF- Advanced Disposal Eco-Safe Landfill 99,102.00 52,435.00 55,073.00 51,147.00 U0120- MSWLF- Twin Chimneys Landfill SC 151.00 540.00 30,886.00 37,975.00 U0124-CDLF- Marion Co. C & D Reclamation 70.00 5,598.00 14,124,65 14,112,42 13,435,23 13,455,21 14,009,67 Total All Landfills 6.00 7.00 0.00 4.00 7.00 M. Public and Private Municipal Solid Waste FY 2022-2023 Tons 2022- 2021- 2020- 2019- 2018- Permit Number Facility 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 0104-MSWLF- Alamance County Austin Quarter 138,821.0 130,664.0 129,889.0 118,024.0 118,863.0 1994 Road Landfill Facility 0 0 0 0 0 0403-MSWLF- 1,039,493 979,453.0 893,176.0 800,151.0 797,245.0 2010 Anson Landfill .00 0 0 0 0 0501-MSWLF- 1993 Ashe County Landfill 23,387.00 25,287.00 24,595.00 23,355.00 22,353.00 0803-MSWLF- 546,200.0 555,813.0 527,992.0 528,641.0 495,068.0 1993 East Carolina Regional Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 1107-MSWLF- 154,171.0 140,738.0 185,387.0 189,039.0 158,150.0 1996 Buncombe County MSW Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 1304-MSWLF- BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfill 1,014,395 1,200,920 1,072,588 1,215,991 1,253,897 1992 V .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1403-MSWLF- 370,357.0 371,727.0 385,653.0 359,543.0 383,003.0 1998 Foothills Environmental Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 1803-MSWLF- 200,166.0 173,994.0 177,352.0 159,175.0 157,455.0 1997 Blackburn Resource Recovery Facility 0 0 0 0 0 2002-MSWLF- 1998 Cherokee County MSW Facility 17,266.00 18,758.00 20,630.00 18,573.00 20,491.00 2301-MSWLF- Cleveland County Landfill Self- 113,580.0 2009 McNeilly 99,042.00 99,427.00 95,171.00 95,948.00 0 2509-MSWLF- CRSWMA - Long Term Regional 228,052.0 237,143.0 230,367.0 244,810.0 326,054.0 1999 Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 2601-MSWLF- Ann Street Cumberland County 139,134.0 139,077.0 139,318.0 136,850.0 134,999.0 1997 Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 2906-MSWLF- Davidson County MSW Lined 152,647.0 168,430.0 166,162.0 151,981.0 149,294.0 2008 Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 3402-MSWLF- 238,866.0 297,426.0 281,228.0 276,064.0 283,949.0 1997 Hanes Mill Road Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 3606-MSWLF- 221,499.0 209,459.0 195,126.0 191,123.0 188,991.0 1997 Gaston County Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 3901-MSWLF- 2012 Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF 36,686.00 35,850.00 43,809.00 43,998.00 47,597.00 4104-MSWLF- High Point, City of Kersey Valley 125,777.0 125,669.0 137,642.0 154,932.0 135,807.0 1991 Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 4112-MSWLF- Greensboro, City of White Street 1997 MSWLF 9,197.00 8,881.00 7,584.00 8,285.00 7,533.00 4407-MSWLF- 174,093.0 179,034.0 159,304.0 160,354.0 143,683.0 1993 Haywood Co White Oak Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 4903-MSWLF- 239,708.0 261,212.0 251,172.0 240,738.0 237,964.0 1993 Iredell County Sanitary LF 0 0 0 0 0 156,075.0 148,917.0 175,706.0 112,223.0 106,880.0 5103-MSWLF- Johnston County MSW Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 5503-MSWLF- 1986 Lincoln County Landfill 54,208.00 46,727.00 49,985.00 51,114.00 41,173.00 5703-MSWLF- 1992 Macon County Landfill Open 41,593.00 43,416.00 40,775.00 38,114.00 40,135.00 6019-MSWLF- 147,955.0 140,952.0 154,005.0 144,609.0 128,944.0 2000 Mecklenburg County Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 6204-MSWLF- 568,674.0 558,099.0 491,999.0 456,366.0 464,672.0 1995 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 6504-MSWLF- 286,808.0 1981 New Hanover County Landfill 37,395.00 0 6504-MSWLF- 374,819.0 374,355.0 374,871.0 359,867.0 164,634.0 2017 New Hanover County Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 6708-MSWLF- 1997 Camp Lejeune MSW Landfill 40,479.00 18,877.00 21,609.00 55,949.00 26,694.00 6709-MSWLF- 115,006.0 173,494.0 181,803.0 178,768.0 175,750.0 1997 Onslow County Subtitle D Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 7304-MSWLF- 347,437.0 345,514.0 319,794.0 270,889.0 254,420.0 1997 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 7607-MSWLF- 789,850.0 725,977.0 643,036.0 559,029.0 556,126.0 2015 Great Oak Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 7803-MSWLF- 132,819.0 127,341.0 117,755.0 108,328.0 115,689.0 1997 Robeson County Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 7904-MSWLF- 121,625.0 110,264.0 107,759.0 126,046.0 137,337.0 1995 Rockingham County Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 8003-MSWLF- 188,306.0 185,317.0 175,954.0 150,707.0 142,631.0 1988 Rowan County Landfill 0 0 0 0 0 8202-MSWLF- 2,035,335 1,853,380 1,740,095 1,615,337 1,767,087 2000 Sampson County Disposal, LLC .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8401-MSWLF- 1999 Albemarle, City of Landfill 51,096.00 54,007.00 52,204.00 47,796.00 54,137.00 8606-MSWLF- 1998 Surry County MSWLF 67,931.00 65,632.00 67,398.00 63,402.00 59,413.00 8807-MSWLF- 1990 Transylvania County Landfill 37,767.00 33,258.00 30,227.00 23,160.00 25,385.00 9222-MSWLF- 530,742.0 545,071.0 552,767.0 529,870.0 506,581.0 2008 Wake County South Wake MSWLF 0 0 0 0 0 9606-MSWLF- 117,835.0 1998 Wayne County Landfill 0 97,561.00 97,145.00 91,377.00 82,807.00 9704-MSWLF- 1993 Wilkes County MSWLF 83,979.00 67,296.00 61,439.00 61,392.00 61,061.00 U0024- Brunswick Waste Management 139,992.0 145,418.0 MSWLF- Facility 62,436.00 57,589.00 0 0 U0033- MSWLF- Pine Bluff Landfill 0.00 2,448.00 5,676.00 U0034- Lee County Landfill SC, LLC SC MSWLF- #312411-1101 1,409.00 U0035- MSWLF- Bristol Landfill VA #588 21,191.00 18,105.00 15,506.00 14,823.00 U0038- 413,102.0 838,469.0 MSWLF- R & B Landfill 68,566.00 69,561.00 79,386.00 0 0 U0039- Atlantic Waste Disposal, Inc. VA MSWLF- #562 83,150.00 52,759.00 48,232.00 U0047- MSWLF- Eagle Point MSWLF GA #058-012D 6,500.00 U0048- Union County (SC) Landfill SC 197,120.0 125,157.0 204,372.0 148,318.0 191,489.0 MSWLF- #442441-1101 0 0 0 0 0 U0050- 101,704.0 MSWLF- Richland Landfill, Inc. 66,945.00 0 99,914.00 88,754.00 U0051- Lakeway Recycling & Sanitation, MSWLF- Inc.TN #32-0280 11,542.00 12,118.00 11,347.00 11,338.00 10,501.00 U0111- Waste Management -Hickory Hill MSWLF- Landfill #272401-1101 0.00 0.00 42.00 976.00 U0118- MSWLF- Advanced Disposal Eco-Safe Landfill 99,102.00 52,435.00 55,073.00 51,147.00 U0120- MSWLF- Twin Chimneys Landfill SC 151.00 540.00 30,886.00 37,975.00 11,550,22 11,567,56 11,108,62 11,164,72 11,763,15 Total All MSW Landfills 7.00 1.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 N. Public and Private Tipping Fees FY 2021-2022 County Permit Number Permit Name Facility Fee Tax Alamance 0102-INCIN-M- Steric cle, Inc. Medical Incin $0.00 N/a 0104-MSWLF- Alamance County Austin Quarter Alamance 1994 Road Landfill Facility MSW LF $42.00 Yes Alamance 0105-CDLF-1998 Cobles C&D Landfill CD LF $38.00 No Alamance 0105-TP- Cobles C&D T&P CD TP $38.00 No Carolina Resource Recovery LCID Alamance 0106-TP-2012 T&P Facility LCID TP $0.00 N/a Alexander 0201-CDLF-1997 Alexander County CDLF CD LF $55.00 Yes 0202T- Alexander TRANSFER-1998 Alexander County Transfer Station MSW Trans $65.00 Yes 0303T- Alle han TRANSFER-1994 Alleghany County Transfer Facility MSW Trans $75.00 Yes 0403-MSWLF- Anson 2010 Anson Landfill MSW LF $53.00 No 0501-MSWLF- Ashe 1993 Ashe County Landfill MSW LF $62.00 Yes Avery 0603-CDLF-1996 Avery County C&D Landfill CD LF $55.00 Yes 0603- Avery TRANSFER- Avery County Transfer Station MSW Trans $55.00 Yes 0703T- Beaufort TRANSFER-2012 Beaufort Transfer Station MSW Trans $87.46 No 0803-MSWLF- Bertie 1993 East Carolina Regional Landfill MSW LF $104.51 Yes 0904T- Bladen TRANSFER-1995 Bladen County Transfer Station MSW Trans $55.00 Yes 10003T- Yance TRANSFER-1995 Yancey -Mitchell Transfer Station MSW Trans $58.68 No Brunswick 1007-CDLF-1997 Brunswick County CDLF CD LF $59.00 Yes 1010T- Brunswick TRANSFER-1997 Brunswick County Transfer Station MSW Trans $59.00 Yes 1104- Buncombe TRANSFER-1993 Waste Management Of Asheville MSW Trans $47.50 Yes Buncombe 1107-CDLF-1998 Buncombe County C&D Unit CD LF $43.75 Yes 1107-MSWLF- Buncombe 1996 Buncombe County MSW Landfill MSW LF $43.75 Yes 1108T- Buncombe TRANSFER-1996 Buncombe County Transfer Station MSW Trans $47.75 Yes Riverside Stump Dump at Buncombe IIII-TP- Asheville LCID TP $0.00 N/a Burke County Johns River Waste Burke 1203-CDLF-2014 Management CD LF $43.25 Yes 1205T- Burke TRANSFER-1998 Burke County Transfer Facility MSW Trans $79.00 Yes Cabarrus 1302-CDLF-2006 Cabarrus County CDLF CD LF $42.00 No 1303-TIRELF- Cabarrus 1988 US Tire Recycling Partners LP Tire LF $0.00 No 1304-MSWLF- BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Cabarrus 1992 Landfill V MSW LF $83.00 No Cabarrus 1305TP-TP- Steric cle Medical TP $0.00 N/a Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Cabarrus 1306-CDLF-2000 Recycling Greenway Waste CD LF $43.50 Yes Highway 49 C&D Landfill & Cabarrus 1306-TP-2019 Recycling Greenway Waste LCID TP $35.50 N/a Tarheel Bark Company - A Cabarrus 1307-TP-2009 Division of Garick LLC Indus TP $70.00 N/a 1310-TIRETP- Cabarrus 2012 US Tire Recycling Partners LP Tire TP $0.00 1403-MSWLF- Caldwell 1998 Foothills Environmental Landfill MSW LF $48.92 No 1604- Coastal Regional Solid Waste Carteret TRANSFER-1993 Management Authority MSW Trans $52.50 No 1607- Green Recycling Transfer Station at Carteret TRANSFER-2019 Hibbs Road CD Trans $58.50 Yes Blackburn Resource Recovery Catawba 1803-CDLF- C&D Facility CD LF $28.00 Yes 1803-MSWLF- Blackburn Resource Recovery Catawba 1997 Facility MSW LF $37.96 Yes Blackburn Resource Recovery T&P Catawba 1803-TP- Facility LCID TP $19.00 N/a 1805- Catawba TRANSFER-2001 GDS Recycling Services MSW Trans $37.96 Yes 1808T- Catawba TRANSFER- Hickory, City of Transfer Station MSW Trans $0.00 N/a Chatham 1912-TP-2022 Triad Transfer Station CD TP $50.00 N/a 2002-MSWLF- Cherokee 1998 Cherokee County MSW Facility MSW LF $80.00 Yes 2003- Cherokee TRANSFER-2020 Regional Disposal and Metal MSW Trans $120.00 Yes 2101T- Chowan TRANSFER-2001 Edenton, Town of Transfer Station MSW Trans $49.74 Yes 2202T- Cla TRANSFER-1997 Clay County Transfer Station MSW Trans $88.00 Yes Cleveland 2301-CDLF-1997 Cleveland County CDLF CD LF $33.02 Yes 2301-MSWLF- Cleveland County Landfill Self - Cleveland 2009 McNeilly MSW LF $57.66 Yes Cleveland 2304-TP-2020 Shelby, City of T & P Facility LCID TP $0.00 N/a 2403T- Columbus TRANSFER-1997 Columbus County Transfer Station MSW Trans $58.93 Yes 2404- Columbus TRANSFER-2020 Big D T&P Facility CD TP $0.00 N/a 2509-MSWLF- CRSWMA - Long Term Regional Craven 1999 Landfill MSW LF $40.00 No 2510T- Craven TRANSFER-1997 Cherry Point Transfer Station MSW Trans $0.00 No Cumberland 2601-CDLF-1997 Cumberland County C&D Unit CD LF $36.00 No 2601-MSWLF- Ann Street Cumberland County Cumberland 1997 Landfill MSW LF $38.00 No 2609- Fayetteville, City of Transfer Cumberland TRANSFER- Station MSW Trans $65.00 Yes 2703T- Currituck TRANSFER-1996 Currituck County Transfer Station MSW Trans $90.00 Yes Currituck 2705T- TRANSFER-2011 Soundside C&D Waste Transfer & Recycling Center CD Trans $78.00 Yes Currituck 2706- TRANSFER-2013 Bay Disposal, LLC CD Trans $84.76 No Dare 2803-CDLF-1995 Dare County C&D Landfill CD LF $68.96 No Dare 2805T- TRANSFER- Dare County Transfer Station MSW Trans $87.35 No Davidson 2906-MSWLF- 2008 Davidson County MSW Lined Landfill MSW LF $36.00 Yes Davidson 2908-TP- Todco, Inc. Wood Recycling Type 1 TP $28.00 N/a Du lin 3103- TRANSFER-2007 Du lin County Transfer Station MSW Trans $55.00 Yes Durham 3212- TRANSFER-2014 Durham, City of Transfer Station MSW Trans $49.00 Yes Durham 3214T- TRANSFER-2001 Durham Transfer Station MSW Trans $54.00 Yes Durham 3215-MWP-2020 Wall Recycling - Hoover Road CD MatRecove $42.00 N/a Durham 3215- TRANSFER-2020 Wall Recycling - Hoover Road MSW Trans $42.00 N/a Ed ecombe 3301-CDLF-1997 Ed ecombe County CDLF CD LF $50.00 Yes Ed ecombe 3302T- TRANSFER-1998 Edgecombe County Transfer Station MSW Trans $65.00 Yes Forsyth 3402-MSV%rLF- 1997 Hanes Mill Road Landfill MSW LF $34.00 No Forsyth 3409-TP- Overdale Yard Waste Facility YW TP $33.00 N/a Forsyth 3412-CDLF-1995 Winston-Salem, City of Old Salisbury Road CDLF CD LF $33.00 No Fors h 3416T- TRANSFER- Overdale Road Transfer Station MSW Trans $53.64 No Forsyth 3419-TP- Lowder Recycling And Disposal, LLC LCID TP $38.00 N/a Forsyth 3422-TP- Slater Industries Treatment and Processing Facility LCID TP $20.00 N/a Forsyth 3424-TP-2010 Abbey Green Transfer Station CD TP $45.00 N/a Forsyth 3424- TRANSFER-2020 Abbey Green Transfer Station CD Trans $45.00 N/a Forsyth 3425-TP-2011 Winston-Salem, City of Treatment & Processing Site YW TP $0.00 N/a Franklin 3503- TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station MSW Trans $65.00 Yes Franklin 3505-MWP-2020 Wall Recycling CD MatRecove $54.00 N/a Franklin 3505-TP-2020 Wall Recycling CD TP $54.00 N/a Franklin 3507-TIRETP- 2016 PRTI, INC. Tire TP $0.00 Gaston 3606-CDLF-1995 Gaston County C&D Landfill CD LF $35.00 Yes Gaston 3606-MSWLF- 1997 Gaston County Landfill MSW LF $42.00 Yes Gaston 3608- TRANSFER-1993 Waste Management Of Carolinas MSW Trans $56.82 Yes Gaston 3615-TP-2018 Trilogy MedWaste Southeast LLC Medical TP $45.00 Yes Gaston 3617-MWP-2016 Daniels Sharpsmart, Inc. Medical TP $0.00 N/a 3803- Graham TRANSFER- Graham County Transfer Station MSW Trans $60.00 Yes 3901-MSWLF- Granville 2012 Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF MSW LF $38.00 Yes Granville 3903TP-TP-2009 John Bryan Yard Waste Recycling YW TP $45.00 No Greene 4002-CDLF-1997 Greene County CDLF CD LF $46.00 Yes Greensboro, City of White Street Guilford 4103-CDLF-1998 Landfill CD LF $0.00 Yes 4104-MSWLF- High Point, City of Kersey Valley Guilford 1991 Landfill MSW LF $44.00 Yes 4112-MSWLF- Greensboro, City of White Street Guilford 1997 MSWLF MSW LF $34.00 Yes Guilford 4116-CDLF-2012 WI High Point Landfill, LLC CD LF $40.00 Yes High Point C&D Waste Guilford 4116-MWP-2012 Reclamation MatRecovery TP $40.00 N/a Guilford 4117-CDLF-2008 A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill CD LF $42.00 Yes A-1 Sandrock Treatment and Guilford 4117-TP-2009 Processing Facility CD TP $42.00 Yes 4118T- Guilford TRANSFER- Bishop Road Transfer Station MSW Trans $53.64 Yes Guilford Cry Scrap Tire & White Guilford 4119TP-TIRETP- Goods Collection Facility Tire TP $87.36 4120T- Greensboro, City of Transfer Guilford TRANSFER- Station MSW Trans $48.00 Yes 4122T- Guilford TRANSFER-2012 Burnt Poplar Transfer Station CD Trans $44.00 Yes Halifax 4204-CDLF-2013 Halifax County Landfill CD LF $67.85 Yes 4204- Halifax TRANSFER-2013 Halifax County Landfill MSW Trans $67.85 Yes 4205T- Halifax TRANSFER-1997 Weldon, Town of Transfer Facility MSW Trans $62.50 Yes Harnett County Dunn -Erwin C&D Harnett 4302-CDLF-2018 Landfill CD LF $48.00 Yes Harnett Co. Anderson Creek C&D Harnett 4303-CDLF-1997 Landfill CD LF $48.00 Yes 4304-TIRELF- Harnett 1992 Central Carolina Tire Monofill Tire LF $0.00 No 4307T- Harnett TRANSFER-1997 Harnett County Transfer Station MSW Trans $48.00 Yes Harnett 4308-TIRETP- Central Carolina Tire Processing Tire TP $0.00 4309T- Harnett TRANSFER- Anderson Creek Transfer Station MSW Trans $48.00 Yes 4407-MSWLF- Ha ood 1993 Haywood Co White Oak Landfill MSW LF $24.65 Yes Haywood 4408-MWP- Haywood County MWP Facility MatRecovery TP $55.00 Yes 4504T- Henderson TRANSFER-1998 Henderson County Transfer Facility MSW Trans $63.00 Yes Riverside Stump Dump at Mills Henderson 4507-TP- River LCID TP $0.00 N/a Henderson 4508-TP-2020 Garbage Pal, LLC CD TP $51.00 N/a 4602T- Hertford TRANSFER-1995 Hertford County Transfer Station MSW Trans $80.00 No 4702- Hoke TRANSFER-1994 Hoke County Transfer Station MSW Trans $52.75 Yes 4903-MSWLF- Iredell 1993 Iredell County Sanitary LF MSW LF $41.00 No 4904T- Iredell TRANSFER-1998 Iredell County Transfer Station MSW Trans $51.00 No 5003T- Jackson County Scott Creek Jackson TRANSFER- Transfer Station MSW Trans $66.00 Yes Johnston 5103-MSWLF- Johnston County MSW Landfill MSW LF $44.00 Yes Johnston 5106-TP-2019 West Farms Wood Products T&P LCID TP $0.00 N/a Jones 5202-TP-2012 Maysville Recycling and Recovery CD TP $56.00 Yes The Maysville Construction and Jones 5203-CDLF-2013 Demolition Landfill CD LF $56.00 Yes 5304T- Waste Man. - Lee Co. Transfer Lee TRANSFER-1993 Station MSW Trans $60.84 Yes 5305- Lee TRANSFER-2013 Sanford Transfer Station MSW Trans $72.51 Yes Lenoir 5403-CDLF-1997 Lenoir County CDLF CD LF $45.00 Yes 5405T- Lenoir TRANSFER-1998 Lenoir County Transfer Facility MSW Trans $50.00 Yes 5408- Lenoir TRANSFER-2014 Deep Run Transfer Station MSW Trans $54.06 Yes Lenoir 5409-MSWLF- Lenoir County MSW Landfill MSW LF $50.00 Yes 5503-MSWLF- Lincoln 1986 Lincoln County Landfill MSW LF $41.00 Yes Lincoln 5504-CDLF-1999 Lake Norman Landfill CD LF $59.00 No 5602T- McDowell TRANSFER-1995 McDowell Co Transfer Facility MSW Trans $62.00 No 5703-MSWLF- Macon 1992 Macon County Landfill Open MSW LF $66.00 Yes 5704T- Macon TRANSFER-2008 Highlands Transfer Station MSW Trans $74.75 Yes Madison 5803-CDLF-1995 Madison County C&D Unit CD LF $45.00 Yes 5803T- Madison TRANSFER-2002 Madison County Transfer MSW Trans $55.00 Yes Martin 5901-CDLF-1995 Martin County C&D Landfill CD LF $55.00 Yes Greenway Waste Solutions of Mecklenburg 6013-CDLF-2021 North Meek CD LF $55.00 Yes 6014- Mecklenbur TRANSFER-2009 Queen City Transfer Station MSW Trans $64.00 Yes Mecklenburg 6016TP-HHW-TP North Mecklenburg HHW Facility YW TP $29.00 N/a Hickory Grove HHW Recycling Mecklenburg 6017TP-HHW-TP Facility YW TP $29.00 N/a 6019-MSWLF- Mecklenburg 2000 Mecklenburg County Landfill MSW LF $53.50 Yes Metromont Natural Recycling Mecklenburg 6021-TP- Center LCID TP $0.00 N/a Mecklenburg 6025-TP- Soil Supply, Inc. LCID TP $0.00 N/a 6029- Mecklenbur TRANSFER-2012 O'Leary Resource Recovery Center MSW Trans $0.00 N/a Mecklenburg 6034-TP-2016 Kam s, Inc. LCID TP $0.00 N/a Greenway Recycling of North Mecklenburg 6037-TP-2020 Meek, LLC CD TP $55.00 N/a 6038- Mecklenbur TRANSFER-2020 South Charlotte Transfer Station MSW Trans $62.00 Yes Montgomery 6202MRF-MWP- Uwharrie Environmental MRF MSW MatRecovery $143.41 N/a 6204-MSWLF- Montgomery 1995 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill MSW LF $59.58 Yes Mont omery 6204-TP-2011 Uwharrie T&P Facility YW TP $48.00 N/a Moore 6301-CDLF-1992 Moore County C&D Landfill CD LF $61.00 Yes Moore County Yard Waste Moore 6301-TP-2013 Collection Units YW TP $30.00 Yes 6302- Uwharrie Env Inc/Moore Cty Moore TRANSFER-1994 Transfer Station MSW Trans $55.36 Yes Nash 6403-CDLF-2000 Nash County C&D Landfill CD LF $48.00 Yes 6405T- Rocky Mount, City of Transfer Nash TRANSFER-2001 Station #2 MSW Trans $70.00 No New 6504-MSWLF- Hanover 2017 New Hanover County Landfill MSW LF $52.00 Yes New New Hanover County Materials Hanover 6504-MWP-2016 Recovery & Recycling Facility CD MatRecovery $52.00 Yes New Hanover 6511-TP- American Property Experts LCID TP $0.00 N/a 6708-MSWLF- Onslow 1997 Camp Le'eune MSW Landfill MSW LF $26.33 No 6709-MSWLF- Onslow 1997 Onslow County Subtitle D Landfill MSW LF $57.00 Yes 6712- Folkstone C&D Recycling Onslow TRANSFER-2016 Collection/Transfer Station CD Trans $69.00 Yes Orange 6804-CDLF-2005 Orange County CDLF CD LF $42.00 Yes 6903T- Pamlico TRANSFER-1993 Pamlico County Transfer Station MSW Trans $52.50 No Pas uotank 7002-CDLF-1996 Pas uotank County C&D Landfill CD LF $80.00 Yes 7003T- Pasquotank County Transfer Pas uotank TRANSFER-1994 Station MSW Trans $80.00 Yes 7103T- Pender TRANSFER-1990 Pender County Transfer Station MSW Trans $78.00 Yes 7202T- Perquimans-Chowan-Gates Per uimans TRANSFER-1995 Transfer MSW Trans $85.00 Yes 7304-MSWLF- Person 1997 Upper Piedmont Regional Landfill MSW LF $46.64 No 7306-TIRECOLL- Person 2014 Person County Recycling Center Tire Collection $0.00 Pitt County Materials Recovery & Recycling Facility (formerly 7404- Pitt 7404-TP-2016 MWP-2016) CD MatRecovery $50.00 Yes 7404- Pitt County Transfer Station Pitt TRANSFER-1996(formerly 7404T-MWP-1996 MSW Trans $55.00 Yes 7406T- Pitt TRANSFER-2001 EJE Recycling Transfer Station MSW Trans $65.00 Yes Pitt 7407-CDLF-2009 C & D Landfill Inc CD LF $45.00 Yes 7504T- Polk TRANSFER-2005 Polk County Transfer Station MSW Trans $55.00 Yes 7605T- Asheboro, City of Recycling/SW Randolph TRANSFER-2002 Transfer Station MSW Trans $0.00 Yes Randolph 7606-CDLF-2021 Wall Recycling CDLF CD LF $38.00 No Randolph 7606-TP-2021 Wall Recycling Facility CD TP $38.00 No 7607-MSWLF- Randol h 2015 Great Oak Landfill MSW LF $41.08 No Richmond County Treatment & Richmond 7703-TP-2023 Process Unit YW TP $33.00 No 7703T- Richmond TRANSFER-1994 Richmond County Transfer Facility MSW Trans $63.00 No Robeson 7803-CDLF-1997 Robeson County CDLF CD LF $36.50 No 7803-MSWLF- Robeson 1997 Robeson County Landfill MSW LF $38.50 No 7902T- Rockingham CountyTransfer Rockingham TRANSFER-1991 Facility MSW Trans $38.00 No 7903T- Rockin ham TRANSFER-1991 Eden, City of Transfer Station MSW Trans $38.00 N/a 7904-MSWLF- Rockin ham 1995 Rockingham County Landfill MSW LF $38.00 No 8003-MSWLF- Rowan 1988 Rowan County Landfill MSW LF $0.00 Yes 8004T- East Spencer Waste Transfer Rowan TRANSFER-1995 Facility MSW Trans $55.30 Yes Rutherford 8103-CDLF-2002 Rutherford County C&D CD LF $52.00 Yes 8104T- Rutherford TRANSFER-1998 Rutherford County Transfer Station MSW Trans $69.00 Yes Sampson 8202-CDLF-1996 Sampson County Disposal, LLC CD LF $55.77 Yes 8202-MSWLF- Sam son 2000 Sampson County Disposal, LLC MSW LF $55.77 Yes Scotland 8301-CDLF-1997 Scotland County CDLF CD LF $47.75 Yes 8302T- Scotland TRANSFER-1997 Scotland County Transfer Station MSW Trans $62.75 Yes Laurinburg, City of T&P-Air Scotland 8303-TP-2021 Curtain Incinerator -Burner YW TP $0.00 N/a Stanl 8401-CDLF-1997 Albemarle, City of CDLF CD LF $41.00 No 8401-MSVv'LF- Stanly 1999 Albemarle, City of Landfill MSW LF $41.00 No 8606-MSWLF- Surry 1998 Surry County MSWLF MSW LF $47.00 Yes 8607-TIRETP- Surry 2013 New River Tire Recycling, LLC Tire TP $125.00 8702T- Swain TRANSFER- Swain County Transfer Facility MSW Trans $2.00 Yes 8807-MSWLF- Trans lvania 1990 Transylvania County Landfill MSW LF $62.00 Yes Transylvania 8810-TP-2022 Wood Rec clers T&P Facility LCID TP $0.00 N/a Union 9001-CDLF-1998 Union County C&D CD LF $40.00 Yes Union 9001-CDLF-2022 Union County C&D CD LF $40.00 Yes 9005T- Union TRANSFER-1999 Union County Transfer Station MSW Trans $44.00 No 9014- Waste Connections Monroe Union TRANSFER-2014 Transfer Station MSW Trans $56.00 Yes 9102T- Vance TRANSFER-1997 Vance County Transfer Station MSW Trans $64.24 Yes 9211 T- Wake TRANSFER-1990 Cary, Town of Transfer Station MSW Trans $0.00 N/a 9215T- Waste Management Of Wake TRANSFER-1994 Raleigh/Durham Transfer Station MSW Trans $57.18 No 9217- Wake TRANSFER-1994 WI Garner Transfer Station MSW Trans $40.14 Yes 9222-MSWLF- Wake County South Wake Wake 2008 MSWLF MSW LF $37.00 Yes Buffaloe LCID Landfill & Wood Wake 9223TP-TP- Recycling Facility LCID TP $0.00 N/a Wake 9224-MWP-2012 Wake Reclamation, LLC CD TP $40.00 No Wake 9226-CDLF-2020 Shotwell Landfill, Inc CD LF $62.12 Yes 9227T- Thornton Road Mixed Waste Wake TRANSFER-2012 Transfer and Recycling Center CD Trans $0.00 No Wake 9228-CDLF-2001 Red Rock Disposal C&D Landfill CD LF $40.00 Yes Greenway Waste Solutions of Wake 9230-CDLF-2014 Apex, LLC CD LF $43.50 Yes Wake 9231-CDLF-2012 Brownfield Road C&D Landfill CD LF $50.00 No 9233T- Raleigh, City of East Wake Wake TRANSFER-2008 Transfer Station MSW Trans $49.00 Yes 9234- Wake TRANSFER-2012 Durant Road Transfer Station CD Trans $60.00 No 9237T- Wake TRANSFER-2020 Capitol Waste Transfer, LLC CD Trans $82.34 Yes Wake 9240-MWP-2017 Apex - Wall Recycling, LLC CD MatRecove $42.00 N/a 9241- Wake TRANSFER-2020 Morrisville Transfer Station, LLC MSW Trans $48.36 Yes Wake 9242-MWP-2020 Wall Recycling - Garner Road CD MatRecove $42.00 N/a 9242- Wake TRANSFER-2020 Wall Recycling - Garner Road MSW Trans $50.00 No 9302T- Warren TRANSFER-1995 Warren County Transfer Station MSW Trans $67.00 Yes Washington 9404-CDLF-1996 Washington County C&D Landfill CD LF $60.00 Yes Watauga 9502-LCID-2016 Watauga County Landclearin LCID TP $59.00 N/a 9503T- Watau a TRANSFER-1996 Watauga Co Transfer Facility MSW Trans $59.00 Yes Wayne 9601-CDLF-1997 Wayne County CDLF CD LF $31.50 No 9606-MSWLF- Wa ne 1998 Wayne County Landfill MSW LF $31.50 No 9607T- Wa ne TRANSFER-1997 Goldsboro, City of Transfer Station MSW Trans $0.00 N/a 9704-MSWLF- Wilkes 1993 Wilkes County MSWLF MSW LF $43.00 Yes 9808T- Wilson TRANSFER-2000 Black Creek Road Transfer Station MSW Trans $65.50 Yes Wilson County Westside C&D Wilson 9809-CDLF-2004 Landfill CD LF $42.00 Yes 9903T- Yadkin TRANSFER-1994 Yadkin County Transfer Facility MSW Trans $70.00 No O. Transfer and Mixed Waste Processing Facilities FY 2022-2023 Source Tons Destination Permit Permit Number Facility Facility Number 0202T- 1403- TRANSFER- 24,339. Foothills Environmental MSWLF- 1998 Alexander County Transfer Station 00 Landfill 1998 0303T- 1403- TRANSFER- 11,729. Foothills Environmental MSWLF- 1994 Alleghany County Transfer Facility 00 Landfill 1998 0603- 15,829. U0118- TRANSFER- Avery County Transfer Station 00 Eco-Safe Landfill TN MSWLF- 0603- 4,393.0 U0035- TRANSFER- Avery County Transfer Station 0 Bristol ISWM Facility VA MSWLF- 0703T- 0803- TRANSFER- 33,643. East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 2012 Beaufort Transfer Station 00 Landfill 1993 0904T- 8202- TRANSFER- 21,516. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 1995 Bladen County Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 10003T- TRANSFER- 29,570. U0118- 1995 Yancey -Mitchell Transfer Station 00 Eco-Safe Landfill TN MSWLF- 101OT- 8202- TRANSFER- 171,30 Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 1997 Brunswick County Transfer Station 7.00 LLC 2000 1104- 4407- TRANSFER- 67,949. Haywood Co White Oak MSWLF- 1993 Waste Management Of Asheville 00 Landfill 1993 1104- TRANSFER- 40,257. Union County Landfill dba U0048- 1993 Waste Management Of Asheville 00 Upstate Regional LF SC MSWLF- 1104- 1403- TRANSFER- 2,214.0 Foothills Environmental MSWLF- 1993 Waste Management Of Asheville 0 Landfill 1998 1108T- 1107- TRANSFER- 111,08 Buncombe County MSW MSWLF- 1996 Buncombe County Transfer Station 3.00 Landfill 1996 1108T- TRANSFER- 49,058. 1107-CDLF- 1996 Buncombe County Transfer Station 00 Buncombe County C&D Unit 1998 1205T- 1403- TRANSFER- 64,692. Foothills Environmental MSWLF- 1998 Burke County Transfer Facility 00 Landfill 1998 1604- 2509- TRANSFER- Coastal Regional Solid Waste Management 116,56 CRSWMA - Long Term MSWLF- 1993 Authority 2.00 Regional Landfill 1999 1805- 1803- TRANSFER- 5,072.0 Blackburn Resource Recovery MSWLF- 2001 GDS Recycling Services 0 Facility 1997 1803- 1808T- 28,862. Blackburn Resource Recovery MSWLF- TRANSFER- Hickory, City of Transfer Station 00 Facility 1997 1912-TP- 10,486. 9226-CDLF- 2022 Triad Transfer Station 00 Shotwell Landfill, Inc 2020 7607- 1912-TP- 10,000. MSWLF- 2022 Triad Transfer Station 00 Great Oak Landfill 2015 2101T- 0803- TRANSFER- 3,446.0 East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 2001 Edenton, Town of Transfer Station 0 Landfill 1993 2202T- TRANSFER- 5,419.0 U0038- 1997 Clay County Transfer Station 0 R & B Landfill GA MSWLF- 2403T- 8202- TRANSFER- 35,557. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 1997 Columbus County Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 2404- TRANSFER- 4,956.0 Marion Co. C & D U0124- 2020 Big D T&P Facility 0 Reclamation SC CDLF- 2404- TRANSFER- 1,088.0 U0105- 2020 Big D T&P Facility 0 Sandlands C&D Landfill SC CDLF- 2510T- 2509- TRANSFER- 2,818.0 CRSWMA - Long Term MSWLF- 1997 Cherry Point Transfer Station 0 Regional Landfill 1999 8202- 2609- 200,14 Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- TRANSFER- Fayetteville, City of Transfer Station 6.00 LLC 2000 2703T- 0803- TRANSFER- 32,576. East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 1996 Currituck County Transfer Station 00 Landfill 1993 2703T- 2705T- TRANSFER- Soundside C&D Waste TRANSFER 1996 Currituck County Transfer Station 642.00 Transfer & Recycling Center -2011 2705T- TRANSFER- Soundside C&D Waste Transfer & 5,353.0 Atlantic Waste Disposal Inc U0039- 2011 Recycling Center 0 VA MSWLF- 2706- TRANSFER- 29,455. Centerville Turnpike CDD U0117- 2013 Bay Disposal, LLC 00 Landfill VA CDLF- 0803- 2805T- 56,841. East Carolina Regional MSWLF- TRANSFER- Dare County Transfer Station 00 Landfill 1993 3103- 8202- TRANSFER- 39,107. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 2007 Du lin County Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 3212- 8202- TRANSFER- 164,71 Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 2014 Durham, City of Transfer Station 5.00 LLC 2000 3214T- 8202- TRANSFER- 166,81 Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 2001 Durham Transfer Station 2.00 LLC 2000 3214T- TRANSFER- 25,924. Red Rock Disposal C&D 9228-CDLF- 2001 Durham Transfer Station 00 Landfill 2001 3215-MWP- 74,671. Red Rock Disposal C&D 9228-CDLF- 2020 Wall Recycling - Hoover Road 00 Landfill 2001 3215- TRANSFER- 74,671. Red Rock Disposal C&D 9228-CDLF- 2020 Wall Recycling - Hoover Road 00 Landfill 2001 3302T- 0803- TRANSFER- 24,763. East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 1998 Ed ecombe County Transfer Station 00 Landfill 1993 6204- 3416T- 157,82 MSWLF- TRANSFER- Overdale Road Transfer Station 3.00 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 1995 3424-TP- 51,002. 4116-CDLF- 2010 Abbey Green Transfer Station 00 WI High Point Landfill, LLC 2012 3402- 3424-TP- MSWLF- 2010 Abbey Green Transfer Station 936.00 Hanes Mill Road Landfill 1997 3424-TP- 4117-CDLF- 2010 Abbey Green Transfer Station 926.00 A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill 2008 3424- TRANSFER- 51,929. 4116-CDLF- 2020 Abbey Green Transfer Station 00 WI High Point Landfill, LLC 2012 3424- 3402- TRANSFER- MSWLF- 2020 Abbey Green Transfer Station 937.00 Hanes Mill Road Landfill 1997 7304- 3503- 47,354. Upper Piedmont Regional MSWLF- TRANSFER- Franklin County Transfer Station 00 Landfill 1997 3505-MWP- 23,799. Brownfield Road C&D 923 1 -CDLF- 2020 Wall Recycling 00 Landfill 2012 3505-TP- 23,799. Brownfield Road C&D 923 1 -CDLF- 2020 Wall Recycling 00 Landfill 2012 3608- TRANSFER- 56,078. U0050- 1993 Waste Management Of Carolinas 00 Richland Landfill, Inc. SC MSWLF- 3608- 1304- TRANSFER- BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway MSWLF- 1993 Waste Management Of Carolinas 63.00 Landfill V 1992 3803- 7,284.0 U0033- TRANSFER- Graham County Transfer Station 0 Pine Bluff Landfill GA MSWLF- 4117-TP- A-1 Sandrock Treatment and Processing 53,747. 4117-CDLF- 2009 Facility 00 A-1 Sandrock C&D Landfill 2008 6204- 4118T- 181,39 MSWLF- TRANSFER- Bishop Road Transfer Station 9.00 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 1995 7607- 4120T- 239,77 MSWLF- TRANSFER- Greensboro, City of Transfer Station 6.00 Great Oak Landfill 2015 4122T- 6204- TRANSFER- 66,702. MSWLF- 2012 Burnt Poplar Transfer Station 00 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 1995 4122T- 7607- TRANSFER- MSWLF- 2012 Burnt Poplar Transfer Station 19.00 Great Oak Landfill 2015 4204- TRANSFER- 18,692. Atlantic Waste Disposal Inc U0039- 2013 Halifax County Landfill 00 VA MSWLF- 4205T- 8202- TRANSFER- 56,386. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 1997 Weldon, Town of Transfer Facility 00 LLC 2000 4307T- 8202- TRANSFER- 42,278. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 1997 Harnett County Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 8202- 4309T- 28,105. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- TRANSFER- Anderson Creek Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 4407- 23,119. Haywood Co White Oak MSWLF- 4408-MWP- Haywood County MWP Facility 00 Landfill 1993 4504T- TRANSFER- 116,79 Union County Landfill dba U0048- 1998 Henderson County Transfer Facility 1.00 Upstate Regional LF SC MSWLF- 4508-TP- 19,411. Enterprise Material Handling U0129- 2020 Garbage Pal, LLC 00 SC CDLF 4508-TP- 1,798.0 U0101- 2020 Garbage Pal, LLC 0 WCA Shiloh Landfill SC CDLF- 4508-TP- U0120- 2020 Garbage Pal, LLC 452.00 Twin Chimney's Landfill SC MSWLF 4602T- 0803- TRANSFER- 3,303.0 East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 1995 Hertford County Transfer Station 0 Landfill 1993 4904T- 4903- TRANSFER- 63,303. MSWLF- 1998 Iredell County Transfer Station 00 Iredell County Sanitary LF 1993 5003T- Jackson County Scott Creek Transfer 36,040. U0038- TRANSFER- Station 00 R & B Landfill GA MSWLF- 5202-TP- 59,444. The Maysville Construction 5203-CDLF- 2012 Maysville Recycling and Recovery 00 and Demolition Landfill 2013 2509- 5202-TP- 1,638.0 CRSWMA - Long Term MSWLF- 2012 Maysville Recycling and Recovery 0 Regional Landfill 1999 5304T- 7607- TRANSFER- 26,298. MSWLF- 1993 Waste Man. - Lee Co. Transfer Station 00 Great Oak Landfill 2015 5305- 8202- TRANSFER- 63,489. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 2013 Sanford Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 5405T- 0803- TRANSFER- 30,000. East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 1998 Lenoir County Transfer Facility 00 Landfill 1993 5408- 8202- TRANSFER- 33,012. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 2014 Deep Run Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 5602T- 1403- TRANSFER- 41,994. Foothills Environmental MSWLF- 1995 McDowell Co Transfer Facility 00 Landfill 1998 5704T- 5703- TRANSFER- 11,008. MSWLF- 2008 Highlands Transfer Station 00 Macon County Landfill Open 1992 5803T- TRANSFER- 11,322. Lakeway Recycling & U0051- 2002 Madison County Transfer 00 Sanitation, Inc. MSWLF- 6014- 0403- TRANSFER- 326,43 MSWLF- 2009 Queen City Transfer Station 5.00 Anson Landfill 2010 6014- 1304- TRANSFER- BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway MSWLF- 2009 Queen City Transfer Station 796.00 Landfill V 1992 6029- 0403- TRANSFER- 39,275. MSWLF- 2012 O'Leary Resource Recovery Center 00 Anson Landfill 2010 6037-TP- 20,080. Highway 49 C&D Landfill & 1306-CDLF- 2020 Greenway Recycling of North Meck, LLC 00 Recycling Greenway Waste 2000 6037-TP- 8,182.0 U0128- 2020 Greenway Recycling of North Meck, LLC 0 Mining Road Landfill SC CDLF- 6038- 0403- TRANSFER- 162,95 MSWLF- 2020 South Charlotte Transfer Station 3.00 Anson Landfill 2010 6302- 6204- TRANSFER- Uwharrie Env Inc/Moore Cty Transfer 54,875. MSWLF- 1994 Station 00 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 1995 6405T- 0803- TRANSFER- 87,274. East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 2001 Rocky Mount, City of Transfer Station #2 00 Landfill 1993 6504- 6504-MWP- New Hanover County Materials Recovery MSWLF- 2016 & Recycling Facility 387.00 New Hanover County Landfill 2017 6903T- 2509- TRANSFER- 19,413. CRSWMA - Long Term MSWLF- 1993 Pamlico County Transfer Station 00 Regional Landfill 1999 7003T- TRANSFER- 28,930. Atlantic Waste Disposal Inc U0039- 1994 Pas uotank County Transfer Station 00 VA MSWLF- 7103T- 8202- TRANSFER- 29,027. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 1990 Pender County Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 7202T- 0803- TRANSFER- 24,608. East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 1995 Per uimans-Chowan-Gates Transfer 00 Landfill 1993 Pitt County Materials Recovery & 7404-TP- Recycling Facility (formerly 7404-MWP- 19,660. 7407-CDLF- 2016 2016) 00 C & D Landfill Inc 2009 7404- 0803- TRANSFER- Pitt County Transfer Station (formerly 125,56 East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 1996 7404T-MWP-1996) 1.00 Landfill 1993 7406T- 8202- TRANSFER- 22,823. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 2001 EJE Recycling Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 7406T- 0803- TRANSFER- 4,633.0 East Carolina Regional MSWLF- 2001 EJE Recycling Transfer Station 0 Landfill 1993 7504T- TRANSFER- 26,166. Union County Landfill dba U0048- 2005 Polk County Transfer Station 00 Upstate Regional LF SC MSWLF- 7605T- 7607- TRANSFER- Asheboro, City of Recycling/SW Transfer 12,442. MSWLF- 2002 Station 00 Great Oak Landfill 2015 7606-TP- 18,543. 7606-CDLF- 2021 Wall Recycling Facility 00 Wall Recycling CDLF 2021 7703T- 6204- TRANSFER- 39,221. MSWLF- 1994 Richmond County Transfer Facility 00 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 1995 7902T- 7904- TRANSFER- 6,942.0 MSWLF- 1991 Reidsville, City of Transfer Facility 0 Rockingham County Landfill 1995 7903T- 7904- TRANSFER- 6,483.0 MSWLF- 1991 Eden, City of Transfer Station 0 Rockingham County Landfill 1995 8004T- 7607- TRANSFER- 51,337. MSWLF- 1995 East Spencer Waste Transfer Facility 00 Great Oak Landfill 2015 8104T- 1403- TRANSFER- 47,148. Foothills Environmental MSWLF- 1998 Rutherford County Transfer Station 00 Landfill 1998 8302T- 6204- TRANSFER- 22,656. MSWLF- 1997 Scotland County Transfer Station 00 Uwharrie Env. Reg. Landfill 1995 8702T- 9,324.0 U0038- TRANSFER- Swain County Transfer Facility 0 R & B Landfill GA MSWLF- 9005T- 0403- TRANSFER- 163,82 MSWLF- 1999 Union County Transfer Station 4.00 Anson Landfill 2010 9014- 0403- TRANSFER- Waste Connections Monroe Transfer 94,188. MSWLF- 2014 Station 00 Anson Landfill 2010 9102T- 7304- TRANSFER- 50,741. Upper Piedmont Regional MSWLF- 1997 Vance County Transfer Station 00 Landfill 1997 9211T- 1906- TRANSFER- 10,771. McGill - Merry Oaks COMPOST- 1990 Cary, Town of Transfer Station 00 Compost Facility 2020 9211T- TRANSFER- 9,952.0 1905- 1990 Cary, Town of Transfer Station 0 Dean Brooks Farm COMPOST- 9211T- 9222- TRANSFER- 1,647.0 Wake County South Wake MSWLF- 1990 Cary, Town of Transfer Station 0 MSWLF 2008 9215T- 7607- TRANSFER- Waste Management Of Raleigh/Durham 70,425. MSWLF- 1994 Transfer Station 00 Great Oak Landfill 2015 9217- 8202- TRANSFER- 39,154. Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 1994 WI Garner Transfer Station 00 LLC 2000 9224-MWP- 22,080. Brownfield Road C&D 923 1 -CDLF- 2012 Wake Reclamation, LLC 00 Landfill 2012 9227T- 7304- TRANSFER- 60,802. Upper Piedmont Regional MSWLF- 2012 Raleigh Transfer Station 00 Landfill 1997 9233T- 9222- TRANSFER- 342,17 Wake County South Wake MSWLF- 2008 Raleigh, City of East Wake Transfer Station 8.00 MSWLF 2008 9234- TRANSFER- 48,099. Brownfield Road C&D 923 1 -CDLF- 2012 Durant Road Transfer Station 00 Landfill 2012 9237T- TRANSFER- 31,550. 9226-CDLF- 2020 Capitol Waste Transfer, LLC 00 Shotwell Landfill, Inc 2020 9240-MWP- 38,465. Red Rock Disposal C&D 9228-CDLF- 2017 Apex - Wall Recycling, LLC 00 Landfill 2001 9241- TRANSFER- 81,306. 9226-CDLF- 2020 Morrisville Transfer Station, LLC 00 Shotwell Landfill, Inc 2020 9241- 7304- TRANSFER- 31,549. Upper Piedmont Regional MSWLF- 2020 Morrisville Transfer Station, LLC 00 Landfill 1997 9241- TRANSFER- 11,992. Disposal and Recycling U0127- 2020 Morrisville Transfer Station, LLC 00 Services of Lunenbur MSWLF- 9242-MWP- 128,57 Brownfield Road C&D 923 1 -CDLF- 2020 Wall Recycling - Garner Road 1.00 Landfill 2012 9242- 7304- TRANSFER- 36,071. Upper Piedmont Regional MSWLF- 2020 Wall Recycling - Garner Road 00 Landfill 1997 9242- 9222- TRANSFER- 2,639.0 Wake County South Wake MSWLF- 2020 Wall Recycling - Garner Road 0 MSWLF 2008 9242- 8202- TRANSFER- 1,770.0 Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 2020 Wall Recycling - Garner Road 0 LLC 2000 9302T- TRANSFER- 7,108.0 Brunswick Waste U0024- 1995 Warren County Transfer Station 0 Management Facility LLC VA MSWLF- 9302T- 9102T- TRANSFER- Vance County Transfer TRANSFER 1995 Warren County Transfer Station 925.00 Station -1997 9503T- TRANSFER- 53,376. U0118- 1996 Watauga Co Transfer Facility 00 Eco-Safe Landfill TN MSWLF- 9607T- 9606- TRANSFER- 12,034. MSWLF- 1997 Goldsboro, City of Transfer Station 00 Wayne County Landfill 1998 9808T- 8202- TRANSFER- 141,70 Sampson County Disposal, MSWLF- 2000 Black Creek Road Transfer Station 0.00 LLC 2000 9903T- 1403- TRANSFER- 26,614. Foothills Environmental MSWLF- 1994 Yadkin County Transfer Facility 00 Landfill 1998 7304- U0107- First Piedmont Corporation Ringgold 7,009.0 MSWLF- TRANS- Transfer Station 0 Upper Piedmont Reg Landfill 1997 6,160,E Total 91.00 boArti c �,.srnip North Carolina Department of Transportation° �ro� of Materials and Tests Unit \NT°F�ppS j Resource Conservation Program.���.� P. Recycling and Solid Waste Management Report for Highway Construction, Maintenance Projects and Office Products for FY 2022-2023 Recycling and Solid Waste Management Report For Highway Construction, Maintenance Projects, and Office Products State Fiscal Year 2022-2023 For more information regarding this report, please contact: Daniel Snoke at 919-329-4004 or disnoke@ncdot.gov INTRODUCTION This report is a summary of the recycling and solid waste management efforts on highway construction and maintenance projects within the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) for State Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023) as required by NC General Statute (G.S.) 136- 28.8(g) and G.S. 130A-309.14(3). These statutes mandate that the Department prepare an annual report on the amounts and types of recycled materials specified or used in construction and maintenance projects during the previous state fiscal year and review of bid procedures, respectively. The types of recycled materials incorporated into this report would routinely contribute to the consumer and industrial waste streams if not reused/recycled, compounding the problem of declining space in landfills, and resources. Efforts to utilize recycled and solid waste materials are in response to the requirements of G.S 136-28.8(b) which mandates the Department use recycled materials in highway projects, where possible. All applications of recycled materials are to be consistent with economic feasibility, applicable engineering, and environmental quality standards. In addition, the Department continues to comply with Chapter 136 of the General Statutes to encourage the purchase or use of reusable, refillable, repairable, more durable, and less toxic supplies, and products. In addition to recycled/recyclable materials from Department construction and maintenance activities, this report also contains information regarding common recyclable items such as glass, plastics, aluminum cans, office paper, etc. that were previously reported separately. Requirements for the submission of this office and rest area data are required by G.S. 130A-309.07 through 309.14, G.S. 143- 58.2(f), and Executive Order 156. Chapter VII: BID PROCEDURE REVIEW The Department continues to review bidding procedures and processes yearly to encourage the purchase and use of recycled and reusable products and practices in construction and maintenance projects. Section 104-13 of the NCDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures encourages Contractors to not only use recycled or solid waste materials in their projects, but also allows them the opportunity to initiate and develop the use of recycled products and construction methods that promotes sustainability. Furthermore, the contractor is required to report the use of recycled materials by July 1st each year. Chapter VIII: DATA COLLECTION All offices submitted data for this report via an online webform. The online webform is separated into two sections, one for the "construction and maintenance" data, and one for "DOT/DMV Offices and Rest Areas" data (formerly the "3R Report"). The totality of data included in this report comes from three separate sources: 1. HiCAMS (Highway Construction and Materials System) database, 2. Various NCDOT Offices (entered in a SharePoint form), and 3. NCDOT Roadside Environmental Unit's Litter Cleanup Programs The data reported in Table 1 from HiCAMS is denoted by an asterisk (*). HiCAMS is NCDOT's main repository of project and material level information. The HiCAMS information, however, is not conclusive, as many county maintenance project materials are not included. NCDOT Standard Specification Section 104-13 states that contractors are to report the quantities of reused or recycled materials for each contract and any practice that minimized the environmental impacts by July 1st each year, but the reporting response rate remains low. The data reported in Table 1 are all rounded down to the nearest whole number for each item. Several important points regarding data collection need to be made for clarification and consistency purposes: 1. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) quantities and Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles (RAS) quantities are being reported as one item. This is necessary since changes were made to NCDOT's HiCAMS database that now require the combined reporting of these two constituents. 2. The glass beads (Section 5) contained in pavement markings can come from recycled sources, however the exact percentage and quantity is not completely known. Therefore, the entire quantity of glass beads is currently listed as a recycled/recyclable product. 3. The Plastics section (Section 6) includes products that contain recycled components and products that could be recycled in the future. The plastic pipe component is composed of all dimensions and compositions of plastic pipe. The exact amount of recycled plastic and recyclable plastic cannot be determined given the limited amount of data present. Therefore, all plastic pipe types and sizes were combined in a single category. 4. The Metals section (Section 8) is presumed to be composed of steel. However, various grades and types of steels are included, and our office cannot verify that this section does not include other metals such as Aluminum. Furthermore, the materials listed do not specify a recycled content amount. The materials are included as a product that will be, or could be recycled in the future, and one that contains an unknown quantity of recycled metals presently. It is therefore included as both a recyclable product and a recycled product. 5. Scrap metal is listed as one line item in Section 8; some of the scraps are presumed to be recycled guardrail, sheet piles, and pipes, but their individual quantities cannot be determined at this time. Table 1: NCDOT Recycled Products & Solid Waste Utilization in Construction & Maintenance Projects Product Category / Description Quantity Unit of Measure 1-As halt: Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 1,918,144* Tons Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles RAS 2-Organics: Mulch (wood) 5,648 Cubic Yards Mulch h dromulch 5,200 Bales Earth/Soil Fill (not for compost) 72,971 Tons Vegetative Debris not for compost) 298 Tons Silt Fence Posts 11,994 Each Scrap Wood/Lumber/Piles/Posts 298 Tons Wood Pallets 115 Each Sign Posts 570 Each -Coal Combustion Products: Fly Ash 33,169* Tons 4-Concrete: Recycled Concrete 6,663 Tons 5-Glass: Glass Beads 10,062 Tons 6-Plastics: Plastic Guardrail Offset Blocks 253,829` Each Plastic Pipe (All Types and Sizes) 386,087" Linear Feet Type III Barricades 7-Rubber: Tire Sidewalls 77,610- 11 103,669" Linear Feet Each Miscellaneous Rubber 0 Tons 8-Metals: Steel Beams 45 Each Signal Heads 37 Each Scrap Metal 771 Tons Cable Guiderail 238,062" Linear Feet Guardrail 470,367" Linear Feet Signposts 55,037 Each Signs 34 Tons Sheet Piles 03 Tons 9-Other: Comin ledltems 1,502 Ton (*) Data pulled from HiCAMS as of 91612023 (A) Data pulled from HiCAMS and combined with data reported by NCDOT field offices on 91612023 The data reported in Table 2 are all rounded down to the nearest whole number for each item. Several offices and rest areas report their recycling report data as comingled recycling. As such, it is not possible to determine the quantities of each constituent material, and therefore a "comingled" product line is listed in Table 2. Table 2: NCDOT Recycled Materials from NCDOT Offices and Rest Areas (formerly the "3R Report" data) Product Category Quantity Unit of Measure Office Paper 80,405 Pounds Aluminum Cans 21,103 Pounds Plastic - Soda/Drink Bottles 14,960 Pounds Plastic - Other than Bottles 27,874 Pounds Glass Bottles 20,648 Pounds Cardboard 201,852 Pounds Fluorescent Light Bulbs 397 Each Appliances (Various) 114 Each Toner Cartridges 1,009 Each Petroleum Products 7,462 Gallons Pesticide Containers 1,423 Each Batteries 69,985 Pounds Comin led Recycling 68,795 Pounds The total weight of office and rest area recycling is 505,622 pounds. This total does not include items for which the unit of measure for a recycled item was listed as each or gallon. Table 3 contains the reported recycling data from the NCDOT Roadside Environmental Unit's various litter cleanup programs. Table 3: Comingled Recycling from NCDOT Roadside Environmental Unit's Litter Cleanup Programs REU Program Quanti (lbs.) Adopt -A -Highway 90,495 Contracted Removal 306,570 NCDOT Personnel 39,435 Sponsor -A -Highway 217,410 Other 1,710 Total 655,620 Q. Department of Administration Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Fiscal Year 2023 Waste Reduction Report Introduction In accordance with the requirements outlined by G.S. 130A-309.14(a)(1) and 130A-309.14(a)(3). The Department of Administration, Division of Purchase & Contract submits the following report. This report serves as the annual detailed description of our agency's diligent review and revision of bid procedures, as well as the procurement and utilization of sustainable supplies and products. As mandated by legislation, this submission is directed towards the Department of Environmental Quality, underscoring our commitment to transparent and responsible environmental stewardship. Purpose Statement The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of our agency's sustainable procurement program, embedded within the procurement practices and functional subsections of the Division of Purchase and Contract (P&C) of the Department of Administration. P&C facilitates by adapting sustainable business practices into the procurement process, policies, and decisions where possible. Strategic Sourcing Initiatives The Strategic Sourcing subsection supports the following initiatives. Statewide Term Contracts (STC) Through a systematic review of bid procedures, purchase orders and Statewide Term Contract (STC) prioritization of reusable, refillable, repairable, more durable, and less toxic supplies and products, and a commitment to their conscientious use, we aim to mitigate our environmental footprint while fulfilling our organizational mandates effectively. This report underscores our dedication to fostering a culture of sustainability and accountability within our operations, aligning with broader state objectives for environmental conservation and resource efficiency. The data aggregated in this report depicts our usage of recyclable/sustainable electronic procurement transactions within NC eProcurement systems by indicators that are used by state agencies, community colleges, universities, and select local governments. P&C's Statewide Term Contracts are procurement agreements established to streamline the process of purchasing goods and services. P&C continues to improve contracts by offering a wide range of sustainable and environmentally friendly products. Recycled content is encouraged pursuant to G.S. 143-58.2. Sustainable attributes of these Statewide Term Contracts are listed below in Table 1. Table 1: Statewide Term Contract Sustainable Attributes STC # Statewide Term Contract Sustainable Attributes 045A Household Appliances Offers appliances that include various recyclable components such as metal, plastic, glass and rubber hoses Vendors follow sustainable practices for their shipping materials and offer 050A Preschool/Elementary Art Supplies & Accessories Greenleaf products 070E 35,000 & 50,000-70,000 GVWR Vendors offers models that use: diesels with ultra -low sulfur or B20 fuel capability, Cab & Chassis Trucks option for a CNG/LPG-capable engine. Gas models' emissions are ated LEV II (low -emission vehicle), conventional cab trucks 070G Utility, Transportation & Assortment of electric vehicles, all of which are quiet and release no emissions Golf Vehicles & Related Accessories, Equipment, Parts and Services 071C Type C (Conventional) School Electric bus options provided in solicitation and Activity Buses 165A Kitchen Equipment and Various recyclable components such as metal, plastic, glass, and rubber hoses Accessories Electric Vehicle Charging 2613A Offers solar charging stations Station Equipment, Accessories, Installation and Infrastructure Interior, Exterior and Traffic 3121A Interior paints are fume proof (non -toxic) Paint 360A Floor Covering and Recycled or recyclable content is required by the carpet covered within the Installations Services nylon carpet specification 4110A Laboratory Supplies & Repair warranty on defective products Equipment 4213A Medical Products Distribution Lamps may contain up to 65% recycled content, including glass and mercury. Lamp packaging that may contain 73% recycled content. Some of the lamps are ow mercury (TCLP compliant), non -hazardous. Low flow plumbing fixtures are offered to reduce water consumption. Ballasts — electronic types are available that are up to 30 o more energy efficient, last longer, support variable illumination and reduce electromagnetic radiation compared to the older magnetic ones. Electronic ballasts contain no PCBs and can be disposed in the trash. Reduced product shape and size (form factor) also minimizes packaging and metal enclosure requirements. LED Lighting — Contract consists of lamps for cove lighting, area lighting, downlights, troffers, and wall packs employing LED illumination for energy savings. Packaging is 60% recycled materials. LED illumination uses 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs and lasts up to 25 times longer. Energy Saving Devices — Contract includes T8 size tubular fluorescent retrofit kits, LED exit signs, LED exit sign retrofit kits, occupancy/vacancy sensors, electronic dimmable ballasts, and controls. Products use LED illumination and dimmable ballasts for energy savings. T8 fluorescent lighting provides higher energy efficiency and less heat generation than older T12 lighting 4616A Traffic Control Devices �arious recyclable components, metal, and brass materials used in options available 465B Automated External Defibrillators can be refurbished, and packaging materials can be recycled Defibrillators (AED) and Accessories Options item composed of various recyclable components 6010A Manikins, Accessories and Services Napkins, Bathroom Tissue, 640A Offers selections that contain 20%-50% Post -Consumer Recycled Content, 100 Paper Towels and Toilet Seat % Recycled Content. Some Products are GreenScal Certified, EPA Compliant, Covers and Chlorine Free Items use recyclable containers 675A Agricultural Chemicals: Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides, Pesticides and Adjuvants 7612B Recycling Services for ecycle service for the collection, de -manufacturing, and recycling of computer Electronic Equipment monitors, televisions, desktop CPUs, laptop computers, printers, scanners, keyboards, and mice, copy machines, tablets, DVD players, VCRs, stereo systems, tape players, CD players, radios, telephones, cell phones, readers, network equipment, servers, fax machines, electronic games, cable and wire, batteries, and other consumer electronics generated by agencies. 870A Window Blinds Options use renewable material with low chemicals and particle emission. Aluminum steel and plastic components are 100% recyclable. All packing Audio Visual and Photographic material is 100% recyclable 880A Options include recycled products and are recyclable/refurbish able Equipment and Accessories 936A Equipment Offers a repair process reduces the need to dispose of equipment and generating Maintenance waste Management Program 946A Procurement Card The physical cards are made from recyclable materials and are recyclable 962B Document Destruction All shredded materials are recyclable and incorporated into other products Services 975B Vehicle Rental Services Options include energy efficient models including compacts, hybrids, and alternative fuel vehicles 983B Uniform Rental Options of uniform styles made from eco-friendly/sustainable materials and ental of uniforms reduces waste The NC eProcurement — Buying module displays 78 STC vendor catalogs items within the application for a user-friendly experience similar to online shopping. During FY 2023, there were 416,549 catalog items, of which 101,886 were environmentally preferable products marked as 'Recycled" to promote use. Table 2 contains the purchase order spend for the STCs noted in Table 1. Table 3 captures non-STC purchases designated as recyclable or sustainable by user indicator. Table 2: FY23 Purchase Order Spend of Sustainable Statewide Term Contracts Statewide Term Contract Purchase Order Count Purchase Order Spend 045A Household Appliances 294 $345,520.24 050A Preschool/Elementary Art Supplies & Accessories 1,036 $170,176.30 070E 35,000 & 50,000-70,000 GVWR Cab & Chassis Trucks 6 $574,761.90 070G Utility, Transportation & Golf Vehicles & Related Accessories, Equipment, Parts and Services 071C Type C (Conventional) School and Activity Buses 279 $914,538.28 19 $4,119,232 165A Kitchen Equipment and Accessories 854 $4,362,185.28 121A Interior, Exterior and Traffic Paint 523 $1,091,903.42 360A Floor Covering and Installations Services 1,731 $6,305,214.82 213A Medical Products Distribution 259 $1,004,371.79 4616A Traffic Control Devices 158 $274,053.82 65B Automated External Defibrillators (AED) and Accessories 416 $1,536,497.31 6010A Manikins, Accessories and Services 108 $1,086,862.52 640A Napkins, Bathroom Tissue, Paper Towels and Toilet Seat Covers 882 $3,671,288.70 675A Agricultural Chemicals: Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides, Pesticides and Adjuvants 224 $767,424 7612B Recycling Services for Electronic Equipment 5 $1,995.90 870A Window Blinds 307 $96,185.70 880A Audio Visual and Photographic Equipment and Accessories 2,516 $8,751,068.87 936A Equipment Maintenance Management Program 160 $786,195.83 962B Document Destruction Services 75 $130,170.10 975B Vehicle Rental Services 200 $136,874.13 983B Uniform Rental 166 $686,829.80 Grand Total 10,218 $36,813,350.36 Table 3 - Non-STC Purchases Designated Sustainable by Entity T pe Entity Type Purchase Order Count Purchase Order Spend Community Colleges 28 $47,291.29 State Agencies 82 $497,078.86 Grand Total 110 $544,370.15 Agency Oversight Procurement Initiative During agency open market, formal or informal procurements, P&C encourages state agencies to use recyclable and sustainable specifications. The list of specification adjectives meets the criteria for aiding waste reduction by being reusable, refillable, repairable, more durable, and/or less toxic than their traditional counterparts. Reusable encompasses but is not limited to: Refrigerant Recovery System (filters reusable refrigerant), Recycled Carpet Fiber, Re -refined Motor Oil, Recycled Paper Fiber, Recycled Antifreeze, Recycled Content Furniture (not traditional wood), Printers, Toner Cartridges, Uniforms More Durable can cover: Above -Ground Vaulted Fuel Storage Tanks, Classroom Furniture, Electronic Lamps & Ballasts, Vacuum Cleaners, Floor Polish, Grader Slope Attachment, Plastic Lumber, Mattresses, Vertical File Cabinets, Wood Case Goods, Wood Library Furniture, LED Lighting Energy Efficient - Energy Star can be applied to: Audio Visual System, Changeable Message Signs — Solar Powered, Lighting Fixtures, Lamps, Warning Lights - Vehicles Safety, Water Coolers Water Efficient has been applied to: — Low Flow Plumbing Fixtures 0.5 GPM lavatory facet nozzles and 1.5 GPM showerheads support the Governor's water conservation initiative during severe water restrictions statewide Recycled products include but are not limited to: Office Paper, Napkins, Paper Towels, Bathroom Tissue, Toilet Seat Covers, Plastic Trash Bags, Tires Locks, Vehicles, Furniture, Re -refined Motor Oil, Recycled Antifreeze, Storage Batteries, Traffic Cones, Tires Refillable has been applied to: Ammunition - Cartridge Refills, Drums — Steel, Fire Extinguishers, Cylinders for Welding, Medical & Specialty Gases Fuel Tanks, Self -Contained Breathing Apparatus, Toner Cartridges Repairable can be applied to: Defibrillators, Musical Instruments Used Sweeper, Heavy Machinery, Helicopters, Printing Press, Vehicles (automobiles, buses and trucks), Piano, Generator, Forklift, Golf Cart, Rail Car Mover, 3- Position Fill Station Refurbished/Rebuilt products may be applied to: Heart Monitor, Ultrasound, Defibrillators & ECG Monitors, Beds, Remanufactured Toner Cartridges Longer Lasting Floor Maintenance Machine Batteries, Library Furniture, Aluminum Nuts and Bolts — non -rusting alloys, Fluorescent Electronic Ballasts permit longer lamp life, LED lighting, extended - surface HVAC Air Filters, Synthetic Lubricants, Traffic Cones, Tires Less Toxic has been applied to: Alternative Fuel Vehicles, Compact Vehicles, Hybrid Vehicles, Electric Vehicles, Dry Cell Batteries, Electronic Lamps & Ballasts, Fertilizers/Farm Chemicals, Inks for printing (using non -petroleum based inks), Instructional Art Materials, Markerboard Markers, Mattresses, Scientific Products (eliminating Freon), Refrigeration and A/C Equipment, Synthetic and Biodegradable Lubricants, Chlorine -free Sanitary Paper Products (napkins, paper towels, bathroom tissue, toilet seat covers), Cleaner Fuels (propane, gasohol, natural gas, bio- diesel), Diesel Exhaust Fluid, Vehicle Fuel Conversion Kits, Disposal/Recycle Programs (mercury content, electronics, oil, antifreeze, pallets, tires, batteries, steel) Recyclable has been incorporated in: Commodity Packaging, Commodity Metal Enclosures & Parts, Plastics, Steel & Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Chain Link Fencing, Electrical Wire, Treated Lumber, HVAC & Refrigeration Equipment — Refrigerants, Toner Cartridges, Motor Oil, Antifreeze Compliance and Risk Management Initiative The Compliance and Risk Management subsection leads the following initiative. Procurement Compliance Reviews North Carolina Administrative Code (01 NCAC 05B .1605) mandates that the Division of Purchase & Contract (P&C) conduct compliance reviews on purchasing practices of all state agencies (departments, institutions, hospitals, community colleges, and universities). All compliance reviews, except universities, are conducted using data from the NC E- Procurement systems. Electronic procurement records reduce the necessity of conducting most phases of the analysis on - site, thereby increasing efficiency as well as reducing travel costs, fuel emissions and operating expenses. In addition, all P&C compliance files are maintained electronically, improving sustainability. Procurement Education Initiative The Procurement Education section leads the following initiative. Procurement Training The Division's Procurement Education subsection offer North Carolina public procurement personnel and contract administrators the skills necessary to carry out their duties efficiently and effectively. Offered online and free of charge, virtual training sessions available covering topics such as: Introduction to Procurement, Request for Proposal, Demystifying Terms and Conditions, and Specification Writing. Operations and Systems Support Initiatives The Operations and Systems Support section supports the following initiatives. Electronic Procurement Procedures and Systems The Operations and System Support subsection manages the Division's internal procurement operations as well as agency —to-P&C interaction within a paperless environment by formalizing submissions electronically. In our continued commitment to efficiency, the Division of Purchase and Contract has merged functionality of the previous electronic Vendor Portal (eVP), the legacy Interactive Purchasing System (IPS) and NC BIDS into one efficient new eVP platform to optimize the way state purchasers and vendors interact. Among other improved functionality, the new eVP has increased transparency through enhanced public vendor search features, consolidated vendor account data, automated bid/contract extension postings, and streamlined HUB and NCSBE certification application requests into a paperless process. The NC E-Procurement — SAP Ariba Buying module, used to process requisitions into purchase orders for final electronic delivery to vendors has undergone several transformations to continue to support the electronic procurement processing needs of the state. Beginning in early 2019, the Division transitioned from an on -premises network management model to a Software as a Service (SaaS) model by implementing a cloud -based computing version of SAP Ariba Buying. This allowed the Division to decrease its footprint in the state's data warehouses. While continuing to decrease our digital footprint through technology enhancements, the Division has strengthened visibility into the procurement process by deploying the supplemental SAP Ariba Sourcing and Contracts modules to state agencies. This As of January 28th, 2024, the NC E-Procurement enterprise -wide system has 45,660 registered vendors, 10,370 Ariba Buying users, 798 Ariba Contracts users and 433 Ariba Sourcing users that represent 128 entities across the state. This includes state agencies, hospitals and institutions, community colleges, K-12 public schools, universities, and local governments. NC eProcurement systems continue to contribute to a sustainable environment through significant reductions in hard copy document reproduction (paper, printers, and supplies) by utilizing electronic business transactions and electronic documents. NC eProcurement Sustainability Assessment In partnership with Accenture, the Division of Purchase and Contract has participated in a sustainability assessment to understand its green software journey through the design, development, and deployment stages of eVP. This assessment, focusing on architectural, behavioral, coding, data, and operational practices, identified three areas of major improvement since the July 2023 implementation of eVP: ❑ Architectural — By migrating eVP to the cloud, NC eProcurement has naturally increased its sustainable architecture. When moving to the cloud, companies can see up to 2x energy efficiency from architecture and data storage alone. Moving to the cloud also opens additional architectural efficiencies. With platform updates, NC eProcurement can take advantage of Microsoft's latest performance improvements and energy optimizations. ❑ Coding — Removing energy anti -patterns has led to more efficient code, also using fewer resources. In leveraging a low-code/no-code platform, rapid development, using fewer resources has been achieved. Lazy loading, which is native to the Power Platform, has ensured that only the necessary data, images, and code is accessed when a screen is populated, ultimately leading to fewer resources being used without impacting the user. ❑ Data — By migrating eVP to the cloud, NC eProcurement has naturally increased its sustainable data storage by moving from on -premises data storage to colocation providers. This, along with the team's product backlog items for purging unused data will support NC eProcurement's largest sustainability maturity increase. For more information regarding this report, please contact: David O'Neal, State Purchasing Officer and Director of the N.C. Division of Purchase and Contract, at 984-236-0210 or david.o-neal@doa.nc.gov.