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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAS-29690_48817_CA_IAR_20230621 June 21, 2023 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section, Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 18778 Attention: Ms. Katie Bernal, L.G. Subject: Initial Abatement Action (IAA) Report Grandpa’s Country Store 903 Bethlehem Road Kings Mountain, Cleveland County, North Carolina BLE Project Number J23-20018-01 Dear Mr. Murphy, Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. (BLE) is pleased to submit this Initial Abatement Action (IAA) Report for the above-referenced property (herein referred to as “Site”). The following scope of services was performed in response to a letter issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) on January 5, 2023 and in general accordance with the NCDEQ Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure, and Initial Response and Abatement, dated May 2021. PROJECT INFORMATION The Site consists of one parcel of land located at 903 Bethlehem Road, Kings Mountain, Cleveland County, North Carolina. The Site totals approximately 3.36-acres and consist mainly of undeveloped woodlands (Figure 1). The Site is developed with the My Grandpa’s Country Store convenience store and gas station. According to a December 2022 Site Check Report prepared by Geological Resources, Inc., two spill buckets did not pass hydrostatic testing during an October 2022 compliance audit. The first spill bucket was associated with the premium (P3) underground storage tank (UST) and the second spill bucket was associated with the regular (R2) UST. During the Site Check analytical samples were collected from soils beneath both spill buckets. The soil samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) – gasoline range organics (GRO). The analytical results of the sample identified TPH-GRO concentrations above the applicable North Carolina Action Level for the sample collected from beneath the P3 spill bucket. In response, NCDEQ issued a Notice of Regulatory Requirements letter on January 5, 2023. FIELD ASSESSMENT At the request of Aarna Property, LLC, BLE performed an IAA for the Site as outlined in BLE Proposal No. P23-0615, dated April 13, 2023. Initial Abatement Action Report June 21, 2023 903 Bethlehem Road, Kings Mountain, NC BLE Project No. J23-20018-01 2 of 3 On May 1, 2023 BLE personnel mobilized to the Site to perform initial abatement activities in the area of the P3 spill bucket and to assess Site conditions. BLE personnel excavated, to the extent possible, petroleum impacted soils within the P3 spill bucket and the STP sump directly adjacent to the spill bucket. Removed soils had a mild petroleum odor but did not appear to be significantly stained or grossly impacted by petroleum compounds. BLE personnel obtained an analytical soil sample from the limit of the excavation. The location of the P3 spill bucket is shown in Figure 2. The analytical soil sample (S-1) was submitted to Pace Analytical Services, LLC, a North Carolina certified laboratory. The soil sample was analyzed for the following: • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) via Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260D • Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC) via EPA Method 8270E • MADEP Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) • MADEP Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) ANALYTICAL RESULTS BLE personnel collected one soil sample, S-1, during this IAA. The sample was analyzed by a North Carolina certified laboratory and the complete analytical report is provided as an attachment. Soil laboratory data was compared to the NCDEQ Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs). No VOCs were detected in the sample at concentrations exceeding laboratory minimum detection limits. Additionally, the MADEP VPH and MADEP EPH results were also non-detect. A total of three (3) SVOCs were detected in concentrations exceeding their respective laboratory minimum detection limit. However, none of the detected SVOC concentrations were above their respective MSCC Residential Standard or MSCC Industrial Standard. A summary of the soil analytical results for the detected compounds is provided below. Parameter Analytical Result Residential Standard Industrial Standard Caprolactam 11 J NE NE Di-n-butyl phthalate 11 J NE NE Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 31 J 46,000 410,000 Concentrations presented in micrograms per kilogram (µg/kg) NE = Not Established CONCLUSIONS BLE completed an IAA at the Site on behalf of Aarna Property LLC. in response to a letter issued by the NCDEQ dated January 5, 2023. As part of this assessment, one analytical soil sample was collected and submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis. Initial Abatement Action Report June 21, 2023 903 Bethlehem Road, Kings Mountain, NC BLE Project No. J23-20018-01 3 of 3 The analytical soil sample did not have detections of VOCs, MADEP VPH or MADEP EPH above laboratory minimum detection limits. The sample did have detections of several SVOCs. However, none of the detected SVOCs were present in concentrations exceeding their respective MSCC Residential Standard. Based on the results of this assessment, BLE does not recommend additional environmental investigation associated with NCDEQ UST Incident #48817 at this time. CLOSING We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (864) 288-1265. Respectfully Submitted, BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. Daniel P. Osbourne, P.G. Trevor J. Benton, P.G. Chief Scientist Department Manager, Environmental Services Cc: Mr. Kajal Patel, Aarna Property, LLC 1 6-19-23 GRANDPA_SLM J23-20018-01 SITE LOCATION MAPGRANDPA'S COUNTRY STORE903 BETHLEHEM ROADKINGS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA REFERENCE:USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, 7.5 MINUTE SERIESGROVER N.C. QUADRANGLE 2022 No t T o S c a l e 06 - 1 9 - 2 3 GR A N D P A S L M J2 3-20 0 1 8 - 0 1 SA M P L E L O C A T I O N M A P GR A N D P A ' S C O U N T R Y S T O R E 90 3 B E T H L E H E M R O A D KI N G S M O U N T A I N , NO R T H C A R O L I N A 2 RE F E R E N C E : GO O G L E E A R T H I M A G E D A T E D AP R I L 2 0 2 2 The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced,except in its entirety,without the written approval of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Pace Analytical Services,LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services,Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia,SC 29172 Tel:803-791-9700 Fax:803-791-9111 Report of Analysis Bunnell-Lammons Engineering,Inc. 6004 Ponders Court Greenville,SC 29615 Attention:Dan Osbourne Project Name:Grandpa's Country Store Lot Number:YE05035 Date Completed:05/30/2023 05/31/2023 10:36 AM Approved and released by: Project Manager II:Lucas Odom Page 1 of 35 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES,LLC SC DHEC No:32010001 NELAC No:E87653 NC DENR No:329 NC Field Parameters No:5639 Pace Analytical Services,LLC (formerly Shealy Environmetal Services,Inc.) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia,SC 29172 (803)791-9700 Fax (803)791-9111 Case Narrative Bunnell-Lammons Engineering,Inc. Lot Number:YE05035 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s)for the sample(s)listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative.The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report.Where sampling is conducted by the client,results relate to the accuracy of the information provided,and as the samples are received. Sample receipt,sample analysis,and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved The NELAC Institute (TNI)standards,the Pace Analytical Services,LLC ("Pace") Laboratory Quality Manual,standard operating procedures (SOPs),and Pace policies.Any exceptions to the TNI standards,the Laboratory Quality Manual,SOPs or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Pace is a TNI accredited laboratory;however,the following analyses are currently not listed on our TNI scope of accreditation:Drinking Water:VOC (excluding BTEX,MTBE,Naphthalene,&1,2- dichloroethane)EPA 524.2,E.coli and Total coliforms SM 9223 B-2004,Solid Chemical Material:TOC Walkley-Black,Biological Tissue:All,Non-Potable Water:SGT-HEM EPA 1664B,Silica EPA 200.7, Boron,Calcium,Silicon,Strontium EPA 200.8,Bicarbonate,Carbonate,and Hydroxide Alkalinity SM 2320 B-2011,SM 9221 C E-2006 &SM 9222D-2006,Strontium SW-846 6010D,VOC SM 6200 B-2011,Fecal Coliform Colilert-18. Where applicable,all soil sample results (including LOQ and DL if requested)are corrected for dry weight unless flagged with a "W"qualifier. If you have any questions regarding this report,please contact the Pace Project Manager listed on the cover page. VOCs by GC/MS Insufficient sample volume was provided to perform matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD)for analytical batch 75314.An LCS/LCSD was run in lieu of an MS/MSD. Page 2 of 35 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Sample Summary Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. Lot Number: YE05035 Sample Number Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 001 05/01/2023 1230S-1 Solid 05/05/2023 (1 sample) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 3 of 35 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Detection Summary Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. Lot Number: YE05035 Sample Sample ID Matrix Parameter Method Result Q Units Page 001 S-1 Solid Caprolactam 8270E 11 J ug/kg 7 001 S-1 Solid Di-n-butyl phthalate 8270E 11 J ug/kg 7 001 S-1 Solid bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 8270E 31 J ug/kg 7 (3 detections) 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 4 of 35 Description:Matrix: Date Received: Client:Laboratory ID: Date Sampled: Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. S-1 YE05035-001 05/01/2023 1230 05/05/2023 Solid % Solids:77.3 05/09/2023 1715 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 05/15/2023 2007 JWG 75314 5.86 AnalyticalCAS Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run DL Acetone 67-64-1 8260D ND 1ug/kg8.822 Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide)74-83-9 8260D ND 1ug/kg3.35.5 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 8260D ND 1ug/kg4.422 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride)74-87-3 8260D ND 1ug/kg3.35.5 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)96-12-8 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 1ug/kg3.35.5 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 1ug/kg4.411 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)1634-04-4 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 1ug/kg4.411 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL_ LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40%ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria H = Out of holding time Q = Surrogate failure L = LCS/LCSD failure S = MS/MSD failure DL = Detection Limit W = Reported on wet weight basis 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 5 of 35 Description:Matrix: Date Received: Client:Laboratory ID: Date Sampled: Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. S-1 YE05035-001 05/01/2023 1230 05/05/2023 Solid % Solids:77.3 05/09/2023 1715 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 8260D 1 05/15/2023 2007 JWG 75314 5.86 AnalyticalCAS Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run DL 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 1ug/kg2.25.5 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 1ug/kg3.35.5 Xylenes (total)1330-20-7 8260D ND 1ug/kg4.411 AcceptanceRun 1 Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 96 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 79 53-142 Toluene-d8 98 68-124 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 1 05/16/2023 1525 JCG 05/07/2023 1200 74924 AnalyticalCAS Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run DL Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 1ug/kg1.03.3 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 1ug/kg1.23.3 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.633.3 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.733.3 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.823.3 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.623.3 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.813.3 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.593.3 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E 11 J 1ug/kg6.216 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL_ LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40%ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria H = Out of holding time Q = Surrogate failure L = LCS/LCSD failure S = MS/MSD failure DL = Detection Limit W = Reported on wet weight basis 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 6 of 35 Description:Matrix: Date Received: Client:Laboratory ID: Date Sampled: Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. S-1 YE05035-001 05/01/2023 1230 05/05/2023 Solid % Solids:77.3 05/09/2023 1715 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 1 05/16/2023 1525 JCG 05/07/2023 1200 74924 AnalyticalCAS Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run DL bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.563.3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.633.3 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 1ug/kg9.216 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E 11 J 1ug/kg6.216 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 1ug/kg3183 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 1ug/kg3183 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg1233 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg1233 Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E 31 J 1ug/kg3183 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.523.3 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.713.3 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 1ug/kg3183 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 1ug/kg1.23.3 Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E ND 1ug/kg1.23.3 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 1ug/kg1233 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E ND 1ug/kg1.23.3 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 1ug/kg1233 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg1233 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 1ug/kg1233 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 1ug/kg1233 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 1ug/kg3183 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine)86-30-6 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 1ug/kg3183 J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL_ LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40%ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria H = Out of holding time Q = Surrogate failure L = LCS/LCSD failure S = MS/MSD failure DL = Detection Limit W = Reported on wet weight basis 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 7 of 35 Description:Matrix: Date Received: Client:Laboratory ID: Date Sampled: Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. S-1 YE05035-001 05/01/2023 1230 05/05/2023 Solid % Solids:77.3 05/09/2023 1715 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 1 05/16/2023 1525 JCG 05/07/2023 1200 74924 AnalyticalCAS Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run DL Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.893.3 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E ND 1ug/kg0.623.3 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 1ug/kg6.216 AcceptanceRun 1 Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 49 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 61 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 59 22-109 Phenol-d5 62 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 66 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 58 30-117 MA EPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH-MADEP-EPH-04 1 05/18/2023 1853 SAF 05/12/2023 1425 75164 AnalyticalCAS Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run DL C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 1mg/kg1212 AcceptanceRun 1 Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2)82 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1)78 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic)60 40-140 MA EPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH-MADEP-EPH-04 1 05/18/2023 1804 SAF 05/12/2023 1425 75163 AnalyticalCAS Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run DL C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 1mg/kg1212 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH-04 ND 1mg/kg1212 AcceptanceRun 1 Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic)65 40-140 J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL_ LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40%ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria H = Out of holding time Q = Surrogate failure L = LCS/LCSD failure S = MS/MSD failure DL = Detection Limit W = Reported on wet weight basis 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 8 of 35 Description:Matrix: Date Received: Client:Laboratory ID: Date Sampled: Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. S-1 YE05035-001 05/01/2023 1230 05/05/2023 Solid % Solids:77.3 05/09/2023 1715 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 05/25/2023 1531 JWG 76264 AnalyticalCAS Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run DL C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18-ND 1mg/kg1.05.1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH-18-ND 1mg/kg1.05.1 AcceptanceRun 1 Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID)111 70-130 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 05/25/2023 1531 JWG 76265 AnalyticalCAS Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run DL C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH-18-ND 1mg/kg0.681.7 AcceptanceRun 1 Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID)82 70-130 J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL_ LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40%ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria H = Out of holding time Q = Surrogate failure L = LCS/LCSD failure S = MS/MSD failure DL = Detection Limit W = Reported on wet weight basis 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 9 of 35 QC Summary 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 10 of 35 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ75314-001 75314 5035 Analytical Method:8260D Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q LOQ DL Units Analysis DateDil Acetone ND 05/15/2023 1525208.0 ug/kg1 Benzene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Bromodichloromethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Bromoform ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide)ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 3.0 ug/kg1 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 05/15/2023 1525204.0 ug/kg1 Carbon disulfide ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Carbon tetrachloride ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Chlorobenzene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Chloroethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Chloroform ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride)ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 3.0 ug/kg1 Cyclohexane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Dibromochloromethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 3.0 ug/kg1 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Ethylbenzene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 2-Hexanone ND 05/15/2023 1525104.0 ug/kg1 Isopropylbenzene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Methyl acetate ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND 05/15/2023 1525104.0 ug/kg1 Methylcyclohexane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Methylene chloride ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Styrene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Tetrachloroethene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Toluene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 11 of 35 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ75314-001 75314 5035 Analytical Method:8260D Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q LOQ DL Units Analysis DateDil Trichloroethene ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 2.0 ug/kg1 Vinyl chloride ND 05/15/2023 15255.0 3.0 ug/kg1 Xylenes (total)ND 05/15/2023 1525104.0 ug/kg1 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit Bromofluorobenzene 102 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 87 53-142 Toluene-d8 104 68-124 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 12 of 35 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ75314-002 75314 5035 Analytical Method:8260D Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date %Rec LimitDil(ug/kg)(ug/kg) Acetone 120 05/15/2023 141412110060-1401 Benzene 49 05/15/2023 1414975070-1301 Bromodichloromethane 49 05/15/2023 1414985070-1301 Bromoform 51 05/15/2023 14141025070-1301 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide)53 05/15/2023 14141075070-1301 2-Butanone (MEK)110 05/15/2023 141410610060-1401 Carbon disulfide 46 05/15/2023 1414925070-1301 Carbon tetrachloride 44 05/15/2023 1414895070-1301 Chlorobenzene 52 05/15/2023 14141035070-1301 Chloroethane 49 05/15/2023 1414975070-1301 Chloroform 46 05/15/2023 1414915070-1301 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride)51 05/15/2023 14141015060-1401 Cyclohexane 45 05/15/2023 1414905070-1301 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)44 05/15/2023 1414885070-1301 Dibromochloromethane 53 05/15/2023 14141065070-1301 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)54 05/15/2023 14141085070-1301 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 52 05/15/2023 14141045070-1301 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 55 05/15/2023 14141105070-1301 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 54 05/15/2023 14141095070-1301 Dichlorodifluoromethane 55 05/15/2023 14141095060-1401 1,1-Dichloroethane 47 05/15/2023 1414945070-1301 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 05/15/2023 14141005070-1301 1,1-Dichloroethene 44 05/15/2023 1414885070-1301 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 46 05/15/2023 1414915070-1301 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 46 05/15/2023 1414925070-1301 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 05/15/2023 14141005070-1301 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50 05/15/2023 1414995070-1301 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 54 05/15/2023 14141085070-1301 Ethylbenzene 53 05/15/2023 14141055070-1301 2-Hexanone 130 05/15/2023 141412610070-1301 Isopropylbenzene 51 05/15/2023 14141015070-1301 Methyl acetate 50 05/15/2023 14141015070-1301 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)47 05/15/2023 1414935070-1301 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100 05/15/2023 141410510070-1301 Methylcyclohexane 48 05/15/2023 1414955070-1301 Methylene chloride 46 05/15/2023 1414915070-1301 Styrene 53 05/15/2023 14141065070-1301 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 56 05/15/2023 14141115070-1301 Tetrachloroethene 52 05/15/2023 14141035070-1301 Toluene 50 05/15/2023 14141005070-1301 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 43 05/15/2023 1414865070-1301 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 44 05/15/2023 1414875070-1301 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 44 05/15/2023 1414895070-1301 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 53 05/15/2023 14141075070-1301 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 13 of 35 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ75314-002 75314 5035 Analytical Method:8260D Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date %Rec LimitDil(ug/kg)(ug/kg) Trichloroethene 47 05/15/2023 1414945070-1301 Trichlorofluoromethane 46 05/15/2023 1414925070-1301 Vinyl chloride 48 05/15/2023 1414965070-1301 Xylenes (total)100 05/15/2023 141410310070-1301 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit Bromofluorobenzene 103 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 101 53-142 Toluene-d8 107 68-124 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 14 of 35 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCSD Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ75314-003 75314 5035 Analytical Method:8260D Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date% RPD %Rec Limit % RPD LimitDil(ug/kg)(ug/kg) Acetone 110 05/15/2023 143711110060-1408.6 201 Benzene 45 05/15/2023 1437895070-1308.7 201 Bromodichloromethane 45 05/15/2023 1437905070-1308.4 201 Bromoform 47 05/15/2023 1437945070-1308.2 201 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide)45 05/15/2023 1437915070-13016 201 2-Butanone (MEK)98 05/15/2023 14379810060-1408.3 201 Carbon disulfide 40 05/15/2023 1437795070-13015 201 Carbon tetrachloride 39 05/15/2023 1437775070-13014 201 Chlorobenzene 48 05/15/2023 1437955070-1308.2 201 Chloroethane 41 05/15/2023 1437825070-13017 201 Chloroform 41 05/15/2023 1437815070-13011 201 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride)43 05/15/2023 1437865060-14017 201 Cyclohexane 40 05/15/2023 1437795070-13013 201 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)44 05/15/2023 1437885070-1300.46 201 Dibromochloromethane 50 05/15/2023 1437995070-1306.4 201 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)51 05/15/2023 14371015070-1306.4 201 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 48 05/15/2023 1437965070-1307.7 201 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 05/15/2023 14371015070-1308.7 201 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 05/15/2023 1437995070-1309.4 201 Dichlorodifluoromethane 44 05/15/2023 1437+8950 60-14021 201 1,1-Dichloroethane 42 05/15/2023 1437835070-13012 201 1,2-Dichloroethane 47 05/15/2023 1437945070-1305.3 201 1,1-Dichloroethene 38 05/15/2023 1437765070-13014 201 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 41 05/15/2023 1437825070-13010 201 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 40 05/15/2023 1437805070-13014 201 1,2-Dichloropropane 46 05/15/2023 1437925070-1308.9 201 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 46 05/15/2023 1437925070-1307.4 201 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50 05/15/2023 14371005070-1307.5 201 Ethylbenzene 47 05/15/2023 1437945070-13011 201 2-Hexanone 120 05/15/2023 143712010070-1304.9 201 Isopropylbenzene 45 05/15/2023 1437905070-13012 201 Methyl acetate 47 05/15/2023 1437945070-1307.1 201 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)44 05/15/2023 1437885070-1305.9 201 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100 05/15/2023 143710110070-1303.0 201 Methylcyclohexane 42 05/15/2023 1437845070-13012 201 Methylene chloride 41 05/15/2023 1437825070-13011 201 Styrene 48 05/15/2023 1437965070-1309.2 201 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 53 05/15/2023 14371065070-1305.0 201 Tetrachloroethene 46 05/15/2023 1437915070-13012 201 Toluene 46 05/15/2023 1437915070-1308.6 201 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 37 05/15/2023 1437745070-13015 201 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 41 05/15/2023 1437825070-1306.3 201 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 39 05/15/2023 1437785070-13012 201 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 05/15/2023 14371005070-1306.4 201 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 15 of 35 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCSD Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ75314-003 75314 5035 Analytical Method:8260D Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date% RPD %Rec Limit % RPD LimitDil(ug/kg)(ug/kg) Trichloroethene 43 05/15/2023 1437855070-13010 201 Trichlorofluoromethane 40 05/15/2023 1437805070-13014 201 Vinyl chloride 41 05/15/2023 1437825070-13015 201 Xylenes (total)94 05/15/2023 14379410070-1309.4 201 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit Bromofluorobenzene 91 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 95 53-142 Toluene-d8 96 68-124 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 16 of 35 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ74924-001 74924 3546 05/07/2023 1200Analytical Method:8270E Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q LOQ DL Units Analysis DateDil Acenaphthene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.83 ug/kg1 Acenaphthylene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.95 ug/kg1 Acetophenone ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Anthracene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.51 ug/kg1 Atrazine ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Benzaldehyde ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.59 ug/kg1 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.66 ug/kg1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.50 ug/kg1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.65 ug/kg1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.48 ug/kg1 1,1'-Biphenyl ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Caprolactam ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Carbazole ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 4-Chloroaniline ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 2-Chlorophenol ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Chrysene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.45 ug/kg1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.51 ug/kg1 Dibenzofuran ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Diethylphthalate ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Dimethyl phthalate ND 05/15/2023 1823137.4 ug/kg1 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Di-n-butyl phthalate ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ND 05/15/2023 18236725ug/kg1 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 05/15/2023 18236725ug/kg1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 05/15/2023 18232710ug/kg1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 05/15/2023 18232710ug/kg1 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 05/15/2023 18236725ug/kg1 Fluoranthene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.42 ug/kg1 Fluorene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.57 ug/kg1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 05/15/2023 18236725ug/kg1 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 17 of 35 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ74924-001 74924 3546 05/07/2023 1200Analytical Method:8270E Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q LOQ DL Units Analysis DateDil Hexachloroethane ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 1.0 ug/kg1 Isophorone ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.99 ug/kg1 2-Methylphenol ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 3+4-Methylphenol ND 05/15/2023 18232710ug/kg1 Naphthalene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.97 ug/kg1 2-Nitroaniline ND 05/15/2023 18232710ug/kg1 3-Nitroaniline ND 05/15/2023 18232710ug/kg1 4-Nitroaniline ND 05/15/2023 18232710ug/kg1 Nitrobenzene ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 2-Nitrophenol ND 05/15/2023 18232710ug/kg1 4-Nitrophenol ND 05/15/2023 18236725ug/kg1 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine)ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Pentachlorophenol ND 05/15/2023 18236725ug/kg1 Phenanthrene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.72 ug/kg1 Phenol ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Pyrene ND 05/15/2023 18232.7 0.50 ug/kg1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 05/15/2023 1823135.0 ug/kg1 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 59 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 69 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 63 22-109 Phenol-d5 70 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 71 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 58 30-117 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 18 of 35 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ74924-002 74924 3546 05/07/2023 1200Analytical Method:8270E Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date %Rec LimitDil(ug/kg)(ug/kg) Acenaphthene 81 05/15/2023 18486113012-1111 Acenaphthylene 85 05/15/2023 18486413044-1221 Acetophenone 84 05/15/2023 18486313048-1111 Anthracene 91 05/15/2023 18486813016-1221 Atrazine 89 05/15/2023 18486713048-1161 Benzaldehyde 69 05/15/2023 18485213010-1101 Benzo(a)anthracene 88 05/15/2023 18486613040-1211 Benzo(a)pyrene 89 05/15/2023 18486713036-1141 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 88 05/15/2023 18486613038-1231 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 79 05/15/2023 18485913043-1201 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 92 05/15/2023 18486913040-1261 1,1'-Biphenyl 78 05/15/2023 18485913049-1101 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 88 05/15/2023 18486713046-1181 Butyl benzyl phthalate 82 05/15/2023 18486213046-1281 Caprolactam 100 05/15/2023 18487513043-1211 Carbazole 92 05/15/2023 18486913047-1281 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 99 05/15/2023 18487413031-1021 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 94 05/15/2023 18487113049-1181 4-Chloroaniline 48 05/15/2023 18483613017-1061 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 100 05/15/2023 18487713039-1081 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 91 05/15/2023 18486813032-1051 2-Chloronaphthalene 76 05/15/2023 18485713031-1271 2-Chlorophenol 96 05/15/2023 18487213037-1061 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 91 05/15/2023 18486813047-1161 Chrysene 87 05/15/2023 18486513041-1241 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 76 05/15/2023 18485713038-1251 Dibenzofuran 78 05/15/2023 18485913045-1121 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 71 05/15/2023 18485313010-1191 2,4-Dichlorophenol 80 05/15/2023 18486013041-1131 Diethylphthalate 96 05/15/2023 18487213049-1231 Dimethyl phthalate 95 05/15/2023 18487113048-1201 2,4-Dimethylphenol 99 05/15/2023 18487513033-1231 Di-n-butyl phthalate 93 05/15/2023 18487013051-1291 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 120 05/15/2023 18488713040-1301 2,4-Dinitrophenol 160 05/15/2023 18485927032-1151 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 110 05/15/2023 18488413048-1241 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 100 05/15/2023 18487713047-1251 Di-n-octylphthalate 100 05/15/2023 18487513049-1421 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 100 05/15/2023 18487713045-1281 Fluoranthene 94 05/15/2023 18487113026-1331 Fluorene 88 05/15/2023 18486613019-1081 Hexachlorobenzene 84 05/15/2023 18486313044-1221 Hexachlorobutadiene 77 05/15/2023 18485813033-1031 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 370 05/15/2023 18485567018-1211 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 19 of 35 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ74924-002 74924 3546 05/07/2023 1200Analytical Method:8270E Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date %Rec LimitDil(ug/kg)(ug/kg) Hexachloroethane 77 05/15/2023 18485813030-961 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 77 05/15/2023 18485813042-1231 Isophorone 95 05/15/2023 18487213041-1131 2-Methylnaphthalene 89 05/15/2023 18486713010-1071 2-Methylphenol 99 05/15/2023 18487513032-1071 3+4-Methylphenol 89 05/15/2023 18486713039-1081 Naphthalene 82 05/15/2023 18486213010-1121 2-Nitroaniline 110 05/15/2023 18487913045-1231 3-Nitroaniline 72 05/15/2023 18485413024-1271 4-Nitroaniline 110 05/15/2023 18488013048-1271 Nitrobenzene 86 05/15/2023 18486413033-1141 2-Nitrophenol 86 05/15/2023 18486513035-1081 4-Nitrophenol 140 05/15/2023 18485327018-1541 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 100 05/15/2023 18487913032-1151 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine)76 05/15/2023 18485713053-1501 Pentachlorophenol 140 05/15/2023 18485327027-1381 Phenanthrene 85 05/15/2023 18486413016-1231 Phenol 100 05/15/2023 18487613036-1081 Pyrene 88 05/15/2023 18486613034-1211 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 85 05/15/2023 18486413046-1221 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 75 05/15/2023 18485713038-1151 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 57 33-102 2-Fluorophenol 66 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 61 22-109 Phenol-d5 67 33-122 Terphenyl-d14 65 41-120 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 58 30-117 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 20 of 35 MA EPH (aliphatics) - MB Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ75163-001 75163 MADEP-EPH-04 05/12/2023 1425Analytical Method:MADEP-EPH-04 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q LOQ DL Units Analysis DateDil C9 - C18 Aliphatics ND 05/18/2023 17351010mg/kg1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics ND 05/18/2023 17351010mg/kg1 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic)68 40-140 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 21 of 35 MA EPH (aliphatics) - LCS Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ75163-002 75163 MADEP-EPH-04 05/12/2023 1425Analytical Method:MADEP-EPH-04 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date %Rec LimitDil(mg/kg)(mg/kg) C9 - C18 Aliphatics 17 05/18/2023 1745563040-1401 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 30 05/18/2023 1745744040-1401 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic)72 40-140 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 22 of 35 MA EPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ75163-003 75163 MADEP-EPH-04 05/12/2023 1425Analytical Method:MADEP-EPH-04 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date% RPD %Rec Limit % RPD LimitDil(mg/kg)(mg/kg) C9 - C18 Aliphatics 15 05/18/2023 1754513040-1407.8 251 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 29 05/18/2023 1754724040-1402.7 251 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic)67 40-140 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 23 of 35 MA EPH (aromatics) - MB Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ75164-001 75164 MADEP-EPH-04 05/12/2023 1425Analytical Method:MADEP-EPH-04 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q LOQ DL Units Analysis DateDil C11 - C22 Aromatics ND 05/18/2023 18241010mg/kg1 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2)81 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1)75 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic)63 40-140 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 24 of 35 MA EPH (aromatics) - LCS Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ75164-002 75164 MADEP-EPH-04 05/12/2023 1425Analytical Method:MADEP-EPH-04 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date %Rec LimitDil(mg/kg)(mg/kg) C11 - C22 Aromatics 59 05/18/2023 1833708540-1401 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2)85 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1)82 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic)63 40-140 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 25 of 35 MA EPH (aromatics) - LCSD Batch:Prep Method: Prep Date: Sample ID:YQ75164-003 75164 MADEP-EPH-04 05/12/2023 1425Analytical Method:MADEP-EPH-04 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date% RPD %Rec Limit % RPD LimitDil(mg/kg)(mg/kg) C11 - C22 Aromatics 60 05/18/2023 1843708540-1400.82 251 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2)83 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1)79 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic)64 40-140 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 26 of 35 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - MB Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ76264-001 76264 VPH Analytical Method:MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q LOQ DL Units Analysis DateDil C5 - C8 Aliphatics ND 05/25/2023 14013.8 0.75 mg/kg1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics ND 05/25/2023 14013.8 0.75 mg/kg1 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID)99 70-130 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 27 of 35 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCS Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ76264-002 76264 VPH Analytical Method:MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date %Rec LimitDil(mg/kg)(mg/kg) C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 05/25/2023 13031007.5 70-1301 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.6 05/25/2023 1303988.8 70-1301 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID)90 70-130 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 28 of 35 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ76264-003 76264 VPH Analytical Method:MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date% RPD %Rec Limit % RPD LimitDil(mg/kg)(mg/kg) C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.3 05/25/2023 1332977.5 70-1302.9 251 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.1 05/25/2023 1332938.8 70-1305.4 251 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID)96 70-130 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 29 of 35 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - MB Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ76265-001 76265 VPH Analytical Method:MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q LOQ DL Units Analysis DateDil C9 - C10 Aromatics ND 05/25/2023 14011.3 0.50 mg/kg1 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID)88 70-130 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 30 of 35 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCS Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ76265-002 76265 VPH Analytical Method:MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date %Rec LimitDil(mg/kg)(mg/kg) C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 05/25/2023 13031021.3 70-1301 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID)82 70-130 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 31 of 35 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCSD Batch:Prep Method: Sample ID:YQ76265-003 76265 VPH Analytical Method:MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Matrix:Solid Parameter Result Q % Rec Spike Amount Analysis Date% RPD %Rec Limit % RPD LimitDil(mg/kg)(mg/kg) C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.2 05/25/2023 1332991.3 70-1303.9 251 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID)86 70-130 Note:Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results LOQ = Limit of Quantitation ND = Not detected at or above the DL J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% + = RPD is out of criteria _DL = Detection Limit * = RSD is out of criteria 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 32 of 35 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 33 of 35 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 34 of 35 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Pace Analytical Services, LLC (formerly Shealy Environmental Services, Inc.) Page 35 of 35