HomeMy WebLinkAbout23080_Almont Shipping II_RSR_20240130Prepared for Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC 8255 Greensboro Drive, Suite 200 McLean, Virigina 22012 Wilmington Riverfront Holding Company, LLC 8255 Greensboro Drive, Suite 200 McLean, Virigina 22012 2023 REDEVELOPMENT SUMMARY REPORT ALMONT SHIPPING II 19 AND 41 HARNETT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA Brownfields Project No: 23080-19-065 Prepared by Geosyntec" consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 314 Walnut Street, Suite 200 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Project Number: GN7035 30 January 2024 CERTIFICATION PAGE 2023 REDEVELOPMENT SUMMARY REPORT ALMONT SHIPPING II 19 AND 41 HARNETT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO.23080-19-065 Prepared by: olk)-a� Abigail Wesley, P.G. (NC) Gcologlst Reviewed {by: Kaitlyn Rhonehouse, P.E. (FL, NC, SC, VA) Senior Principal Engineer PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST SIGNATURE I, Abigail Wesley, a Licensed Professional Geologist for Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C., do certify that the information in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Geosyntec Consultants of NC, F.C. is licensed to practice engineering in North Carolina. The certification number (Firm's License Number) is C-3500. Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. is licensed to practice geo��W,�ll}�)North Carolina. The certification number (Finn's License Numbe�ai�A R'•'%,�� SEAS ,=sir � 0 C. Abigail Wesley, P.G. Professional Geologist North Carolina P.G. License No. 2823 Expiration Date: 30 June 2024 Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC 314 Walnut Street, Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone: 910.3 72.6407 GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report i Jan 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 1 1.1. Purpose........................................................................................................ 1 1.2. Redevelopment Plans.................................................................................. 1 1.3. Roles and Responsibilities........................................................................... 2 2. REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES..................................................................... 3 2.1. Redevelopment Timeline............................................................................. 3 2.2. Promenade Installation................................................................................ 4 2.3. Soil Management......................................................................................... 5 2.3.1. Site Clearing and Grading.............................................................. 5 2.3.2. Exported Soil.................................................................................. 5 2.3.3. Imported Fill Soil........................................................................... 5 2.3.4. Management of Utility Trenches .................................................... 5 2.4. Encountering Unknown Tanks, Drums, and Other Waste Material............ 6 2.5. Groundwater Management.......................................................................... 6 2.6. Surface Water Management........................................................................ 6 2.7. Sediment Management................................................................................ 6 2.8. Soil Vapor Management.............................................................................. 6 2.9. Sub -Slab Soil Vapor Management.............................................................. 6 2.10. Indoor Air Management.............................................................................. 7 2.11. VIMS Installation........................................................................................ 7 3. FUTURE REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITES..................................................... 8 4. REFERENCES..................................................................................................... 9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Layout Map LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Samples and Analyses GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report i Jan 2024 Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 1. INTRODUCTION Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec), on behalf of Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, LLC (Prospective Developer [PD]) and Wilmington Riverfront Holding Company, LLC (current owner), has prepared this Redevelopment Summary Report to document the Environmental Management Plan (EMP)-related activities completed during the redevelopment of the Almont Shipping II Property located at 19 and 41 Harnett Street in Wilmington, North Carolina ("Site"). The location of the Site is depicted in Figure 1. The Site is identified as the Almont Shipping II Property by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Brownfields Redevelopment Section (BRS) under Project ID# 23080-19-065. A Letter of Eligibility (LOE) was issued on 18 February 2020 and a Brownfields Agreement (BFA) finalized on 13 January 2023. An EMP for only bulkhead repair/reinforcement (required to be completed in advance of initiating redevelopment activities) was executed on 20 October 2020. Bulkhead work was conducted between December 2020 and February 2021 and was summarized in the Redevelopment Summary Report submitted on 31 January 2023 (Geosyntec, 2023). A subsequent EMP for Site construction activities was conditionally approved on 28 May 2021 and finalized/executed on 4 February 2022. Redevelopment activities under the current EMP were initiated in July 2021 and are nearly complete. This is the second annual redevelopment summary report and anticipated to be the final redevelopment summary report for the current Site EMP. 1.1. Purpose As required by the Site's EMP, an annual status report of EMP-related activities conducted at the Site shall be submitted to BRS. This report provides a summary of Site - related EMP activities completed in January 2023 through December 2023. 1.2. Redevelopment Plans Brownfields Property redevelopment included the construction of a mixed -use multi- family apartment complex with associated parking. The apartment complex is comprised of two buildings: "Building 1" on the western parcel and "Building 2" on the eastern parcel, which were occupied in phases (Figure 2). Redevelopment activities described in this report include those related to Site grading, soil import and export, utility installation, paving, vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) installation, and building construction. GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report 1 Jan 2024 Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 1.3. Roles and Responsibilities During active redevelopment, Clancy and Theys Construction Company (C&T), the general contractor (GC) was responsible for primary oversight of EMP-related work practices. In direct coordination with C&T, Geosyntec served as the Environmental Professional (EP) and provided professional oversight as needed. Funston Company (Funston), contracted by C&T, performed on -site excavation/grading and transportation of imported and exported materials (discussed further in Section 2.3). W.P. Rose Plumbing (WP Rose) and S&H Waterproofing (S&H), contracted by C&T, performed installation of VIMS components (discussed further in Section 2.11). GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report 2 Jan 2024 Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 2. REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Redevelopment -related activities at the Site that were overseen by the EP began in December 2020 (bulkhead) and again in July 2021 and are nearly complete. The Site has been redeveloped into multiple buildings, which are shown on Figure 2. The following subsections provide a general timeline of the EMP-related activities completed during that period, followed by details of EMP-related activities, organized in - line with the EMP. 2.1. Redevelopment Timeline The general time periods during which redevelopment activities were completed, are summarized below. Redevelopment Activity Dates Status Riverwalk bulkhead reinforcement December 2020 — February 2021 Complete Site grubbing September 2021 — October 2021 Complete Utility trenching/excavation September 2021 — December 2022 Complete Soil import and export September 2021 — October 2023 Complete Groundwater sampling (for dewatering profiling) September 2021 Complete Soil sampling (as needed) September 2021 — February 2022 Complete Buried pipe sampling and removal January 2022 — February 2022 Complete Soil export to adjacent property February 2022 Complete VIMS install July 2022 — November 2023 Completed Building construction) August 2022 — December 2023 Ongoing Promenade construction March 2023 — August 2023 Completed GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report 3 Jan 2024 Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Utility installation April 2023 — June 2023 Completed Building 2 occupancy June 2023 Completed Final grade soil sampling June and November 2023 Completed Landscaping in pervious areaS2 June 2023 — December 2023 Ongoing Installation of hardscapes2 June 2023 — December 2023 Ongoing Building 1 occupancy December 2023 Completed 1: EMP-related building construction is complete; some interior construction remains ongoing. 2: Landscaping and installation of hardscapes in limited areas around Building 1 are ongoing; however, further soil movement/disturbance is not anticipated. Final grade soil samples were obtained in June and November 2023 from Building 2 and Building 1, respectively. EMP-relevant details for each of the redevelopment activities described above and conducted in 2023 are provided in the relevant following sections. Previous redevelopment activities are summarized in the Redevelopment Summary Report, dated 31 January 2023. 2.2. Promenade Installation The two Site parcels (Almont Shipping II) are bisected by the Nutt Street right of way (the "promenade"). The portion of Nutt Street that is located between the Site parcels is included in a separate BRS site that also extends to the north and south of the Site, referred to as the Almont Shipping — New Brownfields Property (BRS No. 10040-06-065) and owned by the City of Wilmington (Figure 2). The City of Wilmington's property, except for the promenade area, was previously redeveloped under the City of Wilmington's EMP. During Site redevelopment, the promenade was repaved and landscaped by the Almont Shipping II PD and GC. Based on the adjoining location of the Almont Shipping — New property and the Site and the minimal area disturbed, BRS personnel (Ms. Sharon Eckard) indicated that the promenade area could be redeveloped under the Almont Shipping II EMP in a 25 April 2023 virtual meeting. Redevelopment activities associated with the promenade were conducted from March to August 2023 under the approved EMP and are summarized herein. GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report 4 Jan 2024 Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 2.3. Soil Management Prior to the start of on -site earthwork, Site soils within the redeveloped area were investigated in situ by advancing and sampling soil borings. The laboratory analytical results were provided to BRS in the Brownfields Site Assessment Report, prepared by Geosyntec (Geosyntec, 2020). Earthwork oversight was conducted as needed. Field screening with a PID was conducted during final grade sampling activities. Samples for laboratory analysis were obtained from the associated soil; a summary of samples obtained is presented on Table 1. The following sub -sections provide additional Site soil management details for activities in 2023. Details of previous soil management activities are summarized in the Redevelopment Summary Report submitted in 2023 under separate cover (Geosyntec, 2023). 2.3.1. Site Clearing and Grading Site grubbing and grading for building foundations and structures was completed prior to 2023. However minor grading efforts were made for landscaped areas. Further details about exported Site soils and imported soils are discussed below. 2.3.2. Exported Soil As discussed above, most of the Site grading activities were completed in 2022. According to the GC, soil was not disposed of off -site in 2023. 2.3.3. Imported Fill Soil Fill material was imported to the Site, in accordance with the EMP, to support the final grade and landscaped areas. Between June and October 2023, approximately 600 tons of soil were imported from the Cameron Pit at 421 Sand (Permit Number 65-26; located at 5401 Highway 421, Wilmington North Carolina), which is listed as the approved borrow source in the EMP. The imported material included a mix of mined sand procured from the Cameron Pit mine and a commercial -grade topdressing soil comprised of 80% sand and 20% loam (" 80/20 mix") purchased from 421 Sand. 2.3.4. Management of Utility Trenches Utility trenching was conducted between April and June 2023. During excavation of utility trenches, material was placed back into trenches. GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report 5 Jan 2024 Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 2.4. Encountering Unknown Tanks, Drums, and Other Waste Material Unknown materials were not encountered during subsurface activities in 2023. 2.5. Groundwater Management Groundwater was not encountered during excavations and dewatering was not necessary in 2023. 2.6. Surface Water Management A surface water body is not present at the Site. Stormwater entered open excavations during redevelopment and was managed by allowing it to infiltrate into the subsurface and/or evaporate. 2.7. Sediment Management Sediment was not present at the property during redevelopment. As a result, sediment management in general accordance with the EMP was not necessary. 2.8. Soil Vapor Management Prior to the start of redevelopment, soil vapor within the proposed buildings' footprints was initially assessed by installing and sampling soil gas probes. The results of this assessment were provided to BRS in the Soil and Soil Gas Sampling Report (Geosyntec, 2021 a), which indicated the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and methane in Site soil vapors. To support the issuance of the BFA and guide VIMS design, additional soil vapor assessment was performed in October and November 2021. The results of the October and November soil vapor assessment were provided to BRS in the Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report (Geosyntec, 2021b). A VIMS design, submitted to BRS in March 2022, was conditionally approved via email in April 2022, and a final design report, Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Metropolitan at the Riverwalk (Revision 2) (Geosyntec, 2022a), was submitted in July 2022. 2.9. Sub -Slab Soil Vapor Management The pre-existing asphalt parking lot was removed in July and August 2021. C&T began installation of the approved VIMS in July 2022, which was followed by installation of new concrete slab foundations (completed by July 2023). After each concrete slab portion cured, C&T monitored the methane concentrations from the available VIMS soil gas monitoring probes under each slab portion (discussed in Section 2.11). Additionally, GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report 6 Jan 2024 Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. Geosyntec monitored subslab methane during diagnostic testing, pre -occupancy performance monitoring and subslab sampling, and post -occupancy screening. Methane was detected at 0.1 percent by volume (%bv) one time at one location (SGP-17) during diagnostic testing. An active fan was installed on the closest riser pipe and methane was not subsequently detected above 0.0%bv. No other methane concentrations above 0% by volume have been detected in 2023. The results of the pre -occupancy methane screening events were presented to BRS in reports submitted under a separate cover in May and November 2023. The results of the post -occupancy screening events will be presented to BRS under separate cover in an operations, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) plan that will be submitted after the February 2024 subslab chemical samples are obtained. 2.10. Indoor Air Management Building construction for both Buildings 1 and 2 was completed during 2023. Indoor air management of both buildings included indoor air screening for methane during pre- occupancy performance monitoring related to the VIMS installation (discussed further in Section 2.11). Indoor air methane sensors were also permanently installed in common areas in Buildings 1 and 2. Indoor air methane sensors are connected to a telemetry system and have a low-level (0.5%bv) and high-level (1.25%bv) gas detection system response. Low-level gas detection response will notify the building manager of the measurement and the high-level gas detection response will trigger alarms and strobe lights indicating a building evacuation and the fire department will be notified. 2.11. VIMS Installation VIMS installation began in July 2022 and was completed in October 2023. Geosyntec performed construction quality assurance (CQA) during installation activities, VIMS diagnostic testing following building slab completion, pre -occupancy performance monitoring following VIMS completion, and post -occupancy methane screening in the buildings following occupancy. Following BRS approval, Building 2 was occupied by in June 2023 and Building 1 was occupied in December 2023. Details of the VIMS installation, testing, and monitoring were discussed in the Building 2 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Construction Quality Assurance, Pre -Occupancy Performance Monitoring, and Subslab Vapor Sampling Report (Geosyntec, 2023b) and the Building I Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Construction Quality Assurance, Pre -Occupancy Performance Monitoring, and Subslab Vapor Sampling Report Revision I (Geosyntec, 2023c). At the time of this report, post -occupancy methane screening in Building 2 is complete and is ongoing in Building 1. GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report 7 Jan 2024 Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 3. FUTURE REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITES The following EMP-related activities are planned for 2024. Redevelopment Activity Estimated Dates Hardscape installation January -February 2024 Completion of redevelopment January -February 2024 Redevelopment activities are planned to conclude in early-2024. Because no additional subsurface work is planned, we understand that a final redevelopment summary report is not required to be submitted in 2024 or 2025. Geosyntec will provide email notification to BRS when construction is complete and a certificate of occupancy is received for all Site buildings. If additional work is planned in the future that requires an EMP, the PD will provide notification to BRS and/or a new EMP will be submitted for review and approval. GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report 8 Jan 2024 Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 4. REFERENCES Geosyntec 2020. Brownfields Site Assessment Report. 13 July. Geosyntec 2021 a. Soil and Soil Gas Sampling Report. 11 August. Geosyntec 2021b. Supplemental Soil Gas Sampling Report. 21 January Geosyntec. 2022a. Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design: Metropolitan at the Riverwalk (Revision 2). 2 July. Geosyntec. 2023a. Redevelopment Summary Report. 31 January. Geosyntec. 2023b. Building 2 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Construction Quality Assurance, Pre -Occupancy Performance Monitoring, and Subslab Vapor Sampling Report. 26 May. Geosyntec. 2023c. Building 1 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Construction Quality Assurance, Pre -Occupancy Performance Monitoring, and Subslab Vapor Sampling Report Revision 1. 10 November. GN7035_Redevelopment Summary Report 9 Jan 2024 FIGURES low 14 Iwo na"A VON -04s.T, tog w-'!' - ViVs Its A a go rill a ,l BUILDING 2 BUILDING Building D Segment A �I Building Band C Segment A - y -- - _-- ------' ------------------------ _, —v CSEGMENT A(OUPOLEX) r , 11 BUILDING e AND PROPERTY LINE � /1 GUPOLEX) t i� 1 "'� 1 UI BLDING A(NON {_j 1 �J 4--'—iBWL'SfMGD 1 1 1 15EOMENT A jl !(CUPO -- , r 1 --- r ! 1 r 1 I 1 I ILDIM_G O 1 -- _ ,� l� SEGM�jjTe I . ,UP EX) 1 ENT e (L'UPOLEX) B ANO G SEGM I � 1 BUILDING , I , Il, I. 1 , Building A v a �, 11 i '--- ��,� off.-'�-� j Building B and C Segment B Building E/Parking Garage I /J`� I �� / NETT STREET Building D Segment B t J - Legend Notes: 1. Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Site Layout Map Site Boundary Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, N and the GIS User Community 19 and 41 Harnett Street 2. Site plan provided by Wilmington Waterfront Property Owner, Wilmington, NC LLC. GeosyntecL, Figure consultants (:ens�ntec Co��sultants of NC, Y.L. 0 70 Feet GN7035 January 2024 TABLE Table 1 Summary of Samples and Analyses Almont Shipping II 19 and 41 Harnett Street, Wilmington, NC Geosyntec consultants Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. SummaryA Analyses E Final grade composite and discrete soil 6/3/2023 sampling in the Building 2 Area pervious SS-Z1-20230603 VOCs, SVOCs, 8 RCRA 1 Metals, and Cr(VI) areas Soil Final grade composite and discrete soil SS-Z2-20231116 11/16/2023 sampling in the Building 1 Area pervious SS-Z3-20231116 VOCs, SVOCs, 8 RCRA 1 SS-Z4-20231116 Metals, and Cr(VI) areas SS-Z5-20231116 SSP-11-2355 Pre -occupancy performance monitoring SSP-12-2355 05/05/2023 and analytical sampling of subslab probes in SSP-13-2355 TO-15 with napthalene 05/08/2023 2 SSP-14-2355 Building 2 SSP-17-2358 B1-SSP1-20230919 Subslab B 1-SSP2-20230919 Vapor B1-SSP3-20230919 B1-SSP4-20230919 Pre -occupancy performance monitoring B 1-SSP5-20230919 09/19/2023 and analytical sampling of subslab probes in B 1-SSP6-20230920 TO-15 with napthalene 09/20/2023 3 B 1-SSP7-20230920 Building 1 B1-SSP16-20230920 B1-SSP162-20230920 B1-SSP18-20230920 B1-SSP19-20230920 B1-SSP20-20230920 Notes: 1. Final grade soil sample results are summarized in the Final Grade Soil Sampling Report, dated 21 December 2023. 2. Building 2 subslab sample results are summarized in the Building 2 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Construction Quality Assurance, Pre -Occupancy Performance Monitoring, and Subslab Vapor Sampling Report, dated 26 May 2023. 3. Building 1 subslab sample results are summarized in the Building 1 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Construction Quality Assurance, Pre -Occupancy Performance Monitoring, and Subslab Vapor Sampling Report, dated 10 November 2023. For soil samples, VOCs indicates volatile organic compounds analyzed via U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260 For subslab vapor samples, VOCs indicates volatile organic compounds analyzed via EPA Method TO-15 including napthalene SVOCs indicates semi -volatile organic compounds analyzed via EPA Method 8270 RCRA indicates Resource Conservation and Recovery Act analyzed via EPA Methods 6010 or 6020 and 7471 Cr(VI) indicates hexavalent chromium analyzed via EPA Method 7199 Page 1 of 1