HomeMy WebLinkAbout24007_Wrights Exective Sales II_EMP_20210416NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN This form is to be used to prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for projects in the North Carolina Brownfields Program at the direction of a Brownfields project manager. The EMP is a typical requirement of a Brownfields Agreement (BFA). Its purpose is to clarify actions to be taken during the demolition and construction at Brownfields properties in an effort to avoid delays in the event of the discovery of new contamination sources or other environmental conditions. The EMP provides a means to document redevelopment plans and environmental data for each applicable environmental medium to inform regulatory -compliant decision -making at the site. As much detail as possible should be included in the EMP, including contingency planning for unknowns. Consult your project manager if you have questions. Prospective Developers and/or their consultants must complete and submit this form and all pertinent attachments, see checklist below, to their Brownfields project manager prior to any earthmoving or other development -related activities that have the potential to disturb soil at the Brownfields Property, including demolition. For the resultant EMP to be valid for use, it must be completed, reviewed by the program, signed by all parties working on the project, and approved by the Brownfields project manager. Failure to comply with the requirements of the EMP could jeopardize project eligibility, or in the event of a completed agreement, be cause for a reopener So that the EMP provides value in protecting brownfields eligibility and public health, the preparer shall ensure that the following steps have been completed prior to submitting the EMP for review. Any EMP prepared without completing these steps is premature. ® Site sampling and assessment that meets Brownfields' objectives is complete and has been reviewed and approved by the Brownfields Project Manager. ® Specific redevelopment plans, even if conceptual, have been developed for the project, submitted and reviewed by the Brownfields Project Manager. EMP Version 2, June 2018 Please submit, along with the completed EMP form, the following attachments, as relevant and applicable to the proposed redevelopment: ® A set of redevelopment plans, including architectural/engineering plans, if available; if not conceptual plans may suffice if updated when detailed plans are drafted. ® A figure overlaying redevelopment plans on a map of the extent of contamination for each media. ® Site grading plans that include a cut and fill analysis. ® A figure showing the proposed location and depth of impacted soil that would remain on site after construction grading. ❑ Any necessary permits for redevelopment (i.e. demolition, etc.). ❑ A detailed construction schedule that includes timing and phases of construction. ® Tabulated data summaries for each impacted media (i.e. soil, groundwater, soil gas, etc.) applicable to the proposed redevelopment. ® Figures with the sampling locations and contamination extents for each impacted media applicable to the proposed redevelopment. ❑ A full final grade sampling and analysis plan, if the redevelopment plan is final. ❑ If known, information about each proposed potential borrow soil source, such as aerial photos, historic site maps, historic Sanborn maps, a site history, necessary for brownfields approval. ❑ Information and, analytical data if required, for quarries, or other borrow sources, detailing the type of material proposed for importation to the Brownfields Property. ❑ A work plan for the sampling and analysis of soil to be brought onto the Brownfields Property. Refer to Issue Resolution 15 in Brownfields Program Guidelines. ® A map of the Brownfields Property showing the location of soils proposed for export and sampling data from those areas. ® If a Vapor Mitigation System is required by the Brownfields Program, the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) plan will be signed and sealed by a NC Professional Engineer. The VIMS Plan may also be submitted under separate cover. EMP Version 2, June 2018 Date: 1/27/2021 GENERAL INFORMATION Revision Date (if applicable): 4/16/2021 Brownfields Assigned Project Name: Wright's Executive Sales Brownfields Project Number: 24007-20-032 Brownfields Property Address: 721 and 723 Rigsbee Avenue; 620 and 616 Foster Street, Durham, Durham County, North Carolina 27701 Brownfields Property Area (acres): 2.2335 Is Brownfields Property Subject to RCRA Permit? ....................... ❑ Yes ® No If yes enter Permit No.: Click or tap here to enter text. Is Brownfields Property Subject to a Solid Waste Permit ............ ❑ Yes ® No If yes, enter Permit No.: Click or tap here to enter text. COMMUNICATIONS A copy of this EMP shall be distributed to all the parties below as well as any contractors or site workers that may be exposed to site vapors, soil, groundwater, and/or surface water. Additionally, a copy of the EMP shall be maintained at the Brownfields Property during redevelopment activities. NOTE, THE EMP DOES NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF A SITE -SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN. Prospective Developer (PD): Geerhouse Partners, LLC Contact Person: Mr. John Sunter Phone Numbers: Office: Click or tap hereto enter text. Mobile: 301-367-0506 Email: jsunter@fourpointsllc.com Contractor for PD: Clancy and Theys Contact Person: TBD Phone Numbers: Office: TBD Mobile: TBD Email: TBD Environmental Consultant: ECS Southeast, LLP Contact Person: Mr. Scott Werley Phone Numbers: Office: 919-861-9920 Mobile: 984-297-7285 Email: swerley@ecslimited.com Brownfields Program Project Manager: Ms. Holly Samaha-Smith Phone Numbers: Office: 919-707-8238 Mobile: 919-210-3696 Email: holly.samaha@ncdenr.gov 3 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Other DEQ Program Contacts (if applicable, i.e., UST Section, Inactive Hazardous Site Branch, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste): _iicK or tap nere to enter text. NOTIFICATIONS TO THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM Written advance Notification Times to Brownfields Project Manager: Check each box to accept minimum advance notice periods (in calendar days) for each type of onsitetask: On -site assessment or remedial activities: .................................................... 10 days Prior Construction or grading start: .......................................................................... 10 days Prior Discovery of stained soil, odors, USTs, buried drums or waste, landfill, or other signs of previously unknown contamination: ................................................................................ Within 48 hours Implementation of emergency actions (e.g. dewatering, flood or soil erosion control measures in area of contamination, ventilation of work zones): ................................... Within 48 hours Installation of mitigation systems: ................................................................ 10 days Prior Other notifications as required by local, state or federal agencies to implement redevelopment activities: (as applicable): ................................................................................. Within 30 days REDEVELOPMENT PLANS 1) Type of Redevelopment (check all that apply): ©Residential ❑Recreational El Institutional ®Commercial ®Office ®Retail ❑ Industrial El Other specify: The redevelopment plan will include a large-scale mixed -use center planned in two stages consisting of a multi -family structure, retail space, and associated structured parking. 2) Check the following activities that will be conducted prior to commencing earth -moving activities at the site: ® Review of historic maps (Sanborn Maps, facility maps) ® Conducting geophysical surveys to evaluate the location of suspect UST, fuel lines, utility lines, etc. ❑ Interviews with employees/former employees/facility managers/neighbors 3) Summary of Redevelopment Plans (MANDATORY: attach detailed plans or conceptual plans, if detailed plans are not available. EMP review without such information would be premature): Provide brief summary of redevelopment plans, including demolition, removal of building EMP Version 2, June 2018 slabs/pavement, grading plans and planned construction of new structures: The northeastern portion of the site (723 Rigsbee Avenue; PIN 0822-20-90-4169), historically was the Uzzle Motor Co. and is now a music hall and bar and is currently planned to remain open. Other structures not mentioned above are planned to be demolished and the concrete slabs and foundations also removed. Redevelopment will occur in multiple phases. Phase 1 includes building infrastructure and streetscape improvements on the northern portion of the site (620 Foster Street and 721 Rigsbee Avenue; PINs 0822-08-90-2088 and 0822-08-90-4036) including a new mid -rise mixed -use building with residential, retail, restaurant(s), and parking. Phase 1 will also include a community corridor plaza, decks, ramps, and paving on the north side of the corridor. Phase 1 also includes terrace and streetscape improvements to Motor Co. Phase 2B includes building, infrastructure, and streetscape improvements to the southern portion of the property (616 and 620 Foster Street; PINs 0821-08-99-2971 and 0822-08-90-2088) including a new high-rise mixed -use building with residential, retail, restaurant(s), and parking. Phase 2B will also include paving on the south side of the community corridor and a bridge over the community corridor connected the two mixed -use buildings. Phase I will consist of approximately 203,000 square feet of multifamily space, 13,000 square feet of retail and/or restaurant space, 6,600 square feet of the existing Motor Co. building, and 90,000 square feet of structured parking space. Phase 2 will consist of approximately 119,200 square feet of multifamily space, 3,300 square feet of retail and/or restaurant space, and 32,000 square feet of parking space. Current plans exist to demolish existing buildings and ancillary structures, hardscapes, landscapes, concrete, pavement, sidewalks with the exception of the Motor Co building. Existing trees and shrubbery will be cleared and grubbed. Demolition includes complete removal and/ or safe termination of existing utilities in accordance with applicable code. Construction waste will be legally disposed of. Upon completion of demolition, the site shall be completely clear of debris and ready for mass grading. If encountered, demolition shall include removal of known underground storage tanks in accordance with North Carolina UST Guidance and other underground infrastructure in accordance with applicable local code. 4) Do plans include demolition of structures)?: ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ® If yes, please check here to confirm that demolition will be conducted in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including without limitation those related to lead and asbestos abatement that are administered by the Health Hazards Control Unit within the Division of Public Health of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. If available, please provide a copy of your demolition permit. 5) Are sediment and erosion control measures required by federal, state, or local regulations? EMP Version 2, June 2018 ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ® If yes, please check here to confirm that demolition will be conducted in accordance with applicable legal requirements. If soil disturbance is necessary to install sediment and erosion control measures, they may not begin until this EMP is approved. 6) Which category of risk -based screening level is used or is anticipated to be specified in the Brownfields Agreement? Note: If children frequent the property, residential screening levels shall be cited in the Brownfields Agreement for comparison purposes. ® Residential ❑ Non -Residential or Industrial/Commercial 7) Schedule for Redevelopment (attach construction schedule): a) Construction start date: 4/1/2021 b) Anticipated duration (specify activities during each phase): Phase 1: One to Two Years c) Additional phases planned? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, specify the start date and/or activities if known: Start Date: click or tap to PntPr a date. Planned Activity: Phase 2 may be delayed for several years. Start Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Planned Activity: Click or tap here to enter text. Start Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Planned Activity: UIcK or tap nere to enter text d) Provide the planned date of occupancy for new buildings: Mid 2023 CONTAMINATED MEDIA 1) Contaminated Media on the Brownfields Property Part 1. Soil: .............................................................. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Suspected Part 2. Groundwater: ............................................ ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Suspected Part 3. Surface Water: .......................................... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Suspected Part 4. Sediment: ................................................... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Suspected Part 5. Soil Vapor: .................................................. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Suspected Part 6. Sub -Slab Soil Vapor: .................................. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Suspected Part 7. Indoor Air: ................................................... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Suspected 6 EMP Version 2, June 2018 2) For the Area of Proposed Redevelopment on the Brownfields Property, attach tabulated data summaries for each impacted media and figure(s) with sample locations. PART 1. Soil — Please fill out the information below, using detailed site plans, if available, or estimate using known areas of contaminated soil and a conceptual redevelopment plan. Provide a figure overlaying new construction onto figure showing contaminated soil and groundwater locations. 1) Known or suspected contaminants in soil (list general groups of contaminants): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) and RCRA- 8 Metals. 2) Depth of known or suspected contaminants (feet): Soil thickness above the inferred soil to groundwater interface is approximately 2 to 18 feet based upon historical depth to water measurements reported in previous assessments. 3) Area of soil disturbed by redevelopment (square feet): Approximately 141,579 square feet of total disturbed area including resurfacing, construction new building foundations, and landscape initiatives. 4) Depths of soil to be excavated (feet): Excavation required for subgrade parking and utility updates will range from 5 to 10 feet below ground surface depending on the existing elevations of the ground surface and the proposed redevelopment of that portion of the site. 5) Estimated volume of soil (cubic yards) to be excavated (attach grading plan): Approximately 8,525 cubic yards (CY) of soil will be excavated in support of subgrade parking. See attached renovation plans. 6) Estimated volume of excavated soil (cubic yards) anticipated to be impacted by contaminants: 8,525 CY 7) Estimated volume of contaminated soil expected to be disposed of offsite, if applicable: 8,525 CY Part 1.A. MANAGING ONSITE SOIL If soil is anticipated to be excavated fromthe Brownfield Property, relocated on the Brownfields Property, or otherwise disturbed during site grading or other redevelopment activities, please provide a grading plan that clearly illustrates areas of cut and fill (approximate areas & volumes are acceptable, if only preliminarydata available). 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION: EMP Version 2, June 2018 a) Does the soil contain a LISTED WASTE as defined in the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section under 40 CFR Part 261.31-261.35?....................................... ❑Yes ©No ❑ If yes, explain why below, including the level of knowledge regarding processes generating the waste (include pertinent analytical results as needed). Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ If yes, do the soils exceed the "Contained -Out" levels in Attachment 1 of the North Carolina Contained -In Policy? ................................................. ❑ Yes ❑ No b) NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE AND EXCEEDS THE CONTAINED -OUT LEVELS IN ATTACHMENT 1 TO THE NORTH CAROLINA CONTAINED -IN POLICYTHE SOIL MAY NOT BE RE -USED ON SITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEQ HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS. c) Does the soil contain a CHARACTERISTIC WASTE? .................................... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ If yes, mark reason(s) why below (and include pertinent analytical results). ❑ Ignitability Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Corrosivity Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Reactivity Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Toxicity Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ TCLP results Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Rule of 20 results (20 times total analytical results for an individual hazardous constituent on TCLP list cannot, by test method, exceed regulatory TCLP standard) Click or tap here to enter text. © If no, explain rationale: In -situ soil testing has been completed across the property where excavation is proposed. Results of the samples collected did not report concentrations of constituents that would constitute a characteristic waste determination. d) NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A CHARACTERISTIC HAZARDOUS WASTE, THE SOIL MAYNOT BE RE -USED ON SITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEQ HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS. 2) Screening criteria by which soil disposition decisions will be made (e.g., left in place, capped in place with low permeability barrier, removed to onsite location and capped, removed offsite): ® Preliminary Health -Based Residential SRGs ® Preliminary Health -Based Industrial/Commercial SRGs 8 EMP Version 2, June 2018 ® Division of Waste Management Risk Calculator (For Brownfields Properties Only) ❑ Site -specific risk -based cleanup level. Please provide details of methods used for determination/explanation. Click or tap here to enter text. Additional comments: dick or tap here to enter text. 3) If known impacted soil is proposed to be reused within the Brownfields Property Boundary, please check the measures that will be utilized to ensure safe placement and documentation of same. Please attach a proposed location diagram/site map. ® Provide documentation of analytical report(s) to Brownfields Project Manager © Provide documentation of final location, thickness and depth of relocated soil on site map to Brownfields Project Manager once known ❑ Geotextile to mark depth of fill material. Provide description of material: Click or tap here to enter text. ® Manage soil under impervious cap ® or clean fill ® Describe cap or fill: If contaminated soil is encountered and reused onsite, it will either be: 1.) Located underneath asphalt/concrete parking and/or drive areas; 2.) Placed below two (2) feet of demonstrably clean fill cap material. It will not be placed below potential future structures built for occupancy. Beneficial re -use fill material is currently planned on being utilized to support Phase II redevelopment. Temporarily, a construction parking lot located within the northeastern portion of proposed Phase II will be constructed. The beneficial fill material will be located beneath a low -permeable crush and run cap and be dependent upon Brownfields approval. The temporary construction parking area is proposed to be re -excavated during Phase II. If necessary, additional assessment of these soils will be conducted under a Brownfields approved Work Plan. ® Confer with NC BF Project Manager if Brownfield Plat must be revised (or re -recorded if actions are Post -Recordation). © GPS the location and provide site map with final location. ❑ Other. Please provide a description of the measure: lick or tap here to enter text. 4) Please describe the following action(s) to be taken during and following excavation and EMP Version 2, June 2018 management of site soils: Management of fugitive dust from site ® Yes, describe the method will include: Based upon current redevelopment plans and previous in -situ sampling results, significant areas of contaminated soil are not expected to be encountered or disturbed during the construction period. If required, an amended/ updated EMP will be prepared for the future planned phases. If applicable, grading contractor will take into account conditions such as wind speed, wind direction, and moisture content of soil during soil grading and stockpiling activities to minimize dust generation. In the unlikely event that contaminated soil is encountered during Site redevelopment that requires excavation, particular attention will be paid by contractors to implement dust control measures as needed based on Site and atmospheric conditions (i.e. by controlled water application, hydro -seeding, and/ or mulch, stone, or plastic cover). Potentially impacted soil will be managed as described below. ❑ No, explain rationale: Click or tap here to enter text. Field Screening of site soil ® Yes, describe the field screening method, frequency of field screening, person conducting field screening: During soil disturbance at the Site ECS will conduct an initial visit. Subsequently the workers or contractors will observe soils for evidence of potential significantly impacted soil not initially discovered during in -situ testing and will contact ECS if evidence of potential significantly impacted soil including a distinct unnatural color, strong odor, or non- native fill or previously disposed materials of concerns (i.e. chemicals, tanks, drums, etc.) are observed. On an occurrence type basis, should the above be noted during Site work, the contractor will contact ECS to observe the suspect condition and conduct field screening for volatile organic vapors using a PID, FID, or similar device. If ECS confirms that the material may be impacted, then the procedures below will be implemented. In addition, ECS will contact the DEQ Brownfields project manager to advise that person of the condition. ❑ No, explain rationale: Soil Sample Collection ® Yes, describe the sampling method (e.g., in -situ grab, composite, stockpile, etc.): If suspected soil impact that was not previously discovered during soil testing is encountered during excavation or installation or removal of utilities, excavation will proceed only as far as needed to allow alternate corrective measures described below. Suspect impacted soil encountered during excavation may be stockpiled and covered in a secure area to allow construction to progress. Stockpiling must be conducted in a manner consistent with the guidance provided herein as Figure 1. If soil stockpiling occurs outside 10 EMP Version 2, June 2018 of the extent previously sampled during the in -situ sampling event and samples are required, the stockpile will be gridded off in approximately 1,000 cubic yard (CY) cells, unless an alternative volume is approved by the Program, for the collection of approximately one 5 point composite sample for every 1,000 CY and, unless a reduced sampling frequency is approved by the Program, in general accordance with the January 2020 Inactive hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites. Construction debris such as asphalt and concrete will be segregated from soil and disposed of as construction debris. This debris will be required to shaken, tumbled, etc. if necessary in order to ensure no soil is adhered to the construction debris prior to disposal. ❑ No, explain rationale: Click or tap here to enter text. If soil samples are collected for analysis, please check the applicable chemical analytes: ® Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ® Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ® Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): EPA Method 6020 and 7471B ❑ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ® Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): If detections indicate a potential for the soil to be hazardous, TCLP analysis will be utilized. If RCRA metals are analyzed, the sample exhibiting the highest reported concentration of total chromium will be analyzed for hexavalent chromium by EPA Method 7199 while additional sample volumes are held pending receipt of the analytical results. If the sample analyzed for Cr VI reports a concentration of Cr VI in exceedance of its respective Residential PSRG, the remainder of the soil samples shall be analyzed for Cr VI. If the laboratory analytical results of the sample analyzed for Cr VI reports concentrations of Cr VI below its respective Residential PSRG, it is reasonable to assume that other samples would not exceed Cr VI' s Residential PSRG standard. ® Check to confirm that stockpiling of known or suspected impacted soils will be conducted in accordance with Figure 1 of this EMP. Stockpile methodology should provide erosion control, prohibiting contact between surface water/precipitation and contaminated soil, 11 EMP Version 2, June 2018 and preventing contaminated runoff. Explain any variances or provide additional details as needed: iiu, ur tap sere tu c11LC1 LUAU. ® Final grade sampling of exposed native soil (i.e., soil that will not be under buildings or permanent hardscape). Select chemical analyses for final grade samples with check boxes below (Check all thatapply): ® Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ® Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ® Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): EPA Method 6020 and 7471B ❑ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text ❑ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): -1+ap here f- --+--+-,,' ® Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.): If detections indicate a potential for the soil to be hazardous, TCLP analysis will be utilized. If RCRA metals are analyzed, unless otherwise approved by the Program, hexavalent chromium by EPA Method 7199 will also be analyzed. Please provide a scope of work for final grade sampling, including a diagram of soil sampling locations, number of samples to be collected, and brief sampling methodology. Samples should be collected from 0-2 ft below ground surface, with the exception of VOCs which should be taken from 1-2 ft below ground surface. Alternatively, a work plan for final grade sampling may be submitted under separate cover. Final grade sampling will be required for areas not covered by building foundations or impervious surfaces. Following completion of soil disturbance for any future Site development (i.e. after grading and building construction), an environmental professional will be contacted to assess the Site for areas that are not covered with a minimum of 2 feet of demonstrably clean fill soil or topsoil from a landscaping company, building foundations, sidewalks, or asphalt or concrete parking areas, driveways or other impervious surfaces. If such areas exist, a Work Plan will be prepared for final grade sampling for DEQ review and approval. If no such area exist, documentation will be provided to the NCDEQ ❑ If final grade sampling was NOT selected please explain rationale: 12 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Part 1.6. IMPORTED FILL SOIL NO SOIL MAY BE BROUGHT ONTO THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM. According to the Brownfields IR 15, "Documenting imported soil (by sampling, analysis, and reporting in accordance with review and written approval in advance by the Brownfields Program), will safeguard the liability protections provided by the brownfields agreement and is in the best interest of the prospective developer/property owner." Requirements for importing fill: 1) Will fill soil be imported to the site? ................................................ ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Unknown 2) If yes, what is the estimated volume of fill soil to be imported? N/A 3) If yes, what is the anticipated depth that fill soil will be placed at the property? (If a range of depths, please list the range.) N/A 4) Provide the source of fill, including: location, site history, nearby environmental concerns, etc. Attach aerial photos, maps, historic Sanborn maps and a borrow source site history: If import is needed, for permitted locations on the Division of Energy, Mines, and Land Resources DEMLR) list, one soil sample will need to be collected from the approximate area of the quarry from where the soil material is to be cut from for import to the site. That soil sample will be required to be collected in accordance with the methods and analyses described immediately below in this Section' s item 5). If import is needed from locations not on the DEMLR list, more than one soil sample may need to be collected, depending on the source and volume of soil that is proposed to be imported. 5) PRIOR TO ITS PLACEMENT AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, provide a plan to analyze fill soil to demonstrate that it meets acceptable standards applicable to the site and can be approved for use atthe Brownfields property. Sampling protocol of one composite soil sample, except for VOCs which will be grab samples, collected for approximately every 1,000 cubic yards of imported soil fill will be conducted following NCDEQ approval of the work plan. ABC stone, 57 stone, and fines from crushed rock will not require analysis as long as it is documented to the NCDEQ that it is new material and not mixed with recycled material brought into the quarry. IF REQUIRED, and in lieu of a separate work plan, soil sampling will occur from representative areas of a selected DEMLR permitted facility (borrow pit) for NCDEQ approval prior to importing to the site. The soil will be stockpiled at the borrow pit, or that area of the borrow pit from where the cuts for import to the site are to occur, will be sited prior to mobilization by ECS to perform the sampling. Each representative composite sample collected will be comprised of five 13 EMP Version 2, June 2018 individual grab soil samples collected in re -sealable bags from various locations of the borrow pit's stockpiled/ sited soil to be imported to the project site. Each individual sample will be duplicated and then one of the two re -sealable bags screened using a photoionization detector (PID) for volatile vapors. The individual grab soil sample with the highest PID reading will have its duplicate re -sealable bag appropriately packaged and submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory to be analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 8260. Subsequently, each of the other grab soil samples will be gently mixed together and one composite soil sample will be submitted for analysis by EPA Method 8270 for SVOCs, total RCRA 8- metals using EPA Method 6020/7471B, and for hexavalent chromium by EPA Method 7199. If the borrow source selected is not a DEMLR permitted facility, then the sampling frequency for the above listed parameters shall be one for every 500 CY of soil to be imported. 6) Please check the applicable chemical analytes for fill soil samples. (Check all that apply): ® Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ® Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ® Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): EPA Method 6020 and 7471B ❑ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text ❑ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap i ici c w ci iLci ® Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.): Hexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 7199 7) The scope of work for import fill sampling may be provided below or in a Work Plan submitted separately for DEQ review and approval. Attach specific location maps for in -situ borrow sites. If using a quarry, provide information on the type of material to be brought onto the Brownfields Property. Virgin soil, ABC stone, 57 stone, and fines from crushed stone from NCDEQ approved quarry, if necessary. Part 1.C. EXPORTED SOIL NO SOIL MAY LEAVE THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM. FAILURE TO OBTAIN APPROVAL MAY VIOLATE A BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT CAUSING A REOPENER OR JEOPARDIZING ELIGIBILITY IN THE PROGRAM, ENDANGERING LIABILITY PROTECTIONS AND MAKING SAID ACTION POSSIBLY SUBJECT TO ENFORCEMENT. JUSTIFICATIONS PROVIDED BELOW MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PROGRAM IN WRITING PRIOR TO COMPLETING TRANSPORT ACTIVITIES. Please refer to Brownfields IR 15 for 14 EMP Version 2, June 2018 additional details. 1) If export from a Brownfields Property is anticipated, please provide details regarding the proposed export actions. Volume of exported soil, depths, location from which soil will be excavated on site, related sampling results, etc. Provide a site map with locations of export and sampling results included. Approximately 8,525 total cubic yards of soil excavated during construction may need to be exported for proper disposal. Depths of soil that may need to be exported will range from 0 to 10 feet below ground surface. To determine the contents of the soil, an approved, in -situ soil testing work plan was completed. - Based on the in -situ assessment findings, limited and low-level detections of SVOCs, hexavalent chromium, and low levels of arsenic indicative of naturally occurring background concentrations were reported. 2) To what type of facility will the export Brownfields soil be sent? ® Subtitle D/Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (analytical program to be determined by landfill) ® Permitted but Unlined Landfill (i.e. LCID, C&D, etc.) Analytical program to be determined by the accepting Landfill; ® Landfarm or other treatment facility ® Use as fill at another suitable Brownfields Property — determination that a site is suitable will require, at a minimum, that similar concentrations of the same or similar contaminants already exist at both sites, use of impacted soil will not increase the potential for risk to human health and the environment at the receiving Brownfields property, and thata record of the acceptance of such soil from the property owner of the receiving site is provided to Brownfields. Please provide additional details below. ® Use as Beneficial Fill off -site at a non-Brownfields Property - Please provide documentation of approval from the property owner for receipt of fill material. This will also require approval by the DEQ Solid Waste Section. Additional information is provided in IR 15. Please provide additional details below. 3) Additional Details: (if transfer of soil to another property is requested above, please provide details related to the proposed plans). Soil will be transported to the most appropriate type of facility based upon prior testing results and Brownfields program manager approval. These test results have been addressed through a Brownfields approved work plan prior to assessment. Generally, and in accordance with NCDEQ Brownfields Program approved Work Plans for export projects of this size, soil samples are collected from export soil at a rate of one sample per every approximate 2,000 CY or less of export. 15 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Part 1.D. MANAGEMENT OF UTILITY TRENCHES ❑ Install liner between native impacted soils and base of utility trench before filling with clean fill (Preferred) ® Last out, first in principle for impacted soils (if soil can safely be reused onsite and is not a hazardous waste), i.e., impacted soils are placed back at approximately the depths they were removed from such that impacted soil is not placed at a greater depth than the original depth from which it was excavated. ❑ Evaluate whether necessary to install barriers in conduits to prevent soil vapor transport, and/or degradation of conduit materials due to direct impact with contaminants? ❑ Ifyes, provide specifications on barrier materials: Click or tap here to enter text. ® If no, include rationale here: Impacted soil containing attributes that could pose a vapor intrusion issue is not anticipated to be encountered. Other comments regarding managing impacted soil in utility trenches: If the contractor/workers encounter suspected impacted soil based upon staining or odors that have not already been analyzed by a laboratory during previous in -situ soil sampling activities, they will contact ECS. ECS will mobilize to the site to observe, document, and field screen with a PID prior to placing it back into the trenches as fill at the approximate depths from which they were removed. Soil that cannot go back into the trench, will be used as beneficial fill on site or be disposed of at a Subtitle D/ Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF). Prior to soil re -use onsite, and if the contents have not been determined via previous in -situ soil sampling, representative sampling will need to occur in accordance with this EMP' s Section 1. B. 6; this will also be dependent on soil placement i. e. under asphalt (impervious surface) vs. exposed soils. PART 2. GROUNDWATER — Please fill out the information below. 1) What is the depth to groundwater at the Brownfields Property? Soil thickness above the inferred soil to groundwater interface is approximately 2 to 18 feet based upon historical depth to water measurements reported in previous environmental assessments. 2) Is groundwater known to be contaminated by ®onsite ❑offsite ❑both or ❑unknown sources? Describe source(s): A groundwater sampling event conducted by ECS in October 2020 reported groundwater as having detected concentrations of 1,2-Dichloroethane and tert-Butyl Alcohol greater than the North Carolina 2L groundwater quality standards (NC2LGWQS). During the same sampling event, 16 EMP Version 2, June 2018 free product was discovered in an existing monitoring well, MW-2. 3) What is the direction of groundwater flow at the Brownfields Property? Shallow groundwater as reported in previous assessments conducted indicates flow is to the north/northwest in the site vicinity. 4) Will groundwater likely be encountered during planned redevelopment activities? ®Yes ❑No If yes, describe these activities: According to field observations obtained during the most recent sampling event, groundwater may be encountered during excavation activities performed on the site. A City of Durham Industrial User Permit Application Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) general permit will be applied for and regulatory considerations regarding the potential need for dewatering are underway to prevent potential delays during redevelopment. If required, in accordance with the permit, pre -discharge samples for laboratory analysis will be collected from temporary on -site containment vessels. Upon receipt of Brownfields approval, a connection from the containment vessel to the nearest city sewer discharge point would be installed with temporary hosing to facilitate discharge. Copies of permits, communication, and results will be sent to the Brownfields Project Manager. Regardless of the answer; in the event that contaminated groundwater is encountered during redevelopment activities (even if no is checked above), list activities for contingent management of groundwater (e.g., dewatering of groundwater from excavations or foundations, containerizing, offsite disposal, discharge to sanitary sewer, NPDES permit, or sampling procedures). If groundwater is encountered during redevelopment activities, appropriate worker safety measures will be undertaken and groundwater will be allowed to re -infiltrate for approximately 24 hours (if it does not affect the construction schedule). If accumulated water remains, samples of the accumulated water will be collected and analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA 8- metals to determine if contaminants are present. Accumulated water that contains contaminants above NCAC 2B Surface Water Standards will be containerized and disposed at an off -site permitted facility in accordance with regulatory requirements. Accumulated water that does not contain contaminants above NCAC 2B Surface Water Standards will be managed on the site by allowing to re -infiltrate to the ground or discharged to the storm sewer in accordance with municipal, state and federal requirements. Equipment needed to perform these actions could include, but is not limited to, pumps, hoses, frac tanks, and vacuum trucks. The health and safety plan generated for the site will include potential scenarios in which free product is encountered. 5) Are monitoring wells currently present on the Brownfields Property? ................. ❑X Yes ❑ No If yes, are any monitoring wells routinely monitored through DEQ or other agencies?.................................................................................................................. ❑Yes ®No 6) Please check methods to be utilized in the management of known and previously unidentified wells. 17 EMP Version 2, June 2018 ® Abandonment of site monitoring wells in accordance with all applicable regulations. It is the Brownfields Program's intent to allow proper abandonment of well(s) as specified in the Brownfields Agreement, except if required for active monitoring through another section of DEQ or the EPA. ® Location of existing monitoring wells marked ® Existing monitoring wells protected from disturbance ® Newly identified monitoring wells will be marked and protected from further disturbance until notification to DEQ Brownfields can be made and approval for abandonment is given. 7) Please provide additional details as needed: Two permanent monitoring wells (MW-1 and MW-2) installed during a previous sampling event are located on the site. MW-2 was discovered to contain free product during the most recent sampling event on site. MW-2 will be abandoned in general accordance with applicable regulations. MW-1 does not currently reside within the proposed area of disturbance. Prior to abandoning MW-2, thickness of free product will be measured with an interface probe and recorded. In the event that evidence of free product is encountered during soil excavation, impacted soils will be handled in accordance with this EMP's Part 1.A. Managing Onsite Soil Item 4) above. In the event that groundwater contaminated with free product is encountered during redevelopment, groundwater will be handled in accordance with this EMPs Part2. Groundwater Item 4) above. Please note, disturbance of existing site monitoring wells without approval by DEQ is not permissible. If monitoring wells are damaged and/or destroyed, DEQ may require that the PD be responsible for replacement of the well. PART 3. SURFACE WATER -Please fill out the information below. 1) Is surface water present at the property? ❑ Yes ® No 2) Attach a map showing the location of surface water at the Brownfields Property. 3) Is surface water at the property known to be contaminated? ❑ Yes © No 4) Will workers or the public be in contact with surface water during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ® No 5) In the event that contaminated surface water is encountered during redevelopment activities, or clean surface water enters open excavations, list activities for management of such events (e.g. flooding, contaminated surface water run-off, stormwater impacts): If contaminated surface water is encountered during redevelopment activities, appropriate worker safety measures will be undertaken. Surface water/precipitation which enters an open excavation will be allowed to infiltrate for approximately 24 hours (if it does not affect the construction schedule). If accumulated water remains, samples of the accumulated water will be 18 EMP Version 2, June 2018 collected and analyzed for VOCs to determine if contaminants are present. Accumulated water that contains contaminants above NCAC 2B Surface Water Standards will be containerized and disposed at an off -site permitted facility in accordance with regulatory requirements. Accumulated water that does not contain contaminants above NCAC 2B Surface Water Standards will, upon receipt of Brownfield approval, be managed on the site or discharged to the storm sewer in accordance with municipal, state and federal requirements. Copies of communication, permits, and sampling results will be provided to the Brownfields Project Manager. PART 4. SEDIMENT — Please fill out the information below. 1) Are sediment sources present on the property? ❑ Yes ® No 2) If yes, is sediment at the property known to be contaminated: ❑ Yes ® No 3) Will workers or the public be in contact with sediment during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ® No 4) Attach a map showing location of known contaminated sediment at the property. 5) In the event that contaminated sediment is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such events (stream bed disturbance): Not Applicable PART 5. SOIL VAPOR — Please fill out the information below. 1) Do concentrations of volatile organic compounds at the Brownfields property exceed the following vapor intrusion screening levels (current version) in the following media: IHSB Residential Screening Levels: Soil Vapor:...........® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Groundwater:.....® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown IHSB Industrial/Commercial Screening Levels: Soil Vapor:...........® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Groundwater: ..... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Unknown 2) Attach a map showing the locations of soil vapor contaminants that exceed site screening levels. 3) If applicable, at what depth(s) is soil vapor known to be contaminated? Soil vapor is known to be contaminated at concentrations exceeding residential regulatory standards at 1-5 feet below ground surface. 19 EMP Version 2, June 2018 4) Will workers encounter contaminated soil vapor during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Unknown 5) In the event that contaminated soil vapor is encountered during redevelopment activities (trenches, manways, basements or other subsurface work,) list activities for management of such contact: If contaminated soil vapors are detected via olfactory observations made, contractors/workers should stop work, take appropriate worker safety measures and contact ECS to mobilize to the site for observation and documentation. The NCDEQ will be notified and additional assessment will be discussed with Brownfields. If the vapors are field screened, and indicate conditions such that immediate danger to life and health are of concern, the area shall be evacuated and the local Fire Department contacted. ECS should then to assist in documenting the conditions and assist in determining engineering controls for the vicinity of concern. SG-1 is in the vicinity of the excavation boundary and exceed the January 2021 Residential VISLs for Benzene, 1,3-Butadiene, and Chloroform and January 2021 Non -Residential VISLs for 1,3- Butadiene. SG-2 is in the vicinity of the excavation boundary and exceeds the January 2021 Residential VISLs for Benzene and Chloroform. PART 6. SUB -SLAB SOIL VAPOR — Please fill out the information below if existing buildings or foundations will be retained in the redevelopment. 1) Are sub -slab soil vapor data available for the Brownfields Property? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown 2) If data indicate that sub -slab soil vapor concentrations exceed screening levels, attach a map showing the location of these exceedances. 3) At what depth(s) is sub -slab soil vapor known to be contaminated? 00-6 inches El Other, please describe: Sub -slab soil vapor samples identified as SG-8 and SG-9 were collected from the basement of the MotorCo building. In SG-8, concentrations of Chloroform, Ethylbenzene, 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene, 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene, and Xylenes were reported to be in excess of the January 2021 Residential VISLs, but below Non -Residential VISLs. In SG-9, concentrations of Benzene were reported to be in excess of the January 2021 Residential VISLs. 4) Will workers encounter contaminated sub -slab soil vapor during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Unknown 5) In the event that contaminated soil vapor is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such contact If contaminated sub -slab soil vapors are detected via olfactory observations made, contractors/workers should stop work, take appropriate worker safety measures and contact ECS to mobilize to the site for observation and documentation. The NCDEQ will be notified and additional assessment will be discussed with Brownfields. If the vapors are field screened, and 20 EMP Version 2, June 2018 indicate conditions such that immediate danger to life and health are of concern, the area shall be evacuated and the local Fire Department contacted. ECS should then to assist in documenting the conditions and assist in determining engineering controls for the vicinity of concern. PART 7. INDOOR AIR — Please fill out the information below. 1) Are indoor air data available for the Brownfields Property? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Unknown 2) Attach a map showing the location(s) where indoor air contaminants exceed site screening levels. 3) If the structures where indoor air has been documented to exceed risk -based screening levels will not be demolished as part of redevelopment activities, will workers encounter contaminated indoor air during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Unknown 4) In the event that contaminated indoor air is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such contact: Indoor air quality data is unknown to exist for the site. VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM — Please fill out the information below. Is a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) proposed for this Brownfields Property? ❑ Yes ❑ No © Unknown If yes, ❑ VIMS Plan Attached or ❑ VIMS Plan to be submitted separately If submitted separately provide date: At this time it is undetermined if VIMS will be required. Final decisions regarding the necessity for a VIMS will be determined following the Program inputting the soil gas and sub -slab soil gas results into the most recent version of their risk calculator for individual sample locations. If determined to be necessary a VIMS design in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality' s Brownfields Program Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal New Construction Minimum Requirements Checklist will be submitted at a later date (to be determined). VIMS Plan shall be signed and sealed by a INC Professional Engineer If no, please provide a brief rationale as to why no vapor mitigation plan is warranted: Unknown, see above. CONTINGENCY PLAN — encountering unknown tanks, drums, or other waste materials 21 EMP Version 2, June 2018 In this section please provide actions that will be taken to identify or manage unknown potential new sources of contamination. During redevelopment activities, it is not uncommon that unknown tanks, drums, fuel lines, landfills, orother waste materials are encountered. Notification to DEQ Brownfields Project Manager, UST Section, Fire Department, and/or other officials, as necessary and appropriate, is required when new potential source(s) of contamination are discovered. These Notification Requirements were outlined on Page 1 of this EMP. Should potentially impacted materials be identified that are inconsistent with known site impacts, the DEQ Brownfields Project Manager will be notified and a sampling plan will be prepared based on the EMP requirements and site -specific factors. Samples will generally be collected to document the location of the potential impacts. Check the following chemical analysis that are to be conducted on newly identified releases: ® Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ® Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ® Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver) EPA Method 6020 and 7471B ❑ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): ,.iicK or iap nere io enier iexL ❑ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): © Other Constituents & Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.) Please note, if field observations indicate the need for additional analyses, they should be conducted, even if not listed here. Hexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 7199 Please provide details on the proposed methods of managing the following commonly encountered issues during redevelopment of Brownfields Properties. Unforeseen conditions will be handled on a case by case basis. If encountered the contractor shall notify ECS who will advise the Brownfields Program. The Brownfields Program will be notified in accordance with the Notifications page. Soil and/or ponded groundwater samples will be collected in accordance with applicable regulations. Underground Storage Tanks: USTs will be removed and transported offsite for disposal following evacuation of residual liquids with a vacuum truck and receipt of a permit by the Durham County Fire Marshall. Residual liquids will be disposed of properly at an approved offsite waste water treatment facility. If the UST cannot be removed, Brownfields approval will be obtained prior to its abandonment in place. If impacted soil is encountered it will be managed in accordance with this EMP's Part 1. A. 22 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Managing On Site Soil above. UST closure samples will be collected in accordance with applicable NCDEQ UST Section Guidance. Sub -Grade Feature/Pit: If outside of the extent of previous in -situ soil testing, or if impacts not previously encountered exist, soil samples will be collected for VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, RCRA 8-Metals by EPA Method 6020/7471B, and Hexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 7199 for every 20 linear feet. If ponded groundwater is encountered, then ponded groundwater samples will be collected from the sub -grade feature/ pit for VOCs by EPA Method 8260 and for SVOCs by EPA Method 8270. If encountered these features will be attempted to be removed if feasible. If unable to be physically removed due to redevelopment plans, current site structure, and/ or economic feasibility purposes, they shall be tested and documented to the satisfaction of the Brownfields Program for future placement on the Brownfields Plat. Buried Waste Material: Soil samples will be collected for VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, RCRA 8- Metals by EPA Method 6020/7471B, and Hexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 7199 for every 250 cubic yards of waste material affected soil. Waste would be handled separately from potential waste affected soil as it will not be allowed to be reburied on site. Re -Use of Impacted Soils On -Site: Although not anticipated, if soils that are outside of the extent of previous in -situ soil testing efforts are to be reused on -site, soil samples will be collected for VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, RCRA 8- Metals by EPA Method 6020/7471B, and Hexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 7199 and managed in accordance with this EMP's Part 1. A. Managing On Site Soil above If unknown, impacted soil is identified on -site, management on -site can be considered after the project team provides the necessary information, outlined in Part I.A. Item 11, for Brownfields Project Manager approval prior to final placement on -site. If other potential contingency plans are pertinent, please provide other details or scenarios as needed below: POST -REDEVELOPMENT REPORTING ® Check this box to acknowledge that a Redevelopment Summary Report will be required for the project. If the project duration is longer than one year, an annual update is required and will be 23 EMP Version 2, June 2018 due by January 31 of each year, or 30 days after each one-year anniversary of the effective date of this EMP (as agreed upon with the Project Manager). These reports will be required for as long as physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property continues, except that the final Redevelopment Summary Report will be submitted within 90 days after completion of redevelopment. Based on the estimated construction schedule, the first Redevelopment Summary Report is anticipated to be submitted on 1/31/2022 The Redevelopment Summary Report shall include environment -related activities since the last report, with a summary and drawings, that describes: 1. actions taken on the Brownfields Property; 2. soil grading and cut and fill actions; 3. methodology(ies) employed for field screening, sampling and laboratory analysis of environmental media; 4. stockpiling, containerizing, decontaminating, treating, handling, laboratory analysis and ultimate disposition of any soil, groundwater or other materials suspected or confirmed to be contaminated with regulated substances; and 5. removal of any contaminated soil, water or other contaminated materials (for example, concrete, demolition debris) from the Brownfields Property (copies of all legally required manifests shall be included). I Check box to acknowledge consent to provide a NC licensed P.G. or P.E. sealed, Redevelopment Summary Report in compliance with the site's Brownfields Agreement. 24 EMP Version 2, June 2018 APPROVAL SIGNATURES Brownfields Project Number: 24007-20-032 Brownfields Project Name: Wright's Executive Sales Prospective Developer: Geerhouse Partners, LLC Date 4/16/2021 r��h���mrnnq Printed Name/Title/Company: John Sunter � Pi, .c'sq ( R O 'k, 2 SEAL � y �t1��l�z t Consultant: ECS Sout art, LLP c C) , p@pe�-4/16/2021 Printed Name/Title/Company: Scott M. Werley, �''•G� 74� P.G./Principal/ECS Southeast, LLP ',� 'FOi.O�?�4 .� (P wW 4-\C' /� h, 4/111U2-1 Brownfiel s Project Manager:Holly Samaha-Smith Date Ch•..� or tap :o enter a ;late. Fob E-MP DF�TEb 4/Ib12o2-1 25 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Figure 1 NCBP Diagram for Temporary- Containment of Impacted or Potentially Impacted Soil Cro'-.S-Section View Top Plastic Cover Sheeting: Underliner: 1 layer, minimum of 10 (1 Layer, minimum: 10 mil thick) mil thick plastic Berm (Straw bales, Weight composted earth, etc.) of plastic cover used) d an L� Land c Contaminated Soils Surfa Straw Bale Berm Map View ■ L1`cight ■� r Contaminated Soils b❑ Plastic Shwing Note Adapted from NC DEQ UST Section "Guidelines for Ex Situ Petroleum Contaminated Soil 12emediation" dated December, 1, 2013 26 EMP Version 2, June 2018 i 5-rt� Cft Lw APPROXIMATE BROWNFIELD PROPERTY BOUNDARY SOURCE: N FIGURE 1 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP SITE TOPOGRAPHIC LOCATION MAP 7.5 — MINUTE SERIES s NORTHWEST DURHAM, NC (TOP) + Wright's Executive Sales SOUTHWEST DURHAM, NC (BOTTOM) Brownfields Project Number 24007-20-032 DATED: 2019 721 & 723 Rigsbee Ave; 620 & 616 Foster St. SCALE: 1 : 24,000 Durham, Durham County, North Carolina CONTOUR INVERVAL = 10' TM ECS Project Number: 49-10039-A + � r Am _i L . J 1. -Arnie p4u1nwnj7 and Homing mo9s and + r warehouse s-pace. • r� 2. Acme office on 2 n d ncbr, vacant on t at flacr * 3. Arnie StDrage space k A. Ba%e Yoga atudla 5. The M QMrsh1p � 0. Mdo1 . RE .1 and mstaurant pra"rhes F KOp Ar• SIdwlch .0.....dog F _ qho^ r + rt r3eer St � �� a • 1 I r The Pit 'f � and # F r 4�rt}311 Jx7.LJ V W ffwP �41_ — a t AU1C., I. Arlo Fkaph ROpt h BFGWB ry d F" Napa Tn ' Jit6r�d �r�Iage Ti •ly i `� 5 P h 3 I + Y y 111 1 y+� •r � i , J + fir• I� � - • I .... .......... .... ,: _'. Jrr r :. - •- I D-K07 -rlr-54!! i-cubed. IJBDA LPSGG AEX.GeLmari' a � j E •i j A - d _ i Ammmid IGK =' ° ':' —Inin ter! IF €gS Useff Q3m ^ FIGURE 2 SOURCE: wF SITE FEATURES MAP ECS Southeast, LLP s Phase I ESA, December 6, 2019 Wright's Executive Sales Brownfields Project Number 24007-20-032 APPROXIMATE SCALE: 721 & 723 Rigsbee Ave; 620 & 616 Foster St. 100 FT. Durham, Durham County, North Carolina TM ECS Project Number: 49-10039-A • r Ali •r rJ'.• : r, IP •r w f7Z_. a A., T L 00- . +f SB-22 r i SB-21 1S0 I .. SB-1~ SB-20 . SB-2 SB-19 I SB 3 MW- M # t SB-9 [ SB-18 SB-14 SB-13 �ISVB-%1SB-4 r SB-8 � `- SB-23 SB-7 SB-10 fiw _ SB-11 �SB-6� MWIDtSB-171 1:y f SB-15 SB-16 Y 4 # +'! 3 SB-5 J . r 91 PJ LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY L'e0 IMag ® APPROXIMATE HISTORIC MONITORING WELL LOCATION (2007) # ® APPROXIMATE HISTORIC SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION (2007) ® APPROXIMATE B-1 SAMPLE LOCATION (2019) ^ FIGURE 3 SOURCE: wF HISTORIC SAMPLE LOCATION MAP ECS Southeast, LLP s Phase I ESA, December 6, 2019 Wright's Executive Sales Brownfields Project Number 24007-20-032 APPROXIMATE SCALE: 721 & 723 Rigsbee Ave; 620 & 616 Foster St. SO FT. Durham, Durham County, North Carolina TM ECS Project Number: 49-10039-A . -- rr Apx 9­1 loca n — • _ � 4 ,• - - Apx hwrOorFrq Wells 1 SG-1 7 SS-7 r SS-1/GW-1 •,� F + r SS $ 55-9 } SGA i xCBi ® SG-7 SS-10. rend �F i ,• '� � � SG-6 % d : s �. ff ® f* SG-2 i a 41P.4f SS-2/G SS-5/GW-5 10 ® {I GW 7 — � SS-4/GW-4 { SG-1 F SG-5 L , SG-4 SG-3 { f LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY f' ® SUB -SLAB SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION ® SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION F„a�re0 I ® GROUNDWATER & SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION _.• III kmit•�y�r� SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION ��.. :: •�: _ ' �-allaua+�. �24�i0iCil�#- I GROUNDWATER SAMPLE LOCATION ^ FIGURE 4 SOURCE: wF SAMPLE LOCATION MAP ECS Southeast, LLP s Phase I ESA, December 6, 2019 Wright's Executive Sales Brownfields Project Number 24007-20-032 APPROXIMATE SCALE: 721 & 723 Rigsbee Ave; 620 & 616 Foster St. SO FT. J Durham, Durham County, North Carolina TM ECS Project Number: 49-10039-A . -- � 4 ,• - - Apx hwrOarFrq WeILs •- —+rr T- f U n 'fir' +✓ 1 1 T SG-8 +Y k .� I I SS-7 _ SG-64 xcar ® ss-io' p rend ,. I y i SG-6 �• y ` - 1 S6-2 I I I ,8J{4a f :Y r 4 55-2/G ` _ - r —.-� - k SS-5//GG ■_5 11 f - - "SS-4/GW— � � - - - ` "11 y �i■ � t SG-5 ` SG 4. 11%1 I •'�~ 1 f fff LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY SUB -SLAB SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION 0 ® SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION F,:red Irrl��, GROUNDWATER & SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION I" # ��_�_ •� ® SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION icubeu. • GROUNDWATER SAMPLE LOCATION ^ FIGURE 5 SOURCE: wF SAMPLE LOCATION MAP WITH PROPOSED ECS Southeast, LLP s DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY Phase I ESA, December 6, 2019 Wright's Executive Sales Brownfields Project Number 24007-20-032 APPROXIMATE SCALE: 721 & 723 Rigsbee Ave; 620 & 616 Foster St. 50 FT. J Durham, Durham County, North Carolina TM ECS Project Number: 49-10039-A . r Apx B-1 14cafim ' 4 ,• - -6 Apx hwrOorFrq Wells ' r r� • 1.• ' r 1 IP } [r r � '� •� y - "'275CY to 5 bgs g_q rh .. CELL 2 ^'1,450CY to 5' bgs 1IIII qP ® CELL 3 + r and B 5 B 1 -3 2I.I. B-7 ` (SC J0 if s �. CELL 1 `O� B-2 1 ® * r. B 1 B-6 ? Area of Disturbance where excavation is �} proposed to take place. -6,800CY to 10' bgs AV }} 1 10 1 f mod" I I F,:,rBQ Irr•��, LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY �aa r::"b�•eao,icsibeff-usorL �� ® BORING LOCATION ^ FIGURE 6 SOURCE: wF IN -SITU BORING LOCATION MAP ECS Southeast, LLP s Phase I ESA, December 6, 2019 Wright's Executive Sales Brownfields Project Number 24007-20-032 APPROXIMATE SCALE: 721 & 723 Rigsbee Ave; 620 & 616 Foster St. SO FT. J Durham, Durham County, North Carolina TM ECS Project Number: 49-10039-A . ' IP } r - 4-8 SS-7 SS-1/GW-1 332.45 11 ` -9 SG-9 SS-8 � F � RCBf ® SG-7 SS-10 r +� r and F `� SG-6 J0 if J0 M- SG-2 II AxQs f i SS-2/GW-2 +, 4 336.91 4 4 M _10 SS-4/GW-4 /ice { 5 GW-7 33 � 40.1G- 66 .{ :- f �51 S r _ SG- SG-4 SG-3 ss 350 LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY f ® SUB -SLAB SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION ® SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION - ' ® GROUNDWATER & SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION ® SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION GROUNDWATER SAMPLE LOCATION SHALLOW GROUNDWATER CONTOUR (CONTOUR INTERVAL = 5.0 FEET) INFERRED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION (Measurements collected 11/3/2020)° ^-A FIGURE 7 SOURCE: wF SHALLOW GROUNDWATER SURFACE MAP ECS Southeast, LLP s Phase I ESA, December 6, 2019 Wright's Executive Sales Brownfields Project Number 24007-20-032 APPROXIMATE SCALE: 721 & 723 Rigsbee Ave; 620 & 616 Foster St. 50 FT. J Durham, Durham County, North Carolina TM ECS Project Number: 49-10039-A J n U TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD READING RESULTS Date, January 12, 2007 Project Name: Wright's Executive Sales Incident Number: Pending ECS Project Number: 06.14636-A Sample Sample VOC Sample Sample I❑ Depth ft m * ID ❑e th {ft SB-1 5 195 S9-12 7 10 250 11 12 138 SB-13 7 14 145 13 15 172 7 S8-2 5 0-7 �SBB-4 13 10 2$00 SB-15 10 15 31 15 16 20.3 SB-16 10 SB-3 5 2.2 15 10 10.1 SB-17 9 15 6-3 13 SB-4 5 1.1 17 10 23 SB-18 5 15 17.9 10 S8-5 5 1.4 15 SB-6 5 1.7 SB-19 5 10 318 10 15 22 15 SB-7 5 4.2 SB-20 5 10 37 10 15 47 15 S13-8 5 0-8 SB-21 5 10 51 10 12.5 2 15 S13-9 5 1-4 SB-22 5 10 42 10 12 66 15 SB-10 5 10.6 SB-23 10 10 213 15 12 33 SB-11 5 3 9 4.8 13.5 181 VDC —(PL) 2260 1076 200 158 1476 1043 0 0 576 1085 541 0 457 0 9999" 1121 0 0 0 0 1121 2017 9999" 9999" 9999" 0 0 0 9999^ 9999^ 'Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) screened to the field using an Photoionization Detector (PID) VOC Concentratlons listed above are not laboratory confirmed and should only be used as a guide and not as the true concentrations of VOCs in the soils collected from the represented sample collection "VOC concentrations detected above PID upper limits I Page 1 of 1 LU Q r cn J a_ O 0 U- O cc a sunumiRdoAdasl 0 2255 euezuBgi,Gng•uel � � m �' N BUBNB�•W'8� � d a auexuBglRlnB-1J t1.18 m � 0 In-W461r 9EO-610 n a C-q-o!Ir 91D-67 $ n a w o s�lewo,r zzae� • � . a w o snle4d!Ir 8'JS'J Q p ;3 -" A'AfIs aGoa rgM cs a m m m m �odom6z r;r-a6mmv /un�,e�ry � 0ImmoS$��� G(ri . mm 0 rn � Wni Wppo S7 wnuEB � cvesurJ T m n] Z s8�d J m � asea,E g I!O g mm R � ❑ � p� ^o� mOld W Q m N n -Il,� p n cmp N m J mm m mmm g B51JEd BlOS2o m R O n C ^ m Ipll dl f'- m $ E u c o E c acoo,n o�n ac�o�nna�n u��yo�u� in o�nc n a a E y �i�EbE�� V--- - r -- bq m x m¢ G Y o000ym�pNlop m mmd�mmmmd]�ujmm�md7mmm Nmm v, y V1NN m ¢ m Z yNN N u1�d7NNNym1NUNN V L x 2 G n m lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillilI lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI gill 0 Q 0 LL Z Z 0 F- M D W J � m U] 2 �0 U J W Z w R 0 Z 0 im- 1] 4- 0 Eo m o CD 0 m G1 N C � UEn Ln � 3 0 Z m Q(D m n o 07 7 N N fa V � co } 0 .— � U c U [4 Iz- 0 l< _ G7 O N W [p fG O O 0 O p} -E,-, � , a m r r . � a ❑ a 0 � c4 E j U � M Z 0❑ ro oa` Sw r- TABLE 4 GROUNDWATER FIELD PARAMETER READINGS Date: January 12, 2007 Project Name: Wright's Executive Safes Incident Number: Pending ECS Project Number: 06.14636-A MW- MW-2 1st 2nd 4h 1st 2r 3rd 4th pH 7.3 6.38 5.8195.82 7.28 7.47 7.43 7.44 mslcm 0.18 0.178 0Conductivit 4.478 0.478 0.485 Turbidity NTU 566 745 678 231 19 22 34 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 8.2 8.49 8.21 8.27 8.62 8.62 8.54 8.62 Temperature (°C) 22.3 21 A 20.60 20.90 21.3 21.3 21.40 21.40 Salinity (%) 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 mslcm = miliseimenslcentimeter NTU = Nephelometric Turbidity Units mg/L = miligrams/Liter °C = degrees Celcius % = Percent -1 ,5 ©��/a) unueg d \ } . / / auaev % \ / . 0 � J $ �m@Q�edgWOuv / W � ƒ fouaL4d / O / \ _z I J 0. \ aueIeQ;adeN � G / � ƒ � � \ W - / Smau�edeggnV / c • \ � § / / Sau @lXlm� 7 0 / / / / ° k 0cm } % �gWj&ngQmHlma6 O 2 c \ c { LL. 0 \ \ 3 3 { ) / auazuag Ln r 7 .r ) o 0 2 0 f\ \ 2 w« � o M 0 = �± N m 6 - 2e2 § % CL C \ \ w 2 .c « e 2 e o %\ E _ k J 2// 2 i k} m . \ f 3 G.E C «§ a ® c d § 2 2 O$ 2)/ d z » E o Q o Q Q 2 cm 2 w ; . � o° c\\ 2? A 2 � E 0 : M 2 L) S != ;} f j\ M> a 7 = 2 _ .■ z ! f—§ I g/ 7 9 Z\ k jƒ 2@/ a k 7 o a/ w 2 > 2 )\\ ,. c z z\ CO e TABLE 1: MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION AND GROUNDWATER ELEVATION SUMMARY Environmental Assessment- Wrights Executive Sales Brownfields Program Site No. 24007-20-032 721 and 723 Rigsbee Avenue; 620 and 616 Foster Street, Durham, Durham County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49:10039-A Monitoring Well ID Northing Easting TOC Elevation (Feet) Depth to Water (Feet) Groundwater Elevation (Feet) Final Temporary Well Construction (ft. bgs) GW-1 820190.72 2029302.61 348.24 15.79 332.45 Diameter Riser Screen Bentonite Sand 1-inch 0 - 11 ft. 11 - 21 ft. 8 - 10 ft. 10 - 21 ft. GW-2 820025.42 2029316.81 346.38 9.47 336.91 Diameter Riser Screen Bentonite Sand 1-inch 0 - 4 ft. 4 - 11 ft. 3 - 4 ft. 4 - 11 ft. GW-3 819951.19 2029337.46 349.53 2.27 347.26 Diameter Riser Screen Bentonite Sand 1-inch 0 -9 ft. 9 - 24 ft. 7 - 8 ft. 8 - 24 ft. GW-4 820006.75 2029386.48 357.70 18.04 339.66 Diameter Riser Screen Bentonite Sand 1-inch 0-3ft. 3-12ft. 2-2.5ft. 2.5-12ft. GW-5 820025.51 2029491.60 359.76 9.41 350.35 Diameter Riser Screen Bentonite Sand 2-inch 0 - 10 ft. 10 - 25 ft. 6 - 8 ft. 8 - 25 ft. GW-6 820105.94 2029482.38 359.92 8.38 351.54 Diameter Riser Screen Bentonite Sand 2-inch 0-4.5ft. 4.5-19.5ft. 3-4ft. 4-19.5ft. GW-7 820007.11 2029302.07 346.65 6.53 340.12 Diameter Riser Screen Bentonite Sand 1-inch 0-3ft. 3-9ft. 2-2.5ft. 2.5-9ft. Note(s): 1.) Top of casings (TOC) survey completed by KCI on 11/3/2020 2.) Depth to water measurements collected on 11/3/2020 3.) bgs denotes below ground surface 4.) GW-5 and GW-6 were overdrilled and converted to 2-inch wells following surveying and depth to water monitoring performed on their 1-inch predecessors on 11/3/2020. TABLE 2: SUMMARY OF SOIL GAS ANALYTICAL RESULTS Environmental Assessment- Wrights Executive Sales Brownfields Program Site No. 24007-20-032 721 and 723 Rigsbee Avenue; 620 and 616 Foster Street, Durham, Durham County, North Carolina ECS Proiect No. 49:10039-A Parameter ANALYTICAL RESULTS Acceptable Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (January 2021) Acceptable Non - Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (January 2021) Location Exterior Sub -Slab Sample ID SG-1 I SG-2 DUP-5 SG-3 I SG-4 I SG-5 I DUP-4 SG-6 I SG-7 SG-8 SG-9 SG-10 SG-11 7SG-12 Date Sampled 10/28/2020 11/2/2020 10/29/2020 11/3/2020 10/29/2020 10/28/2020 Acetone 570 400 430 100 140 45 55 24 33 120J 170 38 31 87 220,000 2,700,000 Benzene 25 12 12 1.5 1.5 0.37J <0.19 0.37J <0.19 3.2J 15 0.64 <0.19 0.38J 12 160 1,3-Butadiene 58 <1.6 <1.6 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <2.4 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 3.1 41 2-Butanone MEK 12J 22J 24J 8.8J 20J 3.6J 4.6J 5.OJ 5.4J <15 26 5.5J 2.8 4.7J 35,000 440,000 Chloroform 13 7.7 7.6 <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 13 <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 4.1 53 C clohexane 22 <1.7 <1.7 <0.34 12 <0.34 <0.34 10 9.6 200 <0.34 7.9 9.2 14 42,000 530,000 cis-1,2-Dichloroeth lene 13 <1.3 <1.3 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <2.0 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 NS NS Ethanol 62 64J 69J 19 20 18 18 71 60.0 67J 270 150 81 500 NS NS Eth (benzene 17 17 17 0.78J 0.75J 0.47J <0.18 1.4 1.1 180 5.6 2.6 0.82J 0.63J 37 490 4-Eth (toluene <0.30 <1.5 <1.5 <0.30 <0.30 <0.30 <0.30 <0.30 <0.30 <2.3 <0.30 2.6 <0.30 <0.30 NS NS He tane 31 23 24 8.0 3.6 1.5 <0.35 <0.35 1.5 81 110 12 <0.35 <0.35 2,800 35,000 Hexane 46 <6.4 <6.4 <1.3 <1.3 <1.3 <1.3 <1.3 25J <9.6 150 15J <1.3 <1.3 4,900 61,000 Iso ro anol <4.5 <23 <23 <4.5 <4.5 <4.5 <4.5 7.4J <4.5 <34 21 <4.5 <4.5 1,400 18,000 Methylene Chloride <1.6 <8.0 <8.0 2.1J <1.6 <1.6 <1.6 <1.6 <1.6 <12 3.6J <1.6 <1.6 2.1J 3,400 53,000 Propene <1.2 <5.8 <5.8 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <8.7 120 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 21,000 260,000 Styrene <0.24 <1.2 <1.2 0.75J <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 2.4 1.6 <1.8 3.8 1.7 1.4 0.83J 7000 88,000 Tetrachloroethene PCE 120 <2.2 <2.2 <0.44 <0.44 <0.44 <0.44 0.60J 2.9 <3.3 1.8 0.71J <0.44 2.8 280 3,500 Tetrah drofuran <1.5 <7.3 <7.3 <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 4.1J <11 <1.5 3.9J <1.5 <1.5 14,000 180,000 Toluene 230 <1.1 180 2.4 4.4 1.1 <0.22 2.8 2.1 <1.6 15 42 1.4 1.5 35,000 440,000 Trichloroethene TCE 13 <2.0 <2.0 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <3.0 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 14 180 Trichlorofluoromethane Freon 11 <0.85 <4.3 <4.3 1.4J 1.2J 1.5J 1.5J 1.61 1.4J <6.4 <0.85 1.51 <0.85 1.51 NS NS 1,2,4-Trimeth (benzene <0.22 <1.1 <1.1 <0.22 <0.22 <0.22 <0.22 <0.22 <0.22 750 <0.22 12 <0.22 <0.22 420 5,300 1,3,5-Trimeth (benzene <0.26 <1.3 <1.3 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 610 <0.26 4.1 <0.26 <0.26 420 5,300 Vinyl Acetate <2.0 <9.9 <9.9 130 66 <0.20 <2.0 <2.0 <0.20 <15 <2.0 <0.20 12J <2.0 1400 18,000 m& X lene 49 54 58 2.0 <0.30 1 AJ <0.30 3.9 3.0 830 6.0 9.0 1.9 1.6J 700 8,800 o-Xylene <0.23 <1.2 <1.2 1.3 0.97 0.85J <0.23 1.8 1.3 310 3.5 5.6 0.90 <0.23 700 8,800 Notes: Concentrations are presented in micrograms per cubic meter (pg/m') Bold conentration on sample result indicates and exceedance of the Residential Vapor Intrustion Screening Levels (VISLs), January 2021. Underlined concentration on sample result indicated an exceedance of the Non -Residential VISLs, January 2021. Red Shaded Cells indicate Maximum Laboratory Reported Detection for the Compound. NS = No Standard DUP4 = Duplicate of Sample SG-5 DUP-5 = Duplicate of Sample SG-2 J Flag denotes an estimated concentration between the laboratory Reporting Limit (RL) and the DL TABLE 3: SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Environmental Assessment - Wrights Executive Sales Brownfields Program Site No. 24007-20-032 721 and 723 Rigsbee Avenue; 620 and 616 Foster Street, Durham, Durham County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49:10039-A Sample Identification SS-1 SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 SS-5 SS-6 SS-7 SS-8 SS-9 SS-10 DUP-1 DUP-6 IHSB Protection of Groundwater PSRG IHSB Residential Health Based PSRG IHSB Industrial/Commercial Health Based PSRG Sample Date 11/2/2020 10/28/2020 10/27/2020 10/27/2020 10/28/2020 10/27/2020 10/28/2020 10/28/2020 10/27/2020 10/27/2020 10/27/2020 11/2/2020 Sample Depth (feet) 0-5 0-5 0-5 15-20 5-10 10-15 0-5 5-10 0-5 0-5 15-20 0-5 VOCs by EPA 8260 Acetone <0.0088 0.015 0.018 J 0.0093 J 0.031 J 0.011 J 0.033 J <0.0075 <0.0086 <0.0086 <0.0084 0.019 J 25 12,000 140,000 sec- Butyl benzene <0.00084 <0.00077 <0.00078 <0.00074 <0.00076 0.0011 J <0.0022 <0.00071 <0.00082 <0.00082 <0.00080 <0.00086 4.1 1,600 23,000 p-Isopropyltoluene (p-Cymene) <0.00052 <0.00048 <0.00049 <0.00046 <0.00047 0.002 <0.0022 <0.00044 <0.00051 <0.00051 <0.00050 <0.00054 1.24 NS NS Methylene Chloride <0.0010 <0.00096 <0.00097 <0.00092 <0.00095 <0.00092 <0.022 <0.00089 <0.0010 <0.0010 0.0011 J <0.0011 0.025 58 650 Naphthalene <0.00042 <0.00038 <0.00039 <0.00037 0.0014 J <0.00037 <0.0044 <0.00036 <0.00041 <0.00041 <0.00040 <0.00043 0.39 2.1 8.8 SVOCs by EPA 8270 Benzo(a)anth race ne <0.12 <0.14 <0.13 <0.13 0.17 J <0.13 <0.12 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.14 0.35 1.1 21 Benzo(a)pyrene <0.12 <0.14 <0.13 <0.13 0.20 JI <0.13 <0.12 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.14 0.12 0.11 2.1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.12 <0.14 <0.13 <0.13 0.23 <0.13 <0.12 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.14 1.2 1.1 21 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.11 <0.12 <0.12 0.12 J -011 <0.12 <0.12 2 <0.13 15,600 NS NS Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.16 J <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.11 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.13 14 39 160 Chrysene <0.12 <0.14 <0.13 <0.13 0.17 J <0.13 <0.12 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.14 36 110 2,100 Fluoranthene <0.11 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 0.37 <0.12 <0.14 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.13 670 480 6,000 Phenanthrene <0.10 <0.11 <0.11 <0.11 0.27 <0.10 <0.10 <0.11 <0.11 <0.10 <0.11 <0.12 134 NS NS Pyrene <0.12 <0.14 <0.13 <0.13 0.3 <0.13 <0.12 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.14 440 360 4,500 Metals Arsenic 2.0 0.84 0.94 0.91 0.60 ; .� , .� 0.73 5.8 0.68 3.0 Barium 160 200 160 160 100 300 160 120 45 80 260 100 580 3,100 47,000 Cadmium 0.069 J <0.055 <0.056 <0.057 :0.053 <0.052 <0.055 <0.056 <0.054 <0.057 <0.061 3.0 14.0 200 Chromium (III) as Total 20 36 23 23 18 35 20 25 14 19 41 14 360,000 23,000 350,000 Chromium (VI) 0.41 0.19 J 0.48 0.22 J 0.23 J 0.35 J 0.52 0.43 J 0.40 , 0.13 J 0.30 J 0.12 J 3.8 0.31 6.5 Lead 17 13 15 14 12 12 11 17 11 24 17 7.2 270 NS NS Selenium <0.42 <0.40 <0.41 <0.40 <0.40 <I <0.41 --0.44 2.1 78 1,200 Silver 0.062 J 0.054 J 0.054 J 0.041 J 0.047 J 0.050 J 0.058 J 0.068 J <0.0" <0.035 0.050 J 0.058 J 3.4 78 1,200 Mercury 0.0083 J 0.011 J 0.011 J 0.027 J <0.0081 <0.0089 0.035 0.020 J <0.0096 1.0 2.3 9.7 Notes: mg/Kg = milligrams per kilogram = ppm (parts per million) <0.0088 = Less than the method Detection Limit (DL) as shown on the associated analytical report NS denotes no published standard Soil sample results are compared to the NCDEQ PSRGs dated January 2021 IHSB = Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch PSRG = Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal Bold conentration on sample result indicates and exceedance of the Protection of Groundwater PSRG Red conentration on sample result indicates and exceedance of the Residential Health Based PSRG J Flag denotes an estimated concentration between the laboratory Reporting Limit (RL) and the DL DUP-1 is duplicate of SS-4; DUP-6 is duplicate of SS-1 TABLE 4: SUMMARY OF IN -SITU SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Environmental Assessment - Wrights Executive Sales Brownfields Program Site No. 24007-20-032 721 and 723 Rigsbee Avenue; 620 and 616 Foster Street, Durham, Durham County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49 10039-A Sample Identification IS-1-1 DUP-2 IS-2-1 IS-2-2 IS-3-1 IHSB Protection of Groundwater PSRG IHSB Residential Health Based PSRG IHSB Industrial/Commercial Health Based PSRG Sample Date 10/28/2020 10/28/2020 10/27/2020 10/27/2020 10/27/2020 Sample Depth (feet) 0-5 0-5 0-5 5-10 0-5 VOCs by EPA 8260 Acetone 0.0092 J 0.0084 J <0.0092 <0.0085 <0.0081 25 12,000 140,000 n-Butylbenzene <0.00054 <0.00044 0.0037 <0.00051 <0.00048 4.5 780 12,000 sec-Butylbenzene <0.00086 <0.00070 0.004 <0.00081 <0.00077 4.1 1,600 23,000 tert-Butyl benzene <0.00064 <0.00053 0.0009 J <0.00061 <0.00058 3.1 1,600 23,000 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) <0.00064 <0.00053 0.0009 J <0.00061 <0.00058 2.3 410 2,100 Methylene Chloride <0.0011 <0.00088 0.0011 J <0.00097 0.025 58 650 Naphthalene <0.00043 <0.00035 0.0078 <0.00041 <0.00039 0.39 2.1 8.8 SVOCs by EPA 8270 Anthracene <0.11 <0.11 <0.099 <0.10 0.12 J 1,300 3,600 45,000 Benzo(a)anthracene <0.13 <0.13 0.26 <0.13 0.46 0.35 1.1 21 Benzo(a)pyrene <0.13 <0.13 0.25 <0.13 0.42 0.12 0.11 2.1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.13 <0.013 0.27 <0.13 0.47 1.2 1.1 21 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.12 <0.012 0.14 J <0.11 0.25 15,600 NS NS Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.13 <0.13 <0.12 <0.13 0.18 J 12 11 210 Chrysene <0.13 <0.13 0.27 <0.13 0.48 36 110 2,100 Fluoranthene <0.12 <0.12 0.49 <0.11 0.84 670 480 6,000 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene <0.14 <0.14 <0.13 <0.14 0.22 3.9 1.1 21 Phenanthrene <0.11 <0.11 0.33 <0.10 0.62 134 NS NS Pyrene <0.13 <0.13 0.51 <0.13 0.92 440 360 4,500 Metals Arsenic 1.9 0.96 1.5 1.2 1.8 5.8 0.68 3.0 Barium 120 220 67 260 120 580 3,100 47,000 Cadmium <0.057 <0.054 0.063 J <0.054 4.6 3.0 14.0 200.0 Chromium (III) as Total 19 28 13 28 21 360,000 23,000 350,000 Chromium (VI) 0.32 J 0.26 J 0.19 J 0.18 J <0.06 3.8 0.31 6.5 Lead 23 8.6 160 15 170 270 400 800 Selenium <0.41 <0.39 <0.37 <0.39 <0.39 2.1 78 1,200 Silver 0.042 J 0.081 J 0.038 J <0.035 0.061 J 3.4 78 1,200 Mercury 0.027 J <0.0090 0.048 <0.0084 0.019 J 1.0 2.3 9.7 Notes: Sample IS-S-1 is reflected on the associated analytical laboratory report as IS-S-7. mg/Kg = milligrams per kilogram = ppm (parts per million) <0.0088 = Less than the method Detection Level (DL) as shown on the associated analytical report Soil sample results are compared to the NCDEQ PSRGs dated January 2021 IHSB = Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch PSRG = Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal Bold conentration on sample result indicates and exceedance of the Protection of Groundwater PSRG Red conentration on sample result indicates and exceedance of the Residential Health Based PSRG Results denoted with a J are below the reporting limit but above the method's detection limit and are estimated results J Flag denotes an estimated concentration between the laboratory Reporting Limit (RL) and the DL NS denotes no published standard DUP-2 is duplicate of IS-1-1 Table 5: Summary of Groundwater Laboratory Analytical Results Environmental Assessment- Wrights Executive Sales Brownfields Program Site No. 24007-20-032 721 and 723 Rigsbee Avenue; 620 and 616 Foster Street, Durham, Durham County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49:10039-A Parameter ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample ID GWA DUP-3 GW-2 GW-3 GW-4 GW-5 GW-6 GW-7 Trip Blank NCAC 2L Groundwater Standards Residential Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels Non -Residential Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels Collection Date 11/4/2020 11/3/2020 11/16/2020 11/4/2020 METHOD 8260 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOCS) Acetone 12J 14J 33J 4.7 14J 16J 28J 5.91 6,000 4,500,000 19,000,000 tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) <0.14 <0.14 <0.14 <0.14 <0.14 0.54 <0.14 <0.14 <0.14 128 1,100 4,700 2-Butanone (MEK) <1.9 <1.9 2.8J <1.9 <1.9 2AJ 6.6J <1.9 <1.9 4,000 450,000 1,900,000 tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) <4.2 <4.2 <4.2 <4.2 <4.2 <4.2 22 <4.2 <4.2 10 61 270 n-Butylbenzene <0.21 <0.21 <0.21 <0.21 <0.21 <0.21 0.30J <0.21 <0.21 70 NS NS sec-Butylbenzene <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 <0.16 0.38J <0.16 <0.16 70 NS NS tert-Butylbenzene <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 0.31J <0.17 <0.17 70 NS NS Chlorobenzene <0.15 <0.15 <0.15 2.7 <0.15 <0.15 <0.15 1.0 <0.15 50 82 340 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <0.12 <0.12 0.13J <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 200 NS NS 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 713 <0.13 <0.13 0.27J <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 0.15 <0.13 6 2.6 11 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.41 <0.41 1 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 1 2.2 <0.41 1 <0.41 <0.41 0.4 2.2 9.8 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene <0.13 <0.13 0.17J <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 70 NS NS Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 0.46J 0.90 0.21J <0.17 <0.17 70 1,400 5,900 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 1.5 <0.17 <0.17 70 180 750 p-Isopropyltoluene (p-Cymene) <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 1 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 0.60J <0.20 <0.20 25 NS NS Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 0.54J 0.61J 0.34J <0.25 <0.25 5.6 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 20 450 2,000 n-Propylbenzene <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 0.191 <0.13 <0.13 70 490 2,000 Tetrahydrofuran 1.1 1.1 <051 1 <01 <0.51 <0.51 <0.51 NOS 14 610,000 Toluene 05 04 <0. <0. 14 <04 0.70 <0.14 <0.14 <0. 114 0 3Q000 16,0006 Trichloroethylene (TCE) <0.24 70.24 0.58J <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 3 1 4.4 No other targeted VOCs analyzed were detected above their respective method detection limits METHOD 8270D SEMI -VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (SVOCS) Acenaphthene (SIM) <0.034 <0.035 <0.035 0.111 0.039J <0.035 <0.035 <0.034 NA 80 NS NS Anthracene (SIM) <0.033 <0.034 <0.034 <0.033 0.040J <0.034 <0.034 <0.033 NA 2,000 NS NS Di-n-butylphthalate 0.61J 0.51J <0.48 <0.48 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 <0.47 NA 700 NS NS 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <0.47 <0.48 <0.48 <0.48 <0.49 <0.49 0.501 <0.47 NA 20 530 2,200 Diethylphthalate 5.9J 5.8J <0.24 <0.23 <0.24 1.7J 0.34J <0.23 NA 6,000 NS NS Fluorene (SIM) <0.035 <0.036 <0.036 <0.035 0.044J <0.036 <0.036 <0.035 NA 300 NS NS 3,4-Methylphenol <0.21 <0.21 1.1J 0.50J 1.1J <0.22 <0.22 <0.21 NA NS NS NS Phenanthrene(SIM) <0.031 <0032 <0032 <0 0.041J <0.032 0.032J <0.031 N 00 N NS .20 < 0.21 <0.21 <0.21 0.30J <0.21 <0.20 NA 30 SPhenol N NS No other targeted SVOCs analyzed were detected above their respective method detection limits DISSOLVED METALS Arsenic 2.8 2.7 1.6 4.0 4.2 <0.64 <0.64 4.3 NA 10 NS NS Barium 140 140 130 210 520 61 340 170 NA 700 NS NS Cadmium <0.038 <0.038 <0.038 <0.038 <0.038 0.151 <0.038 <0.038 NA 2 NS NS Chromium (III) as Total 0.991 1.3 1.0 2.0 <0.92 1.2 1.6 <0.92 NA 10 NS NS Chromium NO <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 NA 10 NS NS Lead <0.085 <0.085 0.111 0.89 <0.085 0.12J 0.25J 0.13J NA 15 NS NS Selenium 2.7J 2.8J 2.9J <1.6 7.3 <1.6 <0.16 2.5J NA 20 NS NS Silver <08 <0 <0 0 NS NS <0.008 0 08 08 0000 1 .18Mercu NS Notes: NCAC 2L Groundwater Standards = North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A Subchapter 02L Groundwater Standards, July 2016. Residential & Non -Residential Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) , NCDEQ, January 2021. All concentrations are shown in pg/L (micrograms per Liter). NS denotes no published standard NA denotes Not Analyzed Bold denotes concentration that equals or exceeds the NC 2L Groundwater Standards. Underlined concentration on sample result indicated an exceedance of the Residential GWSLs, January 2021. J-Flag = Reported Concentrations are Estimated DUP-3 = Duplicate of GW-1 TABLE 6: FREE PRODUCT REMOVAL Environmental Assessment — Wrights Executive Sales Brownfields Program Site No. 24007-20-032 721 and 723 Rigsbee Avenue; 620 and 616 Foster Street, Durham, Durham County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49:10039-A MW-2 MW-2 Free MW-2 Depth Depth to Product Approximate Volume of Free Product Date to Product Water Thickness Removed (Liters) (feet) (feet) (feet) 10/23/2020 13.90 7.55 6.35 Not Bailed 10/26/2020 13.83 7.72 6.11 6 10/28/2020 10.04 8.43 1.61 1.5 10/29/2020 8.88 8.63 0.25 0.08 11 /2/2020 9.23 8.65 0.58 0.1 11 /3/2020 9.09 8.73 0.36 0.06 11 /16/2020 7.45 7.30 0.15 0.04 Notes: Volumes measured in Liters Free Product removed continuously until no visual amount of free product remained. Free Product removed with bailer. 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TRA M �D RANaM m, f�wDED DxnEVEw,Aff� LLM� OxME 11 suw.ncfmxx.afuwnox.E'AxOwcasEEAvenuE.AcafrofMExecanDED fu,Mus,se suemnnvwiMMEfwsr CM 8 RH xG ALLEY I PU oRNx"cs GEERHOUSE —aLov wmwRECRunoxle.wwDwlRAmum swDRaRcessElLaasv Ano AMmmam messsn NHAE a Is wsDRManorv. wcwows DETULsw eE°�uY'REfaioaroM GcmnRareofo IssuexcEofAsunowDPEwrt. REo Dax sunom PaiDar DEVELofmis REsfpxmmE foRMEPAERranox"xD wmuunaxof Auswsl0x. D. isMEmDx aowwm,MeI- SreTNL DesAAD Ns El PAN.NG.1 mz 620 FOSTER STREET DURHAM, NC 27701 xwsxrzxmo fxssE,MOD. 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IxsrAlunox ANoroRswnARvsEwERsfxvNE coxxEcriox ANO fxpxrolswANCEasAAPPR CERnncATE of E AH-GREEN Roof OEEAIIS Mrzxm DTLLm,.,M,vARN—LURIADmARTI N..,wsxLLm oaf 0 xa, waf m �`�° m RDw N NRNANI,11)InaREIwmm MDRAGUIRRANx APPROVAL STAMPS 1Db xumber: 1616 �AA«EaaMEaPwm .A18i0, DEraLE RENE mrofRE ED m mD DEurEMEwRO MANE. w xMDx,xEDEaIDNwD «DN ER rla SITE PLAN ���%%%mmm mmmmmm sssvvv sssUUDees Nazma mceAre,stews=ssoRAPREcarvsmucnaxcoxfERExcEAno REmvsis PRioRTo SITE PLAN APPROVED BY THE DURHAM e..A..EssisLesPAcm vArvuuosmcaAR ANrwwixox TxE PRovasmsl'EM CITY -COUNTY PUN NI NG DEPARTMENT s oxsnanvaxmxomi roviwacT EmTERsrev"cmwEmsTnErzsvncm.RwmmnvsTv..tts s III scxsoutEARow,Esr RNMPTU,EMUNI AINTRANN�xrm�muR wsxxc".ElMlA°aasGH—UNAT 11ITEsn.Csa ro Digitally signed by xx MmmzDaLOA vxicxea"uARuTEIIIlZ a NNDnwmEwv"o,noEo L05m IOMAREA H urzwAasl. fxAM, R- sfmmnmuwm uER s Arswau, ExT. as DIRRITTOME—ERR mi—ME ME,ER MAULr TovERifvrHE_ AND DIMENswxs a FMEMErER. CTUNNI McQueen Courtney McQueen Date: 2020.11.24 20:33:42-0500' xG11 117 sfASEa n LweTExm I-1 xLUNURII Las TERms 1amwomiry sow. - °,I IsvusRmRm,,,m�s mmEx ,- ANTER 1—DREDoRED ARER—THRL—T DRAwlxc A— AND IRM rocanMmclxs—El MAIR xsruunw. Planning Dir.—or Deai9nee-DR. N ULL OR VOID AFTER FOUR YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL Sn[ MILAN DIH wet m,am�s EwRm,ammax�mm PROJECT NOTES EROSION CONTROL NOTES M P withMMtpNattivebul,N.'M',NMr ertifi<a[e of Compliance) shee ;t1e: fxA:E xmr. xoro`u`D"D,am®L,aEf,Lmfw:f cf:REw.mm,ss`mD,ERms EsfRo. q aR No ADDRi._MAR Nro='Hn NarsEDoxouRxeucauxrvDs. L1H0AEs.fa.w,EDuvrwxvaDm, pmoDALI soa srLnDED aEDiMmrArwxAlofxIasN�ewmoLRAniuerREsuDumEDEArvcmA�xwmmM Durham Site Plan Case: D2000123 COVER - ,a-w.exnafAcmALA SHEET RESOURCE ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE JOB SRE COPY:ACOPV OF THE APPROVED SITE PUN MUST BE ON SITE PND AVAILABLE a Lwm THUNM uES REOMRm,u Lww TERmmues—.A HR axmDLOmmox, ArvomsEPRorsmiox wsPscnoncanPLETEO PRioR rora RimAcmnDuwm�xvuxsamviomTe. sR, mMo oam, oroz11URroe s, mislsaRANV I.-E. sm,slLAN om FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION AND USE DURING CONSTRUCTION TO EVALUATE COMPLIANCE sheet number LaxcnfacsfAcmimAcm REwmm,isPACESMwviom- x 11ALANDLIGH—lN¢PERMIT s. curaLVlroiwTsO Lfaxs ox DisrvxsANcsaNssxown ax MecwoNcvux. WITH THE APPROVED SITE PUN. REQUIRED INSPECTION WILL NOT TAKE PUCE IF THE JOBSITE COPY IS NOT AVAILABLE AND RE -INSPECTION FEES WILL BE CHARGED. 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ETI01 9 919.682.03M / 919.BBB.SBdB www.cltPa.wm wN ru o — M1= r ® — — ® E' �N -� \ — — — — - I . w wr t rorea wwna o s ro r ore a or aso wa . " ° u µa ro ,o 1, tNs L aE o,ro m A a m, ax sto m E o �a �mm a roa tou,roat�otas Aao oo»NSPoo,s ro sroaM a,�a,sE sr=,� w,>~ P� �� stE �N,no,�,t Peas ': s �nava sa,tt at• r+r soya wo a maruoM rova racrns rr«cx orEa a sao>E.,,wa rnawc. aPa.Eo o aro 1 P— w o„aac sEE�Eo rm„ naa ro.En wE,< TM arE roP ro a < tacos of sou. u " r�CAR r"•„ — a FS II I Iw ; � o Po ono" aw rosrcre smEcr 1 n ly naEa Inro.) 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Durham County, North Carolina Ia ❑ • —e f .. \ v \G2I L �a eox \I I aovosre / T§ kz m) tax � rom ro�r\ II — ——aaxoa,� I — — -- — a u srom�i v r (nnr nes vxcvac 1 r 9 gist Jac — — — — _ i natwau sta^Es o ec n vavvuu - ll . waruuu r sNoataare nr a.xruuu zx store nqucon ro uw vn,m xoures sorts= . ,advuwrt rs auca oar. x nw vaaxxic ro az n uixruuu r as stow ra oar mxcnon' tore canac nrera - vavrcnrc snczs nro arst[s n u t n vuwuv r. x t ear r RE n AN A. nw All A ao.a ttessrete coons exmac me eunom'a reeowrea cerssrenc muPtuar reovn m ruxrc r a a`"° � xam-µ ° aamoa nvoa re s n ra,wn ws Ivor eary rnnv a LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE NOTES nreu w orsrueeaacr. tar na sr / J.zs nc Job'—b— 1616 "t gal �ii.bg zsJ trvv,1 ra 7 _ s iaa,a _ — _ — _ — / / / I — ,. $�— IItu.r,-ro' w'rre+mrv4' e orxcns r �' sren mce oa — — — _ — — — _ —.'°U.- • I 5 5 BUILDING HEIGHT CALCULATIONS ae-- awe. az s wa.aa taco rr .roroarn Pow:. 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