HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-30300_49324_C_PUBNOT_20240423_Public Notice DocumentationElectronic Delivery ConfirmationTM C ,r III Emirmnenrel PC. 107 PIONEER Talc FT.36 IA4POITAGE g GRAHAM NO 2M5taINE JWNXO4 G3 ws nEp � USPS CERTIFIED MAIL uwme & mxvw w.ma 1 IIIIIII III I IIII III IIIII 9414 8119 9876 5 W 5 4957 58 Office of the City Manager 600 E 4TH 9T CHARLOTTE NO 28202-2816 IIIIIIIPIII�Ir1119pIiUlAllllirlgrrlliglPlllllllil Reference 3775 Heather Hands 1 of PIMPS # 9414311B9B]65485493]5B USPS Mail Class Certified with Return Receipt (Signature) PIMPS Status Your Item was picked up at a postal facility at] 23 am on February], 2024 in CHARLOTTE, NC 23282. USPS History Available for Pickup, 82/8&2824, 621 am, CHARLOTTE, NC 23282 Arrived at Post Once, DOD&2824, 6 20 am, CHARLOTTE, NC 23284 Available for Pickup, 01/30/2024, 613am, CHARLOTTE, NC 23282 In Transit to Ned Facility, 81/28/2824 Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility, 01/27/2024, 1252 pm, CHARLOTTE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER In Transit to Ned Facility, 81/2&2824 Arrived at USPS Regional Facility, January 25, 2024, 11 04 pm, GREENSBORO NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER Accepted at USPS Origin Facility, January 25, 2024, 949 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item, 01/24/2024, 226 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 ®havered. 0n07sa24 wiv laid Ceoarz Ru[KEnvIROnMenTnH P. C. Cedar Rock 107 P,,put &,h,m,NC 27253 ENVIRONMENTAL gs5) 6643934 By Certified Mail— Signature Required Tracking Number _9414811898765405493758 Office of the City Manager 600 East Fourth Sheet Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject Conditional No Further Action Public Notification Heather Hanes Property 4331 Eagle Lake Drive North Charlotte, North Caroline incidentNo-49324 To Whom it May Concern This letter is being provided to inform you that the North Caroline Department ofEnvinnmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Waste Management MWM), Underground Storage Tank MST) Section, has issued a Conditional Notice of No Further Action (see enclosure) for the above referenced site Thi s public notifi can on is being provided in accordance wi th North Carelma Admire strati ve Code 15A NCAC 02L 0409(b) to the l oral heal th director, the chief administrative officer of each poll h cal j unsdation in which the contaminate on occurs, all moperty Owners and Occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contaminate on, and all mopenty Owners and occupants within or Contiguous to the area where the Contaminah on is expected to migrate_ Please contact Timely Beverly with the NCDEQ's UST Section at (704) 235-2182 or Tidy Beverly@deq nc_gov if you have any questions about thi s into dent or would like to examine infOnmah on on file_ Sincerely, 041-- UU Robert A Payne L President Cedar Rock Envirenmental (336) 684-2734 February ], 2024 Dear Reference 3775 Heather Hands 1 of 5 The following Is In response to your request for proof of delivery on your item with the tracking number N14 81189876 M054937 50. Status: Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Postal Facility Status Date l Time: February], 2024, 723 am Location: CHARLOTTE, NC 2202 Portal Product First Glass Mail° E#ra Services: Certified Mail"" Return Receipt Electronic Recipient Name: Office of the City Manager Signature of Recipient i 4N 7 Mdress of Recipient f Hf�ff��'Ib Wra: emmrea Image may rated e different cesrmerbn address due to mrantlea Reeplanri ce I ive n in srmalonso Thank you for selecting the United States Postal Service° for your mailing needs If you require additional assistance, please contact your local Post Office"" or Postal representative at 1A00 222-1011_ Sincerely, United States Postal Service° 475 IF Enfant Plaza SW Washington, D C_ 20260 0004 Electronic Delivery Confirmation'°^ C ,r III Emirmnenrel PC. FT.36 IA4 PGBTAGE107 q ERmi PIONEER GRA- GRPHON 72i 9853 O4 � Ji CERTIFIED MAIL uwme E mxsm w.mrx IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII III 9414 B11998765We 037 65 Mecklenburg County Manager 600 E 4TH 9T CHARLOTTE NC 28202-2816 ^rlrllll^IIILrrrI�IIPAplllllPlRlilil^^IIII�III Reference 3775 Heather Hands 2 of LISPS# 9414811B9B]65405493]65 LISPS Mail Class Certified with Return Receipt (Signature) PIMPS Status Your Item arrived at the CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 post office at 621 am on February 5, 2024 and Is ready for pickup_ LISPS History Arrived at Post Once, 02B&2024, 620am, CHARLOTTE, NC 28204 Available for Pickup, 01/30/2024, 613am, CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 In Transit to Ned Facility, 01/28/2024 Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility, 01/27/2024, 1252 pm, CHARLOTTE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER In Transit to Ned Facility, 01/2&2024 Arrived at USPS Regional Facility, January 25, 2024, 1194 pm, GREENSBORO NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER Accepted at USPS Origin Facility, January 25, 2024, 949 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 Shipping Label Created, LISPS Awaiting Item, 01/24/2024, 226 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 ®tavennea. onwmn/¢/an laid Ceoarz Ru[KEKVFm)KMenTnH P. C. Cedar Rock 107 P,,put &,h,m,NC 27253 ENVIRONMENTAL gs5) 6643934 By Certified Mail— Signature Required Tracking Numbon _9414811898765405493765 Mock]onbng County Manager 600 East Fourth Skeet Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject Conditional No Further Action Public Notification Heather Hanes Property 4331 Eagle Lake Drive North Charlotte, North Caroline incidentNo-49324 To Whom it May Concern This letter is being provided to inform you that the North Caroline Department ofEnvinnmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Waste Management MWM), Underground Storage Tank MST) Section, has issued a Conditional Notice of No Further Action (see enclosure) for the above referenced site Thi s public notifi can on is being provided in accordance wi th North Carelma Admire strati ve Code 15A NCAC 02L 0409(b) to the l oral heal th directoq the chief administrative officer of each poh h cal j unsdation in which the contaminate on occurs, all moperty Owners and Occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contaminate on, and all mopenty Owners and occupants within or Contiguous to the area where the Contaminah on is expected to migrate_ Please contact Timely Beverly with the NCDEQ's UST Section at (704) 235-2182 or Tidy Beverly@deq nc_gov if you have any questions about thi s into dent or would like to examine infOnmah on on file_ Sincerely, 041-- UU Robert A Payne L President Cedar Rock Envirenmental (336) 684-2734 Electronic Delivery Confirmation'"^ deal Peak Emiimimnrel PC. $7.36 IA4 PORTAGE 107 PIONEER ML FiRill GRAHPM NO 2nlg,% 2 Weam , t1 USPS CERTIFIED MAIL uwme 1111111111111111111 m,amarrmy 941481199876 We"37 03 All Shawna Caldwell Mecklenburg County Envimnmenlal Health 3205 FREEDOM DR CHARLOTTENC2820-2840 I�I�1111�111�1'�11�111�11'I�I���Ill��lllllHlnl�l'�II���'�I�'��I Reference 3775 Heather Hands 3 of USES# 9414311B9B]65485493]03 USES Mail Class Oerlified with Return Receipt (Signature) USES Status Your Item was delivered to the front desk, reception area, or mail mom at 3 31 out on February 5, 2024 in CHARLOTTE, NC 23283_ USESHistory In Transit to Ned Facility, 01/31/2024 In Transit to Ned Facility, 01/30/2024 In Transit to Ned Facility, 01/29/2024 In Transit to Ned Facility, 01/28/2024 Arrived at USES Regional Destination Facility, 01/27/2024, 1241 pm, CHARLOTTE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER Arrived at USES Regional Facility, January 26, 2024, 1259 am, GREENSBORO NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER Accepted at USES Origin Facility, January 25, 2024, 11.44 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 Shipping Label Created, USES Awaiting Item, 01/24/2024, 226 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 ®havered. anac'mer 12s3s1 laid Ceoarz Ru[KEKVFm)KMenTnH P. C. Cedar Rock 107 P,,put &,h,m,NC 27253 ENVIRONMENTAL gs5) 6643934 By Certified Mail— Signature Required Tracking Numbon _9414811898765405493703 Mock]onbng County Envirenmental Health 3205 Freedom Drive Charlotte, NC 28208 Subject Conditional No Further Action Public Notification Heather Hanes Pmpetly 4331 Eagle Lake Drive North Charlotte, North Caroline incidentNo-49324 To Whom H May Concern This letter is being provided to inform you that the North Caroline Department ofEnvinnmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Waste Management MWM), Underground Storage Tank MST) Section, has issued a Conditional Notice of No Further Action (see enclosure) for the above referenced site Thi s public notifi can on is being provided in accordance wi th North Carelma Admire strati ve Code 15A NCAC 02L 0409(b) to the l oral heal th directoq the chief administrative officer of each poh h cal j unsdation in which the contaminate on occurs, all mopery Owners and Occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contaminate on, and all mopeny Owners and occupants within or Contiguous to the area where the Contaminah on is expected to migrate_ Please contact Timely Beverly with the NCDEQ's UST Section at (704) 235-2182 or Tidy Beverly@deq nc_gov if you have any questions about thi s into dent or would like to examine infOnmah on on file_ Sincerely, 041-- UU Robert A Payne L President Cedar Rock Envirenmental (336) 684-2734 February ], 2024 Dear Reference 3775 Heather Harffes 3 of 5 The following Is In response to your request for proof of delivery on your item with the tracking number N14 81189876 M054937 03. Status: Delivered, Front Desk/Reception/Mail Room Status Date l Time: February 5, 2024, 331 on Location: CHARLOTTE, NC 20203 Portal Product First Class Mail° E#ra Services: Certified Mail"" Return Receipt Electronic Recipient Name: Mecklenburg County Environmental Health Ann Sha �i mac"' Signature of Recipient Mdress of Recipient /t}�» note emmrea I mi may rated different destination address due to mrantlea Reoplanri ce I ive n in srmalons on ma Thank you for selecting the United States Postal Service° for your mailing needs If you require additional assistance, please contact your local Post Office"" or Postal representative at 1A00 222lBl1_ Sincerely, United States Postal Service° 475 IF Enfant Plaza SW Washington, D C_ 20260 0004 Electronic Delivery ConfirmationTIM CetlmOIII nenlelPG F)3E POSTAGE 107 EERML ini GRAHAM NO2ni GRAHAM NC4M539953 M�wftCIS podio �imp USVS CERTIFIED MAUL uwme mzsw .wwn IIIIIIIIIII III I III III H 9414 8118 9876 6 W 6 4987 96 John Evans 100 N TRYON $T STE 4700 CHARLOTTE NC 282024003 lil�ll�ll'I''ll'111911111111111"III'lllllllllll'I'lllllll Reference 3775 Heather Hands 4 of USES# 9414311B9B]6540iA*3]96 USES Mail Class Certified with Return Receipt (Signature) USES Status Your Item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1222 pm on January 30, 2024 in CHARLOTTE, NC 2B202 USESHistory In Transit to Ned Facility, 01/28/2824 Arrived at USES Regional Destination Facility, 01/27/2824, 1252 pm, CHARLOTTE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER In Transit to Ned Facility, 01/2&2024 Arrived at USES Regional Facility, January 25, 2024, 1194 pm, GREENSBORO NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER Accepted at USES Origin Facility, January 25, 2024, 949 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 Shipping Label Created, USES Awaiting Item, 01/24/2024, 226 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 ®havers : eevmn 01:11:05 laid Ceoarz TmRw EKVFm)KMenTnH P. C. Cedar Rock 107 P,,put &,h,m,NC 27253 ENVIRONMENTAL gs5) 6643934 By Certified Mail— Signature Required Tracking Number _9414811898765405493796 John Evans 100 N Tryon St Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject Conditional No Further Action Public Non ficahon Heather Hap es Pmpetly 4331 Eagle Lake Drive North Charlotte, North Caroline JncidentNo-49324 To Whom Jt May Concern This letter is being provided to inform you that the North Caroline Department ofEnvinnmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Waste Management MWM), Underground Storage Tank MST) Section, has issued a Conditional Notice of No Further Action (sae enclosure) for the above referenced site Thi s public notifi can on is being provided in accordance wi th North Carelma Admire strati ve Code 15A NCAC 02L 0409(b) to the l oral heal th directoq the chief administrative officer of each poh h cal j unsdation in which the contaminate on occurs, all mopeny Owners and Occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contaminate on, and all mopeny Owners and occupants within or Contiguous to the area where the Contaminah on is expected to migrate_ Please contact Timely Beverly with the NCDEQ's UST Section at (704) 235-2182 or Tidy Beverly@deq nc_gov if you have any questions about thi s into dent or would like to examine infOnmah on on file_ Sincerely, 041-- UU Robert A Payne L President Cedar Rock Envirenmental (336) 684-2734 January 31, 2024 Dear Reference 3775 Heather Hands 4 of The following Is In response to your request for proof of delivery on your item with the tracking number N14 01109076 M05493796. Status : Delivered, Left with Individual Status Date l Time: January 30, 2024, 1222 on Location: CHARLOTTE, NC 2202 Portal Product First Class Mail° Extra Services: Certified Mail"" Return Receipt Electronic Recipient Name: John Evans U "Dx \ Signature of Recipient �JAduzSuf) srz.ma atww*rsxcumz Atltlress of Recipient Wra: emmrea Image may rated e different cesrmerbn address due to mrantlea Redplanri ce I iven Thank you for selecting the United States Postal Service° for your mailing needs If you require additional assistance, please contact your local Post Office"" or Postal representative at 1A0E 222-1311_ Sincerely, United States Postal Service° 475 IF Enfant Plaza SW Washington, D C_ 20200.0004 Electronic Delivery Confirmation'"^ CetlmIII i�mnenrel RC. F)3E Da1AGE 107 ONEER ML INI GRAHIEERni GRPHPM NC4M539953 CIS � USFS CERTIFIED MAIL uwme mzsw .wmm III IIIIIII III I III III 94148119987664064997 41 Bryan Wright 4401 EAGLE LAKE DR CHARLOTTE INC 28217-3060 ��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIrIII�IIIII�IIIIIIIII��I�IIII�IIIIIIIr Reference 3775 Heather Hands 5 of USES# 9414311B9B]654B5493]41 USES Mail Class Certified with Return Receipt (Signature) USES Status Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its wag It is currently In transit to the next facility - USES History In Transit to Next Faclity, 01/30/2024 In Transit to Next Fac lity, 01/29/2024 In Transit to Next Fac lity, 01/28/2024 Arrived at USES Regional Destination Fac lity 01/27/2024, 1252 pm, CHARLOTTE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER In Transit to Next Fac lity, 01/2&2024 Arrived at USES Regional Facility, January 25, 2024, 1194 pm, GREENSBORO NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER Accepted at USES Origin Fac lity, January 25, 2024, 949 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 Shipping Label Created, USES Awaiting Item, 01/24/2024, 226 pm, GRAHAM, NC 27253 ®havered. ann/mn as.u.¢ laid Ceoarz Ru[KEKVFm)KMenTnH P. C. Cedar Rock 107 P,,put &,h,m,NC 27253 ENVIRONMENTAL gs5) 6643934 By Certified Mail— Signature Required Tracking Number _9414811898765405493741 Bryan Wngbt 4401 Eagle Lake DrN Charlotte, NC 2821 Subject Conditional No Further Action Public Notification Heather Hanes Property 4331 Eagle Lake Dove North Charlotte, North Caroline incidentNo-49324 To Whom it May Concern This letter is being provided to inform you that the North Caroline Department ofEnvinnmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Waste Management MWM), Underground Storage Tank MST) Section, has issued a Conditional Notice of No Further Action (see enclosure) for the above referenced site Thi s public notifi can on is being provided in accordance wi th North Carelma Admire strati ve Code 15A NCAC 02L 0409(b) to the l oral heal th directoq the chief administrative officer of each poh h cal j unsdation in which the contaminate on occurs, all moperty Owners and Occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contaminate on, and all mopenty Owners and occupants within or Contiguous to the area where the Contaminah on is expected to migrate_ Please contact Timely Beverly with the NCDEQ's UST Section at (704) 235-2182 or Tidy Beverly@deq nc_gov if you have any questions about thi s into dent or would hke to examine infOnmah on on file_ Sincerely, 041-- UU Robert A Payne L President Cedar Rock Envirenmental (336) 684-2734 From: Beverly, Trudy To: Damien Callaahan Subject: RE: [External] Cedar Rock #3775 - Heather Harjes Property, 4331 Eagle Lake Drive North, Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 8:51:00 AM Attachments: image001.pnng Received. Yay! Thanks, Trudy D. C1.01 Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy.Beverlvna ,deQ.nc. gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: haps:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hUs://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-mana,gement/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: htWs://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-mana eg ment ig s=mays File Review Procedures: DOCUMENTS Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: htigs:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeg[Waste°/`20Management/DWM/UST/WhatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policy_lidf hUs://files.nc. gov/ncdeq/W aste%2OManagement/DWMiUST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%20file%20names°/o20for°/o2OLaserfiche.docx From: Damien Callaghan <damienjc@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 8:40 AM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@deq.nc.gov> Subject: [External] Cedar Rock #3775 - Heather Harjes Property, 4331 Eagle Lake Drive North, Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hi Trudy I converted the receipts document to an image format and then saved as pdf. Hopefully you get this. Thankyou Damien Callaghan Cedar Rock Environmental