HomeMy WebLinkAbout09058_Midtown Mall_Soil_Gas_Sampling_Work_Plan_R1_20231017 October 17, 2023 Carolyn Minnich, Project Manager Brownfields Redevelopment Section North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan – Revision 01 Midtown Mall Brownfields Project 1200 Metropolitan Avenue, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC Brownfields Project Number 09058-05-060 Dear Ms. Minnich: Mid-Atlantic submits for your review our Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan for the above project. The purpose of this Work Plan is to document the collection of additional soil gas samples to aid in Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) design for the planned redevelopment of the site. The site is located south of Metropolitan Avenue, west of S. Kings Drive and north of Midtown Park. The site encompasses approximately 1.17 acres as is part of the current Metropolitan development. The site is currently vacant and lightly vegetated. Soil Gas Sampling The soil gas implants will be advanced using hand auguring techniques. Mid-Atlantic personnel will manually advance a stainless steel hand auger to a minimum depth 6-feet below ground surface (bgs). The hand auger will be decontaminated between borings. Mid-Atlantic will not install the soil gas implants within five (5) feet of the perceived water table and final depth will be adjusted based on any water conditions observed. Based on our prior experience, we do not anticipate encountering groundwater. Mid-Atlantic will advance 4 hand auger borings, designated as SG-1 through SG-4. One duplicate sample will be collected at location SG-1, as shown on the attached Drawing 1. These locations were strategically selected based on both historical contamination and the new construction. As such, the aerial photograph base of Drawing 1 has been overlain with the foundation plan to show the locations of soil gas sampling relative to the Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan-Revision-01 October 17, 2023 1200 Metropolitan Avenue, Charlotte, NC Page 2 Mid-Atlantic Project: H1824.00 planned development. Mid-Atlantic will advance each boring to a depth of 6-feet and fill the bottom approximate 0.5-foot of the boring with a sand filter pack. The soil gas implants will be installed using 6-inch stainless steel soil vapor probes which will be inserted to the bottom of each boring and attached to 1/8-inch diameter dedicated Nylaflow® tubing to extend above the ground surface for sample collection. A sand filter pack will be installed in the annulus of the boring to cover 6-inches above the top of the soil gas probe followed by a hydrated bentonite seal in the remainder of the borehole to the ground surface. Following installation of the soil gas implants, Mid-Atlantic will allow the soil gas probes to equilibrate for at least 24 hours prior to conducting a shut-in test, leak check, and collecting the soil gas samples. Soil boring logs will be recorded for each soil vapor implant boring. Soils from the hand auger borings will be visually inspected for evidence of contamination. If contamination is suspected based on field observations, the material will be containerized for testing, otherwise the soil will be spread thinly on site. Soil vapor implants will be abandoned after soil gas sampling is completed. Mid-Atlantic will conduct leak checks at each soil gas sampling location by utilizing helium as the tracer compound, which will be introduced through a shroud over the probe and entire sampling train. For the sampling location chosen for the duplicate sample, an additional T-connection will be added to the sampling train to provide a dedicated sampling train for the duplicate sample. This sampling train will be leak checked concurrent with the primary sampling train. The actual sample identification will be logged into Mid-Atlantic’s field notes, but a separate designation will be made on the summa canister tag and chain- of-custody to make the sample unidentifiable to the laboratory. This designation will be cross- referenced in Mid-Atlantic’s field notes. The shroud will be placed over the soil gas implant location, the sampling train, and canister. A 3-way valve will be placed on the probe termination and connected to the sampling apparatus. Helium will be introduced into the shroud, which will encompass the entire sampling train, to a minimum concentration of 50% as measured using a LandTech Gem™ 5000 helium detector (or similar device). With the canister valve closed, Mid-Atlantic will conduct a leak check sample using a helium detector to check for the presence of helium from air collected in the Tedlar® bag using the specified helium detector. Using a 60-milliliter syringe connected to the tubing, Mid-Atlantic will collect three purge volumes (including tubing, annular space, and sampling train volume) from each sampling implant into the Tedlar® bag and field screen each Tedlar® bag for integrity (absence of Helium) prior to opening the sampling train between the Tedlar® bag and the Summa canister. A helium concentration of less than 10% in the shroud will be considered a valid leak check. Helium concentrations in the shroud, along with concentrations from each purge volume Soil Gas Sampling Work Plan-Revision-01 October 17, 2023 1200 Metropolitan Avenue, Charlotte, NC Page 3 Mid-Atlantic Project: H1824.00 will be recorded in the field notes. A shut-in test will also be conducted on the sampling process lines to ensure an air-tight connection by applying vacuum pressure to the lines and observing for vacuum pressure loss. Soil gas vapor implants will be allowed to equilibrate a minimum of 20 minutes after leak checks/shut-in tests before the sample is collected. Following successful shut-in tests and leak check to verify sample integrity, the soil gas samples will be collected using laboratory-supplied 1-Liter batch-certified Summa canisters with calibrated flow regulators set to 100 milliliters per minute (mL/min) to avoid sample short circuiting and to further ensure sample integrity. Per DWM VI Guidance, canisters that have lost greater than 10% volume from the initial lab recorded volumes will not be used. Prior to sampling, vacuum readings, Summa identification and flow controller identification for each sample will be recorded in the field notes. Once the field documentation is complete, the sample train will be opened to the Summa flow controller and the Summa canister will be opened to allow collection of soil gas volume. Sampling will be deemed complete when the flow controller exhibits between -3 and -5 inches of mercury. Following sample collection, the Summa canisters will be closed, and the final vacuum reading and sampling time intervals will be recorded on the canister tag and on the laboratory chain-of-custody form. Each soil gas sample will be submitted to Pace Labs of East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, under chain-of-custody protocol for analysis using EPA Compendium Method TO-15 plus naphthalene. The laboratory will be instructed to omit acrolein from the TO-15 analyte list and provide a Level II QA/QC data package including “J” flags and method detection limits (MDLs) at or below NCDEQ screening levels. The laboratory will provide final canister pressures at the time of receipt. Analytical data will be input into the DWM Risk Calculator to evaluate potential risk exposure for future site occupants. Results of these analyses and risk evaluation will be incorporated into Mid-Atlantic’s VIMS design. We anticipate soil gas sampling to require one day to complete. Laboratory analytical results will be available 10 business days after receipt by the laboratory. Once received, we will provide a copy of the laboratory data sheets, data table and copies of our Risk Calculator results. A formal written report will be provided as part of our Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan. This plan will be signed by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer or Geologist and include supporting documentation including boring logs, field notes, laboratory data sheets and any other supporting documentation developed as part of the project. #* #* #* #* S Kin g s D r Ke n i l w o r t h A v Bax t e r S t Metr o p o l i t a n A v ´ DRAWN BY: GIS NO.: 07G-H1824.00-01 DRAWING NO.: 1 LEGEND Subject Property Parcel Boundaries Streets #*Proposed Soil-GasSample Locations 0 70 14035Feet 1:600SCALE = GDI DHN SG-1SG-2 SG-3 SG-4 10/18/2023