HomeMy WebLinkAbout09058_Midtown Mall_In_Situ Soil Temp Well_WP_20240411 April 11, 2024 Ms. Carolyn Minnich, Brownfields Project Manager North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management, Brownfield Redevelopment Section Mail Service Center 1646 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: In-Situ Soil Characterization Work Plan – Revision 1 Midtown Square Mall 1200 Metropolitan Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project #09058-05-060 Mid-Atlantic Project #H1824.00 – Task 50000 Dear Ms. Minnich: On behalf of NR Met Property Owner LP (the Prospective Developer or PD) Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Mid-Atlantic) has prepared this In-Situ Soil Characterization Work Plan – Revision 1 (Work Plan) for a portion of the Midtown Square Mall Brownfields property (Brownfields Project #09058-05-060) for your review, comment, and approval. The Brownfields property is located at 1200 Metropolitan Avenue in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (subject site). The subject site consists of one (1) parcel of land encompassing approximately 1.3 acres (Parcel #12522705). 1.0 INTRODUCTION The subject site is comprised of one (1) approximate 1.3-acre parcel of land that is zoned Mixed Use Development District (MUDD) and located 0.5 miles southeast of Uptown Charlotte. The subject site does not have any permanent structures but is currently utilized as green space adjacent to the Little Sugar Creek Greenway. The Midtown Square Mall Brownfields property includes the subject site parcel, a north adjacent parcel which is developed with three (3) mixed use structures collectively known as the Metropolitan, and an east adjacent parcel developed as a parking lot for a commercial strip mall. A site layout map is provided as Drawing 1. In-Situ Soil Characterization Work Plan – Rev 1 April 11, 2024 Midtown Square Mall – Charlotte, NC Page 2 NCDEQ Brownfield Project #09058-05-060 Mid-Atlantic Project #H1824.00 – Task 50000 2.0 BACKGROUND The PD has recently begun initial clearing activities ahead of the planned redevelopment of the subject site. Redevelopment activities include the construction of a mixed-use building including retail, residential and parking. The foundation for the new building has ground-floor slab-on-grade at two levels. The lowest level will be utilized as a mechanical floor which has a small footprint for building support facilities. The first floor includes a larger footprint that includes lobby/amenities, retail, building operations facilities and parking uses and incorporates podium construction for the parking garage. The parking structure is on the first through fifth floors. The building’s sixth through twenty-seventh floors are residential apartments. Mid-Atlantic submitted an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the planned redevelopment and received North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) approval on November 30, 2023. As part of redevelopment activities, the PD and their construction team plan on excavating portions of subject site soils at depths ranging from 0 to 6 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) prior to advancing their continuous flight auger (CFA) piles. The areas of excavation will be necessary to bring the CFA pile areas to grade and install the necessary concrete footer caps. Based on the limited area for stockpiling on the subject site, the PD will need to export excavated material prior to mobilizing the deep foundation drilling equipment to the site. As such, it will be necessary to sample this material in-situ prior to excavation activities. Additionally, the PD anticipates encountering a large volume of groundwater during advancement of the CFA piles. Per stipulations in the EMP, groundwater encountered during redevelopment activities will be allowed to naturally dissipate back into the subsurface. However, the large volume of groundwater may not be feasible and thus will require alternative storage methods. Based on discussions with the PD and Ms. Carolyn Minnich of the Brownfields Redevelopment Section (BRS), Mid-Atlantic proposes to collect in-situ composite soil samples in the vicinity of soils proposed for export following excavation activities. Mid- Atlantic also proposes to advance up to three (3) piezometer borings to determine the relative depth to water and hydrogeologic characteristics in areas where the CFA piles will be advanced. The following Work Plan documents proposed assessment activities ahead of redevelopment of the Brownfields property. In-Situ Soil Characterization Work Plan – Rev 1 April 11, 2024 Midtown Square Mall – Charlotte, NC Page 3 NCDEQ Brownfield Project #09058-05-060 Mid-Atlantic Project #H1824.00 – Task 50000 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK Soil and piezometer boring locations will be documented in the field using a hand-held global position system (GPS) unit. Coordinates will be documented in the field notes and transferred to site drawings for sampling location documentation and subsequent reporting. The proposed assessment activities will be performed in general accordance with the NCDEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup dated September 2023 and most recent versions of the USEPA Region IV Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD) Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures guidelines. Mid-Atlantic proposes to conduct the following assessment activities at the Brownfields property: • Five (5) composite soil samples (ES-1 through ES-5) will be collected in areas proposed for excavation and off-site disposal during redevelopment activities. • Three (3) piezometer borings will be advanced for the installation of 2” temporary monitoring wells (TMW-1 through TMW-3) and hydrogeologic characterization. The proposed sampling locations and deep foundation plan overlay are depicted on Drawing 2. The proposed in-situ soil characterization assessment methodology is described in the sections below. 3.1 Soil Sampling Methodology Mid-Atlantic will mobilize to the subject site to collect soil samples in areas proposed for excavation and off-site disposal during redevelopment activities. According to the most recent site plan, the PD anticipates needing to excavate and export approximately 5,000 cubic yards of soil prior to deep foundation drilling activities for the multi-story residential structure. As such, Mid-Atlantic proposes to collect up to five (5) composite soil samples (ES-1 through ES-5). Each composite sample will include the advancement of a minimum of four (4) aliquot soil borings and the homogenization samples collected from the aliquot soil borings. The composite soil sampling area will encompass no more than 1,000 cubic yards of material. Based on the PD’s estimated excavation depths, aliquot soil borings for each composite soil sample will be advanced to a maximum depth of 6 ft bgs utilizing a track-mounted Geoprobe® drill rig and direct-push technology (DPT) drilling methods. Mid-Atlantic will collect two (2) soil samples from each screening interval (every 1 foot) per aliquot sampling location: one (1) will be logged for lithological description and field screened for indication of potential impacts by observation for staining, unusual odors, In-Situ Soil Characterization Work Plan – Rev 1 April 11, 2024 Midtown Square Mall – Charlotte, NC Page 4 NCDEQ Brownfield Project #09058-05-060 Mid-Atlantic Project #H1824.00 – Task 50000 and the presence of organic vapors using a calibrated photoionization detector (PID) and one (1) will be placed on ice. The additional aliquot soil samples placed on ice for each screening interval will be collected in this manner to prevent volatilization (i.e., not homogenized and not screened by the PID). Following field screening results, the additional aliquot soil samples will be collected as discrete grab samples for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the aliquot soil sample intervals exhibiting the highest likelihood for impact (i.e., will not be collected from the bag/container used to screen for PID readings). If no obvious evidence of impact is observed in samples collected from aliquot soil borings, a randomly selected aliquot soil sample interval will be collected in the composite soil sampling area. Following VOC sample collection, the remaining soil volume from the non-volatilized bag will be combined and homogenized in a decontaminated stainless-steel bowl to form one composite soil sample for analysis of semi-VOCs (SVOCs) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals plus hexavalent chromium. The composite soil samples will be collected into laboratory-supplied glassware and placed on ice for delivery under chain-of-custody protocol within 24 hours of collection to a North Carolina accredited laboratory. Composite soil samples collected will be analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, and RCRA metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Methods 6020/7471/7199. A table summarizing composite soil sampling details is provided in Table 1. 3.2 Groundwater Assessment Methodology In addition to the in-situ soil characterization, Mid-Atlantic will advance three (3) three piezometer soil borings past the water table for the installation of temporary monitoring wells TMW-1 through TMW-3. Previous assessment activities have indicated that depth to water ranges from approximately 15 to 20 ft bgs. As such, the temporary monitoring wells will be advanced using a track-mounted Geoprobe® drill rig to depths up to approximately 25 to 30 ft bgs via hollow-stem auger (HSA) drilling methods. The temporary monitoring wells will be constructed of 2-inch polyvinyl chloride riser pipe and up to 15 feet of 0.010-inch slotted well screen. A sand filter pack will be placed from the bottom of the borings to approximately 2 feet above the top of the well screens. The wells will then be completed by placing a minimum of 2 feet hydrated bentonite seal above the sand filter pack. Once the temporary monitoring wells are installed, the wells will be developed by purging at least three (3) volumes of water from each. Following development, the temporary In-Situ Soil Characterization Work Plan – Rev 1 April 11, 2024 Midtown Square Mall – Charlotte, NC Page 5 NCDEQ Brownfield Project #09058-05-060 Mid-Atlantic Project #H1824.00 – Task 50000 monitoring wells will be allowed to equilibrate to static conditions for a minimum of 24 hours and a decontaminated electronic water level indicator will be used to measure the depth to the water table relative to the ground surface and to the top of the well casing in each well. The elevation of the top of casing for each well will be surveyed relative to an arbitrary datum. Using the depth to water and top of casing survey measurements, Mid- Atlantic will calculate the elevation of groundwater at each well location and estimate groundwater flow direction at the subject site. Following water level measurements, Mid-Atlantic will collect groundwater samples from the temporary monitoring wells utilizing low flow/low stress purging techniques with a peristaltic pump and dedicated polyethylene tubing. The intake point of the pump tubing will be placed in the approximate mid-portion of the screened interval of the well purged at a rate no greater than 200 milliliters per minute (mL/min). Mid-Atlantic will utilize a water quality meter to collect measurements of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, turbidity, and specific conductivity at approximate five-minute intervals during the purging process. Pre-sampling purging will be considered complete when the field parameters stabilize (pH ± 0.1 SU, conductivity varies no more than 5%, and turbidity is less than 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units [NTUs]). Groundwater samples will be collected directly into laboratory supplied sample containers using the “soda straw” method to minimize the potential for volatile compound loss through the peristaltic pump head. The groundwater samples will be collected into laboratory-supplied glassware and placed on ice for delivery under chain-of-custody protocol within 24 hours of collection to a North Carolina accredited laboratory. The groundwater samples collected will be analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, and RCRA metals by EPA Methods 6020/7471. A table summarizing composite groundwater sampling details is provided in Table 2. In addition to collecting groundwater samples, Mid-Atlantic will conduct slug tests at each temporary monitoring well using the “slug-out” methodology. The “slug-out” method will be conducted by removing a volume of water from the well casing via dedicated polyethylene bailer and measuring the recharge time. Slug test data will be collected using a Solinst® Levelogger and associated software. Additional well construction and water level data will be collected in the field notes for calculating hydraulic conductivity for each well. Slug test results will be summarized in the final report. In-Situ Soil Characterization Work Plan – Rev 1 April 11, 2024 Midtown Square Mall – Charlotte, NC Page 6 NCDEQ Brownfield Project #09058-05-060 Mid-Atlantic Project #H1824.00 – Task 50000 3.3 Quality Assurance and Quality Control For quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) purposes, Mid-Atlantic will collect one (1) duplicate soil sample and one (1) duplicate groundwater sample which will be submitted for the same laboratory analysis as the parent samples. Samples submitted for laboratory analysis will include an adequate sample volume for laboratory matrix spike (MS) and matrix spike duplicate (MSD) analysis. Nondedicated sampling equipment used for collecting the samples will be decontaminated prior to use at each sampling location. Laboratory QA/QC procedures will be employed to ensure appropriate sample handling and analysis and to aid in the review and validation of the analytical data. Mid-Atlantic will request that the laboratory include estimated concentrations for compounds that are detected at levels above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit (J flags). The laboratory analytical data report and QA package for each group of samples submitted to and analyzed by the subcontracted laboratory will be provided in an appendix to the final report. Laboratory QA data consistent with Level II documentation will be provided for this project. 3.4 Investigative Derived Waste Investigative derived waste (IDW) generated during the proposed assessment activities will be managed in general accordance with NCDEQ IHSB Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup and General Status (G.S.) 15A NCAC 02T.1503 and 15A NCAC 02H. 0106. Following completion of the sampling activities, the soil borings will be properly abandoned with bentonite chips and hydrated to close the borings. Purge water generated during groundwater assessment activities will be containerized pending laboratory analytical results. Final IDW management methodologies will be included in the final report. 4.0 REPORTING The in-situ soil characterization and hydrogeological assessment activities and results will be documented in an In-Situ Soil Characterization Report for NCDEQ review and approval prior to transporting any material off-site. The report will include a description of the sampling activities, field notes, boring logs, figures depicting sampling locations and results, laboratory analytical data, a discussion of the analytical results in comparison to applicable regulatory screening levels, risk calculator results, and conclusions and recommendations concerning subject site activities. In-Situ Soil Characterization Work Plan – Rev 1 April 11, 2024 Midtown Square Mall – Charlotte, NC Page 7 NCDEQ Brownfield Project #09058-05-060 Mid-Atlantic Project #H1824.00 – Task 50000 Mid-Atlantic appreciates the opportunity to provide this Work Plan for consideration. Please contact the undersigned if there are questions concerning our proposed approach. With best regards, MID-ATLANTIC ASSOCIATES, INC. Greg D. Icenhour, P.G., MBA Shane Sisco, P.G. Principal Geologist Project Hydrogeologist Attachments: Work Plan Approval Signature Page Table Table 1 – Proposed Soil Sampling Matrix Table 2 – Proposed Groundwater Sampling Matrix Drawings Drawing 1 – Site Map Drawing 2 – Proposed Sample Location Map Mid-Atlantic is authorized to practice engineering by the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors, License F-0967 and Geology under the North Carolina Board for Licensing of Geologists, License C-186. ATTACHMENT 1 DEQ Brownfields Redevelopment Section Assessment Work Plan Approval Signature Page To be completed by Development Team and returned to DEQ Brownfields for review & signature. Brownfields Project Name: Midtown Square Mall Brownfields Project Number: 09058-05-060 Work Plan Title: In-Situ Soil Characterization Work Plan Date: 4/11/2024 Revision Number: 0 Be advised that this approval from DEQ Brownfields does not waive any applicable requirement to obtain any necessary permits, licenses, or certifications for the above listed activities nor does it waive any requirement to comply with applicable law for such activities. Prospective Developer (PD): NR Met Property Owner LP Contact Person: Kyle Whitaker (919) 354-3680 Click or tap here to enter text.Email: kwhitaker@nwravin.com Property Owner (if different from above): Click or tap here to enter text. Contact Person: Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Email: Click or tap here to enter text. Environmental Consultant: Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc. Contact Person: Shane Sisco, P.G. (980) 585-1271 (757) 681-0192Email: ssisco@maaonline.com Signature: Brownfields Project Manager: Carolyn Minnich Phone Numbers: Office: Mobile: Email: carolyn.minnich@deq.nc.gov Signature: 04/11/2024 TABLE VOCs SVOCs RCRA Metals ES-1 6 feet 5 1,000 x x x -- ES-2 6 feet 5 1,000 x x x -- ES-3 6 feet 5 1,000 x x x DUP-1 ES-4 6 feet 5 1,000 x x x -- ES-5 6 feet 5 1,000 x x x -- Notes: 1)Composite samples will be homogenized from approximate 1 foot intervals from ground surface to proposed maximum depth below ground surface VOCs = volatile organic compounds by EPA Method 8260 SVOCs = semi-VOCs by EPA Method 8270 RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Methods 6020/7471/7199 QA/QA SamplesSample Typeof Soil Aliquots Yards Analytical Method Midtown Square Mall NCDEQ Brownfield Project #09058-05-060 Mid-Atlantic Project #H1824.00 - Task 50000 1200 Metropolitan Avenue, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Sample ID DepthSample Location Totals Proposed Deep Foundation Excavation Grab (VOCs) Composite (SVOCs and Metals) VOCs SVOCs RCRA Metals TMW-1 x x x DUP-2 TMW-2 x x x -- TMW-3 x x x -- Notes: VOCs = volatile organic compounds by EPA Method 8260 SVOCs = semi-VOCs by EPA Method 8270 RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act metals by EPA Methods 6020/7471 Sample ID Sample Location Analytical Method QA/QA Samples Totals Redevelopment Footprint TABLE 2 Proposed Groundwater Sampling Matrix DRAWINGS ´ DRAWN BY: DRAFT CHECK BY: ENGINEER CHECK BY: APPROVED BY: SITE MAP1200 METROPOLITAN AVENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA REFERENCE: BOUNDARY DATA FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. 2022 AERIAL IMAGERY FROM NCONE MAP. 1/16TH BUILDING SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY SK+I ARCHITECTURE DATED MAY 2023 . DATE: MARCH 2024 JOB NO.: H1824.00 GIS NO.: 03G-H1824.00-02 DRAWING NO.: 1 Legend Subject Property05010015020025Feet 1 inch = 50 feet DHN DHN KRC @A@A @A ES-1 ES-2 ES-3 ES-4 ES-5 TMW-3 TMW-2 TMW-1 ´ DRAWN BY: 2 Legend @A Proposed TemporaryMonitoring Well Proposed In-SituAliquot Soil Boring Proposed In-SituSampling Grid Subject Property05010015020025Feet 1 inch = 50 feet MSS GCI KRC APPENDIX A Deep Foundation Plans