HomeMy WebLinkAbout16029_SouthernStatesCoop_C_20120823N83t* CAX0VJNA August 23, 2012 Planning & Development Services 112 Goldsboro Street E, Wilson; NC 27893, PO Box 10, Wilson, NC 27894-0010 (252)399-2219/2220 www.wilsonNC.o-r .Hanglae Cho President Triangle East Recycling, LLC 560 Oak Crest Dr. ,Chapel,Hill, NC 27516 ,RE: Special Use :Permit Application #12-243 F Dear Mr. Cho This letter is to inform you"that the.Special .Use Permit application for a "scrap yard used as a. recycling center" located at 6601 Ward Blvd. Was approved by the Board of Adjustment at the hearing on August 21, 2012. A formal Order Granting the Special Use:Permit With all the conditions of approval will be signed by the Chairman of. the Board of Adjustment and mailed on September 19, 2012.via certified mail..This letter serves as written proof of granting a Special Use 'Permit"for.the use 'and location mentioned above. t If I can be of any other assistance, please contact me at your earliest: convenience. f. Sincerely, .. KathyGarner Senior Planner/Project Manager kgarner@wilsonnc.org 0 Planning &IDevell p,'M-ent Sorvices, 112 Goldsboro Street E, Wilson, NC 27893 PO,90x 10, Wilson, NC ' 27894-0010 (M) 199-2219/1226 'www.w1IsonNC.wg August 23, 2012 Herr'ing-'S u-'tt on & Associates Attn: 'Richard -Herring . 2201 Nash St, NW RE: Special Use Permit Application #12-243 Dear,'Mr. Herring: Thisletter,is,to,inform you, that the Special Use,Permit. application fora "scrap yard :used as a recycling center" located at 6601 Ward Blvd.,. was approved by the Board of Adjustment at the he'aring on. August 21, 2012: A formal Order Granting the Sp' ecial Use. Permit., with all the conditions of approval will be' signed by the Chairman of the, Boardof Adjustmenit'and mailed on September 19, 2012 via certified,mail. This 16fte- r serves as written proof ofgrantinga,Special Use: Permit for the use and location mentionedabove. If Fcan be of any other assistance, please Contact me at your earliest "convenience Sincerely, Kathy G-qrner Senior Planner/Project Manager kgarner@Wilso.nnc.org a 13F NORTH CAROLINA October 4, 2012 Herring -Sutton & Associates 2201 Nash Street, NW Wilson, NC 27896 Planning & Development Services 112 Goldsboro Street E, Wilson, NC 27893 PO Box 10, Wilson, NC 27894-0010 (252) 399-2219/2220 www.wilsonNC.ore RE: Site Plan - 6601 Ward Blvd. — Sirius Metal Recycling Center Case # 12-00000288 Dear Applicant: The Technical Review Committee has reviewed the revised site plan that was submitted on August 27, 2012 for Sirius Metal Recycling Center, located at 6601 Ward Blvd. This site plan was approved on September 19, 2012 with the following conditions: 1. Also any changes throughout the development process shall require an "as -built" site plan in digital format prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 2. All traffic control devices, pavement markings, signs and signals shall be designed, installed and maintained in conformance with the standards set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 3. Please contact Martin Ball, Public Services Backflow Coordinator, at (252) 205-1845 or via e-mail at mballa-wilsonnc.orq for further information. Please coordinate the backflow prevention required for the project with Martin Ball, Cross Connection Coordinator, at (252) 296-3406 or via e-mail at mballawilsonnc.ora. 4. A stormwater general permit NCG20 is required from NCDWQ. Please provide a copy of the permit or correspondence with NCDWQ prior to any CO. 5. Access to all sites shall be a minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed width, for both entrance and exit traffic. 6. Must use approved numbers or lettering, plainly visible, and legible from street are required for address identification. 7. Standard R7-8a reserved parking and, maximum penalty $250 NCGS 20- 37.6 signs must be installed in front of the handicap parking spaces„ Van accessible sign(s) mustbe provided in front of all'van accessible spaces. 8. Issuance of a building permit based upon this site plan shall not prevent Planning and Development Services from thereafter requiring correction of errors in plans, construction or violations of .the state building code. 9. The contractor shall' "contact NC One Call Center prior to beginning any earth disturbing activity. 1-800-632-4949 10. City of Wilson Utilities'Department Personnel will spot all transformer and metering locations. Please notify at, (252) 399-2420 of exact requirements such as total connected load and voltage requirements, i.e. 120-240, 120/208, 277/480, etc. 11. The customer is responsible for secondarywiring from the delivery point to the building. , 12. The contractor is responsible for installing a meter base and furnishing all self-contained meter bases and conduit. 13. The city of Wilson will provide a meter base only for services greater than 400 amperes and are to be installed by the contractor, including conduit. 14. Contact Wilson utilities, to. spot' the exact meter location and service - entrance. Failure to do so may result in additional, charges or r possibly relocating equipment already installed. 15. Meter bases cannot be mounted on transformers. Current Transformers for services above 400 amperes can be installed on poles, buildings, or inside transformers. 16. Charges will be determined when detailed, information is available. 17. All landscaping around and near electrical lines shall be in accordance with Zoning. Ordinance Appx. A Sec. 12.1.4.h. Please be .aware that our Zoning and Public Services Departments are ` inspecting` for site plan compliance during the construction 'process. Any changes made during construction must be reflected on a revised site plan and submitted to Development Services for Technical Review Committee review. ..Minor changes can be handled quickly and without a -formal meeting. Failure to follow this procedure' may result in a delay in the issuance of.a Certificate_ of Occupancy. We have enjoyed working with you on this and look forward to future projects. If ` you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact 'me at (252) 399- 2216 or via e-mail at kgarner(a�wilsonnc.org. 2621 29 a' fA �® a lid NQ' W II . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG200000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG200491 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental. Management. Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Sirius Metal Recycling, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Sirius Metal Recycling, Inc. 6601 Ward Boulevard Wilson Wilson County to receiving waters designated as UT to Hominy Swamp, a Class C; Sw; NSW waterbody, Neuse River Basin; .in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, 11, III, IV, V and VI of General Permit No. NCG200000, as attached. This Certificate of Coverage shall become 'effective December 17, 2012. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day December 17, 2012. Charles Walcild, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission l (oarl69r Eckard, Sharon From:. Hang Lae Cho <hlcho50l@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013.919 AM To:. Eckard, Sharon Cc: Rogers, Ben; Hunneke, William F Subect: Re: Recycled Wastes Attachments: Scan002L.pdf FollowUp Flag: Flag Status: Good morning Ms. Eckerd Follow up Flagged Please find revised affidavit. Withregard to survey plat, I ordered it and expect to hear sometime today.. Thank you so much. Hanglae Cho On Mon, Nov 4, 20,13 at 3:31 PM, Eckard, Sharon <sharon.eckardgncaenr.gov> wrote: Mr. Cho - Based on our discussions and observations at the Wilson Recycling Center, there are recyclable waste streams that are being recycled at the facility that were not stated on your Brownfields Application. While we ascertained that for the most part these wastes were being handled and stored properly at your site, and provided suggestions for improvements, we do need to have a statement from you revising your application to include those waste streams that you are currently recycling and that you reasonably believe will be recycled in the future. We don't need the whole of the application redone, just the item that pertains to the reuse and notes the types of materials that will be recycled. I will need that to complete the draft of the BF Agreement. In addition, you should be moving forward on getting a draft Brownfields Survey Plat to me. Let me know if you need any information on how to proceed with that. Thanks, Sharon Sharon Poissant Eckard, PG 1 / _ '( Y�`r Re" wised: ,Affidavit . November- 5,:2013 - . Hanglae Clio .. � :Sirius; Metal' Recyc.l1ng, lnc 6601 Ward-�Blvd�Vllilson,,: NC, 27.893 - F (252)206 ,1137 As date of :November 5, 2013, ! revise F '`What are the planned uses)r"t` - .. of the,'redeveloped brown gilds ropertyto which the-RD wil comma?" " in:: the: page, 10.:of Brownfield application that 1;originaaly su°mmited: to: NCDENR. Below is the revised, one: , 1:), buying, ferrous maaeria;ls. (steel; stainless steel), ,nonferro.us m.ater�als .- 3 (aluminum;, brass,. copper, :lead, insulated wires,. dectr c! motor), cars and lead acid batteries _24. receiving el.'e.ctric craps su-& as computers; ` copiers, printers and cel'lu ar phones, 3.), busying cardboards; 4;) _ planning to receive plashes acid bottles in. future. R H`an,g ae. o, Pre; dent Sirius MV tal Recycling; Inc l .. to .