HomeMy WebLinkAbout15033_ZagoraGear_EA_20070730 Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Former Zagora Gear Products Facility 1327 South Mint Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 Prepared for: American Investment Exchange 1300 Baxter Street #218 Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 Prepared by: Roy Consulting Group Corporation Project Number 24-071607 July 30, 2007 James E. Roy, Jr. James E. Roy, Jr., P.G. Roy Construction Group North Carolina Licensed Geologist Number 1952 Patricia P. Roy Patricia P. Roy Roy Consulting Group Corporation President Roy Consulting Group Corporation C RG Providing integrated environmental and geotechnical solutions ROY CONSULTING GROUP CORPORATION 9823 Balmoral Circle Charlotte, North Carolina 28210 Phone: 704.968.4111 Fax: 704.553.9458 July 30, 2007 Mr. Ryan Clayton American Investment Exchange 1300 Baxter Street #218 Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 Subject: REPORT OF LIMITED PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT FORMER ZAGORA GEAR PRODUCTS FACILITY 1327 SOUTH MINT STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA ROY CONSULTING GROUP CORPORATION PROJECT #24-071607 Dear Mr. Clayton: As authorized by your acceptance of Roy Consulting Group Corporation (Roy Consulting Group) proposal number P071050 dated July 3, 2007, we are pleased to submit this Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment. Enclosed is one (1) copy of the assessment report. A description of the Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment field services completed July 16, 2007, including sample analytical data, is provided in the attached report. Based on the field observations, field screening results and laboratory analytical data, we recommend installing additional soil borings to further investigate and delineate the petroleum hydrocarbons identified in the soil and groundwater samples collected at the former underground storage tank location and in the soil sample collected below the former chemical room. Since the soil sample collected from the former Underground Storage Tank (UST) area contains petroleum hydrocarbons above the regulated level of 10 parts per million (ppm) for GRO and 40 ppm for DRO petroleum hydrocarbons, the owner should inform the State of North Carolina Underground Storage Section that a release has occurred from the former UST. If we can be of further assistance, or if you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to call us at 704.968.4111. Respectfully submitted, ROY CONSULTING GROUP CORPORATION Patricia P. Roy Patricia P. Roy President Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 3 of 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................... ........................ 4 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................... 6 2.1 Facility Information .................................................................................. 6 2.2 Contacts.............................................................. ................................... 6 2.3 UST Information – AEC 3.......................................................................... 6 2.4 Former Chemical Room Information – AEC 2............................................... 6 2.5 Site Characterization..................................................................... ........... 6 3.0 CLOSURE PROCEDURES AND SITE INVESTIGATION ....................................... 8 4.0 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS.. 9 4.1 Soil and Groundwater Sample Collection Information........... ......................... 9 4.2 Sample Storage...................................................................................... 10 4.3 Chain-of-Custody Procedures................................................................... 10 4.4 Site-Specific Sample Collection ....................... .........................................10 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................... ..........................12 6.0 QUALIFICATIONS................................................................ ........................ 13 6.1 Warranty .............................................................................................. 13 APPENDICES Appendix A – Soil Boring Logs FIGURES Figure 1 – Site Location Diagram Figure 2 – Location of AEC 1 Figure 3 – Location of AEC 2 Figure 4 – Location of AEC 3 PHOTOS Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 4 of 13 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As authorized by your acceptance of Roy Consulting Group Corporation (Roy Consulting Group) proposal number P071050 dated July 3, 2007, we are pleased to submit this Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment for the Former Zagora Gear Products Facility located on 1327 South Mint Street, Charlotte, North Carolina. Our report summarizes the project background, sampling methodology, the laboratory results and recommendations. CDA Environmental, LLC completed the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report for the subject property. CDA identified three Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) in this report and recommended limited subsurface investigations of these areas to identify potential environmental soil and groundwater hazards associated with former facility operations. Roy Consulting Group contracted Mr. Jim Roy of Roy Construction Group, North Carolina Professional Geologist Number 1952, to complete the environmental field services. AEC 1 exists as the area between the existing property and the Industrial and Textile Supply property located north of the subject property. The soil sample collected from this location was analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons as THP Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) and Diesel Range Organics (DRO) utilizing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) method 3545 and 8015. The sample did not contain detectable levels of DRO and GRO. AEC 2 exists as the former chemical room where staining around the existing floor drain was identified in the Phase I report. The soil sample from this location was analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOC) utilizing EPA Method 8260, priority pollutant metals utilizing EPA Method 3050/6010, base neutrals and acid extractables (SVOC) (without pesticides or PCBs) utilizing EPA Method 3545/8270 and petroleum hydrocarbons as THP GRO and DRO utilizing EPA method 3545 and 8015. The sample did not contain detectable levels of GRO. The sample contained 630 mg/kg of DRO which is above the NC Soil Standard of 40 parts per million (ppm) for DRO petroleum hydrocarbons. Numerous metals were identified in the sample from the lowest level of 0.047 mg/kg for Mercury to the highest level of 200 mg/kg for Copper which are below the NC Industrial/Commercial Soil Cleanup Levels. The VOC sample contained 140 ug/kg (0.14 mg/kg) of Acetone which is below the NC Residential Soil Cleanup Levels of 1,564 mg/kg for Acetone. The SVOC sample contained Fluoranthene and Pyrene at 700 ug/kg (0.7 mg/kg) and 650 ug/kg (0.65 mg/kg), respectively. These levels are below the NC Residential Soil Cleanup Levels of 620 mg/kg for Fluoranthene and 469 mg/kg of Pyrene. AEC 3 exists as the area between the two existing on-site buildings (immediately south of the most northeast on-site building) in the area of the former UST. The soil sample collected from this location was analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons as GRO and DRO utilizing EPA method 3545 and 8015. The sample contained 57 mg/kg of GRO and 2,500 mg/kg of DRO which is above the NC Soil Standard of 10 ppm for GRO and 40 ppm for Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 5 of 13 DRO petroleum hydrocarbons. Since the soil sample collected from the former Underground Storage Tank (UST) area contains petroleum hydrocarbons above the regulated level of 10 parts per million (ppm) for GRO and 40 ppm for DRO petroleum hydrocarbons, the owner should inform the State of North Carolina Underground Storage Section that a release has occurred from the former UST. The groundwater sample collected from this location was analyzed for SVOC (without pesticides or PCBs) utilizing EPA Method 625 and VOC (BTEX) utilizing EPA Method 602. The sample analyzed for SVOC contained 34 ug/l of Fluorene, 68 ug/l of Naphthalene and 45 ug/dl of Phenanthrene. Levels of Naphthalene exceed the North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (NCGWQS) for Naphthalene of 21 ug/l. Levels of Fluorene and Phenanthrene were below the NCGWQS of 280 ug/l and 210 ug/l, respectively. The sample did not contain detectable levels of VOC. Based on the field observations, field screening results and laboratory analytical data collected, we recommend installing additional soil borings to further investigate and delineate the petroleum hydrocarbons identified in the soil and groundwater sample collected at the former underground storage tank location and in the soil sample collected below the former chemical storage room. Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 6 of 13 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION The following information identifies the subject property. 2.1 Facility Information Facility Name – Former Zagora Gear Products Facility Address – 1327 South Mint Street, Charlotte, NC 28203, Mecklenburg County Report Date – July 30, 2007 Client Information – American Investment Exchange, c/o Mr. Ryan Clayton, 1300 Baxter Street #218, Charlotte, NC 28204, phone 704.927.4300 2.2 Contacts Consultant Information – Roy Consulting Group Corporation, 9823 Balmoral Circle, Charlotte, NC 28210, phone 704.968.4111 Laboratory Information – Pace Analytical Services, Inc., 9800 Kincey Avenue, Huntersville, NC 28078, phone 704.875.9092, NC Certification Numbers -- NC Wastewater 12 and NC Drinking Water -- 37706 2.3 UST Information – AEC 3 UST Number Non-Regulated Installation Date Unknown – Tank Previously Removed Size in Gallons Unknown Tank Dimensions Unknown Last Contents of Tank Believed to be #2 Fuel Oil Previous Contents of Tank None Tank Design Believed to be Steel Tank Status Removed in 2002 2.4 Former Chemical Room Information – AEC 2 We understand the Chemical Room may have been the location for storage and preparation of the paint stripping and paint adhesion chemicals identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report. Minor staining was identified in the area around the floor drain located in the Chemical Room. 2.5 Site Characterization Historic Information – We understand the site has been used since the early 1950’s for Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 7 of 13 light industrial manufacturing. Facility Status – The two buildings located on-site are currently used for storage of furniture and equipment. Use of Surrounding Properties – The surrounding properties are a mix of residential, commercial offices and light industry. A new residential housing development is currently under construction to the south of the subject property. Site Geology and Hydrogeology – The site is located on the southwest side of Uptown Charlotte. The surrounding area is commercially developed with a new residential area generally up-gradient to the south of the site. The areas to the north, west and east consist of offices and private businesses. We did not identify a groundwater well on-site. The topography is generally flat and the site elevation is approximately 750 feet above mean sea level. Storm sewers and drains are present along South Mint Street to the north of the subject property, Lincoln Street to the east of the subject property and South Church Street to the south of the subject property. Several storm water catch basins are also installed along the parking area to the west of the subject property buildings. Surface water runoff flows into these areas during precipitation events. Based on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) map, the subject property is not located in the 100 year or 500 year flood plain. The 1985 NC Geologic Map describes bedrock as a Late Proterozoic to Middle Peleozoic metamorphosed granite. Generally silty and sandy clay layers overlay the granite and poorly developed silt layers compose the topsoil layers. Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 8 of 13 3.0 SITE INVESTIGATION Mr. Roy completed a visual site assessment upon arrival on-site to identify the locations of the AECs identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report. After the AECs were identified, soil boring locations were selected based on utility locations as marked by the utility contractors. Concrete was located at the surface at AEC 2 and AEC3. In these locations, a concrete coring machine was utilized to core through the approximate 0.5 foot concrete layers. Next, Mr. Roy installed each soil boring utilizing a stainless-steel hand auger. The hand auger was decontaminated between each soil boring and between every two feet of advancement at each specific soil boring. Decontamination was completed by scrubbing the hand auger with alconox, rinsing the auger in tap water and rinsing the auger a second time with deionized water. Soil was collected from each soil boring at one to two foot intervals. Some soil from each interval was immediately placed in a zip-lock bag dedicated for the specific soil interval and marked with the soil interval depth utilizing an indelible marker. The soil was allowed to warm in the sun and then screened with a factory calibrated Foxboro TVA-1000 air monitoring instrument. This soil was utilized for on-site screening only. Soil samples were then collected for laboratory analysis from the soil interval with the highest volatile organic readings, in parts per million as detected by the Foxboro TVA-1000. Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 9 of 13 4.0 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS 4.1 Soil and Groundwater Sample Collection Information Soil and groundwater samples were collected under the responsible charge of Mr. Jim Roy of Roy Construction Group, NC Licensed Geologist Number 1952. The soil samples were collected in a manner that caused the least disturbance of the internal structure of the soil and reduced the exposure to heat, sunlight and open air. Groundwater samples were collected in a method that obtained groundwater representative of the sample location. Care was taken to keep the samples from being contaminated by other material at the site or from contaminating other samples taken from the site. Disposable gloves were worn by the sample collector and were changed between samples to avoid cross-contamination. Clean, stainless steel spoon samplers were used to collect each soil sample, with the exception of the VOC samples where dedicated plastic syringe sample corers supplied by the laboratory were used. For these samples, a new syringe sampler was used to collect each sample. For practical reasons, it was necessary to collect soil samples directly from the hand auger bucket. Every effort was made to reduce the loss of contaminants from the sample by collecting samples from intact soil within the bucket. Groundwater samples were collected utilizing new, dedicated bailers. For each sample, the bailer was carefully lowered into the borehole to avoid aeration of the water and agitation of particulate matter. Groundwater was then captured in the bailer and the bailer was brought to the surface. Several gallons of groundwater were purged from the borehole utilizing this technique. Next, a new, dedicated bailer was lowered into the borehole to collect a groundwater sample. The bailer was retracted slowly and gently and the captured groundwater was emptied into the appropriate container until the correct volume was collected. First, the VOC vials were filled slowly to avoid volatilization of contaminants. Water was poured into the vial in such a manner as to create an upper meniscus above the top of the vial to prevent leaving air space in the sample vial when it is closed. The groundwater was immediately placed in dedicated sample bottles for VOC analysis. After the VOC water sample bottles were filled, the SVOC sample bottles were filled using the same bailing technique. For both soil and groundwater, samples for VOC analysis were collected with minimal handling and agitation. Immediately upon removal from the ground, each sample was placed in a proper container for the analysis to be performed. The sample filled the entire volume of the container, leaving no headspace unless the method required otherwise (soil VOC’s). As soon as each sample was collected in the sample container, the container was immediately capped, sealed and stored at approximately 4 degrees Celsius (4°C) in a cooler with ice. The soil samples were collected in undisturbed material within the soil boring. Sample Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 10 of 13 containers were labeled with the sample location identification, the date and time of collection, the analysis to be performed, the preservative added (if any), the sampler’s initials and other pertinent information for sample identification. The labels contained a unique identifier that can be traced to the chain-of-custody form. Quality control temperature blank samples accompanied the samples, and the laboratory completed quality control testing. 4.2 Sample Storage The samples were stored for transport in a manner that prevented breakage. The samples were kept at a temperature of approximately 4°C following collection in a cooler with ice and were transported to the laboratory following sample collection. 4.3 Chain-of-Custody Procedures Chain-of-Custody forms were completed for samples collected. The Chain-of-Custody forms document possession of the samples from the time they are collected until they have been analyzed and are stored. Each transferor retains a photocopy of the Chain-of- Custody record. 4.4 Site-Specific Sample Collection AEC 1 – The area between the existing property and the Industrial and Textile Supply property located north of the subject property. See Figure 1. The soil boring was advanced from the ground surface to 13.2 feet below ground surface (bgs). A hand auger soil boring log with FID readings is located as Appendix A. The soil sample, AEC1-SB04, was collected from 9.5 feet to 10 feet bgs. The soil sample collected from this location was analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons as THP Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) and Diesel Range Organics (DRO) utilizing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) method 3545 and 8015. The sample did not contain detectable levels of DRO and GRO. Weathered bedrock was encountered at approximately 10 feet bgs and competent bedrock was encountered at the total depth of 13.2 feet bgs. The soil boring was allowed to remain open for several hours and remained dry. Since groundwater was not encountered in this soil boring, a groundwater sample was not collected. AEC 2 – Former chemical room located on the mid-west side of the newer subject property building. See Figure 2. The soil boring was advanced from below the concrete surface to 9 feet below ground surface (bgs). A hand auger soil boring log with FID readings is located as Appendix A. The soil sample, AEC2-SB01, was collected from 6 feet to 6.6 feet bgs. The soil sample from this location was analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOC) utilizing EPA Method 8260, priority pollutant metals utilizing EPA Method 3050/6010, base neutrals Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 11 of 13 and acid extractables (SVOC) (without pesticides or PCBs) utilizing EPA Method 3545/8270 and petroleum hydrocarbons as THP GRO and DRO utilizing EPA method 3545 and 8015. The sample did not contain detectable levels of GRO. The sample contained 630 mg/kg of DRO which is above the NC Soil Standard of 40 parts per million (ppm) for DRO petroleum hydrocarbons. Numerous metals were identified in the sample from the lowest level of 0.047 mg/kg for Mercury to the highest level of 200 mg/kg for Copper. These levels are below the NC Industrial/Commercial Soil Cleanup Levels (note some of the metals are not regulated by this standard). The VOC sample contained 140 ug/kg (0.14 mg/kg) of Acetone which is below the NC Residential Soil Cleanup Levels of 1,564 mg/kg for Acetone. The SVOC sample contained Fluoranthene and Pyrene at 700 ug/kg (0.7 mg/kg) and 650 ug/kg (0.65 mg/kg), respectively. These levels are below the NC Residential Soil Cleanup Levels of 620 mg/kg for Fluoranthene and 469 mg/kg of Pyrene. AEC 3 – Former Underground Storage Tank location (immediately south of the most northeast on-site building). See Figure 3. The soil boring was advanced from below the concrete surface to 14 feet below ground surface (bgs). The groundwater table was encountered at approximately 11 feet bgs. A hand auger soil boring log with FID readings is located as Appendix A. The soil sample, AEC3-SB03, was collected from 10.5 feet to 11 feet bgs. A groundwater sample was also collected from this soil boring utilizing a new, dedicated bailer. The soil sample collected from this location was analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons as GRO and DRO utilizing EPA method 3545 and 8015. The sample contained 57 mg/kg of GRO and 2,500 mg/kg of DRO which is above the NC Soil Standard of 10 ppm for GRO and 40 ppm for DRO petroleum hydrocarbons. The groundwater sample collected from this location was analyzed for SVOC (without pesticides or PCBs) utilizing EPA Method 625 and VOC (BTEX) utilizing EPA Method 602. The sample analyzed for SVOC contained 34 ug/l of Fluorene, 68 ug/l of Naphthalene and 45 ug/dl of Phenanthrene. Levels of Naphthalene exceed the North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (NCGWQS) for Naphthalene of 21 ug/l. Levels of Fluorene and Phenanthrene were below the NCGWQS of 280 ug/l and 210 ug/l, respectively. The groundwater sample did not contain detectable levels of VOC. Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 12 of 13 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The field screening and soil sample analysis indicate elevated levels of diesel range petroleum hydrocarbons at the sample collected below the former chemical storage area. The sample contained 630 mg/kg of DRO which is above the NC Soil Standard of 40 parts per million ppm) for DRO petroleum hydrocarbons. This sample was also analyzed for VOC’s - EPA method 8260, SVOC’s - EPA method 8270 and priority pollutant metals utilizing EPA Method 3050/6010. The sample did not contain levels of metals above the NC Industrial/Commercial Soil Cleanup Levels or levels of VOC’s or SVOC’c above the NC Residential Soil Cleanup Levels. The field screening and soil sample analysis indicate elevated levels of diesel and gasoline range petroleum hydrocarbons at the sample collected from the former UST location. The soil sample contained 57 mg/kg of GRO and 2,500 mg/kg of DRO which is above the NC Soil Standard of 10 ppm for GRO and 40 ppm for DRO petroleum hydrocarbons. The groundwater sample collected from this location was analyzed for SVOC (without pesticides or PCBs) utilizing EPA Method 625 and VOC (BTEX) utilizing EPA Method 602. The sample analyzed for SVOC contained 34 ug/l of Fluorene, 68 ug/l of Naphthalene and 45 ug/dl of Phenanthrene. Levels of Naphthalene exceed the North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (NCGWQS) for Naphthalene of 21 ug/l. Levels of Fluorene and Phenanthrene were below the NCGWQS of 280 ug/l and 210 ug/l, respectively. The groundwater sample did not contain detectable levels of VOC. Since the soil sample collected from the former UST area contains petroleum hydrocarbons above the regulated level of 10 parts per million (ppm) for GRO and 40 ppm for DRO petroleum hydrocarbons, the owner should inform the State of North Carolina Underground Storage Section that a release has occurred from the former UST. Based on the field observations, field screening results and laboratory analytical data collected, we recommend installing additional soil borings to further investigate and delineate the petroleum hydrocarbons identified in the soil and groundwater sample collected at the former underground storage tank location and in the soil sample collected below the former chemical storage room. Report of Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment July 30, 2007 Former Zagora Gear Products Facility RCG Project Number 24-071607 Charlotte, North Carolina Page 13 of 13 6.0 QUALIFICATIONS This report was prepared pursuant to the contract Roy Consulting Group has with American Investment Exchange. That contractual relationship included an exchange of information about the facility that was unique and between Roy Consulting Group and its client and serves as the basis upon which this report was prepared. Because of the importance of the communication between Roy Consulting Group and its client, reliance or any use of this report by anyone other than NCDENR and American Investment Exchange, for whom it was prepared, is prohibited and therefore not foreseeable to Roy Consulting Group. Reliance or use by any such third party without explicit authorization in the report does not make said third party a third party beneficiary to Roy Consulting Group's contract with American Investment Exchange. Any such unauthorized reliance on or use of this report, including any of its information or conclusions, will be at the third party's risk. For the same reasons, no warranties or representations, expressed or implied in this report, are made to any such third party. 6.1 Warranty The field and laboratory results reported herein are considered sufficient in detail and scope to determine the presence of accessible and/or exposed contamination in the areas tested. Roy Consulting Group warrants that the findings contained herein have been prepared in general accordance with accepted professional practices at the time of this preparation, as applied by similar professionals in the community. The limited field services, report and analytical methods have been used to provide the client with information regarding the presence or absence of soil contamination in the immediate area of the test locations. Test results are valid only for the samples analyzed. There is a possibility that conditions may exist which could not be identified within the scope of the study or which were not apparent during the site visit. This limited testing covered only those areas, which were exposed and/or physically accessible to the field inspector. The study is also limited to the information provided by the client at the time the field services were conducted. No other warranties are implied or expressed. APPENDIX A SOIL BORING LOGS Depth (FT) Description TVA-1000 FID Reading (PPM) 0-0.5 Dark Brown, Organic Rich SILT 1.01 0.5-1.5 Light Brown Silty SAND with pebbles and some crushed stone 1.33 1.5-2.0 Orange/Brown Silty CLAY, white modelin 1.09 2.0-4.0 Orange/Brown Silty CLAY, yellow and light brown modeling 1.19 4.0-6.0 Orange/Brown Silty CLA 2.4 6.0-7.0 Orange/Brown Silty CLA 1.7 7.0-7.7 Orange/Brown Silty CLAY, yellow and orange brown modeling 2.6 7.7-8.0 Light Brown Sandy Clay - Wet - Perched Water between 7.7 and 8.0 feet 2.15 8.0-8.9 Orange Silty CLAY - DR 1.87 8.9-10.2 Orange grading to Light Brown Clayey SILT - DR 2.84 10.2-13.2 Light Brown Weathered Granite 2.31 13.2 uger Refusal - COMPETENT LEGEND TVA-1000 FID Background reading 0.80 to 0.89 ppm FT - Feet PPM - Parts Per Million SOIL BORING LOG 1327 South Mint Street, Charlotte AEC 1 Soil Boring 04 - July 16, 2007 Depth (FT) Description TVA-1000 FID Reading (PPM) 0-0.5 Concrete NA 0.5-0.8 Crushed Stone 0.91 0.8-2.0 Brown Clayey SILT - FIL 1.06 2.0-4.2 Brown Clayey SILT with pebbles - FIL 3.94 4.2-5.0 Brown Silty CLAY grading to Clayey SILT with pebbles and cobbles - NATIVE 4.61 5.0-5.2 Brown Clayey SILT with light brown and white modeling 8.89 5.2-6.0 Dark Gray/Black Clayey SILT (petroleum odor)65.8 6.0-6.6 Black grading to Dark Gray Clayey SIL 82.1 6.6-8.0 Brown Silty CLA 6.01 8.0-9.0 Brown Silty CLA 1.2 9.0 End of Boring LEGEND TVA-1000 FID Background reading 0.80 to 0.89 ppm FT - Feet PPM - Parts Per Million NA - Not Applicable SOIL BORING LOG 1327 South Mint Street, Charlotte AEC 2 Soil Boring 01 - July 16, 2007 Depth (FT) Description TVA-1000 FID Reading (PPM) 0-0.4 Concrete NA 0.4-1.1 Brown Clayey SILT - FIL 2.01 1.1-2.0 Light Brown Clayey SILT - FIL 7.67 2.0-4.0 Light Brown Clayey Sandy SILT - FIL 4.1 4.0-5.5 Light Brown grading to Brown Clayey Sandy SILT - FILL 3.8 5.5-6.0 Gray Sandy CLAY (petroleum odor 7.1 6.0-7.0 Gray Sandy CLAY (petroleum odor 11.8 7.0-9.0 Gray Sandy CLAY (petroleum odor 8.8 9.0-9.8 Dark Gray Sandy CLAY (petroleum odor 968 9.8-10.0 Dark Gray Sandy CLAY (petroleum odor - appears native @ 9.8')989 10.0-11.0 Dark Gray CLAY with some silt (petroleum odor) WET @ 11'1041 11.0-12.0 Gray to Dark Gray Sandy CLAY - WE 1446 12.0-13.0 Gray Silty CLAY - WE 256 13.0 End of Boring LEGEND TVA-1000 FID Background reading 0.80 to 0.89 ppm FT - Feet PPM - Parts Per Million NA - Not Applicable SOIL BORING LOG 1327 South Mint Street, Charlotte AEC 3 Soil Boring 03 - July 16, 2007 FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION DIAGRAM Roy Consulting Group CorporationCRGProviding integrated environmental and geotechnical solutions FIGURE 2 LOCATION OF AEC 1 Roy Consulting Group CorporationCRGProviding integrated environmental and geotechnical solutions FIGURE 3 LOCATION OF AEC 2 Roy Consulting Group CorporationCRGProviding integrated environmental and geotechnical solutions FIGURE 4 LOCATION OF AEC 3 Roy Consulting Group CorporationCRGProviding integrated environmental and geotechnical solutions PHOTOS Photo 1-EC 2 Photo 2-EC 2 Bore Hole Photo 3-EC 3 Photo 4-EC 3 Soil From 11.0’ to 12.0’ bgs Photo 6-EC 1 –Weathered Bedrock @ 11’ to 12’ bgs Photo 5-EC 1