HomeMy WebLinkAbout06004_MallardCreek_PC_20030401• State of North Carolina ROY COOPER .-\ 1TOR'\EY GE;'\ER·\L Mr. Ed Wright Colonial Realty Limited Partnership 2101 6th Ave. North, Suite 900 Birmingham, AL 35203 Department o i Justice P.O. Box 629 RAL EIGH 27602-0629 April 1, 2003 Subject: Mallard Creek Brownfields Project Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Wright: • Reply to Robert : . Gelblum Environmental Division (9 I 9) 733-280 I ext. 229 Fax (919) 715-5840 rob.gelblum@ncm 1it.net We are very pleased to be bringing the Mallard Creek brownfields project to a successful conclusion. To that end, please find enclosed the following, in final form and signed by !Dexter R. Matthews, Director of the Division of Waste Management, for the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources: • the certified Notice ofBrownfields Property for this Property; • the Brownfields Agreement for this Property; and • the approved and certified survey plat for this Property. Please promptly file the Notice ofBrownfields Property, with its three exhibits (Ekhibit A, the Brownfields Agreement; Exhibit B, the survey plat; and Exhibit C, the legal descriptidn of the Property), at the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds' office. (N.C.G.S. § 130A-310 b s(b) requires filing within 15 days of Prospective Developer's receipt ofDENR's approval of he Notice ofBrownfields Property or Prospective Developer's entry into the Brownfields Agreement, whichever is later.) The Register of Deeds is required to record the certified copy of the Notice of Brownfields Property and index it in the granter index under the names of the owners of the land, and, if different, also under the name of the Prospective Developer. See N.C.G.S. § 130+- 310.35( c). . I. Within three days after the Register of Deeds has recorded the Notice ofBrownfi Ids Property, pursuant to the Brownfields Agreement you must furnish DENR a copy of the April 1, 2003 Page2 • • documentary portion of that Notice containing a certification by the Register of Deeds as to the Book and Page numbers where the documentary and plat portions of that Notice are recorded. In addition, please provide a copy of the plat with notations indicating its recordation. (Please insure that the Notice's other attachments --the legal description/8 1/2" x 11" U.S. Geological Survey . map and a fully executed copy of the Brownfields Agreement --are attached to the certified copy of the Notice you furnish DENR.) Thank you for your attention to these final administrative matters, and also for all your help during the course of completing the brownfields process on this site. Enclosures cc: Bruce Nicholson, DENR Carolyn Minnich, DENR Yours truly, Robert R. Gelblum Assistant Attorney General • • SUMMARY OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO REDEVELOP A BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY Colonial Realty Limited Partnership Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 130A-310.34, Colonial Realty Limited Partnership has filed with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ("DENR") a Notl e of . I Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property ("Property") in Charlotte, Mecklenburg Coulilty, North Carolina. The Property consists of approximately 21 acres and is comprised of the following seven parcels near the intersection of Mallard Creek Road and Driwood Court: parcels 10131, 10113 and l 0201 on Mallard Creek Road; and parcels 3015, 3021, 3041 and 311 on Driwood Court. Environmental contamination exists on the Property in groundwater. Colonial Realty Limited Partnership has committed itself to redevelopment of the property for mull-family housing, in the form, e.g., ofapartments, condominiums and similar housing on the Prop1 y The Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property includes: ( 1) a proposed Brownfie[ds Agreement between DENR and Colonial Realty Limited Partnership, which in turn includes (a) a legal description of the Property, (b) a map showing the location of the Property, (c) a deJcription of the contaminants involved and their concentrations in the media of the Property, (d) th, above­ stated description of the intended future use of the Property, and (e) proposed investigatil and remediation; and (2) a proposed Notice of Brownfields Property prepared in accordance with N . CG. S. § I 3 0 A-3 I 0 .3 5. The full Notice oflntent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property ~ay be reviewed at 600 East Trade Street, Neighborhood Development Key Business, Charlotte, NC, 28217 by contacting Carolyn Minnich at that address, at carolyn.minnich@ncmail.net or .J (704) 336-3499; or at 401 Oberlin Rd., Raleigh, NC 27605 by contacting Scott Ross at that ada!ess, at scott.ross@ncmail.net, or at (919)733-2801, ext. 328. Any written public comments must be ,fA&-C:Hl /320031 .1 • • submitted to DENR within 60 days of the date of this Notice. Any written requests for a public meeting must be submitted to DENR within 30 days of the date of this Notice. All such comments and requests should be addressed as follows: PPAB-CHl/320531.1 Mr. Bruce Nicholson Head, Special Remediation Branch Superfund Section Division of Waste Management NC Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 • • NOTICE OF INTEN T TO REDEVELOP A BROWNFIELDS PROPERJIT North Carolina's Brownfields Property Reuse Act (the "Act"), North Carolina General Statutes ("N.C.G.S.") Sections 130A-310.30 through 130A-310.40, provides for the safe redevelopment of properties that may have been or were contaminated by past ind us rial and commercial activities. One of the Act's requirements is a Notice of Intent to Re+velop a Brownfields Property ("Notice of Intent") approved by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ("DENR"). See N.C.G.S. Section 130A-310.34ta). The Notice of Intent must provide, to the extent known, a legal description of the locatJ n of the brownfields property, a map showing the location of the brown fields property, a deJcription of the contaminants involved and their concentrations in the media of the brol nfields property, a description of the intended future use of the brownfields property, any +oposed investigation and remediation, and a proposed Notice of Brownfields Property pref ared in accordance with N.C.G.S. Section 130A-310.35. A prospective developer who desires Ito enter into a Brownfields Agreement with DENR must provide a copy of the Notice of Intent to all local governments having jurisdiction over the brownfields property. A proposed 1 otice of Brownfields Property is attached hereto; the attached proposed Brownfields Ag[eement contains the other required elements of the Notice of Intent. Any written public comments must be submitted to DENR within 60 days after the Summary of Notice of Intent is p~blished in the North Carolina Register or in a newspaper of general circulation serving thJ area in which the brownfields property is located, whichever is later. Any written requ+s for a public meeting must be submitted to DENR within 30 days after the public comment period begins. All such comments and requests should be addressed as follows: C' 'JlF Shell Docs\NOI 2-1 -02 wpd Mr. Bruce Nicholson Head, Special Remediation Branch Superfund Section Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 . '.••. 12/20/2002 ,1 •1' \.·· ,: . To: 13 :00 9198150599 . ., .I • ,•,• • ..:• ·.' ... • PHOENI X CON RACTORS . f HO ENIX CONTRACTORS, LLC .. ·. :>: .. · .• Pi :i. soxi~32•5El'° • ... '. ·';' / .. · ·: RA,1..!;;JC:SH . NORTl-1 CAROI..INA 27636-32 58 19 I 9 ) 6 I 6-0289 FAX, (9 19) 8 I 5-0 ,5 9 9 ':, ',. ,.;-. • •:.' : •.. . • .,~ . '· : ,,,..,., &a<Y.iV fol~~ ' 7-t:J 'I • ;... ,. :Z . '. . Date; .·Pages·:. b PAGE 01 1r --y'Vklk-z}vLd:_ .... ·:·_: .. - ,From: . • , l ._ ,•.: including fu1s co~~j he~t .•• (_/~.,(J ~ .v 117~ e . . :_ ... •·.,, ,· .. . •. 06 se, ,,,,.-:,yc.r. ,;,,~~ ,46 =-/4 ~c. a~ E~ VPJ < • z:;.,,r e ~ ~ ~= uc: L a<' &-~4 ,,,,,.,<l; e,,=r,,-e c ~ ~ W 1::",.A!, c, j} "',I( /1.,1,!!',L,rr,:<;?_ /7 ,,ri C;R/Jl>4:c> cyt/ Z7"ic~-0....T..£.._-+---- • };,;~ ',._,;..vf k ~d ~ 4'-"'~~';=8 1 • • -·1 ·-· ·---····--·-----·------·-··-· .. /'-< er7"_J'c:r ••.•. 4..~~-Al.~-~t.-v ,,,,-Y?JU -~,;:a,_ -4~Y/.r ~_E'4s-e .............. ·-····----·-·•·----·-....... ······· . c:?/J'~ /.-{~d,:~ . . ----------------~~--~~--· 9/9-.z~o7 9,p:£: ---------'~'--..:w q+---1f_L,01l_·\;+ ---·-· I :;. _.-i: ---"~ --. l -· .,.,.--~' ~ Ji;;: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2002 -llC ~------,,,-ffi'vT""-''':~1 .o_lf!"a~'oo1,"';=p:", s. -., --:';;. .... "'."'~, .,, ·" : -. • ,, -~ __ -.; .,>·'' Gooaforlius/1amllY~ ,,-OF!:_~-)'cU Plan DQp06rl_S200 00 / RauncJ-.-·_;:•·:-~'!:--,.: ·, ·• SUMMARY OF NOTICE OF INTENT ,,:•, -. c-·-,<r -5ect. 516,-2S vrcf 1roe, ·9lsle ~ . __ 0~%r~i~ciC1rt/ii{ abl~.e •• _',.: .,/·. ' , ; -1;: • _-·:; ·. ':_a'.+\ i 1:0 ~~.PEVEL9P_ ~ BROWNFIEL;DS ~Ro~rffX _y .. : <r;: ~:1~iri:rif c~1rro,d11l:5j~4 --~~rJ~~~;~-~~f tJW. ~ r\5 ~~:~ ~~~n:~~r~ : ' ~-~-"~ -' ·•·-; (N~~ ~~Ja~~~ ~n~~~~·~t~p~~; _5 RS L's + tckls_ sec 520, r l 0 ., '---;, ·--~~!i}{(;;;;~;=\l:\}? >-i)~i~]~ ~~~ei~~~R~B~O~~~e=:Q\~ft=1~;~} ~~~i~fr~~~~ m\s3~2~1°l·-. F-,-,., • ·----• ·-,. " -. • •---.--• .. • ·-• • -: Brov,nfields Property (_Property") In Ch!Ul□tte, Medllanburg Cou.nty.-.\ .,~--., ____ ,-. , '._,·•. , ---, -, . .. Nor1h Ca1 □l1na. Th_a fl[_Op1!rty con.sh ta _of appro:i<lma.tefy'2t ·acre1 and'-Readers __ --. . ~fl€Q[:)f f f .f?R, QUJiUFl~TlON_S _.. :· • . , .:, lscomprlsed otthofollOl'l]Jig sa'llln-paroels n=ti;e lntareectJon or M~ • ' . oagenrtn.ltir11~TII taDC8p1 -pr~ulli11callon S1al8m~& lhrough Carel Creek Road atlcl Drtwood Court.: pa,cals 10131, 10113 arid 1020\, • & Advert1 sers ~•m~~';.!t~)C!? by2:0,0 P.M lrointrede oorrtracion,Md supplier•: onMallu-dCreek Road: and parw!G 3015, 3021, 304hml 3111 on O~-: • --._., @.l_~1§£iVcf~ fntetils1ed 1n submitting btds to. "The ChildJen's . wood Court Emnronmenlal contamination e,ust& oo lhe Pro~rty,111 NorUi C • 1• G at IXQ!EIJJ)!i\i'fG~~~'l,s{e<j below. Alwertl~manls for t:Wa are SGhOO•' groundiiater CX:lo!llaJ ReaJty Urillfed Pul_ner~hlp 11-lS OOITfllitlro itsdt ,-. Statu!e 1Z~f4'tr::,ak:~r{11- , 'iWfl;Q03, ~11h bids due In Mech, 2003 A.ctual cfa!as tor·· to redevelopment ofJha properfy for multi-family hOus,n~. In the lorrn,-1 leg a I to se 11 admr~slon ~af:if'a.nd Bld bate:i v.111 be de1errnlned at~ later dale:· e.g ,:of apartmenis.-conoomfrlOOis and slmllar h.OU161flQ ,On 1he Prof},• llcke~ ln excess ol the ~,ad •.onl(trom. P.!:!l:.quaJlfle'd trade comra.c1rn'.S• • arty. ThaN01Joeotlm.enttoReclwwopa&cmnftald~P1ope.1y1ncluda1 } prlnted ticket prlce plus 8 -~ct[o1 ·.~·"' at R!!!k :R.od;.,~ -Hudln a1 Iha : [1) ·a PTc;>Jli;ls-icl {lrow"11alds Aweement batwero DENR aru:l ColOT1!8!-~· $3 service lee ~rora ~of lhe~d pra.<iuz.fffication sta!1r, ~fy L1rlllted ~el'6h)p,.whlch In lurn lnciudes (a) a._lega{cfese11~ 'f , •. , _ ,-• , =. --1· uarri;ca1lon: stalarnent:1-s~bmittoo , la_te or in an~ 1lon qf the PJ'Operty, (!J) a rr,ap 3r.&/;1ng lhe lowtlo(l.ol t11iiProperty; e};-. Alrll ne ;-'Tlc:ket5, 0 nd -~QON.t~_ be rG'\llfJW)Jd A r1.11 of prlJ:<lUa1i1led bidders WJl[be • e.~pilon D1 l1le con(amlnarilf ffflo)ved and IJ>efr con.cerrll;BJiOns-; many ·\ olher llcket5, viilf~J _e,JJflll! 1¥-~l,~.~-~~!sed !_or bid.-,---: ,-, ·.',.'< the.m.edia of Iha Property;{d) t)Je abovtHlatecf cl,e$>0p(Jpn ,of Iha In-__ -, ow,Hd~.and coupons are ,~-J~d epaclftcatlona ilr8 availa1lle_st llia Charlotta leoded fu!IJ~ use DI Jhe·,Proparty, and (~} prnposad m~ligllllon ~~ -. non-tr an~ fer able. Re-:.: "';h ' ---• ' rem1Jdla110C1, Md C2l.a. !ed Nolie& al Brownfield& Property ,. slrlcllor1,, may c,p IV. •--•~ ~ ~~I~ ~l~~ ~~r~r~1'8i:5~rc,!.if~~c:/y ~,. pared In e,coorda.,ce wiffi-G:.S. 130~:310.:15. The.Ad t-!oUoe 6~ BIJVt!T"$, a re adv1 s ed to ,~,.. • ,, ,. ~ --, -rv -_ lenttX>RecterolopaBrowitflelds_f.ropfttl/me:ybe(8'/~M600 East :' c.h&k wl1h travel c arrrer _ ~l '})'lJ,~P.~nn~-~~ P1e-9Wll_ '~~o~ S_ta1ament .. ,: -; _Tl'ad(J$1reet. Neigflbomood _Development Key Buslnes,;,.~ NG-• e>r o1her.., as appropriate ___ OlrUiamrng Cel'llllr-'S25 million l1Flf/ construction of : 28217 by can~ Caro!~n Ml~nfch a.tlhal eddrBSS;i.lcarolyn rnln-) before .mDlllng lhe PUf.- , __ -I@_ •1I §µ_bs~rte,c4 ~Ing, 250-s~t U)e~te.r olflt$ _a' nl.ch@ncmail netor-!II ~} 336,3489; Ol lit401 ()llr,1Uff,_f~t.-Ralalgh;:Y chase. -·,--~ -l ,1: :> ,i: '1~ ,:;;,,(· ,: ·.' ·' --• -.. • -:, I,, •. -.. -, NC27605 by coore.cti,ng Scolt a-tt/Jetad'dres.s, a!iCOtt~:--·-' ~ _ , ~' '¥f ~il"cbtu1~tte'. .in-(j MaJo\l~nburg, ~-'.':~~II Off, or 81 _[9lij)J33-~SOI, !;rm._,-.:._· ;~ t~ ,·i:~~!. l ' --:?,t ~ See Michael Cravdord's new ~1-ij rmtt., ~uberm&11/ Ai-chltoos;,-500 ~'orth • Tiyoo' Slre~ -MY wri11e11.publlc comments must ba submlt!ed ro OE(:IR 1'<1thln QO ;. plav, 'Da nee of rhe-va m ­ Cfia) . _2021. i),tnJcturalrEng:lneer: King O.Unn A.socla1as-, d'ay~ ofl a dete of 1hls Notice, An~ wrill&11 re11uB1ta lo.( a bite meet-~. lllres,' on Broadwav, T llckel ~~ ~ ~7.Ph.allot1e, NC 2a200-CMI En11lneer. Bulla SmlJh ~ Ing mus/~ submitted to DENR Wlthln 30 cfaysof lh.e d.\fa°C>1 fhls No-'(.3rd _row, 'his bldhd av wknd !'t~n; .• ' 'tJ 95\'c,, Moreheld s1., Charl□~a. NC 28204--2941. Mlal' Voe,~ Ex>Ch oommer'1~ Bll~ raq~ ~wd be a.ddrll$.I~ ~ follows::_) Jan. 171h. 31B-l17-0S'76 ~ arr •· ~f}~J;.a5!8f\':9•.B?.X?~1_6,Ch_-.n~,NC2_B23,2:_ , -::, , , Mr.BruceNichQ{son . :.. -:::~,<-' / .• , TheChar lolleCol lseum 6 _ -'i:;-,.ll! , ,n''-["-• .. --_-.. -.---. :---_ -, • , , • ,: . ' ·,: Helld, Special Re11U1d1-Uon Branch '_-.•~:-:": _· ·' ,_ -1...-·70~-3~7-~0l ')JlrliWr iM•I_ od:~y<ifl'lJJl'Jiltil'li P~b'l':c-Bid In &ewrdance wll11-_-;" -· ;.:;:-. _ -~~tur,d S001l on•' _ -·:,-_ • •. _-:-'. ·.t .,-'.s_.-;,::-. _ : .~.':: .. _ Crld\et A,ena 335-l\OO 'b • - -~~~-~~si ;t ~';a,Jf}~. ~t0 '~-~ ~B~/>Y -' , <~~~~1ri%~~y;~8'1~':it;;;;;~LrtD_•~'~jsooic:~~ . 4 llck.els lo Contlnen1a1_, Tire .:<:-,,;:,~•,·-~:;:;.:-::.. .,~· • "-• ----· ·-". - - • ; .... 401 Oba lill Road s -00 {50 -. • --._,;,, ,. -.•.. ,' Bowl1.-sec •. tos,row 17, ~eat .. _ ~n~·!,~lnlJ'.thB i:wo_:quallleatian st.a.tement mast go__ -_ Ral Jg-h N rth Caroj~ ,,.,.,,,,,;; <,<,,.:::,,,_i).•'._•.· ·,•'-< ·: _ 9-12.-104,54~~01>119 • ~~~C1lon Manaaer. Cxmtact Daniel LaBao,e, Ro~--,. ;-- _ _ __ e, _, __ O __ ,. ____ aa,..,_vvu . ,:. lo:•:c'/,:'·.!,: .• ,-,.-- - ·1~~-~~~7 r\t :.o~-~-r ~::2~~r,Pfulfio704 ,-. _-. LP4W30<·:-·t: :':,:>·?:., '•:·. ---''.:::r t ; :,,?;_~ 1 -0 ·!~~~;t~J,·.,-,.-r ;.._;_·/-_ • -• ' • • -,-, -,', -,,,,?RE:-QUALIFICATION FOR COMPETITIVE~·, ,_;_,, : -_ ~-t;.QU_EST FOil QUAlJ.flCATION, '" • _ -_ :-. ;•-,' _ ,· ~ --PpHLIC _B,ID,_NJ:NOUNCEM!;NT_,:: J ,-_ ~-: -,;: ,. • [Reader Information ATTENTION Ask The Speclalrst Is lntenlfed to bea current dlrectorv o! experl­ enced, re(lable service businesses ln our area. -All businesses l◄sled are licen,ed by Mecklen­ burg Cou n1v or by th e Cl1v, Caun1y ·and/or Stale inwhtch thevc.on­duc.t theJr tlU5i ness. We encourage our readers to checll referenc:es, ancl to read 1lloroughly all provisions and terms before signing service contracls. It vou have QUE'stlons, problems, or would like 1o place on ad In Ask. The 5-pecia f­ ist, call 704"-J77-m5 or call Toll Free; l-800-532-53~8. Or p[ac e vour ad onllne: www.chartc;4l1,.comfcJi1S1llio.Js u -·: ~ ··-5lii I (Decks' )~ ·0v11c1er-Tek Room addit,on-al<> :porci1es/decks. Prof. jJeslg, nl1 /build servtce 704'-634-5728. ck, • [Door~ Doors, windows, lrt~t an, • shut1ers, • guller s, __ 9ut1er guards, repairs 704--'>56-a 117 [ Drywall * * Drvwal[ 8. Pla51er ** Reoalr ond Remodelfng. Bellalrl•, Inc. 704-.S?l-1256 (Electric-al Sel'\'fce AA AAA Qv.-lUy & quid\ elec. service. Res. & comm _ SeYan Elec. Services 7~-287-4~5 -AAA Absolute guaranteed gual senrlce. S & G Elec1r,c. 704-545-0848. Licensed ll-lns_ Pea5lev Electric Comm/res 25 yrs ex.p. Lie, ln.s & bonded 441-28}2 ''No iob 100-small" damcJ• ** Remo bondt> lnl/ex ·An rn *lC DE! All R, (CPE Lie-Ir~ AT&I Rene *H,-, Kl1, t: repalr cense wk-gc Tl Vlstt , M onr ~~~e~f~o?.£i;eadx;aa ("Ov.ner,. w f .u;cept pre-qvaJi.fic-afu~i _Rodgers llu1ld"era, Inc as the Conslrue11on M~ at fllSk ('CM") pn _ . -• ij~[l)el'l1h~·Dece,mb9l' ,19 2002 bv 2~0 PM from trade oon· • bohaff DI Tho Sralo ol NortJi Carolina by ard through J)ia Unrvarsi:ty ol -Se rv Ices ,-----------~ IF . ~ J~i;; '1n li<itvisl.bi\s o[ warli lnt~rested fn ~bn~ng bids lot pre,. No<th Carol'na Char1otro ("OwneT) win ~apt pre-quelifiootlon ~tale-~ -B . kw k encmg , ' om, It:' ,,,_ -.. , rr~sthroo ll~amber19,~b~2.00PMfromsu]loontraciool_ -flC Or -Ma1n1 ~C!SJ1"1)(, ;bell;i_w at Ctin\ral Ft!lomont Community Collage, Central ,_ In ttl6 =g dMillOnS of y;~"' lntero!ltad In subm·~· bids tor Iha -Servrces .. , ........ -•• , 10-075 I [ FR Servi· " t.~I til/wilnLJ.e,q1ai1otte;NC.J\d\lertJ!19menlS1orb'M1no, _,, ---. Ch.lldCare-:. .. -,._., ..... 10-100 ANK HEDG ECOE ~~eiriicilltlon &l'9 M:hed~l&d for e.ny January wi1h B,ds proJ,,ct li&tedbEWYI A\ The UnlVOOlit,, of_ North CIIJ!)4ine. . l!IIOtliJ, 920_1 :· Child Care Svcs_ .. 10_ 113 All Mosonr y: brick s(ep,, Fenc1n<1since 195s_ Quafltv at M£rr llalj,>;J~~~i',dvsrti..semQJ11li for bldding the Acidamlc-tlulldlng • Unfverslty ~-Bt.id, Charlot1B, N:C ,MJ~i.8melll&,_loc ,bC"8 818, -Acll.111/Eldarly Care .... l 0-HS block wa 11 I , loun rf at ions, Low Prices' 704-527-0433 ~ si:hlij:j~~t /ol-.' March,-' ~009 Wilh 0Ldri D.ia A,Jril,'. 2003.' schiK:uled to, Novernoe,-/Dacambei' 2002,-wnh old& clU'8 ~ Jam1111y, i _Adult/Etoerly Care concrete wrk.. 704-.S73--32Sl ,------.,.------~ Hou ~ me7Ni'.fQr.~dlng d\1·Book-Slorn iµa scl'tedulad fur June-: 2002• Ac!ual ~w for 810 M-,ieTtlae019n1.s ar,,:Ll3Jd,Dallls,pend1ng ' War1tecl. • . - -. -.... 70-119 AU your mawnry ncls Prat /fl · / '><Yl_q ~(lj -OWi.;Julv, ·:2003-. 'Aciual dates toe Bi.d Adv-ertisemanti: • ~ ~~;.~:d~~ ~ only lie aoi;eplI!Ood frool qudlll'd ll<t &LIi booalrrtrac-lh . Home Heal1h Servlc.e -· l 0-120 cfependabl e_ Ins/ F r-ee E st' OOrin~ COT 1 ~ o · ..:,;,;; --I , -• ,-..f$..vvto~VV<t5~sw.onManaQ91, R genS11 ,, eni,:nc. 8 0 Housekeep! 1" 122 CQ R ~ @ ' ' ~\llt"!a ~,_og 6Cete llpllol'OVa.L-Blds ~ be e~f"'ad only; -addreu llslad below ror Iha mandlll.o.-v re u·"'-'"'n •ta!ement for--H 11" S. 1119 ........... • 1011-125 M, o.,er t 704-391-2369/ H d d t I clean 1, ti@!( iii:f,trad.e oof\JraptOC'S -Con~t Cormructioo Ma,u!oer ., ""'""""" • ea ., erv ce _. ... ... • -r-------~~"----~~ ar w oo , carpe , vrnv {)~~ ~q al ttwieddJ~ r~c:ftw,ov,-lor'll copy 01 lhe requred me!,P1&-q1Ja!lflcy,llon 1,..tef(>OO\uuooi~ ~le or Ir\ 1111y o!Mr format,,, Busl nes~es Foe 5.Jle .. , JO-7 45 IC nf -l ilo~rs, slructl}r ol & floor re-free D -· ~1~--~ilment r□rmal.'Pr~uwificat!o(l .8,(ll'lamenls rub• •_.w111 no( be ra-vtawed, 0-IIIS>ef.Y83 the !JQhtlD reJec;f anyand all~&:, Buslness Oopoclunll_i~s 10-150 arpe ry pa ,rs & decks. 704-556-B717 HON •-·· ·we · -·O{fioi tonnafwlll nol 00 l81'!awed. Owrier reOOfYeS , qualified appll~fof an~ r~n 1hal Ownat'di,tQrrrlneS, In lbldl&-· 8uslne5s Opportun1hes _ L I t j( I I lt1u, Htlli ai,y'-1111d. all-pr(l-:J1uwrfica)IOn appl1c.1J1ts-tohny-re.i~ret!o~, ~__r~ the Owoiif'~ best r™arest A lrrt. of P'1:1-GU8filad_~G__ Wanted ... ::,.... • ...... 10-160 8 rna_k.s Remodel Ing & • stWs~JJ.19 1iit;,r:d FPoo~I ue --!· detarmln.a&;-lri ~s· dli,cretlo<l, ro ba In Owner's bes1 . fl'O[t wl1J ~aile pLl'!l[k; ~~•ltm1fllroP'Q58lJ~,ed!!l.~~ •. kifbkl_,:t-; ; . f=:lnanc!al-ServlGes ,=10-}lO-Fer'\Gmg-arw 111pe carpenlr-Y cle-araAce-ctr-784-821-0085~*~Hc- , ~. -• pf'p[e-ql.lill_100 bl~ -will ,tie made~ at the llrre. Prallmlmvy·plu,s and ' ~fl0Crllca11one am-a:vaJlable at_ 1M Charlotta ' Mortgage, ... -• ......... • 70=21[} or fenclng. Lie 704-596-JlJJ -----------rea ~c lll119ecf1ot bltl _,, ,.$-~;-· ,,,., -' -, -· -,, · branch ol the MlC, FW. Oo()g9,:Cha,totte Minority Resource Canter! Ta.xServlce .... , .... • • lO 230 r----------Q UALI TY HARDWOOD ood -.,,.,,-.r-·--,.. ,... ·-0 --~-• -* ,. ' -·· ·' ·-· ·--'Uld Rodger:i Buildw-s otft:;s. 0'fNsa drawln are prnllrnl and toi ~ Cpn~ultl~g .. --------------10-241 • FLOORS-_ Inst sand ref re-9 ,C~ai . _proilcuaty q11mlrf!od 1<1 bid 61.l>&n Morgan, IT or The • loformallon only Ill pr-epann81Ji,e P<e-Qua.J~lnn St&1ait11fnr .. -:--' Lega l Servlc:e ....... , ___ t(}-251) I Computer Service I l)qlr. Free esi. 704-300-5368 ~ (:~J}traJ-Ji~~'f~,'<i?lanl p1olei:'11 W,11 lie Hlced to 5lgn 1nc:f no1AJlze _ -. -· , , -, -:-:~r .~,, ,,'"..,', S~rvlc.es W,mled - ----10-283 ,---~--------Jan, ·~•;i(Qtt']ll_llf t)19 erovlousl)' 1u\)rilltte,;j p10-9uallllcetlon slate• ProJe~t: Rasld~nce Hall Phase 8, Unl'l'Brsity,of Nonh,Carol1na a~-SERV ICES FOR Comou1er Ho1Jse Calls /Gutt , I !MD ~ .. ~•ht (:~ .. ,f,\;\v• }):,'.; :•· • ;. , -.. • _,:, '_Challotte A lJOMI~~-6\U_~I ~ssid_en~ p~~~l~C!"~ op~, HOME.& l3UStNESS E venings & Wkend Ass, s-ermg M e1 r, }fr~ mr. • •;pw._ln.n,g -3paclfi~Ugn,i aro avmble al lho C.wlono mala}Y 500 i;,ude~ ---!-_;-, . _ .-, ,' -·.· •~ ._.', , -_, ,, Accountln~/_ _ tance Tom Hc,11704-549-~334 ~-----------.J otfrce liJ -_ (lti~~AGC;_-;gi~rtotte's ,Mln_omy_ Ro~~r_<-O -~nter ancl: _Cll~l-~lon1 or Work.: A&p_ha/1 f'II.W\11, C61)(;{8tepub &. Gutter. Par~ , A1 800~f~:~mg ... -.... ---· 1 O JCIJ l / l::eaf prole<;11on for fa mlly for-ar w_ -· 9L~ __ !iJ_•·~~:~rt.-;Srta_ i)ffice;·,To.ese dra_l'/¥\95. ere prefmina_ry and • Lot:: St,lplng,:,_.).Jnlf , Brl~i< __ PrMirs, ·._lawns,-Gpmplela ·Concr&l.e ·. _ ~;:ss~akln l 0-30S Concrete Chrlslmas g ,ftl H K Se>amless ~-"'ill" ,, p-,,,,,,, .. ".'>0e''."'"" ,. .. _mom,, . • """''""'" •• "~'" ,,.b,,-"""'" • M•r"'"'" '•=••, A0>wec/o,>e~1ce· ..•• ,._,,. . Go Hen,, 70H'1-4' ro '"·'"' I La F'..(0]&'~3-~~fldlng. De111oht!on (approx-_ 9i}.,8/l3 . SF) Aci!.derni.c, -S1ructural -fa _M.isce_llaJJeOU:J-Steal,_ WOOd Tmi1•9 •, Mllll'oor.<, Finish _ Antiques ... :, .. _______ --------10-312 Af_fordaole _al l coocre1e, .-----------~ n ';efltJ3p,f#$2,15i;in4l1on._-_t,ew ,Q,nstruc~pc:l -3:-i,lO(Y. buildlng-:(appmx .. 'Woo ct Tfllll lnMa1al\c>Jl~_Walarproor;r.g, Exted°"._ Finish< ~am (EIFS), _-Applf a nee Service .. ___ I D--31 s brtck. Low Drrce~. 30 yrs e•o. jHa ndy Work I Gar --~;$F);'11:looifl\l -8-~.DOO seal-theater. 8ooil. S1ore : $6A ·mllllon ' Asphalt Shingle A oaf, 6pra~cl Fireproofing, _Alumlnurn-_Vl',ndow &_ Architects/Service ... -.. 10-3 l B ,Free estima te5. 7Cl4-'S37-68o0 '"-'.-•~---~---"•·---,~-"A"'"~ •~ ,a ono ,c:~-.i,r:hllect&· ·Ml 11, lntorlor Gla.zJno, Wood & Ho'kr;, Malal Doors &nd l'ramos, Ceramic -Aspholl Paving 10-320 • • --5 r ~--'---~•~·re.AO, ('-~ltlan Qoolllonr i. ShP.of Vliw l Flo□rlr,o. Camel., A ttlilnfV lrleo .. , .. -, ... , .. -** PallC>> driveways I'm back 25vrs exp, In car -Affor .... .._ ......... --r h _,,,....1, ,,, ........ 1., r...,.n~r t1Pnl rv nt11mhlr10A. ~IPc trlc<1/ 1,e 12/20/2002 13:00 Dec 17 □2 03:'45p 91 98150599 PHOENIX CONTRACTORS L~~dD~si~~ Surve~in~ '704 37S 2448 PAGE 03 p.3 . LandDesign 'urveying DecemGdr 13.1 2002 . Mccklcnllmg C(,)ll llty M,111nge1·· s O ff1cc: City ofChol'\otle • 600 Ca:.t l~ourtb Stl'~Cl . 1 i'1i nUCll Chnrlottc, NC 28202 Oenr Sir or M,ulam: On bc!lall' of my c lic11t, Coloninl Prop.:rtic;~ Trust, -1nd p11rsu<111t to N.C.G.S, l 30.3 1034 (<\),Ii\,\ dclivcr\ng 8 full copy of the Notice of l11ti:nt !o R~ctcveloj}nl3rQw11Jtelds Propetiy. By: l)att.:: ~~ 0 ~ 110,l /Jj/i.-, /Iv,: .'(6 11:,11 C/(11lfo/((', ,\'(::.:.1•,fo ·6•/,i'/ ~·;: .. , N 1,1!h C'1~!/11JJ!l SIP:1·( • Cl111d11ill'. ti'(.' -4,\,,1.: l'/1,1111c · ~~ /,.:!.·(,. ,'.'"~­ i (1.r.• ?O·/ ·:;z-<;. :'f..:.'t,'J • (If/;,,·, 6 1r1rl;11tc, NC !li!(il l'~1.n1, N,~ r•,·wd.-11.i.. "/'('/ •-. 12 /20/2002 13 :00 Dec 17 02 03~44p 9198150599 PHOENI X CONTRACTORS LandDe~ig~ Surve~iri~ 704 37G 2448 PAGE 04 p.2 LandDesign ilUvcy7ing .•· Dci:en1h\!1 13, 2002 City M,rnager's Oi"1icc City of CIH1rl\lllc 600 East Pourth Street 15th Floor Chnrlotte, NC 28202 Deur Sir or MadJm:. . . On beh:1 lf uf my client, Coloni11I t>iorcrcics l'rust, ,1rnJ p.tir~t1a111 to N.C .G.S, 130.3 10.34 (n), I an d~liv~ri11g n fl.di copy of the Nolie~ of lnt~nl 10 Redi.:velop c\ l3rownfields Property, Please acknowkdgc receipt of ~~me by signing bcl(iw, ~~I .•. ··~····. David ls . Ooyks r~ LandDesig11 S\1rvcyi 11g, Inc Receive , 13y ' Dtne: / _:__---4'-4,-._, e /'11:;/ U//<c<• 1:,1·d !1•J:i'I 1:J,,,rf,,11.,•. Ne.' ,8,:/r, ·(,9_;;,; •.::,::r f'/111•1/i. r:rnl,,111, s,,:,.,._1 :,:h 11r!n1t11, NC ;:\.!.1.):_t /'Jt(III('• 7,<),/.:J;-/,,7;',':'' h, ~. ?''·/ ,:1,,r, 8·,:/:; (If},,,, 01Q.i-Lote~. NC Hiifh /'oirtl. f'/C /•)·,1.r1.kh,1, 1'N .1-NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT M ICHAEL F. EASLEY, G OVERNOR WILLIAM G. Ross JR., SECRETARY DEXTER R. M ATTHEWS, D IRECTOR November 21 , 2002 Mr. Ed Wright Colonial Properties Trust 2101 6th Avenue North, Suite 750 Birmingham, AL 11687 Subject: Proceed to Public Notice Mallarcl Creek Brownfields Project 21-Arce Mallard Creek Road Site ALSO DELIVERED BY E-MAIL TO: ewright@colonialprop.com SHReisch@HHLAW.com Rick.Kolb@mactec.com Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Wright: Based on conversations this morning with Mr. Scott Reisch, your attorney, the epartment of Environment and Natural Resources ("DENR") understands that the drafts of all four rdquired brownfields documents, listed below, are acceptable to you in their present form: • Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property ("NI"); • Summary of the Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property ("SNI"); • Notice of Brownfields Property ("NBP"); and • Brownfields Agreement ("BF A"). These documents are also acceptable to DENR. Having reached agreement on t ese documents, the Mallard Creek brownfields project is approved to proceed to the public notice phase of the brownfields process. The following information is provided to facilitate your compliance with the statutory requirements regarding public notice, which includes a public comment perio1 of at least 60 days. Public notice is facilitated by a Prospective Developer (PD) making available fo the public's review the full NI package, which consists of the one page NI, and the NBP with its three exhibits; Exhibit A, the BF A; Exhibit B, the survey plat, and; Exhibit C, the legal description. B6fore the public comment period can begin, PD must complete the following actions in accordance with .C.G.S. § 130.310.34.(a): C/0 CITY OF C HARLOTTE, NEIGHBORHOOD D EV LOPMENT KEY BUSINESS 600 EAST T RADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N C 28202 PHONE704-336-3499 FAX 704-336-2527 INTERNET WWW.ENR.STATE.NC.US AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER -50% RECYCLED/ 1 0% POST-CONSUMER PAPER • Provide a copy of the fu ll I to the city and county governments (typically, the city and county manager's office) having jurisdiction over the subject brownfields Property; • Provide a copy of the fu ll I to the location, as stated in the SNI, where the ful NI will be availabl e for public review, if di fferent than the local government offices; • Anange for the publication of the SNI in a newspaper of general circulation se1ving the area in which the Property is located; • File a copy of the SNI with the Codifier of Rules, who will publish the SNI int e North Carolina Register; and • Conspicuously post the SNI at the Property. Please note that, in accordance with N.C.G.S. § 130.310.34.(b ), the public comment period begins on the later date of publication of the SNI, as described abo e. Thus, in order for the public comment period to begin on the date the SNI' s publicalion in the NC Register, PD must complete the above actions not later than the Register'k publication date. The NC Register is published every two weeks, and, as you are a{are, the filing deadline for the NC Register's next publication date of December 16, 2002 publication is today, November 21, 2002. Mr. Rick Kolb ofMACTEC Engineerin~ and Consulting, Inc. and Mr. Scott Reisch are aware of this filing deadline, and are fa.mi iar with the filing process described below. You are advised to contact Ruby Creech (Phone, 919-733-2678; Fax, 919-733- 3462; e-mail, postmaster@oah.state.nc.us) Publications Coordinator, at the NC Offibe of Administrative Hearings (OAH) to make arrangements to have the SNI published id the NC Register. Basically, in order to "make" a given filing deadline date, PD is requited to provide OAH with a written request for the publication of the SNI and copy of the SNI itself before close of business (4:30 p.m.) on that date. OAH will require a diskette containing the SNI (in MS Word format) prior to the actual publication date. Finally, you must confirm that the above actions have been completed by providing documentation to DENR (to my attention) as follows: • For the placement of the full NI at local government offices and any other location where the full NI will be available for public review, preferably provide a letter \from each such office or location confirming receipt of the full NI from the PD, but a~ a minimum provide copies of PD's letter of transmittal to each such office or location; • For the publication of the SNI, preferably provide an affidavit of publication fro I the publishing entity, but at a minimum provide a photocopy of the actual SNI as published that also indicates the name of the publishing entity and the date of publication; and • For the posting of the SNI at the Property, provide photographs, one close-up an , one more distant, of the actual SNI posted at the Property. ,. A NovembeJ I, 2002 'W Pag~ 3 of3 Thank you, for your attention to these matters and continued efforts on this ] project. If you have any questions or require additional information in this regard, lease contact me by phone at 704/336-3499, or via e-mail at carol vn.minni ch c ncmailne~. cc: Rob Gelblum, NC DOJ Andrew Pitner, NC DENR, DWQ szr~ Carolyn Minnich Brownfields Project Manager Special Remediation Branch Superfund Section