HomeMy WebLinkAbout5001_Jackson_WCU_MSWLF_Feb2024LFG_FID1830785_20240226February 15, 2024 Mr. Andy Pedonti Western Carolina University 3476 Old Cullowhee Road Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 Subject: Letter Report of February 2024 Landfill Gas Monitoring WCU Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Cullowhee, Jackson County, North Carolina NCDEQ Permit: 50-01 WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Dear Mr. Pedonti: WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. (WSP) is pleased to present this Letter Report of February 2024 Landfill Gas Monitoring for Western Carolina University's (WCU's) closed municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF, Site) located in Cullowhee, North Carolina (Figure 1). The scope of work for this monitoring event was described in WSP's Proposal for2023-2024 Landfill Monitoring Services dated October 2, 2023. This letter report summarizes background information, field activities, results, discussion and recommendations from landfill gas monitoring performed at the Site. Background Information WCU operated the MSWLF from approximately the 1960s until 1993. Jackson County also disposed of municipal solid waste at the landfill from approximately the early 1970s through the early 1980s. The landfill property is approximately 31.5 acres, approximately four acres of which contain the former landfill. The landfill was closed in accordance with the then applicable North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) closure standards (15A NCAC 13B 0.0510), and a closure letter was issued to WCU by NCDEQ on September 5, 1995. NCDEQ personnel conducted a facility audit on March 16, 2011 and determined that landfill gas monitoring at the landfill must be performed in order for the landfill to be in compliance with the post -closure conditions identified in the 1995 closure letter. In response to the audit, a Landfill Gas Investigation Work Plan, which described the preliminary landfill gas investigation, as well as the 'full' landfill gas investigation, was submitted to NCDEQ on October 19, 2011, and approved by NCDEQ in a letter dated November 29, 2011. WSP conducted the preliminary landfill gas investigation in January 2012 using existing groundwater monitoring wells, and then conducted semi-annual landfill gas monitoring utilizing the existing groundwater monitoring wells from August 2012 to November 2015 to comply with the post -closure conditions. The 'full' landfill gas investigation, which included the installation of eight permanent landfill gas monitoring wells, was performed in February 2016. Since the 'full' landfill gas investigation has been implemented, monitoring of landfill gas has been conducted quarterly in accordance with NCDEQ Solid Waste Management rules (15A NCAC 1313.1626 (b)). WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. 1308-C Patton Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28806 T: 828-252-8130 North Carolina Corporate Engineering License No. F-1253, Geology No. C-247 Letter Report of February 2024 Landfill Gas Monitoring February 15, 2024 WCU Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill, Cullowhee, North Carolina WSP Project 6252-15-0221 Field Activities On February 13, 2024, WSP personnel measured landfill gas at the eight landfill gas monitoring wells (LG-1, LG-2, LG-3S, LG-3D, LG-4, LG-5, LG-6 and LG-7) at the Site (Figure 2). The landfill gas monitoring wells are screened in the unsaturated zone and located between the landfill and the Site's property boundary. The landfill gas monitoring wells are fitted with a slip cap and ball valve to allow for measurement of potential landfill gas. A calibrated gas monitoring instrument, a Landtec GEM 5000+, was used to measure atmospheric pressure, as well as the following landfill gas parameters: Methane (percent by volume) Oxygen (percent by volume) Carbon dioxide (percent by volume) The initial and stabilized readings for the above parameters were measured and recorded. The Solid Waste Section's Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form was used to record measurements and other relevant information and is attached. Results and Discussion The Site landfill gas monitoring wells were tested for methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. Refer to the attached Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form for the testing results. Concentrations of methane were not detected in the landfill gas monitoring wells. The regulatory limit for methane at a MSWLF property boundary is equal to the lower explosive limit of methane (15A NCAC 13B.1627 (d)). The recorded results from the eight landfill gas wells do not exceed this limit indicating that regulatory limits are not being exceeded at the Site. Recommendations Based on the results of this monitoring event, we recommend submitting a copy of this Letter Report to NCDEQ Solid Waste Section for their evaluation. We recommend continued quarterly monitoring of landfill gas at the Site. Closing If you have any questions concerning these services, please do not hesitate to contact us at (828) 252-8130. Sincerely, WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. Rodney M. Clark, L.G. Project Geologist kkku t. Wflace- Matthew E. Wallace, P.E. Principal Engineer attachments: Figure 1: Topographic Site Map Figure 2: Landfill Gas, Monitoring Well, and Surface Water Sampling Locations Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form 2 Ilk� s C 4 a s s aBa rn Ln t y s�pt 1:711pm frog r0'a�r - - 3 - { .Crown R.-Pe rO .'. � • I - ase9ee abtj F s s v Lynter j10 ��y2 .s Site Ask Branch '�`� �'oe Davis Rrr o� ` (00/ Racmy Fd- The map shown here has been created :n with all due and reasonable care and is s strictly for use with Wood project 6252-15-0221. WSP assumes no liability, direct or indirect, whatsoever or any yr+y +s such third party or unintended use. I�I W - E •' va tV S 1oe� e, Bpi 0 500 1,000 Feet 2 m a U "WA phnao r, s R,agr 6eone - ,tfrivxntk . hm" * CP�y¢wh��Crerx of/+fr •tii, tll Fir ,a Ln �� i{il'utV s•' RacAM Il ,yftYw rdoYee'Z 2e?sii: Tuckaseg, �.'� © OpenStreetMap (and) River �. '•SJ PR L, ri-! r ,.. r :: contributors, CC -BY -SA, Source's: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USES, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin- Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and, the..GIS User Community ,,,1Cf1 TITLE: TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP DATE: 10/10/2022 y._ PREPARED BY: G. HUTCHINS PROJECT NUMBER: 6252-15-0221 Figure No. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors and conditions originating from the physical CHECKED BY: M. WALLACE MAP PROJECTION: NC State Plane (NAD83, feet) W C U CLOSED LANDFILL sources used to develop the database may be reflected in the data supplied. The requestor must be aware of data conditions and DATE: 10/10/2022 ultimately bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection M O N T E I T H GAP ROAD methodology, currency of data, and other conditions specific to certain data. Document Path: P:\Western Carolina University\GIS\Topo 2021.mxd CULLOWHEE, NORTH CAROLINA TITLE: Legend NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PARCEL BOUNDARY `S.i 100' ELEVATION CONTOUR LANDFILL GAS, MONITORING WELL, REFERENCE ONLY! PROPERTY BOUNDARY 10' ELEVATION CONTOUR Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of AND SURFACE WATER information, errors and conditions originating from LANDFILL EXTENT UNNAMED TRIBUTARY the physical sources used to develop the database SAMPLING LOCATIONS may be reflected in the data supplied. 50' PROPERTY BOUNDARY BUFFER PERENNIAL The requestor must be aware of data conditions and r ,«. WCU CLOSED MSWLF ultimately bear responsibility for the appropriate MW-1MONITORING WELL LOCATION INTERMITTENT CULLOWHEE NORTH CAROLINA use of the al ma scale, collection methodology, , errors, original map scale, collection methodology, Q LG-1 LANDFILL GAS WELL LOCATION currency of data, and other conditions specific to certain data. SURFACE WATER SAMPLING LOCATION PREPARED: 10/10/2022 PROJECT: 6252-15-0221 Figure No. Feet BY: G. HUTCHINS MAP PROJECTION: NC State Plane (NAD83, GRS1980) 17, 0 160 320 D 0 2 Fl ;P1WeAem C-1-Un—ty\GIS\SiteMap 2022.— NC Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section LandPdt Gas Monitoring Data Form Nofiee: ThisformaMaVinformationaaached to it are PabU Rftcords"asdJlnedin NCGen.ISMNIi132-I.As such. these dacumems are availablefor inspection and a vaadon by anypemm Van request(NC GatovI Suoum 132-6). Facility Name: WLa-MSW L-F Permit Number. 50-01 Sampling Date: '-' 13 /?-O tjNC Landfill Rule (.0500 or.1600):: / 0500 Sample Collector Name& Position:/ ZWV_,✓ '-^aar/G Gas Meter Type &Serial Number: (aLMSLL'Of d68Q3_ Gas Meter Calibration Date: 2171941 Field Calibration Date &Time: Z.j13i2ozq Field Calibration Gas Type (15115 or 35150): is ] 1 S Field Calibration Gas Canister Expiration Daze: ( 2-A Z� Gas Meter Pump Rate: D • S (, Ambient Air Temperatme:�Barometric Pressure 0mm Hg):L-Weather Conditions: Instructions: Under "Location or LFG Well", list monitoring well # or describe monitoring location (e.g., inside field office). Attach a test location map or drawing. Report methane readings as both % LEL and % CH4 by volume. Convert %CHa (bv volume) to %LEL as follows: % methane (by volume) a 20 = % LEL. •Hydrogen Sulfide (112S) gas monitoring may be requiredfor Construction & Demolition Landfills (CDLFs). See individual permit conditions and/ar Facility LFG monitoringplan. Locatiavar LFG Wall Sample Tube Purge Timeof MY 'time Pumped (ase) Initial %LEL Stibilood %I.EL %CHa (volume) %02 (volume) %CO2 (volume) %112S. (volume) NOTES W vC, 07z5 610 6 <3 ¢.o 7-0.9 Go O L6-1 60 073r� So 10 (3 o.a 1;2.4 3-1fo LGZ 9zc 6G to a 5'.0 ZZ.3 O,S o LG 5 60 C2ir3s5-0 0 a 0.O 15.1 670 6 30 60 083a 60 0 C> O 15 3 O LG Ll GG Go SG O G G O j q.6 D i s 0 G 0.0 Za. 1.41 6 Ll> 6 a s o0 6o O c) 2.6 0 3.3 0 NOTE: Ifneeded, attach additional dataforms to tnchdia addifionalLFG manitarmg data lacadonsfur thefacility. ACTION LEVELS: Methane:>1.25% by volume (inside structures) AND 15 % by volume (at facility boundary) Hydrogen Sulfide: >1%by volume (inside sanctions) AND >4 % by volume (at fncilityboundary) Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, represents °, or certift ation i cluding t possibility of a fine and imprisonment. r-oleo Ge�✓co SIGNATURE TITLE Revised —AuguA 23, 2021 CERTIFICATION ���- OF CALIBRATION �P w No. 66916 Date Of Calibration: 18-Apr-2023 Certificate Number: G506893 9/46044 Issued by: QED Environmental Systems Inc. Customer: ENVIRO mulls l iui 11180 DOWNS RD PINEVILLE, NC 28134 US Description: Landtec Gas Analyzer Model: GEMS000 Serial Number: G506893 Accredited Results: MntHann trHdt Certified Gas % Instrument Readina % Uncertain % 5.0 15.0 50.0 4.9 14.9 50.8 0.42 0.66 1.03 Carbon Dioxide (CO Certified Gas % Instrument Readin % Uncertainty56 -.. 5.0_. _._. 15.1 50.0 4.8 _._. - _... 14.8 49.8 - 0.43 0.71 1.19 Oxygen 02 - Certified Gas % - Instrument Readin % Uncertainty % 20.9 21.0 0.25 Gas cylinders are traceable and details can be provided if requested. CH4, CO2 readings recorded at: 31.0'C/87.8'F Barometric Pressure: 0978"Hg/28.89 "Hg 02 readings recorded at: 21.6'C/70.9'F Method of Test : The analyzer is calibrated in a temperature controlled chamber using a series of reference gases, in compliance with procedure ISP37. The reported expanded uncertainty is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of k=2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%. The uncertainty evaluation has been carried out in accordance with NIST requirements. CERTIFICATION OF CALIBRATION No. 66916 Date Of Calibration: 18-Apr-2023 Issued by: QED Environmental Systems Inc. Non Accredited results: VED, Certiflcate Number: G506893_9/46044 Pressure Transducers (Inches of water column Transducer wow(WW) acaft(Low) 6ertihed(MI[h) Readingfth) Auuraq Static 0" 0" 40" 39.97" 2.0" Differential 0" 0" 4" 4.00" 0.7" Barometer mbar Reference Instrument Reading As received gas check readings: Methane MA Certified Gas % Instrument Reading % 5.0 7.3 15.0 19.0 50.0 4 .5 Carbon Diotdde 002 Certified Gas twil- -'--tnsirument Reading 5.0 5.5 15.1 16.8 50.0 55.4 As received Gas readings recorded at: 31.0 `C/87.8 7 As received Barometric Pressure recorded at: 21.6 `C/70.9'F Dabeefkwe: 39Apr2023 A[gaovod13y5iM W C Fleenor ishorabry imp .n The allbatlon resin¢ Wbbbed In this cerjate were obtained using equipment capable of producing results that sae traraable through N Yr to the International System a U.R(A).CertifiationonlyappliuWresuasshown. This pe B to may not be reproduced otherthan In UI exnaptwiththe prior written approval ofthe issuing laboratory. C attn h--II6 If�CNnmtx 116 Pege2otl Llgl5WpN1$il.l www.gedenv.com (800) 624-2026 info@gedenv.com ENVIRO-EQUIPMENT, INC. LANDTEC 5000 Plus CALIBRATION DATA SHEET ��GEM Serial Number. bate 2 7 - Inspector F5 Time/Date -Battery Level /0�/� Memory Cleared / Pump Faults J Gas Alarms: .,,C144 = 100.0% r` co, =100.0% / •CG Or = 22.0% Zero Transducers / Pump Flow . Rate 676 "Z Vacuum Tested To 80" HzO _ Calibration Check (Performed at Room Temperature) Calibration Gas Calibration Gas Lot Number Expiration Reading Accuracy - Concentration Pure N, /00%. " 073*7 i XXf 10% t2% High CH< 600 94253g9I?E 60!I _ t2% High CO, 3S °c 9025j$y25 35.('/. t2% Low CH. �S , 4d2'I�Jf!%f1 iD119 11 .0. f20/6 _ Low Co,15 y02V 85125 10 L8 v ly£A el" :2% . _ Low O, _ u0 t of -Win y. 00/, f 2% High O, 209% - N/A Z G �' / ' f2% co .9N/A 1I11 NQ2$7logL 11�25 s OM t10% H25 fd ftp -lQLD7yeq` "It5 A f to% •Aecmacy depends upon calibrerion range; I5YFS range far Clh& CO2.0-5%volume for Q, ms FS for H2S, end 1OVe ofresding for CO INSPECTOR'S MAINTENANCE NOTES EEI GEM,WnPIm UI Fcem Oltl, ENR USE dli"L+ ❑Papw Report ❑Electron , Data - Email CO (data loaded: Yes / No) DodEvent M NC DEN, Environmental Monitoring Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Reporting Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" es defined In NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for Inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: Prepare one term for each Individually mentioned unit Please type or print legibly. Attach a rediiratlon table with values that attain or exceed NC 2L groundwater standards or NC 2B surface water standards. The notification must include a preliminary analysis of Me muse and significance of each value. (e.g. naturally occurring, off -site source, pre-existing condition, etc.). Attach a edification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed Me reporting limits. Attach a notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels. This Includes any structures on or nearby the facility (NCAC 13B .1629 (4)(a)(1). Send the original signed and sealed loom, any tables, and Electronic Data Deliverable M: Compliance Unit, NCDENRZWM, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1 W. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal Information Name of entity submitting data (laboratory, mns rltsK facility owner): WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. ' Contestfw 1pnmtions about data famutting. Includedatapmpare anamo,Wa ph mnumberand Emailaddress: Name: Rodney Cis* Phone: 828-252-8130 E-mail: rodney.dmkMwsp.com NC Landfill Rule: Actual sampling dates (e.g.. Facility nams: Fadlily Address: Facity PermitOf (.0500 or.1600) OCMber20-24,2006) WesternState Carolina University e GapRod! 1335) sooCounty, 0.0500 Febnmry 13, 202A ndfill Culbwhaman NC 281231 Environmental statue: (Check all Mat apply) OInMayBeckground Monitoring © Detection Monfi Bing Assessment Monitoring Corrective Action ' data submitted: (Check all that apply) Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells Methane gas monitoring data Groundwater monitoring data from private water supply wells ❑ Corrective action data (specify) Leachate monitoring data Amfann watts mnnan,im do. n OMm(specily) tlotMmtlon attached? �LJ No. No g muntar or surface water standards were exceeded. Vas, a noWmbw of values exceeding a gmundwater m surface water standard ts attached. It includes a list of groundwater and surface water monitoring points, dales, analytical values, NC 2L groundwater dandam, NC 2B surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS and preliminary analysis of the cause and signMmnce of any concentration. Yes, a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached. It Includes Me methane monitoring points, dates, sample values and explosive methane gas limits. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the irdormation reported and stafamenb made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. Furthermore, I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gas levels, and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significanm of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards. I am aware Mat there are signgicant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Rodney Clark, LG Project Geologist (828) 2588130 PMHa Raon,we,rm,a Nmne(wine MM, (Area Codel Tele CA 5lgrethee 1308 Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 288N Facility Representative Address F-12M NC PE Firm License Number (Happlicable effective May Revised 6/2009 Date Affix Seal