HomeMy WebLinkAbout25035_National Welders Supply Annual Redevelopment Report_20240131 Via Email January 31, 2023 NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Attn: Mr. Bill Schmithorst, PG Re: Annual Redevelopment Summary Report National Welders Supply Gesco Street and State Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060 H&H Project No. RMR-013 Dear Bill: 1.0 Introduction On behalf of RRPVI Gesco Charlotte LP (Prospective Developer or PD), Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has prepared this report to summarize environment-related activities associated with redevelopment at the National Welders Supply Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060) located at Gesco Street and State Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Site or subject Site). The Site consists of two adjacent parcels (Parcel Identification Nos. 07108103 and 07107806) located in a rapidly densifying mixed-use area approximately one mile northwest of uptown Charlotte. Proposed redevelopment of the Brownfields property includes Site work and grading to level the Site for the construction of two multi-story high-density apartment buildings with associated amenity areas, access drives, and surface parking lots. A Site location map is provided as Figure 1, and the Site and surrounding area are shown in Figure 2. Mr. Bill Schmithorst, PG January 31, 2023 Page 2 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/redevelopment report/2023/25035-annual redevelopment report-national welders supply.docx Pursuant to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Brownfields Program approved Environmental Management Plan (EMP) dated June 21, 2022, a report of environment-related activities will be prepared each year for as long as physical redevelopment of the Brownfields property continues. Redevelopment activities at the Site began in October 2022, and this report has been prepared in accordance with the DEQ-approved EMP for the Site. A brief summary of annual redevelopment activities is provided in the following section. 2.0 Environmental-Related Redevelopment Activities Redevelopment activities at the Site have been conducted in accordance with the DEQ-approved EMP dated June 21, 2022. Redevelopment activities at the Site are ongoing and have included Site wide grading, utility installation activities, and initial building foundation installation. Mass grading activities resulted in a net export of soil which included the collection of in situ soil samples for laboratory analysis to assist in the management of the excess soil. In addition, during the initial building foundation construction, portions of the vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) were installed. Brief summaries of the soil export, in situ soil sampling activities, and VIMS installation are provided below. Initial Site Grading Redevelopment activities completed at the Site since October 2022 have included surface grubbing and mass grading activities. Initial grading plans and cut/fill analysis indicated that the redevelopment would result in a net export of soil. Between October and December 2022, approximately 4,500 cubic yards of soil generated during grading activities conducted at the Site was exported to the Republic Services Subtitle D Landfill located in Concord, North Carolina. The waste manifests documenting disposal of the export soil at Republic are provided in Appendix A. Please note, the export soil discussed above does not include the material generated during remediation activities of the TCE impacted soil located in the northeastern part of the Site, on the Mr. Bill Schmithorst, PG January 31, 2023 Page 3 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/redevelopment report/2023/25035-annual redevelopment report-national welders supply.docx western side of Gesco Street. The export manifests and a discussion of the remediation activities will be documented in the Soil Excavation Report which will be submitted under separate cover. In Situ Test Pit Soil Sampling Activities As part of mass grading and utility installation at the Site, approximately 4,000 cubic yards of soil which could not be re-used on Site was planned during excavations in the area of the main stormwater utility and within select portions of the proposed building pads. The locations of the planned excavations for installation of the stormwater utility are shown in Figure 2 as COMP-1 and TP-4. The areas of planned cut during grading for the proposed building pad in the southern portion of the Site (west of Gesco Street) are shown in Figure 2 as COMP-2 and COMP-3. Due to limited space on-Site for the management of large volumes of soil, H&H collected in situ soil samples for laboratory analysis from the TP-4 and COMP-1 through COMP-3 evaluation areas to evaluate the potential for impact in the areas planned for stormwater utility installation and excavations to level the pad for construction of the proposed apartment buildings. The grading contractor advanced test pits in each evaluation area using a track-mounted excavator on September 29, 2022. As noted above, each evaluation area is shown in Figure 2, and H&H collected aliquot soil samples from each evaluation area, as described below: • Three test pits were advanced to approximately 8 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) in the COMP-1 stormwater utility evaluation area located east of Gesco Street. • Four test pits were advanced to approximately 8 ft bgs in the COMP-2 southern building pad cut evaluation area. • Three test pits were advanced to approximately 8 ft bgs in the COMP-3 southern building pad cut evaluation area. • One test pit was advanced to approximately 10 ft bgs in TP-4 stormwater utility evaluation area located west of Gesco Street. Mr. Bill Schmithorst, PG January 31, 2023 Page 4 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/redevelopment report/2023/25035-annual redevelopment report-national welders supply.docx One representative aliquot soil sample was collected from each test pit excavated in each evaluation area described above. The aliquot soil samples collected from test pits excavated in the COMP-1 through COMP-3 evaluation areas were combined and homogenized to form composite soil samples representative of soil in each evaluation area for a total of three composite soil samples. Because only one test pit was excavated in the TP-4 evaluation area, the aliquot soil sample from this area was collected to be representative of soil conditions in the area of the planned stormwater utility west of Gesco Street. The soil samples selected for laboratory analysis were collected directly into laboratory supplied glassware, labeled with the sample identification, date, time, and requested analyses and placed in a laboratory supplied cooler with ice. The soil samples were submitted to Waypoint Analytical under standard chain of custody protocols for analysis of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 and RCRA metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Methods 6020/7174/7199. Additionally, grab soil samples were collected from undisturbed portions of aliquot soil samples collected from each evaluation area and submitted for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260. A tabular summary of the soil sample laboratory analytical results is provided as Table 1, and a copy of the laboratory analytical report and chain of custody record is included as Appendix B. Analytical results were compared to the DEQ Protection of Groundwater, Residential, and Industrial/Commercial Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated July 2022. In addition, metals data were compared to Reeves Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfill background metals as well as published regional background concentrations for naturally occurring levels. As shown in Table 1, trace concentrations of the organic compounds acetone, hexane, methyl ethyl ketone, methylene chloride, and fluoranthene were detected above the laboratory method detection limit in select soil samples. No other organic compounds were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits and no organic compounds were detected at concentrations exceeding the PSRGs in the test pit soil samples. Mr. Bill Schmithorst, PG January 31, 2023 Page 5 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/redevelopment report/2023/25035-annual redevelopment report-national welders supply.docx As expected, several metals were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits in the test pit soil samples. Hexavalent chromium was detected in COMP-1 (0.520 milligrams per kilogram {mg/kg}), COMP-2 (0.460 mg/kg), and TP-4 (0.332 mg/kg) at concentrations slightly above the Residential PSRG of 0.31 mg/kg, but consistent with the high- end range of hexavalent chromium concentrations detected at Reeves Landfill (0.43 J mg/kg). In addition, arsenic (ranging from 0.859 mg/kg to 1.46 mg/kg) was detected in each soil sample at concentrations above the Residential PSRG of 0.68 mg/kg, but at concentrations below the range of background arsenic concentrations detected at Reeves Landfill (1.9 mg/kg to 3.0 mg/kg). The remaining metals concentrations detected in the test pit soil samples are below the PRSGs and are consistent with naturally occurring background levels. Based on the results of the in situ test pit soil sampling activities, H&H requested DEQ Brownfields Program approval to transport up to 4,000 cubic yards of soil from the TP-4 and COMP-1 through COMP-3 evaluation areas to the Reeves LCID landfill facility in an email dated October 27, 2022. DEQ Brownfields issued a Brownfields Soil Export approval letter dated December 2, 2022. A copy of the DEQ approval letter is included in Appendix C. In accordance with the approval letter, approximately 70 cubic yards of soil generated in the pre- approved evaluation areas were exported to Reeves LCID landfill on December 5, 2022 and December 13, 2022. Additional soil from the evaluation areas is planned for transport to the Reeves facility as part of the development activities planned in 2023. Copies of the December 2022 trucking tickets for the soil export to Reeves are included in Appendix D. Vapor Mitigation System Installation As part of initial construction of the multifamily apartment buildings, select components of the VIMS have been installed in accordance with the DEQ-approved Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan (VIMP) dated December 7, 2022. H&H completed inspection activities during initial phases of VIMS installation to confirm that the system is being installed in accordance with the DEQ-approved VIMP. The inspections were completed by, or under direction of the VIMS Mr. Bill Schmithorst, PG January 31, 2023 Page 6 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/redevelopment report/2023/25035-annual redevelopment report-national welders supply.docx design engineer and included vapor barrier installation within the elevator pits and foundations within certain portions of the multifamily buildings. Results of VIMS installation inspections completed to date indicate that the VIMS is being installed in accordance with the DEQ- approved VIMP. VIMS installation, inspection, and efficacy sampling details for the Site redevelopment will be included in a VIMS installation completion report that will be submitted to the DEQ Brownfields Program following construction completion and under separate cover. In summary, redevelopment activities at the National Welders Supply Brownfields property are ongoing and are being conducted in accordance with the DEQ approved EMP and the DEQ- approved VIMP. Should you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call us at (704) 586-0007. Very truly yours, Hart & Hickman, PC Ralph McGee, PG Alexis McKenzie, PE Project Manager Senior Project Engineer Enclosures cc: Mr. Quinn Augustine, Ram Realty Advisors (Via Email) Ms. Karen Geller, Ram Realty Advisors (Via Email) Ms. Amanda Short, McGuire Woods (Via Email) Mr. Bill Schmithorst, PG January 31, 2023 Page 7 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/redevelopment report/2023/25035-annual redevelopment report-national welders supply.docx Attachments: Table 1 Summary of Soil Test Pit Analytical Data Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Sample Location Map Appendix A Republic Services Manifests Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Report Appendix C Brownfields Soil Export Approval Letter Appendix D Reeves LCID Export Tickets Table Table 1Summary of Soil Test Pit Analytical Data National Welders Supply Charlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013 Location Sample IDTP-4 BKG-R-01 BKG-R-02 BKG-R-03 BKG-R-04 BKG-R-05 Sample Date9/29/2022 7/28/2020 7/28/2020 7/28/2020 7/28/2020 7/28/2020 Sample TypeComposite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Depth (ft bgs)0-10 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 Range Mean UnitsVOCs (8260D)AcetoneNA0.068NA0.097NA0.110 0.049NA NA NA NA NA14,000 210,000 25-- --HexaneNA0.001 JNA<0.0008NA<0.0008 <0.0008 NA NA NA NA NA130 540 55-- --Methyl Ethyl KetoneNA0.006 JNA<0.0008NA0.012 J<0.0008 NA NA NA NA NA5,500 40,000 17-- --Methylene ChlorideNA0.002 JNA0.002 JNA0.002 J<0.001 NA NA NA NA NA58 650 0.025-- --SVOCs (8270E)Fluoranthene<0.153 NA <0.153 NA0.175 JNA <0.144 NA NA NA NA NA480 6,000 670-- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)Arsenic0.980NA0.859NA1.11NA1.46 3.0 1.9 2.6 3.0 5.81.0 - 18 4.8Barium68.2NA100NA86.6NA30.2 120 77 J 91 J 1301503,100 47,000 58050-1000 356Cadmium<0.0323NA<0.0323 NA0.0767 JNA <0.03050.13 J 0.075 J<0.0440.10 J<0.0471.4 20 3.01.0 - 10 4.3Chromium (Total)27.1NA28.5NA30.7NA31.8 58 36 46 47 58 NE NE NE7.0 - 300 65Hexavalent Chromium0.520NA0.460NA <0.164 NA0.332<0.240.28 J<0.240.43 J0.33 J0.31 6.5 3.8NS NSTrivalent Chromium26.6NA28.0NA30.7NA31.5 57.8 35.7 45.8 46.657.723,000 350,000 360,000NS NSLead7.87NA6.33NA11.1NA4.58 15 10 12 296.7400 800 NEND - 50 16Mercury0.0493NA0.0373 JNA0.0597NA0.0695 0.097 0.030 J 0.047 J 0.0700.055 J4.7 70 NE0.03 - 0.52 0.121Selenium0.440NA0.323NA0.479NA0.382 6.4 4.8 6.1 4.95.978 1,200 2.1<0.1 - 0.8 0.42Silver0.0288 J, BNA0.0245 J, BNA0.0433 J, BNA0.0243 J, B0.54 J<0.055<0.0610.11 J<0.065781,2003.4ND - 5.0 NSNotes:Compounds are reported to the laboratory method detection limit.With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-VOCs; ft bgs = feet below ground surface-- = Not Applicable; NA = Not Analyzed; ND = not detected; NS = not specified; NE = not establishedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration.B = compound was detected in laboratory associated blank.Protection of Groundwater PSRGs(1)0-8Regional Background Metals in Soil (2)Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.2) Range and mean values of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Drugan and Chekiri, 2005. Cd and Ag background concentrations are for Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. soils.mg/kgResidential PSRGs (1)Industrial/Commercial PSRGs (1)1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated July 2022.9/29/2022COMP-2COMP-30-8Reeves LCID LandfillNational Welders Supply Site0-89/29/2022COMP-19/29/2022https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Ram Realty - RMR/RMR-013 Gesco Street/Soil Export/Test Pit Summary Table1/19/2023Table 1 (Page 1 of 1)Hart & Hickman, PC Figures Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed SITE LOCATION MAP NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: 1-20-23 JOB NO: RMR-013 REVISION NO: 0 FIGURE NO: 1 2923 South Tryon Street - Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007 (p) 704-586-0373 (f)License # C-1269 / # C-245 Geology TITLE PROJECT 0 2,000 4,000 SCALE IN FEET SITE Path: S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\Figures\Figure-1.mxdN U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP CHARLOTTE EAST, NORTH CAROLINA 2013DERITA, NORTH CAROLINA 2013 QUADRANGLE7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 1-19-23 FIGURE NO. 2 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE FORMER RAILROAD APPROXIMATE EXPORT AREAS CHARACTERIZED BY TEST PIT SOIL SAMPLES 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology SOUTHERN CONCRETE MATERIALS (715 STATE STREET) FORSHAW (650 STATE STREET) VACANT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING - UNDER RENOVATION (FORMER PLYLER PAPER STOCK CO.) (800 GESCO STREET)STEWART CREEKSEVERSVILLE PARK (830 S. BRUNS AVENUE) NOTES: 1.AERIAL IMAGERY AND PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2020). DUKE ENERGY RIGHT-OF-WAY GESCO STREET STATE STREET PIPED STORMWATER DRAINAGE COMP-1 TP-4 COMP-3 COMP-2 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\Figures\Site Map.dwg, FIG 2, 1/20/2023 2:56:35 PM, amckenzie Appendix A Republic Services Manifests Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Report   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   10/24/2022 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) Alexis McKenzie 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Charlotte, NC, 28203 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 22-277-0037 Client Project Description: RMR-013 Dear Alexis McKenzie: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 10/4/2022 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Page 1 of 61 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 07/31/202337735State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2022402State ProgramNorth Carolina 07/31/202399012State ProgramSouth Carolina 12/31/202299012State ProgramSouth Carolina Laboratory ID: WP MTN: Waypoint Analytical, LLC., Memphis, TN State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 02/28/202340750State ProgramAlabama 02/07/202388-0650State ProgramArkansas 06/30/20232904State ProgramCalifornia 06/30/2023E871157State Program - NELAPFlorida 02/18/2023C044State ProgramGeorgia 06/30/202304015State ProgramGeorgia 10/10/2023200078State Program - NELAPIllinois 06/30/202380215State ProgramKentucky 12/31/2022KY90047State ProgramKentucky 12/31/2022LA037State Program - NELAPLouisiana 06/30/202304015State Program - NELAPLouisiana 02/11/2023MSState ProgramMississippi 07/31/202347701State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2022415State ProgramNorth Carolina 05/31/202368-03195State Program - NELAPPennsylvania 06/30/202284002State ProgramSouth Carolina 02/11/202302027State ProgramTennessee 09/30/2022T104704180State Program - NELAPTexas 06/30/202300106State ProgramVirginia 09/14/2023460181State Program - NELAPVirginia Page 1 of 1 00016/22-277-0037 Page 2 of 61 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 22-277-0037 RMR-013 Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 09/29/2022 11:50Solids 89885 Comp-1 10/04/2022 15:42 09/29/2022 11:50Solids 89885 Comp-1 10/04/2022 15:42 6020B WP MTN - 09/29/2022 11:50Solids 89885 Comp-1 10/04/2022 15:42 SW-7199 WP MTN - 09/29/2022 12:00Solids 89886 Comp-2 10/04/2022 15:42 09/29/2022 12:00Solids 89886 Comp-2 10/04/2022 15:42 SW-7199 WP MTN - 09/29/2022 12:00Solids 89886 Comp-2 10/04/2022 15:42 6020B WP MTN - 09/29/2022 12:15Solids 89887 Comp-3 10/04/2022 15:42 09/29/2022 12:15Solids 89887 Comp-3 10/04/2022 15:42 SW-7199 WP MTN - 09/29/2022 12:15Solids 89887 Comp-3 10/04/2022 15:42 6020B WP MTN - 09/29/2022 12:45Solids 89888 TP-4 10/04/2022 15:42 09/29/2022 12:45Solids 89888 TP-4 10/04/2022 15:42 SW-7199 WP MTN - 09/29/2022 12:45Solids 89888 TP-4 10/04/2022 15:42 6020B WP MTN - WP MTN - Memphis, TN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN Page 3 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-277-0037 Report Limit Project:RMR-013 V 89885Comp-1 0.980 10/22/2022 01:276020BArsenicmg/Kg - dry 0.107 68.2 10/22/2022 01:276020BBariummg/Kg - dry 0.053 27.1 10/22/2022 01:276020BChromiummg/Kg - dry 0.144 7.87 10/22/2022 01:276020BLeadmg/Kg - dry 0.0387 0.440 10/22/2022 01:276020BSeleniummg/Kg - dry 0.128 JB0.0288 10/22/2022 01:276020BSilvermg/Kg - dry 0.0084 0.0493 10/19/2022 13:187471BMercury (Total)mg/Kg - dry 0.0150 0.068 10/05/2022 15:278260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.001 10/05/2022 15:278260Dn-Hexane mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 J0.006 10/05/2022 15:278260DMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 J0.002 10/05/2022 15:278260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.520 10/11/2022 14:56SW-7199 Chromium, Hexavalent mg/Kg - dry 0.176 19.9 10/07/2022 09:53SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 89886Comp-2 0.859 10/22/2022 01:336020BArsenicmg/Kg - dry 0.107 100 10/22/2022 01:336020BBariummg/Kg - dry 0.053 28.5 10/22/2022 01:336020BChromiummg/Kg - dry 0.144 6.33 10/22/2022 01:336020BLeadmg/Kg - dry 0.0387 0.323 10/22/2022 01:336020BSeleniummg/Kg - dry 0.128 JB0.0245 10/22/2022 01:336020BSilvermg/Kg - dry 0.0084 J0.0373 10/19/2022 13:207471BMercury (Total)mg/Kg - dry 0.0150 0.097 10/05/2022 15:548260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.002 10/05/2022 15:548260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.460 10/11/2022 15:39SW-7199 Chromium, Hexavalent mg/Kg - dry 0.178 19.9 10/07/2022 09:53SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 89887Comp-3 1.11 10/22/2022 01:386020BArsenicmg/Kg - dry 0.0995 86.6 10/22/2022 01:386020BBariummg/Kg - dry 0.049 J0.0767 10/22/2022 01:386020BCadmiummg/Kg - dry 0.0301 30.7 10/22/2022 01:386020BChromiummg/Kg - dry 0.135 11.1 10/22/2022 01:386020BLeadmg/Kg - dry 0.0360 0.479 10/22/2022 01:386020BSeleniummg/Kg - dry 0.119 JB0.0433 10/22/2022 01:386020BSilvermg/Kg - dry 0.0078 0.0597 10/19/2022 13:297471BMercury (Total)mg/Kg - dry 0.0140 0.110 10/05/2022 16:218260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.012 10/05/2022 16:218260DMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 Page 4 of 61 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-277-0037 Report Limit Project:RMR-013 V 89887Comp-3 J0.002 10/05/2022 16:218260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.175 10/16/2022 21:378270EFluoranthenemg/Kg - dry 0.143 14.1 10/07/2022 09:53SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 89888TP-4 1.46 10/22/2022 01:446020BArsenicmg/Kg - dry 0.101 30.2 10/22/2022 01:446020BBariummg/Kg - dry 0.050 31.8 10/22/2022 01:446020BChromiummg/Kg - dry 0.136 4.58 10/22/2022 01:446020BLeadmg/Kg - dry 0.0365 0.382 10/22/2022 01:446020BSeleniummg/Kg - dry 0.121 JB0.0243 10/22/2022 01:446020BSilvermg/Kg - dry 0.0079 0.0695 10/19/2022 13:317471BMercury (Total)mg/Kg - dry 0.0141 0.049 10/05/2022 16:488260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.332 10/11/2022 16:01SW-7199 Chromium, Hexavalent mg/Kg - dry 0.166 15.1 10/07/2022 09:53SW-DRYWT Moisture % Page 5 of 61   Client: Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) CASE NARRATIVE Project: RMR-013 Lab Report Number: 22-277-0037 Date: 10/18/2022 Hexavalent Chromium by Ion Chromatography Method SW-7199 Sample 89885 (Comp-1) Analyte: Hexavalent Chromium QC Batch No: L642479/L641944 MSD: Insoluble Hexavalent chromium spike data Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Method 8260D Analyte: Bromomethane QC Batch No: V24741/V24740 CCV result is above control limits but within method parameters. Results are reported but considered estimated. Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Method 8270E Sample 89827 (SB-2) Analyte: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene QC Batch No: V25161/V24969 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Sample 89827 (SB-2) Analyte: 2,4-Dinitrophenol QC Batch No: V25161/V24969 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Sample 89827 (SB-2) Analyte: 2-Nitrophenol QC Batch No: V25161/V24969 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Sample 89827 (SB-2) Analyte: 4-Nitrophenol QC Batch No: V25161/V24969 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Sample 89827 (SB-2) Analyte: Benzoic Acid QC Batch No: V25161/V24969 Matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate recoveries are outside of control limits. Acceptable LCS recovery indicates the system was in control, but the reported result could be affected by matrix interference. Sample 89827 (SB-2) Analyte: Hexachlorocyclopentadiene QC Batch No: V25161/V24969 Matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate recoveries are outside of control limits. Acceptable LCS recovery indicates the system was in control, but the reported result could be affected by matrix interference. Sample 89827 (SB-2) Page 6 of 61   Analyte: N-Nitrosodiphenylamine QC Batch No: V25161/V24969 Matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate recoveries are outside of control limits. Acceptable LCS recovery indicates the system was in control, but the reported result could be affected by matrix interference. Page 7 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-1 89885 Matrix: 9/29/2022 11:50 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 19.9 %Moisture 1 10/07/22 09:53 SW-DRYWTAMB 0.520 mg/Kg - dry 0.176 0.250Chromium, Hexavalent 1 10/11/22 14:56 SW-7199SAR 0.980 mg/Kg - dry 0.107 0.312Arsenic 5 10/22/22 01:27 6020BBKN 68.2 mg/Kg - dry 0.053 0.312Barium 5 10/22/22 01:27 6020BBKN <0.0323 mg/Kg - dry 0.0323 0.312Cadmium 5 10/22/22 01:27 6020BBKN 27.1 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.312 Chromium 5 10/22/22 01:27 6020BBKN 7.87 mg/Kg - dry 0.0387 0.312Lead 5 10/22/22 01:27 6020BBKN 0.0493 mg/Kg - dry 0.0150 0.0375Mercury (Total)1 10/19/22 13:18 7471BEDV 0.440 mg/Kg - dry 0.128 0.312Selenium 5 10/22/22 01:27 6020BBKN 0.0288 JB mg/Kg - dry 0.0084 0.312Silver 5 10/22/22 01:27 6020BBKN Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 8 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-1 89885 Matrix: 9/29/2022 11:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 0.068 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024Acrolein 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 9 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-1 89885 Matrix: 9/29/2022 11:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006 1,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.062Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 10 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-1 89885 Matrix: 9/29/2022 11:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0242-Hexanone 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL 0.006 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Naphthalene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 n-Propylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 11 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-1 89885 Matrix: 9/29/2022 11:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 10/05/22 15:27 V24741 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.6 Limits: 70-130%10/05/22 15:271 TBL V24741 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 101 Limits: 84-123%10/05/22 15:271 TBL V24741 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 96.3 Limits: 76-129%10/05/22 15:271 TBL V24741 Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.144 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.825Acenaphthene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.131 mg/Kg - dry 0.131 0.825Acenaphthylene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.189 mg/Kg - dry 0.189 0.825Aniline 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.825Anthracene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.173 mg/Kg - dry 0.173 0.825Benzo(a)anthracene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.183 mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.825Benzo(a)pyrene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.182 mg/Kg - dry 0.182 0.825 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.825Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.825Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.724 mg/Kg - dry 0.724 2.50Benzoic Acid 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 12 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-1 89885 Matrix: 9/29/2022 11:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.131 mg/Kg - dry 0.131 0.825Benzyl alcohol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.147 mg/Kg - dry 0.147 0.825Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.133 mg/Kg - dry 0.133 0.825Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.413Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.149 mg/Kg - dry 0.149 0.825Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.136 mg/Kg - dry 0.136 0.8254-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.141 mg/Kg - dry 0.141 0.413Butyl benzyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.115 mg/Kg - dry 0.115 0.8254-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.413 4-Chloroaniline 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.144 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.8252-Chloronaphthalene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.122 mg/Kg - dry 0.122 0.8252-Chlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.157 mg/Kg - dry 0.157 1.254-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.177 mg/Kg - dry 0.177 0.825Chrysene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.287 mg/Kg - dry 0.287 0.825Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.148 mg/Kg - dry 0.148 0.825Dibenzofuran 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.117 mg/Kg - dry 0.117 0.825 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.121 mg/Kg - dry 0.121 0.8251,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.122 mg/Kg - dry 0.122 0.4131,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.183 mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.8253,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.119 mg/Kg - dry 0.119 0.8252,4-Dichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.224 mg/Kg - dry 0.224 0.825Diethyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.217 mg/Kg - dry 0.217 0.825Dimethyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 13 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-1 89885 Matrix: 9/29/2022 11:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.134 mg/Kg - dry 0.134 0.4132,4-Dimethylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.133 mg/Kg - dry 0.133 0.825Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.299 mg/Kg - dry 0.299 1.874,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.649 mg/Kg - dry 0.649 1.872,4-Dinitrophenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.120 mg/Kg - dry 0.120 0.8252,4-Dinitrotoluene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.134 mg/Kg - dry 0.134 0.8252,6-Dinitrotoluene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.413Di-n-Octyl Phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.153 mg/Kg - dry 0.153 0.825Fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.825 Fluorene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.132 mg/Kg - dry 0.132 0.825Hexachlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.121 mg/Kg - dry 0.121 0.825Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.196 mg/Kg - dry 0.196 0.825Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.099 mg/Kg - dry 0.099 0.825Hexachloroethane 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.223 mg/Kg - dry 0.223 0.825Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.238 mg/Kg - dry 0.238 0.825Isophorone 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.132 mg/Kg - dry 0.132 0.825 1-Methylnaphthalene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.124 mg/Kg - dry 0.124 0.8252-Methylnaphthalene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.121 mg/Kg - dry 0.121 0.8252-Methylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.106 mg/Kg - dry 0.106 0.8253&4 Methylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.179 mg/Kg - dry 0.179 0.825Naphthalene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.120 mg/Kg - dry 0.120 0.8252-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.149 mg/Kg - dry 0.149 0.8253-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 14 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-1 89885 Matrix: 9/29/2022 11:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.116 mg/Kg - dry 0.116 0.4134-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.144 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.413Nitrobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.110 mg/Kg - dry 0.110 0.8252-Nitrophenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.146 mg/Kg - dry 0.146 0.8254-Nitrophenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.328 mg/Kg - dry 0.328 0.825N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.225 mg/Kg - dry 0.225 0.825N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.147 mg/Kg - dry 0.147 0.825N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.433 mg/Kg - dry 0.433 1.25Pentachlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.259 mg/Kg - dry 0.259 0.825 Phenanthrene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.825Phenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.167 mg/Kg - dry 0.167 0.825Pyrene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.099 mg/Kg - dry 0.099 0.413Pyridine 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.133 mg/Kg - dry 0.133 0.8251,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.120 mg/Kg - dry 0.120 0.8252,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV <0.120 mg/Kg - dry 0.120 0.8252,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:30 V25161JMV 8270ESurrogate: Phenol-d5 89.2 Limits: 34-121%10/16/22 17:301 JMV Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 97.6 Limits: 44-115%10/16/22 17:301 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 89.2 Limits: 35-115%10/16/22 17:301 JMV V25161 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 88.6 Limits: 37-122%10/16/22 17:301 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 4-Terphenyl-d14 102 Limits: 54-127%10/16/22 17:301 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 101 Limits: 39-132%10/16/22 17:301 JMV V25161 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 15 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-2 89886 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 19.9 %Moisture 1 10/07/22 09:53 SW-DRYWTAMB 0.460 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.253Chromium, Hexavalent 1 10/11/22 15:39 SW-7199SAR 0.859 mg/Kg - dry 0.107 0.312Arsenic 5 10/22/22 01:33 6020BBKN 100 mg/Kg - dry 0.053 0.312Barium 5 10/22/22 01:33 6020BBKN <0.0323 mg/Kg - dry 0.0323 0.312Cadmium 5 10/22/22 01:33 6020BBKN 28.5 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.312 Chromium 5 10/22/22 01:33 6020BBKN 6.33 mg/Kg - dry 0.0387 0.312Lead 5 10/22/22 01:33 6020BBKN 0.0373 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0150 0.0375Mercury (Total)1 10/19/22 13:20 7471BEDV 0.323 mg/Kg - dry 0.128 0.312Selenium 5 10/22/22 01:33 6020BBKN 0.0245 JB mg/Kg - dry 0.0084 0.312Silver 5 10/22/22 01:33 6020BBKN Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 16 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-2 89886 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 0.097 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024Acrolein 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 17 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-2 89886 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006 1,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.062Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 18 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-2 89886 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0242-Hexanone 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Naphthalene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 n-Propylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 19 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-2 89886 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 10/05/22 15:54 V24741 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 Limits: 70-130%10/05/22 15:541 TBL V24741 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 97.3 Limits: 84-123%10/05/22 15:541 TBL V24741 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 98.1 Limits: 76-129%10/05/22 15:541 TBL V24741 Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.144 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.823Acenaphthene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.131 mg/Kg - dry 0.131 0.823Acenaphthylene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.189 mg/Kg - dry 0.189 0.823Aniline 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.823Anthracene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.173 mg/Kg - dry 0.173 0.823Benzo(a)anthracene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.183 mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.823Benzo(a)pyrene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.182 mg/Kg - dry 0.182 0.823 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.823Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.823Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.724 mg/Kg - dry 0.724 2.50Benzoic Acid 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 20 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-2 89886 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.131 mg/Kg - dry 0.131 0.823Benzyl alcohol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.147 mg/Kg - dry 0.147 0.823Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.133 mg/Kg - dry 0.133 0.823Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.411Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.149 mg/Kg - dry 0.149 0.823Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.136 mg/Kg - dry 0.136 0.8234-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.141 mg/Kg - dry 0.141 0.411Butyl benzyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.115 mg/Kg - dry 0.115 0.8234-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.411 4-Chloroaniline 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.144 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.8232-Chloronaphthalene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.122 mg/Kg - dry 0.122 0.8232-Chlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.157 mg/Kg - dry 0.157 1.254-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.177 mg/Kg - dry 0.177 0.823Chrysene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.287 mg/Kg - dry 0.287 0.823Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.148 mg/Kg - dry 0.148 0.823Dibenzofuran 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.117 mg/Kg - dry 0.117 0.823 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.121 mg/Kg - dry 0.121 0.8231,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.121 mg/Kg - dry 0.121 0.4111,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.183 mg/Kg - dry 0.183 0.8233,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.119 mg/Kg - dry 0.119 0.8232,4-Dichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.224 mg/Kg - dry 0.224 0.823Diethyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.217 mg/Kg - dry 0.217 0.823Dimethyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 21 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-2 89886 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.134 mg/Kg - dry 0.134 0.4112,4-Dimethylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.133 mg/Kg - dry 0.133 0.823Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.299 mg/Kg - dry 0.299 1.874,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.649 mg/Kg - dry 0.649 1.872,4-Dinitrophenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.120 mg/Kg - dry 0.120 0.8232,4-Dinitrotoluene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.134 mg/Kg - dry 0.134 0.8232,6-Dinitrotoluene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.178 mg/Kg - dry 0.178 0.411Di-n-Octyl Phthalate 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.153 mg/Kg - dry 0.153 0.823Fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.823 Fluorene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.132 mg/Kg - dry 0.132 0.823Hexachlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.121 mg/Kg - dry 0.121 0.823Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.196 mg/Kg - dry 0.196 0.823Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.098 mg/Kg - dry 0.098 0.823Hexachloroethane 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.223 mg/Kg - dry 0.223 0.823Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.238 mg/Kg - dry 0.238 0.823Isophorone 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.132 mg/Kg - dry 0.132 0.823 1-Methylnaphthalene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.124 mg/Kg - dry 0.124 0.8232-Methylnaphthalene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.121 mg/Kg - dry 0.121 0.8232-Methylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.105 mg/Kg - dry 0.105 0.8233&4 Methylphenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.179 mg/Kg - dry 0.179 0.823Naphthalene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.120 mg/Kg - dry 0.120 0.8232-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.149 mg/Kg - dry 0.149 0.8233-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 22 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-2 89886 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.116 mg/Kg - dry 0.116 0.4114-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.144 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.411Nitrobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.110 mg/Kg - dry 0.110 0.8232-Nitrophenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.146 mg/Kg - dry 0.146 0.8234-Nitrophenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.328 mg/Kg - dry 0.328 0.823N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.225 mg/Kg - dry 0.225 0.823N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.147 mg/Kg - dry 0.147 0.823N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.433 mg/Kg - dry 0.433 1.25Pentachlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.259 mg/Kg - dry 0.259 0.823 Phenanthrene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.823Phenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.167 mg/Kg - dry 0.167 0.823Pyrene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.098 mg/Kg - dry 0.098 0.411Pyridine 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.133 mg/Kg - dry 0.133 0.8231,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.120 mg/Kg - dry 0.120 0.8232,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV <0.120 mg/Kg - dry 0.120 0.8232,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 17:52 V25161JMV 8270ESurrogate: Phenol-d5 89.2 Limits: 34-121%10/16/22 17:521 JMV Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 94.6 Limits: 44-115%10/16/22 17:521 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 96.7 Limits: 35-115%10/16/22 17:521 JMV V25161 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 86.8 Limits: 37-122%10/16/22 17:521 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 4-Terphenyl-d14 96.4 Limits: 54-127%10/16/22 17:521 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 92.5 Limits: 39-132%10/16/22 17:521 JMV V25161 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 23 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-3 89887 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:15 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 14.1 %Moisture 1 10/07/22 09:53 SW-DRYWTAMB <0.164 mg/Kg - dry 0.164 0.232Chromium, Hexavalent 1 10/11/22 15:50 SW-7199SAR 1.11 mg/Kg - dry 0.0995 0.291Arsenic 5 10/22/22 01:38 6020BBKN 86.6 mg/Kg - dry 0.049 0.291Barium 5 10/22/22 01:38 6020BBKN 0.0767 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0301 0.291Cadmium 5 10/22/22 01:38 6020BBKN 30.7 mg/Kg - dry 0.135 0.291 Chromium 5 10/22/22 01:38 6020BBKN 11.1 mg/Kg - dry 0.0360 0.291Lead 5 10/22/22 01:38 6020BBKN 0.0597 mg/Kg - dry 0.0140 0.0349Mercury (Total)1 10/19/22 13:29 7471BEDV 0.479 mg/Kg - dry 0.119 0.291Selenium 5 10/22/22 01:38 6020BBKN 0.0433 JB mg/Kg - dry 0.0078 0.291Silver 5 10/22/22 01:38 6020BBKN Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 24 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-3 89887 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 0.110 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023Acrolein 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 25 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-3 89887 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Dibromomethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005 1,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.058Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 26 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-3 89887 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0232-Hexanone 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL 0.012 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Naphthalene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 n-Propylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 27 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-3 89887 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 10/05/22 16:21 V24741 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 Limits: 70-130%10/05/22 16:211 TBL V24741 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 102 Limits: 84-123%10/05/22 16:211 TBL V24741 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 97.9 Limits: 76-129%10/05/22 16:211 TBL V24741 Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.135 mg/Kg - dry 0.135 0.768Acenaphthene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.122 mg/Kg - dry 0.122 0.768Acenaphthylene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.176 mg/Kg - dry 0.176 0.768Aniline 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.166 mg/Kg - dry 0.166 0.768Anthracene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.161 mg/Kg - dry 0.161 0.768Benzo(a)anthracene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.768Benzo(a)pyrene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.768 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.158 mg/Kg - dry 0.158 0.768Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.159 mg/Kg - dry 0.159 0.768Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.675 mg/Kg - dry 0.675 2.33Benzoic Acid 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 28 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-3 89887 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.122 mg/Kg - dry 0.122 0.768Benzyl alcohol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.137 mg/Kg - dry 0.137 0.768Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.124 mg/Kg - dry 0.124 0.768Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.158 mg/Kg - dry 0.158 0.384Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.768Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.126 mg/Kg - dry 0.126 0.7684-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.131 mg/Kg - dry 0.131 0.384Butyl benzyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.107 mg/Kg - dry 0.107 0.7684-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.130 mg/Kg - dry 0.130 0.384 4-Chloroaniline 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.135 mg/Kg - dry 0.135 0.7682-Chloronaphthalene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.114 mg/Kg - dry 0.114 0.7682-Chlorophenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.146 mg/Kg - dry 0.146 1.164-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.165 mg/Kg - dry 0.165 0.768Chrysene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.267 mg/Kg - dry 0.267 0.768Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.138 mg/Kg - dry 0.138 0.768Dibenzofuran 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.109 mg/Kg - dry 0.109 0.768 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.113 mg/Kg - dry 0.113 0.7681,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.113 mg/Kg - dry 0.113 0.3841,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.7683,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.111 mg/Kg - dry 0.111 0.7682,4-Dichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.209 mg/Kg - dry 0.209 0.768Diethyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.202 mg/Kg - dry 0.202 0.768Dimethyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 29 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-3 89887 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.125 mg/Kg - dry 0.125 0.3842,4-Dimethylphenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.124 mg/Kg - dry 0.124 0.768Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.279 mg/Kg - dry 0.279 1.754,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.605 mg/Kg - dry 0.605 1.752,4-Dinitrophenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.112 mg/Kg - dry 0.112 0.7682,4-Dinitrotoluene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.125 mg/Kg - dry 0.125 0.7682,6-Dinitrotoluene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.166 mg/Kg - dry 0.166 0.384Di-n-Octyl Phthalate 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV 0.175 J mg/Kg - dry 0.143 0.768Fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.149 mg/Kg - dry 0.149 0.768 Fluorene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.123 mg/Kg - dry 0.123 0.768Hexachlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.113 mg/Kg - dry 0.113 0.768Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.182 mg/Kg - dry 0.182 0.768Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.092 mg/Kg - dry 0.092 0.768Hexachloroethane 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.208 mg/Kg - dry 0.208 0.768Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.222 mg/Kg - dry 0.222 0.768Isophorone 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.123 mg/Kg - dry 0.123 0.768 1-Methylnaphthalene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.116 mg/Kg - dry 0.116 0.7682-Methylnaphthalene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.112 mg/Kg - dry 0.112 0.7682-Methylphenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.098 mg/Kg - dry 0.098 0.7683&4 Methylphenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.167 mg/Kg - dry 0.167 0.768Naphthalene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.112 mg/Kg - dry 0.112 0.7682-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.139 mg/Kg - dry 0.139 0.7683-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 30 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:Comp-3 89887 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.108 mg/Kg - dry 0.108 0.3844-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.135 mg/Kg - dry 0.135 0.384Nitrobenzene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.103 mg/Kg - dry 0.103 0.7682-Nitrophenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.136 mg/Kg - dry 0.136 0.7684-Nitrophenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.306 mg/Kg - dry 0.306 0.768N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.210 mg/Kg - dry 0.210 0.768N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.137 mg/Kg - dry 0.137 0.768N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.403 mg/Kg - dry 0.403 1.16Pentachlorophenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.242 mg/Kg - dry 0.242 0.768 Phenanthrene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.130 mg/Kg - dry 0.130 0.768Phenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.155 mg/Kg - dry 0.155 0.768Pyrene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.092 mg/Kg - dry 0.092 0.384Pyridine 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.124 mg/Kg - dry 0.124 0.7681,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.111 mg/Kg - dry 0.111 0.7682,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV <0.112 mg/Kg - dry 0.112 0.7682,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 21:37 V25161JMV 8270ESurrogate: Phenol-d5 81.7 Limits: 34-121%10/16/22 21:371 JMV Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 91.6 Limits: 44-115%10/16/22 21:371 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 86.2 Limits: 35-115%10/16/22 21:371 JMV V25161 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 85.0 Limits: 37-122%10/16/22 21:371 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 4-Terphenyl-d14 100 Limits: 54-127%10/16/22 21:371 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 97.6 Limits: 39-132%10/16/22 21:371 JMV V25161 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 31 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:TP-4 89888 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:45 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 15.1 %Moisture 1 10/07/22 09:53 SW-DRYWTAMB 0.332 mg/Kg - dry 0.166 0.236Chromium, Hexavalent 1 10/11/22 16:01 SW-7199SAR 1.46 mg/Kg - dry 0.101 0.294Arsenic 5 10/22/22 01:44 6020BBKN 30.2 mg/Kg - dry 0.050 0.294Barium 5 10/22/22 01:44 6020BBKN <0.0305 mg/Kg - dry 0.0305 0.294Cadmium 5 10/22/22 01:44 6020BBKN 31.8 mg/Kg - dry 0.136 0.294 Chromium 5 10/22/22 01:44 6020BBKN 4.58 mg/Kg - dry 0.0365 0.294Lead 5 10/22/22 01:44 6020BBKN 0.0695 mg/Kg - dry 0.0141 0.0353Mercury (Total)1 10/19/22 13:31 7471BEDV 0.382 mg/Kg - dry 0.121 0.294Selenium 5 10/22/22 01:44 6020BBKN 0.0243 JB mg/Kg - dry 0.0079 0.294Silver 5 10/22/22 01:44 6020BBKN Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 32 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:TP-4 89888 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 0.049 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023Acrolein 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 33 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:TP-4 89888 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Dibromomethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005 1,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.058Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 34 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:TP-4 89888 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0232-Hexanone 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Naphthalene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 n-Propylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 35 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:TP-4 89888 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V24740 10/05/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 10/05/22 16:48 V24741 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 Limits: 70-130%10/05/22 16:481 TBL V24741 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 105 Limits: 84-123%10/05/22 16:481 TBL V24741 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 98.7 Limits: 76-129%10/05/22 16:481 TBL V24741 Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.136 mg/Kg - dry 0.136 0.777Acenaphthene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.123 mg/Kg - dry 0.123 0.777Acenaphthylene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.179 mg/Kg - dry 0.179 0.777Aniline 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.777Anthracene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.163 mg/Kg - dry 0.163 0.777Benzo(a)anthracene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.173 mg/Kg - dry 0.173 0.777Benzo(a)pyrene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.171 mg/Kg - dry 0.171 0.777 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.160 mg/Kg - dry 0.160 0.777Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.161 mg/Kg - dry 0.161 0.777Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.683 mg/Kg - dry 0.683 2.36Benzoic Acid 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 36 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:TP-4 89888 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.123 mg/Kg - dry 0.123 0.777Benzyl alcohol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.138 mg/Kg - dry 0.138 0.777Bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.126 mg/Kg - dry 0.126 0.777Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.160 mg/Kg - dry 0.160 0.388Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.141 mg/Kg - dry 0.141 0.777Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.128 mg/Kg - dry 0.128 0.7774-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.133 mg/Kg - dry 0.133 0.388Butyl benzyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.108 mg/Kg - dry 0.108 0.7774-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.131 mg/Kg - dry 0.131 0.388 4-Chloroaniline 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.136 mg/Kg - dry 0.136 0.7772-Chloronaphthalene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.115 mg/Kg - dry 0.115 0.7772-Chlorophenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.148 mg/Kg - dry 0.148 1.184-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.167 mg/Kg - dry 0.167 0.777Chrysene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.270 mg/Kg - dry 0.270 0.777Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.140 mg/Kg - dry 0.140 0.777Dibenzofuran 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.111 mg/Kg - dry 0.111 0.777 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.114 mg/Kg - dry 0.114 0.7771,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.114 mg/Kg - dry 0.114 0.3881,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.173 mg/Kg - dry 0.173 0.7773,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.112 mg/Kg - dry 0.112 0.7772,4-Dichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.212 mg/Kg - dry 0.212 0.777Diethyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.204 mg/Kg - dry 0.204 0.777Dimethyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 37 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:TP-4 89888 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.127 mg/Kg - dry 0.127 0.3882,4-Dimethylphenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.126 mg/Kg - dry 0.126 0.777Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.282 mg/Kg - dry 0.282 1.774,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.612 mg/Kg - dry 0.612 1.772,4-Dinitrophenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.113 mg/Kg - dry 0.113 0.7772,4-Dinitrotoluene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.127 mg/Kg - dry 0.127 0.7772,6-Dinitrotoluene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.168 mg/Kg - dry 0.168 0.388Di-n-Octyl Phthalate 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.144 mg/Kg - dry 0.144 0.777Fluoranthene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.150 mg/Kg - dry 0.150 0.777 Fluorene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.124 mg/Kg - dry 0.124 0.777Hexachlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.114 mg/Kg - dry 0.114 0.777Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.184 mg/Kg - dry 0.184 0.777Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.093 mg/Kg - dry 0.093 0.777Hexachloroethane 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.210 mg/Kg - dry 0.210 0.777Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.224 mg/Kg - dry 0.224 0.777Isophorone 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.124 mg/Kg - dry 0.124 0.777 1-Methylnaphthalene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.117 mg/Kg - dry 0.117 0.7772-Methylnaphthalene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.114 mg/Kg - dry 0.114 0.7772-Methylphenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.100 mg/Kg - dry 0.100 0.7773&4 Methylphenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.169 mg/Kg - dry 0.169 0.777Naphthalene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.113 mg/Kg - dry 0.113 0.7772-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.141 mg/Kg - dry 0.141 0.7773-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 38 of 61 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-277-0037 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/04/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 10/24/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:TP-4 89888 Matrix: 9/29/2022 12:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 3546 8270E Prep Batch(es):V24969 10/11/22 10:05 <0.109 mg/Kg - dry 0.109 0.3884-Nitroaniline 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.136 mg/Kg - dry 0.136 0.388Nitrobenzene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.104 mg/Kg - dry 0.104 0.7772-Nitrophenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.137 mg/Kg - dry 0.137 0.7774-Nitrophenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.309 mg/Kg - dry 0.309 0.777N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.213 mg/Kg - dry 0.213 0.777N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.138 mg/Kg - dry 0.138 0.777N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.408 mg/Kg - dry 0.408 1.18Pentachlorophenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.244 mg/Kg - dry 0.244 0.777 Phenanthrene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.131 mg/Kg - dry 0.131 0.777Phenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.157 mg/Kg - dry 0.157 0.777Pyrene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.093 mg/Kg - dry 0.093 0.388Pyridine 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.126 mg/Kg - dry 0.126 0.7771,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.113 mg/Kg - dry 0.113 0.7772,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV <0.113 mg/Kg - dry 0.113 0.7772,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1 10/16/22 18:15 V25161JMV 8270ESurrogate: Phenol-d5 86.5 Limits: 34-121%10/16/22 18:151 JMV Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 95.2 Limits: 44-115%10/16/22 18:151 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 87.7 Limits: 35-115%10/16/22 18:151 JMV V25161 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 86.8 Limits: 37-122%10/16/22 18:151 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 4-Terphenyl-d14 94.0 Limits: 54-127%10/16/22 18:151 JMV V25161 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 85.3 Limits: 39-132%10/16/22 18:151 JMV V25161 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 39 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Metals Analyses 6020B L644767QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3050B QC Prep:L644584 Associated Lab Samples: 89885, 89886, 89887, 89888 LRB-L644584 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits 10/22/22 01:090.2500.0855<0.0855mg/KgArsenic 10/22/22 01:090.2500.042<0.042mg/KgBarium 10/22/22 01:090.2500.0259<0.0259mg/KgCadmium 10/22/22 01:090.2500.116<0.116mg/KgChromium 10/22/22 01:090.2500.0310<0.0310mg/KgLead 10/22/22 01:090.2500.103<0.103mg/KgSelenium 10/22/22 01:090.2500.00670.0133mg/KgSilver LCS-L644584Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 96.02.402.50mg/KgArsenic 80-120 96.04.825.00mg/KgBarium 80-120 99.00.4940.500mg/KgCadmium 80-120 98.04.925.00mg/KgChromium 80-120 94.02.362.50mg/KgLead 80-120 94.04.715.00mg/KgSelenium 80-120 1020.5120.500mg/KgSilver 80-120 V 91021-MS-L644584 V 91021-MSD-L644584Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 2.03 58.0*2.022.442.410.644mg/KgArsenic 56.0*75-125 0.4 80 64.2 -100*66.74.894.8269.9mg/KgBarium -65*75-125 3.8 80 0.586 1090.5000.4890.4820.0588mg/KgCadmium 90.0 75-125 15.8 80 10.1 98.0 75-125 5.7 80 Page 1 of 20* QC Fail Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 40 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Metals Analyses 6020B L644767QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3050B QC Prep:L644584 V 91021-MS-L644584 V 91021-MSD-L644584Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 14.3 58.0*13.82.442.4112.9mg/KgLead 37.0*75-125 3.5 80 3.27 56.0*3.074.894.820.550mg/KgSelenium 52.0*75-125 6.3 80 0.488 93.00.4770.4890.4820.0413mg/KgSilver 89.0 75-125 2.2 80 V 91021-PDS-L644584Post Digestion Spike Parameter Analyzed% Recovery PDS ResultUnits 10/22/22 02:5485.01.09mg/KgArsenic 10/22/22 02:5497.09.16mg/KgBarium 10/22/22 02:541050.264mg/KgCadmium 10/22/22 02:541013.08mg/KgChromium 10/22/22 02:5497.02.44mg/KgLead 10/22/22 02:5483.02.07mg/KgSelenium 10/22/22 02:541000.248mg/KgSilver Page 2 of 20* QC Fail Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 41 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Solids Total Mercury Analysis - CVAA 7471B V25326QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 7471B (Prep) QC Prep:V25270 Associated Lab Samples: 89885, 89886, 89887, 89888 LRB-V25270 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits 10/19/22 12:540.03000.0120<0.0120mg/KgMercury (Total) LCS-V25270Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 1050.4380.417mg/KgMercury (Total)80-120 V 90753-MS-V25270 V 90753-MSD-V25270Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 0.453 1090.4500.4170.4170.0266mg/KgMercury (Total)108 80-120 0.6 20 V 90753-PDS-V25270Post Digestion Spike Parameter Analyzed% Recovery PDS ResultUnits 10/19/22 13:101100.229mg/KgMercury (Total) Page 3 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 42 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V24741QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V24740 Associated Lab Samples: 89885, 89886, 89887, 89888 LRB-V24740 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/05/22 11:220.0200.002<0.002mg/KgAcetone 10/05/22 11:220.0200.001<0.001mg/KgAcrolein 10/05/22 11:220.0200.0008<0.0008mg/KgAcrylonitrile 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgBenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgBromobenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0008<0.0008mg/KgBromochloromethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromodichloromethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromoform 10/05/22 11:220.0100.001<0.001mg/KgBromomethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kgsec-Butyl benzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgtert-Butyl benzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgChlorobenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0009<0.0009mg/KgChloroethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/KgChloroform 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0006<0.0006mg/KgChloromethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgDibromomethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene Page 4 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 43 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V24741QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V24740 Associated Lab Samples: 89885, 89886, 89887, 89888 LRB-V24740 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0100.001<0.001mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgEthylbenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0500.0008<0.0008mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0008<0.0008mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0007<0.0007mg/Kgn-Hexane 10/05/22 11:220.0200.0006<0.0006mg/Kg2-Hexanone 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 10/05/22 11:220.0200.0007<0.0007mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 10/05/22 11:220.0200.015<0.015mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 10/05/22 11:220.0100.001<0.001mg/KgMethylene Chloride 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0010<0.0010mg/KgNaphthalene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/KgStyrene Page 5 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 44 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V24741QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V24740 Associated Lab Samples: 89885, 89886, 89887, 89888 LRB-V24740 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTetrachloroethene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgToluene 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTrichloroethene 10/05/22 11:220.0100.002<0.002mg/KgTrichlorofluoromethane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Acetate 10/05/22 11:220.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Chloride 10/05/22 11:220.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgo-Xylene 10/05/22 11:220.0100.001<0.001mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 10/05/22 11:224-Bromofluorobenzene (S)100 70-130 10/05/22 11:22Dibromofluoromethane (S)102 84-123 10/05/22 11:22Toluene-d8 (S)96.0 76-129 LCS-V24740 LCSD-V24740Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.097 29-198 1.8 20 0.113 1131210.1210.100mg/KgAcrolein 70-130 6.8 20 0.103 1031010.1010.100mg/KgAcrylonitrile 65-134 1.9 20 Page 6 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 45 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V24741QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V24740 LCS-V24740 LCSD-V24740Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.047 74-127 5.3 20 0.045 91.689.60.0440.050mg/KgBromobenzene 73-125 2.2 20 0.053 1061130.0560.050mg/KgBromochloromethane 72-134 6.2 20 0.049 98.81000.0500.050mg/KgBromodichloromethane 75-122 1.6 20 0.050 1011000.0500.050mg/KgBromoform 66-135 1.3 20 0.048 96.61160.0580.050mg/KgBromomethane 20-180 18.4 20 0.043 86.489.60.0440.050mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 65-135 3.6 20 0.044 benzene 66-131 2.2 20 0.043 benzene 67-132 3.6 20 0.045 90.497.80.0480.050mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 61-129 7.8 20 0.043 86.696.20.0480.050mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 64-143 10.5 20 0.046 92.493.40.0460.050mg/KgChlorobenzene 74-118 1.0 20 0.048 97.41010.0500.050mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 73-122 3.8 20 0.041 82.489.40.0440.050mg/KgChloroethane 33-149 8.1 20 0.046 92.497.60.0480.050mg/KgChloroform 73-127 5.4 20 0.029 58.464.80.0320.050mg/KgChloromethane 45-143 10.3 20 0.043 86.488.60.0440.050mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 67-124 2.5 20 0.043 86.488.60.0440.050mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 71-126 2.5 20 0.049 Ether (DIPE)59-159 0.4 20 0.056 11298.60.0490.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 55-157 12.7 20 0.052 1051040.0510.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 70-132 1.7 20 0.054 1101040.0510.050mg/KgDibromomethane 74-133 5.6 20 0.046,2-Dichlorobenzene 72-123 1.7 20 0.046 92.692.60.0460.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 71-120 0.0 20 0.044 89.893.00.0460.050mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 71-123 3.5 20 0.035 26-146 8.4 20 Page 7 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 46 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V24741QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V24740 LCS-V24740 LCSD-V24740Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.045 91.895.40.0470.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 74-127 3.8 20 0.048 96.499.20.0490.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 68-128 2.8 20 0.044 88.497.20.0480.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 67-149 9.4 20 0.048 96.21010.0500.050mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 76-134 4.6 20 0.045 91.499.80.0490.050mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 73-132 8.7 20 0.048 97.41010.0500.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 73-130 3.8 20 0.049,3-Dichloropropane 75-124 0.2 20 0.045 90.81010.0500.050mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 50-142 10.8 20 0.044 88.896.80.0480.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 71-130 8.6 20 0.051 1031040.0520.050mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 71-125 1.3 20 0.051 1021040.0520.050mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 68-123 1.7 20 0.044 74-128 5.3 20 0.099 99.798.50.0980.100mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)70-130 1.2 20 0.043 87.890.60.0450.050mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 64-125 3.1 20 0.044 89.01050.0520.050mg/Kgn-Hexane 70-130 16.4 20 0.058 1161110.0550.050mg/Kg2-Hexanone 61-157 4.7 20 0.043 86.488.00.0440.050mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 68-126 1.8 20 0.043 87.692.40.0460.050mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 68-129 5.3 20 0.048 97.694.00.0470.050mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)63-149 3.7 20 0.052 1041010.0500.050mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 3.3 20 0.055 1121090.0540.050mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 57-162 2.7 20 0.041 Chloride 74-129 6.1 20 0.047 95.894.40.0470.050mg/KgNaphthalene 57-157 1.4 20 0.043 67-130 1.8 20 0.048 77-121 3.6 20 0.047,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 72-115 4.5 20 Page 8 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 47 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V24741QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V24740 LCS-V24740 LCSD-V24740Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.050 10195.40.0470.050mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 56-126 5.9 20 0.045 90.492.20.0460.050mg/KgTetrachloroethene 68-130 1.9 20 0.046 92.696.20.0480.050mg/KgToluene 71-129 3.8 20 0.047 94.689.00.0440.050mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 68-130 6.1 20 0.045 90.890.40.0450.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66-125 0.4 20 0.044,1,1-Trichloroethane 67-131 5.0 20 0.051 1031010.0500.050mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-133 2.1 20 0.045 90.495.40.0470.050mg/KgTrichloroethene 75-133 5.3 20 0.038 76.684.20.0420.050mg/KgTrichlorofluoromethane 44-146 9.4 20 0.048,2,3-Trichloropropane 60-137 3.5 20 0.043,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 69-128 3.1 20 0.049 99.21040.0520.050mg/KgVinyl Acetate 60-140 5.1 20 0.040 Chloride 48-147 7.6 20 0.045 90.494.00.0470.050mg/Kgo-Xylene 74-126 3.9 20 0.090 90.695.40.0950.100mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 75-124 5.1 20 99.295.04-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 103101Dibromofluoromethane (S)84-123 96.696.4Toluene-d8 (S)76-129 Page 9 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 48 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V25161QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V24969 Associated Lab Samples: 89885, 89886, 89887, 89888 LRB-V24969 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/16/22 15:150.6600.116<0.116mg/KgAcenaphthene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.105<0.105mg/KgAcenaphthylene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.152<0.152mg/KgAniline 10/16/22 15:150.6600.143<0.143mg/KgAnthracene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.139<0.139mg/KgBenzo(a)anthracene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.147<0.147mg/KgBenzo(a)pyrene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.146<0.146mg/KgBenzo(b)fluoranthene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.136<0.136mg/KgBenzo(g,h,i)perylene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.137<0.137mg/KgBenzo(k)fluoranthene 10/16/22 15:152.000.580<0.580mg/KgBenzoic Acid 10/16/22 15:150.6600.105<0.105mg/KgBenzyl alcohol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.118<0.118mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 10/16/22 15:150.6600.107<0.107mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 10/16/22 15:150.3300.136<0.136mg/KgBis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 10/16/22 15:150.6600.120<0.120mg/KgBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 10/16/22 15:150.6600.109<0.109mg/Kg4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 10/16/22 15:150.3300.113<0.113mg/KgButyl benzyl phthalate 10/16/22 15:150.6600.092<0.092mg/Kg4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 10/16/22 15:150.3300.112<0.112mg/Kg4-Chloroaniline 10/16/22 15:150.6600.116<0.116mg/Kg2-Chloronaphthalene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.098<0.098mg/Kg2-Chlorophenol 10/16/22 15:151.000.126<0.126mg/Kg4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 10/16/22 15:150.6600.142<0.142mg/KgChrysene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.230<0.230mg/KgDibenz(a,h)anthracene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.119<0.119mg/KgDibenzofuran 10/16/22 15:150.6600.094<0.094mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.097<0.097mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene Page 10 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 49 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V25161QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V24969 Associated Lab Samples: 89885, 89886, 89887, 89888 LRB-V24969 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/16/22 15:150.3300.097<0.097mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.147<0.147mg/Kg3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 10/16/22 15:150.6600.095<0.095mg/Kg2,4-Dichlorophenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.180<0.180mg/KgDiethyl phthalate 10/16/22 15:150.6600.174<0.174mg/KgDimethyl phthalate 10/16/22 15:150.3300.108<0.108mg/Kg2,4-Dimethylphenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.107<0.107mg/KgDi-n-butyl phthalate 10/16/22 15:151.500.240<0.240mg/Kg4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 10/16/22 15:151.500.520<0.520mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrophenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.096<0.096mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrotoluene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.108<0.108mg/Kg2,6-Dinitrotoluene 10/16/22 15:150.3300.143<0.143mg/KgDi-n-Octyl Phthalate 10/16/22 15:150.6600.123<0.123mg/KgFluoranthene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.128<0.128mg/KgFluorene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.106<0.106mg/KgHexachlorobenzene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.097<0.097mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.157<0.157mg/KgHexachlorocyclopentadiene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.079<0.079mg/KgHexachloroethane 10/16/22 15:150.6600.179<0.179mg/KgIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.191<0.191mg/KgIsophorone 10/16/22 15:150.6600.106<0.106mg/Kg1-Methylnaphthalene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.100<0.100mg/Kg2-Methylnaphthalene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.097<0.097mg/Kg2-Methylphenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.084<0.084mg/Kg3&4 Methylphenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.144<0.144mg/KgNaphthalene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.096<0.096mg/Kg2-Nitroaniline 10/16/22 15:150.6600.120<0.120mg/Kg3-Nitroaniline Page 11 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 50 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V25161QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V24969 Associated Lab Samples: 89885, 89886, 89887, 89888 LRB-V24969 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/16/22 15:150.3300.093<0.093mg/Kg4-Nitroaniline 10/16/22 15:150.3300.116<0.116mg/KgNitrobenzene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.088<0.088mg/Kg2-Nitrophenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.117<0.117mg/Kg4-Nitrophenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.263<0.263mg/KgN-Nitrosodimethylamine 10/16/22 15:150.6600.181<0.181mg/KgN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 10/16/22 15:150.6600.118<0.118mg/KgN-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 10/16/22 15:151.000.347<0.347mg/KgPentachlorophenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.208<0.208mg/KgPhenanthrene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.112<0.112mg/KgPhenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.134<0.134mg/KgPyrene 10/16/22 15:150.3300.079<0.079mg/KgPyridine 10/16/22 15:150.6600.107<0.107mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 10/16/22 15:150.6600.096<0.096mg/Kg2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 10/16/22 15:150.6600.096<0.096mg/Kg2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 10/16/22 15:152-Fluorobiphenyl (S)89.2 44-115 10/16/22 15:152-Fluorophenol (S)90.0 35-115 10/16/22 15:15Nitrobenzene-d5 (S)83.8 37-122 10/16/22 15:154-Terphenyl-d14 (S)101 54-127 10/16/22 15:152,4,6-Tribromophenol (S)92.4 39-132 10/16/22 15:15Phenol-d5 (S)89.1 34-121 LCS-V24969Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 94.01.571.67mg/KgAcenaphthene 40-123 94.01.571.67mg/KgAcenaphthylene 32-132 Page 12 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 51 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V25161QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V24969 LCS-V24969Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 1762.941.67mg/KgAniline 12-197 83.81.401.67mg/KgAnthracene 47-123 88.61.481.67mg/KgBenzo(a)anthracene 49-126 1041.731.67mg/KgBenzo(a)pyrene 45-129 1051.761.67mg/KgBenzo(b)fluoranthene 45-132,h,i)perylene 43-134 47-132 55.20.9231.67mg/KgBenzoic Acid 10-83 98.21.641.67mg/KgBenzyl alcohol 29-122 85.61.431.67mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36-121 83.21.391.67mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 31-120 91.61.531.67mg/KgBis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 33-131 1111.851.67mg/KgBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 51-133 97.61.631.67mg/Kg4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 46-124 1091.821.67mg/KgButyl benzyl phthalate 48-132 86.81.451.67mg/Kg4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 45-122 17-106 92.21.541.67mg/Kg2-Chloronaphthalene 41-114 94.01.571.67mg/Kg2-Chlorophenol 34-121 95.21.591.67mg/Kg4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 45-121 50-124 85.01.421.67mg/KgDibenz(a,h)anthracene 45-134 92.81.551.67mg/KgDibenzofuran 44-120 87.41.461.67mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 33-117 83.81.401.67mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 30-115 82.61.381.67mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 31-115,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 22-121 Page 13 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 52 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V25161QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V24969 LCS-V24969Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 85.01.421.67mg/Kg2,4-Dichlorophenol 40-122 1011.681.67mg/KgDiethyl phthalate 50-124 97.61.631.67mg/KgDimethyl phthalate 48-124 88.01.471.67mg/Kg2,4-Dimethylphenol 30-127 1131.881.67mg/KgDi-n-butyl phthalate 51-128 91.61.531.67mg/Kg4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 29-132 95.21.591.67mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrophenol 27-129 1041.731.67mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrotoluene 48-126 1061.771.67mg/Kg2,6-Dinitrotoluene 46-124 1081.801.67mg/KgDi-n-Octyl Phthalate 45-140 99.41.661.67mg/KgFluoranthene 50-127 95.21.591.67mg/KgFluorene 43-125 45-122 80.21.341.67mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 32-123 32-117 80.21.341.67mg/KgHexachloroethane 28-117 91.61.531.67mg/KgIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 45-133 30-122 80.21.341.67mg/Kg1-Methylnaphthalene 40-119 77.81.301.67mg/Kg2-Methylnaphthalene 38-122 91.01.521.67mg/Kg2-Methylphenol 32-122 85.01.421.67mg/Kg3&4 Methylphenol 34-119 79.61.331.67mg/KgNaphthalene 35-123 96.41.611.67mg/Kg2-Nitroaniline 44-127 91.61.531.67mg/Kg3-Nitroaniline 33-119 1011.691.67mg/Kg4-Nitroaniline 63-147 82.01.371.67mg/KgNitrobenzene 34-122 Page 14 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 53 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V25161QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V24969 LCS-V24969Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 79.01.321.67mg/Kg2-Nitrophenol 36-123 1011.691.67mg/Kg4-Nitrophenol 30-132 77.81.301.67mg/KgN-Nitrosodimethylamine 10-146 1161.931.67mg/KgN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 38-127 89.81.501.67mg/KgN-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 36-120 1121.871.67mg/KgPentachlorophenol 25-133 97.61.631.67mg/KgPhenanthrene 50-121 92.81.551.67mg/KgPhenol 34-121 1031.721.67mg/KgPyrene 47-127 57.30.9581.67mg/KgPyridine 10-80 77.81.301.67mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 34-118 92.81.551.67mg/Kg2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 41-124 94.61.581.67mg/Kg2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 39-126 95.22-Fluorobiphenyl (S)44-115 94.82-Fluorophenol (S)35-115 80.2Nitrobenzene-d5 (S)37-122 1044-Terphenyl-d14 (S)54-127 1002,4,6-Tribromophenol (S)39-132 92.1Phenol-d5 (S)34-121 V 89827-MS-V24969 V 89827-MSD-V24969Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 1.63 97.61.551.661.67<0.116mg/KgAcenaphthene 93.3 40-123 5.0 20 1.66 99.41.581.661.67<0.105mg/KgAcenaphthylene 95.1 32-132 4.9 20 2.97 1782.501.661.67<0.152mg/KgAniline 151 12-197 17.1 20 Page 15 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 54 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V25161QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V24969 V 89827-MS-V24969 V 89827-MSD-V24969Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 1.69 1011.651.661.67<0.143mg/KgAnthracene 99.3 47-123 2.3 20 1.65 98.81.611.661.67<0.139mg/KgBenzo(a)anthracene 96.9 49-126 2.4 20 2.04 1221.901.661.67<0.147mg/KgBenzo(a)pyrene 114 45-129 7.1 20 1.85 1111.691.661.67<0.146mg/KgBenzo(b)fluoranthene 102 45-132 9.0 20 1.86 1111.701.661.67<0.136mg/KgBenzo(g,h,i)perylene 102 43-134 8.9 20 1.71 1021.601.661.67<0.137mg/KgBenzo(k)fluoranthene 96.3 47-132 6.6 20 2.34 140*2.081.661.67<0.580mg/KgBenzoic Acid 125*10-83 11.7 20 1.73 1041.541.661.67<0.105mg/KgBenzyl alcohol 92.7 29-122 11.6 20 1.36 81.41.351.661.67<0.118mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 81.3 36-121 0.7 20 1.28 76.61.331.661.67<0.107mg/KgBis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 80.1 31-120 3.8 20 1.51 90.41.401.661.67<0.136mg/KgBis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 84.3 33-131 7.5 20 2.10 1262.021.661.67<0.120mg/KgBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 122 51-133 3.8 20 1.71 1021.621.661.67<0.109mg/Kg4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 97.5 46-124 5.4 20 1.91 1141.871.661.67<0.113mg/KgButyl benzyl phthalate 113 48-132 2.1 20 1.48 88.61.371.661.67<0.092mg/Kg4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 82.5 45-122 7.7 20 1.30<0.112mg/Kg4-Chloroaniline 75.3 17-106 3.9 20 1.65 98.81.551.661.67<0.116mg/Kg2-Chloronaphthalene 93.3 41-114 6.2 20 1.30<0.098mg/Kg2-Chlorophenol 77.7 34-121 0.7 20 1.62 97.01.561.661.67<0.126mg/Kg4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 93.9 45-121 3.7 20 1.71 1021.671.661.67<0.142mg/KgChrysene 101 50-124 2.3 20 1.45 86.81.351.661.67<0.230mg/KgDibenz(a,h)anthracene 81.3 45-134 7.1 20 1.62 97.01.581.661.67<0.119mg/KgDibenzofuran 95.1 44-120 2.5 20 1.42<0.094mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 69.8 33-117 20.1*20 1.40<0.097mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 76.5 30-115 9.7 20 1.35<0.097mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 72.2 31-115 11.7 20 1.27<0.147mg/Kg3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 72.8 22-121 4.8 20 Page 16 of 20* QC Fail Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 55 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V25161QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V24969 V 89827-MS-V24969 V 89827-MSD-V24969Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 1.14<0.095mg/Kg2,4-Dichlorophenol 71.0 40-122 3.4 20 1.72 1031.681.661.67<0.180mg/KgDiethyl phthalate 101 50-124 2.3 20 1.67 1001.591.661.67<0.174mg/KgDimethyl phthalate 95.7 48-124 4.9 30 1.52 91.01.401.661.67<0.108mg/Kg2,4-Dimethylphenol 84.3 30-127 8.2 20 1.93 1161.851.661.67<0.107mg/KgDi-n-butyl phthalate 111 51-128 4.2 20 1.19 71.20.9841.661.67<0.240mg/Kg4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 59.2 29-132 18.9 20 0.993 59.40.7811.661.67<0.520mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrophenol 47.0 27-129 23.9*20 1.73 1041.741.661.67<0.096mg/Kg2,4-Dinitrotoluene 105 48-126 0.5 20 1.80 1081.771.661.67<0.108mg/Kg2,6-Dinitrotoluene 107 46-124 1.6 20 2.05 1231.911.661.67<0.143mg/KgDi-n-Octyl Phthalate 115 45-140 7.0 20 1.72 1031.621.661.67<0.123mg/KgFluoranthene 97.5 50-127 5.9 20 1.67 1001.611.661.67<0.128mg/KgFluorene 96.9 43-125 3.6 20 1.68 1011.621.661.67<0.106mg/KgHexachlorobenzene 97.5 45-122 3.6 20 1.33<0.097mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 76.5 32-123 4.6 20 <0.157 0.0*<0.1571.661.67<0.157mg/KgHexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.0*32-117 0.0 20 1.18 70.60.9701.661.67<0.079mg/KgHexachloroethane 58.4 28-117 19.5 20 1.80 1081.701.661.67<0.179mg/KgIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 102 45-133 5.7 20 1.36<0.191mg/KgIsophorone 75.3 30-122 8.4 20 1.39<0.106mg/Kg1-Methylnaphthalene 77.7 40-119 7.4 20 1.33<0.100mg/Kg2-Methylnaphthalene 75.3 38-122 6.2 20 1.55 92.81.431.661.67<0.097mg/Kg2-Methylphenol 86.1 32-122 8.0 20 1.40<0.084mg/Kg3&4 Methylphenol 75.3 34-119 11.3 20 1.35<0.144mg/KgNaphthalene 71.0 35-123 13.4 20 1.74 1041.651.661.67<0.096mg/Kg2-Nitroaniline 99.3 44-127 5.3 20 1.65 98.81.651.661.67<0.120mg/Kg3-Nitroaniline 99.3 33-119 0.0 20 1.73 1041.701.661.67<0.093mg/Kg4-Nitroaniline 102 63-147 1.7 20 Page 17 of 20* QC Fail Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 56 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Semivolatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8270E V25161QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 3546 QC Prep:V24969 V 89827-MS-V24969 V 89827-MSD-V24969Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec RPD 1.38<0.116mg/KgNitrobenzene 74.6 34-122 10.6 20 0.972 58.20.7911.661.67<0.088mg/Kg2-Nitrophenol 47.6 32-123 20.5*20 0.976 58.40.7691.661.67<0.117mg/Kg4-Nitrophenol 46.3 30-132 23.7*20 1.24<0.263mg/KgN-Nitrosodimethylamine 66.8 10-146 11.0 30 2.13 128*1.961.661.67<0.181mg/KgN-Nitrosodiphenylamine 118 38-127 8.3 20 1.54 92.21.401.661.67<0.118mg/KgN-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 84.3 36-120 9.5 20 1.44 86.21.441.661.67<0.347mg/KgPentachlorophenol 86.7 25-133 0.0 20 1.71 1021.611.661.67<0.208mg/KgPhenanthrene 96.9 50-121 6.0 20 1.56 93.41.461.661.67<0.112mg/KgPhenol 87.9 34-121 6.6 20 1.68 1011.711.661.67<0.134mg/KgPyrene 103 47-127 1.7 20 0.899 53.80.7941.661.67<0.079mg/KgPyridine 47.8 10-80 12.4 20 1.31<0.107mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 74.6 34-118 5.4 20 1.40 83.81.381.661.67<0.096mg/Kg2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 83.1 41-124 1.4 20 1.32<0.096mg/Kg2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 75.3 39-126 5.4 20 98.22-Fluorobiphenyl (S)93.3 44-115 79.52-Fluorophenol (S)70.5 35-115 80.2Nitrobenzene-d5 (S)68.6 37-122 1024-Terphenyl-d14 (S)100 54-127 82.52,4,6-Tribromophenol (S)76.5 39-132 90.6Phenol-d5 (S)81.6 34-121 Page 18 of 20* QC Fail Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 57 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Hexavalent Chromium by Ion Chromatography SW-7199 L642479QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: SW-3060A QC Prep:L641944 Associated Lab Samples: 89885, 89886, 89887, 89888 LRB-L641944 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits 10/11/22 14:340.2000.141<0.141mg/KgChromium, Hexavalent LCS-L641944Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 1124.494.00mg/KgChromium, Hexavalent 80-120 V 89885-DUP-L641944Duplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20 10/11/22 15:076.90.4470.417mg/KgChromium, Hexavalent V 89885-MS-L641944 V 89885-MSD-L641944Matrix Spike & Matrix Spike Duplicate MS Result Parameter Max RPD MS %Rec MSD Result MSD Spike Conc. MS Spike Conc.ResultUnits %Rec Limits MSD %Rec 42.5 10954765538.7<0.681mg/KgChromium, Hexavalent 83.5 75-125 Page 19 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 58 of 61 Quality Control Data 22-277-0037Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 Dry Weight Determination SW-DRYWT V24815QC Analytical Batch: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: V 89830-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 10/07/22 09:534.122.321.4%Moisture Page 20 of 20Date:10/24/2022 02:48 PM Page 59 of 61 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:22-277-0037 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 01102 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:IRT-15 21.5C Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)? Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs ü Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d)ü High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Angelo Norvell Date & Time:10/04/2022 18:16:33 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 60 of 61 Page 61 of 61 Appendix C DEQ Approval Letter Appendix D Reeves LCID Export Tickets