HomeMy WebLinkAbout26015_Sawmill Hollow Woody Debris and Soil Characterization WP_20230425Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 161 South Lexington Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 PH 828.374.8001 www.geosyntec.com April 25, 2023 Attention: Bill Schmithorst Division of Waste Management – Brownfields Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 217 W Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 William.schmithorst@ncdenr.gov Subject: Woody Debris and Soil Characterization Work Plan Site: Sawmill Hollow Property Sawmill Hollow Road, Burnsville, North Carolina 28714 BRS Project # 26015-22-100 Dear Mr. Schmithorst: On behalf of Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated (Prospective Developer), Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) is pleased to submit the enclosed Woody Debris and Soil Characterization Work Plan for the above-referenced property located in Burnsville, North Carolina (herein referred to as the “Site” or “Subject Property”) for your review and approval. Should you have questions regarding this submittal or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Burcham at (919) 424-1850 or mburcham@geosyntec.com. Sincerely, Mike Burcham, P.E. (NC, TX) Todd N. Creamer, P.G. (NC, CA, PA, WY) Senior Engineer Senior Principal cc. Ned Fowler, Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated Prepared for Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated P.O. Box 1673 Boone, North Carolina 28607 WOODY DEBRIS AND SOIL CHARACTERIZATION WORK PLAN SAWMILL HOLLOW PROPERTY SAWMILL HOLLOW ROAD BURNSVILLE, NC Brownfields Project Number: 26015-22-100 Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. 161 South Lexington Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Project Number GN9110 April 2023 Revision 0 CERTIFICATION PAGE WOODY DEBRIS AND SOIL CHARACTERIZATION WORK PLAN SAWMILL HOLLOW SAWMILL HOLLOW ROAD,BURNSVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO.26015-22-100 Prepared by: Michael S.Burcham,PE (NC,TX) Senior Engineer Reviewed by: Todd N.Creamer,P.G.(NC,CA,PA,WY) Senior Principal PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST SIGNATURE I,Michael S.Burcham,a Licensed Professional Engincer forGeosyntecConsultants of NC.P.C.. do certify that the information in this report is correct and accurate to the best of nny knowlcdge. Geosyntec Consultants of NC,P.C.is licensed to practice engineering in North Carolina. The certification number (Firm's License Number)is C-3500. Geosyntec Consultants of NC,P.C,is licensed to practice geology in North Carolina. The certification number (Firm's License Number)is C-295,H Ca SEAL 050312 NEER.BURCHAAELs. Michael S.Burcham Senior Engineer North Carolina P.E.License No.0503 12 Expiration Date:December 3 1,2023 Geosyntec Consultants of NC,P.C. 2501 Blue Ridge Road Suite 430 Raleigh,NC 27607 Teiephone:(919)870-0576 GN9110/CAR230081 i April 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Site Description and History ..........................................................................................1 1.2 Site Redevelopment Plans..............................................................................................2 1.3 Work Plan Objectives ....................................................................................................2 2. SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................. 2 3. SAMPLING METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................ 3 3.1 Health and Safety Planning and Utility Clearing ...........................................................3 3.2 Material Composition Evaluation ..................................................................................4 3.3 Boring Advancement and Sampling ..............................................................................5 3.4 Decontamination ............................................................................................................6 3.5 Boring Locating .............................................................................................................6 3.6 Boring Abandonment .....................................................................................................6 4. LABORATORY ANALYSIS AND REPORTING ............................................................... 6 4.1 Laboratory Analysis .......................................................................................................6 4.2 Laboratory Certifications ...............................................................................................6 4.3 Laboratory Reporting Limits .........................................................................................7 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL ....................................................... 7 5.1 Field and Laboratory Procedure QA/QC .......................................................................7 5.2 Chain of Custody QA/QC ..............................................................................................7 6. INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE (IDW) MANAGEMENT ........................................ 8 7. REPORTING ........................................................................................................................... 8 8. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 9 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Sampling and Analysis Plan LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Test Pitting Results LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Test Pitting Photographic Log GN9110/CAR230081 1 April 2023 1. INTRODUCTION Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. (Geosyntec) on behalf of Northwestern Housing Enterprises, Incorporated (“NHE”) is submitting this Woody Debris and Soil Characterization Work Plan (Work Plan) to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Brownfields Redevelopment Section (BRS) for the Sawmill Hollow Brownfields Property (“Site”). The Site is the 3.86-acre parcel at the intersection of Sawmill Hollow Road and US Highway 19E in Burnsville, North Carolina identified under Yancey County Parcel Number 083003244675000 (referred to herein as the “Site”) shown on Figure 1. A Letter of Eligibility (LOE) was received for the property on November 10, 2022, indicating that the Site was eligible for entry into the BRS and for the eventual finalization of a Brownfields Agreement (BFA). At the time of the submittal of this Work Plan a BFA has not been finalized. This Work Plan presents a scope of work to characterize woody debris and soil present on Site so that the materials can be managed in accordance with a forthcoming Environmental Management Plan (EMP), including export of the material off Site. 1.1 Site Description and History A detailed Site history is included in the Supplemental Assessment Report (Geosyntec, 2022), which includes descriptions of the historical on-Site operations (sawmilling and woody waste processing). The Site is currently vacant. The Supplemental Assessment Report (Geosyntec, 2022) also includes results from the supplemental soil and soil gas assessment completed in September 2022. Results of the assessment indicated that • unacceptable risk calculated from historical groundwater data can be managed with institutional controls; • no unacceptable risk is posed to residents, non-residential workers, nor construction workers by Site soils; • no unacceptable risk is posed to residents and non-residential workers by the groundwater to indoor air vapor intrusion (VI) pathway; • no unacceptable risk is posed to residents and non-residential workers by the soil gas to indoor air VI pathway; • buried woody debris was present in the central portion of the Site; and • methane was detected in soil gas monitored at select soil gas probes (methane monitoring results are summarized are Figure 2). GN9110/CAR230081 2 April 2023 Following submittal of the Supplemental Assessment Report (Geosyntec, 2022), Geosyntec discussed the results and the Site’s path forward with the BRS. Following the discussions, the BRS requested that preliminary investigations be completed with respect to the extent and nature of woody debris observed on Site during the supplemental assessment. Geosyntec conducted test pitting on Site on March 7, 2023, and the test pitting was documented in a photographic log provided in Appendix A. Geosyntec identified the approximate boundaries of a woody debris pile (appearing to be comprised of mulched wood; Photograph 19 of Appendix A) and a buried woody debris mound (appearing to be comprised of mulched wood and Site soils; Photographs 7 and 12 of Appendix A) as shown in Figure 2. The areas with stockpiled and buried woody debris generally correspond to areas where Geosyntec measured methane in soil gas greater than 1.25 percent by volume. This has prompted NHE’s plan to remove the woody debris from the Site prior to redevelopment. 1.2 Site Redevelopment Plans NHE intends to redevelop the Site under the BRS into a rental community including 27 affordable small rental homes, a community building with amenities, and a playground. Each home will be approximately 450 to 650 square feet and will be part of a single rental entity; homes will not be sold individually. The redevelopment is funded in part by Dogwood Health Trust to supply affordable housing options for those currently housed in pre-1975 mobile homes. 1.3 Work Plan Objectives The objective of this Work Plan is to outline the means and methods for sampling and characterizing material (i.e., woody debris, soil, or some combination of the two) located at the Site to support material export. This Work Plan is intended to support the redevelopment process and will be referenced in the forthcoming EMP. This Work Plan is being submitted before the EMP to expedite the sampling and characterization of known on-Site piles/mounds of material containing woody debris, but may be used to guide future soil and/or woody debris export as needed in connection with implementation of the EMP. This Work Plan was prepared in general accordance with the Minimum Requirements Checklist for Site Assessment Work Plans and Reports (NCDEQ, 2022a) 2. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work includes characterizing woody debris and soil for potential export from the Site. The presence of piles of woody debris and soils have been well documented at the Site, but the volume of these piles have not been calculated. Given this, and that this Work Plan is planned to be referenced throughout the redevelopment process as needed, this Work Plan provides a generic approach to material characterization that can be tailored to the specific material that will be GN9110/CAR230081 3 April 2023 exported. Furthermore, as described in Section 1.3, the forthcoming EMP will reference this Work Plan when addressing material export. When woody debris or soil is identified for export, the location and volume of the material will be documented and communicated to the BRS. The portion of the material that will be sampled for export will be delineated and marked with stakes, marking flags, or equivalent materials. The delineated area will be documented in the field. The material sampling frequency and export options will be based on material composition, which will be evaluated prior to and during sampling (Section 3.2). Material composition will be used to initially identify the frequency of sampling as follows: • One sample will be collected per every 500 cubic yards (CY) for materials identified as woody debris that does not contain soil. • One sample will be collected per every 1,000 CY for materials identified as woody debris that contain soil. • One sample will be collected per every 1,000 CY for materials identified as soil. The sampling frequency may need to be adjusted based on the land use (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial) for the proposed export Site. BRS approval of the sampling frequency will be obtained prior to the start of work. Soil or woody debris samples will be collected using either a hand auger or an excavation bucket (Section 3.3). Visual inspections of material will be performed during boring advancement and sample collection to evaluate composition. Soil and woody debris samples will be collected as shown in Table 1 and as described in Section 3.3. A description of field methods and sampling techniques is presented in the following sections, as well as laboratory analyses, associated quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) measures, investigation-derived waste (IDW) management procedures, and associated reporting. 3. SAMPLING METHODOLOGY 3.1 Health and Safety Planning and Utility Clearing Prior to the start of work, Geosyntec will prepare a Site-specific Health and Safety Task Hazard Analysis in general accordance with the Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules (29 CFR 1910.120). A private utility location service will be used prior to the start of work for the excavation of materials not currently stockpiled. GN9110/CAR230081 4 April 2023 3.2 Material Composition Evaluation As described in Section 2, sampling frequency for export material will be based on material composition. To evaluate whether soil is present in woody debris being characterized for export, Geosyntec will use professional judgement and observations/information from: (i) previously completed investigations; (ii) future Site redevelopment activities; and/or (iii) boring advancement (Section 3.3). For the purpose of this Work Plan, woody debris will be defined and characterized as organic material/particles which contain wood debris in the consistency of dust, chips, shards, and mulch (Photograph 19 of Appendix A). For the purpose of this Work Plan, soil will be defined as inorganic particles from the mechanical and/or chemical weathering of rock. Geosyntec will use professional judgement and the following criteria to decide whether the material being evaluated is woody debris or is a mixture of woody debris and soil: • Material Setting: If evaluating materials at grade, the characteristics of the material setting will be evaluated. Does the material appear to have been disturbed and/or placed at its current location? Or does the material appear to have more natural features (e.g., heavily vegetated)? o If material containing woody debris is identified below soils and was used as subsurface fill on Site, it will be considered woody debris that contains soil for the purpose of characterization and export. • Material Composition: Based on visual observation, is a non-de minimis amount of soil mixed into the woody debris or does the material appear to wholly consist of processed and decomposing plant material that is free of soil? o For reference, during supplemental assessment and test pitting Site soils have been identified to have the characteristics listed below.  Color: Site soils are typically a dark brown (topsoil) and reddish brown to yellowish red (subsoil, Photograph 10 of Appendix A).  Grain size: Site soils range from silty sand (topsoil) to sandy clay, silty clay, and sandy silt (subsoil).  Additional observations: Site soils have been observed to have rocks ranging from 2 to 6 inches (Photograph 23 of Appendix A) as well as fragments of quartz ranging from 0.25 to 2 inches. o There is a possibility that these characteristics are not representative of all soil present on Site. Therefore, professional judgement will be used when visually evaluating the export material to decide whether a non-de minimis amount of non-Site soil is present as well. GN9110/CAR230081 5 April 2023 Prior to advancing borings for export characterization, Geosyntec will communicate to the BRS the material composition and the proposed sampling frequency for the material. During boring advancement, sampling frequency will be adjusted if the material composition deviates from what was previously observed. The absence or presence of soil during boring advancement will be documented and provided to the BRS with the laboratory analytical results (Section 7). 3.3 Boring Advancement and Sampling Once material composition has been evaluated and a sampling frequency selected, Geosyntec will partition the export material on Site into multiple characterization areas, with each characterization area being no larger than the minimum volume for characterization (500 or 1,000 CY). The material volume will be estimated using the geometry of the sampling area and the methods outlined in the North Carolina Underground Tank Section’s Guidelines for Sampling (NCDEQ, 2022b), as applicable. Geosyntec will then advance borings to collect and analyze material samples for the analyses indicated in Table 1. Geosyntec will use hand augers when feasible to collect borings. However, conditions may not allow the use of hand augers at each boring location; therefore, an excavator bucket may be used. Should the excavator bucket be used, either a hand auger or stainless steel hand spade will be used to collect material from the bucket for screening/sampling. It is not anticipated that a drill rig will be used to collect samples for material export characterization. Geosyntec will complete three borings within each characterization area. Material will be screened at least once every 1 foot using a Photoionization Detector (PID) for evidence of total volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and to identify sampling locations using the method described below. Material will also be classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Field screening results will be included in boring logs that will be included in the relevant report documentation (Section 7). One discrete grab sample will be collected for VOC analysis from the boring within each characterization area with the highest field screening results using laboratory supplied grab sample equipment (i.e., Terra Core® or equivalent). The discrete grab sample will be collected directly from the sampling device (e.g., open-faced hand auger, excavator bucket) upon identification of an elevated PID reading (this may result in the collection of multiple grab samples, but only the sample with the highest PID reading will be analyzed). The discrete grab sample will not be collected from composited material. Also, if woody debris is being sampled, larger pieces of woody debris will not be included in the sample, per the laboratory’s requirement. GN9110/CAR230081 6 April 2023 Remaining material from the three borings collected within each characterization area will be homogenized in a decontaminated stainless-steel bowl (or equivalent) and placed into laboratory-supplied bottle wares. Bottle wares will be labeled with a sample ID as described in Table 1; sample date and time will also be documented on the bottle wares. The bottle wares will be placed on ice and submitted to a certified laboratory (Section 4.2) for analysis following chain-of-custody procedures (Section 5.2). 3.4 Decontamination Disposable equipment will be used as practical. However, as needed, equipment will be decontaminated using an initial water rinse followed by cleaning with Alconox® (or equivalent) and final rinse of distilled water. 3.5 Boring Locating The approximate volume and dimensions of material being characterized for export will be documented, and a sketch or figure of the approximate locations of the characterization areas and borings will be generated and provided to the BRS with the analytical data (Section 7). 3.6 Boring Abandonment For samples collected from stockpiled material, boring abandonment will not be required. For samples collected from Site features such as the woody debris pile, borings will be abandoned by placing material back into the boreholes. 4. LABORATORY ANALYSIS AND REPORTING 4.1 Laboratory Analysis Collected samples will be placed in laboratory-provided sample containers with sufficient volume and submitted to a North Carolina-certified environmental laboratory under chain-of-custody procedures (Section 5.2) for the analyses described in Table 1. 4.2 Laboratory Certifications Samples will be submitted to a North Carolina National Environmental Laboratory Program (NELAP)-certified laboratory, accredited in the State of North Carolina by the NCDEQ Division of Water Quality and the North Carolina Department of Health. GN9110/CAR230081 7 April 2023 4.3 Laboratory Reporting Limits Laboratory reporting limits (RLs) and method detection limits (MDLs) used for methods indicated in Table 1 will, to the extent feasible, meet respective NCDEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM), IHSB protection of groundwater or residential PSRG, whichever is lowest (NCDEQ, 2023b). Concentrations detected between the RL and MDL will be reported as estimated values and flagged in the laboratory analytical report with a “J” qualified. Level II Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Control (QC) will be reported by the laboratory in the analytical report deliverable. 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL 5.1 Field and Laboratory Procedure QA/QC As indicated in Table 1, at least one blind duplicate sample will be collected per 20 samples collected and submitted for laboratory analysis, per method. QA/QC will also include one trip blank for VOC analysis by USEPA Method 8260 per cooler containing VOC samples. Confirmation of sample temperature will also be measured at the laboratory via infrared thermometer for each cooler containing samples. The lab will be provided sufficient sample volume for Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD) analysis. 5.2 Chain of Custody QA/QC Geosyntec will initiate chain of custodies for samples in the field documenting sample collection information including but not limited to • the sample collector’s name; • project information and location; • Geosyntec project manager contact information; • sample ID; • date and time of sample collection; • type of analysis; and • type and number of containers and associated preservative, if applicable. Samples will remain in the custody of Geosyntec until they are ready for shipment. Geosyntec will relinquish the samples and chain of custodies (noting date and time of relinquishment) to the GN9110/CAR230081 8 April 2023 laboratory courier (or use a custody seal during sample shipment) who will sign the chain of custody as receiver (noting date and time again). Geosyntec will retain a copy of the chain of custodies signed by the courier. If a standard shipping service (e.g., FedEx) is used to transport samples instead of a courier, the shipping service will not sign the chains of custody as receiver. Samples and the chain of custodies will be sealed in an appropriate shipping container/box and sent to the address of the selected laboratory. A representative from the selected laboratory’s sample receiving will sign respective chains of custody verifying receipt of the samples by each respective laboratory location. A copy of fully executed chains of custody will be provided in the final laboratory analytical report deliverable. 6. INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE (IDW) MANAGEMENT The volume of IDW generated during any export material sampling event is anticipated to be small and is related to the collection of samples from a Site that has been partially characterized; therefore, IDW will not be drummed/containerized for off-Site disposal unless field screening and observations indicate a potential for impacts. Solid IDW will be placed back into the open boreholes. Liquid IDW generated will be poured onto the surface where the samples were collected. 7. REPORTING Upon receipt of laboratory results, Geosyntec will communicate the results to the BRS. Geosyntec will provide an e-mail summarizing: (i) the scope of work executed; (ii) sample laboratory analytical results; (iii) conclusions regarding material use; and (iv) if selected by the time of submittal, the proposed export location. Attached to the email will be tabulated sample results that are compared to PSRGs and figures/sketches depicting the location of actual sample locations. If detected compounds are greater than PSRGs, analytical results will also be evaluated using the most up-to-date version of the NCDEQ Risk Calculator (NCDEQ, 2023a), and the NCDEQ Risk Calculator results will be provided. Geosyntec will also provide laboratory analytical reports. BRS approval shall be obtained prior to exporting the sampled material. These activities and results will be formally documented on an annual basis in the annual Redevelopment Summary Report. The Redevelopment Summary Report will include Geosyntec’s Corporate Professional Engineer (PE)/Professional Geology (PG) License Numbers and will be sealed and signed by the licensed PE or PG who oversaw the work. GN9110/CAR230081 9 April 2023 8. REFERENCES Geosyntec, 2022. Supplemental Assessment Report. December 2022 NCDEQ, 2022a. Minimum Requirements Checklist of Site Assessment Work Plans and Reports. February 2022 NCDEQ, 2022b. Guidelines for Sampling. March 2022 NCDEQ, 2023a. DEQ Risk Calculator. January 2023 NCDEQ, 2023b. Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals Table. January 2023 TABLE Grab VOCs RCRA 8 Metals Cr(VI)SVOCs Soil Sampling Total Samples per Characterization Area Excluding QA/QC 3 1 1 1 1 WD-XX-01 WD-XX-02 WD-XX-03 SB-XX-01 SB-XX-02 SB-XX-03 Notes: 2. Maximum depth is to be determined at the time of sampling based on the size and orientation of the material being sampled. Acronyms: BLS: below land surface Cr(VI): chromium VI analyzed by EPA Method 7199 CY: cubic yards RCRA 8 metals: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act metals analyzed by EPA Method 6010 and 7471 EPA: Environmental Protection Agency SVOCs: semi-volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA Method 8270 ft: feet VOCs: volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA Method 8260 4. Sample ID will include the soil boring ID (grab sample) or characterization area ID (composite sample) along with the date in YYYYMMDD format. 1. Soil boring ID will be identified by material composition ("WD" for woody debris or "SB" for Site soils and soils with woody debris) followed by the characterization area ID identified here as "XX" and a unique borehole number. Table 1 Sampling and Analysis Plan Sawmill Village - Burnsville, North Carolina Metals and SVOCs: Composite of samples collected in each characterization area (1 duplicate) VOCs: Highest PID Reading for each characterization area analyzed (1 duplicate, 1 trip blank) Woody Debris Sample Material Soil Boring ID1 Sample Frequency Sample Objective Maximum Boring Depth (ft BLS)2 Sample Method Collection and Analytical Method Composite 3. One quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) blind duplicate soil sample will be collected per 20 samples collected per method. A trip blank will be included in each cooler containing soil VOC samples. Three borings in one characterization area. Each characterization area is equal to 500 CY 1 Woody Debris with Soil or Soil 1 11 1 To Be Determined To Be DeterminedThree borings in one characterization area. Each characterization area is equal to 1,000 CY 1 per 500 CY 1 per 1,000 CY 1 11 1 of 1 FIGURES R:\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\Supplemental Report\Figure 1 Site Location Map.mxd 4/11/2023 3:45:37 PM NC 0 1,000 Feet ³Sawmill Hollow Road Burnsville, North Carolina Site Location Map Figure 1 Asheville, NC April 2023 Legend Notes: 1. Base map from USGS National Topogrpahpic Map, 7.5' Burnsville, NC. 2. Parcel Boundary Data from Yancey County GIS. Site Location Site Location > > > > !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( "") "") "") "") "") "") ") ") "") "")Sawmill Hollow RoadUS Highway 19E F air H aven D riv eSegment 4 Segment 5 Segment 3 Segment 2 Segment 1 TP-07 TP-12 TP-10 TP-03 TP-09 TP-11 TP-06 TP-08 TP-05 TP-01 SB-06 SB-07 SB-05 SB-04 SB-03 SB-02 SB-01 SB-08 SB-09 SB-10 SG-04 SG-05 SG-03 SG-02 SG-01 SG-08 SG-06 SG-07 SG-09 SG-10 VP-3 VP-4 VP-2 VP-5 R:\N\Northwestern Housing Enterprises\Sawmill Village\7.0 GIS\MXDs\Supplemental Report\Figure 2 Test Pitting Results.mxd 4/11/2023 3:37:42 PM Sawmill Hollow Road Burnsville, North Carolina Test Pitting Results 0 50 Feet ³Figure 2 Asheville, NC April 2023 Legend Site Boundary Former Building Proposed Community Center Proposed Housing Unit Proposed Road Sampling Segments Perimeter of Observed Mulch Pile Approximate Extent of Buried Woody Debris "")Test Pit with Woody Debris ")Test Pit without Woody Debris !(Soil Boring Location !(Soil Gas Sample Location >Historical Soil Vapor ProbeNotes: 1. Parcel boundary from Yancey County GIS. 2. Methane screening results and initial pressure measurements collected using GEM 5000 ladfill gas meter. 3. Initial pressure measurements collected using a Dwyer Series 475-3-FM manometer prior to purging. Methane screening results collected using a GEM 5000 landfill gas meter. 4. Static Pressure results are reported in inches of water ("H2O). 5. Basemap from Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community. Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-01 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-02 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-03 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-04 0.0 1.3 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-05 0.0 5.1 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-06 0.0 1.2 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-07 0.0 0.3 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-08 0.0 0.0 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-09 0.0 0.4 Sample Location Static Pressure ("H2O) Methane (% volume) SG-10 0.0 0.0 APPENDIX A Test Pitting Photographic Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville, NC A - 1 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 1 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:S Comments: Observing the Site from the north (Fair Haven Drive in the foreground). Northern side of piles of woody debris/topsoil material. Photograph 2 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: Photo taken in central portion of site. On right, western side of mulch stockpile. On left, pile of mix of wood debris/mulch and topsoil. A - 2 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 3 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: Southern side of mulch pile. Photograph 4 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: Photo taken on top of mulch pile. East side of mulch pile on the left. Central portion of the site. Based on TP-03, flat grade in central portion is native soil (reddish brown sandy clay). A - 3 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 5 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: Photo taken from pile of mix of topsoil and mulch. Stockpile in background appears to be tree branches and other large woody debris on grade. Photograph 6 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:NE Comments: Location TP-01 in northern portion of Site between SG-04 and SG-05. On the northern gentle slope of pile mixed with topsoil and wood debris/mulch. A - 4 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 7 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:NE Comments: Dark brown silty sand soil with organics (topsoil) mixed with mulch encountered in top 2 feet (ft) of TP-01. Photograph 8 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:NE Comments: Mulch encountered at 3-4 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) in TP-01. A - 5 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 9 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:SE Comments: TP-01 excavated to depth of 4-4.5 ft. Top 2 ft was dark brown silty sand soil with organics (topsoil) mixed with mulch. Mulch content increased at 3 ft. Mulch not encountered at 4.5 ft bgs. Water infiltrated when excavating 3 to 4 ft. Approximately 5 inches (in) of water ponded at bottom of test pit. Interpreted as infiltrated stormwater from recent rain event. Photograph 10 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: TP-03 excavated to depth of 1 ft. Observed native soil which consists of reddish brown sandy clay (low plasticity to non-plastic) with quartz fragments (0.5 to 2 in). A - 6 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 11 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: TP-03 is located in the central portion south and east of piles. Photograph 12 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:S Comments: TP-05 excavated to depth of 4-5 ft. Top 2 ft was dark reddish brown sandy silt with little wood debris/mulch (~10%). At 2 ft, wood debris/mulch content increases and by 4 ft it was mulch/wood debris (greater than 90%). Determined north/northwestern extent of mulch stockpile with a layer of soil on top. A - 7 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 13 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: Wood debris mulch encountered at 4-5 ft bgs in TP-05. Photograph 14 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: TP-06 excavated depth of 6 ft into northern slope of mulch pile. A - 8 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 15 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:W Comments: TP-06 excavated to depth of 6 ft on the northern slope of mulch stockpile delineated on figure. Mulch/wood debris encountered to depth of 6 ft. Photograph 16 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: TP-07 excavated depth of 4 ft into eastern slope of mulch pile. A - 9 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 17 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: TP-07 consisted of mostly mulch/wood debris. Located on the eastern side of the mulch stockpile delineated on figure. Photograph 18 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: TP-08 excavated a depth of 3 ft into southern slope of mulch stockpile. Mostly mulch/wood debris encountered with no native soil observed. A - 10 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 19 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: Mulch/wood debris observed in TP-08. Photograph 20 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: TP-09 from 3-5 ft bgs observed mostly dark brown mulch/wood debris (greater than 90% mulch). A - 11 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 21 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: Top 1 ft of TP-09 was dark brown sandy silt with organics (topsoil). From 1-3 ft bgs, mix of topsoil and mulch (50%/50%). From 3-5 ft bgs, dark brown mulch/wood debris. Photograph 22 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: Location of TP-09 on southern slope of pile that is mixed with topsoil and mulch. A - 12 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 23 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:SW Comments: TP-10 excavated to 4 ft bgs. The top 2 ft was reddish brown silty-clayey sand (SM-SC) with well-rounded cobbles (4 to 6 in). Deeper soil (2-4 ft bgs) contained some organics (e.g. sticks, broken branches) and was darker in color. However, the organic material was different in consistency than what was observed in the woody debris/mulch and topsoil piles. Photograph 24 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: TP-10 located on eastern slope of topographic feature. A - 13 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 25 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:N Comments: TP-11 excavated to 5 ft bgs. From 0-2 ft bgs, dark brown sandy silt with organics and mulch (topsoil, with 30% mulch). From 2-3 ft bgs, mix of topsoil and mulch (60%/40%). From 3 to 5 ft bgs, dark brown mulch/wood debris. Photograph 26 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:NW Comments: Mulch/wood debris observed in TP-11 from 3 to 5 ft bgs. A - 14 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS Photographic Record Client:Northwestern Housing Enterprise Project Number:GN9110 Site Name:Sawmill Village Site Location:Burnsville , NC Photograph 27 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:E Comments: Dark brown sandy silt with organics (topsoil) in top 1 ft of TP-12. From 1 to 1.5 ft bgs, wood debris/mulch encountered (60%). Photograph 28 Date:06 March 2023 Direction:E Comments: TP-12 excavated to depth of 4 ft. Dark brown sandy silt with organics (topsoil) in top foot from 1 to 1.5 wood debris/mulch encountered (60%). Dark brown mulch/wood debris with minimal soil form 1.5 to bottom of test pit (4 ft). A - 15 Apr-23GN9110, Burnsville, NC, 28714, (Sawmill Village) - Photo Log