HomeMy WebLinkAbout26094_Martin Transfer_Recorded Plat_20240111B73 -P 278 Wr . tntn tn <2 tn tn tu ’P U1 CB V E 2.ALL CORNERSMONUMENTED4SSHOWN. ss-ss•ssSSMHGfcr—ss 10'TCr CBT 3 J 0, 4.BROKENLINES INDICATEPROPERTYLINESNOTSURVEYED. SG-1tn aSghjp*Ld SG-23 . CHRISTIAN CHURCH £ CONCRETEIt COMP-5 DECK LP* SIGN SZ&SG-22 SG—14 ®S) •j S-fc X -X-XX Y 35' 3 By: 35‘ 1 &S) 4 REVISIONS 404,0 TH) CREVi DRAWN:REVISED: MSFGLH I mess I I I I I I I I I t I I I I SOIL SAMPLELOCATION SUBSLAB VAPOR POINT &TEMPORARYMONITORING WELL LOCATION »GDP oGDP FILED FOR REGISTRATION FILED FOR REGISTRATION tntn AREA OFPOTENTIAL SOIL CONTAMINATION x • SS- so- J CONCRETE SIDEWALK UTILITY EASEMENT N D.B.28466.PG.536 D.B.28466,PG.531 1 STORY &2 STORY CONCRETE FPA:15,582 SQ.FT. THOMAS R.HUNTER CARROLL E.HUNTER D.B.07782.PG.545 PIN:081-065-07 o ~ MBX GRAVEL PARKING .AREA 5.THE OFF-SITE RIGHT-OF-WAYSHOWNHEREONISFORILLUSTRATIVEPURPOSES ONLY.THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES ONLYTO THERIGHT-OF-WAYSSURVEYED,AND DOESNOTCERTIFYTO THERIGHTOF WAY WIDTH OFANYADJACENTPROPERTIES. 6.BOUNDARYINFORMATION WAS OBTAINED FROMA SURVEY COMPLETED BYRB. PHARRANDASSOCIATESDATED NOVEMBER 14,2019;JOB NUMBER 90767. GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 o SSMH I I I I I I I I I o_ O' ID CB 1 CB co intn £•[ xH ?u x —sG^iaA N41°49'03“W 235.00' g IZQ \ \ IS o o ©in T» co $o § 2 ‘cn REVIEW OFFICER: 1/2*NIR -—-x- SHEET 1 OF 2 NOTE:NOT A VALID SURVEY WITHOUT BOTH SHEETS.SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OFNORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OFMECKLENBURG I,THE UNDERSIGNED SURVEYOR,CERTIFY THAT THISPUT WASDRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISIONFROMANACTUAL SURVEYMADE UNDERMYSUPERVISION(DEED REFERENCES:D.B.34189,PG.620);THAT THEBOUNDARIESNOTSURVEYEDARE CLEARLYINDICATEDASDRAWNFROMINFORMATIONAS REFERENCED ON THEFACE OFTHISPUT;THAT THERATIO OFPRECISIONAS CALCUUTEDEXCEEDS 1:10,000 L1NEARFEET;THAT THISPUT WASPREPAREDINACCORDANCE WITHG.S.47-30AS AMENDED.WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE,LICENSE NUMBER ANDSEAL THIS 28th DAY OFJUNE,A.D.,2023. BEARING S40*29*40**E S49'49'06**W N40‘59’05*>W~ N47'08'03"E DISTANCE 23.00* 15.65’ 22.26* 15.86* LINE L1 L2 L3 ~L4~ TEL,<704)76-2186 JOB ND. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE . WV> CB| I tn A ’CKLENBURG PUNNING COMMISSION L r-41I J? I z to di oo to m no to co to no zi m p JOHN DEGRO D.B.34189,PG.620 PIN:081-06C-99 UTILITY EASEMENT 1 • D.B.28449,PG.923 PP —I ='I =I I I CHRISTIAN CHURCH I (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST)IN | NORTH CAROLINA AND • MISSIONGATHERING I CHRISTIAN CHURCH ' D.B.31482,PG.667 I PIN:081-062-08 ! CORP AREA 15.LLC D.B.34189.PG.620 PIN:081-065-05 t lf» 1__ I I I I I r i i _i "-j I J J ot'1 STORY WOoB^rw 1 FPA:_Vi; I [BUILDING HEIGHT =20.51 (HATCHED DOTS) AREA OF POTENTIAL SOIL CONTAMINATION --356 SQ.FT. OR 0.0082 ACRES "^kssv-i i,xiase»t U.ifescalJ reviewofficer ofmecklenburg county, CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATIONISAFFIXED .4EETS ALL STATUTORYREQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING. LOT 1 M.B.67.PG-588 EDGEUNE HOLD1NGS U.C D.B.34189,PG.620 PIN:081-066-07 I FL- uB w CB I ZV- SSMFlO | I -_ I I I J_ I vex NOTES: 1.THISPURPOSE OF THISPUTIS TOSHOWTHEBROWNFIELDSBOUNDARYAND CONTAMINATIONINFORMATIONFOR THE SUBJECTPROPERTY. (IN FEET ) 1 inch =40 ft. SYMBOL LEGEND: soil Gassamplelocation A SOIL GASSAMPLELOCATION/ A SOILALIQUOTBORING LOCATION «Q0 ..‘b* Ml 969 E,7TH STREET SCALE* 1"=40* i I i\r 2 V gj SDt —<> SSMH GPS CERTIFICATION: I,C.CURENEILSON,CERTIFYTHATTHIS MAP WASDRAWN UNDERMYSUPERVISIONFROMANACTUAL GPSSURVEYMADE UNDER MYSUPERVISIONAND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS USED TOPERFORMTHESURVEY: (1)CUSS OF SURVEY:A(l:10,000) (2)POSITIONALACCURACY:NORTH=0.0095,EAST^0.0015, ELEVATION=O.OI1 (3)TYPE OF GPSFIELD PROCEDURE:(REAL-TIME KINEMATIC) (4)DATES OF SURVEY:NOVEMBER 5,2019 (5)DATUM/EPOCH:NAD83(2011) (6)PUBLISHED/FIXED-CONTROL USE:NGSMONUMENT "ME M3764" (7)GEOID MODEL:GEOID12B (CONUS) (8)COMBINED GRIDFACTOR(S):0.99984349 (9)UNITS:USSURVEYFEET V 1,469 SO.FT.“ HVACO | a) NGS MONUMENT(NCRR ME M376 4) N=544622.54 £=1453391.06 ELEV=709.40(NAVD 88) AREA (512 E.15TH ST.):35,180 SQ.FT.OR 0.8076 ACRES AREA (1133 N.DAVIDSON ST):21,382 SQ.FT.OR 0.4909 ACI£S TOTALAREA:56,562 SQ.FT.OR 1.2985 ACRES EXHIBIT B ~" TO THE NOTICE OF BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY SURVEY PLAT BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NAME:MARTIN TRANSFER &STORZGE BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NUMBER:26094-22-060 OWNER:CORP AREA 15,LLC PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER:CCRP 'AREA 15,LLC 1138 N CALDWELL STREET/512 E.15TH STREET, 1133 N.DAVIDSON STREET CITY OF CHARLOTTE,MECKLENBURG COUNTY,N.C. DEED REFERENCE:34189-620 TAX PARCEL NO:081-065-04 &081-065-05 R.B.PHARR &ASSOCIATES,P.A. SURVEYING &MAPPING LICENSURE NO:C-1471 CHARLOTTE,N,C.£8204 DATE DF PLATi JUNE 28,2023 NOT SUBJECT TO: THISPUTIS NOTSUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE CITYOFCHARLOTTE OR MECKLENBURG COUNTYSUBDIVISIONORDINANCESAND DOESNOTREQUIRE THE APPROVAL OF THE CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURGPUNNING COMMISSION.HOWEVER, ANYFURTHERSUBDIVISIONOF THIS PROPERTYMAYBESUBJECT TO THESE PROVISIONS. CHARLOTTE-MECI' 3.THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIESSHOWNON THISMAPIS APPROXIMATE,BASED ONINFORMATIONPROVIDED BYOTHERS ORBYFIELD LOCATION.UTILITYLOCATIONSAS SHOWNHEREONAREINTENDEDFORPUNNING ONLY.ACTUAL LOCATION,SIZE.OR DEPTHOFLINESHOULDBE VERIFIED WITH THE INDIVIDUAL UTILITY COMPANYBEFORE CONSTRUCTION. 95227 PLOTTED:12/6/2023 G:\95\2\95227\95227.DWG LEGEND: BFP-BACKFLOWPREVENTOR CB-CATCHBASIN CGF -COMBINED GRID FACTOR D.B.-DEED BOOK ECM-EXISTING CONCRETEMONUMENT EIP -EXISTINGIRONPIPE BIR -EXISTINGIRONROD EOP -EDGE OF PAVEMENT FH-FIRE HYDRANT FPA -FOOTPRINTAREA GDP -GUARDPOST GM-GASMETER LP-LIGHTPOLE (M)-MEASURED M. B.-MAP BOOK MBX-MAILBOX N. G.S.-NATIONAL GEODETICSURVEY NIR -NEWIRONROD NN-NEWNAIL PIN -PARCEL IDENTIFICATIONNUMBER PP-POWERPOLE . PG.-PAGE PM-POWERMETER (R)-RECORDED RCP -REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE R/W-RIGHT-OF-WAY SDMH -STORMDRAINMANHOLE SSMH -SANITARYSEWERMANHOLE (T).TOTAL TC -TERRA COTTA PIPE TMH-TELEPHONEMANHOLE WM-WATER METER WV-WATER VALVE BROWNFIELDSBOUNDARYLINE ___ PROPERTYLINE (NOTSURVEYED). RIGHT-OF-WAY — RIGHT-OF-WAY (NOTSURVEYED)—— EASEMENT SETBACK . FENCE POWERLINE SANITARYSEWER PIPE — STORMDRAINPIPE 11 b^fp “««««sw “SDMH ©ro' TOn 7.THEAREASAND TYPES OF CONTAMINATIONDEPICTEDHEREONARE APPROXIMATIONSDERIVEDFROMTHEBESTAVAIUBLE INFORMATIONATTHE TIME OFFILING.A LISTING OF THE TECHNICAL REPORTS USED TO PREPARE THISPUTARE AVAILABLE IN THE BROWNFIELDSAGREEMENTFOR THIS PROPERTY. co S \\ 00 2 X •r t t 1/^llR \-ufjz\ I STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT <D.B.28466,PG.536 I D.B.28466,PG.531 s SWM Gls) ""I OPTIMIST PARK 'T COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION D.B.9700,PG.964 PIN:081-062-19 IS OFA SURVEY OFANEXISTING PARCEL OR PARCELSOFLAND. C.CURKNEILSON,'PLS (L-3212)DATE POB | N41o49'03''W 143.11'(M)IPIN:081-065-041^ i i 1 I I I |1/2"BR f WIB88Wao«l I" 2~i.L f1 §^-17|K r E15TII STREET -40'PUBLIC R/W— (M.B.1580,PG.499)8'TC _ SS WVN JAN 1 1 2024 AT g'.UgpiA tn & Qi -sw • JAN 11 2024 , at Io \2S ftAl FREDRICK SMITH MECKLENBURG COUNTY.N.C.REGISTER OF DEED^ I £ § I I I I I I I I HUNTER AUTO AND I WRECKING COMPANY.INC. I D.B.2286.PG.259 I PIN:081-093-01 -•V".=SEAL = =L-3212 = A”f G/L CREEK COtP AREA 15,LLC \ D.B.34189,PG.620 PIN:081-065-04 I I I I I I I I 1 MB ^<9 122£cp sso^ooww A* 40.02’CnE)^ SS 57- °oaS o 0 “I .o Q o J I I I I 8 I i | B I I Hl 1 ENTP “ -e-<.SSMH NWV 54'RCP 3 CONCRETEVaLK BWM =:Or •= \\JU ^w/iiniin^ CBI CBi tnw CERTIFIED TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL MAP RECORDED IN BOOK *13 PAGE yife DATE: FREDRICK SMITH,REGISTER OF DEEDS DEPUTY S48°46'5rW £ '41.86'(TIE) NWV c — LP? 3 — 10'TC SS sSSSvvSSSv1 g S41°28'49"E 236.48'(M) W =2 CIS 2s* a o a 3 CB £ ~x CHAIN FENCE ~~ s WCB <W|y .W^SDMlT£ —H—ZL SDMHO w 8 I POB jlPIN:081-065-05 UTILITY EASEMENT 2 . D.B.28449,/PG.923 / SIDEWALK UTILITY EASEMENT D.B.28449,PG.923 BtJFFER(P£R ,e- SSMH WM ——35^3 1-3 —3 ft-Aw "'access z:j S41°44'52"E 144.96'(M)= ip MSI B73 -P 279 for thepurposes ofN.C.G.8.§130A-310.35 233 M SOIL GASExhibit! Soil Gas Contaminant Sample Location GROUNDWATER NSAcetone Groundwater Contaminant 311/27/2019TMW-1 12Benzene NS13-Dichlorobenzene Sample Location NSEthanol 11/27/2019TMW-1 37Ethylbenzene NS4-Ethyltoluene 0.68Arsenic 0.11Benzo(a)pyrene 0.31 2.8Naphthalene 202.35811/7/20196-8SB-2 349 6211/7/2019SB-2 6-8 NSTrichlorofluoromethane 10031.56011/7/2019SB-2 6-8 5.6 b CREVi DRAWN.REVISED. 40’MSFGLH L Soil Contaminant Brownfields PropertyName:Martin Transfer &Storage Brownfields ProjectNumber:26094-22-060 Sample Location Sample Location Date of Sampling 2L Standard (UgZL) FILED FOR REGISTRATION The most recent environmental sampling at the Brownfields Property reported in the Environmental Reports occurred inAugust-September 2021.The following tables set forth,for contaminants presentat the Brownfields Property at or above unrestricteduse standards or screening levels,the maximum concentration found at each sample location,and the applicable standard or screeninglevel Screening levels and groundwater standards are shown for reference only and are not set forth as cleanup levels forpurposes ofthis Agreement. Groundwatercontaminants in micrograms per liter (theequivalent ofparts perbillion), the standards for which are contained in Title 15A oftheNorth Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L (2L).Rule .0202 (April 1.2022 version): Depth (ft) Date of Sampling Date of Sampling Residential Screening Level 1 (mg/kg) Forpurposes ofthe laud use restrictionssetforth above,the DEQ point ofcontact shall be the DEQBrownfields Property ManagementBranch referenced in paragraph3La ofExhibitAhereto,atthe address stated therein. SOIL Soil contaminants in milligrams perkilogram (the equivalentofparts permillion),the screening levels for which are derived from thePreliminary ResidentialHealth-Based Soil Remediation Goals ofthe Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch ofDEQ’s Superfund Section (July 2023 version),unless noted otherwise: Date of Sampling Groundwater Contaminantwith Potential forVapor Intrusion Bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 Compound detected in laboratory blank andreported to be a laboratory contaminant. GROUNDWATER VAPOR INTRUSION RISK COMP-4 COMP-5 COMP-4 COMP-5 SB-2 COMP-4 COMP-5 SB-2 SB-2 COMP-5 8/30/2021 8/31/2021 8/30/2021 8/31/2021 11/7/2019 8/30/2021 8/31/2021 11/7/2019 11/7/2019 8/31/2021 Concentration at or Exceeding Screening Level (Ug/L) Residential VI Screening Level* (PgT.) 0.81 1,3-Butadiene Chloroform 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 9/2/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 9/2/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 9/2/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 9/2/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 831/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 9/2/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 9/2/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 8/31/2021 3.1 4.1 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 6-8 0-2 0-2 6-8 6-8 0-2 Maximum Concentration Exceeding Standard (|ig/L) .25Q f NS 2.1 NS LICENSURE NO.C-1471 CHARLOTTE,N.C. DATE OF PLATi JUNE 28,2023 95227 PLOTTED;12/6/2023 G:\95\2\95227\95227.DWG SHEET 2 OF 2 NOTE:NOT A VALID SURVEY WITHOUT BOTH SHEETS. Maximum Concentration Exceeding Screening Level (jig/m3) 145 176 247 157 139 177 268 173 90.6 174 51.0 30.7 35.2 224 82.9 37.6 39.1 6.7 5.2 J 2.1 J 43.8 12.2 44.7 47.4 39.4 21.0 145 92.9 75.4 144 57.2 39.9 49.3 58.2 15.9 11.3 19.1 9.2 3.4 J 5.5 3.3 J 1.3 J 5.6 17.3 5.8 J 5.2 J 5.1 J 5.7 5.4 J 5.2 7.3 2.0 J 3.6 2.5 J 13 J 4.7 2.6 3.4 2.3 7.8 58.5 SG-14 SG-15 SG-16 SG-17 SG-18 SG-20 SG-22 SG-23 SSV-1 SG-14 SG-15 SG-16 SG-18 SG-20 SG-22 SG-23 SG-23 SG-15 SG-22 SG-23 SG-14 SG-15 SG-16 SG-17 SG-18 SG-20 SG-22 SG-23 SSV-1 SG-14 SG-15 SG-17 SG-20 SG-14 SG-15 SG-16 SG-17 SG-18 SG-20 SG-22 SG-23 SSV-1 SG-14 SG-15 SG-16 SG-17 SG-18 SG-20 SG-22 SG-23 SSV-1 SG-14 SG-15 SG-16 SG-17 SG-18 SG-20 SG-23 SSV-1 SG-14 SG-20 Maximum Concentration Exceeding Screening Level (mg/kg) 3.49 1.53 <0.158 2 0.140 J <0.17 1 131 J 0.608 J 0.056 9.0 0.173 J Groundwater contaminants with potential for vapor intrusion (VI)in micrograms per liter (the equivalent ofparts per billion),the vapor intrusion screeninglevels forwhich are derived from foe Residential VaporIntrusion Screening Levels offoe Division ofWaste Management (July 2023 version): IL-2A- Date SEAL L-3212 Chloroform *Screening levels displayed fornon-carcinogens arefor a hazard quotient equalto 0.2.Screening levels displayedforcarcinogens are for a 1.OE-6 lifetimeincremental cancer risk. M. Bruce Nicholson,Chffif Brownfields RedevelopmentSection Division ofWaste Management State ofNorth Carolina County ofWake JAN 11 2024 , AT_ MEc^(#oOhN-c- LAND USE RESTRICTIONS NCGS 130A-310.35(a)requires recordation ofa Notice ofBrownfields Property (“Notice")that identifies any restrictions on the current and future use ofa BrownfieldsProperty thatare necessary or useful to maintain the level of protection appropriate for the designated current or future use ofthe property and that are designated in a Brownfields Agreementpertaining to the property.This survey plat constitutes one ofthree exhibits to theNotice pertaining to the BrownfieldsProperty depictedonthis platandrecorded atthe Mecklenburg County Register ofDeeds’office.The exhibits to theNotice are:the BrownfieldsAgreement forthe subject property,which is attached as ExhibitA to theNotice;a reduced version ofthis survey plat,whichis attached as Exhibit B to the Notice;and a legal description forthe subjectproperty, whichisattached as Exhibit Cto the Notice.Theland use restrictionsbelow havebeen excerpted verbatim fiomparagraph 12 oftheBrownfieldsAgreement,and all paragraphletters/numbers are the same as those used in the Brownfields Agreement. The followingLandUse Restrictionsare hereby imposed ontheBrownfields Property andshall remain in forcein perpetuity unless canceled by the Secretary oftheNorth Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality (or itssuccessor in function),or his/her designee,after the hazards have been eliminated,pursuant to NCGS §130A-310.35(e): Demolition d.Unlesscompliancewiththis Land UseRestriction is waivedin writing in advance byDEQ inrelation toparticular buildings,demolitionand/orrenovation ofany orallbuildings on theBrownfieldsProperty depictedon theplat component ofthe Notice referenced in paragraph 16 belowshall bein accordancewith applicablelegal requirements, including without limitation thoserelatedto lead and asbestos abatementthat are administered bythe Health Hazards Control Unit within the Division ofPublicHealth oftheNorth CarolinaDepartmentofHealth and Human Services. Separating Old fiom NewContamination o.None ofthe contaminants knownto be present in theenvironmentalmedia atthe BrownfieldsProperty,as described inExhibit2 ofthisAgreement andas modifiedby DEQ in writingifadditional contaminants in excess ofapplicable standards are discovered at theBrownfieldsProperty,may beused orstored atthe Brownfields Property without the priorwritten approval ofDEQ,except: i.in de minimisquantities forcleaning and otherroutine housekeepingandmaintenanceactivities; ii.as fuel or otherfluids customarilyused in vehicles,landscapingequipment,machinery,and ernergency generators;and iii.as constituents ofproducts ormaterials customarily usedandstored in high-density residential,office, parking,retail,restaurant,brewery,distillery,or food productionfacility,entertainment,hotel,open space, recreational,and,with priorwritten DEQ approval,other commercial environments,provided such productsor materials are stored in originalretail packaging and used and disposed ofin accordance with applicqblelaws. Land Use Restriction Update p.During January ofeach year after the year inwhichtheNotice referenced below inparagraph 16 is recorded, the ownerof any part oftheBrownfieldsProperty as ofJanuary 1st ofthat yearshallsubmitanotarizedLand Use Restrictions Update (“LURU")toDEQ,and tofile chiefpublic health and environmental officials ofMecklenburg County,certifying that,as ofsaid January 1st,theNoticeofBrownfieldsProperty containing these land use restrictions remains recorded at the Mecklenburg County Register ofDeeds office and thatthe landuserestrictions are being complied with.ThesubmittedLURUshall statethe following: i.the name,mailing address,telephone and facsimile numbers,and contact person’se-mail addressofthe owner submitting tlie LURU ifsaid owner acquired any partoftheBrownfieldsProperty duringthe previous calendar year, ii.the transferee’s name,mailing address,telephone and facsimile numbers,and contactperson's e-mail address,ifsaid owner transferred any partofthe Brownfields Propertyduringthe previous calendar year; iii.the resultsof all inspection and maintenance activities associatedwiththe impervious surface covering the “Area ofPotential Soil Contamination”ifrequired pursuant to subparagraph 12.L; iv.whether any vaporbarrier and/ormitigationsystems and any associated subgrade vapor monitoring network installed pursuantto subparagraph 12.j.aboveare performingasdesigned,and whetherthe uses ofthe ground floors ofany buildings containing suchvapor barrierand/ormitigationsystemshave changed,and,ifso, how, v.A LURU submitted for rental units shall include enough ofeach lease entered into duringthe previous calendaryear to demonstrate compliancewith lesseenotificationrequirements in subparagraph 12.n.,above provided that ifabstracts ofleases are sent,orstandard form leasesorriders areusedin every instance,$copy of such abstract,standard form leaseorridermay be sentin lieu ofcopies ofactualleases;and vi.Aproperty owners'association or other entity may perform this LURU’s duties,on behalfofsome orall owners oftheBrownfields Property,if said association or entity has acceptedresponsibility for suchperformance pursuantto anotarized instrument satisfactory to DEQthat includes ataminimum,the name,mailing address, telephone andfacsimile numbers,and e-mail address ofeach owneronwhosebehalftheLURU is proposed to be submitted. Hexavalent Chromium 4-Isopropy4 toluene Naphthalene Phenanthrene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Aliphatics Medium (C9-C18) TotalPetroleum Hydrocarbons- AromaticsMedium (C9-C22) Total Petroleum. Hydrocarbons - Diesel Range Organics _ 1Screening levels displayed fornon-carcinogens arefor ahazard quotient equal to 0.2.Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1.OE-6lifetimeincremental cancer risk. laboratorymethod detectionlimit exceeds the applicablescreening level. 3 NorthCarolinaDepartment ofEnvironmental Quality (DEQ)Undetgroutid Storage Tank(UST) Section’sActionLevel (December2013) NS -No established screening level.Ifno screening levelis established,then foe laboratoryreporting limit is considered the screening level. J-Compound was detectedabove the laboratorymethod detection limit,butbelow foe laboratory reporting limit resultingina laboratoryestimated concentration. Soil gas contaminants in micrograms per cubicmeter.foe screening levels for which are derivedfrom Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels offoe Division ofWaste Management (July 2023 version): Vinyl Chloride 1Screening levelsdisplayed for non-carcinogens are for a hazard quotientequalto 0.2.Screeninglevels displayedfor carcinogens are for a 1.OE-6 lifetime incremental cancerrisk. NS -Noestablishedscreening level,ifno screeninglevelis established,then the laboratory reporting limit is consideredfoescreening level. J-Compound was detected above foelaboratory methoddetection limit,butbelowfoelaboratory reporting limit resultingin alaboratory estimatedconcentration. Residential Screening Limit1 (gg/m3) The Notice ofResidual Petroleum for 1 138 N.Caldwell Street/510-516 E.15th Street (Parcel ID 08106505), previously recorded on June 3,2020,pursuant to N.C.Gen.Stat.§143B-279.9(b)andN.C.Gen.Stat.§143B-279.1 1 in the Mecklenburg County Register ofDeeds,Book 34647,Pages 231-235,shall immediately be SUPERSEDEDupon the filing oftheNoticeofBrownfields Propertywith the MecklenburgCounty Register ofDeeds.The land userestrictions set forth inthis Brownfields Agreement and Notice ofBrownfields Property authorized byN.C.Gen.Stat.§130A-310.35 shall become immediately applicable.All references to DEQ shall be understood to include any successor in function. Land Uses a.No use may bemadeofthe Brownfields Property other than for high-densityresidential,office,parking,retail, restaurant,brewery,distillery,orfood production facility,entertainment,hotel,open space,recreational,and withprior written DEQ approval other commercial uses.Forpurposes ofthis restriction,the followingdefinitions apply: i.High-Density Residential is defined as permanent dwellings where residentialunitsare attachedto eachother with commonwalls,such as condominia,apartments,grouphomes,dormitories or boardinghouses,and any property outside the dwelling structures is usable by all residents and not privately owned as part ofaparticularunit(e.g.,privately-owned courtyards are prohibited unless approved inwritingin advance by DEQ),and mayincluderelated amenities,suchas pools, clubhouses,courtyards,common areas,recreationareas and parking garages.Single family homes areprohibited; townhomes,duplexes or other units with yards are prohibited unless approved in writing byDEQ inadvance. ii.Officeis defined as theplace wherebusiness operates,or professional servicesare provided. iii.Parking is defined as the temporary accommodation ofmotorvehicles in an areadesigned for the same. iv.Retail is defined as the sale ofgoods or services,products,or merchandise directly to theconsumer orbusinesses and includes showrooms,personal service,farmer’smarkets,foodfestivals,andthesales offood and/or beverage products, includingfrommobile establishments such as feed trucks. v.Restaurantis defined as a commercial business establishmentthatprepares and/or servesfoodand/or beverages, including alcoholic beverages underall applicable local,state,andfederal regulations,to patrons. vi.Brewery,Distillery,orFood ProductionFacility is defined as anestablishmentforthemanufacture,sale,and/or distribution ofbeveragesand/orfood products,includingwithout limitation beer,ale,and distilled spirits,togetherwith associated public roadways and relatedinfrastructure. vii.Entertainment is defined as private,public,and community activities (such as,for example,festivals,theater, musical events or shows),which may include foodandbeverageservice. viii.Hotel is defined as the provision ofovernightlodging to paying customers,andto associated food services,gym, reservation,cleaning,utilities,parking andon-sitehospitality,management and receptionservices. ix.Open space is defined as land maintained in anatural orlandscaped state and for uses such as natural resource protection,riparian buffers,greenways,or detention facilities forstormwater. x.Recreational is defined asindoorand outdoor exercise-related,physicallyfocused,orleisure-related activities, whether active orpassive,and the facilities for same,including,butnotlimitedto,studios,swimming orwadingpools, clubhouses,sports-related courts andfields,open space,greenways,parks,playgrounds,walkingpaths,picnic and public gathering areas,campgrounds,boatdocks,and marinas. xi.Commercialis defined as an enterprise carried on forprofitor nonprofitby the owner,lessee,orlicensee. EnvironmentalManagementPlan b.Physical redevelopment ofthe Brownfields Propertymaynotoccurotherthan in accord,asdetermined by DEQ,with an EMP approved in writing by DEQ in advance (andrevised to DEQ’s written satisfaction prior to each subsequent redevelopmentphase)that isconsistent with all theother land userestrictions and describes redevelopmentactivities at the Brownfields Property,the timing ofredevelopmentphases,and addresseshealth,safety andenvironmentalissuesthat may arise from use ofthe BrownfieldsProperty duringconstructionorredevelopmentinany otherform,includingwithout limitation: i.demolition ofexisting structures,ifapplicable; ii.issues related to known orpotential sources ofcontamination,including without limitationthoseresulting from contamination identifiedin paragraph3 above,andExhibit2; iii.contingency plans for addressing,including without limitation thetestingofsoil and groundwater,newly discovered or newly accessible potential sources ofenvironmental contamination (e.g.,USTs,ASTs,drums,septic drain fields,oil-waterseparators,soil contamination);and iv.plans fortheproper characterization and DEQ approval ofboth fill soil before importto theBrownfieldsProperty and the disposition ofall soil excavated from theBrownfieldsProperty duringredevelopment RedevelopmentSummaryReport c.No laterthan January 31 in each calendaryear aftereach one-yearanniversary oftheeffective date ofthisAgreement foras long as physical redevelopment ofthe Brownfields Property continues(exceptthatthefinal deadlineshalltoll 90 days afterthe conclusionofphysical redevelopment),the then-owneroftheBrownfieldsProperty shallprovideDEQ areport subject to written DEQ approval on environment-related activities since the lastreport,withasummary and drawings,that describes: i.actions taken on the Brownfields Properly in accordancewith Section VI:Workto bePerformed above; ii.soilgradingand cut and fill actions; iii.methodology(ies)employed forfield screening,sampling and laboratory analysis ofenvironmental media; iv.stockpiling,containerizing,decontaminating,treating,handling,laboratory analysis and ultimate dispositionofany soil,groundwater or other materials suspected orconfirmedto becontaminated with regulated substances;and v.removal ofany contaminated soil,water or othercontaminated materials(for example,concrete,demolition debris) from the Brownfields Property (copies ofalllegally requiredmanifests shallbe included). LAND USE RESTRICTIONS (coni.) Vapor Intrusion j.No enclosed building may be constructed on theBrownfieldsProperty,andnoexisting building,defined as those depictedon the plat component oftheNotice ofBrownfields Property referencedinparqgrqpHj.6 below,may be occupied for uses required to meet residentialrisk thresholdsuntil DEQ determinesin writing that: i.thebuilding is or would beprotective ofthe building’s users and publichealth fromrisk ofvapor intrusionbased on site assessment data,or a site-specific risk assessment approvedin writing by DE<§;or ii.a vapor intrusion mitigationsystem (VIMS)hasbeen: 1.designed tomitigate vapors for subgrade building features in accordancewith the most recentand applicable DWMVapor Intrusion Guidance,Interstate Technology &Regulatory Council (ITRC)guidance,and AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI)/AmericanAssociationofRadon Scientists andTechnologists (AARST)standards(or alternate standards approved in writing inadvance byDEQ),and that said design shall folly protectpublic health to the satisfactionofa professionalengineer licensedinNorth Carolina,as evidencedby said engineer’s professional seal,and shall include aperformance monitoringplan detailingmethodologies and schedule,both ofwhich aresubjecttopriorwrittenDEQ approval;and 2.installed and an installationreport is submitted for writtenDEQ approval thatincludes detailson any deviations fromthe system design,as-built diagrams,photographs,and adescription oftheinstajjiption with said engineer’s professional seal confirmingthat thesystemwas installed per theDEQ-approyed designandwill be protective ofpublichealth. k.No occupancy ofnewlyconstructedenclosed buildings on the BrownfieldsProperty,and no occupancy of existing buildings,defined asthose depicted onthe platcomponentoftheNotice ofBrownfields Property referenced in paragraph 16 below,for uses required tomeetresidentialriskthresholdsmay occuruntilaworkplan for the sampling ofsub-slab vapor andconcurrent indoor air sampling is approved by DEQ,and untilthe fust round ofsampling activities under the workplan iscompletedtoDEQ’s written satisfaction.Thewoikplan will be designed inaccordance with the most current version ofboth:theDEQ’s draft Vapor Intrusion AssessmentWork Plan &Report Checklist and thedraftMinimumMitigation and SamplingRequirementsforReuse.Priorto occupancy ofnewly constructed enclosed buildingsorprior to occupancy ofexisting buildingsfor usesrequired to meet residentialriskthresholds,analytical resultsmustdemonstrate thatconcentrations ofcontaminantsin indoor spaces from subsutfece vapor intrusion are below applicable riskthresholds toDEQ’s written satisfaction. Property Access l.NeitherDEQ,nor any party conducting environmental assessment orremediation at theBrownfieldsProperty at the direction of,orpursuant to a permit,order or agreementissued orentered into by DEQ,may beijeniedaccess to the Brownfields Property for purposes ofconducting such assessment orremediation,which is to be'conducted using reasonable efforts to minimize interference with authorized uses oftheBrownfieldsProperty. Damageto MonitoringPoints m.The ownerofany portion ofthe Brownfields Propertywhereany existing,or subsequently installed, DEQ-approved monitoring well or vapor samplepointisdamaged by the owner,itscontractors,oritstenants shall be responsible forrepair of any such wells to DEQ’swritten satisfaction and within a time period acceptable to DEQ,unless compliance with thisLandUseRestriction is waivedin writing by DEQ in advance. Notification upon Transfers n.Any deed orotherinstrument conveying aninterestinthe Brownfields Property shall contain the following notice:“This property is subject to the Brownfields Agreementattached asExhibitAto theNotice ofBrownfields Propertyrecorded in the Mecklenburg County land records.Book .Page Acopy ofany such instrument shall be sentto the personslisted in SectionXVH (Notices and Submissions),though financial figures and other confidential information relatedto the conveyancemay be redactedto foeextent said redactions comply with theconfidentiality and trade secret provisions offoe North CarolinaPublic Records Law.The owner conveying an interestmay use the following mechanisms to comply with theobligations ofthis subparagraph:(i) Ifevery lease or rider is identical in form,foe owner conveying an interest may provideDEQ withcopies ofa form lease orrider evidencing compliance with this subparagraph,inlieu ofsending copies ofactual,executed leases,to .thepersons listed in Section XVII (Notice and Submissions);or (ii)The owner conveyingan interestmay provide abstracts ofleases,rather than full copies ofsaid leases,to foe persons listed in Section XVH. EXHIBIT B TO THE NOTICE OF BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY SURVEY PLAT BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NAME:MARTIN TRANSFER &STORAGE BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NUMBER:26094-22-060 OWNER:CCRP AREA 15,LLC PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER:CCRP AREA 15,LLC 1138 N CALDWELL STREET/51 2 E.15TH STREET, 1133 N.DAVIDSON STREET CITY OF CHARLOTTE,MECKLENBURG COUNTY,N.C. DEED REFERENCE:34189-620 TAX PARCEL NO:081-065-04 &081-065-05 R.B.PHARR &ASSOCIATES,P.A. SURVEYING &MAPPING 969 E,7TH STREET SCALE: 1”= Groundwater e.Groundwater at the Brownfields Property may notbe usedforany purposewithoutthe priorwritten approval of DEQ along with any measuresDEQ deems necessaryto ensurethatfoe BrownfieldsProperty will be suitableforfoe uses specified in subparagraph 12.a abovewhilefolly protecting public health andfoe environment.Should groundwaterbe encountered orexposed during any activity on foeBrownfieldsProperty,it shall bemanaged in accordancewith foe DEQ-approvedEMP outlined in subparagraph 12.b.,or a plan approvedin writing in advancebyDEQ. Soil f.No use offoe BrownfieldsProperty foruses required to meet residential riskthresholds may occur untilfoe then owner offoe BrownfieldsProperty conducts representative final gradesoilsamplingofany area within foeBrownfields Property,pursuant to a plan approved in writingby DEQ,that is notcovered by building foundations,sidewalks,asphaltic or concrete parking areas and driveways,ortwo feetofdocumentedcleanfillmaterial(or another coverapproved by DEQ in writing). g.No activity that disturbs soil onfoe Brownfields Propertymay occur unless and until DEQstates inwriting,in advance ofthe proposed activity,that said activity may occur ifcarried outalong withanymeasures DEQ deems necessary to ensure foeBrownfields Property will besuitableforfoe uses specified in subparagraph 12.a.above while fully protecting public healthand foe environment,except i.in connection with landscape planting to depths not exceeding24”; ii.mowingandpruning ofabove-ground vegetation; iii.forrepair ofundergroundinfrastructure,provided that DEQ shallbe given written notice at least seven days in advance ofascheduled repair (ifonly by email)ofany such repair,orin emergency circumstances no laterthanfoe next business day,and thatany related assessmentandremedial measures requiredbyDEQ shallbe taken;and iv.in connection withwork conducted in accordance with aDEQ-approvedEMPasoutlined above in subparagraph 12.b. h.Soil may not be removed from,or brought onto,the Brownfields Property withoutprior sampling and analysis to DEQ’s satisfaction and the written approval ofDEQ,unless conducted in accordance withan approvedEMPas outlined above in subparagraph 12.b. i.Soilwithinthe“Area ofPotential Soil Contamination"offoeBrownfields Property as denoted onfoe plat component offoe Notice ofBrownfields Property referenced in paragraph 16 below shall remaincoveredwith an impervious surface suchas asphalt,concrete,orbuilding foundations(oranothercoverapproved inwritingand in advanceby DEQ)until such time as foe “AreaofPotential SoilContamination”isredeveloped in accordancewith a DEQ-approvedEMP as outlined in paragraph 12.b.above.The impervioussurface coveringthe“Area ofPotential Soil Contamination”shall be inspected annually to ensureintegrity,and any needed repairs shall beconductedWithin30 days ofbeing identified.Inspections and repairs shallbe documented and reportedannually withfoe Land-Use Restriction / Update (LURU)referenced in subparagraph 12.p.below../ 28204 TEL.(704)376-2186 JOB ND. s :a'seal 1 E l-3212 fl,: