HomeMy WebLinkAbout25035_National Welders Final Grade Soil Assessment Work Plan_20240110 Via Email November 16, 2023 NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management Brownfields Redevelopment Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Attn: Mr. Bill Schmithorst Re: Final Grade Soil Assessment Work Plan National Welders Supply State Street and Gesco Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060 H&H Project No. RMR-013 Dear Bill: On behalf of RRPVI Gesco Charlotte LP, enclosed please find a copy of the Final Grade Soil Assessment Work Plan prepared for the National Welders Supply Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060) located in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. Should you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Hart & Hickman, PC Haley Martin, PG Ralph McGee, PG Senior Project Geologist Senior Project Manager Enclosures cc: Mr. Quinn Augustine, Ram Realty Advisors (via email) Mr. Andrew Gaul, Ram Realty Advisors (via email) Ms. Rachel Krenz, Ram Realty Advisors (via email) Ms. Amanda Short, McGuire Woods (via email) Attachments Work Plan and Report Checklist  Version 3 March 2023  Minimum Requirements Checklist Site Assessment Work Plans and Reports NCDEQ Brownfields Redevelopment Section– March 2023 Instructional Page All references to Prospective Developers include follow-on owners who may be conducting work in accordance with the Brownfields Property Management Branch. To increase predictability and most efficiently assess Brownfields Properties and the redevelopment timing requirements of Prospective Developers or follow-on owners, the Brownfields Redevelopment Section has standardized the format for Site Assessments. This format has been generated in the form of a checklist to allow for ease in submission by the prospective developer’s consultant and for the Brownfields Redevelopment Section’s completeness review. This checklist outlines the minimum requirements and submittal format under the Brownfields Redevelopment Section for Assessment Requirements and Reporting. All Assessment Work Plans and Report submissions to the Brownfields Redevelopment Section must include this completed checklist in the outlined format. These requirements allow DEQ to reduce review time for the Assessment Work Plan and Report and increase process predictability for prospective developers. This checklist will also provide reliable data for risk-based decisions and further expedite the project timeline. Any divergence from these requirements will lengthen the process of assessing risks on the site, may necessitate reprioritization of a project manager’s queue towards projects that meet these requirements. Therefore, delaying production of the brownfields agreement and/or environmental management plan. Any alterations to the checklist on a site-specific basis must be reviewed and approved by the Section prior to implementation. However, in order to respect the schedule of all projects in house and keep the Section’s entire project pipeline moving, we strongly recommend against seeking changes to the checklist. Based on a review of environmental and risk data from our project inventory, please note there are some new points of emphasis that are included herein: 1. For ALL residential reuses; sub-slab vapor assessment (full list EPA TO-15) is required, regardless if existing structures will be removed. If no structures or slabs exist on the Brownfields Property, exterior soil gas assessment is required within all proposed structure footprints.  2. ALL properties require groundwater data (VOCs, SVOCs and RCRA Metals) from a minimum of three sample locations, depth to groundwater and a resulting potentiometric map.  3. Soil shall be assessed based on areas of concern and redevelopment plans and across the depth interval of the cut/grading. Work Plan and Report Checklist  Version 3 March 2023  Environmental Site Assessment Work Plan Checklist Reviewed and checked by (Name): Mr. Bill Schmithorst, Brownfields Redevelopment Section Title Page The title page should include the following information. Letter style reports are acceptable, as long as this information is somewhere on the first page. ☒ Title of Work Plan ☒ Brownfields Project Name (not the development name) ☒ Brownfields Project Number ☒ Date (updated with each revision) ☐ Revision Number ☒ Firm PE/PG License Number ☒ Individual PE/PG seal & signature Section 1 – Introduction ☒ Provide the site location, address, and acreage. ☐ Provide a BRIEF summary of the history of the property and its history in the Section. For example: reiterate RECs from a Phase I ESA, indicate if the scope of work was negotiated during a Data Gap Meeting, etc. ☒ Briefly list and describe the data gaps the assessment is attempting to fill ☒ Indicate if the assessment data is for the use of any other DEQ programs in addition to the Brownfields Redevelopment Section (i.e. the site is a regulated UST, IHSB, etc. property) Section 2 – Scope of Work ☒ Provide a general description of proposed scope of work covered in this plan (i.e. 2 new monitoring wells, 6 groundwater samples, 5 exterior soil gas sampling points and 6 soil borings) ☒ Discuss samples to be collected by media and source area/location. Generally, the reasoning for the sample locations selected. ☒ Describe depths of samples to be collected (Reference Table 1) or how that decision will be made in the field, if needed. ☒ State for what each sample will be analyzed (briefly). Reference Table 1. Note: For all residential reuses, sub slab vapor is required, if no slabs exist, exterior soil gas is required within all proposed footprints. Work Plan and Report Checklist  Version 3 March 2023  Section 3 – Sampling Methodology ☒ Reference the guidance documents you intend to use. IHSB, EPA SESD, VI Guidance, Well Construction Rules (NCAC 2C). Note deviations or methodology planned that is not covered by such guidance (e.g., multi-increment sampling, passive air samplers, mobile labs, Hapsite, simultaneous indoor/outdoor radon, high-volume sub-slab vapor testing, PFAS sampling). ☒ Describe what will be installed (soil boring, temporary well, permanent well, sub-slab vapor, exterior soil gas, etc.). Include construction details. ☒ Discuss installation methodology (Hand Auger, DPT, etc.) Discuss Equilibration Times  Monitoring wells (equilibration time prior to development and equilibration post well development should be 24 hours, per EPA standard protocols).  Vapor: a. Sub slab vapor with minimally invasive points (e.g. Vapor Pins): Manufacturer’s guidelines generally suggest 20 minutes may be sufficient with an airtight cap installed; or b. Sub slab vapor points (other than minimally invasive points) or exterior soil gas points: at least 24 hours (to be purged at installation and at time of sampling with an air-tight cap in place in the interim). ☒ Discuss sample collection procedures. Include the following, at a minimum:  Equipment to be used  Purging methods and volumes  Stabilization parameters for groundwater sampling  Field screening methods  Leak check procedures for sub-slab vapor and exterior soil gas samples (Note this is required)  Discuss how and when vacuum readings will be collected (for summa cans)  Submission of the samples to the laboratory within 48 hours of collection and/or written documentation of temperature maintenance if the situation requires extension beyond 48 hours prior to lab submittal ☒ Discuss sample point abandonment Section 4 – Laboratory Analyses ☒ Discuss the proposed analyses (include method number, preparation method, if there are concerns with short hold times, etc). ☒ Discuss any proposed limitations on the contaminants of concern, if any, and the reason for such limitation (sufficient previous data, indoor air interferences, etc). ☒ Discuss laboratory certifications. Please note, NC does not certify labs for air samples. Please specify what certification the proposed air lab holds. ☒ Indicate that the Reporting Limits/Method Detection Limits will meet applicable screening criteria (to the extent feasible). Include reporting of J-Flags to meet criteria. ☒ Indicate what Level QA/QC will be reported by the laboratory. Level II QA/QC is typically acceptable. Work Plan and Report Checklist  Version 3 March 2023  Section 5 – QA/QC ☒ Specify the duplicate sample frequency. Minimum requirement: 1 duplicate per 20 samples, per media, per method. ☐ Discuss Trip Blank. 1 Trip Blank per cooler/shipment of groundwater VOC analyses is required. ☒ Discuss how the lab will have sufficient sample volume for MS/MSD analyses. ☒ Discuss chain of custody and shipping. Section 6 – Investigation Derived Waste (IDW) Management ☒ Discuss what IDW will be generated and how it is proposed to be managed. Management recommendations should be in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T.1503 and 15A NCAC 02H. 0106. Generally, if the Brownfields Property has not previously been assessed, then all IDW must be containerized and characterized prior to management. Previous assessment data that indicate no Hazardous Waste (listed or characteristic) is likely to be encountered in the area of proposed assessment will be required before thin spreading of IDW on-site is permitted. Section 7 – Reporting This section should discuss the components of the assessment report which will be prepared as a result of the above sample collection. At a minimum, the report shall include: ☒ Title Page that is consistent with the requirements listed above. ☒ Reporting/summary of site work conducted for all sections outlined above in this checklist; ☒ Summary of findings and possible recommendations; ☒ All applicable tables and figures (shall include at a minimum the items below) ☒ Tables for tabulated analytical data per media sampled and analyzed, compared against applicable screening levels, sample depths and depth to groundwater; ☒ Figure depicting actual sample locations collected, with each media depicted in the legend, graphic scale and north arrow; and ☐ Groundwater potentiometric map, with graphic scale and north arrow. ☒ Appendices shall include (as applicable): ☒ Copies of field notes ☒ Boring logs for all soil borings, newly constructed monitoring wells, and exterior soil gas locations ☐ Well construction and abandonment records Work Plan Approval Signature Page (see Attachment 1). The Consultant shall complete and submit the Approval Signature Page with the work plan submittal for DEQ signature. Work Plan and Report Checklist  Version 3 March 2023  Attachments ☒ Attachment 1 – Work Plan Approval Signature Page ☒ Table 1 – Proposed Sample Locations and Analyses on a Summary Table that includes: ☒ Sample ID ☒ Sample Objective ☒ Proposed Depth(s) ☒ Analytical Method(s) ☒ QA/QC Samples ☐ Background Samples ☒ Figure 1 – Site Location Map ☒ Site location on a topographic map base ☒ Graphic scale and north arrow ☒ Figure 2 – Site Map should include the following ☐ Buildings ☐ Historical sample locations ☐ RECs or other areas of concern ☐ Proposed sample locations ☐ Sample identification labels ☐ Background samples ☐ QA/QC samples ☐ Graphic scale and north arrow ☐ High quality aerial suggested as the base map ☐ Figure 3 – Site Potentiometric Map that includes the following ☐ Buildings ☐ Groundwater sample identification labels ☐ Arrow noting direction of groundwater flow ☐ Graphic scale and north arrow ☐ Figure 4 – Site Plume Maps (groundwater, soil vapor, etc.) ☒ Figure 5 – Proposed Development (if available) ☒ Overlay of historical and proposed sample locations ☒ Graphic scale and north arrow ☐ Appendix – Summary of Historical Analytical Data (if needed) – to include tables and figures only. i https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/final grade/work plan/25035 - final grade soil assessment work plan - national welders.docx Final Grade Soil Assessment Work Plan National Welders Supply Gesco Street & State Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060 H&H Job No. RMR-013 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1  2.0 Final Grade Soil Assessment Activities ................................................................................ 3  2.1 Final Grade Soil Sampling ................................................................................................... 3  2.2 Quality Assurance / Quality Control .................................................................................... 4  2.3 Investigation Derived Waste ................................................................................................ 5  3.0 Reporting ................................................................................................................................ 6  List of Tables Table 1 Proposed Final Grade Soil Sample Summary List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Proposed Final Grade Soil Sample Location Map List of Appendices Appendix A Final Landscape Plan 1 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/final grade/work plan/25035 - final grade soil assessment work plan - national welders.docx Final Grade Soil Assessment Work Plan National Welders Supply Gesco Street & State Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060 H&H Job No. RMR-013 1.0 Introduction On behalf of RRPVI Gesco Charlotte LP (Prospective Developer or PD), Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has prepared this Work Plan to conduct final grade soil assessment activities for The Perch Apartments development at the National Welders Supply Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060). The National Welders Supply Brownfields property is located at the intersection of Gesco Street and State Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Site or subject Site). The Site consists of two adjacent parcels bisected by Gesco Street located in a rapidly densifying mixed-use area approximately one mile northwest of uptown Charlotte (Mecklenburg County Parcel Identification Nos. {PINs} 07108103 and 07107806). A Site location map is provided as Figure 1, and the Site and surrounding area are shown in Figure 2. Redevelopment of the Site has included construction of three multifamily residential apartment buildings with associated amenity areas, access drives, and surface parking areas. The multifamily apartment building located west of Gesco Street is designated as Building A (Left) and Building A (Right), and the multifamily apartment building located east of Gesco Street is designated as Building B. Redevelopment activities at the Site have been completed in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) approved Environmental Management Plan (EMP) dated June 21, 2021. A copy of the Landscape Plan prepared by Seamon Whiteside on April 17, 2023 depicts the proposed redevelopment layout and is provided in Appendix A. The EMP for the Site generally states that no occupancy of the Brownfields property may occur after redevelopment until representative final grade soil samples have been collected in areas at the Site that are not covered by building foundations, sidewalks, or asphalt or concrete parking areas and driveways following completion of redevelopment activities that disturb soil. Therefore, 2 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/final grade/work plan/25035 - final grade soil assessment work plan - national welders.docx H&H will complete final grade soil assessment activities in unpaved areas at the Site in accordance with the DEQ-approved EMP. The final grade soil assessment scope of work is described in Section 2.0. 3 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/final grade/work plan/25035 - final grade soil assessment work plan - national welders.docx 2.0 Final Grade Soil Assessment Activities Final grade soil sampling activities will be completed at the Site to evaluate the potential for impacts in shallow soil within landscape areas that may pose unacceptable exposure risks to future residential occupants. The soil sampling activities will be performed in general accordance with the DEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites (Guidelines) dated September 2023, the most recent versions of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IV Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division (LSASD) Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures guidance, and the DEQ Brownfields Minimum Requirements Checklist for Site Assessment Work Plans and Reports dated March 2023. 2.1 Final Grade Soil Sampling Based on review of the Landscape Plan, conversations with the PD, and observations at the Site, landscaped areas at the Site have been divided into five (5) final grade evaluation areas (FG-1 through FG-5). Five (5) shallow soil borings will be advanced in each evaluation area for collection of aliquot soil samples. The final grade evaluation areas and aliquot soil boring locations are shown in Figure 3. Each aliquot soil boring will be advanced from the surface to approximately two (2) ft below the ground surface (ft bgs) using a decontaminated stainless steel hand auger. Continuous soil samples will be collected from the center of the hand auger buck at each boring. A portion of each soil sample will be place in dedicated sealable polyethylene bags and described for lithologic purposes, observed for obvious evidence of staining and unusual odors, and field screened for the presence of volatile organic vapors using a calibrated photoionization detector (PID). The remaining portions of the soil samples will be placed in dedicated sealable polyethylene bags, left undisturbed, placed in a laboratory supplied cooler with ice, and used as soil samples selected for laboratory analysis as described below. 4 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/final grade/work plan/25035 - final grade soil assessment work plan - national welders.docx The soil samples selected for laboratory analysis will be placed in dedicated laboratory supplied sample containers, labeled with the sample identification, date, time, requested analysis, and placed in a laboratory-supplied cooler with ice. The sample cooler will be submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory under standard chain of custody protocols for the analyses outlined below. Based on results of field screening, a grab soil sample from the aliquot exhibiting the highest likelihood for impact will be collected from each of the final grade evaluation areas and will be submitted for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260. If field screening results do not identify the obvious presence of impacts in an aliquot soil sample, the final grade evaluation area grab samples will be collected from the 1 to 2 ft bgs sample interval from a randomly selected aliquot soil boring in each evaluation area. The remaining aliquot soil samples will be collected from each soil boring advanced in a final grade evaluation area and homogenized to form a composite soil sample representative of shallow soil in that evaluation area. Composite soil samples will be submitted for laboratory analysis of semi-VOCs (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Methods 6020/7471/7199. A final grade soil sample summary is provided as Table 1. Following sampling activities, the soil borings will be abandoned and the surfaces will be repaired similar to pre-drilling conditions. Additionally, the soil sample locations will be estimated using a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) unit. 2.2 Quality Assurance / Quality Control Non-dedicated equipment and tools will be decontaminated prior to use at each boring location. To evaluate the reproducibility of the sample results, H&H will collect one duplicate soil sample (FG-DUP) that will be submitted for the same analyses as the parent soil sample. 5 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/final grade/work plan/25035 - final grade soil assessment work plan - national welders.docx Laboratory QA/QC procedures will be employed to ensure appropriate sample handling and analysis and to aid in the review and validation of the analytical data. QA/QC procedures will be conducted in accordance with the method protocols and will include regular equipment maintenance, equipment calibration, and adherence to specific sample custody and data management procedures. Samples will be analyzed in conjunction with appropriate blanks, laboratory duplicates, continuing calibration standards, surrogate standards, and matrix spiking standards in accordance with approved methodologies to monitor both instrument and analyst performance. H&H will request that laboratory method detection limits for each analyte be at or below appropriate screening criteria, where possible. Additionally, H&H will request that the laboratory include estimated concentrations for compounds that are detected at levels above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit (J flags). The laboratory analytical data report and QA package for the final grade soil samples submitted to and analyzed by the subcontracted laboratory will be provided in an appendix to the final report. Laboratory QA data consistent with Level II documentation will be requested for this project. A copy of the completed chain-of-custody record and shipping receipt will be appended to the corresponding laboratory analytical report included with the final report. 2.3 Investigation Derived Waste Based on results of previous soil assessment activities completed at the Site, investigation derived waste (IDW) generated during the assessment activities will be thin spread on-Site. If significant impacts are suspected, the soil cuttings will be containerized in a 55-gallon drum and staged on- Site pending analytical results of a composite IDW sample. Based on laboratory analytical results of IDW sample, the drum will be managed in accordance with DEQ IHSB Guidelines and the 15A NCAC 02T.1503 and 15A NCAC 02H. 0106 rules. 6 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/final grade/work plan/25035 - final grade soil assessment work plan - national welders.docx 3.0 Reporting Following completion of the assessment activities and receipt of the analytical data, H&H will document our findings in a Redevelopment Completion and Final Grade Soil Assessment Report. The report will include a description of environment-related activities since the previous redevelopment summary report, the final grade soil sampling activities, a figure depicting sample locations, soil boring logs, a discussion of the data in comparison to regulatory screening levels, laboratory analytical data reports, and a summary and conclusions concerning the assessment activities. Table 1 Proposed Final Grade Soil Sample Summary National Welders Supply Gesco Street & State Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. RMR-013 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/final grade/table/table 1 - sample summary.docx Sample ID Sample Objective Aliquot Soil Borings Aliquot Boring Depth (ft bgs) Grab VOC Samples (8260) Composite SVOC Samples (8270) Composite RCRA Metals + Hexavalent Chromium Samples (6020/7471/7199) FG-1 Building A – Shallow Soil Exposure Risk 5 2 1 1 1 FG-2 5 2 1 1 1 FG-3 5 2 1 1 1 FG-4 Building B – Shallow Soil Exposure Risk 5 2 1 1 1 FG-5 5 2 1 1 1 FG-DUP QA/QC -- 2 1 1 1 Notes: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency analytical method is shown in parentheses. VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-VOCs; RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ft bgs = feet below ground surface; QA/QC = quality assurance/quality control; -- = not applicable The duplicate sample location will be selected in the field. REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 11-10-23 FIGURE NO. 2 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLYGESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SITE MAP 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology NOTES: 1. AERIAL IMAGERY AND BASE DATA OBTAINED FROMMECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS, 2023. STATE STREET FORSHAW(650 STATE STREET SOUTHERN CONCRETE MATERIALS (715 STATE STREET) VACANT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING -UNDER RENOVATION(FORMER PLYLER PAPER STOCK CO.)(800 GESCO STREET)STEWART CREEK SEVERSVILLE PARK(830 S. BRUNS AVENUE) DUKE ENERGYRIGHT-OF-WAY GESCO STREET PIPED STORMWATER DRAINAGE LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL LINE SURFACE WATER FEATURE S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\Final Grade\Figures\RMR.013_20231025.dwg, FIG 2, 10/31/2023 8:16:16 AM, draburn DWM TCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEVEV VAN HC HC EVEV HC HC THCHC HCHC HCHC HCHC 15 YI WM CCCCCCCCCCCTCCHCHC CCCCCCVA N HC 10 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 11-10-23 FIGURE NO. 3 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLYGESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPOSED FINAL GRADE SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology NOTES: 1. AERIAL IMAGERY AND BASE DATA OBTAINED FROMMECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS, 2023. 2. OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN PREPARED BY SEAMON,WHITESIDE & ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED JULY 2023. STATE STREET STEWART CREEKGESCO STREET PIPED STORMWATER DRAINAGE LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL LINE SURFACE WATER FEATURE BUILDING FOOTPRINT PROPOSED LANDSCAPING AREA PAVED AREA FG-1 PROPOSED ALIQUOT SAMPLELOCATION FG-2 PROPOSED ALIQUOT SAMPLELOCATION FG-3 PROPOSED ALIQUOT SAMPLELOCATION FG-4 PROPOSED ALIQUOT SAMPLELOCATION FG-5 PROPOSED ALIQUOT SAMPLE LOCATION POOLAREA PROPOSED BUILDING B PROPOSEDBUILDING A FG-4B FG-4A FG-4D FG-4E FG-4C FG-5A FG-5B FG-5D FG-5E FG-2B FG-2D FG-2C FG-2E FG-2A FG-3C FG-3B FG-3A FG-3E FG-1A FG-1B FG-1C FG-1E WOODED LAND FG-5C FG-3D FG-1D S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\Final Grade\Figures\RMR.013_20231025.dwg, FIG 3, 11/10/2023 11:21:15 AM, tmarbuery Appendix A Landscape Plan DWM STATE STREETSTATE STREET TCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEVEV VAN HC HC EVEVHCHC THCHCHCHCHCHCHCHC L3.0LANDSCAPEPLAN157/24/23            79/1/22  1011/15/22  123/1/23134/18/23  COPYRIGHT  c   SEAMON, WHITESIDE & ASSOCIATES, INC.THIS DRAWING SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER OR USED FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION.CL11514/28/2022DATE:501 WANDO PARK BOULEVARD, SUITE 200 | MOUNT PLEASANT, SC 29464   |   508 RHETT STREET, SUITE 101 | GREENVILLE, SC 29601 RAM REALTY ADVISORS PERCH APARTMENTSREVISION HISTORYDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SW+ PROJECT:IFC SETMOUNT PLEASANT, SC843.884.1667GREENVILLE, SC864.298.0534WWW.SEAMONWHITESIDE.COMSUMMERVILLE, SC843.972.0710SPARTANBURG, SC864.272.1272CHARLOTTE, NC980.312.5450TNCMASNO. C-2466SEAMON,N O R T HCAROLINAFOIWHITESIDE &ASSOCIATES, INC.TTICCFAUTHORIZATIONERAE810 GESCO STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA LIC. NO.N O R THCAROLINA2142TAYLORNATHANIELCR ITCHER L ANDSCAPEARCHITECTR EG ISTERE D 4/17/2023EVERGREEN SCREENING TREECODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTILEB7Ilex x 'Emily Bruner' / Emily Bruner HollyB&B OR CONT.6`-8`LARGE MATURING TREECODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTLIRT9Liriodendron tulipifera / Tulip Poplar3" CAL10`-12`MAGG8Magnolia grandiflora / Southern Magnolia3" CAL10`-12`QUNU14Quercus nuttallii / Nuttall Oak3" CAL10`-12`SMALL MATURING TREECODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTACES3Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku' / Coral Bark Japanese Maple1.5" CAL5`CABF4Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' / Pyramidal European Hornbean2" CAL8-10`CORK4Cornus kousa / Kousa Dogwood2" CAL5`-6`PRUY8Prunus x yedoensis / Yoshino Cherry2" CAL8`-10`PLANT SCHEDULE C3.0 PLANTING PLANSHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTASJD8Astilbe japonica 'Deutschland' / Deutschland Japanese Astilbe1 GAL4"-6"AZAE87Azalea Encore `Autumn Sunset` TM / Encore Azalea7 GAL24"-36"AZDW31Azalea x 'Delaware Valley White' / Valley White Azalea7 GAL24"-36"CAMS8Camellia sasanqua `Yuletide` / Yuletide Camellia15 GAL48"-52"DRYY21Dryopteris erythrosora 'Radiance' / Radiance Autumn Fern3 GAL12"-18"GARD87Gardenia radicans / Dwarf Gardenia7 GAL24"-36"HYPL19Hydrangea paniculata `Little Lime` / Little Lime Hydrangea7 GAL24"-36"ILLP8Illicium parviflorum / Anise Tree7 GAL24"-36"ILVN182Ilex vomitoria `Nana` / Dwarf Yaupon7 GAL24"-36"LCER51Loropetalum chinense `Ever Red Sunset` / Ever Red Sunset Loropetalum7 GAL24"-36"OSMF13Osmanthus fragrans / Fragrant Tea Olive15 GAL48"-52"PITL31Pittosporum tobira `Laura Lee` / Laura Lee Dwarf Pittosporum7 GAL24"-36"PODM39Podocarpus macrophyllus / Southern Yew3 GAL18"-24"GRASSESCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTMISZ9Miscanthus sinensis `Zebrinus` / Zebra Grass1 GAL8"-12"TRIF114Tripsacum floridanum / Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass1 GAL8"-12"GROUND COVERSCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTAGAA86Agapanthus africanus / Lily of the Nile1 GAL4"-6"ANNS91 sfAnnuals Varies / Annuals4" POTTBDHEMF229Hemerocallis x `Fairy Tale Pink` / Daylily1 GAL8"-12"LMBB866Liriope muscari `Big Blue` / Big Blue Lilyturf4" POT8"-12"ROOP12Rosmarinus officinalis `Prostratus` / Creeping Rosemary1 GAL8"-12"SALO89Salvia officinalis / Garden Sage3 GAL12"-18"SOD/SEEDCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTSOD27,290 sfCynodon dactylon `TifTuf` / TifTuf Bermuda GrassSODN/A0102040SCALE: 1" = 20'30S E W N 151515 YIWM GESCO STREETCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCTCCHCHCCCCCCCVANS HC(1) OSMF(466 sf) SOD2(38 sf) SOD2(159 sf) SOD2(208 sf) SOD2(208 sf) SOD2(209 sf) SOD2(13) HEMF(22) HEMF(2) OSMF(15) AZAE(1) CAMS(43) LMBB(19 sf) ANNS(394 sf) SOD2(139) LMBB(51) LMBB(512 sf) SOD2(7) LCER(11) AZDW(3) AMEC(18) PITL(10) ILCC(533 sf) SOD2(1) CAMS(61) LMBB(1) OSMF(25 sf) ANNS(8) ILEB(9) ILVN(192 sf) SOD2(2) AMEC(56) ILVN(922 sf) SOD2(1) AMEC(270 sf) SOD2(1) AMEC(287 sf) SOD2(1) PRUY(95) LMBB(96) LMBB(96) LMBB(143 sf) SOD2(374 sf) SOD2(185 sf) SOD2(2) AMEC(3) ILVN(5) PRUY(1) PRUY(143 sf) SOD2(1) PRUY(217 sf) SOD2(1) AMEC(189 sf) SOD2(11) AZAE(50) ILVN(23) PITL(5) CAMS(2) CAMS(10) HYPL(17) GARD(5) AGAA(10) TRIF(4) ILEA(2) PRUY(3) PRUY(5) PRUY(176 sf) SOD2(4) ILVN0102040SCALE: 1" = 20'30L3.1LANDSCAPEPLAN 1011/15/22 S E W N COPYRIGHT c SEAMON, WHITESIDE & ASSOCIATES, INC.THIS DRAWING SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER OR USED FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION.CL11514/28/2022DATE:501 WANDO PARK BOULEVARD, SUITE 200 | MOUNT PLEASANT, SC 29464 | 508 RHETT STREET, SUITE 101 | GREENVILLE, SC 29601 RAM REALTY ADVISORS PERCH APARTMENTSREVISION HISTORYDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:SW+ PROJECT:IFC SETMOUNT PLEASANT, SC843.884.1667GREENVILLE, SC864.298.0534WWW.SEAMONWHITESIDE.COMSUMMERVILLE, SC843.972.0710SPARTANBURG, SC864.272.1272CHARLOTTE, NC980.312.5450TNCMASNO. C-2466SEAMON,N O R T HCAROLINAFOIWHITESIDE &ASSOCIATES, INC.TTICCFAUTHORIZATIONERAE810 GESCO STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA LIC. NO.N O R THCAROLINA2142TAYLORNATHANIELC R ITCHER L ANDSCAPEARCHITECTR EG ISTERE D 11/15/2022EVERGREEN SCREENING TREECODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTILEA4Ilex x 'Oak Leaf' / Oak Leaf Holly2" CAL6`-8`ILEB8Ilex x 'Emily Bruner' / Emily Bruner HollyB&B OR CONT.6`-8`SMALL MATURING TREECODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTAMEC10Amelanchier canadensis / Serviceberry2" CAL8`-10`PRUY18Prunus x yedoensis / Yoshino Cherry2" CAL8`-10`SHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTAZAE26Azalea Encore `Autumn Sunset` TM / Encore Azalea7 GAL24"-36"AZDW37Azalea x 'Delaware Valley White' / Valley White Azalea7 GAL24"-36"CAMS9Camellia sasanqua `Yuletide` / Yuletide Camellia15 GAL48"-52"GARD17Gardenia radicans / Dwarf Gardenia7 GAL24"-36"HYPL10Hydrangea paniculata `Little Lime` / Little Lime Hydrangea7 GAL24"-36"ILCC11Ilex cornuta `Carissa` / Carissa Holly3 GAL18"-24"ILVN122Ilex vomitoria `Nana` / Dwarf Yaupon7 GAL24"-36"LCER11Loropetalum chinense `Ever Red Sunset` / Ever Red Sunset Loropetalum7 GAL24"-36"OSMF4Osmanthus fragrans / Fragrant Tea Olive15 GAL48"-52"PITL41Pittosporum tobira `Laura Lee` / Laura Lee Dwarf Pittosporum7 GAL24"-36"GRASSESCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTTRIF10Tripsacum floridanum / Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass1 GAL8"-12"GROUND COVERSCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTAGAA5Agapanthus africanus / Lily of the Nile1 GAL4"-6"ANNS44 sfAnnuals Varies / Annuals4" POTTBDHEMF35Hemerocallis x `Fairy Tale Pink` / Daylily1 GAL8"-12"LMBB581Liriope muscari `Big Blue` / Big Blue Lilyturf4" POT8"-12"SOD/SEEDCODEQTYBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEHEIGHTSOD25,827 sfCynodon dactylon `TifTuf` / TifTuf Bermuda GrassSODN/APLANT SCHEDULE C3.1 PLANTING PLAN101010