HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-4506_14908_CA_O_20230418_Barrier sampling April 18, 2023 Mr. James P. McDorman, P.G. Environmental Compliance Coordinator Charlotte Douglas International Airport 5601 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 Subject: Groundwater Modeling Results Proposed Hydraulic Cut-off Barrier Former U.S. Airways Maintenance Hangar 5020 Hangar Road NCDEQ UST Section Incident No. 14908 Charlotte, North Carolina WSP Project: 6228-21-0061 Dear Mr. McDorman: WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. (WSP) is pleased to submit this letter summarizing the results of groundwater flow modeling performed for the above-referenced property in Charlotte, North Carolina (Site). Included in this report is a summary of our understanding of the project background, a brief description of the groundwater flow modeling objectives and development, and a summary of the modeling results. Model details are provided an Attachment. Project Background U.S. Airways, Inc. (U.S. Airways) previously operated an aircraft jet fuel defueling/refueling system at the U.S. Airways Maintenance Hangar located at 5020 Hangar Road in Charlotte, North Carolina. The site is located in the southwest portion of the Charlotte/Douglas International Airport property (Tax Parcel ID 115-211-05). American Airlines (formerly U.S. Airways) currently leases the maintenance hangar facility from the City of Charlotte and performs aircraft maintenance at the property. A 1995 release of petroleum occurred at the hangar location. In December 2018, CLT personnel observed evidence of petroleum seepage from the bank of Coffey Creek approximately 800 feet north of contaminant source area. To control the migration of free phase product at the Site and prevent discharge to Coffey Creek, a hydraulic cut- off barrier (barrier)approximately 400 feet in length is proposed to be installed along the upgradient side of the creek between monitoring wells MW-8 and MW-5, as depicted on page 3 of the Attachment. A Corrective Action Design report (dated October 20, 2022) for the barrier was prepared for and submitted to the Charlotte Douglas International Airport and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Waste Management (DWM), Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section. WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Solutions Inc. 2801 Yorkmont Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 NC Geology License: C-247 T: 704-357-8600 Groundwater Modeling Results April 18, 2023 Former U.S. Airways Maintenance Hangar WSP Project: 6228-21-0061 The UST Section issued a letter approving the design (dated November 30, 2022). To support the design of the barrier wall, a numerical groundwater flow model was developed by WSP. Modeling Objectives The barrier is designed as a near-impermeable wall to prevent migration of free phase petroleum product to Coffee Creek. As an indirect result, the barrier will also prevent the flow groundwater through the wall, which could potentially cause mounding of the water table upgradient of the barrier. However, the barrier is designed as a hanging structure, straddling the water table. The purpose of this is to allow groundwater to flow beneath the barrier, minimizing potential mounding effects relative to the groundwater table upgradient of the wall. The purpose for the groundwater flow model is to evaluate the effect the barrier may have on the groundwater table at the site and to confirm that there will not be significant mounding upgradient of the wall. Model Development The groundwater flow model was developed using a combination Groundwater Vistas 8 (GV) graphical user interface and Environmental System Research Institute ArcMap 10.8.1. The fundamental groundwater flow model code used is MODFLOW-USG Transport version 1.8.0 (Panday, 2021)1, which is an enhanced version of the MODFLOW-USG (Panday, Langevin, Niswonger, Ibaraki, & Hughes, 2013)2 and MODFLOW (McDonald & Harbaugh, 1988)3 finite difference model codes. The unstructured grid approach used in MODFLOW-USG Transport is designed to better solve problems involving refinement of the grid resolution in areas of interest using nested grid methods as opposed to traditional telescopic mesh refinement (TMR) used in MODFLOW, in which the added resolution must be extended to the edges of the model grid. The unstructured grid approach also allows for pinching of model layers, so the model grid layers may more explicitly represent observed geologic layering. Details related to model development, including the finite element grid, model layering, boundary conditions, and hydraulic properties are provided in Attachment, pages 3-14. The model was calibrated to site-specific water level targets using the Parameter Estimation tool, PEST++ Version 5.0.11. Calibration parameters included hydraulic conductivity, drain conductance, GHG conductance, and recharge. Because hydraulic conductivity data for the Site is limited, pilot points were used to allow for heterogeneity across the model domain within each model layer and improvement of the calibration. Calibration results are provided in Attachment, pages 15-20. 1 Panday, S., 2021. USG-Transport Version 1.8.0: The Block-Centered Transport Process for MODFLOW-USG, GSI Environmental, August 2021. http://www.gsi-net.com/en/software/free-software/USG-Transport.html 2 Panday, S., Langevin, C.D., Niswonger, R.G., Ibaraki, M., and Hughes, J.D., 2013. MODFLOW-USG version 1: An unstructured grid version of MODFLOW for simulating groundwater flow and tightly coupled processes using a control volume finite- difference formulation: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. A45. 3 McDonald, M. G., & Harbaugh, A. W., 1988. Chapter A1, A Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model. In Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey (p. 586). Washington: United States Geological Survey Printing Office. Groundwater Modeling Results April 18, 2023 Former U.S. Airways Maintenance Hangar WSP Project: 6228-21-0061 Barrier Simulation Results The barrier was added to Layer 3 of the of the calibrated model and the model was rerun. The barrier was specified as 1.5 feet thick with a hydraulic conductivity of 5.0E-08 centimeters/second (1.4E-04 feet/day). Results are presented in Attachment, pages 21 and 22. As shown by the residuals presented on page 22 of Attachment, which are calculated as the simulated water level minus the observed water level at target locations, the model predicts water levels upgradient of the barrier to rise less than a half foot in most areas, with a maximum increase of around 0.61 feet immediately adjacent to the wall. No flooding is predicted to occur due to the addition of the barrier. Because the primary goal of this modeling exercise is to demonstrate that the barrier will not cause an unacceptable rise in the groundwater table at the site, an additional sensitivity simulation was performed, where recharge within the permeable areas of the Site were doubled, increasing it from 4.38 inches/year to 8.76 inches/year. The results of this simulation are provided in the Attachment, pages 23-25. As shown on page 24 of Attachment, residuals at target locations rose between 0.18 feet beneath the hanger to 1.37 feet near the ditch without the barrier in place and rose 0.21 feet beneath the hanger and 2.15 feet near the ditch with the barrier in place. Groundwater levels within Layer 1 are presented on page 25 of Attachment. As shown, there are two small areas where the model predicts surface flooding to occur. However, this flooding is predicted with or without the barrier and the degree of flooding did not change with the addition of the barrier. Thus, it is concluded that recharge at the Site is most likely lower than what is simulated in this sensitivity simulation, because flood is not generally observed at the site in these areas. It is also concluded that the installation of the barrier will not cause a significant rise in the water table at the site based on the model simulations performed. It should be noted that if there are utilities within two feet of current maximum observed water levels near or just upgradient of the proposed barrier location, then further evaluation should be performed to determine if those would be affected by a rise in the water table. We appreciate your selection of WSP for this project and look forward to assisting you further on this project. If you have questions, please contact us. Sincerely, WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. Samuel Best Robert C. Foster, L.G. Senior Water Resource Engineer Associate Geologist Registered, NC #1335 Cc: Mr. Dan Bowser, L.G., NCDEQ, UST Section Enclosure Hanger Barrier Wall Groundwater Modeling Results April 18, 2023 Former U.S. Airways Maintenance Hangar WSP Project: 6228-21-0061 ATTACHMENT Groundwater Modeling Overview and Results Corrective Action Design Support, Charlotte Douglas International Airport Groundwater Flow Modeling Overview and Results Groundwater Flow Model Development 3 April 18, 2023 Model Domain Site Location 4 April 18, 2023 Finite Difference Grid 10x10 spacing 5 April 18, 2023 Boundary Conditions Linearly interpolated between MW-3 and ditch Constant between MW-3 and eastern boundary of the domain •General Head Boundaries (GHBs) •Heads set to average surface water elevation (646.6 feet) of the Catawba River located approximate 15,000 feet from the Site, as determined from LiDAR data for the area provided by the State of North Caroline•Hydraulic conductivity based on lithologic unit•Saturated thickness set to layer thickness •Constant Head Boundaries (CHB) •Based on MW-3 groundwater elevation and estimated surface water elevation within the ditch at the bottom left corner of domain •Drain Boundaries (DRNs) •Heads set to bottom of ditch•Hydraulic conductivity based on lithologic unit•Hydraulic Flow Barriers (HFBs) •Hydraulic barrier wall added to layer 3 (post-model calibration)•Wall alignment and top and bottom elevations of layer 3 along the wall alignment consistent with design •Hydraulic conductivity = 1.4E-04 ft/d (5.0E- 08 cm/s)•Thickness = 1.5 feet 6 April 18, 2023 GHB Head ~15,000 feet Average Head = 646.6 feet 7 April 18, 2023 Layer 1 (Discontinuous) •Fill Unit •Top defined by current topography •Bottom defined by historical grading plan •Pinched out where <0.5-ft thick Layer 2 (Discontinuous) •Native overburden •Top defined by historical grading plan •Bottom set top of Saprolite unit defined based on Site boring logs •Pinched out where <0.5-ft thick Layer 3 (Continuous) •Saprolite Unit •Top set to top of Saprolite unit defined based on Site boring logs •Bottom set to bottom of proposed barrier wall Layer 4 (Continuous) •Saprolite Unit •Set to bottom of proposed barrier wall •Bottom set to constant elevation of 640-ft msl Model Layering 8 April 18, 2023 Historical vs. Current Ground Surface Elevations Historical Current 9 April 18, 2023 •Historical surface was higher than current grade in some areas •Top of Overburden = Historical surface elevation, except where historical elevation > current grade, in which the top of overburden is set to set to 0.1 feet below the current elevation Top of Overburden 10 April 18, 2023 •Based on Site boring logs •As shown, the creek is in direct contact with the Saprolite unit Top of Saprolite 11 April 18, 2023 Fill and Overburden Extents and Thickness 12 April 18, 2023 Model Cross-Section L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L2 L3 L4 Northwest Southeast Row 1Row 180Coffey Creek 640-ft msl 700-ft msl 690-ft msl 640-ft msl 1,800-ft msl 13 April 18, 2023 Well K (ft/min)K (ft/d)Screened Interval (ft-bgs) MW-3 1.97E-05 0.028 4-14 RW-6 2.00E-03 2.880 10-20 or 25 PMW-11 5.91E-05 0.085 10-20 Measured Hydraulic Conductivity (K) •Because transmissivity is unknow, the range of K used for model calibration was 0.01 to 100 ft/d for the overburden and saprolite units •K for the Fill Unit set to 0.01 ft/d 14 April 18, 2023 Recharge •Pervious area •0.001 ft/day (or 4.38 in/yr) •Impervious area •0.000 ft/day (or 0.00 in/yr) Model Calibration 15 16 April 18, 2023 •Maximum observed water levels Calibration Targets 17 April 18, 2023 Initial sensitivity analysis •K zones by model layer •Range: 0.001 to 50 ft/d •GHB conductance •Range: 1.0 to 1,000 ft2/d •DRN conductance •Range: 1.0 to 1,000 ft2/d •RCH •0.001 ft/day to 0.002 ft/day (4.38 in/yr to 8.76 in/yr) Automated calibration with PEST •Kx pilot points + GHB and DRN conductance Calibration Process 18 April 18, 2023 Calibration Results Residuals (Simulated Head –Observed Head) 19 April 18, 2023 Calibrated Hydraulic Conductivity Layers 1 and 2 Layer 1 Layer 2 L1 Kx (ft/d) Mean 0.01 Min 0.01 Max 0.01 L2 Kx (ft/d) Mean 1.35 Min 0.85 Max 12.6 20 April 18, 2023 Calibrated Hydraulic Conductivity Layers 3 and 4 L3 Kx (ft/d) Mean 1.77 Min 0.02 Max 38.3 L4 Kx (ft/d) Mean 1.99 Min 0.01 Max 40.1 Layer 3 Layer 4 Barrier Wall Simulation Results 22 April 18, 2023 Layer 3 Barrier Wall Simulation Results Layer 4 Wall •Simulated water levels at target locations rose by 0.01 to 0.68 feet Sensitivity Analyses 24 April 18, 2023 L4 -With Wall Sensitivity Analysis: 2X Recharge L4 -Without Wall •Without the wall, the water table rose by 0.18 to 1.37 feet at target locations as the result of doubling recharge in pervious areas •With the wall in place, the water table rose by 0.21 to 2.15 feet at target locations as a result of doubling recharge in pervious areas Layers 4 25 April 18, 2023 Sensitivity Analysis: 2X Recharge L1 -Without Wall L1 -Without Wall •Without the wall, the model predicts minor flooding in two locations as a result of doubling recharge in pervious areas •With the wall in place, the model does not predict any additional flooding as a result of doubling recharge in pervious areas Layer 1