HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_20050228_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_IT Contract correspondence, 2002 - 2005-OCR/ /-3/10/2005 11:02 9197153060 NCDEt'-lR PAGE 03/04 J'/ I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ►f'il~No. 04 CVS 177 WARREN In The General Court Of Justice County O District [Kl Superior Court Division AddWonal File Nt1mbers ro~x ASSOCIATES, LLC VERSUS Mici'.,·esc Soil Ren1cdia1ion, Inc .. Shpw l::nvitonmcnt,d nnd SUBPOENA ln:"r;;.,,rncturc. Inc. n:1d Tl1c ln.,urnncc Company of the S:atc of PA G.S. 1A•1. Ruic 45 P.,rty F:~-:;u,;5/.'ng Suvpo~ne I NOTE TO PARTIES NOT REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL: Subpoenas may be produced at your request, but 0 :;:,, •e:i:;1,,,r.firr 00 Oolnr.d.,,,, mus/ b-s sigr1ed and issu~d by th9 office or the CIGrl< of SvpGrior Court. or by a ma9istr&t<: or j udge. tl~me And Addff:so Of Per~on Subposneec.' ·\ .. '•-f -.,___.)' Alternar,; Address j,-..,,.. .: ,;(11,, TO i':C Dr::NR., Division of Was1·c Mann~~mcn1 NC DENR, Division of Waste Mann_ge,ncnt i 646 :,._foil Service Center 40 I Oberlin Road, Suite 150 R.alei Qh. J\C 2 7699-1646 Raleigh. NC 2i605 --·••"· ---~ --·--· T1:l12phone No I Tc!,p.',u,,,. !·ic. (9 I 9) i33-4996 (919) 733-499(, YOU ARE COMMANDED TO: (CMCk ell that eppty): n appear anrJ testify, in t11e above entitlecl action, before the court at the place, date and time indicated below. O appear and testify. in the above entitled action, at a deposition at the place, date and time indicated below. 0 produce and permit inspection and copying of the following items, at the place. date and time indicated below. D See attached list. (List lwG If sp;icc svfflclont) I. Produce copies ofnll pre-bid questionnaires ;ind tcspol'lscs to bicldcrqucsrions rec eived by you from any and all conrracrors for NC SCO Project No. 0 I 04401() I A. ~ Produce co pie, of all bids and Forms of Proposal received by you from any and all contractors for NC SCO Project No. L , 010440101.!\. 3, Prodt1Cc; copies of any and all doc;umcn1s, inclllding. but not limited tu, corrcsponclcnc;c, technical specifications, spreadsheets, graph,. rn.~t annly~c, oi· other reports, received by you from all contr.ictms for NC SCO Project No. 0 I 044010 I A 011 or before the hid dttc date for the Project of Dcccmhcr 22 , 2000 and on or before the cxi::cution of the contract with Shaw on .February 16. 200 I. Ntimo find LOC.'HiCJ) or Cout11P/3C() or Doµo~i!1on/Pf,9C! To PrOIJllCr. oarg To l\pp~srlf>roduce Herring MeBcnnctt Mili, & Finkelstein, PLLC 03/1 8/2005 Two Ha:1110\'Cr Square, Suite 1860 Tlmg To Appgsr/Produce R8leiµh. NC 2i60l l l:00 [I AM □PM 11;;,me A/lC! i\ddr(J.~!. 01 A1>plic,,,,, 01 l\pplitntll'S 1\/IMn~y O,qlo Mark Andcr~on Fin!<clstcin 02/28/2005 Herrinµ Mc Bennett Mill, & Finkelstein, PLLC Signe~(/A ;;r-: , . I., . PO Rox 1677. Ra lci"h, NC 27602 )v,../'f...,•;;::::___ TOlf'!f)IJOnP No. I O Deputy C$C D /\.ssit.r,1nl CSC D Cle1k 01 Superio1 Court D Superior Coull Judge (919) 821 -1 860 D Mapl~lrate _ ... 00 Al(Qrnny/OA 0 DiWicr :,~'.~~:!'.'.~~~ "-----... _ _ _ _I__ _RETUR~ QF_S_El3VICE ___ I ··--__ ....... , ...• ,·-·-·· "' .... I certify this subpoena was received and served on the person subpoenaed as follows: By CJ personal delivery. 0 registered or certified mail, rncei;it requested and attach0d. D telephone COl"'l municatlon (l'~r u.so O"'Y 1,y 1hr. ,,.o,r.r;rrt-omco re,· .,..;r.-,ess wapoe.oeed ro eppe,er ano· testily./ O I was urn;ble l.o serve lhis subpoena. ----· ·-·----·--· 1 S1:-Nit;r. ,ee D P~i:1 Oa!e Ser,ed 0 Due :s I NOTE TO PERSON REQUESTING SUBPOENA: A copy of this svopoena must be delivered. mailed or faxed lo the atlomey far eacr. party ir1 this c::ise. If a party is no! rspr.-sef';/ed by en ettorMy. tM copy musl b9 mailgd or do/lvored tc the party. Tllis docs no/ Jpply In cr/minJI coses. AOC•G-1 OC, Rev. 10103 ,r; 2~J3 Adl'r-ini,llaliv~ O'r;c~ or 111,;o Col:'ls \ \ StiawThe Shaw Group Inc:" July 22, 2002 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Attn: Ms. Patricia Backus, P .E. Project Manager (919) 733-4996, ext 308 phone (919) 715-3605 fax Re: Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #0104401010A, Shaw Project #827062 Requirement for Engineering License Dear Ms. Backus, Shaw Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. 200 Horizon Center Blvd. Trenton, NJ 08691-1904 Direct Dial: 609-588-6373 FAX: 609-588-6300 /~CEIVE/j (, J\ltit w:tl This is to confirm our telephone conversation of this morning regarding the contract requirement for an engineering firm license and the complications that this is causing in our efforts to determine which Shaw subsidiary will need to be the bonded contracting entity. As you know, the contract scope of work is on a design/build basis, and thus requires the contractor to have both engineering and general contractor licenses in the State of North Carolina. Shaw is working to obtain these licenses in our own name since our purchase of the former contractor, The IT Group. However, it appears that the obtaining the engineering license will take longer than anticipated. This is due to certain requirements regarding the corporate structure of the company to be licensed that are unique to North Carolina. These will require Shaw to set up a separate subsidiary company to hold the license, as well as several other time-consuming intermediate steps. As we discussed, the design phase of the project is substantially complete, with all required permits obtained and construction well under way. In the event that further engineering work is required prior to the time that Shaw obtains the engineering license, we will subcontract this work to a firm with the appropriate licenses, as we agreed in our conversation. This temporary alternative will greatly simplify the process of obtaining the required bonds, which as you know is an urgent matter. Work has been in progress since the sale to obtain a North Carolina general contractors' license that can clearly be connected to the contracting subsidiary. I will keep you informed of the results. Shaw Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. ~ StiawToe Shaw Group Inc:" If you have any further questions or concerns on this matter please contact me at (609) 588-6373 or at gduke@theitgroup.com. Sincerely, ./7 ~ ,;;)_,,_/---._/ Gary W. Duke, P.E. Project Manager Shaw Environmental, Inc. Duke file c:\mydocs\nclf\corresDENR\7-22-02 eng license.doc AVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Purchase and Services Michael F. Easley, Governor Laird A. Davison, Director VIA FAX AND CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Thomas Horst, Executive Vice President Shaw Environmental Inc. 200 Horizon Center Blvd. Trenton, NJ 0869 I -I 904 June 6, 2002 RE: Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #0104401010A, IT Corp. Project #827062 Dear Mr. Horst: William G. Ross Jr., Secretary We have reviewed Mr. Gary Duke's response of May 23, 2002 concerning assumption of this contract and Bankruptcy Judge Mary Walrath's order authorizing the sale of The IT Group to The Shaw Group. We do not object to Shaw's assumption of this contract as long as Shaw obtains the bonding and licenses required by the contract. We agree that Shaw has corrected the conditions of default that were listed in the Notice of Default issued on March 1, 2002 and has shown intent to complete the project according to its terms and provisions. Therefore, this letter is formal notice that we are rescinding the Notice of Default. Shortly before receiving your response, we received correspondence from Kemper stating that the project bonds would not be assigned to Shaw. We received this notification on May 20, 2002 and are using this as the ending date of the bonds. Since the bonds were in place during the period covered by Application for Payment Nos. 11, 12, 13 and 14, DENR has released those invoices for payment. However, we cannot make additional payments until Shaw obtains performance and payment bonds for the total amount of the project ($6,658,539). The required fom1S for these bonds are included. In addition to the above, Shaw must also obtain the business and professional licenses to complete the assumption of this contract. We understand that you were authorized by the bankruptcy order to operate under The IT Group's licenses for a transitional period and that you in the process of obtaining licenses in Shaw's name as soon as possible. Please keep us informed of your progress. If you require additional information, please contact Ms. Pat Backus at (919) 733-4996 ext. 308. Sincerely, Laird A Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Services Enclosures (2) cc: Zack Abegumin, State Construction Office Mike Kelly, DENR Gary Duke, Shaw Environment and Infrastructure Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech, Inc Patricia Backus, DENR-DWM Stephen Beatty, Kemper Insurance 1605 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1605 Phone: 919-733-9746 \ FAX: 919-715-0684 \ Internet: www.admin,em.state.nc.us/purchase/ An Equal Opportunity\ Affirmative Action Employer -50% Recycled\ I 0% Post Consumer Paper Form OC-10 SECTION 308 FORM OF PAYMENT BOND Date of Contract: Date of Execution: Name of Principal: (Contractor) Name of Surety: Name of Contracting Body: Amount of Bond: Project: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the principal and surety above named, are held and fim1ly bound unto the above named contracting body, hereinafter called the contracting body, in the penal sum of the amount stated above for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the principal entered into a certain contract with the contracting body identified as shown above and hereto attached: NOW, THEREFORE, if the principal shall promptly make payment to all persons supplying labor/material in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, and any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications to the surety being hereby waived, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this instrument under their several seals on the date indicated above, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. Executed in _____________________ counterparts. Witness: (Proprietorship or Partnership Attest: (Corporation) By: Contractor: (Trade or Corporate Name) Title: (Owner, Partner, or Corp. Pres. or Vice Pres. only) Date of Contract: Date of Execution: Name of Principal: (Contractor) Name of Surety: Name of Contracting Body: Amount of Bond: Project: FORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the principal and surety above named, are held and firmly bound unto the above named contracting body, hereinafter called the contracting body, in the penal sum of the amount stated above for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind, ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION JS SUCH, that whereas the principal entered into a certain contract with the contracting body, identified as shown above and hereto attached: NOW, THEREFORE, if the principal shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the contracting body, with or without notice to the surety, and during the life of any guaranty required under the contract, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications to the ~urety being hereby waived, then, this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. By: Title: (Corp. Sec. or Asst. Sec. only) Witness: Countersigned: (N.C. Licensed Resident Agent) Name and Address-Surety Agency Surety Company Name and N.C. Regional or Branch Office Address (Corporate Seal) (Surety Company) By: Title: (Attorney in Fact) (Surety Corporate Seal) \ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this instrument under their several seals on the date indicated above, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. Executed in Witness: (Proprietorship or Partnership) Attest: (Corporation) By: Title: (Corp. Sec. or Asst. Sec. only) Witness: Countersigned: (N.C. Licensed Resident Agent) Name and Address-Surety Agency By: Title: By: Title: Surety Company Name and N.C. Regional or Branch Office Address counterparts. Contractor: (Trade or Corporate Name) (Owner, Partner, or Corp. Pres. or Vice Pres. only) (Corporate Seal) (Surety Company) (Attorney in Fact) (Surety Corporate Seal) Patricia M. Backus, PE Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 Phone: 919-733-4996 ext. 308 Fax: 919-715-3605 Fax To: Laird Davison Fax: 715-0684 Phone: NCDENR From: Pat Backus Pages: 3 Date: May 8, 2002 Re: Lette~ Include to IT/Shaw CC: 0 Urgent □ For Review □ Please Comment □ Please Reply D Please Recycle • Comments: I. t .... ~1,~A .9!'~ .. HCDE ...... N-R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources • Division of Purchase and Services Michael F. Easley, GOYemOr Laird Davison, Director Wi_lliam G. ~O!S }fu &ecr'etary March 1, 2002 NOTICE OF DEFAULT CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gary L. Gardner, President Commercial Engineering and Construction Group The IT Group, Inc. 200 Hori7.on Center Blvd. Trenton, NJ 08691-1904 RE: Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #010440 l 0 1 0A, 1T Corp. Project #827062 Dear Mr. Gardner: The Owner State of North Carolina has reviewed Gary Duke's letter dated February 14, 2002, in response to its letter dated January 24. 2002. rt is evident from Mr. Duke's letter that The IT Group cannot as~ure the State of North Carolina that it can and will complete the Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract per the contract terms and conditions. It is also noted that The IT Group ha.s not made timely payments to aU of its subcontractors, which has placed the timely performance of the contract in jeopard)•, negatively impacted The JT Group's working relationsrups with various subcontractors, and inserted an clement of delay into the master schedule for the project Pursuant to the Form of Construction Contract to include, but not limited to, Article 29 of the General Conditions of the contract, the State of North Carolina hereby declares The IT Group in default on the referenced contract Pursuant to the snid contract as amended and supplemented, by copy of this letter we arc making fonna1 demand to the surety, Kemper Insurance Companies, to take over the project within fifteen days and complete the perfonnance of the Construction Contract in a timely fashion. 1605Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1605 Phone: 919-733-9746 \ FAA: 919-715-0684 \ Internet www.admin.enr.state.nc.us/purchase/ An Equal Opportunity\ Affirmative Action~• -50% Recycled\ 10% Post Consumer Paper 03/04/2002 13:21 9197150684 DENR PURCHASE/SVCS PAGE 02/02 The Owner expects to meet with the surety and its representatives to discuss the progr£ss of The IT Group on the project, and would not object to The IT Group continuing to J)crfonn under the supervii;ion of the !nlrety. However, the Owner is obligat!!d under the terms and conditions of the Fonn of Construction Contract to notify the surety of the conditions of default in order to preserve its rights under the various bond agreements insuring the project. Sincertly, Qw G.~ a~ Laird A. Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Servicts cc: Stephen Butty, Kemper Insurance, (Ccnificd Mail-Return Receipt Requested) Zack Abegunrin, State Constniction Office _ .MJ~e ;,<,e,iy. 'QE..N.li.. ~ _ Gary Duke, The IT Group, Inc. Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech Inc. Patricia Backus, DENR-DWM •· ::u.::, ( J. ;_!tJOOr..+ vi=..,,,, , ._,1,v1 ,,..,._J~r ._J V-....J._J ~~ MCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources • Division of Purchase and Services Michael F. Easley, Governor Laird Davison, Director William G. Ro.~ Jr.!l. &ecretary March 1, 2002 NOTICE OF DEFAULT CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQVESTED Mr. Gary L. Gardner, President Commercial Engineering and Construction Group The IT Group, Inc. 200 Horizon Center Blvd. Trenton, NJ 08691-1904 RE: Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #0 I 0440 IO l OA, IT Corp. Project #827062 Dear Mr. Gardner: The Owner State of North Carolina has reviewed Gary Duke's letter dated February 14, 2002, in response to its Jetter dated January 24, 2002 . rt is evident from Mr. Duke's letter that The IT Group cannot as$ure the State of North Carolina that it can and will complete the Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract per the contract terms and conditions. It is also noted that The IT Group has not made timely payments to all of its subcontractors, which has placed the timely performance of the contract in jeopardy. negatively impacted The JT Group's working relationships with various subcontractors, and inserted an element of delay into the master schedule for the project. Pursuant to the Form of Construction Contract to include, but not limited to, Article 29 of the General Conditions of the contract, the State of North Carolina hereby declares The IT Group in default on the Teferenced contract. Pursuant to the snid contract as amended and supplemented, by copy of this letter we are making formal demand to the surety, Kemper Insurance Companie$, to take over the project within fifteen days and complete the perfonnance of the Construction Contract in a timely fashion. 1605 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1605 Phone: 919-733-9746 \ F/J;X: 919-715-0684 \ Internet www.admin.enr.state.nc.us/purchase/ An Equal Opportunity\ Affirmative Action Enl,>la,er -50% Recycled\ 10% Post Consumer Paper r -•. 03/04 /2002 13:21 9197150684 DENR PURCHASE /SVCS PAGE 02 /02 The Owner expects t.o meet with the surety and its representatives to discuss the progn:ss of The IT Group on the project, and would not object to The IT Group continuing to perfonn under the supervision of the surety. However, the Owner is obli.gat!!d under the terms and conditions of the Fonn of Construction Contract to notify the surety of the conditions of default in order to preserve: its rights under the various bond agreements insuring the project. Sincerely, Gl~ G.~ a~ Laird A. Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Services cc: Stephen Beatty, Kemper Insurance, (Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested) Zack Abegunrin, State Construction Office ... MJ~e 1',e,iy, Q~_R. •. ~ ·- Gary Duke, The IT Group, Inc. Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech Inc. Patricia Backus, DENR-DWM I' Patricia M. Backus, PE Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 Phone: 919-733-4996 ext. 308 Fax: 919-715-3605 Fax From: Pat Backus Pages: 8 Phone: ~Oft -.538 -4,3 '1_3 GYlJrgent □ For Review □ Please Comment □ Please Reply • Comments: D Please Recycle Patricia M. Backus, PE Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 Phone: 919-733-4996 ext. 308 Fax: 919-715-3605 NCDENR Fax To: Gary Duke From: Pat Backus ~-3 Fax: ~ ft,o9-SF8 -C,,3Po Pages: 3 Phone: 609.588.6373 Date: March 4, 2002 Re: Letter of Default 0 Urgent □ For Review □ Please Comment □ Please Reply • Comments: This is the letter. It is being mailed today. Pat ---.b_~ i) _,) ~~~~ ~7-li_~. 'Pa_:r □ Please Recycle ACTIUITY REPORT(TX) 03.05.2002 08:08 9197153605 SOLID WASTE DIU DATE T IME DURATION REMOTE ID MODE PAGES RESU LT 02.28 13:38 00 '23 " 98289240 ECM 0 . K . _____ -----------1=~;;:;·cclil;::;2=•=2-"' __ 8=="-! .;;;.7 __ : -"-1_6_;;;;.···;.;._c....0_1....;;...' _4'"' __ "-'9_;;..;." ___ +--3_3_6_7_2_3 __ 1 _9_7 __ ? .... + .... t ...... c..•--._-... -"" ... ""'6-"'3="'1-=· =.cc-2""_"'"'_ ~-'--'-..... o'-C_. '-K-'-'.'--'·'""· ·....;..c;;;.·..;;;· .... ----. 03,01 09:20 03'08" 9197154504 63 8 0. K . 03.01 08:5_7__ 01'04" 501 664 5005 03.01 10:02 01'49" 804 2744572 ECM 5 0. K. 03.01 10:50 00 '00 " 98882151988 63 0 INTERRUPT 03.01 10:51 02 '20 " 91 8 882151988 ECM O.K. 03.01 11:23 00 '22" 98289240 ECM O.K. 03.01 14:43 01'51 " 85592411220 ECM 4 0. K . 03.01 14:53 02'17" ECM 4 0. K . 03.01 15:53 00'26" 919 715 5264 ECM 1 O.K. 03.04 11:17 01'00" 919 733 9573 63 1 -0,K. 1 ."" .. -'-'.l-'"-.... 3-'_. __ 0.-'4_. '--'1_1;;_. : __ 2_.a_.•_··+·· __ 0_':l_'._.5_;1_•_· .-+_9_1_9_7_3_3_9_5_7 ____ 3_. ____ • _,.,_. --i-··-· _.6_.~ __ •.. _ .. +· _.,_-_ •. ..l.~, .i Lc::I_S_·_~-~-·.'::.:"~:.:.::.::::. J 03.04 13:05 00 '44 " 919 716 69 39 ECM 1 O.K. 03.04 1 3: 31 03 '13" 9195158585 ECM 5 0 . I\. 03.04 14: 18 03 '21 " 919 683 7190 ECM 8 0 . K. 03.04 14:57 01 '26" 919 733 9413 ECM 3 0. K . 03.04 00 '00" 97339413 63 0 tL 6. 20 03.04 15:02 00 '00" 97339413 63 0 ,JI. 6. 20 03.04 15:03 04' 10" 919 733 9413 ECM 10 O.K. 03.04 02 '58" 598 3996 EC M 5 0. K . 03.04 1 6: 3 1 00 '00" 86095886486 6 3 0 .I tHERRUP T 03.04 16:32 01'33" 8642343069 ECM 3 0 . K. 03.04 01 '02" 86095886483 ECM 3 0 . K . 03.04 16:37 01'02" 919 854 6259 ECM 3 0 .• K. 03.04 16:45 00 '48" 83037719270 ECM 2 Ow K. 03.04 16:55 04'46" 87048685486 ECM 9 03.04 01 '01 " 86095886483 ECM 3 03.05 07:50 0 2 ' 19" 2 02 761 489 1 ECM 4 0. K. 03.05 08:07 01 '03" 609 588 6399 ECM 3 0. K . ,iw ,.., ~ -· )., ......... t , ;.: I ACTIUITY REPORT(TX) 03. 05. 20~32 08:~34 9197153605 SOLID WASTE DI U DAT E TIME DURATION REMOTE ID MODE PAGES RESULT 02.28 12:20 00 ·' 45" 3367247095 G3 0. K . 00' 23" 98289240 02.28 17:16 01'49" 336 723 1972++ G3 2 0. K. 0~.: 2 0 9 197154504 G3 , , . 0 3 . 0 1 08 :57 01'04" 501 664 5005 ECM 2 O.K. 03.01 10:02 01'49" 80 4 2744572 ECM 5 0. K. 0 3. 01 10 :50 00' 00" 98882151988 83 0 INTERRUPT 0 3. 01 02' 20" 918882151988 ECM 0. K. 0 3. 01 11:23 00' 22" 98289240 ECM O.K. 03.01 01 '51" 85592411220 ECM 4 0. K . 03.01 14:53 02'17" ECM • 4 O.K. 03.01 15:53., ,., 00·'26 ·'' 919 715 5264 ECM , .,, 1 ,O .. K •.. , 03.04 13:05 00'44" 919 716 6939 ECM 1 O.K. 03.04 03'13" 9195158585 ECM 5 O.K. 03.04 14: 18 .. 03'21" 919 683 7190 ECM 8 0. K . 03.04 14: 57 01'26" 919 733 9413 ECM 3 0. K . 03.04 00' 00" 97339413 83 0 N.8.20 03.04 15:02 00' 00" 973394 13 83 0 N.G.20 03.04 15:03 0 4' 10" 919 733 9413 ECM 10 0. K . 03.04 15.:.25 02 ·' 58" 5 98 3996 ECM 5 0 . K . 03.04 16 : 31 00' 00" 86095886486 83 0 INTERRUPT 03.04 1 6: 32 01' 33" 86"42343069 -EC M 3 0. K . 03.04 16:35 01' 02" 86095886483 ECM 3 O.K. 03.04 16:37 01' 0 2'·' 919 854 6259 ECM 3 0 . K . 03.04 16:45 00' 48" 83037719270 ECM 2 0. K . 03.04 16:55 04' 46 " 87048685486 ECM 9 0. K . 03.04 1 7 : 1.9 01' 01" . 86095886483 ECM 3 0. K . 03.05 0 7: 5.0 . 02' 19" 202 761 4 891 ECM 4 0. K . DATE TIME 02 .27 16: 19 02 .28 09:32 02 .28 09:33 02.28 10 : 28 02.28 1 2 : 2 0 02.28 13: 3 8 02 .28 1 7 : 1 6 03.01 08 :20 03.01 08:57 03 .01 10:02 03.01 10: 5 0 0 3. 01 10:51 0_3 . 0 ~ 1l :23 03 . 01 14: 4 3 03.01 14:53 03.01 15: 5 3 03 .04 11 : 1 7 03.04 11:20 03.04 1 3 : 0 5 03 .04 13: 31 03.04 14: 18 03 .04 14:57 03.04 15: 01 03.04 15:02 03 .04 15: 0 3 03.04 15 :25 03.04 16: 31 03 .04 16: 3 2 03 .04 16:35 03 .04 16:37 ACTilJITY REPORT(T X) 03.04.2002 16:38 9197153605 SOLID WASTE DI U DURATION REMOTE ID MODE PAGES RESU LT 02 ' 53 " 2026247875 ECM 7 0 . K . 01' 10 " 864234 3069 ECM 2 0 . K • ..... -·-. -· . --__ , ··--" 00 ' 4 7" 9 19 854 6259 ECM 2 O.K . 00 ' 41 " 884 764 75996 ECM 1 O.K. 00 I 45n 3367247095 83 1 0. K. 00' 23'' 98289240 ECM 1 0. K. 01 '49" 336 723 1972++ G3 2 0 . K. 0 3' 08 )) 9197154504 83 8 0 . K . 01' 0 4" 501 664 5005 ECM ' 2 0 . K . 0 1 ' 4 9" 804 2744572 ECM 5 0 . K . 00' 00" 98882 151 988 G3 0 I tHERRUPT 02 ' 20" 918882151988 ECM 1 0. K. 012!'.22.". 98289240 ... ·-----.... l;: . .Ul __ , __ _______ J ______ _ .O.~K .•..... __ • ___ ... 0 1 ' 5 1" 8 5592411220 ECM 4 o. r:. 02' 1 7" ECM 4 0 . K. 00 ' 26" 9 19 715 5264 ECM 1 0. K. 01' 0 0" 9 1 9 733 9573 G3 1 0. K. 00' 52" 919 733 957 3 G3 1 0. K. 00 ' 44" 9 19 7 16 6939 ECM 1 0 . K. 0 3 ' 13 n 9195158585 ECM ~ 0 . K. _, 03 ' 21 n 919 683 7 190 ECM 8 0 . K. 0 1 '26" 9 1 9 733 9413 ECM 3 0. K. 00' 00" 97339 41 3 G3 0 N.G.20 00 ' 00" 97339413 G3 0 N.G.20 0 4 ' 10" 9 19 733 941 3 ECM 1 (:1 0. r-:. 02 1 5 8}} 598 3996 ECM 5 0. K. 00 ' 00" 86095886486 83 0 rnTERRUPT 01 '33" 8642343069 ECM 3 0. K. 01'02" 86095886483 ECM 3 0. K. 01' 0 2" 919 8 54 6259 ECM 3 0. K. DATE 02.28 02.28 02.28 02.28 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 03.01 .. 03 .• 0 t 03.04 03 .04 03.04 03.04 03.0 4 03.04 03.04 03.04 03 .04 03 .04 03.04 03.04 03.04 03.04 03.04 03.04 03 .04 i=!CT I IJ I TV REPORT (T>=:) 03.04.2002 1 7: 2 0 9197153605 SOLID WASTE DI U TIME DURATION REMOTE ID MODE PAGES RESULT 10:28 00' 41 '' 884 764 759% ECM 1 0 . K . 12:20 00' 4_5 ·'' 3367247095 ·-G3 . -· . -· -.J .. -~l_,_f'.., ... _ -. ... 13 :38 00 ' 23" 98289240 EC M 1 0 . K . 1 7: 1 6 01' 4 9 " 336 723 1972 ++ G3 , . .2 _0._I(,___ . -·- 08 :20 03' 08" 9197154504 G3 8 0. K . 08:57 01' 0 4" 501 664 5005 ECM 2 0 . K . 10 : 02 0 1 ' 4 9" 804 2744572 EC M 5 0, K . 10: 5 0 00' 00 " 98882151988 G3 0 INTERRUPT 1 0: 5 1 02' 20" 918882 1519 88 ECM 1 0. K . 11: 2 3 00' 22" 98289240 ECM 1 D. K , 14: 4 3 01' 51 " 8559241 1220 ECM 4 0 . K . 14:53 0 2' 1 7" ECM 4 0. K . 1 ~.:.:,53 __ -. 0"l '..2_Ei.'.', 9 1_9 7 15 52.\'.i,4. ·""" •.... .J;.C.tt... . --L •. ..... Q ...... K .• ~ ..... ----··-~ 1 1 : 1 7 01' 0 0" 9 19 733 9 573 G3 1 0. K . 11: 2 0 00' 52" 919 733 9573 G3 1 0. K . 13: 05 00' 44" 919 716 6939 ECM 1 0. K . 13 : 3 1 03 ' 13 " 9 195 158585 ECM 5 0 , K . 1 4: 1 8 0 3' 21" 919 683 7190 ECM 8 0 . K . 14:57 01' 2 6 " 9 19 733 9413 ECM 3 0 . K . 15: 01 00 ' 00 " 97339413 G3 0 N.G.20 15: 0 2 00' 00" 973394 13 G3 0 N.G.20 15: 0 3 0 4 ' 10" 9 19 733 9413 ECM 10 0 . K . 15:25 02 ' 5 8" 598 3996 ECM 5 0 . K . 16:31 00 ' 00 " 86095886486 G3 0 I tH ERRUPT 16:32 01 ' 33" 864 234 3069 ECM 3 0, K , 16:35 01'02" 8609 5886483 ECM 3 0. K . 16:37 01 '02" 919 854 6259 ECM 3 0. K . 1 6 : 45-00 ' 48" 8303 7719270 ECM 2 0. K. 1 6 : 5.5.. 04' 46" 87048685486 ECM 9 0 . K . 1 7: 1.9 0 1 ' 0 1" 86095886483 ECM 3 0 . K . lu.J r ~~ MCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources • Division of Purchase and Services Michael F. Ea&ley, Gowmor Laird Davison, Director W~isn G. Ro~~ ~ry March 1, 2002 NOTICE OF DEFAULT CERTlnED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gary L. Gardner, President Commercial Engineerini and Construction Group The IT Group. Inc. 200 Hori7.0n Center Blvd. Trenton, NJ 08691-1904 RE: WaTTen County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #0 l 0440 IO 1 OA, IT Corp. Projea #827062 Dear Mr. Gardner: The Owner State of North Carolina has reviewed Gary Duke's lentr dated February 14, 2002, in response to its Jetter dated January 24. 2002. rt is evident from Mr. Duke's letter that The IT Group cannot as:!iure the State of Nonh Carolina that it can znd will complete the Warm, County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract per the contract tCnn$ and conditions. It is also noted that The lT Group has not made timely payments to all of its subcontractors, which has placed the timely perfonnancc of the contract in jeopard)•. negatively impacted The TT Group's working relationshlps with various subcontractors, and insencd an element of delay into the master schedule for the project. Pursuant to the Form of Construction Contract to include, but not limited to, Article 29 of the General Conditions of the contract, the State of North Carolina hereby declares The IT Group in default on the Tefercnc~d contract Pursuant to the snid contract as amended and supplemented, by copy of this letter we arc making fonnal demand to the surer)·, Kemper insurance Companies, to take over the project within fifteen days and complete the perfonnance of the Construction Contract in a timety fashion. 1605 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1605 Phone: 919-733-97 46 \ FAA: 919-715-0684 \ Internet www.admin.enr.state.nc.us/purchase/ An Equal Ol)f>OltUnity \ Affirms live Action Enl>bt• -50% Recycled\ 10% Post Consumer Paper I ' T T The Owner expects u, meet with the surety and its representatives to discuss the progress of The IT GToup on the project, and would not object to The IT Group continuing to perform under the supervi.~ion of the surety. However, the Owner is obligated under !he tmns and conditions of the Form of Construction Contratt to notify the surety of the conditions of default in order to preserve hs rights under lbc various bond agreements insuring the project. Sincerely, C)lo;.J a.. a~ Laird A. Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Services cc: Stephen Beatty, Kemper lnsurancc, (Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested) Za.clc Abegunrin, State Constniction Office _ MJ~.e ,<.eHY., Q~IL .. _ Gary Duke, The IT Oroup, Ine. Jim Cloonan. Earth Tech Inc. Patricia Backus, D'ENR-DWM •· Patricia M. Backus, PE Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 Phone: 919-733-4996 ext. 308 Fax: 919-715-3605 Fax To: Jim Cloonan Fax: 864.234.3069 Phone: 864.864.3056 Re: Letter of Default to IT From: Pages: Date: ~ .· ·i1illllllr. :· NCDENR Pat Backus 3 March 4, 2002 John Funk 'ifs 4 -(,, .;l59 4: :::: Earth Tech , Raleigh 0 Urgent D For Review D Please Comment □ Please Reply D Please Recycle • Comments: This is the letter. It is being sent today. Pat ¾ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Purchase and Services Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Laird A. Davison, Director February 22, 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gary L. Gardner, President Commercial Engineering and Construction Group The IT Group, Inc. 200 Horizon Center Blvd Trenton, NJ 08691-1904 RE: Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #0104401010A, IT Corp Project #827062 Dear Mr. Gardner: In response to the letter of February 14, 2002 from Mr. Gary Duke, it is evident that The IT Group cannot advise the State of North Carolina of when or if it can proceed with the work at the Warren County PCB Landfill. We conclude that The IT Group cannot assure the State of its willingness or ability to proceed with the contract, and that any assurance would be contingent upon a successful buyer's willingness to proceed. Based upon The IT Group's inability to provide adequate and reasonable assurance to the State to complete its contract and pursuant to the Contract and to Article 29 of the General Conditions, we declare The IT Group to be in default on the referenced project. Pursuant to said Contract and Article 29, I am making formal demand by copy ofthis letter to the Surety, Kemper Insurance, to take over the project within fifteen days and complete the performance of the Construction Contract in a timely fashion. Sincerely, Laird A. Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Services cc: Stephen Beatty, Kemper Insurance Zack Abegunrin, State Construction Office Mike Kelly, DENR Gary Duke, The IT Group, Inc. Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech Inc. Patricia Backus, DENR-DWM 1605 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1605 Phone: 919-733-9746 \ FAX: 919-715-0684 \ Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER -50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER • IT Corporation 200 Horizon Center Boulevard Trenton, NJ 08691-1904 Tel. 609.584.8900 the4figroup Fax. 609.588.6300 A Member of 11,c IT Croup VIA FAX 2/14 TO (919) 715-0684, HARD COPY TO FOLLOW VIA MAIL February 14, 2002 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Purchase and Services 1605 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1605 Attn: Mr. Laird A Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Services (919) 733-9746 phone (919) 715-0684 fax Re: Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #010440101 OA, IT Corp Project #827062 Dear Mr. Davison, This is in response to your letter of January 24 to our Mr. Gary Gardner asking for clarification of the IT Group, Inc.'s, including IT Corporation's, On position on this contract in view ofour January 16 filing of voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. First let me address the overall status of the bankruptcy proceedings and their impact on our efforts to sell substantially all oflT's assets. On January 16, simultaneous with the bankruptcy filing, IT announced the signing of a letter of intent to sell substantially all of its assets to The Shaw Group. On January 25 the two firms signed a definitive agreement for this sale of assets, subject to· approval by the court. The Shaw Group has also provided to date, with the approval of the court, a $55 million interim debtor-in-possession (DIP) Joan to enable to company to continue operations. The next court hearing is scheduled for March 7, at which time IT will seek final court approval of a DIP loan from Shaw with an availability of as much as $75 million. Also scheduled for the March 7 hearing is a motion to approve the bid procedures for the sale of the company. The next court hearing is March 26, at which a sale hearing is scheduled. Six more court hearings are presently scheduled after March 26, with the last one scheduled for June 24. It is our hope that the buyer would be in a position to move forward on actions required to support contracts such as this one shortly after the sale hearing, although procedural matters to finalize the sale may remain to be'completed and approved by the court at the subsequent hearings. Second, Jet me address issues specific to our contract with you. The most important of these is obviously the intent of whoever purchases the company with regard to this contract. This cannot be fully confirmed until at least the March 26 hearing to confirm the results of the sale auction. It has been speculated in several news reports that the March 7 hearing on bidding procedures will require Shaw to file with the court prior to the auction a list of executory contracts which they intend to assume or reject, but such a list, if required, would obviously have no effect unless Shaw were later determined to be the successful bidder, and would in no event be binding on other bidders. t' Despite the unavoidable uncertainties created by the sale process, IT has continued to perform on this contract and intends to continue to do so as a debtor-in possession until the sale is approved by the court and the buyer's decision to purchase and assume the executory contract is finalized. Specifically, we and our subcontractors have continued to maintain and repair erosion control structures at the site, and are preparing plans and submittals required for the scheduled resumption of site work in the spring. The IT project team continues to diligently work on this project, with support by other IT personnel and subcontractors as required. Most importantly, our subcontractor Midwest Soil Remediation, Inc. (MSR) has, with our support, continued communications with USEPA to facilitate their review process required to obtain the TSCA permit to perform the demonstration test in the spring. Obtaining this permit is presently the critical path activity for the project, so avoiding any interruption to this effort should prevent or at least minimize any delay to the project. Payments to subcontractors for all of these post-petition efforts are given priority as administrative expenses under the bankruptcy proceedings, and so should be paid within the terms of their subcontracts. With regard to payments to vendors whose work has already been invoiced to the state, I must advise you that due to the bankruptcy filing payments for pre-petition work are possibly subject to Bankruptcy Court approval, the purchase and assumption of this contract and claims under the payment bonds. The interests of the state are protected in this matter by the fact that we have posted 100% performance and payment bonds for this project, as required by our contract. We have provided affected vendors with a contact at our surety company, and at least two of them have made contact and been sent claim forms. A complete list of all vendors with outstanding invoices for work for which IT Corp. has already been paid by the state is included with each monthly application for payment we submit to the state as an attachment to your form SC-323. As of Application #11, submitted on February 5, that amount totaled $176,364.46. As further protection of the state's interest, which would only be required in the unlikely event that our surety failed to meet its obligations, the state presently holds $200,601.41 in retainage, as of our Application # 10, which is the last one paid by the state. A final issue is the status of an invoice for advance payment of $300,000 to Midwest Soil Remediation (MSR) for work not yet performed. Our subcontract with them required a total of $2,300,000 in advance payments to them for offsite work in modification and construction of specialized treatment equipment prior to its mobilization to the site. Of this, $2,000,000 has been paid by IT prior to filing for bakruptcy and the balance of$300,000 remains open. Of the $2,000,000 paid, we have invoiced and been paid by the state for $1,899,900, which has been supported by monthly progress reports on actual progress of the work. However, MSR has advised us that they are willing to proceed to complete this work if they either receive payment of the $300,000 or certain assurances from IT, which may require Bankruptcy Court approval. While the resulting delay has not yet put this activity on the critical path (which continues to be obtaining the TSCA permit from USEPA) it is a matter of some concern to both IT and the NCDENR project staff. IT does hold a performance bond from MSR for this work, which coincidentally was issued by the same surety company that issued the bonds you hold from IT. IT has recently been in contact with officers of MSR and their attorney in an attempt to find a way to enable them to resume work pending payment, possibly with support from the bonding company. These discussions appear likely to continue into next week, and we will advise the NCDENR project manager of significant developments in this area. In summary, let me say that we have and continue to perform on this contract to the maximum extent permitted by the bankruptcy proceedings, and it is our hope that the purchaser will elect to accept this contract and carry it to a successful conclusion. To this end, we have provided extensive information on the status of the project to representatives of The Shaw Group and will of course do so for any other firm, which may be determined by the court to be the successful purchaser. If you have any further questions or concerns on this matter please contact me at (609) 588-6373 or e-mail me at gduke@theitgroup.com. Sincerely, IT Corp. ,/2__, ~ <2L-. Gary~P.E. Project Manager Cc via e-mail, with follow-up by fax or mail if requested Mike Kelly, NCDENR Patricia Backus, NCDENR Stephen Beatty, Kemper Insurance (surety) Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech Inc. Gary Gardner, IT Corp David Jaeger, IT Corp Anne Alger, IT Corp IT Corp project file 827062 Duke file c:\mydocs\nclf\2-14-02 response to NCDENR show cause.doc North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Purchase and Services &"!';}\ _11,: re, re, ,,,;,, ____ _ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary NCDENR Laird A Davison, Director January 24, 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gary L. Gardner, President Commercial Engineering and Construction Group The IT Group, Inc . 200 Horizon Center Blvd Trenton, NJ 08691-1904 RE: Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #0104401010A, IT Corp Project #827062 Dear Mr. Gardner: On January 16 the IT Group filed voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in Wilmington, Delaware, case no. 02-10118. This is a condition listed in Article 29 of the General Conditions of our contract which could result in declaring the contract in default. Pursuant to Article 29, I am requesting that the IT Group provide a written response within fifteen (15) days clarifying your company's position on this contract. Please specify how you will complete the detoxification of the Warren County PCB Landfill according to the terms and provisions of the contract including payment to creditors whose work has been invoiced to the State of North Carolina. Failure to respond within fifteen (15) days or failure to provide an acceptable response to correct this condition will result in the State declaring the contract in default and notification of surety to assume the work. Sincerely, Laird A. Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Services cc: Stephen Beatty, Kemper Insurance State Construction Office Mike Kelly, DENR Gary Duke, The IT Group, Inc. Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech Inc. Patricia Backus, DENR-DWM 1605 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1605 Phone: 919-733-9746 \ FAX: 919-715-0684 \ Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY\ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER-50% RECYCLED I I 0% POST CONSUMER PAPER North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Purchase and Services Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Laird A. Davison, Director January 24, 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gary L. Gardner, President Commercial Engineering and Construction Group The IT Group, Inc. 200 Horizon Center Blvd Trenton. NJ 08691-1904 RE: Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #010440101 OA, IT Corp Project #827062 Dear Mr. Gardner: On January 16 the IT Group filed voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in Wilmington, Delaware, case no. 02-10118. This is a condition listed in Article 29 of the General Conditions of our contract which could result in declaring the contract in default. Pursuant to Article 29, I am requesting that the IT Group provide a written response within fifteen ( 15) days clarifying your company's position on this contract. Please specify how you will complete the detoxification of the Warren County PCB Landfill according to the terms and provisions of the contract including payment to creditors whose work has been invoiced to the State of North Carolina. Failure to respond within fifteen (15) days or failure to provide an acceptable response to correct this condition will result in the State declaring the contract in default and notification of surety to assume the work. Sincerely, Laird A. Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Services cc: Stephen Beatty, Kemper Insurance State Construction Office Mike Kelly, DENR Gary Duke, The IT Group, Inc. Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech Inc. Patricia Backus, DENR-DWM 1605 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1605 Phone: 919-733-9746 \ FAX: 919-715-0684 \ Internet: www.em.state.nc.us AN EQUAL OPPORTlJll..TJTY \AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER-50% RECYCLED/ 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Purchase and Services Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Laird A. Davison, Director January 24, 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gary L. Gardner, President Commercial Engineering and Construction Group The IT Group, Inc. 200 Horizon Center Blvd Trenton, NJ 0869 I -1904 RE : Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #010440101 0A, IT Corp Project #827062 Dear Mr. Gardner: On January 16 the IT Group filed voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in Wilmington, Delaware, case no. 02-10118. This is a condition listed in Article 29 of the General Conditions of our contract which could result in declaring the contract in default. Pursuant to Article 29, I am requesting that the IT Group provide a written response within fifteen ( 15) days clarifying your company's position on this contract. Please specify how you will complete the detoxification of the Warren County PCB Landfill according to the terms and provisions of the contract including payment to creditors whose work has been invoiced to the State of North Carolina. Failure to respond within fifteen (15) days or failure to provide an acceptable response to correct this condition wi II result in the State declaring the contract in default and notification of surety to assume the work. Sincerely, Laird A. Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Services cc: Stephen Beatty, Kemper Insurance State Construction Office Mike Kelly, DENR Gary Duke, The IT Group, Inc. Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech Inc. Patricia Backus, DENR-DWM 1605 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1605 Phone: 919-733-9746 \ FAX: 919-715-0684 \ Internet: www.em.state.nc.us AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY\ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER -50% RECYCLED/ 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER North Carolina Deparbnent of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Purchase and Services Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Laird A. Davison, Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gary L. Gardner, President January 24, 2002 Commercial Engineering and Construction Group The IT Group, Inc. 200 Horizon Center Blvd Trenton, NJ 08691-1904 RE: Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Contract NCSCO ID #0104401010A, IT Corp Project #827062 Dear Mr. Gardner: AP.K,A -·~ a ,,,;,, , ___ _ NCDENR On January 16 the IT Group filed voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in Wilmington, Delaware, case no. 02-10118. This is a condition listed in Article 29 of the General Conditions of our contract which could result in declaring the contract in default. Pursuant to Article 29, I am requesting that the IT Group provide a written response within fifteen (15) days clarifying your company's position on this contract. Please specify how you will complete the detoxification of the Warren County PCB Landfill according to the terms and provisions of the contract including payment to creditors whose work has been invoiced to the State of North Carolina. Failure to respond within fifteen (15) days or failure to provide an acceptable response to correct this condition will result in the State declaring the contract in default and notification of surety to assume the work. Sincerely, Laird A. Davison, Director Division of Purchase and Services cc: Stephen Beatty, Kemper Insurance State Construction Office Mike Kelly, DENR Gary Duke, The IT Group, Inc. Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech Inc. Patricia Backus, DENR-DWM 1605 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1605 Phone: 919-733-9746 \ FAX: 919-715-0684 \ Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER-50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSillv1ER PAPER -5 r-: '. '?'. 7-:.: North Carolina . P~p~rtment of Administration Michael F. Easley, Governor Gwynn T. Swinson, Secretary Mr. Laird A. Davison January 30, 2001 Director, DENR-General Ser vices DENR-Division of Waste Management Raleigh, NC Re: DENR-Division of Waste Management Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification ID#0l0440101A Code:49716/49816/49916 Funds Available: Funds Authorized: Dear Mr. Davison: '$8,570,274 $8,570,274 State Construction Office Speros J. Fleggas, P.E., Director Item:4332/4845/4725 The State Construction Office approves the award of a single Design/Build/Treat construction contract for the above referenced project as indicated below: General Contract The IT Group Alpharetta, GA Base Bid(Phase I) Total Construction Contract Technical Advisor Fee Project Oversight Fee Total Constructio~ Cost Construction Contingency Total Construction Cost DENR Oversight & LF Maintenance Reserve Funds Total Project Authorization $6,658,000 truly yours, Mailing Address: 1307 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1307 Telephone (919) 733-7962 Fax (919) 733-6609 State Courier #56-02--0 I An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer $6,658,000 $199,100 88 1,133 $7,738,233 332,900 $8,071,133 225,530 273,611 $8,570,274 Location: 30 I N. Wilmington St., Ste. 450 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Mr. Laird A. Davison January 30, 2001 Page 2 SJF/sdp cc: Maurice King Greg Piner Bennett Allen Cam Brawley Dewey Sanders Jim Carpenter Zack Abegunrin Charles H. Gardner Patricia Backus Jim Cloonan, Earth Tech