HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_20020502_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Citizens Advisory Board correspondence, 1999 - 2002-OCR\V ARREN COUNTY PCB CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD DETOXIFICATION-REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Dollie B. Burwell, Chair Jim Warren, 1st Vice Chair Daria Holcomb, 2nd Vice Chair May 2, 2002 Dear CAB Members: 720 Ridgeway Street Warrenton, N.C. 27589 Phone 252-257-1948 -Fax 252-257-1000 I want to take this opportunity to express my thanks to you for commitment and time you have given to Warren County Citizens in working to clean up the PCB Landfill. We are so close, but there is still much more work and many more decisions to be made that is why we STILL NEED YOU UNTIL EVERY PIECE OF SOIL HAD BEEN DECONTAMINATED AND THE SIGHT RESTORED. Over the next few weeks the equipment for the clean up will be delivered to the landfill site and hopefully by the end of July the demonstration test will have commenced. Now that we are beginning to see the fruit of our labor fore over the past decade, we need your input more than ever and that is why it is extremely important that you attend the CAB meetings. I Know you have given a lot of your time in the past to this project, I know to, like me, you want to insure that it gets completed, Therefore please make every effort possible to attend the June meeting. This will be a joint meeting with EPA Region 4. Thanks again for your pass and future effort toward achieving Environmental Justice for Warren County. ~4#~/4!}/ Dollie B. Burwell, Co-Chair ... TO® ,vARREN COlTNT\7 PCB DETOXlFICATIOl\-REDEV.ELOPl\lENT PROJECT CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD 720 RIDGEWAY STREET \\'ARREl\TOl\, N.C. 27589 FAX COVER SHEET TO : Dollie Bunvell Pat Backus FROtv1: Robin Green. Secretarv , .. DA TE : Ma\ 18, 1001 !\umber of pages (including coyer sheet) 3 ~adSUJ OJ UBJJBM 09tt L£Z 616 XY~ 60:00 10 /61 /£0 WARREN COUNTY CITIZENS ADVISOR'{ BOARD PCB DETOXIFICA TJON AND REDEVELOP 01lENT PROJECT 720 Rid geway Street \Varrenton. NC 275 89 Ph one 252-25 7-19-tS Fax 252-257-1000 IJ ,.d i 1•: I.\ f"\u1·11 c: 11. lh ,!Ir !:rr, \\ :11r ,:11. I ., \ 1c,: Cl1:11r l>.1r:.1 I !,,lc,1:11!.·. 2·•.J \·i~c· U1:ur The 1-!1)1'.v rabk Je-.st: Heims 1_: n I tL:d S1atc-s S-:nate -\113 Di rben ~cnate Olfo::e [3 uilding \\ :tsh i11t-1,rn. DC 205 1 O-oJ-12 \1~1\ 11\. 20U I Recently. )('ll should hJYe received a num ber of pn ~t cards from ci ti zens of Warre n C,,1111 !\ a~ki11g for your sup1)l1rt in fi nding ::id dition::i l rn one: fo r the det11:\ificatio11 and r-:de,ei,.,pment ,:,f rhc PC B land l~II in W:1rre11 c~1unt:,. \1 ,ke !--:.el 1:-;111ci Pat 8 ~1L·kus fr0111 the N,1rt h C t1 L1l i11a Dcpan111c nt t)f E11\·iro 11 111c.:llt and 's:iru ral Rt's,'u:-c..:-~ i DC'.'--R 1. 111et \\ith \\:1:,nc 13,,: k s 11 f:our s1:1ff in i\fan.:h to discuss th is iss ue . H:: "::, ~'rc-~cn:ed '-\ nh i11;°,,rma1iu11 ,111 1h..: projcc1 :lll d ()ur l\1!1d i11µ nt'eds. l :,i~ c:i~r,.1.,;;1 1 f:ic ili r:, 1\a~ t',\rd:d u1w11 the.' 1·c:;ide11ts ,,frh is count:, in 1982 :1f1t'1· PC 8- ,·,·1L 1:1~i ,-:11cd ,,ii \'.;1s il l~-,2 al!:, ~p r:i :,e(: al,111 :,: '(,_,nh i_"ar,di11;1 rnads in ihc: la11:· j<l'7 0.;,. T1 1~· ::>11\ ir,.·11me11::1i _iusti ce ,rn1\·ement ori,!i11:1tcd hert' ,h ci tizens frc1m ac ross the cou ntry r,JU!.!lll ;i;ai:·,,;; th e di~r-,,~:1: ,:,fth\:" tL1\ic PCR~ in ,1ur CL1 llllt~ . ..\~ the ch,11rre:·s ,,n f,x the Citi zens . ..\,1\ isnry Bc,;:ird. I am \ITitin=-' ro :1sk ::,o ur su ppt,n in the dcw,i t1catic,n of th is f;1ci lit\ A promise 1\·;,s m,1de w rh l: citizens u f th is county th at th e fz1c1lit\ \1nuld be deto\il1ed nncc the tech11 ,1lt'~> 11:i:,; :l \aila bk . Th .: .sl:Jtc has prnvi dl:d more tlw.11 '<; ! n rni 11i,.111 f,x this pn,jcc t tllll s f:-ir and recemh is~u .:d :1 cu11 tr:1cr li.,r Pha~c I ul' the det,'\1!1c::t i,,11. \\'e e.,r,cct the ,!i'O U11dhre:ik i11 g t(' be ,111 .l 1rn c -l S~-~ m illion i:; ne-:ck d b~ i\l:irch .:::,1,1 2 t,_~ c,.1nti11 uc into Ph,!\~' 11 \1 itlH•u, cost!: Lk l:1:, .,. The cstirn at..:-d cum pl cti,)11 d:He is the rail llf" .::.,)1i.::.. Th:s d J te \1 ill c,)i ncicie \\ith the t1\e11 1icth ;:i11 111 \ns:1r::-,)t tlic l;1c iiit ies CL,nstructi,,n .-\ 111·•.lf :,1,,.: l\(•U ld i,e fulli ik-d Th ~ stJte ·s tinancial our!od, fur th is ::,c:1r is 11ot \cry promis in g We 11c:ed ::,our support t,, ,~h,:1:1'. :"cdcra i in,.,111:•y to c,,minue this prL,jec t thrn11gh cornp ktic,11. L 11fo nun:.1tely. many tif the rL·rn,·di:1,1,,11 t"t111d, u:;cd fr)r dt'cP11t:1 m inatiLrn L1f h:varlfou s suh-.t:ince s ires :1re nut J\ail:1bk for thi s !':·,,i·..:~-: I he r c R di,1,,,s;il r:1~ilir: is llill ;1 <;;up,:d\1 11(1 site. nur is it a 8 1"11\\fl ne ld s ite. ~adSUJ OJ UaJJ&M 09vv L£G 616 XV3 60:00 T0 /61 /£0 r.o~ Ti,._. Hun<.>r:1 bk .k~~._. ~k l111 , :--.L,, IU.20f!I Pa,lc-: We :rn.: ,,l)rk in ~ cl,)scly \\·ith the count:, u )mmissiuners in planni ng. the rede\clorment 1x,rtio n i."'ftlii::, project. V, .. arren Cl,t1lll: h:1s fr,, rccre:nional fa-:ilitics and a t the current time. a recreationai faci li ty with ba ll fie lds and hikin~ trails around the 1-12 acres or this site is :1t the top ofrh<: list \Ve h,\\e e:--plored the possibility ,)f \1 bt:1 i11 i11g. gran t and p,·iYak si:cror fu nd ., t',,r 1.hl •; r:, re ,.i r f:.H.:ilit: and the pros pect$ kwk :'\'Pd Th c dc1 0:,.;iricat1u11 prnjccl \\ ill prll\ ick th,· in fr:htlllCIUre W SLI JJIWrl :,UCh cl r:1c 1l1t:-. \1r. Ro: k s indic:-itcd th;n it might be 1w,;s iblc tO e\plo re funding thrnugh the VA-I-IUD bi ll. \\e cli~•-' \\\\uld re,'\)lllrnend e.\.pl oring ,,pti,,ns th rnugh the Depart111e11t of Interior that ,vould p\1te11ti3 lly ha \ e funds fo r the t) pc of redevc lopme1n m: :i re e:\ploring. Al so. as a reminder. I 0 ren:ent ,,r thl:' 111,ireria l in the la nd Ii ii came fn,111 rt. Br:1g.g.. Our c:--..:peric:ncc:-\\ itl1 the De1x111ment ,., r Detc:1-se tl' h:n c them .~hare i 11 the dei,-1:,..: itic1ti()ll co:;t h:, \ e nor hcc11 \ en· -success fu I. '( nu r ;_•,rerience ,rnd work,, ith DOD ma:, be ven intluenrial in this process. Dern:xi tkation is a 1°en'.1:111c:·11, .~o lu t1 L•ll 1;_,r the disposal of this ,,;1~te Oncc the siic is deto:-;ilicd. th e Dep:irtmcnt of [>e1c.·1~~1:' :i ncl the :--t.1te "ill 11,-1 lc,11~er ha,c an::, rt11ure liabil it::, assL•Ciatc·d ,,iril rhis site. T;1e L·iti1~11, ,.,f \\'arrcn C°l)unt::,. in coniunctiL'll ,, ith Dl::\R L,ftici .:lis. ha , e ,.\•Jrkc:d ,,i1 :his pr,.,_ieci L,1· m,,re th;1n :;i\ ye:1rs. \.\c did a c,,rn pkr,: ;1.,scss 111c1 1t ,'11th,: fac il ity. and e:xpk,red ~e\cr;il ,eclrn,,l,,:'-ies pri n r t(1 sekctin:! thc Ba:-c C1t:1h1.ed D1:co1111wsitio11 {BC D) technology fo r t!i1: det,,:-;itic<1tiu 11 . Ir is :1 '-er, s:1fe tech110 l0 :'.::,. :rnd is c,1pablc of ,H.:h ie \ ing. PC B destruction rates ""' e11:>u'..:'.h ~o th1:rc ,, ill ne'-er a:,'.a in be a ,.,urry th:it PCBs ,, ill contaminate the community. ~c:1'.:1Wr Helm-;_ "t' need ::,nur su p1,\•rt . Cc'll:-'.re:Ss,,l1m:111 [,a Cla)ton·s oftice h~t5 agreed i,, t:1~e tl,e :c·:1d '."'11 rhi :-; i~5 ue. bur ,m1r l,ffice i., \(TY critic~1 1 w the su ccc:;.~ 111 ,,ur ohr:iinin!! the . . - ,;;-~ ;:1 il :i,,n needed tl·• •~••t11pkk· thi5 pr,.,j cc 1 Th:111k :•HI for yPur support ;111d help in hono ring.. al l•.•11'..'. ;;1~t. :his pr,0 rn i,c lC• ckr,,-.i,·:-the rcl3 d i:-1w~,i1 i':h;il il\ ;111d l"Clll\\\c ib ,;11g.rna i'rolll tli,: 1 • .'itiZ~·:)....; ~;:· \\ ;:1T;..'ll (. l"i\_ilH \ C l·. (_ ·,_\Jl~l"\.',:i\\ \'>11);111 E, :t L' l:1:, [\\Jl l., ,n:,:rcs,111 :u1 D:1\ 1d Pril'.: S<.'IUl \1r .l ulrn l"'d\,;1rd~ ~adsu1 OJ uaJJRM osvv L£Z 616 xv~ 50:00 10 161 1£0 ( MAY-18-01 FRI 9:03 II EVA M. CI.AYTON 1ST 0 /t,TRICT, NORTH CAAOLJNA COMMITTEES: AGRICULTURE 0EPA•f1Af.NT O'"1i~AT10NS, 0\/E~~!GHT, Nu ,~,,..,o~~. AND FoHE&TAY FIMK<NG MtM~EP GetJ'iflfoL FARt." C(.lMMoo,Tu;s~ Ac:,ouAca: Cot-.1G~Jt.VAT1DN1 M-NO C.R~OiT BUDGET CONG, EVA CLAYTON DST OF FAX NO, 2524562611 ~ongrrs9' of t{Jr ltnittb ~tates ~ouse of l\epresentatibe!) m!as'{Jington, 1.DQC 20515-3301 FAX TRANSMISSION DATE:_-,-,-___ _ -~.L NO. OF PAGES INCL. COVER SHEET: __ /3v.. .1.,,/z.,.f..(/J _./ TO; ,, µ__ FAX NUMBER: ~) I 5 ·-_3 ?:f-_)5_· ___ FROM; __ Rep. EYa M. Clayton __ _,_Linda T. ---Charles J. Worth x'ooHie Bunvell / If you do not rcc:eive all pages, please contact: SUBJECT: DISTRICT OFFICE: WM1;E~ Co~NrnS Si<o~<"ING c,.~T'EA RouTE 1. Sw,re 7 Pti~r OF<ICE aox 670 Non,,N ... NC 27563 12521 •156,4800 ~-, ... .,"'' •rr -,e 1, --~-- Office of Cougresswoman Eva .M. Cla)'ton Warren Corners Shopping Center Unit 7, Route 1, P.O. Box 670 Norlina, NC 27563 Tele: 252-456•4800 Fax~ 252-456-261 l z,40 R .. ,~lJ~N Ko..~ ~.:t s..~ W~il<OTQW, ~ .::OS 1 ~ \20Zl 21~-)101 f:Cl.e\ttor, 1@m1,.t.hov,ie..z:-v 01srn1cT OFFICE: ,~10 MA11m~ Lur~c:~ r<iNi:;, Jf.l .. OFi Su•f~ 105 Gr.(P/Vl,LE. NC 27834 (2521 758-$800 1-60()-27 &,6672 r,.~: 125~1 '758-1021 MAY-18-01 FRI 9:03 CONG. EVA CLAYTON DST OF FAX NO. 2524562611 P. 02 ... Fror~ EVA CLAYTON +2022253354 ((,ongresa of tbe llntteb il>tacei;· U~,ngtun, ?a< 20515 Ms. ChriStine-Tod(I Whitman En-vh onmemal Protection Arrnc~ 1200 PtJU'l~lvania Avenue NonhweSJ Waslutif!ton, DC 20460 Dear Ms. "Whnman· April 30. 2001 Conpratulations on your ne~ posh ion as Adminis1ra10r of the Envirorun(ntal Pro1ecll.on A9 f.ncy• We Jook forward 10 work me with you to improve 1he quality of air, water, and hmd dunn~ 1h~s administra1ion . ln pan. ,ha, 1s why we are wrhinp 10 :vou 10day_ We have been workin9 smce 1998. with 1hc Noflh Carol ma o~panmem of Envuonmcm and ]'-;a1ur~l R~owces St.crt:1M'_V 10 r('c;-ondinon and rtckv~Jop a po}ych1orina1cd biphe-n:,.,l lf'CB J }and-fill 1ha1 is loc:med in Warren C.01.1rny. ]n 1982, Go'verJ'lot James B. Hunt. Jr. a1ade 1, (:ommilmcm to 1he p~op1e of Warren Co\.Jtny providinf 1h~1 if appro:pna1e atld fcasiblr tt:chnology he,amc avajJable. the ~a1e would expJore de10>i.ific.a11on of the landiill tlun had !Jet,n cre,ned by 1oad spray oil comamimned wi1h PCB which was spray~d on 210 miles ofroadwa~ durmf? the l 970·~ ln 1995. SJ mmion \\'as appropna1ed by Nor1h CaroJma 10 study 1hc site. Members of ,11:tnous c-nvuonmcmal orFanmuiom; Vvet~ invi1ed lo join sia1e ~mployees in a joiu1 pannersh1p whh 1hr Vram:n County Cil12.en~ G1oup 10 assi=-ss th~ condition of the JMdfill and explorr de1oxi:fica11on oflhr soil. A pruct:'.s~ called Base Cataly~ed Decomposi1ion (BCD) was scJc.c,cd 10 df"loxify 1he PCB in 1ht c:omammau·d ~oil. With 1hc ~ekclion of a deioxificalian l(:Chrio!og~ m Au~us1 of l 999 1he £-TOup was 1c-cs1abH:lht'd ~ the Ci1i2~ns AdvJs0ry Board with a nev. nuss1on to conlinuc lhe eff ons 10 de1oxify \he landfill. Pha~e 1 ofthe Warren Coumy landfill cleanup will he almost comi,le1ed by O(.i0l1t:'r l - 2001 a1 a c-o!-1 of$6.658.000 which was funded by an EPA Envnonmemal Ju~,ic:c ~ram of $500.000. i-1a11: ~nd feikral fundmj:!. Phase 2 is !-cheduled 10 ~Qin in OClo~r 2001. h i~ emmated tha, Phl\S(! 2 will co~ $7.442.300. Phase 2 c:-omplelt:s 1he dewxifie;a.lion~ demobiliz.e-:: the-. tq1.upmen1. ~nd remotes 1he s1tc 10 a condiuon ready for dC",•t"lopment. Hopefully 1 1hc pro.1cc1 can he compJe!ea as soon as Oc.,oher 200:; and a celebnnion 1s planned \o comrn~moraie 1!1r- envnonmc:mal vk1ory occas10L I . MAY-18-0J FRI 9:04 CONG, EVA CLAYTON DST OF u.~~11-01 11 :ss FrgcrHON £VA CLAYTON FAX NO, 2524562611 +2022263354 T-072 P.OZ/03 P. 03 p.,105 We ,:1nder~'tand thai mis project does nol qualify for EPA superfunds nor for Bro111o11s F je]d funding. Wt. are themorc. asking you if other fundmg in 1he fonn of grams mray be avaHubk to finish deaning up this sj1~ m phase 2 for redevelopmcm purposes. NIY assi.si~nce in )ocining av~Jable fimding would be gr-eallY apprecialed since we are so close to meeting me £Oal of a clean~ North Carolina enviroM'lcnl. This is a beautiful wooded ar~a with :rolling bins, dec1". and oiher w:ildljfe nearby which we feel needs lO be :reS1oted. The-cleanup could prevent the possibiliry of PCBs comamina1ing the underground drinking w~ter in me sunc ofNcmh CsroHn~. Your help in identifying n~dcd financjal resources would be: greatly appreciated. Again, congratula11ons of your new po:tiiion as Environmemal Protection Agency Admini::.1nnor. We look foTWard 10 helping )'OU make Nortb Carolina a ben:i:r place in whkh to live:. Sincerely. ~ John Edwards Member of Conurt'SS Endosurr EMC:skG mb1::r of Congr ~ M.G~ Eva M. CJ a)'!.on M~mber of Congres.s ~""~ Mike Mclmyrc Member of Congress MAY-1 8-G l FRI 9:05 CONG. EVA CLAYTON DST OF FAX NO. 252456261 1 From-Hi:xt EVA CLAYTCW +202Z25U54 TwOiZ P.03/0a -· --- 81D SUMMARY WARREN COUNTY PCB LANDFILL PETOXIPlCATION PROJtC't BID rTl!M 1 DESCRIPTION Coat -·- -~ Phase I I i,-.-.-,,.,_., bNK1nloermiistmobilizatfat1 $2,960.000 1 2 Site Pf"l!IPnr&11on ana construction $2,772,300 $ Parfom'lance Oemomitmtian $233,200 4 PBl'forfflitm,ft Oernonrrtration Testing $135,000 Pertmtnat\ce Defflon,ttation Test"tno. jOc,aioramin111tion, Pi$mantlement, WIG !§ Pem01>111Zmion $504,200 'Perfamianu OemonstraUM Tc,sttSira fS R~ion $14,300 ..--7 Comm1,1niW Outreaeh Progl'llm Phase 1 $14,000 8 Community Rem,,.ioomeni $25,000 ,..... Pha" fl 9 Equjpm-.nt S1anQ-Down ~--$180,000 Top Soil. FIii and CIR) L.ayer, Removal and 10 StackOhe $28,000 .... BCD SOil Treatment $6,364,800 11 i----~-Uq~~ 13CD Treatment With Off--S,r~ 12 Ro~Cla $2G4,000 :Peeontammaro ano Pispoe er Ovarzized 13 i and 1neomoa1101e Pabtis $4,'700 14 jProcesfi Decontamil'latio" Dismantlement anQ Pl!fTIDDila.ation $488,000 1!) 1Comml4n1!)' OuD'eacn Program Priase 11 $10,900 ~-16 lsrte Restoration $76,900 17 Ccmmllrlit't Radeveiopment $25,000 _,_ PHASi: I SUBTOTAL .......... $6.658,000 PHASE It SUlilTOT AL $7.442.300 _...,..., ..... .---.... !TOTAL l,.UMP $UM PHASES I & H I $13,581,BQO ;('-••• tt•m• 5 & 6) ...,.,.,, •• "ti" ...... ___ Warren Co PCB CJ\8 Mooting .W1 Oberfin Road Suite 150 Mail Service Center 1646 Phone: 919-733-4996 Fax: 91S-7tS-3605 Fax To: ~J~ Fax: 7IS-3obo Phone: 7tS-3" (!~ Re:~~ EPA Division of Waste -. Management From: ~~ Date: S/18/0 I Pages: ~ CC: D Urgent ~Review D Please Comment O Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: ,,, • lt r --------•---• WARREN COUNTY PCB DETOXIFICATION-REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD 720 RIDGEWAY STREET WARRENTON, N.C. 27589 FAX COVER SHEET TO: Pat Backus FROM: Robin Green, Secretary DATE: November 20, 2000 Number of pages (including cover sheet) 3 ,, . ' \VARREN COUNTY PCB CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD DETOXIFICATION-REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Doi/is ll. Burwell, Chair Jim Warren, 1 sr Vice Chair Daria Holcomb, ::!nd Vice Chair November 20, 2000 Mr. John Hankinson 720 Ridgeway Street Warrenton, N.C. 27589 Phone 252-257-1948 -Fax 252•257-1000 United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 Atlanta, Federal Center. 61 Forsytch Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960 Dear Mr. Hanl~jn~on: . . On March 15, I 999, we received a letter from you dated March 11, 1999 in which you made a commitment of $75,000.00 per year for the life of the Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification Project. Following several conversations with Region 4 staff members, we submitted our application on May 21, 1999. Since that time, we have had numerous conversations with different members of the staff regarding the content and format of our application. We have diligently responded to all requests from staff members including the rewriting of certain sections of the application. . . ··--------~ --' . . ___ _,__, __ ,....... ~-··· . ..,,_ ..... , . ·--... ---.. ·-•·---· ... .,.,. .... ·-.... .. -· .. -··-· ....... ·---,.~ During the past 18 months, we have been led to believe on several occasions that things would be finalized in only a matter of weeks. Yet, to date, we have no conclusive indication that the funding is still available, or if and when any funds will be forthcoming , We feel that because of the length of time that has passed and the inconsistencies in the information we have received, we need to meet with you in person as soon as possible. Mr. Hankinson, your commitment of $75,000.00 per year for the duration-of this project early in the process enabled us as a community to move forward with confident to secure $8 miUion from the ___ .1999 North Carolina General Assembly and $500,000.00 in kind services from the ·FederafEPA . ·----·---~ - You should know, however, that until-we receive funds for the activities outlined in your letter of committee to us, our community outreach and involvement efforts are at a virtual standstill. We would like very much to meet with you before Christmas regarding this matter. I, along with one other member of the community are prepared to come to Atlanta to meet with you . Please provide us with a couple of dates that you may be available for such a meeting. Thanks for your past support and commitment. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, ~4. ~v,JJ~ Dollie B. Burwell, Chair Citizens Advisory Committee cc: Brian Holtzclaw Margaret Crowe T I , ,. \VA.RREN COlJNTY PCB DETOXIFICATION--REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD 720 RIDGEWA V STREET WARRENTON, N.C. 27589 FAX COVER SHEET TO : Mike Kelly Patrick Barnes Pat Backus FROM: Robin Green, Secretary DATE : October 30, 2000 Number of pages (including cover sheet) 2 05 :£1 00, 1£ lJ0 dr"l□d9 9NI >l<:101'1 8Jd -.. •··--~--1 1~ ! WARREN COUNTY PCB CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD DETOXIFICATION-REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT 720 Ridgeway Street Warrenton, N.C. 27589 phone 252-257-1948 -fax 252-257-1000 Dollie B. Burwell, Chair Jim Warren, 1st Vice Chair Daria Holcomb, 2nd Vice Chair October 30, 2000 Ms. Pat Backus Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Rd, Suit 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 Dear Pat: As I have discussed with you previously, the community remains concerned, as I know you are, about the bidding process. The prequalification process has been completed, and we believe a great deal of thought must be given to how we should best evaluate the bids. We know that this week Mike and yourself will be working closely with Earth Tech to structure the various bid items. In preparing those bid items it is critical that the state treats the Community Outreach and Involvement Plan as a part of the design. The state needs to ensure that the goals and the concept, including a site redevelopment approach, as discussed in the plan, be properly reduced to bid items. To date the state has worked hard to ensure that the community has a say in the project, and as I have said several times before, I greatly appreciate that. Now is not the time for us to decrease our resolve as it relates to this matter. Therefore the CAB requests that the state include an additional item on the bid form to address the above. In addition to the contractors proposed cost, that bid item should specifically address how each bidder proposes to maximize the economic benefit of the project to the community described in narrative form. The CAB realizes that the state is not accustomed to such a broad based outreach, but I truly believe that the cost of true community involvement will decrease the overall detoxification project cost. If you have questions, please feel free to call me at (252) 758-4733 . ~ xi dfoU#d/ Dollie Burwell, Chair of the CAB cc : Mike Kelly Patrick Barnes .. WARREN COUNTY PCB DETOXIFICATION-REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD The Honorable James B. Hunt Jr. Governor, State of North Carolina 20301 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-0301 Dear Governor Hunt: 720 Ridgeway Street Warrenton. :\C 27589 October 12, 2000 The Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) would like to personally thank you for the continued support you have given to fulfill your promise to detoxify the PCB landfill in Warren County. We are especially grateful for the $8 million provided last year and your work with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to secure in kind services as matching funds to allow the project to go forward. Secretary Bill Holman and DENR staff has also been extremely helpful in working out the details with EPA on the services offered in support of our efforts. We feel that we are at a major crossroads with this project. After almost 20 years, the people of Warren County are beginning to breathe a sigh of relief as we see the activity unfolding this year on the detoxification project. Mr. Patrick Barnes, a former science advisor to the community, has been retained by the state as a Technical Community Advisor. EARTH TECH, a nationally recognized environmental firm, has been chosen as the oversight contractor for the project, and a recent request for qualifications has identified four major remediation firms interested in bidding on the detoxification project. EPA Region 4 is finalizing an agreement with the Warren Family Institute to provide environmental justice funds for a Community Involvement Coordinator and a job developer to work with the community, state and contractors. On October 26, DENR and the CAB are holding a Community Contractor Open Forum in Warren County. Congresswoman Eva Clayton, Senator Frank Balance and Secretary Bill Holman are planning to attend. We would be honored if you could attend as well. The forum will provide general information to the public on the status of the project and an opportunity for local businesses to meet with the potential detoxification contractors. There will also be a representative present from the NC Institute of Minority Economic Development to discuss their HUBZone and assistance programs. While there are many positive activities occurring, we are concerned that the funds to complete this detoxification are not available. DENR is taking a phase-funded approach on this project which allows the selection of a contractor, environmental permitting of the detoxification process, and the actual detoxification of some the contaminated soil from the landfill. To complete this project, an estimated additional $7 million is needed. The current schedule calls for the bid opening to be November 21, 2000, in Warren County. At that time, the total detoxification cost will be known. DENR hopes to complete a contract in January or February 2001, and begin work by next summer. The Honorable James B. Hunt Jr. October 12, 2000 Page 2 The CAB requests that you add $7 million in the next biannual budget that is currently being prepared to ensure completion of the detoxification project. The funds currently available will get the project started, but additional funds will be needed in 12-15 months to complete the project. We also suggest that you consider returning the $1.4 million taken from the PCB project last year to support hurricane recovery efforts. It is our understanding that some of the environmental problems, fortunately, were not as severe as originally projected and that all of the funds may not be needed, and therefore could be returned. We certainly appreciate all that you have done for us, and sincerely hope that before you leave office, you can ensure that this project will not be left without sufficient funding. During our meeting in July of last year, you indicated your desire to visit Warren County and "shovel dirt" to get the project started. The CAB would welcome the opportunity to meet with you at the landfill in December or early January so that you could stand in front of the citizens of Warren County and proudly proclaim that you have fulfilled your promise. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future. cc: Congresswoman Eva Clayton Senator Frank Balance Secretary Bill Holman Sincerely, / , . 1 . f6 . !Px(/t,£l /.f_£C fl,,,· 1v(.J .,u;._ {oll.ie Burwell, Chairperson Citizens Advisory Board 01 '00 02 :~1 nM EHNR ·PUBLIC AFFAIRS P. l./4 I-I ;, ': . ' ( 1~•' ... •!" '>::.~,:,/ --/, (, I' It,' r nl\ nv, coc:q::rnco 11 Apr 18 2000 10:14 P.02 North Carolina Le of Municip-.... ~ ..... ague ··· .... · .... i'Uftl~s . Serving Ch.iei and 'l"owna Since 1908 'l"'he HC)flotab,}e Eva Cla.yron \L S. House ofit:.:;m~"'Xltatlves · '.•140 Rayborn !louse Office Building Wa!hington,. D. C. 2051S f'ircar ~m:au Clayton; FAX: 11Jl--2ZS-$J~ April t 8., 2000 f~t t.o C(mVot'S2tions vn:, had earHoc in the yew-. I have ~ctosed a brie-frepon on the 6nJU1cial .:J:iallebgcs of det.mdfyuig ttao WiUTen County PCB landfill as well a.ti a pm~ tirnetziblo. Your iutn1t..di1'k consid.a.won wonld be most aJ1pieci>d:ed. Please d1l t.tot t,1?Srti:te to contaa me if you h:ave sny questim.-is. ,:.•.c:rie Bmw:cit , o Ketty, NCDE'.NR. im. M,.,.•C'!Aid.:y, N. C. Ofiiee oftbe Gc,vemor Encfos.me .. rH~ NU. i~i4bH~~ll Apr 18 2000 10: 15 P.03 ~tt•<,!, Tile Nr '\ authoriud the Hunt adminima.tion to idernify S7 million from ~isting ~utc.es of funds for-the purpose of . detoxifyir . . ie Wa.m:n County PCB Landfitt, Th~ authoriz.ittiQl\ which <>ccurred througfi Fm 162,. l"equiroo that the $7 millh,n could not : ·?{.,nt untit sou.re fedr-ral nwohing funds were added. To da.H: -,~ '!'1CGA has i,ppxtrpriatcd SJ l m,·mon to support dctoxific.Htion of the Iandfilt Thus far, $1,593,991 bas bben spent f<:ir' as~,.,-""'"'t, dctmci.ticalion ,~hnotogy evalua1iou. preliminary doslg:i pn:pa.ration .md the fm.al d~ign plans. -. . Th.c l--.A rnatx;h ~i~ p1accd on the $7 million aumoriza.tion does net have 4' dollar stiputatioo-The detoxification pro~,11 , , ,,)!Qped by the NCDEN'.R. the .PCB Landfill working sroup and rheir ccmsultllnts is divided into two parts each with ~ phlt'"' 'The dotoxiite.3iion µbmc has a priee tag of S 16 million. Ideally, ftd~ fmar,oia1 support in the ~ount of $8 miltfo , •11.ld be most effective In tlw ii would provide the balance of the funds n~ to oor:npletcly ~ure tho dcwxffic.::.... phase of th~ projea NCDENR would have to dt'Y¢lop a ~d approa.'lh for perfumting the dotoxifiootlon portion Q i .. proje,ct ifa{l O'fthe $16 million can not bo sa:c1ncd atonotim0. tcwre!~ .. f ., .. -~ fm!cH~ S9J![tt;$ l>EPAR 'l.' £NT OF UIE ARMY 'fhu }. , Ct)dll(y PCB u.zidfJI ~ 60.000 txms ofhW&rdous ruat.erials in it. Tdl perc~ ofth~ bindfiU•a ~ontent can1e n-om f'l)atk .. , >l11 ilie-Fort Bni,gg n,ititaty reservation. Ahbough we aro Mt ~rtain of the exact amaurtt tho miJituy J»id for their allare in t :Je. i • 1~ demutp from ll'Joag tile ~wa~ the cont:n.ct was for only S 1.33.,000 to ~i$t in the oonstruction of the bndfiU. J; ·· 1 ev«yen~•a lon1 nirm bMt interest to re.roove the to:Xic liability chat cxisu a& 1on; ~ tbe landfill is io e.xistencc. A t,en p,eit'Cf , , nicipia.to:y role 1.n -:tr:toxifyizig the I.and would be $ 1.6 million. USEPA The U ~ -.,, A b:.ls I~ ackoowtedged that the "'cnviro~ ra.cisin"' movement iii America began wi.th t.her siting of the Watrtft Cc,, tr PCB Landt111. Afthough thtJ landfilling of tho PC& spr&yjng incident was a ret:Ogni:md TSCA solution to a CERCJ.A (:;--.·::nt, it solidly sruacks in die &ce those pe<iple who W1!1RI igoottd in their plea to have anot!ier siu Of solu.tiot:1 dcviSt:d todetl w,f. ul.t:~~ls. · · · US fr[ 1 , <5 been involve=:3 in an .... envirorunental jw:tjce'9 ~gn for s.evoral yc:81'5 in an effort; to develop str.1tegi¢S to identify .?.rt _ Hmirwe the vestigt,s o( environmental rads1:n and craft citi~influenced solutioos to commonly understood envlrobA·,);c ~ ~ injustices. · The: U : ·A ~ommitmient w. coviroomcnaJ justice is t,astiles$ without di(ect tU1d substantial f llWlcial and ~cal .1SSistanre in &rto:xh! dto Warten County PCB Lsrldftll. Ahhc.~gh EPA R.tgi0i14 has a,mmitted 10 provide fu:rub for a dtree--ye2t period thr~1gb t-n ·.,n-en Family lnsti.tUb:) to bin: is Community L~ison C,oo,,-dinator to work With tht citizeo&, sWe por.;on"el, Ci~o~• AdviS<>ry ho, ,;;-d and ccntntctor dJ..lrmt the .:l.etoxifieation. that money it not yet it.t hand and doa; not rep~ent thi:s full extent of what that .;..i,,., ,JC)' e.m do on a llUlttec liUCb as this. CO'.N'GFQ<.:-..:-'-: The u-<: -,r1gress should bring attention to the irol}(lttance of the PCB Land-fill da(()xificatiorl effort through the appropriation process. i · ;~ too. can demoa:stratc its couunitn:1ei1t to fairness and citizens' rights by acknawtcdging thal a. p~rml:IJ1a1t eradie&im, , "he toxic material. a solution the residents of the area want, is in the public's best inton:st. DEl?'ART NT OF THE IN:flt~.IOR RedevelOJ, . 1, P?lrks.SJld R~ol'I: A big !/ of thl~ VfOject L.<; the rbd.:velopmcnt of a large ~t of la.ad into a neod111d recri:;:r.tional an=:a .. The state <lWttS a.ppr"Oxiro «r"T-,.' 2{) acres; Warrno courrty. approxirnatdy 150 8Ql'd. Part of the piWllling proocss is to utili:l.1:1 in:fut:mucturc necessary f:.. the delt;>x.ification of tho landfilt as part of a longer-ll!ritll project. lbe county desperately needs a ri:crc3.tional facility. -~, ~ would be idealt)-m1ited for-b~J fields, recreaiional envfronmenml trail~ Wld picnic area. Non+govemmontaJ 1f8endes, s-" ., as the U.S. Sacr..« AssocillhM, have shown an illtetwt in providing tedinical expert serv•ccs Md potential fu.ndins; t.:) "" ,st in such ~ p.ujoct. Suppon ffom DOI di~ tow~ an end use for the property would be appropri:,1.tc ~cipacioo J S well. ·., l\~I 't I•_.!,!_. II I__ I ,O Ill.II 'r r' l11-4 I I 1...1: V • I 11\I j l\.. 1 u Ul 'IJU u~: 4~ F'M EHf·lF' · F'UBLIC HFFHIF'i::::; r ~AX NU ~b24b62611 Fax=7339519 ~r 18 2000 10:16 P.04 --p=, t ~ t t! ep~,~~,,~:9~ ~ ~ \; ~ il.--=-]. " ' ;: I n11 I . ,J I .. !i i I 11 I l I I l . ' ·I I I I ;1 . . Ii ' I• I ' . I ' ,1 ' I ~ l: 11 '. 111 ; I I iii u 1· ,, ' ti t 11 I : . I'' . • lj i f ' f . J 1 ' I A ' !I ~ MJ!. r :., _J I I I ' l 11 i •~'i 'i - Ji i t 1i I ~ liil~ ~ 1i ;! I n . ~ It '. I f i, t i . i I I g ' I j j ' J I i : ; i ◄ i I . ~ ~ ~ I ◄ I ' ' ' I ~ f l I i; l i I 1 I ' ·, ~ ::; . ! I I I ' •' :! l : 'i ! ! ii § ' ii I : J I f ◄ -~ !s I l : ' i ' ' i "'I' t • iJI l -• -:, { I 0. -' ... ~J -IT I -~ ,_ .J t .-r-- . r-,, } I I ~ ! LJ -l~ l --,~ -! ~1•-,._ -, ' ,. I Ill ? ; ' ' 'c i i .. 4, -,: ....... 11 ~ ..... i) Iliff II '" I::~ I• Ill -_. Ill 'T •'-.. lJ I~ jj-0 y)}-) WARREN COUNTY PCB DETOXIFICA.TlON-llEDEVELOP~1ENT PROJ-ECT CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD 720 RJDGEW A Y STREET WARRENTO'.\', N.C. 27589 FAX COVER SHE ET TO: !\,fike Kelh ~ 1-=feriry Lancaster Bill Holman Sheri Evans Stanton Pat Barne s f ROM : Robin Lee, Secretary DATE April 14 , 2000 Number of pages (_including cover sheen J f 1 fll(110/1'200Qf :,':ar~n '-'U111111uc;:, 1Pi.1 ■ I • 11Asv.a«n M1ss1ng Castalia Man l Candidates The W~r;en County Sheriff's , Department is investigating the ·--, ___ t Forum disappearance of twenty-year --{ old Craig Larnont Battles of t I f ! I . I t I Slated Castalia. According to a representative The Warren County Politi- cal Action Committee is hosting a Candidates Forum on Sunday, April 16 from 5-7 p.ro. The forum will be held at the \Varren County Court- house. All candidates havt been invited to attend. Participating candidates wilJ be given three minutes in which to address the audi- ence, followed by a guesticn and answer period. Tbe public is encouraged to attend. from the sheriff's department, on Saturday, April 1, Battles and Terry Lee Strickland were involved in a car c;:hase that r~sulted in their vehicle wrecking at the intersection of Routt: 58 and state Route 1631. Battks and Strickland fled the scene into nearby woods. Strickland surfaced the next day, but Battles hasn't been seen nor heard from since. Sheriff Johnny Williams said Battles bas not been in contact with bis family since the in cident. Strickland h:is since been arre:;ted. CRAIG LAMONT BA l'°i..ES An~·one kno w i ·. ,vhere;:bc U[s of Battle- io c0rJact the W ,1,: .~:'::ic,i :'f's Departr:::· 25 7-3364. the .. asked .J unry PCB Advisory Board Questio r~s Involvement in Decision Makij11g T .·-·, • I By JENNIFER LYNCH Editor As the PCB Citizens Ad\'i- sory Board movc:s cl0str to is- suing Requests for Proposals community leaders fear the y are being left out of the loop rela- tive to critical decision making. At last week's meeting the: group learned that state repre- sentatives have bad to contend with several ''roadblocks" of which ,he loc:11 group had not been previously apprised. While the issues in question had been bandied effectively, local members expressed con- cern over tbe role they m.iy or may not play in the selection process for the general contrac- tor. Questions arose after DENR representative Pat Backus up- dated the group on the current status of RFP development. Because the detoxific.i.tion is ,-.,..._ •. -·T a design-build project RFP de- velopment wil l be handled through the state constructior. office rather than purchasing and servicts. One of the areas covered in rl1e RFP will be specific qualifi- cations as defined by the state and by rhe advisory board. According to Mike Kelly v,.:ith the division of waste man- agement, certain state guidelines may prohibit ou,-of-state con- tractors from bidding on the project. And here is when: the prob- lem lies. Pat Barnes with BFA Envi- ronmental based in Florida has h.:id a lengthy association with the.: advisory group, having served as its science advisor prior t(J final project design. Local members have devel- oped a certain Jevd of trn:;t with Barnts, and he ,1dmittedly has an i::-iterest in seein_s; , ... ;,roject thruu~. -..:v·nile there is :·: . 1 cur- rently earmarked i , ,;z:cnce advisor going forw;;:· '3:·.rncs's company would st, . · .) gain more financially b:, .:~ :ng on ar!d being awarded .• ~ multi- million dollar projec:. The group faVGF working with B:irnes but •.vi · c nly be ?art of the eguatic , wben it comes time to maL _·inai de- ci5i::i--,. l·._dly told the : "You wii ! be! included ir• ,: .. ,:ocess, but what you wan:. ;:~ ... not be the ,vay it goes." ooard membe, . · --·1 Hol- c1rn1b responded. do not ,•.-.mt to be elimir:;;.: _ ,~om tbt: ptocess." ~n other busine~c. :-:~elly in- formed the group 1:.. -~-:be solid w1:::te tipping fr,~-~-:::viously See PCB, pag ~ ::: j T,•,' ! · --· · · · ·---r·-•._,,___......_:~'U'-nArff'U& 2 Li.lb ,-.ornna vnr,sti;;in ~cnou1 ::;;.A.LJ.D . program sponsored a , f'· t __ ,._ •. , . b t I k ·th h N 1· F' D rt • ,\ as or a U11, ,t: .. JO a a mock emergency a_st_ wee w, t e or ina tre epa men\ of S39 950 _ ·. ht~-board ha and local EMTs participating. __________ que sted more info rmation PCB Continued from page 1 discussed was not popular with other municipalities who had expressed displeasure at the possibility or the state mandat- ing the fet. · Chairperson Dollie Burwell asked if there ,vas a deadline for securing the fctkral doll ars rt- quired to release the fu nds cur- re nr l v earm::irked for de toxifica- tion. Kelly replied th::it the group should focus le.ss on a de,1d!ine and more on the ir g,:i:,l c~ ~t • curing tbe additic,na l monies between now and th e fa ll \,\ hen iht group wJn:s t(' j:1•:e ~1 con- rienry Lancasrti ,, :;"-t:,e League ,.:if rv1umc1 p2.litit::-. i!,- form ed the g rciup l:e bd out- lir.ed a propo~..;! r. · · -~--r.j!rtss- woman Eva Cla\·te,,n ;1. which ! #-,'>', . \ . : .,. ...... Don□ie a use d car and possibly get o tcx w rire-offl T ,-•. -T /;: .. Don't tra de it -donate it When You Ca;i't Breathe, Nothing Else Matte~" T AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION, c/,'-K,,ti,Co""'"" Call 1 ·888-3 00·LUNG (5864) previous pro; ~-,,.11 before : ing a fi nal dtc c :c n. Mayor G:o .;[ler update, · options were sul?._gested for her · · ~-board on <'-: ,,:nt appllc; assistance in securing federal funding. Two a~encies recommended to be re"isited were EPA and tht Department of Defense. Lancaster said he feels Clay- ton is in a good position to se- cure funding. He also said that a minimum amount of federal funding w ould trigger availability of state money already set aside A rneeting date of April 20 \\:a::; set· for the grciu p t0 meet with DENR Secretary Bill Hol· Il1Jr:t. The mee ting wi ll be hdc ;,: :: p Ill. at the John Graham :3;..:i i:1- ing loc:.ittd :lt 3(17 r-,; :.,i;,ir, Stre.,-,t in Warrento;-i. The next regular mtetiE,; of rhe aJ,·isory board ·.•-:ill be \fa;· 3 at 4 p.m. M. t\.tlc "' W6fflte,t.: . t C. For A•J-tl'' ---~ Mutual Jes . -,G O!!ice: On,} ~- N,300,'l'ND -: ~ ro,,stered federd.l New Calciu.rr.t Candy . . . -I ~:' •.~_::·•·' ..•. i.1.: .. ·,, prc;du c:o available to incre,, · strer19tr.en and protect yo1cr -. chewab•'= Candie:; w.th :11e ~' tatty. E;ch ,,andy ccnta:~s sr\ · ~-,,ere are two rn : , ic'um intake ·-Soth are '.:'. -v and :aste :· '."t calcium, ab< hali the RDA for adu:ts, pius ·.' · : ~:.-. D to aid cairn absorpt,cn. v,ac.:1v :ornes in ' :;,,vors: milk ch,:-· late. mochacc1na. am! carme,. ; . · ,:;..;: ,,! co~es 1n cho, late and che::y. Check w,th ye . '.''iOr or pharma1 be1ore taking any vitamins. Woody King, Pharmacist BOYCE D F U G S, INC UB£ALT1f\1L EA~1'£R CARDS Prescriptic .-S::iecialists C0.'ffE:\1I'ORARY A,'\D 108 N. Main St., w :.:--,:---:ton, N.C. 27! 1:">$PIR.\l'l0NAL Ol'LY S.99 !!" PHONE: ...: :.: 7 -3449 ' I I'_: ' ... ' WARREN COUNTY PCB CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD DETOXIFICATION-REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT April 5, 2000 AGENDA I. Welcome II. Roll Call/Introductions III. Reading and Approval of Minutes IV. Report of Committees V. Unfinished Business VI. New Business VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn Warren County PCB Citizens Advisory Board Detoxification-Redevelopment Project draft March 5, 2000 Meeting Minutes The Meeting of the Warren County Citizens Advisory Board was called to order at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 8, 2000. The meeting was held at the Warren County Office of the Citizens Advisory Board and was called to order by Dollie Burwell. Present were Henry Lancaster, Mike Kelly, Pat Barnes, Pat Backus, Jim Warren, Phaedra Pezzullo, Rick Shoyer, Massenburg Kearney, Jennifer Lynch, Haren Master, Ron Bacskai, John H . Duffey, Harry M. Williams, Nan Freeland, Robin Lee. MINUTES ADOPTED AND APPROVED Minutes from the January 11, 2000 and February 9, 2000 meeting was approved. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Dollie Burwell asked about the garbage proposal Sheri Evan-Stanton had discussed in the last meeting. Mike Kelly said that the garbage proposal looks favorable and that the Legislators have not been approached about the idea. Dollie said at the last meeting the Citizens Advisory Board took a vote to write a letter to the Governor about his commitment to the detoxification of the landfill. She said she received a response from the Governor stating that he is still committed to the detoxification of the landfill and that the Citizens Advisory Board needed to pursue Congresswoman Eva Clayton in terms of federal matching. Dollie said that Congresswoman Eva Clayton supports the phase funding concept and wants the advisory board to suggest how she could be more supportive of their efforts. Mike said that Jill Wranner is going though the budget to find a place where they can fit this project in . Henry Lancaster suggested that the advisory board request Congresswoman Clayton to push for a minimum of $2 million in federal funding. Dollie asked about the length of time for the RFP for the next phase of the detoxification of the project. Pat Backus said there are two sections to be written, one for technical specifications and the second for providing project cost estimates. She said that a prebid meeting and site visit are planned about two weeks after the RFPs are issued. Dollie suggested that the Citizens Advisory Board have Secretary Bill Holman come to the next meeting. after discussion, Mike Kelly volunteered to arrange for Secretary Bill Holman to come to warren county. Pat Backus also updated the committee on the reactivation of the pump in the landfill. She indicated that the pumping has been resumed as of February 25, 2000. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6 :30 p.m. The next meeting was scheduled for April 5, 2000 at 4:00 • • • Charles E. Williams President and CEO 510 King Street Suite 415 Alexandria, Virginia 2231 4 GD • • Phone: 703.836.7015 Fax: 703.836.7062 INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT LLC UCTURE MANAGEMENT LLC March 8, 2000 Ms. Dollie Burwell Co-Chair Citizens Advisory Group PCB-Detoxification/Redevelopment Warrenton, North Carolina 27589 Dear Ms. Burwell: I trust that you received my letter requesting an opportunity for presentation to your group. Enclosed please find my Bio and some quick information on the company. I am looking forward to our meeting. Sincerely yours, LC hMlesE.Wil~ President and Chief Executive Officer Enclosures CEW/ppb 510 KING STREET • SUITE 4 15 • ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22314 PHONE 703.836.7015 • FAX 703.836.7062 CD • INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT LLC Ms. Dollie Burwell Co-Chair Citizens Advisory Group PCB-Detoxification/Redevelopment Warrenton, North Carolina 27589 Dear Ms. Burwell, March 1, 2000 Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with me a few weeks ago and again this morning about the circumstances that surround the disposition of the Warren County PCB Landfill. I know how difficult and time consuming it has been for you to deal with this incredible injustice that has been placed upon the people of Warren County. As we agreed, I am writing to formally request an audience with the members of the Working Group for the purpose of making a presentation. Infrastructure Management (IMLLC), my company, specializes in the complete restoration of environmentally contaminated property. Our mission is to package a plan that not only guarantees the health and safety of the affected community, but also completes the restoration process by insuring that the affected property be returned to a safe and active tax paying employer. In other words, our focus is on leaving the site in a re-usable state such that the community may use it immediately for recreation or commercial purposes. IMLLC and its staff are totally committed to this approach to environmental remediation, and our history reflects this commitment. I feel certain that once the Working Group has had an opportunity to meet with my technical staff, learning of our plan for the safe and complete restoration of the Landfill, that they will welcome our participation in this project. It is my intention to present to the Working Group, a comprehensive plan that will include the introduction ofmy technical team, a complete explanation of the TSCA Permitted technology that I intend to use, with supporting empirical data, and most importantly, the redevelopment scenario that I personally guarantee will be implemented. Again, thank you very much for your time and confidence. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions. I can be available with one weeks notice and look forward to getting to know you and the group better. Please inform Congresswoman Clayton that we have made contract and are moving forward with a presentation. ~~ Charles E. Williams President and Chief Executive Officer 510 KING STREET • SUITE 415 • ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22314 PHONE 703.836.7015 • FAX 703.836.7062 Charles E. Williams, having served as a Major General in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, bas bad an exemplary engineering and construction management career. First in service to his country and now as a civilian. His outstanding leadership, innovative abilities, and vision have contributed dramatically to the engineering and construction profession. Born and raised in Sawyerville, Alabama, Williams learned construction from his father. He went on to graduate from Tuskegee Institute with a B.S. Degree and later a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Atlanta University. General Williams was Commissioned in the U.S. Army as an Engineer Officer in 1960 with the Corps of Engineers He began his career as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and for the next twenty-nine years of . service, his proven leadership abilities earned him accelerated promotions. Among some of his highest accomplishments were two of the largest peacetime construction projects since World War IL First as a Colonel stationed in Germany, he was responsible for managing the massive unexploded ordnance clean-up as part of the modernization of the tank ranges to accommodate a new family of fighting vehicles. Then as a Brigadier General, he commanded as Division Engineer, the North Atlantic Division, with a design and construction budget of $2 billion. He was Program Manager for the replanning and rebuilding of Fort Drum, NY, a $1.3 billion construction effort and was Appropriations Director for the Army's $21 billion o&M budget After retiring from the Army in 1989, Williams served . as President and CEO of the NYC School Construction Authority, a $4.3 billion public school building program that was the largest in the nation. Throughout this project, Williams' hands-on and "level playing field" style produced a win win ., working environment between the subcontractors and the Authority. At the ribbon<utting ceremony of · Public School 128, one of the schools in the project, . · · · . the principal was quoted as saying "General Williams . · is the first man in my life who made a promise to me ·"'"" _· and kept it". This sense of service and commitment ··. _has been the foundation ofhis success. • : Following the Authority, Williams served as Chief Operating Officer of the Toll Rood Investors Partnership II, responsiole for managing the · construction· of the first private toll road in the USA in over 100 years. He received national attention and recognition for successfully completing this project six months ahead of schedule. . · · · · He th~ took~ another high priority job as Chief . Operating Officer and Director of Facilities for the District of Columbia School System. In this capacity, he was responsible for, managing the construction, . . · ·\_.·•c,:~-.:~::-'t"·~", · < }~:::_ ..:_::~ .. ::: ,_. CHARLES EDWARD WILLIAMS rehabilitation and maintenance of school facilities. He was credited with significantly improving the crumbling school facilities during his tenure. From the school system, General Williams took on a new challenge as President of Driggs Environmental Services Company (DESCO), a subsidiary of The Driggs Corporation. In this capacity, he was · responsible for the administration and operations of a full services environmental company. The major accomplishment in this capacity was the successful management of a $14M Superfimd Site in the State of Virginia. The project was cited for a Large Construction Safety Award. With a desire to form his own company, on January 3, 2000, he opened the doors of Infrastructure Management LLC, a small minority business - enterprise specializing in construction management and environmental remediation. He serves his community and profession through his local church and most notably as a member of the Shennandoah University Board ofTrustees. His military honors include the Defense Service ·Medal with Two Oak Leaf Clusters, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Bronze Star Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster the Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster' 24 Air Medals and three Army Comm~dation Medals. ' · As a civili: -J~~: :~~ ~-~~~ed in Construction Business Review magazine as a :'Captain of Industry" in 1994 and in February 1996, he was inducted into the State of Alabama Engineering Hall ofF llJil.e. "--~-<:. _:•,~1.•;.•;:-:· .. :•'~'.::,./_:· .. · •. H .. .• .,_. " He is married to the former Marjorie Seymore. They . have three grown chiidreri and four grandchildren. . -· . . . . . .· ·~ . ·_:_ --~.;;;-.::~ JAMES B. H UNT JR. GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 20301 M AIL S ERVICE C ENTER • RALEIG H, NC 27699-0301 February 23 , 2000 Ms. Dollie Burwell, Chair Citizens Advisory Board, Warren County PCB Detoxification-Redevelopment Project 720 Ridgeway Street Warrenton, NC 27589 Dear Ms. Burwell: NC SCHOOLS }Fitz.Sr· .' IN AM£~1CA 2 0 I 0 Thank you for your January 20, 2000 letter on the Warren County PCB Landfill Detoxification-Redevelopment Project. I am still as committed to the detoxification of the PCB landfill in Warren County as I was last July when we last met to discuss its progress. It is unfortunate that this state has experienced the worst natural disaster ever recorded with Hurricane Floyd and its subsequent flooding, followed this winter by two weeks of winter storms. These disasters have placed a tremendous strain on the physical and financial resources of this state. Many state programs and capitol budget items planned for the next two years gave up funds to support the financial needs created by these disasters. Some of the funds previously set aside for the detoxification project were used in support of the hurricane relief package. However, we still have nearly $8 million set aside for the project, pending receipt of some federal matching funds. It is critical that the Citizens Advisory Board work with the DENR staff and other contacts, such as Congresswoman Eva Clayton's office, to pursue federal matching funds immediately. In light of the funding situation, I have asked the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to aggressively pursue other options, including a phase-funded approach, to the detoxification of the landfill. This will allow the department to enter into a contract to begin the detoxification project as soon as possible using the funds currently available. I have also asked my staff to continue to make this project a priority, and to keep me informed of their progress. I will continue my efforts to achieve our goal of detoxification. Thank you and the other members of the Citizens Advisory Board for the hard work you are doing. My warmest personal regards. JBH:mak CC: Secretary Bill Holman ---""""-! cerely, • James B. Hunt Jr. LOCATION: 116 W EST JoNES STREET • RALEIGH, NC 276 99-0301 ...... WARREN COUNTY PCB DETOXIFICATION-REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD 720 Ridgeway Street Warrenton, N.C. 27589 phone 252-257-1948 -fax 252-257-1000 Oolli~ B, Burwell, Cha.ir Jim Warrm, 1st \'i.:c Cluu- baria Holcomb, 2nd Vic.c Chair January 20, 2000 The Honorable James B. Hum Governor of North Carolina 116 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601-8001 SUBJECT: Warren Counry PCB Landfill Detoxification Project Dear Governor Hunt : I am writing this letter to reiterate our appreciation for your commitment to the detoxification and redevelopment project at the PCB Landfill in Warren County. We realize that much of your attention and that of the rest of the state has been focused recently on the flood disaster in eastern Nonh Carolina. Please know that we appreciate the work you are doing there, and that our prayers and sympathies are with those su:ffering from that tragedy. We want to point out however, that there is a very imponant process going on toward the remedy of the Warren County tragedy which has plagued this community for many y~ars . The work done in this community by the state and local citizens and their allies has been fruitful; we are now very close to finalizing design for the detoxification process. All systems are moving very well toward beginning the actual detoxification, and the related community participation aspect of the project are coalescing just as well as planned. as you know, the federal matching fonds have not yet been approved. However, we understand from DENR's Sheri Evans-Stanton that the state money, although reduce by $1.4 million whi~h has been diverted to the immediate t1ood relief net!d, is otherwise intact. Warren County citizens remain concerned that unless inunediate action is taken, the begirming of construction activities will not occur this year. TO "d 1£:01 00, LG uer 0001-LSc-csc:xej dn□~9 9N Dl~OPl 8Jd Honorable Governor James B. Hunt January 20, 2000 Page 2 Numerous activities must be completed before actual detoxification can commence. Site preparation, equipment delivery/set-up, permitting, and start up, are examples of some of these activities. We were informed by the state consultants, ETG/Bf A, that these activities require that a contract be awarded by 3/1/00 if meaningful construction is to take place in 2000. To that end, the ETG/BFA team has prepared a proposal which expedites the construction process in a phase funded approach using the funds already committ~d to begin, instead of waiting for full funding . That proposed approach has been presented to the State's Project Manager. The warren County Citizens Advisory Board urges you and your office to support it as it is the only way to truly meet the needs of all the project stakeholders. Once again, we appreciate your commitment to us, most recently stated at our meeting with you in July. During that meeting you indicated that even if federal monies are not approved you will ensure that the State fulfills its commitment to Warren County before you leave office. We look forward to joining you at the groundbreaking ceremony' Also, we look forward to receiving a response to this letter from you very soon. Sincerely, iJ ,7 ' (l:j,~~ Dollie B. Burwell, Chair Warren County Detoxification and Redevelopment Advisory Committee Cc: Senator Frank W Baiiance, Jr. Rep Jones W. Crawford Jr. Rep. Stanley H Fox Congresswoman Eva M. Clayton 10 "d tilR ;,< .:}2-:;l t: · ,. , B.HUNTJR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT August 17, 1999 APPOINTEES FOR THE WARREN COUNTY CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD PCB LAND FILL Effective September I, 1999, Secretary Wayne McDevitt, DENR, has appointed the following individuals to the Citizens Advisory Board (CAB): LOCAL CITIZENS: Ms. Dollie Burwell Ms. Daria Holcomb Mr. Massenburg Kearney Mr. Earl Limer Vacant-to be selected by the CAB ENVIRONMENT AL REPRESENTATIVES: Mr. Jim Warren, NC WARN Ms. Nan Freeland, Natural Resources Leadership Institute REPRESENTATIVE OF COUNTY COivfMISSIONERS: Mr. Dennis Retzlaff, Warren County Health Department WARREN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION: To be recommended by the School Board 401 OBERLIN ROAD, SUITE 150, RALEIGH, NC 27605 PHONE 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER -50o/o RECYCLED/! 0o/o POST-CONSUMER PAPER c,l l'--?f u..,,J l 'c LL -( .L/!J ;_1-~. ~ ·-J! /1/, . , ~ Nvt.. L,l,.. ... - )~-£ <.;: rn ,(~ in, l :; i}'I..-,..),I, l-<.-v l.< ,,, _ _] A' C t-\.. , t 1<--A.I M~. £er-CL,:_,,_.; JJ /43c.1__vt',t-~.i.(__ '--/) (_' 1J c'',/'. :J. '-/ i- )1__c,._ Ci..'-~ .--L /'1 l $ Lt f rJ-1 1~rl 7;) i';,<-t ;l Ci 332. 'lLLJ _.,,L )✓~ cc l<._rJ..0.-'-·c.. ; ... ;1)c: ~ ·7 i, 7 .S' -cf I l 9 ,) I .. ·,· ·--" :t~~D-E-~1-R ··'.·-.-"4t~"" "' -;~•; !Jp\$.!Jf >;'\it[~ JAMES B. HUNT JR·:~)"\7 • :GOVERNOR . --; ·~•:_:,r • •.•~ ::.. • •',•.,Nf,1 ,jt:: ~~ > '"~WAYNE MCDEVITT• ·, .. , ' :,·. :: .... ~ .... ·:·-_ .. _,·"·,\ ff il1?!~:l ,:.:--~ ! Ms. Daria Holcomb P.O. Box 222 Warrenton, NC 27589 Dear Ms. Holcomb: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Thank you for agreeing to serve as one of nine voting members of the Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) for detoxification of the Warren County PCB Landfill. I am formally appointing you to the new Citizens Advisory Board effective September 1, 1999. As you know, the Joint Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group fulfilled its mission of asses.sing the status of the landfill and selecting a detoxification technology. The Working Group suggested the establishment of the CAB and recommended that its role would be: "to continue our efforts to help obtain funding for detoxification; to serve as a liaison to the state on behalf of the Warren County community; to serve as a liaison to the community; to provide education and updates about PCB landfill issues; to lead a community involvement campaign; to help develop specifications for detoxification of the landfill and for the selection of a contractor; and to determine the support and budgetary needs for the Citizens Advisory Board." I endorse that recommendation. I am attaching a copy of the members I am appointing to this board. Your continued efforts on behalf of Warren County to work toward detoxification of the PCB Landfill and the redevelopment of this area are very much appreciated. The last meeting of the Joint Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group will be Tuesday, August 24, 1999, at 6 p.m. Thank you again for your previous support with this effort, and your future endeavors. Sincerely, Wayne McDevitt Secretary P.O. Box 27687, RALEIGH NC 27611-7687 / 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET, RALEIGH NC 27604 PHONE 919-733-4984 FAX'919-715-3060 WWW.EHNR.STATE.NC.US/EHNR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER· 50% RECYCLE0/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER ,. JUJ\J~l /-88 THU 10 :41 I . CONG, EVA CLAYTON DST OF FAX NO, 2524562611 ~ -JOINT WARREN COUNTY/STATE PCB LANDFILL WORKING GROUP 7.i?O RtDOEWAV STREET WARRENTON, N_C, 27S8Q ~ONE g 19-257-1048 -FAX g 19-257-1 CX'.X) ~ fl..~ /lfl/U'll1~ fAX COYffl\ SHEEI DATE: t---I If-.,t?,f Number of pages (including cover shr.et): 3 t... J P, 01 1 JUN-17-99 THU 10 :42 I ', CONG, EVA CLAYTON DST OF FAX NO, 25 24562611 P. 02 -7~.,--... -~--~--~--··-··-·"~--( 3 ----- ~, ,_ ._ PC1B LANDFILL COMMUNITYAWAR.E.NE5"1S DAY R A .LLY . WHEN: Wednesday, tJune 23 , 1999 WH.ERE: Warren County Courthouse Lawn TIME: 12:00 to 1:00 P.M. COME TO THE RALLY SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR DETOXIFICATION L'EARN ABOUT TRAINING AND JOB OPPOR"fUNITIES CALL THE GOVERNOR1 S HOTLINE: 1800 662-7952 Ask him to keep his commitment to Warren County and provide full funding for Detoxification in the 1 999 Budget! For Information Call: 257-1948 JUN-17-99 THU 10:42 ' ~. CONG. EVA CLAYTON DST OF FAX NO. 25245 62611 P. 03 Dear Representative Crawford, • •1' I ~ . \ ',' ' , We are at a crttical point in our efforts toward detoxification of the PCB . '. · • : ,. · La11dfill in Warren County. The landfill has been studied extensively and lhe . ;, · ·'-. technology has been determined for detoxification. In order for this delo)(ification to take place, we need your continued support and ask that you make runds available· · · through the appropriations process. · · \ · : ·· · Partnering efforts are already underway with the United Stales Environmental Protection Agency for bolh Brownfields and Environme11lal Justice grants. In fact, Warren County has alrnady been awarded an Environmental Justice grant lhat is being used lo hire a community coordinator'. We expect to hear more about the Brownfields grant awards in June, We sincerely appreciate the funding that you have provided in the past and hope that you will continue to support our efforts by appropriating money for actual · · detoxification. Sincerely, JOINT WARREN COUNTY/STATE PCB LANLDFILL WORKING GROUP 720 Ridgeway Street Warrenton, NC 27589 Phone 252-257-1948 Fax 252-257-1000 MEMORANDUM TO: Loria D. Williams FROM: DATE: Dollie B. Burwell /Henry Lancaster, Co-Chairs Joint Warren Co./State PCB Working Group May 12, 1999 ·• We are very appreciative of the efforts of Mr. Dennis W. Retzlaff, Warren County Health Director and member of the working group, to volunteer to update you on the group's activities. However, there are a couple of items mentioned in his update that needs clarification and/or correction. First, as to the one full-time and one half -time employee that are expected to be hired beginning June 1, 1999, the half time employee will be housed at the office of the Warren F amity Institute since this will be a shared employee. We would like for the current employee (the secretary) and the full -time employee to be housed in the same office building preferably in CP&L Building if space is available. Secondly, although activities such as the closed Municipal Landfill and the county trash convenience sites are important community environmental issues, the role of the working group is to continue its efforts to help obtain funding for detoxification; to serve as a liaison to the state; to provide education and updates about the PCB Landfill issues; to lead a community involvement campaign around the detoxification process as well as the future use of the landfill site; to help develop plans and specifications for the detoxification of the landfill and future 'use and for the selection of a contractor; and to determine the support and budgetary needs for the Citizens Advisory Board. Finally, the Working Group is currently being reconstituted and as with the initial formation of the group, we have suggested to Secretary Wayne McDevitt, that he consider appointing members from the following local interest groups: education, economic development, health care, emergency management, environmental organization, elected county official or his/her designee, civic community based groups, concerned county citizens, and citizens residing near the PCB landfill. We do welcome any recommendations and/or ideas you may have on how we can get people to attend meetings and stay engaged after they have been appointed. Tha~ Y(!U for your support. I look forward to hearing from you, and encourage your direct part1c1pat1on --when possible. cc: Kathy Lawrence, Warren Family Institute Dennis W. Retzlaff, Health Director Mike Kelly, NCDENR Ct~l;if~f J 7~-tw- . WARREN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 544 WEST RIDGEWAY STREET WARRENTON, NC 27589 ro::t-.6 TELEPHONE: 257-1185 FAX#: (252) 257-2897 ~~t April 30, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO FROM SUBJECT Loria D. Williams, County Manger U) LJ/? vtf'/ Dennis W. Retzlaff, Health Director f/t}1~ 1/ 1JJ ~ If Update on PCB Working Group Activities At last night's PCB Working Group it was emphasized several times that the next several months will be crucial to the success of the project. The Group appreciates the past support received from your office and realizes that your involvement will be increasingly crucial in the weeks to come. I volunteered to make you aware of some particularly time-sensitive items and will be happy to serve you in any way you feel appropriate in the coming months as regards this effort. It is crucial to understand that the success of the Working Group activities will not be measured only by the completion of the Landfill detoxification. Current efforts are aimed more broadly to assure that county citizens and leaders learn important lessons about the protection of our environment from the PCB and put these lessons into practice through responsible, community based environmental development. While there will be focus on how to develop the PCB Landfill land following detoxification the project will also address other environmentaly important sites such as our closed Municipal Landfill and the County Trash Convenience sites. These are truly exciting times for our citizens! In order to dramatically address community involvement issues the Working Group, spearheaded by state officials and Cathy Lawrence with the Warren Family Institute, have secured a grant which will begin to be implemented June I, 1999. Included in thi~ project will be the employment of one full-time and one-halftime person. At last night's meeting there was preliminary discussion regarding the possibility of siting these employees in the CP & L building. I indicated there had been preliminary discussions regarding the use of the receptionist space but no final decision has been reached. The Working Group requests that the County consider making sufficient space available for these employees in the CP & L building. The Group understands that this is short notice considering a June I starting date. Another important, but not quite as urgent, concern for your consideration is the need to encourage the involvement of appropriate county personnel in discussions MEMORANDUM Williams April 30, 1999 Page 2 regarding future use of the PCB site. County employees who IT1ight be appropriate include the Recreation Director, Economic Development Director (already a Working Group member), Public Works Director and others. It would also be important for representation from the NC Cooperative Extension and NC Forest Service. Any assistance you could give in gaining the meaningful involvement of these and others would be appreciated. One other item which was just mentioned quickly is that work is underway to reconstitute the Working Group. If you have not been contacted about this already I am sure you will be soon. It is my opinion that you and the County Commissioners should not only have a representative but should have significant input into the appointment of other individuals who represent various involved constituencies. Thank you for your continued interest and support in these efforts to benefit county citizens. Please feel free to contact any of us if you have further questions or concerns. CC: Mike Kelly/ Dolly Burwell Henry Lancaster Cathy Lawrence ........ Joint Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group 720 Ridgeway Street Warrenton, North Carolina 27589 January 25, 1999 Mr. Wayne McDevitt, Secretary NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources PO Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Dear Secretary McDevitt: For the past four years, the Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group has worked toward determining the current status of the landfill and obtaining full funding for detoxification of the PCB-contaminated soil in the landfill. We have had the assistance of outside science advisors, as well as $1 million provided by the General Assembly to help with these tasks. While members of the Working Group feel we have traveled far along the road toward detoxification, our journey is not yet finished. Full funding for detoxification is still needed, the phase 3 full-scale plan for detoxification must still be prepared, and a contractor selected for actual detoxification. On January 7, 1999, Working Group members met to discuss and determine what we felt our future role should be, membership of the Working Group, and our support and staffing needs. The following is our proposal for your consideration. Mission: Role: Work together to detoxify the PCB Landfill. We would like to continue our efforts to help obtain funding for detoxification; to serve as a liaison to the state on behalf of the Warren County community; to serve as a liaison to the community; to provide education and updates about PCB Landfill issues; to lead a community involvement campaign; to help develop specifications for detoxification of the landfill and for the selection of a contractor; and to determine the support and budgetary needs for the Citizens Advisory Board. Membership: We suggest having representatives from the following local interests to serve on the Citizens Advisory Board: education, economic development, health specialist, emergency management, environmental organization, elected county official or his/her representative, civic group, concerned county citizens, and citizens near the PCB Landfill. A • •' Mr. Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Page2 January 25, 1999 Needs: In order to accomplish the role of the Citizens Advisory Board, we need secretarial support; office space, supplies, and equipment; a community liaison hired; and technical support from science advisors or others on an as needed basis. We would like to thank you for the opportunity to have input and be a part of the process to detoxify the PCB Landfill. This issue has been an area of concern for the citizens in Warren County for nearly 20 years, and we very much want to continue our efforts with the state to detoxify the PCB landfill. In light of the convening of the General Assembly, we would like to meet with you in the very near future to discuss our continued working relationship with the state and Warren County. Henry Lancaster will be in contact with you to set a meeting date. Dollie Burwell Co-Chair Sincerely, Gl/~Mji l,/i~~~ Henry Lancaster Co-Chair