HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19970111_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_RFP-Soil Excavation, Handling, Storage - Responses-OCR• MEMO , /21 i I FROM: Linda Rimer Assistant Secretary for DATE: \ I 111 ~ Environmental Protection TO: I\\ C{\4-, f. . \, SUBJECT: f)c.ifu\ le,,-µ 1 \\ I ~ \ • J1,\\-L ~J ~~ rwmo 1 °f (\l,~ lq ---i ~8:-~ (lu_. ~<-+. A ,1, ~ -~ ~ w Y"ler-. W'< rht'.e l ¾~~'efll A-:s-cerns ¾tJt e~~1'1 \ s '-A.r<leA ~ rD\ ~ ~ err-de~\~ Col'lc~c.D o\oo\,~ ¾ 1)\ (LS\' ~G.l't:~Q(J Y\ {)J.J P · ~ \..Ah-eM ~o..__ \(\fucD., ½m ~ ~~rr \o-e \,ell--> %M Y\ e. :\~ ~ l:J'1i ~ <IA_, ~&")1~,~1.i.J IS AfLOVl'\!ZI~ D'i I ~ 9 ...__-\, ~ ~ "'\Jt* -~ ~ . RA DEHNA NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. Box 27687 . Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-715-4140 State of North Carolina • . Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director MEMORANDUM TO: Linda Rimer Henry Lancaster FROM: Bil1Meyer i)1/\. DATE: January 6, 1997 SUBJECT: PCB Landfill AVA DEHNR · !i'Clll.t,t . J4v ;, :•c, 't/1) ~ ,f) £Nv,~ON;::[ SECR£TAl{t -. AL PNorEi cr,011 The staff has proposed an air sampling event for the PCB Landfill air vent. The vent is the sole source of air emissions from the landfill . There are existing differences of opinion as to the threat of exposure from past air emissions. The vent has been filled with a carbon filter system to sorb constituents and prevent future exposure. The purpose of the proposed sampling is to provide additional data on air emissions to determine risk, both past and present. In addition, the staff has proposed to monitor the surface liner for gas leaks (methane). If methane is detected the specific location ofleaks can be identified. If the landfill surface liner is not leaking gasses, then the probability of water leaking into the landfill is very unlikely. This is based on the significant difference in permeability of liners to water and gases. It is a very simple but effective means of determining the status of the liner. The staff is prepared to perform both sampling events. Both sampling events would add factual data rather than the current speculative nature of air emissions and liner leakage. However, in addition to approval of sampling protocol and questioning the need for sampling, it has become apparent that the Working Group's real concern is with the state's role as owner/operator, state sampling, and state analysis of samples. Based on this concern, it is apparent to the Division of Waste Management that only independent sampling and analysis may satisfy the Working Group. We have several choices. One is to proceed with a state sampling effort. Another is to have the state sample with the Working Group oversight and use independent labs for analysis. The third will be for complete independent sampling and analysis. Either of the latter two options will require Department funding. The compromise option is state sampling with independent analysis. The division does not think that the continued state sampling and state analysis will be accepted by the Working Group. P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Voice 919-733-4996 N!JC ff M/414!$.t!kd FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper Page2 This experience is having a very frustrating effect on the staff and the belief that the Department and Administration do not recognize nor support their efforts. In order to resolve this issue the Division of Waste Management would like for Department approval and support to plan, sample and analyze air and methane on the landfill. The Division of Waste Management has the staff and equipment to accomplish this and is willing, with Department support, to address concerns raised by the Working Group on the lack of independence of this effort. If this is not the appropriate process, the Division will need financial commitments for the Department for at least independent analytical activities. We need a resolution from the Department on these issues as soon as possible. c:wpfiles/pcbl.f7smpling.mem State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Legislative & Intergovernment al Affairs James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Henry M. Lancaster II, Director October 23, 1995 Mr. Bill Meyer 401 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 Dear Mr. Meyer: NA DEHNR· The Joint Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group has been laboring arduously to secure state and federal financial and technical support to detoxify the PCB landfill in Warren County. The Group has been successful In garnering $1.1 million in the past sixteen months from the NC General Assembly due to the efforts of Senator Frank Ballance for capital improvements on the site and for pilot project development to identify an acceptable technology for detoxification. As most of you know, the Group averages two meetings per month. We meet in the Grand Jury room of the Warren County Courthouse in Warrenton for approximately two hours. The meetings usually begin at 4pm. I have been Instructed by the Group to write and encourage you to make a greater effort to attend and participate in the Group's deliberations. Enclosed is a copy ofthe Group's By-laws. Please read them closely. Execution of the responsibilities ahead will require significant commitment from those of us charged with the task of prudently and reasonably overseeing detoxification of the landfill and disbursement of public funds. If you do not think that you can continue to participate in the process, please contact me or one of the other two co-chairs. We do understand that circumstances often times cause one to alter priorities. However, please note that the by-laws do provide a mechanism for the Group to address lax membership participation. The next Working Group meeting will be at 4pm on October 30 in the Grand Jury room of the Warren County Courthouse in beautiful downtown Warrenton, NC. lfwe won't see you, at least let us hear from you. Sincerely, ~ ~°!~ Henry M. Lancaster, II Co-Chair cc: Dollie Burwell, Co-Chair Ken Ferruccio, Co-Chair P.O . Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper RULES OF PROCEDURE JOINT WARREN COUNTY/STATE PCB LANDFILL WORKING GROUP I. MISSION STATEMENT A. Evaluate safety of landfill and make recommendations to DEHNR to ensure institutional controls/procedures/and funding are available to provide long-term protection of the citizens of Warren County. II. GOALS/TASKS A. (1) Assess current conditions and safety of landfill and make recommendations to DEHNR for addressing any unsafe condition identified. (2) Assess need to remove rainwater from landfill and recommend to DEHNR the basis and technology for removal or allowing rainwater to remain in the landfill. (3) Identify and evaluate technologies for detoxification of landfill and make recommendations to DEHNR on appropriate and feasible technologies for detoxification. (4) Identify and recommend implementation strategy to DEHNR for all goals/tasks including infrastructure and funding. (5) DEHNR to implement funded recommendations for long-term maintenance and, if appropriate, detoxification of the landfill. Ill. OFFICERS A. Co-Chairs. There shall be three (3) Co-Chairs of the Working Group. Two Co-Chairs shall be members of the Working Group and elected by the members. One Co-Chair shall be appointed by the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental, Health and Natural Resources and shall be a member of the Working Group. The terms of the current Co-Chair from the committee shall be for one (1) year from the time of adoption of these procedures. Said terms shall be for one year, and they shall be eligible for re-election. The Co-Chairs shall decide all points of order and procedure, subject to these rules, unless directed otherwise by a two-thirds majority of the Working Group in session at the time. The Co-Chairs shall appoint any committee found necessary to investigate or study matters before the Working Group. B. Secretary. A secretary shall be appointed by the Co-chairs of the Working Group either from within or from outside its membership, to hold office during the term of the secretary of the Department and/or until a successor secretary shall have been appointed. The secretary shall be eligible for reappointment. The secretary, subject to the direction of the Co-Chairs and the Working Group, shall keep all records, shall conduct all correspondence of the Working Group. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of every Working Group meeting, which minutes shall be a public records. The minutes shall show the record of all important facts pertaining to each meeting and hearing, every resolution acted upon by the Working Group, and all votes of the Working Group members upon any resolution or upon the final determination of any question, indicating the names of members absent or failing to vote. IV. MEETINGS A. Regular Meetings. Meetings of the Working Group shall be held in Warrenton, North Carolina, provided that if the Co-Chairs so direct, meetings may be held at any other place in the State. The Working Group may establish a schedule of regular meetings. 8. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Working Group may be called at any time by the Co-Chairs. Meetings may be called by twelve (12) or more members of the Working Group. At least forty- eight (48) hours notice of the time and place of special meetings shall be given by the secretary or the Co-chairs to each member of the Working Group; provided that this requirement may be waived by action of a majority of the members. C. Cancellation of Meetings. Whenever there is no business for the Working Group, the Co-Chairs may dispense with a meeting by giving notice to all the members not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the time set for the meeting. D. Quorum. A Quorum shall consist of a majority of members of the Working Group. E. Conduct of Meetings. All meetings shall be open to the public. The order of business shall be open to the public. The order of business shall be as follows: (a) roll call; (b) reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting; (c) reports of committees; (d) unfinished business; (e) new business. Parliamentary procedure shall be in compliance with Robert's Rule Of Order. F. Vote. The vote of a majority of those members present shall be sufficient to decide matters before the Working Group provided a quorum has been duly recorded. 1,a.; G. Attendance. The Co-Chairs may recommend to the Secretary of the Department removal of any Working Group member who without an excused absence fails to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings. H. Membership. Members of the Working Group shall serve for a term of two (2) years and shall be eligible for re-election by a process at the discretion of the Working Group. V. REPORTS Copies of minutes will be distributed to all Working Group members, the County Manager, members of the State Legislator that represent Warren County, the Secretary of the North Carolina Department Environment, Health and Natural Resources and the Governor. Periodic progress reports will be submitted as deemed necessary by the Working Group or Co-Chairs. VI. AMENDMENTS In order to amend these procedures, there must be 15 members of the Working Group in attendance and a two-third (2/3) affirmative vote; providing, that such amendment shall have first been presented to the membership in writing at a regular or special meeting preceding the meeting at which the vote is taken. Enclosure 1 j ( ( / ' j I )