HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19960220_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Re Science Advisor Scope of Services (BFA Env'l Consultants)-OCR02/21/1995 13:35 4078%1822 BARNES FERLAND ASSOC PAGE 01
' BF A Environmental Consultants
S:,.,:~erland and Associat:s. ,=;,.:;
February 20, 1996
Mr. Bill Meyer
Division of Solid Waste Management
N.C. Dept. ofEnvironmental Health
401 Oberlen Road, Ste. 150
Raleigh, N.C. 27605
SUBJECT: Science Advisor Scope of Services
Dear Mr. Meyer:
po9t-i.-Fax Note 7671
BFA #95-017
As we discussed Friday, BF A considers the fee presented to be an upset limit. Because several of
the tasks were undefined, it was necessary to assume a more comprehensive scope of activities.
Also, the cost for those tasks identified as joint is very difficult to approximate because of
different interpretations on the level of effort by Joel and myself . As you can see Joel and I did
agree on who would lead joint tasks and an approximate split of work for those tasks. It is
generally 70/30 with the lead Science Advisor performing the majority of the work.
All of the dollar values identified should be considered allowances, and more appropriately used
to determine your project budgets. The actual cost for services will be based on the hourly cost
(see attached rate table) ofimplementing the activities approved by the Working Group.
It was also very difficult to determine travel expenses for the project; therefore, it was assumed
based on similar projects that travel would be approximately 10% of the total project cost.
The text typed in bold represents additions which were made to the base scope of services. The
most substantial of these is to develop a ground water and surface water fate and transport flow
model for the landfill area. Such a model is rughly recommended because it would aid in
determining what the environmental impacts might look like if the system is leaking or does leak
in the future. With adequate information going into the model design it could be used to
determine at risk areas and where future samples should be collected.
It appears the most currently pressing issue is the development of an RFP to select contractors to
obtain soils for the landfill for detoxification pilot testing. Based on review of the draft RFP
package, the discussions we have had, attendance at the pre-bid meeting, I would like to suggest
that the State delay submittal of a final RFP by approximately one (1) month. Although the RFP
package prepared is very comprehensive for a proposal document, I believe that the
The Hollister Building• 3535 Lawton Road• Suite 111 • Orlando, Florida 32803
Office (407) 896-8608 • Fax (407) 896-1822
02/21 /1996 13:35
Mr. Bill Meyer
February 20, 1996
State/Working Group should use the design capabilities of the Science Advisor to convert the
RFP into more of a design specifications document. The benefits of detailing more of the design
ourselves are:
I . The bids will be more comparable. If the entire design is left up to the contractors it will
be very difficult to analyze the bids obtained. Several contractors may propose to use
completely different approaches and the difference between the high and low bids may
vary by an order of magnitude;
2. We can stress the areas of work which are more imponant to us~
3. To discourage bids from non-qualified contractors;
4. More control on the quality of the work to be performed by the selected contractor;
5. The more guidance you give the contractors with respect to the results we desire the
lower the bid will be. Therefore, more detailed specifications should lower costs.
If you or any of the Working Group members have questions concerning this letter or my price
quote for the Science Advisor services, please don't hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to working with you and the Working Group on this very important project.
cc: Dollie Burwell Co-Chair
Ken Fenuccio, Co-Chair
Henry Lancaster, Co-Chair
Patrick A. Barnes, P. G.
BFA === <==zz ===
02/21 /1995 1 3 :35 4078%1822 BARNES FERLAND ASSOC
Joint State PCB Landfill Working Group
Science Advisor
Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc.
Rate Table
Science Advisor $100.70
Senior Environmental Engineer $74.20
Senior Hydrogeologist $68.90
Senior Chemical Engineer $66.25
Project Scientist $39.75
Project Engineer $39.75
Toxicologist $74.20
Technician $34.45
Clerical Support $31.80
Rates are based on a 2.65 multiplier
02/21/1996 13:35 4078961822 BARNES FERLAND ASSOC PAGE 04
Science Advisor Scope of Work -PCB Landfill -Patrick Barnes
I. Develop PCB Landfill detoxification project master plan, including:
$ 10 000
$ 6 000
$ 3 000
$ 6 000
$ 8 000
1. Review all readily available, appropriate and applicable information
and provide written report evaluating existing environmental conditions
at landfill, and make recommendation to the Working Group after
considering at least the following. It is assumed that the State will
make a.II such documents available.
(a) Groundwater quality, volume and flow, monitoring systems
(b )* Leachate, volume, chemical characteristics, extraction, treatment
and application systems. This subtask will be performed jointly
by Mr. Barnes and Mr. Hirschorn. It is assumed that this
subtask will be led by Mr. Hirschom and that the allocation of
work effort will be 70% / 30%. An allowance of $3,000 has
been assigned.
(c) Surface water quality, volume and flow, monitoring systems
including sediment
( d)* Other considerations deemed appropriate by the working group.
Responsibility for this effort will be on a case by case basis.
An allowance of $8,000 is assigned.
Subtotal 1.1 $332000
• Joint Barnes and Hinchorn task
BFA-==--=-= -===
$ 3 000
$ 14,000
$ 40 000
$ 3 000
$ 2 000
$ 10,000'
$ 5 000
2. Provide recommendations and processes for additional evaluations,
monitoring or other protective measures required as a pre-requisite for
detoxification or until detoxification is accomplished.
(a) Review two existing groundwater monitoring proposals submitted
by Division of Solid Waste Management staff and George Bain,
P.G., and recommend actions for implementing, and inspect
(b) Develop ground and surface water fate and transport
computer model to aid in determining how pollutants may
behave if released.
(c) Evaluate the use for geophysical surveys in the assessment of
landfill's integrity. In particular, the condition of the liner
and evaluating how much water it contains.
(d)t-Evaluate the need to remove water in landfill as a prerequisite for
detoxification and as a safety factor to control release from the
landfill. This subtask will be performed jointly by Mr. Barnes
and Mr. Hirschom. Mr. Birschom will lead with the
allocation of work being approximately 70% / 30%. An
allowance of $2,000 has been established for BF A's role in this
effort. Only actual cost will be billed.
(e) Evaluate the need for and design (if necessary) of a health
impact assessment of the individual§ in the vicinity of the
landfill identified as being at risk.
(Q"' Provide recommendations for other protective measures deemed
appropriate by the Working Group, such as off-site monitoring and
evaluation of landfill liner systems. This subtask will also be
performed jointly; however it will be led by BFA. Once again
the appro:ximate split in work will be 70% / 30%. BF A has
established an allowance of $5,000 for our role on this subtask.
Subtotal 1.2 $77,000
02/21 /1996 13:35
$ 2 000
$ 2 000
$ 20 000
$ 10 000
$ 15,000
3. Identify and recommend alternative appropriate and feasible
technologies for detoxification of landfill .
(a)* Review BCD permits submitted to EPA by SoilTech and ETC for
R&D under the TSCA, and make comments and recommendations
concerning technical and administrative issues (including budget)
to Working Group.
(b )* Design and/or draft RFPs/contracts for tasks requiring to support
and implement detoxification efforts.
(c)* Design or draft RFP for providing materials from the landfill for
pilot/bench scale detoxification technology studies ( excavation,
storage, drying and delivery to vendors).
( d)* Prepare techrucal reports on detoxification efforts that are of
sufficient quality for scientific peer review as well as sufficient
clarity for use in presentations for community involvement and
understanding, and support efforts in the General Assembly for
funding detoxification of the landfill.
All subtasks under this task will be performed jointly, items (a) and
(d) will be led by Mr. Hirschorn and have a 70% / 30% and 60% /
40% split, respectively. Items (b) and (c) will be led by BFA and split
70% / 30¾. All of the cost estimates should be considered allowances.
Subtotal 1.3 $492000
=== =
02/21/1995 13:35
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4. * Draft/outline all tasks and processes with milestones, scheduling and
budget for all elements of detoxification into a project plan for
consideration by the Working Group. BF A will develop a Gant chart
using CAD to be used as an overall project schedule. Thi~ task
will be split 70% / 30¾ between BFA and Mr. Hirschorn and led
by BFA. An allowance of $3,000 has been applied for BFA's role.
Subtotal 1.4 $ 3,000
02/21 /1995 13:35 4078%1822 BARNES FERLAND ASSOC PAGE 08
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II. Develop community interaction plan
$ 5 000
$ 15 000
$ 8 000
$ 8 000
Subtotal Task II
1. Prepare/outline all elements and format for maximum meaningful
community participation in detoxification efforts.
2. Work with sub-committee/Working Group to implement community
participation plan.
3. Prepare materials/infonnation for community presentation that maintain
scientific accuracy and can be understood by the community.
4. Participation in direct communications and other public participation on
detoxification efforts in the Warren County community.
BFA -r:n:.==:===
02/21 /1995 13:35 4078951822 BARNES FERLAND ASSOC PAGE 09
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III. Develop proposals and plans for legislative support of detoxification efforts
$ 2 000
$ 3 000
$ 6 000
1. * Prepare/plan for elements essential to inform members of the General
Assembly of the necessity of detoxifying the landfill.
2_ * Participate in efforts to maximize the potential for funding by the
General Assembly.
3. Participate in lobbying individual and groups of members of the General
Assembly for detoxification of the landfill.
Tasks ID.1 and m.2 will be split 70% / 30% between Mr. Hirschorn and BFA. The costs
indicated are allowances.
Subtotal Task ID $11,000
BFA.-== =-== ~
02/21/1995 13:35 4078%1822 BARNES FERLAND ASSOC PAGE 10 .
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IV.* Perform additional tasks or delete task as directed by Working Group. An additional
cost of $10,000 has been added as a contingency for BFA's role in other unidentified
$ 10.000
Subtotal Task IV $10,000
Subtotal Tasks I through IV
Plus 10%
BFA Science Advisor Project Total $240,900
Travel and Expenses
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