HomeMy WebLinkAbout1804_DukeMarshall_DALF_Approval_ProposedMonitoringWellsforInterimWQMP_FID1822140_20231129From: Moufn13-h
To: Hwly. Achlev LLaah
Cc Osborn. Claire ]: Wemer. EliubetM1
subject: RE: [External] Marshall - 1804 Iandfill - Proposed Monitoring Wells for Interim WQMP
Date: Wednesday, November 29, 202311:41:00 AM
AltacM1men[s: mage0nl.prg
Good morning Ashley,
Thank you for the summary of our phone call this morning on the proposed interim monitoring network for 1804. Lets proceed please.
Sarah M Moutos
Environmental Program Consultant
Division of Waste Management — Solid Waste Section
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
919-707-8287 (phone and fax)
Physical Address and FedEX: 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27603
Mailing Address and Postal Mail: 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, INC 27699-1646
D Q�
NCDEQ: Solid Waste Section
NCDEQ' Solid Waste Section Financial Assurance (Effectve July ], 2020: REVISED RULES)
Please note my email address has changed to Sarah.Moutosldo—ricoov . Please update my point of contact information.
Email comspondence wand from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and maybe disclosed to third parties.
From: Healy, Ashley Lisbeth <Ashley.Healy@duke-energy.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:37 AM
To: Moutos, Sarah <sarah.moutos@deq.nc.gov>
Cc: Osborn, Claire <claire.osborn@deq.nc.gov>; Werner, Elizabeth <elizabeth.werner@deq.nc.gov>
Subject: RE: [External] Marshall - 1804 Landfill - Proposed Monitoring Wells for Interim WQMP
Importance: High
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Sarah —Thankyou for catching up this morning, our conversation was very helpful.
I have confirmed that AB-9S will remain available for monitoring. The location is not in the footprint of ash excavation until we begin dredging operations which is a few years away. Below is an updated table
with proposed monitoring locations; revisions to the table are bulleted below.
• Added AB-9S with confirmation that the location is available for monitoring
• Removed GWA-7S/D due to limited hydraulic connectivity
• Removed CCR-9DA since we discussed that monitoring will be focused on shallow or uppermost aquifer monitoring locations similar to the former compliance network
Well ID
Location Description
Background Well
Downgradient of 1804 Phase II
Downgradient of 1804 Phase II
Downgradient of 1804 Phase
Downgradient of 1804 Phase
Downgradient of 1804 Phase
Let me know ifyou agree with the proposed monitoring locations or have any further questions. We will then move forward with preparing the Interim WQMP. Thanksl
Ashley L. Healy, P.G.
Waste and Groundwater Programs
Mobile: 717-982-0986
From: Moutos, Sarah <sarah.moutos(adea.nc.eov>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2023 2:47 PM
To: Healy, Ashley Lisbeth <Ashley.Healy(dduke-energy.com>
Cc: Osborn, ClaireJ <claire.osborn(adea. nc.eov>; Werner, Elizabeth <eli2abeth.wernertadea.nc.gov>
Subject: RE: [External] Marshall - 1804 Landfill - Proposed Monitoring Wells for Interim WQMP
Hi Ashley,
I see what you were saying about the MW-7S and -7D being south of the ridge line. I don't currently have any scheduled meetings Tomorrow, 11/29. 1 would like to get maybe 15 minutes of your time to discuss
and finalize the MW selections. Please just call when you get a moment. 919-707-8287
Thanks so much,
Sarah M Moutos
Environmental Program Consultant
Division of Waste Management — Solid Waste Section
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
919-707-8287 (phone and fax)
Physical Address and FedEx: 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27603
Mailing Address and Postal Mail: 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, INC 27699-1646
D Q��
NCDEQ: Solid Waste Section
NCDEQ: Solid Waste Section Ernandal Assurance (Effective July 1, 2010: REVISED RULES)
Please note my email address has changed to Sarah.Moutcsrddeo.ncoov. Please update my point of contact information.
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Healy, Ashley Lisbeth <Ashley.HealyldDduke-enerey.com>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 7:46 PM
To: Moutos, Sarah <sarah.moutosiddeo.nc.eov>
Cc: Osborn, Claire <claire.osborn(adea ov>; Werner, Elizabeth <elizabeth.wernerfaldeo o ov>
Subject: RE: [External) Marshall - 1804 Landfill - Proposed Monitoring Wells for Interim WQMP
Importance: High
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Hi Sarah— Following up on your question below — monitoring wells GWA-75/D are available and likely not at risk of being abandoned due to closure activities atthe site.
I did not propose these wells originally since boron has historically been non -detect at both the shallow and deep locations. This well pair sits south of a ridge line (transmission ROW) that reduces the
hydraulically connectivity from the ash basin and landfill. However these are one of the closer well pairs to the 1804 Phase II Landfill and that are not dry, therefore they could be a good option as an interim
location forthe Dry Ash Landfills.
In the table below I have summarized the revisions to the proposed network so far:
Well ID
Location Description
Background Well
Downgradient of 1804 Phase II
Downgradient of 1804 Phase II
Downgradient of 1804 Phase II
Downgradient of 1804 Phase I
Downgradient of 1804 Phase I
Downgradient of 1804 Phase
Downgradient of 1804 Phase I
Let me know ifyou have any further questions/revisions or need to discuss the proposed network before we move forward with preparing the Interim WQMP. Thanks!
Ashley L. Healy, P.G.
Waste and Groundwater Programs
Mobile: 717-982-0986
From: Moutos, Sarah <sarah.moutosPdea.nceov>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2023 9:47 AM
To: Healy, Ashley Lisbeth <Ashlev.Healv(aduke-enerev com>
Cc: Osborn, ClaireJ <cIaire.osbomPdeg.nc.gov>; Werner, Elizabeth <elizabeth.werner(oldea.nceov>
Subject: RE: [External] Marshall - 1804 Landfill - Proposed Monitoring Wells for Interim WQMP
Good morning Ashley,
Thankyou for the suggestions. We agree with the use of AB-10D/BR. Maybe just AB-10D since it is shallower. Also, we were curious about GWA-07S/D. Would those be usable. We were also thinking that MW-
9D/S weren't necessary as it would be more of a catch all for the site, and not necessarily for 1804. Let me know your thoughts.
Sarah M Moutos
Environmental Program Consultant
Division of Waste Management — Solid Waste Section
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
919-707-8287 (phone and fax)
Sarah. MOutos(aldeo. nc.a
Physical Address and FedEx: 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh, INC 27603
Mailing Address and Postal Mail: 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646
NCDEO: Solid Waste Secton
NCDEQ Solid Waste Secb'on Financial Assurance (Effective July j, 2020: REVISED RULES)
Please note my email address has changed to Sarah.Mcutcs(deo.nczrov. Please update my point of contact information.
Email cmTesponden to and from tho address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and maybe disclosed to Mind parties.
From: Healy, Ashley Lisbeth <Ashley.Healyna duke-energv.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 202312:41 PM
To: Moutos, Sarah <sarah.moutos(ddea.nceov>
Cc: Osborn, Claire <claire.osbom dea nceov>
Subject: RE: [External) Marshall - 1804 Landfill - Proposed Monitoring Wells for Interim WQMP
Importance: High
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Hi Sarah —
There is the well cluster AB-10S/SL/D/BR/BRL within and below the finger of the ash basin south of the 1804 Phase 11 landfill (see figure below). However, I did not propose this well cluster for the following
• AB-10S is an ash pore water well that is dry
• AB-10SL is an ash pore water well with the water level straddling the screened interval, i.e., a decreased water level where the screen is now exposed
• These locations are expected to be abandoned sometime in the next 1-2 years for closure, at least sometime within the interim monitoring period
• These locations are not sampled semiannually with our CAMA monitoring network
It's no problem to add or swap these locations out from some of the others I had proposed and see how many rounds of sampling we are able to complete before they need to be abandoned to support closure.
However, I would recommend using AB-10D/BR, maybe AB-10BRL if you wanted to (boron is non -detect), and omitting AB-10S/SL for the reasons listed above. Just let me know how you would like to proceed.
Ashley L. Healy, P.G.
Waste and Groundwater Programs
Mobile: 717-982-0986
From: Moutos, Sarah <sarah.moutos(adea e ov>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 12:19 PM
To: Healy, Ashley Lisbeth <Ashley.Healyna duke-energy.com>
Cc: Osborn, Claire) <claire.osbormadea.nc.eov>
Subject: RE: [External) Marshall - 1804 Landfill - Proposed Monitoring Wells for Interim WQMP
Good afternoon Ashley,
I am still reviewing the proposed well locations forthe DALF. Thank you for providing the proposed wells to incorporate into the interim sampling event. I was curious if there were any well(s) near the former
MW-2 location that could be included?
Former DALF Well Locations Proposed Well Locations
A�DLST 8, 2011 V!
Sarah M Moutos
Environmental Program Consultant
Division of Waste Management — Solid Waste Section
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
919-707-8287 (phone and fax)
Sarah. Moutos(adea.nc.aov
Physical Address and FedEx: 217 West ]ones Street, Raleigh, NC 27603
Mailing Address and Postal Mail: 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646
NCDED: solid Waste Section
NCDEO: Solid Waste Section Financial Assurance (Effective July 1, 2020, REVISED RULES)
Please note my email address has changed to Sarah.MoutosriDdeo.n— . Please update my point of contact information.
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to Me Notch Carolina Pubic Records Law and may be disddsed to mird parties.
From: Healy, Ashley Lisbeth <Ashley Healv0duke-enemy.com>
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2023 4:20 PM
To: Moutos, Sarah <sarah.moutosna dea eov>
Cc: Osborn, Claire <claire osborn(rilden. nceov>; Werner, Elizabeth <elizaheth wPmEriaden.nc.eov>; Witt, Kimberlee<KimherleeWitr(aduke-enerev.com>; Hardin, Tyler <Tyler. Hard in(adnke-enerev.com>
Subject: [External] Marshall - 1804 Landfill - Proposed Monitoring Wells for Interim WQMP
Importance: High
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Hi Sarah —As discussed, attached is a map proposing monitoring wells to be included in the interim groundwater compliance monitoring network forthe Dry Ash Landfill Phase I and II (1804-INDUS).
A few things to note on our thought process:
• The original network included 5 monitoring wells (1 background and 4 side or downgradient locations) and two observation/water level only wells. We have proposed seven monitoring wells east and
southeast ofthe site in the downgradient areas. We anticipate that CCR-9S and MW-9S may go dry at some point with operations of the groundwater CAP full scale extraction system, and therefore
propose to include the companion transition zone wells at these two locations.
• Monitoring events for Dry Ash Landfill Phase I and 11 would be transitioned to occurring during 02 and 04, consistent with the CAMA monitoring schedule. Site wide water level sweeps will be collected
during these monitoring events, therefore site wide water level data will be available for preparation of water level maps in the semiannual reports.
The map is labeled as draft since this is for discussion/information purposes only at this point. Please let me know if you have any questions that you would like to discuss or if you are good with us moving
forward with these locations to include in an interim WQMP forthe facility. Thanks, Ashley
Ashley L. Healy, P.G.
Waste and Groundwater Programs
Mobile: 717-982-0986
Email c,,,p,,d,nw to and from this address may be subject to the Nodh Carolina Public Records Law and may be disdosed to third parties by an aulmimz state official