HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19960125_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Science Advisor Scope of Work-OCR01/25/1995 01:53 9192572504 EELC FERRUCCI □ PAGE 01 ........ ____ ....... To : Dollie Burwell rJ;,J:/ From: Ken Ferruccio-1.Y· Data: January 25, 1996 Subject: Science Advisor Scope of Work -PCB Landfill Because of responsibilities relating to a change in my schedule, I won't be able to meet with you and Daria this afternoon to tally the votes regarding distribution of labor. However. I want to put on the record that I was invited to participate in this process . I would like to share some concerns about the document titled Science Advisor Scope of Work -PCB Landfill: (1) The scope of work should begin with:C,3 --that is. it should begin with where we were one year ago: identifying and recommending alternative appropriate and feasible technologies for detoxification of the landfill . Although I understand from Henry that the sequence is flexible, to begin the scope of work With the studies and evaluations on the first page gives the impression that paralysis by analysis will be used to delay or even circumvent detoxification. (2) Activities, studies, evaluations (I, 1 and 2) should be concurrent with detoxification if possible. Certainly, hydrogeological studies. if needed, should be concurrent with detoxification. While I understand that the scientists will advise us concerning such issues. concurrence when possible should be expHcitly stated as a preference because it is my understanding that hydrogeologiocal studies would neither expedite nor facilitate cleanup. nor would they be definitive because there would be no way to tall about the flow of contaminants through fractures in bedrock. We have neither time nor money to waste on hydrogeological studies that will neither facilitate nor expedite cleanup but simply delay the detoxification process unless concurrent with it. We have dioxins in groundwater above the federal maximum contamination level. Furthermore, needless studies would enable the state to go data shopping and conclude that conflicting data concerning groundwater contamination do not justify spending the money to detoxify the site. This would be a significant loss for Warren County and for justice loving people everywhere. A defeat in Warren woUld destabilize the environmental justice economy, a predominantly black economy, and make it very difficult, perhaps impossible, to continue the work of environmental justice. Yet, this scope of work as written threatens to do precisely that. As Warren County goes, so goes the justice economy. If the justice community continues to tolerate the shameful delays that continue to preclude detoxification of the Warren County PCB/ Dioxin landfill. the landfill will gradually sink into the groundwater. and with it, whatever credibility the 01 /25/1996 01:53 .. 9192572604 EELC FERRUCCI□ PAGE 02 justice community has earned. If we dismiss a credible and economically viable environmental justice community, we must dismiss also a credible and effective opposition to the proposed nuclear waste landfill intended to be sited along the Wake/ Chatham border, and we must dismiss the possibility of a credible and economically viable oppositton to the model for waste expansion and injustice inundating this state and nation. The environmental justice community might just as well pack up and go h(lme if it does not begin to put pressure on the state to accelerate the cleanup, if it tolerates anything tess than tne restoration of the environment to what it was before the forced siting of 1982 and the liberation of Warren County from the discriminatory and segregational implications of that Stting and the devastating impact the siting has had on Warren County. This soope of work as written is no friend to Warren County, and it is no friend to the environmental justice community. I cannot and will not endorse it as written because the strategy is transparent: to delay and to undermine the detoxification objective. (3) Concerning pumping er, 2C ), the pumping system is a mess. The landfill would need to be opened and a new system installed. Even if the new system would work, pumping in perpetuity would be necessary because water would continue to infiltrate the landfill. But the main argument for making pumping concurrent with detoxification is that if the state can make a case that it has pumped out the 1.5 million gallons of water prior to detoxification, It is very unlikely that the legislators will appropriate money for detoxification, Dismiss the crisis and you dlamlaa the rationale for the Howea • Ferrucclo framework and the orlglnaj purpose of the committee -namely, to serve as a mechanism for resolving the crlaia within the framework, a framework centering on detoxification. (4) Concerrnng bench scales/ pilot studies ( r. 3, e ), since what works in a lab doaS not necessarily work in the natural environment, an off-site pilot / bench __.e detoxification t.chnology study would be a waste of time and money, yleldlng worthless knowledge because It would need to be replicated In the natural environment on site. It would simply buy the state more time. Furthermore, tranaportlng the contamlnanta off-site would violate the Howea / Ferrucclo framework and would therefore have the mo•t aerloua Implications. To summarize: ( 1) The scope of work should begin with:l; 3: identifying and recommending alternative and appropriate and feasible technologies for detoxification of the landfill. (2) The scope of work should explicity state that hydrogeological studies, if needed, are to be concurrent with detoxification. 01 /25/1995 01:53 9192572504 EELC FERRUCCI□ f ,. (3) The scope of work should explicitly state that pumping (if pumping is even possible) be concurrent with detoxification. (4) The scope of work should explicitly state that pilot/bench scale studies are to be done on-site and that no contaminants are to be removed from the site. PAGE 03 Finally, given the political realities, it was perhaps inevitable that the committee process would involve nuancos, subtleties, ambiguities and complexities involving issues pertaining to law. With no disrespect to any member of this committee, I want to make it clear for the record that the entire decision-making process to choose a science advisor raises serious questions pertaining to law and that perhaps the only way to remedy the problem is to void the current contracting process and to reissue the RFP. This statement reflects the opinion of legal counsel and is also a way of limiting my legal liability. Copies: Working Group Subcommittee on Scope of Work and Related Matters. William L. Meyer