HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19951130_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Joint Working Group re finalists for Science Advisor position-OCRState of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
MA nan
November 30, 1995
Dear PCB Working Group Members:
On December 13, 1995, two finalists will be interviewed for the position of Science
Advisor for the Joint State-Warren County PCB Landfill Working Group. At our meeting on
November 28, 1995, the Working Group accepted the modified recommendation of the
Executive Committee for the interviewing fonnat. The fonnat is as follows: The finalists will
have a site visit at 12 noon. They will interview with the Executive Committee for 30 minutes
followed by an interview with the Working Group for 90 minutes. Each Working Group
member will have the opportunity to ask one question during 90-minute interviewing session.
Additional questions will be allowed if time pennits.
You will be receiving, under separate cover, copies of the resumes for each finalist. The
proposals have been placed in the Warren County Public Library for your review and perusal.
Please review the resumes carefully and be prepared to ask relevant and pertinent questions
during the interviewing sessions. It is our intent to select the Science Advisor after the last
interview, so we want your interviewing sessions to be as infonnative and productive as possible.
Once again, the interviews will be held on Wednesday, December 13, 1995, in the Grand
Jury Room of the Warren County Courthouse. Prior to the interviews, the finalists will tour the
landfill with Mr. Meyer (or his designee) and a member of the Working Group. The first
Working Group interviewing session will begin promptly at 2 p.m., and the last session is
expected to conclude by 5: 15 p.m. After the last session, the Working Group will meet to
discuss the interviews and select a Science Advisor. So, please plan on staying until the decision
has been made.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of the co-chairs.
Additionally, if you are willing to accompany the finalists on the tour of the landfill, please
contact one of the co-chairs. The telephone numbers are printed on the meeting announcement.
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Henry M. ftancaster, II .
P. 0. Box 27687, Raleigh. North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-715-4100
Ari Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper
The Joint Warren County/State PCB Working
Group will meet on Wednesday, December 13,
1995 at 2 p.m. in the Jury Room of the Warren
County Court House, Warrenton, NC.
Please note that interviews for the Science
Advisor will be conducted during this time.
Working Group members are encouraged to
arrive promptly at 2 p.m. and expected to
stay after 5:15 p.m. Discussion and selection
of the Science Advisor will be held immediately
after the last interview.
Any questions may be directed to the co-chairs:
Dollie Burwell (919) 257-3265
Ken Ferruccio (919) 257-2604
Henry Lancaster (919) 715-4149
Joint Warren County State PCB Landfill Working Group
Draft November 28, 1995 Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Joint Warren County State PCB Landfill Working
Group (Working Group) was called to order at 4:20 PM on Tuesday, November 28, 1995
at the Warren County Courthouse, Grand Jury Room. The meeting was co-chaired by
Mr. Ken Ferruccio, Ms. Dollie Burwell, and Mr. Henry Lancaster. The agenda was
announced as follows:
1. Attendance
2. Approval of minutes
3. Committee Reports/ Action Items
4. Unfinished Business
• Science Advisor
• Resolution of Membership Absenteeism
5. New Business
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment
One correction was made to the November 13, 1995 minutes. Ms. Deborah
Ferruccio moved to accept the minutes with the corrections. The motion was seconded
and passed.
It was noted that a quorum was not present. Therefore, in order to continue with
any further action a motion to suspend the rules to allow members present to serve as a
quorum was entertained. Mr. Jim Warren moved to suspend the rules. The motion was
.seconded and passed.
Two action items were outlined in the November 13, 1995 minutes: Mr. Bill
Meyer was to submit a proposal to EPA requesting approval of technical process for soil
extraction, and the Executive Committee was to review the information provided by
science advisor applicants, rank them and be prepared to discuss this at the next working
group meeting. Mr. Lancaster also noted that he had completed additional action items
not highlighted in the minutes. These items included support staff for the working group
and the compensation for a science advisor.
Proposal to EPA
Mr. Meyer was not in attendance at the meeting, and there was no report
regarding this item.
Staff Support
Mr. Lancaster reported that Warren County had submitted a $25,000 proposal to
provide office and meeting space, equipment and supplies, and secretarial support (20
hours/week) to the Working Group. The State Budget Office agreed that the funding for
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Draft November 28, 1995 Working Group Minutes
this part-time office and meeting space and staff will be drawn from the $1 million
appropriated by the General Assembly. In addition, the State Budget Office agreed that
compensation for a science advisor, working solely for the Working Group (without any
conflict of interest with any other state agency), would be drawn from the $1 million
appropriated by the General Assembly.
Mr. Lancaster reported that the Department of Environment, Health and Natural
Resources (DEHNR) was filing the paperwork to transfer the appropriated funds from the
Department of Transportation to DEHNR. It is anticipated that the transfer of funds will
be completed by January 1996.
Ms. Burwell suggested that a motion be entertained to approve the basic
understanding of Mr. Lancaster's report: 1) location of office and meeting space, 2) staff
support supervised by Warren County, and 3) Working Group input on recommendations
for hiring and job description. Mr. Ferruccio expressed grave concern over the Working
Group's ability to control the hiring and firing process. Mr. Warren moved to accept the
proposal based on the following: 1) location of office and meeting space, 2) staff support
supervised by Warren County and 3) hiring operations would be based on
recommendations of the Working Group. The motion was seconded and passed.
1. Science Advisor's Proposals
The co-chairs reviewed three proposals submitted for A science advisor for the
Working Group. The weighting process used in the review of the proposals is attached.
Each applicant was requested to submit the names of three references. Each co-chair
called one of the three references for each applicant. The review completed by the
Executive Committee was described as follows:
1. Proposals were reviewed for completeness.
2. Each co-chair reviewed each proposal and scored the proposal based on the
weighting process.
3. All scores from each co-chair were summed for a total score (highest score:
300; lowest score 0).
4. Executive Committee discussed scoring rationales.
The Executive Committee recommended two finalists for interview. It should be noted
that two finalists were recommended because of a tie in scores. The Executive
Committee recommended that Barnes, Ferland, and Associates and Hirschhorn and
Associates be asked to interview with the Working Group. ECOS, the third finalist to the
request for proposal, was in second place. The Executive Committee additionally
recommended an interviewing process: Each finalist would first interview with the
Executive Committee for an hour. Then the finalist would interview with the Working
Group for 90 minutes. The Executive Committee requests that each Working Group
member ask one question. If additional time is available, group members may ask more
questions. Mrs. Ferruccio moved to accept the interviewing process recommended by the
Executive Committee. The motion was seconded and passed.
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Draft November 28, 1995 Working Group Minutes
Page 3
Several Working Group members wanted to be prepared for the interviews with
the finalists. It was suggested that the Executive Committee share its rationales with the
Working Group. Mr. Lancaster indicated that the request might be difficult because the
co-chairs did not formally prepare individual rationales. Finally, it was decided that each
Working Group member would be furnished copies of the resumes. Copies of the
proposals would be placed in the county library for members to peruse.
The interviews will be held on Wednesday, December 13 , 1995. Each finalist will
be asked to arrive in the morning and participate in a site visit around noon. The site visit
will be conducted by Mr. Meyer and a member of the Working Group. Interviews with
the Executive Committee will begin at 1 pm, and will last for 30 minutes. After the
interviews, the finalists will meet with the Working Group members for 90 minutes.
Working Group members are requested to be at the Grand Jury Room of the Warren
County Courthouse at 2 pm. It is anticipated that the interviews will conclude by 5 pm.
However, all members will be asked to participate in discussions and science advisor
selection at 5 pm.
Mr. Lancaster reminded the group members about logistics for the finalists. It is
likely that Mr. Hirschhorn will drive since he is from Maryland. However, Mr. Barnes is
from Florida and will need transportation from the airport. Ms. Burwell suggested that
the Working Group provide assistance if requested.
2. Resolution of Membership Absenteeism
Ms. Burwell expressed concerned about absenteeism by some Working Group
members. She solicited suggestions for strategies on how to handle those members who
did not respond to the letter drafted and sent by Mr. Lancaster. It was suggested that no
changes be made to the current membership at this time due to the critical selection of the
science advisor. Rather wait until the new year to make changes in the composition of
the Working Group.
1. Mr. Lancaster to contact the finalists and inform them of the December 13,
1995 interview date.
2. Mrs. Ferruccio to contact all Working Group Members to inform them of the
December 13, 1995 interview date.
3. Mr. Lancaster to draft a letter reinforcing the importance of each Working
Group member's participation in the selection of a science advisor.
4. Ms. Daria Holcombe to place the proposals in the Warren County Library.
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Draft November 28, 1995 Working Group Minutes
5. Select/appoint Working Group member to accompany Mr. Bill Meyer on the
site visit.
The meeting was adjourned at 6 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, December 13, 1995, at 2 pm.
Priscilla M. Tyree
North Carolina Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Division of Solid Waste Management
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