HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19951011_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Joint Working Group - Minutes, 9 September 1995 Meeting-OCRFROM NC DIU HAZEROUS WASTE 10.11.1995 10:37 .,. State of North Cc;srollna Depqrtment of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Solld Waste Monagement James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathon B. Howes, Secretory Wllllom L. Meyer, Director AVA DEHNR P.O. Box 27687. Ratelgh, North Catolil'la 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-716-3606 An Equal OpportunNy Affirmative Actton Employer ~ recycled/ l O'K. post-conuner paper p. 1 FROM NC DIU HA ZER OUS WASTE 10.11.1 995 10:3 7 Joint Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group September 9, 1995 The Joint Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group met on September 9, 1995 in the Grand Jury Room, Warren County Courthouse, Warrenton, NC. The co- chairs, Ms. Dollie Bu:rwell, Mr. Ken Ferruccio, and Mr. Henry Lancaster, called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. Ms. Burwell aeked the members in attendance to contact other members of the working group who were not present. She offered to call Reverend Leon White, and she asked Mr. Jim Warren to contact Me. Nan Freeland and Mr. Ron Nixoa. Ms. Burwell said that possibly alternating meetings between afternoons and evenings might help to improve attendance. Mr. Lancaster said he would send a letter to the working group members concerning ·attendance and possible replacement of those with numerous absences. The minutes of the September 27, 1995 meeting were approved with the corrections noted. Mr. Lancaster pointed out that the agenda for each meeting should be filled in and attached to the appropriate minutes. Ms. Burwell noted that she and Mr. Ferruccio had sent a letter to the Henderson Dispatch concerning an article entitled "State seeks proposals for detox studies at Warren PCB landfill" (published in the September 21, 1995 edition). She made a motion that a copy of this letter be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Ms. Billie Elmore seconded the motion and the group agreed. Mr. Warren made a report for the Technical Committee. He said that Mr. George Bain would have hie comments concerning the groundwater monitoring systems ready by October 11 or October 18. He noted that Mr. Bain had requested some additional information from the Division of Solid Waste Management. Ma. Pat Williamson said that division staff had responded to Mr. Bai.n's request for additional information. Mr. Warren requested that the information sent to Mr. Bain be eent to Mr. Gary R. Chirlin of Chirlin & Associates. He noted that Mr. Chirlin would not be able to review the information until after October 16. The group members agreed that they would review the information and the reaponses made by Mr. Bain and Mr. Chirlin, but would not take any action concerning groundwater monitoring systems until they had a science advisor to assist them. Mr. Lancaster. who reported for the Executive Committee, said that he had received responses to the ecience advisor RFP from Ms. Pauline Ewald and Mr. Joel Hirschorn. A late RFP was sent to Mr, Patrick Barnee with Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. Ms. Williamson, reporting for Mr. Meyer, aaid Mr. Barnes had indicated that he would respond to the RFP by October 16. Mr. Lancaetet also said that he had sent letters to Ms. Ewald and Mr. Hirschorn requesting that they 1) have their respective references send letters on their behalf and 2) have their respective institutions of higher education send their academic transcripts to Mr. Bill Meyer. Mr. Lancaster said he would send the same letter of request to Mr. Barnes. The group decided not to send an RFP to another potential science advisor mentioned by Me. Elmore because it would put the working group p. 2 FROM N C DIU H A Z ERO U S W A S T E 10 . 1 l.. 1 995 behind in its efforts. !vie. Ehn.ore :made a :motion that the vvorlcing group cut offvvit:h its current three science advisor candidates. Ms. Bu.rwell seconded and the group approved. !vie. Burwell said that the Executive Cornrn.itt:ee had discussed the possibility o:C ope:n.i:n.g an office t:o support the ...,.orlc of" the working group. Nlr. Lancaster said that: he ha.cl d.iecuesed the possibility ,with state offlcia.la to be sure that the bill l.a.ri~agc vva.e broad enough. t:o in.elude the opening o:C such. an office. He indicated tlilat: it: vvould probably" be at lea.st two week& be£ore he h.a.d a. reapon..se. Jv!a. 'VVillia.rn.aon... reportin..g for M.r. Meyer. &a.id that E'I'O-will &'U..bcontra.ct "UV'i.th. Aqua.terra. (potential pilot at:udy ver1dors) to file the TSCA application £or .R&D approval for BCD a.a an alternative tech:n.ology. Soil Tech. a.tte:n.ded the September 25 meeting in Atlanta. and aelced to aubatit-u.te a. be:n.ch scale study f"or the pilot scale study. The d.ivieio:r::i. ea.id. this aubetitu.tiori 'VV'o1.ild be coriaidered i£ the bench sea.le project co-uld allow a.:n. accurate aeie:n.tific and coat: a.nalyaia f"or :Cull scale. I:C Soil Tech doea not: participate iri this at:u.dy t.her.1. thero ia o.n.ly a. sole ver:a.dor rceporiae,. which may-ca.use problenis on any full sea.le RFP. Soil Tech has implemented the o:n.ly full scale BCD/PCB project in the United States. There.Core, they should be qu.a.lified to estimate f"ull scale .Crom bench 6ca.le. Both ETO / Aqua.terr& and Soil Tech have asked £or extensions to October 25 :Cor eu.bmitta.1. Ma. Elmore ma.de a motion to gra:n.t est:e:n.aio:n. to October 25 Cor both proposals. Ma. Daria Holcomb aecon.ded a:nd the group ag;reed. Ma. Burwell ma.do a. motion. that the be:n.ch sea.le proposal be accepted subject: to the revievv a:n.cl approval of the VV'"e>rld.ng group ir.L c::on.sult:.a.tion W'ith the scieri.cc advisor. l\lt:s. Elm.ore eecon.ded the rnotiori ~d. the grou.p a.greed. !\,,fa. Willia.maon. reporting f"or Mr. Meyer, said that the state ha.d identified a. method to sample the exhaust ve:n.t a.t the PCB La.n.dfill. Hovvever, a co:n.~act vvill have to be issued to do the sampli:n.g beca.u.ae the ata.te'a Air Qu.a1ity Air Sampling Technical Team does not: ha.ve the required sampling devices. The vvorlcing group vvill ha:ve to decide "'1'hether to recomme:n.d aa.rn.pli:n.g and analysis co:n.tra.cting .Cor the air vent. MeQJ.bera vvill also have to deter:rni:ne if the $100,000 i:n. Warren Cou.:nty PCB Landfill f"unds a.re to be u.aed f"or the aa.n::i.pli:n.g and analysis. The estimated coat £or sampling and ~alyaia vvill be $3,000 to $6,000. Nie. Deborah. Ferruccio expressed her concern that the $100,000 had not: been used previously :Cor routine aeun.pling. l\,;lr. L. C. Cooper moved. that t:.he ata.te eatabliah con.tra.ct:u.al procodu.ree f"or sampling .a.r>.d EU1a.lyais Cor the a.ir ve:n.t, th.at fu:n.da curre:n.tly being held by Warre:n. Cou:n.t:y £or capital. im.prover:n..ents be -u.aed :Cor this aa.zn..plirig arid a.na.J,ysie. a..n.d. tha.t a. aa.mpli:ng pla.:n. be submitted to the vvorlci:n.g grou.p :Cor appro"Val vvith coinsultation :Crom the acieric:e a.d:viaor. l\A"a. E3"U.rwell a.cco:n..ded. ~emotion. ~d the grou..p a.g;reed. Nie. Willia.maon., reporti:n.g £or Mr. ll.lleyer. said that: EQT had :n.otified the division. that it: VV"<>'-11.cl n.eed 480 volt:a. 3 -ph..aae. 200-400 Al\,fPS to do the pilot sea.le project. Th.is a.m.ourit vvou.1cl al.so be :n..eeded :£or a fu.11 sea.le proceea. Iri response to tl'-.1..ia req'l.1eat,. the p. " FRO M N C OIU HA ZEROU S W A S TE 1 0 . 1 1. :1 '9 '9:5 l. 0 " 4 1 division. a.eked CP&L to estimate the cost of: 240 volte, ein.gle phase, 200 AMP service, a.a vvell a.a 480 volte, 3-phaae, 600 AMP se~ce. CP&L estimated th.at the ein.gle phase service vvould cost $10,000 to $12,000, EUid the 3-pha.ee eervice a.bout $60,000. The 3- pha.se ee:rvice vvould .-equire ru.n.nin.g a. li:ne .f"rom Highway 40 1 to the lEUC>dfill an.d obtain.in.g the n.eceeea.ry ea.semen.ta from a.11 of: the a.ppropria.te property ovvn.ere. The deed on. the PCB property calla for a. 60 f"oot right of: vvay to the state f:or in.greaa, egress B.%1d regress. h'U.t it: does riot: rn.en..tlori 'U.tility ea.sezn.e:n.t. The at.ate ca.r>. obta.ir:l. &.rl.. ea..ecme:n.t. ho"UV"e"V"er,,, it: would be rn.oro a..ppropria.te &.2'1d leas e.x:peri.aive to use the eorcieti:n.g povver li:n.es a.rid. ea..semerit: o.n. ~r-Earl Limer'e propcr'ty. ~r. Lim.er has rcpea..t.ed.ly offered. his cooperation on. this ieaue. The Division. of' Solid Waste l\,f~a.gern..ent io requestin.g that the division. vvork vvit:h. Mr. Limer to obtain. a. permar,.en.t utility easement i-n. the t'i~e 0£ th.e et:a.te or CP&L. M"r. Lim.er roit:era.tod hia commitrn.on..t t<> vvork. vvith the state on. thie issue. Ma. B-u.rvvell ma.de a motion. that the state '"1'orlc vvith l\.llr. Lim.er t:o :modify tl1.e e.xiatin.g ea..aemerit to allow ,.,itilit:y access a.a a. porma..n.erllt easement in. the n.a.rn.e of the ata.te or CP&L. Mr . .Lazica.ater seconded the motio:n. a.zid the group a.g:reed. Ms. Williamson., reporting f:or Mr. Meyer, said that Mr. Meyer is dra.fti:n.g an. RFP to provide materials. .Cor the vendors to do the pilot scale studies .. The ven.dora "WV"&:n.t: a. cross section of: materials £or the study. Mr. Meyer is leEUC>i:ng tovvard the uae o:£ 24-- in.ch (die.meter) borin.gs that '"1'0Uld go f"rom top to bottom of" the PCB lEUC>dfiU. Thia process vvould malce it possible to extract the vvater f"rom the la.n.dfill. As the bori:ng is don.e, the sides vvo-u.ld be cased with large concrete caaemen.t. Thia process ia similar to borin.g f"or a vvater supply vvell. Mr. Meyer vvould like the Techn.Lca.l Committee to help him draft the RF.P. Mr. Meyer vvill prepare a. draft documen.t, fax: it to the committee members. ar.a.d theri set '-1.P a c<>rif"eren.ce cal.I. 1'4s. Bu.r,,ivell ma.de a. moti on the..t the Technical. Committ:ec have the a :u .t:h.ority to en.gage a technical. co:n.e'1lta.r.i.t t<> revievv-~y criteria. £or a d.ra.Ct R.FP Cor ~y boririgs or other techn.ica.l iaeue, and that the con.sulta.n.t be paid by tho state. Ma. Elmore seco:nded the irn.otlon. and the group a.greed. Ms. Burwell made a motion. th.at the group recornmen.d to Secretary-Hovvos that Ma. Bobbie Riley be ma.de a :member of: the group. Ms. Ferrucci<> secon.ded the motio:n. a.n.d the gro-u.p a.greed. lv.la. Burwell brought up the topic of: e:x:ternal coznmu.n.icatio:n. by vvorlcin.g gro-u.p members co:ncer:nin.g the PCB lan.dfill. She '"1'as con.cern.ed about the article tha.t had bee.n.. p"1..1blieh.ed in. the Henderson Dispatch as vvell as an article t:ha..t: 'Mr. Warren. had published in. the NC VV'AR.N newsletter. Both articles con..tain..ed eeti.rn.a.t:ee f"or t:.he cost of: cleEUC>-u.p of: the PCB La.n.dfill. She said the group should ref"ra..ir.l. :Crom givin.g ~y q-u.otee on coats a.ri.d the 1"ra.mevvorlc £or clea.ri-u.p. She ea.id the mern.bera ahou.ld use f"a.cta that have been. voted on. a.n.d established by the vvorlci:n.g group. Ma. B"Urwell ea.id she would c::a.11 2',tr. VVa.rre.n c::on.cer:n.in.g the con.te:n..t:e oC tl'l.e article p-u..blieh..ed in. the NC VV ARN n.evvaletter. J\ll'e. Elmore. vvho has bee:n. in.con.ve:n.ien.c::ed t:vvice by a 1a.clc oC proper n.otifica.tiori. corllc::er.riin.g the worlcin.g gr<>'1..1p meetings,,, wa.r1ta the eta.te to c::a.11 .her the day before ea.ch m.eetin.g (e:xc::ept vvh.e:n. she h.a.e been. notified in vvritiri.g, ie. r::1..otice aer:1.t vvith rneetir.1.g mi:n.utea) t:o tell her vvhen. ar,.d at vvha.t tirne the meeti:ng vvill occur. FROM N C DIU H AZEROU S WA S TE J. 0 -J. J. -J. 995 The riext meeting """-11 be o:n October 30. 1995. a.t 4 p.rn.. The :rneetirig concluded a.t 6 : 10 p.:rn. .A.ctf.oll'll ll:tem• Dollie aurvvell Minutee eubmitted by Pat Williamson. Cail Rev. Leon White about rn.eeti:ng attends.nee Ce11 1'.1.r. Ji:rn Wa.rre:n. a.bout PCB la.nd1""tll article i:n. NC WARN :nevvaletter Jixn Warren Ce11 Ma. Nan Freeland a.rid Mr. Ron. Nixo:n a.bout rn.eeti:n.g a.tt:enda.nce Henry I,@noantcr Bill Mevcr Send Jett.ere to vvorlci.:n.g group m.cmbors con.cer:n.ing a.tt:e:n.d&.r.1.ce Send same letter to Mr. Pa.trick Ba.r:nee that .....,,aa sent: to Me. Pauline Ev<ra.ld a.:n.d Jvlr. Joel Hirechorn. con.cer:n.i.n.g rei"erence letters a.:n.d a.ca.dern.ic tra.n.ecripts Prepare reeornmenda.t:io:n. to Secretary Hovvee that Ma. Bobbie Riley be a..ppoi:n.t:ed a. xn.ern.ber 0£ t.h.e vvork:.irig grou.p Se:n.d &&%n.e ir.i.f"orrrl.a.tion. to 1vlr. Gary R .. Chirliri that: wa.e 11S1e:n.t to .M:r .. George Bai~ Eeta.bliah. con.tract:"U.a..l procedure& for sampling a.n.d &.r:1.a.lysis for th.e a.i.r vcrit a.n.d. &u.bmit a.euTipltrig ple.ri to vvork.i:n.g grou.p 'Work vvith. 1'11:r. Earl Limer to modify' the e~etin..g ea.aeme:n.t t:o a.lloVV' 'll.tility a.cceee a.a a permari.e:n.t ca.aeme:n.t in the :r).~e oC the etate or CP&L Group wan.ta ata..te to pay for con.au.lta.:n.t to review draft RFP for ~Y boririg:e or other tech.:n.iea.l issue at: PCB la.n.dfill. Prepare dra.i"t RFP an.cl set -up con.f'"eren.ce call. with Technical. Committee m.embera Pat, Willifttnft:AD Atta.ch. copy of" letter to the editor of" Herideraori Dispatch to t:heae minutes