HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19950814_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Re 11 August 1995 Eco correspondence re oversight staffing-OCRNORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES William L. Meye r Di rector, Solid Waste Management Division To: \\EN@/ l~ Date: 8/!t/ 15 Pl ease: (Q_~ \V~L\~ s~ ~D\}.Q:; Draft a reply for my signature. Take appropriate action. Approve. For your information Note and return attached material to me See me about attached Handle and report to me Remarks: z~ ib Gfr1/r§ ~~ ~/{WI PAtJc~ ' ~f}lo (X)UIDU~L-G--lYIJ9::v ou 4 coAJ~r>--. w, ~ l(eA -\\G t-\-1¥3 (.A{$o obu1oaw,}t16 u~ 'ff v.., P11d;Alv ('lA[/ll'ffellt0i /~5 {(€ ( /).)If/(!/, , S 81(,{, I} V!UMJ ti I AX-?~ 1153 l},J ''Mff 1~ A/£efi5SI rt" . 1?7t16 -Y-r t7 M(Jf1m PIW'~ 1 ~ F'N-i A Li,!A.-0-lhtZP.tk: l:01)61:iJ "ilf'U'E[ 6lfi£t) vi h,s ~l\ll,L ~~\l<:c-(WF/tC!-1-(c, l,(.(lM1) - ,~ SC-JE-Jl~ Mooo ✓ sltouuf~ n ~ ~~F' ~ w~ ~ 1f6r'li'4%Jf!l#/~lf JJ!cd /(r D~ f.Xlt(J 1/f'f/ ~ (re-l/«§ ,~ 5, <&f1J'4Jc~f; ~ j/'fl(',<)/()51<1 ~ l 08/11 /1995 14:27 9192572604 EELC FERRUCCIO PAGE 01 ECO RICHMON D TEL N0.80 4 798 430 5 Aug 11,95 13 :30 P .01 E NVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE 0 RGANIZA TION Professional Waste Mana emcnt Consultants I 06 Robinson Street Ashland, Virginia 23005 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: KEN FERRUCCIO PAULINE EWALD OVERSIGHT STAFFING AUGUST 11 ► 1995 As per our telephone conversation of this date. I strongly disagree with the sole focus on engineering staff and expertise for what is more clearly a . gcologicaVchernical problem. As you know. I am very committed to a multi- disciplinacy approach to environmental research and remediation, and fee) that a diverse staff is much more appropriate to successfully completing this task to the ultimate benefit of the community. Additionally, I want to restate to you that at no time have I indicated in writing or verbally to any individual that I was a certified Professional Engineer (P.E.). My undergraduate concentration was in a program tracking toward environmental engineering and included chemistry, biology, math and physics. My law school major programs area was government regulation/with a sub-specialty in . environmental law. The above stated notwithstanding, because there is some apparent emphasis or perceived need for engineers to staff the Warren County PCB landfill oversight, ECO respectfully offers to provide 1117 one of seve~l ~taff members who are Professional Engineers, certified and m good standing m the State of North Carolina to act as Technical Advisor to the Working Group. I would however: request that the requirement for d~onstrated_ and certifi~d engineering educanon and expertise be applied to all apphcable parties. Acoord1J18ly, I would , recommend that the W()rking Group request that the State pro~ram lead:er/proJect manager also provide proof of engineering degree and professional certtfioation. tl8/liT1995 14: 27 9192572504 EELC FERRl_h~C IO PAGE 02 ECO RI CHMOND TEL N0.804 798 4305 Aug 11,95 13 :31 P.02 KEN FERR UCCIO MEMO AUGUST Jl, /995 PAGE] Please let me know if I can provide additional information or assistance that will expedite the urgently required pilot study and remediation of the PCB landfill. Everyone at ECO remains available to assist the residents of Warren County in this regard.