HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19950801_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Notification of Intent to Provide Landfill Materials for Bioremediation Study-OCRState of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Division of Solid Waste Management
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
William L. Meyer, Director
August 1, 1995
TO: Members of Joint Warren County/State PCB Working Group
FROM: Bill Meye~
SUBJECT: Notification oflntent to Provide PCB Landfill Materials for Bioremediation Study
Bogart Environmental of North Carolina, Inc (BENC) of High Point NC has requested 10 pounds
of materials in order to perform a bench-scale bioremediation study for PCB detoxification.
BENC has stated that utilizing the company's patented process a 98-99.9% reduction of PCB
arcochlors 1254 and 1260 can be achieved. The Division intends to provide the requested
Patterson Exploration Services, Sanford, NC has requested a five gallon volume of PCB
contaminated soils for bench-scale testing of the amenability ofbioremediation to detoxification
and the PCB landfill. The Division intends to provide the requested materials.
Providing materials to these companies does not commit or express the intent of the Division to
commit to any bioremediation process for detoxification of the landfill.
P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper
I -
April 5, 1994
536 Townsend Avenue
High Point,· North Carolina 27263
(919) 431-2222
Fax: (919) 431-7322
Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources
P.O. Box 27687
Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687
Mr. William L. Myer, Director
Information and Letter of Interest
Patented Bioremediation Process and Equipment
For Warren County PCB Landfill
Bogart Environmental of NC No. 102-01-94
Dear Mr. Myer:
After our recent telephone discussion, Bogart Environmental of North Carolina, Inc. (BENC) is
pleased to have the opportunity to submit information describing our patented bioremediation
process and equipment. Should you have any questions concerning BENC, our equipment
and processes, or the contents of this letter please contact Jim Rudder at (910) 431-2222
1 ~ogart Environmental of North Carolina, Inc.
,I . L
•• • 1 _ ~0----x--, J,-~_,._,_-
ULe. D. Rudder, Jr., P.G.
Technical Services Manager
~:r2t: ~ 1r<(
Vice President
• Technology Specially Designed For Biological Degradation of Hazardous Waste •
Contaminated Site Remediation 100% Recycled Pa,-
Letter of Interest
Wan-en County Landfill
Bogart Environmental of NC
The Warren County Landfill contains about 40,000 cubic yards of soil containing from 46 to
200 parts per million (ppm) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The landfill contains activated
carbon, and soil, asphalt, and other materials found on roadway shoulders. The landfilled
materials are from spills which occurred along more than 240 miles of secondary roads.
The PCBs in the landfill are characterized as approximately 80 percent Arochlor 1260 and 20
percent Arochlor 1242. The average chlorine contents of these PCBs are 6.3 and 3.1
chlorine atoms, respectively.
The PCBs in the landfill are in an anaerobic environment due to the closed and impermeable
nature of the landfill membrane. Determination of the current condition of the PCBs and their
associated soil material is not possible without violating the integrity of the landfill membrane.
The soil in the Warren County landfill is estimated to contain a moisture content of
approximately 30 percent. At the present time approximately 13 feet of relatively clean water
are contained in the landfill. The most pressing consideration at the moment is what to do
with the water contained in the landfill.
BENC is a North Carolina corporation. The company is licensed to use, sell or lease
patented bioremediation equipment designed to remediate contaminated groundwater,
industrial and municipal wastewater, soil, sludge, and similar materials. The process has
successfully remediated asphaltenes associated with crude oils, pesticides (including DDT,
DOE, ODD, toxaphene, dieldrin, and aldrin), creosote sludge, chlorinated solvents, petroleum-
Letter of Interest
Wa"en County Landfill
Bogart Environmental of NC
based solvents, and petroleum fuels and sludge.
This process has proven to be effective at detoxifying most hazardous organic materials.
Although the process will oxidize metals contained in a waste stream and thereby reduce the
metals' water solubilities, the BENC process is designed for organic chemicals and
compounds. The process has been quite successful in removing organic compounds from
mixed waste streams where metals and organics occur together.
The BENC process and equipment remediates contaminated solids by crushing and
screening, and then adding water to entrain the crushed solids in a slurry. The slurry is then
directed to a bioreactor for treatment. Contaminated soils are also entrained in a slurry and
then directed to the bioreactor. After the crushed solids or soil have been bioremediated, the
remediated material is dewatered through hydrocyclones, filter belts, centrifuges, or filter
presses. The filtrate is then returned to the treatment unit for additional use.
BENC does not have data describing the dimensions of the Warren County Landfill, but
assumes that the thickness of the material in the landfill is approximately 15 feet. This
assumption is based on our understanding that approximately 13 feet of water has been
detected within the landfill. Based on the type of material within the landfill, we assume the
area of the landfill is 10,000 to 15,000 square feet. Using a depth of 13 feet and a pore
volume of 0.5, approximately 500,000 to 700,000 gallons of water are presently within the
The BENC system utilizes a slurry for the treatment of solids. The slurry when optimally
mixed is 20 percent solids and 80 percent water. After post-treatment dewatering, the
Letter of Interest
Wan-en County Landfill
Bogart Environmental of NC
treated soil usually has a residual moisture of 15 to 20 percent. The residual moisture within
a 20 cubic yard batch of remediated soil will be approximately 800 gallons. BENC would
treat approximately 2,000 batches during remediation of the material within the Warren
County Landfill.
The BENC system should allow us to use all the water now contained in the landfill during
remediation of the landfill's solid material. If removal of the contained water can be
postponed until the landfill is opened for subsequent remediation, no additional efforts should
be required to recover and possibly treat this water.
Using the BENC system we should be able to treat the soil, asphalt, and other material
contained in the landfill at a rate of approximately $100 to $125 per cubic yard . Prior to
finalizing this cost we would need to complete a kinetic study on a representative sample of
the material in the landfill. To perform the kinetic study we would need approximately 10
pounds of sample. The kinetic study would require approximately four weeks to complete .
The BENC system is bendable, and a performance bond can be made available for this
project. We at BENC believe our system offers remediation of organic hazardous wastes at
very competitive costs, and the benefits of on-site treatment are numerous.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this letter of interest to the DEHNR. Included with
this submittal is additional information on our patented process and equipment, and
information on its past performance with Arochlor 1260 and Arochlor 1254. We have
Letter of Interest
Wa"en County Landfrll
Bogart Environmental of NC
achieved 99.9 and 98 percent removal of these PCB compounds, respectively, within
residence times which are usually less than seven days. We look forward to submitting a
firm proposal for remediation of the Warren County Landfill.
1--11--f"::~-t-:.~--1 PATTERSON
July 11, 1995
Mr. Bill Meyer, Director
NCDEHNR, Division of Solids Waste Management
401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605
P.O. BOX 3008 -SANFORD, N.C. 27331-3008 -(919) 774-3770
FAX: (919) 774-3510
Sorld Waste ,r-\
JUL ' 13 1995
RE: Request for Polychlorinated Biphenyl•Contaminatcd Sol: Sample
Dear Mr. Meyer:
Patterson Exploration Services (PXS) has been working with contaminated soils in an effort to
mitigate this growing problem and its associated costs. We have been successful in the recent
past with the bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils. At this time, PXS would like the
opportunity to perform bench-scale testing on polychlorinated biphenyl contaminated soils (PCB's)
in order to assess their amenability to bioremediation. Given the opportunity, PXS may be able
to modify the process to successfully remediate PCB-contaminated soils. Therefore, PXS
requests a PCB-contaminated soil sample to evaluate the effectiveness of the bioremediation
process on PCB-contaminated soil. We would prefer a volume of sample equivalent to a 5 gallon
bucket, if possible.
As PXS has worked with contaminated materials in the past, we understand the risks involved,
and would handle the contaminated soil in accordance with the respective Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. Protective clothing and equipment would be employed by
PXS staff to prevent skin and eye contact and to control respiratory exposure. The contaminated
samples would be reduced to a PCB concentration of less than two parts per million as required
by the EPA or arrangements would be made to dispose o the contaminated material at a Toxic
Substance Control Act (TSCA) approved facility, or returned to DSWM.
In exchange for your cooperative efforts, PXS will keep the Division of Solid Waste Management
abreast of its findings. We are available to answer any questions or concerns that you may have
at {919) 774-3770. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from
you soon.