HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19950626_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Draft 22 June 1995 Joint Working Group Meeting Minutes-OCRNC SUPERFUND SECTION Fax:919-733-4811
TO: Henry Lancaster
Office of Legislative Affairs
Phone 715-4149
Fax Phone 715-3060
REMARKS: □ Urgent F I . ~ or yo1r review
Henry, i
Jun 26 '95 10:07 P. 01101
I Date 06126/95
I Number of pages including cover sheet 3
FROM: Priscilla M. Tyree
Division of Solid Wasta
Management, Superfund
PO Box 27687
Raleigh, North Carolina
Phone (919) 733-2801 ext 348
Fax Phone (919) 733-4811
□ ReplyASAP □ Please Comment
Here are the minutes from the last WorkinJ Group Committee Meeting. Please note that I
would like you to LOOK at them and REA~ them. In addition, please contact Deborah and ask
her to send to me her comments/addition~rorrections to the June 1, 1995 meeting minutes.
NC SUPERFLJND SECTION Fax:919-733-4811 Jun 26 '95 10:08
Joint Warren County State PCB Landfill Working Group
Draft June 22, 1995 Meeting Minutes
P. 01/02
The regular meeting of the Joint Warren County State PCB Landfill Working
Group (Working Group) was called to erder at 4:24 PM on Thursday, Jwie 22, J 995, at
the Wan-en County Courthouse, Grandrury Room. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Ken
Fenuccio. Two agendas were circulat , one prepared by Mr. Lancaster, the other by Mr.
Ferruccio (see attachments)
Minutes of Working Group meeting on JWl.e 1, 199~ was adopted with
corrections. -/
• • • • he Comprehensive Etwironmental
1. Discussion of this item was initially tabled.
2. Mr. Henry Lancaster report d that the Division Director made contact with
Region IV of EPA requesu1· 1 g a meeting with the Working Group and EPA
staff to discuss placing the arren County PCB Landfill under the CERCLA
program rather that under TSCA program. Mr. Lancaster further
suggested that the Division irector present his report at the next meeting.
3. The co-chairs decided to in lude discussion of this topic in their telephone
conference with the Divisio Director on June 23 , 1995.
Vendors for BCD Pilot Study.
1. Ms. Dollie Burwell stated tljiat the two foci of the Working Group had been
difficult to maintain, and suggested that the Working Group appoint two
subcommittees. Each subcJmmittee would be tasked with completing one of
the two foci: vendor criteril for BCD or consideration of two additional
technologies. /
2. It was decided through discr.ssion and consensus that Ms. Burwell' s
recommendation would notlbe accepted at this time. The Technology
Subcommittee would meet and make recommendations to the Working
Group. The Working Groub granted the Technology Subcommittee the
authority to directly contacl the Director if additional assistance was needed.
3. Ms. Bww~U ~oved that th~ next st~p towar<l finalizin~ vendor selection
proceed w1thm the next sevb/ n working days. The motJon was seconded and
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NC SUPERFUND SECTION Fax:919-733-4811 Jun 26 '95 10:08 P.02/02
Draft June 22, 1995 Working Group.Minntes
1. Ms. Therese Vick inquired about the letter to be sent to Secretary Howes. Mr.
I Lancaster confirmed that the letter had been sent. He further informed the
committee that tlie Division Director had submitted requests for a study and
other landfill enhancements and that the Secretary had approved the requests.
2. Mr. Earl Li.mer discussed • concern with ''tourists" looking for the landfill.
The requests for directions o the landfill have been growing and are creating a
nuisance for Mr. Limer. H moved th.at a sj gn be erected at the landfill entry
identifying the landfill. The motion was seconded, but discussion pre-empted
the call for the question. Mt. Lancaster suggested that additional thought be
given to the motion, and volunteered to speak with Mr. Tommy Kline
regarding the current sign~e. Mr. Lancaster will report his findings to the .
Wor~ing Group at the next r eeting. The motion was tabled until the next
The meeting was adjourned. Tfe co-chairs will detennine the date and time of the
next meeting and inform all Working Group members.
Priscilla M. Tyree
North Carolina Department of Enviro en!;
Health and Natural Resources
Divjsion of Solid Waste Management
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