HomeMy WebLinkAbout25035_National Welders Supply Soil Exc Rpt_20230607 Via Email June 7, 2023 NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management Brownfields Redevelopment Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Attn: Mr. Bill Schmithorst Re: Soil Excavation Report National Welders Supply Gesco Street and State Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060 H&H Project No. RMR-013 Dear Bill On behalf of RRPVI Gesco Charlotte LP, please find the enclosed Soil Excavation Report prepared for the above-referenced Brownfields property located in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. Should you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Hart & Hickman, PC Alexis McKenzie, PE Ralph McGee, PG Senior Project Engineer Senior Project Manager Enclosures cc: Ms. Rachel Russel Krenz, Ram Realty Advisors (via email) Mr. Quinn Augustine, Ram Realty Advisors (via email) Ms. Karen Geller, Ram Realty Advisors (via email) Ms. Amanda Short, Parker Poe (via email) Attachment: i https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc Soil Excavation Report National Welders Supply Gesco Street and State Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. RMR-013 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Site History ............................................................................................................................1 1.2 Previous Assessment Activities .............................................................................................2 2.0 Soil Excavation Activities .......................................................................................................6 2.1 Soil Screening Activities .......................................................................................................6 2.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling Activities .................................................................................7 2.3 Post-Excavation Confirmation Soil Sample Results .............................................................9 2.4 Direct Contact Risk Evaluation ...........................................................................................10 3.0 Post-Excavation Soil Gas Sampling Activities ...................................................................11 3.1 Soil Gas Sampling Methodology ..........................................................................................11 3.2 Soil Gas Sample Analytical Results .....................................................................................13 3.3 Vapor Intrusion Risk Evaluation .........................................................................................14 4.0 Quality Assurance – Quality Control ..................................................................................16 5.0 Summary and Conclusions ..................................................................................................17 ii https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc List of Tables Table 1 Summary of Post-Excavation Confirmation Soil Sample Analytical Data Table 2 Summary of Post-Excavation Soil Gas Analytical Data List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Previous Sample Location Map Figure 3 Source Area Sample Location Map Figure 4 Post-Excavation Sample Location Map List of Appendices Appendix A Waste Manifests Appendix B Summary of Excavation Field Screening Results Appendix C Laboratory Analytical Reports Appendix D DEQ Risk Calculators Appendix E Boring Logs Appendix F Field Forms 1 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc Soil Excavation Report National Welders Supply Gesco Street and State Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. RMR-013 1.0 Introduction On behalf of RRPVI Gesco Charlotte LP (Prospective Developer or PD), Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has prepared this report to document removal of impacted soil discovered at the National Welders Supply Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 25035-21-060) located at Gesco Street and State Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Site or subject Site). The Site consists of two adjacent parcels bisected by Gesco Street in a rapidly densifying mixed- use area approximately one mile northwest of uptown Charlotte. A Site location map is provided as Figure 1. The parcel to the west of Gesco Street (Mecklenburg County Parcel ID No. {PIN} 07108103) is approximately 2.98-acres and is currently being developed with multi-family residential apartment buildings identified as Building A (Left) and Building A (Right), plus surface parking and a pool and amenity area. The parcel to the east of Gesco Street (PIN 07107806) is approximately 0.89-acre and is being developed with a multi-family residential apartment building identified as Building B with associated surface parking. An overlay of the proposed redevelopment plan is included in Figure 2. 1.1 Site History The Site historically consisted of undeveloped agricultural land and a rail spur located in the western portion of the Site prior to the construction of an industrial warehouse building in the northern portion of the Site west of Gesco Street in the 1940s. The southwestern portion of the Site (west of Gesco Street) was developed with an industrial facility in the late 1950s or early 1960s. Portions of the Site located east of Gesco Street were utilized for parking but have otherwise remained undeveloped. The Site buildings were occupied by National Welders Supply 2 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc and utilized for sale and distribution of compressed welding gasses. The southwestern Site building was also utilized for wholesale storage and distribution of steel. The northernmost portion of the National Welders Supply facility was removed in the 1980s and remaining portions of the northern Site buildings were razed in the mid-2010s. The southwestern Site building was razed in 2017, and the Site has remained undeveloped vacant land since that time. 1.2 Previous Assessment Activities As part of initial property transaction due diligence activities, H&H completed a Phase I ESA at the Site and identified environmental concerns associated with historical on-Site and nearby off- Site operations. To address environmental concerns and the potential for persistent impacts associated with historical on-Site and nearby off-Site operations, a Brownfields Property Application for the Site was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on May 3, 2021. The Site received eligibility into the DEQ Brownfields Redevelopment Section in a letter dated October 18, 2021. Based on results of the Phase I ESA, H&H performed Phase II ESA activities at the Site in August 2021 which included the collection of soil, groundwater, and soil gas samples for laboratory analysis. The locations of the Phase II ESA soil, groundwater, and soil gas samples are shown in Figure 2. Results of groundwater assessment activities identified concentrations of chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, and trichloroethene (TCE) at concentrations above the DEQ 2L Groundwater Quality Standards (2L Standards) and/or the DEQ Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) in samples collected in the northern and western portions of the Site. Results of soil gas sampling identified multiple petroleum-related compounds and chlorinated solvents at concentrations exceeding the DEQ Vapor Intrusion Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs). Most notably, soil gas sample SG-2, collected from the northern portion of the 3 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc Site in the area of the former National Welders Supply facility indicated the presence of TCE at a concentration of 290,000 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) as compared to the DEQ Residential Vapor Intrusion SGSL of 14 µg/m3. Based on the results of the Phase II ESA sampling activities, it was determined that the lower levels of TCE in groundwater were unlikely to be the source of TCE concentrations detected in the SG-2 soil gas sample and that additional assessment was needed to evaluate the potential for a soil source in the northern portion of the Site. In May 2022, H&H completed Brownfields assessment activities at the National Welders Supply property in accordance with a DEQ- approved Brownfields Assessment Work Plan dated May 9, 2022. Brownfields assessment activities included the advancement and sampling of nine soil borings, the installation and sampling of one temporary groundwater monitoring well, and the installation and sampling of one soil gas point to evaluate the potential of an undocumented release to soil in the area of Phase II ESA soil gas sample SG-2 collected within the footprint of the northern former National Welders Supply facility. The locations of the May 2022 Brownfields assessment sample locations are shown in Figure 3. Results of soil sample analytical data indicated that TCE was detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limit in eight of the nine soil samples. TCE concentrations were detected at concentrations above the DEQ Protection of Groundwater Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) in six of the nine soil samples. Based on results of the soil assessment activities, it was determined that TCE impacted soil was limited to an isolated area within the building footprint of the former National Welders Supply facility in the northern portion of the Site nearest State Street and west of Gesco Street (Figure 3). Temporary groundwater monitoring well TMW-8 was installed and sampled immediately east and hydraulically downgradient of the area of TCE soil impacts. Results of groundwater sample analytical data indicated that TCE (up to 32.4 µg/L) was detected in the TMW-8 groundwater sample and its duplicate groundwater sample GW-DUP at concentrations above the DEQ 2L Standard and the DEQ Residential and Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion GWSLs. TCE 4 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc concentrations detected in the TMW-8 groundwater sample collected downgradient of the TCE soil impacts are higher than the TCE concentrations detected in the Phase II ESA TMW-1 and TMW-2 groundwater samples collected upgradient of the TCE soil impacts. The higher TCE concentration in groundwater downgradient of the impacted soil is consistent with the soil sample analytical results indicating the potential for impacts to groundwater from the soil source discovered in the footprint of the former National Welders supply building. H&H installed and sampled a temporary soil gas sampling point in the location of the Phase II ESA SG-2 soil gas sample to confirm the results of the initial sample. The soil gas analytical results from the confirmation SG-2 soil gas sample indicated that TCE was detected at a concentration of 102,000 µg/m3 which was considered to generally be consistent with the initial SG-2 soil gas sample results. Similar to the original SG-2 soil gas sample collected during the Phase II ESA, the TCE concentrations in the SG-2 confirmation soil gas sample are not indicative of predicted soil gas concentrations from a groundwater source. A soil gas concentration assuming a worst-case groundwater concentration of 32.4 µg/L (TMW-8) using Henry’s Law calculations is 12,960 µg/m3. The calculated soil gas concentration is an order of magnitude below the actual detected values at the Site. This further confirms the soil sample results and indicates soil impacts are the primary contribution of TCE detected in the SG-2 soil gas samples. Based on 1) soil samples with TCE exceedances of the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG, 2) elevated TCE concentrations in groundwater downgradient of the TCE soil source area compared to samples collected upgradient of the soil impacts, and 3) detected soil gas concentrations an order of magnitude above the calculated value assuming a groundwater source, H&H concluded that a TCE soil source was present in an isolated area within the footprint of the former northern National Welders Supply facility. Based on results of the assessment activities completed at the Site, DEQ Brownfields requested removal of the impacted soil prior to approving residential use for this portion of the Site. To reduce soil gas concentrations and the risk of potential structural vapor intrusion into the 5 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc proposed residential building in the northwestern portion of the Brownfields property, H&H prepared a Soil Excavation Work Plan (Work Plan) dated August 11, 2022, which received DEQ approval on August 26, 2022. In addition, H&H prepared an Environmental Management Plan for the proposed redevelopment dated June 21, 2022, which received DEQ approval on August 8, 2022. Following approval of the Work Plan, DEQ requested additional confirmation sampling following removal of impacted soil including the installation and sampling of two temporary soil gas monitoring points within the backfilled excavation area. Soil excavation activities, and the post-excavation confirmation soil and soil gas sampling activities and results are summarized in the following sections. 6 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc 2.0 Soil Excavation Activities Between October 24 and November 9, 2022, H&H provided oversight during the removal of TCE-impacted soil discovered in the northwestern portion of the Site and delineated to be within the footprint of the former National Welders Supply facility. The soil removal activities were completed pursuant to the DEQ-approved Work Plan and DEQ-approved EMP. Prior to completing the excavation activities, H&H teamed with the general contractor to mark utilities in the area planned for excavations. Soil was excavated to approximately 9 feet below ground surface (ft bgs), which is the approximate depth to groundwater in the northwestern portion of the Site. Approximately 2,600 cubic yards of soil was excavated using a track-mounted backhoe excavator, direct loaded onto trucks, and transported off-Site for disposal at the Republic Services municipal solid waste landfill located in Concord, North Carolina. Waste manifests documenting the transport and off- Site disposal of impacted soil are included in Appendix A. 2.1 Soil Screening Activities H&H collected soil samples from the excavation for field screening using a calibrated photoionization detector (PID) and a hand-held gas chromatograph calibrated to measure TCE concentrations. The field screening was completed as an additional tool during excavation activities to assist with the removal of impacted soil. The excavation was initially advanced to the approximate extents outlined in Figure 3, as determined by the results of the Brownfields soil assessment completed in May 2022. H&H used the calibrated PID and handheld gas chromatograph to screen soil at various locations and depths along the initial excavation extents. Following removal of soil to the initial estimated extents (Figure 3), post-excavation field screening results indicated that TCE concentrations remained in soil at measurable levels and the excavation was expanded to the final excavation extents as shown in Figure 4. Upon expansion of the excavation, soil sample aliquots were collected from shallow (0-3 ft bgs), middle (3-6 ft bgs), and deeper (6-9 ft bgs) depth intervals at locations every approximate 10 7 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc linear feet of the excavation sidewalls. The shallow, middle, and deep aliquot samples were field screened for the presence of volatile organic vapors using a calibrated PID. The depth interval exhibiting the highest PID reading was then screened for the presence of TCE using a hand-held gas chromatograph. Based on results of field screening, post-excavation soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis to confirm that soil impacts were adequately removed. The post-excavation confirmation soil sample locations (denoted by EX-SB nomenclature) are shown in Figure 4. Field screening results indicated that TCE was not present at measurable levels in the screened samples with the exception of low levels detected in soil samples EX-SB-3, EX-SB-9, EX- SB-15, and EX-SB-23. Although field screening results indicated the presence of TCE at measurable levels, H&H collected the soil samples for laboratory analysis at these locations due to spatial constraints associated with utility corridors near State Street and Gesco Street on the northern and eastern Site boundaries (EX-SB-3 and EX-SB-9) and based on the PID readings consistent with other locations at which TCE was not present based on gas chromatograph measurements (EX-SB-15). In addition, to avoid leaving the excavation open over the weekend when precipitation was expected, soil sample EX-SB-23 was collected for laboratory analysis. A tabular summary of PID readings and hand-held gas chromatograph measurements is included in Appendix B. On the afternoon of October 28, 2022, the last day of the excavation, the generator for the gas chromatograph ran out of fuel and the instrument could not be operated. Therefore, aliquots exhibiting the highest PID readings from EX-SB-18 through EX-SB-22, and EX-SB-24 through EX-SB-26 were collected for laboratory analysis without screening with the gas chromatograph. A brief summary of the post-excavation confirmation soil sampling activities is provided below. 2.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling Activities Once the field screening results indicated that impacted soil had been adequately removed, H&H collected post-excavation confirmation samples for laboratory analysis from the sidewalls of the 8 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc excavation. The soil samples were collected from the soil sample aliquot (shallow, middle, or deeper) exhibiting the highest potential for impacts based on the field screening results. Because the excavation depths were consistent with measured depths to groundwater, soil samples were not collected for laboratory analysis from the saturated zone at the base of the excavation. Soil samples selected for laboratory analysis were placed in dedicated laboratory-supplied sample containers, labeled with the sample identification, date, and requested analysis, and placed in a laboratory-supplied cooler with ice. The samples were submitted to Waypoint Analytical under standard chain of custody protocols for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260. Post-excavation confirmation soil sample laboratory analytical results indicated that TCE remained in the sidewall of the excavation at concentrations above the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG in soil samples EX-SB-20, EX-SB-23, and EX-SB-25 collected along the southwestern portion of the excavation. Based on laboratory analytical results, H&H directed the contractor to remove additional soil in these areas. Following over-excavation activities at the EX-SB-20, EX-SB-23, and EX-SB-25 sample locations, additional post-excavation confirmation soil samples (EX-SB-20A, EX-SB-23A, and EX-SB-25A) were collected using the same methodologies described above. Prior to completion of screening activities at location EX-SB-20A, the top approximately six (6) feet of soil was graded to reach final grade elevations for the proposed development. Soil generated in this area during grading was loaded onto trucks and transported off-Site for disposal at the Republic Services landfill facility with soil generated during the impacted soil removal activities. Therefore, soil sample EX-SB-20A was collected from the sidewall at a depth interval of 6-9 ft bgs. Note that the gas chromatograph was returned to the manufacturer and was not used to screen post-excavation soil samples collected following removal of additional soil in these select areas. 9 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc 2.3 Post-Excavation Confirmation Soil Sample Results Tabular summaries of the final post-excavation soil sample analytical results are included in Table 1. Soil sample laboratory analytical results are compared to the DEQ Protection of Groundwater, Residential, and Industrial/Commercial PSRGs dated January 2023. A copy of the laboratory analytical reports and chain of custody records are included in Appendix C. As shown in Table 1, laboratory analytical results indicate that select VOCs were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits in each sample with the exception of EX-SB-10 at which no compounds were detected above the laboratory method detection limits. TCE was detected above the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG of 0.021 mg/kg in initial post-excavation confirmation soil samples EX-SB-20 (0.060 mg/kg), EX-SB-23 (0.503 mg/kg), and EX-SB-25 (0.082 mg/kg). TCE was not detected at concentrations above the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG in the remaining post-excavation confirmation soil samples collected at the Site. As discussed above, over-excavation activities were completed in select locations where TCE remained at concentrations above the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRGs, and confirmation samples EX-SB-20A, EX-SB-23A, and EX-SB-25A were collected for laboratory analysis following removal of the additional soil. Laboratory analytical results indicated TCE was not detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limit in soil sample EX-SB- 20A. Trace levels of TCE were detected at concentrations below the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG in the EX-SB-23A and EX-SB-25A soil samples. Laboratory analytical results also identified 1,1,1-trichloroethane (4.58 mg/kg) at a concentration above the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG (1.4 mg/kg) in initial post-excavation confirmation soil sample EX-SB-20. Similar to the TCE concentration, confirmation sample EX-SB-20A indicated that 1,1,1-trichloroethane was not detected above the laboratory method detection following over-excavation activities. No other VOCs were detected at concentrations above the DEQ PSRGs in the confirmation soil samples collected from the excavation. 10 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc Following completion of the excavation activities, the excavated area was backfilled using soil generated during grading activities in the southern and eastern portions of the Site (east of Gesco Street) where no Site operations have historically been conducted aside from surface parking lots. In total, approximately 2,600 cubic yards of soil was removed from the on-Site borrow area and was used to replace the soil in the TCE excavation area in accordance with the DEQ- approved EMP and DEQ-approved Work Plan. 2.4 Direct Contact Risk Evaluation The DEQ PSRGs used for comparison to the laboratory analytical results are conservative and based upon a Target Cancer Risk (TCR) of 1 x 10-6 for potential carcinogenic effects and a Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) of 0.2 for potential non-carcinogenic effects. The DEQ and EPA acceptable level for potential carcinogenic risks is a cumulative LICR of 1 x 10-4 or less, and the acceptable level for non-carcinogenic risks is a cumulative HI of 1.0 or less. To further evaluate potential risks, H&H used the DEQ Risk Calculator (January 2023) and the highest concentration of each compound detected in any post-excavation confirmation soil sample to model a hypothetical “worst-case” risk scenario for the residential, non-residential worker, and construction worker direct exposure pathways. A copy of the completed DEQ Risk Calculator is provided in Appendix D, and the risk calculator results are summarized in the table below. As shown in the table above, the residual concentrations of organic compounds detected in the post-excavation confirmation soil samples do not exceed unacceptable risk levels for the residential, non-residential worker, or construction worker direct exposure pathways. Use Scenario Calculated Cumulative LICR Calculated Cumulative HI Exceedance of Acceptable Levels? Residential 2.0 x 10-8 0.0041 No Non-Residential 3.5 x 10-9 0.00084 No Construction Worker 8.1 x 10-10 0.0093 No 11 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc 3.0 Post-Excavation Soil Gas Sampling Activities At the request of DEQ Brownfields, H&H installed and sampled two temporary soil gas sampling points (SG-12 and SG-13) for laboratory analysis in November 2022. The additional soil gas samples were collected to confirm TCE concentrations in soil gas within the excavation boundaries were lower than pre-excavation concentrations following the removal of impacted soil. The assessment activities were completed in general accordance with DEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites dated September 2022, the DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Guidance dated March 2018, the most recent versions of the U.S. EPA Region IV Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division (LSASD) Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures guidance, and the DEQ Brownfields Site Assessment Minimum Requirements Checklist. 3.1 Soil Gas Sampling Methodology H&H collected two (2) soil gas samples within the extents of the excavation area. The soil gas monitoring point borings were advanced to approximately 5.5 ft bgs utilizing a decontaminated stainless steel hand auger on November 22, 2022. Continuous soil samples were collected in each boring and logged for lithologic description and field screened for indication of potential impacts by observation for staining, odors, and the presence of organic vapors using a calibrated PID. No obvious evidence of potential impacts was observed in the soil borings based on field screening results. Boring logs documenting lithology and field screening results are are included in Appendix E. The soil gas monitoring points were installed by placing an approximate 6-inch long stainless steel vapor implant screen attached to Teflon tubing at the base of each borehole. Annular space around the vapor implant screen was filled with a sand filter pack to a depth approximately 6 inches above the top of the screened interval. Following installation of the sand, a hydrated 12 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc bentonite seal was placed from the top of the sand to the ground surface. The soil gas points were allowed to equilibrate for approximately 24 hours prior to sampling. Each soil gas sample was collected using a laboratory supplied batch certified 1-liter stainless steel Summa sample canister connected to an in-line flow controller with a vacuum gauge using a brass nut and ferrule assembly to form an air-tight seal. The flow regulator was pre-set by the laboratory to regulate the vapor intake rate to approximately 100 milliliters per minute. Prior to the collection of the soil gas samples, “shut-in” tests were conducted on the sampling train and helium leak checks were conducted at each sampling point. A description of the shut-in test and helium leak testing procedures is provided below. The shut-in test was conducted by connecting the flow regulator and vacuum gauge to the Summa® canister and sealing the flow regulator with the laboratory provided brass cap. Once the sampling train was “closed”, the sample valve on the Summa® canister was opened and the reading on the vacuum gauge was recorded. The Summa® canister sample valve was then closed, and the vacuum gauge was observed to ensure no vacuum loss occurred. If the vacuum reading remained the same, the shut-in test was considered successful. If vacuum loss occurred, the flow regulator and/or brass cap was reseated, and the shut-in test was repeated until the vacuum reading remained stable. Each Summa® canister passed the shut-in test. Following a successful shut-in test, the Summa® canister was connected to the Teflon® sample tubing using a brass nut and ferrule assembly to create an airtight seal and a leak check was performed on each sampling point. The leak checks were conducted by constructing a shroud around the sampling point, sample train, and Summa canister and flooding the air within the shroud with helium gas. Helium within the shroud was monitored using a calibrated helium gas detector and was measured between 5% and 10%. Once helium concentrations within the shroud stabilized, a syringe and three-way valve was used to purge a minimum of three sample volumes from the vapor implant screen, sand filter pack, and sample tubing. Vapor from the sample tubing was collected outside of the shroud into a Tedlar bag and analyzed using the helium gas detector to ensure that helium concentrations were less than 10% of the 13 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc concentration measured within the shroud. Field forms documenting the successful leak checks are included in Appendix F. Following successful leak checks, the intake valve on the Summa canister was fully opened to begin collection of the soil gas sample. Vacuum readings on the Summa® canister were recorded prior to and following the sampling period to ensure adequate sample volume was collected. A vacuum was maintained within the canister at the conclusion of the sampling event as documented in the field form included in Appendix F. After sample collection, the intake valve was closed, and the regulator was disconnected from the canister. The starting and ending vacuum in the canister was recorded on the chain-of-custody and submitted to the laboratory along with the sample. The canister was placed in laboratory supplied shipping containers, properly labeled, and shipped under standard chain of custody protocols to a Waypoint Analytical laboratory for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method TO-15. 3.2 Soil Gas Sample Analytical Results A tabular summary of the soil gas sample laboratory analytical results is provided as Table 2. Previous soil gas sample results from pre-excavation soil gas sample SG-2, collected within the delineated TCE impacted soil area during the 2021 Phase II ESA and 2022 Brownfields assessment, are also included in Table 2 for comparison of pre-excavation and post-excavation compound concentrations. The analytical results were also compared to the DEQ Residential and Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion SGSLs dated January 2023. The laboratory analytical report and chain of custody records are provided in Appendix C. Analytical results for soil gas samples SG-12 and SG-13 indicate that multiple VOCs were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits in each sample. Chloroform was detected in SG-12 up to 9.30 µg/m3 which slightly exceeds the Residential SGSL of 4.1. Note, the chloroform concentration detected at SG-13 (3.00 µg/m3) was below the Residential SGSL. TCE was also detected in soil gas sample SG-12 at a concentration up to 114 µg/m3, which exceeds the Residential SGSL of 14 µg/m3, and TCE was detected at SG-13 at a concentration of 500 µg/m3 which exceeds the Residential and Non-Residential (180 µg/m3) 14 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc SGSLs. Except for chloroform in SG-12 and TCE in both SG-12 and SG-13, no other compounds were detected at concentrations above the DEQ Residential or Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion SGSLs in the post-excavation soil gas samples. In comparison to the pre-excavation compound concentrations detected in the SG-2 soil gas samples collected in August 2021 and May 2022, the compound concentrations in the post- excavation soil gas samples have significantly decreased. Prior to excavation activities, SG-2 soil gas sample results identified the presence of benzene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,4- dichlorobenzene, trans-1,2-dichloroethylene, and ethylbenzene at concentrations above the Residential SGSLs, and 1,3-butadiene, chloromethane, chloroform 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,1- dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene, hexachlorobutadiene, naphthalene, TCE, and vinyl chloride at concentrations above Residential and Non-Residential SGSLs. Following excavation activities, as noted above, chloroform and TCE are the only compounds detected at concentrations above the Residential SGSLs in soil gas. The chloroform concentration decreased from 1,200 µg/m3 to 9.30 µg/m3 and the TCE concentration decreased from 290,000 µg/m3 to 500 µg/m3, both of which indicate an approximate 99% concentration reduction. Based on the soil gas analytical results indicating a 99% reduction in the detected TCE concentration in soil gas following the soil excavation activities, the remaining TCE in soil gas can be attributed to the existing groundwater impacts and will be managed through DEQ- approved vapor intrusion mitigation measures being installed at the Site. 3.3 Vapor Intrusion Risk Evaluation Similar to the DEQ PSRGs for comparison to compound concentrations detected in soil, the DEQ Vapor Intrusion SGSLs used for comparison to the soil gas laboratory analytical results are conservative and based upon a TCR of 1 x 10-6 for potential carcinogenic effects and a THQ of 0.2 for potential non-carcinogenic effects. The DEQ and EPA acceptable level for potential carcinogenic risks is a cumulative LICR of 1 x 10-4 or less, and the acceptable level for non- carcinogenic risks is a cumulative HI of 1.0 or less. 15 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc To further evaluate potential vapor intrusion risks, H&H used the DEQ Risk Calculator (January 2023) and the highest concentration of each compound detected in the post-excavation soil gas samples to model a hypothetical “worst-case” risk for the soil gas to indoor air vapor intrusion pathway under a residential use scenario. Results of the residential risk calculator are included below. For comparison, the table below also includes the pre-excavation residential risk calculator results. A copy of the completed DEQ Risk Calculator is provided in Appendix D. The results of pre- and post-excavation risk evaluations indicate the calculated cumulative risk levels decreased by approximately 99% which is consistent with the percentage decrease in compound concentrations detected in the post-excavation soil gas samples. Excavation Status Calculated Cumulative LICR Calculated Cumulative HI Pre-Excavation 1.9 x 10-2 4,200 Post-Excavation 3.5 x 10-5 7.4 16 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc 4.0 Quality Assurance – Quality Control For quality assurance and quality control purposes (QA/QC), non-dedicated sampling equipment was decontaminated prior to use and between each sample location or exposure to soil. H&H also collected duplicate soil and soil gas samples for laboratory analysis. The duplicate soil sample (EX-SB-DUP) was collected from the EX-SB-9 post-excavation confirmation soil sample location and was collected directly into individual laboratory supplied sample containers using sampling methodologies described in Section 2.0. The duplicate soil gas sample (SG- DUP-112322) was collected concurrently with the parent sample at SG-12 using a laboratory supplied T-fitting which allows for simultaneous collection of two soil gas samples from one soil gas sampling point. The samples were analyzed for the same parameters as the parent samples, and the analytical results were compared to those of the parent sample. The analytical results of the parent sample and the duplicate sample were used to evaluate the cumulative precision of the analytical method, sample matrix, and sample collection techniques. Duplicate sample laboratory analytical results for each sample media are presented in the summary tables (Table 1 and Table 2). Review of the duplicate sample results in comparison to the parent sample results for the soil and soil gas samples indicates that there was no significant variability and confirms adequate sampling and laboratory reproducibility. Laboratory QA/QC procedures were employed to ensure appropriate sample handling and analysis and to aid in the review and validation of the analytical data. QA/QC procedures were conducted in accordance with the method protocols and included regular equipment maintenance, equipment calibrations, and adherence to specific sample custody and data management procedures. Samples were analyzed in conjunction with appropriate blanks, laboratory duplicates, continuing calibration standards, surrogate standards, and matrix spiking standards in accordance with approved methodologies to monitor both instrument and analyst performance. The laboratory analytical data report and QA package for each group of samples submitted to and analyzed by the subcontracted laboratory are provided in Appendix C. A copy of the completed chain of custody record and shipping receipt are included in the laboratory analytical report. 17 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc 5.0 Summary and Conclusions Soil excavation activities have been completed at the National Welders Supply Brownfields property located at Gesco Street and State Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The remedial activities included excavation of TCE impacted soil in the former National Welders Supply building footprint to reduce risks of potential vapor intrusion into the proposed building. The soil excavation activities were completed in accordance with the DEQ- approved EMP dated June 21, 2022, and the DEQ-approved Work Plan dated August 11, 2022. A summary of the excavation activities and results of post-excavation confirmation sampling is provided below. During excavation activities, approximately 2,600 cubic yards of impacted soil were excavated, loaded onto trucks, and transported off-Site for disposal at the Republic Services landfill located in Concord, North Carolina. The results of analysis of the post-excavation confirmation soil samples indicate that TCE impacted soil was adequately removed to unrestricted use levels that are protective of human health. Based upon the results of health-based risk evaluations, the residual concentrations of organic compounds detected in the post-excavation confirmation soil samples do not exceed acceptable risk levels for the residential, non-residential, or construction worker direct exposure pathways. Following completion of excavation activities, two post-excavation temporary soil gas monitoring points were installed for collection of soil gas samples within the backfilled excavation area. Soil gas sample analytical results indicated TCE was detected at concentrations up to 500 µg/m3, which exceeds the Residential and Non-Residential SGSLs. However, the detected TCE concentrations indicate an approximately 99% reduction in soil gas concentrations compared to pre-excavation soil gas sample results which identified TCE at concentrations up to 290,000 µg/m3. Therefore, the residual soil gas concentrations are attributed to lower levels of TCE detected in groundwater which are expected to attenuate overtime following removal of the soil source. Potential vapor intrusion risks for the proposed building in the northwestern portion of the Site will be managed through the DEQ-approved Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan. 18 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/masterfiles-1/shared documents/aaa-master projects/ram realty - rmr/rmr-013 gesco street/soil removal/report/25035 - soil excavation report_national welders supply.doc In summary, results of soil excavation activities and post-excavation confirmation soil sampling indicate that soil impacts above the DEQ PSRGs were successfully removed from the area in the vicinity of the former Site building. Post-excavation soil gas samples indicate a significant decrease in soil gas concentrations to levels likely attributable to existing groundwater impacts. Remaining soil gas concentrations will be managed through vapor mitigation measures installed in the new Site buildings. Table 1Summary of Post-Excavation Confirmation Soil Sample Analytical DataNational Welders SupplyGesco Street & State StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013Sample IDEX-SB-1 EX-SB-2 EX-SB-3 EX-SB-4 EX-SB-5 EX-SB-6 EX-SB-7 EX-SB-8Depth (ft bgs)3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 6-9 3-6Date10/26/22 10/27/22 10/27/22 10/27/22 10/27/22 10/27/22 10/27/22 10/27/22 10/28/22 10/28/2022UnitsVOCs (8260D)Acetone 0.008 J 0.005 J 0.009 J 0.007 J 0.006 J 0.007 J 0.010 J 0.009 J<0.002 <0.00225 14,000 210,000Benzene<0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.00070.01 1.2 5.4Carbon Disulfide<0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.00084.1 160 740Chloroform<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.0010.39 0.34 1.51,1-Dichloroethane<0.0009 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0009 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.001 <0.0010 <0.001 <0.0010.034 3.8 171,1-Dichloroethene<0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0009 <0.00080.001 J<0.0009 <0.0009 <0.0008 <0.0009 <0.00092.5 48 210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0010 J<0.00090.004 J<0.0009 <0.0009 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0009 <0.0010 <0.00100.41 13 78Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) 0.003 J 0.002 J 0.008 J 0.003 J 0.006 J 0.004 J 0.008 J 0.006 J<0.001 <0.0010.23 140 600Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 0.001 J<0.00070.002 J 0.001 J 0.001 J 0.001 J 0.001 J 0.001 J<0.0008 <0.00080.09 49 220Methylene Chloride 0.002 J<0.0010.002 J 0.001 J<0.0010.001 J 0.002 J 0.002 J<0.001 <0.0010.025 58 650Toluene<0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.00088.3 990 9,7001,1,1-Trichloroethane<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.0011.4 1,700 7,600Trichloroethene 0.001 J<0.0010.001 J<0.0010.004 J<0.0010.002 J<0.0010.002 J 0.001 J 0.021 0.87 4.01,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.000612 63 370Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Laboratory analytical method is shown in parentheses.Only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Bold values exceed the Protection of Groundwater PSRGs.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceJ = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. mg/kg3-6Residential PSRGs (1)Protection of Groundwater PSRGs (1)Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (1)EX-SB-9/EX-SB-DUPhttps://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Ram Realty - RMR/RMR-013 Gesco Street/Soil Removal/Report/Tables/Data Tables_excavationTable 1 (Page 1 of 3)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 1Summary of Post-Excavation Confirmation Soil Sample Analytical DataNational Welders SupplyGesco Street & State StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013Sample IDEX-SB-10 EX-SB-11 EX-SB-12 EX-SB-13 EX-SB-14 EX-SB-15 EX-SB-16 EX-SB-17 EX-SB-18 EX-SB-19Depth (ft bgs)6-9 6-9 3-6 6-9 3-6 0-3 3-6 6-9 3-6 3-6Date10/28/22 10/28/22 10/28/22 10/28/22 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 10/28/2022UnitsVOCs (8260D)Acetone<0.002 <0.003 <0.0020.011 J 0.009 J 0.011 J 0.025 0.012 J 0.015 J 0.009 J 25 14,000 210,000Benzene<0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.00070.001 J<0.00080.001 J<0.00070.01 1.2 5.4Carbon Disulfide<0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0009 <0.0008 <0.00074.1 160 740Chloroform<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.0010.39 0.34 1.51,1-Dichloroethane<0.001 <0.001 <0.0009 <0.0010 <0.0009 <0.0009 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.00100.034 3.8 171,1-Dichloroethene<0.0009 <0.0009 <0.00080.005 J<0.0008 <0.0008 <0.00090.002 J<0.0010 <0.00092.5 48 210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene<0.00100.003 J 0.002 J 0.001 J<0.0009 <0.0009 <0.0010 <0.001 <0.001 <0.00090.41 13 78Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)<0.001 <0.001 <0.0009 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.00100.23 140 600Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)<0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.00070.09 49 220Methylene Chloride<0.0010.002 J<0.0010.002 J<0.001 <0.0010.002 J 0.002 J<0.001 <0.0010.025 58 650Toluene<0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.00080.002 J<0.00090.002 J<0.00088.3 990 9,7001,1,1-Trichloroethane<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.0011.4 1,700 7,600Trichloroethene<0.001 <0.0010.007 0.019<0.0010.015 0.008 0.014 0.001 J<0.0010.021 0.87 4.01,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0007 <0.0006 <0.000612 63 370Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Laboratory analytical method is shown in parentheses.Only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Bold values exceed the Protection of Groundwater PSRGs.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceJ = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. mg/kgIndustrial/ Commercial PSRGs (1)Protection of Groundwater PSRGs (1)Residential PSRGs (1)https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Ram Realty - RMR/RMR-013 Gesco Street/Soil Removal/Report/Tables/Data Tables_excavationTable 1 (Page 2 of 3)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 1Summary of Post-Excavation Confirmation Soil Sample Analytical DataNational Welders SupplyGesco Street & State StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013Sample IDEX-SB-20 EX-SB-20a EX-SB-21 EX-SB-22 EX-SB-23 EX-SB-23a EX-SB-24 EX-SB-25 EX-SB-25a EX-SB-26Depth (ft bgs)0-3 6-9 3-6 3-6 0-3 6-9 3-6 3-6 3-6 6-9Date10/28/2022 11/9/2022 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 11/9/2022 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 11/9/2022 10/28/2022UnitsVOCs (8260D)Acetone 0.024 0.013 J 0.012 J 0.008 J 0.016 J 0.014 J 0.007 J 0.006 J 0.014 J 0.015 J 25 14,000 210,000Benzene 0.002 J<0.00070.001 J<0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.00070.01 1.2 5.4Carbon Disulfide<0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.00070.001 J 4.1 160 740Chloroform<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.0010.001 J<0.001 <0.0010.39 0.34 1.51,1-Dichloroethane 0.005 J<0.001 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0009 <0.001 <0.00100.001 J<0.0009 <0.0010.034 3.8 171,1-Dichloroethene 0.021<0.0009 <0.0009 <0.00090.001 J<0.0009 <0.00080.003 J<0.00080.001 J 2.5 48 210cis-1,2-Dichloroethene<0.0009 <0.0010 <0.0009 <0.00090.023 0.001 J 0.003 J 0.043 0.002 J 0.014 0.41 13 78Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)<0.0009 <0.001 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.001 <0.0010 <0.001 <0.0009 <0.0010.23 140 600Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)<0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.00080.09 49 220Methylene Chloride<0.0010.007 J<0.001 <0.001 <0.0010.007 J<0.001 <0.0010.004 J<0.0010.025 58 650Toluene 0.003 J<0.00080.002 J 0.001 J<0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.00098.3 990 9,7001,1,1-Trichloroethane4.58<0.0010.002 J<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.0011.4 1,700 7,600Trichloroethene0.060<0.0010.002 J<0.0010.5030.010 0.004 J0.0820.009 0.005 J 0.021 0.87 4.01,2,4-Trimethylbenzene0.0006 J<0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.000612 63 370Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Laboratory analytical method is shown in parentheses.Only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Bold values exceed the Protection of Groundwater PSRGs.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceJ = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. mg/kgIndustrial/ Commercial PSRGs (1)Protection of Groundwater PSRGs (1)Residential PSRGs (1)https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Ram Realty - RMR/RMR-013 Gesco Street/Soil Removal/Report/Tables/Data Tables_excavationTable 1 (Page 3 of 3)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of Post-Excavation Soil Gas Analytical DataNational Welders SupplyGesco Street & State StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. RMR-013Excavation StatusSample IDSG-13Depth (ft bgs)5.565.5Date8/11/20215/11/202211/23/2022UnitsVOCs (TO-15)Acetone<8601345.43 6.0017.5NE NEBenzene12057.10.610 J0.601 J3.26121602-Butanone (MEK)<15028.8 J0.784 J0.702 J2.8235,000440,0001,3-Butadiene<2483.5<0.328<0.328<0.3283.141Carbon Disulfide300 J65.3 J1.33 J, B1.65 J, B8.69 B4,90061,000Carbon Tetrachloride32 J<<0.15516200Chlorobenzene<17<2.14<0.107<0.1072.343504,400Chloroform1,2003389.239.303.004.153Chloromethane<2412.8 J<0.067<0.0670.167 J6307,900Cyclohexane<2534.6 J7.186.788.8842,000530,0001,4-Dichlorobenzene23 J<3.72<0.186<0.186<0.1868.5110Dichlorodifluoromethane<23<2.683.143.233.137008,8001,1-Dichloroethane16,0002,8001.28 J1.19 J8.61587701,2-Dichloroethane52 J<2.58<0.129<0.129<0.1293.6471,1-Dichloroethylene330,00028,20010.710.51,1001,40018,000cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene27,00019,5005.975.8516.72803,500trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene1,2002392.101.95 J2.682803,500Ethylbenzene11042.5 J<0.106<0.1064.94374904-Ethyltoluene29 J37.0 J<0.128<0.1281.97 JNENEHeptane8572.5<0.143<0.1435.552,80035,000Hexachlorobutadiene86 J<6.62<0.330 <0.330<0.3304.356Hexane180 J2,1900.892 J0.758 J24.74,90061,000Isopropanol<3407.42 J2.38 J, B3.08 J, B2.19 J, B1,40018,000Methylene Chloride6901461.18 J1.863.343,40053,0004-Methyl-2-Pentanone (MIBK)<3221.5 J<0.121<0.121<0.12121,000260,000Naphthalene46 J<3.66<0.183 <0.183<0.1832.836Propene1,400521<0.2421.5632321,000260,000Styrene<18<2.48<0.124<0.1240.660 J7,00088,000Tetrachloroethylene15028.6 J10.79.572.97 J2803,500Tetrahydrofuran<110<2.14<0.107<0.1071.19 J14,000180,000Toluene5702531.35 J1.38 J26.635,000440,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane9274.41.85 J1.84 J9.8035,000440,000Trichloroethylene290,000102,000 E11311450014180Trichlorofluoromethane<649.33 J9.259.207.80NENE1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane<87<11.20.697 J0.690 J0.659 J35,000440,0001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene751280.590 J0.944 J7.354205,3001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene53 J37.6 J0.782 J0.703 J2.464205,300Vinyl Acetate<150<4.48<0.224 0.669 J<0.2241,40018,000Vinyl Chloride1,40031.1<0.127 <0.1273.785.6 280m&p-Xylene2901462.59 J3.07 J17.27008,800o-Xylene12052.01.27 J1.38 J6.257008,800Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Vapor Intrusion Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) dated January 2023.SG-2 re-installed and sampled on 5/11/22.Compound concentrations are reported in micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3)Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Bold indicates concentration exceeds Residential SGSL.Underline indicates compound exceeds the Non-Residential SGSL.Only those compounds detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Laboratory analytical method shown in parentheses.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; NE = not established; NA = not analyzedJ = compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration.B = Analyte detected in laboratory blankE = Result above calibration rangePre-ExcavationSG-2Post-ExcavationResidentialSGSLs (1)Non-Residential SGSLs(1)SG-12/SG-DUP-11232211/23/20225.5µg/m3https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Ram Realty - RMR/RMR-013 Gesco Street/Soil Removal/Report/Tables/Data Tables_excavation5/25/2023Table 2 (Page 1 of 1)Hart & Hickman, PC Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed SITE LOCATION MAP NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: 4-28-23 JOB NO: RMR-013 REVISION NO: 0 FIGURE NO: 1 2923 South Tryon Street - Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007 (p) 704-586-0373 (f)License # C-1269 / # C-245 Geology TITLE PROJECT 0 2,000 4,000 SCALE IN FEET SITE Path: S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\Figures\Figure-1.mxdN U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP CHARLOTTE EAST, NORTH CAROLINA 2013DERITA, NORTH CAROLINA 2013 QUADRANGLE7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) ACCESS ROAD (RESIDENTIALBRIDGE ABOVE) ACCESS R O A DPOOL SG-1 SG-3 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 4-26-23 FIGURE NO. 2 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA PREVIOUS SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE FORMER RAILROAD FORMER UST PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT WORTH CHEMICAL MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS SOIL BORING LOCATION TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION SOIL GAS MONITORING POINT LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology SOUTHERN CONCRETE MATERIALS (715 STATE STREET) FORSHAW (650 STATE STREET) INDUSTRIAL BUILDING (FORMER PLYLER PAPER STOCK CO.) (800 GESCO STREET)STEWART CREEKSEVERSVILLE PARK (830 S. BRUNS AVENUE) NOTES: 1. PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2020). 2. UST = UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK 3. MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS OVERLAIN FROM MONITOR WELL LOCATION MAP IN THE GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT PREPARED FOR THE WORTH CHEMICAL FACILITY BY ARCADIS DATED JULY 2019. 4. REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OVERLAIN FROM SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY BB+M ARCHITECTURE. 5. PHASE II ESA SOIL, GROUNDWATER, AND SOIL GAS SAMPLES COLLECTED BY H&H IN AUGUST 2021. DUKE ENERGY RIGHT-OF-WAY GESCO STREET STATE STREET MW-9 I/S MW-14 I/S TMW-1 TMW-2 TMW-3 TMW-6 TMW-4 TMW-7 TMW-5 SG-7 SG-6 SG-5 SG-4 SG-3 SG-2SG-1 SG-8 COMP-1 COMP-2 BKG-1 BKG-2 SG-9 SG-10 SG-11 SB-1 PIPED STORMWATER DRAINAGE BUILDING A (LEFT) BUILDING A (RIGHT) BUILDING B S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\Figures\Site Map.dwg, Phase II ESA, 5/25/2023 9:09:02 AM, amckenzie REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 5-25-23 FIGURE NO. 3 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SOURCE AREA SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY FORMER RAILROAD APPROXIMATE HISTORICAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT SOIL BORING LOCATION PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT SOIL GAS MONITORING POINT LOCATION TRICHLOROETHENE CONCENTRATION APPROXIMATE EXTENTS OF SOIL IMPACTS 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology FORSHAW (650 STATE STREET) NOTES: 1.PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2020). 2.TRICHLOROETHENE CONCENTRATIONS FOR EACH MEDIA SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING UNITS: 2.1.SOIL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAM (mg/kg) 2.2.GROUNDWATER CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN MICROGRAMS PER LITER (µg/L) 2.3.SOIL GAS CONCENTRATION SHOWN IN MICROGRAMS PER CUBIC METER (µg/m3) 3.BOLD INDICATES AN EXCEEDANCE OF THE PROTECTION OF GROUNDWATER PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS. 4.UNDERLINE INDICATES GROUNDWATER OR SOIL GAS CONCENTRATIONS EXCEED THE RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SCREENING LEVELS. 5.BDL = BELOW LABORATORY METHOD DETECTION LIMITS 6.SOIL, GROUNDWATER, AND SOIL GAS SAMPLES COLLECTED BY H&H IN AUGUST 2021 AND MAY 2022. STATE STREET TMW-1 SG-1 SG-3 GESCO STREETTMW-2 SS-2SS-1 SS-8 SS-9 SS-5 SS-7 SS-4 SS-3 (BDL) (0.0150)(0.0342) (0.0035 J) (0.787) (0.284) (0.0323) (0.0276) TMW-8 SG-2 (17) (32.4) (2,300) (770) (0.81 J) SS-6(0.186) SG-2 8/11/21 290,000 5/11/22 102,000 (0.186)S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\Figures\TCE Delineation Map.dwg, tce delineation map, 5/25/2023 9:38:46 AM, amckenzie REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. RMR-013 DATE: 4-27-23 FIGURE NO. 4 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY GESCO STREET & STATE STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA POST-EXCAVATION SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY FORMER RAILROAD APPROXIMATE HISTORICAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT EXCAVATION EXTENTS (DASHED WHERE OVER-EXCAVATION OCCURRED) EXCAVATION SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION (TCE BELOW SCREENING LEVELS) EXCAVATION SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION (TCE ABOVE SCREENING LEVELS) POST-EXCAVATION SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology FORSHAW (650 STATE STREET) NOTES: 1.PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2020). 2.POST-EXCAVATION SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED BETWEEN OCTOBER 26, 2022 AND NOVEMBER 8, 2022. 3.POST-EXCAVATION SOIL GAS SAMPLES COLLECTED ON NOVEMBER 23, 2022. STATE STREET GESCO STREETEX-SB-1 EX-SB-2 EX-SB-3 EX-SB-4 EX-SB-5 EX-SB-6 EX-SB-7 EX-SB-8 EX-SB-9 EX-SB-10 EX-SB-11 EX-SB-26 EX-SB-25 EX-SB-24 EX-SB-23 EX-SB-22EX-SB-21 EX-SB-20EX-SB-19 EX-SB-18 EX-SB-17 EX-SB-16 EX-SB-15 EX-SB-14 EX-SB-12 EX-SB-13 EX-SB-20A EX-SB-23A EX-SB-25A SG-13 SG-12 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Ram Realty - RMR\RMR-013 Gesco Street\Figures\TCE Delineation Map_4.26.23.dwg, tce delineation map, 5/25/2023 9:12:23 AM, amckenzie Appendix A Waste Manifests Appendix B Summary of Excavation Field Screening Results Appendix B Summary of Excavation Field Screening Results National Welders Supply Gesco Street & State Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. RMR-013 PID Reading VOCAM Results (ppm) TCE 0-3 NM -- 3-6 41.1 Not Present 6-9 8.2 -- 0-3 0.7 -- 3-6 13.1 Not Present 6-9 11.1 -- 0-3 0.6 -- 3-6 32.7 Present 6-9 28.5 -- 0-3 0.8 -- 3-6 23.1 Not Present 6-9 11.1 -- 0-3 6.9 -- 3-6 32.8 Not Present 6-9 22.0 -- 0-3 3.1 -- 3-6 24.0 Not Present 6-9 9.9 -- 0-3 0.4 -- 3-6 15.5 -- 6-9 22.0 Not Present 0-3 1.2 -- 3-6 15.2 Not Present 6-9 11.2 -- 0-3 1.8 -- 3-6 3.6 Present 6-9 1.9 -- 0-3 2.3 -- 3-6 0.6 -- 6-9 11.0 Not Present 0-3 0.6 -- 3-6 1.3 -- 6-9 5.6 Not Present Notes: NM= Not Measured -- = Not Analyzed * = Generator down so VOCAM readings not collected ** = Existing grade was cut down and exported prior to H&H on-Site. EX-SB-7 10/27/2022 EX-SB-8 10/27/2022 EX-SB-11 10/28/2022 EX-SB-5 10/27/2022 EX-SB-6 10/27/2022 EX-SB-9 10/28/2022 EX-SB-10 10/28/2022 Sample ID Screening Date Depth (ft bgs) EX-SB-4 10/27/2022 EX-SB-1 10/26/2022 EX-SB-2 10/27/2022 EX-SB-3 10/27/2022 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Ram Realty - RMR/RMR-013 Gesco Street/ Soil Removal Work Plan/Report/Data Tables_excavation Appendix B (Page 1 of 3) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix B Summary of Excavation Field Screening Results National Welders Supply Gesco Street & State Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. RMR-013 PID Reading VOCAM Results (ppm) TCE 0-3 0.4 -- 3-6 1.5 Not Present 6-9 0.9 -- 0-3 0.7 -- 3-6 1.2 -- 6-9 2.1 Not Present 0-3 0.5 -- 3-6 1.0 Not Present 6-9 0.9 -- 0-3 5.2 Present 3-6 2.1 -- 6-9 1.4 -- 0-3 1.0 -- 3-6 3.2 Not Present 6-9 1.0 -- 0-3 0.6 -- 3-6 0.7 -- 6-9 0.9 Not Present 0-3 0.6 -- 3-6 0.8 --* 6-9 0.7 -- 0-3 0.5 -- 3-6 0.9 --* 6-9 0.9 -- 0-3 4.4 --* 3-6 2.1 -- 6-9 1.3 -- 0-3 NM**-- 3-6 NM** -- 6-9 0.3 -- 0-3 0.6 -- 3-6 0.6 --* 6-9 0.6 -- Notes: NM= Not Measured -- = Not Analyzed * = Generator down so VOCAM readings not collected ** = Existing grade was cut down and exported prior to H&H on-Site. EX-SB-13 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 EX-SB-20A 11/9/2022 EX-SB-17 EX-SB-20 10/28/2022 EX-SB-21 10/28/2022 EX-SB-12 10/28/2022 EX-SB-14 10/28/2022 Sample ID Screening Date Depth (ft bgs) EX-SB-19 10/28/2022 EX-SB-18 10/28/2022 EX-SB-15 10/28/2022 EX-SB-16 10/28/2022 https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Ram Realty - RMR/RMR-013 Gesco Street/ Soil Removal Work Plan/Report/Data Tables_excavation Appendix B (Page 2 of 3) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix B Summary of Excavation Field Screening Results National Welders Supply Gesco Street & State Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. RMR-013 PID Reading VOCAM Results (ppm) TCE 0-3 0.3 --* 3-6 0.2 -- 6-9 0.2 -- 0-3 20.3 Present 3-6 2.2 -- 6-9 0.3 -- 0-3 0.3 -- 3-6 0.3 -- 6-9 1.6 -- 0-3 1.6 -- 3-6 4.0 --* 6-9 3.2 -- 0-3 0.8 -- 3-6 4.6 --* 6-9 3.5 -- 0-3 0.3 -- 3-6 1.4 -- 6-9 1.0 -- 0-3 0.2 -- 3-6 0.4 -- 6-9 1.1 --* Notes: NM= Not Measured -- = Not Analyzed * = Generator down so VOCAM readings not collected ** = Existing grade was cut down and exported prior to H&H on-Site. EX-SB-24 EX-SB-25 EX-SB-26 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 EX-SB-23A 11/9/2022 EX-SB-25A 11/9/2022 EX-SB-22 10/28/2022 EX-SB-23 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 Sample ID Screening Date Depth (ft bgs) https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/Ram Realty - RMR/RMR-013 Gesco Street/ Soil Removal Work Plan/Report/Data Tables_excavation Appendix B (Page 3 of 3) Hart & Hickman, PC Appendix C Laboratory Analytical Reports   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   11/2/2022 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) Alexis McKenzie 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Charlotte, NC, 28203 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 22-300-0011 Client Project Description: RMR-013 Dear Alexis McKenzie: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 10/27/2022 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Page 1 of 18 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 07/31/202337735State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2022402State ProgramNorth Carolina 07/31/202399012State ProgramSouth Carolina 12/31/202299012State ProgramSouth Carolina Page 1 of 1 00016/22-300-0011 Page 2 of 18 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 22-300-0011 RMR-013 Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 10/26/2022 15:00Solids 91637 EX-SB-1 10/27/2022 11:00 Page 3 of 18 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-300-0011 Report Limit Project:RMR-013 V 91637EX-SB-1 J0.008 10/31/2022 17:568260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.0010 10/31/2022 17:568260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 J0.003 10/31/2022 17:568260DEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 J0.001 10/31/2022 17:568260DMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.002 10/31/2022 17:568260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.001 10/31/2022 17:568260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 11.9 11/02/2022 10:30SW-DRYWT Moisture % Page 4 of 18 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-300-0011 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/27/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/02/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-1 91637 Matrix: 10/26/2022 15:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 11.9 %Moisture 1 11/02/22 10:30 SW-DRYWTAMB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 5 of 18 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-300-0011 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/27/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/02/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-1 91637 Matrix: 10/26/2022 15:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 0.008 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.022Acetone 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.022 Acrolein 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.022Acrylonitrile 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 6 of 18 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-300-0011 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/27/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/02/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-1 91637 Matrix: 10/26/2022 15:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL 0.0010 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.015 mg/Kg - dry 0.015 0.283Ethanol 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL 0.003 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.056Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 7 of 18 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-300-0011 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/27/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/02/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-1 91637 Matrix: 10/26/2022 15:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011n-Hexane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022 2-Hexanone 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0224-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Toluene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 8 of 18 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-300-0011 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/27/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/02/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-1 91637 Matrix: 10/26/2022 15:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 10/31/22 17:56 V25732 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 Limits: 70-130%10/31/22 17:561 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 103 Limits: 84-123%10/31/22 17:561 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 92.0 Limits: 76-129%10/31/22 17:561 TBL V25732 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 9 of 18 Quality Control Data 22-300-0011Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 Associated Lab Samples: 91637 LRB-V25731 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/31/22 12:570.0200.002<0.002mg/KgAcetone 10/31/22 12:570.0200.001<0.001mg/KgAcrolein 10/31/22 12:570.0200.0008<0.0008mg/KgAcrylonitrile 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgBenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgBromobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/KgBromochloromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromodichloromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromoform 10/31/22 12:570.0100.001<0.001mg/KgBromomethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kgsec-Butyl benzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgtert-Butyl benzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgChlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0009<0.0009mg/KgChloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgChloroform 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0006<0.0006mg/KgChloromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgDibromomethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene Page 1 of 7Date:11/02/2022 04:16 PM Page 10 of 18 Quality Control Data 22-300-0011Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 Associated Lab Samples: 91637 LRB-V25731 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.001<0.001mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10/31/22 12:570.2500.014<0.014mg/KgEthanol 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgEthylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0500.0008<0.0008mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0008<0.0008mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0007<0.0007mg/Kgn-Hexane 10/31/22 12:570.0200.0006<0.0006mg/Kg2-Hexanone 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 10/31/22 12:570.0200.0007<0.0007mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 10/31/22 12:570.0200.015<0.015mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 10/31/22 12:570.0100.001<0.001mg/KgMethylene Chloride 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0010<0.0010mg/KgNaphthalene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene Page 2 of 7Date:11/02/2022 04:16 PM Page 11 of 18 Quality Control Data 22-300-0011Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 Associated Lab Samples: 91637 LRB-V25731 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgStyrene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTetrachloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgToluene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTrichloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.002<0.002mg/KgTrichlorofluoromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Acetate 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Chloride 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgo-Xylene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.001<0.001mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 10/31/22 12:574-Bromofluorobenzene (S)101 70-130 10/31/22 12:57Dibromofluoromethane (S)97.6 84-123 10/31/22 12:57Toluene-d8 (S)93.6 76-129 LCS-V25731 LCSD-V25731Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.095 95.389.60.0890.100mg/KgAcetone 29-198 6.1 20 Page 3 of 7Date:11/02/2022 04:16 PM Page 12 of 18 Quality Control Data 22-300-0011Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 LCS-V25731 LCSD-V25731Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.103 1031040.1040.100mg/KgAcrolein 70-130 0.9 20 0.115 1151100.1100.100mg/KgAcrylonitrile 65-134 4.4 20 0.048 97.61000.0500.050mg/KgBenzene 74-127 2.4 20 0.043 73-125 6.0 20 0.054 1081070.0530.050mg/KgBromochloromethane 72-134 1.2 20 0.055 1101120.0550.050mg/KgBromodichloromethane 75-122 1.0 20 0.055 1101090.0540.050mg/KgBromoform 66-135 1.2 20 0.059 1201250.0620.050mg/KgBromomethane 20-180 4.5 20 0.040 65-135 9.6 20 0.041 benzene 66-131 9.2 20 0.040 benzene 67-132 6.8 20 0.045 91.495.60.0470.050mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 61-129 4.4 20 0.045 Tetrachloride 64-143 4.0 20 0.044 74-118 4.0 20 0.051 1031030.0510.050mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 73-122 0.0 20 0.049 99.41040.0510.050mg/KgChloroethane 33-149 4.3 20 0.049 98.01000.0500.050mg/KgChloroform 73-127 2.0 20 0.055 1101110.0550.050mg/KgChloromethane 45-143 0.7 20 0.040 81.886.60.0430.050mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 67-124 5.7 20 0.040 81.886.60.0430.050mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 71-126 5.7 20 0.055 1111130.0560.050mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)59-159 1.2 20 0.061 1241280.0640.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 55-157 3.4 20 0.055 1111130.0560.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 70-132 1.0 20 0.054 1091150.0570.050mg/KgDibromomethane 74-133 5.1 20 0.044,2-Dichlorobenzene 72-123 1.5 20 0.041 83.686.40.0430.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 71-120 3.2 20 Page 4 of 7Date:11/02/2022 04:16 PM Page 13 of 18 Quality Control Data 22-300-0011Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 LCS-V25731 LCSD-V25731Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.042 84.888.00.0440.050mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 71-123 3.7 20 0.045 91.21010.0500.050mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 26-146 9.8 20 0.048 96.81020.0510.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 74-127 5.2 20 0.051 1031030.0510.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 68-128 0.3 20 0.046 92.898.60.0490.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 67-149 6.0 20 0.050 1021070.0530.050mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 76-134 5.1 20 0.048 96.81010.0500.050mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 73-132 4.2 20 0.053 1061090.0540.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 73-130 2.4 20 0.052 1051070.0530.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 75-124 1.8 20 0.045,2-Dichloropropane 50-142 3.4 20 0.043 86.894.80.0470.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 71-130 8.8 20 0.055 1111130.0560.050mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 71-125 1.6 20 0.056 1131120.0550.050mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 68-123 0.7 20 0.984 78.792.01.151.25mg/KgEthanol 70-130 15.5 20 0.044 88.490.40.0450.050mg/KgEthylbenzene 74-128 2.2 20 0.109 1091090.1090.100mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)70-130 0.0 20 0.039 79.887.40.0430.050mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 64-125 9.0 20 0.048 96.81010.0500.050mg/Kgn-Hexane 70-130 3.8 20 0.054 1091070.0530.050mg/Kg2-Hexanone 61-157 2.2 20 0.039 79.487.00.0430.050mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 68-126 9.1 20 0.039 79.885.80.0420.050mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 68-129 7.2 20 0.052 1051190.0590.050mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)63-149 12.8 20 0.057 1141170.0580.050mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 2.7 20 0.052 10491.40.0450.050mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 57-162 13.2 20 0.052 1051090.0540.050mg/KgMethylene Chloride 74-129 3.9 20 0.050 1021080.0530.050mg/KgNaphthalene 57-157 5.7 20 Page 5 of 7Date:11/02/2022 04:16 PM Page 14 of 18 Quality Control Data 22-300-0011Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 LCS-V25731 LCSD-V25731Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.041 83.889.60.0440.050mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene 67-130 6.6 20 0.047 77-121 3.7 20 0.045 90.691.60.0450.050mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 72-115 1.0 20 0.055 1101140.0570.050mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 56-126 3.3 20 0.046 92.696.20.0480.050mg/KgTetrachloroethene 68-130 3.8 20 0.047 71-129 4.1 20 0.045,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 68-130 5.7 20 0.046 92.897.80.0480.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66-125 5.2 20 0.044,1,1-Trichloroethane 67-131 5.3 20 0.053 1081080.0540.050mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-133 0.3 20 0.049 98.21050.0520.050mg/KgTrichloroethene 75-133 6.5 20 0.045 44-146 7.0 20 0.056 1141150.0570.050mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 60-137 0.8 20 0.041 83.887.20.0430.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 69-129 3.9 20 0.040 81.687.40.0430.050mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 69-128 6.8 20 0.058 1171200.0590.050mg/KgVinyl Acetate 60-140 1.8 20 0.050 1011040.0520.050mg/KgVinyl Chloride 48-147 2.9 20 0.045 90.894.60.0470.050mg/Kgo-Xylene 74-126 4.0 20 0.087 87.490.90.0900.100mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 75-124 3.9 20 97.099.44-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 100100Dibromofluoromethane (S)84-123 93.693.0Toluene-d8 (S)76-129 Page 6 of 7Date:11/02/2022 04:16 PM Page 15 of 18 Quality Control Data 22-300-0011Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 Dry Weight Determination SW-DRYWT V25801QC Analytical Batch: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: V 91503-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/02/22 10:3015.57.819.13%Moisture V 91505-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/02/22 10:3018.35.484.56%Moisture Page 7 of 7Date:11/02/2022 04:16 PM Page 16 of 18 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:22-300-0011 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 01102 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:IRT-15 2.9C Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)?Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d)ü High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Angelo Norvell Date & Time:10/27/2022 13:13:23 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 17 of 18 Page 18 of 18   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   11/4/2022 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) Alexis McKenzie 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Charlotte, NC, 28203 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 22-301-0007 Client Project Description: RMR-013 Gesco Strreet Dear Alexis McKenzie: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 10/28/2022 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as- received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Page 1 of 50 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 07/31/202337735State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2022402State ProgramNorth Carolina 07/31/202399012State ProgramSouth Carolina 12/31/202299012State ProgramSouth Carolina Page 1 of 1 00016/22-301-0007 Page 2 of 50 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 22-301-0007 RMR-013 Gesco Strreet Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 10/27/2022Solids 91714 EX-SB-2 10/28/2022 12:45 10/27/2022Solids 91715 EX-SB-3 10/28/2022 12:45 10/27/2022Solids 91716 EX-SB-4 10/28/2022 12:45 10/27/2022Solids 91717 EX-SB-5 10/28/2022 12:45 10/27/2022Solids 91718 EX-SB-6 10/28/2022 12:45 10/27/2022Solids 91719 EX-SB-7 10/28/2022 12:45 10/27/2022Solids 91720 EX-SB-8 10/28/2022 12:45 Page 3 of 50 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-301-0007 Report Limit Project:RMR-013 V 91714EX-SB-2 J0.005 10/31/2022 14:468260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.002 10/31/2022 14:468260DEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.001 13.8 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91715EX-SB-3 J0.009 10/31/2022 15:138260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.004 10/31/2022 15:138260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.008 10/31/2022 15:138260DEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.002 10/31/2022 15:138260DMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 J0.002 10/31/2022 15:138260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.001 10/31/2022 15:138260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 17.5 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91716EX-SB-4 J0.007 10/31/2022 15:408260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.003 10/31/2022 15:408260DEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.001 10/31/2022 15:408260DMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.001 10/31/2022 15:408260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 12.7 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91717EX-SB-5 J0.006 10/31/2022 16:078260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.001 10/31/2022 16:078260D1,1-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 J0.006 10/31/2022 16:078260DEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.001 10/31/2022 16:078260DMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.004 10/31/2022 16:078260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 16.7 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91718EX-SB-6 J0.007 10/31/2022 16:358260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.004 10/31/2022 16:358260DEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.001 10/31/2022 16:358260DMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.001 10/31/2022 16:358260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 16.9 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91719EX-SB-7 J0.010 10/31/2022 17:028260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.008 10/31/2022 17:028260DEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.001 10/31/2022 17:028260DMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 Page 4 of 50 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-301-0007 Report Limit Project:RMR-013 V 91719EX-SB-7 J0.002 10/31/2022 17:028260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.002 10/31/2022 17:028260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 18.8 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91720EX-SB-8 J0.009 10/31/2022 17:298260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.006 10/31/2022 17:298260DEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.001 10/31/2022 17:298260DMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.002 10/31/2022 17:298260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 14.1 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % Page 5 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-2 91714 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 13.8 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 6 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-2 91714 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 0.005 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023 Acrolein 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 7 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-2 91714 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.290Ethanol 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.058Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 8 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-2 91714 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.023 2-Hexanone 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 9 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-2 91714 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 10/31/22 14:46 V25732 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99.6 Limits: 70-130%10/31/22 14:461 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 101 Limits: 84-123%10/31/22 14:461 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 92.4 Limits: 76-129%10/31/22 14:461 TBL V25732 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 10 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-3 91715 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 17.5 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 11 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-3 91715 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 0.009 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 12 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-3 91715 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL 0.004 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.303Ethanol 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL 0.008 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.060Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 13 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-3 91715 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 14 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-3 91715 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 10/31/22 15:13 V25732 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 Limits: 70-130%10/31/22 15:131 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 101 Limits: 84-123%10/31/22 15:131 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 91.0 Limits: 76-129%10/31/22 15:131 TBL V25732 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 15 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-4 91716 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 12.7 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 16 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-4 91716 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 0.007 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.022Acetone 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.022 Acrolein 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.022Acrylonitrile 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 17 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-4 91716 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.286Ethanol 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL 0.003 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.057Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 18 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-4 91716 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022 2-Hexanone 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0224-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 19 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-4 91716 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 10/31/22 15:40 V25732 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 Limits: 70-130%10/31/22 15:401 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 103 Limits: 84-123%10/31/22 15:401 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 92.6 Limits: 76-129%10/31/22 15:401 TBL V25732 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 20 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-5 91717 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 16.7 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 21 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-5 91717 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 0.006 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 22 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-5 91717 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.300Ethanol 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL 0.006 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.060Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 23 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-5 91717 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL 0.004 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 24 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-5 91717 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 10/31/22 16:07 V25732 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 Limits: 70-130%10/31/22 16:071 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 101 Limits: 84-123%10/31/22 16:071 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 91.4 Limits: 76-129%10/31/22 16:071 TBL V25732 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 25 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-6 91718 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 16.9 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 26 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-6 91718 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 0.007 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 27 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-6 91718 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.300Ethanol 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL 0.004 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.060Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 28 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-6 91718 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 29 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-6 91718 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 10/31/22 16:35 V25732 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 Limits: 70-130%10/31/22 16:351 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 98.8 Limits: 84-123%10/31/22 16:351 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 92.4 Limits: 76-129%10/31/22 16:351 TBL V25732 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 30 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-7 91719 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 18.8 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 31 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-7 91719 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 0.010 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 32 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-7 91719 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.307Ethanol 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL 0.008 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.061Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 33 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-7 91719 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 34 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-7 91719 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 10/31/22 17:02 V25732 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 Limits: 70-130%10/31/22 17:021 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 101 Limits: 84-123%10/31/22 17:021 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 92.8 Limits: 76-129%10/31/22 17:021 TBL V25732 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 35 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-8 91720 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 14.1 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 36 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-8 91720 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 0.009 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023 Acrolein 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 37 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-8 91720 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Dibromomethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.291Ethanol 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL 0.006 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.058Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 38 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-8 91720 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.023 2-Hexanone 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 39 of 50 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0007 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Gesco Strreet Received : 10/28/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-8 91720 Matrix: 10/27/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25731 10/31/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 10/31/22 17:29 V25732 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 Limits: 70-130%10/31/22 17:291 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 106 Limits: 84-123%10/31/22 17:291 TBL V25732 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 94.2 Limits: 76-129%10/31/22 17:291 TBL V25732 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 40 of 50 Quality Control Data 22-301-0007Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 Associated Lab Samples: 91714, 91715, 91716, 91717, 91718, 91719, 91720 LRB-V25731 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/31/22 12:570.0200.002<0.002mg/KgAcetone 10/31/22 12:570.0200.001<0.001mg/KgAcrolein 10/31/22 12:570.0200.0008<0.0008mg/KgAcrylonitrile 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgBenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgBromobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/KgBromochloromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromodichloromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromoform 10/31/22 12:570.0100.001<0.001mg/KgBromomethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kgsec-Butyl benzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgtert-Butyl benzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgChlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0009<0.0009mg/KgChloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgChloroform 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0006<0.0006mg/KgChloromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgDibromomethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene Page 1 of 8Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 41 of 50 Quality Control Data 22-301-0007Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 Associated Lab Samples: 91714, 91715, 91716, 91717, 91718, 91719, 91720 LRB-V25731 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.001<0.001mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10/31/22 12:570.2500.014<0.014mg/KgEthanol 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgEthylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0500.0008<0.0008mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0008<0.0008mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0007<0.0007mg/Kgn-Hexane 10/31/22 12:570.0200.0006<0.0006mg/Kg2-Hexanone 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 10/31/22 12:570.0200.0007<0.0007mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 10/31/22 12:570.0200.015<0.015mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 10/31/22 12:570.0100.001<0.001mg/KgMethylene Chloride 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0010<0.0010mg/KgNaphthalene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene Page 2 of 8Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 42 of 50 Quality Control Data 22-301-0007Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 Associated Lab Samples: 91714, 91715, 91716, 91717, 91718, 91719, 91720 LRB-V25731 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/KgStyrene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTetrachloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgToluene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTrichloroethene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.002<0.002mg/KgTrichlorofluoromethane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Acetate 10/31/22 12:570.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Chloride 10/31/22 12:570.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgo-Xylene 10/31/22 12:570.0100.001<0.001mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 10/31/22 12:574-Bromofluorobenzene (S)101 70-130 10/31/22 12:57Dibromofluoromethane (S)97.6 84-123 10/31/22 12:57Toluene-d8 (S)93.6 76-129 LCS-V25731 LCSD-V25731Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.095 95.389.60.0890.100mg/KgAcetone 29-198 6.1 20 Page 3 of 8Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 43 of 50 Quality Control Data 22-301-0007Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 LCS-V25731 LCSD-V25731Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.103 1031040.1040.100mg/KgAcrolein 70-130 0.9 20 0.115 1151100.1100.100mg/KgAcrylonitrile 65-134 4.4 20 0.048 97.61000.0500.050mg/KgBenzene 74-127 2.4 20 0.043 73-125 6.0 20 0.054 1081070.0530.050mg/KgBromochloromethane 72-134 1.2 20 0.055 1101120.0550.050mg/KgBromodichloromethane 75-122 1.0 20 0.055 1101090.0540.050mg/KgBromoform 66-135 1.2 20 0.059 1201250.0620.050mg/KgBromomethane 20-180 4.5 20 0.040 65-135 9.6 20 0.041 benzene 66-131 9.2 20 0.040 benzene 67-132 6.8 20 0.045 91.495.60.0470.050mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 61-129 4.4 20 0.045 Tetrachloride 64-143 4.0 20 0.044 74-118 4.0 20 0.051 1031030.0510.050mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 73-122 0.0 20 0.049 99.41040.0510.050mg/KgChloroethane 33-149 4.3 20 0.049 98.01000.0500.050mg/KgChloroform 73-127 2.0 20 0.055 1101110.0550.050mg/KgChloromethane 45-143 0.7 20 0.040 81.886.60.0430.050mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 67-124 5.7 20 0.040 81.886.60.0430.050mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 71-126 5.7 20 0.055 1111130.0560.050mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)59-159 1.2 20 0.061 1241280.0640.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 55-157 3.4 20 0.055 1111130.0560.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 70-132 1.0 20 0.054 1091150.0570.050mg/KgDibromomethane 74-133 5.1 20 0.044,2-Dichlorobenzene 72-123 1.5 20 0.041 83.686.40.0430.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 71-120 3.2 20 Page 4 of 8Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 44 of 50 Quality Control Data 22-301-0007Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 LCS-V25731 LCSD-V25731Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.042 84.888.00.0440.050mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 71-123 3.7 20 0.045 91.21010.0500.050mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 26-146 9.8 20 0.048 96.81020.0510.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 74-127 5.2 20 0.051 1031030.0510.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 68-128 0.3 20 0.046 92.898.60.0490.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 67-149 6.0 20 0.050 1021070.0530.050mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 76-134 5.1 20 0.048 96.81010.0500.050mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 73-132 4.2 20 0.053 1061090.0540.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 73-130 2.4 20 0.052 1051070.0530.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 75-124 1.8 20 0.045,2-Dichloropropane 50-142 3.4 20 0.043 86.894.80.0470.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 71-130 8.8 20 0.055 1111130.0560.050mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 71-125 1.6 20 0.056 1131120.0550.050mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 68-123 0.7 20 0.984 78.792.01.151.25mg/KgEthanol 70-130 15.5 20 0.044 88.490.40.0450.050mg/KgEthylbenzene 74-128 2.2 20 0.109 1091090.1090.100mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)70-130 0.0 20 0.039 79.887.40.0430.050mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 64-125 9.0 20 0.048 96.81010.0500.050mg/Kgn-Hexane 70-130 3.8 20 0.054 1091070.0530.050mg/Kg2-Hexanone 61-157 2.2 20 0.039 79.487.00.0430.050mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 68-126 9.1 20 0.039 79.885.80.0420.050mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 68-129 7.2 20 0.052 1051190.0590.050mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)63-149 12.8 20 0.057 1141170.0580.050mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 2.7 20 0.052 10491.40.0450.050mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 57-162 13.2 20 0.052 1051090.0540.050mg/KgMethylene Chloride 74-129 3.9 20 0.050 1021080.0530.050mg/KgNaphthalene 57-157 5.7 20 Page 5 of 8Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 45 of 50 Quality Control Data 22-301-0007Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25732QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25731 LCS-V25731 LCSD-V25731Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.041 83.889.60.0440.050mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene 67-130 6.6 20 0.047 77-121 3.7 20 0.045 90.691.60.0450.050mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 72-115 1.0 20 0.055 1101140.0570.050mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 56-126 3.3 20 0.046 92.696.20.0480.050mg/KgTetrachloroethene 68-130 3.8 20 0.047 71-129 4.1 20 0.045,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 68-130 5.7 20 0.046 92.897.80.0480.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66-125 5.2 20 0.044,1,1-Trichloroethane 67-131 5.3 20 0.053 1081080.0540.050mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-133 0.3 20 0.049 98.21050.0520.050mg/KgTrichloroethene 75-133 6.5 20 0.045 44-146 7.0 20 0.056 1141150.0570.050mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 60-137 0.8 20 0.041 83.887.20.0430.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 69-129 3.9 20 0.040 81.687.40.0430.050mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 69-128 6.8 20 0.058 1171200.0590.050mg/KgVinyl Acetate 60-140 1.8 20 0.050 1011040.0520.050mg/KgVinyl Chloride 48-147 2.9 20 0.045 90.894.60.0470.050mg/Kgo-Xylene 74-126 4.0 20 0.087 87.490.90.0900.100mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 75-124 3.9 20 97.099.44-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 100100Dibromofluoromethane (S)84-123 93.693.0Toluene-d8 (S)76-129 Page 6 of 8Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 46 of 50 Quality Control Data 22-301-0007Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 Dry Weight Determination SW-DRYWT V25891QC Analytical Batch: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: V 91551-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/04/22 11:193.519.420.1%Moisture V 92190-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/04/22 11: Page 7 of 8Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 47 of 50 Quality Control Data 22-301-0007Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 Dry Weight Determination SW-DRYWT V25892QC Analytical Batch: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: V 91770-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/04/22 11:195.716.215.3%Moisture V 91773-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/04/22 11:190.519.819.7%Moisture Page 8 of 8Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 48 of 50 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:22-301-0007 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 01102 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:IRT-15 0.2C Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)?Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d)ü High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Angelo Norvell Date & Time:10/28/2022 14:41:17 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 49 of 50 Page 50 of 50   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   11/4/2022 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) Alexis McKenzie 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Charlotte, NC, 28203 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 22-301-0020 Client Project Description: RMR-013 Dear Alexis McKenzie: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 10/29/2022 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Page 1 of 122 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 07/31/202337735State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2022402State ProgramNorth Carolina 07/31/202399012State ProgramSouth Carolina 12/31/202299012State ProgramSouth Carolina Page 1 of 1 00016/22-301-0020 Page 2 of 122 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 22-301-0020 RMR-013 Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 10/28/2022 10:00Solids 91773 EX-SB-9 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 10:30Solids 91774 EX-SB-10 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 11:20Solids 91775 EX-SB-11 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 11:10Solids 91776 EX-SB-12 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 11:35Solids 91777 EX-SB-13 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 12:40Solids 91778 EX-SB-14 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 12:50Solids 91779 EX-SB-15 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 13:00Solids 91780 EX-SB-16 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 13:05Solids 91781 EX-SB-17 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 13:30Solids 91782 EX-SB-18 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 13:35Solids 91783 EX-SB-19 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 13:45Solids 91784 EX-SB-20 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 13:55Solids 91785 EX-SB-21 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 14:00Solids 91786 EX-SB-22 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 14:10Solids 91787 EX-SB-23 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 14:15Solids 91788 EX-SB-24 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 14:20Solids 91789 EX-SB-25 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022 14:20Solids 91790 EX-SB-26 10/29/2022 15:44 10/28/2022Solids 91791 EX-SB-DUP 10/29/2022 15:44 Page 3 of 122 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-301-0020 Report Limit Project:RMR-013 V 91773EX-SB-9 J0.002 11/01/2022 14:038260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 19.7 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91774EX-SB-10 19.6 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91775EX-SB-11 J0.003 11/01/2022 14:588260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.002 11/01/2022 14:588260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 21.8 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91776EX-SB-12 J0.002 11/01/2022 15:258260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.007 11/01/2022 15:258260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 12.3 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91777EX-SB-13 J0.011 11/01/2022 15:528260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.005 11/01/2022 15:528260D1,1-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 J0.001 11/01/2022 15:528260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 J0.002 11/01/2022 15:528260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.019 11/01/2022 15:528260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 13.9 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91778EX-SB-14 J0.009 11/01/2022 16:208260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 13.1 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91779EX-SB-15 J0.011 11/03/2022 16:138260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.015 11/03/2022 16:138260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 12.9 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91780EX-SB-16 0.025 11/01/2022 17:148260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.003 J0.001 11/01/2022 17:148260DBenzenemg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.002 11/01/2022 17:148260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.002 11/01/2022 17:148260DToluenemg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.008 11/01/2022 17:148260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 Page 4 of 122 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-301-0020 Report Limit Project:RMR-013 V 91780EX-SB-16 20.6 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91781EX-SB-17 J0.012 11/01/2022 17:418260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.003 J0.002 11/01/2022 17:418260D1,1-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.002 11/01/2022 17:418260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.014 11/01/2022 17:418260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 25.2 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91782EX-SB-18 J0.015 11/01/2022 18:098260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.003 J0.001 11/01/2022 18:098260DBenzenemg/Kg - dry 0.0008 J0.002 11/01/2022 18:098260DToluenemg/Kg - dry 0.0009 J0.001 11/01/2022 18:098260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 23.9 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91783EX-SB-19 J0.009 11/01/2022 18:368260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 14.5 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91784EX-SB-20 0.024 11/01/2022 19:038260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.002 11/01/2022 19:038260DBenzenemg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.005 11/01/2022 19:038260D1,1-Dichloroethane mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.021 11/01/2022 19:038260D1,1-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 J0.003 11/01/2022 19:038260DToluenemg/Kg - dry 0.0007 4.58 11/03/2022 22:358260D1,1,1-Trichloroethane mg/Kg - dry 0.040 0.060 11/01/2022 19:038260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.0006 11/01/2022 19:038260D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 11.7 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91785EX-SB-21 J0.012 11/01/2022 19:308260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.001 11/01/2022 19:308260DBenzenemg/Kg - dry 0.0007 J0.002 11/01/2022 19:308260DToluenemg/Kg - dry 0.0008 J0.002 11/01/2022 19:308260D1,1,1-Trichloroethane mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.002 11/01/2022 19:308260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 15.8 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % Page 5 of 122 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-301-0020 Report Limit Project:RMR-013 V 91786EX-SB-22 J0.008 11/03/2022 16:418260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.001 11/03/2022 16:418260DToluenemg/Kg - dry 0.0008 16.7 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91787EX-SB-23 J0.016 11/03/2022 17:088260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.001 11/03/2022 17:088260D1,1-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023 11/03/2022 17:088260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.503 11/04/2022 12:588260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.026 13.6 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91788EX-SB-24 J0.007 11/03/2022 17:358260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.003 11/03/2022 17:358260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 J0.004 11/03/2022 17:358260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 13.7 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91789EX-SB-25 J0.006 11/03/2022 18:028260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.001 11/03/2022 18:028260DChloroformmg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.001 11/03/2022 18:028260D1,1-Dichloroethane mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.003 11/03/2022 18:028260D1,1-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.043 11/03/2022 18:028260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.082 11/03/2022 18:028260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 18.2 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91790EX-SB-26 J0.015 11/03/2022 18:308260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.003 J0.001 11/03/2022 18:308260DCarbon Disulfide mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 J0.001 11/03/2022 18:308260D1,1-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.014 11/03/2022 18:308260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.005 11/03/2022 18:308260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 22.6 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 91791EX-SB-DUP J0.001 11/03/2022 18:578260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 19.1 11/04/2022 11:19SW-DRYWT Moisture % Page 6 of 122   Client: Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) CASE NARRATIVE Project: RMR-013 Lab Report Number: 22-301-0020 Date: 11/4/2022 Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Method 8260D Analyte: 4-Methyl-2-pentanone QC Batch No: V25789/V25787 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Analyte: Acrylonitrile QC Batch No: V25789/V25787 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Page 7 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-9 91773 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 19.7 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 8 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-9 91773 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 9 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-9 91773 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.311Ethanol 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.062Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 10 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-9 91773 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 11 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-9 91773 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 14:03 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 14:031 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 104 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 14:031 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 89.6 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 14:031 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 12 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-10 91774 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:30 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 19.6 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 13 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-10 91774 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:30 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 14 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-10 91774 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:30 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.310Ethanol 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.062Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 15 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-10 91774 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:30 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 16 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-10 91774 Matrix: 10/28/2022 10:30 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 14:30 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 14:301 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 101 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 14:301 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 90.6 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 14:301 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 17 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-11 91775 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:20 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 21.8 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 18 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-11 91775 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.003 mg/Kg - dry 0.003 0.025Acetone 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.025 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.025Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 19 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-11 91775 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL 0.003 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.319Ethanol 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.063Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 20 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-11 91775 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.025 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.025Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.019 mg/Kg - dry 0.019 0.0254-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 21 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-11 91775 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 14:58 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 14:581 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 100 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 14:581 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 93.0 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 14:581 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 22 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-12 91776 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:10 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 12.3 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 23 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-12 91776 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.022Acetone 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.022 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.022Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 24 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-12 91776 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.015 mg/Kg - dry 0.015 0.285Ethanol 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.057Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 25 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-12 91776 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0224-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL 0.007 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 26 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-12 91776 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 15:25 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 15:251 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 102 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 15:251 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 91.4 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 15:251 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 27 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-13 91777 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:35 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 13.9 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 28 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-13 91777 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:35 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 0.011 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 29 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-13 91777 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:35 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL 0.005 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.290Ethanol 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.058Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 30 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-13 91777 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:35 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.023 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL 0.019 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 31 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-13 91777 Matrix: 10/28/2022 11:35 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 15:52 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 15:521 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 106 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 15:521 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 90.8 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 15:521 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 32 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-14 91778 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:40 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 13.1 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 33 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-14 91778 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:40 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 0.009 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 34 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-14 91778 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:40 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.287Ethanol 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.057Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 35 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-14 91778 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:40 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.023 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 36 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-14 91778 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:40 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 16:20 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 16:201 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 109 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 16:201 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 89.2 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 16:201 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 37 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-15 91779 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:50 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 12.9 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 38 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-15 91779 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 0.011 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.022Acetone 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.022 Acrolein 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.022Acrylonitrile 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 39 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-15 91779 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.287Ethanol 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.057Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 40 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-15 91779 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022 2-Hexanone 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0224-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL 0.015 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 41 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-15 91779 Matrix: 10/28/2022 12:50 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/03/22 16:13 V25896 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 105 Limits: 70-130%11/03/22 16:131 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 102 Limits: 84-123%11/03/22 16:131 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 99.1 Limits: 76-129%11/03/22 16:131 TBL V25896 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 42 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-16 91780 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 20.6 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 43 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-16 91780 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 0.025 mg/Kg - dry 0.003 0.025Acetone 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.025 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.025Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 44 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-16 91780 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.314Ethanol 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.062Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 45 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-16 91780 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.025 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.025Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0254-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL 0.008 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 46 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-16 91780 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 17:14 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 17:141 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 104 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 17:141 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 90.0 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 17:141 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 47 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-17 91781 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:05 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 25.2 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 48 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-17 91781 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:05 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 0.012 J mg/Kg - dry 0.003 0.026Acetone 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.026 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.026Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Benzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.013 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.013Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 49 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-17 91781 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:05 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0131,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.334Ethanol 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.066Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 50 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-17 91781 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:05 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.013n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.026 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.026Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.020 mg/Kg - dry 0.020 0.0264-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Toluene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0131,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0131,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL 0.014 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.013Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 51 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-17 91781 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:05 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.013Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.013Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 17:41 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 105 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 17:411 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 104 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 17:411 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 88.4 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 17:411 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 52 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-18 91782 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:30 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 23.9 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 53 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-18 91782 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:30 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 0.015 J mg/Kg - dry 0.003 0.026Acetone 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.026 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.026Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Benzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.013 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.013Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 54 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-18 91782 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:30 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0131,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.328Ethanol 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.065Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 55 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-18 91782 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:30 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.013n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.026 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.026Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.019 mg/Kg - dry 0.019 0.0264-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Toluene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0131,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0131,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.013Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 56 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-18 91782 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:30 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.013Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.013Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.013m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 18:09 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 18:091 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 107 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 18:091 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 89.4 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 18:091 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 57 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-19 91783 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:35 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 14.5 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 58 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-19 91783 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:35 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 0.009 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 59 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-19 91783 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:35 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.292Ethanol 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.058Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 60 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-19 91783 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:35 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.023 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 61 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-19 91783 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:35 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 18:36 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 18:361 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 105 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 18:361 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 88.4 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 18:361 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 62 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20 91784 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:45 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 11.7 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 63 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20 91784 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 V25897 11/03/22 08:00 0.024 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.022Acetone 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.022 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.022Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 64 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20 91784 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 V25897 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL 0.005 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL 0.021 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.015 mg/Kg - dry 0.015 0.283Ethanol 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.056Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 65 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20 91784 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 V25897 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.0224-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL 0.003 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Toluene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL 4.58 mg/Kg - dry 0.040 0.1411,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 11/03/22 22:35 V25898TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL 0.060 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 66 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20 91784 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:45 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 V25897 11/03/22 08:00 0.0006 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 19:03 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 105 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 19:031 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 107 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 19:031 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 89.4 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 19:031 TBL V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 Limits: 70-130%11/03/22 22:3550 TBL V25898 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 109 Limits: 70-130%11/03/22 22:3550 TBL V25898 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 105 Limits: 76-129%11/03/22 22:3550 TBL V25898 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 67 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-21 91785 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:55 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 15.8 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 68 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-21 91785 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 0.012 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023 Acrolein 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 69 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-21 91785 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.296Ethanol 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.059Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 70 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-21 91785 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.023 2-Hexanone 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 71 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-21 91785 Matrix: 10/28/2022 13:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25787 11/01/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/01/22 19:30 V25789 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 Limits: 70-130%11/01/22 19:301 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 107 Limits: 84-123%11/01/22 19:301 TBL V25789 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 88.8 Limits: 76-129%11/01/22 19:301 TBL V25789 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 72 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-22 91786 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 16.7 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 73 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-22 91786 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 0.008 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 74 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-22 91786 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.300Ethanol 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.060Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 75 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-22 91786 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 76 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-22 91786 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/03/22 16:41 V25896 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104 Limits: 70-130%11/03/22 16:411 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 106 Limits: 84-123%11/03/22 16:411 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 96.5 Limits: 76-129%11/03/22 16:411 TBL V25896 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 77 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23 91787 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:10 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 13.6 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 78 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23 91787 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 V25946 11/04/22 08:00 0.016 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023 Acrolein 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 79 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23 91787 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 V25946 11/04/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL 0.023 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.289Ethanol 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.057Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 80 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23 91787 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 V25946 11/04/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.023 2-Hexanone 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL 0.503 mg/Kg - dry 0.026 0.144Trichloroethene 50 11/04/22 12:58 V25948TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 81 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23 91787 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:10 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 V25946 11/04/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/03/22 17:08 V25896 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 106 Limits: 70-130%11/03/22 17:081 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 107 Limits: 84-123%11/03/22 17:081 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 97.8 Limits: 76-129%11/03/22 17:081 TBL V25896 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 107 Limits: 70-130%11/04/22 12:5850 TBL V25948 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 107 Limits: 70-130%11/04/22 12:5850 TBL V25948 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 115 Limits: 76-129%11/04/22 12:5850 TBL V25948 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 82 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-24 91788 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:15 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 13.7 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 83 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-24 91788 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 0.007 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.023Acetone 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.023 Acrolein 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.023Acrylonitrile 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 84 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-24 91788 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL 0.003 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.289Ethanol 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.057Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 85 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-24 91788 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.023 2-Hexanone 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.023Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.0234-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Toluene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL 0.004 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 86 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-24 91788 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:15 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/03/22 17:35 V25896 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104 Limits: 70-130%11/03/22 17:351 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 108 Limits: 84-123%11/03/22 17:351 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 95.4 Limits: 76-129%11/03/22 17:351 TBL V25896 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 87 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25 91789 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 18.2 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 88 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25 91789 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 0.006 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 89 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25 91789 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL 0.003 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL 0.043 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.305Ethanol 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.061Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 90 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25 91789 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL 0.082 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 91 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25 91789 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/03/22 18:02 V25896 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 Limits: 70-130%11/03/22 18:021 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 110 Limits: 84-123%11/03/22 18:021 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 95.8 Limits: 76-129%11/03/22 18:021 TBL V25896 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 92 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-26 91790 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 22.6 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 93 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-26 91790 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 0.015 J mg/Kg - dry 0.003 0.025Acetone 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.025 Acrolein 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.025Acrylonitrile 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 94 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-26 91790 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL 0.014 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.322Ethanol 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.064Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 95 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-26 91790 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.025 2-Hexanone 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.025Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.019 mg/Kg - dry 0.019 0.0254-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Toluene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL 0.005 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 96 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-26 91790 Matrix: 10/28/2022 14:20 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/03/22 18:30 V25896 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 Limits: 70-130%11/03/22 18:301 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 110 Limits: 84-123%11/03/22 18:301 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 99.6 Limits: 76-129%11/03/22 18:301 TBL V25896 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 97 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-DUP 91791 Matrix: 10/28/2022 0:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 19.1 %Moisture 1 11/04/22 11:19 SW-DRYWTPEB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 98 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-DUP 91791 Matrix: 10/28/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 99 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-DUP 91791 Matrix: 10/28/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.309Ethanol 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.061Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 100 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-DUP 91791 Matrix: 10/28/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 101 of 122 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-301-0020 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 10/29/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/04/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-DUP 91791 Matrix: 10/28/2022 0:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V25895 11/03/22 08:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896TBL <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/03/22 18:57 V25896 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 Limits: 70-130%11/03/22 18:571 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 107 Limits: 84-123%11/03/22 18:571 TBL V25896 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 98.2 Limits: 76-129%11/03/22 18:571 TBL V25896 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 102 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25789QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25787 Associated Lab Samples: 91773, 91774, 91775, 91776, 91777, 91778, 91780, 91781, 91782, 91783, 91784, 91785 LRB-V25787 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/01/22 12:140.0200.002<0.002mg/KgAcetone 11/01/22 12:140.0200.001<0.001mg/KgAcrolein 11/01/22 12:140.0200.0008<0.0008mg/KgAcrylonitrile 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgBenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgBromobenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0008<0.0008mg/KgBromochloromethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromodichloromethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromoform 11/01/22 12:140.0100.001<0.001mg/KgBromomethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kgsec-Butyl benzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgtert-Butyl benzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgChlorobenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0009<0.0009mg/KgChloroethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/KgChloroform 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0006<0.0006mg/KgChloromethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgDibromomethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene Page 1 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 103 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25789QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25787 Associated Lab Samples: 91773, 91774, 91775, 91776, 91777, 91778, 91780, 91781, 91782, 91783, 91784, 91785 LRB-V25787 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0100.001<0.001mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/01/22 12:140.2500.014<0.014mg/KgEthanol 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgEthylbenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0500.0008<0.0008mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0008<0.0008mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0007<0.0007mg/Kgn-Hexane 11/01/22 12:140.0200.0006<0.0006mg/Kg2-Hexanone 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 11/01/22 12:140.0200.0007<0.0007mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 11/01/22 12:140.0200.015<0.015mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 11/01/22 12:140.0100.001<0.001mg/KgMethylene Chloride 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0010<0.0010mg/KgNaphthalene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene Page 2 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 104 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25789QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25787 Associated Lab Samples: 91773, 91774, 91775, 91776, 91777, 91778, 91780, 91781, 91782, 91783, 91784, 91785 LRB-V25787 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/KgStyrene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTetrachloroethene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgToluene 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTrichloroethene 11/01/22 12:140.0100.002<0.002mg/KgTrichlorofluoromethane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Acetate 11/01/22 12:140.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Chloride 11/01/22 12:140.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgo-Xylene 11/01/22 12:140.0100.001<0.001mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 11/01/22 12:144-Bromofluorobenzene (S)103 70-130 11/01/22 12:14Dibromofluoromethane (S)98.8 84-123 11/01/22 12:14Toluene-d8 (S)91.0 76-129 LCS-V25787 LCSD-V25787Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.109 1091050.1050.100mg/KgAcetone 29-198 3.7 20 Page 3 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 105 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25789QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25787 LCS-V25787 LCSD-V25787Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.120 1201190.1190.100mg/KgAcrolein 70-130 0.8 20 0.097 97.01220.1220.100mg/KgAcrylonitrile 65-134 22.8*20 0.050 1021070.0530.050mg/KgBenzene 74-127 4.8 20 0.044 89.687.80.0430.050mg/KgBromobenzene 73-125 2.0 20 0.053 1071070.0530.050mg/KgBromochloromethane 72-134 0.3 20 0.056 1121130.0560.050mg/KgBromodichloromethane 75-122 0.5 20 0.052 10495.00.0470.050mg/KgBromoform 66-135 9.2 20 0.062 1251250.0620.050mg/KgBromomethane 20-180 0.4 20 0.043 87.890.20.0450.050mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 65-135 2.6 20 0.044 benzene 66-131 2.2 20 0.044 88.688.00.0440.050mg/Kgtert-Butyl benzene 67-132 0.6 20 0.048 96.699.20.0490.050mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 61-129 2.6 20 0.048 97.01020.0510.050mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 64-143 5.4 20 0.047 95.692.60.0460.050mg/KgChlorobenzene 74-118 3.1 20 0.051 10396.80.0480.050mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 73-122 6.4 20 0.051 1021010.0500.050mg/KgChloroethane 33-149 1.1 20 0.051 1031010.0500.050mg/KgChloroform 73-127 1.3 20 0.056 1141150.0570.050mg/KgChloromethane 45-143 1.0 20 0.043 67-124 2.0 20 0.043 71-126 2.0 20 0.057 1151160.0570.050mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)59-159 0.6 20 0.053 10898.80.0490.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 55-157 8.5 20 0.054 1101020.0510.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 70-132 7.1 20 0.054 1101080.0540.050mg/KgDibromomethane 74-133 1.1 20 0.045,2-Dichlorobenzene 72-123 0.4 20 0.044 88.687.60.0430.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 71-120 1.1 20 Page 4 of 16* QC Fail Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 106 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25789QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25787 LCS-V25787 LCSD-V25787Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.044,4-Dichlorobenzene 71-123 0.9 20 0.045 91.497.40.0480.050mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 26-146 6.3 20 0.052 1041080.0530.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 74-127 3.5 20 0.051 1031010.0500.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 68-128 2.1 20 0.050 1001020.0500.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 67-149 1.7 20 0.054 1091090.0540.050mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 76-134 0.1 20 0.050 1021060.0530.050mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 73-132 4.2 20 0.056 1131120.0550.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 73-130 0.8 20 0.052 10496.20.0480.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 75-124 8.1 20 0.049 98.01020.0500.050mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 50-142 3.8 20 0.046 92.698.20.0490.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 71-130 5.8 20 0.058 1171130.0560.050mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 71-125 3.6 20 0.055 1101080.0540.050mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 68-123 2.0 20 1.28 1021031.291.25mg/KgEthanol 70-130 0.7 20 0.047 74-128 1.0 20 0.112 1121090.1090.100mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)70-130 2.7 20 0.043 64-125 1.3 20 0.050 1021130.0560.050mg/Kgn-Hexane 70-130 10.7 20 0.058 1161080.0530.050mg/Kg2-Hexanone 61-157 7.6 20 0.043 86.688.00.0440.050mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 68-126 1.6 20 0.042 toluene 68-129 2.3 20 0.059 1191150.0570.050mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)63-149 3.5 20 0.055 1111050.0520.050mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 5.7 20 0.071 1421130.0560.050mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 57-162 23.3*20 0.055 1101080.0540.050mg/KgMethylene Chloride 74-129 1.8 20 0.047 94.686.60.0430.050mg/KgNaphthalene 57-157 8.8 20 Page 5 of 16* QC Fail Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 107 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25789QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25787 LCS-V25787 LCSD-V25787Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.044 89.892.80.0460.050mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene 67-130 3.2 20 0.049 77-121 2.2 20 0.046,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 72-115 4.3 20 0.050 10294.60.0470.050mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 56-126 7.1 20 0.049 99.21020.0500.050mg/KgTetrachloroethene 68-130 2.3 20 0.050 1011020.0510.050mg/KgToluene 71-129 1.1 20 0.046 92.889.00.0440.050mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 68-130 4.1 20 0.048 96.492.40.0460.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66-125 4.2 20 0.047 95.61000.0500.050mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 67-131 4.8 20 0.053 10798.60.0490.050mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-133 8.1 20 0.052 1051050.0520.050mg/KgTrichloroethene 75-133 0.0 20 0.049 98.41050.0520.050mg/KgTrichlorofluoromethane 44-146 6.1 20 0.051 10395.60.0470.050mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 60-137 7.2 20 0.043 87.690.20.0450.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 69-129 2.9 20 0.044 88.689.20.0440.050mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 69-128 0.6 20 0.058 1161190.0590.050mg/KgVinyl Acetate 60-140 2.8 20 0.051 1031090.0540.050mg/KgVinyl Chloride 48-147 5.8 20 0.048 74-126 2.2 20 0.093,p-Xylene 75-124 0.5 20 1011004-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 99.2101Dibromofluoromethane (S)84-123 93.892.6Toluene-d8 (S)76-129 Page 6 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 108 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25896QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25895 Associated Lab Samples: 91779, 91786, 91787, 91788, 91789, 91790, 91791 LRB-V25895 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/03/22 15:460.0200.002<0.002mg/KgAcetone 11/03/22 15:460.0200.001<0.001mg/KgAcrolein 11/03/22 15:460.0200.0008<0.0008mg/KgAcrylonitrile 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgBenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgBromobenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0008<0.0008mg/KgBromochloromethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromodichloromethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromoform 11/03/22 15:460.0100.001<0.001mg/KgBromomethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kgsec-Butyl benzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgtert-Butyl benzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgChlorobenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0009<0.0009mg/KgChloroethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/KgChloroform 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0006<0.0006mg/KgChloromethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgDibromomethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene Page 7 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 109 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25896QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25895 Associated Lab Samples: 91779, 91786, 91787, 91788, 91789, 91790, 91791 LRB-V25895 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0100.001<0.001mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/03/22 15:460.2500.014<0.014mg/KgEthanol 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgEthylbenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0500.0008<0.0008mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0008<0.0008mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0007<0.0007mg/Kgn-Hexane 11/03/22 15:460.0200.0006<0.0006mg/Kg2-Hexanone 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 11/03/22 15:460.0200.0007<0.0007mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 11/03/22 15:460.0200.015<0.015mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 11/03/22 15:460.0100.001<0.001mg/KgMethylene Chloride 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0010<0.0010mg/KgNaphthalene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene Page 8 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 110 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25896QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25895 Associated Lab Samples: 91779, 91786, 91787, 91788, 91789, 91790, 91791 LRB-V25895 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/KgStyrene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTetrachloroethene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgToluene 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTrichloroethene 11/03/22 15:460.0100.002<0.002mg/KgTrichlorofluoromethane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Acetate 11/03/22 15:460.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Chloride 11/03/22 15:460.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgo-Xylene 11/03/22 15:460.0100.001<0.001mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 11/03/22 15:464-Bromofluorobenzene (S)104 70-130 11/03/22 15:46Dibromofluoromethane (S)102 84-123 11/03/22 15:46Toluene-d8 (S)95.4 76-129 LCS-V25895 LCSD-V25895Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.113 1131150.1150.100mg/KgAcetone 29-198 1.7 20 Page 9 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 111 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25896QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25895 LCS-V25895 LCSD-V25895Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.093 70-130 5.8 20 0.109 1091010.1010.100mg/KgAcrylonitrile 65-134 7.6 20 0.049 98.698.00.0490.050mg/KgBenzene 74-127 0.6 20 0.043 87.889.40.0440.050mg/KgBromobenzene 73-125 1.8 20 0.051 1031010.0500.050mg/KgBromochloromethane 72-134 2.1 20 0.060 1211200.0600.050mg/KgBromodichloromethane 75-122 0.3 20 0.052 10599.60.0490.050mg/KgBromoform 66-135 5.2 20 0.055 1121180.0580.050mg/KgBromomethane 20-180 5.2 20 0.046 93.495.60.0470.050mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 65-135 2.3 20 0.044 89.893.00.0460.050mg/Kgsec-Butyl benzene 66-131 3.5 20 0.045 benzene 67-132 2.4 20 0.044 88.691.80.0450.050mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 61-129 3.5 20 0.058 1171210.0600.050mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 64-143 2.6 20 0.046 74-118 1.5 20 0.052 10699.60.0490.050mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 73-122 6.0 20 0.043 33-149 0.2 20 0.054 1091050.0520.050mg/KgChloroform 73-127 3.7 20 0.052 1051030.0510.050mg/KgChloromethane 45-143 1.9 20 0.043 67-124 1.8 20 0.043 71-126 1.8 20 0.056 1131100.0540.050mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)59-159 3.0 20 0.045,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 55-157 2.7 20 0.048 96.897.60.0480.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 70-132 0.8 20 0.053 1071020.0510.050mg/KgDibromomethane 74-133 4.5 20 0.043 87.489.20.0440.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 72-123 2.0 20 0.043 86.686.60.0430.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 71-120 0.0 20 Page 10 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 112 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25896QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25895 LCS-V25895 LCSD-V25895Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.044,4-Dichlorobenzene 71-123 1.1 20 0.046 92.695.20.0470.050mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 26-146 2.7 20 0.051 1041020.0500.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 74-127 1.9 20 0.059 1191180.0590.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 68-128 0.5 20 0.053 1061100.0550.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 67-149 3.3 20 0.053 1081100.0540.050mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 76-134 1.6 20 0.053 1081060.0530.050mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 73-132 1.4 20 0.051 10297.20.0480.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 73-130 4.8 20 0.047 95.893.80.0460.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 75-124 2.1 20 0.056 1121110.0550.050mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 50-142 0.7 20 0.050 1011020.0510.050mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 71-130 0.9 20 0.055 1121080.0540.050mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 71-125 3.2 20 0.056 1131120.0550.050mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 68-123 1.2 20 1.35 10892.81.161.25mg/KgEthanol 70-130 15.1 20 0.048 74-128 0.2 20 0.109 1091060.1060.100mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)70-130 2.7 20 0.045 91.895.20.0470.050mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 64-125 3.6 20 0.051 1041060.0530.050mg/Kgn-Hexane 70-130 2.2 20 0.055 1111100.0550.050mg/Kg2-Hexanone 61-157 0.1 20 0.043 87.490.20.0450.050mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 68-126 3.1 20 0.045 90.492.40.0460.050mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 68-129 2.1 20 0.061 1221110.0550.050mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)63-149 9.2 20 0.053 1071070.0530.050mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 0.3 20 0.067 1361280.0630.050mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 57-162 6.0 20 0.054 1091080.0540.050mg/KgMethylene Chloride 74-129 1.1 20 0.042 84.884.20.0420.050mg/KgNaphthalene 57-157 0.7 20 Page 11 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 113 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25896QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V25895 LCS-V25895 LCSD-V25895Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.045 90.893.00.0460.050mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene 67-130 2.3 20 0.050 10096.60.0480.050mg/KgStyrene 77-121 3.6 20 0.048,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 72-115 0.2 20 0.042 85.482.60.0410.050mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 56-126 3.3 20 0.053 1071060.0530.050mg/KgTetrachloroethene 68-130 0.9 20 0.049 71-129 1.0 20 0.043,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 68-130 2.7 20 0.045 90.693.00.0460.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66-125 2.6 20 0.058 1171210.0600.050mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 67-131 3.0 20 0.047 94.691.60.0450.050mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-133 3.2 20 0.051 10399.80.0490.050mg/KgTrichloroethene 75-133 3.3 20 0.055 1111110.0550.050mg/KgTrichlorofluoromethane 44-146 0.5 20 0.048,2,3-Trichloropropane 60-137 1.6 20 0.044 88.493.00.0460.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 69-129 5.0 20 0.045,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 69-128 0.4 20 0.049 98.486.80.0430.050mg/KgVinyl Acetate 60-140 12.5 20 0.044 Chloride 48-147 2.6 20 0.050 1011010.0500.050mg/Kgo-Xylene 74-126 0.5 20 0.098 98.797.40.0970.100mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 75-124 1.3 20 98.21014-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 10398.2Dibromofluoromethane (S)84-123 93.892.4Toluene-d8 (S)76-129 Page 12 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 114 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25898QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 MED QC Prep:V25897 Associated Lab Samples: 91784 LRB-V25897 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/03/22 15:460.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 11/03/22 15:464-Bromofluorobenzene (S)104 70-130 11/03/22 15:46Dibromofluoromethane (S)102 70-130 11/03/22 15:46Toluene-d8 (S)95.4 76-129 LCS-V25897 LCSD-V25897Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.058 1171210.0600.050mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 67-131 3.0 20 98.21014-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 10398.2Dibromofluoromethane (S)70-130 93.892.4Toluene-d8 (S)76-129 Page 13 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 115 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V25948QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 MED QC Prep:V25946 Associated Lab Samples: 91787 LRB-V25946 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/04/22 10:410.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTrichloroethene 11/04/22 10:414-Bromofluorobenzene (S)106 70-130 11/04/22 10:41Dibromofluoromethane (S)107 70-130 11/04/22 10:41Toluene-d8 (S)115 76-129 LCS-V25946 LCSD-V25946Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.038 75-133 2.5 20 1041044-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 105108Dibromofluoromethane (S)70-130 113112Toluene-d8 (S)76-129 Page 14 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 116 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 Dry Weight Determination SW-DRYWT V25892QC Analytical Batch: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: V 91770-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/04/22 11:195.716.215.3%Moisture V 91773-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/04/22 11:190.519.819.7%Moisture Page 15 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 117 of 122 Quality Control Data 22-301-0020Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 Dry Weight Determination SW-DRYWT V25893QC Analytical Batch: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: V 91791-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/04/22 11:194.119.919.1%Moisture V 91812-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/04/22 11:194.627.228.5%Moisture Page 16 of 16Date:11/04/2022 04:21 PM Page 118 of 122 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:22-301-0020 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 01102 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:IRT-15 3.8C Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)?Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs ü Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d)ü High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Angelo Norvell Date & Time:10/29/2022 11:22:29 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 119 of 122 Page 120 of 122 Page 121 of 122 Page 122 of 122   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   11/10/2022 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) Alexis McKenzie 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Charlotte, NC, 28203 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 22-313-0005 Client Project Description: RMR-013 Dear Alexis McKenzie: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 11/9/2022 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Page 1 of 29 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 07/31/202337735State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2022402State ProgramNorth Carolina 07/31/202399012State ProgramSouth Carolina 12/31/202299012State ProgramSouth Carolina Page 1 of 1 00016/22-313-0005 Page 2 of 29 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 22-313-0005 RMR-013 Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 11/09/2022 07:55Solids 92709 EX-SB-20a 11/09/2022 09:52 11/09/2022 08:00Solids 92710 EX-SB-23a 11/09/2022 09:52 11/09/2022 08:05Solids 92711 EX-SB-25a 11/09/2022 09:52 Page 3 of 29 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-313-0005 Report Limit Project:RMR-013 V 92709EX-SB-20a J0.013 11/09/2022 14:348260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.007 11/09/2022 14:348260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 18.4 11/10/2022 10:23SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 92710EX-SB-23a J0.014 11/09/2022 15:028260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.001 11/09/2022 15:028260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.001 J0.007 11/09/2022 15:028260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.010 11/09/2022 15:028260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 18.9 11/10/2022 10:23SW-DRYWT Moisture % V 92711EX-SB-25a J0.014 11/09/2022 15:298260DAcetonemg/Kg - dry 0.002 J0.002 11/09/2022 15:298260Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 J0.004 11/09/2022 15:298260DMethylene Chloride mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.009 11/09/2022 15:298260DTrichloroethenemg/Kg - dry 0.001 11.6 11/10/2022 10:23SW-DRYWT Moisture % Page 4 of 29   Client: Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) CASE NARRATIVE Project: RMR-013 Lab Report Number: 22-313-0005 Date: 11/10/2022 Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS Method 8260D Analyte: Hexane QC Batch No: V26222/V26221 Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for the duplicate analysis was outside of the allowable QC limits. Page 5 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20a 92709 Matrix: 11/9/2022 7:55 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 18.4 %Moisture 1 11/10/22 10:23 SW-DRYWTAMB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 6 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20a 92709 Matrix: 11/9/2022 7:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 0.013 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 7 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20a 92709 Matrix: 11/9/2022 7:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.306Ethanol 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.061Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 8 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20a 92709 Matrix: 11/9/2022 7:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA 0.007 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 9 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-20a 92709 Matrix: 11/9/2022 7:55 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/09/22 14:34 V26222 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98.5 Limits: 70-130%11/09/22 14:341 MSA V26222 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 105 Limits: 84-123%11/09/22 14:341 MSA V26222 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 101 Limits: 76-129%11/09/22 14:341 MSA V26222 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 10 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23a 92710 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:00 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 18.9 %Moisture 1 11/10/22 10:23 SW-DRYWTAMB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 11 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23a 92710 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 0.014 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.024Acetone 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.024 Acrolein 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.024Acrylonitrile 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Benzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Bromobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006Bromochloromethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromodichloromethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Bromoform 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012 Bromomethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006n-Butylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Carbon Disulfide 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Chlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Chloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Chloroform 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012Chloromethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0062-Chlorotoluene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0064-Chlorotoluene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.006Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 12 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23a 92710 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0121,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Dibromomethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA 0.001 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0061,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0061,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0062,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.006trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.017 mg/Kg - dry 0.017 0.308Ethanol 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006Ethylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.061Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0010 mg/Kg - dry 0.0010 0.012Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 13 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23a 92710 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.012n-Hexane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024 2-Hexanone 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Isopropylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0064-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.024Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.018 mg/Kg - dry 0.018 0.0244-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA 0.007 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012Methylene Chloride 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012 Naphthalene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006n-Propylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Styrene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0061,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Tetrachloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.006Toluene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0121,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0121,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0061,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA 0.010 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.006Trichloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.012Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0061,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 14 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-23a 92710 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:00 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0061,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.006 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Acetate 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.012Vinyl Chloride 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006o-Xylene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.012m,p-Xylene 1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.006Xylene (Total)1 11/09/22 15:02 V26222 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99.0 Limits: 70-130%11/09/22 15:021 MSA V26222 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 103 Limits: 84-123%11/09/22 15:021 MSA V26222 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 98.5 Limits: 76-129%11/09/22 15:021 MSA V26222 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 15 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25a 92711 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:05 Solids Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Method Date / Time Analyzed DF 11.6 %Moisture 1 11/10/22 10:23 SW-DRYWTAMB Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 16 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25a 92711 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:05 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 0.014 J mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.022Acetone 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.022 Acrolein 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.022Acrylonitrile 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Benzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Bromobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005Bromochloromethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromodichloromethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Bromoform 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011 Bromomethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Butylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005sec-Butyl benzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005tert-Butyl benzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Carbon Disulfide 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Carbon Tetrachloride 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Chlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chlorodibromomethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Chloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Chloroform 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011Chloromethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0052-Chlorotoluene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0054-Chlorotoluene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.005Di-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 17 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25a 92711 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:05 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0111,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Dibromomethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0051,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,1-Dichloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA 0.002 J mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,3-Dichloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0052,2-Dichloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.0051,1-Dichloropropene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.005trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.015 mg/Kg - dry 0.015 0.282Ethanol 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Ethylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.056Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0009 mg/Kg - dry 0.0009 0.011Hexachlorobutadiene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 18 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25a 92711 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:05 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.011n-Hexane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022 2-Hexanone 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.005Isopropylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0054-Isopropyl toluene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.022Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.016 mg/Kg - dry 0.016 0.0224-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA 0.004 J mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011Methylene Chloride 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011 Naphthalene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005n-Propylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Styrene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0004 mg/Kg - dry 0.0004 0.0051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Tetrachloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.005Toluene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0111,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0007 mg/Kg - dry 0.0007 0.0111,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.0051,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.0051,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA 0.009 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.005Trichloroethene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.002 mg/Kg - dry 0.002 0.011Trichlorofluoromethane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0008 mg/Kg - dry 0.0008 0.0051,2,3-Trichloropropane 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 19 of 29 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-313-0005 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/09/2022 RMR-013 Report Date : 11/10/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:EX-SB-25a 92711 Matrix: 11/9/2022 8:05 Solids Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF 5035 LOW 8260D Prep Batch(es):V26221 11/09/22 06:00 <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.0051,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Acetate 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0005 mg/Kg - dry 0.0005 0.011Vinyl Chloride 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005o-Xylene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.001 mg/Kg - dry 0.001 0.011m,p-Xylene 1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222MSA <0.0006 mg/Kg - dry 0.0006 0.005Xylene (Total)1 11/09/22 15:29 V26222 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.5 Limits: 70-130%11/09/22 15:291 MSA V26222 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 105 Limits: 84-123%11/09/22 15:291 MSA V26222 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 100 Limits: 76-129%11/09/22 15:291 MSA V26222 Qualifiers/ Definitions Estimated valueJDilution FactorDF Method Quantitation LimitMQL Page 20 of 29 Quality Control Data 22-313-0005Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V26222QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V26221 Associated Lab Samples: 92709, 92710, 92711 LRB-V26221 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/09/22 14:070.0200.002<0.002mg/KgAcetone 11/09/22 14:070.0200.001<0.001mg/KgAcrolein 11/09/22 14:070.0200.0008<0.0008mg/KgAcrylonitrile 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgBenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgBromobenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0008<0.0008mg/KgBromochloromethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromodichloromethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/KgBromoform 11/09/22 14:070.0100.001<0.001mg/KgBromomethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kgsec-Butyl benzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgtert-Butyl benzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgCarbon Disulfide 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgChlorobenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0009<0.0009mg/KgChloroethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/KgChloroform 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0006<0.0006mg/KgChloromethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg4-Chlorotoluene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE) 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgDibromomethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene Page 1 of 7Date:11/10/2022 03:06 PM Page 21 of 29 Quality Control Data 22-313-0005Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V26222QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V26221 Associated Lab Samples: 92709, 92710, 92711 LRB-V26221 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0100.001<0.001mg/KgDichlorodifluoromethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,1-Dichloroethene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0004<0.0004mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,3-Dichloropropane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kg1,1-Dichloropropene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgcis-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0008<0.0008mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 11/09/22 14:070.2500.014<0.014mg/KgEthanol 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgEthylbenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0500.0008<0.0008mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE) 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0008<0.0008mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0007<0.0007mg/Kgn-Hexane 11/09/22 14:070.0200.0006<0.0006mg/Kg2-Hexanone 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/KgIsopropylbenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg4-Isopropyl toluene 11/09/22 14:070.0200.0007<0.0007mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0006<0.0006mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 11/09/22 14:070.0200.015<0.015mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 11/09/22 14:070.0100.001<0.001mg/KgMethylene Chloride 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0010<0.0010mg/KgNaphthalene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene Page 2 of 7Date:11/10/2022 03:06 PM Page 22 of 29 Quality Control Data 22-313-0005Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V26222QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V26221 Associated Lab Samples: 92709, 92710, 92711 LRB-V26221 Matrix: SOLLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/KgStyrene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0003<0.0003mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTetrachloroethene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0007<0.0007mg/KgToluene 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0006<0.0006mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.001<0.001mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0009<0.0009mg/KgTrichloroethene 11/09/22 14:070.0100.002<0.002mg/KgTrichlorofluoromethane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0007<0.0007mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kg1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Acetate 11/09/22 14:070.0100.0005<0.0005mg/KgVinyl Chloride 11/09/22 14:070.0050.0005<0.0005mg/Kgo-Xylene 11/09/22 14:070.0100.001<0.001mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 11/09/22 14:074-Bromofluorobenzene (S)95.4 70-130 11/09/22 14:07Dibromofluoromethane (S)103 84-123 11/09/22 14:07Toluene-d8 (S)102 76-129 LCS-V26221 LCSD-V26221Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.097 97.41000.1000.100mg/KgAcetone 29-198 2.6 20 Page 3 of 7Date:11/10/2022 03:06 PM Page 23 of 29 Quality Control Data 22-313-0005Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V26222QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V26221 LCS-V26221 LCSD-V26221Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.109 1091180.1180.100mg/KgAcrolein 70-130 7.9 20 0.110 1101120.1120.100mg/KgAcrylonitrile 65-134 1.8 20 0.047 94.497.40.0480.050mg/KgBenzene 74-127 3.1 20 0.046 73-125 2.3 20 0.048 72-134 4.2 20 0.046 75-122 0.8 20 0.046 66-135 1.9 20 0.050 10098.80.0490.050mg/KgBromomethane 20-180 1.2 20 0.046 93.496.00.0480.050mg/Kgn-Butylbenzene 65-135 2.7 20 0.045 benzene 66-131 0.4 20 0.043 benzene 67-132 2.2 20 0.044 Disulfide 61-129 3.5 20 0.041 83.891.80.0450.050mg/KgCarbon Tetrachloride 64-143 9.1 20 0.046 74-118 0.8 20 0.044 88.885.60.0420.050mg/KgChlorodibromomethane 73-122 3.6 20 0.044 33-149 2.8 20 0.046 73-127 3.4 20 0.036 73.478.80.0390.050mg/KgChloromethane 45-143 7.0 20 0.046 93.892.40.0460.050mg/Kg2-Chlorotoluene 67-124 1.5 20 0.047 71-126 1.7 20 0.052 1051030.0510.050mg/KgDi-Isopropyl Ether (DIPE)59-159 2.5 20 0.044 88.890.60.0450.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 55-157 2.0 20 0.049 98.895.60.0470.050mg/Kg1,2-Dibromoethane 70-132 3.2 20 0.048 97.497.40.0480.050mg/KgDibromomethane 74-133 0.0 20 0.046 93.493.20.0460.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichlorobenzene 72-123 0.2 20 0.047 94.493.00.0460.050mg/Kg1,3-Dichlorobenzene 71-120 1.4 20 Page 4 of 7Date:11/10/2022 03:06 PM Page 24 of 29 Quality Control Data 22-313-0005Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V26222QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V26221 LCS-V26221 LCSD-V26221Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.045 91.688.00.0440.050mg/Kg1,4-Dichlorobenzene 71-123 4.0 20 0.043 26-146 6.7 20 0.047,1-Dichloroethane 74-127 1.8 20 0.052 1041020.0510.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloroethane 68-128 1.9 20 0.044,1-Dichloroethene 67-149 5.6 20 0.045,2-Dichloroethene 76-134 4.3 20 0.046 92.492.60.0460.050mg/Kgtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 73-132 0.2 20 0.049 99.81030.0510.050mg/Kg1,2-Dichloropropane 73-130 2.7 20 0.048,3-Dichloropropane 75-124 0.6 20 0.047 95.695.20.0470.050mg/Kg2,2-Dichloropropane 50-142 0.4 20 0.046,1-Dichloropropene 71-130 0.8 20 0.048,3-Dichloropropene 71-125 0.2 20 0.050 1001030.0510.050mg/Kgtrans-1,3-Dichloropropene 68-123 2.9 20 1.32 1061051.311.25mg/KgEthanol 70-130 0.7 20 0.044 74-128 2.4 20 0.103 1031040.1040.100mg/KgEthyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)70-130 0.9 20 0.044 88.888.20.0440.050mg/KgHexachlorobutadiene 64-125 0.6 20 0.041 82.01050.0520.050mg/Kgn-Hexane 70-130 24.4*20 0.054 1081130.0560.050mg/Kg2-Hexanone 61-157 4.8 20 0.043 68-126 2.0 20 0.045 toluene 68-129 1.9 20 0.054 1081150.0570.050mg/KgMethyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)63-149 5.7 20 0.048 96.696.60.0480.050mg/KgMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 0.0 20 0.054 1091100.0550.050mg/Kg4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 57-162 1.2 20 0.047 Chloride 74-129 2.0 20 0.048 57-157 1.6 20 Page 5 of 7* QC Fail Date:11/10/2022 03:06 PM Page 25 of 29 Quality Control Data 22-313-0005Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds - GC/MS 8260D V26222QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: 5035 LOW QC Prep:V26221 LCS-V26221 LCSD-V26221Laboratory Control Sample & LCSD LCSD ResultParameter Max RPD LCSD % Rec LCS %Rec LCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits RPD 0.045 91.491.40.0450.050mg/Kgn-Propylbenzene 67-130 0.0 20 0.046 93.493.40.0460.050mg/KgStyrene 77-121 0.0 20 0.044 89.688.20.0440.050mg/Kg1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 72-115 1.5 20 0.047 94.690.00.0450.050mg/Kg1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 56-126 4.9 20 0.044 68-130 4.8 20 0.045 71-129 4.0 20 0.049 98.895.20.0470.050mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 68-130 3.7 20 0.047 94.495.20.0470.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66-125 0.8 20 0.045 91.495.80.0470.050mg/Kg1,1,1-Trichloroethane 67-131 4.7 20 0.046 92.493.20.0460.050mg/Kg1,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-133 0.8 20 0.043 87.891.60.0450.050mg/KgTrichloroethene 75-133 4.2 20 0.043 44-146 6.5 20 0.044 88.688.60.0440.050mg/Kg1,2,3-Trichloropropane 60-137 0.0 20 0.044 88.690.00.0450.050mg/Kg1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 69-129 1.5 20 0.044,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 69-128 0.2 20 0.048 Acetate 60-140 3.3 20 0.044 Chloride 48-147 8.8 20 0.047 95.691.40.0450.050mg/Kgo-Xylene 74-126 4.4 20 0.090 90.692.40.0920.100mg/Kgm,p-Xylene 75-124 1.9 20 97.895.04-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 101102Dibromofluoromethane (S)84-123 103101Toluene-d8 (S)76-129 Page 6 of 7Date:11/10/2022 03:06 PM Page 26 of 29 Quality Control Data 22-313-0005Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR-013 Dry Weight Determination SW-DRYWT V26196QC Analytical Batch: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: V 92188-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/10/22 10:234.413.813.2%Moisture V 92569-DUPDuplicate Max RPD Parameter AnalyzedRPDDUP Result Result Units 20.0 11/10/22 10:232.619.118.6%Moisture Page 7 of 7Date:11/10/2022 03:06 PM Page 27 of 29 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:22-313-0005 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 01102 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:IRT-15 3.8C Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)?Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs ü Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d)ü High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Angelo Norvell Date & Time:11/09/2022 11:04:43 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 28 of 29 Page 29 of 29   Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis.   12/5/2022 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) Alexis McKenzie 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Charlotte, NC, 28203 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number: 22-327-0028 Client Project Description: RMR.013 Dear Alexis McKenzie: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s) on 11/23/2022 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as-received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Angela D Overcash Senior Project Manager Page 1 of 23 Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc. (C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date 07/31/202337735State ProgramNorth Carolina 12/31/2022402State ProgramNorth Carolina 07/31/202399012State ProgramSouth Carolina 12/31/202299012State ProgramSouth Carolina Page 1 of 1 00016/22-327-0028 Page 2 of 23 Report Number: Sample Summary Table Client Project Description: 22-327-0028 RMR.013 Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 11/23/2022Air 94145 SG-DUP-112322 11/23/2022 12:40 11/23/2022 08:39Air 94146 SG-12 11/23/2022 12:40 11/23/2022 09:05Air 94147 SG-13 11/23/2022 12:40 Page 3 of 23 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-327-0028 Report Limit Project:RMR.013 V 94145SG-DUP-112322 6.00 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.601 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 JB1.65 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 4.12 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 9.30 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Chloroform µg/m3 0.086 6.78 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Cyclohexane µg/m3 0.161 3.23 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 J1.19 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 1,1-Dichloroethane µg/m3 0.101 10.5 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 1,1-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.107 5.85 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 J1.95 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.108 J0.690 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J0.758 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 JB3.08 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 J0.702 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 1.86 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 1.56 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Propene µg/m3 0.242 9.57 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 J1.38 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 J1.84 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 1,1,1-Trichloroethane µg/m3 0.144 114 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 9.20 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.944 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.703 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 J0.669 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Vinyl Acetate µg/m3 0.224 J1.38 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J3.07 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J4.45 12/01/2022 16:08TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 94146SG-12 5.43 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 J0.610 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 JB1.33 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 4.21 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Carbon Tetrachloride µg/m3 0.155 9.23 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Chloroform µg/m3 0.086 7.18 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Cyclohexane µg/m3 0.161 3.14 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 Page 4 of 23 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-327-0028 Report Limit Project:RMR.013 V 94146SG-12 J1.28 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 1,1-Dichloroethane µg/m3 0.101 10.7 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 1,1-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.107 5.97 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 2.10 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.108 J0.697 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 J0.892 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 JB2.38 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 J0.784 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 J1.18 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 10.7 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 J1.35 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 J1.85 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 1,1,1-Trichloroethane µg/m3 0.144 113 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 0.199 9.25 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 J0.590 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 J0.782 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 J1.27 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 J2.59 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 J3.86 12/01/2022 16:59TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 V 94147SG-13 17.5 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Acetone µg/m3 0.202 3.26 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Benzene µg/m3 0.073 B8.69 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Carbon Disulfide µg/m3 0.060 2.34 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Chlorobenzene µg/m3 0.107 3.00 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Chloroform µg/m3 0.086 J0.167 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Chloromethane µg/m3 0.067 8.88 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Cyclohexane µg/m3 0.161 3.13 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Dichlorodifluoromethane µg/m3 0.134 8.61 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 1,1-Dichloroethane µg/m3 0.101 1100 12/05/2022 11:53TO-15 1,1-Dichloroethene µg/m3 2.14 16.7 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.095 2.68 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene µg/m3 0.108 4.94 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Ethylbenzene µg/m3 0.106 J1.97 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 4-Ethyltoluene µg/m3 0.128 J0.659 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane µg/m3 0.561 5.55 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Heptane µg/m3 0.143 Page 5 of 23 Summary of Detected Analytes QualifiersAnalyzedUnitsResult Report Number: Client Sample ID Method Parameters Lab Sample ID 22-327-0028 Report Limit Project:RMR.013 V 94147SG-13 24.7 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 n-Hexane µg/m3 0.047 JB2.19 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Isopropyl Alchohol µg/m3 0.139 2.82 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)µg/m3 0.224 3.34 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Methylene Chloride µg/m3 0.489 323 12/05/2022 11:53TO-15 Propene µg/m3 4.84 J0.660 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Styrene µg/m3 0.124 J2.97 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Tetrachloroethene µg/m3 0.181 J1.19 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Tetrahydrofuran µg/m3 0.107 26.6 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Toluene µg/m3 0.090 9.80 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 1,1,1-Trichloroethane µg/m3 0.144 500 12/05/2022 11:53TO-15 Trichloroethene µg/m3 3.98 7.80 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Trichlorofluoromethane µg/m3 0.130 7.35 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.110 2.46 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene µg/m3 0.236 3.78 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Vinyl Chloride µg/m3 0.127 6.25 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 o-Xylene µg/m3 0.157 17.2 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 m,p-Xylene µg/m3 0.217 23.5 12/01/2022 17:49TO-15 Xylene (Total)µg/m3 0.157 Page 6 of 23 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-327-0028 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/23/2022 RMR.013 Report Date : 12/05/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:SG-DUP-112322 94145 Matrix: 11/23/2022 0:00 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V27226 12/01/22 09:00 6.00 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 0.601 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 1.65 JB µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 4.12 µg/m3 0.155 3.15 Carbon Tetrachloride 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 9.30 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.0673 µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 6.78 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.84 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 3.23 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 1.19 J µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 7 of 23 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-327-0028 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/23/2022 RMR.013 Report Date : 12/05/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:SG-DUP-112322 94145 Matrix: 11/23/2022 0:00 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V27226 12/01/22 09:00 10.5 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 5.85 µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 1.95 J µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80 Ethyl Acetate 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.106 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 0.690 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.143 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 0.758 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.05 2-Hexanone 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 3.08 JB µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 0.702 J µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 1.86 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 8 of 23 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-327-0028 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/23/2022 RMR.013 Report Date : 12/05/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:SG-DUP-112322 94145 Matrix: 11/23/2022 0:00 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V27226 12/01/22 09:00 1.56 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.124 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 9.57 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 1.38 J µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 1.84 J µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.087 2.73 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 114 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 9.20 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 0.944 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 0.703 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 0.669 J µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 1.38 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17 o-Xylene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 3.07 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231ENM 4.45 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 12/01/22 16:08 V27231 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 109 Limits: 70-130%12/01/22 16:081 ENM V27231 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 9 of 23 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-327-0028 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/23/2022 RMR.013 Report Date : 12/05/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:SG-12 94146 Matrix: 11/23/2022 8:39 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V27226 12/01/22 09:00 5.43 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 0.610 J µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 1.33 JB µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 4.21 µg/m3 0.155 3.15 Carbon Tetrachloride 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 9.23 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.0673 µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 7.18 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.84 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 3.14 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 1.28 J µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 10 of 23 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-327-0028 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/23/2022 RMR.013 Report Date : 12/05/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:SG-12 94146 Matrix: 11/23/2022 8:39 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V27226 12/01/22 09:00 10.7 µg/m3 0.107 1.981,1-Dichloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 5.97 µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 2.10 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80 Ethyl Acetate 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.106 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.128 µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 0.697 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.143 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 0.892 J µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.05 2-Hexanone 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 2.38 JB µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 0.784 J µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 1.18 J µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 11 of 23 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-327-0028 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/23/2022 RMR.013 Report Date : 12/05/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:SG-12 94146 Matrix: 11/23/2022 8:39 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V27226 12/01/22 09:00 <0.242 µg/m3 0.242 0.861Propene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.124 µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 10.7 µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.107 µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 1.35 J µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 1.85 J µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.087 2.73 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 113 µg/m3 0.199 2.15Trichloroethene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 9.25 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 0.590 J µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 0.782 J µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM <0.127 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 1.27 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17 o-Xylene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 2.59 J µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231ENM 3.86 J µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 12/01/22 16:59 V27231 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 109 Limits: 70-130%12/01/22 16:591 ENM V27231 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 12 of 23 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-327-0028 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/23/2022 RMR.013 Report Date : 12/05/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:SG-13 94147 Matrix: 11/23/2022 9:05 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V27226 12/01/22 09:00 V27254 12/05/22 09:00 17.5 µg/m3 0.202 4.75Acetone 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 3.26 µg/m3 0.073 1.60Benzene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.148 µg/m3 0.148 10.4Benzyl Chloride 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.150 µg/m3 0.150 3.35Bromodichloromethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.153 µg/m3 0.153 5.17Bromoform 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.115 µg/m3 0.115 1.94Bromomethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.328 µg/m3 0.328 1.111,3-Butadiene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 8.69 B µg/m3 0.060 6.23Carbon Disulfide 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.155 µg/m3 0.155 3.15 Carbon Tetrachloride 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 2.34 µg/m3 0.107 2.30Chlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.208 µg/m3 0.208 4.26Chlorodibromomethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.164 µg/m3 0.164 1.32Chloroethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 3.00 µg/m3 0.086 2.44Chloroform 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 0.167 J µg/m3 0.067 1.03Chloromethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 8.88 µg/m3 0.161 3.44Cyclohexane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.151 µg/m3 0.151 3.84 1,2-Dibromoethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.0963 µg/m3 0.096 3.011,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.174 µg/m3 0.174 12.01,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.186 µg/m3 0.186 3.011,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 3.13 µg/m3 0.134 2.47Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 8.61 µg/m3 0.101 2.021,1-Dichloroethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.129 µg/m3 0.129 2.021,2-Dichloroethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 13 of 23 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-327-0028 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/23/2022 RMR.013 Report Date : 12/05/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:SG-13 94147 Matrix: 11/23/2022 9:05 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V27226 12/01/22 09:00 V27254 12/05/22 09:00 1100 µg/m3 2.14 39.61,1-Dichloroethene 20 12/05/22 11:53 V27256ENM 16.7 µg/m3 0.095 1.98cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 2.68 µg/m3 0.108 1.98trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.205 µg/m3 0.205 2.311,2-Dichloropropane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.623 µg/m3 0.623 3.501,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.178 µg/m3 0.178 2.27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.435 µg/m3 0.435 1.801,4-Dioxane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.136 µg/m3 0.136 1.80 Ethyl Acetate 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 4.94 µg/m3 0.106 2.17Ethylbenzene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 1.97 J µg/m3 0.128 2.464-Ethyltoluene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 0.659 J µg/m3 0.561 3.831,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 5.55 µg/m3 0.143 2.05Heptane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.330 µg/m3 0.330 5.33Hexachlorobutadiene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 24.7 µg/m3 0.047 1.76n-Hexane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.285 µg/m3 0.285 2.05 2-Hexanone 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 2.19 JB µg/m3 0.139 4.92Isopropyl Alchohol 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 2.82 µg/m3 0.224 1.47Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.0336 µg/m3 0.033 1.80Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.121 µg/m3 0.121 2.054-Methyl-2-Pentanone 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 3.34 µg/m3 0.489 1.74Methylene Chloride 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.183 µg/m3 0.183 2.62Naphthalene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 14 of 23 , REPORT OF ANALYSISReport Number : Project Information : NC 28203 22-327-0028 01102 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 2923 South Tryon St. Ste 100 Alexis McKenzie Charlotte Received : 11/23/2022 RMR.013 Report Date : 12/05/2022 Sample ID : Lab No : Sampled:SG-13 94147 Matrix: 11/23/2022 9:05 Air Analytical Method: Prep Method: Test Results Units MDL MQL By Analytical Batch Date / Time Analyzed DF TO-15 Prep TO-15 Prep Batch(es):V27226 12/01/22 09:00 V27254 12/05/22 09:00 323 µg/m3 4.84 17.2Propene 20 12/05/22 11:53 V27256ENM 0.660 J µg/m3 0.124 2.13Styrene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.104 µg/m3 0.104 3.431,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 2.97 J µg/m3 0.181 3.39Tetrachloroethene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 1.19 J µg/m3 0.107 1.47Tetrahydrofuran 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 26.6 µg/m3 0.090 1.88Toluene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.209 µg/m3 0.209 3.711,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 9.80 µg/m3 0.144 2.731,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.0877 µg/m3 0.087 2.73 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 500 µg/m3 3.98 43.0Trichloroethene 20 12/05/22 11:53 V27256ENM 7.80 µg/m3 0.130 2.81Trichlorofluoromethane 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 7.35 µg/m3 0.110 2.461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 2.46 µg/m3 0.236 2.461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM <0.224 µg/m3 0.224 1.76Vinyl Acetate 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 3.78 µg/m3 0.127 1.28Vinyl Chloride 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 6.25 µg/m3 0.157 2.17 o-Xylene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 17.2 µg/m3 0.217 5.65m,p-Xylene 1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231ENM 23.5 µg/m3 0.157 2.17Xylene (Total)1 12/01/22 17:49 V27231 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 108 Limits: 70-130%12/01/22 17:491 ENM V27231 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 92.2 Limits: 70-130%12/05/22 11:5320 ENM V27256 Qualifiers/ Definitions Dilution FactorDFAnalyte detected in blankB Method Quantitation LimitMQLEstimated valueJ Page 15 of 23 Quality Control Data 22-327-0028Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR.013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V27231QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V27226 Associated Lab Samples: 94145, 94146, 94147 LRB-V27226 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 12/01/22 11:064.750.2020.290µg/m3Acetone 12/01/22 11:061.600.0733<0.0733µg/m3Benzene 12/01/22 11:0610.40.148<0.148µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 12/01/22 11:063.350.150<0.150µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 12/01/22 11:065.170.153<0.153µg/m3Bromoform 12/01/22 11:061.940.115<0.115µg/m3Bromomethane 12/01/22 11:061.110.328<0.328µg/m31,3-Butadiene 12/01/22 11:066.230.06081.10µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 12/01/22 11:063.150.155<0.155µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 12/01/22 11:062.300.107<0.107µg/m3Chlorobenzene 12/01/22 11:064.260.208<0.208µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 12/01/22 11:061.320.164<0.164µg/m3Chloroethane 12/01/22 11:062.440.0864<0.0864µg/m3Chloroform 12/01/22 11:061.030.0673<0.0673µg/m3Chloromethane 12/01/22 11:063.440.161<0.161µg/m3Cyclohexane 12/01/22 11:063.840.151<0.151µg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 12/01/22 11:063.010.0963<0.0963µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 12/01/22 11:0612.00.174<0.174µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 12/01/22 11:063.010.186<0.186µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 12/01/22 11:062.470.134<0.134µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 12/01/22 11:062.020.101<0.101µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 12/01/22 11:062.020.129<0.129µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 12/01/22 11:061.980.107<0.107µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 12/01/22 11:061.980.0955<0.0955µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 12/01/22 11:061.980.108<0.108µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 12/01/22 11:062.310.205<0.205µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 12/01/22 11:063.500.623<0.623µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane Page 1 of 6Date:12/05/2022 03:13 PM Page 16 of 23 Quality Control Data 22-327-0028Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR.013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V27231QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V27226 Associated Lab Samples: 94145, 94146, 94147 LRB-V27226 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 12/01/22 11:062.270.178<0.178µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 12/01/22 11:062.270.178<0.178µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 12/01/22 11:061.800.435<0.435µg/m31,4-Dioxane 12/01/22 11:061.800.136<0.136µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 12/01/22 11:062.170.106<0.106µg/m3Ethylbenzene 12/01/22 11:062.460.128<0.128µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 12/01/22 11:063.830.561<0.561µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 12/01/22 11:062.050.143<0.143µg/m3Heptane 12/01/22 11:065.330.330<0.330µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 12/01/22 11:061.760.0472<0.0472µg/m3n-Hexane 12/01/22 11:062.050.285<0.285µg/m32-Hexanone 12/01/22 11:064.920.1391.29µg/m3Isopropyl Alchohol 12/01/22 11:061.470.224<0.224µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 12/01/22 11:061.800.0336<0.0336µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 12/01/22 11:062.050.121<0.121µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 12/01/22 11:061.740.489<0.489µg/m3Methylene Chloride 12/01/22 11:062.620.183<0.183µg/m3Naphthalene 12/01/22 11:060.8610.242<0.242µg/m3Propene 12/01/22 11:062.130.124<0.124µg/m3Styrene 12/01/22 11:063.430.104<0.104µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 12/01/22 11:063.390.181<0.181µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 12/01/22 11:061.470.107<0.107µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 12/01/22 11:061.880.0901<0.0901µg/m3Toluene 12/01/22 11:063.710.209<0.209µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 12/01/22 11:062.730.144<0.144µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 12/01/22 11:062.730.0877<0.0877µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 12/01/22 11:062.150.199<0.199µg/m3Trichloroethene Page 2 of 6Date:12/05/2022 03:13 PM Page 17 of 23 Quality Control Data 22-327-0028Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR.013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V27231QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V27226 Associated Lab Samples: 94145, 94146, 94147 LRB-V27226 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 12/01/22 11:062.810.130<0.130µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 12/01/22 11:062.460.110<0.110µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 12/01/22 11:062.460.236<0.236µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 12/01/22 11:061.760.224<0.224µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 12/01/22 11:061.280.127<0.127µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 12/01/22 11:062.170.157<0.157µg/m3o-Xylene 12/01/22 11:065.650.217<0.217µg/m3m,p-Xylene 12/01/22 11:064-Bromofluorobenzene (S)103 70-130 LCS-V27226Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 73.88.7911.9µg/m3Acetone 70-130 94.315.116.0µg/m3Benzene 70-130 10727.825.9µg/m3Benzyl Chloride 70-130 88.929.833.5µg/m3Bromodichloromethane 70-130 95.349.351.7µg/m3Bromoform 70-130 95.818.619.4µg/m3Bromomethane 70-130 90.910.111.1µg/m31,3-Butadiene 70-130 98.015.315.6µg/m3Carbon Disulfide 70-130µg/m3Carbon Tetrachloride 70-130 10023.123.0µg/m3Chlorobenzene 70-130 98.141.842.6µg/m3Chlorodibromomethane 70-130 94.612.513.2µg/m3Chloroethane 70-130 92.622.624.4µg/m3Chloroform 70-130 94.29.7110.3µg/m3Chloromethane 70-130 91.215.717.2µg/m3Cyclohexane 70-130 Page 3 of 6Date:12/05/2022 03:13 PM Page 18 of 23 Quality Control Data 22-327-0028Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR.013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V27231QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V27226 LCS-V27226Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 98.637.938.4µg/m31,2-Dibromoethane 70-130 10932.730.1µg/m31,2-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 10230.730.1µg/m31,3-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 10431.330.1µg/m31,4-Dichlorobenzene 70-130 86.621.424.7µg/m3Dichlorodifluoromethane 70-130 95.519.320.2µg/m31,1-Dichloroethane 70-130 87.117.620.2µg/m31,2-Dichloroethane 70-130 92.418.319.8µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 70-130 94.418.719.8µg/m3cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130 93.918.619.8µg/m3trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 70-130 93.921.723.1µg/m31,2-Dichloropropane 70-130 92.532.435.0µg/m31,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 70-130 92.921.122.7µg/m3cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 92.921.122.7µg/m3trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 70-130 94.417.018.0µg/m31,4-Dioxane 70-130µg/m3Ethyl Acetate 70-130 10021.821.7µg/m3Ethylbenzene 70-130 10124.924.6µg/m34-Ethyltoluene 70-130µg/m31,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 70-130 92.619.020.5µg/m3Heptane 70-130 99.252.953.3µg/m3Hexachlorobutadiene 70-130 90.916.017.6µg/m3n-Hexane 70-130 94.119.320.5µg/m32-Hexanone 70-130 88.610.912.3µg/m3Isopropyl Alchohol 70-130 85.812.714.8µg/m3Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)70-130 91.616.518.0µg/m3Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)70-130 89.718.420.5µg/m34-Methyl-2-Pentanone 70-130 Page 4 of 6Date:12/05/2022 03:13 PM Page 19 of 23 Quality Control Data 22-327-0028Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR.013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V27231QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V27226 LCS-V27226Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 85.014.817.4µg/m3Methylene Chloride 70-130 99.626.126.2µg/m3Naphthalene 70-130 85.97.408.61µg/m3Propene 70-130µg/m3Styrene 70-130 10335.434.3µg/m31,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 70-130 92.631.433.9µg/m3Tetrachloroethene 70-130 89.713.214.7µg/m3Tetrahydrofuran 70-130 95.217.918.8µg/m3Toluene 70-130 94.335.037.1µg/m31,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 70-130 88.624.227.3µg/m31,1,1-Trichloroethane 70-130 10027.427.3µg/m31,1,2-Trichloroethane 70-130 91.424.626.9µg/m3Trichloroethene 70-130 90.025.328.1µg/m3Trichlorofluoromethane 70-130 10525.924.6µg/m31,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 10325.424.6µg/m31,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 70-130 99.417.517.6µg/m3Vinyl Acetate 70-130 94.512.112.8µg/m3Vinyl Chloride 70-130 10122.021.7µg/m3o-Xylene 70-130 92.840.343.4µg/m3m,p-Xylene 70-130 1064-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 Page 5 of 6Date:12/05/2022 03:13 PM Page 20 of 23 Quality Control Data 22-327-0028Report No: Project Description: Client ID:Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) RMR.013 QC Prep Batch Method: Volatile Organic Compounds in Air- GC/MS TO-15 V27256QC Analytical Batch(es): Analysis Method: Analysis Description: TO-15 Prep QC Prep:V27254 Associated Lab Samples: 94147 LRB-V27254 Matrix: AIRLab Reagent Blank Parameter AnalyzedMQLMDLBlank ResultUnits % Recovery % Rec Limits 12/05/22 11:111.980.107<0.107µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 12/05/22 11:110.8600.242<0.242µg/m3Propene 12/05/22 11:112.150.199<0.199µg/m3Trichloroethene 12/05/22 11:114-Bromofluorobenzene (S)94.6 70-130 LCS-V27254Laboratory Control Sample Parameter LCS %RecLCS Result Spike Conc.Units % Rec Limits 10120.019.8µg/m31,1-Dichloroethene 70-130µg/m3Propene 70-130 89.524.126.9µg/m3Trichloroethene 70-130 1004-Bromofluorobenzene (S)70-130 Page 6 of 6Date:12/05/2022 03:13 PM Page 21 of 23 Fed Ex UPS US Postal Client Lab Courier Other : Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number: Customer Name: Report Number:22-327-0028 Hart & Hickman (Charlotte) 01102 Shipping Method Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Thermometer ID:N/A Chain of Custody (COC) present?Yes No Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No COC agrees with sample label(s)? Yes No COC properly completed Samples in proper containers? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? All samples received within holding time? Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoCooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/ASoil VOA method 5035 – compliance criteria met Water - Sample containers properly preserved Water - VOA vials free of headspace Yes No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) High concentration container (48 hr) Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Number of coolers/boxes received Yes No 1 Signature:Angelo Norvell Date & Time:11/23/2022 14:54:43 Special precautions or instructions included? Comments: Page 22 of 23 Page 23 of 23 Appendix D DEQ Risk Calculators Version Date: Basis: Site Name: Site Address: DEQ Section: Site ID: Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Reviewed By: Worst-Case Post Excavation North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator National Welders Supply Gesco Street & State Street Brownfields Redevelopment Section 25035-21-060 January 2023 November 2022 EPA RSL Table 4/13/2023 Prepared By:H&H North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Complete Exposure Pathways Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25035-21-060 Exposure Unit ID: Worst-Case Post Excavation Note: Risk output will only be calculated for complete exposure pathways. Receptor Pathway Check box if pathway complete Soil Groundwater Use Soil Groundwater Use Construction Worker Soil Soil Surface Water Groundwater to Indoor Air Soil Gas to Indoor Air Indoor Air Groundwater to Indoor Air Soil Gas to Indoor Air Indoor Air Source Soil Source Groundwater Source Soil Source Groundwater Resident Non-Residential Worker CONTAMINANT MIGRATION PATHWAYS Groundwater Surface Water Input Form 1A VAPOR INTRUSION PATHWAYS DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER PATHWAYS Resident Non-Residential Worker Recreator/Trespasser North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Exposure Point Concentrations Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25035-21-060 Exposure Unit ID: Worst-Case Post Excavation NOTE: If the chemical list is changed from a prior calculator run, remember to select "See All Chemicals" on the data output sheet or newly added chemicals will not be included in risk calculations Exposure Point Concentration (mg/kg) Notes:CAS Number Chemical For the chemicals highlighted in blue, data entry notes are provided in the PSRG Table link on the Main Menu Minimum Concentration (Qualifier) Maximum Concentration (Qualifier) Units Location of Maximum Concentration Detection Frequency Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening Background Value Screening Toxicity Value (Screening Level) (n/c) Potential ARAR/TBC Value Potential ARAR/TBC Source COPC Flag (Y/N) Rationale for Selection or Deletion 0.025 67-64-1 Acetone mg/kg 0.002 71-43-2 Benzene mg/kg 0.001 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide mg/kg 0.001 67-66-3 Chloroform mg/kg 0.005 75-34-3 Dichloroethane, 1,1-mg/kg 0.021 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-mg/kg 0.043 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-mg/kg 0.008 637-92-3 Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)mg/kg 0.002 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)mg/kg 0.007 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride mg/kg 0.003 108-88-3 Toluene mg/kg 0.002 71-55-6 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-mg/kg 0.019 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene mg/kg 0.0006 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-mg/kg Input Form 2A Soil Exposure Point Concentration Table Description of Exposure Point Concentration Selection: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Exposure Point Concentrations Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25035-21-060 Exposure Unit ID: Worst-Case Post Excavation Description of Exposure Point Concentration Selection: Exposure Point Concentration (ug/m3) Notes:CAS Number Chemical Minimum Concentration (Qualifier) Maximum Concentration (Qualifier) Units Location of Maximum Concentration Detection Frequency Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening Background Value Screening Toxicity Value (Screening Level) (n/c) Potential ARAR/TBC Value Potential ARAR/TBC Source COPC Flag (Y/N) Rationale for Selection or Deletion 17.5 67-64-1 Acetone ug/m3 3.26 71-43-2 Benzene ug/m3 8.96 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide ug/m3 4.21 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/m3 2.34 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ug/m3 9.3 67-66-3 Chloroform ug/m3 0.167 74-87-3 Chloromethane ug/m3 8.88 110-82-7 Cyclohexane ug/m3 3.23 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/m3 8.61 75-34-3 Dichloroethane, 1,1-ug/m3 1100 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-ug/m3 16.7 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-ug/m3 2.68 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-ug/m3 4.94 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ug/m3 1.19 109-99-9 ~Tetrahydrofuran ug/m3 5.55 142-82-5 Heptane, N-ug/m3 24.7 110-54-3 Hexane, N-ug/m3 3.08 67-63-0 Isopropanol ug/m3 2.82 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)ug/m3 3.34 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ug/m3 323 115-07-1 Propylene ug/m3 0.66 100-42-5 Styrene ug/m3 10.7 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ug/m3 26.6 108-88-3 Toluene ug/m3 0.697 76-13-1 Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2-ug/m3 9.8 71-55-6 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-ug/m3 500 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ug/m3 9.25 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/m3 7.35 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-ug/m3 2.46 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-ug/m3 0.669 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ug/m3 3.78 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ug/m3 17.2 108-38-3 Xylene, m-ug/m3 6.25 95-47-6 Xylene, o-ug/m3 Input Form 2D Soil Gas Exposure Point Concentration Table Note: Chemicals highlighted in orange are non-volatile chemicals. Since these chemicals do not pose a vapor intrusion risk, no risk values are calculated for these chemicals. If the chemical list is changed from a prior calculator run, remember to select "See All Chemicals" on the data output sheet or newly added chemicals will not be included in risk calculations North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form 1A Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25035-21-060 Exposure Unit ID: Worst-Case Post Excavation Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Soil 2.0E-08 4.1E-03 NO Groundwater Use*NC NC NC Soil 3.5E-09 8.4E-04 NO Groundwater Use*NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil 8.1E-10 9.3E-03 NO Soil NC NC NC Surface Water*NC NC NC Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil Gas to Indoor Air 3.5E-05 7.4E+00 YES Indoor Air NC NC NC Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air NC NC NC Pathway Source Source Soil NC Source Groundwater NC Source Soil NC Source Groundwater NC Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. Notes: 3. NM = Not modeled, user did not check this pathway as complete. 4. NC = Pathway not calculated, required contaminant migration parameters were not entered. DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker Recreator/Trespasser 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Direct Contact - Resident Soil Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25035-21-060 Exposure Unit ID: Worst-Case Post Excavation * - Note that inhalation on this calculator refers to outdoor inhalation of volatiles and particulates, not indoor inhalation associated with vapor intrusion. CAS #Chemical Name: Ingestion Concentratio n (mg/kg) Dermal Concentratio n (mg/kg) Inhalation Concentratio n (mg/kg)* Ingestion Carcinogenic Risk Dermal Carcinogenic Risk Inhalation Carcinogenic Risk* Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Hazard Quotient Dermal Hazard Quotient Inhalation Hazard Quotient* Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 0.025 0.025 0.025 3.6E-07 3.6E-07 71-43-2 Benzene 0.002 0.002 0.002 1.6E-10 1.5E-09 1.6E-09 6.4E-06 1.7E-05 2.3E-05 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 0.001 0.001 0.001 1.3E-07 4.4E-07 5.6E-07 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.001 0.001 0.001 4.5E-11 2.6E-09 2.7E-09 1.3E-06 3.1E-06 4.4E-06 75-34-3 Dichloroethane, 1,1-0.005 0.005 0.005 4.1E-11 9.1E-10 9.5E-10 3.2E-07 3.2E-07 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-0.021 0.021 0.021 5.4E-06 3.2E-05 3.7E-05 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-0.043 0.043 0.043 2.7E-04 3.3E-04 6.0E-04 637-92-3 Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)0.008 0.008 0.008 5.8E-11 5.8E-11 1.0E-07 4.9E-08 1.5E-07 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)0.002 0.002 0.002 5.2E-12 3.5E-11 4.1E-11 1.2E-07 1.2E-07 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.007 0.007 0.007 9.1E-11 2.2E-11 1.1E-10 1.5E-05 3.6E-06 1.8E-05 108-88-3 Toluene 0.003 0.003 0.003 4.8E-07 1.3E-07 6.1E-07 71-55-6 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-0.002 0.002 0.002 1.3E-08 1.2E-07 1.3E-07 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.019 0.019 0.019 2.2E-09 1.3E-08 1.5E-08 4.9E-04 2.9E-03 3.4E-03 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 7.7E-07 1.1E-06 1.9E-06 Cumulative:2.0E-08 4.1E-03 Output Form 2A ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate cancer risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the EPA screening level of 400 mg/kg for residential soil. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Direct Contact - Non-Residential Worker Soil Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25035-21-060 Exposure Unit ID: Worst-Case Post Excavation * - Note that inhalation on this calculator refers to outdoor inhalation of volatiles and particulates, not indoor inhalation associated with vapor intrusion. CAS #Chemical Name: Ingestion Concentratio n (mg/kg) Dermal Concentratio n (mg/kg) Inhalation Concentratio n (mg/kg)* Ingestion Carcinogenic Risk Dermal Carcinogenic Risk Inhalation Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Hazard Quotient Dermal Hazard Quotient Inhalation Hazard Quotient Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 0.025 0.025 0.025 2.4E-08 2.4E-08 71-43-2 Benzene 0.002 0.002 0.002 3.4E-11 3.4E-10 3.7E-10 4.3E-07 4.0E-06 4.5E-06 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 0.001 0.001 0.001 8.6E-09 1.0E-07 1.1E-07 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.001 0.001 0.001 9.5E-12 6.0E-10 6.1E-10 8.6E-08 7.4E-07 8.3E-07 75-34-3 Dichloroethane, 1,1-0.005 0.005 0.005 8.7E-12 2.1E-10 2.2E-10 2.1E-08 2.1E-08 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-0.021 0.021 0.021 3.6E-07 7.6E-06 8.0E-06 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-0.043 0.043 0.043 1.8E-05 7.8E-05 9.7E-05 637-92-3 Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)0.008 0.008 0.008 1.3E-11 1.3E-11 6.8E-09 1.2E-08 1.9E-08 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)0.002 0.002 0.002 1.1E-12 8.1E-12 9.2E-12 2.9E-08 2.9E-08 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.007 0.007 0.007 4.3E-12 1.8E-12 6.1E-12 1.0E-06 8.5E-07 1.8E-06 108-88-3 Toluene 0.003 0.003 0.003 3.2E-08 3.0E-08 6.2E-08 71-55-6 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-0.002 0.002 0.002 8.6E-10 2.9E-08 3.0E-08 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.019 0.019 0.019 2.7E-10 2.0E-09 2.3E-09 3.3E-05 6.9E-04 7.2E-04 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 5.1E-08 2.7E-07 3.2E-07 Cumulative:3.5E-09 8.4E-04 Output Form 2C ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate cancer risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the EPA screening level of 800 mg/kg for commercial/industrial soil. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Direct Contact - Construction Worker Soil Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25035-21-060 Exposure Unit ID: Worst-Case Post Excavation * - Note that inhalation on this calculator refers to outdoor inhalation of volatiles and particulates, not indoor inhalation associated with vapor intrusion. CAS #Chemical Name: Ingestion Concentratio n (mg/kg) Dermal Concentratio n (mg/kg) Inhalation Concentratio n (mg/kg)* Ingestion Carcinogenic Risk Dermal Carcinogenic Risk Inhalation Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Hazard Quotient Dermal Hazard Quotient Inhalation Hazard Quotient Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 0.025 0.025 0.025 1.2E-07 1.2E-07 71-43-2 Benzene 0.002 0.002 0.002 4.4E-12 6.4E-11 6.9E-11 5.9E-07 7.5E-06 8.1E-06 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 0.001 0.001 0.001 2.9E-08 1.3E-06 1.3E-06 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.001 0.001 0.001 1.3E-12 1.3E-10 1.3E-10 2.9E-08 1.7E-06 1.7E-06 75-34-3 Dichloroethane, 1,1-0.005 0.005 0.005 1.2E-12 5.6E-11 5.7E-11 7.4E-09 7.4E-09 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-0.021 0.021 0.021 6.9E-06 4.9E-03 4.9E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-0.043 0.043 0.043 6.3E-06 4.6E-05 5.2E-05 637-92-3 Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (ETBE)0.008 0.008 0.008 2.5E-12 2.5E-12 2.4E-08 5.8E-08 8.1E-08 1634-04-4 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)0.002 0.002 0.002 1.5E-13 1.5E-12 1.7E-12 1.4E-07 1.4E-07 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 0.007 0.007 0.007 5.7E-13 4.6E-13 1.0E-12 3.4E-07 3.3E-06 3.6E-06 108-88-3 Toluene 0.003 0.003 0.003 1.1E-08 1.5E-07 1.6E-07 71-55-6 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-0.002 0.002 0.002 8.4E-10 2.6E-07 2.6E-07 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.019 0.019 0.019 3.5E-11 5.1E-10 5.5E-10 1.1E-04 4.2E-03 4.4E-03 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 4.4E-08 4.0E-07 4.5E-07 Cumulative:8.1E-10 9.3E-03 Output Form 2E ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate cancer risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the EPA screening level of 800 mg/kg for commercial/industrial soil. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Vapor Intrusion - Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25035-21-060 Exposure Unit ID: Worst-Case Post Excavation CAS #Chemical Name: Soil Gas Concentration (ug/m3) Calculated Indoor Air Concentration (ug/m3) Target Indoor Air Conc. for Carcinogens @ TCR = 1E-06 Target Indoor Air Conc. for Non- Carcinogens @ THQ = 0.2 Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 17.5 0.525 -- 71-43-2 Benzene 3.26 0.0978 3.6E-01 6.3E+00 2.7E-07 3.1E-03 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 8.96 0.2688 -1.5E+02 3.7E-04 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 4.21 0.1263 4.7E-01 2.1E+01 2.7E-07 1.2E-03 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 2.34 0.0702 -1.0E+01 1.3E-03 67-66-3 Chloroform 9.3 0.279 1.2E-01 2.0E+01 2.3E-06 2.7E-03 74-87-3 Chloromethane 0.167 0.00501 -1.9E+01 5.3E-05 110-82-7 Cyclohexane 8.88 0.2664 -1.3E+03 4.3E-05 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 3.23 0.0969 -2.1E+01 9.3E-04 75-34-3 Dichloroethane, 1,1-8.61 0.2583 1.8E+00 -1.5E-07 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-1100 33 -4.2E+01 1.6E-01 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-16.7 0.501 -8.3E+00 1.2E-02 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-2.68 0.0804 -8.3E+00 1.9E-03 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 4.94 0.1482 1.1E+00 2.1E+02 1.3E-07 1.4E-04 109-99-9 ~Tetrahydrofuran 1.19 0.0357 -4.2E+02 1.7E-05 142-82-5 Heptane, N-5.55 0.1665 -8.3E+01 4.0E-04 110-54-3 Hexane, N-24.7 0.741 -1.5E+02 1.0E-03 67-63-0 Isopropanol 3.08 0.0924 -4.2E+01 4.4E-04 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)2.82 0.0846 -1.0E+03 1.6E-05 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 3.34 0.1002 1.0E+02 1.3E+02 9.9E-10 1.6E-04 115-07-1 Propylene 323 9.69 -6.3E+02 3.1E-03 100-42-5 Styrene 0.66 0.0198 -2.1E+02 1.9E-05 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 10.7 0.321 1.1E+01 8.3E+00 3.0E-08 7.7E-03 108-88-3 Toluene 26.6 0.798 -1.0E+03 1.5E-04 76-13-1 Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2-0.697 0.02091 -1.0E+03 4.0E-06 71-55-6 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-9.8 0.294 -1.0E+03 5.6E-05 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 500 15 4.8E-01 4.2E-01 3.1E-05 7.2E+00 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 9.25 0.2775 -- 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-7.35 0.2205 -1.3E+01 3.5E-03 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-2.46 0.0738 -1.3E+01 1.2E-03 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate 0.669 0.02007 -4.2E+01 9.6E-05 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 3.78 0.1134 1.7E-01 1.7E+01 6.8E-07 1.4E-03 108-38-3 Xylene, m-17.2 0.516 -2.1E+01 4.9E-03 95-47-6 Xylene, o-6.25 0.1875 -2.1E+01 1.8E-03 Cumulative:3.5E-05 7.4E+00 All concentrations are in ug/m3 Output Form 3B Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Since these chemicals do not pose a vapor intrusion risk, no risk values are calculated for these chemicals. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Appendix E Boring Logs NOTES: Hole precleared by H&H using hand auger. Hand Auger all 6' bgs. Install SG-12 at 6' bgs. Sand 6" above top of screen. generated using GroundLogs.online Client: Project: Address: RMR RMR-013 Gesco Street & State Street,Charlotte, NC BORING LOG Boring No. Page: SG-12 1 of 1 Drilling Start Date: Drilling End Date: Drilling Company: Drilling Method: Drilling Equipment: Driller: Logged By: 11/22/22 11/22/22 H&H Other CMB Boring Depth (ft): Boring Diameter (in): Sampling Method(s): DTW During Drilling (ft): DTW After Drilling (ft): Ground Surface Elev. (ft): Location (X,Y): 6.0 3.25 DEPTH (ft)LITHOLOGYWATER LEVELBORINGCOMPLETIONCOLLECT Sample TypeTimeBlow CountsRecovery (ft)SOIL/ROCK VISUAL DESCRIPTION MEASURE PID (ppm)Lab SampleDEPTH (ft)0 5 10 (0') SILT (ML); few medium sand, some clay, medium stiff, moist, red-brown w/ some green brown (2.5') SILT (ML); few medium sand, some clay, medium stiff, moist, red-brown (6') Boring terminated 0.8 1.2 1.5 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 5 10 Hand Auger CMB NOTES: Hole precleared by H&H using hand auger. Hand Auger all 6' bgs. Install SG-13 at 6' bgs. Sand 6" above top of screen. generated using GroundLogs.online Client: Project: Address: RMR RMR-013 Gesco Street & State Street,Charlotte, NC BORING LOG Boring No. Page: SG-13 1 of 1 Drilling Start Date: Drilling End Date: Drilling Company: Drilling Method: Drilling Equipment: Driller: Logged By: 11/22/22 11/22/22 H&H Other CMB Boring Depth (ft): Boring Diameter (in): Sampling Method(s): DTW During Drilling (ft): DTW After Drilling (ft): Ground Surface Elev. (ft): Location (X,Y): 6.0 3.25 DEPTH (ft)LITHOLOGYWATER LEVELBORINGCOMPLETIONCOLLECT Sample TypeTimeBlow CountsRecovery (ft)SOIL/ROCK VISUAL DESCRIPTION MEASURE PID (ppm)Lab SampleDEPTH (ft)0 5 10 (0') SILT (ML); few medium sand, some clay, medium stiff, moist, red-brown w/ some green brown (2.5') SILT (ML); few medium sand, some clay, medium stiff, moist, red-brown (6') Boring terminated 0.8 1.2 1.5 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 5 10 Hand Auger CMB Appendix F Field Forms &Žƌŵ^sͲϭ6XE6ODE6RLO*DV9DSRU,QVWDOODWLRQ)LHOG)RUP3URMHFW1RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB6DPSOHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB:HDWKHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB6XUIDFH0DWHULDO6ODE7KLFNQHVV LIDSSO 0DWHULDO%HORZ6ODE LIDSSO 'HSWKRI6FUHHQ LIDSSO 7\SH 'DWH 7LPH$PELHQW7HPS3XUJH0HWKRG9ROXPH3XUJHG6KURXG+HOLXP&RQF3XUJH+HOLXP&RQF/HDN7HVW3DVV" VHHQRWH 666*3HUP7HPS&RQFUHWHVRLOJUDYHODVSKDOW,QFKHV*UDYHOVDQGFOD\HWFIWEJV)XOOVDPSOHWUDLQRUSRLQWRQO\PPGG\\KUR)6\ULQJHSXPS/LWHUV VHHQRWHVIRUFDOF SSP<HV1R^͗͗Z͗^͗͗Z͗^͗͗Z͗^͗͗Z͗^͗͗Z͗^͗͗Z͗6 VDPSOH,'& FDQLVWHU,'5 UHJXODWRU,'66 VXEVODE6* VRLOJDV3HUP SHUPDQHQW7HPS WHPSRUDU\9ROXPH3XUJHG [SXUJHYROXPHV  / D/DVWXSGDWHG+J LQFKHVRIPHUFXU\SSP SDUWVSHUPLOOLRQ1RWHVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB6DPSOH,'7\SH9DSRU0RQLWRULQJ3RLQW&RQVWUXFWLRQ +HOLXP/HDN7HVWEŽƚĞ͗>ĞĂŬdĞƐƚZĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐWĞƌEYtDsĂƉŽƌ/ŶƚƌƵƐŝŽŶ'ƵŝĚĂŶĐĞ͕ůĞĂŬƚĞƐƚƉĂƐƐĞƐŝĨŚĞůŝƵŵĐŽŶĐĞŶƚƌĂƚŝŽŶŝŶƉƵƌŐĞĂŝƌŝƐůĞƐƐƚŚĂŶϭϬйŽĨŚĞůŝƵŵĐŽŶĐĞŶƚƌĂƚŝŽŶŝŶƐŚƌŽƵĚ͘/ OHQJWKRIWXELQJSLSH IW D IRUGLDPHWHU /IW D IRUGLDPHWHU /IW ^͗ͰDĂƐƚĞƌdĞŵƉůĂƚĞƐͰ&ŽƌŵƐͲϮϬϮϮ&ŽƌŵƐͰsĂƉŽƌ^ĂŵƉůŝŶŐ&ŽƌŵƐͺsϲ͘Ϯ͘ƉĚĨ^ƵďͲ^ůĂďͬ^Žŝů'ĂƐ^ĂŵƉůŝŶŐsĂƉŽƌ/ŶƐƚĂůůĂƚŝŽŶ&ŝĞůĚ&Žƌŵ,ĂƌƚΘ,ŝĐŬŵĂŶ͕WRMR.013CMBlow 39F, high 67F, sunnySG Temp. Soil NA NA5.5Full082848 Syringe 1L 8.3 0 YSG-12/SG-DUP-1123225991/5986 14316SG-1313693SG Temp. Soil NA NA5.5Full085748 Syringe 1L 6.9 0 Y6556- operating gas-powered equipment forconstruction on the site11/23/2211/23/22 &Žƌŵ^sͲϮ6XE6ODE6RLO*DV9DSRU6DPSOLQJ)LHOG)RUP3URMHFW1RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6DPSOHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB :HDWKHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'DWH3URSRVHG6DPSOLQJ'XUDWLRQ7LPH&DQLVWHU3UHVVXUH2XWGRRU7HPSHUDWXUH2XWGRRU+XPLGLW\,QGRRU7HPSHUDWXUH,QGRRU+XPLGLW\PPGG\\ 0LQXWHVKU+JR)R)^͗%HJLQQLQJ͗0LGGOHZ͗(QG^͗%HJLQQLQJ͗0LGGOHZ͗(QG^͗%HJLQQLQJ͗0LGGOHZ͗(QG^͗%HJLQQLQJ͗0LGGOHZ͗(QG^͗%HJLQQLQJ͗0LGGOHZ͗(QG^͗%HJLQQLQJ͗0LGGOHZ͗(QG6 VDPSOH,'& FDQLVWHU,'5 UHJXODWRU,'66 VXEVODE6* VRLOJDV3HUP SHUPDQHQW7HPS WHPSRUDU\/DVWXSGDWHG+J LQFKHVRIPHUFXU\1RWHVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^ŝnjĞ͗&ůŽǁZĂƚĞ͗^ŝnjĞ͗&ůŽǁZĂƚĞ͗6DPSOH,'^ŝnjĞ͗&ůŽǁZĂƚĞ͗^ŝnjĞ͗&ůŽǁZĂƚĞ͗^ŝnjĞ͗&ůŽǁZĂƚĞ͗^ŝnjĞ͗&ůŽǁZĂƚĞ͗6DPSOLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQ ,QGRRU3DUDPHWHUV2XWGRRU3DUDPHWHUV6DPSOLQJ3HULRGEŽƚĞ͗WĞƌEYtDsĂƉŽƌ/ŶƚƌƵƐŝŽŶ'ƵŝĚĂŶĐĞ͕ƐŚƵƚͲŝŶƚĞƐƚĂŶĚŚĞůŝƵŵůĞĂŬĐŚĞĐŬŵƵƐƚďĞƉĂƐƐĞĚďĞĨŽƌĞƐĂŵƉůŝŶŐ͘^͗ͰDĂƐƚĞƌdĞŵƉůĂƚĞƐͰ&ŽƌŵƐͲϮϬϮϮ&ŽƌŵƐͰsĂƉŽƌ^ĂŵƉůŝŶŐ&ŽƌŵƐͺsϲ͘Ϯ͘ƉĚĨ^ƵďͲ^ůĂďͬ^Žŝů'ĂƐ^ĂŵƉůŝŶŐsĂƉŽƌ^ĂŵƉůŝŶŐ&ŝĞůĚ&Žƌŵ,ĂƌƚΘ,ŝĐŬŵĂŶ͕WRMR.013CMBlow 39F, high 67F, sunnySG-12/SG-DUP-1123221.4 L5991/598611/23/2210140mL/min0844 -1748 57 NA143160849 -50839 -28NASG-131.4 L0905 -281369311/23/22100910 -1848 33 NA NA140mL/min65560918 -5