HomeMy WebLinkAbout25097_Eno Industrial_DM_20231114DECISION MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 2023 FROM: Shristi R. Shrestha TO: BF Assessment File RE: Eno Industrial Park 1420 Old Oxford Road 1225, 1507, & 1539 Hamlin Road Durham, Durham County BF # 25097-21-032 Based on the following information, it has been determined that the above referenced site, whose intended use is for no uses other than industrial, office, warehousing, parking, and subject to DEQ prior written approval, other commercial uses, can be made suitable for such uses. Introduction: The Brownfields Property Application (BPA) was submitted on November 15, 2021. The Prospective Developer (PD) is Welcome Venture Park LLC, a limited liability company with its principal office located at 5858 Westheimer Road, Suite 800, Houston, Texas 77057. The entity manager for the PD is Ted Kakambouras and the contact person is Randy Warren. The president for the PD is Welcome Wilson Jr. who is also the signing official. The Brownfields Property originally consisted of four parcels totaling about 160.731 acres: 1420 Old Oxford Road (Parcel ID 177731) about 7.81 acres, 1225 Hamlin Road (Parcel ID 236462) at about 49.27 acres, 1507 Hamlin Road (Parcel ID 236464) at 46.21 acres, and 1539 Hamlin Road (Parcel ID 236463) at about 58.40 acres. The PD has purchased the property since the application was submitted. The land is currently vacant and is zoned for industrial use. Redevelopment Plans: The PD plans to redevelop the land into non-residential light industrial and office use with paved parking and landscaped areas around the buildings. A portion of the Brownfields Property to the southwest was suspected to have been impacted from an off - site volatile organic compound (VOC) plume from the former Mitsubishi Electronics site. Phase II and additional site assessment in the area where the new buildings are planned indicated that those detections were outside the footprint of the planned buildings. Hence, it was concluded that there is no need for a vapor intrusion mitigation system. Site History: The Brownfields Property is currently vacant and is covered with vegetation with no commercial development occurring historically other than tobacco farming and older Eno Industrial Park/25087-21-032/20231114 residential structures. There are several streams, ponds and wetland areas on the Brownfields Property. Surrounding area properties are classified as industrial. Immediately to the southwest is the former Mitsubishi Electronics facility (NC DEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB ID No. NONCD0002085). This facility has a known chlorinated VOC issue in soil, surface water, and in a groundwater plume consisting principally of tetrachoroethylene (PCE) and its breakdown products, which have migrated to the southernmost part of the Brownfields Property. IHSB continues to require monitoring of the Mitsubishi wells, including those located on the Brownfields Property. The Prospective Developer is required to replace monitoring wells MW-13, MW-14, MW-17, MW-20 and MW-24 as required by the DEQ IHSB, in accordance with Subchapter 2C of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, and consistent with the locations agreed to by DEQ, unless an alternate schedule is approved by DEQ. Immediately to the east of the Brownfields Property is the combined Beckman Durham and Chuck Sandefer residential site (NCN000410370), with known VOC contamination in soil and groundwater that has impacted nearby potable water supply wells, and a Durham County Public school site with a NC UST Section Leaking Underground Storage Tank (USY Incident #7017). The direction of groundwater flow from these sites is towards the eastern part of the Brownfields Property. There was an area on the southwest part of 1225 Hamlin Road (parcel #236462) at the Brownfields Property where an abandoned pole -mounted transformer was located. This area was defined in the January 30th, 2023 Redevelopment Summary Report. During the Phase I environmental site assessment, it was found to contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). Known remedial activities at the Brownfields Property included the removal of a PCB -contaminated transformer on December 19, 2022, and 35.41 tons of soil deemed to be impacted with PCBs. This was done according to a DEQ-approved EMP that was executed on December 16, 2022. Potential Receptors: Potential receptors are construction workers, on -site workers, visitors, and trespassers. Contaminated Media: DEQ has evaluated data collected from the following media at the subject property: soil, groundwater, sediment, surface water, and exterior soil gas. DEQ relies on the following data to base its conclusions regarding the subject property and its suitability for its intended reuse. Please see the Brownfield Agreement's Exhibit 2 for specific sample locations, dates, and contaminants of concern (COCs). Risk Calculations: Risk calculations were performed using the January 2023, DEQ Risk Calculator https://deq.ne. goy/permits-rules/risk-based-remediation/risk-evaluation-resources. 2 Eno Industrial Park/25087-21-032/20231114 For the purpose of looking at the site spatially, the site was evaluated as whole. The risk calculations indicated the following based on available data, including the following media: residual soil, groundwater, stream sediment, and exterior soil gas. Sitewide risk calculator (excludes soil samples that represent soil removed that was removed from the property) Risk for Individual Pathways Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25097-21-032 Exposure Unit ID: Sitewide Soil, groundwater, exterior soil as) DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded'. Resident Soil 1.8E-05 4.3E-01 NO Groundwater Use* 2.2E-04 3.9E+00 YES Non -Residential Worker Soil 1.8E-06 3.1E-02 NO Groundwater Use* 4.5E-05 6.6E-01 NO Construction Worker Soil 1.3E-06 1.6E-01 NO Recreator/Trespasser Soil 1.0E-05 2.4E-01 NO Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Resident Groundwater to Indoor Air 4.0E-06 5.6E-01 NO Soil Gas to Indoor Air 1.5E-04 2.6E+00 YES Indoor Air NC NC NC Non -Residential Worker Groundwater to Indoor Air 8.0E-07 1.3E-01 NO Soil Gas to Indoor Air 1.1E-05 2.1E-01 NO Indoor Air NC NC NC Eno Industrial Park/25087-21-032/20231114 Risk for Individual Pathways Version Date: January 2023 Basis: November 2022 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 25097-21-032 Ex sure Unit ID: Sitewide Sediment, groundwater, exterior soil as DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Resident Soil 5.7E-06 1.4E-02 NO Groundwater Use* 2.2E-04 3.9E+00 YES Non -Residential Worker Soil 2.7E-07 1.1E-03 NO Groundwater Use* 4.5E-05 6.6E-01 NO Construction Worker Soil 4.9E-07 6.9E-03 NO Recreator/Trespasser Soil 3.2E-06 7.1E-03 NO Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Riskexceeded? Resident Groundwater to Indoor Air 4.0E-06 5.6E-01 NO Soil Gas to Indoor Air 1.4E-04 2.5E+00 YES Indoor Air NC NC NC Non -Residential Worker Groundwater to Indoor Air 8.0E-07 1.3E-01 NO Soil Gas to Indoor Air 1.1E-05 2.0E-01 NO Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil The soil samples were collected using stainless steel hand auger and a track -mounted DPT drilling rig. The depth of soil samples was in the range of 0-20 ft below ground surface (bgs). Soil that contained polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons were removed from the Brownfields Property. The calculated risk values for soil indicate that compounds in soil at the Brownfields Property do not exceed the acceptable risk thresholds for any soil exposure scenario as noted in the risk output above. Groundwater The monitoring wells for the groundwater samples were installed at a depth range of 27- 85 ft bgs. The groundwater samples were collected according to NCBP approved work plan. The contaminants which were detected above the 2L Groundwater Standards (April 1, 2022 version) were arsenic, barium, chromium, lead, and selenium. The risk for resident groundwater use has been exceeded as can be seen in the risk calculator output above. The main drivers for risk for this scenario were the presence of arsenic, barium and selenium compounds. Groundwater will not be used for water supply purpose at this nonresidential Brownfields Property, therefore this exposure pathway is not complete. The monitoring wells that are located on the property for Mitsubishi site are MW-13, MW-14, MW-17, MW-20 and MW-24. Data from these wells were taken into account while running the risk calculator. 4 Eno Industrial Park/25087-21-032/20231114 Surface Water Two surface water samples were collected at the Brownfields Property. A third location was planned but it was dry at the time of sample collection. The risk calculator output did not indicate exceedances of acceptable environmental risk threshold criteria based on these data. Sediment Sediment samples were collected at the Brownfields property. None of the samples exceed the Industrial/Commercial health based PSRG. Data from these points were considered in the second risk calculator whose output is listed above. The output shows that there isn't a significant difference when the sediment data was incorporated into the risk calculator. Exterior Soil Gas Originally, 15 soil gas samples were collected during Phase II assessment work in November 2021; however, this work was not approved by the Brownfields Program. An additional 14 soil gas samples were collected in July 2022 in accordance with an NCBP approved work plan. The risk calculator output shows that the environmental risk for non -cancer hazard index for residential soil gas to indoor air has been calculated as 2.6, which exceeds the regulatory threshold value of 1. Contaminants that were detected above the screening levels were 1,3-butadiene and chloroform. Other contaminants that were detected, but do not have established screening levels were ethanol, 4-ethyltoluene, 1-octene and n-octane 2,2,4 trimethylpentane, tricholorofluoromethane, trichlorotrifluoroethane, and dichlorodifluoromethane. The main driver for the risk in this scenario was the presence of 1,3- butadiene. 1,3-butadiene has been associated with sampling artifact when soil gas probes are not allowed to properly stabilize prior to sampling. This is likely the reason why we see 1,3-butadiene in these samples. Further, residential use is not planned at the Brownfields Property, so this exposure pathway is not germane to the intended reuse of the Brownfields Property. Sub -Slab Vapor The Brownfields Property was vacant at the time of assessment; therefore, these types of samples are not applicable. Indoor Air The Brownfields Property was vacant at the time of assessment; therefore, these types of samples are not applicable. Land Use Restrictions: The Brownfields Agreement for this Brownfields Property will include typical land use restrictions including approved uses, land use definitions, requirements for an EMP, vapor intrusion, access notice and land use restrictions update LUR's. 5 Eno Industrial Park/25087-21-032/20231114 Based on the site -specific data provided to the Brownfield Redevelopment Section, the site reuse is suitable for the site as long as the agreed upon land use restrictions in the BFA are abided by. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ISSUES The Brownfields property is vacant and grading work started on April 10, 2023. Based on assessment data and an evaluation of acceptable risk, there is no vapor intrusion mitigation in the nonresidential buildings planned at the Brownfields Property. There are no known property management issues at this time. Any request for residential use of the Brownfields Property, or for buildings in closer proximity to the VOC plume in the future would require additional vapor intrusion evaluation. 6 Eno Industrial Park/25087-21-032/20231114