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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWS-6690_30204_C_POBNOT_20200317WATERS EDGE ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC
1434 CHESTER ROAD • RALEIGH, NC 27608 • PHONE 919.219.5820
Date March 17, 2021
To Ms. Carin Lee Kromm- NCDEQ UST Section- Winston-Salem Regional
Mr. Gene Mao- Guilford County Department of Environmental Health
From Mr. Phil Rahn- Waters Edge
Copy Mr. Bob Rodman- East Coast Sales
Subject NRP Submittal- RJ Building LLC Property
Former East Coast Metal Distributors
2210 North Church Street
Greensboro, North Carolina
DEQ Incident #30204
Waters Edge Job 20-46
Eleven (11) outgoing correspondences were mailed on February 12, 2021 to surrounding
property owners and public officials for the above-mentioned RJ Building LLC (Former
East Coast Metal Distributors) Property at 2210 North Church Street NRP Deed Restriction
(Incident #30204) which is documented in Appendix A. To date, we have received ten
(10) Green Card responses which are documented in Appendix B and no returned letters.
We believe that no further responses are going to be received and are now forwarding this
documentation to your office. We have also included the original recorded NRP from the
Guilford County Register of Deeds (see Appendix C). It is our hope that this is sufficient
documentation that you can finalize the NFA determination for this NRP Deed Restriction
since the RP and the property owner are the same entity.
If there are any questions, I can be reached at or 919.219.5820.
Appendix A
certified Mall Fee $3.61]
Extra Services & Fees /cfrock be*, a
H Botum Reeelpt thardcopy)
I Rotum Reeolpt (eleetronlc)
Dcertffled Malmcetricted Delivery S
I Adult slgnaturo Floqulred S
I Adult Signature f`estricted Delivery S
postage S,i. 3l]
Sir-8-6i-a-;a-/ Pete'S Palace, LLC
4219 Farlin Ave
Greensboro, NC 27407
Appendix B
i'.': ,,
r Complete items 1, 2, and 3.
r Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to Vou,
r Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if soace
1. Article Addressed to:
Pete's Palace, LLC
4219 Farlin Ave
Greensboro, NC 27401
|ll]]] lill |lt|illt||il|lt| il|il|lt ||il| ]l
9590 9402 6022 0069 248070
2 Article Numher fPansfer lmrceruice-lahell
?DIq P1?U 0UCI0 0r+33 1381,
PS Form 381 1 , -tuty 201 5 psN Tsoo-02-000-90s3
3. Service Type
tr Adult Slgnature
tr Adult Signature Hestrlcled Dolivory
tr Certified Mail@
tr Certified Mail Restrlcted Delivery
tr Coll€ct on Delivery
tr Collect on Dolivery Festrlcted Delivery
tr Insur€d Mail
tr lnsur€d Mail Restrlcted Deliverv
E Priority Mail Express@
tr Fleglstsred MailrM
tr Fleglstered Mall ResirlctedDeliv6ry
E Feturn Recelpt forMsrchandise
tr Signature ConflrmatlonrM
tr SignatureConflrrnation
Rostrlctod Dellvery
Dohestic Return Flecoipt ,
A. Signature #-7/-Q,
D. ls delivery different from item 1?
lf YES, enter delivery address below:
Complete items 1, 2, and 3.
Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to you,
Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if space permits.
Afticle Addressed to:
I City of Greensboro Housing Authority
450 N Church St.
Greensboro, NC 27401
Item 1? r ll Yes
enter delivery address bblow: ' El No
r'rr\, i? iii.j', ' i
!'l.ll r'! ' l
El Agent
E Addressee
C. pate of Delivery
tr Prlority Mall Express@
tr R€glstered MailrM
n Roglst€red Mall Restricted
tr Return Recelpt for
tr Signaturs ConfirmatlonrM
n Signature Confirmation
Restricted Delivery
Dcmestic Beturn Receipt ;
A. SignatureI
ilt||]lt ilil il|ilil]il|lt| ]||||iltilil ill
9590 9402 6022 0069 2481 00
2. Aftic
7 011 d1?E UEnI Bq33 1350'o lii8l"$t|6i" Frestricted Derrvery
PS Form 381 1, -tuty 2015 PSN 7s30-02-000-s053
3. Service Type
tr Adult Slgnaturo
tr Adult Slgnature Restrlcted Delivory
tr Certified Mall@
tr Certlfied Mail Restrlctsd Delivery
tr Collect on Delivery
tr Collect on Delivery Restrlcted Delivery
D lnsured Mall
Gomplete items 1, 2, and 3.
Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to you,
Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if space permits.
1. Article Addressed to:
Jeffrey W. Ingte
2200 Golden Gate Dr.
Greensboro, NC 27405
lll]]l llil |l||lllrlril|||I ]|l||| ilrr il ]l
9590 9402 6022 0069 2480 56
t Arti.lA fitmlneLff{Ansfe]lrcm serJ/jcslahell -
7011 el lB ",EEEE Ilr+33 lqEq
3. ServiceType
tr Adult Signaturo
D Adult Signature Restrloted Delivery
tr Certified Mail@
tr Certified Mail Restrloted Delivery
tr Collect on Delivery
tr Collect on Delivery Resvicted Delivery
tr lnsured Mail
tr Priority Mail Express@
tr Register€d MaiFM
tr Reglst€rsd Mail Restrlcted
tr Return Fleceipt forMerchandise
tr Signaturo ConfirmatlonTM
D Signature Confirmation
Restricted Delivery
A, Signature
x Crllq FSif e(\
D. ls delivery address different from ltem 1?
lf YES, enter delivery address below:
PS Form 381 1 , .luty zo1 5 PSN 7530-02-000-9053
tr Restricted Dellvery
Domestic Return Receipt ;
Complete items 1, 2, and 3.
Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return ihe card to you.
Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if space permits.
1, Atticle Addressed to:
Southern Properties of the Triad, LLC
2301 N Church St.
Greensboro, NC 27405
il|lilt illt iltilIil1lt|||| ]|iltI til|| 1l
9590 9402 6022 0069 2480 32
rffiq ;)-nn EEEU UqSS I'{es tr
PS Form 381 1 , .luty 2ol 5 PsN 7530-02-000-9053
3. Service Type
D Adult Slgnature
U Adult Signature Rostrlcted Delivery
tr Certlfl€d Mail@
D Certifled Mail Restricted Dellv€ry
tr Collect on Delivery
tr Collect on Delivery Flestricted Delivery
tr lnsur€d Mail
Hestrlcted Dellvery
tr Priority Mail Express@
tr Reglstered MailrM
tr Beolstered Mall RestrictedDeiivery
tr Return Rec€lpi forM€rchandise
tr Signature ConfkmatlonrM
tr Signature Confirmatlon
Restricted Delivefy
A, Signature
ls delivery address ditferent from item 1?
lf YES, entEr delivery address below:
Complete items 1, 2, and 3.
Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to you,
Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if space permits.
1. Anicle Addressed to:
Alfred Pickerel & Esther Pickerel
208 Mistletoe Dr.
Greensboro, NC 27403
|l|ilil ilil iil|il|il]il|il| ]ilt|il| | ilt ]l
9s90 9402 6022 0069 2480 63
2--Adicle Number ffransfer from servic;p- label)
?u1,1 E17U IEUU nq33 131&
PS Form 3Bl 1, ;uty 201s psN Tsso-02-0oo-e05s
3. Service Type
tr Adult Signaturo
tr Adult Signaturo Restrlcted D€llv€ry
tr Certifled Mail@
tr Certified Mail Flestricted Dellvery
tr Collect on Delivery
tr Collect on Deliv€ry Restricted Dellvery
tr Insured Mail
tr lnsure^d_Mail Festrlcted D€llvery
tr Prlority Mail Express@
tr Regist€red MallrM
tr Reglst€r€d Mall FestrlctedDellvery
tr Return Recelpt forMerchandise
n Signature ConfkmatlonrMtr Signaturs ConfirmatlonFestricted Dellvery
Domestic Return Receipt ,
A, Signature
ls delivery address ditferent from item 1?
lf YES, enter delivery address below:
Complete items 1,2, and 3.
Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to you.
Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece'
or on ihe front if space Permits.
''|. Article Addressed to:
Mr.' Marty Lawing- Manager
Guilford County
301 W. Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
Iil]]lt illl ||l l lllllll ll l lll lll l ll ll lll l l lll
9590 9402 6022 0069 2481 31
?u11 e5?E BnEE 0'1J33 13e1
3. Service Type
tr Adult SignaturoD Adult Signature Restricted D€llvery
D Certlfied Mall@
tr G€rtlfied Mail Restricted Dolivery
tr Collect on Delivery
tr Collect on Delivery Bestrlcted Dellvery
tr lnsured Mail
tr Priority Mail Express@
tr Reglstered MailrM
tr R€glstered Mall RestrictedDelivery
E Return Recelpt forM€rchandise
tr Signature ConllrmationrM
n Signature Conlirmation
Restrlcted Delivery
Domestic Return Receipt '
A, Slgnature
D, ls delivery address different from item 1?
lf YES, enter delivery address below;
PS Form 381 1 , .luty zo15 PSN 7530-02-000-e053
tr Insured Mail Restrlcted Dolivery
Complete items 1, 2, and 3.
Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to you.
Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if space permits.
'1. Article Addressed to:
Ms. lulia Vann
Guilford County Health Department
1203 Maple Street
Greensboro, NC 27405
l''n"""'"/tr^ Vr 6u.-H i:il:,,""
D. ls detivery address different from item 1?
lf YES, enter delivery address below:
3, Sorvice Type tr prtortty Ma1 Expross@
D Adult Slgnature tr Reglstered MalltMtr Adult Slgnature Resvlcted Dellvery tr Rogtstered Mail Rostrlctodtr Certlfled Mall@ Dellv€ry
tr Cortlfled Mall Rostrlotod Dollvery tr R€turn Recelptfor
tr Coll€ct on Dellvery i _ Merchandlso ,.tr Cotl€ct on Delivei Restrlcted Dsllvery -. tr Slgnaturo ConfkmatlonrM
tr Insur€d Mall tr Slgnature Conflrmatlon
il|lillt ilil ||t|illil]il|il| ]|||l||ilt|| ]l
9590 9402 6022 0069 2481 17
?n1,1 ElTU IlUEU Btl33 13t+3 tr lnsur€d Mall Rostrloted Dellverv
PS Form 381 1 , .tuy eo1 5 psN Tsso-02-0oo-9obo
Rostrloted Dollvory
Domestlc Return Receipt
Gomplete ltems 1, 2, and 3,
Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to you,
Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if space permits.
1. Article Addressed to:
Mr. David Parrish- Manager
City of Greensboro
Melvin Municipal Building
300 W, Washington Street
il|llilr ilil |l||il]t]il|il| ]||||]|||il ltl
9590 9402 6022 0069 2481 24
?811 el?E UBUU EqS3 133h tr
PS Form 381 1 , .luty zo15 psN Tboo-02-000-90b0
3. Sorvice Type
tr Adult Slgnaturs,
tr Adult Slgnature Restrioted Dsllvery
tr Cedlfled Mall@
tr Cortlti€d Mall Restrlcted Dellvery
tr Collect on Dellvery
tr Collect on Dellv€ry Restrlcted Dellvery
tr lnsured Mall
Restrloted Dellvery
tr Prlorlty Mall Expross@
tr Reglstorod MallrM
Il Reglstered Mall Restrlct€dDollvery
tr Return Recelpt forMerchandlso
tr Slgnature Conf lrmatlonrM
tr Slgnature Conflrmatlon
Restrloted D€llv€ry
Domestlc Return Recelpt ;
Item 1?
r Complete items 1, 2, and 3.
I Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to vou,
r:Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if
| 1. Article Addressed to:
Moniticia K. Weisner
2219 Cypress St,
Greensboro, NC 27405
A. Signature
delivery address different from item 1?
YES, enter delivery address below:
3. Servlce Type
tr Adult Signaturs
tr Adult Slgnature Restrict€d D€llvory
tr Certlfled Mall@
tr Certlfied Mall Resklcted Defvery
tr Collect on Delivery
tr Collect on Dellvory Restrlctod Dellvery
x prl E Agent
E Addressee
C. Date of Delivery
ilr]ilt ilil |lt|ilIil]il|il| ]|iltI ||tI I| ill
9s90 9402 6022 0069 24BO 94
tr lnsured Mail?u11 ElTU IlUEU 0r+33 13b?E lnsured Bestrlcted Dellvery
PS Form 381 1 , luty eo'l 5 psN zsso-02-o0o-eobo
tr Prlority Mail'Efpress@
B Reglstgi€d MallrM
tr Reglstered Mall RestrlctedDellvery
tr Return Rec€lDt forMerchandise'
tr Signature ConfirmatlonrM
tr Signature Confirmation
R€strlcted Dellvery
Domegtic Fleturn Receipt '
B. Received by (Printed Name)
ComBlete items 1, 2, and 3.
Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to vou.
Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if
Article Addressed io:
DCR & Associates, Ini-1S
P0 Box 13429
Greensboro, NC 27415
ilt]]lt ilil ||||ill||||iltilt ]|ilIil ]||| ]l
9590 9402 6022 0069 2480 49
2. Article Number flransferfrom service label)
7U11 e5?E UUID Eq33 5t+],1,tr
PS Form 381 1, .luty 2015 psN Tboo-02-ooo-9obg
A, Signature
xJO rit r^t{E AgentUrr- f-l
3. Servioe Type
tr Adult Slgnaturo
tr Adult Slgnaturo Rs8trlotod Dellvery
tr Certlfled Mall@
tr Certllied Mail Bestrloted Dellvery
tr Colleot on Dellvery
tr Coll€ct on Delivery Restrlct€d D€llvory
tr lnsursd Mall
Restrlotod Dellvery
ls deliv€ry address dlfferent from item 1'? E YeF'
lf YES, enter dellvery address below: [.N6
C. Date of Dolivery
tr PrioilWMallExpress@
E Reglsl€rbd,MallrM
tr Reglsl€rod Mall Restrlct€dDellvory
E Rdturn Reoelpt forMerohandlse
E. sign'ature Conf kmatlonrM
E Slgnature Conflrmatlon
Rostrlotod Dellvory
Domestlc Reiurn Recdlpt I