HomeMy WebLinkAbout7607_INSP_20230829FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 1 of 8 UNIT TYPE: Lined MSWLF X LCID YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Randolph Closed MSWLF HHW White goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: 76-07 CDLF Tire T&P / Collection Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE Date of Site Inspection: August 29, 2023 Date of Last Inspection: May 4, 2022 FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: Great Oak Landfill 3597 Old Cedar Falls Road Randleman, NC 27317 GPS COORDINATES: N: 35.752822 W: -79.755992 FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Mike McFeeley, District Manager, Great Oak Landfill – Waste Management c. 336-865-3201 mmcfeel1@wm.com FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS: Waste Management of Carolinas, Inc. (Operator) Mike McFeeley, District Manager, Great Oak Landfill – Waste Management 3597 Old Cedar Falls Road Randleman, NC 27317 Randolph County (Owner) Randolph County Office Building 725 McDowell Road Asheboro, NC 27205 PARTICIPANTS: Chuck Kirchner, Environmental Specialist II - Solid Waste Section (SWS) Deb Aja, Western District Supervisor – SWS Mike McFeeley, District Manager, Great Oak Landfill – Waste Management STATUS OF PERMIT: Permit To Operate (PTO) issued May 30, 2023 Permit To Construct (PTC) Phase 2 through 4 Permit To Operate (PTO) Phase 1 – Life of Site Permit PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Comprehensive Inspection FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 2 of 8 STATUS OF PAST NOTED VIOLATIONS: A. Status - Not Resolved: 15A NCAC 13B .1626 (1)(b) states in part: “the following wastes are prohibited from disposal at a MSWLF unit: (i) Hazardous waste, including hazardous waste from very small quantity generators as defined by 40 CFR 260.10, incorporated by reference at 15A NCAC 13A .0102(b).” B. Status – Not Resolved: 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d) states: “By receiving solid waste at a permitted facility, the permittee shall be considered by the Department to have accepted the conditions of the permit and shall comply with the conditions of the permit.” Permit to Operate No. 7607-MSWLF-2015, Attachment III, Part I, General Facility Operation Condition Number 3 states, “The facility must not accept the following wastes for disposal, at a minimum: hazardous waste, yard trash, white goods, tires, recyclable rigid plastic bottles, wooden pallets, motor vehicle oil filters, liquid wastes, regulated medical waste, sharps not properly packaged, PCB waste as defined in 40 CFR 761, and wastes banned from disposal in N.C.G.S. 130A-309.10(f).” Waste Management of the Carolinas, Inc. and the County of Randolph were issued a Notice of Violation on October 31, 2022, for receiving and disposing of prohibited hazardous waste from Containment Control, Inc. (CCI). To date, corrective measures required by the Notice of Violation have not been satisfactorily completed. During this inspection, Waste Management staff noted that a new quarterly waste determination process is being implemented with CCI to address the past violations. As of the date of this report, the most current waste analysis that was requested by the Section both on site and a follow-up phone conversation with Kyle Mertens has not been provided in accordance with 15A NCAC .1626(10). As such, the Section cannot resolve these violations until it has been confirmed that the new quarterly process is in fact being implemented. OBSERVED VIOLATIONS: A. 15A NCAC 13B .1626(2)(b) states, in part: "the owners or operators of all MSWLF units shall cover disposed solid waste with six inches of earthen material at the end of each operating day, or at more frequent intervals if necessary to prevent the escape of waste and the attraction of vectors and scavenging, and to minimize fires and the generation of odors.” B. 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 13B .0203(d) states, “By receiving solid waste at a permitted facility, the permittee shall be considered by the Department to have accepted the conditions of the permit and shall comply with the conditions of the permit.” Permit to Operate No. 7607-MSWLF-2015, Attachment 1, Part I, General Permit Condition Number 6 states, “Construction or operation of this solid waste management facility shall be in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Rules, 15A NCAC 13B; Article 9 of the Chapter 130A of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS 130A- 290, et seq.); the conditions contained in this permit; and the approved plan. Should the approved plan and the rules conflict, the Solid Waste Management Rules shall take precedence unless specifically addressed by permit condition. Failure to comply may result in compliance action or permit revocation.” The approved Operation Plan (Doc. ID. No. 1795793) Section 3.4.8 “Daily Cover” of the approved Operation Plan states in part, “During operation of the landfill, a daily cover consisting of a minimum 6-inch-thick layer of soil will be placed over the active face of the landfill. The daily cover will promote surface water runoff and reduce nuisances caused by odors, vectors, etc. In accordance with 130A-295.6, this landfill may use alternative daily cover (ADC) that has been previously approved at another sanitary landfill in North Carolina. The Solid Waste Section maintains a list of approved ADC and its appropriate use. Alternate daily cover are used at the site on the surface of the active face to control vectors, fires, odors, blowing litter, and scavenging.” FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 3 of 8 During the inspection, exposed waste was observed throughout large areas along both sides of the access road to the working face. Exposed waste was also observed on the slopes above Phase 7 along the access road to the working face. Facility staff explained that due to recent rain events these areas had been back bladed, however the waste exposed from this activity had not yet been covered with soil [not covered at the end of the previous operating day]. Therefore, Waste Management of Carolinas, Inc. and Randolph County, are in violation of 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d) for failing to follow the approved Operations Plan for daily cover and 15A NCAC 13B .1626(2)(b) by failing to adequately cover all disposed waste with six inches of earthen material at the end of each operating day. Mr. McFeeley provided photographs at the end of the day following the inspection showing the areas of exposed waste covered with soil at the conclusion of the day’s operations. Therefore, this violation is considered resolved. Exposed waste observed outside working face along the access road. Photograph taken by C. Kirchner on 8/28/2023. Covered waste photographed outside working face access road. Photograph taken by M. McFeeley on 8/28/2023. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 4 of 8 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS On August 29, 2023, Chuck Kirchner and Deb Aja met with Mike McFeeley to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the Great Oak Landfill on Old Cedar Falls Road in Randleman, Randolph County. Facility Information 1. The Great Oak Landfill is a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill owned by Randolph County and operated by Waste Management of Carolinas, Inc. 2. The facility is in operation Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday 7:30 am to 12:00 pm. 3. The facility is permitted to receive solid waste from within the State of North Carolina. 4. The facility does not accept scrap tires or white goods. These were not observed on site during the inspection. 5. The facility is permitted to use alternative daily cover (ADC) that has been previously approved at another sanitary landfill in North Carolina, though notification of the Section prior to implementing use of a new ADC is required. The SWS maintains a list of approved ADC material options and their appropriate use on its website. 6. The facility must not accept the following wastes for disposal, at a minimum: hazardous waste, yard trash, white goods, tires, recyclable rigid plastic bottles, wooden pallets, motor vehicle oil filters, liquid wastes, regulated medical waste, sharps not properly packaged, PCB waste as defined in 40 CFR 761, and wastes banned from disposal in N.C.G.S. 130A-309.10(f). 7. The facility has constructed the remainder of Phase 1 and plans to start construction in Phase 2 in the fall with liner installation around January of 2024. 8. Waste Management is currently operating in Phase 1, Cell 7. Records Review 9. The permit and operations plan were discussed during this inspection. 10. The facility annual report (FAR) was received by the SWS dated July 25, 2023. Facility throughput for July 2022 through June 2023 is 789,850.00 tons. 11. The facility maintains daily and monthly records of the amount of solid waste received. Facility records were observed for January 3, 2023 through August 28, 2023. The facility received 500,078.70 tons of waste from 34,615 loads during that timeframe. 12. Great Oaks Landfill has an Erosion and Sediment Control Permit with NCDEQ, DEMLR, permit number: RANDO-2019-026 approved on January 10, 2019. A new erosion control plan will be submitted soon for Phases 2 through 4 according to Mr. McFeeley. 13. The facility has a stormwater National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, General Permit No. NCG120000, Certificate of Coverage No. NCG120107. The NPDES permit expires on June 30, 2026. 14. On April 24, 2018, the facility was issued a Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Title V permit No. 10446T05, expiration date February 28, 2026. 15. The facility has an Industrial User Permit, Permit number 4953, from the City of Asheboro to discharge wastewater. The permit expires on July 21, 2026. The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 5 of 8 16. The facility maintains semiannual groundwater and surface water monitoring and leachate test records. Records were observed for groundwater and surface water monitoring and leachate testing conducted on October 5, 2021 and December 9, 2021 for the Second Semi-annual 2021 sampling, on May 18, 2022 and August 22, 2022 for the First Semi-annual 2022 sampling and on October 11, 2022 and December 22, 2022 for the Second Semi-annual 2022 sampling. An exceedance was indicated on each report. 17. Certified Personnel Records: a. Jeff Garner Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2020019, expires 3/17/2026 b. Lucas Wall Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2023027, expires 3/9/2026 c. Payne Powell Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2023023, expires 3/9/2026 d. Patrick Dawes Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2023020, expires 3/9/2026 e. Michelle Davis Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2022012, expires 3/8/2025 f. Randy White Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2017051, expires 6/28/2026 g. Aaron Hurlbert Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2022011, expires 3/8/2025 h. Bryan Wall Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2017047, expires 6/28/2024 i. Daniel Bowland Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2017044, expires 9/8/2024 j. Lisa Thompson Certified LF Operations Specialist # LF-2021006, expires 3/9/2024 k. Mike McFeeley Manager of LF Operations # 1397982, expired 9/15/2026 l. Bobby Owens Manager of LF Operations # 1408090, expired 9/15/2026 18. The facility is required to conduct a waste screening on a minimum of 1 percent of commercial and industrial loads received. Records from May 1, 2023 through August 28, 2023 were observed. 19. LFG Quarterly Records observed for March 28, 2022, May 17, 2022, August 11, 2022, October 11, 2022, March 1, 2023, May 23, 2023 and August 1, 2023. No methane or hydrogen sulfide detected at monitoring points MMW-1-4. 20. Landtec GEM5000 gas meter, S/N G504637 last calibrated September 7, 2022 done by QED Environmental Systems, Inc. 21. Asbestos Disposal Log reviewed for 2022 and 2023 to date. All asbestos disposal areas latitude and longitude have been recorded. No asbestos has been disposed of at the landfill since November 23, 2022. 22. Leachate lines were flushed and had a video inspection in September 9, 2022 by Florida Jetclean – Jetclean America. 23. Leachate storage tank inspection records were reviewed from March 1, 2022 through August 7, 2023. 24. Per 76-07 Permit, Attachment III, # 17 states in part “Leachate storage tank facility must be inspected weekly.” Mr. McFeeley stated weekly inspections were being conducted. Ensure inspections are documented as discussed in the field. 25. During the inspection the leachate tank was noted to have 24.5’ of leachate in the tank. The tank has a continuous overflow discharge to the City of Asheboro Wastewater Treatment Plant. 26. The City of Asheboro maintains a leachate composite sampler running which tests the leachate. A monthly report is sent to the landfill according to Mr. McFeeley. 27. The leachate tank was observed to be in good condition during this inspection. Site Inspection 28. The facility has proper site access, security, signs, and safety requirements. 29. Yellow Edge of Waste (EOW) markers observed this inspection. 30. No prohibited wastes observed in the working face this inspection. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 6 of 8 31. Working face observed small and compact during this inspection. View of Phase I, Cell 7 working face of the landfill. Photograph taken by C. Kirchner on 8/28/2023. 32. According to Mr. McFeeley the landfill no longer uses tarps due to personnel having to walk in the working face. The landfill now uses spray mortar coating to cover the working face for daily cover. 33. Two compactors and one bulldozer were in operation on the working face during this inspection. 34. Mr. McFeeley stated that odor shell was added to the spray mortar coating to aid in odor control. He also stated that since the gas flare was installed that odor has not been as problematic. 35. Spray odor control mist system is no longer used on site according to Mr. McFeeley. 36. No windblown litter was observed this inspection. Ensure all windblown litter is returned to the working face at the conclusion of each day of operation. 37. Groundwater wells MW-1 through 5 were observed in good condition this inspection. MW-6 has been removed for expansion into Phase II. 38. Mr. McFeeley stated there were 60 gas well probes that keep methane flowing at a continual rate to the landfill gas flare. 39. Landfill gas flare was observed in operation during this inspection. 40. Good grass cover observed on the south side of the landfill. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 7 of 8 View of grass cover on the south side slope of the landfill. Photograph taken by C. Kirchner on 8/28/2023. 41. Continue to stabilize areas with bare or sparse grass cover until vigorous permanent grass cover germinates, especially in areas that will not be disturbed for over one year. Continue to stabilize ditch lines in a timely manner. General Comments 42. The operations plan states that the facility may use reusable tarps, auto-shredder fluff, and petroleum contaminated soil as ADC. Mr. McFeeley stated that shredder fluff and posi-shell are mainly used for daily cover with soil being used on outer slopes. 43. Erosion, drainage, and sedimentation controls observed appeared to be in good order. 44. Sediment basins are required to be cleaned out when sediment accumulates to ½ of the design depth as specified in the facility operations plan. 45. Ensure bare areas are stabilized per NPDES and NCDEMLR requirements. 46. The facility has a permanent truck wheel wash. 47. The Randolph County Fire Department can be contacted to respond to an emergency at the facility. 48. Access roads are of all-weather construction. 49. The facility has proper signage. 50. The facility entrance is secured by a metal gate with lock. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 8 of 8 Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report. ________________________________________ Phone: 336.776.9633 or email: Chuck.Kirchner@ncdenr.gov Chuck Kirchner Environmental Specialist II Regional Representative Sent on: September 11, 2023 X Email Hand delivery US Mail X Certified No. [ _] Copies: Deb Aja, Western District Supervisor - SWS Kyle Mertens, Environmental Protection Manager -Waste Management (c. 321-403-2544, kmertens@wm.com) Paxton Arthurs, Engineer - Randolph County Public Works (c. 336-736-7927, pgarthurs@co.randolph.nc.us), County Manager