HomeMy WebLinkAbout8106_DukeRogers_Q2_2023_CCPLF SemiAnnual Report_FID1815347_08162023DENR USE ONLY ❑Paper Report [-]Electronic Data - Email CD (data loaded: Yes / No Doc/Event #: NC DENR I I Environmental Monitoring Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Reporting Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: • Prepare one form for each individually monitored unit. • Please type or print legibly. • Attach a notification table with values that attain or exceed NC 2L groundwater standards or NC 213 surface water standards. The notification must include a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of each value. (e.g. naturally occurring, off -site source, pre-existing condition, etc.). • Attach a notification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed the reporting limits. • Attach a notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels. This includes any structures on or nearby the facility (NCAC 13B .1629 (4)(a)(i). • Send the original signed and sealed form, any tables, and Electronic Data Deliverable to: Compliance Unit, NCDENR-DWM, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal Information Name of entity submitting data (laboratory, consultant, facility owner): SynTerra Corporation (Consultant) Contact for questions about data formatting. Include data preparer's name, telephone number and E-mail address: Name: Scott Spinner E-mail: sspinner@synterracorp.com Phone: (864)421-9999 NC Landfill Rule: Actual sampling dates (e.g., Facility name: Facility Address: Facility Permit # (.0500 or .1600) October 20-24, 2006) Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 573 Duke Power Road 8106 .0500 April 18-19, 2023 Roger's Energy Complex Mooresboro, North Carolina Cliffside Steam Station CCP Landfill Environmental Status: (Check all that apply) ❑ Initial/Background Monitoring ® Detection Monitoring ❑ Assessment Monitoring ❑ Corrective Action of data submitted: (Check all that apply) Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells ❑ Groundwater monitoring data from private water supply wells ❑ Leachate monitoring data Surface water monitoring data ❑ Methane gas monitoring data Corrective action data (specify) Other(specify) Notification attached? No. No groundwater or surface water standards were exceeded. X Yes, a notification of values exceeding a groundwater or surface water standard is attached. It includes a list of groundwater and surface water monitoring points, dates, analytical values, NC 2L groundwater standard, NC 2B surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS and preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of any concentration. ❑ Yes, a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached. It includes the methane monitoring points, dates, sample values and explosive methane gas limits. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. Furthermore, I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gas levels, and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Scott Spinner Project Manager (864) 421-9999 Facility Re esentative Name (Print) Title (Area Code) Telephone Number .�,��-�7 8/11/2023 Affix NC Licensed/ Professional Geologist Seal Signature Date 148 River Street, Suite 220, Greenville, SC 29601 Facility Representative Address C-1478 / North Carolina Geological Corporation Number C-387 NC PE Firm License Number (if applicable effective May 1, 2009) Revised 6/2009 REPORT VERIFICATION PROJECT: SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT APRIL 2023 SAMPLING EVENT ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX - CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV f]:11N Moil MIMI181-1 TITLE: APRIL 2023 SAMPLING EVENT This document has been reviewed for accuracy and quality commensurate with the intended application. Prepared by: - I, , 0i r'W-iw_Date: August 11, 2023 Trevor Ludwick Approved by: Date: August 11, 2023 Scott Spinner Project Manager: Scott Spinner, NC LG Licensed Geologist Seal: SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, SC 29601 North Carolina Geological Corporation Number C-387 L7 synTerra Science & Enaineerina Consultants synterracorp.com SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT APRIL 2023 SAMPLING EVENT CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV PERMIT No. 8106) CLEVELAND AND RUTHERFORD COUNTIES ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX — CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION 573 DUKE POWER ROAD MOORESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA AUGUST 11, 2023 PREPARED FOR f � DUKE ENERGY.. CAROLINAS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC l� A Kathryn W. Webb Trevor Ludwick Senior Peer Reviewer Project Scientist Scott Spinner, NC LG #2243 Project Manager Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND..........................................................................1-1 1.1 Site and Landfill Information......................................................................................1-1 1.2 Hydrogeologic Setting................................................................................................1-1 1.3 Landfill Semiannual Monitoring Program...................................................................1-2 2.0 METHODS.................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Sampling and Analysis Methods.................................................................................2-1 2.2 Regulatory Criteria.....................................................................................................2-1 2.3 Statement of Work.....................................................................................................2-1 3.0 RESULTS.....................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 Site Groundwater Flow...............................................................................................3-1 3.2 Analytical Results.......................................................................................................3-1 3.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control.............................................................................3-2 4.0 REFERENCES...............................................................................................................4-1 August 2023 Page i Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Sample Locations Figure 3A Groundwater Level Map — Surficial Flow Zone — April 2023 Figure 3B Groundwater Level Map — Bedrock Flow Zone — April 2023 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Monitoring Location Summary Table 2 Well Construction Summary Table 3 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Leachate Monitoring Parameters Table 4 Groundwater Seepage Velocities Table 5 Field Data Parameters Table 6 Leachate Field Results and Analytical Detections Table 7 Groundwater Field Results and Analytical Detections Table 8 Field and Analytical Results that Equal or Exceed Groundwater Quality Standards Table 9 Surface Water Field Results and Analytical Detections Table 10 Field and Analytical Results that Equal or Exceed Surface Water Quality Standards LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Field Sampling Forms Appendix B Laboratory Report and Chain -of -Custody Forms August 2023 Page H Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina LIST OF ACRONYMS 02L Title 15A NCAC 02L .0202(g) Groundwater Quality Standards 02B Title 15A NCAC 02B .0200 Surface Water and Wetland standards CCP Coal Combustion Products CCR Coal Combustion Residuals Cliffside Cliffside Steam Station Duke Energy Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC DWM Division of Waste Management EDD electronic data deliverable HDPE High -density polyethylene landfill CCP Landfill Phases I through IV NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control Site Cliffside Steam Station SW Solid Waste USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WQMP Water Quality Monitoring Plan August 2023 Page iii Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina "KIMI►1f :1�]1�I� [�]►I_1 Ll:�_1�l:t�l:%1�1►L This semiannual report pertains to the Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy) Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station (Cliffside, Site) Coal Combustion Products (CCP) Landfill (landfill) and documents the results of the April 2023 groundwater, surface water, and leachate monitoring event. 1.1 Site and Landfill Information Duke Energy owns and operates Cliffside, located at 573 Duke Power Road in Mooresboro, North Carolina (Figure 1). The CCP Landfill has been developed in four Phases (Phases I through IV) and comprises a total area of approximately 71.7 acres. The CCP Landfill currently accepts coal combustion residual (CCR) material generated during coal fired power generation and other CCR disposal needs for the Site, which includes excavated CCR materials from the on -Site ash basins. The landfill includes a liner system consisting of two geosynthetic barrier components (a 60-mil High - density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane and a geosynthetic clay liner) between waste and the groundwater beneath the landfill (SynTerra, 2022). 1.2 Hydrogeologic Setting The Site is located in the Inner Piedmont Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The Piedmont Physiographic Province in North Carolina is characterized by gentle to steep, hilly terrain with small quantities of alluvium. The Inner Piedmont is bounded on the northwest by the Brevard Fault zone, on the southeast by the Kings Mountain Belt, and by the faults and shear zones that define the central Piedmont structure. As typical in the Piedmont region, groundwater is present within the residuum, saprolite, partially weathered rock, and fractured bedrock beneath the CCP Landfill. In general, surface drainage from the CCP Landfill flows from the west to the north towards Duke Power Road, and to the south and east towards Suck Creek. The highest elevations at the landfill are along the western edge of the landfill. Two streams are near the CCP Landfill. Suck Creek is located approximately 1,200 feet southeast of the landfill and flows north to the Broad River. An unnamed tributary to the Broad River is located approximately 1,100 feet west of the landfill. Surface waters draining to the Broad River are classified as WS-IV per NC 15A NCAC Subchapter 02B. Based on evaluation of local topography, shallow groundwater beneath the landfill liner is expected to discharge to Suck Creek and the unnamed tributary. The landfill and surrounding topographic and physiographic features are shown on Figure 2. August 2023 Page 1-1 Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina 1.3 Landfill Semiannual Monitoring Program The April 2023 sampling event and this Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report comply with the Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP), Revision 0 (SynTerra, 2022) submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM), Solid Waste (SW) Section on March 31, 2022. The WQMP was subsequently approved by the DWM on April 4, 2022. The landfill semiannual monitoring program, described in detail in the WQMP, consists of 17 groundwater, 3 surface water, and 2 leachate monitoring locations listed on Table 1 and shown on Figure 2. A summary of monitoring well construction information is presented in Table 2 and analytical parameter coverage for the landfill semiannual monitoring program is summarized in Table 3. August 2023 Page 1-2 Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Sampling and Analysis Methods Groundwater, surface water, and leachate sampling was performed by Pace Analytical Services personnel (Pace Analytical, North Carolina Field Certification #5342) on April 18 and 19, 2023, in accordance with the North Carolina SW Management Guidelines. Copies of the field sampling forms are included in Appendix A. Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory (North Carolina Laboratory Certification #248) analyzed the reported parameters and constituents. The laboratory report and chain -of -custody forms are included in Appendix B. Duke Energy developed a list of parameters and constituents using guidance from the NCDEQ DWM, SW Section. The samples were analyzed using the updated parameter and constituent list, approved by NCDEQ on March 20, 2023. Dissolved selenium, not on the updated constituent list as of the April 2023 sampling event, will be analyzed for surface water and leachate samples in subsequent semiannual landfill sampling events. The monitoring parameters, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) SW-846 analytical methods, and applicable groundwater and surface water standards are present in Table 3. 2.2 Regulatory Criteria Evaluation of the semiannual monitoring analytical results are compared to the following regulatory criteria: Groundwater • 15A NCAC 02L .0202(g) Groundwater Quality standards (02L) Surface Water • 15A NCAC 02B .0200 Surface Water and Wetland standards (0213) Leachate • Not compared to water quality standards 2.3 Statement of Work The following tasks were completed for semiannual water quality monitoring: • Groundwater, surface water, and leachate samples were collected by Pace Analytical on April 18 and 19, 2023. • Reviewed the laboratory analytical results pertaining to the parameters listed in Table 3. • Compared groundwater analytical results to 02L and historical concentration ranges. • Compared surface water analytical results to 02B and historical concentration ranges. August 2023 Page 2-1 Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina • Developed generalized groundwater surface contour maps using groundwater elevation data provided by Duke Energy. • Calculated groundwater flow velocities based on groundwater elevations at wells perpendicular to groundwater flow. • Converted the laboratory provided electronic data deliverable (EDD) to the format requirements of the NCDEQ DWM EDD template and submitted copies of EDDs to the NCDEQ DWM with this report. • Prepared and submitted this Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report. August 2023 Page 2-2 Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina K311MG1*119W 3.1 Site Groundwater Flow The predominant direction of groundwater flow at the Site is north toward the Broad River, with a portion of groundwater in the central part of the Site flowing toward Suck Creek and then north to the Broad River. Groundwater beneath CCP Landfill predominantly flows east or southeast toward Suck Creek, with a portion of the groundwater flowing north/northeast toward the Broad River or northwest toward an unnamed tributary of the Broad River. Generalized groundwater elevation contours and groundwater flow direction arrows in the vicinity of the CCP Landfill are shown on Figure 3A for the surficial flow zone (shallow and deep flow zones) and Figure 3B for the bedrock flow zone. These contours were developed by calculating groundwater elevations in each monitoring well using the depth -to -water -level measurements taken during the April 2023 monitoring event. Depth -to -water measurements and calculated groundwater elevations are presented in Table 2. Calculated groundwater seepage velocities are presented in Table 4. Calculated groundwater elevations, based on depth -to -water measurements gauged during the April 2023 monitoring event, indicate groundwater at the landfill generally flows to the east/southeast, consistent with historical Site observations. 3.2 Analytical Results A summary of the groundwater, surface water, and leachate field data is presented in Table 5. Analytical results and reference comparisons discussed below are summarized in Table 6 through Table 10. Sample locations are depicted on Figure 2. Leachate Leachate samples were collected from two discharge points (CCP-Leachate and CCP-Leachate- 34) located at the leachate pond. Analytical results are presented in Table 6. Leachate analytical results are not compared to groundwater (02L) or surface water (02B) quality standards and are provided for informational purposes only. Groundwater Results Field and analytical results for the collected downgradient and background groundwater samples are presented in Table 7. Groundwater analytical results are compared with 02L standards. Constituent concentrations equal to or greater than 02L standards are noted in Table 7 by bold font and grey cells. The laboratory analytical reports are included as Appendix B. A summary of the downgradient groundwater field and analytical results that are equal to or greater than comparison criteria are presented in Table 8. Groundwater samples were not collected from monitoring wells CCPMW-3S, CCPMW-8, or CCPTW-2 due to insufficient water volume in the wells. An evaluation to determine why these wells have gone dry and whether replacement wells are needed has been initiated. Duke Energy will August 2023 Page 3-1 Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina communicate the results of that evaluation to NCDEQ in the next SW section semiannual monitoring report. Constituent concentrations in Table 7 which are identified as being equal or greater than their applicable comparative criteria are not attributed to a release from the CCP Landfill. Surface Water Field and analytical results for surface water samples are presented in Table 9. The sample locations are depicted on Figure 2. Analytical results for surface water samples are compared with applicable 02B Class WS-IV surface water standards. Constituent concentrations greater than 02B standards are noted in Table 9 by bold font and grey cells. A summary of surface water analytical results equal to or greater than applicable comparison criteria is presented in Table 10. 3.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Field -performed quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) consisted of the collection and analysis of field blanks to evaluate if contamination was imparted to the samples by the sample container, preservative, or other exogenous sources. Field duplicate samples were also collected to estimate sampling and laboratory precision. Select samples were diluted, as is normal laboratory practice, to bring samples within the calibrated range of the analysis. Specifics regarding the samples that were diluted, including the dilution amount, are reported in the EDD and in the lab report. Additional QA/QC data, laboratory analyses, and chain -of -custody forms are included in Appendix B. August 2023 Page 3-2 Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina L111=04=440["i SynTerra. (Rev 0, 2022). Water Quality Monitoring Plan, Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station CCP Landfill Phases I Through IV, March 2022. August 2023 Page 4-1 Project: 00.0092.67 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina FIGURES tip synTerra Science & Engineering Consultants cliffsIde .: 4.• .. i.•i nL i O-A 1 �L t � a ,/ L fA DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY LINE N,.,,R ww FORMER UNITS 1.4 ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY , UNIT 5 ' POWER PLANT r♦ UNIT 51NACTIVE ASH BASIN �• ` WASTE BOUNDARY �� UNIT 6 ` L .s a i ACTIVE ASH BASIN ' WASTE BOUNDARY CCP LANDFILL ■■ y '��i�rr t WASTE BaUNDARY- a � r L � • * w•\ � tt�"w♦ r� L L 1 POWER_ t ff9 , NOTES: 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CARCILINAS. n 3. USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FROM ESRI ARCGIS ONLINE BASEMAP SERVICE, LAST UPDATED APRIL 2023. FIGURE 1 (� DUKE SITE LOCATION MAP 'ENERGY N'iRSTaHSALEM BE WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV ±UTHERFORD ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX - CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION MOORESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA a CHARLO_DRA4YT•1 BY: H. MLflAHN ❑ATE: 10/20/2,122 GRAPHIC SCALE COUNTY ND CHECKED g T- L DWICK DATETY d 500 1,OD0 2,000 3,OD0 synTena COUNTY APPROVED -SPINNH DATE: 07/19/2023 APPROVED W. S. SPINNER DATE 07/19/2023 www.synterracorp.com PROJECT MANAOER- S. SPINNER iiN FEEII 40. ■ ` ■ $4CL��D�R Rp o v�r 4�. 1 1 C R-CCPBG-1 i?/BR .w 1 ! � r 4 • 7 ■ .+ • f CCPMW-3S/D • 4 * ,A^OL� �1 i h 46 e ,fly CCPMW-11 •• • ,•'-- V-10!+— FE-34" + ■ • x,h - oil`�.. LEGEND • + �" 4 SOLID WASTE SECTION MONITORING WELL . t SOLID WASTE SECTION BACKGROUND MONITORING WELL ■� z. ■ SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION LEACHATE SAMPLE LOCATION LANDFILL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY �� } • + _ ` — - — LANDFILL REVIEW BOUNDARY G RAP H IC SCALE DUKE 340 U 340 68C \\$$ %- ' ENERGY IIN FEET) DRAWN W. C. WYATT PATE- IW20/2022 REVISED BY. E. ORDEMANN DATE707/19/2023 CHECKED Be T. LUDWICK DATE:07/19/2023 APPROVED BY: S. BPI TUNER DATE:OY/19/2023 WnTerra PRQI ECT MANAGER-S SPINNER www.s nterraeor .00m LANDFILL LIMIT OF WASTE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY - DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY BOUNDARY 3 STREAM (AMEC NRTR) WETLANDS (AMEC NRTR) TOPOGRAPHY CONTOUR (10' INTERVAL) NOTES; 1. THE WATERS OF THE US DELINEATION HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS AT THE TIME OF THE MAP CREATION. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION PURPOSES. THE WETLANDS AND STREAMS BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM STREAM AND WETLAND DELINEATION CONDUCTED BY AM EC FOSTER WHEELER E NVIRON MENTAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. JUNE 2016. 2. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS. A. AERIAL IMAGERY IS A COMBINATION OF DUKE ENERGY PROPELLER PHOTOGRAPHY COLLECTED ON APRIL 28, 2023 AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY ESRI, COLLECTED ON APR 2, 202D. 5. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM RPS 32OG(NAD83). FIGURE 2 SAMPLE LOCATIONS SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX - CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION MOORESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA PAO ARCGL4 PRO PROJECTSwUKE-ENERGY\CLIFFSIDE\2023\SEMMNUAL_WATER_QUALITY_MDNLTOPoND_ REPO"EMIANNUAL_WATER_QL ALLTY_MONITORING_RFPORT.APRX 810 r � � �.st;n�' fit, - ♦ ��� ; � I r - ss � 81G.05 I `` - •• -•• -S i s � `f7 ♦ � r %i CCPMW-7 ♦ $ BTOP ` • E'. E pep ♦ ~�• it DUKE POWER R❑ n - - r - ~ • • �� y _ . - r %.• �..�. ram. _ •1* �, i - CCPMw-ls +� ' 838.88 1.' a a ON Nk Y' 1 • r �, o - l r LEGEND r� 0 SOLID WASTE SECTION MONITORING WELL SOLID WASTE SECTION BACKGROUND MONITORING WELL , -' I r ' a r INFERRED GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (FEET) a I r • ! �■ GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION LANDFILL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY LANDFILL REVIEW BOUNDARY r f i LANDFILL LIMIT OF WASTE : ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY `�41 # — • DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY BOUNDARY TOPOGRAPHY CONTOUR (1Y INTERVAL) . ��. T,. r 1► STREAM (AMEC NRTR) �] WETLANDS (AMEC NRTR) 0 NOTES: Q - ' 1. WATER LEVELS WERE GAUGED ON APRIL 111-19, 2023 ..loor E, 2-BTOP-BELOW TOP OF PUMP D I 3. ELEVATIONSARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF VMS r _ i - 4. THE WATERS OF THE US DELINEATION HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS AT THE TIME OF THE MAP CREATION. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION PURPOSES. THE WETLAN DS AND STREAMS r C:CR-CCPBG-ID - - _ BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM STREAM AND WETLAND DELINEATION CONDUCTED BY 841.98 - AMEC FOSTER WHEELER ENV I RONM E NTAL AN D INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. JUNE 2015 III TW-2 . fi. ALL 60VNDARIES ARE APPR O%IMgT E. STOP CCPMXr W-11 qS 7. PROPERTYBOUNDARY PROVIOF0 BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS. CCPMW-25 I' DRY i i t 779 1 S AERIAL8. ECTED IMAGE AY 19 02 C P3 AND OOOGLE EARTH AERIALRA HY TROPELLE PHOTOGRAPHY COLLECTE❑ ON $° 802-96 CCPMW-35 .r JUNE 8, 2022. t •y . 9. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROL INA STATE PLANE - e„o H:sO,_;; 798•81 a + CCPMW-lp COORDINATE SYSTEM FIRS 3200 [NAD83]. • 8�0 �' 1C - ' ' ( DUKE 150 OSAPIuCScuI_lvo GROUNDWATER 30o ILEVE L MAP - APRIL 2023 GURE 3A ENERGY {IN FEET] SURFICIAL (SHALLOW AND DEEP) FLOW ZONE a� HAWNBY B. MCGANH DATE- 10120/2022 SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT D REVISED BY..C.ORDEMANN WE-08/07/2023 CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV CHECKED ByT.LUDWICK DATE:08/07I2023 ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX-CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION a� APPROVED By: 5.SPIPINCH DATE:fl8/0-t/2023 MOORSEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA synTerra PROJECT MANAGER-S SPINNER T www Rvntarranarn mm 1 ■ r� CCR-C ■ ` 835.74 S,Sp y• ♦ �f .65 r'r UNIT 5 Q i INA 0 BAS WASIi \ ti \ lip \♦ \, r :?116.10 !� �. S Ei � ■� � Igo TO - • r � w'�' _ �o DUKE POWER RD Ice CCPLANDFILL PHASEW ,� � G � - war •. 1 1 m�ANA& DFILL1 1 PHASE III J6 1 1 T. m 1 w R ■ ' wti ii-i.j MEWA 12 t . DUKE 1.50 asAPHIc sc 50 soo ' ENERGY IIN FEET) DRAWN Or B. MCGANN DATE" IW26/2022 REVISED BY. E. ORDEMANN DATE" O7/1912023 CHECKED BY: T. LUDWICK DATE 07, lW2023 _ APPROVED BY: S. SPINNER DATE'07/lW2023 AGER-$ SPINNER synTerra PROJECT MAN ww R ntnrrArnrn r_nrn LEGEND Z SOLID WASTE SECTION MONITORING WELL SOLID WASTE SECTION BACKGROUND MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION -- INFERRED GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (FEET) — - — LANDFILL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY — - — LANDFILL REVIEW BOUNDARY LANDFILL LIMIT OF WASTE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY • DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY BOUNDARY TOPOGRAPHY CONTOUR (10' INTERVAL) —)N-- STREAM (AMEC NRTR) ® WETLANDS (AMEC NRTR) NOTES: 1. WATER LEVELS WERE GAUGED ONAPRIL 1B, 2029. 2- ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVO 88). 3. THE WATERS OF THE US DELINEATION HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS AT THE TIME OF THE MAP CREATION. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR JURIS DICTIOHAL DETERMINATION PURPOSES. THE WETLANDS AND STREAMS BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM STREAM AND WETLAND DELINEATION CONDUCTED BY AMEC FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE, INC- JUNE 2015- 4- ALL BOU N DAR PIES ARE A PPROXIMATE. S PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROL INAS. 6- AERIAL IMACE RY IS A COMBINATION OF DUKE ENERGY PROPELLER PHOTOGRAPHY COLLECTED ON APRIL 28, 2023 AND GOGGLE EARTH AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COLLECTED [I! JUNE 8. 2022. 7 DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 (NAD89). FIGURE 3B GROUNDWATER LEVEL MAP - APRIL 2023 BEDROCK FLOW ZONE SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX - CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION MOORSEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex — Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina TABLES tip synTerra Science & Engineering Consultants TABLE 1 MONITORING LOCATION SUMMARY TABLE CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Media Monitoring Location ID Comments CCR-CCPBG-1BR* CCR-CCPBG-1BR was installed to monitor background groundwater and is located southwest and upgradient of the landfill. CCR-CCPBG-1D* CCR-CCPBG-1D was installed to monitor background groundwater and is located southwest and upgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-IS* CCPMW-IS was installed to monitor background groundwater and is located west and upgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-1D* CCPMW-1D was installed to monitor background groundwater and is located west and upgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-2S CCPMW-2S was installed for assessment, is located south and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-2D CCPMW-2D was installed for assessment, is located south and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-3S CCPMW-3S was installed for assessment, is located south and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-3D CCPMW-3D was installed for assessment, is located south and downgradient of the landfill. Groundwater CCPMW-4 CCPMW-4 was installed for assessment, is located northwest and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-5 CCPMW-5 was installed for assessment, is located north and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-6S CCPMW-6S was installed for assessment, is located north and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-6D CCPMW-6D was installed for assessment, is located north and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-7 CCPMW-7 was installed for assessment, is located north and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-8 CCPMW-8 was installed for assessment, is located south and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-10 CCPMW-10 was installed for assessment, is located south and downgradient of the landfill. CCPMW-11 CCPMW-11 was installed for assessment, is located southeast and downgradient of the landfill. CCPTW-2 CCPTW-2 was installed for assessment, is located south and downgradient of the landfill. CCPSW-1 CCPSW-1 surface water monitoring location is south and upgradient of the landfill. Surface Water CCPSW-2 CCPSW-2 surface water monitoring location is east and downgradient of the landfill. CCPSW-3 CCPSW-3 surface water monitoring location is west and downgradient of the landfill. Leachate CCP-Leachate Leachate sample, representing leachate from Phases 1 and 2 of the landfill, collected from an in -line sampling point south and downgradient of the landfill. CCP-Leachate-34 Leachate sample, representing leachate from Phases 3 and 4 of the landfill, collected from an in -line sampling point south and clowngradient of the landfill. Note: See Table 2 Well Construction Summary for monitoring well construction information. * - Indicates background groundwater monitoring well. CCP - Coal combustion products Prepared by: TWL Checked by: CSM Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 WELL CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Well ID Date Installed Flow Zone Material Diameter (Inches) Latitude (degrees) Longitude (degrees) Well Depth (ft, BTOQ Screened Interval (ft, BGS) Measuring Point TOC (ft, NAVD 88) Ground Surface (ft, NAVD 88) Groundwater Elevation (ft, NAVD 88) Depth to Water (ft, BTOC) CCR-CCPBG-1BR* 7/23/2020 Bedrock PVC 2 35.203831869 -81.775968852 98.75 91.0 - 96.0 889.02 886.52 835.74 53.28 CCR-CCPBG-1D* 7/17/2020 Deep PVC 2 35.203856335 -81.775968875 50.74 43.0 - 48.0 889.28 886.26 841.96 47.32 CCPMW-1S* 2/23/2010 Deep PVC 2 35.206702100 -81.774304900 42.45 30.0 - 40.0 875.58 873.24 838.88 36.70 CCPMW-1D* 2/24/2010 Bedrock PVC 2 35.206713399 -81.774299699 56.95 49.0 - 54.0 875.89 873.33 838.47 37.42 CCPMW-2S 2/24/2010 Shallow PVC 2 35.203550900 -81.772735000 44.30 32.0 - 42.0 842.24 840.26 802.96 39.28 CCPMW-2D 2/24/2010 Bedrock PVC 2 35.203552399 -81.772721900 72.80 65.0 - 70.0 842.35 840.20 801.65 40.70 CCPMW-3S 6/27/2007 Shallow PVC 2 35.203409300 -81.771019100 15.29 9.0 - 14.0 811.56 810.56 796.81 14.75 CCPMW-3D 7/16/2007 Bedrock PVC 2 35.203408701 -81.771000500 35.41 26.0 - 31.0 811.74 810.47 793.12 18.62 CCPMW-4 10/26/2015 Bedrock PVC 2 35.208929900 -81.774815100 68.31 50.0 - 65.0 845.95 843.29 819.84 26.11 CCPMW-5 10/23/2015 Bedrock PVC 2 35.209926100 -81.772851900 75.42 62.5 - 72.5 858.63 855.87 817.52 41.11 CCPMW-6S 10/21/2015 Deep PVC 2 35.208665599 -81.771117398 46.79 33.5 - 43.5 854.38 851.48 816.09 38.29 CCPMW-6D 10/26/2015 Bedrock PVC 2 35.208653899 -81.771102700 63.00 50.0 - 60.0 854.35 851.45 816.10 38.25 CCPMW-7 7/8/2020 Shallow PVC 2 35.207790757 -81.769444485 51.07 37.0 - 47.0 855.49 852.63 BTOP BTOP CCPMW-8 7/6/2020 Shallow PVC 2 35.203717021 -81.769460949 49.05 35.0 - 45.0 831.52 828.24 782.89 (Eff. Dry) 48.63 CCPMW-10 7/7/2020 Shallow PVC 2 35.203376929 -81.768415081 45.38 32.0 - 42.0 812.98 810.45 777.98 35.00 CCPMW-11 7/1/2020 Shallow PVC 2 35.203812900 -81.766750379 33.75 20.0 - 30.0 803.32 800.24 779.18 24.14 CCPTW-2 2/25/2010 Shallow PVC 2 35.203862801 1 -81.770429800 1 45.00 35.0 - 45.0 841.72 839.62 BTOP BTOP Notes: Groundwater elevations are based on water level data collected on April 18-19, 2023. * - Indicates background groundwater monitoring well. BGS - Below ground surface BTOC - Below top of casing BTOP - Water level is below top of pump and not gauged. CCP - Coal combustion products Eff. Dry - Monitoring well effectively dry. Measured water level not representative of groundwater elevation. Groundwater elevation presented as "dry" on figure. ft - Feet NAVD 88 - Vertical elevations in feet based on North American Vertical Datum of 1988 PVC - Polyvinylchloride Prepared by: TWL Checked by: CSM Page 1 of 1 TABLE 3 GROUNDWATER, SURFACE WATER, AND LEACHATE MONITORING PARAMETERS CCP LANDFILL PHASES I - IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Constituent Analytical Methods Units 15A NCAC 02L Standards for Groundwater 15A NCAC 02B (Class WS-IV) Standards, ISTV, and USEPA Criteria for Surface Water In Situ Parameters pH Multi -Parameter Water Quality Meter S.U. 6.5-8.5 6.0-9.0 Temperature Multi -Parameter Water Quality Meter degrees Celsius NE <_ 29 Specific Conductance Multi -Parameter Water Quality Meter µmhos/cm NE NE Dissolved Oxygen Multi -Parameter Water Quality Meter mg/L NE > 4 Oxidation Reduction Potential Multi -Parameter Water Quality Meter millivolts NE NE Turbidity Turbidimeter NTU NE Streams 5 50 Water Level Water Level Meter ft NE NE Laboratory Analyses Antimony EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 1 5,300 Arsenic EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 10 10 Barium EPA 200.7/EPA 6010D µg/L 700 1,000 Beryllium EPA 200.7/EPA 6010D µg/L 4 NE Beryllium (dissolved) EPA 200.7/SW 6010D µg/L NE 65� Boron EPA 200.7/EPA 6010D µg/L 700 34,000# Cadmium EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 2 NE Cadmium (dissolved) EPA 200.8/SW 6020E µg/L NE 0.75A't Calcium EPA 200.7/SW 6010D mg/L NE NE Chloride EPA 300.0/EPA 9056A mg/L 250 230 Chromium EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 10 NE Chromium (dissolved) EPA 200.8/SW 6020E µg/L NE 180A'x Cobalt EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 1 3$ Copper EPA 200.7/EPA 6010D µg/L 1,000 NE Copper (dissolved) EPA 200.7/SW 6010D µg/L NE 3.6A't Fluoride EPA 300.0/EPA 9056A mg/L 2 1.8 Iron EPA 200.7/EPA 6010D µg/L 300 1,000* Lead EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 15 NE Lead (dissolved) EPA 200.8/SW 6020E µg/L NE 14A't Lithium EPA 200.8/SW 6020E µg/L NE NE Magnesium EPA 200.8/SW 6020E mg/L NE NE Manganese EPA 200.7/EPA 6010D µg/L 50 50* Mercury EPA 7470A µg/L 1 0.012 Molybdenum EPA 200.8/SW 6020E µg/L NE 160$ Nickel EPA 200.7/EPA 6010D µg/L 100 25 Nickel (dissolved) EPA 200.7/SW 6010D µg/L NE 140A't Nitrate EPA 300.0/EPA 9056A mg-N/L 10 10 Selenium EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 20 NE Silver EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 20 NE Silver (dissolved) EPA 200.8/SW 6020E µg/L NE 0.30A't Sulfate EPA 300.0/EPA 9056A mg/L 250 250 Thallium EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 2 2$ Total Dissolved Solids SM 2540C mg/L 500 500 Total Hardness Calculation (2.497 (calcium) + 4.118 (magnesium)) mg/L NE 100 Vanadium EPA 200.8/EPA 6020E µg/L 7 NE Zinc EPA 200.7/EPA 6010D µg/L 1,000 NE Zinc dissolved EPA 200.7/SW 6010D I ltg/L NE 1 36"'t Prepared by: TWL Checked by: SAS Notes: 15A NCAC 02L Standard refers to Class GA Standards as found in 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Quality Standards, last amended on April 1, 2022. 15A NCAC 02B Standards for Class WS-IV surface waters. Water quality standards applicable to Class C waters also apply to Class WS-IV waters. North Carolina surface water and wetland standards (effective September 1, 2022). ISTV - In -stream target values established per 15A NCAC 02B .0202 and .0208. USEPA Criteria - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Recommended Water Quality Criteria For ISTVs with acute and chronic criteria, the acute criteria are considered more applicable to grab sampling; therefore, those values are presented. Total hardness and dissolved constituents are applicable to surface water analytical parameters only. $ - An exceedance of a published ISTV is not automatically a violation of the water quality standard for toxicity. Comparison value presented is the lesser of the Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation or Fish Consumption value, when applicable. - ISTV is based on acute sampling method described in 15A NCAC 02B (11)(e). Compliance with acute instream standard is not applicable to sampling method. An exceedance of a published ISTV is not automatically a violation of the water quality standard for toxicity. USEPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria are not a regulation, nor do they impose a legally -binding requirement. Therefore, comparisons with these criteria are for situational context. Comparison criteria based on acute sampling method described in 15A NCAC 02B (11)(e). Compliance with acute instream standard is not applicable to sampling method and provided for screening purposes only. - Hardness -dependent standard calculated using 25 mg/L hardness and not actual in -stream hardness value. Provided for screening purposes only. "- Hardness -dependent standard for chromium III calculated using 25 mg/L hardness and not actual in -stream hardness value. Provided for screening purposes only. NE - Not established µg/L - micrograms per liter µmhos/cm - micromhos per centimeter EPA - US Environmental Protection Agency ft- feet mg/L - milligrams per liter mg-N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter mV - millivolts NTU - nephelometric turbidity units S.U. - Standard Units Page 1 of 1 TABLE 4 GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE VELOCITIES CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Surficial and Transition Flow Zone Upgradient Downgradient Seepage Groundwater Groundwater K Ah Distance Well ID Elevation Elevation (ft/day)' (ft) (ft) Effective PorosityZ Velocity (ft/day) (ft, NAVD 88) (ft, NAVD 88) CCPMW-8 to CCPMW-10 1 782.89 1 777.98 1 1.02 1 4.91 1 336 1 0.20 1 0.075 Bedrock Flow Zone Upgradient Downgradient Seepage Well ID Groundwater Groundwater K Ah Distance Effective PorosityZ Velocity Elevation Elevation 1 (ft/day) (ft) (ft) (ft/day)3 (ft, NAVD 88) (ft, NAVD 88) CCPMW-1D to CCPMW-3D 838.47 793.12 1.30 45.35 1555 0.05 0.758 CCPMW-1D to CCPMW-6D 838.47 816.10 1.30 22.37 1188 0.05 0.490 Prepared by: TWL Checked by: CSM Notes: 1- Values used are a calculated Geomean of hydraulic conductivities in paired wells. Hydraulic conductivity values are derived from slug test data presented in the Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation Report (SynTerra, April 2021). Z - Value taken from Updated Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling Report for Cliffside Steam Station, Mooresboro, NC, December 2019 (SynTerra) . s - Value represents an estimate of the velocity of groundwater through bedrock fractures. ft - feet ft/day - feet per day Groundwater elevations are based on water level data collected on April 18-19, 2023. Hydraulic gradients and groundwater velocities are approximate. NAVD 88 - North American Vertical Datum of 1988 Page 1 of 1 TABLE 5 FIELD DATA PARAMETERS CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Sample ID Sample Date Appearance Odor Purge Method Average Pump Rate mL min ( / ) Temp De C (Deg ) Specific Conductance (µmhos/cm) pH S.U. ( ) ORP mV ( ) Dissolved Oxygen m L ( g/) Turbidity NTU ( ) Groundwater Elevation A NAVD 88) Depth to Water ft, BTOC ( ) Groundwater Parameters CCR-CCPBG-1D* 4/18/2023 Clear None Mega Monsoon 140 21 73 5.3 188 7.7 8.2 841.96 47.32 CCR-CCPBG-1BR* 4/18/2023 Clear None Bladder Pump 140 18 1,576 7.6 134 2.6 0.4 835.74 53.28 CCPMW-1S* 4/18/2023 Clear None Bladder Pump 160 20 25 4.9 49 10.5 1.5 838.88 36.70 CCPMW-1D* 4/18/2023 Clear None Bladder Pump 160 19 50 5.4 124 5.9 0.5 838.47 37.42 CCPMW-2S 4/18/2023 Clear None Bladder Pump 200 19 52 5.2 115 6.9 1.0 802.96 39.28 CCPMW-2D 4/18/2023 Clear None Mega Monsoon 1,000 19 122 8.4 53 3.8 1.1 801.65 40.70 CCPMW-3S NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 796.81 14.75 CCPMW-3D 4/18/2023 Clear None Peristaltic Pump 70 20 108 5.6 166 5.9 1.0 793.12 18.62 CCPMW-4 4/18/2023 Clear None Bladder Pump 100 17 172 8.2 9 0.4 1.4 819.84 26.11 CCPMW-5 4/18/2023 Small particulates None Mega Monsoon 250 20 289 11.0 62 4.7 7.4 817.52 41.11 CCPMW-6S 4/18/2023 Clear None Bladder Pump 180 20 56 4.6 127 10.9 6.2 816.09 38.29 CCPMW-6D 4/18/2023 Clear None Bladder Pump 160 21 53 5.3 98 6.4 0.1 816.10 38.25 CCPMW-7 4/19/2023 Small particulates None Bladder Pump 50 19 85 5.6 89 5.8 4.0 BTOP BTOP CCPMW-8 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 782.89 (Eff. Dry) 48.63 CCPMW-10 4/19/2023 Clear None Bladder Pump 140 18 47 5.0 61 5.2 1.7 777.98 35.00 CCPMW-11 4/19/2023 Clear None Peristaltic Pump 180 23 84 5.7 55 4.3 9.7 779.18 24.14 CCPTW-2 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS BTOP BTOP Surface Water Parameters CCPSW-1 4/18/2023 Clear None Grab NA 16 72 5.8 100 9.9 5.7 NA NA CCPSW-2 4/18/2023 Clear Unknown# Grab NA 13 49 6.8 185 8.5 16.8 NA NA CCPSW-3 4/18/2023 Clear None Grab NA 15 46 4.8 89 7.8 2.8 NA NA Leachate Collection Parameters CCP-Leachate 4/19/2023 Clear None Grab NA 18 33,389 4.5 161 9.8 0.3 NA NA CCP-Leachate-34 4/19/2023 Clear None Grab NA 18 3,274 4.7 81 8.4 6.0 NA NA Notes: * - Indicates background groundwater monitoring well. # - Odor for surface water at sampling location is illegible in field log. Analytical data presented in this table reflect the Duke Energy Biological Analytical Data Storage System (BASS) as of 07/23/2023. Monitoring wells CCPMW-3S, CCPMW-8, and CCPTW-2 not sampled due to insufficient volume of water. Water level data collected on April 18-19, 2023. µmhos/cm - micromhos per centimeter BTOC - Below top of casing BTOP - Below top of Pump Deg C - Degrees Celsius Eff. Dry - Monitoring well effectively dry. Measured water level not representative of groundwater elevation. Groundwater elevation presented as "dry" on figure. ft - feet mg/L - milligrams per liter mL/min - milliliters per minute mV - millivolts NA - Not Applicable NAVD88 - North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NS - Not Sampled NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Units ORP - Oxidation Reduction Potential S.U. - Standard units Prepared by: TWL Checked by: AMH Page 1 of 1 TABLE 6 LEACHATE FIELD RESULTS AND ANALYTICAL DETECTIONS CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Parameter SWS ID Units Leachate Sample ID MDL CCP-Leachate CCP-Leachate-34 pH 320 S.U. 4.5 4.7 - Temperature 325 Deg C 18 18 - Specific Conductance 323 µmhos/cm 33,389 3,274 - Dissolved Oxygen NE mg/L 9.8 8.4 - Oxidation Reduction Potential 336 mV 161 81 - Eh NE mV 361 281 - Turbidity 330 NTUs 0.3 6.0 - Antimony 13 µg/L 0.233 J 0.285 J 0.104 Arsenic 14 µg/L 7.02 4.62 0.111 Barium 15 µg/L 370 58 2 Beryllium 23 µg/L 1.26 J 5.53 0.249 Beryllium (dissolved) 23 µg/L 0.79 J 5.55 0.249 Boron 428 µg/L 10,000 4,360 5 Cadmium 34 µg/L 1.76 1.64 0.032 Cadmium (dissolved) 34 µg/L 1.78 1.60 0.032 Calcium 375 mg/L 7,120 633 0.012 Chloride 301 mg/L 13,000 460 0.0154 Chromium 51 µg/L 0.44 J 2.50 0.185 Chromium (dissolved) 51 µg/L 0.475 J 2.48 J 0.185 Cobalt 53 µg/L 477 331 0.077 Copper 54 µg/L 32.0 115 0.787 Copper (dissolved) 54 µg/L 34.3 113 0.787 Fluoride 312 mg/L 0.11 0.34 J 0.0479 Iron 340 µg/L 290 126 4 Lead 131 µg/L 122 20.0 0.037 Lead (dissolved) 131 µg/L 119 19.3 0.037 Lithium NE µg/L 7,030 111 2 Magnesium 376 mg/L 48.6 83.5 0.008 Manganese 342 µg/L 10,200 11,600 1 Mercury 132 µg/L 0.04 J 0.02 J 0.01 Molybdenum 397 µg/L 306 1.72 0.18 Nickel 152 µg/L 98.2 243 0.256 Nickel (dissolved) 152 µg/L 99.1 237 0.256 Nitrate (as N) 303 mg-N/L 4.2 J 2.3 0.002 Selenium 183 µg/L 76.7 21.2 0.193 Silver 184 µg/L 0.111 0.056 J 0.035 Silver (dissolved) 184 µg/L 0.124 J < 1 0.035 Sulfate 315 mg/L 850 1,400 0.0428 Thallium 194 µg/L 8.77 1.95 0.041 Total Dissolved Solids 1 311 mg/L 1 22,600 1 2,750 25 Page 1 of 2 TABLE 6 LEACHATE FIELD RESULTS AND ANALYTICAL DETECTIONS CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Parameter SWS ID Units Leachate Sample ID MDL CCP-Leachate CCP-Leachate-34 Total Hardness NE mg/L 18,000 1,920 - Vanadium 209 µg/L 0.883 J < 0.3 0.114 Zinc 213 µg/L 100 241 4 Zinc (dissolved) 213 µg/L 162 265 4 Prepared by: AMH Checked by: TWL CSM Notes: Samples collected by Pace Analytical personnel on April 19, 2023. Analytical data presented in this table reflects the Duke Energy Biological Analytical Data Storage System (BASS) as of 07/23/2023. Field duplicate sample collected at CCP-Leachate monitoring location. <- Concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. A blank cell means there is no relevant information. °C - degrees Celsius µg/L - micrograms per liter µmhos/cm - micromhos per centimeter J - Value is estimated. The result is below the reporting limit or potentially biased based on data validation. MDL - Laboratory Method Detection Limit; MDL values presented are for samples not diluted by the laboratory during analysis. mg/L - milligrams per liter mg-N/L - milligrams nitrogen per liter mV - Millivolts NE - Not Established NTUs - Nephelometric Turbidity Units S.U. - Standard Units SWS ID - Solid Waste Section Identification Number Page 2 of 2 TABLE 7 GROUNDWATER FIELD RESULTS AND ANALYTICAL DETECTIONS CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Parameter SWS ID Units Monitoring Wells MDL SW GWPS 15A NCAC 02L Standard CCPMW-15 CCPMW-ID CCPMW-2S CCPMW-2D CCPMW-35 CCPMW-3D CCPMW-4 CCPMW-5 CCPMW-6S CCPMW-6D CCPMW-7 CCPMW-8 CCPMW-10 CCPMW-11 CCPTW-2 CCR-CCPBG-1D CCR-CCPBG-1BR pH 320 S.U. 4.9 5.4 5.2 8.4 NS 5.6 8.2 11.0 4.6 5.3 5.6 NS 5.0 5.7 NS 5.3 7.6 NE 6.5-8.5 Temperature 325 Deg C 20 19 19 19 NS 20 17 20 20 21 19 NS 18 23 NS 21 18 NE NE Specific Conductance 323 µmhos/cm 25 50 52 122 NS 108 172 289 56 53 85 NS 47 84 NS 73 1,576 NE NE Dissolved Oxygen NE mg/L 10.5 5.9 6.9 3.8 NS 5.9 0.4 4.7 10.9 6.4 5.8 NS 5.2 4.3 NS 7.7 2.6 NE NE Oxidation Reduction Potential 336 mV 49 124 115 53 NS 166 9 62 127 98 89 NS 61 55 NS 188 134 NE NE Eh NE mV 249 324 315 253 NS 366 209 262 327 298 289 NS 261 255 NS 388 334 NE NE Turbidity 330 NTUs 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.1 NS 1.0 1.4 7.4 6.2 0.1 4.0 NS 1.7 9.7 NS 8.2 0.4 NE NE Antimony 13 µg/L < 1 < 1 0.113 J < 1 NS < 1 0.207 J 0.642 J < 1 < 1 < 1 NS < 1 < 1 NS 0.155 J 0.237 J 0.104 NE 1 Arsenic 14 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.581 J NS < 1 0.356 J 2.84 < 1 < 1 < 1 NS < 1 0.167 J NS < 1 1.22 0.111 NE 10 Barium 15 µg/L 18 16 30 9 NS 29 119 3 J 42 42 31 NS 49 38 NS 33 10 2 NE 700 Beryllium 23 µg/L <1 <1 <1 <1 NS <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS <1 <1 NS <1 <1 0.249 NE 4 Boron 428 µg/L 5 J 7 J 10 J < 50 NS 73 13 J 16 J < 50 < 50 < 50 NS 6 J 13 J NS < 50 15 J 5 NE 700 Cadmium 34 µg/L <1 <1 0.081 <1 NS <1 <1 <1 0.04J <1 <1 NS <1 <1 NS <1 <1 0.032 NE 2 Calcium 375 mg/L 0.129 2.68 2.75 14.8 NS 12.0 11.5 31.3 1.60 1.48 4.38 J NS 1.68 3.09 NS 3.35 57.4 0.012 NE NE Chloride 301 mg/L 4.0 8.0 2.9 5.4 NS 6.0 1.7 4.8 4.8 5.6 11 NS 5.5 4.6 NS 9.5 210 0.0154 NE 250 Chromium 51 µg/L 1.48 0.238 J 1.38 1.79 NS 1.10 0.847 J 5.14 2.00 1.22 1.28 NS 1.09 1.72 NS 0.638 J 0.883 J 0.185 NE 10 Cobalt 53 µg/L 1.33 0.32 J 0.392 J < 1 NS < 1 0.089 J 0.105 J 2.10 1.13 0.196 J NS 0.92 J 0.1111 NS 0.993 J 0.13 J 0.077 NE 1 Copper 54 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 1.67 NS < 1 < 1 1.50 < 1 < 1 < 1 NS < 1 < 1 NS < 1 < 1 0.787 NE 1,000 Fluoride 312 mg/L < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 NS < 0.1 0.14 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 NS < 0.1 < 0.1 NS < 0.1 0.14 J 0.0479 NE 2 Iron 340 µg/L 69 18 28 91 NS < 10J 23 168 229 8J 69 NS 82 635 NS 247 13 4 NE 300 Lead 131 µg/L 0.06 J < 1 0.098 J 0.08 J NS < 1 < 1 0.297 J 0.168 J < 1 0.071 J NS 0.115 J 0.54 J NS 0.126 J < 1 0.037 NE 15 Lithium NE µg/L <5 <5 <5 5J NS <5 37 <5 <5 <5 <5 NS <5 <5 NS <5 16 2 NE NE Magnesium 376 mg/L 0.515 1.41 1.89 0.916 NS 2.48 0.752 0.194 2.05 1.83 1.66 NS 1.73 1.54 NS 2.36 4.96 0.008 NE NE Manganese 342 µg/L 16 7 31 2J NS 7 8 7 45 26 35 NS 17 12 NS 44 76 1 NE 50 Mercury 132 µg/L 0.05 J 0.011 0.02 J 0.02 J NS 0.02 J 0.011 0.02 J 0.011 0.011 0.011 NS 0.05 0.02 J NS 0.02 J 0.02 J 0.01 NE 1 Molybdenum 397 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.5111 NS < 1 7.89 1.25 < 1 < 1 0.205 J NS < 1 0.187 J NS < 1 39.1 0.18 NE NE Nickel 152 µg/L 0.644 J 0.87 J 0.482 J 0.512 J NS < 1 0.274 J 0.755 J 2.84 0.622 J 1.16 NS 0.663 J 1.60 NS 0.925 J 2.39 0.256 NE 100 Nitrate (as N) 303 mg-N/L 0.04 0.32 1.8 1.3 NS 1.0 0.16 0.90 3.5 2.5 2.2 NS 1.7 1.3 NS 3.6 1.2 0.002 NE 10 Selenium 183 µg/L < 1 < 1 0.593 J < 1 NS 0.423 J < 1 0.286 J < 1 < 1 < 1 NS < 1 < 1 NS < 1 < 1 0.193 NE 20 Silver 184 µg/L <1 <1 0.05J <1 NS <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NS 0.058J <1 NS <1 <1 0.035 NE 20 Sulfate 315 mg/L 0.96 1.3 5.3 1 4.5 NS 24 29 20 1.7 0.30 0.56 NS 0.18 2.4 NS 1 0.38 300 0.0428 NE 250 Thallium 194 µg/L 0.041 J < 0.2 0.099 J < 0.2 NS < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 0.117 J 0.07 J 0.068 J NS 0.063 J 0.086 J NS 0.066 J < 0.2 0.041 NE 2 Total Dissolved Solids 311 mg/L < 25 34.0 35.0 87.0 NS 63.0 119 110 41.0 40.0 61.0 NS 36.0 62.0 NS 58.0 857 25 NE 500 Vanadium 209 µg/L 0.13 J < 0.3 0.245 J 4.40 NS 0.169 J 0.269 J 15.1 0.325 < 0.3 0.258 J NS 0.165 J 1.11 NS 0.383 1.05 0.114 NE 7 Zinc 213 µg/L <5 <5 <5 <5 NS <5 <5 <5 <5 _LL_j <5 NS <5 <5 NS <5 <5 4 NE 1,000 Notes: Bold and grey concentrations are equal to or greater than the 15A NCAC 02L Standard (for pH, greater than or less than the 02L Standard range). Analytical data presented in this table reflects the Duke Energy Biological Analytical Data Storage System (BASS) as of 07/23/2023. 15A NCAC 02L Standard refers to Class GA Standards as found in 15A NCAC 02L. 0202 Groundwater Quality Standards, last amended on April 1, 2022. CCPMW-1S/D and CCR-CCPBG-1D/BR are background groundwater monitoring wells. Field duplicate sample collected at CCPMW-3D. Samples collected by Pace Analytical personnel on April 18 and 19, 2023 1 - Value is estimated. The result is below the reporting limit or potentially biased based on data validation. MDL - Laboratory Method Detection Limit; MDL values presented are for samples not diluted by the laboratory during analysis. SW GWPS -Solid Waste Groundwater Protection Standard SWS ID - Solid Waste Section Identification Number Deg C - degrees Celsius NCAC - North Carolina Administrative Code µg/L - micrograms per liter NE - Not Established µmhos/cm - micromhos per centimeter NS - Not Sampled mg/L - milligrams per liter NTUs - Nephelometric Turbidity Units mg-N/L- milligrams nitrogen per liter S.U. -Standard Units mV - Millivolts Prepared by: AMH Checked by: CSM TWL Page 1 of 1 TABLE 8 FIELD AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS THAT EQUAL OR EXCEED GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Parameter Sample ID April 2023 Concentration Units 15A NCAC 02L Standard Historical Concentration Range Cause and Significance pH CCPMW-1ST 4.9 S.U. 6.5 - 8.5 4.4 - 6.6 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCPMW-1S CCPMW-1D* 5.4 4.4 - 9.7 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCPMW-1D CCPMW-2S 5.2 4.4 - 6.4 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCPMW-2S CCPMW-3D 5.6 4.7 - 5.5 pH is greater than the range of historical readings at CCPMW-3D CCPMW-5 11.0 8.1 - 11.0 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCPMW-5 CCPMW-6S 4.6 4.7 - 5.8 pH is less than the range of historical readings at CCPMW-6S CCPMW-6D 5.3 5.1- 5.4 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCPMW-6D CCPMW-7 5.6 4.7 - 5.8 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCPMW-7 CCPMW-10 5.0 4.5 - 5.2 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCPMW-10 CCPMW-11 5.7 5.3 - 5.8 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCPMW-11 CCR-CCPBG-1D* 5.3 5.1- 5.4 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCR-CCPBG-1D Cobalt CCPMW-1ST 1.33 µg/L 1 0.6 - 10.7 Cobalt is consistent with the range of historical concentrations at CCPMW-IS CCPMW-6S 2.10 1.95 - 10.3 Cobalt is consistent with the range of historical concentrations at CCPMW-6S CCPMW-6D 1.13 0.527 - 1.86 Cobalt is consistent with the range of historical concentrations at CCPMW-6D Iron CCPMW-11 635 µg/L 300 58 - 497 Iron is greater than the range of historical concentrations at CCPMW-11 Manganese CCR-CCPBG-1BR* 76 µg/L 50 25 - 62 Manganese is greater than the range of historical concentrations at CCR-CCPBG-1BR Sulfate CCR-CCPBG-1BR* 300 mg/L 250 28 - 340 Sulfate is consistent with the range of historical concentrations at CCR-CCPBG-1BR TDS CCR-CCPBG-1BR* 857 mg/L 500 165 - 1,090 TDS is consistent with the range of historical concentrations at CCR-CCPBG-1BR Vanadium CCPMW-5 15.1 µg/L 7 7.54 - 17.1 Vanadium is consistent with the range of historical concentrations at CCPMW-5 Notes: Historical ranges are based on data in Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy) analytical results database and previous reporting. Historical ranges exclude sample data with turbidity values greater than 10 NTUs. Analytical data presented in this table reflects the Duke Energy Biological Analytical Data Storage System (BASS) as of 07/23/2023. 15A NCAC 02L Standard refers to Class GA Standards as found in 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Quality Standards, last amended on April 1, 2022. CCPMW-1S/D and CCR-CCPBG-1D/BR are background groundwater monitoring wells. µg/L - micrograms per liter mg/L - milligrams per liter NCAC - North Carolina Administrative Code NTUs - Nephelometric Turbidity Units S.U. - Standard Units TDS - total dissolved solids Prepared by: AMH Checked by: CSM TWL Page 1 of 1 TABLE 9 SURFACE WATER FIELD RESULTS AND ANALYTICAL DETECTIONS CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Parameter SWS ID Units Surface Water Sample ID MDI. 15A NCAC 02B 1 (Class WS-IV) Standards', ISTV, and USEPA Criteria CCPSW-1 CCPSW-2 CCPSW-3 pH 320 S.U. 5.8 6.8 4.8 - 6.0-9.0 Temperature 325 °C 16 13 15 - <_ 29 Specific Conductance 323 µmhos/cm 72 49 46 - NE Dissolved Oxygen NE mg/L 9.9 8.5 7.8 - >_ 4 Oxidation Reduction Potential 336 mV 100 185 89 - NE Eh NE mV 300 385 289 - NE Turbidity 330 NTUs 5.7 16.8 2.8 - Streams <_ 50 Antimony 13 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.104 5,300$ Arsenic 14 µg/L 0.243 J 0.242 J < 1 0.111 10 Barium 15 µg/L 25 26 17 2 1,000 Beryllium 23 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.249 NE Beryllium (dissolved) 23 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.249 65^ Boron 428 µg/L 6 J 6 J 9 J 5 34,000# Cadmium 34 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.032 NE Cadmium (dissolved) 34 µg/L < 1 0.128 J < 1 0.032 0.75"t Calcium 375 mg/L 2.39 2.59 2.34 0.012 NE Chloride 301 mg/L 3.9 4.0 4.5 0.0154 230 Chromium 51 µg/L 0.708 J 0.709 J 0.647 J 0.185 NE Chromium (dissolved) 51 µg/L 0.312 J 0.352 J 0.347 J 0.185 180^'x Cobalt 53 µg/L 0.324 J 0.358 J 0.255 J 0.077 3$ Copper 54 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.787 NE Copper (dissolved) 54 µg/L 0.8211 3.99 3.65 0.787 3.6^'t Fluoride 312 mg/L < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.0479 1.8 Iron 340 µg/L 1,150 1,200 245 4 1,000* Lead 131 µg/L 0.259 J 0.312 J 0.205 J 0.037 NE Lead (dissolved) 131 µg/L 0.123 J 0.161 J 0.098 J 0.037 14^'t Lithium NE µg/L < 5 < 5 < 5 2 NE Magnesium 376 mg/L 1.27 1.34 1.48 0.008 NE Manganese 342 µg/L 41 39 8 1 50* Mercury 132 µg/L 0.02 J 0.02 J 0.03 J 0.01 0.012 Molybdenum 397 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.18 160$ Nickel 152 µg/L 0.458 J 0.428 J 0.374 J 0.256 25 Nickel (dissolved) 152 µg/L 0.48 J 0.481 J 0.425 J 0.256 140"t Nitrate (as N) 303 mg-N/L 0.45 0.46 0.06 0.002 10 Selenium 183 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.193 NE Silver 184 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.035 NE Silver (dissolved) 184 µg/L < 1 < 1 < 1 0.035 0.30^'t Sulfate 315 mg/L 1.6 2.0 3.0 0.0428 250 Thallium 194 µg/L < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 0.041 2$ Total Dissolved Solids 311 mg/L 34.0 32.0 33.0 25 500 Total Hardness NE mg/L 11.2 12.0 12.0 NA 100 Page 1 of 2 TABLE 9 SURFACE WATER FIELD RESULTS AND ANALYTICAL DETECTIONS CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Surface Water 15A NCAC 02B Parameter SWS ID Units Sample ID MDL (Class WS-IV) Standards', ISTV, CCPSW-1 CCPSW-2 CCPSW-3 and USEPA Criteria Vanadium 209 µg/L 0.669 0.822 0.565 0.114 NE Zinc 213 µg/L 4 J < 5 < 5 4 NE Zinc (dissolved) 213 µg/L 5 11 < 5 4 36"t Prepared byAMH Checked by: CSM Notes: Bold and grey concentrations are equal to or greater than the 15A NCAC 02B Standard (for pH, greater than or less than the 02B Standard range). Concentrations greater than other comparison criteria are only bold. Samples collected by Pace Analytical personnel on April 18, 2023. Analytical data presented in this table reflect the Duke Energy Biological Analytical Data Storage System (BASS) as of 07/23/2023. CCPSW-1 surface water sample location is upgradient of the CCP landfill. ISTV - In -stream target values established per 15A NCAC 02B .0202 and .0208. USEPA Criteria - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Recommended Water Quality Criteria For constituents with acute and chronic criteria, the acute criteria are considered more applicable to grab sampling; therefore, those values are presented. 1- 15A NCAC 02B Standards for Class WS-IV surface water. Water quality standards applicable to Class C waters also apply to Class WS-IV waters. North Carolina surface water and wetland standards (effective September 1, 2022). $ - An exceedance of a published ISTV is not automatically a violation of the water quality standard for toxicity. Comparison value presented is the lesser of the Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation or Fish Consumption value, when applicable. - ISTV is based on acute sampling method described in 15A NCAC 02B (11)(e). Compliance with acute instream standard is not applicable to sampling method. An exceedance of a published ISTV is not automatically a violation of the water quality standard for toxicity. USEPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria are not a regulation, nor do they impose a legally -binding requirement. Therefore, comparisons with these criteria are for situational context. Comparison criteria based on acute sampling method described in 15A NCAC 02B (11)(e). Compliance with acute instream standard is not applicable to sampling method and provided for screening purposes only. - Hardness -dependent standard calculated using 25 mg/L hardness and not actual in -stream hardness value. Provided for screening purposes only. `- Hardness -dependent standard for chromium III calculated using 25 mg/L hardness and not actual in -stream hardness value. Provided for screening purposes only. <- Concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. °C - degrees Celsius CCP - Coal combustion products J - Value is estimated. The result is below the reporting limit or potentially biased based on data validation. MDL - Laboratory Method Detection Limit; MDL values presented are for samples not diluted by the laboratory during analysis. µg/L - micrograms per liter µmhos/cm - micromhos per centimeter mg/L - milligrams per liter mg-N/L - milligrams nitrogen per liter mV - Millivolts NE - Not established NA - Not applicable NCAC - North Carolina Administrative Code S.U. - Standard Units SW GWPS - Solid Waste Groundwater Protection Standard SWS ID - Solid Waste Section Identification Number Page 2 of 2 TABLE 10 FIELD AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS THAT EQUAL OR EXCEED SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS CCP LANDFILL PHASES I THROUGH IV SEMIANNUAL WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Parameter Sample ID April 2023 Concentration Units 15A NCAC 02B Standard (Class WS-IV)1 Historical Concentration Range Cause and Significance CCPSW-1* 5.8 5.8 - 7.4 pH is consistent with the range of historical readings at CCPSW-1 pH S.U. 6.0 - 9.0 CCPSW-3 4.8 5.5 - 6.2 pH is less than the range of historical readings at CCPSW-3 Mercury is consistent with the range of historical concentrations CCPSW-1 0.02 J 0.009 - <0.05 at CCPSW-1. Result is an estimated concentration. Mercury is consistent with the range of historical concentrations Mercury CCPSW-2 0.02 J µg/L 0.012 0.009 - <0.05 at CCPSW-2. Result is an estimated concentration. Mercury is consistent with the range of historical concentrations L- CCPSW-3 0.03 J < 0.05 at CCPSW-3. Result is an estimated concentration. Prepared by: AMH Checked by: CSM TWL Notes: 1- 15A NCAC 02B Standards for Class WS-IV surface waters. Water quality standards applicable to Class C waters also apply to Class WS-IV waters. North Carolina surface water and wetland standards (effective September 1, 2022). Analytical data presented in this table reflects the Duke Energy Biological Analytical Data Storage System (BASS) as of 07/23/2023. CCPSW-1 surface water sample location is upgradient of the CCP landfill. µg/L - micrograms per liter CCP - Coal combustion products J - Value is estimated. The result is below the reporting limit or potentially biased based on data validation. NCAC - North Carolina Administrative Code S.U. - Standard Units Page 1 of 1 Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex— Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina APPENDIX A FIELD SAMPLING FORMS 41P synTerra Science & Engineering Consultants [�aCuns�nt't�lnn�e::l�i�l dato 5hect . Age .1.0 : COrir?!y(1C&1." 1?aeunus�k htunitiex; F-C.t�R FT l7-t)Oi-ray:(), .: Ialitg:ltititttcu;iEyrPse.li%ii�kcsvii'IeQuaiity f7 1.:CfP :...:.:... . cF _Field i]aEa. SheeE ..:..: .......: ..: . o , :Tyrc�ii�ct C 0Lnte Time Temp: T7iss-oxy Spec. Cond. pH: S.U.). � ei?Qx (nV), u T rijdlty (ntu) r ov ed (pl.I�sns i�V�tex F' :level. (£t). Other purged: L' . 6a, Cl �S1CIt711C11�° Atll Fie[sd ��€ta shut �Ariflti(�11F SSUo 0.1 - 1 i�e� G'Bdti#ljf�lti( of _ .. � .. D rumex€t NuMbOr; . . .: ; I"ciil A€ . , :11.ty. i L`t1T2 FLl rt %f1 xev.o} . :: pace+ I�uriEdr�viii� Quality C}ffice :.>:.': ;:. .: . . :' �44$: �E'8�a��i Is A� Yi.��4�lip� . .; .. :, ', Ghent, E . .. Q t} '4: :, i,cacat��n (`l,anc�e, ,m cn IyL x QiD9 S t,�r� S p�� C t,5 Cc P �',P _ osQ ca.Q Wefl.lf�`:. CCL C`� LJ - is Q 1Q O -. ` RevieweiiDatesnd By: j�18 1�-� €� 1Ep tab11li 1 Test /'� Y� 23 aT41 ;. i1: Time Temp D�s's.OxL qec, Card: qH (s ut ReiJox (mVj TurbJdIty Volume Remgved (gallon jl.} Water level 0th r . ... wurged:: (�): E?I;ILI ,E - . (►tu}: cPrcle .one " (} 6 ---. j`1 1 o arts' �t s �3 Ut mcnf N;;ino l7�eId data Sheet .. . bate Issued mart C@Allly!(CQI� : ni�un�er}k ur�iitttr .���� �I :.i,(ialYr�vQ� lsaxi�lg_Autiia�xty %'arei3ttntersv£lleQiilE''. Y ......... . Ltica'tiori: � ..........:. Natxxe.axtd A.Efilxahaty, �ampler:sj, N1 { I?iGeldtaSYiet:;IZeu err: ' `Iris: t?ekaa` Nne.and Ai f zak 0t1(.. p . Date::. Weil Iri£t�r�i Lion, Vvii IL7: C ' ID, N©/ FlushnQut.): t Well 2 i truetk�r[ti>; :, St6el :St lriless teat . . T�kol Well Depth: lk(1tadius/ 2}x.x:11 z0. Z "- ft . Static i+Veter bevel: °,,- using Volume:: I iS gallons :. 1 I�'3gtit 0!.t,:�c'1• ��, �Q1UTfiII; �. � °.�,,:��. �aI 3 UOluznes:: • '1 ':' gaUris :: ' : . —..: . Jr. hur a In€oxmatio L j Z� Piti,Sli; I t I?tire Rtef �2S /,vt c : „. pug':.. l♦rTeEhod...:. Tat''alcilurtte I'iirgecl 1 .. `....(gja�Iiois/ . V .. SaTn�:iin Inforinatiort;.;:.' ..: �'—•-...�--.err „ :. Date C,0lleckeel:. Tine Collected, i� atx� lin ;;E .ul. merit lJsed:�1 1 D, d d. Vu. Ir<strw�rtettl::ID ] �.r� i0G 7 � �:illa� B ttle� °>L'ype.. 1'r Tt!a€iasi ..... Ana.t�sis..ttegii� d ]FieI+li ll�easu�emeaiksJ(Jbse�ua Taxis a isle Sample: p::( ...• I _g.,.TTz Tim C) I 1 ci T-Ur s di.Cy.:nfii). Tutbi� -� iJ__� �{ .. ..,. •. .t; I I ,Ow:i jC.'.. ITT i •.. J 1�lIi1E. �.� . .: O� .. 11... ,Ow: Specific Caney: (uS).:. 5 J r Time;. I I {-r Res, r C • { . 'Chxer Sa:�tple �al-1(s:,u,):.,_Y.........:__.,.... ] 1 �t j Qd.nr' _ - . -.... �• ... : f.: ifiei30x mV I 1 me, p pe7rartce: ....:......... . 1iel7ax.( l-l.value}:YS.1.ProPlus.+20.Omv 3 .2 Other::. Genorai/Weather ob.servAtioris:.. �. ,. rui cloud gain . Tem . ANY 'd �t m : h E s Sa :pler mpatur..e. - .3T.�La3�i9"LaCLVLI..:.4�Ca4 . Tune Temp: Dlo$ 0. spec... Grand.. P14. (s.n. ( ReDox Tigl dlty ed reil'{av:: Water' Other . purged (�'G) (Trig/i.). (situ.} {glliorls/tom level {sty ] 1oc-►:,� , O � Oo Ltn i�a3 G., 50. ]] !{fey sa 0 y t acninettE;N10nie Ttticxairi nt:Issiaeel;`ivlatcl ; ; 2-M . eAriyiFz1 i'ieYci Data sheet Page ``'jai L :..:.. ; . . . ......:.. . pciCunwnt Nuntbeti: Issueutg Audio' F-C Ag-I.1.1) (1,rev.. .:. ::1?aee Hunteigotio QuahtyoiHce. +Izes6 is ti, ]'a Wi*.: r80 . w. (`OG8Vo . MWOV.¢.'S.\DiorC>::l�1 . Pooled,-, C� � ��,� Vi/eil i 1 ,- Leo -. I.... +« t3ev..iewe . t3ate:ancf B . (%c i3��r3 5tbiliaatian 6t . Time Purged . Tefing.: ° .: Diss,Oxy; ;:(m lh} Spec Cotfd, ..:. '(;s.u.:1 RoDox (fill}? ..:. Turbidity Ufa : ...' Volume Removed (gall'o Cirdevne: w6mrJeue11. ..-. .: :. l iZa NAe ... 1 e� �$..q 5.n.:� ����,tl :.. ; �J:� �t i-�L i-• i 0 � :� `i: qoc� 3� p�� JT3 {���.. 60 ... o�2 5. �� zZ -5 :, . .LI S. 0 3 f135. iq:o ,•q �'�.�+ 5:tf o.o. 34•y Ttocainarii"I�ici�ae f laid daft Sher t Da#e ISued Match:B; w G�r4fk7ly!%C$l ' �: t7cxunYent Ncam4er PAIL Fl arr.0�i lasulaag Aiatlar�iy pace i IunEersvaUeQ�ialaty t7fice i~reld Dana SixerE. AIWAN: MERGE:! •-:-.+. ,.; .::"." .._..LIQ%a.U�n -.blame amiAf#iitaticari Samplers :. kAr B�tQ : Meld I ia.Sheetiteviewv: Tame a'nd AffiHat�Qn {Inspector} bell InFortnation 1NelI iD: M aLo�k�d; �Wetl L(/2 ;. _ ......, Y, , / Ni},./ piusHrtaunt 1teli.Dierarefer, tl Costruetccrn. (/teelJStainlessSteel) Total tryell Depth :. {; iYIultc Factor*, : vtf3Vtacl�xz)z.ic Static Vi�aEer Level: �`� �g ft . Casinolurne: gallons Fleigltt of IA(ater Coluretxi ►bff'; dal 3 VQlurmes _ gilor�s PVol ump Intlze , �Q ,.:.. i"ur�;e Iitftfrr�latioat rtiate I d= . - — Pitlrskt' .-Urge R kaI4 x l) 'ua grogVietiroci'LLLLLLTotal SltaIume Purrcl fo19 and 8arngIing iufor a ()n . `. l�atQ CoJlected:�// Tune Calleeterl: (� am}slirtg Z;quipmettt Used' instrument ID U- Apr, Ya iClti Anais's [tegired Field Measurerhe�ts/C}bset nations dam le Tem °C :. �c .:::' ime, p TJL T trirbtli nfiu Re2am g Specrfic Cord. {uS)Time _ :. Res CI {mgJL)/{u I, Trite: Sample RH {s,u.}; try TimeTime { : ) Time Appearance :. z s� Tim IteDc�c { H value] YSI PioPI sA20t}rt7Qkhe Tines: Generai/YYerit�,�:� Oba�rwatitrns. ' Satoo or Signature ,.: Date 5tabili�ataon.TeSt: . Tune Temp. ; C its>.f (uS) '. Rel?ox (zxtV� Turbidity {ntu . rm4vedPRO {gallns; n% Water level {t) date Shc' t lia#�e�[ty,4tx�t4:;9C��tCri� t�cun,ent Numbei � CtIR rt ta-�o��r�v.©� , issuhzg ArioriSy Pace FiunS'$rsVil�e-�#it�ity,. . Fie1d.I3a#a S'heeE Clientr %i�.�t �,r f er4�. " c L ocatioxt _ ; �"'v ��CiZ. rr�lect #: C 5 Cc� .� Name An Aff111AHonl am •��r s iz•A -. .� c. p t) X?ield Data Sheet IteviOW: Name"a"nd Affilat�czi Ixts "ectr p iiVeil inf xtxtAWit , T3 aie Well ID.:;: CC " knell Larked:: J `l~iushriir*unt: Weil Dianeten: : ` .. Cnnstruetlon; teXJStiix►lest�el) Z,�fl Tatal T�t�ell DepEh 4 . t: * d (°(Radius/i j2 x 314 x 7 AB) . l�+Iulh Farato , statzc water Levi; '-1 t7 '� :.:ft usingjlurne.'.:,::.: HezgGYt of t+ltater CglumF ": Cai. 9 U4lunAes _ 15 . U galiuns ,.. . , .. .:. I?um . intake. .ft: 8 � :� :I I�urging iUlethodyO _ : Ttl .Volume Purled Date Cctlected SainpinU su, C. 1B:oX#Xe e . pr�sarvariii?ri ....... ". l�,naixs Requited. P-eld 1Yieasureznen#slC} s ry Eiuxi Samplo Oro rttp.. { ..C){r�ti)� -;I O S' Dins ox�' �/ . 3 : irrue° �r°cm:I� i F e 2+ I� 24 g / — SaTpleN {s ct:): �!."". :...._.,"Iiiie Qdor_"Time: ReT�ox {zn4t) 5 Z S ... Tinxe:ppearacue: Tixtte; box :(>%H vallAgY-5I Pxo.plus q+i orrmV 25---)- 5 Utllex:. +�e�neral%Weather Qbserv#E"ione�` , .%:cloud. :rain ` Tem '� U. (OF, ' inrl.. (m S znpleY . IV, atiixes Date: Stabili2ation Test itxie . Tem p T l s'Qx: ?�` .... 5 er CoAd.: I� s F .: { .u.}: ReDox Tuxb clit:;' Y r z o r� .:..... Wa#e Other." Pi. rgO (�C) (��.��,� � . c. r .. irn�} (i�ttij:: {gallons : rn ./ , :.level L i��?� 44�. c� 5.2 i 33�� U i ' :�; "� c�� �- 2•�Sc.) dog: te1.<<5, 3 s . q 0-0 ". 420 - yvN I3c untet t;N ite; '. . i 0( UP1,00t lopuc i M83d1'i j:41:9Nov FiEld"D�i�h�eE . Z.Of Dc eumeiit'Nun�bert Fr CfI2 Fi.D-i�tll.rru,(3: Issuein Autlic+ri Ti aE�`ifWYtQ1•�V1�(C.QUall � ACC. Client:.._:.�c�`�cer :evievstett>l7ate:ancf B} :: � OQ k4bili ationlest. -3n IYaI .::ths Teter' tuiti it eai : PUr ed i� Tarrip, o (; Diss.G�xy: $p* *ek. .The ' :: ..::: C nd:, : phi. (s:uj:.' . ReC7aii' nitf {: .. 7tJrbiday ::; Voi�rme Reri�a .: ; : ;:::::::::.:: u d ail..o.: sml 4g �1 LL}; . WMep Ieuei" .. .C}Trig/Lj' (.U�} ..uj: (tit irc tcc ELL 1.4 c.� - I : o13 'S- �. 2 . 1. :1 Sc: { ci 35, i : w U y i gill S; 3 r; 2 , q ,, ST a yG� I S — S_1 S....:...... ..::.. ....:.:....:... Sp'OJ c2-T0 � Rnafyfimat s : f .: Dc�unxCntNt�, O FieltlCiataSii ct . Dana"'' ' ed tvfar�h:8,.2019 �11 Pa e 7 oE- ilacunoc�rfC i3umiier F C/tR-FI%) ilQi': rey d _ lssziin� ., I—— r�tq Face iuntersval a 4y t�_ 11 om : e . 1~iel T?ata. Sheet C, w y p `J�ttv,. c/ Clzent, ��� Cr Locatiorti Moo(P5b4Yo ,y ,� l'rctett# ! �# �ei ifi i l I—I I -1arid tIE1. li ttcii�;�5aingler( . . � �` .: �C F-I lea Shut=1t ,, ew; I la e'And A��i Aa . , n (inspector} N�� e � j1$ � a3 �-r`i ' iKell Infor�iiatictn Tate . 13}r: i1/'3•Iizz �1fiU i, ID: �� M:o/ 3 %Ye[1 L& Wd:. l?It�sk�xx�ount.�. Well Diameter- n Cansiructson: (1: /Meet/SEat t%ss. el) TQltal 4i! Depf I. .� tt ' i lt�, aetor* / !� E1�a t,iu�j?) x 3I x 7, 8] Static [ Ao Level �.� , fE. casii�g alumer 7tI, `{ gallat t`Iet �f 1Nater;Cglun �. -'1 `I lit : .: Cal 3 Holum s, 2 g llo is .. F In1lfi: fi - 3 3 1. �'uI Irpe Inuxnxa iv Date Puxg d f' t j Start 4 � Si l -igh . of f iurg .11 Rite• 70 ,'�1-/� s�) Caging 11�fethod �f Sir hG Taal dune purged: (gal161, taa�s/C�i`ijs j:} 16,66, 8ampiing_In>~cirmatiQrt . late Qllected % �� j 23 T1ri1.e Cagected i3D (/Pm) n dam 1' E' ui anent Use1616, 16d 6 G'�� �Tct: r / InsrumetttIt ID Yv�� ©7 l �/ 0� P --- Brtttie.Type 96, 61 Pres atvatic rt Ar al61 b, 166, Iteq�xi ed F3e1�114Ieassureriiiente/Dhg, t, ll 9... C7 . . 69 Stn le Tetn C . Tzzrie 2 CJ Turl?idi niu C� . L, i s9191.9 . d0 L :�� T>c jq 6 6ic 4`Ft iO°m e 9 11 .g n�� 9­9 p O cfn: {iS); �T L5pe I cRie: 1ezC�(ig uj; s Tm a(_ �e nr: �$mpH Ce ieL1 T Iieo16. x tiU : 4� - �' Time i9. earance ;_ �. L166d9 Itt i ideDc�x (H valu616, 6,e}.'BSI he�l�lus 2Qi)m1/ z { , b C3thex9. `^ 9. 9 Tune .. Generaeatlier f)bsri+a#�o>jis: :. (sy/c9 9loudjrainy}. Temp9 9.6 616 {"F}7inc �'"5 (rttph} . 16, SaFnplet'Szgnatti --- -Llate � /� / :2 a; . . 169 Stabilization Test: : p� ent Name r " Fld D �. - ssur2 iota ft 6, 201977 rlUGciIIteLtt luftl I+T.: ISSu8i11 fAtiYlt(iCiEj? P-ILA R i.G?;Ot11 rev'�1 ; PaceHuiii rsviil�:Qua1t[yt,Offiee . Y�1ta Disit�ez .:Its%tipI�cahonackp�r'"""': 01e0:.-:... Locatf a .bori:P �. 77 ::. 1;6 i314iSQ ProleCtt LG-Pe ON; " }i f." HIPJY Kolb 'OW e. pate: ,and tb3l�tatfoiiTes yl?.$ 2`Z A'it,J "` .".. ° } I tl }suj ... "ec: "' :,'....:.: Cpntl. .: " . ; t 1falu.e:Reove'd: ;... l�t/ater f�vei: Qther .. -. '.'.. . ..:..::'".'mV,' ju5 {ft} 16s7,.3:.:... ac��1t?F�IiQat" " unicnt l�Ibnxn I xctd date Sheet i7ateIssu�d : �s�h,8r2U19. Pa c of :1 Issuing Autl opy N eHu ltersvxlte Qts llty r�lTi kart _i�s� :i'gQ Rate - .g Valume 'ur ed: sarri tin g IniFo�ation: I i p f � 5 S �-f W' et 1?4te C o Lle eci: 7 :.... Tune Collee pt 5ain}�ltrtg;EqujpmentUsed ..:i .::::::.:::: trumentlU �% 21. 4 �d a%ysis:;l f-quio ... :�p y�j..y�rtl�y spy yjI ♦ry., yq��f /�f� . Reld'1T ggd M"t L Lilt om �6tjijmjn \1� . Sa'ntple Temp (°C):: 3i r:dity � Time;:. lise .�rite . 2+:m S '.ect£ic Card. u i:' .: -C nz � u / f gl �(" .. . : Sazt .le :1: s.:u.': �,- )aie:; Qdr�xt trig:'' P. eararpm, c NOW (pI rtatYSI. Po.Plus+2:tv .. 001 GObs.OrV.afibiaoc'' : ,V ( vlcioudvlraulul Temp milli C°Fl Wirid/3:, (M. ar pler Si natuz e;I C1 3tab%li ation'Tea: Time letup. Uss;Qsey I eDox pec, and.Ti (us) :. DQeunteitk,IVame ° .: Field bita SMe"i ................. . gcc(o t3, 2€IT9 umenf ��e � iviar Rage eaf Dikomen N, Mr. Issue n� Aufl�rsnty Huritecsv Ue Qualityi6ee .. :.. . , : r �lfsiti , lieat�on. Fsctot`►:",, ;:...:.; :.'" €E�it:.....:. 1 U: Ldcatron' 2 �1 C CZ a.16 :................... . 5,30 k... ed, 5tAIR xklon TesiF : 4 �z �:%,3 ..:6100 Tltne Temp a ss axy: Spec Land; OH {s u );.. '` Re 11 �t ) rur�I i y vo urge Removed (gallons/ I.) ' water JLave C ?then : Purged (.)g/�intu) (us) c afe.one v on �� �i .:.,, i�0 u*9 t, m me F: dtitaSheci Late issued ; x $i 2(I� t3CiCUR3CI1t NS17Yl�1t�C Ali � D !0 Silt or Sz store, _ p StabilbAtibn: Test Trine Pu.ge Tent . P (°C Diss Ox fmg./L,�: e� p.. Cond. pT.(s.u.} i eDQ�€ Tor dit Q ov renxo rgo wa.t x Other �znV: (ntu�:. igaiiz�ns> . s level (£f' t OIL 116A -7,( ly ... . 1°�. 1 S• 2s3.S �.o 10.3 1.5 zS.00. S.3 Two tOheet C)oCUIttClttLtiit](ST:. �3§t1C'iYt AlltlitYilt,. . F C t'+I E1(iI CG'V:U PAC@ t"FUEitT5Y1LIC�.QUd O1C' t�'�ti L�saefiar �%fisits If�iiiC%n Fsctox* : ioc�tiont M��c4�ibotd,lJ.0 _ Pt4ij4Cty G1.5r G:C'P L W. Oil kovrewed.:Q..' n"�3.By: �l�.�$ >� ALk b I. f:BCf....: :����i�,liatian:Test-° - Pt�t ed ° 61ss;6xy ,:. Cairtr ;:"" : ..pH (s u:j- Repok :; 7iildit`"..: " " ::: (gstlonsJ ) WCr`tevet'. "..:..".:: oth: :.. ::.. . 'Arsle.oe ..::......:..:..:..:.:..: . - " 11 e' . iao.ta� ITZ ..... .....:....:....::...::.. ....: 8.:....: 7 `Z. 5:.. ... 5:� 'sops/': 20� I'Ot 16b.0 208.5 q ::.. 3oa. z t z Z o. o 7, 8I.t ;..::...:.a..... Oho F~." ` (p rig.. O S t L y. Dncumen# Idnnir ante l p .. of l4it'ip11t7%yiHik��' Isguu�� AutttaY�ty.lraseH4ct�t�r$YlpeQual�ty (KURI@Ilk Number. F CAR'1 T I7 CIQ1^Y�Y.©i. . ,.. tiffi�e . ' .... .. Stab%1azaEiori Te t' p V k:.J Time . Pur eri. Teiir "= t°) Ti ss 0v y On/%:) Coed. (uS): H s ai P t � AeDo.x (nV} Turbjdlty' (ntu) . civae . reiiiove.d gallons/ U water . i:evd: (£i): the r . l i 5 , 5, La ,A *5�', ---- . 6a, L, I'LL 1 1-3 3010`a �a . 1 � , b 'sue , y. 6 t �� ► � '�, � c� ' � �---- P oeiut;IVant�st#itxikisu4t;'.I1�tai;2t}T9: k G8 j!lICc"�i Pield DtitL 9heeE Pa�;ea bf [1 c untent Nun2ti r: FCA . Is&nein�; Autbibrity . Pay 'Fibzit rsvaCle:Quality ( ff t. : im • - PC . � (� ������r ®■■tea :. CeAnlyP%t1a. ;[aoc�tnta<ni ntQ: Field te:lssti'eeli.Marrki 1. C7tycunienk l�lu�bcr... �.,�R.T' c e:Huttersvi �t�uality Offie'e Field Measurements/Ubseryation Tiane::_..1� ..-..1:��.W.� � Titrbidit , ptti:.;—O . P ......._...__.Tiri��: i t Liss Uxy..(mg jL}: - •' " Tua e: Fe ::iaitg��: t� tom. Tizrie: ' 1 � �i f' �12C1f1C.. Gild. (US): ��.T �/:�+J1���1' ime� P Res. �I. � � . (40 Sample.p.Ff s.u. 5 : T ittte: Odori ReDox(izV}c,:.'ppe........ �';,���xr, Time: 1.3 �/ o... ra�ice; t..3 l.ca .......... . RiT3ax :(EH v:alue).YSl. prot?tus:-.F2i 0inV 23r.. 6( _ Other..: 'Tithe:. GGeneraVWeather Observations:. . (u �..:/.eloudy/'r 'iiny} Terrip: i ('%) [Nincl -(mph) .s7sava:a.rcinaavaa. a rasa o ume Time i?ured.. Temp. a, C). Disc .y. Ox (rr►g�`f,). Spe. Cozad. pH (s.u.}. Re ''Dox (zrtV}: Turb idity itu { ) xemoved alTons . (i7 %% Water:: l.ev el {ft} C7thei i ... ). L ....... ... .:.. Vo `7 .. .. 3�J a 4� E o zc-) 011 Z.(tC>Q .t� °: `' �trCyn}cn#"IVtt�tc•Fiel<idat�+5h�tt dt� - GG�irr�7lyxfF��'x t7iium�trR Nun,her F CAR -fit lsBuingAutfortty f't:iu��tervYlleQuaiity` 0ffite ,.. :. ... r .,� �lie�tt' `5 CC? ....,�. . Nanxe.and A£f11xation (Sam p {} ; D IS1 rnnrl-. .cat Meld Data Sheet Rew ewv: .ter Xaxne.and Aff..ilia#i0n. (I)a ve.croa. jA !I. A : B. e Vtlell I)iazanetere C tal Vlrcli`l3e}t€ij. iultr' etnr*:. I*:tit thus t2}?;x..1, 4 77:. e! Static VVa'ter i evel: " fE' . ' asing Vs�lume: gl}t.of Water Coltiftu: ; �:...:':ft : Ctl 3 V:olumes:' Pitrte fxzoirnxal ion;, : ' . . Date Puxged, �-- Itut e'RaEet pugi letfxvd . Ttstalolutte Pttz ecl:.....: .... .:..:: .: ons� 5a�n lilt Inforimaticrn Iale,CacteciaL`-i— 1T-3 , dime Callected:Q a i : Sampling:.l~qui'pmettt'Used...." "b Er�srtietEi':`JSTri,n c Ot�..M4sc BotEie Type . �'hCeser�aEian Ai�a►;tya%s:R'equired : -- :Field Mdaa j urementsjpb—servatiazts Sarrtpt ent °C : l S � _d ime. j0!4Q,.,.,_. _Turbz ity (nL )';; S �' _. ixxte:: I �Q C? p ( ): C1.�1 '': f. Fe 2 Yn'. L. it/ 17 Tmet:,I Diss'ax 1tt . L . Time. _. , g 5pecifi ortc� . uS): I'iri e � 0 b (pig/46L. G):. iiae: Sample. Off (s;:u.).. .. ..,..z lteDi�x' (zriU)'s .... `i (� I'iitte•'a_ Appearaiie; [t'e3ox ()Jii vale):YSt:.I?rnPlus.2Q0.tu G ®.Hier: Mine: —�- Gpneral/Weather Qbs+ervaifqns, (p F5 CQn:rr 5 t 1. b 5-4' ^i (° �A 6 .i 6 V vJ u yJeloudy%rainy} Temp:. Wind3 --(mph) 5�riipler: Sig�t�tupe; 171te�" �l �� l�'3 volume Time Teix� IN C)�c ( feel}ax Tug:l7 dity SI?ee.. retnoveti Water . ' y' Cond. fi S-u- tither ,?urged' (9C) (rxt&%'I.) {uS)' p . ) ( (fatty. (11.1 i s/irtl5/' :tevel.(ffy : ,p AC�AAm I rGAt Do eh 8s ?(119 Date T�s � � M of 1 - - CkttumentNumber F CAiZ-l:1 D-0Ol;rev.4� Issutg Atttlfotzty Pare Hunfersv�lle Qualcty Office Temp: (°F) .:Wind�3 �1C[?Afh'i44tCQ1� iat�um�n# I�j9me l ict�i. data 5het br to"iseue�li Mar l7gcunl"enPF-CAR-Cl17-0Q1-rev l0.6 ssuln� eA�#horityI'ace fit tersvclie Qualety ' € :.: I!C tllli4'iit,t�f.11�' 1jwo C1a{.'L i ,.%'T't p� oasolk. 'Nia c€t �r T- .. t' e 1Of 17aranien. t Nurritie� CAR=FI %i pQ3-cev.g31.Isuln Autlianty Par:Htxntecsvtlle Qyr�l�Ey Offke -.... ' Fie1d i?at� Shut Client-: C I.ocatiort /::: (CSbp� '- . kL Pro eat # ,� �.. ) Svr 11 Naxxte oriel Affiliation (Stnpier{s)M �) GM;� �'RG ; geld Data SheetlZevie�v: Name axid Affzltattr l (Inspectcar} :: /�% �=1 �I� ��3 . . bate :. Vetl Tnformatton . 4 /Z.Iz GVll iD. c,�-5- FD-'I ..,.. .. . ..... , . rr Well,l�lxleter: , ....... .C=c�cccckrrttt� i>L Y --y---:� r °r . �r .: ` ... Total GYe11 Depth ._ . °.::.. ,:.:-:., t .'`. IIuTh 1~aetor '• (�(Raciva/1 )2x: dx74$I . ::..:.:,' 8't tic Vda' Irevei °. ". Casirrg dlumes . g�+llozls �.. l"Iexglitof.Water:Coll�rnr� l;.:: ,: 1Wl oIutnes. �` Bat ons r. .::.: ' .1 tt tk `— i ft 'M e E C ... $tart - l~iti*sh i .. ' . Piirgntg Method; Total iolurne i?,�xgea: callarts�ly :..... Sarnpltrig tnoriitattan :; ' :.. ..:.. � , :... 1 '.:.:: ' >�4 Collected C , Tiarte Cczllectecl: 030 �./ptn) ., :.:. ..: .., . .. ... •, Satnplixtg E uiprY►enr U e :.:.:':: ' o ' .: Pn� C: .:: ". : ' :: . 5 'G tr �i�t a: Qttr� �..... ft#servaitart . ` :'` :: Analysis itec uxre . ..... .:.. •:.. G . . _.. -... . . . . : . b I i L , L : , L t : I L , , , , : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' L ' I L ' I L ' L — L L ' LL LL " ' . . . . I . I . I I , . , , I ' L ' L . . . . I I : ' L ' L L L ' ' ' ' L : : : � : : , - . . : : : . � L � .' , . I . - I . I . . � . I I , . I .. ! : . I . I I . I . . I I . I . I .. . I . I . 11 . .. .. I .. I I . I . . , . . _ --77�� ' : - . :- , - : . : . . . , .: .: , . . . " d easvtre , ent O,bi "tine :. ' :. ... .aTll�oT.. .: 'X`Iri12-- .. �r�-..... ...'TitY�flC�t�ifL13 TI1ItG *!' ;i s tax} i Sj ):; ° Tune. _ . , 2+ tig L: J'i ne . p1, ecifia Coxlc�. 'tiS.:.... :.. p..... ) ... :. . ,.. Time...es t Cl ng/)���tgJ.) Cirite Sazxl ' le Hsu. ; dame :T' . Uci _ crr:,�.� Tribe . Remox (zVy: Tfute<. Appeatatle e .. .. Re 3OX vatue).X i.I'zaPitts ar2al my: _. ... .:, . oti�ex . .:`. ' ,: Ts�tie: . . General/etther.C`fl�s,eruat Foils: : , . .: .. ... . r� C ' . tv' .: .. ...'. '...:., ... . . s %cio zdy/rain} Te.. g ; , (° } INincl (mph ..:.. . `. .:.. . . arrf let sr ahlre,. $'... ... . :: :.:.:: .. , :. . Date.: /l : Z 3: .. .. 5rfabilizaEion .. `Test ': . Tune ..: Tem ... x : �!fC. �y l:oit .. P.1 1 c} ReDox Tcubi�itty Q ume , renlorred . C�Ilwter . .. Cithai . ' ri�� �a P (. c.`' fins/ -I: {u. (ivy {nt11) gallons/ � / ievei { :.:.:. : . .: . .: , . . t T�iCunt�nf Nttntc i?ield data 5iter t a -':: ate Cssu"ei�: Maiit 8, 2f119 " ArtolytiCttt `. ' X'�ge: 1 of• ;' :l3ocuitient %uunifier: F=Chit fC I� AOl rev 03+ SSU61 i1Lit�tOY1 .irfl�@. . Fie-aai. Sheet OI`xent; . Dam E�9 v : coca xr:'�es'b:Oro L':.. LtCA,. E N s LL LF :.: rroreiet #c �.2 Naxrte aizd A:Efiliatist . am. •.Itzr s:: R PAL Q..:.' ....... ew: " ameanciffdxafi%ri l ::er~to':::.:'....-1��;:. 'V1r`eIl Infvrtnation. ... i:ti7 We11:L?ia[nri ier.:.. .:: �'-::..,' cirst uction: TYVeli'De Slitt ,'Woter':Level: ft asl�ng:;Valuzrie . --- " gel:l `ETexcaiu�lt: '���. ft : �c�1.3.Uolum�s I, 0F.fie:. . Start ke: : 7"c�tal'Voltirite I'tiFeel:....:-... ' �IO11S118,: 9BYY! xn ID TnneCaleeE� Mn ixn' :.---� uI' .meat' tJse * i! d. Ins BotEl.e.Type sRr.v E'lon: n°a:lys. s':Ttegx irec Durce:G�.� I�sncepq k; fi Faelci Measurements/Observatibna' Sairi 1i Texn Tii'1bis3.fy �ittz � 'Time Fe 2+ zxijL Tiui:, " Speeific:.Cdnd,' (US) ._. Tune:.: '.Iles:: TIme:.. Odor; ili.De c. (EHEither: °Time: Gerirara, ..,eaih Observatxoos:. 1::.0 dL 4- eUVIAw -5, �0cOL4: a �1 Bunn_ cloud 'jriii } fiem 74 (°F' tilii rJ -5 SAmplet ig�ii Luxe _..Ryas R 4 . �-5 �; _Bate: Stabilization Test V O.Ct��tte Tiia e' Temp.. D sp-Uxy: 5}�er': ReDcix. Tait e%itjr'.:. rr nacitre.el C!Vater, . o'. C4rd:: pH (s...} L7ther. i?urgerl' (0 (mg/ (iziV} {r ku . (gallons rimis% .level (ft) (uS} I . .: Hunt Name frael�t data shett i]Ate issued M'ar�ti 8, 2px9 r74'B/b7rilyflCs7f`.p rev flc un�enk thin b r F Cr1it- ! Ci-0Q-3 lss►t�ng At�thoxtty�c:i Ituttersvlil Quality , Office:: .. :...: vtY► . Temp. Ras .0 Cortd. pH(s.u. Reno :. x1a ry.:. O U'ino rem ued :water O .. ., el• ft: :her 7 0; oi "7 v . 7Z 0 5. 16 . 13`1 . ' 7��' : r1.32 —...fie. �© .. 1...0 :.........: . I Tlticcuxitent;'Name< Field Data Sheet boc unzentIsstied: l4iarc h 8 2019'": " P.ae2nf<' Docantet tN tmbor Issuepn Autki rtitX F-C'AIi FC D-�[l1 xev U3:.. PAde Huntersville (uaizty C)fiice: �' fX ,`YfcAktl t ..:...... . WWI Ap�re12 �tt�l� .0.1630 VkFeI,I" III:. ".0.3 ". R View Date ''an"d, 8V St�blli:atic�n..'1'est'' ' 4 fa 11%2 -Aril:.. . 1'lrCte ;. F"u�'r ed tetra .: Diss£�xy:. iSpe., .::...U. C¢rtr� pi I (S.u}Pox,{rYil%} A. Turbidity- .er Stu RertiovecE' sill:0[15 I» ' i1�ater, eve : "fig --... ;c 'rcIe.one y/ G� r 1.7 Lt�: - 1 32 ....:.....' T . �. M■ :..::. . K I?ncun�a,nt Ahini� Fycicf mate Issu�d:Mao8; 2{it9 ' PaMol, :Dix N4n3brr. F CAR-1 I,iMQi-rey 43 t$s►tliig Atltonty face Hux118GgvYlle'Quattty: ..: :... OfEi�e $Afl I tLlri.:.v Doti: rn Stalalixatibn Test` Time Purged Temp. (C)' Ii59 Q CjT: }. Spcc. Cond. , . pH ($.u.) i�eDox (xttV�: Tirbirit (a�tu.).. o ume... rert�ve.dV (��1.1:onVHS ate r Ievei (ff).. :Othet. .(�n�%'I M �. f � 7r 3 "70 G3,73 G I i 5 .a- 210 3.� 35. �(30 53f b 7.4� a, i �0 :3�1; a 0 53. : 1� pC�I711�4 Yield Date Shred $Stl Iaucu ttcant Idiii�li�er 1 su4 t AuiliarI jr. C.AI+ i41:t3AM td 03: Pace Huiifersvzlte Qualiry'f}ffiCe_: ' ' Vk��ll:.:l`3iar.640 Lava#Inh. Moom5bmr) �` 09 JGIM �i� L-i' �2�IM�i ��rrI�l� P€aject' i�� • #ss3{i V. .03.67 wl:Il lid.; .:..,:..: - RevruRate an ieed d By stab tli:at[onTest H�zxr .: ate: ' . Tinge Temp.. PIss.Oxy. spec: Oand.; H (s,u} Refiiox {nVj`, Turb djty ''°::::' Vplurr�e Remived gallgn rn s L} ate€lave{ Other. .. (ft} Il.`d ,.".. 55 1, 35OQ sac - -0aa �--- zapro6f ; nogg ace,ara�y�rr �a ate f Date:IseueLis:Marcii k,2 t9trcunient IJuntlier P CAYt-1 t D �10 revIssuing �14 ioraiy,I�ace fltutteisvill. Quai�ty me. .R6DO.x (EH value).:YSI iPr plus +20 ©t`h ' irr'1�1 6�c�cJQ�' tt' mN w DAte,sued Aocun�e Number PICO , ftO . I -Ace samv'.le . f Si$n ofute Stabilization'Test m Wixid��(mph)' Tiffs Purged Tem p C) DUv� 0xy (Ingf-L)" 'Cond.: p'! -P Turbid'" VOW" (940105/(q/ vat6r twel O,f), Other -7 tq� I St-7 Y5, S.. Lo SCZ ng to J.. 14 a 'QoXum�nt t�tme Find data �C�eE Datg Issued IVI�xc� $; 2+�9 ' . .. t7ocuazcnt Nttniber E-�/4I2 EiT3-{�Ul cBu,4� . � .:.Fssiii`it� i'luiltv�tl� dace �itutt�rsvtlte Qu�1try Field MOMM retxentsl( %sery ions t 5a riplo Temp: (°C)::: �. Trri�e;: 5 Turbidity.,. r�ttt ! T-InIc; . --_ rss Ox (mg�Lj:_ . Trxxte: 7 Fe 2-r zn9 Specific Coal (xS) �� Til�e:, 50 Time _ Sa�rtpl p: (s.u.)::— a ., Q��7—?ciezrTine: ReAox znV : �o o � �� � Q �.... ).. Time: q 55... Appe rattce: Q _Time. ReDox (EH value);YSi Proplus.+2Q0mV 2 ,% Other., Time: General/Weather Observations: sunn , elqudy/'rainy}: Te mp,._(o3 PI Wind A . Sampj&.Si ature:._ > 7—INA 111 Date: - Stabilization'Test Time 'urger Temp. Diss Oxy: . Spec... Conc. pii.(s.u.) - ReDox (,mV); Iirbd� (rttz) 0 lilite }d igal.I:onsj� ; te�veJ (fE� Other (US), 0940 17, ( 5,14 q6A 5.0 5G, �. 6 6.� . --�. � 1r--+, V � V � ✓�� l�%J Ott)L-ge: I q 0 AN .:p F QC Ins H to S ioll H gy-:] �kld Dak eet 0 cc, #; -kil - - 7�sy IV e�-and':Affllfition T)m Fi dd Wt 5hediReview" (Ins 0 i Lazne and A Mwion pe v L DateBy, prMalt'lon 'I N UCHon '-postr e p + TatWelt D6 -lb 'MUI F St Waterl' L�vd' L\ Static V&urne: 'It Mptof"Water 040 ... ... i t It 5 <,� i can, " : 9�"-2EU -ML' .7? d . e �"la. otaf:V -m&: P i r n Ur9mgM, Iffi p Sam .. . ....... ...... .... .... ... I?ake:Cofieci# ec, au pfi%,:.E meni Used- 'PC, quil p .7ti --'D tili .r: � (:: -jh,sment.10; $ TyFq: ewryf Ana.y.9 is e.qugg .Field M-ea4urementgLObstry —5 jime 0 Dias, e: 2+ 5pikitict6xid, (4S): 3 Iirrtet3 9/tAp. g/ P - 3. 3 Q odor Tple e. v u. -,rimm . ........ App0ar"Ince Ike im e, Re-Dox (EH, value),.YST ProPlus,4200rn'V. tl Time: h). Q"Milluicin" Tact Time Ten�p: Dls; Oxy. Sp . . !X... Con& (NS) pH (s.u) ...Re Dox (inV) Twbidlty: Turbidity': . (nfti).: oF me . o.d. rem.pw (gaflonsx U Watell. level (ft) Other (OIL 1 110 C� 14A %A -14 'u-n MAW/•I. uutu�t Nttxtt 517rdt Field l�at€a " c�nk�����€ err t K dod . . IJoculhob N€ . xnber; : lssq utg Aiikltr�tzt�c: l" i2 PLC?41U1 Pace Huntersvaile Qaaltty G]Iiice �1xii Liiare#er :: ;�YtlEipliat3cs�t-sctesr'* Client;. . 1 LSseat[itt: CYloac-e5b�l:cc,:: NL 601 �. L 5 C C. Va' $ � erg l� ::.. ; Project, 1�UefFiD.." . � � tY1y li✓ i t :... " Reviev+led t�dte Y" :�;abiii:ation Pest 41 Tune" .: ,Temp q) hiss :0isy. '(:09 Spec, Cbnd::' p (s u. } ReRax {rriV Turbidity {ntu} VQtu:me Removed {�allansm 5t } 1Nater level Other {51:'. circie one sb '49 0a :3a `moo s its :LA 40; IL 1; 3,� 1 B sue. sy .�- ► a o -�,- LA i 3Qo , 'LA .3 5 s l 13. 4 ago ° a :3 ----�-, D l o 00 D'9 41.19" S . �s 4,a W ;4: S;7 s�:� : , .. ° .71 �a�ui�a�if'�gn�c i•ieltl. data Sect • �xtE 15suec! :Mar t' _iicumetl�:l�uail�r; E=CA'RcFl,M�{!f?'i'-revp3 .... � rii� ,!?ace:Fisa�teesyil(e tival�Ey`: Field Measurements/Ob_serva ions Time: O Ssmp* Temp: (V): Tzaz�e: T -Tiirb dit �^ Y c `L 1 1'ie: Q_.Reg.e, Thrt.e;:SL�►,LtC A. peazance.- CSz Iixine: `°'iK _ Rel3ax .( H Value):YSI..1?rsa.Plus..+20.OmV 6 C?tiiex: Time: .�-- Gei�e al%iNeat er Qb9etvatiotis: Bunn; ekaudy/r iny) Temp., {`P). Wind 5az *i9igii:iture:; r_ Date:: ntii`����� `-- ant Time i?u.rged Temp. a. (C� Diss Ox.y. (nag/T,)': �pe� , ond. {u) pH (s.u.) Re' iox (MV) Tu b dlV (i�ttiJ volume: reMoveci { �illans' mC / L Water' level. (fi} . ther. �. C?k �ti s; atri9 eliliAtlaf�,lip Hull uy rw tlMi@�Fi Number CKdhS,Aitthqf,AIyJa An rr. n nod: 0. . Off*ce Pie1d Uata. Shee &¢_M Location. Mot) rtS{ - r CL� - Wind Date: Sam -f Sisnaiure; K Statii iiratit►n:T'eat.; .o ume Titre ' et D ss•Qx } eDox . Turbi i tjx removed Water Spec. ' Cana. pH s.�. Other. Purged. (°C} {mg/ I.}. us} (t�v):��,s/�t.�./ ievei (ft} (. Q. 1 b "� -31 LA 2 : : : kE;eit1 date Slteet l�ccu�t�.nt t�iomt3, uecl ,1vI `..I�Ate,Tbs ar�lt S/9 Pale 1 of C AI?r�fyli al i7tx it, t IrlunsE er: V: c-Azvi 1�-Uolwrev:Q3 l�sulitg Attt Ita tEy .Pass Hontersville Qu Izty C7fEice Field: Data Sheet ' :. Client Loca Lt=� l�iame<arld A£filiatiaa� (Sa3xtplel•(s}; k d )ataSheet:Re few: Nam a anti 1�ffiliatioxt (Ixtapectot}: �v1 �5 l ate . By: wilt Iriforinat'on � ..: /z1 tQ; . Well: D%inekr::. Totte11.L?th -� iVluliaFlctoi'* .:"(ftadusi:2}:iz.r:8� ., �. .:Static Water C.:�rel� ft Casin:. 'Vcalhzn� .. g i; allon .. Hi x t of TrWater,Column `~ it . Ca( 3 V`oIumes;:. -.. `. gallaz alie i�urge'1nlvt�alian� . , : �. 17atO::�'urgd: ` �___..7� eta i Vie. T'urVe,luzrie ]�ur �. (gacaas/:.. 3amling inforntatigtt . :... ........... eats Copt?ett' t 3. Tiriieixlleetc :.,.._C_t ,—)f . } alliz,g Equiprneni tJseelc Gc Gb.::...:.:: ' .: trrstrumtartt>r.:..:......:.......: Bale 'ype :,'res se "Won A;l t(dred:. CC - Field Meastimmentsl sei^��tion's . �.... :...a... $ain"p�� Fe 2+ ixtg.;' e Tirane: Specific. Timw.. Reis; Cl.: �� -- e lep4x (inV}: T -me. itET)o ue.. Sl FroPl'us,.+2d:0mV-O.theX: "T'irne: } General/We�fher C�iisei cations:l� _ o� CCU su /clouoy./rainy} T�rrip..: � ,(°F), Wind � (inph) ff y Si miller Si atu're:' _. _ P. to -- Stabilization. Test o unile: Spec. Time. ei -(fix .: RePo mi94 Watei Pui. ed °C to �T, • nd. pH.(s.u.) (itiV}: er . _ ... . ; 1. ,,Ohl 't i�ante F��i� . aWShc�t ll�fel ssuati .March &,<2E)19 • . �G4'�ffi�lyilC .. , C9c�eun�ext I�iumlr F �AIt- I t�-0Ultv.Q3 issuutg Axitlioxity i�aca t itu tersviil QuPl LfFir FieY+i IJrata Shut ClienE:, lid fG ^e�9v 'Location Moa�4f&j!? I'roje k'# G �S' LG 1..F Pe�M" l-APr.Zo23 .. Naine'artci A:Eflli akion (Saznplet (sj ' L'^g T D l'a 7Q Field l to Sheet Tteview, I. Nazite and Affiliation (Inspe�tar}: N / ` � I � )23 .At. . Tnf+rinafon. By:.g mate:. W/I.i1, '�1re11 Welt ID: %G% �.�t ..�` B Well Locked (Yp nouns We11 Diarne#ex : : . , .99 . :: .:. .::: Cesns#ruefiort;'C ° iitless S#eel 4�99 99 lW7`. %. .a itatr :f M .e : i' lPiL z tatxc F�V fer Level .: t°:.. ..... L. . Caslt�g Vniuirte . �— ; allons.. �::;:°:..:. =. .. . '; . . , .: Heightf Water �oluzrtn ft :.:..: .:::.. . ..:.. . Cal 3 Veslunies: gattons .. ..... .:. :.::. :. .... ......: :.:..::. .. ..... 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(ntti) Volume removed (gallons/mls/ L) Water level (ft) Other Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report — April 2023 Sampling Event Rogers Energy Complex— Cliffside Steam Station — CCP Landfill Phases I through IV (Permit No. 8106) Mooresboro, North Carolina APPENDIX B LABORATORY REPORT AND CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY FORMS 41P synTerra Science & Engineering Consultants DUE Analytical Laboratory ENERGY Y 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC 28078-7929 McGuire Nuclear Complex - MG03A2 Phone:980-875-5245 Fax:980-875-4349 Order Summary Report Order Number: J23030262 Project Name: CLIFFSIDE - GW CCP LANDFILL Task Code: LF Customer Name(s): Bill Wylie,Bryan Moeller,Dee O Brien,Josh Stowe Customer Address: Cliffside Steam Station 573 Duke Power Rd Mail Code: Clliffside Steam Station Mooresboro, NC 28024 Lab Contact: Peggy Kendall Phone: 980-875-5848 Report Authorized By: Date: pate: 5/12/2023 (Signature) Peggy endall Program Comments: Page 1 of 59 QC Note: CCPMW-7 calcium MS/MSD recoveries exceeded the QC limits. The blank and LCS were within the control limits. Data Flags & Calculations: Any analytical tests or individual analytes within a test flagged with a Qualifier indicate a deviation from the method quality system or quality control requirement. The qualifier description is found at the end of the Certificate of Analysis (sample results) under the qualifiers heading. All results are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted. Subcontracted data included on the Duke Certificate of Analysis is to be used as information only. Certified vendor results can be found in the subcontracted lab final report. Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory subcontracts analyses to other vendor laboratories that have been qualified by Duke Energy to perform these analyses except where noted. Data Package: This data package includes analytical results that are applicable only to the samples described in this narrative. An estimation of the uncertainty of measurement for the results in the report is available upon request. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of the Analytical Laboratory. Please contact the Analytical laboratory with any questions. The order of individual sections within this report is as follows: Job Summary Report, Sample Identification, Technical Validation of Data Package, Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis, Analytical Laboratory QC Reports, Sub -contracted Laboratory Results, Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports & Documentation, Customer Database Entries, Test Case Narratives, Chain of Custody (COC) Certification: The Analytical Laboratory holds the following State Certifications : North Carolina (DENR) Certificate #248, South Carolina (DHEC) Laboratory ID # 99005. Contact the Analytical Laboratory for definitive information about the certification status of specific methods. Sample ID's & Descriptions: Page 2 of 59 Sample ID Plant/Station Collection Date and Time Collected By Sample Description 2023006170 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 11:35 AM JJZ DMM CLS_CCPMW-1S 2023006171 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 11:40 AM JJZ DMM CLS_CCPMW-1 D 2023006172 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 10:40 AM NRA ALM CLS_CCPMW-2S 2023006173 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 12:05 PM NRA ALM CLS_CCPMW-2D 2023006175 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 10:30 AM JCM EHM CLS_CCPMW-3D 2023006176 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 11:05 AM SPW CLS_CCPMW-4 2023006177 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 12:30 PM RMB CLS_CCPMW-5 2023006178 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 2:00 PM JJZ DMM CLS_CCPMW-6S 2023006179 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 1:40 PM JJZ DMM CLS_CCPMW-6D 2023006180 CLIFFSIDE 19-Apr-23 10:30 AM NRA CLS_CCPMW-7 2023006182 CLIFFSIDE 19-Apr-23 9:55 AM JCM EHM CLS_CCPMW-10 2023006183 CLIFFSIDE 19-Apr-23 1:30 PM JJZ DMM CLS_CCPMW-11 2023006185 CLIFFSIDE 19-Apr-23 9:40 AM JJZ DMM CLS_CCP-Leachate 2023006186 CLIFFSIDE 19-Apr-23 9:50 AM JJZ DMM CLS_CCP-LEACHATE-34 2023006187 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 10:00 AM JJZ DMM CLS_CCPSW-1 2023006188 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 9:40 AM RMB SPW CLS_CCPSW-2 2023006189 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 10:25 AM JJZ DMM CLS_CCPSW-3 2023006190 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 10:30 AM JCM EHM CLS_FD-20230418-1 2023006191 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 1:00 PM RMB CLS_FB-20230418-1300 2023006192 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 1:25 PM JCM EHM CLS_CCR-CCPBG-1D 2023006193 CLIFFSIDE 18-Apr-23 12:30 PM JCM EHM CLS_CCR-CCPBG-1BR 2023006194 CLIFFSIDE 19-Apr-23 JJZ DMM CLS_FD-20230419-1 2023009450 CLIFFSIDE 19-Apr-23 9:40 AM RMB TJD CLS_FB-20230419-0940 23 Total Samples Page 3 of 59 Technical Validation Review Checklist: COC and .pdf report are in agreement with sample totals❑ Yes ❑ No and analyses (compliance programs and procedures). All Results are less than the laboratory reporting limits. ❑ Yes❑ No All laboratory QA/QC requirements are acceptable. 0 Yes ❑ No Report Sections Included: d❑ Job Summary Report J❑ Sample Identification ❑ Technical Validation of Data Package d❑ Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis ❑ Analytical Laboratory QC Report ❑ Sub -contracted Laboratory Results ❑ Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports, & Documentation ❑ Customer Database Entries ❑ Chain of Custody ❑ Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) Sent Separately Reviewed By: Peggy Kendall Date: 5/12/2023 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 4 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-lS Sample #: 2023006170 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 11:35 AM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-1 S Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 4.0 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 0.17 mg/L Nitrate as N 0.04 mg-N/L Sulfate 0.96 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.05 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.018 mg/L Boron (B) 0.005 J mg/L Calcium (Ca) 0.129 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.069 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 0.515 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.016 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 1.48 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 1.33 ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.06 J ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.644 J ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 J ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.13 J ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 25 U mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 07:14 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 07:14 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 07:14 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 07:14 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 07:14 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:22 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:52 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:52 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:52 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:52 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:52 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:52 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:52 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 13:52 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:01 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:09 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 5 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-1 D Sample #: 2023006171 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 11:40 AM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-1 D Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 8.0 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 1.4 mg/L Nitrate as N 0.32 mg-N/L Sulfate 1.3 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.01 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.016 mg/L Boron (B) 0.007 J mg/L Calcium (Ca) 2.68 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.018 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 1.41 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.007 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 0.238 J ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.32 J ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.037 U ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.87 J ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.114 U ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 34.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:48 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:48 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:48 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:48 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:48 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:28 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:07 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:07 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:07 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:07 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:07 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:07 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:07 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:07 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 19:19 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:09 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 6 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-2S Sample #: 2023006172 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 10:40 AM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-2S Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 2.9 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 7.9 mg/L Nitrate as N 1.8 mg-N/L Sulfate 5.3 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.030 mg/L Boron (B) 0.01 J mg/L Calcium (Ca) 2.75 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.028 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 1.89 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.031 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.113 J ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.08 J ug/L Chromium (Cr) 1.38 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.392 J ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.098 J ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.482 J ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.593 J ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.05 J ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.099 J ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.245 J ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 35.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:19 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:19 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:19 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:19 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:19 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:31 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:12 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:12 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:12 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:12 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:12 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:12 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:12 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:12 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:10 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:10 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 7 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-2D Sample #: 2023006173 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 12:05 PM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-2D Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 5.4 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 5.5 mg/L Nitrate as N 1.3 mg-N/L Sulfate 4.5 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.009 mg/L Boron (B) 0.005 U mg/L Calcium (Ca) 14.8 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.091 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.005 J mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 0.916 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.002 J mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.581 J ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 1.79 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.077 U ug/L Copper (Cu) 1.67 ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.08 J ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.511 J ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.512 J ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 4.40 ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 87.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:06 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:06 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:06 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:06 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:06 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:33 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:17 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:17 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:17 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:17 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:17 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:17 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:17 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:17 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:18 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:10 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 8 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-3D Sample #: 2023006175 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 10:30 AM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-3D Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 6.0 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 4.5 mg/L Nitrate as N 1.0 mg-N/L Sulfate 24 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.029 mg/L Boron (B) 0.073 mg/L Calcium (Ca) 12.0 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.004 U mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 2.48 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.007 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 1.10 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.077 U ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.037 U ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.256 U ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.423 J ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.169 J ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 63.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:24 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:24 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:24 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:24 BGN9034 0.5 0.0428 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:24 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:35 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:23 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:23 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:23 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:23 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:23 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:23 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:23 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:23 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:26 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:10 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 9 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-4 Sample #: 2023006176 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 11:05 AM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-4 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 1.7 mg/L Fluoride 0.14 mg/L Nitrate 0.70 mg/L Nitrate as N 0.16 mg-N/L Sulfate 29 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.01 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.119 mg/L Boron (B) 0.013 J mg/L Calcium (Ca) 11.5 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.023 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.037 mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 0.752 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.008 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.207 J ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.356 J ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 0.847 J ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.089 J ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.037 U ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 7.89 ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.274 J ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.269 J ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 119 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:40 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:40 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:40 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:40 BGN9034 0.5 0.0428 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:40 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:37 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:28 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:28 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:28 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:28 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:28 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:28 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:28 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:28 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:35 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:10 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 10 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-5 Sample #: 2023006177 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 12:30 PM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-5 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 4.8 mg/L Fluoride 0.1 J mg/L Nitrate 4.0 mg/L Nitrate as N 0.90 mg-N/L Sulfate 20 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.003 J mg/L Boron (B) 0.016 J mg/L Calcium (Ca) 31.3 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.168 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 0.194 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.007 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.642 J ug/L Arsenic (As) 2.84 ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 5.14 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.105 J ug/L Copper (Cu) 1.50 ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.297 J ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 1.25 ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.755 J ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.286 J ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 15.1 ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 110 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:56 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:56 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:56 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:56 BGN9034 0.5 0.0428 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:56 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:40 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:33 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:33 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:33 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:33 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:33 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:33 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:33 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:33 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:43 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:10 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 11 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-6S Sample #: 2023006178 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 02:00 PM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-6S Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 4.8 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 15 mg/L Nitrate as N 3.5 mg-N/L Sulfate 1.7 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.01 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.042 mg/L Boron (B) 0.005 U mg/L Calcium (Ca) 1.60 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.229 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 2.05 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.045 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.04 J ug/L Chromium (Cr) 2.00 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 2.10 ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.168 J ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L Nickel (Ni) 2.84 ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.117 J ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.325 ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 41.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 13:13 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 13:13 BGN9034 0.5 0.0209 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 13:13 BGN9034 0.115 0.002 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 13:13 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 13:13 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:42 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:38 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:38 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:38 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:38 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:38 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:38 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:38 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:38 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 20:52 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:11 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 12 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-6D Sample #: 2023006179 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 01:40 PM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-6D Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 5.6 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 11 mg/L Nitrate as N 2.5 mg-N/L Sulfate 0.30 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.01 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.042 mg/L Boron (B) 0.005 U mg/L Calcium (Ca) 1.48 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.008 J mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 1.83 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.026 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 1.22 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 1.13 ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.037 U ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.622 J ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.07 J ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.114 U ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 40.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:22 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:22 BGN9034 0.5 0.0209 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:22 BGN9034 0.115 0.002 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:22 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:22 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:44 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:43 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:43 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:43 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:43 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:43 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:43 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:43 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:43 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:25 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:11 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 13 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-7 Sample #: 2023006180 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 10:30 AM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-7 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040254 Chloride 11 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 9.6 mg/L Nitrate as N 2.2 mg-N/L Sulfate 0.56 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.01 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040260 Barium (Ba) 0.031 mg/L Boron (B) 0.005 U mg/L Calcium (Ca) 4.38 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.069 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 1.66 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.035 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040263 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 1.28 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.196 J ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.071 J ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.205 J ug/L Nickel (Ni) 1.16 ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.068 J ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.258 J ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040257 TDS 61.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.5 0.0154 5 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:29 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:29 BGN9034 0.5 0.0209 5 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:29 BGN9034 0.115 0.002 5 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:29 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:29 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:46 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 11:46 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 11:46 CELL106 M 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 11:46 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 11:46 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 11:46 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 11:46 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 11:46 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 11:46 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:13 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/20/202311:07 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 14 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-10 Sample #: 2023006182 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 09:55 AM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-10 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040254 Chloride 5.5 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 7.7 mg/L Nitrate as N 1.7 mg-N/L Sulfate 0.18 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.05 ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040260 Barium (Ba) 0.049 mg/L Boron (B) 0.006 J mg/L Calcium (Ca) 1.68 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.082 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 1.73 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.017 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040263 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 1.09 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.92 J ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.115 J ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.663 J ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.058 J ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.063 J ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.165 J ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040257 TDS 36.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 08:53 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 08:53 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 08:53 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 08:53 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 08:53 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 12:53 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:05 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:05 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:05 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:05 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:05 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:05 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:05 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:05 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 23:31 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/20/202311:07 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 15 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPMW-11 Sample #: 2023006183 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 01:30 PM Loc code: CLS CCPMW-11 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040254 Chloride 4.6 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 5.8 mg/L Nitrate as N 1.3 mg-N/L Sulfate 2.4 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040260 Barium (Ba) 0.038 mg/L Boron (B) 0.013 J mg/L Calcium (Ca) 3.09 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.635 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 1.54 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.012 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040263 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.167 J ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 1.72 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.111 J ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.54 J ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.187 J ug/L Nickel (Ni) 1.60 ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.086 J ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 1.11 ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040257 TDS 62.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 09:09 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 09:09 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 09:09 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 09:09 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 09:09 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:00 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:11 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:11 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:11 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:11 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:11 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:11 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:11 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:11 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 11:23 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/20/202311:08 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 16 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCP-Leachate Sample #: 2023006185 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 09:40 AM Loc code: CLS CCP-Leachate Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040254 Chloride 13000 mg/L 200 0.0154 2000 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:42 BGN9034 Fluoride 0.1 J mg/L 20 0.0479 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:42 BGN9034 Nitrate 18 J mg/L 20 0.0209 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:42 BGN9034 Nitrate as N 4.2 J mg-N/L 4.6 0.002 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:42 BGN9034 Sulfate 850 mg/L 20 0.0428 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:42 BGN9034 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.04 J ug/L 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:02 JAA5429 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) - Q23040258 Zinc (Zn) 0.162 mg/L 0.005 0.004 1 SW 6010D TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040260 Barium (Ba) 0.370 mg/L 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:16 CELL106 Boron (B) 10.0 mg/L 0.05 0.005 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:16 CELL106 Calcium (Ca) 7120 mg/L 5 0.012 100 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:16 CELL106 Iron (Fe) 0.290 mg/L 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:16 CELL106 Lithium (Li) 7.03 mg/L 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:16 CELL106 Magnesium (Mg) 48.6 mg/L 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:16 CELL106 Manganese (Mn) 10.2 mg/L 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:16 CELL106 Total Hardness (Ca and Mg) 18000 mg/L 0.19 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:16 CELL106 (CaCO3) Zinc (Zn) 0.100 mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) - Q23040262 Beryllium (Be) 0.79 J ug/L 2 0.249 Cadmium (Cd) 1.78 ug/L 1 0.032 Chromium (Cr) 0.475 J ug/L 1 0.185 Copper (Cu) 34.3 ug/L 1 0.787 Lead (Pb) 119 ug/L 1 0.037 Nickel (Ni) 99.1 ug/L 1 0.256 Silver (Ag) 0.124 J ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:16 CELL106 2 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:12 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:12 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:12 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:12 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:12 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:12 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:12 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 17 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCP-Leachate Sample #: 2023006185 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 09:40 AM Loc code: CLS CCP-Leachate Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040263 Antimony (Sb) 0.233 J ug/L 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Arsenic (As) 7.02 ug/L 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Beryllium (Be) 1.26 ug/L 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Cadmium (Cd) 1.76 ug/L 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Chromium (Cr) 0.44 J ug/L 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Cobalt (Co) 477 ug/L 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Copper (Cu) 32.0 ug/L 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Lead (Pb) 122 ug/L 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Molybdenum (Mo) 306 ug/L 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Nickel (Ni) 98.2 ug/L 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Selenium (Se) 76.7 ug/L 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Silver (Ag) 0.11 J ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Thallium (TI) Low Level 8.77 ug/L 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.883 ug/L 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:30 MHALL3 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040298 TDS 22600 mg/L 500 25 1 SM2540C 04/21/202310:54 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 18 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCP-LEACHATE-34 Sample #: 2023006186 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 09:50 AM Loc code: CLS CCP-LEACHATE-34 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040254 Chloride 460 mg/L 20 0.0154 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:58 BGN9034 Fluoride 0.34 J mg/L 2 0.0479 20 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:58 BGN9034 Nitrate 10 mg/L 2 0.0209 20 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:58 BGN9034 Nitrate as N 2.3 mg-N/L 0.46 0.002 20 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:58 BGN9034 Sulfate 1400 mg/L 20 0.0428 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 10:58 BGN9034 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L 0.05 0.01 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) - Q23040258 Zinc (Zn) 0.265 mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040260 Barium (Ba) 0.058 mg/L 0.005 0.002 Boron (B) 4.36 mg/L 0.05 0.005 Calcium (Ca) 633 mg/L 0.5 0.012 Iron (Fe) 0.126 mg/L 0.01 0.004 Lithium (Li) 0.111 mg/L 0.005 0.002 Magnesium (Mg) 83.5 mg/L 0.02 0.008 Manganese (Mn) 11.6 mg/L 0.005 0.001 Total Hardness (Ca and Mg) 1920 mg/L 0.19 (CaCO3) Zinc (Zn) 0.241 mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) - Q23040262 Beryllium (Be) 5.55 ug/L 1 0.249 Cadmium (Cd) 1.60 ug/L 1 0.032 Chromium (Cr) 2.48 ug/L 1 0.185 Copper (Cu) 113 ug/L 1 0.787 Lead (Pb) 19.3 ug/L 1 0.037 Nickel (Ni) 237 ug/L 1 0.256 Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:04 JAA5429 1 SW 6010D 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:23 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:23 CELL106 10 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:23 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:23 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:23 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:23 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:23 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:23 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:23 CELL106 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 19:29 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 19:29 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 19:29 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 19:29 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 19:29 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 19:29 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 19:29 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 19 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCP-LEACHATE-34 Sample #: 2023006186 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 09:50 AM Loc code: CLS CCP-LEACHATE-34 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040263 Antimony (Sb) 0.285 J ug/L 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Arsenic (As) 4.62 ug/L 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Beryllium (Be) 5.53 ug/L 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Cadmium (Cd) 1.64 ug/L 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Chromium (Cr) 2.50 ug/L 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Cobalt (Co) 331 ug/L 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Copper (Cu) 115 ug/L 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Lead (Pb) 20.0 ug/L 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Molybdenum (Mo) 1.72 ug/L 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Nickel (Ni) 243 ug/L 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Selenium (Se) 21.2 ug/L 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Silver (Ag) 0.056 J ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Thallium (TI) Low Level 1.95 ug/L 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.114 U ug/L 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 00:38 MHALL3 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040298 TDS 2750 mg/L 100 25 1 SM2540C 04/21/202310:54 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 20 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPSW-1 Sample #: 2023006187 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 10:00 AM Loc code: CLS CCPSW-1 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 3.9 mg/L 0.1 0.0154 Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L 0.1 0.0479 Nitrate 2.0 mg/L 0.1 0.0209 Nitrate as N 0.45 mg-N/L 0.023 0.002 Sulfate 1.6 mg/L 0.1 0.0428 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L 0.05 0.01 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) - Q23040228 Zinc (Zn) 0.005 mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.025 mg/L 0.005 0.002 Boron (B) 0.006 J mg/L 0.05 0.005 Calcium (Ca) 2.39 mg/L 0.05 0.012 Iron (Fe) 1.15 mg/L 0.01 0.004 Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L 0.005 0.002 Magnesium (Mg) 1.27 mg/L 0.02 0.008 Manganese (Mn) 0.041 mg/L 0.005 0.001 Total Hardness (Ca and Mg) 11.2 mg/L 0.19 (CaCO3) Zinc (Zn) 0.004 J mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) - Q23040235 Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L 1 0.032 Chromium (Cr) 0.312 J ug/L 1 0.185 Copper (Cu) 0.821 J ug/L 1 0.787 Lead (Pb) 0.123 J ug/L 1 0.037 Nickel (Ni) 0.48 J ug/L 1 0.256 Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:37 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:37 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:37 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:37 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:37 BGN9034 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:07 JAA5429 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:35 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:48 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:48 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:48 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:48 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:48 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:48 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:48 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 14:48 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 14:48 CELL106 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:25 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:25 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:25 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:25 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:25 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:25 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:25 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 21 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPSW-1 Sample #: 2023006187 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 10:00 AM Loc code: CLS CCPSW-1 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Arsenic (As) 0.243 J ug/L 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Chromium (Cr) 0.708 J ug/L 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Cobalt (Co) 0.324 J ug/L 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Lead (Pb) 0.259 J ug/L 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Nickel (Ni) 0.458 J ug/L 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.669 ug/L 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:34 MHALL3 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 34.0 mg/L 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:11 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 22 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPSW-2 Sample #: 2023006188 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 09:40 AM Loc code: CLS CCPSW-2 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 4.0 mg/L 0.1 0.0154 Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L 0.1 0.0479 Nitrate 2.0 mg/L 0.1 0.0209 Nitrate as N 0.46 mg-N/L 0.023 0.002 Sulfate 2.0 mg/L 0.1 0.0428 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L 0.05 0.01 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) - Q23040228 Zinc (Zn) 0.011 mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.026 mg/L 0.005 0.002 Boron (B) 0.006 J mg/L 0.05 0.005 Calcium (Ca) 2.59 mg/L 0.05 0.012 Iron (Fe) 1.20 mg/L 0.01 0.004 Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L 0.005 0.002 Magnesium (Mg) 1.34 mg/L 0.02 0.008 Manganese (Mn) 0.039 mg/L 0.005 0.001 Total Hardness (Ca and Mg) 12.0 mg/L 0.19 (CaCO3) Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) - Q23040235 Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 Cadmium (Cd) 0.128 J ug/L 1 0.032 Chromium (Cr) 0.352 J ug/L 1 0.185 Copper (Cu) 3.99 ug/L 1 0.787 Lead (Pb) 0.161 J ug/L 1 0.037 Nickel (Ni) 0.481 J ug/L 1 0.256 Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:53 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:53 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:53 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:53 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 10:53 BGN9034 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:09 JAA5429 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:49 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:01 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 15:01 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:01 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:01 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:01 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:01 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:01 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 15:01 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:01 CELL106 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:00 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:00 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:00 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:00 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:00 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:00 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:00 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 23 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPSW-2 Sample #: 2023006188 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 09:40 AM Loc code: CLS CCPSW-2 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Arsenic (As) 0.242 J ug/L 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Chromium (Cr) 0.709 J ug/L 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Cobalt (Co) 0.358 J ug/L 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Lead (Pb) 0.312 J ug/L 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Nickel (Ni) 0.428 J ug/L 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.822 ug/L 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:42 MHALL3 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 32.0 mg/L 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:11 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 24 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPSW-3 Sample #: 2023006189 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 10:25 AM Loc code: CLS CCPSW-3 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 4.5 mg/L 0.1 0.0154 Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L 0.1 0.0479 Nitrate 0.24 mg/L 0.1 0.0209 Nitrate as N 0.06 mg-N/L 0.023 0.002 Sulfate 3.0 mg/L 0.1 0.0428 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.03 J ug/L 0.05 0.01 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) - Q23040228 Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.017 mg/L 0.005 0.002 Boron (B) 0.009 J mg/L 0.05 0.005 Calcium (Ca) 2.34 mg/L 0.05 0.012 Iron (Fe) 0.245 mg/L 0.01 0.004 Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L 0.005 0.002 Magnesium (Mg) 1.48 mg/L 0.02 0.008 Manganese (Mn) 0.008 mg/L 0.005 0.001 Total Hardness (Ca and Mg) 12.0 mg/L 0.19 (CaCO3) Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) - Q23040235 Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L 1 0.032 Chromium (Cr) 0.347 J ug/L 1 0.185 Copper (Cu) 3.65 ug/L 1 0.787 Lead (Pb) 0.098 J ug/L 1 0.037 Nickel (Ni) 0.425 J ug/L 1 0.256 Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:09 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:09 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:09 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:09 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 11:09 BGN9034 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:11 JAA5429 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:54 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:07 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 15:07 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:07 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:07 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:07 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:07 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:07 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 15:07 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:07 CELL106 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:33 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:33 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:33 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:33 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:33 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:33 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:33 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 25 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCPSW-3 Sample #: 2023006189 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 10:25 AM Loc code: CLS CCPSW-3 Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Chromium (Cr) 0.647 J ug/L 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Cobalt (Co) 0.255 J ug/L 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Lead (Pb) 0.205 J ug/L 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Nickel (Ni) 0.374 J ug/L 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.565 ug/L 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:50 MHALL3 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 33.0 mg/L 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:11 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 26 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS_FD-20230418-1 Duplicate Sample #: 2023006190 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 10:30 AM Loc code: CLS FD Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 5.8 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 4.8 mg/L Nitrate as N 1.1 mg-N/L Sulfate 24 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.03 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.028 mg/L Boron (B) 0.072 mg/L Calcium (Ca) 12.0 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.019 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 2.47 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.007 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 1.30 ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.077 U ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.037 U ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.256 U ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.469 J ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.195 J ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 72.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:02 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:02 BGN9034 0.1 0.0209 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:02 BGN9034 0.023 0.002 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:02 BGN9034 0.5 0.0428 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 08:02 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:13 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:12 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:12 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:12 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:12 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:12 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:12 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:12 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:12 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 21:59 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:11 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 27 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS FB-20230418-1300 Field Blank Sample #: 2023006191 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 01:00 PM Loc code: CLS QA Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 0.0154 U mg/L 0.1 0.0154 Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L 0.1 0.0479 Nitrate 0.0209 U mg/L 0.1 0.0209 Nitrate as N 0.002 U mg-N/L 0.023 0.002 Sulfate 0.0428 U mg/L 0.1 0.0428 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.01 J ug/L 0.05 0.01 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) - Q23040228 Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.002 U mg/L 0.005 0.002 Boron (B) 0.005 U mg/L 0.05 0.005 Calcium (Ca) 0.012 U mg/L 0.05 0.012 Iron (Fe) 0.004 U mg/L 0.01 0.004 Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L 0.005 0.002 Magnesium (Mg) 0.008 U mg/L 0.02 0.008 Manganese (Mn) 0.001 U mg/L 0.005 0.001 Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) - Q23040235 Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L 1 0.032 Chromium (Cr) 0.185 U ug/L 1 0.185 Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L 1 0.787 Lead (Pb) 0.037 U ug/L 1 0.037 Nickel (Ni) 0.256 U ug/L 1 0.256 Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 06:59 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 06:59 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 06:59 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 06:59 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 06:59 BGN9034 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:16 JAA5429 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 13:58 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:17 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 15:17 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:17 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:17 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:17 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:17 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:17 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 15:17 CELL106 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:42 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:42 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:42 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:42 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:42 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:42 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 16:42 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 28 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS FB-20230418-1300 Field Blank Sample #: 2023006191 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 01:00 PM Loc code: CLS QA Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B Chromium (Cr) 0.185 U ug/L 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B Cobalt (Co) 0.077 U ug/L 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B Lead (Pb) 0.037 U ug/L 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B Nickel (Ni) 0.256 U ug/L 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.114 U ug/L 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B Analysis Date/Time Analyst 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 04/24/2023 22:07 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 29 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCR-CCPBG-1 D Sample #: 2023006192 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 01:25 PM Loc code: CLS CCR-CCPBG-1 D Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 9.5 mg/L Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L Nitrate 16 mg/L Nitrate as N 3.6 mg-N/L Sulfate 0.38 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.033 mg/L Boron (B) 0.005 U mg/L Calcium (Ca) 3.35 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.247 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 2.36 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.044 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.155 J ug/L Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 0.638 J ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.993 J ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.126 J ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L Nickel (Ni) 0.925 J ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.066 J ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.383 ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 58.0 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 0.1 0.0154 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:04 BGN9034 0.1 0.0479 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:04 BGN9034 0.5 0.0209 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:04 BGN9034 0.115 0.002 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:04 BGN9034 0.1 0.0428 1 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 09:04 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:18 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:22 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:22 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:22 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:22 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:22 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:22 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:22 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 15:22 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:15 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:12 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 30 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS CCR-CCPBG-1 BR Sample #: 2023006193 Collection Date: 04/18/2023 12:30 PM Loc code: CLS CCR-CCPBG-1 BR Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040225 Chloride 210 mg/L Fluoride 0.14 J mg/L Nitrate 5.5 mg/L Nitrate as N 1.2 mg-N/L Sulfate 300 mg/L MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040231 Barium (Ba) 0.010 mg/L Boron (B) 0.015 J mg/L Calcium (Ca) 57.4 mg/L Iron (Fe) 0.013 mg/L Lithium (Li) 0.016 mg/L Magnesium (Mg) 4.96 mg/L Manganese (Mn) 0.076 mg/L Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040238 Antimony (Sb) 0.237 J ug/L Arsenic (As) 1.22 ug/L Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L Chromium (Cr) 0.883 J ug/L Cobalt (Co) 0.13 J ug/L Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L Lead (Pb) 0.037 U ug/L Molybdenum (Mo) 39.1 ug/L Nickel (Ni) 2.39 ug/L Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L Vanadium (V) Low Level 1.05 ug/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040226 TDS 857 mg/L Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 5 0.0154 50 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 12:27 BGN9034 0.5 0.0479 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 12:27 BGN9034 0.5 0.0209 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 12:27 BGN9034 0.115 0.002 5 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 12:27 BGN9034 5 0.0428 50 EPA 9056A 04/19/2023 12:27 BGN9034 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:29 JAA5429 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:27 CELL106 0.05 0.005 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:27 CELL106 0.05 0.012 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:27 CELL106 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:27 CELL106 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:27 CELL106 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:27 CELL106 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/20/2023 15:27 CELL106 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/20/2023 15:27 CELL106 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/24/2023 22:24 MHALL3 25 25 1 SM2540C 04/19/202310:12 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 31 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS_FD-20230419-1 Duplicate Sample #: 2023006194 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 Loc code: CLS FD Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040254 Chloride 13000 mg/L 200 0.0154 2000 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:13 BGN9034 Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L 20 0.0479 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:13 BGN9034 Nitrate 20 J mg/L 20 0.0209 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:13 BGN9034 Nitrate as N 4.5 J mg-N/L 4.6 0.002 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:13 BGN9034 Sulfate 850 mg/L 20 0.0428 200 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 11:13 BGN9034 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.02 J ug/L 0.05 0.01 1 EPA 7470A 04/21/2023 13:36 JAA5429 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) - Q23050128 Zinc (Zn) 0.131 mg/L 0.005 0.004 1 SW 6010D 05/09/2023 11:31 CELL106 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040260 Barium (Ba) 0.374 mg/L 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:28 CELL106 Boron (B) 11.3 mg/L 0.05 0.005 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:28 CELL106 Calcium (Ca) 7100 mg/L 5 0.012 100 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:28 CELL106 Iron (Fe) 0.274 mg/L 0.01 0.004 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:28 CELL106 Lithium (Li) 6.65 mg/L 0.005 0.002 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:28 CELL106 Magnesium (Mg) 50.2 mg/L 0.02 0.008 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:28 CELL106 Manganese (Mn) 11.1 mg/L 0.005 0.001 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:28 CELL106 Zinc (Zn) 0.114 mg/L 0.005 0.004 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:28 CELL106 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) - Q23050134 Beryllium (Be) 0.741 J ug/L 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B 05/09/2023 14:04 MHALL3 Cadmium (Cd) 2.10 ug/L 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 05/09/2023 14:04 MHALL3 Chromium (Cr) 0.965 J ug/L 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 05/09/2023 14:04 MHALL3 Copper (Cu) 35.0 ug/L 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 05/09/2023 14:04 MHALL3 Lead (Pb) 112 ug/L 10 0.037 10 SW 6020B 05/09/2023 14:04 MHALL3 Nickel (Ni) 106 ug/L 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 05/09/2023 14:04 MHALL3 Silver (Ag) 0.217 J ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 05/09/2023 14:04 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 32 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS_FD-20230419-1 Duplicate Sample #: 2023006194 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 Loc code: CLS FD Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040263 Antimony (Sb) 0.335 J ug/L 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Arsenic (As) 7.74 ug/L 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Beryllium (Be) 0.625 J ug/L 2 0.249 2 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Cadmium (Cd) 1.81 ug/L 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Chromium (Cr) 0.378 J ug/L 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Cobalt (Co) 514 ug/L 2 0.077 2 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Copper (Cu) 33.9 ug/L 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Lead (Pb) 119 ug/L 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Molybdenum (Mo) 348 ug/L 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Nickel (Ni) 102 ug/L 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Selenium (Se) 83.5 ug/L 2 0.193 2 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Silver (Ag) 0.128 J ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Thallium (TI) Low Level 9.31 ug/L 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 Vanadium (V) Low Level 1.26 ug/L 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B 04/26/2023 12:27 MHALL3 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS - Q23040298 TDS 23200 mg/L 500 25 1 SM2540C 04/21/202310:54 SNEGLIA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 33 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS FB-20230419-0940 Field Blank Sample #: 2023009450 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 09:40 AM Loc code: CLS QA Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL INORGANIC IONS BY IC - Q23040254 Chloride 0.0154 U mg/L 0.1 0.0154 Fluoride 0.0479 U mg/L 0.1 0.0479 Nitrate 0.0209 U mg/L 0.1 0.0209 Nitrate as N 0.002 U mg-N/L 0.023 0.002 Sulfate 0.0428 U mg/L 0.1 0.0428 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER - Q23040306 Mercury (Hg) 0.01 U ug/L 0.05 0.01 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) - Q23040258 Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP - Q23040260 Barium (Ba) 0.002 U mg/L 0.005 0.002 Boron (B) 0.042 J mg/L 0.05 0.005 Calcium (Ca) 0.02 J mg/L 0.05 0.012 Iron (Fe) 0.004 U mg/L 0.01 0.004 Lithium (Li) 0.002 U mg/L 0.005 0.002 Magnesium (Mg) 0.008 U mg/L 0.02 0.008 Manganese (Mn) 0.001 U mg/L 0.005 0.001 Zinc (Zn) 0.004 U mg/L 0.005 0.004 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) - Q23040262 Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 Cadmium (Cd) 0.094 J ug/L 1 0.032 Chromium (Cr) 0.33 J ug/L 1 0.185 Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L 1 0.787 Lead (Pb) 0.176 J ug/L 1 0.037 Nickel (Ni) 0.581 J ug/L 1 0.256 Silver (Ag) 0.078 J ug/L 1 0.035 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 07:21 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 07:21 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 07:21 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 07:21 BGN9034 1 EPA 9056A 04/20/2023 07:21 BGN9034 1 EPA 7470A 04/24/2023 14:31 jaa5429 1 SW 6010D 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:34 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:34 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:34 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:34 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:34 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:34 CELL106 1 SW 6010D 04/21/2023 12:34 CELL106 1 SW 601OD 04/21/2023 12:34 CELL106 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:20 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:20 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:20 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:20 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:20 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:20 MHALL3 1 SW 6020B 04/25/2023 20:20 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 34 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Site: CLS FB-20230419-0940 Field Blank Sample #: 2023009450 Collection Date: 04/19/2023 09:40 AM Loc code: CLS QA Matrix: GW RCRA Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL MDL DF Method TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS - Q23040263 Antimony (Sb) 0.104 U ug/L 1 0.104 1 SW 6020B Arsenic (As) 0.111 U ug/L 1 0.111 1 SW 6020B Beryllium (Be) 0.249 U ug/L 1 0.249 1 SW 6020B Cadmium (Cd) 0.032 U ug/L 1 0.032 1 SW 6020B Chromium (Cr) 0.185 U ug/L 1 0.185 1 SW 6020B Cobalt (Co) 0.077 U ug/L 1 0.077 1 SW 6020B Copper (Cu) 0.787 U ug/L 1 0.787 1 SW 6020B Lead (Pb) 0.037 U ug/L 1 0.037 1 SW 6020B Molybdenum (Mo) 0.18 U ug/L 1 0.18 1 SW 6020B Nickel (Ni) 0.256 U ug/L 1 0.256 1 SW 6020B Selenium (Se) 0.193 U ug/L 1 0.193 1 SW 6020B Silver (Ag) 0.035 U ug/L 1 0.035 1 SW 6020B Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.041 U ug/L 0.2 0.041 1 SW 6020B Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.114 U ug/L 0.3 0.114 1 SW 6020B Analysis Date/Time Analyst 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 04/25/2023 00:55 MHALL3 Qualifiers: J Analyte detected above the MDL, but below the RL. Analyte concentration should be considered an estimate. M Matrix Spike and/or Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery was outside of the control limits. The associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) recovery was acceptable. Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 35 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040225 Dionex INORGANIC IONS BY IC Blank # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Chloride 0 0 mg/L 1 0.0154 0.1 < MDL Fluoride 0 0 mg/L 1 0.0479 0.1 < MDL Nitrate 0 0 mg/L 1 0.0209 0.1 < MDL Sulfate 0.001 0.001 mg/L 1 0.0428 0.1 < MDL LCS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Chloride 5.03 5.03 mg/L 1 0.0154 5 101 80 120 Fluoride 4.82 4.82 mg/L 1 0.0479 5 96.5 80 120 Nitrate 5.12 5.12 mg/L 1 0.0209 5 102 80 120 Sulfate 5.09 5.09 mg/L 1 0.0428 5 102 80 120 MS # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006170 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Chloride 6.95 6.95 mg/L 1 0.0154 3 99.1 80 120 Fluoride 2.87 2.87 mg/L 1 0.0479 3 95.6 80 120 Nitrate 3.17 3.17 mg/L 1 0.0209 3 99.9 80 120 Sulfate 4.04 4.04 mg/L 1 0.0428 3 103 80 120 MSD # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006170 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Chloride 6.99 6.99 mg/L 1 0.0154 3 100 80 120 1.17 Fluoride 2.91 2.91 mg/L 1 0.0479 3 96.9 80 120 1.35 Nitrate 3.21 3.21 mg/L 1 0.0209 3 101 80 120 1.19 Sulfate 4.09 4.09 mg/L 1 0.0428 3 104 80 120 1.48 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 36 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040254 Dionex INORGANIC IONS BY IC Blank # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Chloride 0 0 mg/L 1 0.0154 0.1 < MDL Fluoride 0 0 mg/L 1 0.0479 0.1 < MDL Nitrate 0 0 mg/L 1 0.0209 0.1 < MDL Sulfate 0.001 0.001 mg/L 1 0.0428 0.1 < MDL LCS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Chloride 5.04 5.04 mg/L 1 0.0154 5 101 80 120 Fluoride 4.83 4.83 mg/L 1 0.0479 5 96.7 80 120 Nitrate 5.14 5.14 mg/L 1 0.0209 5 103 80 120 Sulfate 5.13 5.13 mg/L 1 0.0428 5 103 80 120 MS # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006180 Parameter Measured Final Units Di MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Chloride 3.1 15.5 mg/L 5 0.0154 5 98 80 120 Fluoride 4.73 4.73 mg/L 1 0.0479 5 94.3 80 120 Nitrate 2.86 14.3 mg/L 5 0.0209 5 94 80 120 Sulfate 5.55 5.55 mg/L 1 0.0428 5 99.7 80 120 MSD # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006180 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Sake % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Chloride 3.1 15.5 mg/L 5 0.0154 5 98.1 80 120 0.102 Fluoride 4.74 4.74 mg/L 1 0.0479 5 94.4 80 120 0.0848 Nitrate 2.83 14.2 mg/L 5 0.0209 5 90.8 80 120 3.46 Sulfate 5.57 5.57 mg/L 1 0.0428 5 100 80 120 0.38 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 37 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040306 HG 7470 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Blank # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 0.006 0.006 ug/L 1 0.01 0.05 < MDL Blank # 2 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 0.01 0.01 ug/L 1 0.01 0.05 = MDL Blank # 3 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 0.017 0.017 ug/L 1 0.01 0.05 > MDL Blank # 4 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 0.017 0.017 ug/L 1 0.01 0.05 > MDL LCS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 2.04 2.04 ug/L 1 0.01 2 102 85 115 LCS # 2 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 2.08 2.08 ug/L 1 0.01 2 104 85 115 MS # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006170 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 1.07 1.07 ug/L 1 0.01 1 102 75 125 MSD # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006170 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 1.04 1.04 ug/L 1 0.01 1 99.6 75 125 2.77 MS # 2 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006182 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 1.06 1.06 ug/L 1 0.01 1 101 75 125 MSD # 2 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006182 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 1.11 1.11 ug/L 1 0.01 1 105 75 125 4.17 MS # 3 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006193 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 1.12 1.12 ug/L 1 0.01 1 110 75 125 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 38 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040306 HG 7470 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER MSD # 3 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006193 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Mercury (Hg) 1.15 1.15 ug/L 1 0.01 1 113 75 125 2.86 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040228 ICP_DIS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) Blank # 1 Page 39 of 59 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Zinc (Zn) 0.0007 0.0007 mg/L 1 0.004 0.005 < MDL LCS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Zinc (Zn) 5.2 5.2 mg/L 1 0.004 5 104 80 120 MS # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006187 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Zinc (Zn) 5.23 5.23 mg/L 1 0.004 5 105 70 130 MSD # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006187 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Zinc (Zn) 5.22 5.22 mg/L 1 0.004 5 104 70 130 0.329 Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 40 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040258 ICP_DIS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) Blank # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Zinc (Zn) 0.0013 0.0013 mg/L 1 0.004 0.005 < MDL LCS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Zinc (Zn) 5.08 5.08 mg/L 1 0.004 5 102 80 120 MS # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006185 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Zinc (Zn) 4.96 4.96 mg/L 1 0.004 5 96 70 130 MSD # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006185 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Zinc (Zn) 4.96 4.96 mg/L 1 0.004 5 96 70 130 0.00202 Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 41 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23050128 ICP_DIS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP (DISSOLVED) Blank # 1 LCS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Zinc (Zn)-0.00146-0.00146 Parameter Measured Final Zinc (Zn) 5.18 5.18 LCSD # 1 Parameter Measured Final Zinc (Zn) 5.1 5.1 Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration mg/L 1 0.004 0.005 < MDL Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL mg/L 1 0.004 5 104 80 120 Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL mg/L 1 0.004 5 102 80 120 Qualifier Qualifier RPD Qualifier 1.44 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040231 ICP_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Blank # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Barium (Ba) -0.000748 -0.000748 mg/L 1 0.002 0.005 < MDL Boron (B) 0.00048 0.00048 mg/L 1 0.005 0.05 < MDL Calcium (Ca) 0.0058 0.0058 mg/L 1 0.012 0.05 < MDL Iron (Fe) 0.000294 0.000294 mg/L 1 0.004 0.01 < MDL Lithium (Li) -0.000862 -0.000862 mg/L 1 0.002 0.005 < MDL Magnesium (Mg) -0.00224 -0.00224 mg/L 1 0.008 0.02 < MDL Manganese (Mn) -0.000108 -0.000108 mg/L 1 0.001 0.005 < MDL Zinc (Zn) -0.0005 -0.0005 mg/L 1 0.004 0.005 < MDL LCS # 1 Page 42 of 59 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Barium (Ba) 5.15 5.15 mg/L 1 0.002 5 103 80 120 Boron (B) 5.02 5.02 mg/L 1 0.005 5 100 80 120 Calcium (Ca) 4.98 4.98 mg/L 1 0.012 5 99.6 80 120 Iron (Fe) 5.01 5.01 mg/L 1 0.004 5 100 80 120 Lithium (Li) 5.11 5.11 mg/L 1 0.002 5 102 80 120 Magnesium (Mg) 5.01 5.01 mg/L 1 0.008 5 100 80 120 Manganese (Mn) 4.95 4.95 mg/L 1 0.001 5 98.9 80 120 Zinc (Zn) 4.98 4.98 mg/L 1 0.004 5 99.6 80 120 MS # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006170 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Barium (Ba) 5.2 5.2 mg/L 1 0.002 5 104 75 125 Boron (B) 4.96 4.96 mg/L 1 0.005 5 99.2 75 125 Calcium (Ca) 5.08 5.08 mg/L 1 0.012 5 98.9 75 125 Iron (Fe) 5.06 5.06 mg/L 1 0.004 5 99.9 75 125 Lithium (Li) 5.03 5.03 mg/L 1 0.002 5 100 75 125 Magnesium (Mg) 5.49 5.49 mg/L 1 0.008 5 99.5 75 125 Manganese (Mn) 4.98 4.98 mg/L 1 0.001 5 99.2 75 125 Zinc (Zn) 4.97 4.97 mg/L 1 0.004 5 99.4 75 125 MSD # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006170 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Barium (Ba) 5.23 5.23 mg/L 1 0.002 5 104 75 125 0.575 Boron (B) 5.01 5.01 mg/L 1 0.005 5 100 75 125 0.922 Calcium (Ca) 5.12 5.12 mg/L 1 0.012 5 99.8 75 125 0.844 Iron (Fe) 5.1 5.1 mg/L 1 0.004 5 101 75 125 0.709 Lithium (Li) 5.08 5.08 mg/L 1 0.002 5 102 75 125 1.11 Magnesium (Mg) 5.53 5.53 mg/L 1 0.008 5 100 75 125 0.635 Manganese (Mn) 5.01 5.01 mg/L 1 0.001 5 99.8 75 125 0.581 Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 43 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040231 ICP_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP MSD # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006170 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Zinc (Zn) 5.01 5.01 mg/L 1 0.004 5 100 75 125 0.737 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040260 ICP_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Blank # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Barium (Ba) -0.000773 -0.000773 mg/L 1 0.002 0.005 < MDL Boron (B) 0.000118 0.000118 mg/L 1 0.005 0.05 < MDL Calcium (Ca) 0.0126 0.0126 mg/L 1 0.012 0.05 > MDL Iron (Fe) 0.000908 0.000908 mg/L 1 0.004 0.01 < MDL Lithium (Li) -0.000121 -0.000121 mg/L 1 0.002 0.005 < MDL Magnesium (Mg) 0.000201 0.000201 mg/L 1 0.008 0.02 < MDL Manganese (Mn) -0.000072 -0.000072 mg/L 1 0.001 0.005 < MDL Zinc (Zn) -0.00158 -0.00158 mg/L 1 0.004 0.005 < MDL LCS # 1 Page 44 of 59 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Barium (Ba) 5.07 5.07 mg/L 1 0.002 5 101 80 120 Boron (B) 4.98 4.98 mg/L 1 0.005 5 99.6 80 120 Calcium (Ca) 5.04 5.04 mg/L 1 0.012 5 101 80 120 Iron (Fe) 5.04 5.04 mg/L 1 0.004 5 101 80 120 Lithium (Li) 4.91 4.91 mg/L 1 0.002 5 98.1 80 120 Magnesium (Mg) 5.02 5.02 mg/L 1 0.008 5 100 80 120 Manganese (Mn) 4.98 4.98 mg/L 1 0.001 5 99.7 80 120 Zinc (Zn) 5.07 5.07 mg/L 1 0.004 5 101 80 120 MS # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006180 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Barium (Ba) 5.1 5.1 mg/L 1 0.002 5 101 75 125 Boron (B) 4.96 4.96 mg/L 1 0.005 5 99.2 75 125 Calcium (Ca) 10.8 10.8 mg/L 1 0.012 5 128 75 125 Iron (Fe) 5.08 5.08 mg/L 1 0.004 5 100 75 125 Lithium (Li) 4.96 4.96 mg/L 1 0.002 5 99.2 75 125 Magnesium (Mg) 7.11 7.11 mg/L 1 0.008 5 109 75 125 Manganese (Mn) 4.97 4.97 mg/L 1 0.001 5 98.8 75 125 Zinc (Zn) 4.92 4.92 mg/L 1 0.004 5 98.4 75 125 MSD # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006180 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Barium (Ba) 5.1 5.1 mg/L 1 0.002 5 101 75 125 0.137 Boron (B) 4.99 4.99 mg/L 1 0.005 5 99.8 75 125 0.603 Calcium (Ca) 10.7 10.7 mg/L 1 0.012 5 127 75 125 0.651 Iron (Fe) 5.07 5.07 mg/L 1 0.004 5 100 75 125 0.0394 Lithium (Li) 4.98 4.98 mg/L 1 0.002 5 99.5 75 125 0.282 Magnesium (Mg) 7.09 7.09 mg/L 1 0.008 5 109 75 125 0.31 Manganese (Mn) 4.95 4.95 mg/L 1 0.001 5 98.3 75 125 0.463 Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier M Qualifier M Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 45 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040260 ICP_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP MSD # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006180 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Zinc (Zn) 4.91 4.91 mg/L 1 0.004 5 98.1 75 125 0.305 Qualifiers: M Matrix Spike and/or Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery was outside of the control limits. The associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) recovery was acceptable. Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 46 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040235 IMS_DIS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Blank # 1 LCS # 1 MS # 1 MSD # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Beryllium (Be) -0.021 -0.021 ug/L 1 0.249 1 < MDL Cadmium (Cd) 0.002 0.002 ug/L 1 0.032 1 < MDL Chromium (Cr) 0.014 0.014 ug/L 1 0.185 1 < MDL Copper (Cu) -0.007 -0.007 ug/L 1 0.787 1 < MDL Lead (Pb) -0.003 -0.003 ug/L 1 0.037 1 < MDL Nickel (Ni) -0.029 -0.029 ug/L 1 0.256 1 < MDL Silver (Ag) 0.004 0.004 ug/L 1 0.035 1 < MDL Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Beryllium (Be) 51.7 51.7 ug/L 1 0.249 50 103 80 120 Cadmium (Cd) 51 51 ug/L 1 0.032 50 102 80 120 Chromium (Cr) 51.4 51.4 ug/L 1 0.185 50 103 80 120 Copper(Cu) 51.9 51.9 ug/L 1 0.787 50 104 80 120 Lead (Pb) 51.5 51.5 ug/L 1 0.037 50 103 80 120 Nickel (Ni) 51.1 51.1 ug/L 1 0.256 50 102 80 120 Silver (Ag) 51.3 51.3 ug/L 1 0.035 50 103 80 120 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006188 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Beryllium (Be) 48.8 48.8 ug/L 1 0.249 50 97.5 75 125 Cadmium (Cd) 50.2 50.2 ug/L 1 0.032 50 100 75 125 Chromium (Cr) 51.1 51.1 ug/L 1 0.185 50 101 75 125 Copper (Cu) 53.8 53.8 ug/L 1 0.787 50 99.6 75 125 Lead (Pb) 51.2 51.2 ug/L 1 0.037 50 102 75 125 Nickel (Ni) 50 50 ug/L 1 0.256 50 99.1 75 125 Silver (Ag) 50.2 50.2 ug/L 1 0.035 50 100 75 125 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006188 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Beryllium (Be) 50.4 50.4 ug/L 1 0.249 50 101 75 125 3.29 Cadmium (Cd) 51.4 51.4 ug/L 1 0.032 50 103 75 125 2.44 Chromium (Cr) 52 52 ug/L 1 0.185 50 103 75 125 1.77 Copper (Cu) 55.3 55.3 ug/L 1 0.787 50 103 75 125 2.94 Lead (Pb) 52 52 ug/L 1 0.037 50 104 75 125 1.55 Nickel (Ni) 51 51 ug/L 1 0.256 50 101 75 125 1.83 Silver (Ag) 51.6 51.6 ug/L 1 0.035 50 103 75 125 2.85 Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 47 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040262 IMS_DIS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Blank # 1 LCS # 1 MS # 1 MSD # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Beryllium (Be) 0.006 0.006 ug/L 1 0.249 1 < MDL Cadmium (Cd) 0.016 0.016 ug/L 1 0.032 1 < MDL Chromium (Cr) 0.042 0.042 ug/L 1 0.185 1 < MDL Copper (Cu) 0.023 0.023 ug/L 1 0.787 1 < MDL Lead (Pb) 0.008 0.008 ug/L 1 0.037 1 < MDL Nickel (Ni) -0.014 -0.014 ug/L 1 0.256 1 < MDL Silver (Ag) 0.001 0.001 ug/L 1 0.035 1 < MDL Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Beryllium (Be) 49.8 49.8 ug/L 1 0.249 50 99.6 80 120 Cadmium (Cd) 50.2 50.2 ug/L 1 0.032 50 100 80 120 Chromium (Cr) 50.9 50.9 ug/L 1 0.185 50 102 80 120 Copper(Cu) 51.2 51.2 ug/L 1 0.787 50 102 80 120 Lead (Pb) 51.5 51.5 ug/L 1 0.037 50 103 80 120 Nickel (Ni) 50.7 50.7 ug/L 1 0.256 50 101 80 120 Silver (Ag) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 0.035 50 102 80 120 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006186 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Beryllium (Be) 51.1 51.1 ug/L 1 0.249 50 91 75 125 Cadmium (Cd) 51.1 51.1 ug/L 1 0.032 50 99 75 125 Chromium (Cr) 52 52 ug/L 1 0.185 50 99.1 75 125 Copper (Cu) 159 159 ug/L 1 0.787 50 92.7 75 125 Lead (Pb) 71.1 71.1 ug/L 1 0.037 50 104 75 125 Nickel (Ni) 282 282 ug/L 1 0.256 50 90.1 75 125 Silver (Ag) 50.3 50.3 ug/L 1 0.035 50 100 75 125 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006186 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Beryllium (Be) 48 48 ug/L 1 0.249 50 84.9 75 125 6.94 Cadmium (Cd) 51.7 51.7 ug/L 1 0.032 50 97.2 75 125 1.82 Chromium (Cr) 52 52 ug/L 1 0.185 50 92.1 75 125 7.28 Copper (Cu) 161 161 ug/L 1 0.787 50 94.9 75 125 2.42 Lead (Pb) 72 72 ug/L 1 0.037 50 102 75 125 1.77 Nickel (Ni) 283 283 ug/L 1 0.256 50 99.3 75 125 9.75 Silver (Ag) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 0.035 50 97 75 125 3.53 Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 48 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23050134 IMS_DIS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Blank # 1 LCS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Beryllium (Be) 0.003 0.003 ug/L 1 0.249 1 < MDL Cadmium (Cd) 0.006 0.006 ug/L 1 0.032 1 < MDL Chromium (Cr) 0.06 0.06 ug/L 1 0.185 1 < MDL Copper (Cu) 0.006 0.006 ug/L 1 0.787 1 < MDL Lead (Pb) -0.001 -0.001 ug/L 1 0.037 1 < MDL Nickel (Ni) -0.028 -0.028 ug/L 1 0.256 1 < MDL Silver (Ag) 0.002 0.002 ug/L 1 0.035 1 < MDL Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Beryllium (Be) 49.3 49.3 ug/L 1 0.249 50 98.5 80 120 Cadmium (Cd) 50.6 50.6 ug/L 1 0.032 50 101 80 120 Chromium (Cr) 50.4 50.4 ug/L 1 0.185 50 101 80 120 Copper(Cu) 52.2 52.2 ug/L 1 0.787 50 104 80 120 Lead (Pb) 51.9 51.9 ug/L 1 0.037 50 104 80 120 Nickel (Ni) 51.9 51.9 ug/L 1 0.256 50 104 80 120 Silver(Ag) 54 54 ug/L 1 0.035 50 108 80 120 LCSD # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Beryllium (Be) 49.9 49.9 ug/L 1 0.249 50 99.8 80 120 1.28 Cadmium (Cd) 51.2 51.2 ug/L 1 0.032 50 102 80 120 1.12 Chromium (Cr) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 0.185 50 102 80 120 0.821 Copper (Cu) 52 52 ug/L 1 0.787 50 104 80 120 0.311 Lead (Pb) 52.1 52.1 ug/L 1 0.037 50 104 80 120 0.479 Nickel (Ni) 51.7 51.7 ug/L 1 0.256 50 103 80 120 0.301 Silver (Ag) 54.1 54.1 ug/L 1 0.035 50 108 80 120 0.217 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 49 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040238 IMS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Blank # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Antimony (Sb) 0.036 0.036 ug/L 1 0.104 1 < MDL Arsenic (As) -0.025 -0.025 ug/L 1 0.111 1 < MDL Beryllium (Be) 0.013 0.013 ug/L 1 0.249 1 < MDL Cadmium (Cd) 0.005 0.005 ug/L 1 0.032 1 < MDL Chromium (Cr) 0.021 0.021 ug/L 1 0.185 1 < MDL Cobalt (Co) 0.003 0.003 ug/L 1 0.077 1 < MDL Copper (Cu) -0.003 -0.003 ug/L 1 0.787 1 < MDL Lead (Pb) 0.004 0.004 ug/L 1 0.037 1 < MDL Molybdenum (Mo) 0.01 0.01 ug/L 1 0.18 1 < MDL Nickel (Ni) 0.02 0.02 ug/L 1 0.256 1 < MDL Selenium (Se) 0.028 0.028 ug/L 1 0.193 1 < MDL Silver (Ag) 0.002 0.002 ug/L 1 0.035 1 < MDL Thallium (TI) Low Level 0 0 ug/L 1 0.041 0.2 < MDL Vanadium (V) Low Level -0.009 -0.009 ug/L 1 0.114 0.3 < MDL LCS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Antimony (Sb) 51.1 51.1 ug/L 1 0.104 50 102 80 120 Arsenic (As) 51.2 51.2 ug/L 1 0.111 50 102 80 120 Beryllium (Be) 50.4 50.4 ug/L 1 0.249 50 101 80 120 Cadmium (Cd) 50.9 50.9 ug/L 1 0.032 50 102 80 120 Chromium (Cr) 50.5 50.5 ug/L 1 0.185 50 101 80 120 Cobalt (Co) 51.5 51.5 ug/L 1 0.077 50 103 80 120 Copper(Cu) 51.8 51.8 ug/L 1 0.787 50 104 80 120 Lead (Pb) 52.1 52.1 ug/L 1 0.037 50 104 80 120 Molybdenum (Mo) 50 50 ug/L 1 0.18 50 100 80 120 Nickel (Ni) 51.4 51.4 ug/L 1 0.256 50 103 80 120 Selenium (Se) 51 51 ug/L 1 0.193 50 102 80 120 Silver (Ag) 50.5 50.5 ug/L 1 0.035 50 101 80 120 Thallium (TI) Low Level 50.4 50.4 ug/L 1 0.041 50 101 80 120 Vanadium (V) Low Level 50.7 50.7 ug/L 1 0.114 50 101 80 120 MS # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006171 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL alAke % Recovery LCL UCL Antimony (Sb) 49.9 49.9 ug/L 1 0.104 50 99.6 75 125 Arsenic (As) 50 50 ug/L 1 0.111 50 100 75 125 Beryllium (Be) 52 52 ug/L 1 0.249 50 104 75 125 Cadmium (Cd) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 0.032 50 101 75 125 Chromium (Cr) 51.3 51.3 ug/L 1 0.185 50 102 75 125 Cobalt (Co) 50.6 50.6 ug/L 1 0.077 50 101 75 125 Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040238 IMS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS MS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike Copper (Cu) 51.4 51.4 ug/L 1 0.787 50 Lead (Pb) 51.7 51.7 ug/L 1 0.037 50 Molybdenum (Mo) 49.5 49.5 ug/L 1 0.18 50 Nickel (Ni) 51.4 51.4 ug/L 1 0.256 50 Selenium (Se) 49.9 49.9 ug/L 1 0.193 50 Silver (Ag) 49.6 49.6 ug/L 1 0.035 50 Thallium (TI) Low Level 50.4 50.4 ug/L 1 0.041 50 Vanadium (V) Low Level 51 51 ug/L 1 0.114 50 MSD # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike Antimony (Sb) 50.6 50.6 ug/L 1 0.104 50 Arsenic (As) 51 51 ug/L 1 0.111 50 Beryllium (Be) 52.1 52.1 ug/L 1 0.249 50 Cadmium (Cd) 51.6 51.6 ug/L 1 0.032 50 Chromium (Cr) 51.2 51.2 ug/L 1 0.185 50 Cobalt (Co) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 0.077 50 Copper (Cu) 51.7 51.7 ug/L 1 0.787 50 Lead (Pb) 52.5 52.5 ug/L 1 0.037 50 Molybdenum (Mo) 50.1 50.1 ug/L 1 0.18 50 Nickel (Ni) 52.4 52.4 ug/L 1 0.256 50 Selenium (Se) 51.3 51.3 ug/L 1 0.193 50 Silver (Ag) 50.3 50.3 ug/L 1 0.035 50 Thallium (TI) Low Level 50.9 50.9 ug/L 1 0.041 50 Vanadium (V) Low Level 51.4 51.4 ug/L 1 0.114 50 Page 50 of 59 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006171 % Recovery LCL UCL 102 75 125 103 75 125 98.9 75 125 101 75 125 99.8 75 125 99.2 75 125 101 75 125 102 75 125 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006171 % Recovery LCL UCL RPD 101 75 125 1.44 102 75 125 1.82 104 75 125 0.177 103 75 125 1.66 102 75 125 0.145 101 75 125 0.47 103 75 125 0.722 105 75 125 1.64 100 75 125 1.12 103 75 125 1.93 103 75 125 2.8 101 75 125 1.42 102 75 125 1.06 103 75 125 0.731 Qualifier Qualifier Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 51 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040263 IMS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Blank # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Antimony (Sb) 0.022 0.022 ug/L 1 0.104 1 < MDL Arsenic (As) 0.011 0.011 ug/L 1 0.111 1 < MDL Beryllium (Be) 0.064 0.064 ug/L 1 0.249 1 < MDL Cadmium (Cd) 0.121 0.121 ug/L 1 0.032 1 > MDL Chromium (Cr) 0.055 0.055 ug/L 1 0.185 1 < MDL Cobalt (Co) 0.154 0.154 ug/L 1 0.077 1 > MDL Copper (Cu) 0.06 0.06 ug/L 1 0.787 1 < MDL Lead (Pb) 0.037 0.037 ug/L 1 0.037 1 = MDL Molybdenum (Mo) 0.014 0.014 ug/L 1 0.18 1 < MDL Nickel (Ni) 0.131 0.131 ug/L 1 0.256 1 < MDL Selenium (Se) 0.049 0.049 ug/L 1 0.193 1 < MDL Silver (Ag) 0.001 0.001 ug/L 1 0.035 1 < MDL Thallium (TI) Low Level 0.019 0.019 ug/L 1 0.041 0.2 < MDL Vanadium (V) Low Level -0.01 -0.01 ug/L 1 0.114 0.3 < MDL LCS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Antimony (Sb) 50.2 50.2 ug/L 1 0.104 50 100 80 120 Arsenic (As) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 0.111 50 102 80 120 Beryllium (Be) 50.5 50.5 ug/L 1 0.249 50 101 80 120 Cadmium (Cd) 51 51 ug/L 1 0.032 50 102 80 120 Chromium (Cr) 50.6 50.6 ug/L 1 0.185 50 101 80 120 Cobalt (Co) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 0.077 50 102 80 120 Copper (Cu) 50.7 50.7 ug/L 1 0.787 50 101 80 120 Lead (Pb) 51.8 51.8 ug/L 1 0.037 50 104 80 120 Molybdenum (Mo) 50 50 ug/L 1 0.18 50 100 80 120 Nickel (Ni) 51 51 ug/L 1 0.256 50 102 80 120 Selenium (Se) 51 51 ug/L 1 0.193 50 102 80 120 Silver (Ag) 50.5 50.5 ug/L 1 0.035 50 101 80 120 Thallium (TI) Low Level 50.6 50.6 ug/L 1 0.041 50 101 80 120 Vanadium (V) Low Level 50.7 50.7 ug/L 1 0.114 50 101 80 120 MS # 1 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006182 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL alAke % Recovery LCL UCL Antimony (Sb) 50.9 50.9 ug/L 1 0.104 50 102 75 125 Arsenic (As) 50.7 50.7 ug/L 1 0.111 50 101 75 125 Beryllium (Be) 50.3 50.3 ug/L 1 0.249 50 100 75 125 Cadmium (Cd) 50.9 50.9 ug/L 1 0.032 50 102 75 125 Chromium (Cr) 52.1 52.1 ug/L 1 0.185 50 102 75 125 Cobalt (Co) 51.6 51.6 ug/L 1 0.077 50 101 75 125 Qualifier Qualifier Qualifier Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040263 IMS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS MS # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike Copper (Cu) 51.5 51.5 ug/L 1 0.787 50 Lead (Pb) 52.1 52.1 ug/L 1 0.037 50 Molybdenum (Mo) 50.1 50.1 ug/L 1 0.18 50 Nickel (Ni) 51.4 51.4 ug/L 1 0.256 50 Selenium (Se) 49.9 49.9 ug/L 1 0.193 50 Silver (Ag) 50.2 50.2 ug/L 1 0.035 50 Thallium (TI) Low Level 50.1 50.1 ug/L 1 0.041 50 Vanadium (V) Low Level 51 51 ug/L 1 0.114 50 MSD # 1 Parameter Measured Final Units Dil MDL Spike Antimony (Sb) 50.1 50.1 ug/L 1 0.104 50 Arsenic (As) 50.1 50.1 ug/L 1 0.111 50 Beryllium (Be) 51.2 51.2 ug/L 1 0.249 50 Cadmium (Cd) 50.6 50.6 ug/L 1 0.032 50 Chromium (Cr) 51.2 51.2 ug/L 1 0.185 50 Cobalt (Co) 50.6 50.6 ug/L 1 0.077 50 Copper (Cu) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 0.787 50 Lead (Pb) 51.4 51.4 ug/L 1 0.037 50 Molybdenum (Mo) 49.7 49.7 ug/L 1 0.18 50 Nickel (Ni) 50.4 50.4 ug/L 1 0.256 50 Selenium (Se) 48.7 48.7 ug/L 1 0.193 50 Silver (Ag) 49.8 49.8 ug/L 1 0.035 50 Thallium (TI) Low Level 50.1 50.1 ug/L 1 0.041 50 Vanadium (V) Low Level 50.3 50.3 ug/L 1 0.114 50 Page 52 of 59 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006182 % Recovery LCL UCL 102 75 125 104 75 125 100 75 125 101 75 125 99.5 75 125 100 75 125 100 75 125 102 75 125 Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006182 % Recovery LCL UCL RPD 100 75 125 1.6 100 75 125 1.28 102 75 125 1.79 101 75 125 0.621 100 75 125 1.72 99.4 75 125 1.97 101 75 125 1.4 103 75 125 1.2 99.2 75 125 0.801 99.6 75 125 1.81 97.2 75 125 2.43 99.6 75 125 0.778 100 75 125 0.0699 100 75 125 1.26 Qualifier Qualifier Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 53 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040226 TDS TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS Blank # 1 Blank # 2 Parameter Measured Final TDS 0 Parameter Measured Final TDS 0 Duplicate # 1 Parameter Measured Final TDS 269 Duplicate # 2 Parameter Measured Final TDS 787 LCS # 1 LCS # 2 Parameter Measured Final TDS 498 Parameter Measured Final TDS 493 Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier mg/L 1 25 25 < MDL Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier mg/L 1 25 25 < MDL Parent Sample: J23030049 -- 2023005258 Units Dil MDL RPD Qualifier mg/L 1 25 2.26 Parent Sample: J23040325 -- 2023009355 Units Dil MDL RPD Qualifier mg/L 1 25 1.79 Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier mg/L 1 25 500 99.6 90 110 Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier mg/L 1 25 500 98.6 90 110 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 54 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040257 TDS TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS Blank # 1 Blank # 2 Parameter Measured Final TDS 0.1 Parameter Measured Final TDS 0 Duplicate # 1 Parameter Measured Final TDS 59 Duplicate # 2 Parameter Measured Final TDS 398 LCS # 1 LCS # 2 Parameter Measured Final TDS 494 Parameter Measured Final TDS 490 Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier mg/L 1 25 25 < MDL Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier mg/L 1 25 25 < MDL Parent Sample: J23030262 -- 2023006180 Units Dil MDL RPD Qualifier mg/L 1 25 3.33 Parent Sample: J23040350 -- 2023009489 Units Dil MDL RPD Qualifier mg/L 1 25 1 Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier mg/L 1 25 500 98.8 90 110 Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier mg/L 1 25 500 98 90 110 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 55 of 59 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J23030262 Level II QC Summary Q23040298 TDS TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS Blank # 1 Blank # 2 Parameter Measured Final TDS 0 Parameter Measured Final TDS 0 Duplicate # 1 Parameter Measured Final TDS 315 Duplicate # 2 Parameter Measured Final TDS 612 LCS # 1 LCS # 2 Parameter Measured Final TDS 494 Parameter Measured Final TDS 491 Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier mg/L 1 25 25 < MDL Units Dil MDL RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier mg/L 1 25 25 < MDL Parent Sample: J23040374 -- 2023009581 Units Dil MDL RPD Qualifier mg/L 1 25 1.57 Parent Sample: J23040376 -- 2023009597 Units Dil MDL RPD Qualifier mg/L 1 25 6.48 Units Dil MDL Spike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier mg/L 1 25 500 98.8 90 110 Units Dil MDL S ike % Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier mg/L 1 25 500 98.2 90 110 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REGUEST FORM Page 56 of 59 Duke Energyli DUKE MW c� moo jeaw" TON Order ill J 2303026 2 AnWical Laboratory Use Only trial WATER NG-Yl Esc— Page I of 'N" K". �ry � H.M.-ak, N. ENERGY, -- ­ - 17a -110-."%. ft. _2 1 DISTRIBUTION purl r"M !L-0--, Thra SAMPLE PROGRAM ORIGANAL to LAB, COPY to CUENT PmJ@Ct Name ROGERS CUFFSIDE CCP w-dor Ground Water X Drinking Wafer NPDES— UST ,— LANDFILL PER M ITO 61.06 t RCRAWaste Revised 3.1 Csient. BILL WYLIERYAN CZOP. i .... ..... — EILYA�MOELLER, DEE 0? RIEN. JOSH STOWE i Filtration (0.46 unl) Unfiltered Filtered d Operating LP nit: CSN PrPc*ss:NGRDWTR Account; 5 Preservatfye ICE ICE Project: ACS56ONZ Activity ID: Faclifty ID: CLS MT SWT ------ Container me lmL) 5:10 300 500 250 I EQ-i$ Teak Code: CLS Sub-Pmgr*mrrask Code: 1Program ; 7 M I Cdnkairrer Type HOPE PET PET OPE M ..'S a Metals Prep - TRM) I Cl, F, SING0100 12 Ctestompr to cowpM� all app�priate nb—hade.d IGP - SW SDI ODI ft. 8, '::a. Fe. Li, Mg. Mo. NO3-N ZnISW --""-"'-""-"'-'"—'"3SOMP 10 D"cri pbOn o r I D Zn 1611 Mg {SW 7470A} (48,Hr Hold TDS 602o Be, BC Cd i SAMPLE 10 coaecUon Information t {IMS - sw 6020B} Sb, Time). C.: Pb. i NUMBER As, Be. Cd, Cr, Co Pb, Mg. NI, s .. �g. Cu,I SO4 Ni, Ag Dim Time Printed Name slanaturs tS7 TI(LLj, V 114 21523006170 j C[S_CCIRMWAS 3 i 2023006171 i CLS CCPM1W-1 D qF15 ZA4 IN -tt- bkm x 3 L2023006172 CLS-CCPMW-25 F(7Tw Z woo mo ALM 202300611731 CU5-CCPWIN-2D ...... 3 2OZ3MI74 ebRZQGRMVV48 -XAPS VOL 3 20230061176 CLS�-CCPMIN3D Vrr S-TZ—M3 100 Zth E HfA -3W 3 202308176 CLS CCPMW-4 NIETZ4 �ftz x 3 2023006177 CLS CCPMW-6 U414k,&I 2023006178 CL5�_CCPMW-SS 4118*3 1400 3-31- Ntwvl x 2023006179 CLS CCPMW-fiD L x 1 1 1 3 L2023006180 f 13,66-GOP1111011 x 1 1 1 3 12023006191 x 3 i 20230D6182 ClUt-LAW.3o x r2023006183 iI eh&-CMW�., x 3 f 20230061" 3 20230061U 1 i x 1 1 1 1 4 I i2023006196 I sks 96P hmem x 4 R.HrIcillilbed By I DO-M etan, AC d SYL ZAZ�- V Requested Turnaround ,Z-2c, N1 ?,3'('_& 1 5— 711 .,a Relinquished By OaLaTims Accepted By: Bedell V 4- P 21 Days Relinquished By DaftiTtmt Accepted BY 081*7kne 14 Days SeAVL..Imd By Dalell-mine Saaled&m; Opened By DiftarrTme 5-E '7 Days a Comments Regulatory Agency! NCDENrWDWm - SW Section EQUIS REQUIRED? PERMIT # 81-0s f Include Total Hardness for rCP-Le+chat, and CCP-Leachate-34 F Other Add. Cost Will Apply CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM Page 57 of 59 DUKE Dak■ En■rgy AnayMed u6oratnry - ;----------wA ul a0r i i i Order 0 J 23030262 __..:ea r -�� one__--------'-- Malrk>< WATER - -- - nlC -'-' . i Pape _2_of 2 H iL >sn■ ENERGY. ""`"""'�"t"` �w.. uaM.mvr.v_ DWRIBUt1oN- i ILp�d Pal totEra FY�B�>I?!�a � ``11 y r1"3.- SAMPLE PROGRAM ORIGINA410 LAB, COPY to CLIENT l ----- .......... ... ............ _._------- _._._.__._i Prgeet N>tme ROGER5 CLJFFSIOE CCP Plwr rv_ �UOndO` LANDFILL PERM IT* 81-06 i Client BILL WYLIE,RYAN CIOP, ippa caetrr re ,.._.._.._..._.._. _.._.._.. Ground Watery 9nPkirig Water - RCRA Wuele _.._.._._.._.._.._.._._.._.._.._.._.._.._.--..--._.._.._._...-__.._ NPDES,� UST — —- lrviseti 2023 R3-t0 , BRYAN MOELLER, DEE O-BRIEN, .POSH STOWS k Filtration (OA5 um) a Unfiltered 0 Fiftered Operating Unit CSM Pree■--:NBRDWTR Account i Preservative ICE ICE HNO7 ProleaL, ACS660062 Activity io: Fag ilky 10: CLS Container Volume (a1L) Soo 300 500 500 Pngram 7 EOuiS Task Coda: CL3 Sub-ProgramlTask Code, Container Type HOPE PET PET HOPE CCP7LFI (Mows Prep -TRM) f Cf, F, C.1 �:omv� fn cvmr.•1am an.nar�drlx[e morn hadW arnos- q 11 CP - SW 6010o1 e., B, Ca, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, In NO3-N (48-lir S~10D 2.n 1 SW 60208 Be. ................. � Sample Description or ID Hnid TDS Cd, CV, Cu, Pb, Collection lnrvrmwlon (IMSHSW 6W20Bj Shf, Time], NJ, Ad a SAMPLEID ! C Ce,Cu, ps, Be. Cd, r, 504 NUMBER n Pb, Me, W, Sa, Ag, e i i Data Tkne PrInt■d Noma S tun U 0 TI 44 V ,i ~ •. 2023006187': CLS_CCPSW-1 f000 x , 1 1 i 4 i 2023006188 5 CLS_CCPSW-2 4 18104 0940 P1Mg SPW iy'. j x 1 1 t , 4 2023006189 CLS_CCPSwJ 4 ! "5 1pLS -• t-^ x 1 1 1 , s i 20 CW^_FD-4OLlPgII 1 K 1/1011 lo3o SC,41 EHk x 1 1 , 3 2023006191 CLS_F8-L0L30418-1300 411 130o RMB 3 202 0630 19 '2 CLS_CCR-CCPBG-iD 4 i$ k93 } 3 LT -'C-.M F HM x 1 , , 3 ! 2023MI93 CLS_CCR-CCPBG-1BR r{ is jyt3 17,3o 3-QA% t 1 1 3 M30p6194 666_FG X1 I r� i I i i I i i I I i ! 1 i 1 1 1 R*Rnqulshod By - - - H - rrkna ll Acce end B D7 2 10 Requested Turnaround IAI� RNl"ulsked By ■ Ascopbd ey: Det■Jrkn■ m a 21 hays ^ e ReOngdkmd By OwRim■ Acc■pt■d By: DaMfrkm ,d trays +L_ 1n 3 •7 SealfLocWl By DaIrlTima SUIedil-ock Opdk■d 6y E E s ra Days 'Other • Add- Cos! Will Apply Comments Regulatory Agency: NCDENRIDWm - SW Section EOUIS REQUIRED I PER MIT4 81.06 Include Total Hardness for CCPSVY-1.CCPSIM-2, CCPSW-3 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM Page 58 of 59 . _ .... _ _.. Duke Erwrgy Arwtytkal Labaratary _� .— .�^.--�..�-w�� _^-.•-... — iral G-boratory Use Only !Ordr#J23030262 Matrix WATER -W.M tolR' ;ea--- -6� C. "WR ILoedBy lnsls�e-ax�a SAMPLE PROGRAM Ground Water x NPDES project Name ROGFRS CLSFFSIDE CCP Phi A1°r _ 'Verder Drinking Wafer,___ us7 LANDFILL PERM rM 81-06 RCRA Wafee • Ceeler 7emP1�1..._..._.._.._.Y.._.Y.._._.._._._.._.._.._.._.._. .. _.._. Client BILL WYUE,RYAN CLOP, PO! BRYAN MOELLER, DEE O'BRIEN, JOSH STOWE Filtration (OAS um) 4 Unfiltered Operating Unit: CS66 Process:NGRDWTR Account: _ Preservative ICE Project ACSSSM2 Activity �$ vity ID: Fac6dy i0: CLS � Container Volume (mL) Soo 300 7 rogram I EQWS Tank Cods: CLS Sub-Programrrask Code: Container Type XOPe PET CP1LF w❑ r (Metals Prep • TRM)1 CI, F, Co5ro-w t0 sompilete eil approipriale 6Ml hadad 2r s. J IICP - $W 6010DI Ea, NO3-N B. Ca, Fe, Li, Mg. Piro, {48-Hr - - -- �— Sample Description or ID Zn IaY Ng (sw �4TOAl Hord Callacdon Irdarmatlon I (IMS - SW 60m) so, Timed, SAMPLE ID As, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu.Ni NVMBETt Pb. Mo. Nl, Se, Ag, 304Data Time Printed Name Si nature TI LL V it I.t.s { 10E SOO PET TDS _1_ of 2_ aDUKEPage DISTRIBUTION ORIGINAL to LA9, COPY to CLIENT b Filtered 2SO HDPE SW80,pp Zn i SW SOMB Be. Cd, CF, Cu, Pb, Ag @ c o 0 f i 2023006 Q % 1 1 1 3 i 2023M171 i i_ GuteePMaRi-= x 1 1 1 3 1 2023006172 ; CIt89PA4M1-i6 x 1 1 , 3 2023006173 OW)= ?MW.7p x 1 t , 3 2023006174 6i6C&PMW-9S x 1 1 1 3 2023006175 0!�_BBPhANi-89 , 3 12023006176 ; x 1 1 1 3 I 20230061" Bh_6APM" x 1 1 1 3 i 2D23006178 i 516-� % + t 1 s i —� 120230MITS ! B t):41 +1rf-0D x t 1 1 3 •. 2023006180 CLS_CCPMW-7 q11,143 I03o /VA,4 x 1 7 1 3 202300,6181 ' 9kFT,CSPMW4L .% wvL x , , , 3 2023006182 CLS_CCPMW-10 41 t3 p7.Y 3-c^ EWA x + + + 3 2023006183Ii'i CLS_CCPMw-11 1 43 1330 �-Z�'1A �� � x t , + 3 2023006194 ; M-96�w-x xrvs rwL x , , , 3 2023006186 i CLS_CCP-LEACHATE 1Y L3 d4�f0 �� ��1�1 x 1 7 7 7 i 20230061861 CLS_CCP-LEACHATE-34 ogsv 3-1z7 bj ,R 1 4 I Relinquished By jVV 1111- oata7rrne ALCeBy: r�� Dal �i`�-W .rCr Requested Turnaround g Relinquished By Daterriime Amapted By: Gault kne 9 c m 3 c Q 21 Days Relinquished By Date7Tdne AccepLd By: DalelTma c v 14 Days x aVt-ocked By Date✓riime Sealedit mk Opened By Dataffi11e '7 pays E n _ m Comments Regulatory Agency: NCDENPJDWm - SW Section EQUIS REQUIRED I PERMIT A 81-0 1 Incf ude Total Hardness for CCP-Leac hate and CCP-L-aachate-3n E 'Other •Add. Cast WIl Apply V CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM Page 59 of 59 DUKE Dube Enrgy AnslyNcsl Lahoruory . i i mil r0"M I��T" i iprq.r0 J23030262 Am— — La6araso Va On -•-..'._._.-._ ._._._._._._._._.�._'_—'—_•—_'_'_'_'------- Metric WATER Ncx ; Page 2� of T2_ ENERGY. I� H.D-F.rym i i tnlaser*µk N- °nm """°"`""""" Wr 4 DISTRIBUTION ! .Lopped By I._._._._._._._._._._._._ --- --- -_._._.___1n!3L.____._i I rlerr tree a IJnr�� /� SAMPLE PRAM Ground 4Vatar �x•, NPDES ___• I ORIGINAL to LAB. COPY to CLIENT - ..-.—.-�--- Proiaet Name ROGERS CLIFFSIDE CCP ��"dO' LANDFILL PERM ITS 91.06 i l CooNr Tam Drinking water UST_ - RCRA yam_ Revised 3.1D•PD23 Client BILL WYUE,RYAN C7_OP, ipos BRYAN MOELLER, DEE IYORIEN, JOSH STOWE Fittra0ort;0.45 um} 0 Unfiltered 1} Filtered OparNing Unit CS'R Prxess;NGROwrR Account: 1 i - } Preservative ICE ICE IHN00 Project: ACS560p6Z Ac6ft 1D: Fmillry to,. CLS C onlainer Vol me 500 300 500TEST 500 W Program I EquiS Task Code: CLS I Sup.Prog-rrdl- si Code; CCP7LF Container Type HOPE PET PET HOPE rl-wh (M etals Prep-TRMII Cl, F, Customer to cdmplere aff apprvprlare norr-shaded""& (ICP - SW Sol Do) Sa, B, Ca, Fa, Li, Mg, Mn, Zn NO3-N Sw6010D 2,n 1 — - --- --� Sample Description or ID (Blf Hg (SW74TOAI7 {48-tir Hold TDS Sri66208Be. Cd, Cc Cu. Pb, i BANPLER I r Collection Information Tn IIM8-SW 60208)S6, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu. Tlme], Ni, A9 c7 Y NUMBER P6, Me. Ni, Se, Ag.Dace Time Panted Name 8 nsturs LL V 4141~ 2023006157 GLS=cc+isYri+• x 1 1 1 , a i 2023ON188 a BE9=e6PeW-2 x 1 i 1 1 4 2023006189 0 x 1 1 1 1 4 �r i 20230N19D QL6 f9 x 1 1 1 3 2023ON191 91-F9 x 1 1 1 3 1 2023006192 1, x 1 1 1 3 202300B193! x 1 4 1 3 2023006194 ! CLS_FD -UL�Oq VT - f t l fi q - s x 1 1 1 r cl s �8-7.�L3v�fta- 0140 0440 gQ i'S'D g L 1 1 i i i i j i Relinquished By t B f.A Daterr 1. Em c Requested Turnaround4f ReFrpuishesy Damrtnb Acceptedg]': DarafTisx a a 21 Days 'EL 2 Raknquistrad By DatNrme Acmpted W DamfTine -• E e Y If 14 Days x SeaVLocked By Drtelrrrne Sealeditock opened BY DateTme 0 E '7 Days E'm Comments Regulatory Agency: NCO EN RfDWm - SW Section EQUI6 REQUIRED 7 PERM IT 81•06 Include Total Hardness for CC P5W-1,CCPSW-2, CCPSW-3 ° c� �OOier 'Add Cost Will Apply