HomeMy WebLinkAboutHammondCenter.05273-05.VI.WorkPlan.FINALAkUNITED CONSULTING REPORT For NCDEQ Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina NCBP# 25087-21-092 UNITED CONSULTING Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 July 26, 2022 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management — Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 Via Email: shristi.shrestha(@ncdenr.gov; sharon.eckard(a)ncdenr.gov RE: Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site 100 Knowles Street Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Brownfields Project Number 25087-21-092 Dear Ms. Shrestha: United Consulting is pleased to submit this Vapor Intrusion Work Plan on behalf of Maple Multi -Family Land SE, LP (Prospective Developer) to conduct additional soil -gas sampling on the above referenced proposed Brownfields property (herein referred to as the "Site"). The purpose of this additional sampling is to further assess the potential risks for vapor intrusion in the proposed development areas of the Site. Please contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance. United Consulting Group, Ltd is licensed to practice geology and engineering in North Carolina, with associated certification numbers of C-344 and C-1847, respectively. UNITED C NSULTING v� Br i ton Bic taff, C Senior Environmental Specialist bbickerstaff(a)-unitedconsulting.com Developer Contacts: Mark Mathews — mmathews(c)tcr.com Sean Allen — sallen tcr.com ssell . Griebel, P.G. Executive Vice President/Chief Consultant rgriebel(@unitedconsulting.com 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. UNITED CONSULTING Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 Page 3 of 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................4 2.0 ADDITIONAL SOIL GAS SAMPLING SCOPE....................................................................... 6 3.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY/QA/QC................................................................................... 7 4.0 LABORATORY ANALYSES................................................................................................... 8 5.0 REPORTING..........................................................................................................................9 FIGURES Figure 1 Topographic Map Figure 2A Historic Sample Locations (Aerial Photograph) Figure 2B Historic Sample Locations (Conceptual Site Plan) Figure 3A Proposed Soil Gas Sampling Locations (Aerial Photograph) Figure 3B Proposed Soil Gas Sampling Locations (Utility Plan) TABLES Table 1 Summary of Soil Analytical Testing Results — Detections Only Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Testing Results — Detections Only APPENDICES Appendix A Utility Plan/Foundation Plans 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. UNITED CONSULTING Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 Page 4 of 9 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Site consists of a 35.77-acre parcel, Parcel ID 1702760750 with the referenced address of 100 Knowles Street, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. The Site was recently accepted into the North Carolina Brownfields program and assigned Project No. 25087-21-092. The Site has historically been undeveloped land and is currently undeveloped and vacant. A stream, Wildcat Branch, is located on the eastern portion of the property which flows to the north. The Prospective Developer is proposing to develop the Site with a multifamily apartment community which will consist of three multi -story apartment buildings and a clubhouse. The buildings will be slab -on -grade with shallow foundations. The proposed development is located on the western portion of the property, west of Wildcat Branch. A site location/USGS topographic map is included as Figure 1. Multiple subsurface investigations have been conducted at the Site to assess for impacts from the eastern adjoining Raleigh Metals facility, as well as the northern adjoining Evergreen Packaging facility. Of note, the groundwater sample previously collected from temporary monitoring well UCMW-2 in May of 2021 (collected from the eastern portion of the Site) identified tetrachloroethene at an estimated concentration of 2 micrograms per liter (fag/L), which was below the residential and industrial DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Level (GWSL) but above the DEQ 2L Standard. Trichloroethene was also detected at an estimated concentration of 1.6 tag/L in UCMW-2, which was below the DEQ 2L Standard and industrial GWSL, but above the residential GWSL. A low concentration of cis-1,2-dichloroethene was also reported in the groundwater sample collected from UCMW-2 at that time, which was below its DEQ 2L Standard and respective GWSLs. No other volatiles were reported in the remaining groundwater samples collected from the Site at that time or during our subsequent investigation conducted on the Site in October of 2021, which generally included sampling locations across the Site. Based on the overall data, groundwater impacts detected at the Site appear to be isolated to the eastern portion of the property, on the east side Wildcat Branch creek and appear to have migrated onto the Site from the eastern adjoining Raleigh Metals facility. Further, it appears that Wildcat Branch has created a hydraulic barrier at the Site as no groundwater impacts have been detected east of the creek. No soil impacts have been detected at the Site in excess of their respective residential Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs), with exception of arsenic and hexavalent chromium. The detected arsenic concentrations are consistent with published, naturally occurring background concentrations in the area. No known source for the hexavalent chromium has been identified on the Site or adjoining properties. The hexavalent chromium has been delineated and is proposed to be remediated from the Site. Six soil gas samples were previously collected from the approximate footprints of the proposed buildings and submitted for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) via EPA Method TO-15. Evaluation of the soil gas data did not indicate further assessment or mitigation was warranted, in United Consulting's opinion. However, based on recent communications with NCDEQ Brownfields staff, Brownfields staff did not believe the integrity of the samples could be confirmed and did not believe the sample collection and analysis was done to the program's assessment requirements. This was considered a Brownfields assessment data gap by NCDEQ Brownfields staff, and Brownfields staff further requested additional testing near proposed utility corridors and elevator shafts. 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. UNITED CONSULTING Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 Page 5 of 9 The locations of the historical soil, groundwater and soil gas samples collected at the Site are shown on Figures 2A and 213, with the analytical results summarized in Tables 1 and 2. 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. UNITED CONSULTING Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 Page 6 of 9 2.0 ADDITIONAL SOIL GAS SAMPLING SCOPE This proposed additional soil gas sampling scope was developed in accordance with the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (NCDWM) VI Guidance (March 2018), the NCDEQ Brownfields Program Vapor Intrusion Assessment Workplan & Checklist (updated March 2022) and the Interstate Technical and Regulatory Council's Vapor Intrusion: A Practical Guideline (2007) and Vapor Intrusion Pathway: Approaches for Typical Scenarios (2007). United Consulting will obtain ten exterior soil gas samples from the Site. Six of the soil gas samples will be obtained from within the footprint of the three proposed multifamily buildings, two per building footprint, with one being collected from the approximate area of the proposed elevator locations. These will be designated UCSV-B1 through UCSV-136. Three exterior soil gas samples will be collected from the locations of proposed utility corridors leading into the Site. These will be designated UCSV-U1 through UCSV-U3. One duplicate soil gas sample will also be collected for QA/QC purposes. The locations of the proposed sampling locations are illustrated on Figures 3A and 3B. The foundation plans for the proposed buildings (showing the elevator areas) are included as Appendix A, along with the Site's proposed utility plan. 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. UNITED CONSULTING Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 Page 7 of 9 3.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY/QA/QC A dedicated gas vapor probe tip with new dedicated tubing will be attached to a post -run tubing rod and driven to the sampling depth of 3 feet below the ground surface (bgs) using a slide hammer. The sampler will then be opened by retracting the gas vapor probe extension rod by approximately one inch. The samplers will be left to equilibrate with the subsurface for a minimum of two hours prior to sampling. Of note, recent geotechnical investigations at the Site indicate that groundwater in the general area of the proposed buildings ranges from approximately 3 to 5.5 feet bgs, specifically in the areas of Buildings 3 and 4 (the northernmost proposed buildings). To test the viability of the sampling train and the vapor sampling point seals, a shut-in test and a helium tracer test will be performed at each sampling point. The shut-in test will be conducted by attaching the laboratory -supplied Summa canister and flow controller manifold to be used at each point to Teflon lined tubing and a syringe. The syringe will be used to create a vacuum within the flow controller manifold, at which point, the manifold's shut-off valve will be closed. The Summa canister and manifold will be allowed to sit sealed from the atmosphere for a minimum of five minutes and the pressure within the manifold at the beginning and the end of the shut-in period will be recorded and compared. If there is no observable loss of pressure during the shut-in test period, the Summa canister and manifold will be deemed suitable for sample collection. The tracer gas serves as a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) method to verify the integrity of the soil vapor probe seal. A field instrument capable of detecting helium will be used to verify the presence and concentration of the tracer gas. The protocol for using a tracer gas is to enclose the tubing and ground interface with a shroud and enrich the shroud atmosphere with helium (typically to approximately 15%). Three volumes of the vapor point annulus and attached Teflon lined tubing will be purged. Purge samples will be field -screened for helium after each purge volume to assess for the presence of leaks in the seal and fittings using an MGD-2002 helium/hydrogen meter (or equivalent device) and for volatile vapors using a photo -ionization detector (PID). Sample collection will begin if the tracer testing indicates helium concentrations in the vapor point are less than 10 percent of the helium concentration in the shroud, indicating a sealed vapor point annulus. Post purging activities, the soil gas samples will be collected in a laboratory supplied, batch -certified 1- liter Summa canister with a flow controller set for to draw air at less than 200 milliliters per minute (mL/ min). The vacuum pressure of the sample canister will be monitored and recorded at regular intervals throughout the sampling period. United Consulting will cease sample collection prior to the vacuum pressure reaching negative 5 inches mercury (residual vacuum). 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. UNITED CONSULTING Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 Page 8 of 9 4.0 LABORATORY ANALYSES Following completion of the sampling activities, the summa canisters, along with chain -of -custody documentation, will be shipped to H&P Mobile Chemistry (H&P) in Carlsbad, California for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method TO-15. United Consulting will confirm with H&P to ensure that the method detection limits will be lower than the applicable screening level concentrations. Estimated concentrations (between the laboratory reporting limits and method detection limits) will be included in the laboratory report. United Consulting will also request that a level 2 QA/QC be included with the report to document the quality of the analytical data. 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. UNITED CONSULTING Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 Page 9 of 9 5.0 REPORTING Upon completion of the additional vapor intrusion investigation, a report summarizing the results of the investigation activities will be prepared. The report will include documentation of field activities, the laboratory analytical report, figures depicting the sample locations, and a table summarizing and comparing the sub -slab vapor results to their respective NCDEQ Residential and Non -Residential Vapor Intrusion Sub -Slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs), as well as the results of the modeling obtained through the NCDEQ Risk Calculator. Conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the potential VI pathway(s) will be included in the report. 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. FIGURES Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. 4o ru ' a`tr►E`Ny n T,E om•Bradsh aw+Fwy—W_:64- p it t Creek / 1 f Eby International Paper Parkland sam s + kq Club Hertford f , m Village It N Pecan fid Brltmore e5 ^ +- ;, Raleigh Metals u`• Peter Cl Hills Park IA f_ v7 f'afK(antl Rd 50 / ttaletghVww Kd / Blltriore Hills Park ��° w f East Parkland cr to C 11 Gp V Cnmo Dt m •- in �° 6iancrard �[ 'r mr//e e� t� r �F a P c � - c � 1 A r - Approximate Site 7o ,. (d Dr c F'c(,W�i`"K.,c West Parkland Boundaries 4y, i), X 8 257 (t �C i4o1 7 hLRh i teach Rd v Figure Scale Prepared: BWS Title: USGS Topographic Map UNITED N 0 500 1,000 Checked: BNB Project: Hammond Center Drive Site FIG. IG■ 1 CONSULTING 1 inch = 750 feet Project No. 22-NC-05273-05 Date: 7/16/22 Client: Maple Multi -Family Land SE, LP III UCMW-1Ile HA•1 HA-2 HA-4 ' 111 ° t+• UCSB-2 HA-3 UCSV-1 UCSV-2 +. UCSB-j UCMW-2 r -I �':'M ► �Y 2 r UCSB-8 F UCMW-7 1r UCMW-6 �� 'k UCMW-3„s f �- UCSB-3 UCSV 4 . HA=7 !I T A _ . � -`w.' UCSV-3 IP' UCSUCSB 9 B-4 a ,'''J 7� •�` / UCSB 5 e to r %a �s� UCMW UCMW-4 CSV-5 "+" UCSB=6` lk + 714 �''`� �, 4�• UCSB 10 HA 10' N. Ar IRN 3r.. � ,ptembe'r 2021) �l ' Map Index t JR lOnll' n + Legend Site Boundary Groundwater Sample ,� -�.' � Location (October 2021) Previous Soil Gas Sample Location Soil Sample Location (October 2021) _ M Previous Sample s A_ Note: Location (May 2021) J Project Site boundary based on review of Wake County parcel data, accessed on September 14, 2021. Original version of this drawing is provided in full -color, black -and -white reproductions may not accurately depict certain information. c' UNITED CONSULTING Project: Hammond Center Drive Site Client: Maple Multi -Family Land SE, LP Sheet Historic Sample Locations Title: (Aerial Photograph) ��- Scale: N 0 75 150 300 1 inch = 275 feet ' Prepared: B. Sharp Checked: B. Bickerstaff 'i Date: July 16, 2022 Project No. 22-NC-05273-05 i Figure 2A Map Index U C R t O aU C � L 7 t11/lto Legend Project Site Boundary Groundwater Sample Location (October 2021) Soil Gas Sample Location Soil Sample Location (October 2021) Previous Sample Location (May 2021) Note: Project Site boundary based on review of Wake County parcel data, accessed on September 14, 2021. Original version of this drawing is provided in full -color, black -and -white reproductions may not accurately depict certain information. UNITED CONSULTING Project: Hammond Center Drive Site Client: Maple Multi -Family Land SE, LP Sheet Historic Sample Locations Title: (Conceptual Site Plan) Scale: N 0 75 150 300 A1 inch = 275 feet Prepared: B. Sharp Checked: B. Bickerstaff Date: July 16, 2022 Project No. 22-NC-05273-05 Figure 2B References: ESRI (2021); Wake County Parcel Data (September 2021) ] �.•��� r$ti. Map Index 41 �.. -� - � •' + .,fir . rs q .. 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Bickerstaff Date: Jul 18, 2022 ' n y� ~ ~ ~�s _.� w �.�• ' �"$` Project No. 22-NC-05273-05 �.,. ; � -rk. ~�� •,! ' .. r �.� � N fY � i �".w '... � -_" +' 41. P:. 97ula-xr ! �. ,, '1! , \ti • -x i L\ 1 sxrw n e �� _ _ . • , , 1' Figure 3 B References:�Utility Plan.by McAdams dated 01.14.2022 "- 1 l!. ' d► , TABLES Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS - DETECTIONS ONLY Sample Collection Date: 14-May-21 14-May-21 14-May-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 is-Oct-21 15-Oct-21 Sample Depth (feet): Residential Preliminary Industrial/Commercial 0'-1' Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs)' PRSGst 10'-11' 0'-1' 10'-11' 9'-10, 2'-3' 0'-1' 0'-1' 2'-4' 0'-2' 0'-2' 0'-1' 0'-1. 0'-1. 0'-1. 0'-1. 13'-14' 0'-1. 0'-1. 0'-1' 12'-13' 0'-1. Constituents Resource Conservation and Recory Act Metals (RCRA 8 Metals) (mg/Kg) Arsenic 0.68 3 <0.000345 <0.000357 <0.000366 <0.000384 <0.000347 0.123J 0.2231 0.795 0.103J 0.1081 0.1971 0.711 0.882 0.3171 0.67 1.64 0.3871 0.652 0.535 0.120J <0.0663 0.507J Barium 3100 47000 31.6 40.1 64.7 41.6 93.8 3.98 83.1 169 22 49.3 32.3 122 122 117 161 5.91 23 43.6 79.3 82.3 19 67.2 Cadmium 14 200 0.0485 J <0.0431 0.0778 J <0.0464 0.0923 J <0.0167 0.0421J 0.0428J 0.0285J 0.0026J <0.0194 0.0557J 0.0772J 0.0338J 0.092J 0.826J 0.0341J 0.0361J 0.0351J <0.0189 <0.0151 82.9J Chromium (total) NE NE 8.26 5.56 16.1 4.63 10.5 19.3 48.4 109 1.41 3.07 1.34 46.5 22.4 0.946 35.2 19.0 2.28 6.73 30.6 29.9 0.193J 23.3 Chromium, as Cr3+ 23000 350000 8.26 5.56 16.1 4.63 10.5 19.3 48.4 108 1.41J 3.07 1.34J 46.5 22.4 0.946J 35.2 19.0 2.28J 6.73 30.6 29.9 NA 23.3 Chromium (A) 0.31 3.8 <0.871 <0.871 <0.871 <0.871 <0.871 <0.669 <0.721 1.391 <0.781 <0.695 <0.693 <0.761 <0.676 <0.724 <0.762 <0.778 <0.667 <0.734 <0.729 <0.703 NA <0.820 Lead 400 800 9.77 3.91 J 14 8.84 4.06 J 0.747 6.02 26.7 1.93 5.06 7.6 13.5 15.1 4.16 7.52 17.1 4.12 17.7 14.8 6.07 1.42 10.2 Selenium 78 1200 <0.000634 <0.000657 <0.000674 <0.000706 <0.000639 0.1701 0.0086J 0.5181 0.0875J 0.1031 0.124J 0.4241 0.443J 0.1681 0.4761 0.6641 0.1141 0.201J 0.3201 0.161 <0.0592 0.2851 Silver 78 1200 <0.0107 0.0178J <0.0114 <0.0119 <0.0108 0.00976J 0.006J 0.00966J 0.00575J 0.00328J 0.00939J 0.01661 0.0224J 0.00880J 0.018J 0.0224J 0.0073J 0.0121J C.00958J <0.00323 <0.00259 0.0213J Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (µg/Kg) 2-Butanone 5500000 40000000 <9.0 <12 <12 <17 <13 <9.6 <10 <13 0.024J <12 <11 <14 <9.1 <11 <9.8 <10 <9.8 <14 <9.3 <11 <11 <19 Acetone 12000000 140000000 250 20J 300 24J 22J 0.0321 130 79J 0.039J 0.0201 48J 150 0.077J 210 0.0241 0.080.1 <7.0 0.0831 320 120 <8.3 0.140J Benzene 0.0012 0.0054 <0.36 <0.49 <0.46 <0.66 <0.5 <0.38 <0.41 <0.51 0.00095J <0.49 <0.44 <0.56 <0.36 <0.43 <0.39 <0.39 <0.39 <0.56 <0.37 <0.45 <0.45 <0.74 Ethylbenzene 6100 27000 <0.51 <0.7 <0.66 <0.94 <0.72 <5.4 <0.58 <0.73 <0.66 18 <0.62 <0.8 <0.52 <0.62 <0.55 <0.57 <0.55 <0.8 <0.53 <0.64 <0.65 <1.1 Cyclohexane 1400000 5800000 1.6J 2.1J 2.0J 2.4J 2.2J <1.2 <0.39 <1.6 <1.4 <1.5 <1.4 <1.7 <1.1 <1.4 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.7 <1.2 <1.4 <1.4 <2.3 Toulene 990000 9700000 <0.34 <0.47 <0.44 <0.63 <0.48 <0.36 <0.39 <0.49 <0.44 <0.47 0.771 <0.53 <0.35 <0.42 <0.37 <0.38 <0.37 <0.54 <0.35 <0.43 <0.44 <0.71 m,p-Xylene 120000 500000 <3.1 <3.4 <3.4 <2.0 <1.5 <1.1 <3.2 <1.5 <3.4 98 <3.3 <1.7 <3.1 <1.3 <3.1 <1.2 <3.2 <1.7 <3.1 <1.3 <3.4 <2.2 o-Xylene 140000 590000 <0.58 <0.79 <0.75 1 1.1 <0.81 1 <0.61 <0.66 <0.82 <0.75 45 <0.71 <0.9 <0.58 <0.71 <0.63 <0.64 <0.63 <0.91 <0.6 <0.72 <0.74 <1.2 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)(µg/Kg) Target Compound List Various Various ND ND ND ND ND I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) (µg/Kg) Target Compound List Various Various ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SIM Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (µg/Kg) Benz(a)anthracene 1100 21000 NA NA NA NA NA <1.1 <1.2 <1.4 <1.3 <1.2 <1.2 <1.3 <1.2 <1.2 <1.3 <1.3 <1.1 <1.2 <1.3 <1.2 <1.1 1.6J Benzo(a)pyrene 110 2100 NA NA NA NA NA <0.41 <0.44 <0.5 <0.47 <0.42 <0.43 <0.46 <0.41 <0.44 <0.46 <0.47 <0.4 <0.44 <0.45 <0.43 <0.39 1.51 Benz o(b)fluoranthene 1100 21000 NA NA NA NA NA <1.0 <1.1 <1.3 <1.7 <1.1 <1.1 <1.2 <1.1 <1.1 <1.2 <1.8 <1.5 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.0 2.11 Chrysene 110000 2100000 NA NA NA NA NA <1.7 <1.8 <2.0 <1.9 <1.7 <1.7 <1.9 <1.7 <1.8 <1.9 <1.9 <1.7 <1.8 <1.8 <1.7 <1.6 2.4 lu Fora2!hene 480000 6000000 NA NA NA NA NA <1.2 <1.8 <1.4 <1.4 <1.2 <1.2 <1.3 1.6J <1.3 <1.3 <1.4 <1.2 <1.3 <1.3 <1.2 <1.1 4.11 Phenanthrene NE NE NA NA NA NA NA <0.64 <0.68 <0.77 <0.73 <0.66 <0.67 <0.72 0.92J <0.69 <0.72 <0.74 <0.63 <0.69 <0.7 <0.66 <0.61 2.OJ Pyrene 360000 4500000 1 NA I NA I NA NA NA <1.4 1 <1.5 1 <1.7 1 <1.6 <1.5 I <1.5 I <1.6 I 1.7J <1.5 I <1.6 I <1.6 I <1.4 I <1.5 I <1.5 I <1.5 I <1.4 3.7 Notes: Exceeds State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) residential Prelimenary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) XX - Exceeds NCDEQlndustrial/Commercial Standards ND - Non Detect <aftsp - Laboratory Method Detection Limit for Constituent NA - Not analyzed ' - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated June 2021 1 Estimated value detected below the Reporting Limit THIS TABLE SUMMARIZES DETECTED CONSTITUENTS IN THE SAMPLES ANALYZED. REMAINING CONSTITUENTS NOT LISTED INDICATE RESULTS BELOW THE LABORATORY DETECTION LIMITS. (I.E. NOT DETECTED IN THE SAMPLE ABOVE QUANTITATION LIMITS) 1of1 TABLE 2 - SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS - DETECTIONS ONLY 14-May-21 14-May-21 14-May-21 16-Oct-21 16-Oct-21 16-Oct-21 Volatile Organic Compounds VOCs u /L Acetone 6,000 4,500,000 19,000,000 16 J <8.3 -8.3 <8.3 8.3 <8.3 Cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 70 NE NE <0.5 3.2 J <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Tetrachloroethene 0.7 12 48 <0.3 2.0 J <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 Trichloroethene 3 1 1 4.4 <0.21 1.6 J <0.21 <0.21 <0.21 <0.21 Semi Volatile Organic Compounds SVOCs /Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons PAHs ug/L) TCL List Various Various Various ND NIL ND ND ND Total Metals m /L Arsenic 0.01 - - <0.0072 <0.0072 <0.0072 <0.00205 <0.00205 0.00241 J Barium 0.7 - - 0.0809 0.156 0.0392 0.101 0.0837 0.486 Cadmium 0.002 - - <0.0019 --0.0019 <0.0019 <0.0000961 <0.0000961 0.000465J Chromium 0.01 - - 0.015 0.0591 <0.0032 0.0085 0.0106 0.0222 Lead 0.015 - - <0.0038 0.0152 <0.0038 0.00989 1 0.00619 1 0.0247 Selenium 0.02 - - <0.0074 <0.0074 <0.0074 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0025J Dissolved Metals (mg/L) Barium 0.7 - - 0.0077 J 0.0545 0.0296 0.0288 0.0339 0.195 Selenium 0.02 1- - t 1 0.0099 J 1 <0.0074 1 <0.005 Notes: Highlight Exceeds 2L Standards' Highlight Exceeds Residential GWSLs2 < ##.## Below Method Detection Limit for Constituent J - Estimated value detected below the Reporting Limit NE - Not established ' - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 15A NCAC 02L.0202 Groundwater Standards (21- Standards) dated April 2013 2 - DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) dated June 2021 THIS TABLE SUMMARIZES DETECTED CONSTITUENTS IN THE SAMPLES ANALYZED. REMAINING CONSTITUENTS NOT LISTED INDICATE RESULTS BELOW THE LABORATORY DETECTION LIMITS. (I.E. NOT DETECTED IN THE SAMPLE ABOVE QUANTITATION LIMITS) APPENDIX A Utility Plan/Foundation Plans Vapor Intrusion Work Plan Hammond Center Drive Site Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina TMCRW-22-NC-05273-05 625 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30071 • 770-209-0029 • unitedconsulting.com We're here for you. VIRGINIA PIN: D.B. 17 v EX. ACCESS EASEMENT / N/F - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I \ B.M. 1974, PG. 115 / I HAYWOOD FUNERAL HOME INC - _ N/F / 60, D.B. 6015 N2PG 6136 P 8 - - - t EX. FENCE SOVIN:170026821ION 82 VANESSA SMITH - � LP N/F EX. PROPERTY LINE / - - D.B. 12292, PG. 1644 I I I I PIN:1702674576 / I _- cnI _ I I I I N/F � D.B. 10619, PG. 126 / _ I _ - _ �_ - _ � I I I I OHAGAN LLC - I I I I I I PIN:1702675307 I I D.B. 8802, PG. 1015 _ — - -_- I I I I I _ _ _ l_ _ - EX. CITY OF RALEIGH WATER I I II I WINDSORFCREST IPJC & RWC INVESTMENTS,IILLC _ - / / _ - _ _ - _ - TRANSMISSION MAIN EASEMENT _ _ EX. RAW WATER MAIN _ / - - � � _ _ _ - _ EASEMENT D.B. 13227, PG. 1953 N/F I PROPERTIES INC I PIN:170267521 _ _ �- _ _ _ _ - D.B. EN PG. 307 II I MICHAEL YACOBUCCI PIN:1702675221 I D.B. 16141, PG. 502 I _ - / ' _ _ _ I I I N/F PIN:1702675135 I _ _ ` 6 BUILDING SETBACK _ - RETAINING WALL, I JUAN MILIAN, ET.AL. I D.B. 4539, PG. 379 D.B. 14827, PG. 189 I I _ - I� I PIN:1702675049 I I I _ ' �_ _ TYP. (DESIGN BY N/F I I o N/F I D.B. 15886, PG. 40 I I _ _ _ _ I _ _ - ATKINS, ET.AL. KERRY GILMORE, ET.AL. I I - _ 02665951 I I _- I �� j/ c3 G 19, PG. 2242I OTHERS) I I PIN:1702675042 I I _ cc4l 1 D.B. 15886, PG. 40 I I I - ' rcccccccc HOSE BIB PROOF / - cccccccccccl WATER SERVICE EX. CITY OF RALEIGH cccccccc _ 3� I SDAB ITA642RY I I EX. FENCE I x—x xJ I o - - I c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c cccccc ■ •. Y. �►- - - x, EX. RAW WATER LINE EASEMENT cccccccc c I c I D.B. 588, PG. 377Pill �c c pVC WATER MAIN FIRE HYDRANT " x8" TEE RETAINING WALL, PRIVATE ASSEMBLY (TYP.) 8 (2) 8„ GV&B OTHERS _ (DESIGN BY o _ - _ - _ �= SSMH — _ - I - - � 1 _ - 4- `•f 6' BUILDING SETBACK EX. BUFFER / PROP. SANITARY SEWER 7:'� I� I I / SERVICE TYP. =-' - - m EX. CITY OF RALEIGH SSMH TRANSMISSION MAIN WATER MAIN I / EASEMENT g" PVC (NP ) I EX. FENCE D.B. 13227, PG. 1953 (pRNATE) -� I EX. SSMH � II EX. SD \ / I PROP. SANITARY SEWER � I I FIRE HYDRANT I I WATER SERVICE _ SERVICE (TYP.) I ASSEMBLY (TYP.) I I --' I I _ 1 I 0 a� J � I - " I I I UTILITY ROOM TO HOUS __, H --------- II BUILDING BACKFLOW PREVENTERS D I FOR FIRE (RPDA) AND z '_ (] II PROP. SANITARY SEWER I I BUILDING co ® DOMESTIC (RPZ) SERVICE --' ------------�--- II IJ I SERVICE (TYP.) I ICD 109,616 SF ------------ I v SSMH I I 109,616 SF ----------------- I I (TYP.) I .---_----- 1 m 4" DOMESTIC SERVICE / --'=;_____---- _t II I 4" DOMESTIC SERVICE D 6" FIRE SERVICE ;I o 6" FIRE SERVICE z _'� EX. SSMH - --" ~ I I I v_ FIRE DEPARTMEN v • _-, UTILITY ROOM TO HOUSE z CONNECTION I i I < ❑ BACKFLOW PREVENTERS EX. CITY OF RA El n I I ASSEMBLY (TYP.) �• __ � I SANITARY SEWER ENT � FOR FIRE (RPDA) AND -- DOMESTIC (RPZ) SERVICES • I � � OD 4I !I w I v " DOMESTIC SERVICE x FIRE DEPARTMENT -� I I z BUILDING 6" FIRE SERVICE x CONNECTION PROP. SANITARY SEWER �� I j n FIRE HYDRANT E MH SERVICE (TYP.) I It LAO ASSEMBLY (TYP.) I I I ? 109,616 SF UTILITY ROOM TO HOUSE PROP. SANITARY SEWER I I 30' o cn BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SERVICE (TYP.) � FOR FIRE (RPDA) AND 1 ;10 DOMESTIC (RPZ) SERVICES j I � EX. 5' UTILITY EX. FIRE HYDRANT a z BUILDING PLACEMENT EASEMENT ASSEMBLY 0 It - O _ _ -_ --- __ - ► - EX. SSMH FIRE DEPARTMENT ____ _ _ _---- I � iN - EX. POWER POLE ' I CONNECTION 4" DOMESTIC SERVICE I N 6" FIRE SERVICE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (TYP.) PROP. SANITARY SEWER PROP. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (TYP.) _ _-- _---- SERVICE (TYP.) EX. 8" MASTER WATER -____ Lt_t _--___-_- - I _ — - - --------------� _ I I METER g.. --___ I-1 I I SSMH __-- _----- - I p�C S FIRE DEPARTMEN_T___-- T,P EX. 8" MASTER BACKFLOW r v I (TYP.) ) PREVEN MA _ 1 F/� C_O_N�IEGTI6tt--_ _ X. SSMH ,�_--- _� MH EX 8 PVC SS MAIN - - EX. FIRE HYDRANT r*m / i' i ASSEMBLY / I _ AIEX. TREELINESSMH TER MAIN r E=Dip A I I _ - - k/ EX. 5I -_=-------------- I ----- _ _ _ ' UTILITY EX. SS (UNDER REVIEW 1 z �i _ __- � - -_ \ _ _ -____n I / \ _ PLACEMENT EASEMENT I WITH WILDCAT BRANCH EX. PROPERTY LINE I I IMPROVEMENTS) EX. 6' BUILDING SETBACK Y' EX. ROW EX. SSMH EX. FIRE HYDRA ASSEMBLY I I + _ _ EX. PROPERTY LINE I - -_�__ / c --100-YR FLOODPLAIN - -- + CO �� i Q� i i' _ _ \ EFFECTIVE _WETLANDS, TYP. / / i (EFFECTIVE) + - /_ �} 0'/' \ / TIE TO EXISTING SS + \ � + + EX. SSMH + - + +� �+ + + \ \ / \ EX. SANITARY SEWER EX / ! I . 10' PARKING SETBACK h\� i - + + + + ' F--_� \+ + + EASEMENT EX. 6' BUILDING SETBACK 100-YR FLOODW Y 5 / N/F + + + + + + -� �- + // STREAM BUFFER, + + + + + + + \ `k' \ \ (EFFECTIVE) \ T,P EVERGREEN PACKAGING INC / EX. RETAINING WALL \ \ \\ \ \ / , PIN:1702687425 EX. PROPERTY LINE / + + + + + + + \\ + \ \ D.B. 12390, PG. 290 EX. ROW + + + \ \\ \ \ _ EX. SSMH + \\\ A + \\ \ \ \ \' � EX. TREELINE EX. CITY OF RALEIGH i WATER EASEMENT + I I \ \ D.B. 1097, PG. 625 EX. TREELINE EX. SSMH \\ /+ . CONCRETE SIDEWALK / �� \ / - - - I \\ + Jm + \� EX. FENCE 4i / I I \ \\ \ + I \ w EX. HYDRANT 1 \\ \ \ EX. CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT \ / / D.B. 1417, PG. 91 EX. FENCE ` _ -- EX. W L \ EX. TREELINE EX. POWER POLE _ - \ / ou EX. CITY OF RALEIGH RAW l I I \ 1 \ 1 / \ \ WATER EASEMENT ' u - D.B. 1642, PG. 85 EX. SS \ \ EX. OVERHEAD POWER ou ot, , , LINES \ \ I I ou \ \ 1 \ \ ^i ` \\ 1 \\\ WETLANDS, TYP. \ \ I EX. HYDRANT /� / I I \ / r' \ \ it ` \\ \ \ + + EX. CITY OF RALEIGH WATER + + + /\\\\ \ \\\ SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT + + + + + + + EX. OVERHY POWER / - - \ \ r / LINES io EX. ROW I \ \ \ \ � �Rw EX. POWER POLE � �\ \ � J \ \ � \ EX. W/L 1 I \ \ \ \ \ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +ZD I I o \ \ \ —— +\�-� , + + + + + + + + + _+ __�-- + + + I u�� \ \ EX. SSMH "-----y. �° \ _ __---- EX. POW R POE I / I ou\\\ \ \ \+ + + + + _+__- + + + + + + It 1 o �\ _ u � °u \_ _ _\-\�` — � � + + + + + + + +no \ \ \ \ \ EX. POWER POLE + + + now+n0 + + + I An no + + + + + + + EX. FIBER OPTIC CABLES \ \ \ \ \ \ - - \ \ \ _ - - C / \ \ + + + ++ oufto Mas E. POWER EASEMENT EXLINES_ . �?VQRHEAD POWER +_ _ - + + + + R/,ate On �oG � X� \ � � \ \ \ \ 'R�'" � \ �� � \ �\ - - _ - _ - \ + + + + + + q , �/ O D.B. 2488, PG. 136 \ , \ \ \ \ \ \� _ Mao - - - /JU,941C R \ \ \ =EX. POWER POLE My° _ \ \ + + + + + + 1 /I \ �'\�� \ EX. FENCE \ \ � \ \c \ \ \ + + I I oe \ OW \ / \\ _ \ \ \ 140 \ I EX. SS (UNDER REVIEW WITH WILDCAT BRANCH 4\ \ R \ \ \ \ \\ IMPROVEMENTS) EX. GREENWAY EASEMENT B.M. 1974, PG. 115 UTILITY LEGEND } FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION (FDC) 13 WATER METER H WATER VALVE POST INDICATOR VALVE N ® VALVE IN MANHOLE ❑ METER & VAULT © BACKFLOW PREVENTER REDUCER '-' PLUG o-►+— BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY • SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SEWER CLEAN -OUT m GREASE TRAP SEWER FLOW DIRECTION / ARROW YARD LIGHTS LIGHT POLE POWER POLE LINE BREAK SYMBOL WATERLINE WATER SERVICE LINE ----------------= UTILITY SLEEVE SANITARY SEWER SEWER SERVICE LINE FM FM SEWER FORCE MAIN —GGGG GAS LINE OU OU OVERHEAD UTILITY UE UE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC —TTTT TELEPHONE — — EASEMENT LINE z GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 40 80 1 inch = 40 ft. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF RALEIGH ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PRELIMINARY DRAWING - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 'J McADAMS The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. One Glenwood Avenue Suite 201 Raleigh, NC 27603 phone 919. 823. 4300 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293, C-187 www.mcadamsco.com CLIENT MAPLE MULTI -FAMILY LAND SE, L.P. 160 MINE LAKE CT, SUITE 200 RALEIGH, NC 27615 PHONE: 404.798.7927 W Uj W > o UNj N � Uj � z ..I p W w > w J Q U 1 O Q �zz O O Z '~^ V / � OJ LU O 00 VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Q 1.0 \A i SEAL = o 033714 IVC IN REVISIONS NO. DATE 1 06. 01. 2022 REVISED PER CDR 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 2 06.24.2022 50% CONSTRUCTION DRAWING SET PLAN INFORMATION PROJECT NO. 2021110380 FILENAME 2021110380-ASR-U1 CHECKED BY DCT DRAWN BY TEA SCALE 1"=40' DATE 01. 14. 2022 SHEET UTILITY PLAN C woo 11 Li Al_____L 19, --------------- -- - ------- L— ------ ---- ------------- --------- ----- ------- --- Al Bl i ----- -- ------- ----- --- Ld ---- Lim --- --------------- --------------- - --------- I --------- R-4 ----- ----- ------- ------------------ Al -------------- -------------------- A2 ---------- ------------------------------ I A2 A1.1 ............ 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SEE _ q,� „u"� NOTE o.�ERai_A. F �4=i .,�TFITI I'll s��- ..wE .- N e o ..v, FE. Fa,., IE._ rEe_�. Eu EE AL T"ni oEsEIR IN aoo'PC ' ,% s N ,_. EuRISE Fa*E , BEIM rn_ ANN za. N T A.ENTL SEE ARCH EE �EEc. .o DE_REEE n� a E o nENs of sae L H c LL IMS FOR w F 11111 .,ue �� E,vySa tom.. NEoa nar,. i.21 iFE A, IF IT ELSE I' E`NTE RAF,11 of 1 e. .. No E. e o IL IONIC � riF,o — No III -IMBIR11 "AT . 4E IS � ARE Fpo — N"sj ��ANIN ED AS PART OF PLACED EF AT COLT"..,E s ni .ar A E u.oE , rEa no sP. , N ., No �E A E N „ All E r FED FE E. .Ec*.,N. FIL 1 BUILDING 3000 — LEVEL 1 — si-3fOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/8" _ f_o. F01.11DAT1011 PLAN NO -S I ­IFO I AN A III — NIA — Tl 'I FALL- SO E11111' IIIS11111 ETE SLAB ON GRADE INTE—L THICKE E,­ C�OTN ENED SLAB ELEMENTS AND SEAT I'PEII FI.Tl. 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I I 11 ALL TIP IF I INLESI IT lA ALL SPAEAI 2EINIS ­POITI. —D OLOMIS STA L BE I00I I MANILITTIOILLI �STED 0M I IIFEA TO ITANS FAA TAP I I AS DALF. E—AlIN "ER, ST. A', 'R REQNRED -1 .11 TI �E "NZ AFTPIECTA NEAIAINT, C.N,-ACSTO&�T�.,I�ANCIEI SLAB AS I 21 IF 11 11 1 T LL —1-7 SIT —S _Q, A,,TN,, I AT "1 0 �I�l L, 1 .11 plll I TI I IT11 I- I F-111 N W _FHTHF lEAE AT STEP I -ITT 11 D III NT_S IN A-L ­TNO SNA/Sl .1 LE - ST-1-1-1 IF'ART FAA —TIN11 INFIIINATIAN I AT A'Al AD ­TF �ONTRNI IN_ 0 1 111NI—TTION TINT, III I , �l T 11 Tl 1 11-1 11 ITT 11 T­_ ITT F� OLN �,D� ATES FIELD G M­ SEE FOOTIG sc-I DULE NDAATFS I CO TIFL I. ITS ITST I� FIB—D IN SNIL-STPPOITED 1.111ETE SLIIS-AN-O"DI I �lN�ITITLCNTE.INTI��R�llIED",ITI�TLA tors co I SLII-.1--DAIE CONT­ I.DTO L T CA AD A To' 0 IT /I I NO TESDTlITES I.LFINN' ET!NEARN AN COMBINED CA -T 1 11 L BE -,I- IEB T' IIT".IIH`ft ',TL14"lFE'l` ET� ILITI, IIT,121 "�l �IL FOEATOI Pl�-ACIEIDALALSEPNASRUTIEOFDOIEELPAI�R�'E�GLACCD (;,ID I FONTEIL ION I ADD 111ST111TIll ION I N__KCO,S ON TIF ITIUITTIlL —NI-01 TIES FAIL __�A T', I A L ININA-E LAIOlT/­_TEIII "I IPIIINI 1I`O'TNoL Fl, III I I lIC-11111 IF - T IF1 IBl_ TI -1 E.'IEI - 'T ­_1 I T I TI To ALLO� I PAN MCRE 1 0 O�LN I NT Co 'ST"CT 0' - IADSE lA I I INCH FAR Tl­ EICLA RE A, IA 0 11NEF—EI/ESTIPME1 coCOIIIT- I'LL I 1�� ES' I OTT,­�E �'A ElUAIT"IT ­X — IF FlIC-D