HomeMy WebLinkAbout25053 EMP_Sealand Contractors 20230802Via Email August 2, 2023 NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management Brownfields Redevelopment Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Attn: Mr. Bill Schmithorst Re: Environmental Management Plan Sealand Contractors Parkwood Avenue and N. Davidson Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25053-21-060 H&H Project No. SCF-004 Dear Bill: On behalf of 515 Parkwood, LLC, please find the enclosed Environmental Management Plan prepared for the proposed multi-family development planned at the Sealand Contractors Brownfields property located in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. Should you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (704)586-0007. Sincerely, Hart & Hickman, PC Ralph McGee, PG Loryn Smith, EP Senior Project Manager Project Environmental Scientist Enclosures cc: Ms. Annie Hull, Space Craft (Via Email) Mr. Harrison Tucker, Space Craft (Via Email) Mr. Brian Nicholson, Space Craft (Via Email) Mr. Josh Gresham, Space Craft (Via Email) Ms. Amy Rickers, Johnston Allison & Hord (Via Email) Attachment: #C-1269 Engineering #C-245 Geology Environmental Management Plan Sealand Contractors Parkwood Avenue & N. Davidson Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25053-21-060 June 26, 2022 H&H Job No. SCF-004 Environmental Management Plan Sealand Contractors Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25053-21-060 H&H Job No. SCF-004 CONTENTS Completed EMP Template Form Tables Table 1 Summary of Phase II Assessment Soil Analytical Data Table 2 Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical Data Table 3 Summary of Well Construction and Groundwater Elevation Data Table 4 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Data Table 5A Summary of Soil Gas Analytical Data Table 5B Summary of Sub-Slab Soil Gas Analytical Data Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Sample Location Map Figure 4 Soil Compound Concentration Map Figure 5 In Situ Soil Sample Location Map Figure 6 Groundwater Compound Concentration Map Figure 7 Soil Gas Compound Concentration Map Appendices Appendix A Preliminary Redevelopment Plan Appendix B Construction Schedule Appendix C Grading Plan and Cut/Fill Analysis Appendix D In Situ Soil Characterization Export Options 1 EMP Version 3, March 2023 NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS REDEVELOPMENT SECTION ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN This form is to be used to prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for projects in the North Carolina Brownfields Redevelopment Section at the direction of a Brownfields project manager. The EMP is a standard requirement of a Brownfields Agreement (BFA). Its purpose is to clarify actions to be taken during demolition and construction at Brownfields properties in an effort to avoid delays in the event of the discovery of new contamination sources or other environmental conditions. The EMP provides a means to document redevelopment plans and environmental data for each applicable environmental medium to inform regulatory-compliant decision-making at the site. As much detail as possible should be included in the EMP, including contingency planning for unknowns. Consult your project manager if you have questions. Prospective Developers and/or their consultants must complete and submit this form and all pertinent attachments, see checklist below, to their Brownfields project manager prior to any earthmoving or other development-related activities that have the potential to disturb soil at the Brownfields Property, including demolition. For the EMP to be valid for use, it must be completed, reviewed by the Section, signed by all parties working on the project, and approved by the Brownfields project manager. Failure to comply with the requirements of the EMP could jeopardize project eligibility, or in the event of a recorded agreement, be cause for a reopener. The EMP is valid only for the scope of work described herein and must be updated to be applicable for new phases of redevelopment or after significant changes in applicable regulatory guidance. Risk characterization of a Brownfields Property to DEQ’s written satisfaction is required prior to EMP approval. Voluntary Metrics Tab The NC Brownfields Redevelopment Section updates estimated capital investment (from the Brownfields Property Application) and estimated jobs created (from the Brownfields Agreement) whenever possible. As a voluntary measure, you may opt to complete the below information for capital investment and jobs created as estimated by your final redevelopment plans for the Brownfields Property: 1. Estimated capital investment in redevelopment project: Approximately $140MM 2. Estimated jobs created: a. Construction Jobs: b. Full Time Post-Redevelopment Jobs: 2 EMP Version 3, March 2023 Table of Contents NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS REDEVELOPMENT SECTION .................................................................. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN .................................................................................................... 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................ 4 COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 4 NOTIFICATIONS TO THE BROWNFIELDS REDEVELOPMENT SECTION ..................................................... 5 REDEVELOPMENT PLANS ........................................................................................................................ 6 CONTAMINATED MEDIA ......................................................................................................................... 7 PART 1. SOIL ........................................................................................................................................ 8 PART 2. GROUNDWATER .................................................................................................................. 21 PART 3. SURFACE WATER .................................................................................................................. 23 PART 4. SEDIMENT ............................................................................................................................ 24 PART 5. SOIL VAPOR ......................................................................................................................... 24 PART 6. INDOOR AIR ......................................................................................................................... 26 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM ............................................................................................. 26 CONTINGENCY PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 28 POST‐REDEVELOPMENT REPORTING..................................................................................................... 30 APPROVAL SIGNATURES ....................................................................................................................... 31 3 EMP Version 3, March 2023 So that the EMP provides value in protecting Brownfields eligibility and public health, the preparer shall ensure that the following steps have been completed prior to submitting the EMP for review. Any EMP prepared without completing all of the following is premature and may be returned without comment. ☒ Site sampling and assessment that meets Brownfields’ objectives is complete and has been reviewed and approved by the Brownfields project manager. ☒ Specific redevelopment plans, even if conceptual, have been developed for the project, submitted and reviewed by the Brownfields project manager. Please submit, along with the completed EMP form, the following attachments, as relevant and applicable to the proposed redevelopment: ☒ A set of redevelopment plans, including architectural/engineering plans, if available; if not, conceptual plans may suffice if updated when detailed plans are drafted. ☒ A figure overlaying redevelopment plans on a map of the extent of contamination for each media. ☒ Site grading plans that include a cut and fill analysis. ☐ A figure showing the proposed location and depth of impacted soil that would remain onsite after construction grading. ☐ Any necessary permits for redevelopment (i.e. demolition, etc.). ☒ A detailed construction schedule that includes timing and phases of construction. ☒ Tabulated data summaries for each impacted media (i.e. soil, groundwater, soil gas, etc.) applicable to the proposed redevelopment. ☒ Figures with the sampling locations and contamination extents for each impacted media applicable to the proposed redevelopment. ☐ A full final grade sampling and analysis plan, if the redevelopment plan is final. ☐ If known, information about each proposed potential borrow soil source, such as aerial photos, historic site maps, historic Sanborn maps, a site history, necessary for Brownfields approval. ☒ Information and, analytical data if required, for quarries, or other borrow sources, detailing the type of material proposed for import to the Brownfields Property. 4 EMP Version 3, March 2023 ☐ A work plan for the sampling and analysis of soil to be brought onto the Brownfields Property. Refer to Issue Resolution 15 in Brownfields Redevelopment Section Guidelines. ☒ A map of the Brownfields Property showing the location of soils proposed for export and sampling data from those areas. ☒ If a Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) is required by the Brownfields Redevelopment Section, the VIMS plan will be signed and sealed by a NC Professional Engineer. The VIMS Plan may also be submitted under separate cover. GENERAL INFORMATION Date: 6/26/2023 Revision Date (if applicable): Brownfields Assigned Project Name: Sealand Contractors Brownfields Project Number: 25053-21-060 Brownfields Property Address: 515Parkwood Avenue, 1709 N. Davidson Street, and 1721 N. Davidson Street (other assigned addresses include 512 and 516 E. 21st Street, 1708 N. Caldwell Street, and 525 Parkwood Avenue) Brownfields Property Area (acres): The Site includes three continuous parcels (Parcel ID numbers 08304212, 08304206, and 08304204) totaling approximately 2.94-acres of land located in a rapidly densifying area of the NoDa neighborhood in close proximity to uptown Charlotte and the Lynx Blue Line light rail corridor. A Site location map is provided as Figure 1, and the Site and surrounding area are shown in Figure 2. Is Brownfields Property Subject to RCRA Permit?.......................☐ Yes ☒ No If yes enter Permit No.: Is Brownfields Property Subject to a Solid Waste Permit….……..☐ Yes ☒ No If yes, enter Permit No.: COMMUNICATIONS A copy of this EMP shall be distributed to all the parties below as well as any contractors or site workers that may be exposed to site vapors, soil, groundwater, and/or surface water. Additionally, a copy of the EMP shall be maintained at the Brownfields Property during redevelopment activities in an area that is prominently accessible to site workers. NOTE, THE EMP DOES NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF A SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN. 5 EMP Version 3, March 2023 Prospective Developer (PD): 515 Parkwood, LLC Contact Person: Harrison Tucker Phone Numbers: Office: (704) 995-2254 Mobile: Email: harrison@spacecraft.city Contractor for PD: Swinerton Contact Person: Matt Ventimiglia Phone Numbers: Office: (704) 251-8421 Mobile: Click or tap here to enter text. Email: matt.ventimiglia@swinerton.com Environmental Consultant: Hart & Hickman, PC Contact Person: Loryn Smith Phone Numbers: Office: (704) 526-2061 Mobile: (630) 290-9083 Email: lsmith@harthickman.com Brownfields Redevelopment Section Project Manager: Bill Schmithorst Phone Numbers: Office: (919) 707-8159 Mobile: (919) 441-3606 Email: william.schmithorst@deq.nc.gov Other DEQ Program Contacts (if applicable, i.e., UST Section, Inactive Hazardous Site Branch, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste): BFPropertyManagement@deq.nc.gov NOTIFICATIONS TO THE BROWNFIELDS REDEVELOPMENT SECTION Written advance Notification Times to Brownfields project manager: Check each box to accept minimum advance notice periods (in calendar days) for each type of onsite task: On‐site assessment or remedial activities:……………………………………….…… 10 days Prior ☒ Construction or grading start:……………………………………….………………………. 10 days Prior ☒ Discovery of stained soil, odors, USTs, buried drums or waste, landfill, or other signs of previously unknown contamination: ……………………………….……………………………………. Within 48 hours ☒ Implementation of emergency actions (e.g. dewatering, flood or soil erosion control measures in area of contamination, ventilation of work zones):…………….……….……… Within 48 hours ☒ Installation of mitigation systems:………………………….………………….……….. 10 days Prior ☒ Other notifications as required by local, state or federal agencies to implement redevelopment activities: (as applicable): ……………………….…………………………………………..… Within 30 days ☒ 6 EMP Version 3, March 2023 REDEVELOPMENT PLANS 1) Type of Redevelopment (check all that apply): ☒Residential ☐Townhomes (Prior written DEQ approval REQUIRED regardless of ownership structure) ☐Recreational ☐Institutional ☒Commercial ☒Office ☒Retail ☐Industrial ☐Other specify: Proposed redevelopment of the Brownfields property includes razing the existing Site buildings and leveling the Site for construction of two mixed use multi-story apartment buildings with associated podium-style parking decks, commercial, retail, and amenity spaces, access drives, and limited landscaped areas. 2) Check the following activities that will be conducted prior to commencing earth‐moving activities at the site: ☒ Review of historic maps (Sanborn Maps, facility maps) ☒ Conducting geophysical surveys to evaluate the location of suspect UST, fuel lines, utility lines, etc. ☐ Interviews with employees/former employees/facility managers/neighbors 3) Summary of Redevelopment Plans (MANDATORY: attach detailed plans or conceptual plans, if detailed plans are not available. EMP review without such information would be premature): Provide brief summary of redevelopment plans, including demolition, removal of building slabs/pavement, grading plans and planned construction of new structures: A copy of the most recent Site plan for the proposed redevelopment is included in Appendix A. As noted above, redevelopment plans include razing the existing Site buildings for the construction of two mixed-use multi-story apartment buildings with associated podium-style parking decks. 4) Do plans include demolition of structure(s)?: ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☒ If yes, please check here to confirm that demolition will be conducted in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including without limitation those related to lead and asbestos abatement that are administered by the Health Hazards Control Unit within the Division of Public Health of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. If available, please provide a copy of your demolition permit. 5) Are sediment and erosion control measures required by federal, state, or local regulations? S&EC requirements can be found at: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-and-land- resources/erosion-and-sediment-control/erosion-and-sediment-control-laws-and-rules ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☒ If yes, please check here to confirm that earth-work will be conducted in accordance with applicable legal requirements. If soil disturbance is necessary to install sediment and erosion control measures, they may not begin until this EMP is approved. 7 EMP Version 3, March 2023 6) Which category of risk‐based screening level is used or is anticipated to be specified in the Brownfields Agreement? Note: If children frequent the property, residential screening levels shall be cited in the Brownfields Agreement for comparison purposes. ☒ Residential ☐ Non‐Residential or Industrial/Commercial 7) Schedule for Redevelopment (attach construction schedule): a) Construction start date: 9/15/2023 b) Anticipated duration (specify activities during each phase): Demolition of the existing Site buildings and Site work is projected to begin in September 2023. The proposed apartment buildings are expected to be completed and occupied by December 2025. A copy of the construction schedule is provided in Appendix B. c) Additional phases planned? ☐ Yes ☒ No If yes, specify the start date and/or activities if known: Start Date: Planned Activity: Start Date: Planned Activity: Start Date: Planned Activity: d) Provide the planned date of occupancy for new buildings: 12/8/2025 CONTAMINATED MEDIA Please fill out the sections below, using detailed site plans, if available, or estimate using known areas of contaminated soil and a conceptual redevelopment plan. Provide a figure overlaying new construction onto figure showing contaminated soil and groundwater locations. 1) Contaminated Media on the Brownfields Property Part 1. Soil: ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown Part 2. Groundwater: .................................... ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown Part 3. Surface Water: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown ☒ N/A Part 4. Sediment: .......................................... ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown ☒ N/A Part 5. Soil Vapor: ......................................... ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown Part 6. Sub‐Slab Soil Vapor: .......................... ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☐ Unknown 8 EMP Version 3, March 2023 Part 7. Indoor Air: ......................................... ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Suspected ☒ Unknown 2) For the Area of Proposed Redevelopment on the Brownfields Property, attach tabulated data summaries for each impacted media and figure(s) with sample locations. PART 1. SOIL 1) Known or suspected contaminants in soil (list general groups of contaminants): In September 2021, H&H conducted Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) activities at the Site which included collection of four (4) composite shallow soil samples (COMP-1 through COMP-4) in areas planned for disturbance during future grading activities and one (1) targeted soil sample (SB-1) in an area of potential impacts based on results of field screening. In addition, H&H conducted in situ soil assessment activities at the Site in February 2023. Forty-one (41) soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis from one hundred ten (110) soil borings advanced within twenty-two (22) in situ soil characterization sections (EX-1 through EX-22). The soil borings were advanced in areas planned for excavations associated with the proposed redevelopment of the Brownfields property. Soil sample analytical results were compared to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023. In addition, metals concentrations were compared to background metals concentrations established for nearby Brownfields properties and published concentrations for naturally occurring levels. Metals concentrations detected in the in situ soil characterization samples were also compared to background ranges established for the Reeves and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills to assist in off-Site disposal determination. A tabular summary of the Phase II ESA shallow composite and grab soil sample analytical data is included in Table 1. A tabular summary of the in situ soil characterization sample analytical data is included in Table 2. Phase II ESA composite and grab soil sample locations are shown in Figure 3 and shallow soil sample compound concentrations are shown in Figure 4. In situ soil sample locations and characterization sections are shown in Figure 5. A brief summary of the soil assessment results is provided below. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Laboratory analytical results indicate that low levels of several VOCs have been detected in soil samples (both shallow composite soil samples and in situ soil samples) collected at the Site at concentrations above laboratory method detection limits, but below the DEQ Residential PSRGs. Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) Trace levels of several SVOCs have been detected in the shallow composite soil samples collected at the Site at concentrations above laboratory method detection limits, but below the DEQ PSRGs with the exception of benzo(a)pyrene which was detected in composite soil samples COMP-1 and its duplicate soil sample SOIL-DUP (up to 0.20 J milligram per kilogram {mg/kg}), COMP-2 (0.13 J mg/kg), and COMP-3 (0.77 mg/kg) at concentrations above the DEQ Residential 9 EMP Version 3, March 2023 PSRG of 0.11 mg/kg. Laboratory analytical results indicated the presence of several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits in select in situ soil samples, but below the DEQ PSRGs with the exception of benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene which were detected in in situ soil samples EX-2/EX-DUP1 (0-4), EX-6/EX-DUP3 (0-4), EX-6 (4-8), EX-6 (8-12), EX-7 (0-4), EX-9 (4-8), EX-10 (0-4), EX-11 (4-8), EX-12 (0-4), EX-13 (0-3), and EX-15/EX-DUP2 (0-3). No other SVOCs have been detected in Site soil at concentrations above the PSRGs (see Table 2). Metals Low levels of several metals were detected at concentrations consistent with naturally occurring background levels in shallow composite soil samples and in situ soil characterization samples collected at the Site. Although below the DEQ PSRGs, total chromium (up to 268 mg/kg) was detected in soil characterization samples EX-1 (8-12), EX-4 (8-12), EX-8 (4-8) and lead (up to 158 mg/kg) was detected in EX-9 (4-8) at concentrations exceeding the “Rule of 20” for hazardous characteristic of 100 mg/kg. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) laboratory analytical results for these samples indicate that chromium and lead were not detected in the leachate samples at concentrations above the Maximum Concentration for Toxicity Characteristics of 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The metals concentrations detected in Site soil appear to be generally consistent with naturally occurring levels and consistent with concentrations detected in samples collected at the Reeves and Old 27 LCID landfills (Table 2). No other metals were detected at concentrations exceeding the DEQ PSRGs, naturally occurring background levels, or the Rule of 20 for potential hazardous characteristics. 2) Depth of known or suspected contaminants (feet): As described above, the PAH benzo(a)anthracene was detected above the DEQ PSRGs in five (5) in situ soil characterization sections (EX-6/EX-DUP3 (0-4), EX-7 (0-4), EX-12 (0-4), EX-13 (0-3), and EX-15/EX-DUP2 (0-3)) at depths up to 4 ft bgs; the PAH benzo(a)pyrene was detected above the DEQ PSRGs in ten (10) in situ soil characterization sections (EX-2/EX-DUP1 (0-4), EX-6/EX-DUP3 (0-4), EX-6 (4-8), EX-7 (0-4), EX-9 (4-8), EX-10 (0-4), EX-11 (4-8), EX-12 (0-4), EX-13 (0-3), and EX- 15/EX-DUP2 (0-3)) at depths up to 8 ft bgs; the PAH benzo(b)fluoranthene was detected above the DEQ PSRGs in three (3) in situ soil characterization sections (EX-6/EX-DUP3 (0-4), EX-6 (8-12), and EX-15/EX-DUP2 (0-3) at depths up to 12 ft bgs; the PAH dibenz(a,h)anthracene was detected in one (1) in situ soil characterization section (EX-6/EX-DUP3 (0-4)) at a depth up to 4 ft bgs; and the PAH indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene was detected in one (1) in situ soil characterization section (EX- 6/EX-DUP3 (0-4)) at a depth up to 4 ft bgs. 10 EMP Version 3, March 2023 3) Area of soil disturbed by redevelopment (square feet): Leveling the Site for construction of the Site buildings will include clearing and grading the entire Brownfields property (approximately 130,000 square feet). A copy of the grading plan and cut- fill analysis are provided as Appendix C. 4) Depths of soil to be excavated (feet): As indicated in the grading plans and cut-fill analysis, areas planned for cut are primarily associated with the construction of the two mixed use multi-story apartment buildings and associated parking decks. Cut depths range from less than 1 ft bgs to approximately 12 ft bgs. Other discrete areas may include deeper excavations for installation of deeper foundational footers, elevator banks, utility banks, etc. 5) Estimated volume of soil (cubic yards) to be excavated (attach grading plan): Based on the cut-fill analysis, approximately 28,000 cubic yards of soil will be excavated and/or cut from the Site during proposed grading and construction activities. 6) Estimated volume of excavated soil (cubic yards) anticipated to be impacted by contaminants: Based on results of in situ soil characterization assessment activities, approximately 8,420 cubic yards of soil containing compounds at concentrations above the DEQ PSRGs will be generated during redevelopment. Soil generated during excavations in impacted evaluation sections will be managed on-Site beneath impervious materials, loaded onto trucks and transported off-Site for disposal at a municipal solid waste landfill, or to another location with DEQ prior approval. 7) Estimated volume of contaminated soil expected to be disposed of offsite, if applicable: Based on review of the grading plan and cut-fill analysis, up to approximately 23,300 cubic yards of excess soil generated for the construction of the two mixed use multi-story apartment buildings may need to be transported off-Site. Based on the results of in situ soil characterization assessment activities, no compounds were detected at concentrations above the DEQ PSRGs (or background levels in the case of metals) in samples collected in evaluation sections EX-1 (0-12), EX-2 (4-12), EX-3 (0-12), EX-4 (0-8), EX-5 (0-12), EX-7 (4-12), EX-8 (0-4), EX- 9 (0-4), EX-10 (4-8), EX-11 (0-4), EX-12 (4-8), EX-14 (0-6), EX-16 (0-3), EX-17 (0-2), EX-18 (0-2), EX-19 (0-2), EX-20 (0-3), EX-21 (0-6), and EX-22 (0-6). Approximately 19,990 cubic yards of excess soil generated during excavation/grading within the above evaluation sections will be loaded onto trucks and transported to the Reeves and/or Old 27 LICD landfills for disposal. Approximately 8,420 cubic yards of impacted soil generated during excavation/grading within in situ soil evaluation sections EX-2 (0-4), EX-4 (8-12), EX-6 (0-12), EX-7 (0-4), EX-8 (4-8), EX-9 (0-4), EX-10 (0-4), EX-11 (4-8), EX-12 (0-4), EX-13 (0-3), and EX-15 (0-3) will be managed on-Site beneath impervious materials, transported off-Site for disposal in a municipal solid waste landfill such as Republic Services located in Concord, NC, or to another location with DEQ prior approval. A tabular summary of soil in situ soil characterization export options is provided as Appendix D. 11 EMP Version 3, March 2023 PART 1.A. MANAGING ONSITE SOIL If soil is anticipated to be excavated from the Brownfield Property, relocated on the Brownfields Property, or otherwise disturbed during site grading or other redevelopment activities, please provide a grading plan that clearly illustrates areas of cut and fill (approximate areas & volumes are acceptable, if only preliminary data available). 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION: a) Does the soil contain a LISTED WASTE as defined in the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section under 40 CFR Part 261.31‐261.35?....................................... ☐Yes ☒No ☐ If yes, explain why below, including the level of knowledge regarding processes generating the waste (include pertinent analytical results as needed). ☐ If yes, do the soils exceed the “Contained‐Out” levels in Attachment 1 of the North Carolina Contained‐In Policy?................................................. ☐ Yes ☐ No b) NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE AND EXCEEDS THE CONTAINED‐OUT LEVELS IN ATTACHMENT 1 TO THE NORTH CAROLINA CONTAINED‐IN POLICY, THE SOIL MAY NOT BE RE‐USED ONSITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEQ HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS. c) Does the soil contain a CHARACTERISTIC WASTE?.................................... ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ If yes, mark reason(s) why below (and include pertinent analytical results). ☐ Ignitability Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Corrosivity Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Reactivity Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Toxicity Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ TCLP results Click or tap here to enter text. ☐ Rule of 20 results (20 times total analytical results for an individual hazardous constituent on TCLP list cannot, by test method, exceed regulatory TCLP standard) ☒ If no, explain rationale: Chromium was detected in EX-1 (8-12) (102 mg/kg), EX-4 (8-12) (141 mg/kg), EX-8 (4-8) (268 mg/kg) and lead was detected in EX-9 (4-8 mg/kg) (158 mg/kg) at concentrations above the Rule of 20 for potential hazardous characteristic of 100 mg/kg. Results of TCLP analysis did not identify chromium or lead at concentrations above the TCLP regulatory level of 5 mg/L in leachate from the samples. Based on results of soil assessment activities and TCLP chromium and lead analysis, no compounds have been identified at characteristically hazardous levels. 12 EMP Version 3, March 2023 d) NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A CHARACTERISTIC HAZARDOUS WASTE, THE SOIL MAY NOT BE RE‐USED ONSITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEQ HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS. 2) Screening criteria by which soil disposition decisions will be made (e.g., left in place, capped in place with low permeability barrier, removed to onsite location and capped, removed offsite): ☒ Preliminary Health‐Based Residential SRGs ☐ Preliminary Health‐Based Industrial/Commercial SRGs ☒ Division of Waste Management Risk Calculator (For Brownfields Properties Only) ☐ Site‐specific risk‐based cleanup level. Please provide details of methods used for determination/explanation. Additional comments: 3) If known impacted soil is proposed to be reused within the Brownfields Property boundary, please check the measures that will be utilized to ensure safe placement and documentation of same. Please attach a proposed location diagram/site map. ☒ Provide documentation of analytical report(s) to Brownfields project manager. ☒ Provide documentation of final location, thickness and depth of relocated soil onsite map to Brownfields project manager once known. ☐ Geotextile to mark depth of fill material. Provide description of material: Click or tap here to enter text. ☒ Manage soil under impervious cap ☒ or clean fill ☒ ☐Describe cap or fill: If soil in areas known to contain compounds at concentrations above the DEQ PSRGs [EX-2 (0-4), EX-4 (8-12), EX-6 (0-12), EX-7 (0-4), EX-8 (4-8), EX-9 (0-4), EX-10 (0-4), EX-11 (4-8), EX- 12 (0-4), EX-13 (0-3), and EX-15 (0-3)] or unknown potentially impacted soil encountered during redevelopment will be reused on-Site, the material will be placed beneath impervious surfaces (e.g., asphalt, pavement, sidewalks, access roads, etc.) or a minimum of 2 ft of demonstrably clean fill. ☒ Confer with NC BF project manager if Brownfield Plat must be revised (or re‐recorded if actions are Post‐Recordation). ☒ GPS the location and provide site map with final location. ☐ Other. Please provide a description of the measure: 13 EMP Version 3, March 2023 4) Please describe the following action(s) to be taken during and following excavation and management of site soils: ☒ Check to confirm that management of fugitive dust from site activities will be handled in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal requirements. Field screening of site soil At a minimum, contractors shall be made aware of protocols should impacted soils (e.g. staining, unusual odors, fill materials) be identified. Describe the field screening method, frequency of field screening, person conducting field screening: During soil disturbance at the Site, the workers or contractors will observe soil for obvious evidence of potential impacts. Evidence of potentially impacted soil includes a distinct unnatural color, strong odor, or filled or previously disposed materials of potential environmental concern (i.e., chemicals, tanks, lifts, etc.). Should the above be observed during Site work, the contractor will contact the project environmental professional to observe the suspect condition. If the project environmental professional confirms that the material may be impacted, then the procedures below will be implemented. In addition, the DEQ Brownfields project manager will be contacted within 48 hours to advise of the condition. Soil sample collection ☐ Yes Click or tap here to enter text. ☒ Not anticipated - In order to avoid delays in construction, a plan shall be in place for sampling of suspect soils should they be encountered during redevelopment. If soil sample collection is not anticipated but the need to do so is identified during redevelopment, notify the Brownfields project manager of the anticipated sample and report dates for scheduling purposes. Describe the sampling method (e.g., in‐situ grab, composite, stockpile, etc.) and confirm that all procedures outlined in applicable DEQ guidance for assessment shall be followed Typically, at least one representative sample (per 500 yd3 for residential and 1,000 yd3 for commercial) consisting of a 3 to 5-point composite sample with grab sample for VOCs based on the highest PID reading is required to determine soil management options: If significant soil impact is encountered during grading and/or installation or removal of utilities, excavation will proceed only as far as needed to allow grading or other construction-related activity to continue and/or only as far as needed to allow alternate corrective measures as described below. Suspect significantly impacted soil excavated during redevelopment activities may be stockpiled and covered in a secure area to allow construction to progress. Suspect impacted soil will be stockpiled in accordance with Figure 1, NCBP Diagram for Temporary Containment of Impacted or Potentially Impacted Soil. At least one representative soil sample (no less than 3 aliquot soil samples) at a sample 14 EMP Version 3, March 2023 ratio of 1 soil sample per approximately 1,000 cubic yards of soil will be collected for analysis of total VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA metals, and hexavalent chromium. If the soil sample laboratory analytical results indicate that the soil could potentially exceed the hazardous characteristic criteria based on the Rule of 20, then the soil will also be analyzed by TCLP methods for those compounds that could exceed the hazardous characteristic criteria. Potentially impacted soil will be managed in the manner described below based upon the soil sample laboratory analyses: i. If no organic compounds or metals are detected in a sample (other than those attributable to sampling or laboratory artifacts) above unrestricted use PSRGs, the TCLP concentrations are below hazardous waste criteria, and the cumulative risk calculator results are acceptable, then the soil will be deemed suitable for use as on-Site fill or as off-Site fill. The proposed location(s) for off-Site placement of soil (other than a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill [MSWLF]) along with the receiving facility’s written approval for acceptance of the soil will be provided to DEQ for approval prior to taking the soil off-Site. ii. If detectable levels of compounds are found which do not exceed Residential PSRGs (other than those attributable to sampling or laboratory artifacts) and the TCLP concentrations are below hazardous waste criteria, then the soil may be used on- Site as fill without conditions. iii. If detectable levels of compounds are found which exceed the Residential PSRGs (other than those are attributable to sampling or laboratory artifacts or which are consistent with background levels for metals) and the TCLP concentrations are below hazardous waste criteria, then the soil, may be used on-Site as fill below impervious cover, at least 2 ft of compacted demonstrably clean soil, or overlain by a geotechnical fabric. If the impacted soil with concentrations above Residential PSRGs is moved to an on-Site location, its location and depth will be documented and provided to DEQ. iv. Impacted soil may be transported to a MSWLF or DEQ permitted landfarm provided that the soil is accepted at the disposal facility. DEQ Solid Waste Section and DEQ Brownfields Program approval will be requested for any potential export to an off-Site facility other than an MSWLF or DEQ permitted landfarm. If soil is transported to an MSWLF or DEQ permitted landfarm, the facility’s written approval in the form of waste manifests or similar will be included in an annual redevelopment summary report. In the unlikely event that the sample data indicates concentrations above TCLP hazardous characteristic criteria, then the soil must be transported off-Site to a facility permitted to accept hazardous wastes. * Please note that should the PD elect to transport export soil to a MSWLF, DEQ permitted landfarm, or to a DEQ Brownfields pre-approved receiving facility, soil will be direct-loaded onto trucks for transport off-Site. 15 EMP Version 3, March 2023 Check applicable chemical analytes for soil samples: ☒ Minimum Sample Requirements: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260; Semi‐volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270; and Metals RCRA List + Hexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 6020/7199 ☐ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): ☐ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): ☐ Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (e.g. Herbicides): ☒ Check to confirm that by the owner’s signature and the North Carolina Professional Engineer/Geologist sealing this EMP the consultant understands that no work plan for suspect soil sample collection will be submitted beyond this EMP, and that it is the responsibility of the sealing professional and property owner to ensure that all applicable guidelines and methodologies are followed and reported to DEQ for determination and approval of soil placement prior to final relocation. If impacted soils above applicable PSRGs and/or site specific risk thresholds are proposed to be relocated on-site, prior to final placement on-site, the following shall be submitted for DEQ review/approval - Analytical data that has been sampled in accordance with the above referenced frequency and following procedures outlined in the most recent Brownfields Redevelopment Section Environmental Site Assessment Work Plan Minimum Requirements Checklist (Checklist) and in accordance with DEQ IHSB Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites (Guidelines) - Figure outlining planned soil placement and any future site features including buildings/hardscape/open areas - A North Carolina PE/PG recommendation of placement Impacts Options Onsite Placement without conditions Onsite placement under 2 ft of cap or clean fill1, 2 All Constituents below applicable PSRGs X Constituents3 below applicable PSRGs; Metals below background but above PSRGs X Constituents3 below applicable PSRGs; Metals above Background /PSRGs X Constituents above Applicable PSRGs X 1: Requires Prior Written DEQ Approval 2: VOC impacted soils above applicable PSRGs shall not be placed directly beneath building footprints 16 EMP Version 3, March 2023 without prior written DEQ approval. 3: Constituents indicate any samples evaluated for other than metals. ☒ Check to confirm that stockpiling of known or suspected impacted soils will be conducted in accordance with Figure 1 of this EMP. Stockpile methodology should provide erosion control, prohibiting contact between surface water/precipitation and contaminated soil, and preventing contaminated runoff. Explain any variances or provide additional details as needed: ☒ Final grade sampling of exposed native soil (i.e., soil that will not be under buildings or permanent hardscape). Select chemical analyses for final grade samples with check boxes below (Check all that apply): ☒ Minimum Sample Requirements: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260; Semi‐volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270; and Metals RCRA List + Hexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 6020/7199 ☐ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): ☐ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): ☐ Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (e.g. Herbicides): Please provide a scope of work for final grade sampling, including a diagram of soil sampling locations, number of samples to be collected, and brief sampling methodology. Samples should be collected from 0-2 ft below ground surface, with the exception of VOCs which should be taken from 1-2 ft below ground surface. Alternatively, indicate if a work plan for final grade sampling may be submitted under separate cover. Following completion of soil disturbance (i.e., after grading and utility construction), Hart & Hickman will observe the Site for areas that will not be covered upon completion of the redevelopment with a minimum of 2 ft of demonstrably clean fill soil, building foundations, sidewalks, asphalt or concrete parking areas, driveways, or other impervious areas (e.g., tightly spaced pavers or bricks). If such areas exist, a Work Plan will be prepared for final grade sampling for DEQ Brownfields review and approval. It is anticipated that one final grade soil sample will be collected for laboratory analysis for each approximately 100 ft of linear landscape area or every approximately 1,000 sq ft of open area. Final grade soil samples will consist of a maximum of five (5) aliquot soil samples collected from within each evaluation area which will be combined and homogenized to form one composite soil sample representative of that evaluation area and submitted for analysis of SVOCs and RCRA metals plus hexavalent chromium. In addition, one grab soil sample will be collected for each evaluation area and submitted for laboratory analysis of VOCs. 17 EMP Version 3, March 2023 ☐ If final grade sampling was NOT selected, please explain rationale: PART 1.B. IMPORTED FILL SOIL NO SOIL MAY BE BROUGHT ONTO THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE BROWNFIELDS REDEVELOPMENT SECTION. According to the Brownfields IR 15, “Documenting imported soil (by sampling, analysis, and reporting in accordance with review and written approval in advance by the Brownfields Redevelopment Section), will safeguard the liability protections provided by the brownfields agreement and is in the best interest of the prospective developer/property owner.” Requirements for importing fill: ☒ Check to confirm that the import volumes outlined below have been confirmed based on geotechnical evaluations. 1) Will fill soil be imported to the site?................................................ ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Unknown 2) If yes, what is the estimated volume of fill soil to be imported? Based on conversations with the PD and the available grading plans, approximately 500 cubic yards of fill will need to be placed in the eastern and western portions of the Site to achieve final grade elevations. Current grading plans include the generation of approximately 23,800 cubic yards of cut. Soil generated during excavations or cut as part of grading will be used on-Site in areas planned for fill. There is no plan to import soil to the Site for use as fill. 3) If yes, what is the anticipated depth that fill soil will be placed at the property? (If a range of depths, list the range.) In general, fill areas associated with the proposed redevelopment are located in the eastern and western portions of the Site (Figure 5 and Appendix C). The thickness of fill ranges from approximately 1ft to 3ft. PRIOR TO SOIL PLACEMENT AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, a Soil Import Request must be submitted for DEQ Brownfields review and approval. The request shall consist of a data package that details: - Fill source location/history (Phase I if available, current aerials, etc.) - Analytical data that has been sampled in accordance with the below frequency and following procedures outlined in the most recent Brownfields Redevelopment Section Environmental Site Assessment Work Plan Minimum Requirements Checklist (Checklist) and in accordance with DEQ IHSB Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites (Guidelines) - A table comparing the import soil to existing site concentrations - A PE/PG recommendation of import - All relevant attachments listed in the Checklist Soil Import Sampling Requirements: 18 EMP Version 3, March 2023 Source Sample Frequency Sample Analysis Virgin Material from DEQ Brownfields Pre- approved Quarry None (Contact Brownfields project manager for list of pre- approved Quarries DEQ Permitted Quarry (Not Brownfields Pre- approved) At least one representative sample from area of planned import VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA Metals, any site specific COCs (e.g. pesticides, PCBs, etc.) Other NC DEQ Brownfields Property At least one representative sample per 1,000 yd3 consisting of a 3-point composite sample with grab sample for VOCs based on the highest PID reading VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA Metals, any site specific COCs (e.g. pesticides, PCBs, etc.) Off-site unpermitted/regulated property Bulk Landscape Material from Commercial Vendor (i.e. topsoil) No Sampling Required If other special considerations apply, discuss: ☒ Check to confirm that by the owner’s signature and the North Carolina Professional Engineer/Geologist sealing this EMP the consultant understands that no work plan for suspect soil sample collection will be submitted beyond this EMP, and that it is the responsibility of the sealing professional and property owner to ensure that all applicable guidelines are followed and reported in the Soil Import Request for DEQ approval. Failure to meet these requirements could result in resampling and/or failure to approve import. PART 1.C. SOIL EXPORT NO SOIL MAY LEAVE THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE BROWNFIELDS REDEVELOPMENT SECTION. Failure to obtain approval may violate a brownfields agreement causing a reopener or jeopardizing eligibility in the Section, endangering liability protections and making said action possibly subject to enforcement. Justifications provided below must be approved by the Section in writing prior to completing transport activities. Refer to Brownfields IR 15 for additional details. 1) If export from the Brownfields Property is anticipated, export soil must be sampled at a frequency of one sample per 1,000 yd3 consisting of a 3-point composite sample with a grab sample for VOCs based on the highest PID reading. Samples shall be analyzed at a minimum for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals plus any site specific COCs. PRIOR TO EXPORT FROM THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, a Soil Export Request must be submitted for DEQ Brownfields review and approval. The request shall consist of a Data Package that details: 19 EMP Version 3, March 2023 - Proposed Receiving Facility - Analytical data that has been sampled in accordance with the above referenced frequency and following procedures outlined in the most recent Brownfields Redevelopment Section Environmental Site Assessment Work Plan Minimum Requirements Checklist (Checklist) and in accordance with DEQ IHSB Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites (Guidelines) - A table comparing the export soil to concentrations on the receiving site concentrations including risk comparison (Note that calculated risk cannot be increased on the receiving site) - A North Carolina PE/PG recommendation of export - Written approval from the receiving site property owner representative for export - All relevant attachments listed in the Checklist Soil Export Options Impacts Options Use as Beneficial Fill Off-site disposal at other Brownfields Property2,6,7 Off-site disposal at LCID/CD Landfill1, 3 Off-site disposal at Subtitle D MSW/Permitted Landfarm4 All Constituents below applicable PSRGs X X X X Constituents5 below applicable PSRGs; Metals below background but above PSRGs X X X Constituents5 below applicable PSRGs; Metals above Background /PSRGs X X X Constituents above Applicable PSRGs X X 1: Requires Prior Written DEQ Approval 2: VOC impacted soils above applicable PSRGs shall not be placed directly beneath building footprints without prior written DEQ approval. 3: Requires comparison to site specific metals concentrations. 4: Facility to determine if they can accept soil within their permit. 5: Constituents indicate any samples evaluated for other than metals. 6: Requires written approval from receiving site property owner representative. 7. Site COCs must be in comparable concentrations to receiving site and not significantly raise risk of the receiving site. ☒ Check to confirm that by the owner’s signature and the North Carolina Professional Engineer/Geologist sealing this EMP the consultant understands that no work plan for suspect soil sample collection will be submitted beyond this EMP, and that it is the responsibility of the sealing professional and property owner to ensure that all applicable guidelines are followed and reported in the Soil Export Request for DEQ approval. Failure to meet these requirements could result in resampling and/or failure to approve export. 20 EMP Version 3, March 2023 If other special considerations apply, discuss: In situ soil characterization assessment activities have been complete at the Site. Based on results of the assessment activities, approximately 19,800 cubic yards of excess soil that does not contain compound concentrations above the PSRGs (or background levels in the case of metals) will be transported off-Site to a LCID landfill, or other locations with DEQ prior approval. Approximately, 8,420 cubic yards of excess soil that contains compound concentrations above the PSRGs (or background levels in the case of metals) will be transported off-Site for disposal at a MSWLF, or other location with DEQ prior approval. A tabular summary of in situ soil characterization export options is provided in Appendix D. PART 1.D. MANAGEMENT OF UTILITY TRENCHES ☐ Install liner between native impacted soils and base of utility trench before filling with clean fill (Preferred) ☒ Last out, first in principle for impacted soils (if soil can safely be reused onsite and is not a hazardous waste), i.e., impacted soils are placed back at approximately the depths they were removed from such that impacted soil is not placed at a greater depth than the original depth from which it was excavated. ☒ Evaluate whether necessary to install barriers in conduits to prevent soil vapor transport, and/or degradation of conduit materials due to direct impact with contaminants. ☒ If yes, provide specifications on barrier materials or provide the results of this evaluation in the Vapor Mitigation Plan. Note that if vapor mitigation is planned for site buildings, utility corridors will need to be evaluated as part of mitigation designs: The PD plans to install a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) during construction of the mixed use multi-story apartment buildings. As part of the VIMS design, the locations of sub- grade utilities will be evaluated to confirm that the proposed VIMS will effectively minimize potential vapor intrusion from potential lateral migration of vapors through utility trenches. The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan will be submitted under separate cover. ☐ If no, include rationale here: ☒ Unknown, details to be provided in the Vapor Mitigation Plan for site buildings Other comments regarding managing impacted soil in utility trenches: Although not anticipated, if evidence of contaminated soil and/or vapors (e.g., unusual odors and/or stained soil) is encountered in utility trenches during redevelopment activities, the trench will be evacuated, and appropriate safety screening of the vapors will be performed to protect workers. If results indicate further action is warranted in response to vapors to protect workers, appropriate engineering controls (such as use of industrial fans) will be implemented. 21 EMP Version 3, March 2023 The contractor and workers will observe soil for potential impacts during utility installation activities. Evidence of potential significant impacted soil includes a distinct unnatural color, strong odor, or filled or previously disposed materials of concern (i.e., chemicals, tanks, drums, etc.). Should the above be noted during utility work, the contractor will contact the project environmental professional to observe the suspect condition and screen the soil using a PID or other similar vapor field screening instrument. If the project environmental professional confirms that the material may be impacted, then the procedures outlined above in Managing On‐Site Soil (Part 1.A.) will be implemented. In addition, the environmental professional will contact the DEQ Brownfields project manager within 48 hours to advise that person of the condition. PART 2. GROUNDWATER 1) What is the depth to groundwater at the Brownfields Property? During assessment activities conducted at the Site in September 2021, the depth to groundwater was measured at depths ranging from approximately 8 ft bgs in the southwestern portion of the Site to approximately 13 ft bgs in the northern portion of the Site. A tabular summary of temporary monitoring well construction details and groundwater elevations are provided as Table 3. Locations of the temporary monitoring wells installed during the September 2021 assessment activities are shown in Figure 3. 2) What is the maximum depth of soil disturbance onsite? As noted above, areas planned for cut are primarily associated with the construction of the two mixed use multi-story apartment buildings and associated podium-style parking decks. Cut depths range from less than 1 ft bgs to approximately 12 ft bgs. Other discrete areas may include deeper excavations for the installation of deeper foundational footers, elevator banks, utility banks, etc. 3) Is groundwater known to be contaminated by ☒onsite ☐offsite ☐both or ☐unknown sources? Describe source(s): Previous groundwater assessment at the Brownfields property included the collection of four (4) groundwater samples for laboratory analysis. Locations of previous groundwater samples are shown in Figure 3. A tabular summary of groundwater sample laboratory analytical results is included as Table 4, and the singular compound concentration exceeding the DEQ Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) is shown in Figure 6. No compounds were detected at concentrations above the DEQ NCAC 15A 2L Groundwater Quality Standards (2L Standards) in groundwater samples collected at the Site. A brief summary of the groundwater assessment results is provided below. Organic Compounds Groundwater assessment results indicate that low levels of chloroform (up to 14.6 micrograms per liter {µg/L}) were detected at concentrations above the DEQ Residential and Non- Residential Vapor Intrusion GWSLs of 0.81 µg/L and 3.6 µg/L, respectively in the TMW-2 groundwater sample and its duplicate groundwater sample collected in the northern and hydraulically upgradient portion of the Site. No other organic compounds were detected at concentrations above the DEQ Vapor Intrusion GWSLs in remaining groundwater samples 22 EMP Version 3, March 2023 collected at the Site. Metals Low levels of several metals including arsenic (up to 0.316 J µg/L), barium (up to 69.5 µg/L), total chromium (1.56 J µg/L), lead (2.92 µg/L), and selenium (up to 0.609 J µg/L) were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits, but below the 2L Standards in groundwater samples collected at the Site. 4) What is the direction of groundwater flow at the Brownfields Property? Based on survey data and depth to groundwater measurements, the direction of groundwater is estimated to be to the southeast toward Little Sugar Creek. This is consistent with surface topography (Figure 1). 5) Will groundwater likely be encountered during planned redevelopment activities (e.g. footer/utility construction or helical pilings?) ☒Yes ☐No If yes, describe these activities: Groundwater was measured at depths ranging from approximately 8 ft bgs in the southwestern portion of the Site to approximately 13 ft bgs in the northern portion of the Site. Groundwater may be encountered during redevelopment activities that include deeper excavations for the proposed parking deck(s) and/or deeper foundational components associated with the proposed building(s). If groundwater is encountered during redevelopment activities, the procedures outlined below will be implemented. In the event that groundwater is encountered during redevelopment activities (even if no is checked above), list activities for contingent management of groundwater (e.g., dewatering of groundwater from excavations or foundations, containerizing, offsite disposal, discharge to sanitary sewer, NPDES permit, or sampling procedures). If groundwater is encountered during redevelopment, appropriate worker safety measures will be undertaken if groundwater gathers in an open excavation within an area determined to be impacted (based on previous sampling data, strong odor, unnatural color, sheen, etc.) during construction activities. The contractor will contact the environmental professional to observe the area(s) suspected to be impacted. The accumulated water will be allowed to evaporate/infiltrate to the extent that the time for dissipation does not disrupt the construction schedule. Should the time needed for the natural dissipation of accumulated water be deemed inadequate, the water will be tested for the presence of VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals and disposed of at an appropriate off‐Site facility (if impacted), or tested and discharged to the storm sewer (if not impacted above DEQ surface water standards) in accordance with applicable municipal and State regulations for erosion control and construction stormwater control as provided in 15A NCAC 2H.0106(f). Groundwater encountered in areas of the Site where no compounds have been identified at concentrations above the surface water quality screening criteria based on results of previous assessments will be discharged to the municipal storm sewer in accordance with applicable municipal and State regulations as provided in 15A NCAC 2H.0106(f). 6) Are monitoring wells currently present on the Brownfields Property?.................☐Yes ☒No If yes, are any monitoring wells routinely monitored through DEQ or other agencies?..................................................................................................................☐Yes ☐No 23 EMP Version 3, March 2023 7) Please check methods to be utilized in the management of known and previously unidentified wells. ☒ Abandonment of site monitoring wells in accordance with all applicable regulations. It is the Brownfields Redevelopment Section’s intent to allow proper abandonment of well(s) as specified in the Brownfields Agreement, except if required for active monitoring through another section of DEQ or the EPA. ☐ Location of existing monitoring wells marked ☐ Existing monitoring wells protected from disturbance ☒ Newly identified monitoring wells will be marked and protected from further disturbance until notification to DEQ Brownfields can be made and approval for abandonment is given. 8) Please provide additional details as needed: Please note, disturbance of existing site monitoring wells without approval by DEQ is not permissible. If monitoring wells are damaged and/or destroyed, DEQ may require that the PD be responsible for replacement of the well. PART 3. SURFACE WATER 1) Is surface water present at the property? ☐ Yes ☒ No 2) If yes, attach a map showing the location of surface water at the Brownfields Property 3) Is surface water at the property known to be contaminated? ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Unknown 4) Will workers or the public be in contact with surface water during planned redevelopment activities or as part of the final redevelopment? ☐ Yes ☒ No 5) In the event that contaminated surface water is encountered during redevelopment activities, or clean surface water enters open excavations, list activities for management of such events (e.g. flooding, contaminated surface water run‐off, stormwater impacts): Surface water features are not present at the site. If surface water run‐off gathers in an open excavation within an area suspected to be impacted during construction activities, appropriate worker safety and groundwater management measures will be undertaken. The contractor will contact the environmental professional to observe the area(s) suspected to be impacted. The accumulated water will be allowed to evaporate/infiltrate to the extent that the time for dissipation does not disrupt the construction schedule. Should the time needed for natural dissipation of accumulated water be deemed inadequate, the water will be tested for the presence of VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals and disposed off‐site (if impacted), or tested and discharged to the storm sewer (if not impacted above DEQ surface water standards) in accordance with applicable municipal and State regulations for erosion control and construction stormwater control as provided in 15A NCAC 2H.0106(f). DEQ will be notified if newly identified monitoring wells are discovered at the Brownfields property. 24 EMP Version 3, March 2023 PART 4. SEDIMENT 1) Are sediment sources present on the property? ☐ Yes ☒ No 2) If yes, is sediment at the property known to be contaminated? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown 3) Will workers or the public be in contact with sediment during planned redevelopment activities? ☐ Yes ☒ No 4) Attach a map showing the location of known contaminated sediment at the property. 5) In the event that contaminated sediment is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such events (stream bed disturbance): Not applicable PART 5. SOIL VAPOR 1) Do concentrations of volatile organic compounds at the Brownfields property exceed the vapor intrusion screening levels (current version) in the following media: Groundwater Exterior Soil Vapor Sub-Slab Soil Vapor Residential ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown Commercial ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Unknown 2) Attach a map showing the locations of all soil vapor samples including any soil vapor contaminants that exceeds screening levels and overlays planned site development features. 3) If applicable, at what depth(s) is exterior soil vapor known to be contaminated? Assessment activities completed in September 2021 included the collection of eight exterior soil gas samples and four sub-slab soil gas samples for laboratory analysis. Locations of the soil gas samples are shown in Figure 3, and tabular summaries of the laboratory analytical data in comparison to the DEQ Vapor Intrusion Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) are provided in Table 5A. In addition, compound concentrations above the DEQ Vapor Intrusion SGSLs are shown in Figure 7. As shown in Table 5A, several compounds were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits in each soil gas sample. Chloroform (up to 460 micrograms per cubic meter {µg/m3}) was identified at concentrations above the DEQ Residential and/or Non-Residential SGSLs in 6 of the 8 soil gas samples. In addition, several petroleum-related compounds including benzene (up to 160 µg/m3), ethylbenzene (up to 1,000 µg/m3), naphthalene (up to 17,000 µg/m3), 1,2,4- trimethylbenzene (up to 4,000 µg/m3), 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (up to 2,700 µg/m3), and xylenes (up to 2,900 µg/m3) were detected at concentrations above the DEQ Residential or Non-Residential SGSLs in soil gas samples collected at the Site. Hypothetical worst-case scenario risk calculator results for the soil gas to indoor air vapor intrusion 25 EMP Version 3, March 2023 4) If applicable, at what depth(s) is sub‐slab soil vapor known to be contaminated? ☒0‐6 inches ☐Other, please describe: Assessment activities previously completed at the Site included collection of four sub-slab soil gas samples within existing Site buildings. A tabular summary of the sub-slab soil gas sample laboratory analytical data in comparison to the DEQ SGSLs is provided in Table 5B and locations of the sub-slab soil gas samples are shown in Figure 3. Compound concentrations above the DEQ Vapor Intrusion SGSLs in sub-slab soil gas are shown in Figure 7. As shown in Table 5B, several compounds were detected at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits in each soil gas sample. A low level of TCE (15 µg/m3) was detected at a concentration above the DEQ Residential SGSL in sub-slab soil gas sample SSV-1 collected within Building 1 located along the northern Site boundary. No other compounds were detected at concentrations above the DEQ SGSLs in sub-slab soil gas samples collected at the Site. As stated above, hypothetical worst-case scenario risk calculator results for the soil gas to indoor air vapor intrusion pathway exceed the cumulative risk threshold values for a resident. However, the risk calculator results are primarily driven by petroleum-related compounds concentrations detected in the soil gas sample collected from the southeastern portion of the Site (SG-6) and the potential for structural vapor intrusion are limited to a discrete area and are not widespread at the Site. However, the PD plans to install a vapor intrusion mitigation system during construction of the proposed apartment buildings to address potential risks of structural vapor intrusion 5) Will workers encounter contaminated exterior or sub-slab soil vapor during planned redevelopment activities? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☒ Unknown In the event that apparent contaminated soil vapor is encountered (based on elevated PID readings, unusual odors, etc.) during redevelopment activities (trenches, manways, basements or other subsurface work,) list activities for management of such contact, INCLUDING notification to DEQ within 48 hours of identification of the issue for determination of additional requirements: The environmental professional will remain on call on an as-needed basis during redevelopment activities at the Site. If contaminated soil vapors are suspected during redevelopment activities (based on unusual or strong odors, dizziness, lightheadedness, coughing, difficulty breathing, etc.), the excavation area will immediately be evacuated, and the environmental professional will be called to perform appropriate safety screening of the vapors. Safety screening activities include monitoring the worker breathing zone with a calibrated multi-gas monitor (or similar instrument[s] capable of detecting VOCs and combustible gases) for VOCs, methane, oxygen, pathway exceed the cumulative risks threshold values for a resident. However, the risk calculator results are primarily driven by petroleum-related compounds concentrations detected in the soil gas sample collected from the southeastern portion of the Site (SG-6) and the potential for structural vapor intrusion are limited to a discrete area and are not widespread at the Site. However, the PD plans to install a vapor intrusion mitigation system during construction of the proposed apartment buildings to address potential risks of structural vapor intrusion. 26 EMP Version 3, March 2023 carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide photoionization detector. If results indicate further action is warranted, appropriate engineering controls (such as use of industrial fans) will be implemented. In addition, the environmental professional will contact the DEQ Brownfields project manager within 48 hours regarding the condition. PART 6. INDOOR AIR 1) Are indoor air data available for the Brownfields Property? ☐ Yes ☒ No 2) If applicable, attach a map showing the location(s) where indoor air contaminants exceed site screening levels. 3) If the structures where indoor air has been documented to exceed risk‐based screening levels will not be demolished as part of redevelopment activities, will workers encounter contaminated indoor air during planned redevelopment activities? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☒ N/A ☒ If no, include rationale here: No indoor air samples have been collected within the existing Site buildings. The Site buildings and all other Site features will be razed as part of the proposed redevelopment. 4) In the event that contaminated indoor air is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such contact: VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM 1) Is a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) proposed for this Brownfields Property? ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☐ If no or unknown, include rationale here as well as plans for pre-occupancy sampling, as necessary: If yes, ☐ VIMS Plan Attached or ☒ VIMS Plan to be submitted separately If submitted separately provide date: The PD intends to install a DEQ Brownfields approved passive vapor intrusion mitigation system designed by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer during construction of the proposed apartment building. The vapor intrusion mitigation plan will be submitted under separate cover. VIMS Plan shall be signed and sealed by a NC Professional Engineer and follow the DEQ Brownfields Redevelopment Section’s Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal Requirements. In the unlikely event there is evidence of potential indoor air issues (i.e., unusual odors) during future redevelopment activities, the area will be evacuated and appropriate safety screening of the indoor air will be performed. If warranted, safety screening procedures will be conducted by an environmental professional and will include periodically screening by an environmental professional indoor air for volatile organic vapors with a calibrated photoionization detector when workers present in the Site buildings identify potential indoor air issues. If results indicate further action is warranted, appropriate engineering controls (such as use of industrial fans) will be implemented. 27 EMP Version 3, March 2023 Note that approval of this EMP does not imply approval with any vapor intrusion mitigation land use restrictions or requirements of the recorded or draft Brownfields Agreement and that separate approval of mitigation measures will be required. 28 EMP Version 3, March 2023 CONTINGENCY PLAN In this section, please provide actions that will be taken to identify or manage unknown potential new sources of contamination. During redevelopment activities, it is not uncommon that unknown tanks, drums, fuel lines, landfills, or other waste materials are encountered. Notification to DEQ Brownfields project manager, UST Section, Fire Department, and/or other officials, as necessary and appropriate, is required when new potential source(s) of contamination are discovered. These Notification Requirements were outlined on Page 1 of this EMP. Should potentially impacted materials be identified that are inconsistent with known site impacts, the DEQ Brownfields project manager will be notified, and a sampling plan will be prepared based on the EMP requirements and site-specific factors. Samples will generally be collected to document the location of the potential impacts. Check the following chemical analysis that are to be conducted on newly identified releases: ☒ Minimum Sample Requirements: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260; Semi‐volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270; and Metals RCRA List + Hexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 6020/7199 ☐ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): ☐ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): ☐ Other Constituents & Analytical Method(s) (e.g. Herbicides) Please note, if field observations indicate the need for additional analyses, they should be conducted, even if not listed here. Please provide details on the proposed methods of managing the following commonly encountered issues during redevelopment of Brownfields Properties. Underground Storage Tanks – Note that UST Section guidelines must be followed for sample frequency during UST closure. Unless damage to onsite structures to remain as part of redevelopment would occur, USTs shall be removed from the Brownfields Property: In the event a UST or impacts associated with a UST release are discovered at the Site during redevelopment activities, the UST and/or UST related impacts will be addressed through the Brownfields Program. DEQ Brownfields will be notified within 48 hours of discovery of the UST. If an undocumented UST is encountered, residual fluids (if present) will be removed, sampled for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals, and transported off-Site for disposal at a suitable facility based on the laboratory analytical results. Following the removal of residual fluids, the tank will be assessed for closure or removal and closure soil sampling will be performed as needed. The number of soil 29 EMP Version 3, March 2023 samples will be consistent with DEQ UST Section guidelines. The soil samples will be submitted for laboratory analysis of VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA metals, and hexavalent chromium. Impacted soil will be managed in accordance with the Managing On-Site Soil (Part 1.A.) section outlined above. If the UST cannot be removed for geotechnical or construction purposes, DEQ will be notified for approval of in-place closure. Following DEQ approval, closure soil sampling will be performed in general accordance with the DEQ UST Section guidelines. Where appropriate, the bottom of the UST may be penetrated before abandonment to prevent fluid accumulation. If the UST contains residual fluids, the fluids will be removed, sampled for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA metals, and transported off-site for disposal at a suitable facility based on the laboratory analytical results. A survey plat update may also be needed in the event of in-place closure of USTs, if residual contamination is left in place above applicable standards. Sub-Grade Feature/Pit: If a sub-grade feature or pit is encountered and does not require removal for geotechnical or construction purposes, it will be filled with soil or suitable fill and construction will proceed. Where appropriate, the bottom may be penetrated before back filling to prevent fluid accumulation. If the pit has waste in it, the waste may be set aside in a secure area and will be sampled for waste disposal purposes for TCLP VOCs, TCLP SVOCs, and TCLP metals and disposed off-site at a permitted facility or the waste will be managed in accordance with the Managing On-Site Soil (Part 1.A.) section outlined above, whichever is most applicable based on the type of waste present. If the pit must be removed and the observed waste characteristics indicate the concrete may potentially be contaminated to a significant degree, the concrete will be sampled and analyzed by methods specified by the disposal facility. Buried Waste Material – Note that if buried waste, non-native fill, or any obviously filled materials is encountered, the DEQ Brownfields Redevelopment Section must be notified to determine if investigation of landfill gases is required: If excavation into buried wastes or significantly impacted soils occurs, the contractor is instructed to stop work in that location and notify the environmental consultant. The environmental consultant will observe the suspect materials and collect samples if warranted. In this event, confirmation sampling will be conducted at representative locations in the base and the sidewalls of the excavation after the waste or significantly impacted soil is removed. The confirmation samples will be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, RCRA metals, hexavalent chromium (or other analyses as appropriate based on the type of waste material). Information will be provided to DEQ Brownfields regarding the permitted facility used for disposal of the waste or significantly impacted soil. Areas of suspected contaminated soil that remain at the site after excavation is complete above the DEQ Residential PSRGs will be managed pursuant to this plan. Re-Use of Impacted Soils Onsite: Please refer to description outlined in the Managing On-Site Soil section (Part 1.A.) of the EMP above. 30 EMP Version 3, March 2023 If unknown, impacted soil is identified onsite, management onsite can be considered after the project team provides the necessary information, outlined in Part 1.A. Item 11, for Brownfields project manager approval prior to final placement onsite. If other potential contingency plans are pertinent, please provide other details or scenarios as needed below: POST‐REDEVELOPMENT REPORTING ☒ Check this box to acknowledge that a Redevelopment Summary Report will be required for the project. If the project duration is longer than one year, an annual update is required and will be due by January 31 of each year, or 30 days after each one-year anniversary of the effective date of this EMP (as agreed upon with the project manager). These reports will be required for as long as physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property continues, except that the final Redevelopment Summary Report will be submitted within 90 days after completion of redevelopment. Based on the estimated construction schedule, the first Redevelopment Summary Report is anticipated to be submitted on 1/31/2024, unless another date is specified in the recorded Brownfields Agreement for this Brownfields Property. The Redevelopment Summary Report shall include environment-related activities since the last report, with a summary and drawings, that describes: 1. actions taken on the Brownfields Property; 2. soil grading and cut and fill actions; 3. methodology(ies) employed for field screening, sampling and laboratory analysis of environmental media; 4. stockpiling, containerizing, decontaminating, treating, handling, laboratory analysis and ultimate disposition of any soil, groundwater or other materials suspected or confirmed to be contaminated with regulated substances; and 5. removal of any contaminated soil, water or other contaminated materials (for example, concrete, demolition debris) from the Brownfields Property (copies of all legally required manifests shall be included). ☒ Check box to acknowledge consent to provide a NC licensed P.G. or P.E. sealed, Redevelopment Summary Report in compliance with the site’s Brownfields Agreement. 32 EMP Version 3, March 2023 Tables Table 1 Summary of Phase II Assessment Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDCOMP-2 COMP-3 COMP-4 SB-1Date9/13/20219/13/20219/13/20219/13/2021Depth (ft bgs)0-20-20-24-6Sample TypeCompositeCompositeCompositeGrabRangeRange UnitsVOCs (8260D)Acetone<0.0554 <0.04880.0972 J0.158<0.0447<0.053014,000210,000----Benzene<0.0034<0.0030<0.0023 M10.0053 J<0.0028<0.00331.25.4----2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0414<0.0365<0.02810.0595 J<0.0334<0.03975,50040,000----Ethylbenzene0.0057 J0.0044 J0.0045 J0.00960.0045 J<0.00386.127----p-Isopropyltoluene<0.0042<0.0037<0.00290.0036 J0.0043 J<0.0041NENE----4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)<0.0083<0.0073<0.00560.0131 J<0.0067<0.00807,00030,000----Naphthalene0.02380.01140.02730.04240.0162<0.00432.18.8----Toluene0.01920.01690.0134 M10.07000.0053 J<0.00239909,700----1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene0.00940.0050 J0.00980.01360.0079<0.002363370----1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0029<0.0026<0.0020 M10.0072<0.0023<0.002856320----m&p-Xylene0.02300.0143 J0.01850.04970.0128 J<0.0057120500----o-Xylene0.01200.0076 J0.01110.02580.0086<0.0037140590----SVOCs (8270E)Acenaphthylene<0.074 <0.063 <0.0580.18 J<0.075 <0.072NE NE-- --Benzo(a)anthracene0.19 J0.10 J0.11 J0.67<0.069<0.0651.121----Benzo(a)pyrene0.20 J0.11 J0.13 J0.77<0.076<0.0720.112.1----Benzo(b)fluoranthene0.250.15 J0.18 J0.96<0.075<0.0711.121----Benzo(g,h,i)perylene0.12 J<0.0860.093 J0.44 J<0.10<0.099NENE----Benzo(k)fluoranthene0.099 J0.056 J0.068 J0.37 J<0.067<0.06411210----Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate<0.082<0.069<0.0640.70 J0.38 J<0.07939160----Chrysene0.19 J0.096 J0.095 J0.66<0.071<0.0681102,100----Fluoranthene0.370.20 J0.18 J0.86<0.079<0.0754806,000----Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene0.15 J<0.0930.086 J0.50<0.11<0.111.121----Naphthalene0.02380.01140.02730.04240.0162<0.00432.18.8----Phenanthrene0.250.14 J0.093 J0.30 J<0.078<0.074NENE----Pyrene0.310.17 J0.17 J0.96<0.079<0.0753604,500----Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)Arsenic2.99 2.81 8.90 2.39 2.40 1.44 0.68 3.0 1.0 - 181.1 - 3.0Barium82.571.067.259.472.734.23,10047,00050 - 1,00038 - 110Cadmium0.198 J0.174 J0.157 J0.134 J0.209 J<0.1031.4201.0 - 10ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)26.621.036.520.815.311.7NENE7.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)0.660 J0.646 J1.420.701 J1.280.472 J0.316.5NS0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)25.920.435.,000350,000NS13.7 - 44.0Lead53.756.355.023.250.815.2400800ND - 5011 - 36Mercury0.1200.1040.06310.05250.06700.0292 J4.7700.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097Selenium0.711 J0.560 J0.558 J0.449 J0.490 J0.495 J781,200<0.1 - 0.8NDSilver0.107 J<0.103<0.118<0.106<0.0990<0.105781,200ND - 5.0 (3)0.033 J - 0.60Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.2) Range values of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils.3) Background metals established for the from Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060)Soil concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Composite soil samples that were analyzed for VOCs were collected from undisturbed portions of soil and placed directly into laboratory supplied glassware. Bold values exceed the Residential PSRGs and background values in the case of metals. VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; NA = not analyzed; NS = not specified; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; ND = not detectedJ = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. M1 = Matrix spike exceeded the quality control limits, however the batch was accepted based on laboratory control sample recovery.Nearby Brownfield Property (3)Composite0-2COMP-1/SOIL-DUPResidential PSRGs (1)Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (1)Regional (2)9/13/2021Areas of Planned Soil Disturbance Screening Criteria mg/kgBackground Metalshttps://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles‐1/Shared Documents/AAA‐Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF‐004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/Data Tables_Sealand ContractorsTable 1 (Page 1 of 1)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnitsVOCs (8260D)Acetone0.024 JNA<0.003NA0.006 JNA2514,000210,000----------2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0008NA<0.0008NA<0.0008NA175,50040,000----------n-Butylbenzene<0.0006NA<0.0006NA<0.0006NA4.578012,000----------sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007NA<0.0007NA<0.0007NA4.11,60023,000----------Carbon Disulfide<0.0008NA<0.0008NA<0.0008NA4.1160740----------Ethylbenzene<0.0008NA<0.0007NA<0.0007NA136.127----------Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0006NA<0.0006NA<0.0005NA2.34102,100----------4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001NA<0.001NA<0.001NANENENE----------Methylene Chloride<0.001NA<0.001NA<0.001NA0.02558650----------Naphthalene<0.001NA<0.001NA<0.001NA0.392.18.8----------n-Propylbenzene<0.0007NA<0.0007NA<0.0006NA2.67805,100----------Toluene<0.0009NA0.008NA0.002 JNA8.39909,700----------1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006NA<0.0006NA<0.0006NA1263370----------1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0007NA<0.0007NA<0.0006NA1156320----------m&p-Xylene<0.001NA<0.001NA<0.001NA9.8120520----------Xylene (total)<0.0007NA<0.0006NA<0.0006NA9.9120530----------SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.151 NA <0.146 NA <0.13816 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA <0.136 NA <0.132 NA <0.125NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.186 NA <0.181 NA <0.1701,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA <0.180 NA <0.175 NA <0.1660.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA <0.191 NA <0.186 NA <0.1750.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA <0.190 NA <0.184 NA <0.1741.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.177 NA <0.172 NA <0.162NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA <0.178 NA <0.173 NA <0.16312 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA <0.184 NA <0.179 NA <0.16936 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.299 NA <0.291 NA <0.2740.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA <0.160 NA <0.155 NA <0.146670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.166 NA <0.162 NA <0.152110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA <0.233 NA <0.226 NA <0.2133.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA <0.270 NA <0.263 NA <0.248NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA <0.174 NA <0.169 NA <0.160440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA1.48NA1.03NA0.527 5.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA54.8NA84.7NA67.05803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA<0.0337NA<0.0327NA<0.030931.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA81.3NA73.9NA102NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA<0.183NA<0.178NA<0.1703.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA81.3NA73.9NA102360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA5.76NA2.91NA0.650NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0647 JNA0.0165 JNA0.0105 JNE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.770NA0.764NA0.390 2.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0145 JNA<0.0085NA<0.00803.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA NA NA <0.0380-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kg1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.Protection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Landfill Background MetalsScreening CriteriaBackground MetalsReeves(1) Old 27(1)Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Nearby Brownfields Property(4)EX-1 (4-8)EX-1 (8-12)4-8Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Proposed Area of Cut2/6/2023EX-1 (0-4)0-4Residential PSRGs (2)Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)Regional Soil(3)8-12https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 1 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnitsVOCs (8260D)Acetone0.011 JNA0.023 JNA0.016 JNA0.022 JNA2514,000210,000----------2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0009NA<0.0009NA<0.0008NA<0.0009NA175,50040,000----------n-Butylbenzene<0.0007NA<0.0007NA<0.0006NA0.019NA4.578012,000----------sec-Butylbenzene<0.0008NA<0.0008NA<0.0007NA0.003 JNA4.11,60023,000----------Carbon Disulfide<0.0009NA<0.0009NA<0.0008NA<0.0009NA4.1160740----------Ethylbenzene<0.0008NA<0.0008NA<0.0007NA0.010NA136.127----------Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0006NA<0.0006NA<0.0006NA0.003 JNA2.34102,100----------4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001NA<0.001NA<0.001NA0.001 JNANENENE----------Methylene Chloride<0.002NA<0.002NA<0.001NA<0.002NA0.02558650----------Naphthalene<0.001NA<0.001NA<0.001NA0.016NA0.392.18.8----------n-Propylbenzene<0.0008NA<0.0008NA<0.0007NA0.034NA2.67805,100----------Toluene0.011NA0.010NA0.004 JNA0.002 JNA8.39909,700----------1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0007NA<0.0007NA<0.0006NA0.196NA1263370----------1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0008NA<0.0008NA<0.0007NA0.039NA1156320----------m&p-Xylene<0.001NA<0.001NA<0.001NA0.025NA9.8120520----------Xylene (total)<0.0007NA<0.0007NA<0.0006NA0.025NA9.9120530----------SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.163 NA <0.163NA <0.146 NA <0.16616 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA <0.148 NA <0.147NA <0.132 NA <0.150NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.201 NA <0.201NA <0.180 NA <0.2051,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA <0.196 NA0.269 JNA <0.175 NA <0.1990.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA <0.207 NA0.280 JNA <0.185 NA <0.2110.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA <0.205 NA0.436 JNA <0.184 NA <0.2091.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.191 NA0.208 JNA <0.171 NA <0.195NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA <0.193 NA <0.192NA <0.172 NA <0.19612 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA <0.200 NA0.447 JNA <0.179 NA <0.20436 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.324 NA <0.323NA <0.290 NA <0.3300.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA <0.173 NA1.03NA <0.155 NA <0.176670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.180 NA <0.180NA <0.161 NA <0.183110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA <0.252 NA <0.252NA <0.226 NA <0.2573.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA <0.293 NA0.640 JNA <0.262 NA <0.298NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA <0.188 NA0.812 JNA <0.169 NA <0.192440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA1.50NA1.66NA1.29NA0.928 5.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA52.8NA42.3NA66.3NA1475803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA<0.0365NA<0.0364NA<0.0327NA<0.037231.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA34.4NA27.7NA29.9NA27.4NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI) NA<0.198NA<0.200NA<0.181NA<0.2053.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA34.4NA27.7NA29.9NA27.4360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA7.35NA6.51NA3.71NA2.82NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0886 JNA0.0456 J, BNA0.0332 J, BNA<0.00952NE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.423NA0.415NA0.593NA0.843 2.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0133 JNA<0.0094NA0.0097 JNA0.0105 J3.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.Screening CriteriaLandfill Background MetalsBackground MetalsProtection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.mg/kgMaximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Regional Soil(3)Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Nearby Brownfields Property(4)EX-2 (0-4) / EX-DUP1EX-2 (4-8)EX-2 (8-12)2/6/20230-40-44-8Proposed Cut AreaWith the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.8-12https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 2 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.024 JNA0.028NA <0.002 NA0.036NA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0009 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide<0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0005 NA <0.0006 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride0.002 JNA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene<0.0010 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0007 NA<0.0007NA <0.0006 NA<0.0006NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.168 NA <0.153 NA <0.136 NA <0.14016 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA <0.152 NA <0.138 NA <0.123 NA <0.127NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.207 NA <0.189 NA <0.168 NA <0.1731,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA <0.201 NA <0.183 NA <0.163 NA0.190 J0.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA <0.213 NA <0.194 NA <0.173 NA <0.1780.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA <0.211 NA <0.193 NA <0.172 NA0.196 J1.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.197 NA <0.179 NA <0.160 NA <0.164NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA <0.198 NA <0.181 NA <0.161 NA <0.16612 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA <0.205 NA <0.187 NA <0.167 NA0.202 J36 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.333 NA <0.304 NA <0.271 NA <0.2780.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA <0.178 NA <0.162 NA <0.145 NA0.271 J670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.185 NA <0.169 NA <0.150 NA <0.155110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA <0.259 NA <0.236 NA <0.211 NA <0.2163.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA <0.301 NA <0.275 NA <0.245 NA <0.252NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA <0.194 NA <0.177 NA <0.158 NA0.290 J440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA2.04NA1.57NA1.08NA1.965.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA54.2NA58.3NA88.3NA61.75803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA<0.0375NA<0.0342NA0.0360 JNA0.118 J31.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA46.4NA69.8NA27.8NA33.5NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA<0.204NA<0.190NA<0.168NA<0.1753.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA46.4NA69.8NA27.8NA33.5360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA9.78NA5.12NA3.10NA20.7NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0519 J, BNA0.0136 J, BNA<0.00764NA0.0440 J, BNE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.782NA0.468NA0.373NA0.800 2.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0117 JNA<0.0089NA0.0262 JNA0.0327 J3.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.Screening CriteriaLandfill Background MetalsBackground MetalsProtection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.mg/kgIndustrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Nearby Brownfields Property(4)Regional Soil(3)EX-3 (8-12)Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.EX-4 (0-4)EX-3 (0-4)EX-3 (4-8)Proposed Areas of Cut2/7/20232/9/20230-44-88-120-4https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 3 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.026NA0.032NA0.051NA0.033NA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0008 NA0.002 JNA0.009 JNA <0.0008 NA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.002 JNA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene<0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0006NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.150 NA <0.147 NA <0.146 NA <0.14816 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthalyeneNA <0.136 NA <0.133 NA <0.132 NA <0.134NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.185 NA <0.182 NA <0.180 NA <0.1831,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA <0.180 NA <0.177 NA <0.175 NA <0.1780.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA <0.190 NA <0.187 NA <0.185 NA <0.1880.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA <0.189 NA <0.185 NA <0.184 NA <0.1871.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.176 NA <0.173 NA <0.171 NA <0.174NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA <0.177 NA <0.174 NA <0.173 NA <0.17512 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA <0.183 NA <0.180 NA <0.179 NA <0.18236 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.297 NA <0.292 NA <0.290 NA <0.2940.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA <0.159 NA <0.156 NA <0.155 NA <0.157670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.165 NA <0.163 NA <0.161 NA <0.164110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA <0.231 NA <0.228 NA <0.226 NA <0.2293.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA <0.269 NA <0.264 NA <0.262 NA <0.266NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA <0.173 NA <0.170 NA <0.169 NA <0.171440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA1.14NA1.62NA1.14NA1.58 5.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA46.6NA48.2NA51.5NA79.75803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA<0.0335NA<0.0329NA<0.0327NA<0.033231.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA35.9NA141NA19.2NA32.4NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA<0.182NA<0.179NA<0.180NA<0.1853.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA35.9NA141NA19.2NA32.4360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA6.76NA4.33NA11.4NA5.03NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0563 J, BNA0.0392 J, BNA0.0298 JNA0.0332 JNE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.292 JNA0.499NA0.554NA0.744 2.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0112 JNA0.0114 JNA0.0151 JNA0.0153 J3.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA <0.0380 NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kgScreening CriteriaLandfill Background MetalsBackground MetalsProtection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.EX-4 (8-12)EX-5 (4-8)EX-4 (4-8)2/9/20232/10/2023Proposed Areas of CutEX-5 (0-4)4-88-120-44-8Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Regional Soil(3)Nearby Brownfields Property(4)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 4 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.009 JNA0.008 JNA0.014 JNA0.035NA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0008 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide<0.0008 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0005 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride<0.001 NA <0.002 NA <0.002 NA <0.001 NA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0006 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene<0.0008 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0006 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0006NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.137 NA0.306 JNA0.260 JNA <0.13916 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthalyeneNA <0.124 NA0.626 JNA0.365 JNA <0.125NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.169 NA2.11NA0.699 JNA <0.1711,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA <0.164 NA4.85NA3.31NA0.191 J0.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA <0.173 NA4.14NA3.20NA0.220 J0.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA <0.172 NA6.38NA4.53NA0.273 J1.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.160 NA1.66NA2.08NA0.405 JNE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA <0.162 NA1.80NA1.62NA <0.16412 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA <0.168 NA5.48NA3.69NA0.197 J36 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.272 NA0.389 JNA0.524 JNA<0.2750.380.112.1----------FluorantheneNA<0.145NA8.99NA6.28NA0.339 J6704806,000----------FluoreneNA<0.151NA0.227 JNA<0.179NA<0.1531104806,000----------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA<0.211NA2.03NA2.28NA0.352 J3.91.121----------PhenanthreneNA<0.246NA2.28NA2.07NA<0.249NENENE----------PyreneNA<0.158NA7.70NA5.89NA0.304 J4403604,500----------Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA0.999NA3.08NA3.01NA1.105.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA117NA32.4NA29.8NA20.35803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA<0.0306NA0.0726 JNA0.0826 JNA<0.031031.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA26.3NA23.3NA22.5NA34.3NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA0.257NA0.521NA0.812NA<0.1733.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA26.043NA22.779NA21.688NA34.3360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA2.75NA16.6NA22.5NA6.57NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0436 JNA0.0323 JNA<0.0292NA0.0288 JNE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.955NA0.535NA0.460NA0.3242.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0157 JNA0.0135 JNA0.0141 JNA<0.00803.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNANA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNANA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kg1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.2/10/2023 2/15/2023Protection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)8-120-40-44-8Proposed Areas of CutEX-5 (8-12)EX-6 (4-8)Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Regional Soil(3)Screening CriteriaLandfill Background MetalsBackground MetalsLaboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Nearby Brownfields Property(4)EX-6 (0-4) / EX-DUP3https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 5 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.005 JNA0.038NA0.035NA <0.003 NA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0009 NA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0006 NA <0.0005 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0009 NA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0006NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.147 NA <0.136 NA <0.141 NA <0.15316 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA <0.133 NA0.311 JNA <0.127 NA <0.139NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.181 NA0.178 JNA <0.173 NA <0.1891,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA <0.176 NA0.938NA <0.169 NA <0.1840.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA <0.187 NA1.33NA <0.178 NA <0.1940.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA0.201 JNA1.40NA <0.177 NA <0.1931.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.173 NA0.495 JNA0.183 JNA <0.180NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA <0.174 NA0.550 JNA <0.166 NA <0.18112 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA <0.180 NA0.966NA <0.172 NA <0.18836 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.292 NA <0.271 NA <0.279 NA <0.3050.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA0.262 JNA1.36NA0.180 JNA <0.163670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.162 NA <0.151 NA <0.155 NA <0.169110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA <0.227 NA0.528 JNA <0.217 NA <0.2373.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA <0.264 NA0.621 JNA <0.253 NA <0.275NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA0.245 JNA1.50NA0.192 JNA <0.177440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA1.56NA7.87NA1.28NA0.8095.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA67.2NA34.7NA32.8NA49.75803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA0.145 JNA0.995NA0.0361 JNA<0.034331.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA21.2NA27.4NA23.5NA28.8NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA<0.181NA<0.168NA<0.176NA<0.1883.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA21.2NA27.4NA23.5NA28.8360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA37.8NA28.0NA25.7NA4.43NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0382 JNA0.117 JNA0.0264 JNA<0.0265NE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.951NA0.544NA0.472NA1.182.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0580 JNA0.0242 JNA0.0135 JNA0.0194 J3.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kgScreening CriteriaLandfill Background MetalsBackground MetalsProtection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)EX-6 (8-12)Nearby Brownfields Property(4)EX-7 (0-4)EX-7 (4-8)EX-7 (8-12)Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Regional Soil(3)2/15/2023Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)8-120-44-8Proposed Areas of Cut8-12Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 6 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.006 JNA0.026 JNA0.029NA0.023 JNA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0009 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0009 NA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA0.0009 JNA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide<0.0008 NA <0.0009 NA0.001 JNA <0.0008 NA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride<0.001 NA0.002 JNA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.011 JNA <0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene<0.0009 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0009 NA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0007NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.153 NA <0.157 NA <0.151 NA <0.15216 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA <0.138 NA <0.142 NA <0.136 NA <0.138NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.189 NA <0.194 NA <0.186 NA <0.1881,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA <0.183 NA <0.189 NA <0.181 NA0.246 J0.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA <0.194 NA <0.200 NA <0.191 NA0.332 J0.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA <0.193 NA <0.198 NA <0.190 NA0.374 J1.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.179 NA <0.185 NA <0.177 NA0.202 JNE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA <0.181 NA <0.186 NA <0.178 NA <0.18012 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA <0.187 NA <0.193 NA <0.185 NA0.310 J36 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.304 NA <0.312 NA <0.299 NA <0.3030.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA <0.162 NA <0.167 NA <0.160 NA0.471 J670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.169 NA <0.174 NA <0.299 NA <0.168110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA <0.236 NA <0.243 NA <0.233 NA <0.2353.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA <0.275 NA <0.282 NA <0.271 NA <0.274NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA <0.177 NA <0.182 NA <0.174 NA0.432 J440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA0.989NA1.16NA2.41NA6.985.80.683.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA23.9NA93.1NA24.1NA68.05803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA<0.0342NA<0.0352NA<0.0337NA0.56931.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA79.2NA268NA28.3NA40.2NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA0.400NA0.326NA<0.183NA<0.1853.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA78.800NA267.674NA28.3NA40.2360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA4.22NA2.60NA9.77NA158NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0357 JNA<0.00872NA0.0563 JNA0.0374 JNE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.541NA0.608NA0.328NA0.6272.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA<0.0089NA<0.0091NA0.0098 JNA0.0533 J3.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA <0.0380 NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA NA0.199-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kgBackground MetalsProtection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)Screening CriteriaLandfill Background Metals2/9/20232/13/2023Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)0-44-80-44-8Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Regional Soil(3)Nearby Brownfields Property(4)1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.Proposed Areas of CutEX-8 (0-4)EX-8 (4-8)EX-9 (0-4)EX-9 (4-8)With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 7 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.033NA0.086NA0.026NA0.102NA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)0.002 JNA0.014 JNA <0.0008 NA0.017 JNA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide0.0007 JNA0.001 JNA <0.0008 NA0.0008 JNA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0005 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0006NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.134 NA <0.140 NA <0.150 NA <0.14516 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA <0.121 NA <0.127 NA <0.136 NA <0.131NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.165 NA <0.173 NA <0.185 NA <0.1791,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA0.314 JNA <0.168 NA <0.180 NA0.189 J0.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA0.367 JNA <0.177 NA <0.190 NA0.523 J0.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA0.410 JNA <0.176 NA <0.189 NA0.688 J1.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.157 NA <0.164 NA <0.176 NA0.289 JNE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA0.159 JNA <0.165 NA <0.177 NA0.203 J12 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA0.334 JNA <0.171 NA <0.184 NA0.371 J36 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.266 NA <0.278 NA <0.298 NA <0.2880.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA0.557 JNA <0.148 NA0.216 JNA0.215 J670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.148 NA <0.154 NA <0.166 NA <0.160110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA0.229 JNA <0.216 NA <0.232 NA0.347 J3.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA0.254 JNA <0.251 NA <0.270 NA <0.260NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA0.507 JNA <0.162 NA0.223 JNA0.501 J440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA2.14NA2.02NA3.60NA1.665.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA38.7NA22.5NA51.3NA34.95803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA0.118 JNA0.370NA0.143 JNA0.117 J31.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA20.5NA22.6NA27.0NA13.7NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA<0.165NA<0.170NA<0.185NA<0.1763.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA20.5NA22.6NA27.0NA13.7360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA34.3NA60.4NA42.9NA34.8NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0897 JNA0.0722 JNA0.0904 JNA0.118 JNE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.779NA0.613NA0.832NA0.7492.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0280 JNA0.0256 JNA0.0432 JNA0.0335 J3.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kgScreening CriteriaLandfill Background MetalsBackground MetalsProtection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.0-4 4-8 0-4Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)EX-10 (0-4)EX-10 (4-8)EX-11 (0-4)EX-11 (4-8)Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Proposed Areas of CutRegional Soil(3)Nearby Brownfields Property(4)2/13/20234-8Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 8 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.070NA0.014 JNA0.091NA0.012 JNA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)0.005 JNA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA0.006 JNA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide<0.0008 NA0.001 JNA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0005 NA <0.0006 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene<0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA0.053NA0.054NA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.001 JNA <0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0006NA <0.0006 NA0.001 JNA <0.0007 NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.149 NA <0.141 NA <0.137 NA <0.15316 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA <0.135 NA <0.127 NA0.187 JNA <0.138NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.184 NA <0.173 NA0.272 JNA <0.1881,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA0.516 JNA <0.169 NA1.17NA <0.1830.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA0.613 JNA <0.178 NA0.811NA <0.1940.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA0.762 JNA <0.177 NA0.978NA <0.1921.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA0.263 JNA <0.165 NA0.422 JNA <0.179NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA0.248 JNA <0.166 NA0.346 JNA <0.18012 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA0.573 JNA <0.172 NA1.10NA <0.18736 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.297 NA <0.279 NA <0.272 NA <0.3030.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA1.12NA0.150 JNA1.89NA <0.162670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.165 NA <0.155 NA <0.151 NA <0.169110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA0.324 JNA <0.217 NA0.495 JNA <0.2363.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA0.746 JNA <0.253 NA0.913NA <0.274NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA0.939NA<0.163NA1.93NA<0.1774403604,500----------Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA2.09NA1.72NA1.34NA2.38 5.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA46.0NA23.7NA61.3NA54.85803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA0.107 JNA0.0545 JNA<0.0307NA0.0608 J31.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA24.3NA9.42NA28.6NA55.4NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA<0.182NA<0.171NA<0.172NA<0.1913.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA24.3NA9.42NA28.6NA55.4360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA23.6NA16.1NA3.33NA14.5NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0615 JNA0.103 JNA0.0562 J, BNA0.104 J, BNE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.733NA0.783NA0.801NA0.409 2.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0315 JNA0.0305 JNA0.0105 JNA0.0301 J3.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kg1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.2/13/2023 2/7/2023 2/8/2023Protection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)0-44-80-30-6Nearby Brownfields Property(4)Proposed Areas of CutScreening CriteriaLandfill Background MetalsBackground MetalsOld 27(1)EX-12 (0-4)EX-12 (4-8)EX-13 (0-3)EX-14 (0-6)With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Regional Soil(3)https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 9 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.023 JNA0.024NA0.096NA0.021 JNA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA0.001 JNA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0005 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene<0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0006NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.138 NA <0.141 NA <0.139 NA <0.13716 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA0.260 JNA <0.128 NA <0.126 NA <0.124NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA0.284 JNA <0.175 NA <0.172 NA <0.1691,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA1.32NA0.181 JNA <0.167 NA <0.1640.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA0.916NA <0.179 NA <0.176 NA <0.1730.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA1.11NA <0.178 NA <0.175 NA <0.1721.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA0.474 JNA <0.166 NA <0.163 NA <0.160NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA0.375 JNA <0.167 NA <0.164 NA <0.16212 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA1.15NA0.178 JNA <0.170 NA <0.16836 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.275 NA <0.281 NA <0.276 NA <0.2720.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA2.24NA0.302 JNA0.191 JNA <0.145670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.153 NA <0.156 NA <0.154 NA <0.151110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA0.577 JNA <0.219 NA <0.215 NA <0.2113.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA0.983NA <0.254 NA <0.250 NA <0.246NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA2.61NA0.286 JNA0.209 JNA <0.158440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA1.90NA1.32NA1.22NA1.72 5.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA53.3NA34.8NA30.2NA43.75803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA0.0802 JNA<0.0317NA<0.0311NA<0.030631.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA36.7NA47.4NA32.3NA50.8NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA0.230 JNA0.214 JNA<0.173NA<0.1663.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA36.470NA47.186NA32.3NA50.8360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA19.9NA8.37NA12.4NA8.52NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0953 J, BNA0.0370 J, BNA0.0168 J, BNA0.0408 J, BNE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.465NA0.287 JNA0.541NA0.583 2.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0428 JNA0.0200 JNA0.0157 JNA0.0119 J3.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kgScreening CriteriaLandfill Background MetalsBackground MetalsProtection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.2/9/20230-3 0-32/7/20230-3 0-22/9/2023EX-15 (0-3) / EX-DUP2Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Proposed Areas of CutEX-16 (0-3)Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Regional Soil(3)Nearby Brownfields Property(4)EX-17 (0-2)Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 10 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab Composite Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.038NA0.051NA0.011 JNA0.006 JNA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)<0.0008 NA0.015 JNA <0.0009 NA <0.0009 NA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide<0.0008 NA0.001 JNA <0.0009 NA <0.0008 NA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0008 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0006 NA <0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride<0.001 NA0.003 JNA0.003 JNA0.002 JNA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene0.001 JNA <0.0009 NA0.001 JNA0.010NA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0008 NA <0.0007 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA <0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0006NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA <0.0007 NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.138 NA <0.160 NA <0.246 NA <0.15216 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA <0.125 NA <0.145 NA <0.223 NA <0.138NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.171 NA <0.198 NA <0.304 NA <0.1881,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA <0.166 NA <0.192 NA <0.295 NA <0.1820.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA <0.175 NA <0.203 NA <0.312 NA <0.1930.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA <0.174 NA <0.202 NA <0.309 NA <0.1921.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.162 NA <0.188 NA <0.288 NA <0.178NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA <0.163 NA <0.189 NA <0.291 NA <0.18012 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA <0.169 NA <0.196 NA <0.301 NA <0.18636 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.275 NA <0.318 NA <0.489 NA <0.3020.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA <0.147 NA <0.170 NA <0.261 NA <0.161670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.153 NA <0.177 NA <0.271 NA <0.168110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA <0.214 NA <0.247 NA <0.380 NA <0.2353.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA <0.248 NA <0.288 NA <0.442 NA <0.273NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA <0.160 NA <0.185 NA <0.284 NA <0.176440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA2.34NA1.90NA<0.121NA1.00 5.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA74.9NA54.0NA1.13NA41.15803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA0.0739 JNA0.0783 JNA<0.0366NA<0.034031.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA28.1NA36.8NA0.339 JNA43.7NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA<0.173NA<0.199NA<0.199NA<0.1903.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA28.1NA36.8NA0.339 JNA43.7360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA7.85NA13.4NA0.369NA3.13NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA0.0471 J, BNA0.0381 J, BNA0.0330 J, BNA0.0174 J, BNE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA0.617NA0.835NA<0.145NA1.78 2.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA0.0486 JNA0.0290 JNA<0.0095NA<0.00883.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kgBackground MetalsProtection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)Screening CriteriaLandfill Background Metals1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)2/8/20232/6/20030-20-20-30-6Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)Regional Soil(3)Nearby Brownfields Property(4)2/7/2023Proposed Areas of CutEX-20 (0-3) EX-21 (0-6)Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.EX-18 (0-2)EX-19 (0-2)With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.2/8/2023https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 11 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 2Summary of In Situ Soil Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDDateDepth (ft bgs)Sample Type Grab CompositeRange Range Range RangeUnits VOCs (8260D)Acetone0.016 JNA25 14,000 210,000-- -- -- -- --2-Butanone (MEK)0.008 JNA17 5,500 40,000-- -- -- -- --n-Butylbenzene<0.0006 NA4.5 780 12,000-- -- -- -- --sec-Butylbenzene<0.0007 NA4.1 1,600 23,000-- -- -- -- --Carbon Disulfide<0.0008 NA4.1 160 740-- -- -- -- --Ethylbenzene<0.0007 NA13 6.1 27-- -- -- -- --Isopropylbenzene (cumene)<0.0006 NA2.3 410 2,100-- -- -- -- --4-Isopropyl toluene<0.001 NANE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Methylene Chloride<0.001 NA0.025 58 650-- -- -- -- --Naphthalene<0.001 NA0.39 2.1 8.8-- -- -- -- --n-Propylbenzene<0.0007 NA2.6 780 5,100-- -- -- -- --Toluene0.001 JNA8.3 990 9,700-- -- -- -- --1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene<0.0006 NA12 63 370-- -- -- -- --1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene<0.0007 NA11 56 320-- -- -- -- --m&p-Xylene<0.001 NA9.8 120 520-- -- -- -- --Xylene (total)<0.0006NA9.9 120 530-- -- -- -- --SVOCs (8270E)AcenaphtheneNA <0.14616 720 9,000-- -- -- -- --AcenaphthyleneNA <0.132NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --AnthraceneNA <0.1811,300 3,600 45,000-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)anthraceneNA <0.1750.35 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(a)pyreneNA <0.1860.12 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --Benzo(b)fluorantheneNA <0.1841.2 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --Benzo(g,h,i)peryleneNA <0.172NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --Benzo(k)fluorantheneNA <0.17312 11 210-- -- -- -- --ChryseneNA <0.17936 110 2,100-- -- -- -- --Dibenz(a,h)anthraceneNA <0.2910.38 0.11 2.1-- -- -- -- --FluorantheneNA <0.155670 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --FluoreneNA <0.162110 480 6,000-- -- -- -- --Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyreneNA <0.2263.9 1.1 21-- -- -- -- --PhenanthreneNA <0.263NE NE NE-- -- -- -- --PyreneNA <0.169440 360 4,500-- -- -- -- --Metals (6020B/7471B/7199)ArsenicNA1.345.8 0.68 3.0--1.9 - 3.01.2 - 1.71.0 - 181.1 - 3.0BariumNA32.95803,10047,000--77 J -15064 - 220 50 - 1,000 38 - 110Cadmium NA<0.032731.420--ND - 0.075 JND1.0 - 10 ND - 0.36 JChromium (total)NA8.75NENENE--36 - 5837 - 907.0 - 30014 - 45Chromium (VI)NA<0.1783.80.316.5--ND - 0.33 J 0.34 - 2.0NS 0.34 J - 0.98 JChromium (III)NA8.75360,00023,000350,000--0.33 J - 58 36.6 - 88NS13.7 - 44.0LeadNA2.47NE400800--6.7 - 296.6 - 18ND - 5011 - 36MercuryNA<0.00881NE4.770--0.030 A, J - 0.055 A, J0.032 J - 0.074 0.03 - 0.52 0.024 J - 0.097SeleniumNA1.08 2.1 78 1,200--4.8 - 5.9 1.2 J - 4.1 <0.1 - 0.8NDSilverNA<0.00853.4781,200--NDNDND - 5.0 0.033 J - 0.60Metals (6010D TCLP) (mg/L)ChromiumNA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --LeadNA NA-- -- --5 mg/L-- -- -- --Notes:2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Concentrations of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) regulatory level dated November 2004.3) Range of background metals concentrations established for the Reeves Brothers (Reeves) and Old 27 Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills located in Mecklenburg County.4) Range of background metals for North Carolina soils taken from Elements in North American Soils by Dragun and Chekiri, 2005; Cd and Ag concentrations were taken from Southeastern and Conterminous U.S. Soils, respectively. 5) Background metals established for the Cotton Warehouse Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 24013-20-060).Bold values exceed the DEQ Residential PSRG.Underlined values exceed the DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRG.Highlighted values exceed the DEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; ft bgs= feet below ground surface; mg/L = milligrams per liter; NE = not established; -- = not applicable; NS = not specified; NA = not analyzed; ND = not detected J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration; B = Compound was detected in laboratory blank; A = calibration verification results are high.mg/kgScreening CriteriaLandfill Background MetalsBackground MetalsProtection of Groundwater PSRGs (2)Residential PSRGs (2)Reeves(1) Old 27(1)1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) dated January 2023.Industrial/ Commercial PSRGs (2)0-6Nearby Brownfields Property(4)2/8/2023Proposed Areas of CutEX-22 (0-6)Maximum Concentration for TCLP (5)With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Regional Soil(3)Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Concentrations are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) unless otherwise specified.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles-1/Shared Documents/AAA-Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data TablesTable 2 (Page 12 of 12)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 3Summary of Well Construction and Groundwater Elevation DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. SCF-004Well ID TOC Elevation (ft)Ground Surface Elevation (ft)Total Well Depth (ft TOC)Screen Interval (ft) Static Depth to Groundwater (ft TOC)Groundwater Elevation (ft TOC)Groundwater Elevation (ft bgs)TMW-1 100.00 98.99 22.00 7-22 10.93 89.07 88.06TMW-2103.24101.8324.009-2413.8189.4388.02TMW-388.0987.5721.006-218.8879.2178.69TMW-483.1382.0423.007-2310.3472.7971.70Notes:Depth to groundwater measurements collected by H&H on September 14, 2021. Temporary monitoring well elevations were surveyed by H&H relative to an arbritary datum of 100' set at the TOC at TMW-1 TMW = temporary monitoring well; TOC = top of casing; ft = feet; bgs = below ground surfacehttps://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles‐1/Shared Documents/AAA‐Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF‐004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/Data Tables_Sealand Contractors6/14/2023Table 3 (Page 1 of 1) Hart & Hickman, PC Table 4 Summary of Groundwater Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaCross-Gradient DowngradientSample IDTMW-1TMW-3TMW-4Date9/14/20219/14/2021 9/14/2021UnitsVOCs (8260D)Chloroform<0.4314.414.6<0.43<0.43700.813.6Toluene<0.480.52 J0.54 J0.92 J<0.486003,80016,000SVOCs (8270E)Di-n-butylphthalate<0.453 <0.453 <0.453 <0.4531.79 J NE----Diethylphthalate<0.2870.384 J0.370 J<0.2871.74 J6,000----Metals (6020B/7470A)----Arsenic<0.180<0.180<0.1800.316 J0.254 J10----Barium39.836.335.669.528.5700----Cadmium<0.150<0.150<0.150<0.150<0.1502----Chromium (Total)<1.241.56 J<1.24<1.24<1.2410----Lead2.92<0.849<0.849<0.849<0.84915----Mercury<0.100<0.100<0.100<0.100<0.10010.180.75Selenium<0.3000.609 J0.568 J<0.3001.02 J20----Silver<0.0700<0.0700<0.0700<0.0700<0.070020----Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 15A NCAC 02L.0202 Groundwater Standards (2L Standards) dated April 2022.2) DEQ Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) dated January 2023.Concentrations are reported in micrograms per liter (µg/L).Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Laboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown in the table above.Bold values exceed the Residential Vapor Intrusion GWSLs. Underlined values exceed the Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion GWSLs. VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds; NE = not established; -- = not applicableJ = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. µg/LScreening Criteria 2L Standards(1)Non-Residential GWSLs(2) Residential GWSLs(2)Upgradient TMW-2/GW-DUP9/14/2021https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles‐1/Shared Documents/AAA‐Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF‐004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/Data Tables_Sealand Contractors6/13/2023Table 4 (Page 1 of 1) Hart & Hickman, PC Table 5A Summary of Soil Gas Analytical DataSealand ContractorsCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. SCF-004Evaluation AreaSample IDSG-1 SG-2 SG-3SG-4SG-5SG-6SG-8Sample Date9/15/2021 9/15/2021 9/14/2021 9/14/2021 9/15/2021 9/15/20219/15/2021Sample Type UnitsVOCs (TO-15)Acetone<11 <11 <11 <11 <11 <1135 76 55 NE NEBenzene160 44 851113 325.6 5.62512 1602-Butanone (MEK) 18 J3.9 J39<2.022 J<2.08.0 J20 J8.5 J140440,000Carbon Disulfide880<1.6450<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.64,90061,000Carbon Tetrachloride2.9<0.38<0.38<0.38<0.38<0.38<0.38<0.38<0.3816200Chloroethane11<0.3913<0.39<0.39<0.39<0.39<0.39<0.3928,000350,000Chloroform460170160<0.2415<0.2418 17 384.1 53Chloromethane 27<0.1737<0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17630 7,900Cyclohexane 56 13 59 30 46 350<0.46 <0.4620 42,000 530,000Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)<0.30 <0.302.9<0.3057<0.30 <0.30 <0.30 <0.30700 8,800cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene<0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.275.1<0.27 <0.27 <0.27280 3,5001,2-Dichloropropane<0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.3311<0.33 <0.33 <0.3325 3301,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114)<0.48 <0.48 <0.48 <0.485,200<0.48 <0.48 <0.48 <0.48NE NEEthanol 42 32 36<4.654 700 57 59 75 NE NEEthyl Acetate<4.3 <4.3 L-03, V-34 <4.3 <4.3<4.3 <4.3 <4.3 L-03, V-34 <4.3 L-03, V-34 <4.3 L-03, V-34490 6,100Ethylbenzene300 120 6021 251,0007.67.118374904-Ethyltoluene8138<0.30<0.305.95704.7<0.308.6NENEHeptane12020150<0.34131308.97.7152,80035,000Hexane81<2.314024 J51350<2.3<2.3<2.34,90061,000Isopropanol<4.5<4.520<4.5<4.5745.1 J16 J5.7 J1,40018,000Methylene Chloride<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.63,40053,000Naphthalene5.4 V-35143.3 V-351.5 V-35 2.5 V-3517,000351.84.82.8 36Propene 130<1.2420<1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.221,000 260,000Styrene<0.273.6 2.8 0.89<0.27220 1.6 0.70 J 2.9 7,000 88,000Tetrachloroethylene 18 16 7.2<0.40 <0.40 <0.4016 16 10 280 3,500Tetrahydrofuran<1.5 <1.5 <1.5 <1.512<1.5 <1.5 <1.5 <1.514,000 180,000Toluene 2,600 620 860 330 260 710 35 32 82 35,000 440,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane<0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.5035,000 440,000Trichloroethylene 3.8<0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.4014 180Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)1.6 J1.9 J3.2 J<0.45<0.45<0.452.3 J2.3 J2.1 JNENE1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113)<0.54<0.54<0.54<0.54<0.54<0.54<0.54<0.54<0.5435,000440,0001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene190767.77.2214,0002012204205,3001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene58263.52.5<0.272,7006.82.95.94205,300Vinyl Chloride4.9<0.202.1<0.20<0.20<0.20<0.20<0.20<0.205.6280m&p-Xylene98035015062822,9002217567008,800o-Xylene3501204522301,7009.57.5217008,800Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Vapor Intrusion Sub-Slab & Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) dated January 2023.Concentrations are reported in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3).Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits.Laboratory analytical method is shown in parentheses. Only compounds detected in at least one sample are shown in the above table.Bold values indicate an exceedance of Residential Vapor Intrustion SGSL. Underlined values indicate an exceedance of Non-Residential Vapor Intrustion SGSL. VOCs = volatile organic compounds; NE = not establishedE = Reported concentration was detected above the laboratory instrument calibration range. J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration.V-34 = Initial calibration verification did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side resulting in an estimated reported result.V-35 = Initial calibration verification did not meet method specifications and was biased on the high side resulting in an estimated reported result.L-03 = Laboratoy fortified blank control sample recovery is outside control limits resulting in a reported value likely biased low. µg/m3SG-7/SG-DUPScreening Criteria Residential SGSLs(1)9/15/2021Exterior Soil Gas Proposed Building FootprintNon-Residential SGSLs(1)https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles‐1/Shared Documents/AAA‐Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF‐004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/Data Tables_Sealand Contractors6/13/2023Table 5A (Page 1 of 1)Hart & Hickman, PC Table 5B Summary of Soil Gas Analytical Data Sealand Contractors Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. SCF-004 Evaluation Area Building 2 Sample ID SSV-1 SSV-2 SSV-3 SSV-4 Sample Date 9/15/2021 9/15/2021 9/15/2021 9/15/2021 Sample Type Units VOCs (TO-15) Acetone 570 44 180 59 NE NE Benzene 0.82 1.2 <0.15 0.68 12 160 2-Butanone (MEK)13 J 4.4 J 5.3 J 2.8 J 140 440,000 Carbon Disulfide <1.6 <1.6 <1.6 <1.6 4,900 61,000 Carbon Tetrachloride <0.38 <0.38 <0.38 <0.38 16 200 Chloroethane <0.39 <0.39 <0.39 <0.39 28,000 350,000 Chloroform <0.24 <0.24 <0.24 1.1 4.1 53 Chloromethane <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 <0.17 630 7,900 Cyclohexane 7.8 <0.46 4.9 9.4 42,000 530,000 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)3.3 <0.30 3.3 <0.30 700 8,800 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 280 3,500 1,2-Dichloropropane <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 25 330 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114)<0.48 <0.48 <0.48 <0.48 NE NE Ethanol 1,400 300 590 190 NE NE Ethyl Acetate <4.3 L-03, V-34 <4.3 L-03, V-34 4.9 J, L-03, V-34 <4.3 L-03, V-34 490 6,100 Ethylbenzene 3.7 1.1 2.9 0.33 J 37 490 4-Ethyltoluene 3.6 <0.30 32 <0.30 NE NE Heptane <0.34 <0.34 <0.34 <0.34 2,800 35,000 Hexane <2.3 <2.3 <2.3 <2.3 4,900 61,000 Isopropanol 73 23 24 6.6 J 1,400 18,000 Methylene Chloride <1.6 <1.6 2.4 J 5.5 J 3,400 53,000 Naphthalene 2.4 1.8 2.7 0.94 J 2.8 36 Propene <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 21,000 260,000 Styrene 2.0 <0.27 1.4 <0.27 7,000 88,000 Tetrachloroethylene 2.0 1.6 19 2.4 280 3,500 Tetrahydrofuran <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 14,000 180,000 Toluene 3.6 2.8 4.2 0.66 J 35,000 440,000 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 2.8 35,000 440,000 Trichloroethylene 15 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 14 180 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)2.0 J 1.4 J 2.6 J 1.6 J NE NE 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113)0.77 J <0.54 0.74 J <0.54 35,000 440,000 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 13 3.6 160 <0.29 420 5,300 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 3.2 0.83 J 55 <0.27 420 5,300 Vinyl Chloride <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 5.6 280 m&p-Xylene 13 5.3 17 1.1 J 700 8,800 o-Xylene 4.5 3.6 19 0.89 700 8,800 Notes: 1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Vapor Intrusion Sub-Slab & Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) dated January 2023. Concentrations are reported in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3). Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limits. Laboratory analytical method is shown in parentheses. Only compounds detected in at least one sample are shown in the above table. Bold values indicate an exceedance of Residential SGSL. Underlined values indicate an exceedance of Non-Residential SGSL. VOCs = volatile organic compounds; NE = not established E = Reported concentration was detected above the laboratory instrument calibration range. J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. V-34 = Initial calibration verification did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side resulting in an estimated reported result. L-03 = Laboratoy fortified blank control sample recovery is outside control limits resulting in a reported value likely biased low. Non-Residential SGSLs (1) Screening Criteria µg/m3 Building 1 Interior Sub-Slab Soil Gas Residential SGSLs (1) C:\Users\rmcgee\Desktop\Data Tables_Sealand Contractors ‐ Copy 6/13/2023 Table 5B (Page 1 of 1) Hart & Hickman, PC Figures USGS The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP ElevationProgram, Geographic Names Information System, National HydrographyDataset, National Land Cover Database, National Structures Dataset,and National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Ecosystems; U.S.Census Bureau TIGER/Line data; USFS Road Data; Natural Earth Data;U.S. Department of State Humanitarian Information Unit; and NOAANational Centers for Environmental Information, U.S. Coastal ReliefModel. Data refreshed June, 2022. SITE LOCATION MAP SEALAND CONTRACTORS PARKWOOD AVENUE AND N. DAVIDSON STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: 5-8-23 JOB NO: SCF-004 REVISION NO: 0 FIGURE. 1 2923 South Tryon Street - Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007 (p) 704-586-0373 (f)License # C-1269 / # C-245 Geology TITLE PROJECT 0 2,000 4,000 SCALE IN FEET Path: S:\AAA-Master Projects\SpaceCraft (SCF)\SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson\In Situ Assessment\Figures\Figure-1.mxdN U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP CHARLOTTE EAST, NORTH CAROLINA 2022 QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) SITE REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. SCF-004 DATE: 5-8-23 FIGURE NO. 2 SEALAND CONTRACTORS PARKWOOD AVENUE AND N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SITE MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology PA R K W O O D A V E N U E NOTES: 1. AERIAL IMAGERY AND PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROMMECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2023). 2. PIN = PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER E. 2 1 S T S T R E E TN. CALDWELL STREETN. DAVIDSON STREETJULIA MAULDEN PLACELITTLE SUGAR CREEK BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY PARCELS NO.ADDRESS PIN 1 515 PARKWOOD AVENUE 08304212 2 1721 N. DAVIDSON STREET 08304206 3 1709 N. DAVIDSON STREET 08304204 BUILDING 1 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 2 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SpaceCraft (SCF)\SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson\In Situ Assessment\Figures\Site Map.dwg, FIG 2, 5/22/2023 7:52:59 PM, tmarbuery 684 688688 686682 680678 676674 672 670678690692694 668666664662660REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. SCF-004 DATE: 6/14/23 FIGURE NO. 3 SEALAND CONTRACTORS PARKWOOD AVENUE AND N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR (FT MSL) PROPOSED RETAIL AND AMENITY BUILDINGFOOTPRINT TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION CO-LOCATED TEMPORARY MONITORINGWELL AND ALIQUOT SOIL BORING LOCATION SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS POINT SOIL GAS POINT AND ALIQUOT SOIL BORINGLOCATION SOIL GAS POINT AND SOIL BORING LOCATION ALIQUOT SOIL BORING LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology P A R K W O O D A V E N U E NOTES: 1. PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTYGIS (2021). 2. TOPOGRAPHIC LIDAR DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2013). 3. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROVIDED BY SHOOK KELLEY,DATED 7-26-21. E. 2 1 S T S T R E E TN. CALDWELL STREETN. DAVIDSON STREETLITTLE SUGAR CREEKELEVATOR PARKING DECK ELEVATOR 686 SG-1 SSV-1 SSV-2 SSV-3 SG-3 COMP-1 SG-2 COMP-2 SG-5 SG-6 COMP-3 SG-7 SG-8 SSV-4 COMP-4 BUILDING 1 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 2 TMW-1TMW-1 TMW-2 TMW-3 TMW-4 SG-4 / SB-1 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SpaceCraft (SCF)\SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson\Phase II ESA\Figures\Site Map.dwg, FIG 3, 6/14/2023 1:17:43 PM, tmarbuery REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. SCF-004 DATE: 6/14/23 FIGURE NO. 4 SEALAND CONTRACTORS PARKWOOD AVENUE AND N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SOIL COMPOUND CONCENTRATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION CO-LOCATED TEMPORARY MONITORING WELLAND ALIQUOT SOIL BORING LOCATION SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS POINT SOIL GAS POINT AND ALIQUOT SOIL BORINGLOCATION SOIL GAS POINT AND SOIL BORING LOCATION ALIQUOT SOIL BORING LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology P A R K W O O D A V E N U E E. 2 1 S T S T R E E TN. CALDWELL STREETN. DAVIDSON STREETLITTLE SUGAR CREEKELEVATOR PARKING DECK ELEVATOR BUILDING 1 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 2 SG-1 SSV-1 SSV-2 SSV-3 SG-3 COMP-1 SG-2 COMP-2 SG-4 / SB-1 SG-5 SG-6 COMP-3 SG-7 SG-8 SSV-4 COMP-4 TMW-1TMW-1 TMW-2 TMW-3 TMW-4 NOTES: 1.AERIAL IMAGERY AND PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2021). 2.BOLD VALUES EXCEED THE NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL (DEQ) RESIDENTIAL PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS (PSRGs) DATED JANUARY 2023. 3.SOIL SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED BY H&H ON 9/13/2021. 4.mg/kg = MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAM 5.J = COMPOUND WAS DETECTED ABOVE THE LABORATORY METHOD DETECTION LIMIT, BUT BELOW THE LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT RESULTING IN A LABORATORY ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION 6.SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROVIDED BY SHOOK KELLEY, DATED 7-26-21. COMP-1 9/13/21 BENZO(a)PYRENE 0.20 J COMP-2 9/13/21 BENZO(a)PYRENE 0.13 J COMP-3 9/13/21 BENZO(a)PYRENE 0.77 COMP-1 9/13/21 BENZO(a)PYRENE 0.20 CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) SAMPLE ID CONSTITUENT DATE S:\AAA-Master Projects\SpaceCraft (SCF)\SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson\EMP\Figures\SCF-004-Concentration Maps.dwg, FIG 4, 6/14/2023 1:19:49 PM, tmarbuery REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. SCF-004 DATE: 6-1-23 FIGURE NO. 5 SEALAND CONTRACTORS PARKWOOD AVENUE AND N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA IN SITU SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology PARKWOOD AVENUE E. 21ST STREET N. CALDWELL STREETN. DAVIDSON STREETLEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY EVALUATION AREA FILL AREA SOIL BORING LOCATION EX-4 EX-10 EX-13 EX-16 EX-14 EX-21 EX-19 EX-3 EX-2 EX-1 EX-5 EX-6 EX-7 EX-9 EX-8 EX-11 EX-12 EX-20 EX-22 EX-18 EX-15 EX-17 EX-6/EX-DUP3 2/15/2023 (0-4) (4-8) (8-12) BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 4.85 / 3.31 - - BENZO(A)PYRENE 4.14 / 3.20 0.220 J - BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE 6.38 / 4.53 -0.201 J DIBENZ(A,H)ANTHRACENE 0.389 J / 0.524 J - - INDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE 2.03 / 2.28 - - EX-7 2/15/2023 (0-4) BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 0.938 BENZO(A)PYRENE 1.33 BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE 1.40 EX-12 2/13/2023 (0-4) BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 0.516 J BENZO(A)PYRENE 0.613 J EX-13 2/7/2023 (0-4) BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 1.17 BENZO(A)PYRENE 0.811 EX-15/EX-DUP2 2/9/2023 (0-3) BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 1.32 (EX-15 ONLY) BENZO(A)PYRENE 0.916 (EX-15 ONLY) BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE 1.11 (EX-15(0-3) ONLY) EX-2/EX-DUP1 2/15/2023 (0-4) BENZO(A)PYRENE 0.280 J (EX-DUP1 ONLY) EX-9 2/13/2023 (4-8) BENZO(A)PYRENE 0.332 J ARSENIC 6.98 EX-10 2/13/2023 (0-4) BENZO(A)PYRENE 0.367 J EX-11 2/13/2023 (4-8) BENZO(A)PYRENE 0.523 J NOTES: 1.BOLD VALUES EXCEED THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OFENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ) RESIDENTIAL PRELIMINARYSOIL REMEDIATION GOALS (PSRGs) DATED JANUARY 2023.2.UNDERLINE VALUES EXCEED THE DEQ INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIALPSRGs.3. HIGHLIGHTED VALUES EXCEED THE DEQ PROTECTION OFGROUNDWATER PSRGs.4. mg/kg = MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAMS5. J = COMPOUND WAS DETECTED ABOVE THE LABORATORYMETHOD DETECTION LIMIT, BUT BELOW THE LABORATORYREPORTING LIMIT RESULTING IN A LABORATORY ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION.6. CUT/FILL HEAT MAP PREPARED BY V3 SOUTHEAST DATED 12.1.22. EX-10 2/13/2023 (0-4) BENZO(A)PYRENE 0.367 J DATE CONCENTRATION (mg/kg)CONSTITUENT SAMPLE ID DEPTH INTERVAL (FEET)S:\AAA-Master Projects\SpaceCraft (SCF)\SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson\In Situ Assessment\Figures\SCF.004_20221202_SITU MAP.dwg, FIG 5, 6/14/2023 1:23:40 PM, tmarbuery REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. SCF-004 DATE: 6/14/23 FIGURE NO. 6 SEALAND CONTRACTORS PARKWOOD AVENUE AND N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA GROUNDWATER COMPOUNDCONCENTRATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION CO-LOCATED TEMPORARY MONITORING WELLAND ALIQUOT SOIL BORING LOCATION SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS POINT SOIL GAS POINT AND ALIQUOT SOIL BORINGLOCATION SOIL GAS POINT AND SOIL BORING LOCATION ALIQUOT SOIL BORING LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology P A R K W O O D A V E N U E E. 2 1 S T S T R E E TN. CALDWELL STREETN. DAVIDSON STREETLITTLE SUGAR CREEKELEVATOR PARKING DECK ELEVATOR BUILDING 1 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 2 SG-1 SSV-1 SSV-2 SSV-3 SG-3 COMP-1 SG-2 COMP-2 SG-4 / SB-1 SG-5 SG-6 COMP-3 SG-7 SG-8 SSV-4 COMP-4 TMW-1TMW-1 TMW-2 TMW-3 TMW-4 NOTES: 1. AERIAL IMAGERY AND PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROMMECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2021). 2.BOLD VALUES EXCEED THE NC DEPARTMENT OFENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ) RESIDENTIAL VAPORINTRUSION GROUNDWATER SCREENING LEVELS (GWSLs)DATED JANUARY 2023. 3. SHADED VALUES EXCEED THE DEQ DWMNON-RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION GWSLs DATEDJANUARY 2023. 4. GROUNDWATER SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED BY H&H ON 9/14/2021. 5.μg/L = MICROGRAMS PER LITER 6. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROVIDED BY SHOOK KELLEY,DATED 7-26-21. TMW-2 / GW-DUP 9/14/21 CHLOROFORM 14.4 CONCENTRATION(μg/L) SAMPLE ID CONSTITUENT DATE TMW-2 / GW-DUP 9/14/21 CHLOROFORM 14.4 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SpaceCraft (SCF)\SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson\EMP\Figures\SCF-004-Concentration Maps.dwg, FIG 6, 6/14/2023 1:20:19 PM, tmarbuery REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. SCF-004 DATE: 6/14/23 FIGURE NO. 7 SEALAND CONTRACTORS PARKWOOD AVENUE AND N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SOIL GAS COMPOUND CONCENTRATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FEATURE TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION CO-LOCATED TEMPORARY MONITORING WELLAND ALIQUOT SOIL BORING LOCATION SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS POINT SOIL GAS POINT AND ALIQUOT SOIL BORINGLOCATION SOIL GAS POINT AND SOIL BORING LOCATION ALIQUOT SOIL BORING LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology P A R K W O O D A V E N U E E. 2 1 S T S T R E E TN. CALDWELL STREETN. DAVIDSON STREETLITTLE SUGAR CREEKELEVATOR PARKING DECK ELEVATOR BUILDING 1 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 2 SG-1 SSV-1 SSV-2 SSV-3 COMP-1 COMP-2 SG-4 / SB-1 SG-5 COMP-3 SSV-4 COMP-4 TMW-1TMW-1 TMW-2 TMW-3 TMW-4 NOTES: 1. AERIAL IMAGERY AND PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2021). 2.BOLD VALUES EXCEED THE NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ) RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SUB-SLAB & EXTERIOR SOIL GAS SCREENING LEVELS (SGSLs) DATED JANUARY 2023. 3. SHADED VALUES EXCEED THE DEQ DWM RESIDENTIALVAPOR INTRUSION SUB-SLAB & EXTERIOR SGSLs DATEDJANUARY 2023. 4. SOIL GAS SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED BY H&H ON9/14/2021 AND 9/15/2021. 5.μg/m3 = MICROGRAMS PER CUBIC METER 6. V-35 = INITIAL CALIBRATION VERIFICATION DID NOT MEETMETHOD SPECIFICATIONS AND WAS BIASED ON THE HIGHSIDE RESULTING IN AN ESTIMATED REPORTED RESULT. 7. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROVIDED BY SHOOK KELLEY,DATED 7-26-21. CONCENTRATION(μg/m3) SAMPLE ID CONSTITUENT DATE SG-1 9/15/21 BENZENE 160 CHLOROFORM 460 ETHYLBENZENE 300 NAPHTHALANE 5.4 V-35 m&p-XYLENE 980 SG-2 9/15/21 BENZENE 44 CHLOROFORM 170 ETHYLBENZENE 120 NAPHTHALANE 14 SG-3 9/14/21 BENZENE 85 CHLOROFORM 160 ETHYLBENZENE 60 NAPHTHALANE 3.3 V-35 SG-5 9/15/21 BENZENE 13 CHLOROFORM 15SG-6 9/15/21 BENZENE 32 ETHYLBENZENE 1,000 NAPHTHALANE 17,000 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 4,000 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 2,700 m&p-XYLENE 2,900 o-XYLENE 1,700 SG-7/SG-DUP 9/15/21 CHLOROFORM 18 / 17 NAPHTHALANE 35 (SG-7 ONLY) SG-8 9/15/21 BENZENE 25 CHLOROFORM 38 NAPHTHALANE 4.8 SG-5 9/15/21 BENZENE 13 CHLOROFORM 15 SG-3 SG-2 SG-6 SG-7 SG-8 S:\AAA-Master Projects\SpaceCraft (SCF)\SCF-004 Parkwood & N. Davidson\EMP\Figures\SCF-004-Concentration Maps.dwg, FIG 7, 6/14/2023 1:20:49 PM, tmarbuery9/15/21 15TRICHLOROETHYLENE SSV-1 Appendix A Preliminary Redevelopment Plan BIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson Phased1545 West Trade Street,Charlotte, NC 28216 This Drawing is the property ofShook Kelley, Inc. and is not tobe reproduced in whole or inpart. It is to be used for theproject and site specificallyidentified herein and is not to beused on any other project. ThisDrawing is to be returned uponthe written request of © 2022Shook Kelley, Inc. 704 / 377 0661www.shookkelley.com © 2022 Shook Kelley, Inc.All rights reserved. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Thursday, March 17, 2022GROUND FLOOR PARK LEVEL PD -01 Parkwood & Davidson Office Double Parkwood & Davidson Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Thursday, March 17, 2022 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - - LUESA # Prepared for :Mr. Harrison Tucker- 1885 Mission St.San Francisco, California 94103htucker@spacecrsaft.city TRANS TRANS TRANS TRANS TRANS TRANS TRANS 12.00 %6.00 %6.00 %58'-8"8'8'12.00 %6.00 %6.00 %58'-8"8'8' PARKING U GROSS 32,063.2 sq ft PARKING U GROSS 51,249.8 sq ft STAIR STAIR COMMERCIAL Gross 11,656 sq ft Res H Gross 1,848.2 sq ft RETAIL 7,876.2 sq ft LOBBY 99+- CAR PARK NORTH DAVIDSON STREET EAST 21st STREETPARKWOOD AVENUENORTH CALDWELL STREET 148 +- CAR PARK RAMP UP RAMP DOWN 12345678910 1234567891234567891011121314151617181920 12345678910111213141516 123456789101112131415161 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21123456789 1011121314151612345678910111213141516171819 123456789101112 1234567891011121314151617 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 123456789101112131415161718 12345671 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RETAIL 3,299.6 sq ft ELEV 01 ELEV 01 LOBBY STAIR TRASH BACK UTILITY LOADING ELEV 01 ELEV 01 STAIRTRASH UTILITY UTILITY BACK SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A1Ground Floor Life Safety PD -0108'16'32' A A A B B B D D D C C C (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) BIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson Phased1545 West Trade Street,Charlotte, NC 28216 This Drawing is the property ofShook Kelley, Inc. and is not tobe reproduced in whole or inpart. It is to be used for theproject and site specificallyidentified herein and is not to beused on any other project. ThisDrawing is to be returned uponthe written request of © 2022Shook Kelley, Inc. 704 / 377 0661www.shookkelley.com © 2022 Shook Kelley, Inc.All rights reserved. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Thursday, March 17, 2022FIRST FLOOR STREET LEVEL PD -02 Parkwood & Davidson Office Double Parkwood & Davidson Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Thursday, March 17, 2022 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - - LUESA # Prepared for :Mr. Harrison Tucker- 1885 Mission St.San Francisco, California 94103htucker@spacecrsaft.city PRIVATE TERRACE PUBLIC TERRACE PUBLIC TERRACE PRIVATE TERRACE PRIVATE TERRACE PUBLIC TERRACE LOBBY RETAIL 1,980.9 sq ft RETAIL 2,383 sq ft OFFICE 3,688.9 sq ft OFFICE 3,076.3 sq ft RETAIL 1,755 sq ft ELEV 01 ELEV 01 Res H Gross 30,669.8 sq ft Res H Gross 19,628.9 sq ft COMMERCIAL Gross 6,175.4 sq ft COMMERCIAL Gross 16,215.1 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft 3-2-21,151.2 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 3-2-2 1,151.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 3-2-51,318.9 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft STAIR STAIR 2-1-6924 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft OFFICE 9,489 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft COMMUNITY 3,198.1 sq ft COMMUNITY 2,481.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft TRASH ELEV 01 ELEV 01 UTIL TRASH UTIL SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A1First Floor Life Safety PD -0208'16'32' A A A B B B D D D C C C (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) BIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson Phased1545 West Trade Street,Charlotte, NC 28216 This Drawing is the property ofShook Kelley, Inc. and is not tobe reproduced in whole or inpart. It is to be used for theproject and site specificallyidentified herein and is not to beused on any other project. ThisDrawing is to be returned uponthe written request of © 2022Shook Kelley, Inc. 704 / 377 0661www.shookkelley.com © 2022 Shook Kelley, Inc.All rights reserved. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Thursday, March 17, 2022SECOND FLOOR PD -03 Parkwood & Davidson Office Double Parkwood & Davidson Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Thursday, March 17, 2022 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - - LUESA # Prepared for :Mr. Harrison Tucker- 1885 Mission St.San Francisco, California 94103htucker@spacecrsaft.city Res H Gross 39,031.3 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft 3-2-21,151.2 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 3-2-2 1,151.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft Res H Gross 36,781.9 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.5 sq ft2-1-6924 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 2-1-6924 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-5820.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-5 1,013.7 sq ft 2-2-51,080.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-51,013.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1 1,013.7 sq ft 2-1-11,013.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-1 410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft TRASH UTIL TRASH UTIL SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A1Second Floor Life Safety PD -0308'16'32' A A A B B B D D D C C C (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) BIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson Phased1545 West Trade Street,Charlotte, NC 28216 This Drawing is the property ofShook Kelley, Inc. and is not tobe reproduced in whole or inpart. It is to be used for theproject and site specificallyidentified herein and is not to beused on any other project. ThisDrawing is to be returned uponthe written request of © 2022Shook Kelley, Inc. 704 / 377 0661www.shookkelley.com © 2022 Shook Kelley, Inc.All rights reserved. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Thursday, March 17, 2022THIRD LEVEL PD -04 Parkwood & Davidson Office Double Parkwood & Davidson Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Thursday, March 17, 2022 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - - LUESA # Prepared for :Mr. Harrison Tucker- 1885 Mission St.San Francisco, California 94103htucker@spacecrsaft.city Res H Gross 41,460.9 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft 3-2-21,151.2 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 3-2-2 1,151.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft Res H Gross 39,210.2 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.5 sq ft2-1-6924 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 2-1-6924 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-1 410.1 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft0-1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-1 410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft TRASH UTIL TRASH UTIL SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A1Third Floor Life Safety PD -0408'16'32' A A A B B B D D D C C C (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) BIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson Phased1545 West Trade Street,Charlotte, NC 28216 This Drawing is the property ofShook Kelley, Inc. and is not tobe reproduced in whole or inpart. It is to be used for theproject and site specificallyidentified herein and is not to beused on any other project. ThisDrawing is to be returned uponthe written request of © 2022Shook Kelley, Inc. 704 / 377 0661www.shookkelley.com © 2022 Shook Kelley, Inc.All rights reserved. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Thursday, March 17, 2022FOURTH LEVEL PD -05 Parkwood & Davidson Office Double Parkwood & Davidson Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Thursday, March 17, 2022 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - - LUESA # Prepared for :Mr. Harrison Tucker- 1885 Mission St.San Francisco, California 94103htucker@spacecrsaft.city Res H Gross 41,460.9 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft 3-2-21,151.2 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 3-2-2 1,151.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft Res H Gross 39,210.2 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.5 sq ft2-1-6924 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 2-1-6924 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-1 410.1 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft0-1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-1 410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft TRASH UTIL TRASH UTIL SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A1Fourth Floor Life Safety PD -0508'16'32' A A A B B B D D D C C C (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) BIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson Phased1545 West Trade Street,Charlotte, NC 28216 This Drawing is the property ofShook Kelley, Inc. and is not tobe reproduced in whole or inpart. It is to be used for theproject and site specificallyidentified herein and is not to beused on any other project. ThisDrawing is to be returned uponthe written request of © 2022Shook Kelley, Inc. 704 / 377 0661www.shookkelley.com © 2022 Shook Kelley, Inc.All rights reserved. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Thursday, March 17, 2022FIFTH LEVEL PD -06 Parkwood & Davidson Office Double Parkwood & Davidson Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Thursday, March 17, 2022 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - - LUESA # Prepared for :Mr. Harrison Tucker- 1885 Mission St.San Francisco, California 94103htucker@spacecrsaft.city Res H Gross 41,460.9 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft 3-2-21,151.2 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 3-2-2 1,151.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft Res H Gross 39,210.2 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.5 sq ft2-1-6924 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 2-1-6924 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-1 410.1 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft0-1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-1 410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 0--1-1410.1 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft TRASH UTIL TRASH UTIL SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A1Fifth Floor Life Safety PD -0608'16'32' A A A B B B D D D C C C (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) BIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson Phased1545 West Trade Street,Charlotte, NC 28216 This Drawing is the property ofShook Kelley, Inc. and is not tobe reproduced in whole or inpart. It is to be used for theproject and site specificallyidentified herein and is not to beused on any other project. ThisDrawing is to be returned uponthe written request of © 2022Shook Kelley, Inc. 704 / 377 0661www.shookkelley.com © 2022 Shook Kelley, Inc.All rights reserved. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Thursday, March 17, 2022SIXTH LEVEL PD -07 Parkwood & Davidson Office Double Parkwood & Davidson Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Thursday, March 17, 2022 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - - LUESA # Prepared for :Mr. Harrison Tucker- 1885 Mission St.San Francisco, California 94103htucker@spacecrsaft.city 2-2-8 867 sq ft 2-2-7 927 sq ft ROOF TERRACE ROOF TERRACE Res H Gross 41,460.9 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 3-2-21,151.2 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 3-2-2 1,151.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 2-2-21,002.4 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-3 519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft0-1-4520.7 sq ft 0-1-4520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.3 sq ft Res H Gross 39,210.2 sq ft ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft STAIR ELEV 01 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2 817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 3-3-11,468.4 sq ft STAIR 0-1-3519.4 sq ft2-1-2817.1 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2 668.3 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 1-1-2668.2 sq ft 0-1-3519.4 sq ft 2-1-2817.1 sq ft 1-1-2 668.2 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 0-1-4 520.7 sq ft 2-2-41,058.5 sq ft 2-2-7927 sq ft 2-2-8867 sq ft 2-2-8 867 sq ft 2-2-7 927 sq ft 2-2-7927 sq ft 2-2-8867 sq ft 2-1-5 1,013.7 sq ft 2-1-51,013.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 2-1-5 1,013.7 sq ft 2-1-51,013.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft0-1-1410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft2-1-1 864.2 sq ft 0-1-2 559.6 sq ft 0-1-1 410.1 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 0-1-2559.6 sq ft 2-1-1864.2 sq ft 1-1-1670.7 sq ft TRASH UTIL TRASH UTIL SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A1Sixth Floor Life Safety PD -0708'16'32' A A A B B B D D D C C C (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) (E), ALL OTHER EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR, (E) BIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson PhasedBIMcloud: shookkelley - BIMcloud as a Service/SKCLT-ArchiCAD25/Space-Craft/Parkwood/Parkwood & Davidson Phased1545 West Trade Street,Charlotte, NC 28216 This Drawing is the property ofShook Kelley, Inc. and is not tobe reproduced in whole or inpart. It is to be used for theproject and site specificallyidentified herein and is not to beused on any other project. ThisDrawing is to be returned uponthe written request of © 2022Shook Kelley, Inc. 704 / 377 0661www.shookkelley.com © 2022 Shook Kelley, Inc.All rights reserved. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Thursday, March 17, 2022DATA PD -08 Parkwood & Davidson Office Double Parkwood & Davidson Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Thursday, March 17, 2022 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - - LUESA # Prepared for :Mr. Harrison Tucker- 1885 Mission St.San Francisco, California 94103htucker@spacecrsaft.city PHASE 01 BUILDING UNIT COUNT Story First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth Floor Fifth Floor Sixth Floor Area Name 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-2-2 2-2-4 3-2-2 3-2-5 3-3-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 1-1-5 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-1-5 2-2-2 2-2-4 2-2-5 3-2-2 3-3-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-2-2 2-2-4 3-2-2 3-3-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-2-2 2-2-4 3-2-2 3-3-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-2-2 2-2-4 3-2-2 3-3-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-1-5 2-2-2 2-2-4 2-2-7 2-2-8 3-2-2 3-3-1 # 1 4 5 1 4 4 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 6 4 5 8 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 8 6 4 8 8 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 8 6 4 8 8 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 8 6 4 8 8 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 4 6 4 4 8 2 4 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 278 Gross AreaSF 410.09 2,238.52 2,597.05 520.67 2,682.64 2,673.00 1,728.30 2,451.27 2,004.76 1,058.31 2,302.44 1,318.87 1,468.40 410.09 2,238.52 3,116.46 2,082.68 3,353.30 5,346.00 820.19 1,728.30 3,268.36 2,027.36 2,004.76 2,116.62 1,080.75 2,302.44 2,936.80 820.18 4,477.04 3,116.46 2,082.68 5,365.28 5,346.00 3,456.60 3,268.36 2,004.76 2,116.62 2,302.44 2,936.80 820.18 4,477.04 3,116.46 2,082.68 5,365.28 5,346.00 3,456.60 3,268.36 2,004.76 2,116.62 2,302.44 2,936.80 820.18 4,477.04 3,116.46 2,082.68 5,365.28 5,346.00 3,456.60 3,268.36 2,004.76 2,116.62 2,302.44 2,936.80 410.09 2,238.52 3,116.46 2,082.68 2,682.64 5,346.00 1,728.30 3,268.36 2,027.36 2,004.76 1,058.31 1,853.30 1,734.56 2,302.44 1,468.40 PHASE 01 BUILDING UNIT by type UNIT TYPE 0 STUDIO 0 STUDIO JR 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM # 80 21 82 72 23 278 Gross Area SF 42,016.84 10,934.07 55,037.61 65,682.76 29,817.51 203,488.79 ft² PHASE 02 BUILDING GROSS Total Story Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth Floor Fifth Floor Sixth Floor Area Name COMMERCIAL Gross PARKING U GROSS Res H Gross COMMERCIALGross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Gross Area SF 11,656.01 32,063.23 1,848.23 16,215.06 19,628.86 36,781.92 39,210.20 39,210.21 39,210.21 39,210.21 275,034.14 ft² PHASE 01 RETAIL Story First Floor Area Name RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL # 1 1 1 3 Area SF 1,755.04 1,980.95 2,383.01 6,119.00 ft² PHASE 01 HEATED GROSS RESIDENTIAL Story First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth Floor Fifth Floor Sixth Floor Area Name Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross # 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Gross Area SF 30,669.84 39,031.25 41,460.87 41,460.87 41,460.87 41,460.87 235,544.57 ft² PHASE 01 BUILDING GROSS Total Story Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth Floor Fifth Floor Sixth Floor Area Name PARKING U GROSS COMMERCIALGross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Gross Area SF 51,249.77 6,175.38 30,669.84 39,031.25 41,460.87 41,460.87 41,460.87 41,460.87 292,969.72 ft² PHASE 02 BUILDING UNIT COUNT Story First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth Floor Fifth Floor Sixth Floor Area Name 0--1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-2 2-1-6 3-3-1 0--1-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-1-6 2-2-4 3-3-1 0--1-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-1-6 2-2-4 3-3-1 0--1-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-1-6 2-2-4 3-3-1 0--1-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-1-6 2-2-4 3-3-1 0-1-1 0-1-2 0-1-3 0-1-4 1-1-1 1-1-2 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-1-5 2-2-4 2-2-7 2-2-8 3-3-1 # 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 1 2 1 4 6 4 4 10 4 8 2 1 1 2 2 7 6 4 5 10 4 8 2 1 1 2 2 7 6 4 5 10 4 8 2 1 1 2 2 7 6 4 5 10 4 8 2 1 1 1 4 6 4 4 10 2 6 2 1 2 2 1 267 Gross AreaSF 820.18 1,119.26 1,558.23 2,011.98 2,004.75 3,268.36 923.95 1,468.40 820.18 410.09 2,238.52 3,116.46 2,082.68 2,682.64 6,682.50 3,755.66 6,536.72 1,847.90 1,058.48 1,468.40 820.18 820.18 3,917.41 3,116.46 2,082.68 3,353.30 6,682.50 3,456.60 6,536.72 1,847.90 1,058.48 1,468.40 820.18 820.18 3,917.41 3,116.46 2,082.68 3,353.30 6,682.50 3,456.60 6,536.72 1,847.90 1,058.48 1,468.40 820.18 820.18 3,917.41 3,116.46 2,082.68 3,353.30 6,682.50 3,456.60 6,536.72 1,847.90 1,058.48 1,468.40 410.09 2,238.52 3,116.46 2,082.68 2,682.64 6,682.50 1,728.30 4,902.54 2,027.36 1,058.48 1,853.30 1,734.56 1,468.40 PHASE 02 BUILDING UNIT by type UNIT TYPE 0 STUDIO 0 STUDIO JR 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM # 72 20 89 80 6 267 Gross Area SF 37,769.78 10,413.40 56,955.31 69,394.71 8,810.40 183,343.60 ft² PHASE 02 HEATED GROSS RESIDENTIAL Story Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth Floor Fifth Floor Sixth Floor Area Name Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross Res H Gross # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Gross Area SF 1,848.23 19,628.86 36,781.92 39,210.20 39,210.21 39,210.21 39,210.21 215,099.84 ft² PHASE 02 RETAIL Story Ground Floor Area Name RETAIL RETAIL # 1 1 2 Area SF 3,299.61 7,876.15 11,175.76 ft² PHASE 02 OFFICE Story First Floor Area Name OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE # 1 1 1 3 Area SF 3,076.30 3,688.88 9,489.00 16,254.18 ft² Appendix B Construction Schedule #Activity ID Activity Name Duration Start Finish 1 Premilinary - Parkwood Phase 1Premilinary - Parkwood Phase 1 917 18-Apr-22 08-Dec-25 2 Summary and MilestonesSummary and Milestones 917 18-Apr-22 08-Dec-25 3 PW-1840 Concept Design CoordinaƟon 20 18-Apr-22 13-May-22 4 PW-1370 DraŌ LDP 130 08-Aug-22 14-Feb-23 5 PW-1290 PreconstrucƟon DuraƟon 128 15-Aug-22 17-Feb-23 6 PW-1830 LDP - APPROVAL 30 15-Feb-23 29-Mar-23 7 PW-1820 Receive Building Permit 5 26-Jun-23 30-Jun-23 8 PW-1380 ConstrucƟon DuraƟon 613 03-Jul-23 08-Dec-25 9 PW-1010 Project Start 0 03-Jul-23* 10 PreconstrucƟonPreconstrucƟon 316 16-May-22 16-Aug-23 11 EsƟmaƟng/PricingEsƟmaƟng/Pricing 132 15-Aug-22 24-Feb-23 12 DesignDesign 279 16-May-22 23-Jun-23 13 FinanceFinance 80 27-Feb-23 19-Jun-23 14 SubmiƩals/ProcurementSubmiƩals/Procurement 32 03-Jul-23 16-Aug-23 15 ConstrucƟonConstrucƟon 613 03-Jul-23 08-Dec-25 16 Sitework & PodiumSitework & Podium 131 03-Jul-23 10-Jan-24 17 PW-1060 MobilizaƟon 1 03-Jul-23 03-Jul-23 18 PW-1000 Site Work 30 05-Jul-23 15-Aug-23 19 PW-1020 UG Storm DetenƟon 30 19-Jul-23 29-Aug-23 20 PW-1030 FoundaƟons 50 16-Aug-23 25-Oct-23 21 PW-1040 Podium 50 26-Oct-23 10-Jan-24 22 Building 1Building 1 482 11-Jan-24 08-Dec-25 23 PW-1050 Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 02 40 11-Jan-24 08-Mar-24 24 PW-1560 Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 03 40 11-Mar-24 03-May-24 25 PW-1550 Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 04 40 06-May-24 01-Jul-24 26 PW-1540 Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 05 40 02-Jul-24 27-Aug-24 27 PW-1530 Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 06 40 28-Aug-24 23-Oct-24 28 PW-1070 Roof 25 24-Oct-24 27-Nov-24 29 PW-1080 Skin 45 02-Dec-24 05-Feb-25 30 PW-1090 MEP 60 16-Jan-25 11-Apr-25 31 PW-1100 Floor Finishes - Lv 06 50 14-Feb-25 25-Apr-25 32 PW-1110 Floor Finishes - Lv 05 50 10-Mar-25 16-May-25 33 PW-1130 Floor Finishes - Lv 04 50 31-Mar-25 09-Jun-25 34 PW-1140 Floor Finishes - Lv 03 50 21-Apr-25 30-Jun-25 35 PW-1150 Floor Finishes - Lv 02 50 12-May-25 22-Jul-25 36 PW-1180 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 06 20 19-May-25 16-Jun-25 37 PW-1160 Floor Finishes - Lv 01 50 03-Jun-25 12-Aug-25 38 PW-1170 Floor Finishes - Lv Ground 60 10-Jun-25 03-Sep-25 39 PW-1190 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 05 20 17-Jun-25 15-Jul-25 40 PW-1200 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 04 20 16-Jul-25 12-Aug-25 41 PW-1210 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 03 20 13-Aug-25 10-Sep-25 42 PW-1250 Hardscape/ Landscaping 20 04-Sep-25 01-Oct-25 43 PW-1220 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 02 20 11-Sep-25 08-Oct-25 44 PW-1240 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 01 20 09-Oct-25 05-Nov-25 45 PW-1260 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv Ground 20 06-Nov-25 05-Dec-25* 46 PW-1280 Project Turnover 1 08-Dec-25 08-Dec-25 A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J Concept Design CoordinaƟon DraŌ LDP PreconstrucƟon DuraƟon LDP - APPROVAL Receive Building Permit ConstrucƟon DuraƟon Project Start MobilizaƟon Site Work UG Storm DetenƟon FoundaƟons Podium Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 02 Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 03 Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 04 Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 05 Structure - Wood Framing & CLT - Lv 06 Roof Skin MEP Floor Finishes - Lv 06 Floor Finishes - Lv 05 Floor Finishes - Lv 04 Floor Finishes - Lv 03 Floor Finishes - Lv 02 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 06 Floor Finishes - Lv 01 Floor Finishes - Lv Ground Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 05 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 04 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 03 Hardscape/ Landscaping Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 02 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv 01 Floor InspecƟons & Turnover - Lv Ground Project Turnover Project: Premilinary - Parkwood Phase 1 00. WBS LT100 Data Date: 18-Apr-22 Run Date: 18-Jul-22 Remaining Work CriƟcal Work Actual Work Near CriƟcal (<5 TF) Near CriƟcal (6<10 TF) Actual Level of Effort Impacts Impacted S... M... Swinerton Builders Page 1 of 1 Baseline ID: P00C Appendix C Grading Plan and Cut/Fill Analysis SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S S SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEO E OE OE OE OEOEOETRANS TRANS TRANS 92+- CAR PARK EAST 21st STREETPARKWOOD AVENUENORTH CALDWELL STREET140 +- CAR PARK LINEAR GARDENLINEAR GARDENTRANSTRANSTRANSTRANS NORTH DAVIDSON STREET FFE: 679.00FFE: 674.00TW: 688.99TW: 684.60TW: 681.00TW: 678.90TW: 682.45TW: 679.00TW: 674.00TW: 674.00BW: 675.00BW: 673.74BW: 675.40BW: 674.00-4.29%-2.76%-0.88%-4. 2 1 %BW: 679.00BW: 679.00BW: 679.00BW: 678.28-10.00%6886 7 9 688683 681677676671 673 677C-4911C-672REVISIONS:S:\Projects\220487 Parkwood Mixed Use\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S0_\Sheet Drawings\220487_CG_101-Grading Plan.dwg, 6/7/2022 4:03:53 PM, caleb carpenter, V3 SoutheastDRAWN BY:PROJECT NUMBER:PARKWOODMIXED USE515 PARKWOOD AVENUECHARLOTTE, NC 28206Disclaimer ©2022:Information contained in this document is the property of V3 Southeast andthe project client listed on this document. The reproduction, copying, andother use without written consent is prohibited and may be subject to legalaction to the fullest extent possible.REVIEWED BY:MPIC:DATE:XX.XX.XXXXWLL0XXXX.XXTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY DATED MONTH XX, 20XX PROVIDED BY[COMPANY NAME], [COMPANY ADDRESS]. [COMPANY PHONE].N.T.S.VICINITY MAPPROJECT PHASE (CDs, SDs, PP, RZ#)SITE*1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLACEMENT OF ALL BARRICADES, SIGNAGE, FLAGGERS,SHORING, ETC., TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF WORKERS AND THE PUBLIC.2. ALL PAVEMENT CUTS SHALL BE REPLACED ACCORDING TO NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION AND CHARLOTTE WATER.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR REVIEW ONLY landscape architecture I planning I civil engineering2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 320Charlotte, NC 28203p: 704-940-2883www.v3co.comVISIO VERTERE VIRTUTEEXISTING CONTOURPROPOSED INDEX CONTOURPROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONPROPOSED HIGH POINTSYMBOLEXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONPROPOSED DRAINAGE FLOW PATTERN625.00HP: 625.00LEGENDDETAILPROPOSED INTERIOR CONTOUR-/--/--/--/--/--/--/-625624GRADING NOTES:1. APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO GRADEADJACENT PROPERTIES. WHEN FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT OFF-SITE GRADING,PERMISSION SHALL BE OBTAINED BY CONTRACTOR FROM THE AFFECTED PROPERTYOWNERS AND THE AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION SHALL BE NOTIFIED.2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN 0.50% SLOPE MINIMUM ON CURB AND GUTTERS3. ALL PAVED AREAS (HARDSCAPE, PLAZAS, PATIOS, ETC.) SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROMTHE BUILDING AT 2.00% MINIMUM. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM CROSSSLOPE OF 2.00%.4. FOR SLOPE CONSTRUCTION 3:1 AND STEEPER, THE CONTRACTOR SHALLCOORDINATE WITH THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER ON THE STABILITY OFSOILS PLANNED FOR THESE SLOPES AND FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS BY THEGEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.5. SPOT GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE TAKEN AT FINISHED GRADE (ASPHALT, CONCRETE,TURF) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.6. TC = TOP OF CURB ELEVATIONBC = BOTTOM OF CURB ELEVATION (GUTTER FLOW LINE)HP = HIGH POINTLP = LOW POINTTS = TOP OF STAIR TREADBS = BOTTOM OF STAIR TREADGFE = GROUND FLOOR (BASEMENT) ELEVATIONGAR = ELEVATION WITHIN GARAGEPAD = BUILDING PAD ROUGH GRADE ELEVATIONTW = TOP OF WALLBW = BOTTOM OF WALL (AT FINISHED GRADE)COMPACTION NOTES:1. USE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MOISTURECONTROL OR STANDARDS BELOW IF NONE ARE AVAILABLE.2. PLACE BACKFILL AND FILL SOIL MATERIALS IN LAYERS NOT MORE THAN 8 INCHES INLOOSE DEPTH FOR MATERIAL COMPACTED BY HEAVY COMPACTION EQUIPMENTAND NOT MORE THAN 4 INCHES IN LOOSE DEPTH FOR MATERIAL COMPACTED BYHAND-OPERATED TAMPERS.3. PLACE BACKFILL AND FILL SOIL MATERIALS EVENLY ON ALL SIDES OF STRUCTURESTO REQUIRED ELEVATIONS AND UNIFORMLY ALONG THE FULL LENGTH OF EACHSTRUCTURE.4. COMPACT SOIL MATERIALS TO NOT LESS THAN THE FOLLOWING PERCENTAGES OFMAXIMUM DRY UNIT WEIGHT ACCORDING TO ASTM D 698:-- UNDER STRUCTURES, WALKWAYS, STEPS, AND PAVEMENTS, SCARIFY ANDRECOMPACT TOP 18 INCHES OF EXISTING SUBGRADE AND EACH LAYER OFBACKFILL OR FILL SOIL MATERIAL AT 100 PERCENT. COMPACT MATERIALBELOW 18 INCHES TO 98 PERCENT MAXIMUM DENSITY.-- UNDER TURF OR UNPAVED AREAS, SCARIFY AND RECOMPACT TOP 6 INCHESBELOW SUBGRADE AND COMPACT EACH LAYER OF BACKFILL OR FILL SOILMATERIAL AT 90 PERCENT.-- FOR UTILITY TRENCHES NOT UNDER PAVEMENTS, COMPACT EACH LAYER OFINITIAL AND FINAL BACKFILL SOIL MATERIAL AT 90 PERCENT.-- FOR UTILITY TRENCHES UNDER PAVEMENTS, COMPACT EACH LAYER OF INITIALAND FINAL BACKFILL SOIL MATERIAL AT 98 PERCENT.ASPHALT TOLERANCES NOTES:A. PAVEMENT THICKNESS: COMPACT EACH COURSE TO PRODUCE THE THICKNESSINDICATED WITHIN THE FOLLOWING TOLERANCES:1. BASE COURSE: PLUS OR MINUS 1/2 INCH.2. SURFACE COURSE: PLUS 1/4 INCH, NO MINUS.B. PAVEMENT SURFACE SMOOTHNESS: COMPACT EACH COURSE TO PRODUCE ASURFACE SMOOTHNESS WITHIN THE FOLLOWING TOLERANCES AS DETERMINED BYUSING A 10-FOOT STRAIGHTEDGE APPLIED TRANSVERSELY OR LONGITUDINALLY TOPAVED AREAS:1. BASE COURSE: 1/4 INCH.2. SURFACE COURSE: 1/8 INCH.3. CROWNED SURFACES: TEST WITH CROWNED TEMPLATE CENTERED AND ATRIGHT ANGLE TO CROWN. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE VARIANCE FROM TEMPLATE IS1/4 INCH.CACDSLOVERALL GRADING PLANCG-101NSCALE:020' 40'10'1"= 20'RETAINING WALL NOTES:1. DESIGN OF ALL RETAINING WALLS IS TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL BUILDINGCODES.2. DETAILED RETAINING WALL DESIGN DRAWINGS, SEALED BY A NORTH CAROLINALICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE. SEESTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN INFORMATION.3. A NORTH CAROLINA LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER MUST PERFORMCONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION(S), AND PROVIDE WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION TO THEAUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION VERIFYING THE RETAINING WALL(S) WERECONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL BUILDING CODES.4. BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATIONS (BW) REFERENCE BOTTOM OF WALL AT FINISHEDGRADE, TYPICAL IN ALL AREAS. REFER TO STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR TOP ANDBOTTOM OF FOOTING ELEVATIONS.5. THE AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION HAVE NOT REVIEWED AND ASSUME NORESPONSIBILITY FOR THE STRUCTURAL STABILITY OF ANY EXISTING RETAININGWALLS ONSITE.DRAINAGE NOTES:1. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING STORM/UTILITY/INFRASTRUCTUREPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY BLOC DESIGN OF ANY ELEVATIONDISCREPANCIES.2. ALL "RCP" TO BE CLASS III UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3. ALL "HDPE" PIPE SHALL BE SMOOTH WALL INTERIOR AND ANNULAR EXTERIORCORRUGATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.4. REMOVE ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND TRASH FROM STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMPRIOR TO PRELIMINARY SITE PUNCH. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDEDOCUMENTATION (VIDEO, PHOTOGRAPHS, ETC.) TO SHOW STORM DRAINAGESYSTEM HAS BEEN CLEARED OF ALL DEBRIS.5. ALL PIPE DISTANCE IS MEASURED FROM CENTER OF STRUCTURE TO CENTER OFSTRUCTURE WITH THE EXCEPTION OF OUTFALL PIPES. THE LENGTH OF OUTFALLPIPE IS MEASURED FROM CENTER OF STRUCTURE TO BEGINNING OF FLARED ENDSECTION OR HEADWALL.6. THE PURPOSE OF THE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT (SDE) IS TO PROVIDE STORMWATER CONVEYANCE. BUILDINGS OR STRUCUTRES ARE NOT PERMITTED WITHINEASEMENT AREA. ANY OBJECTS WHICH IMPEDE STORM WATER FLOW OR SYSTEMMAINTENANCE ARE ALSO PROHIBITED.7. ALL RETAINING WALL FOUNDATION DRAINS DESIGNED BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER.8. IF SITE RETAINING WALL OR BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL DRAINS CONNECT TOSTORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES MAY DETERMINECONNECTION TYPE. 4,097.6 sq ft UP4,262.4 sq ft 3,154.9 sq ft 417.1 sq ft 417.1 sq ft 417.1 sq ft 417.1 sq ft 417.1 sq ft 417.1 sq ft 417.1 sq ft UPUPUPUPTRANSTRANSTRANSTRANS TRANSTRANSTRANS UP UP BACKFLOW037 BACKFLOW001006 70 BICYCLE PARKING-WASH 008 ELECTRICAL003 GENERATOR032 GENERATOR004 OFFICE LOBBY ELEV 03001ELEV 04001 LOBBY TH1 2-2-3 TH1 2-2-3 TH1 2-2-3 TH1 2-2-3 TH1 2-2-3 TH1 2-2-3 TH1 2-2-3 RETAIL RETAIL LOADING002 RETAIL 005 830.7 sq ft 859.9 sq ft 1,673.3 sq ft 1,271.8 sq ft 1,497.4 sq ft 603.1 sq ft 893.2 sq ft 676.2 sq ft 519.2 sq ft UP UP DOWN UP UP DOWN UP DOWN 992.9 sq ft DN400.4 sq ft 629.5 sq ft 406.8 sq ft 394.1 sq ft 446.9 sq ft UP DN DN 0-1-1 0-1-1 0-1-1 1-1-1 0-1-1 2-2-? LOBBY 011380-1-5 1-1-4 2-1-1 0-1-3 3-2-2 RETAIL 02 RETAIL 011-1-4+2-1-3 UnitNA: 24 BICYCLEPARKING PUMP &RISER ROOM037 TRASHRETAILPUMP &RISER ROOM16' SETBACKR/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W0'-20' BUILD-TO-ZONE0'-20' BUILD-TO-ZONE0'-20' BUILD-TO-ZONE 0'-20' BUILD-TO-ZONE0'-20' BUILD-TO-ZONE0'-20' BUILD-TO-ZONE 16' SETBACK/ROW16' SETBACK/ROW16' SETBACK/ROW 16' SETBACK/ROW16' SETBACK/ROW HC ST ST D N E DN E BBB BBOPTIMUS PRIME (MIXED-USE BUILDING 1)FIRST FLOOR FFE: 687.00GROUND FLOOR FFE: 675.00FUTURE PHASEMEGATRON (MIXED-USE BUILDING 2)FIRST FLOOR FFE: 689.33GROUND FLOOR FFE: 674.00B B0.000-0.082-0.500-0.448-0.477-0.415-0.456-0.388-0.377-0.084-0.196-0.500-0.497-0.412-0.484-0.4780.1710.5600.2000.1380.4230.445-0.605-0.5920.9380.7591.0731.2020.7600.7670.5360.4720.485-0.0350.224-11.125-9.601-9.656-9.642-9.804-10.716-11.302-11.301-11.474-11.840-12.030-12.292-12.683-13.092-13.6880.324-0.389-10.248-9.415-10.266-10.538-10.585-10.788-10.603-10.207-11.330-10.773-10.906-11.075-11.376-11.739-12.177-0.051-0.286-9.195-9.465-10.271-10.535-10.553-10.678-10.554-9.703-10.554-10.162-9.999-10.069-10.453-10.906-11.152-0.066-0.328-9.388-9.890-10.285-10.482-10.500-10.568-10.444-9.865-10.398-9.563-9.246-10.068-10.168-10.266-10.4890.360-0.264-8.851-9.807-10.034-9.934-9.952-10.417-9.830-9.445-9.502-8.834-7.099-6.026-9.289-9.891-10.1760.157-0.002-7.355-8.457-9.664-9.879-9.984-10.464-9.146-8.878-8.844-8.106-6.867-5.996-8.105-9.434-9.826-0.199-0.109-1.547-7.209-8.029-8.279-8.557-8.915-8.062-7.865-7.778-7.655-7.373-7.004-7.431-8.491-8.891-0.208-0.0980.482-2.313-1.925-1.892-6.753-8.051-7.866-7.771-7.686-7.655-7.557-7.239-7.184-7.529-8.039-0.439-0.1050.074-1.663-0.935-4.022-5.611-6.179-6.806-7.723-7.644-7.507-7.100-6.400-5.539-4.371-4.067-0.596-0.166-0.267-0.438-3.041-4.401-5.084-5.615-6.230-7.284-7.084-7.234-6.831-5.373-3.037-0.816-0.166-0.369-0.040-0.784-3.453-3.039-3.315-3.340-4.101-5.439-5.774-5.888-5.925-5.793-5.736-5.813-6.019-6.283-0.4350.470-1.889-4.375-3.990-3.985-3.824-2.830-2.444-2.421-2.651-3.469-3.830-4.260-3.883-5.013-5.288-0.249-0.031-1.754-4.882-4.666-4.656-3.948-2.674-2.028-1.797-1.695-1.960-1.997-2.708-3.485-4.756-4.934-0.797-2.441-5.389-5.340-4.996-4.003-2.603-1.822-1.355-1.148-0.606-0.636-1.352-2.382-2.990-3.597-0.808-1.268-4.563-4.809-5.455-4.463-2.476-1.641-1.106-0.735-0.0500.705-0.197-1.293-1.669-2.045-0.694-1.312-4.526-4.711-4.870-4.915-2.299-1.589-0.925-0.2670.4261.1460.340-0.699-0.917-1.134-0.694-1.953-4.454-4.538-4.642-4.571-2.007-1.520-0.869-0.2510.7251.5580.703-0.046-0.131-0.216-0.712-0.457-4.453-4.377-4.440-4.112-3.023-1.045-0.4890.0631.0111.9421.5651.1081.0571.005-0.5480.278-3.695-3.890-3.926-3.074-1.893-1.557-1.525-1.212-0.9862.4222.2212.2202.364-0.823-0.2900.0840.140-0.1080.027-0.214-0.359-0.473-0.535-0.366-0.385-0.359-0.443-0.045-0.407-0.156PARKWOOD MIXED-USESCALE: 1"=20'NC F IRM# : C -4911 , C -672V3co.comlandscape architecture | plann ing | c ivi l eng ineer ing515 PARKWOOD AVE, CHARLOTTE NC 28205 | DATE: 12.01.2022 | PROJECT NO.: 220487.00CUT-FILL ANALYSIS - ENTIRE SITENV3 SoutheastTOTAL SITE CUT: ± 23,800 CYTOTAL SITE FILL: ± 500 CYNET EXPORT: ±23,300 CYNOTE: EXHIBIT DOES NOT ACCOUNT FOR EXCAVATIONOF FOUNDATION FOOTINGS/SLABS Appendix D In Situ Soil Characterization Export Options Appendix D In Situ Soil Characterization Export Options Sealand Contractors Charlotte, North CarolinaH&H Project No. SCF-004 0-4 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 916 4-8 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 916 8-12 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 916 0-4 MSWLF, BFP under cap 588 4-8 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 588 8-12 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 588 0-4 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 643 4-8 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 643 8-12 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 643 0-4 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 835 4-8 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 835 8-12 MSWLF, BFP under cap 835 0-4 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 875 4-8 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 875 8-12 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 875 0-4 MSWLF, BFP under cap 884 4-8 MSWLF, BFP under cap 884 8-12 MSWLF, BFP under cap 884 0-4 MSWLF, BFP under cap 770 4-8 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 770 8-12 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 770 0-4 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 650 4-8 MSWLF, BFP under cap 650 0-4 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 711 4-8 MSWLF, BFP under cap 711 0-4 MSWLF, BFP under cap 575 4-8 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 575 0-4 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 382 4-8 MSWLF, BFP under cap 382 0-4 MSWLF, BFP under cap 368 4-8 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 368 EX-13 0-3 MSWLF, BFP under cap 451 EX-14 0-6 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 803 EX-15 0-3 MSWLF, BFP under cap 442 EX-16 0-3 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 538 EX-17 0-2 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 764 EX-18 0-2 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 298 EX-19 0-2 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 550 EX-20 0-3 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 535 EX-21 0-6 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 1,071 EX-22 0-6 LCID, CDLF, MSWLF, BFP 1,050 Estimated total CY to LCID: approximately 19,983 CY Estimated total CY to MSWLF or reuse on-Site: approximately 8,424 CY Notes: Depth listed is based on feet below the existing grade. LCID = Land Clearing and Inert Debris landfill such as the Old 27 Landfill at 114 Tate Street, Mount Holly, NC (Old 27) or the Reeves Landfill located at 2323 Salome Church Road, Charlotte, NC (Reeves) CDLF = Construction & Demolition landfill MSWLF = Municipal Solid Waste landfill (MSWLF) facility BFP= Sealand Contractors Brownfields Property CY = cubic yards; ft bgs = feet below ground surface Management Options Estimated Volume (CY) EX-1 EX-2 EX-3 Depth (ft bgs) EX-10 EX-11 EX-12 EX-4 EX-5 EX-6 EX-7 EX-8 EX-9 Characterization Section https://harthick.sharepoint.com/sites/MasterFiles‐1/Shared Documents/AAA‐Master Projects/SpaceCraft (SCF)/SCF‐004 Parkwood & N. Davidson/EMP/R1/In Situ data Tables Appendix D (Page 1 of 1) Hart & Hickman, PC