HomeMy WebLinkAbout3620_DukeAllen_SSLF_Companion GW Doc_PTC Mod 1_FID1810615_20230711(> DUKE ENEnNr1**%1%.7. July 11, 2023 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Solid Waste Section (the Section) 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 28778 Attn: Ms. Sarah Moutos 526 S. Church Street EC 12J Charlotte, NC 28202 Re: Groundwater Information South Starter Landfill (SSLF) — Companion Submittal to Permit to Construct Modification Request 1 Reference: Permit No. 3620-INDUS Allen Steam Station Gaston County Dear Ms. Moutos, The enclosed technical memorandum presents results from modeling to evaluate the effectiveness of a proposed construction drain beneath the future South Starter Landfill (SSLF) and an active dewatering system (existing pilot section and future full-scale phase), at the Allen Steam Station located in Gaston County, near Belmont, North Carolina. The evaluation looked at how effective these two dewatering methods were at lowering groundwater elevations beneath the future SSLF footprint to expedite the time to reach the required vertical separation between the groundwater table and landfill liner system per the applicable North Carolina General Statutes, Administrative Code, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) coal combustion residuals (CCR) Rule. This technical memorandum has been prepared by SynTerra Corporation for Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy) and is being submitted as a companion document to support the Section's review of the previously submitted SSLF Permit to Construct (PTC) Modification 1 (submitted to Mr. Jordan Russ under separate cover on May S, 2023). Design details for the construction drain system were included in the previously submitted SSLF PTC Modification 1 companion document. Upon completion of the construction drain installation, the previously approved Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan (ECMP) will be revised to include semiannual sampling from the drain discharge. A request for approval and details regarding the proposed full-scale SSLF area dewatering system were provided to the Section over various email and telephone correspondences ranging from May 31, 2023 through June 20, 2023, with the Section granting approval for installation of the dewatering system expansion on June 20, 2023. Page 1 of 2 Please contact me at Courtney. Murphy@duke-energy.com (704) 382-7171 if you have questions or need additional information. Respectfully submitted, i Courtney W. Murphy, P.G. Environmental Services Enclosure (1): Technical Memorandum — Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS (SynTerra, July 2023) Cc: Jordan Russ — NCDEQ Claire Osborn — NCDEQ Ed Sullivan — Duke Energy Tyler Hardin — Duke Energy Kim Witt — Duke Energy Kyle Baucom — Duke Energy Henry Duperier — Duke Energy Page 2 of 2 LIP SynTerra Date: July 11, 2023 Science & Engineering Consultants 148 River St., Suite 220, Greenville, SC 29601 1864.421.9999 To: Courtney Murphy (Duke Energy) Cc: Scott Kalau (Duke Energy) From: Johnathan Ebenhack, L.G., Senior Project S ient Eric Hicks, Senior Project Scienti IkA Chris Suttell, Project Manager - / Kathy Webb, Senior Peer Review TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM File: 0082.51.13.03 SEAL '� = 0 2728 Y C Q r •,-� : a Sti. F.0)SS,a, Subject: Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation - South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS INTRODUCTION This technical memorandum presents results from modeling to evaluate the effectiveness of a proposed construction drain beneath the future South Starter Landfill (SSLF) and dewatering wells west, north, and northeast of the future SSLF, at the Allen Steam Station (Allen or Site) (Figure 1). At the request of Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy), SynTerra Corporation (SynTerra) conducted groundwater flow modeling to evaluate the effectiveness of these two dewatering methods. The evaluation looked at how effective the dewatering methods were at lowering groundwater elevations beneath the future SSLF to expedite the time to reach the required vertical separation between the groundwater table and landfill liner system per the applicable North Carolina General Statutes, Administrative Code, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) coal combustion residuals (CCR) Rule. Required vertical separation per the applicable North Carolina General Statues is 4 feet of separation between groundwater table and the one -foot -thick compacted soil liner (CSL). The composite landfill liner is placed above the CSL, which is equivalent to the USEPA CCR Rule requirement of 5 feet of separation from the landfill liner. A dewatering well pilot study was conducted prior to installation of all planned dewatering wells in and around the SSLF. This pilot study consisted of 11 dewatering wells installed to the target depths of approximately 70 feet below ground surface at approximately 30-foot intervals. Those 11 wells were installed in the northern portion of the SSLF footprint and have been operating since January 18, 2023. synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station SUMMARY Page 2 of 15 Based on Duke Energy's input, the model assumes that the SSLF dewatering well system becomes operational in stages and becomes fully operational by August 31, 2023, and the SSLF construction drain becomes operational by Mach 15, 2024 at which time the dewatering wells are shutdown. With these assumptions the model predicts that the necessary separation of 4 feet between the water table and the CSL would be reached by approximately December 2023. Based on model simulations, flow to the construction drain starts approximately 3 months after the dewatering wells cease operating as the water table slowly rebounds. The model predicts that the construction drain maintains the required separation after the dewatering wells are shut off and groundwater elevations rebound. The model predicts that the construction drain continues to maintain the required separation until the drain goes dry. The maximum flow rate to the construction drain is predicted to be approximately 8 gallons per minute (gpm) and occurs approximately 16 months after the dewatering wells cease pumping. The model indicates the flow rate is relatively steady until 2026 when it gradually decreases with flow ceasing by 2029. Flow is anticipated to decrease as the effects of ash basin closure activities such as excavation and dewatering in the Active Ash Basin (AAB) influences the SSLF area. The operational life of the construction drain is predicted to be approximately 5.3 years. The total flow rate to the 11 dewatering wells installed for the pilot study is predicted to range from 21 to 85 gpm initially, which is consistent with measured flow rates from the dewatering system being operated by Griffin Dewatering. The flow rate from the 11 initial dewatering wells is predicted to decrease to approximately 16 gpm before an additional 15 planned wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational at the end of July 2023. The flow rate from the system of 26 wells (11 dewatering wells and 15 additional wells outside the SSLF footprint) is predicted to be approximately 78 gpm, 24 hours after the additional 15 planned wells become operational. The flow rate from these 26 dewatering wells is predicted to decline to 54 gpm before the remaining 26 planned dewatering wells become operational by the end of August 2023. After these last dewatering wells become operational, the flow rate from the entire dewatering system is predicted to be approximately 248 gpm after 24 hours of operation. After a month the flow rate is predicted to be 143 gpm. The flow rate steadily decreases with time and is predicted to be approximately 86 gpm when the entire dewatering system is shutdown on March 15, 2024. Actual flow rates to the construction drain and dewatering wells may vary from model predictions because of actual conditions encountered in the field, uncertainty in drain installation methods, model assumptions and simplifications, and model uncertainty. METHODS To evaluate the performance of the construction drain and dewatering wells at the future SSLF as well as the operational life of the construction drain, several flow models were developed. These include a historical steady-state pre -decanting model, a calibration model, a predictive comparison model with no dewatering measures, and a predictive model with dewatering measures. The historical steady-state pre -decanting model was used to estimate the initial synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 3 of 15 hydraulic heads for the calibration model. The calibration model was used to calibrate the hydraulic parameters for the models by adjusting aquifer properties until simulated hydraulic heads matched observations from 2019 to 2022. The calibration model also provides the initial hydraulic heads for the two predictive models. The first predictive model serves as a baseline comparison model and does not include the dewatering measures (dewatering wells or the proposed construction drain). The predictive model without SSLF dewatering measures was used to predict how future hydraulic heads would vary in and around the SSLF if no dewatering measures were implemented. The results from the predictive model without SSLF dewatering measures were compared to the results from the predictive model with SSLF dewatering measures to determine how effective those dewatering measures were at reducing hydraulic heads in and around the SSLF. The final model was the predictive model with SSLF dewatering measures and included both the dewatering wells and the proposed construction drain. The models are summarized below. Model Name Model Simulation Description and Purpose Number Date(s) Historical pre -decanting Steady-state model representing the relatively stable model 1 2019 water levels in early 2019. Provides initial starting heads for the calibration model. Transient model incorporating site activities between 2019 and 2022 (Table 1) and calibrated to observed Calibration model 2 2019-2022 2019 through 2022 water levels. Used to refine aquifer properties and boundary conditions. Provides starting heads to the models with and without landfill dewatering measures. Predictive, transient model based on anticipated Site activities (Table 2) excluding the future SSLF dewatering Model without SSLF measures (dewatering wells and the construction drain). dewatering measures 3 2022- 2032 Used as a baseline for comparison to the landfill dewatering model (dewatering wells and a construction drain). Predictive, transient model based on anticipated Site activities (Table 2) including the future SSLF dewatering Model with SSLF measures (dewatering wells and a construction drain). dewatering measures 4 2022- 2032 Used to evaluate the time to reach vertical separation with landfill dewatering, flow rates, and operational life of the construction drain. The first flow model (Model 1), referred to as the historical pre -decanting model, represents relatively stable water -level conditions in early 2019, prior to the cessation of sluicing in the Active Ash Basin (AAB) and the onset of active decanting of ponded water within the AAB. The historical pre -decanting model was used to define the initial starting heads for the calibration model. The second model (Model 2), referred to as the calibration model, represents the time from 2019 until December 2022. The calibration model is a transient model that was calibrated synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 4 of 15 to observed transient water -level trends of selected wells and piezometers within and around the future SSLF as well as other important locations at the Site. The calibration model included known changes to hydraulic features in and around the SSLF and active decanting of the AAB polishing pond. The calibration model (Model 2) was primarily used to improve the estimated hydraulic property distribution for the predictive models and to define the initial starting heads for the predictive models. Finally, there are two predictive transient models (Models 3 and 4) used to evaluate the performance of the dewatering activities for the SSLF and operational life of the construction drain. They include Model 3, a baseline simulation without the construction drain or dewatering wells for comparison, and Model 4, that includes the SSLF dewatering measures to evaluate the effectiveness of dewatering and the operational life of the proposed construction drain. MODEL CONSTRUCTION AND CONDITIONS The models used for this evaluation were based on the previous models developed to evaluate the performance of the construction drain system for the North Starter Landfill (NSLF) currently under construction north of the SSLF at the Site. That modeling effort is described in detail in the Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — North Starter Landfill 3619-INDUS technical memorandum (SynTerra, 2022). The NSLF models were taken and modified as needed to create the four models for this evaluation and included all previous calibrated hydraulic parameter field modifications up to that point. The numerical model grid developed for the NSLF modeling effort was modified by decreasing grid resolution near the NSLF and increasing grid resolution in and around the SSLF. The grid resolution was decreased near the NSLF to decrease model run times; this change did not affect predictions in and around the SSLF. The grid spacing in the future SSLF area was refined from approximately 65 feet by 50 feet to approximately 20 feet by 20 feet to increase resolution around the proposed construction drain laterals and dewatering wells. The vertical grid refinements made during the NSLF modeling effort were sufficient for this modeling effort and no additional modifications were made. The vertical grid thickness is generally 3 to 6 feet in the upper layers of the model which correspond with the depths at which the proposed construction drain and proposed dewatering wells would be installed. Certain features in the NSLF area were removed from the SSLF models to reduce model run times and enhance numerical stability. Removal of these features did not influence groundwater elevation predictions in and around the SSLF because of the distance between those features and the area in and around the SSLF. Historical Pre -Decanting Model (2019) (Model 1) The historical pre -decanting model was developed to determine the initial heads for the transient calibration model (Model 2). The historical pre -decanting model represents conditions prior to cessation of sluicing in the AAB and the onset of active decanting operations. These conditions are the same as the pre -decanting flow model presented in Appendix G of the 2019 Corrective Action Plan Update (SynTerra, 2019). The pre -decanting model in this report includes the grid refinements detailed above and improvements to the hydraulic parameter fields that synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 5 of 15 have been made during subsequent calibration efforts since the development of the 2019 pre - decanting model. Calibration Model (2019 to 2022) (Model 2) The calibration model is based on the NSLF calibration model (SynTerra, 2022) and updated to include additional details in and around the SSLF such as recent changes to Site conditions (e.g., drainage channel location and elevation, polishing pond elevations, etc.) and additional groundwater monitoring locations and groundwater level measurements for calibration. The calibration model uses the refined grid developed for the historical pre -decanting model and incorporates conditions that occurred at the Site from approximately February 2019 to September 2022. Conditions incorporated into the calibration model were based on known Site history during this time, input from Duke Energy personnel, and the review of aerial survey data from July 2021 to August 2022 provided by Duke Energy's Propeller website (Duke Energy, 2022a). Site changes and the dates they occur are summarized in Table 1. Features local to the future SSLF are shown on Figure 2. The primary hydraulic features modified or added between the NSLF calibration model and SSLF calibration model include: • The NSLF sumps and wetland were removed. • The Groundwater Corrective Action Plan (CAP) remediation pilot pumping system located east of the NSLF was removed. • The ditch system within the AAB was modified to reflect the removal of the central ditch on February 2022 and the addition of a ditch located along the southern edge of the AAB. • The footprint and the stage (water -level elevation) of the AAB polishing pond were allowed to vary with time based on detailed survey data and field observations. Drainage features in the model were simulated using the Drain package in MODFLOW. Bottom elevations for drain features were based on previous values from the NSLF calibration model or more up-to-date ground surface elevations based on data from Duke Energy's Propeller website. During the modeled calibration period the conveyance ditch system within the AAB was modified by removing the portion of the conveyance ditch that traversed the central portion of the AAB and replacing it with a ditch that ran along the southern border of the AAB (Figure 2). Ground surface elevations in the ditch system located along the southern edge of the AAB were allowed to vary with time from February 2022 to September 2022 based on elevations from the Propeller website. Linear drain feature conductance terms are assumed to be 100 feet squared per day per foot (feet2/day)/(foot) and areal drain feature conductance terms are assumed to be 100 feet squared per day per feet squared (feet2/day)/(feet2). Ponded water features not simulated as drains are simulated using the General Head Boundary package in MODFLOW with head -stages set to elevations from survey data and data provided by Duke Energy. Specifically, the stage for synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 6 of 15 the General Head Boundary representing the AAB polishing pond was modified to incorporate measured water levels in the AAB polishing pond, which were provided to SynTerra by Duke Energy in Excel spreadsheet format (Duke, 2022b) and Propeller data. The recharge distribution is based on the land use and surface water body locations (Figure 3). The calibration model includes improvements to the hydraulic parameter fields that have been made during previous calibration efforts since the development of the models presented in the 2019 Corrective Action Plan Update (SynTerra, 2019). The initial heads used in the calibration model are from the historical pre -decanting model. Model Calibration Calibration for this modeling effort was based on the previous model calibration conducted for the NSLF construction drain modeling effort (SynTerra, 2022). Because full-scale calibration had been recently completed, calibration for this modeling effort was constrained to a smaller region around the SSLF. Transient water -level data, spanning from 2019 until September 2022, for 60 monitoring wells and piezometers were used as calibration targets (Figure 4). The calibration targets included monitoring wells and piezometers in and around the future SSLF where changing Site conditions may influence groundwater levels. During calibration, particular attention was paid to wells and piezometers in and around the future SSLF including piezometers within the footprint of the future SSLF that were installed in May 2022. The new piezometers include SSLF-PZ-1, SSLF-PZ-2, SSLF-PZ-3, and SSLF-PZ-4; the boring logs for those piezometers are included in Appendix A. Transient model calibration was performed to match simulated groundwater elevations and trends with observed groundwater elevations and trends in selected monitoring wells and piezometers. Calibration was performed by manually adjusting the hydraulic parameters, primarily hydraulic conductivity, until the model was able to match the observed groundwater elevations and trends to an acceptable level. Predictive Models (2022 to 2032) (Model 3 and Model 4) The purpose of the transient predictive models is to estimate the time to achieve a 4-foot vertical separation from the future SSLF CSL subgrade to the groundwater table, the operational life of the construction drain, and expected flow rates from the construction drain and dewatering wells. The predictive models, both Model 3 and Model 4, use the same model setup as the transient calibration model but incorporate the changes anticipated to occur at the Site after December 2022. The predictive models extend approximately 9 years beyond December 2022 to evaluate long-term effects of ash basin closure and landfill construction on the construction drain operation and performance. Construction activities at the Site expected to influence groundwater elevations after December 2022 are summarized in Table 2. The approach to dewatering in the AAB footprint was provided in an email dated January 20, 2023 (Duke, 2023). The remaining activities are based on the closure schedule dated May 8, 2023 provided by Charah Solutions Inc. (Charah, 2023). synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 7 of 15 Hydraulic features in the predictive model in and around the future SSLF are shown on Figure 5. Primary hydraulic features added or modified in the model are discussed below. Drain boundaries and General Head Boundaries in MODFLOW are used to simulate engineered hydraulic features such as ditches and ponds as well as natural hydraulic features such as wetlands, streams, and the Catawba River/Lake Wylie. Conductance terms for these features are assumed to be 100 (feet2/day)/(foot) for linear features and 100 feet squared per day per feet squared (feet2/day)/(feet2) for areal features, unless otherwise noted. Model configuration for the channels that convey water to the AAB polishing pond remains the same as the final configuration in the calibration model with the central conveyance ditch removed and the southern conveyance ditch installed (Figure 5). The head stage of the AAB polishing pond has been set to the operating goal of 615 feet and remains at this level until the proposed excavation and dewatering in the AAB footprint is expected to bring groundwater elevations in the AAB to this level and the AAB polishing pond becomes inactive (Table 2). The model assumes that the current layout of drainage ditches and other hydraulic features in the AAB do not change throughout the model simulation period and the drainage features become inactive as excavation and dewatering in the AAB progress. The excavation and dewatering activities in the AAB are simulated as a drain boundary (Figure 5) with bottom elevations set to the excavation grades specified in an email from Duke (Duke, 2023). In the models, the AAB dewatering is assumed to occur as a step function as tabulated in Table 2. To be conservative, the dewatering elevations are assumed to be the same as the proposed excavation grades, even though water levels would be maintained with rim ditches constructed 5 feet below the excavation grades. Another conservative assumption is that the dewatering level for a specific excavation period would be achieved at the end of the period, even though dewatering would result in decreasing water levels throughout the entire period. Because of numerical instability in the model, the drain boundary representing excavation and dewatering of the AAB does not cover the entire footprint of the proposed activities, but only the predicted maximum horizontal extent of ash within the AAB at the end of the modeled period. The predicted excavation elevation in the AAB at the end of the modeled period is 600 feet, therefore the 600-foot bottom of the ash contour within the AAB was used in the model to define the drain boundary. Since time -dependent hydraulic conductivity fields are difficult to implement in the Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) software, the simulation does not simulate the removal of ash from within the AAB and only simulates the dewatering component. Assuming a smaller footprint to represent the area of excavation and dewatering in the AAB and not removing material from within the AAB are both conservative assumptions in the model. The water supply wells and septic returns (Figure 5) continue to operate at the flow rates specified in the calibration model. Recharge is affected by construction activities at the Site, which could impede precipitation from reaching the water table. Construction activities include the installation of liners in the future SSLF. Some of those activities occur during the time frame of the models and are synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 8 of 15 incorporated as transient recharge boundaries. Recharge zones and changes during the model simulation in the SSLF area are shown on Figure 6. The predictive models use the storage coefficients determined during model calibration. The calibrated specific storage value for ash, saprolite, and transition zone material is 0.0002 per foot, and the specific yield value is 0.1. The calibrated specific storage value for fractured bedrock and bedrock is 0.000004 per foot, and the specific yield is 0.004. In general, the specific yield in saprolite and ash will have the largest effect on the performance and operational life of the construction drain compared to other storage coefficients (i.e., bedrock specific yield, specific storage coefficients). The higher the specific yield, the longer it will take the system to equilibrate to dewatering. To account for variation in the storage coefficients, a sensitivity analysis was performed on specific yield and is presented in the Results section. For starting heads, the predictive model uses the December 1, 2022, hydraulic heads from the calibration model. Model without SSLF Dewatering Measures (Model 3) Model 3 simulates the construction of the future SSLF but excludes the SSLF dewatering activities including the SSLF dewatering wells and proposed construction drain. This model construction is identical to the model with SSLF dewatering measures (Model 4) with the exception of these proposed dewatering activities are excluded. Model 3 serves as a baseline for evaluating the performance of the construction drain with dewatering wells for controlling groundwater elevations in the area of the future SSLF. Model 3 incorporates all the model features and configurations discussed above. Model with SSLF Dewatering Measures (Model 4) Model 4 incorporates all the model features and configurations discussed above with the addition of a construction drain and a series of dewatering wells located north of the future SSLF. The construction drain is simulated with the MODFLOW Drain package based on AECOM's proposed design (Figure 7) provided to SynTerra by Duke Energy. The bottom elevation of the drain boundaries is set to the invert elevation of the 6-inch perforated HDPE drainpipe in the stone bed. This is a conservative approach for simulating the drain because the underlying stone bed, which is located below the drainpipe, may also serve as a conduit for groundwater flow. The bottom elevation of the proposed construction drain ranges from approximately 618.7 feet on the southwestern edge to approximately 589.5 feet within the construction drain blanket drain in the northeastern corner. To simulate the change in elevation along the drain feature, the construction drain is simulated using a series of arc drain boundaries with bottom elevations decreasing in a linear fashion from the inlet of the drain to the outlet (Figure 8). Each lateral of the drain was placed in Model 4 across multiple model layers based on the bottom elevation of the drain. The construction drain laterals in Model 4 assume a conductance of 1 (feet'/day)/(foot). The construction drain sump at the northeast corner of the construction drain system is simulated with a polygon drain boundary with a conductance of 1 (feet' synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 9 of 15 /day)/(feet2). The construction drain becomes active in Model 4 on March 15, 2024, and the model does not account for any dewatering needed during the installation of the construction drain. To enhance dewatering in the SSLF area, a dewatering well system consisting of 52 wells along the western, northern, and eastern edge of the SSLF was simulated in Model 4. The locations of the wells in the model are shown on Figure 8. Existing dewatering wells installed for the dewatering well pilot study are shown in red while proposed wells are shown in blue. The wells are approximately 70 feet deep below ground surface with 40-foot screens. In Model 4, the wells are simulated using the Multi -Node Well (MNW2) package that allows a water -level elevation to be set; the model calculates the flow to maintain this water -level elevation in the well. The pumping water -level elevations were set to 5 feet above the bottom of the well. In Model 4, the dewatering study wells (11 already installed) became operational on January 18, 2023. At the time of the simulations 15 additional wells located outside the SSLF footprint are expected to become operational on July 31, 2023. By August 31, 2023, the 26 additional wells located inside the footprint of the SSLF are expected to become operational per Duke Energy and Griffin's schedule. However, at the time of this report, the actual time they become operational is uncertain and delays in operation of the dewatering wells may result in predictions that underpredict the time to reach the NCDEQ-required 4 feet of separation between the water table and the CSL. The dewatering wells cease pumping in Model 4 on March 15, 2024, when the construction drain is assumed to become operational. RESULTS Historical Pre -Decanting Model (2019) (Model 1) Results from Model 1 indicate that the current distribution of hydraulic parameters is still a good fit to the observed pre -decanting long-term average of water levels in monitoring wells at the Site. The root mean square error (RMSE) between the simulated and observed long-term average water levels is 3.7 feet and the normalized RMSE (NRMSE), normalized to the range of observed long-term average water levels, is 4.8 percent. The resulting head distribution is similar to that originally predicted by the 2019 model. The predicted hydraulic heads in the upper saprolite (model layer 12) for the historical pre -decanting model are shown on Figure 9. Calibration Model (2019 to 2022) (Model 2) Model calibration resulted in an RMSE of the entire transient calibration model of 4.6 feet and an NRMSE of 6.2 percent, normalized to the range of all measured water levels used to calculate the RMSE. In general, an NRMSE of 10 percent or less demonstrates a good fit to the observed data. Figure 10 shows the residual between computed and observed heads in and around the SSLF on September 1, 2022. The RMSE calculated using only the wells shown in Figure 10 is 3.2 feet with an NRMSE of 4.7 percent, normalized to the range of groundwater elevations measured in this subset of wells. Hydrographs showing observed and modeled water levels with time in wells in and around the SSLF (Figure 10) are shown on Figures 11A through 11F. Water levels in the SSLF area correlate synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 10 of 15 somewhat with polishing pond elevations early on but not as strongly with precipitation data. This is probably because the frequency of water level observations is too sparse to see the response to rainfall or seasonal trends. Hydrographs for the remaining target wells and piezometers used during the calibration are included in Appendix B. The modeled groundwater elevations in the upper saprolite near the future SSLF on December 1, 2022, are shown on Figure 12. These heads serve as the starting heads for the predictive models. Predictive Models (2022 to 2032) (Models 3 and 4) Isopach plots showing the groundwater vertical separation between the future CSL subgrade and the water table at selected times are shown on Figures 13A through 13N with the upper panel showing results from the model without SSLF dewatering measures (Model 3) and the lower panel showing results from the model with SSLF dewatering measures (Model 4). Cooler colors indicate greater separation between the CSL and the modeled water table. Warmer colors indicate less or no separation (i.e., the modeled groundwater elevation is at or above the bottom of the CSL). Models 3 and 4 simulations predict that at the start of the modeled period, January 1, 2023, only a portion of the southern and southeastern corner of the SSLF meets the vertical separation criteria. Model 4 predicts that the head separation goal would be reached by approximately December 1, 2023, as shown in the lower panel of Figure 13E. Delays in the dewatering well operations from July 31 and August 31, 2023, to later in the year are expected to delay the time to reach separation. If no dewatering methods are employed for the SSLF, as simulated with Model 3, head separation is not achieved until approximately January 2029 (Figure 13L). Model without SSLF Dewatering Measures (Model 3) Results for Model 3 are shown in the upper panels of Figures 13A through 13N. This model serves as a baseline for comparison to conditions with dewatering measures. Figures 13A through 13N indicate that without dewatering measures the rate at which groundwater elevations decrease in the footprint of the SSLF is generally slow and the vertical head separation goal of 4 feet is not reached until approximately January 2029 (Figure 13L). The reduction in groundwater elevations observed in Model 3 is the result of closure activities in the AAB such as excavation and dewatering. Model with SSLF Dewatering Measures (Model 4) Results for Model 4 are shown in the lower panels of Figures 13A through 13N. These results indicate that dewatering measures significantly increase the rate at which groundwater elevations decrease in the SSLF. The model indicates that when the dewatering wells become operational, first the dewatering study wells and then the proposed wells, they create a large area of drawdown that results in separation in the SSLF footprint prior to operation of the construction drain (Figures 13B through 13F). By December 1, 2023, separation is predicted to have been met across the SSLF footprint (Figure 13E). The dewatering wells are assumed to operate until March 15, 2024, when the construction drain becomes operational. The depressed water table caused by the dewatering wells is predicted to result in the construction synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 11 of 15 drain initially not receiving flow. However, as groundwater levels rebound after turning off the dewatering wells the construction drain begins receiving flow around June 2024 (Figure 14). Evidence of the construction drain affecting water levels visually is seen along some of the drain laterals in Figure 13H. Flow rates from the construction drain decline with time, especially after January 2028 when the effects of closure activities such as excavation and dewatering become evident. Model 4 predicts the construction drain would be able to maintain the desired separation between the groundwater elevations and the CSL subgrade (Figures 13G through 13N). Model 4 was also used to estimate the operational life of the construction drain, the flow rate to the construction drain, and the dewatering well flow rates. The time at which the construction drain receives water is shown on Figure 14. The predicted flow rate overtime for the construction drain (Base Model; Model 4) is shown on Figure 14 as a solid black line. Model 4 predicts that the drain would slowly start to receive water as water levels rebound and water levels would remain relatively steady for several years before starting a more rapid decline in 2028 as the excavation levels deepen in the AAB and have greater influence on groundwater levels. The total expected operational life of the construction drain is approximately 5.5 years. Discharge from the construction drain is expected to stop around September 2029. Actual flow rates to the construction drain may vary from model predictions because of uncertainty in drain installation methods, model assumptions and simplifications, and model uncertainty. The combined flow rate from the dewatering wells is shown on Figure 15 as the solid black line (Base Model). The dewatering well system initially consists of 11 wells which started pumping on January 18, 2023. An additional 15 wells located northeast of the SSLF, outside of the SSLF footprint, are assumed to become operational by July 31, 2023. An additional 26 wells located within the SSLF footprint in the western and northern areas of the SSLF are assumed to become operational by August 31, 2023. The estimated initial combined flow rate from the initial 11 dewatering study wells was approximately 28 gpm which is predicted to decrease to approximately 16 gpm before the second set of 15 wells become operational. The initial estimated combined flow of these two sets of dewatering wells 24 hours after the proposed wells start operating is 78 gpm (Figure 15). This flow rate is predicted to decrease to 54 gpm before the last set of 26 dewatering wells become operational at the end of August 2023. The initial combined flow after 24 hours of full system operation, when all wells are operating, is estimated to be 248 gpm. These estimates of initial flow rates from when each portion of the dewatering well system becomes operational are based on predictions after 24 hours of operation. In reality the initial flow rates could be greater than those presented here but are expected to decrease rapidly as shown in Figure 15. Flow rates to the dewatering wells may vary from simulated flow rates because of conditions encountered in the field and model assumptions and uncertainty. Sensitivity Analyses Sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate uncertainty in the model predictions by varying the parameters that are likely to influence the time to reach vertical separation, the operational life of the construction drain, and construction drain and dewatering well flow rates. These synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 12 of 15 parameters include background recharge, the conductance of the construction drain, the specific yield of the shallow materials (ash, saprolite, and transition zone), and the depths of the dewatering wells. The sensitivity analyses were conducted by comparing the model with SSLF dewatering measures (Base Model) to models where the parameters discussed above were varied around the base values. The base model and parameters varied are summarized in Table 3. Recharge was increased by 25% to evaluate the effect of increased recharge. This percent increase in recharge is based on the estimated long term seasonal high recharge rate from the Long -Term Seasonal High Groundwater Elevation Estimation Technical Memorandum (SynTerra, 2020). The conductance of the construction drain was chosen for the sensitivity analysis because it is not easily estimated but affects how efficiently the construction drain removes groundwater from the formation and reduces groundwater levels within the future SSLF. A lower drain conductance of 0.1 (feet2/day)/(foot) for the drain laterals and 0.1 (feet2/day)/(feet2) for the drain sump was used in one sensitivity analysis and a higher value of 10 (feet2/day)/(foot) for the drain laterals and 10 (feet2/day)/(feet2) for the drain sump was used in another. Specific yield was selected because it can also be highly variable and is one of the primary factors controlling how much water must be removed from storage to decrease the water table in and around the future SSLF and therefore how quickly dewatering activities would lower the water table. The sensitivity analysis evaluated two additional specific yield values, a lower value of 0.01 and an upper value of 0.2. Those values were chosen because they represent reasonable estimates of the lower and upper limits for specific yields in the type of materials at the Site. The depth of the dewatering wells was selected because well depth affects the amount of water that can be extracted. The depth was decreased by 10 feet or increased by 10 feet while the pumping level in the well was kept at 5 feet above the bottom of the well. Results from the sensitivity analyses, including the predicted times to achieve the vertical separation goal, duration of the construction drain operational life, and flow rates from the construction drain and dewatering wells are presented in Table 3. The flow rate over time for each simulation assuming different sensitivity analysis parameters is shown on Figure 14 for the construction drain, and the combined flow rates for the dewatering wells are shown on Figure 15. Increasing the background recharge to the long term seasonal high resulted in a slightly longer time to reach separation and increased the operational life of the construction drain. This greater recharge value also slightly increases the flow rates from the dewatering wells and increases the flow to the construction drain. These effects are due to more water being available to the flow system overall. synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station Page 13 of 15 Reducing the conductance from 1 to 0.1 (feet2/day)/(foot) did not change the time to reach separation because the water levels are controlled by the dewatering wells. A lower conductance reduced the flow from the drain once it became operational because the drain is less efficient in removing water because of increased resistance to flow. An increase in drain conductance increased the drain efficiency resulting in more flow from the drain. Reducing or increasing the construction drain conductance did not have a meaningful effect on the operational life of the drain. Decreasing specific yield to 0.01 results in a shorter time to achieve separation, a shorter operational life of the drain and lower flow rates from the dewatering wells. At the beginning of the operational life of the drain a greater flow rate is predicted with the decreased specific yield but the predicted flowrate quickly falls below the Base Case prediction (Model 4). Currently the cause of the initially high flowrate to the construction drain has not been fully evaluated. Increasing the specific yield resulted in a longer time to achieve separation, a longer operational life of the construction drain, greater flow rates to the construction drain after the first few months, and greater flow rates to the dewatering wells. Deepening the dewatering wells increased the flow rate from the dewatering wells but had little effect on the time to reach head separation or the time the construction drain received discharge. Deeper wells reduced the flow to the construction drain initially because the deeper wells are more effective in dewatering the area. Shallower dewatering wells had smaller flow rates, increased the time to reach separation slightly, but did not change operational life of the drain. Shallower wells would likely result in an increased flow rate into the construction drain as the shallow wells are not as efficient in lowering water levels in the SSLF area. The Base Case and sensitivity models, excluding the long-term seasonal high recharge model, assume a long-term average recharge rate that was estimated during development of the 2019 CAP models. However, temporal variations in recharge both at small scales (individual rainfall events) and at larger scales (seasonal variation) are likely to result in increases and decreases in water levels. However, available long-term data for the Site indicate that water elevations around the ash basins at the Site are generally decreasing even though some short-term increases are observed because of varying recharge rates. Currently, this overall decrease in water levels is attributed to Site activities including the cessation of sluicing, active decanting, and excavation and dewatering activities. These decreasing trends are expected to continue as Site closure activities progress and the Site reverts to conditions more similar to those prior to construction of the ash basins. synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station ATTACHMENTS: LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11A-F Figure 12 Figure 13A-N Figure 14 Figure 15 LIST OF TABLES Page 14 of 15 USGS Location Map Calibration Model Hydraulic Features Near the Future SSLF Calibration Model Recharge Distribution Calibration Model Monitoring Wells and Piezometers Predictive Model Hydraulic Features Near the Future SSLF Predictive Model Recharge Distribution Future SSLF Construction Drain Design (AECOM, 2023) Modeled Scenarios for the Future SSLF in the Predictive Model Estimated Initial Groundwater Elevations for the Calibration Model Calibration Model Residuals Near the Future SSLF Computed vs Observed Hydraulic Heads in Calibration Monitoring Wells and Piezometers Near the Future SSLF Estimated Initial Groundwater Elevations for the Predictive Model Simulated Vertical Separation Between the Groundwater Table and the SSLF CSL Subgrade Predicted Construction Drain Flow Rate Predicted Total Flow Rate from the Dewatering Wells Table 1 Site Activities (2019 to 2022) Incorporated into the Calibration Model Table 2 Anticipated Site Activities (2022 to 2032) Incorporated into the Predictive Models Table 3 Summary of Modeled Time to Reach Head Separation Goal and Drain Operational Times LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A SSLF Piezometer Boring Logs Appendix B Calibration Hydrographs synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station REFERENCES Page 15 of 15 AECOM. (2023). Permit to Construct Modification Request 1 Allen Steam Station, South Starter Landfill (3620-INDUS), Gaston County, North Carolina, Rev 0, May 2023. Charah. (2023). Allen Steam Station, Major Site Closure, All Activities Schedule, data date of May 8, 2023, provided by Duke Energy Carolinas to SynTerra via email 5/10/2023. Duke Energy. (2022a). Propeller Aerials and Topo. September 2022. Duke Energy. (2022b). Allen Steam Station, Summary of Pond Levels provided by Duke Energy Carolinas to SynTerra via email 9/9/2022. Duke Energy. (2023). AAB Stage -Storage and AAB Excavation of Time provided to SynTerra via email 1/2/2023. SynTerra. (2019). Updated Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling Report, Allen Steam Station, Belmont, NC. December 2019 [CAP Model, 2019 Appendix G]. SynTerra. (2020). Long -Term Seasonal High Groundwater Elevation Estimation, Allen Steam Station, Belmont, North Carolina. June 2020. SynTerra. (2022). Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — North Starter Landfill 3619-INDUS. February 2022. synterracorp.com Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station FIGURES synterracorp.com I= • DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY LINEN c+t F • 0;c • et ..`�.. J I n'p 40 NORTH J STEAM STATION 00000 I' DISCHARGE STARTER CANAL LANDFILL (NSLF) • .0 • y . 'COAL PILE AREA RETIRED ASH BASIN +" •/ I WASTE BOUNDARY No me RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL .� BOUNDARY r I PROPOSED LEACHATE —'—� BASIN , PROPOSED ASH BASIN LANDFILL • ACTIVE ASH BASIN ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY FUTURE SOUTH • /--' STARTER �+ • LANDFILL (SSLF) ASH BASIN GEOGRAPHIC LIMITATION `O r: r irn A0.2m '4r �S �•erdam C' NOTES: 1. WATER FEATURES DEPICTED WITHIN WASTE BOUNDARIES OF THE ASH BASINS ON THE 2019 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DO NOT REPRESENT CURRENT CONDITIONS. THE CONDITIONS DEPICTED ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN ON THE 1968AND 1973 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF THE AREA [(1968 WEST CHARLOTTE (1:24000) AND 1973 BELMONT (1:24000)]. - 2. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. - SOURCE: -.. 2019 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, BELMONT & CHARLOTTE WEST -_ QUADRANGLE, OBTAINED FROM THE USGS STORE AT -- HTTPS://NGM DB. USGS.GOV/. (� DUKE FIGURE 1 USGS LOCATION MAP ENERGY® W/NSTONSALEM GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION CAROLINAS SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ASHEVILLE • • ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA �� CHARLOTTE DRAWN BY: C. WYATT REVISED BY: R. YU DATE: 04/25/2020 DATE: 07/06/2023 GRAPHIC SCALE 000 o L,000 000 GASTON COUNTY CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 07/06/2023 (IN FEET) synTerra APPROVED BY:C.SUTTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL DATE: 07/06/2023 www.svnterracorD.COM O O O - • O O 3 gjp O O O O O O O O ,■i • O O ) . u%' Active Ash Basin • • O )�� Polishing Pond Central Conveyance Ditch Lake Wylie • err w Removed on February 10, 2022 ' �c�at> 40 Tww Southern Conveyance Ditch • Placed on February 10, 2022 O • • O NOTES: • LEGEND 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. • 2 DRAIN BOUNDARY FEATURES INCLUDE WETLANDS SUMPS CHANNELS PONDED • WATER SUPPLY WELL WITH SEPTIC RETURN WATER, DEWATERING DITCHES, AND POTENTIAL NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURES. f'DUKE 4 330 ORAPHICSC330 660 ENERGY o SEPTIC RETURN 3. GENERAL HEAD BOUNDARY FEATURES INCLUDE PONDED WATER AND LAKE WYLIE. CAROLINAS (IN FEET) POND REPRESENTING THEEWAT LINEAR DRAIN BOUNDARY FEATURE DECREASES IN SIZE W THOTIME TO REPRESENT DECLI NGRY RASHASIN LE LEVELS IN THPOLISHIEG DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 POLISHING POND. REVISED BY: DATE: 07/07/2023 PROPOSED SSLF LIMIT OF WASTE 5. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM ESRI ON APRIL 21, 2020. AERIAL WAS 7 CHECKED BY.' R. YU DATE: 07/07/2023 COLLECTED ON FEBRUARY 1, 2019. APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 07/07/2023 AERIAL DRAIN BOUNDARY FEATURE 6. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE Terra PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL �j GENERAL HEAD BOUNDARY FEATURE COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200 )NAD63). � www.s nterracor .com FIGURE 2 ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY CALIBRATION MODEL HYDRAULIC FEATURES NEAR THE FUTURE SSLF GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Dam Recharge = 0.00001 feet/day Active Ash Basin Polishing Pond `v ! Recharge = 0 feet/day Background Recharge = 0.0019 feet/day r. tomF f fi Fy,,ggp . 1 rr=chin Q RECHARGE ZONES Q PROPOSED SSLF LIMIT OF WASTE ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY r ;t x � Lake Wylie Recharge = 0 feet/day NOTES: 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. DUKE ENERGY 2. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM ESRI ON APRIL 21, 2020. AERIAL WAS CAROLINAS COLLECTED ON FEBRUARY 1, 2019. 3. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200 (NAD83). 1100111, svnTerra GRAPHIC SCALE 330 0 330 660 (IN FEET) DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 REVISED BY: DATE: 06/21/2023 CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 06/21/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 06/21/2023 PROJECT MANAGER: FIGURE 3 CALIBRATION MODEL RECHARGE DISTRIBUTION GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AB-25S LB-PZ-2 AB-24S i. AB-25SS AB-26D 1 AB-24SL GWA-3S AB-25SL GWA-3D AB-24D AB-25BRU GWA-3BRA AB-24BR AB-25BR f: 'i4 1. LB PZ 3 ABLF PZ 1 . t E' -n ,.,a�+l AB-23S CCR-16S F. CCR-17S b T CCR-17D AB-22St', AB-10BRL AB- 22D - AB-10BR L X AB-21S s AB-22BR AB ;. AB-21SS AB-22BRL AB-10S AB-21SL AB-6A AB-21 D AB-6R aW1� AB-21BRL CCR-18S CCR-21 S CCR 18D • L = <. ; CCR-21 D CCR 211 0S CCR 20 AB-5D CCR-22S SSLF-PZ-1 �. ry SSLF PZ-2 }? CCR-22DA GWA-1 S .. 1 CCR-23S GWA-1 BR GWA-2S ' CCR-23D GWA-1 D GWA-2D 1, AB-11 D LEGEND NOTES: GRAPHIC SCALE 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. (DUKE 330 0 330 660 ENERGY MONITORING WELL OR PIEZOMETER 2. ONLY THE MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS USED IN HEAD CALIBRATION ARE SHOWN. CAROLINA$ (IN FEET) 3. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM ESRI ON APRIL 21, 2020. AERIAL WAS COLLECTED ON DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY FEBRUARY 1, 2019. REVISED BY: DATE: 03/15/2023 PROPOSED SSLF LIMIT OF WASTE 4. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE CHECKED BY: R.YU DATE: 03/15/2023 SYSTEM FIP53200 (NAD83 AND NAVD88). , APPROVED BY: C.SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 PROJECT MANAGER; svnTerra c` FIGURE 4 CALIBRATION MODEL MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 o ° o O 0 o o 0 0 0 ° 0 0 0 • O ° z: o rl�lllx O Lake Wylie 1 •I • LEGENDNOTES. 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. PROPOSED DEWATERING WELL 2. DRAIN BOUNDARY FEATURES INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTION DRAIN, WETLANDS, SUMPS, • • CHANNELS, PONDED WATER, DEWATERING DITCHES, AND POTENTIAL NATURAL DRAINAGE FEATURES. INSTALLED DEWATERING WELL 3. GENERAL HEAD BOUNDARY FEATURES INCLUDE PONDED WATER AND LAKE WYLIE. GRAPHIC SCALE f' DUKE 330 0 330 660 • WATER SUPPLY WELL WITH SEPTIC RETURN 4 EXCAVATION AND DEWATERING IN THE ACTIVE ASH BASIN WAS SIMULATED USING A DRAIN BOUNDARY FEATURE WITH DRAIN ELEVATIONS THAT DECREASED WITH TIME TO MATCH THE ENERGY PROPOSED ACTIVE ASH BASIN EXCAVATION SCHEDULE AS PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS (IN FEET) c SEPTIC RETURN CAROLINAS. DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 LINEAR DRAIN BOUNDARY FEATURE 5. AERIAL IMAGERY IS A COMBINATION OF DUKE ENERGY PROPELLER PHOTOGRAPHY COLLECTED ON JUNE 13, 2023 AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM ESRI, COLLECTED ON MAY 16, 2022. REVISED BY: E. ORDEMANN DATE: 07/07/2023 CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 07/07/2023 PROPOSED SSLF LIMIT OF WASTE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 200(NAD83NG HAS BEEN SET WITH A �ECTIONOFNORTHCAROLINASTATEPANE APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 07/07/2023 PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL ® SIMULATED EXCAVATION AND DEWATERING AREA errd synT www.synterracori).com FIGURE 5 AERIAL DRAIN BOUNDARY FEATURE PREDICTIVE MODEL HYDRAULIC FEATURES NEAR THE FUTURE SSLF GENERAL HEAD BOUNDARY FEATURE GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA f Background Recharge = 0.0019 feet/day s• t.. Dam Recharge = 0.00001 feet/day ;w 6 SSLF Recharge 12/1/22 - 6/21/24: 0.0019 feet/day 6/21/24 - model end: 0 feet/dav LEGEND Q PROPOSED SSLF LIMIT OF WASTE Q RECHARGE ZONES L ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY Lake Wylie Recharge = 0 feet/day NOTES: 1.ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. THE RECHARGE RATE IS REDUCED TO ZERO IN THE PROPOSED SSLF FOOTPRINTTO ACCOUNT FOR PLACEMENT OF THE SECONDARY 60-MIL HDPE TEXTURED GEOM EMBRANE LINER. DATE OF DUKE 4 ENERGY CAROLINAS GRAPHIC SCALE 330 0 330 660 (IN FEET) LINER PLACEMENT WAS PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS AND IS ASSUMED TO BE THE PROPOSED DATE OF THE LINER SURVEY. DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 3. AERIAL IMAGERY IS A COMBINATION OF DUKE ENERGY PROPELLER PHOTOGRAPHY COLLECTED ON JUNE 13, 2023 AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM ESRI, COLLECTED REVISED BY: E. ORDEMANN DATE: 06/21/2023 CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 06/21/2023 ON MAY 16, 2022. APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 06/21/2023 4. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE PROJECT MANAGER; COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200 (NAD83). Terra .nrn.. FIGURE 6 PREDICTIVE MODEL RECHARGE DISTRIBUTION GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ALIN C901.027.016A — A _ LEGEND t . - i✓'v �. - �.Y z„� T. f r y�lwa�-� z / ., 'y A n���� / / / �i ExS�uu.�Euu »aEoaoukio»E • obi .� F ary ii -. �i - �X' �. �� // �. ��� / j✓ O �aETEa�vsiru r knwz .F iNF nPPRDX—Ei >, �y l I � I�1I o t��IA _r D r fti _ �. — .�>. .. Rom.. LANDFILL LINER SYSTEM NOT TO SCALE n . r.nnn r, ansmvn _�_-.( M f •f- 3 I / +`"0 /`-- �\- res GRn nt, sCnit yr t; TL EOROUNUOATER MANAGEMENT PLAN $$LF ..... A=C�M RALLfNRSTEB.I'1'— N o.Rr LF(3s [uou nrvo ssLF laszo .ry o, o NTV, ,oR.R ARo NA - - _ I FILL- v... -nr. - -rer �: '9P LF PEI.IIT TO QUNSTRMT I.w FIc ION REQUEST LL DUKEj ENERGY ON El ear _ oPP,6 e„ ERTRP�a�sR��,oti T_E _ or n P K o, nr�da n sn« "' m ALN 90 1"'O"'27.016AI A ao DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: DATE: 03/07/2023 c, vas CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 �+ PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL WnTerm www.synterracorp.com FIGURE 7 FUTURE SSLF CONSTRUCTION DRAIN DESIGN (AECOM, 2023) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION — SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620—INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model 3 - Model Without Dewatering Wells Model 4 - Model With Dewatering Wells or the Construction Drain and the Construction Drain LEGEND NOTES: DUKpE GRAPHIC SCALE 160 0 160 320 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. y ENOLRG I- INSTALLED DEWATERING WELL 2.CONSTRUCTION DRAIN COMPONENTS SIMULATED AS MODFLOW DRAIN BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. DEWATERING WELLS SIMULATED USING THE MNW2 MODFLOW PACKAGE INAS (IN FEET) DRAWN BY:1 EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 REVISED BY: E. ORDEMANN DATE: 06/19/2023 1 PROPOSED DEWATERING WELL 3. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE SSLF SU BG RADE CONTOUR COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200 (NAD83(. 7 CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 06/19/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 06/19/2023 CONSTRUCTION DRAIN LATERAL s)mPIOIECTMANAGER: Terra C.SUTTELL www.synterracorp.com CONSTRUCTION DRAIN SUMP FIGURE 8 MODELED SCENARIOS FOR THE FUTURE SSLF IN THE PREDICTIVE MODEL GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA R NOTESLEGEND GRAPHIC SCALE 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. `DUKE 290 0 290 580 4 ENERGY 2. WATER ELEVATION CONTOURS ARE SHOWN FOR 2/1/2019 FROM THE HISTORICAL PRE- ESTIMATED WATER ELEVATION (FEET) CAROLINAS (IN FEET) DECANTING MODEL WITH THE REFINED MODEL GRID. 3. WATER ELEVATION CONTOURS ARE SHOWN FOR TOP SAPROLITE LAYER 12. ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY DRB. EBENHACK DATE: 03/O9/2023 REVVISEDISEDBY: DATE: 03/09/2023 4. WATER ELEVATION CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 5 FEET PROPOSED SSLF LIMIT OF WASTE APPROVED BY: C.SUTTELL DATE: 03/09/2023 CHECKED BY: R.YU DATE: 03/09/2023 5. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM ESRI ON APRIL 21, 2020. AERIAL WAS COLLECTED ON PROJECT MANAGER: FEBRUARY 1, 2019. rra Te 6. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE 1 �� CCAA11 www.s7nterracorp.com COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200(NAD83 AND NAVD88). FIGURE 9 ESTIMATED INITIAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS FOR THE CALIBRATION MODEL GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA �N LEGENDNOTES: 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. • CALIBRATION TARGETS 2. RESIDUALS ARE CALCULATED AS COMPUTED HEADS MINUS OBSERVED HEADS. RESULTS ARE SHOWN FOR SEPTEMBER 1, 2022. ESTIMATED WATER ELEVATION (FEET) 3. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM ESRI ON APRIL 21, 2020. AERIAL WAS COLLECTED ON FEBRUARY 1, 2019. ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY q DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE QPROPOSED SSLF LIMIT OF WASTE COORDINATE SYSTEM HIPS 1210(NAD83 AND NAVD88). (' DUKE 4 ENERGY. 100 GRAPHIC SCALE100 200 CAROLINAS (IN FEET) DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK REVISED BY: DATE: 03/07/2023 DATE: 06/22/2023 CHECKED BY: R.YU DATE: 06/22/2023 APPROVED BY: C.SUTTELL DATE: 06/22/2023 svnTerra PROJECT MANAGER c '^^✓„ ^^� ERROR BARS (RESIDUALS) FIGURE 10 < 3.5 FEET CALIBRATION MODEL RESIDUALS NEAR THE FUTURE SSLF GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 619 m 617 m -�- 615 c 613 m y 611 W L 609 m 607 3 605 0 603 0 601 1� 581 579 -�- 577 c 575 m y 573 W L 571 m m 569 3 567 0 565 0 563 01� 01c� O3O OHO Ocl� IN N, �11 Date A13-611: Modeled CAB-611: Observed n DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: DATE: 03/07/2023 cl° CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL AB-11D 1c� OLO OLO pL� OLD O'-V O'L� O'L3 O1L115 Date --m AB-11D: Modeled CAB-11D: Observed "IF' synTerra www.synterracorp.com O"05 O1.115 580 m 578 m �— 576 c 574 m y 572 W L 570 m 568 3 566 564 L7 562 'y�ti��010) a oyo oyo oyti oyti oyti otiti o�3 oy3 Date A13-6A: Modeled fAB-6A: Observed FIGURE 11A COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS NEAR THE SSLF GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 582 17 m 580 m -�- 578 c 576 m y 574 W 572 m 570 3 568 0 566 0 564 1� CCR-18D Q1� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V O�'L Otis 0.1"5 Date CCR-18D: Modeled +CCR-18D: Observed CCR-20D 579 m 577 m �- 575 c 573 m y 571 W 569 m 567 3 565 0 563 C7 561 10) 0 CCR-18S Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' Date f CCR-18S: Modeled fCCR-18S: Observed CCR-20S 612 611 m 610 17 m 609 m m -�- 608 - - = 607 606 — - - - 605 - y 604 y 603 - - W 602 W 601 m m m 600 - - - m 599 — - 3 3 598 - - - - - 597 - 0 596 - 0 595 — L7 C7 594 593 01� Q1� '1'�L QUO QUO O�� O�� O�� O�� O�� O�� 01� 01� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O�� O�� O�� Oy '1',�L yy�L y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,��ti yy�L y'�L Date Date � CCR-20D: Modeled CCR-20D: Observed - CCR-20S: Modeled CCR-20S: Observed DUKE DRAWN BY:: EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 FIGURE 11B ENERGY REVISED BY: DATE: 03/07/2023 COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND c.° CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/08/2023 PIEZOMETERS NEAR THE SSLF APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION synTerraF www.synterracorp.com GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 632 m 630 m -�- 628 c 626 m y 624 W L 622 m 620 3 618 0 616 0 614 1� CCR-21 D Q1� QLO Qti0 Qti1 O�ti O"V O'L� O'L� O'L� Date CCR-21D: Modeled +CCR-21D: Observed CCR-22DA 634 m 632 — m 630 c 628 m y 626 W L 624 m m 622 3 620 0 618 L9 616 1� 0 CCR-21S Qya Qyo Qyo Qyti o�yti o�yti Qtiti O'y3 Qti3 Date f CCR-21S: Modeled fCCR-21S: Observed CCR-22S 634 637 m 632 m 635 m m -�- 630 = 633 628 - - - — 631 m y 626 � - - - m y 629 W L 624 - - W L 627 m m m 622 m 625 3 3 620 - 623 0 618 — — 0 621 — L7 C7 616 619 01� Q1� QUO QUO O�� O�� O�� O�� O�� Oy 'L1,4T 01 01� QUO QUO Date Date f CCR-22DA: Modeled CCR-22DA: Observed - CCR-22S: Modeled +CCR-22S: Observed %' DUKE DRAWN BY:: EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 FIGURE 11C ENERGY REVISED BY: DATE: 03/07/2023 COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND c.° CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/08/2023 PIEZOMETERS NEAR THE SSLF APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION synTerraF www.synterracorp.com GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 636 17 m 636 m -�- 634 c 632 m y 630 W L 628 m 626 3 624 0 622 0 620 1� CCR-23 D Q1c� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V O�'L Otis 0.111 5 Date CCR-23D: Modeled +CCR-23D: Observed GWA-1BR CCR-23S 637 m 635 m = 633 c 631 m y 629 W L 627 m m 625 3 623 0 621 (9 619 N,�� Date f CCR-23S: Modeled fCCR-235:Observed GWA-1D 621 622 m 619 m 620 m m L. 617 618 - 615 i I I 0 616 y 613 y 614 W L 611 W L 612 m m 3 609 - - ■--■ - 3 610 — - 607 - - 608 - — 0 605 - - 0 606 — L7 C7 603 604 01� Q1� QUO QUO O�� O�� O�� O�� O�� O�� 01� 01� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O�� O�� O�� Oy '1',�L y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,��ti yy�L y'�L Date Date { GWA-113R: Modeled tGWA-1l3R: Observed - GWA-11D: Modeled GWA-1D: Observed %' DUKE DRAWN BY:: EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 FIGURE 11D ENERGY REVISED BY: DATE: 03/07/2023 COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND c.° CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/08/2023 PIEZOMETERS NEAR THE SSLF APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION synTerra www.synterracorp.com GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 622 m 620 m -�- 618 c 616 m y 614 W 612 m 610 3 608 0 606 0 604 1� 580 m 578 m -�- 576 c 574 m y 572 W 570 m m 568 3 566 0 564 0 562 01� 01c� O3O OHO Ocl� IN N, �11 Date --0 GWA-2S: Modeled tGWA-2S: Observed n DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: DATE: 03/07/2023 cl° CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL GWA-1S 01c� OHO OtiO Oti1 O�y O'-V O�'L Otis 0.111 5 Date GWA-1S: Modeled +GWA-1S: Observed GWA-2S "IF' synTerra www.synterracorp.com O"05 O1.115 GWA-2D 583 m 581 m �- 579 - - - c 577 - - - - m y 575 — - W 573 — m I 571 — 3 569 — - — — 0 567 — — (9 565 ' 010) O�c� OHO OHO Date fGWA-2D: Modeled fGWA-2D: Observed FIGURE 11E COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS NEAR THE SSLF GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 630 17 m 628 m -�- 626 c 624 m y 622 W 620 m 618 3 616 0 614 L7 612 1� ,yQ SSLF-PZ-1 Q1c� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V O�'L Otis 0.111 5 Date SSLF-P2-1: Modeled SSLF-P2-1: Observed SSLF-PZ-3 SSLF-PZ-2 611 m 609 m 607 c 605 m y 603 W 601 m m 599 3 597 0 595 C7 593 Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti o'��' oti�" oti�' Qti�' Date SSLF-P2-2: Modeled +SSLF-P2-2: Observed SSLF-PZ-4 604 628 a4i 602 ......•• m 626 d m 600 = 624 c 598 c 622 - - y 596 y 620 - - - W 594 W 618 m m m 592 m 616 — — 3 3 c 590 614 588 612 — C7 C7 586 610 . O?g Q1c� Qti0 Q1O Qn1 0n1 O'}0 O'L� OL3 O`!� (3 13 QLO Q3 Q�1 O1, O'L� q'v q Oy 'L 'L 'L 'L Date Date - SSLF-P2-3: Modeled (SSLF-P2-3: Observed SSLF-P2-4: Modeled SSLF-P2-4: Observed %' DUKE DRAWN BY:: EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 FIGURE 11F ENERGY REVISED BY: DATE: 03/07/2023 COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND c.° CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/08/2023 PIEZOMETERS NEAR THE SSLF APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION synTerra www.synterracorp.com F GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTES: 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. WATER ELEVATION CONTOURS ARE SHOWN FOR DECEMBER 1, 2022 FROM THE TRANSIENT CALIBRATION MODEL. 3. WATER ELEVATION CONTOURS ARE SHOWN FOR TOP SAPROLITE LAYER 12. 4. WATER ELEVATION CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 5 FEET. 5. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM ESRI ON APRIL 21, 2020. AERIAL WAS COLLECTED ON FEBRUARY 1, 2019. 6. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200 (NAD83 AND NAVD88). I FrFNn ESTIMATED WATER ELEVATION (FEET) ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY r PROPOSED SSLF LIMIT OF WASTE GRAPHIC SCALE �> DUKE 290 0 290 580 4 ENERGY CAROLINAS (IN FEET) DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 CHECKED BY: R.YU DATE: 03/09/2023 APPROVED BY: C.SUTTELL DATE: 03/09/2023 . Terra PROJECT MANAGER; c` ,�re..�.....h FIGURE 12 ESTIMATED INITIAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS FOR THE PREDICTIVE MODEL GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2023 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2023 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com synTerm FIGURE 13A SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (1/1/2023) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/18/2023 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/18/2023 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com s)mTerm FIGURE 13B SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (1/18/2023) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 7/31/2023 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 7/31/2023 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 www.synterracorp.com s)mTerm FIGURE 13C SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (7/31/2023) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 8/31/2023 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 8/31/2023 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com synTerm FIGURE 13D SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (8/31/2023) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 12/1/2023 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 12/1/2023 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com synTerm FIGURE 13E SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (12/1/2023) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 3/15/2024 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 3/15/2024 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved SLF Construction rain Sump 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. I---. DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 r. ' ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com s)mTerm FIGURE 13F SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (3/1S/2024) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 6/25/2024 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 6/25/2024 ii�✓ice' Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved SSLF Construction Drain Sump 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C.SUTTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com synTerm FIGURE 13G SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (6/2S/2024) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2025 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2025 f/ii✓ice' ` - Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved SSLF Construction Drain Sump 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com s)mTerm FIGURE 13H SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (1/1/2025) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2026 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2026 '�g 3 r Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved SSLF Construction Drain Sump 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com s)mTerm FIGURE 131 SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (1/1/2026) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2027 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2027 '�g Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved SSLF Construction Drain Sump 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 0 www.synterracorp.com s)mTerm FIGURE 13J SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (1/1/2027) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2028 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2028 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved SSLF Construction Drain Sump 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com synTerm FIGURE 13K SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (1/1/2028) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2029 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2029 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved SLF Construction rain Sump 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com s)mTerm FIGURE 13L SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (1/1/2029) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 9/9/2029 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 9/9/2029 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) 32.0 - 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 Separation 8.0 Achieved 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 \ -12.0 SSLF Construction Drain Sump NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com synTerm FIGURE 13M SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (9/9/2029) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Model — 3: Model Without SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2032 Model —4: Model With SSLF Dewatering Measures 1/1/2032 Simulated Vertical Separation (feet) Separation Achieved SLF Construction rain Sump 32.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 -4.0 -8.0 -12.0 NOTES: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain becomes operational on March 15, 2024. 3. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 4. Vertical separation is calculated as the CSL (compacted soil liner) subgrades minus simulated groundwater table elevations. (� DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/07/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/20/2023 CAROLINA CHECKED BY: E. HICKS DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SLITTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SLITTELL DATE:03/15/2023 1 www.synterracorp.com synTerm FIGURE 13N SIMULATED VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GROUNDWATER TABLE AND THE SSLF CSL SUBGRADE (1/1/2032) GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORTVERTICAL SEPARATION —SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10 8 T 0 LL 4 2 0 ti ii �s Base Model — — — Dewatering Wells 10 ft Deeper — — — Dewatering Wells 10ft Shallower ----- 5pecif icYield = 0.2 5pecif icYield = 0.01 — — Drain Conductance = 10 ft2/day/ft — — Drain Conductance = 0.1 ft2/day/ft Long Term Seasonal High Recharge Rate ,�oy3 y,�o �o,�oti� �,�'� '�o'�oyti �,y,�o�o �,�,�oy� o,�,�oy� �,y,�o�� o,�'�oy� �'y,�oyw �,9,�qy� �,oti� �,�o �,�0 0�3,�o�ti titi h NY ti ti 1 1 ti ti Date Notes: 1. Model assumes construction drain operation starts on March 15, 2024. 2. Base model assumptions: Dewatering well depth is approximately 70 feet below ground surface; specific yield in ash, saprolite, and transition zone = 0.1; lateral drain conductance = 1 feetz/day/foot; sump drain conductance = 1 feet2/day/ feetz; recharge rate = 8.3 in/year. 3. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 4. Model assumes the secondary 60-MIL HDPE textured geomembrane liner is placed on June 21, 2024, which is simulated by reducing recharge to zero in the footprint of the SSLF. 5. Actual construction drain flow rates may vary from simulated flow rates because of uncertainty in drain installation methods, model assumptions and simplifications, and model uncertainty. 6. Predicted construction drain operation duration for each modeled scenario (i.e., period when simulated flow rate is greater than zero) is listed in Table 3. 7. gpm = gallons per minute S■' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/08/2023 ENERGY REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 06/21/2023 CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 101 synTerra www.synterracorp.com FIGURE 14 PREDICTED CONSTRUCTION DRAIN FLOW RATE GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 350.00 250.00 9 ptg200.00 V1 W 4+ M CC 3 150.00 G LL 50.00 0.00 o�y� �oti3 �'0,�3 �,oti3 �,o�� �'0�3 �,0�3 �,0�3 �o'o�y� ���0�3 ��,�oti3 y,�oti� �,o�a �'30�� �,�,�o�� y,�'�o�a Date Notes: 1. Model assumes pilot dewatering wells become operational on January 18, 2023, proposed dewatering wells outside of the footprint of the SSLF become operational on July 31, 2023, and proposed dewatering wells within the footprint of the SSLF become operational on August 31, 2023. Dewatering wells stop operating on March 15, 2024. 2. Model assumes construction drain operation starts on March 15, 2024. 3. Base model assumptions: Dewatering well depth is approximately 70 feet below ground surface; specific yield in ash, saprolite, and transition zone = 0.1; lateral drain conductance = 1 feetz/day/foot; sump drain conductance = 1 feetz/day/ feetz; recharge rate = 8.3 in/year. 4. gpm = gallons per minute 5. Actual flow rates to the dewatering wells may vary from simulated flow rates because of actual conditions encountered in the field and model assumptions and uncertainty. (' DUKE V ENERGY DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK REVISED BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/08/2023 DATE: 06/21/2023 c+ CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/08/2023 APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 / 1 sc)mTerra www.synterracorp.com FIGURE 15 PREDICTED TOTAL FLOW RATE FROM THE DEWATERING WELLS GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION — SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station TABLES synterracorp.com TABLE 1 SITE ACTIVITIES (2019 TO 2022) INCORPORATED INTO THE CALIBRATION MODEL GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, GASTON COUNTY, NC Site Event Approximate Dates Calibration simulation begins 2/1/2019 Cessation of sluicing activities in primary ponds 1, 2, and 3 2/1/2019 AAB Polishing Pond elevations vary based on decanting levels 2/1/2019 through 9/1/2022 AAB South Ditch constructed (stage varies with time) 2/10/2022 AAB1 central ditch to Polishing Pond removed 2/10/2022 Calibration model simulation ends 9/1/2022 Notes: AAB - Active Ash Basin Prepared by: EMH checked by: JFE Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 ANTICIPATED SITE ACTIVITIES (2022 TO 2032) INCORPORATED INTO THE PREDICTIVE MODELS GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, GASTON COUNTY, NC Site Event Approximate Dates Predictive Model simulation begins 12/1/2022 AAB1 Polishing Pond active 12/1/2022 SSLF2 initial dewatering wells operational 1/18/2023 Proposed dewatering wells outside of the SSLF footprint operational 7/31/2023 Proposed dewatering wells inside of the SSLF footprint operational 8/31/2023 SSLF construction drain operational 3/15/2024 SSLF dewatering wells stop operating 3/15/2024 Survey of secondary geomembrane after installation, recharge reduced to zero in the SSLF footprint 6/21/2024 Excavation dewatering in AAB begins, elevation 624.0 ft 1/1/2025 Excavation dewatering in AAB continues, elevation 622.5 ft 1/1/2026 Excavation dewatering in AAB continues, elevation 620 ft 1/1/2027 Excavation dewatering in AAB continues, elevation 615 ft 1/1/2028 AAB Polishing Pond becomes inactive 1/1/2028 Excavation dewatering in AAB continues, elevation 610 ft 1/1/2029 Excavation dewatering in AAB continues, elevation 605 ft 1/1/2030 Excavation dewatering in AAB continues, elevation 600 ft 1/1/2031 Predictive Model simulation ends 1/1/2032 Notes: AAB - Active Ash Basin SSLF - South Starter Landfill Prepared by: EMH Checked by:1FE Page 1 of 1 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF MODELED TIME TO REACH HEAD SEPARATION GOAL AND DRAIN OPERATIONAL TIMES GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620 - INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, GASTON COUNTY, NC T Sensitivitaration Date Date Total Dewatering Well Total Dewatering ModelDate .• Analsis Value Units Achieved at .. Drain•. • :A� SSLF Monitoring Wells FootprintParameter SSLF . • Baseline - Model without SSLF Dewatering Measures Not Applicable 12/1/2028 1/1/2029 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (Model 3) Base Model - Model with SSLF Dewatering Measures See notes 10/1/2023 12/1/2023 9/13/2029 248.6 86.2 (Model 4) Higher recharge resulted in a slightly longer time to reach separation Background Recharge 0.002375 ft/day 11/1/2023 1/1/2024 1/1/2030 255.4 89.9 and increased the operational life of the construction drain. It slightly Increased 25% increased the flow rates from the dewatering wells. Construction Drain ft2/d/ft (lateral) 0.1 10/1/2023 12/1/2023 9/13/2029 248.6 86.2 Not sensitive: Does not significantly affect results. ftz/d/ftZ (sump) Conductance Construction Drain ftZ/d/ft (lateral) 10 10/1/2023 12/1/2023 9/13/2029 248.6 86.2 Not sensitive: Does not significantly affect results. Conductance ftz/d/ft' (sump) Ash/Saprolite/Transition Lower Sy results in a shorter time to achieve separation, a slightly 0.01 3 (ft3 /ft) 8/31/2023 9/1/2023 8/1/2028 181.4 67.4 shorter operational life of the construction drain, and lower flowrates Zone Specific yield (Sy) from the dewatering wells. Sensitivity Analysis Ash/Saprolite/Transition Higher Sy results in a longer time to achieve separation, a longer 0.2 3 3 (ft /ft) 12/1/2023 4/1/2024 7/2/2030 273.2 101.7 operational life of the construction drain, and higher flowrates from Zone Specific yield (Sy) the dewatering wells. Deeper wells did not change the time to reach separation at the Dewatering Well Configuration: Hlimit and Decreased 10 ft ft 10/1/2023 11/1/2023 9/13/2029 337.6 109.6 monitoring wells or the operational life of the construction drain but decreased the time to reach separation in the footprint of the landfill. screen bottom It does result in higher flow rates from the dewatering wells. Dewatering Well Shallower wells increased the time to reach separation but did not Configuration: Hlimit and Increased 10 ft ft 11/1/2023 1/1/2024 9/13/2029 169.5 63.5 affect the operational life of the construction drain. It does result in screen bottom lower flow rates from the dewatering wells. Prepared by: EMH Checked by: JFE Notes: 1. Sensitivity Analyses were run using the Base Case which is Option 4 with the Dewatering Wells Operating until head separation achieved in the SSLF footprint. 2. The Base Case model parameters are construction drain laterals with conductance values of 1 ftZ/d/ft and a sump conductance value of 1 ftZ/d/ft' ; a specific yield value in ash, saprolite, and transition zone of 0.1 (ft3/ft3); dewatering well screen bottom of 70 ft below ground surface and a dewatering well level (Hlimit) of 5 feet above the bottom of the well; and a recharge rate of 8.3 in/year 65 ft below ground surface. 3. ft`/d/ft = feet squared per day per foot 4. ft`/d/ft` = feet squared per day per feet squared 5. inch/year = inches per year 6. ft`/d = feet squared per day 7.d=day 8. Sy = specific yield 9. ft = feet 10. Hlimit defines the pumping water level maintained in the dewatering well and is assumed to be held 5 feet above the bottom of the well screen 11. For the "Dewatering Well Depth" the depth to the bottom of the well screen was decreased or increased by ten feet but no change was made to the depth to the top of the well screen Page 1 of 1 Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station APPENDIX A BORING LOGS synterracorp.com PROJECT: Allen Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: SSLF-PZ-01 PROJECT NO: 1026.17 STARTED: 5/19/22 COMPLETED: 5/19/22 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 524031.27 EASTING: 1399444.01 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Augers G.S. ELEV: 642.70 ft M.P. ELEV: 645.56 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 19 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 52.0 ft BGS NOTES: bgs: below ground surface LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: M. Crai 2 w U = U) LLI � OUo 2 d a <O ? DESCRIPTION Q w 2 WELL o U) of ii CONSTRUCTION Silty CLAY w/ minimal sand; orange, fine, dry, loose, nonplastic, slightly micaceous Light brown w/ depth 5 Clayey SILT w/ minor sand; brown, fine, dry, loose, 10 nonplastic, slightly micaceous -AquaGuard Grout (0-20 ft bgs) 15 -2-in PVC Riser Q Silty CLAY; fine, slightly moist to moist w/ depth, 20 slightly cohesive, weak to nonplastic -Bentonite Holeplug Seal (20-25 ft bgs) Light brown w/ minor sand 25 Increased sand 30 35 -Sand Filter Pack (25-52 ft Continued moist, cohesive, weak to nonplastic cuttings bgs) 40 Well Screen (27-52 ft bgs Saturated cuttings; mud slurry returned to surface Increased sand 45 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Gaston County, North Carolina Ter Greenville, South Carolina 29601 Phone:864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Allen Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: SSLF-PZ-01 PROJECT NO: 1026.17 STARTED: 5/19/22 COMPLETED: 5/19/22 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 524031.27 EASTING: 1399444.01 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Augers G.S. ELEV: 642.70 ft M.P. ELEV: 645.56 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 19 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 52.0 ft BGS NOTES: bgs: below ground surface LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: M. Crai 2 U = U) LLI -i OUo 2 d w <O ? DESCRIPTION Q w a 2 WELL o U) of ii CONSTRUCTION SAA - silty CLAY w/ sand Boring terminated at 52 ft bgs 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Gaston County, North Carolina Terra Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mPhone:864-421-9999 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT: Allen Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: SSLF-PZ-02 PROJECT NO: 1026.17 STARTED: 5/18/22 COMPLETED: 5/18/22 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 523991.93 EASTING: 1400031.62 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Augers G.S. ELEV: 616.87 ft M.P. ELEV: 619.74 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 10 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 28.0 ft BGS NOTES: bgs: below ground surface LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: M. Crai 2 w U = U) LLI _ OUo 2 d a <O ? DESCRIPTION Q w 2 WELL o U) of ii CONSTRUCTION CLAY; red, dry, fine e°-AquaGuard Grout (0-5 ft bgs) CLAY w/ minor silt and sand; dry to slightly moist, weak 5 plasticity, slightly cohesive Brown and red at 5 ft bgs, brown w/ depth and clumpy cuttings -2-in PVC Riser -Bentonite Holeplug Seal Slightly micaceous (5-10 ft bgs) to - Driller noted water during drilling at —10 ft bgs Light brown and slightly orange cuttings; decreased cohesiveness and plasticity 15 `= f -Sand Filter Pack (10-28 ft 20 Light orange brown to light orange bgs) Minor rock pieces and gravel in cuttings -Well Screen (13-28 ft bgs Increased moisture 25 Boring terminated at 28 ft bgs 30 35 40 45 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Gaston County, North Carolina Terra Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mPhone:864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Allen Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: SSLF-PZ-03 PROJECT NO: 1026.17 STARTED: 5/19/22 COMPLETED: 5/19/22 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 523550.59 EASTING: 1399901.63 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Augers G.S. ELEV: 606.93 ft M.P. ELEV: 609.76 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 19 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 29.0 ft BGS NOTES: bgs: below ground surface LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: M. Crai 2 w U = U) LLI � OUo 2 d a <O ? DESCRIPTION Q w 2 WELL o U) of ii CONSTRUCTION Silt clay LOAM; brown, dry, fine, loose, soft CLAY w/ minor silt; dry to slightly moist, slightly 5 cohesive, weak plasticity Red w/ depth e°-AquaGuard Grout (0 12 ft bgs) Dark red, loose, nonplastic, dry Red to orange red w/ depth 10 -2-in PVC Riser Brown orange w/ depth f-Bentonite Holeplug Seal 15 (12-17 ft bgs) Q Clayey SILT w/ minor sand; fine, loose, dry to slightly 20 moist, light orange brown `•� -Sand Filter Pack (17-29 ft Increased sand at -24 ft bgs; light brown and moist \ bgs) Well Screen (19 29 ft bgs 25 Fine, cohesive, clumpy, weak plasticity, moist to saturated Boring terminated at 29 ft bgs 30 35 40 45 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Gaston County, North Carolina Terra Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mPhone:864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Allen Steam Station WELL / BORING NO: SSLF-PZ-04 PROJECT NO: 1026.17 STARTED: 5/19/22 COMPLETED: 5/19/22 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 523561.42 EASTING: 1398990.72 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Augers G.S. ELEV: 642.54 ft M.P. ELEV: 645.35 ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8 IN DEPTH TO WATER: 14 ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 43.0 ft BGS NOTES: bgs: below ground surface LOGGED BY: G. Khang CHECKED BY: M. Crai 2 w U = U) LLI _ OUo 2 d a <O ? DESCRIPTION Q w 2 WELL o U) o ii CONSTRUCTION Brown at surface w/ organics Silty CLAY; red, fine, loose, dry, nonplastic 5 e°-AquaGuard Grout (0-15 ft Pale pink red, soft, dry to slightly moist, slightly bgs) micaceous 10 Minor sand -2-in PVC Riser Light orange to orange brown, increased moisture, SZ weak to nonplastic, slightly cohesive 15 f-Bentonite Holeplug Seal (15-20 ft bgs) Brown, moist, clumpy cuttings 20 Light brown 25 30 •'• -Sand Filter Pack (20-43 ft bgs) -Well Screen (23-43 ft bgs 35 40 Boring terminated at 43 ft bgs 45 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Gaston County, North Carolina Ter Greenville, South Carolina 29601 Phone:864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 Groundwater Modeling to Support Vertical Separation — South Starter Landfill 3620-INDUS July 11, 2023 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Allen Steam Station APPENDIX B CALIBRATION HYDROGRAPHS synterracorp.com 578 y 576 m 574 0 572 +1 570 m W 568 am 566 3 564 c 562 0 560 L7 558 1� ■ Q1c� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis 0.1"5 Date --w AB-10BR: Modeled +AB-10BR: Observed 579 y 577 m 575 0 573 +1 571 W 569 m 567 565 M c 563 0 561 C7 559 Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' Date AB-10BRL: Modeled +AB-10BRL: Observed AB-105 577 577 y 575 y 575 573 573 - 0 571 2 571 - - 569 569 - - W 567 w 567 m 565 m 565 — — 3 563 3 563 — - c 561 — c 561 0 559 0 559 L7 557 557 O O �� �� �� 1.115C7 O O �� �� �� 1.11) 01� Q1� y�L '1'�L QUQUO�O�> OOOOy 01� 01� QUQUQ�� O�y OOOOy y�L '1',�L '1',y�L y y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11��'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,4T y'�L �'ti�ti 1'ti�L y,��ti 1,�'(L �,L�L 114T y Date Date --m AB-10D: Modeled CAB-10D: Observed - A13-10S: Modeled CAB-10S: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-1 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I- synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 620 y 618 m 616 0 614 +1 612 m W 610 d 608 3 606 c 604 0 602 L7 600 1� AB-11D 1c� QLO Qti0 Q�1 0�1 O''-V Owi, O'L� O1L115 Date --m AB-11D: Modeled +AB-11D: Observed A B-21 D AB-21BRL 644 y 642 m r 640 0 638 +1 636 m W 634 m 632 3 630 M c 628 0 626 C7 624 Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' Date AB-21BRL: Modeled +AB-21BRL: Observed AB-21S 644 645 y 642 y 643 640 641 - 0 638 - - - 0 639 - - - - - 71 636 - - - 637 - - - - — W 634 - - w 635 — am 632 am 633 +� 3 630 - - - - m 631 — — — — — c 628 - - - - M c 629 — 0 626 F625 0 627 L7 C7 624 (3 Q1� y�L QUO QUO O�� O�� O�� O�� O�� O�� 01� 01� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O�V O�� O�� Oy y�L '1',�L y IN y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,��ti y'�L y Date Date --m AB-21D: Modeled CAB-21D: Observed - A13-21S: Modeled CAB-21S: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-2 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I— synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 645 y 643 m 641 0 639 +1 637 m W 635 am 633 3 631 c 629 0 627 L7 625 1� AB-21SL Q1c� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis 0.1"5 Date --w AB-21SL: Modeled CAB-21SL: Observed AB-21SS 644 y 642 m r 640 0 638 +1 636 m W 634 m 632 3 630 M c 628 0 626 C7 624 Qua Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'�� oti� Otis' i ti- �� Date CAB-21SS: Modeled fAB-21SS: Observed AB-22BRL 600 i 604 y 598 - 602 596 - _ _ Y 600 - 0 594 _ — 598 - 596 — — 592 i — - > 594 — W 590 - - W 592 — — — — am 588 - - y 590 — — — 3 586 I 3 588 — - -a 584 M 586 - - 584 582 0 582 L7 C7 580 580 1.115 01� Q1c� QUO QUO O�� O�� O�� Owi, O�� O�� 01� 01c� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O�V O�� O�� Oy '1',�L y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11��'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,��ti yy�L y'�L Date Date AB-22BR: Modeled CAB-22BR: Observed AB-22BRL: Modeled CAB-22BRL: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-3 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I- synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA boa y 598 m �. 596 0 594 592 m W 590 am 588 3 586 c 584 0 582 V 58a 1� AB-22D 1� QL° Qti0 Q�1 0�1 O''-V Owi, O'L� O1L115 Date --m AB-22D: Modeled +AB-22D: Observed AB-22S AB-23BRU 640 1 635 c 630 m 7 m W 625 m m 620 3 M 615 0 'L^ V 610 Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti o'�� oti� oti�' oti�' Date AB-23BRU: Modeled +AB-23BRU: Observed AB-23S 598 642 y 596 y 640 594 I 638 0 592 - 0 636 - - - - 590 634 - - iy 588 iy 632 am 586 - am 630 — — +� 3 584 3 628 — — 3 582 - — M r- 626 — 0 580 -�� - 0 624 L7 C7 578 622 1.115 � 01� Q1� 'L Q�° Q�° O�� O�� O�� O�� O�� Oy 'L 'L'L`l 0101� Q�° Q�° Q�� O�y O�� O�� Date Date --1111 A13-22S: Modeled fAB-22S: Observed - A13-23S: Modeled CAB-23S: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-4 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I- synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 637 y 635 m �. 633 0 631 629 m W 627 am 625 +� 3 623 c 621 0 619 L7 617 1� Q1c� Q�° Qti° Qti1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis 0.1"5 Date AB-24BR: Modeled +AB-24BR: Observed 638 y 636 m r 634 0 632 630 m W 628 m 626 3 624 M c 622 0 620 C7 618 010) '1��•L13 AB-24S C3 ci Qtiti otiti atiti °titi oti'' i ti3 ti��� �� Date A13-24S: Modeled fAB-24S: Observed AB-24SL 637 638 1-1635 y 636 633 634 0 631 0 632 - - 629 630 - - - iy 627 iy 628 - m a) 625 am 626 ~ 623 I +� : 624 c 621 — Ir 622 - 0 619 — 0 620 L7 C7 617 618 ri 01� Q1c� Q�° Q�° O�� O�� O�� Owi, O�� O�� 01� 01c� C3 Q�° Q�� O�y O�V O�� O�� Oy '1',�L y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11��'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,��ti yy�L y'�L Date Date --m AB-24D: Modeled CAB-24D: Observed - AB-24SL: Modeled CAB-24SL: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-5 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I- synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 640 17 635 — c 630 m m W 625 L 3 620 615 0 L7 610 010 Q1� QUO QUO OS� O�� qz � Oy Oy Oy ti��� Date --w AB-25BR: Modeled +AB-25BR: Observed AB-25S AB-25BRU 640 I 635 - — c 630 m 7 m W 625 L 3 620 M 615 o C7 { 610 Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' Date AB-25BRU: Modeled +AB-25BRU: Observed AB-25SL 640 640 635 635 - c 630 c 630 - - X�411� 7 W 625 w 625 - - m m m 620 m 620 - 3 3 M 615 — 615 0 0 V V 610 610 01� Q1c� QUO QUO O�� O�� O'-V Owi, O"05 O�115 01 01c� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O"V Owi, Date Date --1111 A13-25S: Modeled CAB-25S: Observed - AB-25SL: Modeled CAB-25SL: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-6 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I— synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 640 635 c 636 m m W 625 L 620 3 615 0 rL^ V 61d 1� AB-25SS Q1c� Q�° Qti° ati1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis a.1"5 Date --a'- AB-25SS: Modeled +AB-25SS: Observed 605 600 - c 595 - m 7 W 590 L 585 3 580 0 'L^ V 575 Qti° Qti° atiti otiti atiti atiti oti'' i ti3 �� Date AB-26D: Modeled fAB-26D: Observed AB-25S AB-5 605 647 y y 645 600 643 595 0 641 7 7 639 W 590 - - - W 637 m m 635 3 585 - - - 3 633 580 M 631 0 0 629 L7 C7 575 627 01� Q1c� Q�° Q�° O�� O�� O�� Owi, O�� O�� 01� 01c� Q�° Q�° Q�� O�y O�V O�� O�� ay '1',�L y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11��'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,��ti yy�L y'�L Date Date --1111 A13-26S: Modeled CAB-26S: Observed A13-5: Modeled CAB-5: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-7 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I- synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 581 y 579 m �. 577 0 575 573 m W 571 am 569 3 567 c 565 0 563 L7 561 01� Q1 a Qyo Qyo Qy� oy� o'ti oti, oti3 o1.3 Date CAB-6A: Modeled fAB-6A:Observed ABLF-PZ-1 640 m m !t, 635 c 0 630 m W `m 625 r m 3 620 � 0 C7 615 Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' Date ABLF-P2-1: Modeled tABLF-P2-1: Observed CCR-16D 582 i i 582 y 580 — — y 580 578 - - - 578 0 576 - - - 0 576 - +1 574 - +� 574 - - - - W 572 mom W 572 - am 570 - - m 570 568 - - 568 — c 566 - - - c 566 — 0 564 0 564 L7 C7 562 562 1.115 01� Q1c� QUO QUO O�� O�� O�� Owi, O�� O�� 01� 01c� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O�V O�� O�� Oy '1',�L y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11��'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,��ti yy�L y'�L Date Date A13-6R: Modeled CAB-6R: Observed — CCR-16D: Modeled CCR-16D: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-8 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I— synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 581 y 579 m 577 0 575 +1 573 m W 571 am 569 3 567 c 565 0 563 L7 561 1� CCR-16S Q1c� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis 0.1"5 Date CCR-16S: Modeled +CCR-16S: Observed CCR-17S 590 y 588 m �. 586 0 584 +1 582 W 580 m 578 576 M c 574 0 572 C7 570 1� 0 CCR-17 D Q '�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' Date f CCR-17D: Modeled fCCR-17D: Observed CCR-18D 586 583 y 584 y 581 582 — 579 0 580 — - 2 577 578 - - 575 W 576 w 573 am 574 m 571 3 572 - �* 3 569 c 570 - — c 567 0 568 0 565 L7 C7 566 563 01� Q1c� QUO QUO O�� O�� O�� Obi, O�� O�� 01� 01c� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O"V Owi, Orb O1.115 Date Date --a'-CCR-17S: Modeled CCR-17S: Observed — CCR-18D: Modeled CCR-18D: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-9 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION synTerra www.synterracorp.com GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA I- I 580 y 578 m 576 0 574 +1 572 m W 570 am 568 3 566 c 564 0 562 L7 560 1� CCR-18S Q1c� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis 0.1"5 Date CCR-18S: Modeled +CCR-18S: Observed CCR-20S CCR-20D 613 y 611 - m r 609 0 607 +1 605 m W 603 m 601 599 M c 597 0 595 C7 593 Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' Date f CCR-20D: Modeled fCCR-20D: Observed CCR-21 D 612 633 - y 610 y 631 608 629 0 606 - 0 627 T- - 604 - 625 - - iy 602 iy 623 a) 600 d 621 598 619 - — c 596 — c 617 — 0 594 0 615 L7 C7 592 613 1.115 01� Q1c� QUO QUO O�� O�� O"V Owi, O�� O�� 01� 01c� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O�V O�� O�� Oy '1',�L y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11��'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,��ti yy�L y'�L Date Date --a'- CCR-20S: Modeled CCR-20S: Observed — CCR-21D: Modeled CCR-21D: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-10 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I— synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 635 y 633 m 631 0 629 +1 627 m W 625 am 623 3 621 c 619 0 617 L7 615 1� CCR-21S Q1c� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis 0.1"5 Date CCR-21S: Modeled +CCR-21S: Observed CCR-22S CCR-22 DA 635 y 633 m r 631 0 629 +1 627 - - m W 625 m 623 3 621 — M c 619 0 617 C7 615 Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' Date CCR-22DA: Modeled CCR-22DA: Observed CCR-23D 638 639 y 636 y 637 m 634 m r 635 0 632 — 2 633 � 636 631 iy 628 iy 629 am 626 m 627 3 624 � 3 625 c 622 — c 623 0 620 0 621 L7 C7 618 619 01� Q1c� QUO QUO O�� O�� O�� Obi, O�� O�� 01� 01c� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O"V Owi, Orb O1.115 Date Date CCR-22S: Modeled CCR-22S: Observed — CCR-23D: Modeled CCR-23D: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-11 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I- synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 636 y 636 m 634 0 632 +1 630 m W 628 am 626 3 624 622 0 620 L7 618 1� CCR-23S Q1c� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis 0.1"5 Date CCR-23S: Modeled +CCR-23S: Observed GWA-1D GWA-1BR 622 y 620 m r 618 0 616 614 m W 612 m 610 3 608 — M c 606 — 0 604 C7 602 Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' Date GWA-113R: Modeled GWA-1BR: Observed GWA-1S 623 623 y 621 y 621 619 619 - 0 617 - 0 617 - - 41 615 - - +� 615 - W 613 - - W 613 — am 611 - m 611 — 3 609 3 609 - ■=■ c 607 — - — — M c 607 0 605 0 605 L7 C7 603 603 01� Q1c� QUO QUO O�� O�� O�� Obi, O�� O�� 01� 01c� QUO QUO Q�� O�y O"V Owi, Orb O1.115 Date Date --'I- GWA-10: Modeled tGWA-10: Observed — —GWA-1S: Modeled GWA-1S: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-12 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I- synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 584 y 582 m 580 0 578 +1 576 m W 574 am 572 3 570 c 568 0 566 L7 564 1� GWA-2D Q1� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis 0.1"5 Date GWA-2D: Modeled tGWA-2D: Observed GWA-3BRA 581 y 579 m 577 0 575 41 m 573 W 571 m 569 567 M c 565 0 563 C7 561 10) 0 GWA-2S Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti Q'��' oti�" Otis' Qti�' N,�� Date f GWA-2S: Modeled fGWA-2S: Observed GWA-3D 583 — 581 y 581 y 579 579 577 0 577 - 2 575 - +1 575 - +j 573 W 573 w 571 m 571 m 569 3 569 3 567 - - c 567 — M c 565 0 565 0 563 L7 C7 563 561 � O O �� � O O � 01� Q1 QUQUO�� O�� O�� OO�� O�� 01� 01QUQUQ�� O�y O� O�� O�� Oy '1',�L y'�L 1',y�L �'ti�ti 11��'L y,��ti �,3�ti �,L�l 1,��ti yy�L y'�L Date Date � GWA-3BRA: Modeled GWA-3BRA: Observed — GWA-3D: Modeled GWA-3D: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-13 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I- synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA GWA-3S 582 y 580 - m 578 - 0 576 — - +1 574 a - m W 572 - am 570 — — 3 568 — - - c 566 - - 0 564 L7 562 01� Q1c� Q�° Q�° O�� O�� O�� Owi, Date GWA-3S: Modeled +GWA-3S: Observed LB-PZ-2 640 y 638 m r. 636 Osman 0 634 +1 632 m m W 630 m 628 3 626 M c 624 0 622 C7 620 010) '1��•L13 LB-PZ-1 Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti atiti °titi oti'' i ti3 ti����� Date --E-- LB-PZ-1: Modeled f LB-PZ-1: Observed LB-PZ-3 640 645 y 638 y 643 636 641 0 634 0 639 - - - 41 632 +� 637 - — W 630 - W 635 am 628 - - am 633 - — 3 626 - - 3 631 - c 624 - M c 629 — 0 622 0 627 L7 C7 620 625 ) 01� Q1c� Q�° Q�° O�� O�� O�� Obi, O�� O�� 01� 01c� Q�° Q�° Q�� O�y O"V Owi, O11 O1.115 Date Date --m LB-PZ-2: Modeled --0-- LB-PZ-2: Observed - LB-PZ-3: Modeled LB-PZ-3: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-14 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I— synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 631 y 629 m 627 0 625 +1 623 m W 621 am 619 3 617 c 615 613 L7 611 1� ,yQ SSLF-PZ-1 Q1c� QUO QtiO Qti1 O�y O'-V Owi, Otis 0.1"5 Date SSLF-P2-1: Modeled SSLF-P2-1: Observed SSLF-PZ-3 SSLF-PZ-2 612 y 610 m r 608 0 606 +1 604 m W 602 m 600 598 M c 596 594 C7 592 Q'�a Qti° Qti° Qtiti otiti o'��' oti�" oti�' Qti�' Date SSLF-P2-2: Modeled +SSLF-P2-2: Observed SSLF-PZ-4 605 629 y 603 y 627 601 625 0 599 0 623 +1 m 597 +� 621 W 595 anw 619 �■y. am 593 m 617 3 591 3 615 c 589 c 613 587 ....... ------ 611 C7 C7 585 609 `! O?g Q1� Qti0 Q1O Qn1 0�1 O'}0 O'L� O13 q 01 01� Qyo Qti0 Q�1 O1, o'ti O1� O'L� OLD y'�L Date Date - SSLF-P2-3: Modeled (SSLF-P2-3: Observed SSLF-P2-4: Modeled SSLF-P2-4: Observed (' DUKE DRAWN BY: J. EBENHACK DATE: 03/09/2023 FIGURE B-15 ENERGY- REVISED BY: DATE: 03/09/2023 HYDROGRAPH OF COMPUTED VS OBSERVED HYDRAULIC HEADS CAROLINAS CHECKED BY: R. YU DATE: 03/10/2023 IN CALIBRATION MONITORING WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APPROVED BY: C. SUTTELL DATE: 03/15/2023 GROUNDWATER MODELING TO SUPPORT VERTICAL SEPARATION - �� PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL 3620-INDUS ALLEN STEAM STATION I- synTerra www.synterracorp.com I GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA