HomeMy WebLinkAbout0403_AnsonLF_respnstocomments_20230707Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. July 7, 2023 ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL donna.wilson&ncdenr. gov Donna Wilson Environmental Engineer, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Dear Donna: Subject: Response to Comments Email dated June 16, 2023 Environmental Assessment — Anson Landfill Phase 5 Expansion DWM-SW Permit 0403-MSWLF-2010 CEC Project 165-276 Comment #1—Leachate recirculation plan — The Section staff has concerns and comments regarding the recirculation/spraying of landfill leachate on to the working face. Newer concerns are the potential for aeration of PFAS constituents by spraying. Other concerns are odor and runoff from the spraying. This plan, and any text referencing it, should be removed from the current application, so that it doesn't hold up the permit approval. A revised application for leachate recirculation can be submitted at a later date as a permit modification. Response: Any references to leachate recirculation have been removed from this Permit Application in its entirety. Comment #2 - Permit to Construct Application and Vertical Expansion: a. The application cover page should state - Permit to Construct Application, Phases 4 and 5, Horizontal and Vertical Expansion. Response: The application Cover Page has been updated to State "PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT APPLICATION ANSON COUNTY LANDFILL PHASES 4 & 5 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL EXPANSION" b. Introduction page — Section 1.1 Project Description. The text should state that this is a Permit to Construct Application for an expansion to the landfill of 68 acres, to be added to the existing 133.10 acres, for a total of 201.1 acres (or as correction needed, the size should be accurate to the drawings). It should also state that the application is for a re -design of the configuration and labeling of the remaining areas in Phase 4 with the Phase 5 addition, and that this application is for a vertical expansion over the Phase 1 through 5 area from a previous maximum height of elevation 490 to a new maximum height of elevation 560, 3701 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 400 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 1 p: 980-237-0373 f: 980-237-0372 1 www.cecinc.com Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 2 July 7, 2023 which is a 70 feet vertical expansion. It should also state the increase in capacity of the landfill from the previous approved capacity, with both numbers provided. Response: Section L I has been updated with the following language: "This Permit to Construct Application is an expansion of 65.34 acres to the previously permitted 133.10 acre facility, resulting in a total acreage of 198.44 acres for the facility. In addition to the horizontal and vertical expansion, the previously permitted Phase 4 area has been reconfigured and re -labeled with the Phase 5 area expansion. The vertical expansion will overlay on top of the existing Phases 1-3 of the currently permitted landfill and will increase the maximum height from elevation 490 feet to elevation 560 feet. The previous permitted capacity for the facility was 21, 640, 632 cubic yards. This vertical expansion results in a difference of 70 vertical feet and an increase in capacity of 19,857,735 cubic yards and results in 41,498,367 cubic yards of total capacity for the facility. " c. Facility Report Section 2.1.1 should repeat the information in comment b. above. Response: Section 2. L I has been updated with the above mentioned information. Comment #3 - Leachate line drawing Phase 4, Cell 3/4: a. There's a hump that the leachate line (and leachate flow) would have to go over, how is it held on the slope? The pipe has a steeper slope down to a cross, and sloped upward again to the back part of the cell. The back part of the leachate line needs access to clean -out, camera, and jet clean. Response: An image below has been added to demonstrate flow lines of the leachate collection in Phase 4 Cell 4(formerly referred to as Phase 4 Cell 3). A note was added to ensure that appropriate fittings are installed especially in this area to allow for video inspection and jet -cleaning these lines. The middle pipe shown at the 310-312 elevation noted in the comment is to provide cleanout access of the main collection line of the cell, and is not necessary for part of the collection system. It is shown as perforated and part of the collection system for redundancy and enhanced collection in this area. The leachate line at the 310-312 elevation is anchored in the gravel column of the leachate collection system as per detail 35IC700 and this portion of the line utilizes similar slopes as other areas of the cell. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr, Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 3 July 7, 2023 SWEEPING BEND ELBOW TO ALLOW FOR LEACHATE CLEANING/ CMERA INSPECTION Tuic A17FA Leachate Lines Flow Arrow {Typical i Leachate b. Provide the detail drawing for the leachate pipe cross. Show how leachate is collected from the back part of the cell to the middle pipe or trench. Response: Detail 35AIC700 has been added to demonstrate the leachate pipe cross design. An additional 45 degree wye has been added to the back leachate collection line to facilitate leachate flow to the cross section of the pipe. See revised Drawing C304 for additional detail. c. The leachate collection system will need to collect the leachate to meet the maximum head on the liner requirements (provide info) Response: HELP model calculations found in Appendix C apply to these areas, as the maximum distance of flow until leachate hits a collection system trench and the minimum slope are the same as other areas of the cell design. The drainage geocomposite is designed for a maximum pipe spacing of 1195 feet and the leachate collection pipe is design to collect leachate from a maximum of 16 acres at 2% slope without ponding leachate. As shown in the HELP model calculation, in the worst case conditions (open area with only 10' waste, maximum peak daily value), the maximum head on the liner is calculated to be 9.9 inches. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr. Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 4 July 7, 2023 d. In phase 4 Cell 3 north most line, what is the radius of the leachate pipe 90 degree turn so that the line can be camera inspected and cleaned? Or otherwise describe how this will work. Response: This area has been revised to show two 45 degree sweeping bend elbows and natural pipe deflection shall be used to facilitate camera inspection and jetting of the northmost line and accessing the cross line. See revised Drawing C304 for additional detail. Comment #4 - Drawings 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3: a. Drawing 1-1 — Clarify that the 100-year FEMA is the 100-year floodplain. Remove or label the floodway. Response: Figure 1-1 has been updated to clarify that the 100 year FEMA line is shown and the FEMA Floodway is labeled as well. b. Drawing 1-2 — The map is blurry and can't be read. Label the 100-year floodplain boundaries (AE). Response: Figure 1-2 has been updated with a clearer map of the FEMA Panel for the site. The 100 year FEMA floodplain line has been labeled. c. Drawing 1-3 — Label the 100-year floodplain. Response: Figure 1-3 - 100 year FEMA floodplain line has been labeled. d. Update the phase locations. Response: Phase Locations for the Landfill have been updated on each Figure. Comment #5 — Drawings and tables should be updated for Phase 4, Cells 1 and 2. Response: The drawings have been revised to depict Phase 4 Cell I and Cell boundaries/acreage updates per the Permit Modification submitted in April by Weaver Consultant's. Comment #6 - The capacity tables in Section 2.3: a. Text should state that the volume includes a vertical expansion over Phases 1 to 5, where the previous maximum height was 490 and the new final height is 560. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr, Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 5 July 7, 2023 Response: Text has been updated to reflect vertical and horizontal expansion in Sections 1.1, Section 2. L I and Section 2.3.2. b. The total capacity with Phase 5 expansion as calculated appears to be 201 acres. Also correct this in other places in the application, such as the closure plan and cost calculations. Response: The total capacity with the Phase 4 / 5 Expansion is 198.44 acres. Total acreage has been updated throughout the Permit Application. Gross capacity, defined as the volume of the landfill from the bottom of waste to the top of final cover, is needed in the application for each phase. Another column can be added for gross capacity excluding final cover, if desired. Response: Gross Capacity for each Phase of the Landfill is shown on Table 2-4 in Section 2.3.2 of the Engineering Report. See footnote 8 stating that gross capacity is defined as the volume from the bottom of waste to the top of final cover. Comment #7 - Operations Plan: a. Alternate daily cover — Provide information in the Ops Plan of each of the alternate daily covers, including specific details. See files dated 2003 (for petroleum contaminated soils), dated 2005 (for seaboard solids - used sawdust absorbent), and 2006 (for auto shredder residue). Update and/or shorten the description of its use as applicable. Primarily, it should list the details and conditions/limitations of its use. Response: Site specific details and descriptions of their use have been provided in Section 5.17.7 (page 31) of the revised Ops Plan. Seaboard solids have not been used at the site recently and have been removed from the Ops plan. WCN will reapply for the use of Seaboard Solids in the future if needed. b. For the solidification tank, list all the liquid wastes accepted that are or could be odorous (be specific as to type). Describe odor control measures for this operation. Odorous waste should be solidified as soon as possible and disposed in the landfill working face. All waste should be stored no more than 24 hours from acceptance. Describe recordkeeping of the waste types, volumes, and dates of solidification. It should be stated that landfill leachate and condensate will not be solidified in the tank for disposal in the landfill without approval of the Section. Also address site safety, to prevent persons falling in. Response: Section 5.5.1 of the Ops Plan and Section of the Facility Report have been updated to add the information listed above. Waste types accepted are listed in Section 2.2. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr, Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 6 July 7, 2023 c. For the landfill gas collection wells to be extended, add the last response to previous comment #12, to the text of the Operating Plan and Engineering Plan. Response: Previous submittal Comment #12 response of "When landfill filling is occurring in areas where landfill gas extraction wells are in place, the procedure for the existing well is to vertically extend the pipe with solid piping through fusion welding and installing a temporary cap. Once filling operations have been completed in areas, landfill gas extraction wells may be re -drilled. Alternatively, the wells may be extended by providing protective encasement piping (concrete riser pipe) or other protective structures to enable waste placement and cautious compaction around the well casement. The well pipe is typically extended vertically through fusion welding and temporarily capped. When the waste mass is at the extension elevation, the annular space between the gas well pipe and encasement pipe is filled with aggregate and the encasement pipe is removed. Finally, the wellhead is installed and lateral piping is connected to the gas collection system. If gas wells are abandoned, a gas collection system modification/expansion would be filed with DEQ for approval. " Has been added to Section 5.19.4 of the Operations Plan d. For the operational berms, or inter -cell berms, describe the design and method, so that there is not a backup of leachate. Describe how the flap will be removed and the valve opened. Confirm that a written certification for the proper connection (flap removed, valve opened) will be placed in the operating record, each time a cell is connected. Response: Valve operation at operational berm locations will be a cell construction specific item. The valve will be opened and the operational berm with associated flap will be removed prior to waste placement in the upper portion of the cell area. Language referring to a written certification for proper connection etc. to be placed in the operating record for the facility for documentation purposes has been added to the Phase 5 PTC Operations Plan Report Table 8-1 and will be performed prior to accepting waste each time a new cell is connected. Comment #8 - Construction and CQA plan: a. For the non-destructive leak testing over the entire liner as required by G.S. 130A- 295.6(h)(1) using technology such as electronic leak detection, provide information on the method, or where it can be found in the project specs. Response: Specification Section 02076 has been revised to include requirements for electronic leak location surveys for the geosynthetic liner. b. For previous comment 17f, concerning the geotextile removal over the leachate trench, and the record notation, the response should be added to the text of the application, or provide the location it is in. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr, Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 7 July 7, 2023 Response: Previous submittal Comment response of: "The geotextile surrounding the leachate collection pipe aggregate is removed and/or folded back from the top of the leachate trench prior to waste placement to enable direct contact between the leachate collection trench aggregate and waste per.1624 (b)(11)(B)(iii) and (b)(13)(B). Prior to opening a new cell area, a note will be added to the operating record describing the geotextile removal. " has been added to Section in the Engineering Report. c. Page 3 is an extra blank page. Response: The blank page 3 has been removed from the CQA Plan. d. In Section 1.2.3 — Add the following (or similar) to the text to provide more clarity of the rule requirements: The CQA report will include the information required by Rule .1621 (Construction Quality Assurance Plan) and Rule .1624 (Construction Requirements for MSWLF Facilities) including (1) results of all construction quality assurance and construction quality control testing, (2) documentation of any failed test results, (3) descriptions of procedures used to correct the improperly installed material and results of all retesting performed, (4) procedures to ensure that the integrity of the landfill systems will be maintained prior to waste placement, (5) as -built drawings noting any deviation from the approved engineering plans, (6) a comprehensive narrative including daily reports from the project engineer, (7) a series of color photographs of major project features, (8) documentation of proceedings of all progress and troubleshooting meetings, and (9) a statement by the project engineer that construction was completed in accordance with the CQA plan, the conditions of the permit to construct, and the requirements of Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1624. Response: The above language has been added to Section 1.2.3 of the CQA plan. Comment #9 — Section 3.4 — The rule references to .1619 should be corrected, two locations. Response: References to .1619 have been updated to reference Rule .1626(1) in Section 3.4. Comment #10 — Landfill Gas Master Plan should be updated for cells that are built/operating. Response: Section 2.1 of the Landfill Gas Master Plan has been updated to state: " The current landfill footprint is approximately 133.1 acres. Currently Phases 1-3 and Phase 4 Cell I and Cell 2 are currently operating. Upon completion of Phase 5 expansion, the landfill footprint will be approximately 198.44 acres. " Comment #11 — Final Cover: a. Section 3.6.5 — Please clarify the sentence, "The permitted final cover system will remain an option for the final cover of the landfill." Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr, Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 8 July 7, 2023 Response: Text has been updated state: "The permitted final cover system includes a standard Final Cover cap system detail and an alternate final cover cap system detail an option for the final cover of the landfill. " b. The description of the final cover in the text doesn't match the Figure 3-3 illustration. Response: The alternative final cover system language has been added in section 3.6.5 along with the correct Alternative Cover Cap Detail Figure 3-4. Provide infiltration calculations and comparison to show that the alternate final cover allows equivalent or less infiltration than the regulatory standard final cover. Response: Infiltration Calculations for both the standard and alternative covers are located within the HELP Model Calculations in Appendix C. d. For the design, Rule .1627 requires the final cover to have a permeability less than or equal to the permeability of any base liner system or the in -situ subsoils underlying the landfill, or the permeability specified for the final cover in the effective permit, or a permeability no greater than 1 x 10-5 less, whichever is less. For this landfill, the final cover must have a permeability less than or equal to the base liner. In the application text, the rule requirement has been written incorrectly. Response: The text has been revised in Section 3.6.5 to state: "The final cover must have a permeability less than or equal to the permeability of any base liner system or the in -situ subsoils underlying the landfill, or the permeability specified for the final cover in the effective permit, or a permeability no greater than I x 10-5 less, whichever is less. " Comment #12 — Groundwater - Section 5.1 — There are errors about the history of the landfill. It was not permitted as 9230. Response: Section 5.1 has been revised to remove the language referring to Permit #9230 Comment #13 —Closure, post -closure, and cost estimates: a. It should be stated that landfill gas monitoring around the landfill perimeter and in buildings during post -closure will be monitored at least quarterly. Response: In the Operations Plan Section 5.19.1 Inspection table -Landfill Gas Monitoring has been added to the Quarterly schedule. Section 7.2 of the engineering report has been updated to state `Landfill gas monitoring around the perimeter of the landfill and inside of buildings and occurs on a quarterly year. " Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr, Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 9 July 7, 2023 b. Section 6.5 — Closure costs are to be calculated in accordance with Rules .1800 et seq. Response: Closure Costs have been updated per .1800 rules. From the closure costs, describe in text what the 82 acres for the landfill gas collection system represents. Response: Section 6.2 of the engineering report has added language: "As shown in Table 6-1, the closure cost estimate includes 100.12 acres of landfill gas system construction as part of closure. Currently, Phases 1-3 have landfill gas collection systems installed and total approximately 98.48 acres. The landfill gas extraction well layout can be found in Appendix F. " d. In a few places the Rules for C&D landfills are referenced, .0543, .0546. These should be changed to the appropriate MSW Rules. Response: References to the C&D Rules have been revised per comment in section 6.5 and Section 7.5. in the engineering report. Comment #14 —Several maps are listed incorrectly in the Permit to Construct table of contents (groundwater contour and bedrock contour map numbers do not match titles). Response: Engineering Report Drawings Table of Contents has been revised. Comment #15 — Attachment C, Document Page 1312: The NCDEQ Solid Waste Section Landfill Gas Monitoring Form title page should be located before the example form page (document page 1311). Response: An example Landfill Gas Monitoring Form is included as the last page of the NCDEQ Solid Waste Section Landfall Gas Monitoring Guidance Document, which is included in the LFG Monitoring Plan as Attachment B. An example Landfall Gas Monitoring Form is also included in the LFG Monitoring Plan as Attachment C. Comment #16 —Landfill Gas Master Plan a. Page 5: This is an extra page. Text should be condensed to eliminate this page. Response: Text has been reduced to eliminate blank page. b. Section 2.1: Correct inconsistencies in the number of phases specified on the property (i.e., there are five total phases not four). Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr, Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 10 July 7, 2023 C. Response: Section 2.1 of the text has added language about the current Phases. d. Section 2.2.3: The current plan indicates that flare capacity will need to be updated in 2023. Include a brief description of flare capacity expansion plans to accommodate the new cells in Phase 4 and 5. Section 2.2.3 has been updated to include language about increasing the flare capacity. Comment #17 — Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan, Section 1.1, and Water Quality Monitoring Plan, Section 2.0: Provide an updated timeline of facility activities in the background summary. Background information does not provide the most up to date details on the progression of site construction. Response: The Background sections of both plans have been updated to reflect construction activities through the date of this response. Comment #18 —Water Quality Monitoring Plan a. Maps need to be updated. a. Maps 3a and 3b need to include the recently installed and abandoned wells as reported to DEQ on 02/03/2023. b. Ensure all map legends correctly identify the features listed on the maps. Response: Maps 3A and 3B are based on seasonal high water table measurements from the hydrogeologic report for Phase 5; as such, it would not be appropriate to change well locations on these maps. However, well locations have been adjusted on Figure I and the Water Quality Monitoring Location Map in Appendix A to reflect the recent well relocations. b. Section 2.2: Specify which wells have been recently replaced, and which ones will remain in the monitoring network. Response: Updates to the groundwater monitoring network have been incorporated into the text and figures. c. Sections 5.0 & 6.0: Specify that 1,4-Dioxane will be monitored in leachate and Enhanced Liner System samples. Response: These sections now include 1,4-dioxane as a monitored constituent. In addition, Sections 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 have been further updated to include PFAS monitoring per the March 2023 memo. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr, Anson County Landfill Phases 4 & 5 Permit To Construct Application NCDEQ Comments CEC Project 165-276 Page 11 July 7, 2023 d. Section 7.1: The link to the SWS Environmental Monitoring Branch is broken and should be replaced with the proper link. Response: Text revised to remove link to website; this will avoid broken links in the event of future website updates. All memos provided on the SWS's Environmental Monitoring page (as of the date of this response) are included in Appendix C of the WQMP. e. Section 7.2: Several Rules are cited incorrectly throughout this section and need to be corrected. a. Additionally, the timeframe to submit an assessment monitoring program report should be included in this plan (as detailed in .1633(d)(2)). b. The full requirements for a return to detection monitoring from assessment monitoring must be detailed in this plan. Response: Rules citations have been corrected. The timeframe within which to submit an assessment monitoring report and the full requirements for a return to detection monitoring have been added to the WQMP. Please let us know if you need any additional information in support of this review. Sincerely, CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. ;W Chris Haggard, E.I. Assistant Project Manager Nathan Bivins, P.E. Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inr.