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NCD980602163_19970403_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_RFP - Response to Treatment Technologies-OCR
State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director To: Doris Strickland From: .ATA DEHNR Subject: Bid proposals for the 1/31/97 RFP on evaluation of treatment technologies on soils extracted from the PCB Landfill in Warren County, North Carolina. Date: April 3, 1997 We received bid proposals from two different companies for this RFP. The cost summary is as follows: C01\1PANY ECO-LOGIC ETG* PHASE I $141,786 $166,400 COST SUMMARY TABLE PHASE II $115,700 $89,020 TOT AL (I & 11) $257,486 $255,420 *Note that ETG modified their cost as shown in the original proposal for the Phase I bench scale testing. ETG now plans to use a conventional flame type thermal oxidizer instead of a constant temperature flameless oxidizer which reduces their total Phase I cost from $194, 700 to $166,400. This cost reduction was received via letter dated 4/3/97. We recommend that a Phase I contract be issued to both ECO-LOGIC and ETG who were the only respondents to the RFP. ECO-LOGIC and ETG use different remediation technologies and the Division must evaluate the performance of each one before a decision can be made regarding the Phase II portion of this RFP. The funding for the Phase I contracts for Eco-Logic and ETG will be takeq from the Warren County PCB Landfill fund. The Phase II portion of the RFP will be issued after the results of the Phase I bench scale testing have been reviewed by the Division. If there are any questions about this I can be reached at 733-4996 ext. 203 . P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Voice 919-733-4996 ■qma•aMf:I FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50°/o recycled/1()% post-consumer paper ... , ' SENT BY:ETG ENVIRONMENTAL, me; 4-3-97 ;10:seAM west Chester, PA➔ ---a Cl Providing creac1ve environmental solutions Environmen~•. Inc. Facsimile Cover Sheet. To: f-1, te 't:e/1. From: Si~ fJe f v.., / <-Compaby Name· ,1 Date: 1 /J / q 1 Fax#: Cf {Cf-Phone#: :,,, ,;\:,;:: .;, ;.·,: ::;:~,_i; ,,,. Mlif' /I-~e ~ 5o,n £c ~-(? de/r;_>< 1 !::':!Y ;a v/,,al ,b a.-ir#1 e.r ~,.:f.. ~ o.,.,[l "°i -tiJl/o"" ,. vf iµ.?fb Qv,,-ve,,._/pt~ t,p -(;'-,r, (.r ~ ib0 C?sf2~ t'. fu~ .. cu.[( I&~ dv./;,~.; [ Fax.Status:.· ~ C Urgent-Deliver Without Delay CJ Regular If you have any problems with this transmission, please contact ___________ _ ; # 1 SENT BY: ETG EN VIRONMENTAL, INC; 4-3-9 7 ; 1 0 : 5 9AM West Chester, PA➔ ETG Providing creative environmenral solutions Environmental, Inc. -·--------------------------------- Mr. Michael A. Kelly Deputy Director Division of Waste Management State of North Carolina Department of April 3, 1997 Environment; Health and Natural Resources 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 Subject: Proposal Modification -RFP No. PCBLF4 Warren County PCB Landfill Dear Mr. Kelly: As a result of our telephone conversation, ETG Environmental, Inc. (ETG) is modifying our proposal to perform a bench/pilot scale (Phase I) study utilizing the BCD process for detoxification of contaminated soil at the Warren County PCB Landfill. As discussed, by utilizing a conventional flame type thermal oxidizer for final off-gas polishing in lieu of a constant temperature flameless oxidizer, ETG would petform the work as described in our proposal dated March 25; 1997 for a price of $166,400, which is a reduction of $28,300. The revised pricing breakdown is attached to this letter. Please call me at your convenience should Y.ou have any questions on this submittal. GSD:SLS 97-036 Enclosure Very truly yours, G. Steven Detwiler Vice President, Business Development 16 Hagerty Bo~Jlevard. West Chester, PA 19382-7594 • (610) 431-9100 • Fax (61 0 ) 43 1 .o 1 40 SENT BY: ETG ENVIRONMENTAL, INC; 4-3-9 7 ; 10: 5 9AM West Chester, PA➔ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Estimated Breakdown of Proposal Pricing · Warren County North Carolina ETG Pilot Scale Testing Program Meetings -State of NC and Science Advisors $6,600 Equipment Set-up 9,100 Pilot Test Plans and Permit Modifications 18,600 Pilot Testing a. Solid Phase 28 ,000 b. Liquid Phase 11 ,800 c. Equipment Rental 12,000 Air Testing 28 ,000 Analytical 41 ,000 Report Preparation . 11,300 $166,400 ETG E"vlronmental, Inc. 03/13/1997 13:19 OGDEN ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY SERVICES ·····--------------------------· 23.9 Li!!leton Road, Suite 7C March 13, 1997 Mr. Michael A. Kelly Deputy Director, Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources 40 l Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Westford. MA 01886 508 692 .9090 Fax 508 692 6633 RE: Request for proposals to evaluate treatment technologies on soils extracted fr.om the PCB Landfill, Warren County, North Carolina (Proposal No. PCB LF 4) Dear Mr. Kelly: I'm writing on behalf of Ogden's office in Raleigh. Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to bid on the PCB Landfill project. We respectfully decline to bid on th.is project, but would appreciate the opportunity to bid on future projects. Please send any future requests for proposal to: · Mr. Kenna Amos Ogden Environmental and Energy Services 1313 Ashburton Road Raleigh, NC 27606 Very truly yours, Kathleen Sellers, PE Senior Environmental Engineer cc: Kenna Amos TOXIC CHEMICAL SPECIALISTS ECO LOGIC ------------,(:«) March 6, 1997 Michael A. Kelly Deputy Director Division of Waste Management State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Kelly: Further to my letter of February 1 7, 1997, I wanted to update you on the status of permitting for the ECO LOGIC Process, as it relates to treatability work on Warren County Landfill soils. As you know, ECO LOGIC will be submitting a proposal for this work on March 19, 1997. Providing we are selected by the State, we expect to be doing the treatability testing at a facility at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, where we have conducted testing on other contaminants in the past. An application for a TSCA R&D permit has been submitted to the TSCA office in Washington (Mr. Winston Lue), as well as USEPA Region 3 (Ms. Charlene Kreamer). Indications from Mr. Lue are that a permit can be available for the testing in early April, which should fit in with the State's desired timeframe for testing. Should you have any questions regarding the ECO LOGIC Process or our permit status, please do not hesitate to contact either myself at (519) 856-9591, or Dr. Wayland Swain at (313) 973-2780. K. Eliz eth Kilmmling, B.Sc. Manager, Permitting and Approvals c.c.: Dr. Wayland Swain Vice President, US Markets ECO LOGIC 143 Dennis St., Rockwood, Ontario, Canada, NOB 2KO Rockwood (519) 856-9591 Fax (519) 856-9235 FEB 26 ''37 03: 47PM ELI ECO LOGIC rnc. Ecd LOGIC Feb ary 26, 1997 Mr. Michael A. Kelly Dep ty Director Div· ion of Waste Management Stat of North Carolina P.O Box 27687 Ral igh, North Carolina 276 1-7687 SU JECT: Warren County, North Carolina Landfill Proposal No. PCB LF-4 Dea Mr. Kelly: The purpose of this letter is to request some clarification regarding the requirements for the Pha e TI portion in tl1e request for proposals. On ~age 7 Secti.on 2.1.1 of the RFP is the description of the Phase II portion of the project. For the purposes of our proposal submission, we would like to clarify that the technical and cos proposal for this Phase is for designing full-scale cleanup rather than for actually con uciing full-scale remediation of the landfill. In other words, should our cost proposal incl de a cost breakdown for excavation, mobilization and set-up, operations, and der obilization etc. or for the costs we would incur in developing a design and operations plan for ·he site? Cla ification of the above mentioned would be greatly appreciated. Sin ·erely, Sh rri E. Woodland, B.Sc. Pr ject Development Coordinator EL . Eco Logic International Inc. ELI Eco L >gic Inc. 143 Den is St., Rockwood, Ontario, Canada, NOB 2KO Phone (51 9) 856-9591 Fax (51 9)856-9235 ~C-JS L ~~'-~'-\ VISITOR SIGN-IN SHEET PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY ?v~ ~~~ ~~ -~~ ~c_~ ~-\~r'-DATE BADGE VI;ITO~ PHONE STAFF YOU ARE TIME TIME # NAME NUMBER VISITING TODAY IN OUT I. J --=-______ ...__ _____ _ ~ ~~ ~ ~6L :). /1 1 Cf a J'rU-1 I:» e__,, R. 0 L,, -F. w -l sf en'\ J ~ c. I / 0 b I bs J/ 11 ,---/ h-V'\ 612At-1, 51 t -1724/--1=?f CI) n1' P' MC/ ,,Ad) {) f}/(/'19/~ ( 13Y?:;J-J. 1Ro f~ &y~ c¼1i"A n _if Mnc_ ~ I £co L--0§/C-~ 2 ·17 4 ' ~1~)gstf-D77ri lolo6-J GJv. ,;f_ fu8U.'f 5✓L-<;.,/NL..1~~~56 a-17 f ira -Lf 3 i-C/tl!ol E-7L E" v;,-u ,1,>1e.~ I J:. ._ ~ -I) 2.. Yer -S"'i+-t1~ t. Q, 1 ?c-·z,, o o t~J J-!7 I~ u ' ML -(0 £~6 ;oO -Jk> 11 I) D<rYi f/r·qs --621'"1 bl I 7 5~-"-~~ Y~f9-99f7 ? ~~ f__...,._<!__ . /1//;q-~ 1 &; l4 e_ J--h-"\l\\i\\LJt-Ctr 311 1,D07 f.111."J>n.liAln .. lLITP,L/2:°J)~~ j,HJ~ q11 2rr7 D~ISI£~~ w ~~!! MANAGEMC!~f!lvistrpas.frm ,.1::C-4-rrf--/ktSCLLL.A-M. Tyl<EE 73J--2Su/ 7)1nSZC'1l q/ (uc13Jr'fo~"lj')J1i_ NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF VENDORS FOR RFP/CONTRACT FOR REMEDIATION OF THE WARREN COUNTY PCB LANDFILL / Mitchell, Alicia ',/' ~ IT Cooperation 3710 University Drive Suite 201) Durham, NC 27707 Phone# ( 919) 4 9 3 - 3 6 61 Fax# (919)493-1773 /-Hutton, Joe Soil Tech 800 Canonie Drive Porter, IN 46304 1.-----/ Steven C. Lewis Aquaterra ___ PO Box 3 7 5 7 9 Raleigh, NC 27627-7579 Phone# (919) 859-9987 Fax # ( 919 ) 8 5 9 - 9 9 3 0 Bar llh , I heffti!M3 ,..,.......~Groundwater Technology Inc --1000 Perimeter Park Dr Suite I) 3107 South Elm Eugene St Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone# (919) 467-2227 Fax# (919)467-2299 - --- ..---~Four Seasons Env, Inc ~ 3107 South Elm Eugene St Greensboro, NC 27406 Phone# (910) 273-2718 .....--I-Loren Martin : ETG Environmental 660 Sentry Parkway Blue Bell, Pa 19422 Phone # (610) 832-0700 Fax # ( 6 1 0 ) 8 2 8 - 6 9 7 6 ECO LOGIC INTERNATION 143 DENNIS STREET ROCKWOOD, ONT ARIO, CANADA NOB 2KO oJ o t!S .~ /4 0 '~ .J-,_-f ~:.,J {tw;.., -f/1 !wt d \J"Ja VI\. cJ3f6 -IJ~ 7/waj ~{lt kx, 4::_1;,Jeur-frf;of Zw;/l (). ~~7; ot1 k dw,/M-Cu zc 9 :2:>0 \c;/2d</-'? 7;1A-~ $ d c/-J~ ., /V c :;i_tl /r I J ~ Cr .:l-/1~/17 GENERAL ELECTRIC ONE RIVER ROAD SCHENECTADY, NY 12345 ETG ENVIRONMENT AL, INC. 16HAGERTYBOULEVARD WEST CHESTER PA 19382-7594 ALICIA MITCHELL IT COOPERATION 3710 UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 201 DURHAM NC 27707 JOE HUTTON SOIL TECH 800 CANONIE DRIVE PORTER, IN 46304 STEVEN CLEWIS AQUATERRA P OBOX 37579 RALEIGH, NC 27627-7579 APTUS, INC. P OBOX 1328 COFFEYVILLE, KS 67337 LAIDLAW ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 1875 FORGE STREET TUCKER, GA 30084 TRANSFORMER CONSULT ANTS DIVISION OF S.D. MYERS, INC. 180 SOUTH AVENUE TALLMADGE, OH 44278 WESTON ONE WESTON WAY WEST CHESTER PA 19380 GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY INC. 1000 PERIMETER PARK DRIVE SUITE I 3107 SOUTH ELM EUGENE STREET MORRISVILLE, NC 27560 FOUR SEASONS ENV., INC 3107 SOUTH ELM EUGENE STREET GREENSBORO, NC 27406 LOREN MARTIN ETG ENVIRONMENT AL 660 SENTRY PARKWAY BLUE BELL, PA 19422 COMMODORE REMEDIATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1487 DELASHMUT A VE COLUMBUS OH 43212 ENSR OPERATIONS 1700 GATEWAY BLVD., S.E. CANTON, OH 44707 UNISON TRANSFORMER SER VICES, INC 5801 RIVERPORTROAD HENDERSON KY 43420 C(,, , I State of North Carolina Jt 1 Department of Environment, .oc,/-r .1, Health and Natural Resources ~ 1'/1-11."' Division of Solid Waste Management {,., ,,, .... f?"'~ James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor A').~ Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary AVA DEHNR ¥'( · William L. Meyer, Director February 5, 1997 Mr. Craig Brown, TSCA Permit Manager United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 100 Alabama Street, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3104 Dear Mr. Brown: The State of North Carolina, Division of Waste Management, and the Warren County PCB Working group, along with the Science Advisors, will be undertaking a number of activities associated with the PCB Landfill in Warren County, with a goal of detoxification. Beginning on February 12, we will be installing new monitoring wells around the landfill and looking at the integrity of the top liner of the landfill itself, followed by the installation of two bore holes in the landfill, and extraction of approximately 2,000 pounds of soil. This soil will be shipped to vendors chosen to perform bench scale pilot studies on its detoxification using either Base Catalyzed Dechlorination (BCD) or Gas Phase Chemical Reduction technology. The Request for Proposals was mailed out last week. A pre-requisite to bidding on this project is attendance at a pre-bid meeting to be held on Monday, February 17, 1997, at 10:00 AM, here in our conference room. It is my general feeling and that of Science Advisor Dr. Joel Hirschhorn, that your presence at this pre-bid meeting may be very beneficial in order to provide information to possible vendors on any requirements EPA may have regarding permits to perform the pilot testing we seek. Furthermore, Dr. Hirschhor:n and I would like to have a telephone conference with you sometime during the next week to talk over some issues regarding this testing. I hope that you will be able to attend the meeting here on the 17th. I will be in touch with you in the near future to arrange a time for our conference call and to answer any questions you may have. { Mtchae . Kelly, CHMM, Deputy Director Copy: Dr. Joel Hirschhorn, Mr. Patrick Barnes, Warren Coun Working Group P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27 61 1-7 687 Voice 919-733-4996 f fZtffti d~I\RJ!#td FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50°k recycled/10% post-consumer paper Leaders in PCB Field Services February 3, 1997 State of North Carolina Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road -Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 Gentlemen: Thank you for your Notice of Invitation For Bid -Proposal No. PCB LF4 for Evaluation of treatment technologies on soils extracted from the PCB Landfill, Warren County, North Carolina. We find it necessary to submit a "No Bid" at this time. We would appreciate remaining on your bid list for future acquisitions involving transformer and transformer oil work. The following are some of the service lines that we can provide: • PCBX oil filled transformer reclassification (energized / de-energized) • Retrofilling of transformers • Hot oil reclamation of transformers to improve dielectric properties • Mobile and fixed-site PCBX chemical treatment for bulk oil recycling • Transformer analytical and electrical testing • Transformer maintenance and repair • Transformer oil disposal services • Sale of Trans-X: a rerefined high quality inhibited dielectric fluid • Sale of Quality Blend: a rerefined 60 SUS naphthenic mineral oil Please feel free to give me a cali at (330} 430-4589 if you have any questions. We look forward to future opportunities to be of service to the State of North Carolina. Respectfully, ENSR OPERATIONS Cl--7 .-i ,. / / ~~ / l · ~u_,,_~ <-~ ;Jill M. Wilgus ' Administrative Assistant \ Headquarters: 1700 Gateway Blvd., S.E. • Canton, OH 44707-3555 • (330) 452-0837 • FAX (330) 430-4486 ,p o. J\'Set,f\ \l'l'.1':, pa"~a:..,J_, rn~1 S]~\ • .....,4-- THE O NEWir BSERVER ACCOUNT NUMBER 73349961 DATE BILLED 02/02/97 BILLED TO: NC DEPT OF EHNR Invoice for LEGAL ADVERTISING . ACCOUNT NAME NC DEPT OF EHNR DIVISION OF SOLID WASTE MGMT. 401 OBERLIN ROAD #150 ATTN: PAT WILLIAMSON RALEIGH NC 27605 INVOICE NR PUBLICATION DATE DESCRIPTION SPACE remit to: ~ LEGAL AIR DEPT. P.O. BOX 2885 RALEIGH, NC 27602 FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE: 829-4586 RATE COST TVSFGJ101 02/02/97 PCB LANDFILL/ NC Department 68.0L TOTAL DUE 3.11 211. 4 8 $211. 48 m~eJJ~vTI'illm@m ©®~W i:tE.~SE RETURN WITH PAYMENT RETURN REMITTANCE COPY WITH PAYMENT AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ) Wake County. ss. NC Department of Environment, Health ond ~j'J~~~ ~~~:' M,nagement .401 Oberlin Rood, Suite 150 Roleigh, NC 27605 , SUBJECT: '·,. Request for Prop050ls for eva)u- ation of treatment technologies on soils extracted from the PCB Landfill, Warren Countv, N.C. I The Di~ision of Waste Man-agement seeks proposals for a two phase . bid on conducting evaluations of technologies to be used in the detoxification of the 1 PCB Landfill in Warren County, North Carolina. The proposals 1 are to be for the eval_ualion of the following technologies only: , 1) Base Catalyzed Dechlorina- 1 tion (BCD) · ·; 2) Gas Phase Chemical Re- • duction • · 1 Thes~ tech~ologies have been ' determined by the Warren Coun- 1 ty Working Group to be the most appropriate technologies for de-l toxificotion. No other remedml or detoxification technologies will be considered responsive lo this RFP. A mandatory p;e-bid meeting will be held February 17, 1997, at 10:00AM in Conference Rooms_l and 2 at the above address. Div!· 7 sion staff and the Science Advi- sors wil I be on hand to answer questions pertaining to this RFP.. ..,. · - Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned and authorized to administer oaths, affirmations, etc., personally appeared .~<?~~I"!~-~<?~0?~~ ~r: .................... . who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to law, doth depose and say that he is .1:t"~~~~~r ..................................... . of THE NEWS AND OBSERVER PUBLISHING COMPANY, a corporation organized and doing business under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, in the City of Raleigh, County and State aforesaid, the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and that as such he makes this affidavit; that he is familiar with the books, files and business of said corporation and by~erence to the files of said publication the attached advertisement of .. -:Jlop~ .................... . was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper in space, and on dates as follows: Final proposals ore due to the r------1 Division of waste Management ,,_..,.. __ ,,_..,...--,,-.--,---,,-.--,---,,-,--..,...--,---,,--.,......,...--,,-,--..,...--,.--,,--..,......,..--,-.,......,...--,,-,,_-, MONTH WeJ~i:da!~~ar1!h'~~. r9~~~a~~: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I-----, anticipation of awarding the con-----+--+--+-+--+--+-+--+--+-1---+--+---l-+--+--t--1---+--t----ll---+--+---l-+--+---+--1 tract within 30 days thereafter. Multiple companies may be cho-i / sen for Phase I, however, only ; one company and technology, will be awarded a contra.ct for •I.,/ Phase 11. All responsive bidders. 1------; will quote on both phases of this +--+--+-+-+-+-t-+--+-t-+--+--ll--+--+-i-t-+--+--ll--+--+--11--+--+--+-+--+-+-+--I project in their final proposal. i Contact: Mr. Micha.el __ A. Kelly, Deputy Director, D1vIsIon of Waste Management, 919-733-4996, ext. 201. 1------1 N&O: February 2, 1997 My commission expires . 2nd . day of .. ?~1! ........ , 2000 ......... . State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director January 31, 1997 The News & Observer Classified/Legal Advertising Section Attention: Kim Holt PO Box 191 Raleigh, NC 27602 FAX: 919-829-4824 NA DEHNR Dear Kim: -j!ll}f-cJ / I '. 0~ u~IJ ~ ~ Please publish the following legal notice in the February 2, 1997 edition of The News & Observer. To ensure payment, send together the bill for the notice and a notarized copy of the notice (include date it is run) to the following address: Ms. Pat P~ Williamson Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 If you have any questions about the legal notice or the billing, please call me at 919-733-4996, ext. 337. Thank you for your help. PPW Attachment Pat P. Williamson Public Information Officer P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4996 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ l 0% post-consumer paper NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 SUBJECT: Request for Proposals for evaluation of treatment technologies on soils extracted from the PCB Landfill, Warren County, NC. The Division of Waste Management seeks proposals for a two phase bid on conducting evaluations of technologies to be used in the detoxification of the PCB Landfill in Warren County, North Carolina. The proposals are to be for the evaluation of the following technologies only: 1) Base Catalyzed Dechlorination (BCD) 2) Gas Phase Chemical Reduction These technologies have been determined by the Warren County Working Group to be the most appropriate technologies for detoxification. No other remedial or detoxification technologies will be considered responsive to this RFP. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held February 17, 1997, at 10:00 AM in Conference Rooms 1 & 2 at the above address. Division staff and the Science Advisors will be on hand to answer questions pertaining to this RFP. Final proposals are due to the Division of Waste Management no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, March 19, 1997, and anticipation of awarding the contract within 30 days thereafter. Multiple companies may be chosen for Phase I, however, only one company and technology will be awarded a contract for Phase II. All responsive bidders will quote on both phases of this project in their final proposal. Contact: Mr. Michael A. Kelly, Deputy Director, Division of Waste Management, 919- 733-4996, ext. 201. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary William L. Meyer, Director MEMORANDUM: TO: Potential Respondents January 31, 1997 FROM: Michael A. Kelly, Deputy Director Division of Waste Management .AVA DEHNR SUBJECT: Request for proposals to evaluate ec nologies on soils extracted from the PCB Landfill, Warren County, North Carolina. The Division of Waste Management seeks proposals for a two phase bid on conducting evaluations of technologies to be used in the detoxification of the PCB Landfill in Warren County, North Carolina. The proposals are to be for the evaluation of the following technologies only : I) Base Catalyzed Dechlorination (BCD) 2) Gas Phase Chemical Reduction These technologies have been determined by the Warren County Working Group and Science Advisors to be the most appropriate technologies for detoxification. No other remedial or detoxification technologies will be considered responsive to this RFP. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held February 17. 1997. at 10:00 AM in Conference Rooms I & 2, Division of Waste Management, 401 Oberlin Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. Five copies of the final proposals are due to the Division of Waste Management, 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150, Raleigh, North Carolina 27605, no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, March 19, 1997. Multiple companies may be chosen for Phase I, however, only one company and technology will be awarded a contract for Phase II. All responsive bidders will quote on both phases ofthis project in their final proposal. Contact: Mr. Michael A. Kelly, Deputy Director, Division of Waste Management, State of North Carolina, 919-733-4996, ext. 201. P.O. Box 27687 , Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Voice 919-733-4996 f ¢ffidJ!M4 ?ffe-251 FAX 919-715-3605 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1 O"k post-consumer paper PROPOSAL NO. PCB LF 4 ISSUE DATE: JANUARY 31, 1997 NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DMSION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT Request for Proposal for Evaluation of treatment technologies on soils extracted from the PCB Landfill, Warren County, North Carolina. PRE-BID MEETING: CLOSING DA TE: Send all proposals directly: February 17, 1997 March 19, 1997 Time: 10;00 AM Time; 12;00 Noon NC Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Attn: Michael A. Kelly Please note the proposal number and closing date on the bottom left hand corner of your return envelope. PART I SOLICITATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 This request for proposals (hereinafter referred to as ("RFP") solicits proposals for contractual services pursuant to Section 1 NCAC SD.0300-.0509 of North Carolina Administrative Code. Mark outside of return envelopes: Reply to 1.2 Using Agency The services solicited herein shall be performed for : Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 1.3 Issuing Agency Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Attention: Michael A. Kelly Telephone: (919) 733-4996 Extension 20 I 1.4 Copies of this request for proposals will be distributed only by mail or they can be obtained in person from Suite 150, 401 Oberlin Road, Raleigh, NC 27605 . 1.5 Sealed proposals subject to the terms and conditions made a part hereof will be received at the address specified in 1.3 until 12·00 noon March 19, 1997 1. 6 Refer technical inquiries to address/person specified in 1. 3. 1.7 Pursuant to Article 3 and 3C, Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes and Executive Order No. 77, the State invites and encourages participation in this procurement by businesses owned by minorities, women and the disabled including utilization as subcontractors to perform functions under this Request for Proposals. RFP #PCB LF-4 1 1.8 Subcontracting: Offerers may propose to subcontract portions of the work provided that their proposals clearly indicate what work they plan to subcontract and to whom and that all infonnation required about the prime contractor is also included for each proposed subcontractor. 1. 9 Perfonnance and Default: The State reserves the right to require a Perfonnance Bond or other suitable perfonnance guarantee from the successful offerer as provided by law without expense to the State. In case of default by the contractor, the State may procure the services from other sources and hold the Contractor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. 1.10 Pricing: If either a unit price or an extended price is obviously in error and the other is obviously correct, the incorrect price will be disregarded. The right is reserved to accept other than the lowest priced proposal as may be determined to serve the best interest of the State Agency. 1.11 Specifications: Any deviation from specifications indicated herein must be clearly pointed out; otherwise, it will be considered that the proposal offered is in strict compliance with these specifications, and the successful offeror will be held responsible therefor. Deviations must be explained in detail on an attached sheet(s). 1. 12 Exceptions: All proposals are subject to the tenns and conditions outlined herein. All responses will be controlled by such tenns and conditions and the submission of other tenns and conditions and/or other documents as part of an offeror' s response will be waived and have no effect either on this Request for Proposals or on any contract that may be awarded resulting from this solicitation. The attachment of other tenns and conditions by an offeror may be grounds for rejection of that offeror's proposal. 1. 13 Award : All qualified Proposals will be evaluated and acceptance made on the Proposal judged by the Contracting Agency to constitute the best value offered for the purpose intended Evaluation will be based on the offerers qualifications, experience, similar related experience, past perfonnance, financial standing, labor supply, hours offered, references, cost and overall demonstrated ability to perfonn the service required. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to contract with more than one offerer to provide the services described herein. 1.14 No Bid/Offer: Unless a response, in the fonn of either a proposal or a written decline to offer a proposal, is received, offeror's name may be removed from the applicable mailing list. 1.15 Cost for Proposal Preparation: The State will not reimburse offerors for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal. RFP #PCB LF-4 2 1.16 Offeror's Representative for Business Purpose: The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the offeror' s authorized agent with authority to bind the firm and answer official questions concerning the offeror's proposal must be clearly stated. 1.17 Time for Consideration: Preference may be given to proposals allowing not less than 30 days for consideration and acceptance. 1.18 Telegraphic Offers: Telegraphic, telecopy and facsimile offers will not be considered; however, offers may be modified by such means, providing such notice is received prior to the date and time of bid opening above specified, and provided a signed original follows. 1.19 Any explanation desired by an offerer regarding the meaning or interpretation of the RFP, attachments, specifications, etc. must be requested in writing and with sufficient time allowed for a reply to reach offerors before the submission of their offer. Oral explanation of instructions given before the award of the contract will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective offerer concerning the RFP will be furnished to all prospective off erors as an amendment to RFP, if such information is necessary to offerers in submitting offers on the RFP or if the lack of such information would be prejudicial to uninformed offerers. 1.19 . 1 Acknowledgment of Amendments to RFP: Receipt by an offerer of an amendment to this RFP must be acknowledged by including a copy of the amendment with offeror's proposal. 1.20 The successful offerer shall provide adequate facilities, labor, equipment, services, supervision and lay days to meet all conditions of the contract specifications. 1.21 Liability: The successful offerer shall assume liability for damage or loss resulting from the wrongful act(s) and/or negligence of its employees while engaged in the performance of the contract. The contractor or its insurer shall reimburse the Contracting Agency for any such damage or loss within 30 days after a claim is submitted. 1.22 Insurance: The successful offeror shall at its sole cost and expense procure and maintain in full force and effect during the term of the contract from an insurance company duly authorized to do business In North Carolina, insurance as appropriate for the conduct of the contract: RFP #PCB LF-4 3 1.22.1 Worker's Compensation Insurance covering all of contractor's employees who are engaged in any work under the contract. 1. 22. 2 Public Liability Insurance in the amount of $300,000.00 and Property Damage Insurance in the amount of $100,000.00. 1.22 .3 Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance when the services to be performed require the use of motor vehicles. 1.22.4 Fidelity bonding (Honesty Bonding) Contractor shall furnish the State a certificate evidencing required insurance coverage prior to commencing work. All certificates of insurance shall provide that the insurance company will give customers fifteen (15) days written notice prior to cancellation or any change in stated coverage of any such insurance. All insurance shall remain in effect for the duration of the contract. Failure to provide current Certificates of Insurance to the Contracting Agency as required, during the term of this contract will be considered default and the contract may be canceled. 1.23 Laws: The contractor shall comply with laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations bearing on the conduct of the work including Federal, State and local agencies having jurisdiction. This shall include, but not be limited to, minimum wages, labor and equal employment opportunity laws. 1.24 Each offeror is cautioned that the State is not obligated to ask for or accept, after the closing date for the receipt of proposals, data which is essential for a complete and thorough evaluation of the proposals. The State of North Carolina may award a contract based on initial offers received without discussion of such offers. Accordingly, each initial offer should be submitted on the most favorable and complete price and technical terms which the offeror can submit to the State. 1.25 The State reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals; to waive any informality in proposals; and, unless otherwise specified by the offeror, to accept any item in any proposal. RFP #PCB LF-4 4 1.26 Confidentiality: In submitting its proposal the offerer agrees not to discuss or otherwise reveal the contents of the proposal to any source outside of the using or issuing agency, government or private, until after the award of the contract. Offerors not in compliance with this provision may be disqualified, at the option of the State, from contract award. OnJy discussions authorized by the issuing agency are exempt from this provision. 1.27 Proprietary Information: All proposals, after the award of the contract, will be open for public inspection. Trade secrets or similar proprietary data which the offerer does not wish disclosed to other than personnel involved in the evaluation or contract administration will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by NCAC T0l:OSB.1501 and G.S. 132-1.2. Each page shall be identified in boldface at the top and bottom as "CONFIDENTIAL". Any section of the proposal which is to remain confidential shall also be marked in boldface on the title page of that section. Cost information and certain other information essential to the evaluation of the proposal may not be deemed confidential. 1.28 Advertising: In submitting its proposal, the offeror agrees not to use the results therefrom as a part of any news release or commercial advertising without prior written approval of the Division of Purchase and Contract and the using agency. 1.29 Protest Procedures: A party wanting to protest a contract awarded pursuant to this solicitation must submit a written request to the State Purchasing Officer, Division of Purchase and Contract, 116 West Jones Street, PO Box 29582, Raleigh, NC 276260582. This request must be received in the Division of Purchase and Contract within thirty (30) consecutive calendar days from the date of the contract award, and must contain specific sound reasons and any supporting documentation for the protest. NOTE: Contract award notices are sent onJy to those actually awarded contracts and not to every person or firm responding to this solicitation. Offernrs may call (919) 733-9746 to obtain a verbal status of contract award. All protests will be handled pursuant to the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 1, Department of Administration, Chapter 5, Purchase and Contract, Section 5B.1519. RFP #PCB LF-4 5 PART II SCOPE OF WORK 2.0 Background on Warren County PCB Landfill and detoxification commitment 2.0.1 The State ofN.C. (State) owns and maintains a closed (July 1983) polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) chemical waste landfill permitted in accordance with the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) and 40 CFR Part 761. 2. 0. 2 The PCB landfill is located on the East side of SR 1604 approximately I . 5 to 2.0 miles from the intersection of SR 1604 and US 401 South, 2-3 miles from Warrenton, North Carolina. (see Attachments I and 2) 2.0.3 The State is committed to detoxification of the landfill utilizing appropriate and feasible technology. 2.0.4 The State established a Joint Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group (Working Group) to evaluate technologies and tasks associated with the detoxification of the landfill. The Working Group has hired independent science advisors to help them with technical issues associated with the PCB Landfill. 2.0.5 The Working Group has determined that Base Catalyzed Dechlorination (BCD) technology and Gas Phase Chemical Reduction technology (herein after referred to as "technologies") are appropriate and potentially feasible technologies for detoxification of the landfill . No other remedial or detoxification technologies will be considered responsive to this RFP. An "Explanation of Selection of Two Detoxification Technologies" from the Working Group and Science Advisors is provided as an Appendix to this RFP. 2.0.6 The Working Group has determined that information obtained from multiple variations of the technologies from bench scale testing is essential for final evaluation of the appropriateness and feasibility of the technologies for full scale detoxification of the landfill . RFP # PCB LF-4 6 2.0.7 The Working Group has recommended the technologies for consideration of implementing bench scale testing on representative waste or contaminated soil materials from the PCB landfill . 2.0.8 Soils to be utilized in this bench scale testing will be removed from the Warren County PCB Landfill on a separate contract and shipped to the selected vendors. 2.1 Project Description 2.1.1 The scope of this RFP is split into two phases. -Phase I -To solicit technical and cost proposals to conduct bench scale testing to demonstrate the effectiveness of the technologies on detoxifying PCB contaminated soil removed from the Warren County PCB landfill . -Phase II -To solicit technical and cost proposals for the preliminary design of the full scale use of the detoxification technology selected on the basis of Phase I results to detoxify the Warren County PCB landfill . 2.1.2 Respondents to this RFP must present separate technical and cost proposals for performing both Phases I and II within one proposal document. 2.1.3 Contracts awarded to companies to perform the Phase I testing will include stipulations that they are pre-qualified as potential providers of Phase II services. Only one contractor will be awarded a Phase Il contract. 2. I . 4 The selection of the company for the Phase Il part of this RFP is dependent on the results of the Phase I testing. It is anticipated that the Phase II contract will be awarded within 30 days of obtaining the final Phase I Test Report. The specific selection criteria are as follows: RFP #PCB LF-4 a. The ability to meet Phase I performance criteria (see section 2.5) as demonstrated through Phase I test data. b. The quality of the Phase I test report. c. The ability of the vendor to provide full-scale equipment at the Warren County PCB Landfill site. 7 d. The ability of the vendor to provide a safe, reliable and cost-effective full scale application of the selected technology at the Warren County Landfill. e. The quality and cost of the proposal for providing Phase II services. 2.2 Goals and Objectives of the Bench Scale Testing 2.2.1 A major objective of the bench scale testing is to determine the feasibility of the technologies for full-scale detoxification of the PCB Landfill. 2.2.2 The preliminary goal for detoxification is to reduce total PCB concentrations down to 20 ppb and Dioxin TEQ down to I ppt with a proportionate reduction in other chlorinated constituents. 2. 2. 3 Feasibility will be largely measured by the extent and degree of success of the technologies to detoxify the PCB Landfill contents. Feasibility will also be determined by considerations for safety of the technology, rate of detoxification, cost per unit of detoxification and reduction in long tenn potential for environmental releases from residuals of the detoxification process. 2.2.4 The primary goal of the bench scale testing is to provide the technical data and a scientific basis for recommendations by the Working Group to the State for full-scale detoxification of the PCB Landfill. 2.3 Phase I -Bench Scale Test -General Procedures 2.3 .1 The primary qualitative goal of the bench scale testing is to demonstrate that the technologies can effectively, reliably, and safely detoxify PCB waste materials from the Warren County PCB Landfill 2.3.2 Approximately 500 pounds of PCB contaminated soils will be sent to the vendor's designated facility for testing. 2.3.3 The vendor must account for the total amount of waste supplied and is responsible for the final legal disposal of the material. RFP #PCB LF-4 8 2.3.4 It is preferable to avoid any de-watering of waste material before the bench testing. If de-watering needs to be done before testing, this must be fully described in the response to this RFP and in the final test report. The technical and economic implications and equipment necessary for de- watering in the full scale detoxification of the landfill must also be thoroughly discussed. 2.3.5 Samples of the pre and post-treatment solids will be analyzed for water content, all PCB congeners, dioxins/furans and VOCs. Analyses must be obtained for all PCB congeners in parts per billion. Analyses for dioxins/furans must be in parts per trillion. EPA method 8290 should be used and results must be reported for all species plus dioxin TEQ. 2.3.6 The vendor must be willing to allow State personnel, members of the Working Group and the Science Advisors to visit their facilities, possibly during some of the actual bench-scale testing. 2.4 Characterization of PCB contaminated soils to be utilized for the bench scale testing 2.4.1 PCB contaminated soils are physically characterized in Attachment 3. RFP #PCB LF-4 Generally, the soils are coarse-grained, with less than 30% passing through a #200 sieve. The liquid limit and plasticity index is 25 and 8 respectively. Total organic or humic content is less than 2%. The surface 10 to 12 feet of PCB contaminated landfill soil is relatively dry. PCB contaminated soils below this level are saturated with water. The State intends to provide PCB contaminated soils that are a mixture from the dry and saturated portion of the landfill for the bench scale testing. A major objective of the bench scale testing is to provide sufficient data for evaluation of the technologies on a full scale basis. There may be a significant difference in interpreting between a bench scale and full scale process and dry and saturated soils. Each respondent is requested to provide information on differences between using dry and saturated soils for the bench scale testing and accuracy in projecting or estimating the applicability to full scale projects. The degree to which materials handling and de-watering can be minimized in full scale detoxification at the landfill is an evaluation criterion for judging the overall effectiveness performance of the technology in Phase I and for selecting one Phase I vendor for providing Phase II services. 9 2.4.2 PCB contaminated soils are chemically characterized in Attachment 4. The average concentration of PCB is approximately 350 ppm with a range of 150 to almost 900 ppm. The PCB is a mixture of PCB congeners with approximately 61 wt¾ Arochlor 1260, 27 wt¾ Arochlor 1254 and 12 wt¾ Arochlor 1242. Other chemicals such as chlorinated benzenes, furans & dioxins are present in ppq to ppb concentrations. 2.5 Phase I -Bench Scale Test -Performance Criteria 2.5.1 The primary detoxification performance criteria to be used to evaluate bench scale test results will be the level of destruction of PCBs and all dioxin isomers present in the waste material. Principal Preliminary Remediation Goals in post-treatment solids: -20 ppb for total PCBs - 1 ppt for Dioxin TEQ 2.5.2 The vendor must demonstrate that air emissions will be kept under unacceptable potential health risks levels for on site use. Air Emission Performance Goals: -8x 10-4 micrograms per cubic meter for PCBs -5x I o-s micrograms per cubic meter for Dioxin TEQ 2.6 Phase I -Bench Scale Test -Test Data Required 2.6.1 The vendor is responsible for obtaining and presenting test data that demonstrates the performance of their technology and that all preliminary remediation goals have been met. 2.6.2 The vendor must show that PCBs and Dioxins are being destroyed and are not just being removed from the waste during treatment. This will require that the vendor obtain accurate data on whether PCBs and Dioxins exit from the test equipment in off streams such as air, waste water and solid residue. 2.6.3 The vendor must show the consistency of their technology by conducting several runs in the equipment. Varying levels of performance between different test runs must be explained and discussed. Any correlation between RFP #PCB LF-4 level or consistency of performance and water content in the waste feed material must be explained and discussed. The implications of varying performance for reliability for full scale use of the technology must be discussed. 2.7 Phase I -Bench Scale Testing -Test Report 2. 7 .1 The vendor must submit to the State a comprehensive test report within 60 days of receipt of the waste material to be tested. 2.7.2 The Test Report should follow the following format. RFP #PCB LF-4 a. Executive Summary. b. Introduction and background information on the technology and the company. c. Description of the bench scale test equipment and methodologies used . d. Test Results -Detoxification performance, effectiveness, and reliability -Environmental and safety performance e. Ability to accommodate significant water content f. Technical issues, needs and potential uncertainties for full scale treatment. g. Economic issues and estimates for full scale treatment h. Capabilities to provide full-scale equipment for use at the Warren County Landfill. 1. Appendices (as needed) 11 2.8 Phase II -Full Scale Preliminary Design -Scope of Work 2.8.1 The primary scope of work for Phase II is to produce a conceptual preliminary design of the full scale detoxification system needed for the Warren County PCB Landfill. This conceptual preliminary design will be described in a Design Report. 2.8.2 It is acceptable for the technology vendors to utilize subcontractors to assist with the engineering, design and construction of the full scale on-site remediation system. 2.8.3 It is anticipated that the full scale preliminary design will need to address the following areas: a. Excavation of the landfill b. Materials handling and preparation c. Mobilization and staging of all equipment to be used at the site d. Design of an on-site demonstration performance test e. Construction/ Assembly of the full scale detoxification technology equipment f. Full scale detoxification of all materials needing treatment including on-site and off-site monitoring and testing for PCB air emissions as vapors and particulates. g. Verification testing and replacement of treated soils at the site h. Demobilization of all equipment at the site 1. Proper testing and disposal of solid and liquid wastes or residues J. Restoration of the site 2.8.4 The Vendor's team of engineers and scientists is expected to work cooperatively with the State, the Working Group and the Science Advisors to prepare the preliminary design. It is expected that several meetings (probably at least four) in North Carolina will be needed to accommodate this cooperative effort. RFP #PCB LF-4 12 2.8.5 It is expected that a Draft Preliminary Design Report be provided no later than 75 days after initiation of Phase II. A Final report is expected no later than 30 days after submission of final comments from the State, the Working Group and the Science Advisors. 2.9 PCB Landfill Site Visit and Pre-Proposal Conference 2.9.1 A pre-proposal conference will be held two weeks after the request for proposals (RFP) is noticed to potential respondents. 2.9.2 A site visit will be provided two weeks after the RFP is noticed to potential respondents immediately following the pre-proposal conference. 2.9.3 Attendance at the site visit and pre-proposal conference is prereguisite to consideration of the offerers' proposals This conference is scheduled for Monday, February 17, 10:00 AM at the Division of Waste Management's Conference Room's 1 & 2, 401 Oberlin Road, Raleigh, NC. 2.10 Process and Procedures For Implementation of the Bench Scale Testing 2.10.1 The PCB Landfill is subject to TSCA regulations. The technologies are considered as research and development technologies or alternative methods of disposal under TSCA and 40 CFR 761 regulations. As a result, respondents may have to submit an application for approval of the project as an alternative method of PCB disposal to the State and US EPA Region IV in accordance with 40 CFR 761 . 2. 10.2 Vendors should provide any documentation concerning previous determinations by the U.S. E . P . A. about their technology as either an R&D technology or an alternative TSCA method of disposal, preferably in a pre- proposal submission prior to or at the pre-proposal conference. 2. 10 .3 If necessary, approximately 30 days will be allowed for respondents to submit an application for the selected technologies as alternative PCB disposal methods. The actual schedule for submittal of the application will be negotiated during the pre-proposal conference. 2.10.4 The State will facilitate and administratively support respondents' efforts to obtain US EPA approval. RFP #PCB LF-4 13 2. 10. 5 The US EPA Region IV has committed to provide reasonable priority to make a decision on respondents' applications. The approximate schedule for EPA to make a decision is 90 days. The quality and completeness of applications will influence this schedule. 2.10 .6 Respondents should indicate their current permitted status with EPA, ie permitted as a R&D or as a Treatment, Storage & Disposal facility for PCB's, and their current status in regards to immediate receipt of and testing of PCB soil from the landfill. 2.11 Overall Evaluation/Selection Criteria 2.11 .1 Complete response to information required by this RFP for evaluation by the Working Group and Science Advisors. 2.11 .2 Submittals, with State and EPA approval, of the bench scale testing proposal as an alternative PCB disposal method. Respondents must obtain EPA and State approval prior to beini considered for contractini with the State for implementini the bench scale testiDi- 2. l l. 3 Respondents shall submit a description of their business structure and a compliance history document including: Business Structure -Brief description of form of business to include partnerships, corporation or other names, addresses and titles of all officers, directors or partners of any parent or subsidiary corporation, partnership or other_ form of business. Names, addresses and titles of any projects or facilities constructed or operated by the applicant . Compliance History Documentation - A list describing any notice of violation, warning or any other enforcement action taken against any person or facility identified above. This includes any administrative ruling or order issued by any state, federal or local law, regulation or ordinance related to waste management environmental protection regulations. 2.11 .4 Respondents shall submit documentation of experience with the proposed technology including: RFP #PCB LF-4 List of all projects initiated, implemented, completed with same or similar materials; 14 Contacts/evaluations from federal/state/local oversight agencies on these projects; 2.11 .5 Respondents shall submit documentation and other information to describe key personnel qualifications to include: Academic qualifications Specific experience of individuals assigned to projects with similar contaminants Company safety training requirements Include all proposed sub-contractors. 2.11.6 Respondents shall submit documentation and other information on current and previous experiences in responding to public and citizen concerns and include: History of working with community groups (proactive efforts, communication, management of complaints) Presence/capability of staff/personnel for risk communication, provision of technical information for nonprofessional audiences, and community relations. 2.11. 7 The Working Group will review all information and make a recommendation for selection of respondents to the State. 2.11 .8 The State reserves the right to select more than one offeror and award a contract(s) to other than low bid. 2.11 . 9 As stated in Part I, Section 1. 7 of this RFP, the State encourages the participation in this procurement by businesses owned by minorities, women and the disabled including utilization as subcontractors to perform functions under this Request for Proposals. 2.12 Deliverables To State 2.12.1 All information requested in sections 2.0 through 2.12. 2.12.2 Interim progress reports, monitoring data and other information requested by the Working Group RFP #PCB LF-4 15 2.12.3 A finaJ report on the bench scaJe testing upon completion to cover the following items: · a. All aspects required for consideration to scaJe the process up to full scale detoxification of the PCB Landfill . b. Provide data and sufficient technicaJ and cost information that can be technically and scientificaJly verified through a peer review. c. The report shall be of sufficient quality to present to the General Assembly ofN.C. for consideration of funding a full scale process for detoxifying the PCB Landfill. d. Cost of development of final report on the bench scale testing. 2.12.4 The report on full scale applicability shall include at least the following : RFP #PCB LF-4 Overall protection of human health and the environment. Short term effectiveness and impact on community, environment, and workers during implementation of full scale operation. Reduction of Toxicity and mobility due to treatment, degree of irreversible treatment, and characteristics of residuals. Looi term effectiveness -residua] risk and management, and reliability of residual management control. Imp!ementabj)jty -ability to construct and operate proposed technology, reliability of proposals for full scale detoxification, ability to monitor releases, effectiveness of full scale operations on the PCB Landfill, and ability to obtain regulatory approval of full scale operation at the PCB Landfill. ~ -including capita] cost, operating and maintenance cost, cost per unit of containment, and totaJ cost of full scaJe treatment of the PCB Landfill. 16 2.13 Anticipated Sequence of Activity and Schedule for the Bench Scale Testing 2.13 .1 A pre-bid conference is scheduled to be held at 401 Oberlin Road, Raleigh, NC 27605, in Conference Room I on Monday, February 17, 1997 at 10:00 AM. 2.13 .2 If necessary, respondents must submit application for alternative PCB disposal to the EPA and all information required by Working Group for selection by Wednesday, March 19, 1997. 2.13 .3 State negotiates fixed cost contract with respondents that receive US EPA approval for alternative PCB disposal method within 30 days. 2. 13 .4 Respondents complete bench scale testing and final report within 60 days. 2. I 3. 5 All the above may be significantly modified by negotiation with respondents and events beyond the control of the responders or the State. The State and Working Group are committed to ensuring that the process is implemented on as rapid a track as practicable. RFP #PCB LF-4 17 PART Ill TECHNICAL PROPOSAL 3 .1 Each offerer responding to this RFP must submit three (3) copies of a statement of technical qualifications, detailing the firms ability to perform the services required herein. The technical proposal should be in narrative form and must include at a minimum the information outlined below. 3.1.1 Information relative to the offeror's background, experience, and such other information as may be deemed relevant for the purpose of evaluation of professional skills and capability. 3 .1.2 Information describing the size and organizational structure of the offeror' s firm . 3. I . 3 Information describing how each requirement of the scope of work will be addressed. 3.2 Each offeror must submit a list of client names, type of contract (including type of services produced) and inclusive dates of contracts for similar work. 3. 3 Each offerer shall propose a contract schedule and guaranteed completion date and shall assure the Department that their firm is capable of maintaining the schedules and meeting the deadlines that have been established. Any schedule and deadline, once established by contract, can onJy be adjusted by mutual consent of all parties thereto. 3.4 Each offerer must furnish complete professional services relating to the requirements of the scope of work including materials and any necessary subcontractors. The bid price offered will be a fixed price or fixed rate and shall include all professional fees for services to be rendered as well as all incidental travel and production expenses. RFP #PCB LF-4 18 PARTIV FORM OF PROPOSAL The undersigned bidder proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted to contract with the Department ofEnvironrnent, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management to furnish the services required herein, and to complete the scope of work as described in Part 11 hereof Services should be accomplished in full and complete accordance with the specifications and contract documents to the full and entire satisfaction of the Division of Waste Management, with a definite understanding that no money will be allowed for extra work except as may be set forth in written addendum to the contract, duly executed by all parties thereto. The parties hereto agree that in consideration for performing all the requirements hereunder, DEHNR shall pay the offerer $ or per the attached cost proposal for the services as described herein, said sum to be full and complete compensation for the offeror's services required herein. Pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 143-54, and under penalty of perjury, the signer of this proposal certifies that this proposal has not been arrived at collusively nor otherwise in violation of Federal nor North Carolina antitrust laws. Name of Firm or Corporation submitting bid Federal I.D. Number __________________________ _ By: ___________________________ _ Typed Name: _____________________________ _ Title: _______________________________ _ Address : ______________________________ _ Witness: -------------------------------Proprietorship or Partnership Please indicate if one of the following applies: Women Owned/Controlled __ Minority Owned/Controlled__ Handicapped Owned/Controlled __ Submitted this __ day of ______ l 997 RFP #PCB LF-4 19 "(.,-b:tt -?ry•t c·t lC>E'A ?c:ft_' ,,~...-;-...c-:.. Environmental Consultants ~t• pj,,., Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Kelly Working Group FROM: Pat Barnes, Science Advisor DATE: January 29, 1997 SUBJECT: Comments to Final Draft of Bench Scale RFP BFA#95-017 It is good to see that things are finally moving along quickly. With respect to the subject RFP, the ranking system would be nice because it would help us to obtain more comparable bids . However, it is not necessary and given that the State has written a fairly tight package, I recommend proceeding without it. The affirmative action language is very weak and does not do justice to the history of this project. I recognize, however, that it is the standard language. I recommend that you personally contact the Co-chairs of the Working Group to discuss this issue. PAB/psgll -29MK I.doc 3655 Maguire Boulevard • Suite 150 • Orlando, Florida 32803 Office (407) 896-8608 • Fax (407) 896-1822