HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCD980602163_19970127_Warren County PCB Landfill_SERB C_Response from US-EPA to Dollie Burwell-OCR1·.J[I PTH SU F·EF'.FUl•,JD I D:404-562 -87:3 8 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 4 Ms. Dollie Burwell P. 0. Box 254 Warrenton. NC 27589 Dear Ms. Burwell: ATLANTA FEDERAL CENTER 100 ALABAMA STREET, S.W. ATLANTA, GEORG IA 30303-3104 January 27. 1997 As you requested I am responding to your January 14, 1997, letter. 10 : 4 1 1·.j o . Ci 1:: 3 F· . ~- My purpose in coming to Warrenton was to meet with people living nearest the landfill, local officials and members/representatives of the Working Group to share information and obtain information. I was not trying to reach the population as a whole. I was trying to reach those that would be most impacted because they live on Highway 1604 and will be seeing EPA trucks and people in the area when they start sampling. They needed this information and we needed to know their concerns. The local official$ needed to be informed so that they can communicate with their constituents and they also might be involved to some degree in our sampling activities . The Working Group needed to have this information because EPA is responding to their October 25, 1996. letter requesting an Investigation, and they could share that information with other group members, as well as people in their respective communities. I apologize to you that it appeared that I was slighting you ~ that was NOT my intention, nor will it be in the future. I did not realize that talking to only one of the co-chairs and several other members of the Working Group was not sufficient in getting my message to the group as a whole. You made a statement In your letter that I should have included a representative number of African Americans in my interviews. I met with 6 black people and spoke with 2 on the phone, and I met with 7 white people and spoke with 1 on the phone. When scheduling my interviews/meetings I had no idea when calling who was black or white. I was just calling to talk with people. During our conversation, I stated that I believe environmental pollution is a global problem and that it does not discriminate in who or what It comes in contact with. In my opinion, it is an environmental injustice for an¥,On~ to have to suffer from pollution problems no matter their race, nationality, age. economic status, etc. Reoyc,lad/R•o':i,:,lablv •Printed wnn voi:,elable 011 l:lased lnl<B on 100% Re~Clod Paper (40% Posloonsurner) r·.1 Cl FT H SU F· E FF U t•,1 D I D:404 -562 -8788 10 :42 No .1:1Ci 3 F .: As I stated in my conversation with you, Mr. Craig Brown of the TSCA program was to conduct an inspection of State records and visited the landfill the week of January 20th. People from the EPA laboratory in Athens, Georgia, will be conducting sampling activities at and around the landfill in a few weeks. Once the samples have been analyzed and data is available, we wi ll share the results with the public as well as placing a notice in the newspaper concerning the availability of the results. We will be glad to meet with members of the Working Group, local government officials, media, and anyone else to share the results of our investigation. Our intentions are to be responsive to the concerns of the public. If you would like to suggest any other methods for being responsive, please share them with me -I am open to suggestions. I have enclosed is a copy of my January 13-15, 1997 Trip Report in the Warrenton area for your information. A copy of this letter along with the Trip Report will be mailed to the Working Group. I sincerely hope that this letter explains the situation and what I was hoping to accomplish by visiting Warrenton. If you want to discuss this issue further, please call me at 1-800-435-9233 extension 28830. Sincerely, Diane 'F. Barrett Community Relations Coordinator North Site Management Branch Waste Management Division cc: Mr. William Meyer, Director, NC Division of Solid Waste Management Joint Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group Enclosure __ \_ t·.J IJ F; TH SU F· E F: FU t·•l D ID:404-562-8788 bee: Ms. Beverly Hudson, EPA Project Manager, Waste Management Division Mr. Craig Brown, TSCA Permit Manager, Air, Toxics & Pesticides Division Ms. Connie Raines, EPA Acting Director Office of Environmental Justice t·.Jl]F.: TH SU F·EF:F Ut·.JD NOTE TO FILES: I D:404-562 -8788 JR i·•l 29 '97 TRIP REPORT TO WARRENTON, NC {Diane Barrett, Community Relations Coordinator and Ron WIison, EPA Region 4 Ombudsman) January 13, 1997 Met with the following people: Ms. Gloria Edmonds (lives on Hwy. 1604) Ms. Loria Williams (County Manager) Mr. Macon Robertson (Director Public Works) Spoke on phone with: Mr. Dennis Harris (lives on Hwy. 1604) Ms. Batty Kearney & Jerome (lives on Hwy. 1604) Walked around the PCB landfill and inspected the monitoring well locations, holding pond, outfall pipe from landfill. and the grounds surrounding the landfill outside the fenced area. January 14, 1997 Met with the following people: Ms. Bobble Riley (lives on Hwy. 1604) M/M Somerville (lives on Hwy. 1604) Ms. Doris Fleetwood (Warren County PCB Working Group) Ms. Daria Holcomb (Warren County PCB Working Group) Ms. Thurletta Brown (Reporter/Warrenton Record) Mr. Earl Limer (lives on Hwy. 1604) Senator Frank Ballance M/M Kenneth Ferrucclo (co-chair Working Group) (meeting video taped so can show at next Working Group meeting) Mr. Dennis Retzloff (County Health Director) Spoke on phone with: Ms. Dollie Burwell January 15, 1997 Drove down Baltimore Road to get a visual concept of where creek passes under Baltimore Road and near neighbors that could be fishing the creek tor food . This creek flows In an easterly direction past the PCB landfill. Background Information: My main reason in going to Warrenton was to meet and talk with people living on Highway 1604 in the immediate vicinity of the PCB landfill, talk with some local officials, and representatives of the Working Group. My mission was to notify these people of EPA's intended actions relative to the landfill based upon the October 25, 1996, Joint Warren County/State PCB Landfill Working Group request to the Agency, and to learn of their concerns. The letter requested a " ... serious, detailed, and Immediate examination of the State's compliance with all of EPA's requirements tor the construction, operation, monitoring, and maintenance of the PCB landfill." The Warren County PCB Landfill isa TSCA approved landfill operated by the State of North Carolina, and monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency TSCA program in the Air, Toxics and Pesticide Division. The TSCA office does not have community relations people working in that program, however, the Waste Management Division does, and It was decided that our Division would provide this support. Once the decision had been made by both groups concerning the actions EPA would take !n response to the Joint Warren County/ State PCB Landfll! Working Group's October 25th letter. To start with, I noted that there were three names as co-chair affixed to the October 25, , 996 letter, Doll le Burwell, Kenneth Ferrucclo, and Henry Lancaster. I called the long-distance information operator to obtain telephone numbers for Dollie Burwell and Kenneth Ferruccio • the operator had a number only tor the Ferruccio listing. (I did not call Henry Lancaster because I was told that he worked for the State ot North Carolina.) I called and made an t·-l Cl F'. TH SUP E F: FU t·-l D ID:404-562 -3788 appointment with Debra Ferruccio to meet with her and her husband on January 14. I did not at that time make any other attempts to obtain Ms. Burwell's phone number. Next, I called to talk with the County Health Director to obtain information about any health effects that might be attributable to the PCB Landfill and any general information that he could give me about people to contact that livea in the immediate vicinity of the landfill. He gave me a few names. I called those people and set up appointments wi th them and asked it they could recommend other neighbors that lived on Highway 1604 that I might talk with. I also found out during our telephone conversation that Mr. Retzloff was a member of the Working Group. I also contacted the Warren County Manager and made an appointment with her and the Director of Public Works. I contacted the City Manager, however, he was not able to meet with me . I made attempts to contact other people but was not successful. Ron Wilson, EPA Region 4 Ombudsman, accompanied me on this trip. Upon arrival at the Raleigh airport on January 13th, I had a message at the rental car agency to call my office, which I did. I was told to make sure that I contacted Ms. Burwell. Upon arrival at the hotel in Henderson, NC, I called and spoke with Doris Fleetwood to obtain her phone number. Doris gave me two -one in Warrenton and the other in Qxford. l called 257-1353 but did not leave a massage. I did not calf the Oxford number. During my conversation with Doris we arranged to meet the next day with Daria Holcomb, Dollie Burwell (if available) and her at the Working Group's office. We left the hotel and drove to Warrenton to begin our inteNiews/meetings. After completing the scheduled appointments, we drove to the landfill and walked around the area, and returned to the hotel. There I made additional phone calls and spoke with individuals that lived on Highway 1604. I also called Ms. Burwall 's home number and this time left a message that I wanted to talk with her or meet with her and requested a return call . The next morning we began the scheduled appointments. Upon arriving at the Working Group's office we were informed that Ms. Burwell would not be able to attend, and I was at that time given her letter. Also In attendance was Ms. Thur!ette Brown, a reporter with the Warrenton Record newspaper. Daria asked It I had contacted Ms. Eva Clayton, the Congresswoman representing that District, or N.C. Senator Frank Ballance. I stated that I had not because It is not customary to meet with these people tor this type of trip. However, following this meeting I contacted Senator Ballance and made an appointment with him ; however, Ms . Clayton had already returned to Washington. Upon concluding this meeting Daria called Ms. Burwell to arrange a meeting later that day or the next morning between us, however, she was not available to meet at the times suggested. Ron and I left there and continued our scheduled appointments. We met with the Ferruccio's and they video taped our conversation for the purpose of showing at the next Working Group meeting. After returning to the hotel later that night, I called Ms. Burwell's home at 1 O:OO PM and spoke with her until , 1 :20 PM. She stated that she felt that I had slighted her because I had not contacted her since she was a co-chair. I told her that I had no Intentions of omitting or slighting her or anyone during my visit. I stated my purpose in coming to Warrenton was to meet with citizens that live near the PCB landfill , specifically on Highway 1604, to let them know what EPA would be doing and to find out their concerns. I intended to meet with some local officials and members of the Working Group to inform them of pending activities. I did accomplish my purpose in talking with these individuals. concerns, comments, questions, and requests made by citizens: ► has had no success in selling property In the past several years ► well tested for PCBs, but concerned about possibility of dioxin in water ► some people (Indian tribe? Other citizens?) off Baltimore Road eating fish trom Richneck Creek which runs beside landfill and If landfill is leaking and PCBs and dioxin are getting Into the creek that feed Richneck Creek some people could be ingesting these contaminants through the fish • during past 5 years on various occasions have noticed that the holding pond adjacent to the landfill has contained murky water ► the general public is not being Informed locally about what has been and is occurring at the landfill • water line installation planned to begin first of March 1 997 In Warrenton and outlying areas. $100 tap-on fee prior to laying of line, $450 tap-on after line passes a home. ► Warrenton In the Tar/Pamlico Watershed area ► most drinking water wells in the area are 50-60 feet deep, water table Is approximately 50 feet deep r•l I] F~ TH 3 U F· E F: FU r•l D ID:40 4-562-8788 10 : 4 4 Ho . 1:t:1 3 F .. - • ► State allocated $25,000 in funds to working group and County provides office space for Working Group Group was given $100,000 to hire science advisors • Working Group is in process of reorganizing membership and co-chairs • meeting January 21 ► the State's press release of 1993 caused considerable concern ► the statements ware made that some people think or know that they have been lied to by the State ► is it safe to live around the landfill area? ► have water purifiers on their wells, not real concerned ~ what are allowable limits of PCB and dioxin? ► belief that both top and bottom of liner In landfill has been breached ► leachate collection system never worked and questions regarding change in construction of leachate collectlon system versus original design • why changed and who approved ► last reading of PCB air emissions were in 1983, original data indicated both PCB and dioxin • what are current emission levels? Testing and report requested but the State never tested. State would not test private wells for dioxin no QA/QC data available on State's sampling data • has been lied to their face by the State . ► afraid tor health and safety of chlldren that might be getting exposed to PCB from air emissions ► lives approximately 1 mile from landfill but still does not feel safe, wm sell property and move ► concern over cattle and hogs being raised in area and problems they create through waste products .. Rlchneck Creek/Fishing Creek runs through Halawia (State recognized) Indian Tribe property and they fish and eat fish from creek • If creek Is contaminated with PCB and dioxin, is it a problem to them? ► marched in group in protest during construction of landfill, did not want in area • well water has been tested and there is no concern ► Working Group wants additional copies of literature handed out to citizens during visits (PCB, Dioxin, Leachate) .. send EPA information regarding minority groups, Indians, handicapped, women • send breakdown of Reg ion 4 staffing ► send copy of EJ protocol developed by Eddie Wright ► health Issues relative to the PCB landfill are of concern ► this part of Warren County is 90% black • why wasn't Congresswoman Eva Clayton and others contacted? • no security or guard at landfill, people have been getting into landfill climbing over fence .. a militia group has targeted the PCB landfill for possible eco-terrorism ► loss of Income due to landfill ► the protective liner on the bottom of landfill was cut badly and was only patched at each slashed area • over the years the patched areas are probably not holding liquid in landfill and it ls more than likely leaking • lin er was placed on top of compacted clay-not beneath the liner. suggest taking air emission samples in the summer -the bast time to take air emission samples is in the summer months when It Is hot and humid and you can smell the landfill• like rotten eggs. The emissions and odor are not really detectable in the winter. • is ground temperature data available? ► strongly urges that one of the Science Advisors be present during EPA's sampling activities ► does NOT want the landfill on the Superfund list ~ the State's credlblllty ls shot because they lied to citizens ► make sure if dioxin is an issue or not based on EPA laboratory analysis of landfill soils/water/groundwater ► the 95/96 General Assembly appropriated $1 million to evaluate possible technologies to detoxify and remove landfill from County -treat or removal. State Is currently evaluating technologies • there are hot'warm springs In County-area use to baa resort area, could be again if promoted/developed • definitely wants Science Advisor present when EPA samples • citizens in area (as a whole) don't trust the State • State did Inform citizens that dioxin was present • there are two technologies that citizens are interested in having tested to detoxify the landfill as the Governor promised• don't let landfill sit there, treat it to get rid of It .. RFP draft being held up by the State, therefore. the treatability studies cannot be conducted ► Pastor Atston at the Coley Springs Baptist Church has allowed citizens to meet in church to discuss the landfill Issue and could be used for future meetings ► putting in the water system was suppose to be a concession for placing the landfill In Warren County (·.Jl]F:TH SU F'E F:F UND ID:404-562-8783 .. the State has a surplus of 700 million dollars, so to implement a 25 million dollar cleanup should not be a financial problem for the State .. for 6-7 years things were quite regarding landfill -attar the State's, 993 announcement of one mllllon gallons of water having collected at the bottom of the PCB landfill, that's when things got lively again .. State created community working group to help understand the Issue better and work with citizens • it is felt that some of the children have psychological problems because of the past events dealing with the landfill ► it is felt that this situation Is an environmental Justlce issue -the landtlll was placed in the County against much citizen opposition One of the underlying themes that was fairly consistent during the conversations is that citizens In the Warrenton area feel like they have been "dumped on" by having the PCB landflll placed there by the government because they are a poor, minority county. Govemor Hunt promised to have the landfill detoxified/cleaned up once the technology was avallabla ~ they fool it is now evellable and they expect the Governor to act upon what he said and remove the landtlll. My suggestions based upon conversations with those I met/spoke with: I strongly urge EPA to invite one of the Working Group's Science Advisors to be present when EPA conducts their sampling activities at the PCB landfill. If the landfill is leaking and getting Into Rlchneck Creek, fish consumption could be an issue, therefore, I would suggest that fish tissue be examined. Ba sure to keep all of the~ (residents near landfill, general public, Working Group, local officials, and media) Informed about EPA activities by malling notices and investigation updates, placing notices in the local newspaper, telephone messages, and participate in meetings and/or availabllity sessions. Submitted by: