HomeMy WebLinkAbout3619_DukeAllen_NSLF_ECMP Rev2_Jun2023_FID1809666_20230630(> DUKE ENEnNr'**%I%.7. June 30, 2023 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Solid Waste Section (the Section) 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 Attn: Ms. Sarah Moutos Re: Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan (ECMP) Revision 2 Reference: North Starter Landfill (NSLF) Permit No. 3619-INDUS Allen Steam Station Gaston County Dear Ms. Moutos, 526 S. Church Street EC 12J Charlotte, NC 28202 The revised Environmental Control Monitoring Plan (ECMP; Revision 2) for the North Starter Landfill (NSLF) (3619-INDUS), located in Gaston County, North Carolina, is enclosed for review and approval, and proposed to supersede the previously revised and approved ECMP Revision 1 dated February 26, 2021. This ECMP has been updated primarily to incorporate the following items: • Construction drain sampling locations (ALN-NSLF-CD1 and ALN-NSLF-CD2); • Leachate basin leak detection monitoring location (ALN-LDSC); and • Revised constituents and analytical methods in accordance with harmonized list approved by the Section in a letter dated March 20, 2023. The leachate basin leak detection monitoring location was incidentally missed in previous ECMP versions. NSLF construction drain design and installation was approved by the Section in a letter dated March 9, 2022. The construction drain began producing discharge in June 2022 and currently remains operational, although drain flow is anticipated to cease sometime in 2025 based on groundwater modeling information provided to the Section on March 2, 2022. Other minor revisions to this ECMP include updated aerial photography, water level contours, and well locations on Drawing 3, as well as updated leachate force main piping (as depicted in the NSLF Permit to Construct Modification approved January 26, 2023). Page 1 of 2 Please contact me at Courtney.Murphy@duke-energy.com (704) 382-7171 if you have any questions or need additional information related to this submittal. Respectfully submitted, i Courtney W. Murphy, P.G. Environmental Services Enclosure (1): Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan, Allen Steam Station, North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS), Revision 2, (SynTerra, June 28, 2023) Cc: Jordan Russ — NCDEQ Claire Osborn — NCDEQ Ed Mussler —NCDEQ Sherri Stanley— NCDEQ Elizabeth Werner - NCDEQ Ed Sullivan — Duke Energy Tyler Hardin — Duke Energy Kim Witt — Duke Energy Kyle Baucom — Duke Energy Scott Harris — Duke Energy Henry Duperier — Duke Energy Dee O'Brien — Duke Energy Chris Suttell — SynTerra Lee Drago — SynTerra Page 2 of 2 Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Allen Steam Station North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Gaston County, North Carolina PREPARED FOR: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC DUKE ENERGY.. PREPARED BY: SynTerra Corporation 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 Revision 2 c.ARO June 28, 2023 �'q_ �5 . EAL ��/��........n°N Leonard W. Drago, NC LG 2720 Project Scientist North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Revision History CompanyRevision Date of Revision Description 0 SynTerra 11/09/2020 Initial Release Incorporated additional NCDEQ DWM comments. Updated leachate forcemain piping and added 1 SynTerra 02/26/2021 NPDES Outfall 006 to Drawing 2. Revised constituents and analytical methods in Table 1 in order to make comparisons to 02B standards. Revised constituents and analytical methods in Table 1 in accordance with the harmonized constituent list approved by NCDEQ DWM on March 20, 2023. Incorporated updated aerial photography, revised leachate forcemain piping, a leak detection 2 SynTerra 06/28/2023 monitoring location (ALN-LDSC), construction drains, construction drain discharge pipes, and construction drain sampling locations (ALN-NSLF- CD1 and ALN-NSLF-CD2) into the text and Drawing 2, as appropriate. Incorporated updated aerial photography, updated water level contours, and newly installed monitoring wells CCR-27S/D to Drawing 3. Page i of iii North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction....................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Site Description.............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology..................................................................................................... 2 2.0 Monitoring Network........................................................................................................................3 2.1 Engineered Base Liner System Leak Detection............................................................................. 3 2.1.1 Engineered Base Liner System Leak Detection — Monitoring (NCGS 130A 295.4(b) and NCAC 15A13B.0602(e)(6))...................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Engineered Base Liner System Leak Detection - Reporting........................................................... 4 2.2 Water Quality.................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2.1 Water Quality Monitoring................................................................................................................ 5 2.2.2 Water Quality Reporting................................................................................................................. 5 2.3 Leachate.........................................................................................................................................7 2.3.1 Leachate - Monitoring..................................................................................................................... 7 2.3.2 Leachate - Reporting...................................................................................................................... 7 3.0 Sampling and Analysis...................................................................................................................7 3.1 Water Quality.................................................................................................................................. 7 3.1.1 Surface Water — Sampling and Analysis........................................................................................ 7 3.1.2 Construction Drain Outlet — Sampling and Analysis....................................................................... 8 3.2 Leachate.........................................................................................................................................8 3.3 Field Collection Procedures............................................................................................................ 8 3.4 Analytical Procedures..................................................................................................................... 8 3.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program............................................................................ 9 3.6 Validation of Field Data Package................................................................................................. 10 3.7 Validation of Laboratory Data....................................................................................................... 10 4.0 Environmental Controls Monitoring Reporting.............................................................................10 4.1 Environmental Controls Monitoring Report Submittal................................................................... 10 5.0 References...................................................................................................................................11 Page ii of iii North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 List of Tables Table 1 Summary of Constituents and Analytical Methods List of Drawings Drawing 1 Site Location Map Drawing 2 Monitoring Locations Drawing 3 Direct Measurement Potentiometric Surface List of Appendices Appendix I — Sample Collection Guidelines Appendix II — NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Report Form Page iii of iii North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan 1.0 Introduction This Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan (Plan) for the Duke Energy Allen Steam Station (Allen, Station, Site) establishes locations and procedures for monitoring early detection of solid waste or leachate potentially released to the environment from the North Starter Landfill (NSLF, landfill) and leachate impoundment (leachate basin). The landfill is situated partially within the Retired Ash Basin (RAB) that was formerly used for the storage or disposal of coal combustion residuals (CCR). The landfill is designed and constructed in accordance with North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 130A 295.4 for Combustion Products Landfills. This Plan is intended to satisfy the requirements of a groundwater monitoring plan required by North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 13B (NCAC 15A 13B) .0504 (c)(8)(D)) in accordance with NCGS 130A 295.4(c) which states in part "compliance with performance of the landfill to prevent releases of waste to the environment may be determined based on leakage rate rather than monitoring well data". Additionally, groundwater monitoring, required by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 257 Subpart D (CCR Rule), is in accordance with 40 CFR §257.91(d) which states "the owner of operator of multiple CCR units may install a multiunit groundwater monitoring system instead of separate groundwater monitoring systems for each CCR unit". The landfill is part of a multiunit system with the Active Ash Basin (AAB), RAB, and RAB Ash Landfill. The leachate basin is designed and constructed in accordance with NCAC 15A 13B .1680. Per NCAC 15A 13B .1680(e)(6), this Plan is intended to satisfy the requirements of a groundwater monitoring system "consistent with or equivalent to" the requirements for the landfill unit per NCAC 15A 13B .1631(e). Prior to completion of landfill closure, this Plan will be evaluated and North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Waste Management (Division) will be consulted to determine if this Plan should be revised for post closure monitoring of landfill performance. 1.1 Site Description The approximate 25-acre landfill is located partially within the western portion of the RAB, west of the Powerhouse and south of Plant Allen Road (Drawing 1). The NSLF is bound by Plant Allen Road to the north, the RAB to the south and east (specifically the Distribution of Residual Solids [DORS] Fills to the east), and upland areas to the west (Drawing 2). The approximate 3-acre leachate basin is located within the northwestern portion of the AAB and bounded by the RAB to the north, AAB to the east and south, and upland areas to the west (Drawing 2). Leachate is conveyed from the landfill to the leachate basin via a forcemain piping network. The leachate basin ties into an existing 36-inch wastewater forcemain where it is comingled with Plant wastewater and subsequently sent to the Lined Retention Basin (LRB) for treatment. Flows from the LRB are discharged to the Catawba River (Lake Wylie) through Outfall 006 in accordance with NPDES Permit NC0004979 (Drawing 2). The landfill and leachate basin engineered base liner are designed with a leak detection system (LDS) for monitoring integrity of the liner system. Page 1 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 The RAB, which partially underlines the landfill, received CCR via sluice lines beginning in 1957 until 1973. In 1973, the AAB was constructed and placed into operation. The AAB received CCR via sluice lines beginning in 1973. The AAB ceased receipt of fly ash in 2008 and ceased receipt of bottom ash in 2019. Additional details are as follows: In 2008, the facility converted from a wet fly ash handling system to a dry fly ash handling system. Since 2008, fly ash has been disposed in the on -Site RAB Ash Landfill. Sluicing of bottom ash to the AAB continued until early 2019 when the facility converted to a dry bottom ash collection system. All CCR material is currently handled dry. Allen currently operates as peak -demand station, which means it produces power (and by consequence, CCR) only when the grid demand is exceptionally high, such as periods of above -average high temperatures in the summer and below -average low temperatures in the winter. The ash basins have contributed CCR-related constituents to groundwater at the Site. Since the NSLF is situated partially over an area of known effects from the historical ash basin operations, potential influence from the NSLF will be indistinguishable from existing CCR effects in groundwater. Groundwater from beneath and in the vicinity of the ash basins is sampled and analyzed according to the NCDEQ approved monitoring plan which meets the requirements of the Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA). Groundwater associated with the NSLF and CCR Multiunit are monitored together, as a multiunit unit in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 257.91(d). CCR Rule groundwater monitoring networks are certified by a qualified professional engineer in accordance with 40 CFR 257.91(f) and subject to additional modifications if wells are abandoned due to construction or ash basin closure activities. Groundwater is sampled and analyzed semi-annually according to the requirements of 40 CFR 257.93. The CAMA and CCR Rule groundwater monitoring programs include routine monitoring and reporting. The majority of waste intended for placement throughout the life of the landfill consists of CCR, predominantly fly ash and bottom ash. The approved waste stream can be found in the Operations Plan. 1.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology The groundwater system in the natural materials (shallow/deep/bedrock) at Allen is consistent with the regolith-fractured rock system and is characterized as an unconfined, interconnected aquifer system indicative of the Piedmont physiographic province in which the site is contained. The groundwater system at the site is divided into the following three layers to distinguish the interconnected groundwater system: the shallow flow zone, the deep (transition zone) flow zone, and the bedrock flow zone. The ash basins, DORS fills, RAB Ash Landfill, NSLF, and leachate basin are contained within former perennial stream valleys (flow compartment) (Drawing 1). Groundwater within the flow compartment is a flow -through system. Groundwater enters the system from the upgradient Page 2 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 end near the NSLF and flows laterally through the central portion of the system and downward near the dam, or downgradient end. A groundwater divide is located primarily west of the Site and roughly follows topography along South Point Road and topographic highs north of the RAB along Plant Allen Road to the Discharge Canal, and south of the AAB near Reese Wilson Road. The topographically controlled flow direction provides natural hydraulic control of constituent migration from the ash basins and adjacent sources within the flow compartment. A recent potentiometric surface of the uppermost aquifer created by water level values from direct measurements obtained from the CAMA and CCR Rule monitoring networks for the area that includes the NSLF, leachate basin, AAB, RAB, and RAB Ash Landfill is provided as Drawing 3. The primary flow path of the groundwater remains generally west to east within the flow compartment. This recent potentiometric surface should not be used to estimate future groundwater conditions since ash basin closure by excavation has the potential to alter groundwater elevation and flow. 2.0 Monitoring Network Performance of the landfill and leachate basin engineered liner systems will be evaluated for control of releases to the environment based on the flow rate within the engineered base liner LDS (described below). Groundwater downgradient of the landfill and leachate basin is monitored in accordance with CAMA and the CCR Rule groundwater monitoring programs and therefore not addressed in this Plan. Leachate is sampled from the leachate collection system to primarily provide analytical data to assist in evaluating potential water quality exceedances or Response Action Plan requirements and determine if the landfill or leachate basin performance is a contributor of constituents in the environment. 2.1 Engineered Base Liner System Leak Detection 2.1.1 Engineered Base Liner System Leak Detection — Monitoring (NCGS 130A 295.4(b) and NCAC 15A 13B .0602(e)(6)) Leak detection system monitoring is conducted on a routine basis as defined in the Operations Plan. A LDS is incorporated into the design of the landfill and leachate basin engineered base liner systems to monitor performance to prevent a release to the environment. LDS monitoring occurs in the vicinity of the landfill sump identified as ALN- NSLF-LDS1, as well as in the vicinity of the leachate basin identified as ALN-LDSC (Drawing 2). The landfill, in accordance with NCGS 130A 295.4(b), and leachate basin in accordance with NCAC 15A 13B .1680(e)(2) are constructed with a base liner system that includes a primary and secondary geomembrane liner. The primary and secondary liners are separated by a geocomposite drainage layer to create a leak detection layer. The geocomposite provides enough capacity to convey liquid that enters the leak detection layer to a sump area (lowest elevation in an area of the liner system) where it is collected for removal by mechanical pumping. Removal of liquid from the leak detection layer in addition to the combination of a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) and compacted soil liner beneath the secondary liner reduces the potential for liquid to enter the environment. The quantity of liquid removed from the leak detection layer is measured and recorded. Page 3 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 The landfill is designed for leachate to flow to one sump. Details and calculations for the engineered base liner systems are included in the Engineering and Facility Plan. The presence of liquid in a leak detection layer is typical and anticipated from but not limited to: • water remaining in the geonet or sump from initial construction; condensed liquid accumulated after installation of the overlying primary geomembrane, and; • flow through defects in the primary geomembrane. Design of the liner LDS includes defining the rate at which water entering the leak detection layer is not typical under normal operations. The Engineering and Facility Plan includes the method used to define an Initial Response Leakage Rate (IRLR) and Action Leakage Rate (ALR) for the leak detection layer. The ALR represents the maximum sustained flow rate that would be expected in the leak detection layer under normal conditions. The IRLR is generally a fraction of the ALR and represents the initial threshold where action would be required. The IRLR and ALR monitoring rates for the landfill and Ieachate basin are provided below as defined in the Operations Plan. IRLR (gal/acre/day) ALR (gal/acre/day) Landfill Phases 316 421 Leachate Basin 316 421 A Response Action Plan for the landfill and Ieachate basin is included in the Operations Plan Section 2.4.3 and the list of required actions if the IRLR or ALR is exceeded are provided in the Operations Plan Section 2.4.4 to comply with NCGS 130A 295.4(c). The purpose of the Response Action Plan and list of actions is to define the necessary steps in the event liquid in the leak detection layer exceeds the IRLR and/or ALR. Leak detection layer flow rates are monitored, recorded, and compared to the defined IRLR and ALR. 2.1.2 Engineered Base Liner System Leak Detection - Reporting Average monthly flow rates with comparison to leakage rates will be provided to the Division in the semi-annual landfill Environmental Controls Monitoring Report. Information provided in the report will consist of: a summary of average monthly flows from each LDS sump (Drawing 2), with comparison to the IRLR and ALR, will be provided in tabular form for the semi-annual reporting timeframe (through the month when sampling defined in this Plan occurs) and; if exceedances of the IRLR and/or ALR are identified in the reporting timeframe, a summary of actions in accordance with the Response Action Plan will be provided. The summary will generally include: o date of the Division notification o cause of exceedance (if known or summary of evaluation efforts to date) Page 4 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 o corrective action implemented or planned (if applicable) 2.2 Water Quality 2.2.1 Water Quality Monitoring Surface Water - Monitoring (NCAC 15A 138 .0602) Surface water quality monitoring is not required for the landfill. Stormwater is directed via channels around the perimeter of the landfill to a NPDES permitted wastewater unit or NPDES permitted outfall. This Plan will be reviewed if the path of stormwater leaving the landfill area will be altered or permit status for receiving NPDES wastewater unit(s) will change. The Division will be consulted to determine if surface water monitoring requirements should be revised for monitoring of stormwater leaving the landfill area. Construction Drain Outlet — Monitoring Construction drain outlet water samples are collected and analyzed on a semi- annual basis from sample locations designated as ALN-NSLF-CD1 and ALN- NSLF-CD2. ALN-NSLF-CD1 and ALN-NSLF-CD2 are at the terminus of discharge pipes located south of the southeastern corner of the NSLF. The construction drain outlet sample locations are shown on Drawing 2. At the time of this Plan revision (Revision 2), ALN-NSLF-CD1 is sealed off with a blind flange and is not anticipated to be utilized for construction drain discharge for the remaining duration of construction drain operation. Therefore, construction drain discharge samples are anticipated to be routinely collected from ALN- NSLF-CD2; however, in special cases, construction drain discharge flows could be switched to ALN-NSLF-CD1 if needed. Only one construction drain discharge pipe is anticipated to be operational at a time. Construction drain outlet water samples are analyzed for the constituents summarized on Table 1. 2.2.2 Water Quality Reporting Surface Water - Reporting Surface water reporting is not required for the landfill (see Section 2.2.1). This Plan will be revised to include the following general language in this section, as applicable, if surface water monitoring becomes required in Section 2.2.1: • surface water analytical results will be compared to respective Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to Surface Waters and Wetlands of Page 5 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan North Carolina as defined in Title 15A NCAC Subchapter 02B (02B Standards) • surface water results will be provided to the Division in the semi-annual landfill Environmental Controls Monitoring Report. Information provided in the report will consist of: o a copy of the laboratory report(s); o a copy of the sampling log(s); o a table of analytical results and field parameters that will include: ■ results reported in micrograms per liter (pg/L), except for field parameters; ■ laboratory method detection limits, and; ■ comparison to appropriate 02B Standards with exceedances shown in bold. Construction Drain Outlet — Reporting Construction drain outlet analytical results will not be compared to any water quality standards for flow that: • outlets inside the boundary of a NPDES permitted wastewater unit and/or; • passes through a NPDES permitted outfall before entering surface water. Construction drain outlet samples ALN-NSLF-CD1 and ALN-NSLF-CD2 are within an NPDES-permitted wastewater unit and pass through an NPDES permitted outfall downstream; therefore, sample results from the construction drain outlet will not be compared to water quality standards. Construction drain outlet analytical results will be provided to the Division in the semi-annual landfill Environmental Controls Monitoring Report. Information provided in the report will consist of: • a copy of the laboratory report(s); • a copy of the sampling log(s); • a table of analytical results and field parameters that will include: o analytical results reported in micrograms per liter (pg/L), except for field parameters o laboratory method detection limits. Page 6 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 2.3 Leachate 2.3.1 Leachate - Monitoring Discrete leachate samples will be collected and analyzed on a semi-annual basis from a landfill cell sump, ALN-NSLF-LCS1, located in the vicinity of the corresponding sump header. A comprehensive leachate sample will also be collected and analyzed on a semi-annual basis from ALN-LCSC, located along the force main downstream of the NSLF and South Starter Landfill (SSLF), prior to discharging to the leachate basin. Leachate sample locations are shown on Drawing 2. Leachate will be analyzed for the constituents summarized on Table 1. 2.3.2 Leachate - Reporting Leachate analytical results will not be compared to any water quality standards. Leachate analytical results will be provided to the Division in the semi-annual landfill Environmental Controls Monitoring Report. Information provided in the report will consist of: • a copy of the laboratory report(s); • a copy of the sampling log(s), and; • a figure that includes leachate sampling locations; • a table of analytical results and field parameters that will include: o analytical results reported in units applicable to the method detection limits or regulatory standards; laboratory method detection limits, and; o if a leachate sample is unable to be obtained from any of the sampling locations defined in Section 2.3 of this Plan, that location will have a note indicating the reason a sample was unable to be obtained 3.0 Sampling and Analysis Surface water, construction drain outlet flow, and leachate samples will be collected and analyzed as described in this section. 3.1 Water Quality 3.1.1 Surface Water— Sampling and Analysis Surface water sampling and analysis is not required for the landfill (see Section 2.2.1). This section will be revised if surface water quality monitoring is required in Section 2.2.1. Page 7 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan 3.1.2 Construction Drain Outlet — Sampling and Analysis Construction drain outlet samples will be collected semi-annually from ALN-NSLF-CD1 and ALN-NSLF-CD2. The construction drain outlet sampling locations are defined in Section 2.2 of this Plan. Constituents to be analyzed along with their respective analytical methods are listed in Table 1. 3.2 Leachate Leachate samples will be collected semi-annually from the sump sampling port (ALN-NSLF- LCS1), and a comprehensive leachate sample will be collected (ALN-LCSC) from downstream of the NSLF and SSLF, prior to discharging to the leachate basin. The leachate sampling locations are defined in Section 2.3 of this Plan. Constituents to be analyzed along with their respective analytical methods are listed in Table 1. 3.3 Field Collection Procedures Sampling will be conducted at the locations defined in this Plan and in general conformance with procedures provided in Appendix I. 3.4 Analytical Procedures The main analytical laboratory used in this program is the Duke Energy Central Laboratory Services: NC Wastewater (#248) Certification. Vendor laboratories that meet EPA and NC certification requirements may be used for analyses with approval by Duke Energy. The analytical procedures used for this Plan are listed in Table 1. The laboratory must report any detection of any constituent (as revised in the October 27, 2006 NCDEQ Division memorandum and February 23, 2007, addendum). The laboratory certificates -of -analyses will, at a minimum, include: Narrative: The narrative will include a brief description of the sample group (number and type of samples, field and associated lab sample identification numbers, preparation and analytical methods used). The data reviewer will also include a statement that all holding times and Quality Control (QC) criteria were met, samples were received intact and properly preserved, with a brief discussion of any deviations potentially affecting data usability. This includes, but is not limited to: test method deviation(s), holding time violations, out -of -control incidents occurring during the processing of QC or field samples and corrective actions taken, and repeated analyses and reasons for the reanalysis (including, for example, contamination, failing surrogate recoveries, matrix effects, or dilutions). The narrative will be signed by the laboratory director or authorized laboratory representative, signifying that all statements are true to the best of the reviewer's knowledge, and that the data meet the data quality objectives as described in this Plan (except as noted). One narrative is required for each sample group. • Original Chain -of- Custody Form; • The laboratory will list all analytes for which the samples were analyzed; Page 8 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Dilution factors with a narrative of the sample results, including the reasons for the dilution (if any); Blank Data: If organic analyses is required, the laboratory will report the results of any method blanks, reagent blanks, trip blanks, field blanks, and any other blanks associated with the sample group. For inorganic analyses, the laboratory will provide the results of any preparation or initial calibration blanks associated with the sample group, and; QC Summary: The laboratory will provide summary forms detailing laboratory QC sample results, which include individual recoveries and relative percent differences (if appropriate) for the following Quality Assurance (QA)/QC criteria: surrogates, MS analyses, MSD analyses, laboratory control samples, and sample duplicate analyses. QC control limits will also be reported; if any QC limits are exceeded, a flag or footnote will be placed to indicate the affected samples. Additional QA data and/or other pertinent data may be reported as requested. 3.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program Duke Energy laboratory QC checks used by vendor laboratories are described in each laboratory's generic Quality Assurance Plan and procedures manual. Using the Duke Energy laboratory QC checks, the vendor laboratories demonstrate the ability to produce acceptable results using the methods specified. QC checks used by the Duke Energy laboratory for sampling procedures and laboratory analyses are conducted for each sampling event. These QC checks consist of the preparation and submittal of field blanks, trip (travel) blanks, and/or field replicates for analysis of each of the parameters at frequencies described in the laboratory(s) procedures manuals. The field QC blanks and replicates that may be included as QC checks are described below. The specific type and number of blanks used as listed below may vary depending on the sampling event and will be determined by the Duke Energy field sampling personnel: Field Blanks: A field blank consists of a sample container filled in the field with organic - free, deionized, or distilled water prepared and preserved in the same manner as the samples. The field blank is transported to the laboratory with the samples and analyzed along with the field samples for the constituents of interest to check for contamination imparted to the samples by the sample container, preservative, or other exogenous sources. Field blanks are typically utilized for each sampling event. The field blanks are typically analyzed for major anions and cations and metals. Trip Blanks: If any samples are being analyzed for volatile organic compounds, a trip blank is required. A trip blank is a sample container filled with organic -free water in the laboratory that travels unopened with the sample bottles. The trip blank is returned to the laboratory with the field samples and analyzed along with the field samples for parameters of interest. Field Replicates: A field replicate is a duplicate sample prepared at the sampling locations from equal portions of the sample aliquots combined to make the sample. Both the field replicate and the sample are collected at the same time, in the same container type, preserved in the same way, and analyzed by the same laboratory as a measure of sampling and analytical precision. Page 9 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan 3.6 Validation of Field Data Package The field data package includes the field records and measurements developed by the sampling team personnel. The field data package validation will be performed by Duke Energy personnel. The procedure for validation consists of the following: • a review of field data contained on the Monitoring Data Sheets for completeness; • verification that equipment blanks, field blanks, and trip blanks (if required) were properly prepared, identified, and analyzed; • a check of the Field Sampling Calibration Form for equipment calibration and instrument conditions, and; • a review of the COC Record for proper completion, signatures of field personnel and the laboratory sample custodian, dates and times, and for verification that the correct analyses were specified. 3.7 Validation of Laboratory Data The laboratory will perform a validation review of the submitted samples and analytical results to confirm that the laboratory QA/QC requirements are acceptable. 4.0 Environmental Controls Monitoring Reporting 4.1 Environmental Controls Monitoring Report Submittal A semi-annual report of monitoring results for the landfill and leachate base liner LDS, water quality, and leachate will be submitted to the Division within 120 days following the date of sampling. The report will include, at a minimum: • a completed NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Report Form (Appendix II); • a figure that includes relevant facility features and monitoring locations sampled as a part of this Plan; • engineered base liner leak detection system monitoring results for the landfill and leachate basin; • sampling and analysis data including: o monitoring data sheets; o field calibration forms; o COC records; o laboratory QA data, and; o data validation checklists an Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) spreadsheet in required Division format for analysis data; Page 10 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 5.0 References The references cited below were used in the preparation of this Plan and may or may not be referenced within the text. LeGrand Sr., Harry E. 2004. A Master Conceptual Model for Hydrogeological Site Characterization in the Piedmont and Mountain Region of North Carolina, a Guidance Manual. Operating Procedure, Groundwater Sampling, US EPA Region IV Science and Ecosystem Support Division, April 26, 2017. North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management Memorandum Regarding Groundwater, Surface Water, Soil, Sediment, and Landfill Gas Electronic Document Submittal, dated November 5, 2014. North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. 1995. N.C. Water Quality Monitoring Guidance Document for Solid Waste Facilities. North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources. 2006. N.C. New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data. North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources. 2007. N.C. Addendum to October 27, 2006, North Carolina Solid Waste Section Memorandum Regarding New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data. North Carolina Dept. of Environmental Quality. 2020. Environmental Monitoring — Field Measurements and Sampling Procedures. [online] Available at: htti)s://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management- permitguidance/solid-waste-section/environmental-monitoring. Page 11 of 11 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Table TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF CONSTITUENTS AND ANALYTICAL METHODS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS MONITORING PLAN NORTH STARTER LANDFILLLL (3619-INDUS) ALLEN STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Constituent Analytical Method In Situ Parameters pH Water Quality Meter Temperature Water Quality Meter Specific Conductance Water Quality Meter Dissolved Oxygen Water Quality Meter Oxidation Reduction Potential Water Quality Meter Turbidity Water Quality Meter Laboratory Analyses Antimony EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Arsenic EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Barium EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Beryllium EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Beryllium (dissolved)* EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Boron EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Cadmium EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Cadmium (dissolved)* EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Calcium EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Chloride EPA 300.0 / EPA 9056A Chromium EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Chromium (dissolved)* EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Cobalt EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Copper EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Copper (dissolved)* EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Fluoride EPA 300.0 / EPA 9056A Iron EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Lead EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Lead (dissolved)* EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Lithium EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Magnesium EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Manganese EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Mercury EPA 245.1 / SW 7470A Molybdenum EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Nickel EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Nickel (dissolved)* EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Nitrate EPA 300.0 / EPA 9056A Selenium EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Silver EPA 200.8 or 6020A Silver (dissolved)* EPA 200.8 or 6020A Sulfate EPA 300.0 / EPA 9056A Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) SM 2540C / EPA 160.1 / ASTM D5907 Total Hardness* EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Thallium EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Vanadium EPA 200.8 / SW 6020E Zinc EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Zinc (dissolved)* EPA 200.7 / SW 6010D Prepared by: LWD Checked by: SDG Revised by: LWD Notes• * Analysis only applicable for samples collected from surface water and/or underdrain outlets as it pertains to a receiving water body with water quality standards applicable to Surface Waters and Wetlands of North Carolina as defined in Title 15A NCAC Subchapter 02B. Page 1 of 1 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Drawings O P t' { .. ._iLER AD LINED RETENTION BASIN ■q • F, � 1 �Y DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS ■ ` z'� PROPERTY LINEN • c ,x • dim ■ � O`er ■ ZIG -� I�W ALLEN STEAM STATION DISCHARGE�� • CANAL ■■=LANTAL11 N p, COAL PILE AREA I■ I i ■ - i /• • NORTH STARTER ■ • /"' LANDFILL RETIRED ASH BASIN I L• 4� 3619-INDUS RETIRED ASH BASIN t RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL ASH LANDFILL -adIrBOUNDARY I • RETIRED ASH BASIN / WASTE BOUNDARY ■ ■ LEACHATE ' BASIN ■ Y ■ a • ACTIVE ASH BASIN ASH BASIN LANDFILL WASTE BOUNDARY • ■ IACTIVE ASH BASIN ■ LANDFILL ■ . l SOUTH STARTER � LANDFILL ha 3620-INDUS G cJ�,YD NOTES: 1. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. WATER FEATURES DEPICTED WITHIN WASTE BOUNDARIES OF THE ASH BASINS ON THE USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP DO NOT REPRESENT CURRENT CONDITIONS. THE CONDITIONS DEPICTED ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN ON THE 1968AND 1973 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF THE AREA [(1968 WEST CHARLOTTE (1:24000) AND 1973 BELMONT (1:24000)]. 3. USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FROM ESRI, LAST UPDATED APRIL 2023. DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS 14' nTerra REVISION ,,,werda m C ` DRAWING 1 SITE LOCATION MAP ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS MONITORING PLAN NORTH STARTER LANDFILL ALLEN STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA GASTON DRAWN W. R. KIEKHAEFER DATE: 09/28/2020 GRAPHIC SCALE COUNTY REVISED BY E ORDEMANN DATE_ 06/27/2023 1000 0 1000 2000 CHECKED BY L. DRAGO DATE_ 06/27/2023 APPROVED BY L. DRAGO DATE: 06/27/2023 (IN FEET) nterracoro co Y1 I PROIECTMANAGER_ C-SUTTELL INSET SCALE: 1" = 500' 1 ALN-NSLF-CD1 �, ALN-NSI • NPDES OUTFALL 006 .p� VCH 2 D COAL LD/N SIN J L,� I RETIRED ASH BASIN ' ASH LANDFILL I '!I'- . ; ' 40 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS 116vip synTerra LEGEND O UNDERDRAIN SAMPLING LOCATION O LEACHATE SAMPLING LOCATION • LEAK DETECTION MONITORING LOCATION A NPDES OUTFALL CONSTRUCTION DRAIN PIPING CONTRUCTION DRAIN 6" SOLID HDPE DR-11 DISCHARGE PIPE LEACHATE LINE FORCE MAIN LEACHATE BASIN ASH BASIN LANDFILL BOUNDARY NORTH STARTER LANDFILL BOUNDARY SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL BOUNDARY O SITE FEATURE ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY INACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL WASTE BOUNDARY DORS FILLS BOUNDARIES — - DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY BOUNDARY SURFACE WATER FLOW DIRECTION > STREAM (AMEC NRTR 2015) WETLAND (AMEC NRTR 2015) NOTES: 1. MONITORING LOCATIONS ARE DEEMED APPROXIMATE AND FINAL LOCATIONS WILL BE DETERMINED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. THE WATERS OF THE US HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS AT THE TIME OF THE MAP CREATION THIS MAP IS A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION ONLY THE WETLANDS AND STREAMS BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM AMEC FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. NATURAL RESOURCE TECHNICAL REPORT FOR ALLEN STEAM STATION DATED MAY 29, 2015. 3. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 4. PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS. - -�- -_�-. -- 5. AERIAL IMAGERY IS A COMBINATION OF DUKE ENERGY PROPELLER AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COLLECTED ON JUNE 13, 2023 AND MAXAR AERIAL IMAGERY PROVIDED BY ESRI, COLLECTED ON MAY 16, 2022. _ - 6. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE 2 COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200 (NAD83). REVISION GRAPHIC ALE 500 O500 01,000 DRAWING 2 MONITORING LOCATIONS (INFEST) ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS MONITORING PLAN DRAWN BY: R. KIEKHAE FER DATE: 09/28/2020 NORTH STARTER LANDFILL REVISED BY: E. ORDEMANN DATE: 06/27/2023 CHECKED BY: L. DRAGO DATE:06/27/2023 ALLEN STEAM STATION APPROVED BY R C.S DATE:06/27/2023 ER: C. UTTELL PROJECT MANAGER GASTON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA , 1� ■ '* ol Il 5�7� �wu r r� � I ST5 r f• + s 7" y .- r � eG-2sro+BRAz ■ cwA-tssro iSmA ■ s s LAN GWA-SaS'il ■ FILi i RQ Pb SR _-. Y ..�� r 5T� N. CCR-27SID �~= Jr. ��y �•J, _.:4�T p4 Y NSLP-P�4,� �• NSLF'-NZ-2 I AR ASH BASIN LANDFILL 1 3621-INDUS I s ->r ■ ACTIVE I `■r ASH BASIN - LEGEND iA CAMA IMP MONITORING WELL CAMA WATER LEVEL ONLY MONITORING WELL CCR RULE MONITORING WELL DUAL PURPOSE (CAMA+ CCR) MONITORING WELL PROPOSED MONITORING WELL C PIEZOMETER INFERRED WATER LEVEL IN SHALLOW FLOW ZONE (NAVD 88, FEET) r- rj i INFERRED DEPRESSION WATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (NAVD 88) ♦ GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION �29sIMBR ASH BASIN LANDFILL BOUNDARY NORTH STARTER LANDFILL BOUNDARY SOUTH STARTER LANDFILL BOUNDARY LEACHATE BASIN — SITE FEATURE ❑rasro + ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY — ACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY DP-ss o — RETIRED ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY — RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL WASTE BOUNDARY r — RETIRED ASH BASIN ASH LANDFILL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY DORS FILLS BOUNDARIES DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERT LINE CCR.99;0 Y STREAM (AMEC NRTR 2015) c WETLAND (AMEC NRTR 2015) G'NA,5BRL NOTES: 1. WATER LEVEL CONTOURS BASED ON WATER LEVEL DATA COLLECTED NOVEMBER 28-29. II CCR-11SIDA 2022- f 2. CAMA - COAL ASH MANAGEMENT ACT GWA4ERIBRL 3. CCR- COAL COMBUSTION RESIDUALS I` 4. THE WATERS OF THE US HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS AT THE TIME OF THE MAP CREATION- THIS MAP IS A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION ONLY. THE WETLANDS AND STREAMS BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM _ I' AMEC FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL d INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. NATURAL RESOURCE TECHNICAL REPORT FOR ALLEN STEAM STATION DATED MAY 29. 2015. 5. ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE- 6. PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS. CCR-1451p 7. AERIAL IMAGERY OF THE MAIN PORTION OF THE SITE WAS OBTAINED FROM DUKE ENERGY VIA PROPELLER, COLLECTED NOVEMBER 28. 2022" SURROUNDING AERIAL IMAGERY WAS OBTAINED FROM ES RI VIA MAXAR, COLLECTED MAY 17. 2022, [3WA:3BRA,'BRL 8. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 [HAD83)- CCR• 175 D RB-M10.`UDlBR1BRL A:.3.6R CCR`! ]S!D F t'JISIC7N 2 GRAPHIC SCALE 5fl0 O 500 _.DC'J DRAWING 3 f+DUKE 3 r ENERGY DIRECT MEASUREMENT POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE CAR (IN FEET) UPPERMOST AQUIFER - NOVEMBER 28-29, 2022 DRAWN BY: E. OR DEMAN N DATE: O8/18/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS MONITORING PLAN DATE:MM/2023 REVISE�� NORTH STARTER LANDFILL rHErKDBY:T..O'R CHECKED BY; K. O'REILLY DATE: D6�2812023 APPROVED BY. C. SUTTELL DATE: 06/29/2023 ALLEN STEAM STATION �nTPrra PROJECT MANAGER: C. SUTTELL GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Appendix I — Sample Collection Guidelines Landfill Sample Collection Guideline � DUKE ENERGY Revision 1 December 14, 2020 Duke Energy Landfill Sample Collection Guideline Revision History Revision 1, December 14, 2020 Revision 0 Company Duke Energy Date of Revision 10/27/2020 DescriptionRevision Initial release 1 Duke Energy 12/14/2020 Replaced Section 5.0 reference NCDENR 2008 Solid Waste Section, Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling with NCDEQ 2020 Environmental Monitoring — Field Measurements and Sampling Procedures Page i of ii Duke Energy Revision 1, December 14, 2020 Landfill Sample Collection Guideline Table of Contents 1.0 General Information........................................................................................1 1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................1 1.2 Sampling General Requirements.....................................................................................1 2.0 Labeling, Documentation, and Records.......................................................2 2.1 Sample Container Labeling..............................................................................................2 2.1.1 Prior to field mobilization.................................................................................................. 2 2.1.2 At sample collection location........................................................................................... 2 2.2 Field Documentation........................................................................................................2 2.3 Chain -of -Custody Record................................................................................................3 3.0 Sample Collection...........................................................................................3 3.1 Grab Sample Method.......................................................................................................3 3.2 Unpreserved Container or Intermediate Vessel...............................................................4 3.3 Peristaltic Pump and Tubing............................................................................................4 4.0 Custody and Laboratory Receipt...................................................................4 4.1 Custody of Sample..........................................................................................................4 4.2 Laboratory Receipt..........................................................................................................5 5.0 References......................................................................................................5 List of Attachments Example Chain of Custody Record and Analysis Request Form Page ii of ii Duke Energy Landfill Sample Collection Guideline 1.0 General Information 1.1 Introduction Revision 1, December 14, 2020 This Sample Collection Guideline (Guideline) describes the general processes which Duke Energy or their designee should follow for collection of a sample at operational and closed Duke Energy landfills located at fossil power plants (Plant/ Site). The principal purpose of a sampling and analysis program is to provide data that accurately reflect the quality of the media being investigated which begins with assurance that the composition of field samples remains unaltered before laboratory analysis. This Guideline provides information pertaining to preparation for, and field collection of, a sample. 1.2 Sampling General Requirements In addition to the information provided in this Guideline, all personnel collecting samples from a Site will: • be knowledgeable of general field collection procedures including operation of equipment to be utilized, preservatives, and storage temperature requirements, and familiar with this sampling procedure; • wear personal protective equipment (PPE) required by the Site or based on field conditions (may include a high visibility vest, hard hat, eye protection, gloves, and protective footwear); • be familiar with preservatives and/or storage temperatures required for the parameters to be analyzed; • confirm that receiving laboratory is aware of, and prepared to, accept the samples prior to mobilizing for field collection; • use new, clean, non -powdered latex or nitrile gloves at each sample collection location; • checked all equipment to ensure that it is in working order and if necessary, calibrated; • decontaminate reusable sampling equipment prior to collection of a sample; • record detailed field notes in a logbook or dedicated field form to include sample information (e.g. site name, time and date sample was collected, sample code, personnel, weather etc.), and; • document the chain of custody for each sample collected. Samples will be: • collected in certified pre -clean containers appropriate for the laboratory analyte which are labeled in accordance with Section 2.0, and supplied or recommended by the laboratory performing the analysis, filled to the brim to avoid the inclusion of air in the sample, unless there is a 'fill -to' mark (typically in pre -preserved bottles); Duke Energy Landfill Sample Collection Guideline Revision 1, December 14, 2020 • collected at locations identified in the Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan (ECMP) unless an alternate location is authorized by Waste and Groundwater Programs Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the Site; documented as "Insufficient Flow" and not sampled if a location is experiencing a low flow condition that would preclude collection without entrainment of sediment, and; • stored in iced coolers, out of direct sunlight and delivered to the laboratory with minimum delay; ideally on the same day and preferably within 24 hours of sampling. 2.0 Labeling, Documentation, and Records 2.1 Sample Container Labeling 2.1.1 Prior to field mobilization Field sample containers should be labeled and organized prior to mobilization for field collection unless an emergent event precludes the ability to pre -label containers. 2.1.2 At sample collection location As samples are collected, field personnel record the date and time of collection and initials of sampler on the container label and records that information on the Monitoring Data Sheet and the Chain -of -Custody Record and Analysis Request Form (example included as an attachment to this Guideline). 2.2 Field Documentation Field documentation for each sample is recorded on the Field Monitoring Data Sheets, Field Sampling Calibration Form, and Chain -of -Custody Record and Analysis Request Form (COC Record). These sheets are arranged in sequential order and filed by project and date. Notations are made during field collection to document the following information: • identification of location; • date and time of collection; • collection method; • types of containers used; • identification of Quality Control (QC) samples (if applicable); • preservative(s) used; • parameters for analysis; • field analysis data and methods; Duke Energy Revision 1, December 14, 2020 Landfill Sample Collection Guideline • field observations during sampling event • name(s) of sample collectors(s), and; • climatic conditions including an estimate of air temperature. 2.3 Chain -of -Custody Record The COC Record accompanies the sample(s), traces sample possession from time of collection to delivery to the laboratory(s), and clearly identifies which sample containers have been designated for each requested parameter. The COC Record includes the following information: • sample identification number; • signature of collector; • date and time of collection; • sample type; • identification of location; • number of containers; • parameters requested for analysis; • preservative(s) used; • signature of all persons involved in the chain of possession, and; • inclusive dates of possession. 3.0 Sample Collection 3.1 Grab Sample Method The Grab Sample Method is simple and effective for a homogeneous sample matrix. The use of unpreserved sample containers for direct grab sampling is encouraged since the same container can be submitted for laboratory analysis after appropriate preservation. This procedure reduces sample handling and eliminates potential contamination from other sources. Sampling personnel will use the container provided or recommended by the laboratory for collecting samples that will be analyzed for oil and grease, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and microbiological samples. Sample containers with premeasured amounts of preservative shall not be used to collect field samples using this method. If homogeneity is not apparent, based on known flow or vertical variations (not assumed), then use other collection protocols. General steps field collection using the Grab Sample Method are: Duke Energy Landfill Sample Collection Guideline Revision 1, December 14, 2020 1. Slowly submerge the container opening, neck first, into the sample media. 2. Invert the bottle so the neck is upright and pointing towards the direction of flow (if applicable). Allow media to flow slowly into the container until filled. 3. Return the filled container quickly to the surface. 4. Pour out a few mL of sample away from and downstream of the sampling location. This procedure allows for the addition of preservatives and sample expansion. Do not use this step for volatile organics or other analytes where headspace is not allowed in the sample container. 5. add preservatives (if applicable), securely cap container, label, and complete field notes. If sample containers are attached to a pole via a clamp, submerge the container and follow steps 3 — 5 but omit steps 1 and 2. 3.2 Unpreserved Container or Intermediate Vessel If the sample cannot be collected directly into the sample container (e.g.: Grab Sample Method) to be submitted to the laboratory, or if the laboratory provides pre - preserved sample containers, use an unpreserved sample container or an intermediate vessel (e.g., beakers, buckets or dippers) to collect the sample. Vessels must be constructed appropriately, including any poles or extension arms used to access the sample location. General processes for field collection using an intermediate vessel or container are: • Rinse the intermediate vessel with ample amounts of media prior to collecting the first sample. • Use an intermediate vessel or unpreserved container collect the sample as outlined in the Grab Sample Method, Section 3.1. • Use a pole mounted intermediate vessel or unpreserved container of appropriate construction to sample at unsafe distances collect the sample as outlined in the Grab Sample Method, Section 3.1. 3.3 Peristaltic Pump and Tubing This technique is not acceptable for Oil and Grease, EPH, VPH or VOCs. Extractable organics can be collected through a peristaltic pump if flexible interior -wall Teflon, polyethylene or PP tubing is used in the pump head. The most portable pump for this technique is a 12-volt peristaltic pump. Use appropriately precleaned, silicone tubing in the pump head and attach polyethylene, Tygon, etc. tubing to the pump to fill the sample container. 4.0 Custody and Laboratory Receipt 4.1 Custody of Sample For the purpose of this Guideline, a sample is considered in custody if it is: Duke Energy Revision 1, December 14, 2020 Landfill Sample Collection Guideline • in actual possession of the responsible person; • in view, after being in physical possession, or; • locked or sealed in a manner so that no one can tamper with it, after having been in physical custody; or in a secured area, restricted to authorized personnel. Samples are maintained in the custody of sampling personnel throughout the duration of field collection. At the end of each day and prior to the transfer of the samples the COC Record information is completed for each sample. Upon transfer of sample custody from sampling personnel to a currier or receiving laboratory, the COC Record is: signed by sampling personnel, including date and time. if a currier is used for transporting the sample, the COC Record is: signed by the currier accepting the sample for transport, including date and time. Upon arrival at the receiving laboratory the COC Record is: signed and dated by the designee immediately following receipt by the laboratory. 4.2 Laboratory Receipt The laboratory maintains a sample -tracking record that follows the sample through each stage of processing. Sample tracking records maintain the date of sample extraction or preparation, and analysis. The sample tracking records are used to verify compliance with holding time limits during data validation and reviewed in laboratory audits. 5.0 References Environmental Protection Agency 2003. Landfill Manuals - Landfill Monitoring, 2nd Edition. Office of Environmental Enforcement. North Carolina Dept. of Environmental Quality. 2020. Environmental Monitoring — Field Measurements and Sampling Procedures. [online] Available at: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management- permitguidance/solid-waste-section/environmental-monitoring. Duke Energy Landfill Sample Collection Guideline Attachments Revision 1, December 14, 2020 North Starter Landfill (3619-INDUS) Environmental Controls Monitoring Plan Revision 2, June 28, 2023 Appendix II — NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Report Form DENR USE ONLY ❑Paper Report ❑Electronic Data - Email CD (data loaded: Yes / No Doc/Event #: NC DENR I IEnvironmental Monitoring Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Reporting Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: Prepare one form for each individually monitored unit. Please type or print legibly. Attach a notification table with values that attain or exceed NC 2L groundwater standards or NC 2B surface water standards. The notification must include a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of each value. (e.g. naturally occurring, off -site source, pre-existing condition, etc.). Attach a notification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed the reporting limits. Attach a notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels. This includes any structures on or nearby the facility (NCAC 13B .1629 (4)(a)(i). Send the original signed and sealed form, any tables, and Electronic Data Deliverable to: Compliance Unit, NCDENR-DWM, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal Information Name of entity submitting data (laboratory, consultant, facility owner): Contact for questions about data formatting. Include data preparer's name, telephone number and E-mail address: Name: E-mail: Phone: NC Landfill Rule: Actual sampling dates (e.g., Facility name: Facility Address: Facility Permit # (.0500 or. 1600) October 20-24, 2006) Environmental Status: (Check all that apply) ❑ Initial/Background Monitoring ❑ Detection Monitoring ❑ Assessment Monitoring ❑ Corrective Action of data submitted: (Check all that apply) Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells ❑ Groundwater monitoring data from private water supply wells ❑ Leachate monitoring data El water monitoring data Methane gas monitoring data Corrective action data (specify) Other(specify) Notification attached? B No. No groundwater or surface water standards were exceeded. Yes, a notification of values exceeding a groundwater or surface water standard is attached. It includes a list of groundwater and surface water monitoring points, dates, analytical values, NC 2L groundwater standard, NC 2B surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS and preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of any concentration. ❑ Yes, a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached. It includes the methane monitoring points, dates, sample values and explosive methane gas limits. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. Furthermore, I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gas levels, and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Facility Representative Name (Print) Title (Area Code) Telephone Number Affix NC Licensed/ Professional Geologist Seal Signature Facility Representative Address Date NC PE Firm License Number (if applicable effective May 1, 2009) Revised 6/2009