HomeMy WebLinkAbout25022_SouthBank Bldg_VIMS & Compliance Rvw Ltr_20220922ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary Sent Via E-mail Mr. Daniel H. Nielsen, PE Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. 409 Rogers View Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 dnielsenkmaaonline. com NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality October 19, 2022 Subject: Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal, Revision 2 — Compliance Review SouthBank Building 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 25022-21-032 Dear Mr. Nielsen, The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Brownfields Program (DEQ Brownfields) received and reviewed the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal - Revision 2, dated September 22, 2022, and DEQ Brownfields has found this VIMS plan to be in compliance with the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal Requirements dated July 2021. Consistent with standard brownfields vapor intrusion provisions, which will be included in the brownfields agreement for this project, an essential component of public health protection for this design is the professional engineer's seal of these documents that the proposed design will be effective at mitigating the potential for vapor intrusion at the property and protecting public health. Furthermore, the safe occupancy of the building will be evaluated upon system effectiveness, sub -slab soil gas sampling, and indoor air sampling as required by Section 4.0 of the VIMS plan. In addition, DEQ Brownfields reserves the authority to require confirmation of efficacy in the future. Please be advised that this design compliance review from DEQ Brownfields does not waive any applicable requirement to obtain any necessary permits, licenses or certifications which may be required from other state or local entities. DEQbi�North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 217 West Jones Street 1 1601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 NORTH CAHOI INA i 919,707,8600 Daniel H. Nielsen, PE October 19, 2022 Page 2 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at my mobile number 919-609- 2334, or via e-mail at Kelly. Johnson(a,ncdenr.g_ov. Sincerely, Kell . Jo6lnso G. Y Brownfields Vapor Intrusion Specialist Division of Waste Management ec: Bruce Nicholson - DEQ Brownfields Stephanie Graham - DEQ Brownfields D E Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 217 West Jones Street 1 1601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 NORTH CAHOI.INA � nema wofEeNme tsiQ­i 919,707,8600 Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions 409 Rogers View Court Raleigh, NC 27610 office 919.250.9918 facsimile 919.250.9950 — -- — MAAONLINE.COM VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN SUBMITTAL SOUTHBANK BUILDING 400 WEST MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO.: 25022-21-032 MID -ATLANTIC PE LICENSE: F-0967 REVISION NO.: 2 MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. OOOR3710.00 SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 CERTIFICATION The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate intrusion of subsurface vapors into the subject building (Phase I Redevelopment, building(s) in Phase II Redevelopment are currently conceptual and not included in this submittal) from known Brownfields Property contaminants in a manner that is in accordance with the most recent and applicable guidelines including, but not limited to, DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. The sealing professional engineer belowAls"gatisfied that the design is fully protective of public health from known Brownfield$ _Property,cpntaminants. ML Zz ZZ r {. Da I F as o Principal End dr!I��- -- - EXPERIENCED CUSTOMER FOCUSED INNOVATIVE SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION On behalf of Five Point Center -Durham, LLC, Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Mid -Atlantic) has prepared this Design Submittal for a Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) associated with the redevelopment project SouthBank Building located at 400 West Main Street in Durham, North Carolina (Figure 1). This Design Submittal is organized in general accordance with Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Requirements, NCDEQ Brownfield Program, February 2022 (VIMS Design Submittal Requirements). The site received a Letter of Eligibility from the Brownfields Program dated July 19, 2021 and was assigned Brownfields Project Number 25022-21-032. In accordance with VIMS Design Submittal Requirements, the following project information is provided: Background: Soil, groundwater and soil gas assessment activities have been conducted at the site. Low levels of trichloroethylene have been detected in groundwater (above residential groundwater to indoor air screening levels) and soil gas (below residential soil gas to indoor air screening levels) at the site. However, the concentrations of 1,3 butadiene in soil gas cause the NCDEQ risk calculator to show unacceptable risk for the non -carcinogenic hazard index under the residential use scenario. Since the planned redevelopment includes residential use and the potential for vapor intrusion has been identified at the site, vapor intrusion mitigation is warranted. The foundation for the new buildings is slab -on -grade for basement parking as well as ground floor retail. Brownfields Project Number: 25022-21-032 Parcels: One parcel Parcel PINs: 0821-88-20-8405 Address: 400 West Main Street, Durham, North Carolina ft Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 2 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina Site History: The site is in an urban setting with development predating 1884. From 1884 until 1973 site has been used for tobacco warehousing, dwellings, church, cooperage, stores, restaurants, steam laundry, shoe repair, bicycle repair, automotive repair, filling station and dry cleaning. In 1973 the site was developed with a bank/office facility. In 2021 an environmental data gap assessment was conducted at the site to determine if historical uses on and near the site have had an adverse impact on the subject site. Figure 2 illustrates sampling locations from the data gap assessment. The site is currently unoccupied and the former bank building is currently being razed. Property Size: 1.84 acres Project Contacts: Prospective Developer: Five Point Center -Durham, LLC Austin Hills 110 Corcoran Street, Unit 601 Durham, North Carolina 27701 Phone: 970-948-5988 Email: austin alpeast.com Consultant: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Daniel Nielsen, PE 409 Rogers View Court Raleigh, North Carolina, 27610 Phone: 919-250-9918 Email: dnielsen(a)maaonline.com VIMS Installation Contractor: SAMET Corporation Maria Houle 5430 Wade Park Boulevard, Suite 110 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Phone: 919-703-0263 Email: mhoule@sametcorp.com Ift Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 3 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina Brownfields Project Manager: Stephanie Graham 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina, 28115 Phone: 704-235-2195 Email: stephanie.graham(a)ncdenr.gov Vapor Mitigation Areas Vapor mitigation is planned for all occupied areas of the building basement which include stairwells, elevators, storage rooms and other `enclosed' building operations support areas. Mitigation will not be implemented for the basement parking areas since this space is mechanically vented. Mitigation is also included for retail spaces on the ground floor level. There are no residential spaces in ground contact. There is one story of commercial/retail use between ground floor and the first floor used for residential occupancy. Proposed Redevelopment The redevelopment will be completed in two phases. The initial phase of redevelopment (Phase I Redevelopment) is mixed use retail and multifamily residential (apartments and condominiums). A 450-space parking structure will also be constructed. For Phase I Redevelopment, the proposed new building's ground floor totals 38,900 square feet in the basement garage and 6,700 square feet in ground contact around the eastern perimeter ground floor retail (Figure 3). The new building is 27 stories with a total of 650,000 square feet. There are three stairwells and one bank of four elevators proposed for the new building. Design for Phase 11 Redevelopment is conceptual at this time. SECTION 2. DESIGN BASIS The subject site will be redeveloped as mixed use with basement parking, ground level commercial/retail a combination of residential and parking on levels two thru six, an amenities level at floor seven and residential above that for a total of 27 stories. The basement and a portion of the ground floor level are slab -on -grade. Attached Table 1 summarizes the proposed uses and Figure 3 illustrates the locations of the various use areas in the basement and the portion of the ground floor that is slab -on -grade. Structural details (foundation footers, slabs, etc.) are included in Exhibit 1. The use of each section is categorized as parking, transient occupancy, or commercial occupancy. The parking deck for this project is at basement, ground level and five stories above ground level. The basement level is mechanically ventilated and the ground level and above are open on two sides. The ventilation Ift Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 4 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina of the parking structure has been designed in accordance with Section 404 of the North Carolina Mechanical Code for Enclosed Parking Garages. Parking is therefore considered an outdoor space. Thus, safeguards against vapor intrusion are not warranted in this space. Transiently occupied spaces are spaces that tend to be occupied for brief periods of time and/or on an infrequent basis. Unlike commercial spaces, transient spaces are spaces unlikely to by occupied by the same person 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. These spaces are enclosed, but often not conditioned (some communication and electrical equipment may need to be protected from weather extremes). Due to the enclosed nature of these spaces, vapor intrusion mitigation may be warranted. However, the low occupancy time (usually less than 1 hour/day) associated with these spaces, suggest that passive mitigation measures are sufficient. Table 1 includes a summary of the transiently occupied basement/ground floor spaces identified at the proposed building. Commercial spaces are those that are likely to be occupied for extended periods of time by the same individual. Therefore, for these spaces, active VIMS is warranted. The spaces at the building that fit this category have been summarized in Table 1 as well. For transiently occupied spaces (stairwells, elevators, storage, electrical room, switch room, MDF room and service provider room), vapor intrusion mitigation will be accomplished using a chemical resistant barrier, VaporBlock 20 Plus to interrupt contaminant migration pathways into the building envelop. VaporBlock 20 Plus is designed specifically for vapor intrusion mitigation. The locations of the VaporBlock 20 Plus as well as sub -slab monitoring points used for soil gas quality evaluation and pressure differential measurements are illustrated in Figure 3. These locations as well as site -specific construction details associated with the VaporBlock 20 Plus are included in design (Exhibit 1). The barrier will be installed in place of typical moisture barrier in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (Exhibit 2). In these transient occupied spaces, the base course (typically washed stone) is overlain with a taped - seam VaporBlock 20 Plus. The seams are to overlap a minimum of 12 inches and penetrations (pipes, conduits, etc.) and columns are sealed in accordance with manufacturer recommendation using manufactured -approved materials. The concrete floor will be poured over these layers. The VaporBlock 20 Plus will be placed on vertical walls that are in contact with soil and along elevator pit side walls that are in contact with soil (if these vertical walls connect to an occupied enclosed space). Trench dams intended to retard the lateral migration of vapors in utilities are not necessary for this mitigation system. Major electrical utilities originate and terminate under the basement slab (ie do not create preferential pathways connecting areas outside the building footprint). Water and stormwater lines (roof drains) are sealed at their penetrations thru the basement walls. In addition, the proposed membrane barrier and depressurization system is sufficient to prevent intrusion of vapor migration associated with minor utilities. Ift Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 5 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina In the commercial spaces that are slab -on -grade (ground floor retail and lobby) where longer occupancy durations can be expected, the VaporBlock 20 Plus -based vapor intrusion mitigation will be augmented with sub -slab soil gas depressurization (see Exhibit 1 for details). For these areas, a 6" layer (minimum) of washed #57 stone that is overlain with the taped -seam polyethylene vapor barrier (VaporBlock 20 Plus) will be placed to create a soil gas plenum. The concrete floor will be poured over these layers. Sub -slab depressurization will be accomplished using perforated PVC pipes positioned within the washed stone plenum beneath the floor slab. Solid PVC pipe is routed from the approximate center of the perforated pipe horizontally under the slab to a convenient location where it turns vertical (riser) through the building to the roof. Above roof level (outside the building envelop) a fan is placed on the pipe. The operation of the fan (Exhibit 2) moves air from the sub -slab soil gas plenum and discharges it to the atmosphere above the roof. This movement of air creates a zone of low-pressure under the concrete floor of the building (sub -slab depressurization). The low-pressure zone interrupts the pathway of VOCs emanating from beneath the plenum and prevents them from entering the building envelop. The design of the depressurization system is based on the 2018 ANSI document Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Buildings (CC-1000 2018). Evaluation of the building design and use indicated that only transiently occupied spaces are present in the basement. Therefore, sub slab depressurization is not required in the basement. Depressurization is required for the portions of the ground floor that are slab on grade. For this portion of the ground floor, two soil gas plenums are required. There will be one fan for each plenum. In total, there will be approximately 6,700 square feet of depressurized area as illustrated in Figure 3 and the characteristics of the plenums are summarized in Table 2. All solid piping will be 6-inch or 4-inch diameter. In accordance with CC-1000 2018, the discharge points will be a minimum of 18 inches above the roof deck, a minimum of 30 feet from air intakes and 10 feet from operational doors, windows, and hatches. The piping will also be labeled on 10-foot intervals as shown in Exhibit 1. The target pressure differential between the sub slab and the adjacent indoor space is 4 Pascals or greater. The vacuum at the riser pipe near the fan will be monitored by a vacuum transducer (Exhibit 2). In the event insufficient vacuum is identified by the transducer, a signal will be sent to a monitoring panel located in the Dock Office. Normal operation will be annunciated by a green light and the fault condition (low vacuum) will be annunciated by a red light and audible alarm (Exhibit 2). Ift Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 6 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina The influence of the active VIMS beneath the slab will be evaluated by monitoring the pressure differential at four sub slab monitoring points in the floor of the retail area along the eastern portion of the building (in the area targeted for sub -slab depressurization). An additional monitoring point will be installed at four locations which are not within sub -slab depressurization zone. These four locations include the stairwell 2, stairwell 3, stairwell 4 and the main elevator lobby. The sub -slab monitoring points are summarized in Table 3, the locations are illustrated in Figure 3 and construction details are included in Exhibit 1. The active VIMS will cover 6,700 ft2 and be monitored by four points for an average monitoring point density of 1,700 ft2 per monitoring point. These points are located in areas least likely to be influenced by the depressurization system; thus, using these points to gauge performance is protective. The barrier -only VIMS covers approximately 3,000 ft2 and is monitored by four points for a monitoring density of approximately 750 ft2 per point. SECTION 3. QUALITYASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL To satisfy Brownfields Program QA/QC requirements, it is imperative that the VIMS system components be inspected by the Professional Engineer or his/her representative before the components are covered by building materials. The NCBP will be provided a minimum of two business days' notice prior to conducting the inspections. For the areas where depressurization systems will be constructed, inspections will be conducted of the gravel layer and the sub -slab piping (perforated or solid) prior to placement of the VaporBlock 20 Plus vapor barrier. For all areas with vapor mitigation infrastructure, inspections will also be conducted after placement of the VaporBlock 20 Plus prior to pouring the concrete floor. Since multiple penetration utility banks are common leak locations, each penetration bank must be inspected, and a dedicated inspection entry log developed. Inspections will be conducted under the supervision of a qualified Professional Engineer and will be documented in writing and will include photographic documentation. Smoke testing will be used to evaluate the integrity of the vapor barrier. SECTION 4. POST-CONSTRUCTION/PRE-OCCUPATION SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS TESTING A performance evaluation of the sub -slab depressurization system will be conducted after the sub -slab components have been constructed and the overlying slabs poured. The NCBP will be provided a minimum of two business days' notice prior to conducting the performance evaluation. The evaluation may be conducted prior to the vertical riser pipe installation. The evaluation will be conducted using a temporary fan/vacuum to induce a flow and consequential depressurization below the slab. Initial vacuum readings will be collected from the appropriate monitoring points prior to activating the fan/vacuum. After activation of the fan/vacuum 0 Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 7 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina additional readings will be collected. The difference in these readings before and after fan activation will be used to gauge spatial influence of the depressurization system. Multiple runs at different flow rates may be used during the performance evaluation. The results of the performance evaluation will be documented and used to support subsequent monitoring requirements and system operational parameters (assuming operation of the sub -slab depressurization system is determined necessary). The sub -slab monitoring points are included in the VIMS Design (Exhibit 1) and installation is planned prior to placement of poured concrete floors. Sub -slab soil gas samples will be collected from each of the four monitoring points located in sub -slab depressurization areas. The samples will be collected after the depressurization has been deactivated for a minimum of 48 hours. Sub -slab soil gas samples will also be collected from the four monitoring points located in non -depressurized areas. Each soil gas sample (total of eight) and one duplicate sample will be tested using the TO-15 compendium. If appropriate, sampling may be conducted in phases with a duplicate sample collected during each phase. Due to the documented presence of TCE at the site, the Brownfields Program is requiring indoor air sampling prior to building occupation at five locations. Three locations are in the basement near stairs and the elevator bank (Figure 3). Two samples are required in the eastern edge of Retail B and Retail G as identified on Figure 3. In the event unacceptable risk is identified in the sub -slab soil gas testing (described above), a third indoor air sample is required on the first floor used for residential occupancy. This is the second floor of the building. This sample will be collected adjacent to elevators one thru three on the second floor. During this indoor air sampling event, a duplicate and ambient air sample will also be collected. The indoor air samples will be analyzed for compounds detected in sub -slab soil gas sample, site -wide previous groundwater samples, site -wide previous soil samples as well as tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, 1,2-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. The Brownfields Program will be consulted prior to indoor air sampling to confirm the locations and quantity. All sampling will be conducted in accordance with Division of Waste Management's Vapor Intrusion Guidelines (March 2018). Each sub slab soil gas sample will be collected using dedicated '/4-inch diameter Teflon° lined tubing for the sample train construction. Prior to sampling, the soil vapor points will be purged using a syringe to evacuate a minimum of three volumes of air from the full sampling train. Leak checks will be performed by placing a shroud over the sampling location and entire sampling train and saturating the air within the shroud with helium gas. 10 Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 8 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina A helium gas detector will be used to determine the concentration of helium in the shroud. Helium concentrations of 200,000 to 300,000 parts per million will be maintained within the shroud. The sampling point will then be purged into a Tedlar® bag, with the collected vapor analyzed by the helium gas detector to confirm that the Tedlar® bag did not contain a helium concentration greater than 10% of that detected in the shroud. Following purging and a successful leak check, a laboratory -supplied 1-Liter batch -certified Summa canister with calibrated flow regulators set will be connected to the tubing at each sampling point using a ferrule to form an air -tight seal. Subsequently, the canister's intake valve will be opened to collect the sub -slab vapor sample. The duration of sampling will be approximately 10 minutes per sample based on the volume of the sample container at a flow rate of 100 ml per minute. The sampler will record the serial numbers of the flow controller and summa canisters, documenting the beginning and ending vacuum pressures and duration of the sampling event on the cannister tag and in field notes. The flow choke will them be opened and the sample will be collected at the proposed sample rate. Sampling will cease after the planned 10-minute sampling period or when the flow choke reaches 5 inches of mercury vacuum. The eight soil gas samples plus one duplicate sample will be delivered, under proper chain -of -custody, to an AIHA-LAP, LLC-certified laboratory for analysis by EPA Compendium Method TO-15 for VOCs. The laboratory will be instructed to provide reporting limits below the NCDEQ Residential Soil Gas Screening Levels. Estimated concentrations will be reported as "J" flags. Laboratory Level II QA/QC will be provided. Each indoor air sample will be collected from approximately 3-5 feet above the floor. One ambient outdoor air sample will also be collected at an upwind location. The eight -hour Summa air samples will be collected using individually certified, 6-liter, stainless steel, Summa canisters at a maximum pre -determined flow rate of 8-10 milliliters per minute (ml/min) by using the laboratory -provided flow regulator. The initial vacuum displayed on the laboratory -provided vacuum gauge on the Summa/flow regulator will be recorded. The laboratory -provided Summa canister will be filled such that the final vacuum in the canister is at least 5 inches of mercury and the final reading will be recorded on the chain of custody. The air samples will be collected in accordance with the Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document (March 2018). In addition to soil gas and indoor air assessment, the influence of the sub -slab depressurization system in will be documented by measuring the pressure differential between the vapor monitoring points located in the soil gas plenum and the ambient air Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 9 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina above each soil gas plenum. Pressure differentials less than 4 Pascals may trigger system adjustment to achieve this pressure differential goal. The results of the performance evaluation, sub -slab soil gas testing, indoor air testing and pressure differential readings will be provided to the Brownfields Program prior to occupancy of the building. In situations that are time critical, Brownfields Program may be able to review laboratory data to determine if occupancy is appropriate prior to the completion of a formal report. As a requirement of the Brownfield Programs, the building cannot be occupied until the Brownfields Program has provided written approval. The building design does not require pour back areas. Therefore, VIMS protections while the pour back area is exposed are not necessary. Potential future repairs or modification affecting the VIMS will be addressed in accordance with Section 6. SECTION 5. POST -OCCUPANCY TESTING Sub -slab soil gas (all locations) and indoor air sampling (except IA-1 and IA-3 if pre- occupancy indoor air samples at these locations show acceptable risk and do not detect TCE) will continue on a semi-annual basis until written approval from the Brownfields Program to cease or modify the sampling is issued. A minimum of two sample events, which may include the pre -occupancy sampling, will be required before adjustments to the sampling can be considered. Post occupancy sampling requirements can be adjusted, with Brownfields Program approval, independently at different locations within the site. Post -occupancy pressure differential measurements (if necessary) will be collected at each vapor monitoring point (4). These data will be collected monthly and reported to NCBP quarterly for one year. If these data indicate consistent satisfactory depressurization, a request to the Brownfields Program will be made to reduce or terminate monitoring. Changes to the monitoring schedule require Brownfields Program approval prior to being implemented. Note that if evaluation of indoor air, sub -slab soil gas testing and evaluation using the DMW Cumulative Risk Calculator shows no unacceptable risk, the operation of the depressurization VIMS may not be necessary. The PD may elect to terminate the system operation. To determine if operation is necessary, indoor air sampling will be conducted at the five locations in Retail B and G quarterly for one year after depressurization VIMS operation is terminated. These data will be used, in consultation with the Brownfields Program, to determine if a) operation of the depressurization system is necessary, b) continued monitoring with the depressurization system idle is warranted or c) operation of the depressurization system is necessary. 0 Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 10 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina SECTION 6. FUTURE TENANTS & BUILDING USES All ground floor tenants will be required to submit construction plans to the Building Owner. Owner personnel who operate the VIMS will review the proposed construction plans to identify potential conflicts with the VIMS. If conflicts are identified, alternative plans will be considered. If disruptions to the slab or VIMS cannot be avoided, repairs/modifications to the slab or VIMS must be inspected under the supervision of a qualified Environmental Professional. If slab disturbances occur in occupied areas with elevated levels of sub -slab soil gas contaminants, indoor air sampling may be required in the occupied space and possibly occupied adjacent spaces (including above). There are no ribbon slabs, build -to -suit or pour -back areas planned for this site. If significant modifications of VIMS components or monitoring points is required during construction or during subsequent occupancy, a VIMS Modification Proposal which will include the reason for the proposed changes and illustrations of the proposed changes will be submitted to the DEQ Brownfields Program for approval prior to implementing. SECTION 7. REPORTING Within 60 days following completion of the initial post -construction testing (Sections 4 and 5), a final submittal document will be developed and sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer and includes: • Summary of installation, QA/QC measures and post-construction/pre-occupancy system effectiveness testing results; • A summary significant deviations from the approved plan and their potential to impact public health; • A statement from the North Carolina Professional Engineer providing an opinion of whether the VIMS was delivered in a condition consistent with the VIMS design and objectives; • As -built drawings • All inspection logs including photographs and field notes; • An index of and Safety Data Sheets for materials used during construction that could contribute to background indoor air contamination; and • The following statement sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer: "The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate intrusion of subsurface vapors into the subject building from known Brownfield Property contaminants in a manner that is in accordance with the most recent and applicable guidelines including, but not limited to, DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and Ift Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal September 22, 2022 SouthBank Building Page 11 400 West Main Street Durham, North Carolina American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. The sealing professional engineer below is satisfied that the design and installation are fully protective of public health from known Brownfield Property contaminants." SECTION 8. DESIGN SUBMITTAL EXHIBITS In accordance with the VIMS Design Submittal Requirements the following figures and exhibits are attached: Figure 1 General Site Location Map (with scale and north arrow) Figure 2 Site Map (with scale, north arrow, historic sample locations, historic structures and proposed building location) Figure 3 VIMS Schematic Table 1 Ground Contact Space Summary Table 2 Sub -Slab Depressurization Plenums Table 3 Sub -Slab Monitoring Points Exhibit 1 VIMS Plans and Specifications Exhibit 2 Material/Equipment Information Exhibit 3 Safety Data Sheets Exhibit 4 Historical Data Tables Exhibit 5 Completed Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Requirements Checklist SECTION 9. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR RETROFITS The proposed redevelopment does not require retrofits. REFERENCES The following references were used in the development of this VIMS Design package. Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Buildings (CC-1000 2018), ANSI/AARST, 2017. Technical Resources for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation, ITRC, December 2020 Vapor Intrusion Guidance, North Carolina Division of Waste Management (Version 2), March 2018. Ift Mid Atlantic FIGURES Ift Mid Atlantic aIN REFERENCES: 1. DURHAM SOUTHWEST AND NORTHWEST, NC DIGITAL RASTER GRAPHICS, USGS. SCANNED FROM 1:24,000 TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, PUBLISHED 2019, USGS. 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY DATA FROM DURHAM COUNTY GIS. Mid Atlantic Engineering & Enrironmrnral Saiuclnns C; GENERAL SITE LOCATION MAP SOUTHBANK BUILDING 400 WEST MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1:12,000 Feet 1,000 2,000 DRAWN DATE: BY: KRC SEPTEMBER 2021 DRAFT JOB NO: CHECK: DHN 00OR3710.00 ENG. GIS NO: CHECK: DHN 3G-R3710.00-1 APPROVAL: DHN I DWG NO: 1 f FQ Us Hwy 70 Bus -_ a � , r . ji LAW 1 , ��.. go �L�a.�s ■ it - 1 R 1 M ■Z 1 Legend �' - ■ Historical Soil Sample, Temporary Well, and Soil Gas Sample (2021) o _ V �i Historical Soil Sample and Temporary [off o Well (2021) F� g Historical Exterior Soil Gas Sample (2021 & 2022) #'� -•'A Historical Sub -Slab Sample (2021) w ® Extent of Former SouthBank Building 1 inch = 50 feet '- — Proposed Building Footprint 0 50 100 200 300 Site Boundary Feet DRAWN BY: KRC DATE: MAY 2022 SITE MAP DRAFTCHECKJOB NO.: R3710.00 Mid Atlantic SOUTHBANK BUILDING 400 WEST MAIN STREET EENGINEERCHDE NK GIS NO.: 3G-R3710.00-2 T80000 Engineering & Environmental Solutions DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVED BY DHN DRAWING NO.: 2 REFERENCE: DATA FROM NC ONEMAP. BLUEPRINTS FROM LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. 4 0 IA-1 INDOOR AIR SAMPL Q MP-1 MONITORING POINT 1G'6C I:-:: Fo 02 FWAVK VAPOR BARRIER AND SUB -SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION AREAS 0 32' SCALE: 1/32"=1'-0" 2 N 0 N O 0 0 0 m � o Ld O m O r, LLI 0 a LLJ 0 0 z 0 U 3: 0 Y Y U U w W 2 = L U U > Z Wui Ld Z_ 0 Q .. Q .. U .. CL .. �r ar zr a- m m om wm Qm Q �z CD W J zLLJLd �m z= U Z iy- 0 cn m c z 5; � Q 0o= cn o � �D 0 Vr_ 0 cro Cd " v E C 0 L G W .16 04 • � L C 40 W N N 0 LLI Q 0 Y Ui D O z LLI J U z LLi LLI LL LLI m TABLES Ift Mid Atlantic TABLE 1 GROUND CONTACT SPACE SUMMARY SOUTHBANK BUILDING 400 WEST MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELD PROJECT NO. 25022-21-032 MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. OOOR3710.00 Location Approximate Area (fe) Floor Elevation (ft) Space Type Residential VIMSAbove? Type Yes, seven Basement Parking 37,000 373 Outdoor stories None above Yes, seven Stair 4 250 373 Transient stories Passive above Stair 2, elevators 1 thru 4, elevator Yes, two lobby/hall, main electric, switch room, 2,000 373 Transient stories Passive MDF room and service provider room above Yes, seven Storage 900 373 Transient stories Passive above Yes, seven Stair 3, storage 350 373 Transient stories Passive above Ground level portions of Retail A, B and Yes, one G; lobby, package room and FCC room 6,700 391 Commercial story above Active TABLE 2 SUB -SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION PLENUMS SOUTHBANK BUILDING 400 WEST MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELD PROJECT NO. 25022-21-032 MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. OOOR3710.00 Perforated Monitoring Pipe Equivalent Location Plenum ID Plenum Area (ft2)* Pipe Run Points Diameter Pipe Run Fan Type (in) (ft)** Ground level portions of Retail A and B; FCC room P-1 3,300 150 2 4 100 Rn4 EC-4 Lobby, package room and portions of Retail G P-2 3,400 150 2 6 330 Rn4 EC-4 *Maximum ANSI CC-1000 2017 recommended plenum area with inspected plenums and 4 inch duct is 6,200 ff **Maximum ANSI CC-1000 2017 recommended pipe run for 4 inch duct is 150 equivalent feet and for 6-inch duct is 440 feet TABLE 3 SUB -SLAB MONITORING POINTS SOUTHBANK BUILDING 400 WEST MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELD PROJECT NO. 25022-21-032 MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. OOOR3710.00 Location I Monitoring Point ID Depressurization Area? Stair 4 MP-1 N MDF Room MP-2 N Storage MP-3 N Stair 3/storage MP-4 N Retail B MP-5 Y FCC Room MP-6 Y Retail G, south MP-7 Y Retail G, north MP-8 Y EXHIBIT 1 VIMS DESIGN ft Mid Atlantic VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) FIVE POINTS CENTER - DURHAM, LLC SOUTHBANK BUILDING 400 WEST MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION VIMS1.01 COVER SHEET VIMS1.02 GENERAL NOTES VIMS1.03 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM — BASEMENT/GROUND LEVEL LOCATIONS VIMS1.04 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM — BASEMENT LEVEL VIMS1.05 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM — GROUND LEVEL VIMS1.06 VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM — ROOF PLAN VIMS1.07 VAPORBLOCK PLUS 20 — DETAILS VIMS1.08 SUB —SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM — DETAILS VIMS1.09 SUB —SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM — DETAILS N N 0 O O N O O _ O LLJ O m O W O O O W c _ p O O Z � z 0 U Y Y U U ww W U U z W > Z 0 Q .. Q .. 0 .. d .. 01 � � � Z d c�m Om WM Qm w � �z cn U w cn z O z o cn Q w O U 5 _ �- m z cn Q — z O = w z U OD Q U) o o= D cn o ry z O n Q au Lu Aw lw e b •481V 2 w U Z W n, W L.� W n, GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System 1.1 Overview Soil gas at the subject site is known to contain dissolved volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It is possible that vapors emanating in the soil gas could cause a vapor intrusion condition in building constructed on the subject site. To prevent vapor intrusion conditions in the building on the subject site, a Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) is required. The VIMS is comprised of two key components in addition to the conventional poured concrete floor: 1) a membrane vapor intrusion barrier and 2) a sub -slab depressurization system. The membrane barrier is to be placed under basement and ground level "transiently occupied" spaces to passively inhibit the migration of vapors into the building. These include stairwells (3), elevators (4), storage areas (2), electrical room, switch room, MDF room, service provider room and elevator lobby. The membrane barrier is not required in the areas that will be used for parking in the basement level parking deck because this area is mechanically ventilated. The sub -slab depressurization system (active vapor mitigation) will be used, in addition to the membrane barrier, under the portions of the ground level of the building that is slab - on -grade which includes portions of retails spaces (3) because these areas are considered "occupied" (thus a higher level of vapor intrusion protection is warranted). Due to the design of this building the main lobby and the FCC room, though only transiently occupied, are included in the depressurization area. The sub -slab depressurization system is designed to induce a negative pressure beneath the building foundation slab using roof -mounted electrical fans. 1.2 Vapor Intrusion Membrane Barrier The vapor intrusion membrane barrier is to be constructed using VaporBlock® Plus 20 manufactured by Raven Industries. For the membrane barrier to be effective, it must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The vapor intrusion barrier is to be tested and demonstrated `tight' prior to pouring foundation slabs. 1.3 Concrete Floor Slab The concrete floor slabs integral to the construction of the building are also an integral part of the VIMS. The design of the slabs does not require modification. However, sealing of discontinuities, joints and penetrations is required for proper operation of the VIMS. 1.4 Sub -slab Depressurization System The sub -slab depressurization system is primarily site built. The sub -slab depressurization system consists of a layer of washed stone located beneath the membrane barrier and poured concrete floor with a site -installed network of perforated pipes placed laterally throughout the gravel layer. Solid piping is used to connect the perforated lateral piping to a fan located on the building roof. 1.5 Monitoring Systems The monitoring system includes eight sub -slab monitoring points. These monitoring points permit measuring pressure differential across the floor slab as well as obtaining sub -slab soil gas samples. These monitoring points are Vapor Pins® located inside Vapor Pin® Insets. The inserts are placed in the floor prior to pouring the floor slabs. If necessary, monitoring points can be constructed after the slab is poured in accordance with attached the applicable detail. The fan is equipped with a pressure switch. The pressure switch monitors the vacuum on the suction side of the fan. The pressure switch is linked to a monitoring panel located in maintenance office. When the switch indicates vacuum, a green light is shown on the monitoring panel. When the switch does not sense vacuum, a red indicator light is illuminated and an audible alarm is activated. 1.6 Inspections and Testing Inspections are to be conducted by an Environmental Professional. Inspections are required when the gravel layer is placed, when piping has been installed, when the membrane barrier has been placed, after joins/penetrations in slab have been sealed and upon initial operation of the ventilation fan. Membrane barrier integrity testing is required. 1.7 Work Scope Outline Construction activities will include: • Placing a washed stone gravel layer on sub -grade below slab -on -grade concrete floors • Placing lateral perforated pipe in the gravel layer • Placing piping horizontally beneath the floor slab and vertically (risers) from the perforated pipe at ground level to the roof discharge location • Installing membrane barrier over the gravel layer and beneath the floor slab • Sealing membrane barrier penetrations and conducting smoke testing to confirm seal integrity • Sealing concrete floor seams and penetrations • Installing fans, including electrical power, and vacuum switches on the discharge point • Providing a monitoring panel linked to vacuum switch to annunciate operational conditions of the fan • Install sub -slab monitoring points 2.0 General Conditions A. Work is to be conducted by knowledgeable experienced contractors familiar with applicable codes, standards and accepted industry practices. B. Work is to follow all applicable federal, state and local building, fire, plumbing and electrical codes. C. Products used in the construction of the VIMS described here in must not contain chlorinated solvents. D. See structural and architectural drawings for dimensions and details associated with building components. 3.0 VIMS System Components 3.1 Gravel Layer A. Minimum 6-inch-thick No 57 washed stone in areas where sub -slab depressurization system is to be used. B. Gravel layer must be free of obstructions that would prevent the flow of air through the gravel layer. C. All non-VIMS utilities must be below the gravel layer. 3.2 Horizontal Sub Grade Pigin A. Solid pipe, placed below slab, 4-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC. B. Placed with 1/8 inch fall per 12 inches of run to drain back to the perforated pipe C. Perforated pipe, placed below slab in gravel bed, minimum perforation area 1 in2/foot, 4-inch diameter PVC. D. Placed with holes set in bottom 90 degrees to allow condensate drainage. E. Perforated pipe is placed as indicated and connected to solid pipe to run to the location of the vertical turn up to the discharge point. 3.3 Membrane Barrier A. VaporBlock 20 to be placed in areas shown in the drawings. B. Installation of the VaporBlock 20 must be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. C. VaporBlock 20 must be sealed to foundation walls in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and using manufacturer -approved materials (tapes, mastic). D. All utility penetrations must be sealed using boots and/or liquid seals in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. E. Barrier must be protected from damage during construction. 3.4 Risers A. If permissible by code, risers can be constructed of Sch 40 PVC or CPVC. Code may require cast iron. B. Risers are 4-inch diameter and located as shown on the drawings. C. Risers extend from the floor slab through the roof. All joints must be sealed airtight. D. Risers will be supported in accordance with code, but at a minimum of every 10 feet. E. If riser pipes have horizontal components, the horizontal runs will be supported in accordance with code, but at a minimum of every 6 feet and will drain (1/8-inch fall to 12-inch run) towards the perforated pipe. F. Risers are to carry a label every 10 feet stating, "Soil Gas Vent". G. Refer to building plans for roof penetration details. H. The discharge point must be: • Vertical, with a'/2" mesh minimum rodent guard, rain caps are not permitted • Not less than 10 feet above grade • Not less than 10 feet from vertical walls unless extended a minimum of 0.5 feet above wall height • Not less than 10 feet from operable windows, doors or other building openings • Not less than 30 feet from air intakes to the building • Not less than 20 feet from patios, decks, sidewalks 3.5 Fan A. An in -line electrical fan designed for sub -slab depressurization and outdoor installation is required at each discharge location. The specified fan is shown in the drawings. B. Single phase 110 volt, 15 amp with a disconnect is required at the fan. C. Fan location is on the roof. 3.6 Fan Operation Monitor and Alarm A. A pressure switch is located on the vacuum side of the riser just below the fan. B. The pressure switch will continuously monitor the vacuum on the suction side of the riser. C. The pressure switch is connected to a dedicated monitoring panel located in one garage of each double unit condominium. D. The monitoring panel is to illuminate a green light if sufficient vacuum is present (>1.0 inch water) or red with an audible alarm if vacuum drops below 1.0 inch water. 3.7 Sub -Slab Monitoring Points A. Monitoring points are constructed of stainless steel VaporPins® located in Vapor Pin Inserts. B. Vapor Pin Inserts to be set prior to pouring concrete floor slab at locations shown in drawings. C. Membrane barrier is to be sealed to the Vapor Pin Insert in accordance with manufacturers specifications. 3.8 Concrete Floor Sealin A. The concrete floor is an integral part of the VIMS. B. Sealing is required in the VIMS areas to prevent air/vapor leakage from the sub - slab into the indoor space. C. All discontinuities in the concrete floor in the VIMS areas are to be sealed with a concrete compatible flexible sealant. This includes expansion joints, isolation joins, cracks, etc. D. Wall -to -floor joints, column joints and utility penetrations in the VIMS areas are to be sealed. 3.9 Inspections and Tests A. Brownfield Program must be notified prior to conducting inspections; but inspections can proceed without response to the notification. B. The Environmental Professional, under the supervision of a Professional Engineer, must inspect the gravel layer, vapor pits, sub -slab piping prior to placement of the membrane barrier. No system components can be covered prior to inspection. C. The contractor must conduct smoke tests in the presence of the Environmental Professional in the VIMS area. These tests will be used to confirm the integrity of the membrane barrier. D. The Environmental Professional must inspect the concrete floor seals prior to installation of floor coverings. N N O 0 O N O 1 N � � 0 O m O rn w 0 O O w 0 0 0 z � z 00 0 U o Y Y U U w w w U U 0 Ld Zw Z & Q.. Q.. �.. �.. 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HT. �`' $�� CA STORAGE CL� 008 e% �%y oouvor"" q _ • V" �H+rprj;iir� V Y ® ° UTURE RAMP RE IRED AT TIME OF UPFIT�� I FUTURE DEMISING II ® I WALLS, NIC II RETAIL E RETAIL D RETAIL C RETAIL B N � 127 126 125 II 124 II II O I IICIS o STAIR 3 claD L103-- �C 20'-0" - _ CLG— II O Q 19, & - - P__ - - CLG. HT. C G. HT. a UP DDINo II o � UP II 6" STL BOLLARDS, .. I PAINTED, TYP ®MP-40 c� STORAGEIN 004 II a II o MP-5 o VAPOR BARRIER AREAS - -- —1 — o FIL4 0 VAPOR BARRIER AND SUB —SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION AREAS 1 1 o N z 0 MP-1 SUB —SLAB MONITORING POINT Ld u� .• J VIMS LOCATIONS — BASEMENT LEVEL VIMS LOCATIONS — GROUND LEVEL 1 2 0' a' 16' z w z SCALE: 1/16"=1'—O" w LL_ W 01 � _ f L — — J L — — � T I I I I I I I I I I I J L---J L---J Mr. 0 VAPOR BARRIER AREAS O MP-1 SUB -SLAB MONITORING POINT n 0 5 \ \ \ \ L — I I I I I I I L J j j I L— L-----J I I I I I I I I II--�I ------------------- I Fj Ll � L — JI ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � � r------------------� 1 0 I I rj I I L T I I I I I I I I I I I I i I° C °I FL _Ll I° 0 1 I I II I o o o f I 1 1 I I y o 0 1 I II I L—J I 5 MP-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l 0 0 1 1° 0 0 0� I I o 0 L------ 0 0 1 I 0 O F------ o 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 l I L_J I I I ° ° L-----J I I L 7J I L-----J I I I r------------------J o 0 o I —T_ — — — — — — -- I ° °� � ° o 0 o I I t o c o f L—J L-----J I L— J L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � — — _T I MP-31 ---- I �— � I __� I I F I I 0m0 I ° Io° I I I ■ ■ I ' L L J L— J I I I L— L-----J L------------J -7 I I — I I I I _ I � r I I I I I MP-1 I I I I I 6 I I----- VIMS1.08 I I I I I I L � I ■ I I I I I I I I I I I r —7 —------� r----� F — —1 0 0 0 0 i o 0 0 0 I I 0mI 1 0 0 I l 0 CW 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 I 10 0 0 0 L— � L — — J L — — — — — J L — — — — L — — — — J L — — — — J L---JF I � I I \ I I � I I � J I \ \ MP-4 r-_� J L— ira111MM, r--J I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I ■ I I ■ I I I I I L__—J L---J L—_T 6 VIMS1.08 I I r-- F—� ■ I I ■ I I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 0' 8' 16' SCALE: 1 / 16"=1 ' -0" N N 00 O O N O O I Lij O m O Lit O I� O O W 0 o Z � W O U Y 1' U U w w w U U � U � Z w w Z D � Z 0 m o m w m W � �z un � � uu< LLJ O O m z Q z O Q z � w z O mu~ W w Q o 3 Q m � � o� z Q u tA c cQ1 E 0 ,3 c uj .�4 L.E.I AV F O 0 Z 0 0 w O Df d .. Qm 'Z N N N Q W Q 0 O O I cn z a_ ca z Q W J W W W O V) J W U Z W W W W W W Q MP-5 VAPOR BARRIER AND SUB —SLAB DEPRESSURIZATION AREAS SUB —SLAB MONITORING POINT SOLID 4"0 PVC SOLID 6"0 PVC PERFORATED 4"0 PVC �Sol 1.ya MOMI I KZ61_111to] Ill dow 7LE11 MP-8 ■ I 1 — N = 6 ■� ��—-------�---� VIMS1.08 II I ---- ■ II ■ I� F_-1 I I I L---1 I F_ I —1 I I L---1 I I— — — — — — — — — I jI L-- I J I II I I I I I u I I I I I � I I I � I I L-- I I I n ■ II I ■ ■ 10 I II I II I I II I II I I II I II I II I II I r- I II I II I I II I II I II I I II I II I I II I II I I I I 1 ■ L - ■ L■� I I II I II I I II I II I I I II I II I II I I II ------ ------ MP-7I III II II II I \\ I I I — I I II I I II II 2 ii I VIMS1.07 I I II II I I I I I I I II I I I II I I I II L— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J L - — — — — — — — — — I� II II II - II LONG RADIUS ELBOW I / / I / / I � I I I � I I I --sL--------- \ I� \ H \ \ \\\ H H VII \ \ \ H H L -7 4" PERFORATED PIPE 4" SOLID PIPE 6" SOLID PIPE 5 VIMS1.07. 3 " PERFORATED PIPE Z!�08 0' 8' 16' SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" N N O N m w m Lw m w cn w Q 0 Z 0 m 0 O O r O O 0 0 z m 0 Y U w U Z om W ~ �z LWLI cry z o > u�< o Q z z O m �z o u LLJ 0 O O O = u. 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SILL PER SELECTED ELEV MFR, SILL TO BE 1/2" ABOVE = - °., FFE TO PREVENT WATER VAPORBLOCK 20 a Q- ^ d. Q INFILITRATION INTO THE ELEV PIT d SLOPE AWAY FROM ELEV OPENING CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE, j SEE STRUCTURAL -------- ------ _ LOWER LEVEL -_ -� a ° < e ° a d --12l 011 COARSE GRANULAR FILL dd_ ° w Z) VERIFY W/ SELECTED ELEV MFR d? , ui ENSURE WEEPS ARE NOT 8.9 > COVERED BY SEALANT CONCRETE WALL, SEE STRUCTURAL a d - Lu J m INSTALLATION ° _ > w VAPORBLOCK 20 ° d ° d .. -. • " ee.d •� SUMP PUMP DISCHARGE, uj _ SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS EXTERIOR WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE O w 4 d �_ d AT ELEVATOR PIT AND ° ' U _ SILL PAN FLASHING SET IN ELEVATOR LOBBY AREAS w 4A °-- 4 .. SUMP PIT. VERIFY W/ PERFORATED STEEL GRATE FULL BED OF SEALANT; TO 0 O VIMS1.07 _° SELECTED ELEV MFR HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED, FULLY SEAL JOINT WITH MATCH WINDOW WALL FINISH ad = Q FLUSH WITH PIT FLOOR - WATERPROOFING SEALANT v = d DRAINAGE °. w d• WATERSTOP TYP. 4, d _ STEEL ANGLE SUPPORT, ATTACHED 30CMS ONEVENEER- 7 MAT/PROTECTION BOARD _ 41' :e zz 0 e ,. a.: W/ 1/2" EXPANSION FINISH TBD ° a - o o BTO OLTONCRETE U e ° 4 a d, ' . ° SEE CIVIL FOR EXTERIOR d• . GROUND TREATMENT, ° m ° 'd ° 4- ° e d.;° SLOPE AWAY FROM SLOTTED FOUNDATION DRAIN _ ea• I e d a ,a °_ " _ °, �_'° •d : SLOTTED FOUNDATION DRAIN dd < d a ;d _ a.; - a � , d d. BUILDING, TYP IN WASHED STONE a •!dO - _,. v, 9 d d ,d ° d --° - IN WASHED STONE �YL��Y4, �1-L - < _ •- " - v -. T Q ° L� - ; -'"d_ A - _ d 01 GROUND _ 6 __ - == I -,-- LEVEL t° _ .-• -- '' •, pll a a _ - d as °d_ 4" STONE BASE e , .• WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE AT FOUNDATION, SEE STRUC d• COMPRESSIBLE FILLER ELEVATOR PIT AND ELEVATOR LOBBY CAST -IN PLACE CONCRETE FLUID APPLIED AREAS; VERIFY MEMBRANE WITH � � � ��� � � VAPOR BARRIER 11-7 7/8" GEOTECH RECOMMENDATIONS 1 _ - `- `- `- ` ` ` DAMP PROOFING VAPORBLOCK 20 DRAINAGE BOARD � ELEVATOR PIT 1 DETAIL Y NOT TO SCALE SUMP PIT 1 DETAIL 4A NOT TO SCALE INTERIOR ALUM. CURTAIN WALL W/ 1" INSUL. GLAZING CONT. SILL EXTENSION - MATCH MULLION FINISH 3" MINERAL WOOL INSULATION CONC. FLOOR S.O.G. - SEE PLAN FOR F.F.E VAPORBLOCK 20 TYPICAL STOREFRONT SILL DETAIL @ RETAIL NOT TO SCALE N N 0 N Qo L0 0 0 Iw Q 0 u� z O U w w Q z O Q 0 z O N I Q 0 z Q O N I Q c� 0 ui z Q a_ O z w w U z w w w w w TO FAN TO FAN 5 FLOW LABELS VIMS1.08 WALL- SEEIN ARCHITECTURAL 5 FLOW LABELS VIMS1.08 WALL- SEE ARCHITECTURAL 4" PIPECAP WITH SCREEN (" N 0 o 0 0 PLANS FOR TYPE PLANS FOR TYPE LABELS 5 cv o 0 SUPPORT BRACKET SUPPORT BRACKET t!�y L o 0 0 FANTECH Rn 4EC-4 w o � g 4" SCH 40 PVC PIPE 6" SCH 40 PVC PIPE 120V, 1 PHASE 6" TO 4" ADAPTOR w oo ' > FINISHED FLOOR AS NECESSARY cn o 0 0 z z zttzz VAPORBLOCK 20 PLUS °a PRESSURE SWITCH DISCONNECT SWITCH Q o o D Q 0 0 a FOR FAN AND d 4"0 PERFORATED ° PRESSURE SWITCH FINISHED FLOOR FINISHED FLOOR 0 0 PVC PIPE 1 /4" METAL TUBING #57 WASHED STONE THICKNESS 6 ....,.'.. <. .., .�, :, .. .., .. . ,,..MINIMUM .. •. � `. TO SURROUND ROOF BOOT FLASHING O , ; _ .. .a....., PERFORATED PIPE PER ROOFING DETAILS FROM VAPOR FROM VAPOR RIGID METAL CONDUIT Y COLLECTION PIT COLLECTION PIT — SUBGRADE VAPOR BARRIER - VAPOR BARRIER SIDE VIEW END VIEW Z Q .. z - L Q .. w w Z .. > .. 4" SOLID SCH 40 PVC PIPE #57 STONE 6" SOLID SCH 40 PVC PIPE # 57 STONE om Of- worn < m SUBGRADE SUBGRADE 4" SCH 40 PVC LONG RADIUS ELBOW 6" SCH 40 PVC LONG RADIUS ELBOW u� RISER AT FLOOR - 4 PIPE 2 VENT RISER AT FLOOR - 6 PIPE 3 PERFORATED PIPE DETAIL 4 AN DETAIL -VERTICAL ROOF o oVENT NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE cLLI z W 0O uz z � 1.5" 0 X 1.75" DEEP O 0 3L, z Q VAPOR PIN WITH SECURE COVER HOLE IN SLAB (TO VAPOR PIN WITH SECURE COVER un SOIL GAS VENT COUNTERSINK PROBE) O VAPOR PIN INSERT SET CAP TO SEAL PROBE N z < m Q BEFORE POURING CONCRETE _ 0 CONTACT MAINTENANCE 3/4 X 10 THREAD 3/4 X 10 THREAD U z o DEPARTMENT FOR a CAP TO SEAL PROBE °� v� ; z m 8 G VAPOR PIN W � INFORMATION VARIES VARIES CONCRETE SLAB O Q ® 8 VAPORBLOCK PLUS 20 VAPORBLOCK PLUS 20 a SILICONE SLEEVE Li. O O Z 0 a 5/8" 0 HOLE m 1 SILICONE SEAL AT BARRIER/ z VARIES VARIES D HOLE/BASE INTERFACE u/ 1 /4" 0 HOLE m O u� SO L GAS FLOW M O T S �/ v o LAYER (#57 GRAVEL) GRAVEL BED VENT GRAVEL BED VENT LAYER (#57 GRAVEL) PRE -POUR POST -POUR y INFORMATION FLOW LABELS SUB -SLAB VAPOR/PRESSURE MONITORING PROBE DETAIL � 5 NOT TO SCALE &�NOT TO SCALE 49 r eceor {� / c Ski 0_ J_J 0 ui c Lu �i c� z w w w w w w Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan •���' fantech° Wiring Hydraulic data Item #: 99923 a systemair company Required air flow Variant : 120V 1 - 60Hz Potentiometer 120 V Supply Required static pressure 04 0 _ Working air flow - N Description ,c Working static pressure N O O O O Rn4EC-4 Radon Fan is the most powerful product on the market for active radon mitigation applications s m t * _ Air density 0.075 Ib/ft3 N O O 0 where high suction and high flow are required. It is an excellent solution for high radon levels, poor sub- Power LLJO FiE+ slab communication, multiple suction points and/or large sub slab footprint. O JD O Q O Q a Fan control -RPM - 22 O Designed specifically for Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) mitigation applications O O O O O O O O Current W O O r U')• �_ •High Suction, High Flow Ai flow efficiency � O > • Dial your suction in with a built-in speed control Control voltage - LIJ • Two soft anti -vibration couplers included o Supply voltage - O O �� Set up for a 4" PVC pipe d Y Z Z C US For residential and commercial applications Do L� o �j Air -tight housing - zero leakage m Documents Q Q � UV resistant plastic housing... 0 o _D O O NV��- Find more details in our online catalogue 142001 Rn2EC-Rn4-EC OIPM EN FR.PDF - CERTIFIED o a`1 Technical parameters Performances U 0- Motor Norminal data ified Raii HVI Certified Rating(s) / Model Spee Ctrl High StatiGLow Flow Low Static/High Flaw d Voltage Performance curve Voltage (nominal) 120 V Inch CF Inch CF wC M w wC M w Frequency 60 Hz Rn4EC 100 10V 4.5 39 14 0.2 320 17 -4 1 4 Phase(s) 1- 80% 8V 3.14 31 84 0.2 300 15 in. wg. Y U U Input power 169 60 % 6v 1.56 20 33 0.2 210 52 W I LU W U W U ue NOTE: Performance is based on 4Inch ammeter dfing. I I 5 l I I of Input current 2.1 A Dimensions Z z > _ _ o Impeller speed 4,084 r.p.m. or 0�< CD Z d 4 0] W CO Q CO Air flow max 555 cfm Protection/Classification if I T— Enclosure class, motor IP54 - C 3- Insulation class B �i htF►I D Certificate HVI, cULus 2— — Q Efan�tech' U) Dimensions and weights W Weight 7.8 lb Model A B C D E F G I I I f Rn2EC 4 15/32 (114) 10 (254) 1 14 (32) 9 114 (235) - - - Rn4EC-3 57/8(149) 11112(292) 1 tr4(32) 91/4(235) 4002) 31/2(69) 6(152) 0 Rn4ec-4 s 7la (1as) vz (292) va (32) 9 1/4 (235) 4 (162) 4 uz (11a) s (1sz) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 cfm Z Dimensions in inches (mm). fr�� I I >- 0 >_ cn z �0 U�z�U~< z 0 U 0 ­­ m z �ry Q0 z 7' m can cn 0 Q w n-U�00z Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=3998921 Item #: 99923 Variant: 120V 1- 60Hz Document Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan1 Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 Item #: 99923 Variant: 120V 1- 60Hz Document Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 Item #: 99923 Variant: 120V 1- 60Hz Document D Un C) ry type: Product card Created on: 2021-06-17 Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue Language: English type: Product card Created on: 2021-06-171 Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue Language: English type: Product card 1 Created on: 2021-06-171 Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue Language: English LLJ Pagel of 3 Page 2 of 3 Page 3 of 3 � z Q m Q AN SPECIFICATIONS c a- I Q m > GREEN LIGHT � " E 49 i 1 /2" NPT (F) ELECTRICAL CONNECTION NORMAL OPERATING O O O LA DWYER CAT. N0. 1950-1 —2 PRESSURE SWITCH EQUIVALENT OR O PLENUM IO NO LOW PRESSURE SHUT OFF SWITCH 'W :3 D O O O PLENUM 2 O YES E 0 L. G LLJ 1 /4" O.D. METAL TUBING RED LIGHT TO VENT RISER � RI Q1 .�0 L3J SWITCH DETAIL MONITORING PANEL PROCESS aPRESSURE 3 &ELN NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE w U z w w w EXHIBIT 2 MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT INFORMATION ft Mid Atlantic Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fan Item #: 99923 Variant : 120V 1- 60Hz or WON a W tam 81W n L J E DVS F NvE Technical parameters Norminal data Voltage (nominal) 120 V Frequency 60 Hz Phase(s) 1- Input power Input current Impeller speed Air flow Protection/Classification 169 W 2.1 A 4,084 r.p.m. max 555 cfm Enclosure class, motor IP54 Insulation class B Certificate HVI, cULus Dimensions and weights Weight 7.8 Ito fantech° • a systemair company Description Rn4EC-4 Radon Fan is the most powerful product on the market for active radon mitigation applications where high suction and high flow are required. It is an excellent solution for high radon levels, poor sub - slab communication, multiple suction points and/or large sub slab footprint. Designed specifically for Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) mitigation applications High Suction, High Flow • Dial your suction in with a built-in speed control Two soft anti -vibration couplers included Set up for a 4" PVC pipe • For residential and commercial applications Air -tight housing - zero leakage UV resistant plastic housing... Find more details in our online catalogue Performances HVI Certified Ratings) Model Spee Ctrl High Static/Low Flow Low Static/High Flow d Voltage Inch OF w Inch OF w we M we M Rn4EC 100 10V 4.5 39 14 0.2 320 17 4 80% 8V 3.14 31 84 0.2 300 13 5 60% 6V 1.56 20 33 0.2 210 52 NOTE: Performance is based on 4 inch diameter ducting. Dimensions 0 l E ��a• G Model A B c D E F G Rn2EC 415/32 (114) 10 (254) 1 1/4 (32) 91/4 (235) - - - Rn4EC-3 57/8 (149) 11 1/2 (292) 1 1/4 (32) 91/4 (235) 4 (102) 31/2 (89) 6 (152) Rn4EC-4 57/8 (149) 11 1/2 (292) 1 1/4 (32) 91/4 (235) 4 (102) 41/2 (114) 6 (152) Dimensions in inches (mm). Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fang Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 I Item #: 99923 1 Variant: 120V 1- 60Hz I Document type: Product card I Created on: 2021-06-17 1 Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue I Language: English Pagel of 3 Wiring Potentiometer 120 V Supply Performance curve in. wg. 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 cfm Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fang Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 I Item #: 99923 1 Variant: 120V 1- 60Hz I Document type: Product card I Created on: 2021-06-17 1 Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue I Language: English Page 2 of 3 Hydraulic data Required air flow Required static pressure Working air flow Working static pressure Air density Power Fan control - RPM Current Airflow efficiency Control voltage Supply voltage Documents 142001 Rn2EC-Rn4-EC OIPM EN FR.PDF 0.075 Ib/fN Item name: Rn 4EC-4 Inline Radon Fang Product link: https://shop.fantech.net/en-US/productPermalink?p=399892 I Item #: 99923 1 Variant: 120V 1- 60Hz I Document type: Product card I Created on: 2021-06-17 1 Generated by: Fantech Online Catalogue I Language: English Page 3 of 3 SERIES 1950 j EXPLOSION -PROOF DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH FEATURESIBENEFITS Explosion -proof and weatherproof housing provides device protection for outdoor use or harsh environment operation • External set point screw provides easy access without opening or disassembling enclosure • Easily accessible electrical connection simplifies the installation E.T n"' f` rEo 1950- ILECMK� EIAK.G 3►M.MnoCE � IA: p1,i7 VAC AC CI Cu , HPi9°Y APPLICATIONS Cj.fA vC. VEStS, C, H MAX ""5 . IN we I I, iel SNrGE PKB5 i 2 nl 1"Mil HVAC applications rrwr i°r ,° ,AVr I umc �v svcl Process applications cwnoK;NOS FGAUSF h• M IL w Ail -weather applications p P F111OS ArrENrldM' CJ1DN ilEn FFEMF S015a1�FHSNFNf.4 yON15�17 � DESCRIPTION The SERIES 1950 Explosion -proof Differential Pressure Switch combines the best features of the popular Dwyer® Series 1900 Pressure Switch with an integral explosion -proof and weatherproof housing, making it an exceptional value for either application. It is CE, UL and CSA listed, FM approved for use in Class I. Div 1, Groups C. and D, Class II Groups E, F, and G and Class III hazardous atmospheres NEMA 7 & 9. Rain tight NEMA 3 (IP54), weatherproof features include a drain plug and O-ring seal in cover. Electrical connections are easily made by removing front cover. For convenience the set point adjustment screw is located on the outside of the housing. Twelve models offer set points from .03 to 20 in w,c. (0.0075 to 5 kPa) and From .5 to 60 psi (0.035 to 3.5 bar). The unit is very light and compact - about half the weight and bulk of other explosion -proof or weatherproof switches with separate enclosures. SPECIFICATIONS Service Air and non-combustible, compatible gases. Wetted Materials Consult factory. Temperature Limits -40 to 140°F (40 to 60°C); 0 to 140°F (-17.8 to 60°C) for 1950P-8, 15, 25, and 50, -30 to 130"F (-34.4 to 54.4"C) for 1950-02. Pressure limits jContinuous) 1950's - 45 in w.c. (0.11 bar); 1950P's - 35 psi (2,41 bar); 195OP-50 only - 70 psi (4,83 bar). Surge: 1950's - 10 psi (D.69 bar), 1950P's - 50 psi (3.45 bar), 195OP-50 only - 90 psi (6.21 bar). Enclosure Rating NEMA 3 (IP54), NEMA 7 & 9. Switch Type Single -pole double -throw (SPOT). Electrical Rating 15 A @, 125, 250, 480 VAC, 60 Hz. Resistive 118 HP @ 125 VAC, 114 HP @ 250 VAC, 60 Hz. Electrical Connections 3 screw type, common, normally open and normally closed. Process Connections 118- female NPT. Mounting Orientation Diaphragm in vertical position. Consult factory for other position orientations. Set Point Adjustment Screw type on top of housing. Weight 3.25 Ib {1.5 kg); 1950-02 mode{, 4.4 Ib 2 kg). Agency Approvals CE, CSA, FM, GL. ■■■E on V1 dwyer-inst.com ❑WYER INSTRUMENTS, INC. T:219,87"000 I F:2:L"72.9057 I Infofdwyermail.com 800-972.9141 DIMENSIONS 118 FEMALE NPT 1-1552 [37.301 EXTERNAL LOW PRESSURE CONNECTION 318 [9.53] GROUND CAPTIVE SCREW— 27132{21A3] (2) 017+64 [6.75] MOUNTING � HOLES EQUALLY SPACED ON — 1 F 27132 A 4-7f8 {123.83] B.C. — I VENT DRAIN [ [21,431 PLUG 1f8 FEMALE NPT HIGH RANGE ADJU STMENT SCREW PRESSURE CONNECTION 318 9.53 [53813] 1.23l32 {43.fi4] 1 { ] 112 FEMALE NPT 3-112 [88.90] ELECTRICAL CONNECTION HOW TO ORDER Use the hold characters from the chart below to construct a product code. XYZ -x -x SWITCH TYPE 1950 - Pressure Switch - Inches w.c. 1950P - Pressure Switch - PSID RANGE -02 - 0,03 - 0.10" w.c. -00 - 0,07 - 0,15" w.c. -0-0.15-0.5"w.c. -1-0.4-1,6'W,c, -5-1,5-55-w,c, -10 - 3.0 - 11.0" w.c. .20 - 4.0 - 20.0" w.c. -2-0.5-2.0psid -8-1.5-8.0psid -15 - 3.0 - 15.0 psid -25 - 4.0 - 25.0 psid -50 - 15,0 - 50.0 psid "The 2F is standard MICRl7 SWITCH TYPE — -2 - 10G Mica Silver Contact' -6 - 10G Phenolic Goid Contact -M - 10C Phenolic Silver Contact -x WIRING DIAGRAM 46" =00 TITl f 1 ,. OPTIONS -AT-Aiuminum Tag -PRESET - Preset ST - Stainless Steel Tag DIAPHRAGM MATERIAL B - Buna-N F - Flurosilicone' N - Neoprene S - Silicone V - Flurcelastomer Important Notice Dwyer Instruments, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue any product or service identified in this puhlicalian without notice. Dwyer advises its customars to ohtain the latest version of the relevant information to verify, before placing any orders. Ihal the information being relied upon M cUrre hl mass R ❑WYER INSTRUMENTS, INC. on ■ T: 219-8795000 j F: 219-872.9057 j inio@dwyermafl.com d er-inst.com 800-972-9141 •` 7 05-1950 14117 VaporP no Scope: This standard operating procedure describes the installation the Vapor PinT Insert (Figure 1), Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to assure good quality control in field operations and uniformity between field personnel in the use of the Vapor Pinl Insert. The Vapor Piny' Insert is used to facilitate the collection of soil gas samples and pressure measurements beneath engineered vapor intrusion barriers (e.g., Geo-Sealf), or vapor mitigation coatings (e.g., 12etro-Coati") E ui meat Needed: • Vapor Pin* Insert; • Vapor Pin", Insert Cap; • Hacksaw (optional); ■ Power drill and small diameter oils (optional); ■ Threaded rod (1 /2" x 13); and • Dead blow hammer. Installation Procedure (New Construction): 1) Check for buried obstacles (pipes, electrical lines, etc.) prior to proceeding. Standard Operating Procedure Installation of the Vapor Pines Insert June 2020 3) Pierce the barrier with a threaded rod of sufficient length to extend slightly above the elevation of the finished floor and into the subgrade a sufficient depth to provide support for the Vapor Ping Insert. Make sure the rod is perpendicular to the proposed floor surface. Avoid bending the rod, as it may inhibit its removal after the concrete has cured. Also avoid damaging the threads on the rod. 4) ❑ty fit the Vapor Pin3 Insert and trim, or extend the length. Extend the length by sliding the Insert into a length of 1.5 inch diameter schedule 44 PVC pipe. The insert and pipe can be joined using PVC cement or similar material. Allow sufficient time for the adhesive to cure prior to sampling. Vent holes may be added at the bottom of the Insert or PVC extension to promote air flow. 5) Assemble the Vapor Pin* Insert and Cap by pressing the Cap into the top of the Insert. Position the assembly on the threaded rod so that the top of the Cap lies flush with the elevation of the finished floor. It is important that the position of the Insert be perpendicular to the slab s❑ that the Vapor PinO Secure Cover meets uniformly with the floor. b) Marry the barrier to the Insert per the manufacture's specification prior to pouring the concrete slab. 2) Locate the desired position (hariaontally 7) After the concrete has set, remove the and vertically) of the top of the Vapor threaded rod and Cap and install the Piny Insert, Vapor Piny' or FLX-VP Vapor Pin-' product in the Insert. %I'(IR 1'It' PFL&c1 •kl undrl 1'N "hi,I II a _. r I :d- IS:. 1 ti N )-+I ;i 1417 .i ud.0 h.I 1,e 10,11> 1+pq{I H_1 ' :7jA"+1 till} l'171CT}71'Itii", I}11' • 1 /71F L 011)OI51C isll•d,. NJ III I i1y, 1 )hw 4]Imh4 w1yor1',In.con I Installation Procedure (Exisit_i_n� Construction: 1) Check for buried obstacles (pipes, electrical lines, etc.) prior to proceeding. 2) Prior to installation in an existing slag, a large diameter hole must be coxed through the slab to either expose the harrier, or provide access to the base beneath the slab prior to the application of a vapor mitigation coating. Contact the vendor of the barrier or coating about the desired diameter of the hole, the procedures used to expose the seal, and the methods and materials used to marry the seal or coating to the Insert prior to proceeding. Standard Operating Procedure Installation of the Vapor Pin' lnsert June 2020 Palle 2 cement or similar material. Allow sufficient time for the adhesive to cure prior to sampling, Vent holes may be added at the bottom of the Insert or PVC extension to promote air flow. fir) Assemble the Vapor Ping Insert and Cap by pressing the Cap into the top of the Insert. Position the assembly on the threaded rod so that the top of the Cap lies flush with the elevation of the finished floor. It is important that the position of the Insert be perpendicular to the slab so that the Vapor Ping Secure Cover meets uniformly with the floor. 7) 3) Locate the desired position (horizontally and vertically) of the top of the Vapor 8) PinO Insert. 4) Pierce the barrier (if applacble) with a threaded rod of sufficient length to extend slightly above the elevation of the finished floor and into the subgrade a sufficient depth to provide support for the Vapor Pin' Insert. Make sure the rod is perpendicular to the proposed floor surface. Avoid bending the rod, as it may inhibit its removal after the concrete has cured. Also avoid damaging the threads on the rod. 5) Dry fit the Vapor Pin'' Insert and trim, or extend the length. Extend the length by sliding the Insert into a length of 1.5 inch diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe. The insert and pipe can be jointed using PVC If the Insert is used in conjunction with a vapor intrusion barrier, marry the barrier to the Insert per the barrier manufacture's specification prior to pouring the concrete slab. After the concrete has set, remove the threaded rod and Cap and install the Vapor Ping or FLX-VP Vapor Ping product in the Insert. 1 iPOR rI N' Fr.,,i.et.,1 undo•, t c rdnni . � 72'1.;4 7 6:. I •b v 2 •, I •;; I II: irpo nph. i p:!1'141= rcndm1� Va(rnr Pin Lnicrrm,r3. ITic • 7750 C(nw 11' 11I1-i. f la17 Llty. tint* V4064 - (6141 s04-691 1; • www_xiaportuli.roq) Installed View Vapor Pin® MAR / Insert Cap J Rod Pre -Fab Concrete Insert Completed View Newly -Placed Concrete Slab Vapor Intrusion / Barrier subsIab Base Material Secure Cover 'fotectiv Cover Vapor Pin® Silicone sleeve Repair panel ration in a manner f E=1 I- ! 11--11 FI 11=111=I1 j=M=__1 I1_ 1I 1--111 oons i ste n I with tMs membrane 1 a� f= f - manufacturer's specification for t�[a4ive Soil j—I h11 E- 11:- i I —1 1-_i f 1_= pipe penetrations- D Figure Vap orp �Vapor Piny'Insert with Cap, Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc. Standard Operating Procedure Va orP no Use of the VAPOR PINS Drilling Guide and Secure Cover wowr Updated March 16, 2018 Scope. This standard operating procedure (SOP) describes the methodology to use the VAPOR PINS' Drilling Guide and Secure Cover to install and secure a VAPOR P1NO in a flush mount configuration. Purpose: The purpose of this SOP is to detail the methodology for installing a VAPOR P1NO and Secure Cover in a flush mount configuration. The flush mount configuration reduces the risk of damage to the VAPOR P1NO by foot and vehicular traffic, keeps dust and debris from falling into the flush mount bole, and reduces the Opportunity for tampering. This SOP is an optional process performed in conjunction with the SOP entitled "Installation and Extraction of the VAPOR P1NO". However, portions of this SOP should be performed prior to installing the VAPOR PIN®. Equipment Needed: • VAPOR P1N18' Secure Cover (Figure 1); • VAPOR PINS Drilling Guide (Figure 2); • Hammer drill; • 11/z-inch diameter hammer bit (Hiltiz" TE- YX 1112" x 23" #00293032 or equivalent); • 5/8-inch diameter hammer bit (Hild " TE- YX 5/8" x 22" #00226514 or equivalent); • assembled VAPOR P1Nm; • # 14 spanner wrench; • Wet/Dry vacuum with HEPA filter (optional); and • personal protective equipment (PPE). Figure 1. VAPOR PIN® Secure Cover Figure 2. VAPOR PING Drilling Guide Installation Procedure: 1) Check for buried obstacles (pipes, electrical lines, etc.) prior to proceeding. 2) Set up wet/dry vacuum to collect drill cuttings. 3) While wearing PPE, drill a 1112-inch diameter hole into the concrete slab to a depth of approximately 1 314 inches. Pre -marking the desired depth on the drill Y V'Ult 11Iti' P:"Ir,,0 ­'1" 1;S P,1l 1 = a,22P.;4 11s2. l •'.:'JI <=1 62:nW ar hn parrnr. penJrnp Vapor Pin Enterprises, InC. • 71�0('orporate 131vd.. Plain C'itv.Ohio43004 • f6141504-6415 • aww.vapmpinxom bit with tape will assist in this process. 4) Remove cuttings from the hole and place the Drilling Guide in the hole with the conical end down (Figure 3). The hole is sufficiently deep if the flange of the Drilling Guide lies flush with the surface of the slab. Deepen the hole as necessary, but avoid drilling more than 2 inches into the slab, as the threads on the Secure Cover may not engage properly with the threads on the VAPOR P1NR. Figure 3. Testing Depth with the Drilling Guide 51 When the 1 tla-inch diameter hole is drilled to the proper depth, replace the drill bit with a 518-inch diameter bit, insert the bit through the Drilling Guide (Figure 4), and drill through the slab. The Drilling Guide will help to center the hole for the VAPOR P1NO, and keep the hole perpendicular to the slab. 6) Remove the bit and drilling guide, clean the hole, and install the VAPOR PINS in accordance with the SOP "Installation and Extraction of the VAPOR P1NO. Standard Operating Procedure Installation and Removal of the Vapor Pin$ Updated March 16, 2018 Page 2 Figure 4. Using the Drilling Guide 7) Screw the Secure Cover onto the VAPOR P1Nlr�l and tighten using a # 14 spanner wrench by rotating it clockwise (Figure 5). Rotate the cover counter clockwise to remove it for subsequent access. Figure 5. Tightening the Secured Cover 1 imitatinn-'• On slabs less than 3 inches thick, it may be difficult to obtain a good seal in a flush mount configuration with the VAPOR P1N.0 VAPOR PIN' P I-MJ undo la Fulani = $.22O.•J7 02. IIS 9.291,531 0? -d 1511 r 13A1 njN prnding Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc. • 7750 Corpumilc f3k-& Phnn C ily.01)in43464 • J614) 504-6915 • VaporPin-CoxColvin_cnm Vaporp no Scope: This standard operating procedure describes the installation and extraction of the VAPOR PING for use in sub -slab soil -gas sampling. Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to assure good quality control in field operations and uniformity between held personnel in the use of the VAPOR PiN2' for the collection of sub - slab soil -gas samples or pressure readings. Equipment Needed: • Assembled VAPOR P1NO [VAPOR P1NO and silicone sleeve(Figure 1)]; Because of sharp edges, gloves are recommended for sleeve installation; • Hammer drill; ■ 5/8-inch (16mm) diameter hammer bit (hole must be 5/8-inch (16mrn) diameter to ensure seal. it is recommended that you use the drill guide). (Hilti"" TE YX 518" x 22" (400 mm) #00206514 or equivalent); • 1 V2-inch (38mm) diameter hammer bit (HiltiTll TE-YX 1112" x 23" #00293032 or equivalent) for flush mount applications; ■ 3/4-inch (19mm) diameter bottle brusll; ■ Wet/Dry vacuum with HEPA filter (optional); • VAPOR P1NO installation/extraction tool; • Dead blow hammer; • VAPOR P1NO flush mount cover, if desired; • VAPOR PING drilling guide, if desired; Standard Operating Procedure Installation and Extraction of the Vapor Pin® Updated March 16, 2018 • VAPOR P1NII� protective cap; and • VOC-free hole patching material (hydraulic cement) and putty knife or trowel for repairing the hole following the extraction of the VAPOR P1N0_ Figure 1. Assembled VAPOR PiN'!" installation Procedure: 11 Check for buried obstacles (pipes, electrical lines, etc,) prior to proceeding. 2) Set up wet/dry vacuum to collect drill cuttings. 3) If a flush mount installation is required, drill a 1 t12-inch (38mm) diameter hole at least 1 314-inches (45mm) into the slab. Use of a VAPOR PINS' drilling guide is recommended, 4) Drill a 5/8-inch (16mm) diameter hole through the slab and approximately f- inch (25mm) into the underlying soil to form a void. Hole must be 5/8-inch (16mm) in diameter to ensure seal. it is recommended that you use the drill guide. V IPOR PIN' I1aFc�l QJ rrnklo L.ti P.i L, iv - % J'ir_-4 li' I S $] AnJ a115d Pnl reun 1WHJme Vapor Pin Enterprises, ltic • -"75n t orpowle Hk C Ploin Cil%, [Shun 4106a • (614} 504-G915 - wn�a.�t�nnrl�in.cnm 5) Remove the drill bit, brush the hole with the bottle brush, and remove the loose cuttings with the vacuum. 6) Place the lower end of VAPOR PING assembly into the drilled hole. Place the small hole located in the handle of the installation/extraction tool over the vapor pin to protect the barb fitting, and tap the vapor pin into place using a dead blow hammer (Figure 2). Make sure the installationlextraction tool is aligned Parallel to the vapor pin to avoid damaging the barb fitting. Figure 2. Installing the VAPOR P1NO During installation, the silicone sleeve will form a slight bulge between the slab and the VAPOR PINS' shoulder. Place the protective cap on VAPOR P1NO to prevent vapor loss prior to sampling (Figure 3). Standard Operating Procedure Installation and Removal of the Vapor Pin® Updated March 16, 2018 Page 2 Figure 3. Installed VAPOR PING 7) For [lush mount installations, cover the vapor pin with a flush mount cover, using either the plastic cover or the optional stainless -steel Secure Cover (Figure 4). Figure 4. Secure Cover Installed 8) Allow 20 minutes or more (consult applicable guidance for your situation) for the sub -slab soil -gas conditions to re - equilibrate prior to sampling. 9) Remove protective cap and connect sample tubing to the barb fitting of the VAPOR PINT. This connection can be made using a short piece of TygonTm tubing to join the VAPOR PING with the C.NI'UR P1'% Ili ol.cL¢J umkcr 115 Poon = M.2203-47 Ei 2. 1 IS 9_29 51 $J? ,ird oil is pjte41l5I rWI Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc. • 7750 C r)rporatc Blvd- Plain City. Ohio 43064 • {fi l41 504-6915 • wvw.vapolpin.corn Nylaflow tubing (Figure 5). Put the Nylaflow tubing as close to the VAPOR P]N8 as possible to minimize contact between soil gas and TygonT',' tubing. Figure S. VAPOR PIN® sample connection 1 O) Conduct leak tests in accordance with applicable guidance. If the method of leak testing is not specified, an alternative can be the use of a water dam and vacuum pump, as described in 50P Leak Testing the VAPOR PIN'& via Mechanical Means (Figure 6). For #lush -mount installations, distilled water can be poured directly into the 1 1/2 inch (38mm) hole. Figure 6. Water dam used for leak detection 1 1) Collect sub -slab soil gas sample or pressure reading. When finished, replace Standard Operating Procedure Installation and Removal of the Vapor Pin® iJpdated March 16, 20 18 Paae 3 the protective cap and flush mount cover until the next event. if the sampling is complete, extract the VAPOR PIN*. Extraction Procedure: 1) Remove the protective cap, and thread the installation/extraction too] onto the barrel of the VAPOR PIN® (Figure 7). Turn the tool clockwise continuously, don't stop turning, the VAPOR P1NO will feed into the bottom of the installation extraction tool and will extract from the hole like a wine fork, DO NOT PULL. 2) Fill the void with hydraulic cement and Figure 7. Removing the VAPOR PINS' + Prior to reuse, remove the silicone sleeve and protective cap and discard. Decontaminate the VAPOR PING in a hot water and Alconoxg wash, then heat in an oven to a temperature of 265° F (13O° C) for 15 to 30minute$. For both steps, STAINLESS — 1/2 hour, BRASS 8 minutes 'k' IPi P f11 N' F—L-leJ under 1:%Pal ❑a . s,220147 52. [ 5 4,241,533 W and Kiln Pakma 1-1111g Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc. • 7750 Corporate Blvd- Plain [sty. Ohio 43004 • 1614r 504-69 i 5 • v6ww,vaporpin_com Standard Operating Procedure Installation and Removal of the Vapor Pin*' Updated March 16, 2018 Paae 4 3) Replacement parts and supplies are available online. %, M)a PIS I, me oj wldrt i ti P.tlem .132, 15 ��,.VL?iI H, mJ ailm. P..ana pending Vapoi Pin Enterprises, Inc. • 775u Corporate porate Blvd- Plain City. Ohio 43064 • i614l 51I4-6Q15 • VaporPno Scope: This standard operating procedure describes the installation, use, and extraction of the FI-X-VPTT4 for sub -slab soil -gas sampling. Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to assure good quality control in field operations and uniformity between field personnel in the Use of the FLX-VP"'A for the collection of sub - slab soil -gas samples or pressure readings. Fquipment Needed: ■ Assembled FLX-VPT11I [FLX-VPTt�' barb fitting with O-ring, FLX-VPTV base, and silicone sleeve (Figure I]]; Because of sharp edges, gloves are recommended for sleeve installation; ■ Hammer drill; ■ 5/8-inch (16mm) diameter hammer bit (hole must be 5/8-inch (16mm) diameter to ensure seal. it is recommended that you use the drill guide). (HiltiT" TE-YX 5/8" x 22" (400 mm) #00206514 ar equivalent); • 1 t12-inch (38mm) diameter hammer bit (HiItiT" TE-YX 1 th." x 23" #00293032 or equivalent) for flush mount applications; • 314-inch (19mm) diameter bottle brush; • Wet/Dry vacuum with HEPA filter (optional); • VAPOR PING installation/extraction tool; • Dead blow hammer; Standard Operating Procedure installation and Extraction of the FLX-VP1 VAPOR P1NI-1�1 Updated January 18, 2019 ■ VAPOR P1N' flush mount cover, if desired; ■ VAPOR PiNO drilling guide, if desired; ■ VAPOR P1NII� protective cap; and ■ VOC-free hole patching material (hydraulic cement) and putty knife or trowel for repairing the We fallowing the extraction of the FLX-VPTTA. 410 Figure 1. Assembled FLX-VPTn' installation Procedure: 1) Check for buried obstacles (pipes, electrical lines, etc.) prior to proceeding. 2) Set up wet/dry vacuum to collect drill cuttings. UPOH N\ pi „I:rl.d Lw&4 l ti V.,M,i 4.270.-47 52. t %9.P;I t} 1 142 mid oI bur piinm p.vd li 1 anut Pin I.nretrrises. Inc. • 7750 Corhoratc 13hd.. Plain City, Ohio 41064 • to14) 504-(M5 • �01M _aj'0111MLCnvt 3) if a flush mount installation is required, drill a 11/2-inch (38mm) diameter hole at least 1314-inches (45mm) into the slab. Use of a VAPOR PING drilling guide is recommended. 4) Drill a 5/8-inch (15mm) diameter hole through the slab and approximately 1- inch (25mm) into the underlying soil to form a void. Hole must be 5/8-inch (1 bmm) in diameter to ensure seal. It is recommended that you use the drill guide. 5) Remove the drill bit, brush the hole with the bottle brush, and remove the loose cuttings with the vacuum. G) Place the lower end of the assembled FLX-VPTA4 into the drilled hole. Place the small hole located in the handle of the installation extraction tool over the barb fitting and tap the FLX-VPTM into place using a dead blow hammer (Figure 2). Make sure the installation/extraction tool is aligned parallel to the FLX-VPTM to avoid damaging the barb fitting. Figure 2. Installing the FLX-VPTm Standard Operating Procedure Installation and Removal of the FLX-VPT" VAPOR PIN® Updated January 18, 2019 Page 2 During installation, the silicone sleeve will form a slight bulge between the slab and the FLX-VPTM shoulder. if the silicone sleeve slides excessively upward, creating a large bulge at the top of the FLX-VP'T?11, reinstall the FLX VPT101 using a new silicone sleeve. The top of the silicone sleeve should only cover the lower one or two barbs of the FLX- VPT"11. Place the protective cap on FLX-VPTM to prevent vapor loss prior to sampling (Figure 3). Figure 3. Installed FLX-VPT"^ 7) For flush mount installations, cover the FLX-VPT10 with a flush mount cover, using either the plastic rover or the optional stainless -steel Secure Cover (Figure 4). % ]I'OR III' ' P,w,a.d undo i'S f:akM N.'.'.rr.�J7 IQ. I \ •).21;1.531 112 ;lrtd ulhwl pareinrprndnrp V.l1wr Pin L-Meninses. Inc. • 77ii1 COTPolzll+i Bhd.. Plain ( its.0114)43064 • (614) 504-6915 • wnH.�aln�rhinxlnn Figure 4. Secure Cover Installed 8) Allow 20 minutes or more (consult applicable guidance for your situation) for the sub -slab soil -gas conditions to re - equilibrate prior to sampling. 9) Remove protective cap and connect sample tubing to the barb fitting of the FLX-VPTm. This connection can be made using a short piece of TygonTM tubing to join the FLX-VPT"^ with the Nylaflow tubing (Figure 5). Put the Nylaflow tubing as close to the FLX-VPTM as possible to minimize contact between soil gas and TygonTM tubing. If you wish to directly connect to FLX- VPTM accessory (e.g. Swagelok fitting, TO- 17 tube, or quick connect) unscrew the barb fitting and replace with accessory (Figures 6 and 7). Standard Operating Procedure lnstallation and Removal of the FIX-VPT^° VAPOR PIN® Updated January 18, 2019 Page 3 Figure 5. FLX VP-rm sample Connection Figure 6. FLX-VPT"" with SwagelokO connection l V10R PIN' pwn i,d a is I ; S 1'11,m . 8-22n-'47 92- I IS 9191351 Ii?;md nt x, patens pending Vapor I I i n Lntclprises. Inc. • 7750 Corpora Bhd., 111An 0ty. 0hio 43064 • f 614j 5 04 -6915 • www.�aporpin.com Figure 7. FLX-VPT11 with To-17 Sorbent tube connection i o) Conduct leak tests in accordance with applicable guidance. if the method of leak testing is not specified, an alternative can be the use of a water dam and vacuum pump, as described in SOP Leak Testing the FLX-VPrm via Mechanical Means (Figure 8). For flush -mount installations, distilled water can be poured directly into the 1 1 J2 inch (38mm) hole. Standard operating Procedure Installation and Removal of the PtX-VPTM VAPOR PIN® Updated January 18, 2019 Page 4 Figure 8. Water dam used for leak detection 1 1) Collect sub -slab soil gas sample or pressure reading. When finished, replace the barb fitting and protective cap and flush mount cover until the next event. if the sampling is complete, extract the FLX-VPTM. Extraction Procedure: 1) Remove the protective cap, and thread the install ation/extraction tool onto the barrel of the FLX VPTM (Figure 9). Continue turning the tool clockwise to pull the FLX-VPT^^ from the hole into the installation/extraction tool. 2) Fill the void with hydraulic cement and smooth with a trowel Or putty knife. Figure 9. Removing the FLX-VPT A VAPOR NN' rioWcWd undo Cs I'McM , K,220,347 H2, US 9,2Q1,531 132 andotho pawnts lWmlmg Vapor I'm Entcrprises. Inc. - 7750 Corporate Bled-, Plain City, Ohio 43064 • (614) 504-6915 • w'w'w'.vaporpin.coni 3) Prior to reuse, remove the silicone sleeve and protective cap and discard, Decontaminate the FLX-VPTM in a hot water and Alconox® wash, then heat in an oven to a temperature of 2650 F (1301, C) for 15 to 30 minutes. For both steps, STATNLESS — 1/2 hour, BRASS 8 minutes The M-•VPT"l is designed to be used repeatedly, however, accessories, replacement parts and supplies will be required Standard Operating Procedure Installation and Removal of the FLX-VPTm VAPOR PTNO Updated January 18, 2019 Page 5 periodically. These parts are available on-line at www.vaporpin,com VAPbk I' IN' Pro1wwrl II ula IN 11.11a,1 t' 1;?. 1:5 IA. P+I �f l IJ3 nikl U[I1�r 1laiirlb I,•nAiiiL N7jon fist 1 rrrrPrisc.. Inc • 77,�t1 131%,1.. 11b11r [ iIv. ( ho 43064 • 16141 NW-hnl = • -,rwx4 r1l�ttt�in.�nit1 VAPORBLOCle PLUS'"' vavzo UNDER -SLAB VAPOR ! GAS BARRIER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION VaporBlock(lb Plus'"' is a seven -layer co -extruded barrier made using high quality virgin -grade polyethylene and EVOH resins to provide unmatched impact strength as well as superior resistance to gas and moisture transmission. Vapor8lock(D Plus`" 20 is more than 100 times less permeable than typical high-performance polyethylene vapor retarders against Methane, Radon, and other harmful VOCs. Tested and verified for unsurpassed protection against BTEX, HS, TCE, PCE, methane, radon, other toxic chemicals and odors. VaporBlockg Plus' 20 multi -layer gas barrier is manufactured with the latest EVOH barrier technology to mitigate hazardous vapor intrusion from damaging indoor air quality, and the safety and health of building occupants. VBP20 is one of the most effective underslab gas barriers in the building industry today far exceeding ASTM E-1745 (Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill Urider Concrete Slabs) Class A, B and C requirements. Available in a 20 (Class A) mil thicknesses designed to meet the most stringent requirements. VaporBlockO Plus'" 20 is produced within the strict guidelines of our ISO 9001 Certified Management System. PRODUCT USE VaporBlockO Plus"" 20 resists gas and moisture migration into the building envelop when properly installed to provide protection from toxic/harmful chemicals. It can be installed as part of a passive or active control system extending across the entire building including floors, walls and crawl spaces. When installed as a passive system it is recommended to also include a ventilated system with sump(s) that could be converted to an active control system with properly designed ventilation fans. VaporBlock® Plus'"' 20 works to protect your flooring and other moisture -sensitive furnishings in the building's interior from moisture and water vapor migration, greatly reducing condensation, mold and degradation. SIZE & PACKAGING VaporBlock,& Plus`"` 20 is available in 10' x 150' rolls to maximize coverage. All rolls are folded on heavy-duty cores for ease in handling and installation. Other custom sizes with factory welded seams are available based on minimum volume requirements. Installation instructions and ASTM E-1745 classifications accompany each roll. Under -Slab Vapor/Gas Retarder PRODUCT PART # Vapor8lock® PIusTm 20.............. ..... VBP20 APPLICATIONS Radon Barrier Vapor Intrusion Barrier Methane Barrier Under -Slab Vapor Retarder VOC Barrier Foundation Wall Vapor Retarder Brownfields Barrier Vap 0 UNiPIS LSVSAVAPOR RETARDER ; GAS BARRIER VAPORBLOCe PLUS TM VBP20 UNDER -SLAB VAPOR 1 GA5 BARRIER APPEARANCE White/Gold THICKNESS, NOMINAL 20 mil 0-51 mm WEIGHT 102 Ibs/MSF 498 g/m2 CLASSIFICATION ASTM E 1745 CLASS A, B & C ASTM E 154 TENSILE STRENGTH Section 9 58 lhf 102 N (ID-882) IMPACT RESISTANCE ASTM ❑ 1709 2600 g ASTM E 154 Section 7 0.0098 Perms 0.0064 Perms PERMEANCE (NEW MATERIAL) ASTM E 96 grains/(ft2 hr•in'Hg) g/(24hr•m •mm Hg) Procedure B ASTM E 154 PERMEANCE (AFTER CONDETIONING) Section 8, E96 0-0079 0,0052 Section 11, E96 0-0079 0.0052 (SAME MEASUREMENT AS ABOVE PERMEANCE) Section 12, E96 0.0097 0.0064 Section 13, E96 0,0113 0.0074 WVTR 0.0040 grainslhr-ft2 0.0028 gm/hr-m2 Procedure B BENZENE PERMEANCE See Note" 1.13 x 10-10 m2/sec or 3.62 x 10-13 m/s TDLUENE PERMEANCE See Note ` 1.57 x 10-10 m2/sec or 1.46 x 10-" m/s ETHYLBENZENE PERMEANCE See Note r• 1.23 x 10-10 m2/sec or 3.34 x 10-1' rn/s M & P-XYLENES PERMEANCE See Note ` 1-17 x 10-10 m2/sec or 3.81 x 10-1' m/s Q-XYLENE PERMEANCE See Note" 1.10 x 10-10 m2/sec or 3.43 x 10-14 m/s HYDROGEN SULFIDE See Note " 1.92E-0g rn/s TRICHLOROETHYLENE (TCE) See Nate ` 7.66 x 10-11 mz/sec or 1.05 x 10-14 m/s PERCHLOROETHYLENE [PCE] See Note' 7-22 x 10-" m2/sec or 1.04 x 10-14 m/s RADON DIFFUSION COEFFIECIENT K124/02/95 1.1 x 10-I' mt/s 3.68E-12 m/s METHANE PERMEANCE ASTM D 1434 Gas Transmission Rate (GTR): 0-32 ml-W-day-atm MAYJMUM STATIC USE TEMPERATURE 180, F 82' C MINIMUM STATIC USE TEMPERATURE - 70° F - 57' C l esls are an aver aye of machine and lransver se direct r&ns Vapof8loek(ID Plus- Placement s Raven Indusines performs seam testing at 20per mimlro All + ,t•uctions on architectural or stiuftural drilwfng. should he reviewed and followed Aqueous Phase Fllm Permeance vvr,.wor' ,r -bill, Qr,_, C,I'.I­•'••'II •''•v'�u- „ ' I'I^• 0­" •' -• • •' , �'°,:5.""• detailed installation instructions at company each roll of VapvrBlocka Plus' and can aku ,.. �r .; .. -, ,,.,,, ,r°I vr�,..,..vc {.ee• �.r he lac aced at www raveneFd nxn y.r.,.m.1 ante Ir,.,„erm., „ r,. e,,.,rn,n [..,r�.,,r . ta.l v�n°,,.,, P. u,n, WCE. 1' CP-X,I.0 r•rw.'��ne�,.on,,re:a*rrl+•, ..r•,I.,.n a. v•mr c) •. ASTM E-1643 als I -I provides general iI i 5talla lion information Iw va por retarders e.x°,°.n a., •�e='.:IM,rc,„Y s rev �M ' The study used in desr:rmule diffusion caekrnenls is titled. Hydrogen Sulfide SH,Sy iranspert lllrough Sinwlaled Interim Covers with Cenvenlionat and Co-Ezinrded Ethylene• -Vinyl A kohol IF VOHy Geomemhr Fines. 4.. u1m•1 n fret+'•_e1 ck1t.; stlrets via the PL Tl, website B Iock0 l M NBV BARRIER VaporBlock® PIUsr, is a seven -layer co -extruded barrier made using high quality virgin -grade polyethylene and EVCH resins to provide unmatched impact strength as well as superior resistance to gas and moisture transmission. MI: Tn tl'r' I,1. �• "1 . , F. 1, 1,',ILJI' .11,1' •,. ,�I'.(�11i I�.. =.l i+l: rl rri.:i i1. I•; 111[, 11 11I11, r'I'•. Jr1�1 - •I+'11 .'II` ,I+l"rlfl r-CI J" I), .. ," �: -11 FC111[ ]l l'•,1 1 i 1'Ir•r•,I{(ql IPS".t Ar': I' 11i1:'1 t1'�I I?Ill,."':3', milt^:'rtj' d', well i-. ,I'lel C1111'161 Is I "t "111 rIIPi1 nr ,:1 ..1 P 1,40 ru t"I l,l•I„1"1,Ty II tfre 4rl. ill 111Lr.,,nr•rI', rI,d nl L':,r'saity ns. RAVEN INE'UW411:: MFr F r':CI WARE 1411r': i% U 71IE IlTrdi55 t-IF It USE OR MF ICHAI41ARIL IIY C71 PRO:UL 11, REFFRRFP I) III' fnI,I'MlWe :'I ., rl•.r 1 1 y reSvU•. hr,+n Ie11,;n[e u13011 CC1111n11 Je+1 . ..r1 ,,.;.L'II 1+1 le. [lnlll'P"CI•Il1'.•Il` ,,IIII [".t l.Inll� .ill 1,1,1- for re,,SIlE11'I' .lvErIEF [I:{1r+' RAVEN ENGINEERE❑ FILMS P.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107 Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 - TF. +1 (800) 635.3456 efdsaIes@ ravenind-cam www.ravenefd.com nr.11113 EF6 I1:1 TM W7LO07tslock7 UN❑ERSLAB VAPOR RETARDER I GAS BARRIER Please Note: Read these instructions thoroughly before installation to ensure proper use of VaporBlock* Plus'". ASTM E 1465, ASTM E 2121 and, ASTM E 1643 also provide valuable information regarding the installation of vapor / gas barriers- When installing this product, contractors shall conform to all applicable local, state and federal regulations and laws pertaining to residential and commercial building construction. • When VaporBlockO Plus'" gas barrier is used as part of an active control system for radon or other gas, a ventilation system will be required- • If designed as a passive system, it is recommended to install a ventilation system that could be converted to an active system if needed. Materials List: VaporBlockf) Plus' Vapor / Gas Barrier VaporSeal'" 4" Seaming Tape VaporSeal'"' 12" Seaming/Repair Tape Butyl Seal 2-Sided Tape VaporBoot Plus Pipe Boots 12/Box (recommended) VaporBoot Tape (optional) POUR-N-SEAL'" (optional) 1" Foam Weather Stripping (optional) Mako4v Screed Supports (optional) o< c+rl��.rt mou.ter ■nwe+;.a r.ary.+r TfmnlS�� r .uar+w rcw• �o am wn> P: �ISPr.v rti . • �,� .' rgtrw c.,erMw � Ci�.GP"R�eYh 4-rre� i.Wr�ur. 4r i Srar�w�nrwrm.ral ro ..v.•,"i nd.t.r. rP. rrMi .:wnr•.dPa: . r>Pnetr-�.r Elements of a moisture/gas-resistant floor system. General illustration only. (Note: This example shows multiple options for waterstop placement. 1.1. Level and tamp or roll granular base as specified. A base for a gas - reduction system may require a 4" to 6" gas permeable layer of clean coarse aggregate as specified by your architectural or structural drawings after installation of the recommended gas collection system. In this situation, a cushion layer consisting of a non -woven geotextile fabric placed directly under VaporBlocklD Plus" will help protect the barrier from damage due to possible sharp coarse aggregate. 1.2- Unroll Vapor8lock ® Plus"' running the longest dimension parallel with the direction of the pour and pull open all folds to full width. (Fig-1) 1.3. Lap VaporBlock® Plus'" over the footings and seal with Raven Sutyl Seal tape at the footing -wall connection. Prime concrete surfaces, when necessary, and assure they are dry and clean prior to applying Raven Butyl Seal Tape. Apply even and firm pressure with a rubber roller. Overlap joints a minimum of 6" and seal overlap with 4" VaporSeal`"' Tape. When used as a gas barrier, overlap joints a minimum of 12" and seal in-between overlap with an optional 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape. Then seal with 4" VaporSealTM Tape centered on the overlap seam- (Fig. 2) Fig. 1: Vaporgloc0k, Plus' Overlapping Roll -out Method VaporSeal-4"Tape 0Ptt0f1el Hutyl Seal VaparSeal- 1 2-Sided Tape 4"Tape 12.� Vapor retarder Applications Gas Barrier App6cation5 Fig. 2- Vapor8lock® PlusT* Overlap Joint Sealing Methods SINGLE PENETRATION RIPE BOOT INSTALLATION 1.4. Seal around all plumbing, conduit, support columns or other penetrations that come through the Vapoi-Blocks Plus'" membrane. 1.4a. Method 1: Pipes four inches or smaller can be sealed with Raven VaporBoot Plus preformed pipe boots. VaporBoot Pius preformed pipe boots are farmed m steps for 1", 2 3" and 4" PVC pipe or IPS size and are sold in units of 12 per box (Fig. 3 & 5). Pipe boots may also be fabricated from excess VaporBlockO Plus'^ membrane (Fig. 4 & 6) and sealed with VaporBoot Tape or Vapor5eal1 Tape (sold separately). 141b. Method 2: To fabricate pipe boots from VaporBlockg Plus- excess material (see Fig. 4 & 6 for A-F). A) Cut a square large enough to overlap 12' in all directions. B) Mark where to cut opening on the center or the square and cut four to eight slices about 3/8' less than the diameter of the pipe_ C) Force the square over the pipe leaving the tightly stretched cut area around the bottom of the pipe with approximately a 112" of the boot material running vertically up the pipe. (no more than a 112" of stretched boot material is recommended) b) Once boot is positioned, seal the perimeter to the membrane by applying 2-sided Raven 9utyl Seal Tape in between the two layers. Secure boot down firmly over the membrane taking care not to have any large folds or creases. E) Use VaporBoot Tape or VaporSeal'"' Tape to secure the boot to the pipe. VaporBoot Tape (option) — fold tape rn half lengthwise, remove half of the release liner and wrap around the pipe allowing 1" extra for overlap sealing. Peel off the second half of the release liner and work the tape outward gradually forming a complete seal. VaporSeal'" Tape (option) - Tape completely around pipe overlapping the Vapo(Block V Plus- square to create a tight seal against the pipe. F) Complete the process by taping over the boot perimeter edge with VaporSeal"' Tape to create a monolithic membrane between the surface of the slab and gas/moisture sources below and at the slab perimeter. (Fig. 4 & 6) Preformed Pipe Boot VaporSeal'" VaporBoot Plus /- 4" Tape Performed Boot 1 1 Raven Butyl Seal 2-sided Tape r;— L I. Cut out one of the preformed boot steps -- (1" to W). 2. Tape the underside boot perimeter with 2-sided Butyl Seal Tape. 3. Force the boot over pipe and press tape firmly m place. 4. Use VaporSeal­ Tape to secure boot to the Pipe. S. Tape around entire boot A6edge with VaporSeal- Tape. Method 1 1. Cut a square of Vapor Block® 2. Cut four to eight slices about 3/8' Plus- barrier to extend at least less than the diameter of the pipe. 12' from the pipe in all directions. Force over pipe and tape the underside boot perimeter to existing barrier with 2-sided Butyl Seal Tape, 4 Tape over the boot perimeter edge with VaporSeal- Tape. 5. Use Raven VaporBoot or VaporSeal- Tape and overlap 1" at the seam. Amir Method 2 t=ir, e Square Material Pipe Boot VaporBoot Flexible Tape Vapor5eal" 4 or VaporSeal— 4" Tape 4" Tape M 12" VaporBlocke {minimuml PlusTM Material Raven Butyl (Seal 2-sided Tape r'agr Ll ❑t a 1.5. Sealing side -by -side multiple penetrations (option 1), A) Cut a patch large enough to overlap 12" in all directions (Fig 7) of penetrations. B) Mark where to cut openings and cut Four to eight slices about 3/8" less than the diameter of the penetration for each. C) Force patch material over penetration to achieve a tight fit and form a lip. Q) Once patch is positioned, seal the perimeter to the membrane by applying 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal' Tape in-between the two layers. (Fig. 8) E) After applying Raven Butyl Seal Tape between the patch and membrane, tape around each of the penetrations and the patch with VaporSeal'" 4" tape (Fig. 9) For additional protection apply POUR-N-SEAL- or an acceptable polyurethane elastomeric sealant around the penetrations. (Fig. 10) Cut a patch large enough to overlap 12' in all directions and slide over penetrations (Make openings as tight as possible) AA��W"� Fin- 7 Aker applying Raven Butyl Seal Tape between the patch and membrane, tape around the perimeter of the penetration and the patch with VaporSeal- 4" Tape. Aiir rli G Option 1 VaporSeal" 4" Tape Raven Butyl Seal 2-sided Tape Gi- C Once the overlay patch is positioned, seal the perimeter to the membrane by appVng 2-sided Raven Butyl Seal Tape in-between the two layers. Fin- 8 For additional protection apply POUR-N-SEAL- or an acceptable polyurethane elastomeric sealant around the penetrations. Gin in Page 3 of 4 Option 2 1.6. POUR-N-SEAL'' method of sealing side -by -side multiple penetrations (option 2); A) Install the vapor barrier as closely as passible to pipe penetrations to minimize the amount of POUR-N-5EAL"" necessary to seal around a I I penetrations. 8) Once barrier is in place, remove soil or other particles with a dry cloth or a fine broom to allow for improved adhesion to the POUR-N- SEAL'" liquid. Q Create a dam around the penetration area approximately 2" away from the pipe or other vertical penetrations by removing the release liner from the back of a 1" weather stripping foam and adhere to the vapor barrier. Form a complete circle to contain the POUR-N-SEAL" materials (Fig.11). D) Once mixed, pour contents around the pipe penetrations. ff needed, a brush or a flat wooden stick can be used to direct the sealant completely around penetrations creating a complete seal (Fig. V-13), Ef DO NOT leave excess POUR-N-SEAL— in plastic container for longer than the time it takes to pour sealant. Fig. 17 VAPORBLOCKQ PLUS" REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS 1,7. Proper installation requires all holes and openings are repaired prior to placing concrete. When patching small holes, simply cut a 12" long piece of 12" wide VaporSeal'"' tape. Remove release liner and center over the opening. Apply pressure to create a seal (Fig. 14-15). 1.8. When installing VaporBlockQD Plus'" around pipe penetrations, vertical columns, electrical ducts and other obstructions, you will find it necessary to cut it to the nearest outside edge. This cut can be easily sealed with 12" wide VaporSeal'" tape, by simply centering it over the cut, 6" on either side. Once the tape is placed correctly, apply pressure to assure a complete seal (Fig. 16). Reminder Note- All holes or penetrotions through the membrane will need to be patched with 12" VaporSeol" tope. Cin 11 Fig. 13 Ci- 9 A C,.— Y G Page A of 5 VAPORBLOCK® PLUS'- PROTECTION 2.1. When installing reinforcing steel and utilities, in addition to the placement of concrete, take precaution to protect VaporBlockqD Plus''- Carelessness during installation can damage the most puncture —resistant membrane. Sheets of plywood cushioned with geotextile fabric temporarily placed on VaporBlock® Plus"" provide for additional protection in high traffic areas including concrete buggies. 2.2. Use only brick -type or chair -type reinforcing bar supports to protect VaporBlock(k Plus" from puncture. 2.3. Avoid driving stakes through VaporBlock® Plus"". If this cannot be avoided, each individual hole must be repaired per section 1.7. 2.4. To avoid penetrating VaporBlocke Plus"" when installing screed supports, utilize non -penetrating support, such as the Makoe Screed Support System (Fig. 17). Avoid driving stakes through VaporBlock® Plus'. If this cannot be avoided, each individual hole must be repaired per figures 14-15. 2.5. If a cushion or blotter layer is required in the design between VaporBlock® Plus" and the slab, additional care should be given if sharp crushed rock is used. Washed rock will provide less chance of damage during placement. Care must be taken to protect blotter layer from precipitation before concrete is placed. VaporBlock 0 Plus'" Gas & Moisture Barrier can be identified on site as gold white in color printed in black ink with following logo and classification listing (Fig. 18) VaporBlockal Plus" Gas & Moisture Barrier * Patent Pending Fin 16 6-k - Fin. 17 VaIER pNur � lock0 Plus' Fig. 1s Note: To the best of our knowledge, unless otherwise stated, these are typical property values and are intended as guides only, not as specification limits. Chemical resistance, odor transmission, longevity as well as other performance criteria is not implied or given and actual testing must be performed for aplicability in specific applications and/or conditions. RAVEN INDUSTRIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC U?E OR MERCHANTABILITY OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO, no guarantee of satisfactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations and disclaims all liability for resulting loss or damage. Limited Warranty available at wwww.RavenEFD.com ENGINEERED FILMS P.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SI7 57117-5107 Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 • TF: +1 (800) 635-3456 efdsales@ravenind.com www.ravenefd.com 020316 FF❑ 1127 c Raven 2016. All Rights Reset ved page 5 nF 5 Home 4 Products 4 Crawlspace, Moisture and Radon Control 4 TVSP4 Vaporseal Tape 4"x 160' Zoom TVSP4 Vaporseal Tape 4y?x 160' Be the first to review this product Single -sided 7-layer gas barrier tape with a release liner for ease of installation. Typical uses include joining, repairing and sealing gas/moisture barriers. 4"x 160' roll. ■ NOTICE Log In to Purchase RadonAway is a 13213 business only. You must be an approved RadonAway customer to purchase products through this website. If you are an existing RadonAway customer and need a website login, click here. If you are a professional and would like to become a RadonAway customer, click here. r Add to Wishlist r[3 Add to Compare < Share Details Additional Info Reviews Conditions of Sale TVSP4 Vaporseal Tape 4" x 1607 Features: Single -sided 7-layer gas barrier tape with release liner Backing contains a highly impermeable layer designed to block migration of radon, methane and VOCs Product Categories Radon Fans + Radon Pro Packs High Pressure Blowers New HRVs / ERVs + Radon System + Components Mitigation Tools & + Diagnostic Aids Sealing Products + Crawlspace, — Moisture and Radon Control Vapor/Radon Retarders Crawlspace Sump Basin & Cover VAPORMATTM Systems Dehumidifiers Vapor Intrusion Products Sump Pumps & + Accessories Pipe Accessories + Radon System + Accessories Radon in Water + Removal Systems Radon Testing + Spruce Inline + Ventilation Canada Fulfillment + Air Purifiers Aggressive acrylic adhesive provides outstanding adhesion to polyethylene over wide temperature range Part Product Number Roll Size Color Use Butyl Seal 68111 2" x 50' Black Bonds Barrier to poured Tape Vapor Seal 68112 Tape Vapor Boot 68113 Tape Vapor 68017 Barrier Tape Vapor 68066 Barrier Tape Eternabond 68086 Related TP2BR Butyl Seal Tape 2"x 50' Add to Wishlist Personal Protection Equipment New Products New Best Sellers On Sale concrete & block 1-2 day 4" x 160' Silver Seals barrier overlap & shipping in cut seams most of US Read more... 2" x 16.4' Black Seals pipe boot to pipe Five year manufacturer's warranty on 4" x 108' x Black Seals barrier overlap & RadonAway 10 mil cut seams fans Free technical 4" x 108' x White Seals barrier overlap & support for our 9 mil cut seams customers 8 Contact Us 2" x 50' White Bonds barrier to poured concrete & block TBOOT Vapor Boot Tape 2" x 16.4' Add to Wishlist Fan Replaceme' Guide F1ndan Professional Flexible Coupling Chart. ZFaning Home Products Sealing Products Pour-N-SealTm 2 Part Epoxy Ur Pour-N-Seal'm 2 Part Epoxy Be the first to review this product Zoom POUR-N-SEAL TM is a gray two part medium viscosity high strength epoxy used to seal around multiple pipe penetrations in tight areas where pipe boots are not practical, when installing moisture and gas barriers. (Adhesive backed 1" weather stripping foam required). NOTICE Log In to Purchase RadonAway is a B213 business only. You must be an approved RadonAway customer to purchase products through this website. If you are an existing RadonAway customer and need a website login, click here. If you are a professional and would like to become a RadonAway customer, click here. MANINSUG71TYMBIR Add to Compare Share Details Additional Info Reviews Conditions of Sale Pour-N-SealTM Features: Product Categories Radon Fans Radon Pro Packs High Pressure Blowers New HRVs / ERVs Radon System Components Mitigation Tools & Diagnostic Aids Sealing Products Backer Rod Half Round Backer Rod Sealants Crawlspace, Moisture and Radon Control Vapor Intrusion Products Sump Pumps & Accessories Pipe Accessories Radon System Accessories Radon in Water Removal Systems Radon Testing Spruce Inline Ventilation Canada Fulfillment Air Purifiers Personal Protection Equipment New Products New Meduim viscosity High strength epoxy Shelf Life: 12 months from date of manufacture in unopened containers properly stored. Protect from moisture. Store in dry environment between 400 F and 801 F (41 C-271 C). Do not allow product to freeze. Best Sellers On Sale 1-2 day shipping in most of US Read more... Five year manufacturer's warranty on RadonAway fans Free technical support for our customers Contact Us =aRadan Zratingor I EXHIBIT 3 SAFETY DATA SHEETS Ift Mid Atlantic CHARLOTTE PIPE Ardo FOUNDRY COMPANY COMMON NAME: CHEM ICAL NAM E: FORMULA: PRODUCT CAS NO.: Recommended Use: SUPPLIER: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: PVC Pipe and Fittings Date Updated: 10/05/2020 SAFETY DATA SH EET 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PVC Pipe and Fittings Not Applicable. Formulation, see section 3. Mixture Mixture, see Section 3. Drain Waste Vent and Pressure Pipe and Fittings Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company (Plastics Division) 4210 Old Charlotte Highway Monroe, NC 28110 + 1-704-372-3650 EMERGENCY PHONE: + 1-704-372-3650 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION GHS Status This material is hazardous in accordance with the hazard communication standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 Classification of the Skin irritation — Category 2 substance or mixture Eye irritation — Category 2A Carcinogenicity —Category 2B Specific target organ toxicity — single exposure — Category 3 GHS label pictogram Warning Signal word Warning Page 1 of 9 PVC Pipe and Fittings Date Updated: 10/05/2020 C HARL40TTE SAFETY DATA SH EET PIPE Ardo FOUNDRY COMPANY Hazard statements Causes serious eye irritation. Causes skin irritation. May cause respiratory irritation. Suspected of causing cancer. Route of exposure: inhalation of airborne unbound particles of respirable size. Precautionary statements Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist. Obtain special instructions before use. Prevention Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Wear protective respiratory protection. Response If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with waterfor several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention. Storage Keep away from intense heat, flames. Store locked up. Disposal Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Hazards not otherwise None known. classified Relevant routes of Skin, eyes, inhalation. exposure Inhalation Melted product is flammable and produces intense heat and dense smoke during burning. Irritating gases and fumes may be given off during burning or thermal decomposition. Inhalation of airborne unbound particles of respirable size may cause cancer. Skin contact Gases and fumes evolved during thermal processing or decomposition can cause skin irritation. Eye contact Dust can cause eye irritation. Gases and fumes evolved during thermal processing or decomposition can cause eye irritation. Ingestion No data available. INGREDIENT CAS NUMBER % WEIGHT Polyvinyl chloride 9002-86-2 > 80% Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 j 0-5% 4. FIRST AID M EASURES EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Check for and remove any contact lenses. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Consult a physician. SKIN CONTACT: Rinse with water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. In the event of any complaints or symptoms, Page 2 of 9 This document has been classified as Public PVC Pipe and Fittings Date Updated: 10/05/2020 CHARLOTTE SAFETY DATA SHEET PIPE AIHo FOUNDRY COMPANY avoid further exposure. Wash clothing before reuse. Clean shoes before reuse. INHALATION: If vapors from excessive heating, burning or decomposition products are inhaled: remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If not breathing, if breathing is irregular, or if respiratory arrest occurs, provide artificial respiration or oxygen by trained personnel. It may be dangerous to the person providing aid to give mouth -to- mouth resuscitation. Get medical attention. If unconscious, place in recovery position and get medical attention immediately. Maintain an open airway. Loosen tight clothing, such as collar, tie, belt, or waistband. In case of inhalation of decomposition products in a fire, symptoms may be delayed. The exposed person may need to be kept under medical surveillance. INGESTION: Wash out mouth with water. Remove dentures, if any. Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If material has been swallowed and the exposed person is conscious, give small quantities of water to drink. Stop if the exposed person feels sick as vomiting may be dangerous. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. If vomiting occurs, the head should be kept low so that vomit does not enter the lungs. Get medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If unconscious, place in recovery position and get medical attention immediately. Loosen tight clothing, such as collar, tie, belt, or waistband. Consult a physician. Notes to physician: In case of inhalation of decomposition products in a fire, symptoms may be delayed. The exposed person may need to be kept under surveillance for 48 hours. Specific treatments: None known. y10=1;1 7:11111z10Ljly_&iljN� FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES FLASH POINT: No data. Decomposition products may be combustible. FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL: No data UEL: No data EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water, foam, dry chemical. Do not use COz on Class A fires, as a lack of cooling capacity may result in re -ignition. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Solid does not readily release flammable vapors. Thermoplastic polymers can burn. Smoke, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Aldehydes, Hydrogen Chloride, Tin. Irritating and/or toxic substances will be emitted during burning, combustion, or decomposition. Run-off water from firefighting may have corrosive effects. PROTECTIVE MEASURES FOR FIRE FIGHTERS: Firefighters must wear a NIOSH-approved, full-facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) operated in positive pressure mode and full turnout or bunker gear with additional chemical protective clothing as necessary to protect against thermal decomposition products. SPECIAL PROTECTIVE ACTIONS FOR FIRE FIGHTERS: If there is a fire, promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident. No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training. Page 3 of 9 This document has been classified as Public CHARLOTTE PIPE Ardo FOUNDRY COMPANY PVC Pipe and Fittings Date Updated: 10/05/2020 SAFETY DATA SH EET ill 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ii EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Toxic and irritating gases and fumes maybe given off during burning or thermal decomposition. Avoid generating dust. Fine dust dispersed in air in sufficient concentrations, and in the presence of an ignition source is a potential dust explosion hazard. Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency measures For non -emergency personnel No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training. Evacuate surrounding areas. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Do not touch orwalk through spilled material. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment. For emergency responders If specialized clothing is required to deal with decomposition products orfumes from burning or excessive heating, take note of information in Section 8 on suitable and unsuitable materials. See also information in "for non -emergency personnel." Environmental precautions Avoid dispersal of spilled material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains, and sewers. Inform the relevant authorities if the product has caused environmental pollution (sewers, waterways, soil, or air). Methodsand materialsfor containment and cleanup Small spill Avoid dust generation. Vacuum dust with equipment fitted with a HEPA filter and place in a closed, labeled waste container. See Section 1 for emergency contact information. Large spill Move containers from spill area. Approach release from upwind. Prevent entry into sewers, waterways, basements, and confined areas. Avoid dust generation. Vacuum dust with equipment fitted with a HEPA filter and place in a closed, labeled waste container. See Section 1 for emergency contact information. Conditions for safe storage, including Store in a dry place away from direct sunlight, heat, and incompatible any incompatibilities materials. Avoid intense heat and flames. Precautions for safe handling Protective measures Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8). Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Do not get particles, vapors or fumes in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not ingest. If during normal use, the material presents a respiratory hazard, use only with adequate ventilation or wear appropriate respirator. Advice on general occupational Employees must wash hands and face before eating, drinking, or smoking. hygiene Remove contaminated clothing and protective equipment before entering eating areas. See also Section 8 for additional information on hygiene measures. Page 4 of 9 This document has been classified as Public CHARLOTTE PIPE Ardo FOUNDRY COMPANY PVC Pipe and Fittings Date Updated: 10/05/2020 SAFETY DATA SH EET 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION INGREDIENT CAS NUMBER % WEIGHT PEL-OSHA TLV-ACGIH NIOSH REL Polyvinyl chloride 9002-86-2 > 80% None established 1 mg/m (respirable None established Particulates not fraction) otherwise classified: Particulates not 15 mg/m3 otherwise classified: 10 mg/m3 (inhalable fraction) Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 0-5% 15 mg/m3, total dust 10 mg/m3 TWA None established ENGINEERING CONTROLS: If user operations generate dust, fumes, gas, vapor or mist, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep worker exposure to airborne contaminants below recommended and statutory limits. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Cutting or sanding this product can generate dust. Used a properly fitted particulate filter respirator complying with an approved standard if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Respirator selection must be based on known or anticipated exposure levels, the hazards of the product, and the safe working limits of the respirator. A NIOSH-approved N95 single use or P95 multiple use respirator will protect the employee from at least 95% of airborne particles. Follow the respirator manufacturer's instructions for proper use. If adhesives or other substances are used with this product, refer to the product manufacturer's safety data sheet for applicable respiratory protective measures. SKIN PROTECTION: Chemical -resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be worn when handling this or any chemical product, if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Considering the parameters specified by the glove manufacturer, check during use that the gloves are still retaining their protective properties. It should be noted that the time to breakthrough for any glove material may be different for different glove manufacturers. In the case of mixtures containing several substances, the protection time of the gloves cannot be accurately estimated. If adhesives or other substances are used with this product, refer to the product manufacturer's safety data sheet for applicable skin protective measures. BODY PROTECTION: Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected on the task being performed and the risks involved, and should be approved by a specialist before handling this product. If adhesives or other substances are used with this product, refer to the product manufacturer's safety data sheet for applicable skin protective measures. EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard must be used when a risk assessment indicates this is necessary to avoid exposure to dust. Particulates and dust can be formed when cutting, grindin g or sanding this product. If contact with dust or particulates is possible, the following should be worn unless the assessment indicates a higher degree of protection: safety glasses with side shields. If adhesives or other substances are used with this product refer to the product manufacturer's safety data sheet for applicable eye and face protective measures. Page 5 of 9 This document has been classified as Public CHARLOTTE PIPE Ardo FOUNDRY COMPANY PVC Pipe and Fittings Date Updated: 10/05/2020 SAFETY DATA SH EET 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE: Solid. White/grey. ODOR: ODOR THRESHOLD: BOILING POINT: FLASH POINT: FLAMMABILITY: AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: DECOMPOSITION TEMPERATURE: LOWER/UPPER EXPLOSION LIMITS: VAPOR PRESSURE: LIQUID DENSITY: SPECIFIC GRAVITY: MELTING POINT: pH: SOLUBILITY: % VOLATILE: VISCOSITY: Not applicable Not available Not available Not applicable Melted product is flammable. Not applicable Not available Not available Not available Not available Approximately 1.4 Not available Not available Insoluble Not available Not available 10. STABILITYAND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable at normal temperatures and pressures. Reactivity: Stable at normal temperatures and pressures. Conditions to avoid: Heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition. Incompatible materials/conditions: Consult the Charlotte Pipe and Foundry chemical resistance guide. Hazardous decomposition products: Hydrogen chloride, carbon oxides, small amounts of benzene and aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, phosgene. Hazardous polymerization: Not available. ACUTE TOXICITY: No toxicological data is available for the finished product. SENSITIZATION: No data available. MUTAGENICITY: No data available. DEVELEPMENTAL: No data available. Page 6 of 9 This document has been classified as Public CHARLOTTE PIPE Ardo FOUNDRY COMPANY FERTILITY: No data available. PVC Pipe and Fittings Date Updated: 10/05/2020 SAFETY DATA SH EET CARCINOGENICITY: Airborne unbound titanium dioxide particles of respirable size are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as 2B, possibly carcinogenic to humans. This product does not contain ingredients classified by the National Toxicology Program Report or OSHA at 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Z, as a carcinogen. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY: Not available TERATOGENICITY: Not available SPECIFIC TARGET ORGANS —SINGLE EXPOSURE: Not available SPECIFIC TARGET ORGANS —REPEATED EXPOSURE: Not available ASPIRATION HAZARD: Not available INFORMATION ON THE LIKELY ROUTES OF EXPOSURE: Potential acute health effects Eye contact No known significant effects or critical hazards. Dust can cause eye irritation. Inhalation Exposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard. Serious effects may be delayed following exposure. Skin contact Skin irritant. Ingestion No known significant effects or critical hazards. Symptoms related to the physical, chemical, and toxicological characteristics Eye contact No data available. Inhalation No data available. Skin contact Adverse symptoms may include irritation. Ingestion No data available. Short term exposure Potential immediate effects Potential delayed effects Long term exposure Potential immediate effects Potential delayed effects Potential chronic effects No data available. No data available. No data available. No data available. General No data available. Carcinogenicity Airborne unbound titanium dioxide particles of respirable size are classified as IARC 2B, possibly carcinogenic to humans. On the date of preparation of this SIDS, this product did not contain ingredients listed by OSHA or NTP. See Section 11. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Numerical measures of toxicity No data available Persistence and degradability Does not biodegrade over time. Bioaccumulative potential No data available This document has been classified as Public Page 7 of 9 CHARLOTTE PIPE AIHo FOUNDRY COMPANY Mobility in soil No data available. PVC Pipe and Fittings Date Updated: 10/05/2020 SAFETY DATA SH EET Other adverse effects: No known significant or critical hazards. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS The generation of waste should be avoided or minimized wherever possible. Disposal of this product, and by-products should at all times comply with the requirements of environmental protection and waste disposal legislation and any regional local authority requirements. Waste should not be disposed of to the sewer unless fully compliant with the requirements of all authorities with jurisdiction. Waste and packaging should be recycled when possible. Incineration or landfill should only be considered when recycling is not feasible. This material must be disposed of in a safe way. PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not Regulated HAZARD CLASS: Not Regulated IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Not Regulated SHIPPING LABEL: Not Regulated PACKING GROUP: Not Regulated 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION United States TSCA 8(b): All ingredients are listed on the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act inventory. This product can expose you to chemicals including titanium dioxide, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information, go to www. P65W arnings.ca.gov. 11 16. OTHER INFORMATION Date of Preparation: 20 April 2020 Key to Acronyms: CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service CFR: Code of Federal Regulations HEPA High -Efficiency Particulate Air (filter) IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer LD5o: Lethal dose to 50% of exposed laboratory animals LC5o: Lethal concentration to 50% of exposed laboratory animals LEL: Lower Explosive Limit mg/I: Milligrams per liter NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (US) NTP: National Toxicology Program OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US) PEL: Permissible Exposure Limit TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act TLV: Threshold Limit Value — American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) TWA: Time Weighted Average UEL: Upper Explosive Limit Page 8of9 This document has been classified as Public PVC Pipe and Fittings Date Updated: 10/05/2020 C HARL-TTE. SAFETY DATA SH EET PIPE AND FOUNDRY COMPANY ug/m3: Micrograms per cubic meter DISCLAIMER NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR WARRANTY OR GUARANTY OF ANY OTHER KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE REGARDING PERFORMANCE, SAFETY, SUITABILITY, STABILITY OR OTHERWISE FOR THE MATERIALS AS REPRESENTED IN THIS SDS SHEET. Charlotte Pipe and Foundryassumes no liability whatsoever forthe use of or reliance upon this information. The information and data contained in this SIDS has been compiled from information believed to be accurate and is offered for your consideration, investigation and verification. Buyer assumes all risk of use, storage, handling and disposal of the product in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Page 9 of 9 This document has been classified as Public 1. Identification Product identifier Other means of identification Product code Synonyms Recommended use Recommended restrictions SAFETY DATA SHEET PVC Regular Clear Cement 1100E Part Numbers: 31012, 31013, 31014, 31015, 31016, 31958, 31959, 31960, 31961 Joining PVC Pipes None known. Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information Company Name Oatey CO. Address 4700 West 160th St. Cleveland, OH 44135 Telephone 216-267-7100 E-mail info@oatey.com Transport Emergency Chemtrec 1-800-424-9300 (Outside the US 1-703-527-3887) Emergency First Aid 1-877-740-5015 Contact person MSDS Coordinator 2. Hazard(s) identification Physical hazards Flammable liquids Category 2 Health hazards Acute toxicity, oral Category 4 Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2 Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2A Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure Category 3 respiratory tract irritation Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure Category 3 narcotic effects Aspiration hazard Category 1 OSHA defined hazards Not classified. Label elements < >+< > r Signal word Danger Hazard statement Highly flammable liquid and vapor. Harmful if swallowed. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause respiratory irritation. May cause drowsiness or dizziness. Precautionary statement Prevention Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. - No smoking. Keep container tightly closed. Ground/bond container and receiving equipment. Use explosion -proof electrical/ventilating/lighting equipment. Use only non -sparking tools. Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Use only outdoors or in a well -ventilated area. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. Response If swallowed: Immediately call a poison center/doctor. If on skin (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Call a poison center/doctor if you feel unwell. Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. In case of fire: Use appropriate media to extinguish. PVC Regular Clear Cement SIDS US 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 1 / 10 Storage Store in a well -ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Keep cool. Store locked up. Disposal Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Hazard(s) not otherwise Frequent or prolonged contact may defat and dry the skin, leading to discomfort and dermatitis. classified (HNOC) May form explosive peroxides. Contains a chemical classified by the US EPA as a suspected possible carcinogen. Supplemental information Not applicable. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Mixtures Chemical name CAS number % Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 25-40 Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 10-25 Furan, Tetrahydro- 109-99-9 10-25 Acetone 67-64-1 5-15 Polyvinyl chloride 9002-86-2 5-15 *Designates that a specific chemical identity and/or percentage of composition has been withheld as a trade secret. 4. First -aid measures Inhalation Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. Skin contact Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Ingestion Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs. Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis. Most important Irritation of nose and throat. Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis. Severe eye symptoms/effects, acute and irritation. Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. May delayed cause respiratory irritation. Vapors have a narcotic effect and may cause headache, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Skin irritation. May cause redness and pain. Indication of immediate Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Thermal burns: Flush with water medical attention and special immediately. While flushing, remove clothes which do not adhere to affected area. Call an treatment needed ambulance. Continue flushing during transport to hospital. In case of shortness of breath, give oxygen. Keep victim warm. Keep victim under observation. Symptoms may be delayed. General information Take off all contaminated clothing immediately. Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. 5. Fire -fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media Alcohol resistant foam. Water fog. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire. media Specific hazards arising from Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travel considerable distance to a source the chemical of ignition and flash back. During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. Special protective equipment Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire. and precautions for firefighters Fire fighting In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Move containers from fire area if you can do equipment/instructions so without risk. Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. General fire hazards Highly flammable liquid and vapor. This product contains tetrahydrofuran that may form explosive organic peroxide when exposed to air or light or with age. PVC Regular Clear Cement SIDS US 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 2 / 10 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions, Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Keep out of protective equipment and low areas. Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area). emergency procedures Wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Ventilate closed spaces before entering them. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protection, see section 8 of the SIDS. Methods and materials for Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area). Take containment and cleaning up precautionary measures against static discharge. Use only non -sparking tools. Keep combustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from spilled material. This product is miscible in water. Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Use water spray to reduce vapors or divert vapor cloud drift. Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Cover with plastic sheet to prevent spreading. Use a non-combustible material like vermiculite, sand or earth to soak up the product and place into a container for later disposal. Prevent entry into waterways, sewer, basements or confined areas. Following product recovery, flush area with water. Small Spills: Absorb with earth, sand or other non-combustible material and transfer to containers for later disposal. Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. Never return spills to original containers for re -use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS. Environmental precautions Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. 7. Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Do not handle, store or open near an open flame, sources of heat or sources of ignition. Protect material from direct sunlight. Explosion -proof general and local exhaust ventilation. Take precautionary measures against static discharges. All equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. Use non -sparking tools and explosion -proof equipment. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid prolonged exposure. Do not taste or swallow. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Conditions for safe storage, Store locked up. Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Prevent electrostatic charge including any incompatibilities build-up by using common bonding and grounding techniques. Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Store in original tightly closed container. Store in a well -ventilated place. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the SDS). 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits US. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) Components Type Value Polyvinyl chloride (CAS STEL 5 ppm 9002-86-2) TWA 1 ppm US. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000) Components Type Value Form Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) PEL 2400 mg/m3 1000 ppm Cyclohexanone (CAS PEL 200 mg/m3 108-94-1) 50 ppm Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS PEL 590 mg/m3 109-99-9) 200 ppm Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS PEL 590 mg/m3 78-93-3 ) 200 ppm Polyvinyl chloride (CAS PEL 5 mg/m3 Respirable fraction. 9002-86-2) 15 mg/m3 Total dust. PVC Regular Clear Cement SIDS US 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 3 / 10 US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values Components Type Value Form Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) STEL 750 ppm TWA 500 ppm Cyclohexanone (CAS STEL 50 ppm 108-94-1) TWA 20 ppm Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS STEL 100 ppm 109-99-9 ) TWA 50 ppm Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS STEL 300 ppm 78-93-3) TWA 200 ppm Polyvinyl chloride (CAS TWA 1 mg/m3 Respirable fraction. 9002-86-2) US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Components Type Value Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) TWA 590 mg/m3 250 ppm Cyclohexanone (CAS TWA 100 mg/m3 108-94-1) 25 ppm Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS STEL 735 mg/m3 109-99-9 ) 250 ppm TWA 590 mg/m3 200 ppm Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS STEL 885 mg/m3 78-93-3 ) 300 ppm TWA 590 mg/m3 200 ppm Biological limit values ACGIH Biological Exposure Indices Components Value Determinant Specimen Sampling Time Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) 50 mg/I Acetone Urine Cyclohexanone (CAS 80 mg/I 1,2-Cyclohexan Urine 108-94-1) ediol, with hydrolysis 8 mg/I Cyclohexanol, Urine with hydrolysis Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS 2 mg/I Tetrahydrofura Urine 109-99-9) n Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 2 mg/1 MEK Urine 78-93-3 ) * - For sampling details, please see the source document. Exposure guidelines US - California OELs: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. US - Minnesota Haz Subs: Skin designation applies Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Skin designation applies. US - Tennessee OELs: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. US ACGIH Threshold Limit Values: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS 109-99-9) Can be absorbed through the skin. US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. PVC Regular Clear Cement SIDS US 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 4 / 10 Appropriate engineering Explosion -proof general and local exhaust ventilation. Good general ventilation (typically 10 air controls changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Eye wash facilities and emergency shower must be available when handling this product. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Eye/face protection Face shield is recommended. Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles). Skin protection Hand protection Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves. Other Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Respiratory protection If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have not been established), an approved respirator must be worn. Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. General hygiene When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such considerations as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Physical state Liquid. Form Translucent liquid. Color Clear. Odor Solvent. Odor threshold Not available. pH Not available. Melting point/freezing point Not available. Initial boiling point and boiling 151 °F (66.11 °C) range Flash point -4.0 °F (-20.0 °C) Evaporation rate 5.5 - 8 Flammability (solid, gas) Not available. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower 1.8 (%) Flammability limit - upper 11.8 (%) Explosive limit - lower (%) Not available. Explosive limit - upper (%) Not available. Vapor pressure 145 mm Hg @ 20 C Vapor density 2.5 Relative density 0.9 +/- 0.02 Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) Negligible Partition coefficient Not available. (n-octanol/water) Auto -ignition temperature Not available. Decomposition temperature Not available. Viscosity 80 - 500 cP Other information VOC (Weight %) <510 g/I SCAQMD 1168/M316A 10. Stability and reactivity Reactivity The product is stable and non -reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport. PVC Regular Clear Cement SDS US 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 5/10 Chemical stability Material is stable under normal conditions. Possibility of hazardous No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use. reactions Conditions to avoid Avoid heat, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. Avoid temperatures exceeding the flash point. Contact with incompatible materials. Incompatible materials Acids. Strong oxidizing agents. Ammonia. Amines. Isocyanates. Caustics. Hazardous decomposition No hazardous decomposition products are known. products 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Headache. Nausea, vomiting. May cause irritation to the respiratory system. Vapors have a narcotic effect and may cause headache, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. Skin contact Causes skin irritation. Eye contact Causes serious eye irritation. Ingestion May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Harmful if swallowed. Harmful if swallowed. Droplets of the product aspirated into the lungs through ingestion or vomiting may cause a serious chemical pneumonia. Symptoms related to the Irritation of nose and throat. Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis. Severe physical, chemical and eye irritation. Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. May toxicological characteristics cause respiratory irritation. Skin irritation. May cause redness and pain. Symptoms of overexposure may be headache, dizziness, tiredness, nausea and vomiting. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Narcotic effects. May cause respiratory irritation. Components Species Test Results Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit 20 ml/kg Inhalation LC50 Rat 50 mg/I, 8 Hours Oral LD50 Rat 5800 mg/kg Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit 948 mg/kg Inhalation LC50 Rat 8000 ppm, 4 hours Oral LD50 Rat 1540 mg/kg * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Skin corrosion/irritation Causes skin irritation. Serious eye damage/eye Causes serious eye irritation. irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization Not available. Skin sensitization This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization. Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1 % are mutagenic or genotoxic. PVC Regular Clear Cement SIDS US 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 6 / 10 Carcinogenicity In 2012 USEPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) reviewed a two species inhalation lifetime study on THE conducted by NTP (1998). Male rats developed renal tumors and female mice developed liver tumors while neither the female rats nor the male mice showed similar results. Because the carcinogenic mechanisms could not be identified clearly in either species for either tumor, the EPA determined that the male rat and female mouse findings are relevant to the assessment of carcinogenic potential in humans. Therefore, the IRIS review concludes that these data in aggregate indicate that there is "suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential' following exposure to THE by all routes of exposure. IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) 3 Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans. Polyvinyl chloride (CAS 9002-86-2) 3 Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) Polyvinyl chloride (CAS 9002-86-2) Cancer Reproductive toxicity This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects. Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Chronic effects 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity Components Narcotic effects. May cause drowsiness and dizziness. Respiratory tract irritation. Not classified. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. The product is not classified as environmentally hazardous. However, this does not exclude the possibility that large or frequent spills can have a harmful or damaging effect on the environment. Species Test Results Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Aquatic Fish LC50 Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) > 100 mg/I, 96 hours Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Aquatic Fish LC50 Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) 481 - 578 mg/l, 96 hours Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Persistence and degradability No data is available on the degradability of this product. Bioaccumulative potential No data available. Partition coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow) Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) -0.24 Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) 0.81 Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS 109-99-9) 0.46 Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) 0.29 Mobility in soil No data available. Other adverse effects No other adverse environmental effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation potential, endocrine disruption, global warming potential) are expected from this component. 13. Disposal considerations Disposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Do not allow this material to drain into sewers/water supplies. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used container. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Hazardous waste code The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company. Waste from residues / unused Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some products product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see: Disposal instructions). Contaminated packaging Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. PVC Regular Clear Cement SIDS US 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 7 / 10 14. Transport information DOT UN number UN1133 UN proper shipping name Adhesives Transport hazard class(es) Class 3 Subsidiary risk - Label(s) 3 Packing group II Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. Special provisions T11, TP1, TP8, TP27 Packaging exceptions 150 Packaging non bulk 201 Packaging bulk 243 IATA UN number UN1133 UN proper shipping name Adhesives Transport hazard class(es) Class 3 Subsidiary risk - Packing group II Environmental hazards No. ERG Code 3L Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. IMDG UN number UN1133 UN proper shipping name ADHESIVES Transport hazard class(es) Class 3 Subsidiary risk - Packing group II Environmental hazards Marine pollutant No. EmS F-E, S-D Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. Transport in bulk according to Not available. Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code 15. Regulatory information US federal regulations This product is a "Hazardous Chemical' as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. All components are on the U.S. EPA TSCA Inventory List. TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D) Not regulated. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050) Polyvinyl chloride (CAS 9002-86-2) Cancer Central nervous system Liver Blood Flammability CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4) Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) LISTED Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) LISTED Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS 109-99-9) LISTED Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) LISTED PVC Regular Clear Cement SDS US 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 8 / 10 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - No Fire Hazard - Yes Pressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - No SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not listed. SARA 311/312 Hazardous No chemical SARA 313 (TRI reporting) Not regulated. Other federal regulations Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) List Not regulated. Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulated. Safe Drinking Water Act Not regulated. (SDWA) Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). List 2, Essential Chemicals (21 CFR 1310.02(b) and 1310.04(f)(2) and Chemical Code Number Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) 6532 Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) 6714 Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). List 1 & 2 Exempt Chemical Mixtures (21 CFR 1310.12(c)) Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) 35 %WV Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) 35 %WV DEA Exempt Chemical Mixtures Code Number Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) 6532 Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) 6714 US state regulations US. Massachusetts RTK - Substance List Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS 109-99-9) Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right -to -Know Act Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS 109-99-9) Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) Polyvinyl chloride (CAS 9002-86-2) US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right -to -Know Law Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS 109-99-9) Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) US. Rhode Island RTK Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Furan, Tetrahydro- (CAS 109-99-9) Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) US. California Proposition 65 California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65): This material is not known to contain any chemicals currently listed as carcinogens or reproductive toxins. International Inventories Country(s) or region Inventory name Canada Domestic Substances List (DSL) On inventory (yes/no)* Yes PVC Regular Clear Cement 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 SIDS US 9/10 Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory No *A "Yes" indicates this product complies with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s). A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governing country(s). 16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision Issue date 05-27-2015 Revision date - Version # 01 HMIS® ratings Health: 2 Flammability: 3 Physical hazard: 0 NFPA ratings 41 0 Disclaimer The information in the sheet was written based on the best knowledge and experience currently available. Oatey Co. cannot anticipate all conditions under which this information and its product, or the products of other manufacturers in combination with its product, may be used. It is the user's responsibility to ensure safe conditions for handling, storage and disposal of the product, and to assume liability for loss, injury, damage or expense due to improper use. PVC Regular Clear Cement SDS US 927170 Version #: 01 Revision date: 11-22-2017 Issue date: 05-27-2015 10 / 10 1. Identification Product identifier Other means of identification SIDS number Recommended use Recommended restrictions Company Name Address Telephone E-mail Transport Emergency Emergency First Aid Contact person 2. Hazard(s) identification Physical hazards Health hazards Environmental hazards Label elements Signal word Hazard statement Precautionary statement Prevention SAFETY DATA SHEET Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC 1402C, 48940, 48941 Joining PVC Pipes None known. Manufacturer Oatey Co. 4700 West 160th St. Cleveland, OH 44135 216-267-7100 Distributor Oatey Canada Supply Chain Services Co. 145 Walker Drive Brampton, ON L6T 5P5, Canada info@oatey.com Chemtrec 1-800-424-9300 (Outside the US 1-703-527-3887) 1-877-740-5015 MSDS Coordinator Flammable liquids Category 2 Physical hazards not otherwise classified Category 1 Acute toxicity, oral Category 4 Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2 Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2A Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure Category 3 respiratory tract irritation Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure Category 3 narcotic effects Aspiration hazard Category 1 Health hazards not otherwise classified Category 1 Not classified. Danger Highly flammable liquid and vapor. Harmful if swallowed. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause respiratory irritation. May cause drowsiness or dizziness. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking. Keep container tightly closed. Ground/bond container and receiving equipment. Use explosion -proof electrical/ventilating/lighting/equipment. Use non -sparking tools. Take action to prevent static discharges. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Use only outdoors or in a well -ventilated area. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 1 / 10 Response IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. In case of fire: Use appropriate media to extinguish. Storage Keep cool. Store in a well -ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Store locked up. Disposal Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Other hazards Frequent or prolonged contact may defat and dry the skin, leading to discomfort and dermatitis. May form explosive peroxides. Supplemental information Not applicable. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Mixtures Chemical name CAS number % Acetone 67-64-1 30-60 Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 15-40 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 10-30 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 10-30 All concentrations are in percent by weight unless ingredient is a gas. Gas concentrations are in percent by volume. 4. First -aid measures Inhalation Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. Skin contact Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Ingestion Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs. Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis. Most important Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis. Severe eye irritation. Symptoms may symptoms/effects, acute and include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. May cause respiratory irritation. delayed Vapors have a narcotic effect and may cause headache, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Skin irritation. May cause redness and pain. Indication of immediate Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Thermal burns: Flush with water medical attention and special immediately. While flushing, remove clothes which do not adhere to affected area. Call an treatment needed ambulance. Continue flushing during transport to hospital. In case of shortness of breath, give oxygen. Keep victim warm. Keep victim under observation. Symptoms may be delayed. General information Take off all contaminated clothing immediately. IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention. Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. 5. Fire -fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media Alcohol resistant foam. Water fog. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire. media Specific hazards arising from Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travel considerable distance to a source the chemical of ignition and flash back. During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. Special protective equipment Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire. and precautions for firefighters Fire fighting In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Move containers from fire area if you can do equipment/instructions so without risk. Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. Cool containers exposed to flames with water until well after the fire is out. General fire hazards Highly flammable liquid and vapor. This product contains tetrahydrofuran that may form explosive organic peroxide when exposed to air or light or with age. Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SIDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 2 / 10 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions, Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Keep out of protective equipment and low areas. Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area). emergency procedures Wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Avoid inhalation of vapors or mists. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Ventilate closed spaces before entering them. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protection, see section 8 of the SIDS. Methods and materials for Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area). Take containment and cleaning up precautionary measures against static discharge. Use only non -sparking tools. Keep combustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from spilled material. Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Cover with plastic sheet to prevent spreading. Use a non-combustible material like vermiculite, sand or earth to soak up the product and place into a container for later disposal. Use water spray to reduce vapors or divert vapor cloud drift. Following product recovery, flush area with water. Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. Never return spills to original containers for re -use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS. Environmental precautions Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. 7. Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Do not handle, store or open near an open flame, sources of heat or sources of ignition. Protect material from direct sunlight. Take precautionary measures against static discharges. All equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. Use non -sparking tools and explosion -proof equipment. Do not taste or swallow. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid prolonged exposure. Avoid contact with clothing. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Conditions for safe storage, Store locked up. Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Prevent electrostatic charge including any incompatibilities build-up by using common bonding and grounding techniques. Store in original tightly closed container. Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Store in a well -ventilated place. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the SDS). Keep in an area equipped with sprinklers. 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values Components Type Value Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) STEL 500 ppm TWA 250 ppm Cyclohexanone (CAS STEL 50 ppm 108-94-1) TWA 20 ppm Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS STEL 300 ppm 78-93-3) TWA 200 ppm Tetrahydrofuran (CAS STEL 100 ppm 109-99-9 ) TWA 50 ppm Canada. Alberta OELs (Occupational Health & Safety Code, Schedule 1, Table 2) Components Type Value Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) STEL 1800 mg/m3 750 ppm TWA 1200 mg/m3 500 ppm Cyclohexanone (CAS STEL 200 mg/m3 108-94-1) 50 ppm Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SIDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 3 / 10 Canada. Alberta OELs (Occupational Health & Safety Code, Schedule 1, Table 2) Components Type Value TWA 80 mg/m3 20 ppm Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS STEL 885 mg/m3 78-93-3 ) 300 ppm TWA 590 mg/m3 200 ppm Tetrahydrofuran (CAS STEL 295 mg/m3 109-99-9 ) 100 ppm TWA 147 mg/m3 50 ppm Canada. British Columbia OELs. (Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Substances, Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 296/97, as amended) Components Type Value Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) STEL 500 ppm TWA 250 ppm Cyclohexanone (CAS STEL 50 ppm 108-94-1) TWA 20 ppm Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS STEL 100 ppm 78-93-3 ) TWA 50 ppm Tetrahydrofuran (CAS STEL 100 ppm 109-99-9 ) TWA 50 ppm Canada. Manitoba OELs (Reg. 217/2006, The Workplace Safety And Health Act) Components Type Value Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) STEL 500 ppm TWA 250 ppm Cyclohexanone (CAS STEL 50 ppm 108-94-1) TWA 20 ppm Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS STEL 300 ppm 78-93-3) TWA 200 ppm Tetrahydrofuran (CAS STEL 100 ppm 109-99-9 ) TWA 50 ppm Canada. Ontario OELs. (Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents) Components Type Value Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) STEL 750 ppm TWA 500 ppm Cyclohexanone (CAS STEL 50 ppm 108-94-1) TWA 20 ppm Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS STEL 300 ppm 78-93-3) TWA 200 ppm Tetrahydrofuran (CAS STEL 100 ppm 109-99-9 ) TWA 50 ppm Canada. Quebec OELs. (Ministry of Labor - Regulation Respecting the Quality of the Work Environment) Components Type Value Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) STEL 2380 mg/m3 Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SIDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 4 / 10 Canada. Quebec OELs. (Ministry of Labor - Regulation Respecting the Quality of the Work Environment) Components Type Value 1000 ppm TWA 1190 mg/m3 500 ppm Cyclohexanone (CAS TWA 100 mg/m3 108-94-1) 25 ppm Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS STEL 300 mg/m3 78-93-3 ) 100 ppm TWA 150 mg/m3 50 ppm Tetrahydrofuran (CAS TWA 300 mg/m3 109-99-9 ) 100 ppm Biological limit values ACGIH Biological Exposure Indices Components Value Determinant Specimen Sampling Time Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) 25 mg/I Acetone Urine Cyclohexanone (CAS 80 mg/I 1,2-Cyclohexan Urine 108-94-1) ediol, with hydrolysis 8 mg/I Cyclohexanol, Urine with hydrolysis Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 2 mg/I MEK Urine 78-93-3 ) Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 2 mg/I Tetrahydrofura Urine 109-99-9) n * - For sampling details, please see the source document. Exposure guidelines Canada - Alberta OELs: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) Can be absorbed through the skin. Canada - British Columbia OELs: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) Can be absorbed through the skin. Canada - Manitoba OELs: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) Can be absorbed through the skin. Canada - Ontario OELs: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) Can be absorbed through the skin. Canada - Quebec OELs: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. Canada - Saskatchewan OELs: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) Can be absorbed through the skin. US ACGIH Threshold Limit Values: Skin designation Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Can be absorbed through the skin. Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) Can be absorbed through the skin. Appropriate engineering Explosion -proof general and local exhaust ventilation. Good general ventilation (typically 10 air controls changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Eye wash facilities and emergency shower must be available when handling this product. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Eye/face protection Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles). Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SIDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 5 / 10 Skin protection Hand protection Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves. Other Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Respiratory protection If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have not been established), an approved respirator must be worn. Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. General hygiene When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such considerations as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Physical state Liquid. Form Translucent liquid. Color Clear. Odor Solvent. Odor threshold Not available. pH Not available. Melting point/freezing point Not available. Initial boiling point and boiling 151 °F (66.11 °C) range Flash point 14.0 - 23.0 °F (-10.0 - -5.0 °C) Evaporation rate 5.5 - 8 Flammability (solid, gas) Not available. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower Not available. (%) Flammability limit - upper Not available. (%) Explosive limit - lower (%) Not available. Explosive limit - upper (%) Not available. Vapor pressure 145 mm Hg @ 20 C Vapor density 2.5 Relative density 0.82 - 0.86 Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) Not available. Partition coefficient Not available. (n-octanol/water) Auto -ignition temperature Not available. Decomposition temperature Not available. Viscosity < 100 cP Other information Bulk density 7 lb/gal VOC (Weight %) 505 g/I SQACMD Method 304 10. Stability and reactivity Reactivity The product is stable and non -reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport. Chemical stability Material is stable under normal conditions. Possibility of hazardous No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use. reactions Conditions to avoid Avoid heat, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. Avoid temperatures exceeding the flash point. Contact with incompatible materials. Incompatible materials Acids. Strong oxidizing agents. Ammonia. Amines. Isocyanates. Caustics. Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 6 / 10 Hazardous decomposition No hazardous decomposition products are known. products 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. May cause irritation to the respiratory system. Vapors have a narcotic effect and may cause headache, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. Skin contact Causes skin irritation. Eye contact Causes serious eye irritation. Ingestion May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Harmful if swallowed. Symptoms related to the Irritation of nose and throat. Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis. Severe physical, chemical and eye irritation. Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Skin toxicological characteristics irritation. May cause redness and pain. Symptoms of overexposure may be headache, dizziness, tiredness, nausea and vomiting. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Narcotic effects. May cause respiratory irritation. Components Species Test Results Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit 20 ml/kg Inhalation LC50 Rat 50 mg/I, 8 Hours Oral LD50 Rat 5800 mg/kg Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit 948 mg/kg Inhalation LC50 Rat 8000 ppm, 4 hours Oral LD50 Rat 800 mg/kg Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) Acute Dermal LD50 Rat > 2000 mg/kg, 24 Hours Oral LD50 Rat 1650 mg/kg Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Skin corrosion/irritation Causes skin irritation. Serious eye damage/eye Causes serious eye irritation. irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization Not classified. Skin sensitization This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization. Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1 % are mutagenic or genotoxic. Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SIDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 7 / 10 Carcinogenicity In 2012 USEPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) reviewed a two species inhalation lifetime study on THE conducted by NTP (1998). Male rats developed renal tumors and female mice developed liver tumors while neither the female rats nor the male mice showed similar results. Because the carcinogenic mechanisms could not be identified clearly in either species for either tumor, the EPA determined that the male rat and female mouse findings are relevant to the assessment of carcinogenic potential in humans. Therefore, the IRIS review concludes that these data in aggregate indicate that there is "suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential' following exposure to THE by all routes of exposure. ACGIH Carcinogens Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) A4 Not classifiable as a human carcinogen. Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) A3 Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans. Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) A3 Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans. Canada - Manitoba OELs: carcinogenicity ACETONE (CAS 67-64-1) Not classifiable as a human carcinogen. CYCLOHEXANONE (CAS 108-94-1) Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans. TETRAHYDROFURAN (CAS 109-99-9) Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans. IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) 3 Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans. Reproductive toxicity This product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects. Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Chronic effects 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity Components Narcotic effects. Respiratory tract irritation. Not classified. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful. The product is not classified as environmentally hazardous. However, this does not exclude the possibility that large or frequent spills can have a harmful or damaging effect on the environment. Species Test Results Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Aquatic Fish LC50 Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) > 100 mg/I, 96 hours Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) Aquatic Fish LC50 Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) 481 - 578 mg/l, 96 hours Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) Aquatic Fish LC50 Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) 2160 mg/I, 96 Hours * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Persistence and degradability No data is available on the degradability of this product. Bioaccumulative potential No data available. Partition coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow) Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) -0.24 Cyclohexanone (CAS 108-94-1) 0.81 Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) 0.29 Tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) 0.46 Mobility in soil No data available. Other adverse effects No other adverse environmental effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation potential, endocrine disruption, global warming potential) are expected from this component. Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SIDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 8 / 10 13. Disposal considerations Disposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Do not allow this material to drain into sewers/water supplies. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used container. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Hazardous waste code The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company. Waste from residues / unused Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some products product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see: Disposal instructions). Contaminated packaging Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. 14. Transport information TDG UN number UN1993 UN proper shipping name FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. (Methyl ethyl ketone, Acetone) Transport hazard class(es) Class 3 Subsidiary risk - Packing group II Environmental hazards D Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. IATA UN number UN1993 UN proper shipping name Flammable liquid, n.o.s. (Methyl ethyl ketone, Acetone) Transport hazard class(es) Class 3 Subsidiary risk - Packing group II Environmental hazards No. ERG Code 3H Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. IMDG UN number UN1993 UN proper shipping name FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. (Methyl ethyl ketone, Acetone) Transport hazard class(es) Class 3 Subsidiary risk - Packing group II Environmental hazards Marine pollutant No. EmS F-E, S-E Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handling. Transport in bulk according to Not available. Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code 15. Regulatory information Canadian regulations This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the HPR and the SIDS contains all the information required by the HPR. Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Not regulated. Export Control List (CEPA 1999, Schedule 3) Not listed. Greenhouse Gases Not listed. Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SIDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 9 / 10 Precursor Control Regulations Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Class B Methyl ethyl ketone (CAS 78-93-3) Class B International regulations Stockholm Convention Not applicable. Rotterdam Convention Not applicable. Kyoto protocol Not applicable. Montreal Protocol Not applicable. Basel Convention Not applicable. International Inventories Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* Australia Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS) Yes Canada Domestic Substances List (DSL) Yes Canada Non -Domestic Substances List (NDSL) No China Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC) Yes Europe European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Yes Substances (EINECS) Europe European List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS) No Japan Inventory of Existing and New Chemical Substances (ENCS) Yes Korea Existing Chemicals List (ECL) Yes New Zealand New Zealand Inventory Yes Philippines Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances Yes (PICCS) United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Yes *A "Yes" indicates this product complies with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s). A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governing country(s). 16. Other Information Issue date 21-December-2015 Revision date - Version # 01 Disclaimer Oatey Co. cannot anticipate all conditions under which this information and its product, or the products of other manufacturers in combination with its product, may be used. It is the user's responsibility to ensure safe conditions for handling, storage and disposal of the product, and to assume liability for loss, injury, damage or expense due to improper use. The information in the sheet was written based on the best knowledge and experience currently available. Oatey Clear Primer - NSF Listed for CPVC and PVC SIDS Canada 921056 Version #: 02 Revision date: 11-April-2018 Issue date: 21-December-2015 10 / 10 x May 10, 2018 Raven Industries, Inc. Engineered Films Division 821 West Algonquin Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Notice: Safety Data Sheets (SDS) The film, sheeting, and tape accessories produced and/or distributed by Raven Engineered Films are not classified as hazardous chemicals under the US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) 1910.1200 regulation. Our materials meet the OSHA definition of manufactured "articles" (1910.1200(c)) that will not expose users to hazardous chemicals under normal and expected conditions of use, and are therefore exempt from all requirements of the regulation. US Federal OSHA defines an "article" as follows at 29 CFR 1910.xl200 (c): Article means a manufactured item other than a fluid or particle: (i) which is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture; (ii) which has end use function(s) dependent in whole or in part upon its shape or design during end use; and (iii) which under normal conditions of use does not release more than very small quantities, e.g., minute or trace amounts of a hazardous chemical (as determined under paragraph (d) of this section), and does not pose a physical hazard or health risk to employees. Raven Engineered Films will continue to provide technical product data sheets for each of our products, however, we will no longer provide MSDS or SDS sheets for products that are not classified as hazardous chemicals as outlined in the Global Harmonized System (GHS) standard. For more information on OSHA Hazard Communication (29 CFR 1910.1200), visit www.osha.gov. If you should have additional questions or concerns, please contact Raven Engineered Films at efdsales@ravenind.com or +1 (800) 635-3456. VAPORBLOCK PLUS& Series (VBP20) FV[-)H Cr,i (( . x May 10, 2018 Raven Industries, Inc. Engineered Films Division 821 West Algonquin Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Notice: Safety Data Sheets (SDS) The film, sheeting, and tape accessories produced and/or distributed by Raven Engineered Films are not classified as hazardous chemicals under the US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) 1910.1200 regulation. Our materials meet the OSHA definition of manufactured "articles" (1910.1200(c)) that will not expose users to hazardous chemicals under normal and expected conditions of use, and are therefore exempt from all requirements of the regulation. US Federal OSHA defines an "article" as follows at 29 CFR 1910.xl200 (c): Article means a manufactured item other than a fluid or particle: (i) which is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture; (ii) which has end use function(s) dependent in whole or in part upon its shape or design during end use; and (iii) which under normal conditions of use does not release more than very small quantities, e.g., minute or trace amounts of a hazardous chemical (as determined under paragraph (d) of this section), and does not pose a physical hazard or health risk to employees. Raven Engineered Films will continue to provide technical product data sheets for each of our products, however, we will no longer provide MSDS or SDS sheets for products that are not classified as hazardous chemicals as outlined in the Global Harmonized System (GHS) standard. For more information on OSHA Hazard Communication (29 CFR 1910.1200), visit www.osha.gov. If you should have additional questions or concerns, please contact Raven Engineered Films at efdsales@ravenind.com or +1 (800) 635-3456. IDENTIFICATION Product Name Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Identified uses Restrictions on use Company Identification Customer Information Number Emergency Telephone Number SAFETY DATA SHEET 5450-66 5450-66 Pressure Sensitive Adhesive See product data sheet. Raven Industries, Inc — Engineered Films P.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107 (800) 635-3456 (Monday — Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm) http://ravenefd.com/products/accessories CHEMTREC Number Within USA and Canada: +1 (800) 635-3456 Outside USA and Canada: +1 (605) 335-0174 Issue Date March 11, 2016 Supersedes Date This is the first issue. Safety Data Sheet prepared in accordance with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Hazard Classification This product is classified as not hazardous in accordance with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (GHS). Label Elements Hazard Symbols None Signal Word: None Hazard Statements None Precautionary Statements Prevention None Response None Storage None Disposal None Other Hazards None Revision Date: March 11, 2016 Page 1 of 6 Raven Industries, Inc 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Specific Concentration Limits The values listed below represent the percentages of ingredients of unknown toxicity. Acute oral toxicity <10% Acute dermal toxicity <10% Acute inhalation toxicity <10% Acute aquatic toxicity >90% 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Synonyms: This product is a mixture. Safety Data Sheet 5450-66 Component CAS Number Concentration Polymers and resins N.A. 10 - 20% 4. FIRST- AID MEASURES Description of necessary first -aid measures Eyes Immediately flood the eye with plenty of water. Obtain medical attention if symptoms persist. Skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Obtain medical attention if symptoms persist. Ingestion Obtain medical attention immediately. Inhalation Remove person to fresh air if symptoms occur. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist. Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed Aside from the information found under Description of necessary first aid measures (above) and Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, no additional symptoms and effects are anticipated. Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Notes to Physicians Treat symptomatically. 5. FIRE - FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable Extinguishing Media Water spray, carbon dioxide and dry chemical. Specific hazards arising from the chemical May release hazardous vapors during a fire. Special Protective Actions for Fire -Fighters Wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Wear appropriate protective clothing. Revision Date: March 11, 2016 Page 2 of 6 Raven Industries, Inc Safety Data Sheet 5450-66 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Environmental Precautions Prevent the material from entering drains or watercourses. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Pick up and transfer into suitable containers for recovery or disposal. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions for safe handling Wear appropriate protective clothing. Conditions for safe storage Store away from sources of heat or ignition. Storage area should be: cool - dry - well ventilated - out of direct sunlight - away from sources of ignition(heat, sparks, flames, pilot lights) - away from incompatible materials (see Section 10) 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Control parameters Exposure limits are listed below, if they exist. Appropriate engineering controls No specific measures necessary. Good general room ventilation is expected to be adequate to control airborne levels. Individual protection measures Respiratory Protection Not required under normal conditions of use. Skin Protection Gloves Eye/Face Protection Safety glasses Body Protection Normal work wear. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Physical State Solid: Pressure sensitive adhesive coated on a polymer film protected by a release liner Color Black/Silver Odor None Odor Threshold No data available pH Not applicable Density (g/yd2) No data available Boiling Range/Point (°C/F) Not applicable Melting Point (°C/F) Not applicable Flash Point (PMCC) (°C/F) Not applicable Vapor Pressure Not applicable Evaporation Rate (BuAc=1) Not applicable Solubility in Water Negligible Revision Date: March 11, 2016 Page 3 of 6 Raven Industries, Inc 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Vapor Density (Air = 1) Not applicable VOC (%) Negligible Partition coefficient (n- Not applicable octanol/water) Viscosity Not applicable Auto -ignition Temperature No data available Decomposition Temperature No data available Upper explosive limit No data available Lower explosive limit No data available Flammability (solid, gas) No data available 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Reactivity Data is not available. Chemical Stability Stable under normal conditions. Possibility of hazardous reactions Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Conditions to Avoid Heat - high temperatures Incompatible Materials Acids — bases — oxidizers Hazardous Decomposition Products Oxides of carbon — asphyxiants 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Safety Data Sheet 5450-66 Acute Toxicity Available data indicates this product is not expected to be acutely toxic. Specific Target Organ Toxicity (STOT) — single exposure Available data indicates this product is not expected to cause target organ effects after a single exposure. Specific Target Organ Toxicity (STOT) — repeat exposure Available data indicates this product is not expected to cause target organ effects after repeated exposure. Serious Eye damage/Irritation Available data indicates this product is not expected to cause eye irritation. Skin Corrosion/Irritation Available data indicates this product is not expected to cause skin irritation. Respiratory or Skin Sensitization No relevant studies identified. Revision Date: March 11, 2016 Page 4 of 6 Raven Industries, Inc 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Carcinogenicity Not considered carcinogenic by NTP, IARC, and OSHA. Germ Cell Mutagenicity Available data indicates this product is not expected to be mutagenic. Safety Data Sheet 5450-66 Reproductive Toxicity Available data indicates this product is not expected to cause reproductive toxicity or birth defects. Aspiration Hazard Not an aspiration hazard. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity No relevant studies identified. Mobility in soil No relevant studies identified. Persistence/Degradability No relevant studies identified. Bioaccumulative Potential No relevant studies identified. Other adverse effects No relevant studies identified. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal Methods Dispose of in accordance with all applicable local and national regulations. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT CFR 172.101 Data UN Proper Shipping Name UN Class UN Number UN Packaging Group Classification for AIR Transportation (IATA) Environmental Hazards 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Not Regulated Not Regulated None None None Consult current IATA Regulations prior to shipping by air. Not a marine pollutant United States TSCA Inventory All components of this product are in compliance or are exempt from inventory listing requirements of the US Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory. Revision Date: March 11, 2016 Page 5 of 6 Raven Industries, Inc 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Safety Data Sheet 5450-66 Canada DSL Inventory All ingredients in this product are listed on or are exempt from listing on the Domestic Substance List (DSL). California Proposition 65 This product contains materials which the State of California has found to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. SARA Title III Sect. 311/312 Categorization None SARA Title III Sect. 313 This product contains the following chemicals that are listed in Section 313 at or above de minimis concentrations: None 16. OTHER INFORMATION Legend ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service ECHA: European Chemicals Agency IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer N/A: Denotes no applicable information found or available NTP: National Toxicology Program OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration PEL: Permissible Exposure Limit SDS: Safety Data Sheet STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit TLV: Threshold Limit Value VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds Revision Date: March 11, 2016 Replaces: This is the first issue. Changes made: Not applicable. Information Source and References This SDS is prepared by Hazard Communication Specialists based on information provided by internal company references. Prepared By: EnviroNet LLC The information and recommendations presented in this SDS are based on sources believed to be accurate. Raven Industries, Inc assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of this information. It is the user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the material for their particular purposes. In particular, we make NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should ensure that any use or disposal of the material is in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. Revision Date: March 11, 2016 Page 6 of 6 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 1. Identification 1.1. Product identifier Product Identity POUR-N-SEAL Component A Alternate Names Pour-N-Seal Component A 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Intended use See Technical Data Sheet. Application Method See Technical Data Sheet. 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Company Name Company Contacts Raven Industries, Inc. — Engineered Films Division 821 W. Algonquin Street Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Raven Industries INC. Direct: (605) 335-0250 Cindy.heppler@ravenind.com 24 hour Emergency Telephone No. (605) 335-0250 If immediate assistance is not obtained, please call 911. 2. Hazard(s) identification 2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture Skin Irrit. 2;H315 Causes skin irritation. Eye Irrit. 2;H319 Causes serious eye irritation. Skin Sens. 1;H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. Muta. 2;H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects. Aquatic Chronic 2;H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. 2.2. Label elements Using the Toxicity Data listed in section 11 and 12 the product is labeled as follows. Page 1 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 000 Warning H315 Causes skin irritation. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects. H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. [Prevention]: P201 Obtain special instructions before use. P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. P261 Avoid breathing dust / fume / gas / mist / vapors / spray. P264 Wash thoroughly after handling. P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace. P273 Avoid release to the environment. P280 Wear protective gloves / eye protection / face protection. [Response]: P302+352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. P305+351+338 IF IN EYES: Rinse continuously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do - continue rinsing. P308+313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice / attention. P321 Specific treatment (see information on this label). P333+313 If skin irritation or a rash occurs: Get medical advice / attention. P337+313 If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice / attention. P362 Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. P363 Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. P391 Collect spillage. [Storage]: P405 Store locked up. [Disposal]: P501 Dispose of contents / container in accordance with local / national regulations. Page 2 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 3. Composition/information on ingredients This product contains the following substances that present a hazard within the meaning of the relevant State and Federal Hazardous Substances regulations. Ingredient/Chemical Designations Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A CAS Number: 0025068-38-6 Bisphenol F epoxy resin CAS Number: 0028064-14-4 Oxirane, (butoxymethyl)- CAS Number: 0002426-08-6 Weight % GHS Classification Notes 50 - 75 Eye Irrit. 2;H319 [1] Skin Irrit. 2;H315 Skin Sens. 1;H317 Aquatic Chronic 2;H411 25 - 50 Skin Irrit. 2;H315 [1] Eye Irrit. 2;H319 Skin Sens. 1;H317 Aquatic Chronic 2;H411 1.0 -10 Flam. Liq. 3;H226 [1][2] M uta. 2; H341 Acute Tox. 4;H332 Acute Tox. 4;H302 STOT SE 3;H335 Skin Sens. 1;H317 Aquatic Chronic 3;H412 In accordance with paragraph (i) of §1910.1200, the specific chemical identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret. [1] Substance classified with a health or environmental hazard. [2] Substance with a workplace exposure limit. [3] PBT-substance or vPvB-substance. *The full texts of the phrases are shown in Section 16. 4. First aid measures 4.1. Description of first aid measures General In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Inhalation Remove to fresh air, keep patient warm and at rest. If breathing is irregular or stopped, give artificial respiration. If unconscious place in the recovery position and obtain immediate medical attention. Give nothing by mouth. Eyes Irrigate copiously with clean water for at least 15 minutes, holding the eyelids apart and seek medical attention. Skin Immediately take off all contaminated clothing. For skin contact, wash immediately with soap and water. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Ingestion If swallowed obtain immediate medical attention. Keep at rest. Do NOT induce vomiting. 4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Overview Eyes: Irritating to the eyes Skin: May cause skin irritation; potential sensitizer. Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling and reddening. Page 3 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 Inhalation: May cause lung irritation; potential sensitizer Ingestion: Swallowing small amounts of this material during normal handling is unlikely and is not likely to cause harmful effects. Swallowing large amounts may be harmful. Reproductive or genetic defect hazard. See section 2 for further details. Eyes Causes serious eye irritation. 5. Fire -fighting measures 5.1. Extinguishing media Water fog, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Hazardous decomposition: High heat and fire may produce carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Avoid breathing dust / fume / gas / mist / vapors / spray. 5.3. Advice for fire-fighters Wear full protective clothing, including helmet, self-contained positive pressure or pressure demand breathing apparatus, protective clothing and face mask. ERG Guide No. ---- 6. Accidental release measures 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see section 8). 6.2. Environmental precautions Do not allow spills to enter drains or waterways. Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet. Promptly remove soiled clothing and wash thoroughly before reuse. 6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up For major spills call Raven Industries (1-605-336-2750). Clean up should only be performed by trained personnel. People dealing with major spillages should wear full protective clothing including appropriate respiratory protection. Evacuate the area. Prevent further leakage, spillage or entry into drains. Page 4 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 7. Handling and storage 7.1. Precautions for safe handling Avoid breathing aerosols, mists and vapors. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. See section 2 for further details. - [Prevention]: 7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Handle containers carefully to prevent damage and spillage. Incompatible materials: Water, amines, strong bases, alcohols, metal compounds and surface-active materials If container is exposed to high heat, it can be pressurized and possibly rupture explosively. Keep the container tightly closed and in a cool, well -ventilated place. See section 2 for further details. - [Storage]: 7.3. Specific end use(s) No data available. 8. Exposure controls and personal protection 8.1. Control parameters Exposure AS No. I Ingredient Source Value 0002426-08-6 Oxirane, (butoxymethyl)- OSHA JTWA 50 ppm (270 mg/m3) ACGIH TWA: 3 ppm Skin, S, R, Revised 2005, NIOSH IC 5.6 ppm (30 mg/m3) [15-minute] Supplier No Established Limit 0025068-38-6 Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A OSHA INo Established Limit ACGIH No Established Limit NIOSH INo Established Limit Supplier No Established Limit 0028064-14-4 Bisphenol F epoxy resin OSHA INo Established Limit ACGIH INo Established Limit NIOSH INo Established Limit No Established Limit Page 5 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 Carcinogen Data CAS No. F Ingredient Source F Value 0002426-08-6 Oxirane, (butoxymethyl)- OSHA Select Carcinogen: No NTP Known: No; Suspected: No IARC Group 1: No; Group 2a: No; Group 2b: No; Group 3: No; Group 4: No; 0025068-38-6 Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A OSHA Select Carcinogen: No NTP Known: No; Suspected: No IARC IGroup 1: No; Group 2a: No; Group 2b: No; Group 3: No; Group 4: No; 0028064-14-4 rlsphenol F epoxy resin OSHA Select Carcinogen: No NTP Known: No; Suspected: No IARC IGroup 1: No; Group 2a: No; Group 2b: No; Group 3: No; Group 4: No; 8.2. Exposure controls Respiratory When the product is sprayed or heated without adequate ventilation, an approved MSHA/NIOSH positive -pressure, supplied -air respirator may be required. Eyes Wear safety glasses; chemical goggles (if splashing is possible). Skin Protective clothing should be selected. Gloves - neoprene, nitrile rubber, butyl rubber. Thin latex disposable gloves should be avoided for repeated or long-term use. Engineering Controls Provide adequate ventilation. Where reasonably practicable this should be achieved by the use of local exhaust ventilation and good general extraction. If these are not sufficient to maintain concentrations of particulates and any vapor below occupational exposure limits suitable respiratory protection must be worn. Other Work Practices Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet. Promptly remove soiled clothing and wash thoroughly before reuse. See section 2 for further details. - [Prevention]: 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Odor Odor threshold pH Melting point / freezing point Initial boiling point and boiling range Flash Point Evaporation rate (Ether = 1) Flammability (solid, gas) Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Clear Liquid Sweet Not Measured Not available Not available > 327°F > 200°C Pensky Martin Closed Cup Slower (Butyl Acetate = 1) Not Applicable Lower Explosive Limit: Not available Page 6 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 Upper Explosive Limit: Not available Vapor pressure (Pa) Not determined Vapor Density Not available Specific Gravity 1.12 @ 77°F (H20 = 1) Solubility in Water Slight Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (Log Kow) Not Measured Auto -ignition temperature Not available Decomposition temperature Not available Viscosity (cst) Not available VOC Content None 9.2. Other information No other relevant information. 10. Stability and reactivity 10.1. Reactivity Polymerization may occur at elevated temperatures in the presence of alkalis, tertiary amines and metal compounds. 10.2. Chemical stability Stable under normal handling and storage conditions 10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions No data available. 10.4. Conditions to avoid No data available. 10.5. Incompatible materials Water, amines, strong bases, alcohols, metal compounds and surface-active materials 10.6. Hazardous decomposition products High heat and fire may produce carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Page 7 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 11. Toxicological information Acute toxicity Based on the properties of the epoxy constituents and considering toxicological data on similar preparations this preparation may be an irritant and a skin and respiratory sensitizer. Low molecular weight epoxy constituents are irritating to eyes, mucous membranes and skin. Repeated skin contact may lead to irritation and sensitization, possibly with cross -sensitization to other epoxies. Skin contact with the preparation and exposure to spray mist and vapor should be avoided. Ingredient Oral LD50, Skin LD50, Inhalation I Inhalation I Inhalation mg/kg mg/kg Vapor LC50, Dust/Mist LC50, Gas LC50, mg/L/4hr mg/L/4hr ppm Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A - (25068-38-6) > 5,000.00, Rat 20,000.00, No data No data No data - Category: Rabbit - available available available NA Category: NA Bisphenol F epoxy resin - (28064-14-4) 2,000.00, Rat - No data No data No data No data Category:4 available available available available Oxirane, (butoxymethyl)-- (2426-08-6) 1,660.00, Rat - No data No data No data No data Category:4 available available available available Note: When no route specific LD50 data is available for an acute toxin, the converted acute toxicity point estimate was used in the calculation of the product's ATE (Acute Toxicity Estimate). (Classification Acute toxicity (oral) Acute toxicity (dermal) I Category (Hazard Description --- Not Applicable --- Not Applicable Acute toxicity (inhalation) --- INot Applicable Skin corrosion/irritation 2 Icauses skin irritation. Serious eye damage/irritation 2 Icauses serious eye irritation. Respiratory sensitization --- INot Applicable Skin sensitization 1 Imay cause an allergic skin reaction. Germ cell mutagenicity 2 Isuspected of causing genetic defects. Carcinogenicity --- INot Applicable Reproductive toxicity I --- INot Applicable ISTOT-single exposure I --- INot Applicable ISTOT-repeated exposure I --- (Not Applicable Aspiration hazard F--- Not Applicable Page 8 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 12. Ecological information 12.1. Toxicity Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. No additional information provided for this product. See Section 3 for chemical specific data. Aquatic Ecotoxicity FIngredient riglycidyl ether of bisphenol A - (25068-38-6) Bisphenol F epoxy resin - (28064-14-4) Oxirane, (butoxymethyl)- - (2426-08-6) 12.2. Persistence and degradability 96 hr LC50 fish, 48 hr EC50 crustacea, ErC50 algae, mg/I mg/I mg/I F 3.10, Pimephales 1.40, Daphnia magna Not Available promelas i There is no data available on the preparation itself. 12.3. Bioaccumulative potential Not Measured 12.4. Mobility in soil No data available. 12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment This product contains no PBT/vPvB chemicals. 12.6. Other adverse effects No data available. 9.00, Oncorhynchus 9.00, Daphnia magna Not Available mykiss Not Available 3.90, Daphnia magna I Not Available 13. Disposal considerations 13.1. Waste treatment methods Observe all federal, state and local regulations when disposing of this substance. 14. Transport information Page 9 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 DOT (Domestic Surface IMO / IMDG (Ocean ICAO/IATA Transportation) Transportation) 14.1. UN number Not Applicable Not Regulated Not Regulated 14.2. UN proper shipping Not Regulated Not Regulated Not Regulated name 14.3. Transport hazard DOT Hazard Class: Not IMDG: Not Applicable Air Class: Not Applicable class(es) Applicable Sub Class: Not Applicable 14.4. Packing group Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 14.5. Environmental hazards IMDG Marine Pollutant: Yes ( Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A ) 14.6. Special precautions for user No further information 15. Regulatory information Regulatory Overview The regulatory data in Section 15 is not intended to be all-inclusive, only selected regulations are represented. Toxic Substance All components of this material are either listed or exempt from listing on the TSCA Control Act (TSCA) Inventory. WHMIS Classification D2A US EPA Tier II Hazards Fire: No Sudden Release of Pressure: No Reactive: No Immediate (Acute): Yes Delayed (Chronic): Yes EPCRA 311/312 Chemicals and RQs: To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. EPCRA 302 Extremely Hazardous: To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. EPCRA 313 Toxic Chemicals: To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. Proposition 65 - Carcinogens (>0.0%): To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. Proposition 65 - Developmental Toxins (>0.0%): To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. Page 10 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 Proposition 65 - Female Repro Toxins (>0.0%): To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. Proposition 65 - Male Repro Toxins (>0.0%): To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. New Jersey RTK Substances (>1%): Oxirane, (butoxymethyl)- Pennsylvania RTK Substances (>1 Oxirane, (butoxymethyl)- 16. Other information The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon data believed to be correct. However, no guarantee or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made with respect to the information contained herein. We accept no responsibility and disclaim all liability for any harmful effects which may be caused by exposure to our products. Customers/users of this product must comply with all applicable health and safety laws, regulations, and orders. The full text of the phrases appearing in section 3 is: H226 Flammable liquid and vapor. H302 Harmful if swallowed. H315 Causes skin irritation. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. H332 Harmful if inhaled. H335 May cause respiratory irritation. H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects. H351 Suspected of causing cancer. H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. This is the first version in the GHS SDS format. Listings of changes from previous versions in other formats are not applicable. To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither the above named supplier nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist. Page 11 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component A SDS Revision Date: 5/4/2015 The information presented herein is based on data considered to be accurate as of the date of preparation of this Safety Data Sheet. However, SDS may not be used as a commercial specification sheet of manufacturer or seller, and no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the foregoing data and safety information, nor is any authorization given or implied to practice any patented invention without a license. In addition, no responsibility can be assumed by vendor for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use, from any failure to adhere to recommended practices, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the product. End of Document Page 12 of 12 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 1. Identification 1.1. Product identifier Product Identity POUR-N-SEAL Component B Alternate Names Pour-N-Seal Component B 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Intended use Epoxy Resin Hardener Application Method See Technical Data Sheet. 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Company Name Company Contacts Raven Industries, Inc. — Engineered Films Division 821 W. Algonquin Street Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Raven Industries INC. Direct: (605) 335-0250 Cindy.heppler@ravenind.com 24 hour Emergency Telephone No. (605) 335-0250 If immediate assistance is not obtained, please call 911. 2. Hazard(s) identification 2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture Acute Tox. 4;H302 Harmful if swallowed. Acute Tox. 4;H312 Harmful in contact with skin. Skin Corr. 1 B;H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Eye Dam. 1;H318 Causes serious eye damage. Skin Sens. 1;H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. Repr. 2;H361 F Suspected of damaging fertility. Aquatic Chronic 2;H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. 2.2. Label elements Using the Toxicity Data listed in section 11 and 12 the product is labeled as follows. Page 1 of 13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 Danger H302 Harmful if swallowed. H312 Harmful in contact with skin. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. H318 Causes serious eye damage. H361f Suspected of damaging fertility. H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. [Prevention]: P201 Obtain special instructions before use. P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. P261 Avoid breathing dust / fume / gas / mist / vapors / spray. P264 Wash thoroughly after handling. P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace. P273 Avoid release to the environment. P280 Wear protective gloves / eye protection / face protection. [Response]: P301+312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor / physician if you feel unwell. P302+352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. P303+361+353 IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove / Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water / shower. P304+312 IF INHALED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor / physician if you feel unwell. P305+351+338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do - continue rinsing. P308+313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice / attention. P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor / physician. P321 Specific treatment (see information on this label). Page 2 of 13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SIDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 P330 Rinse mouth. P331 Do NOT induce vomiting. P333+313 If skin irritation or a rash occurs: Get medical advice / attention. P340 Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. P363 Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. P391 Collect spillage. [Storage]: P405 Store locked up. [Disposal]: P501 Dispose of contents / container in accordance with local / national regulations. 3. Composition/information on ingredients This product contains the following substances that present a hazard within the meaning of the relevant State and Federal Hazardous Substances regulations. Ingredient/Chemical Designations Tetraethylenepe ntam i ne CAS Number: 0000112-57-2 Diethylenetriamine (DETA) CAS Number: 0000111-40-0 TOFA, reaction product with TEPA CAS Number: 0068953-36-6 Diphenylolpropane CAS Number: 0000080-05-7 :arbon black CAS Number: 0001333-86-4 Weight % I GHS Classification < 2 Acute Tox. 4;H312 [1] Acute Tox. 4;H302 Skin Corr. 1B;H314 Skin Sens. 1;H317 Aquatic Chronic 2;H411 5-15 Acute Tox. 4;H312 [1][2] Acute Tox. 4;H302 Skin Corr. 1B;H314 Skin Sens. 1;H317 15-30 Eye Dam. 1;H318 [1] Aquatic Chronic 2;H411 1.0 -10 Repr. 2;H361f [1] STOT SE 3;H335 Eye Dam. 1; H318 Skin Sens. 1;H317 1.0 -10 Not Classified [1][2] Notes Titanium Dioxide < 1 Not Classified [1][2] CAS Number: 13463-67-7 Amorphous silica, hydrophobic Not Classified [1] CAS Number: 67762-90-7 r Synthetic Amorphous Silica 40-60 Not Classified [1] CAS Number: 112926-00-8 In accordance with paragraph (i) of §1910.1200, the specific chemical identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret. [1] Substance classified with a health or environmental hazard. [2] Substance with a workplace exposure limit. Page 3 of 13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 [3] PBT-substance or vPvB-substance. "The full texts of the phrases are shown in Section 16. 4. First aid measures 4.1. Description of first aid measures General In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Inhalation Remove to fresh air, keep patient warm and at rest. If breathing is irregular or stopped, give artificial respiration. If unconscious place in the recovery position and obtain immediate medical attention. Give nothing by mouth. Eyes Irrigate copiously with clean water for at least 15 minutes, holding the eyelids apart and seek medical attention. Skin Immediately take off all contaminated clothing. For skin contact, wash immediately with soap and water. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Ingestion If conscious, give large amounts of water. If the material is swallowed, get immediate medical attention or advice. Do Not induce vomiting. 4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Overview Inhalation: May cause lung irritation; potential sensitizer See section 2 for further details. Eyes Causes serious eye damage. Skin Harmful in contact with skin. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Ingestion Harmful if swallowed. 5. Fire -fighting measures 5.1. Extinguishing media Water spray, dry chemical, alcohol foam, carbon dioxide 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Hazardous decomposition: Oxides of carbon and nitrogen, Aldehydes Avoid breathing dust / fume / gas / mist / vapors / spray. 5.3. Advice for fire-fighters Page 4 of 13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 Wear full protective clothing, including helmet, self-contained positive pressure or pressure demand breathing apparatus, protective clothing, and face mask. ERG Guide No. ---- 6. Accidental release measures 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see section 8). 6.2. Environmental precautions Do not allow spills to enter drains or waterways. Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet. Promptly remove soiled clothing and wash thoroughly before reuse. 6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up For major spills call Raven Industries (1-605-336-2750). Clean up should only be performed by trained personnel. People dealing with major spillages should wear full protective clothing including appropriate respiratory protection. Evacuate the area. Prevent further leakage, spillage or entry into drains. 7. Handling and storage 7.1. Precautions for safe handling Avoid breathing aerosols, mists and vapors. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. See section 2 for further details. - [Prevention]: 7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Handle containers carefully to prevent damage and spillage. Incompatible materials: Strong oxidizing agents If container is exposed to high heat, it can be pressurized and possibly rupture explosively. Keep the container tightly closed and in a cool, well -ventilated place. See section 2 for further details. - [Storage]: 7.3. Specific end use(s) No data available. Page 5 of 13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 8. Exposure controls and personal protection 8.1. Control parameters Exposure CAS No. Ingredient Source I Value 0000080-05-7 Diphenylolpropane OSHA INo Established Limit ACGIH INo Established Limit NIOSH INo Established Limit Supplier No Established Limit 0000111-40-0 Diethylenetriamine (DETA) OSHA INo Established Limit ACGIH TWA: 1 ppmSkin, S NIOSH ITWA 1 ppm (4 mg/m3) [skin] No Established Limit 0000112-57-2 Tetraethylenepentamine OSHA INo Established Limit ACGIH INo Established Limit NIOSH INo Established Limit Supplier No Established Limit 0001333-86-4 Carbon black OSHA ITWA 3.5 mg/m3 ACGIH TWA: 3 mg/m32B, Revised 2011, rS�H TWA 3.5 mg/m3 Ca TWA 0.1 mg PAHs/m3 [in presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)] Supplier INo Established Limit 0068953-36-6 TOFA, reaction product with TEPA OSHA INo Established Limit ACGIH INo Established Limit NIOSH INo Established Limit Supplier INo Established Limit Page 6 of 13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 Carcinogen Data CAS No. I Ingredient ISource I Value 0000080-05-7 Diphenylol propane OSHA Select Carcinogen: No NTP Known: No; Suspected: No Diethylenetriamine (DETA) IARC OSHA Group 1: No; Group 2a: No; Group 2b: No; Group 3: No; Group 4: No; Select Carcinogen: No 0000111-40-0 NTP Known: No; Suspected: No IARC IGroup 1: No; Group 2a: No; Group 2b: No; Group 3: No; Group 4: No; 0000112-57-2 OSHA Select Carcinogen: No [W�a��ntamine NTP Known: No; Suspected: No IARC Group 1: No; Group 2a: No; Group 2b: No; Group 3: No; Group 4: No; 0001333-86-4 Carbon black OSHA Select Carcinogen: No NTP Known: No; Suspected: No IARC IGroup 1: No; Group 2a: No; Group 2b: Yes; Group 3: No; Group 4: No; 0068953-36-6 TOFA, reaction product with TEPA OSHA Select Carcinogen: No NTP Known: No; Suspected: No IARC Group 1: No; Group 2a: No; Group 2b: No; Group 3: No; Group 4: No; 13463-67-7 Titanium Dioxide OSHA Not Established NTP Not Established IARC Not Established 67762-90-7 Amorphous silica, hydrophobic OSHA Not Established NTP �IARC Not Established Not Established 112926-00-8 Synthetic Amorphous Silica OSHA Not Established NTP �IARC Not Established Not Established 8.2. Exposure controls Respiratory When the product is sprayed or heated without adequate ventilation, an approved MSHA/NIOSH positive -pressure, supplied -air respirator may be required. Eyes Wear safety glasses; chemical goggles (if splashing is possible). Page 7of13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 Skin Protective clothing should be selected. Gloves - neoprene, nitrile rubber, butyl rubber. Thin latex disposable gloves should be avoided for repeated or long-term use. Engineering Controls Provide adequate ventilation. Where reasonably practicable this should be achieved by the use of local exhaust ventilation and good general extraction. If these are not sufficient to maintain concentrations of particulates and any vapor below occupational exposure limits suitable respiratory protection must be worn. Other Work Practices Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet. Promptly remove soiled clothing and wash thoroughly before reuse. See section 2 for further details. - [Prevention]: 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Odor Odor threshold pH Melting point / freezing point Initial boiling point and boiling range Flash Point Evaporation rate (Ether = 1) Flammability (solid, gas) Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Vapor pressure (Pa) Vapor Density Specific Gravity Solubility in Water Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (Log Kow) Auto -ignition temperature Decomposition temperature Viscosity (cst) VOC Content 9.2. Other information No other relevant information. Slightly Viscous Liquid Sweet-smelling gel Not determined Not available Not available Not determined > 383°F Pensky Martin Closed Cup Not determined Not Applicable Lower Explosive Limit: Not available Upper Explosive Limit: Not available 1.0 mmHg @ 180°F Not available 1.20 @ 77°F Slight Not Measured Not available Not available Not available None Page 8 of 13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 10. Stability and reactivity 10.1. Reactivity Hazardous Polymerization will not occur. 10.2. Chemical stability Stable under normal circumstances. 10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions No data available. 10.4. Conditions to avoid Elevated temperatures; strong acids or bases in bulk 10.5. Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents 10.6. Hazardous decomposition products Oxides of carbon and nitrogen, Aldehydes 11. Toxicological information Acute toxicity Ingredient Oral LD50, Skin LD50, Inhalation 7 Inhalation Inhalation mg/kg mg/kg Vapor LC50, Dust/Mist LC50, Gas LC50, mg/L/4hr mg/L/4hr i ppm Tetraethylenepentamine - (112-57-2) 2,140.00, Rat - No data No data No data No data Category: 5 available available available available Diethylenetriamine (DETA) - (111-40-0) 1,080.00, Rat - 1,090.00, No data No data No data Category: 4 Rabbit - available available available Category: 4 TOFA, reaction product with TEPA - (68953-36-6) 2,000.00, Rat - No data No data No data No data Category:4 available available available available Diphenylolpropane (80 05 7) 5,000.00, Rat - 3,000.00, No data No data No data Category: 5 Rabbit - available available available Category: 5 Carbon black (1333-86 4) 8,000.00, Rat - No data No data No data No data Category: NA available available Favailable �vailable Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (25068-38-6) > 5,000.00, Rat- 20,000.00 No Data No data No data Category: NA Rabbit- available available available Category: NA i Titanium dioxide (13463-67-7) 10,000.00 Rat- 10,000.00 — No No data No data No data Category: NA Rabbit- available available Category: NA Amorphous silica hydrophobic (67762-90-7) 1,000.00, Rat- 2,000.00, Rat- No data No data No data Category:4 Category:4 available I available available Page 9of13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 Synthetic Amorphous Silica (112926-00-8) No data No data No data No data No data available available available available available Note: When no route specific LD50 data is available for an acute toxin, the converted acute toxicity point estimate was used in the calculation of the product's ATE (Acute Toxicity Estimate). (Classification Acute toxicity (oral) Acute toxicity (dermal) Category 4 4 Hazard Description Harmful if swallowed. Harmful in contact with skin. Acute toxicity (inhalation) --- INot Applicable Skin corrosion/irritation 1 B Icauses severe skin burns and eye damage. Serious eye damage/irritation 1 Icauses serious eye damage. Respiratory sensitization --- INot Applicable Skin sensitization 1 Imay cause an allergic skin reaction. Germ cell mutagenicity --- INot Applicable Carcinogenicity --- INot Applicable Reproductive toxicity 2 Isuspected of damaging fertility. STOT-single exposure --- Not Applicable FsTOT-repeated exposure --- Not Applicable Aspiration hazard --- Not Applicable 12. Ecological information 12.1. Toxicity Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. No additional information provided for this product. See Section 3 for chemical specific data. Aquatic Ecotoxicity Ingredient I 96 hr LC50 fish, 48 hr EC50 crustacea, ErC50 algae, I mg/I mg/I mg/I Tetraethylenepentamine - (112-57-2) 420.00, Poecilia 24.00, Daphnia magna 2.00 (72 hr), Pseudokirchneriella reticulataF subcapitata Diethylenetriamine (DETA) - (111-40-0) F 1,014.00, Poecilia 53.50, Daphnia magna 345.60 (96 hr), Pseudokirchneriella reticulata subcapitata TOFA, reaction product with TEPA - (68953-36-6) F 9.00, Fish (Piscis) 9.00, Daphnia magna 9.00 (72 hr), Algae Diphenylolpropane - (80-05-7) 4.60, Pimephales 7.75, Daphnia magna F2.73 (96 hr), Pseudokirchneriella promelas subcapitata Page 10 of 13 Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 Carbon black - (1333-86-4) Titanium dioxide (13463-67-7) 1,000.00, Danio rerio 1,000.00, Fundulus heteroclitus Amorphous silica, hydrophobic (67762-90-7) Not available Synthetic Amorphous Silica (112926-00-8) Not available 12.2. Persistence and degradability There is no data available on the preparation itself. 12.3. Bioaccumulative potential Not Measured 12.4. Mobility in soil No data available. 12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment This product contains no PBT/vPvB chemicals. 12.6. Other adverse effects No data available. 5,600.00, Daphnia magna 5.50, Daphnia magna Not available Not available 13. Disposal considerations 13.1. Waste treatment methods Observe all federal, state and local regulations when disposing of this substance. 14. Transport information DOT (Domestic Surface IMO / IMDG (Ocean Transportation) Transportation) 14.1. UN number Not Applicable Not Regulated 14.2. UN proper shipping Not Regulated Not Regulated name 14.3. Transport hazard DOT Hazard Class: Not IMDG: Not Applicable class(es) Applicable Sub Class: Not Applicable 14.4. Packing group Not Applicable Not Applicable 14.5. Environmental hazards IMDG Marine Pollutant: Yes ( Tetraethylenepentamine ) 14.6. Special precautions for user No further information Page 11 of 13 10,000.00 (72 hr), Scenedesmus subspicatus 5.83 (72 hr), Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Not available Not available ICAO/IATA Not Regulated Not Regulated Air Class: Not Applicable Not Applicable Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 15. Regulatory information Regulatory Overview The regulatory data in Section 15 is not intended to be all-inclusive, only selected regulations are represented. Toxic Substance All components of this material are either listed or exempt from listing on the TSCA Control Act (TSCA) Inventory. WHMIS Classification D2A E US EPA Tier II Hazards Fire: No Sudden Release of Pressure: No Reactive: No Immediate (Acute): Yes Delayed (Chronic): No EPCRA 311/312 Chemicals and RQs: To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. EPCRA 302 Extremely Hazardous: To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. EPCRA 313 Toxic Chemicals: Diphenylolpropane Proposition 65 - Carcinogens (>0.0%): Carbon black Proposition 65 - Developmental Toxins (>0.0%): To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. Proposition 65 - Female Repro Toxins (>0.0%): To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. Proposition 65 - Male Repro Toxins (>0.0%): To the best of our knowledge, there are no chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute. New Jersey RTK Substances (>1%): Diphenylolpropane Carbon black Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Tetraethylenepentamine Synthetic Amorphous Silica Pennsylvania RTK Substances (>1 Diphenylolpropane Carbon black Page 12 of 13 Diethylenetriamine (DETA) Tetraethylenepentamine Synthetic Amorphous Silica Safety Data Sheet POUR-N-SEAL Component B SDS Revision Date: 5/22/2015 16. Other information The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon data believed to be correct. However, no guarantee or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made with respect to the information contained herein. We accept no responsibility and disclaim all liability for any harmful effects which may be caused by exposure to our products. Customers/users of this product must comply with all applicable health and safety laws, regulations, and orders. The full text of the phrases appearing in section 3 is: H302 Harmful if swallowed. H312 Harmful in contact with skin. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. H318 Causes serious eye damage. H335 May cause respiratory irritation. H361f Suspected of damaging fertility. H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. This is the first version in the GHS SDS format. Listings of changes from previous versions in other formats are not applicable. To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither the above named supplier nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist. The information presented herein is based on data considered to be accurate as of the date of preparation of this Safety Data Sheet. However, SDS may not be used as a commercial specification sheet of manufacturer or seller, and no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the foregoing data and safety information, nor is any authorization given or implied to practice any patented invention without a license. In addition, no responsibility can be assumed by vendor for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use, from any failure to adhere to recommended practices, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the product. End of Document Page 13 of 13 QUICK IDENTIFIER (In Plant Common Name) MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Butyl Seal Tape TP2BR Manufacturer's Emergency 800-635-3456 Name RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. Telephone Numbers 605-335-0174 Address Other P.O. Box 5107 Information 1813 "E" Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57117 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Signature of Person Date Responsible for Preparation Prepared September 30, 2005 Common Name: (Used on Label) Butyl Seal Tape CAS N/A (Trade Name Synonyms) TP2BR Number(s) Chemical Chemical Name Butyl Rubber Adheasive Family Isobutylene-Isoprene copolymers Formula NA Principal Hazardous Component(s) - Chemical and Common Nan % Threshold Limit Value (units) Vone Known Section 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Fire & Explosion Data) Boiling Not Applicable (N/A) Specific N/A Vapor N/A Point Gravity Pressure, mmHg Percent Volatile N/A Vapor N/A Evaporation N/A by Volume (%) Density Rate Solubility in Insoluble in Water Reactivity N/A Water in water Appearance Black, odorless tape, paper release liner and Odor Flash N/A Flammability Limits Lower Upper Auto Ignition N/A Point in Air, by Volume (%) N/A N/A Temperature Extinguisher Media Use water spray, dry chemical or carbon dioxide Special Fire Fighting Proced. Fire fighters should wear a self-contained breathing apparatus when there is a possibility of exposure to smoke, fumes or hazardous decomposition products. If possible, water should be applied as a spray from a fogging nozzle since this material is a surface burning material. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards None known Incompatibility None Known (Materials to Avoid) Hazardous None Known Decomposition Products Hazardous May Occur Conditions N/A Polymerization Will not Occur I X I to Avoid Page 2 Part Number: TP2BR Threshold N/A Limit Value Signs and Symptoms of Exposure 1. Acute N/A 2. Chronic Not Determined Overexposure Overexposure Medical Conditions Generally There is a risk of inflammation on the skin for long term continuious contact. Aggravated by Exposure Chemical Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Not L.A.R.C. Not OSHA Not or Potential Carcinogen Program Listed Monographs Listed Listed OSHA Permissible None ACGIH Threshold None Other Expos. Norte Exposure Limit Limit Value Limit Used Emergency and N/A First Aid Procedures 1. Inhalation N/A 2. Eyes N/A 3. Skin Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact 4. Ingestion N/A SectionPROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) N/A Ventilation Local Exhaust Mechanical (General) Special Other N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Protective None Eye None Gloves Protection Other Protective N/A Clothing or Equipment Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Store in a cool, dry area. Other Precautions None Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled N/A Waste Disposal Methods Observe all federal, state and local laws concerning health and environment. IMPORTANT - Do not leave blank spaces. if information is unavailable, unknown or does not apply, so indicate EXHIBIT 4 HISTORICAL DATA TABLES Ift Mid Atlantic TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED IN SOIL AND RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY 400 W MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3710.00 SAMPLING LOCATION PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS PSRGs; June 2021 55-1 SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 Duplicate (55-4) SS-5 SS-6 ANALYTE 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 Greatest Residential PSRG Industrial/Commercial Protection of Groundwater Concentration (mg/kg) PSRG (mg/kg) PSRG (mg/kg) 4-5 ft BLS 9-10 ft BLS 4-5 ft BLS 2.5-5 ft BLS 2.5-5 ItBLS 1-2 ft BLS 4-5 ft BLS RCRA Metals by Method 6020D/7471B Arsenic 1.36 2.17 2.35 3.44 4.18 2.53 1.21 4.51 (G (s)) 0.68 3.0 5.8 Barium 61.9 252 62.1 96.2 103 60.2 30.6 252 3100 47000 580 Cadmium <0.0614 0.0639J <0.0714 0.414J <0.0727 <0.0632 <0.0635 0.414 14 200 3.0 Chromium (Total) 24.7 33.3 45.1 21.7 172 91.9 36.1 172 23000 350000 360000 Lead 11.8 21.2 16.0 236 11.1 12.2 7.50 236 400 800 270 Mercury 0.01341 <0.0131 <0.0156 0.130 0.0487 0.01971 I <0.0139 0.130 4.7 70 NE Selenium <1.01 1.20J <1.17 <1.13 <1.19 <1.04 <1.04 1.20 78 1200 2.1 Silver <0.0458 <0.0446 <0.0532 0.117J <0.0542 <0.0471 <0.0473 0.117 78 1200 3.4 Hexavalent Chromium NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 6.66 (H (d)) 0.31 6.5 3.8 VOCs by Method 8260D Acetone 0.0191 0.003 J 0.009 J 0.0101 0.020 J 0.023 0.0041 0.023 12000 140000 25 Benzene <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0007 0.001 (G(S)) 1.2 5.4 0.01 Hexane <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0009 0.00101 <0.0009 <0.0008 <0.0008 0.0010 130 540 55 Methyl Ethyl Ketone <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0009 <0.0007 <0.0008 0.001 (E (s)) 5500 40000 17 SVOCs by Method 8270E Anthracene <0.159 <0.155 0.3121 <0.179 <0.189 <0.164 <0.165 0.312 3600 45000 1300 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.205J <0.151 1.04 <0.174 <0.183 <0.159 <0.160 1.04 1.1 21 0.35 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.222J <0.159 0.688J <0.184 <0.194 <0.169 <0.169 0.688 0.11 2.1 0.12 Benzo(b)fuoranthene 0.2701 <0.158 1.21 <0.183 <0.193 <0.168 <0.168 1.21 1.1 21 1.2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.151 <0.147 0.5611 <0.170 <0.179 <0.156 <0.157 NA NE NE NE Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.153 <0.149 0.354J <0.171 <0.181 <0.157 <0.158 0.354 11 210 12 Chrysene 0.1961 <0.154 0.961 <0.178 <0.187 <0.163 <0.164 0.961 110 2100 36 Fluoranthene 0.388J <0.133 2.09 <0.154 <0.162 <0.141 <0.142 2.09 480 6000 670 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene <0.200 <0.194 0.618J <0.224 <0.236 <0.205 <0.206 0.618 1.1 21 3.9 Phenanthrene <0.232 <0.226 0.689J <0.260 <0.275 <0.239 <0.240 NA NE NE NE Pyrene 0.3631 <0.145 2.04 <0.168 <0.177 <0.154 <0.154 2.04 360 4500 440 Acceptable Carcinogenic RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non -Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 3.70E-05 1.0 E-04 Calculated Sample Non- Carcino enic Hazard Index 2.40E-01 HI=1 Acceptable Carcinogenic NON-RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non -Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 3.00E-06 1.0 E-04 Calculated Sample Non- Carcino enic Hazard Index 1.90E-02 HI=1 Acceptable Carcinogenic CONSTRUCTION WORKER RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non -Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 2.20E-06 1.0 E-04 Calculated Sample Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Index 2.40E-01 HI=1 NOTES: 1. NT= Not Tested 2. NE = Not Established 3. All values reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) 4. VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds. 5. SVOCs = Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds. 6. J = Concentration was detected between the method detection limit and the reporting limit; value is an estimation. 7. Underlined values exceed Protection of Groundwater PSRGs 8. Bold values exceed the Residential PSRG 9. Shaded values exceed Industrial/Commercial PSRG 10. NT = Not Tested 11. NA=Not Applicable TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED IN SOIL 400 W MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3710.00 PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS SAMPLING LOCATION PSRGs; June 2021 ANALYTE A B (s) B (d) C (s) C (d) D (s) D (d) E (s) E (d) Duplicate E(s) F (s) Duplicate F(s) F (d) G (s) G (d) H (s) H (d) Protection of Residential PSRG Industrial/Commercial 11/16/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 Groundwater PSRG (mg/kg) PSRG (mg/kg) 1 ft BLS 2.5 ft BLS 4-7.5 ft BLS 2.5 ft BLS 5.5-10 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 7-9 ft ft BLS 3 ft BLS 8-9 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 7-9 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 9 ft BLS 2 ft BLS 6 ft BLS (mg/kg) RCRA Metals by Method 6020B/7471B Arsenic 0.841J 2.19 1.71 1.65 3.53 3.82 1.58 1.58 1.24 1.21 1.29 1.52 1.73 4.51 2.93 2.12 1.42 0.68 3.0 5.8 Barium 34.2 181 206 51.4 2.66 171 192 89.6 93.8 36.0 70.6 83.0 67.6 149 195 130 158 3100 47000 580 Cadmium <0.0602 <0.0678 <0.0610 <0.0662 <0.0630 <0.0654 0.0815J <0.0650 <0.0632 <0.0622 <0.0656 <0.0622 <0.0644 <0.0656 <0.0653 <0.0652 0.09431 14 200 3.0 Chromium (Total) 10.5 38.2 31.5 20.4 35.9 43.1 138 25.2 12.7 13.8 22.3 19.9 20.8 31.3 60.1 31.7 155 23000 350000 360000 Lead 12.8 13.3 8.74 14.2 17.7 13.8 11.8 15.2 11.1 13.8 11.5 14.0 15.0 14.2 12.8 15.5 6.32 400 800 270 Mercury 0.01821 <0.0148 <0.0133 <0.0145 <0.0138 <0.0143 <0.0145 <0.0142 <0.0138 <0.0136 0.0181J <0.0136 <0.0141 <0.0143 <0.0143 0.0321J <0.0161 4.7 70 NE Selenium <0.986 <1.11 <0.998 <1.08 <1.03 <1.07 <1.09 <1.06 <1.04 <1.02 <1.07 <1.02 <1.05 <1.07 <1.07 <1.07 <1.20 78 1200 2.1 Silver 0.0789 J <0.0505 <0.0454 <0.0493 <0.0470 <0.0488 <0.0495 <0.0484 <0.0471 <0.0464 <0.0489 <0.0464 <0.0480 <0.0489 <0.0486 0.0978 J <0.0548 78 1200 3.4 6.66 Hexavalent Chromium NT NT NT NT NT NT 0.577 J T8 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT <0.330 T8 <0.316 T8 0.31 6.5 3.8 1.84 T8* VOCs by Method 8260D Acetone 0.0081 0.004J 0.0031 0.0051 0.0031 0.0041 0.0111 0.0161 0.0071 0.002J 0.0061 0.0121 <0.002 0.015J 0.0041 0.0071 <0.003 12000 140000 25 Benzene <0.0006 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0006 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 0.0011 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 1.2 5.4 0.01 Hexane <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0009 130 540 55 Methyl Ethyl Ketone <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 0.0011 0.0011 <0.0007 <0.0007 0.00091 0.00091 <0.0007 0.0011 <0.0008 0.00081 <0.0009 5500 40000 17 SVOCs by Method 8270E Anthracene <0.156 <0.176 <0.158 <0.172 <0.163 <0.170 <0.172 <0.169 <0.164 <0.161 <0.170 <0.161 <0.167 <0.170 <0.169 <0.169 <0.191 3600 45000 1300 Benzo(a)anthracene <0.152 <0.171 <0.154 <0.167 <0.159 <0.165 0.399J <0.164 <0.159 <0.157 <0.165 <0.157 <0.162 <0.165 <0.165 0.1661 <0.186 1.1 21 0.35 Benzo(a)pyrene <0.161 <0.181 <0.163 <0.177 <0.168 <0.175 0.3871 <0.173 <0.169 <0.166 <0.175 <0.166 <0.172 <0.175 <0.174 <0.174 <0.196 0.11 2.1 0.12 Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.160 <0.180 <0.162 <0.175 <0.167 <0.173 0.498J <0.172 <0.168 <0.165 <0.174 <0.165 <0.170 <0.174 <0.173 0.1921 <0.195 1.1 21 1.2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.149 <0.167 <0.150 <0.163 <0.155 <0.161 0.2051 <0.160 <0.156 <0.154 <0.162 <0.154 <0.159 <0.162 <0.161 <0.161 <0.182 NE NE NE Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.150 <0.168 <0.152 <0.165 <0.157 <0.163 <0.165 <0.161 <0.157 <0.155 <0.163 <0.155 <0.160 <0.163 <0.162 <0.162 <0.183 11 210 12 Chrysene <0.155 <0.175 <0.157 <0.171 <0.162 <0.169 0.4191 <0.167 <0.163 <0.160 <0.169 <0.160 <0.166 <0.169 <0.168 <0.168 <0.190 110 2100 36 Fluoranthene 0.135J <0.151 <0.136 <0.148 <0.141 <0.146 1.04 <0.145 <0.141 <0.139 0.329J 0.287J <0.144 <0.146 <0.146 0.314J <0.164 480 6000 670 Ideno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene <0.196 <0.220 <0.198 <0.215 <0.205 <0.213 0.229J <0.211 <0.205 <0.202 <0.213 <0.202 <0.209 <0.213 <0.212 <0.212 <0.239 1.1 21 3.9 Phenanthrene <0.227 <0.256 <0.230 <0.250 <0.238 <0.247 1.02 <0.245 <0.239 <0.235 <0.248 <0.235 <0.243 <0.248 <0.247 <0.246 <0.278 NE NE NE Pyrene <0.146 <0.165 <0.148 <0.161 <0.153 <0.159 0.857 <0.158 <0.154 <0.151 0.324J 0.288J <0.156 <0.159 <0.159 0.308J <0.179 360 4500 440 NOTES: 1. NT = Not Tested 2. NE = Not Established 3. All values reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) 4. VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds. 5. SVOCs = Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds. 6. 1 = Concentration was detected between the method detection limit and the reporting limit; value is an estimation. 7. Underlined values exceed Protection of Groundwater PSRGs 8. Bold values exceed the Residential PSRG 9. Shaded values exceed Industrial/Commercial PSRG 10. NT = Not Tested 11. * = Retest sample result 12. T8 = Sample analyzed out of hold TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED IN SOIL AND RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY 400 W MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3710.00 SAMPLING LOCATION PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS PSRGs; June 2021 55-1 SS-2 SS-3 SS-4 Duplicate (55-4) SS-5 SS-6 ANALYTE 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 11/16/21 Greatest Residential PSRG Industrial/Commercial Protection of Groundwater Concentration (mg/kg) PSRG (mg/kg) PSRG (mg/kg) 4-5 ft BLS 9-10 ft BLS 4-5 ft BLS 2.5-5 ft BLS 2.5-5 ItBLS 1-2 ft BLS 4-5 ft BLS RCRA Metals by Method 6020D/7471B Arsenic 1.36 2.17 2.35 3.44 4.18 2.53 1.21 4.51 (G (s)) 0.68 3.0 5.8 Barium 61.9 252 62.1 96.2 103 60.2 30.6 252 3100 47000 580 Cadmium <0.0614 0.0639J <0.0714 0.414J <0.0727 <0.0632 <0.0635 0.414 14 200 3.0 Chromium (Total) 24.7 33.3 45.1 21.7 172 91.9 36.1 172 23000 350000 360000 Lead 11.8 21.2 16.0 236 11.1 12.2 7.50 236 400 800 270 Mercury 0.01341 <0.0131 <0.0156 0.130 0.0487 0.01971 I <0.0139 0.130 4.7 70 NE Selenium <1.01 1.20J <1.17 <1.13 <1.19 <1.04 <1.04 1.20 78 1200 2.1 Silver <0.0458 <0.0446 <0.0532 0.117J <0.0542 <0.0471 <0.0473 0.117 78 1200 3.4 Hexavalent Chromium NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 6.66 (H (d)) 0.31 6.5 3.8 VOCs by Method 8260D Acetone 0.0191 0.003 J 0.009 J 0.0101 0.020 J 0.023 0.0041 0.023 12000 140000 25 Benzene <0.0006 <0.0006 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0007 0.001 (G(S)) 1.2 5.4 0.01 Hexane <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0009 0.00101 <0.0009 <0.0008 <0.0008 0.0010 130 540 55 Methyl Ethyl Ketone <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0009 <0.0007 <0.0008 0.001 (E (s)) 5500 40000 17 SVOCs by Method 8270E Anthracene <0.159 <0.155 0.3121 <0.179 <0.189 <0.164 <0.165 0.312 3600 45000 1300 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.205J <0.151 1.04 <0.174 <0.183 <0.159 <0.160 1.04 1.1 21 0.35 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.222J <0.159 0.688J <0.184 <0.194 <0.169 <0.169 0.688 0.11 2.1 0.12 Benzo(b)fuoranthene 0.2701 <0.158 1.21 <0.183 <0.193 <0.168 <0.168 1.21 1.1 21 1.2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.151 <0.147 0.5611 <0.170 <0.179 <0.156 <0.157 NA NE NE NE Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.153 <0.149 0.354J <0.171 <0.181 <0.157 <0.158 0.354 11 210 12 Chrysene 0.1961 <0.154 0.961 <0.178 <0.187 <0.163 <0.164 0.961 110 2100 36 Fluoranthene 0.388J <0.133 2.09 <0.154 <0.162 <0.141 <0.142 2.09 480 6000 670 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene <0.200 <0.194 0.618J <0.224 <0.236 <0.205 <0.206 0.618 1.1 21 3.9 Phenanthrene <0.232 <0.226 0.689J <0.260 <0.275 <0.239 <0.240 NA NE NE NE Pyrene 0.3631 <0.145 2.04 <0.168 <0.177 <0.154 <0.154 2.04 360 4500 440 Acceptable Carcinogenic RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non -Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 3.70E-05 1.0 E-04 Calculated Sample Non- Carcino enic Hazard Index 2.40E-01 HI=1 Acceptable Carcinogenic NON-RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non -Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 3.00E-06 1.0 E-04 Calculated Sample Non- Carcino enic Hazard Index 1.90E-02 HI=1 Acceptable Carcinogenic CONSTRUCTION WORKER RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non -Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk Sum 2.20E-06 1.0 E-04 Calculated Sample Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Index 2.40E-01 HI=1 NOTES: 1. NT= Not Tested 2. NE = Not Established 3. All values reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) 4. VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds. 5. SVOCs = Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds. 6. J = Concentration was detected between the method detection limit and the reporting limit; value is an estimation. 7. Underlined values exceed Protection of Groundwater PSRGs 8. Bold values exceed the Residential PSRG 9. Shaded values exceed Industrial/Commercial PSRG 10. NT = Not Tested 11. NA=Not Applicable TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED IN SOIL 400 W MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3710.00 PRELIMINARY SOIL REMEDIATION GOALS SAMPLING LOCATION PSRGs; June 2021 ANALYTE A B (s) B (d) C (s) C (d) D (s) D (d) E (s) E (d) Duplicate E(s) F (s) Duplicate F(s) F (d) G (s) G (d) H (s) H (d) Protection of Residential PSRG Industrial/Commercial 11/16/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/17/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 11/18/21 Groundwater PSRG (mg/kg) PSRG (mg/kg) 1 ft BLS 2.5 ft BLS 4-7.5 ft BLS 2.5 ft BLS 5.5-10 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 7-9 ft ft BLS 3 ft BLS 8-9 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 7-9 ft BLS 3 ft BLS 9 ft BLS 2 ft BLS 6 ft BLS (mg/kg) RCRA Metals by Method 6020B/7471B Arsenic 0.841J 2.19 1.71 1.65 3.53 3.82 1.58 1.58 1.24 1.21 1.29 1.52 1.73 4.51 2.93 2.12 1.42 0.68 3.0 5.8 Barium 34.2 181 206 51.4 2.66 171 192 89.6 93.8 36.0 70.6 83.0 67.6 149 195 130 158 3100 47000 580 Cadmium <0.0602 <0.0678 <0.0610 <0.0662 <0.0630 <0.0654 0.0815J <0.0650 <0.0632 <0.0622 <0.0656 <0.0622 <0.0644 <0.0656 <0.0653 <0.0652 0.09431 14 200 3.0 Chromium (Total) 10.5 38.2 31.5 20.4 35.9 43.1 138 25.2 12.7 13.8 22.3 19.9 20.8 31.3 60.1 31.7 155 23000 350000 360000 Lead 12.8 13.3 8.74 14.2 17.7 13.8 11.8 15.2 11.1 13.8 11.5 14.0 15.0 14.2 12.8 15.5 6.32 400 800 270 Mercury 0.01821 <0.0148 <0.0133 <0.0145 <0.0138 <0.0143 <0.0145 <0.0142 <0.0138 <0.0136 0.0181J <0.0136 <0.0141 <0.0143 <0.0143 0.0321J <0.0161 4.7 70 NE Selenium <0.986 <1.11 <0.998 <1.08 <1.03 <1.07 <1.09 <1.06 <1.04 <1.02 <1.07 <1.02 <1.05 <1.07 <1.07 <1.07 <1.20 78 1200 2.1 Silver 0.0789 J <0.0505 <0.0454 <0.0493 <0.0470 <0.0488 <0.0495 <0.0484 <0.0471 <0.0464 <0.0489 <0.0464 <0.0480 <0.0489 <0.0486 0.0978 J <0.0548 78 1200 3.4 6.66 Hexavalent Chromium NT NT NT NT NT NT 0.577 J T8 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT <0.330 T8 <0.316 T8 0.31 6.5 3.8 1.84 T8* VOCs by Method 8260D Acetone 0.0081 0.004J 0.0031 0.0051 0.0031 0.0041 0.0111 0.0161 0.0071 0.002J 0.0061 0.0121 <0.002 0.015J 0.0041 0.0071 <0.003 12000 140000 25 Benzene <0.0006 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0006 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0007 0.0011 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 1.2 5.4 0.01 Hexane <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0009 130 540 55 Methyl Ethyl Ketone <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 <0.0007 <0.0008 <0.0008 0.0011 0.0011 <0.0007 <0.0007 0.00091 0.00091 <0.0007 0.0011 <0.0008 0.00081 <0.0009 5500 40000 17 SVOCs by Method 8270E Anthracene <0.156 <0.176 <0.158 <0.172 <0.163 <0.170 <0.172 <0.169 <0.164 <0.161 <0.170 <0.161 <0.167 <0.170 <0.169 <0.169 <0.191 3600 45000 1300 Benzo(a)anthracene <0.152 <0.171 <0.154 <0.167 <0.159 <0.165 0.399J <0.164 <0.159 <0.157 <0.165 <0.157 <0.162 <0.165 <0.165 0.1661 <0.186 1.1 21 0.35 Benzo(a)pyrene <0.161 <0.181 <0.163 <0.177 <0.168 <0.175 0.3871 <0.173 <0.169 <0.166 <0.175 <0.166 <0.172 <0.175 <0.174 <0.174 <0.196 0.11 2.1 0.12 Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.160 <0.180 <0.162 <0.175 <0.167 <0.173 0.498J <0.172 <0.168 <0.165 <0.174 <0.165 <0.170 <0.174 <0.173 0.1921 <0.195 1.1 21 1.2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.149 <0.167 <0.150 <0.163 <0.155 <0.161 0.2051 <0.160 <0.156 <0.154 <0.162 <0.154 <0.159 <0.162 <0.161 <0.161 <0.182 NE NE NE Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.150 <0.168 <0.152 <0.165 <0.157 <0.163 <0.165 <0.161 <0.157 <0.155 <0.163 <0.155 <0.160 <0.163 <0.162 <0.162 <0.183 11 210 12 Chrysene <0.155 <0.175 <0.157 <0.171 <0.162 <0.169 0.4191 <0.167 <0.163 <0.160 <0.169 <0.160 <0.166 <0.169 <0.168 <0.168 <0.190 110 2100 36 Fluoranthene 0.135J <0.151 <0.136 <0.148 <0.141 <0.146 1.04 <0.145 <0.141 <0.139 0.329J 0.287J <0.144 <0.146 <0.146 0.314J <0.164 480 6000 670 Ideno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene <0.196 <0.220 <0.198 <0.215 <0.205 <0.213 0.229J <0.211 <0.205 <0.202 <0.213 <0.202 <0.209 <0.213 <0.212 <0.212 <0.239 1.1 21 3.9 Phenanthrene <0.227 <0.256 <0.230 <0.250 <0.238 <0.247 1.02 <0.245 <0.239 <0.235 <0.248 <0.235 <0.243 <0.248 <0.247 <0.246 <0.278 NE NE NE Pyrene <0.146 <0.165 <0.148 <0.161 <0.153 <0.159 0.857 <0.158 <0.154 <0.151 0.324J 0.288J <0.156 <0.159 <0.159 0.308J <0.179 360 4500 440 NOTES: 1. NT = Not Tested 2. NE = Not Established 3. All values reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) 4. VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds. 5. SVOCs = Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds. 6. 1 = Concentration was detected between the method detection limit and the reporting limit; value is an estimation. 7. Underlined values exceed Protection of Groundwater PSRGs 8. Bold values exceed the Residential PSRG 9. Shaded values exceed Industrial/Commercial PSRG 10. NT = Not Tested 11. * = Retest sample result 12. T8 = Sample analyzed out of hold TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED IN GROUNDWATER AND RISK CALCULATIONS SOUTHANK BUILDING, 400 WEST MAIN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. R3710.00 North Carolina North Carolina Non- TMW-1 TMW-2 TMW-3 TMW-4 TMW-5 TMW-6 Duplicate Greatest North Carolina Residential Ground Residential Ground Analyte (TMW-4) Groundwater Quality 11/19/21 11/19/21 11/19/21 11/19/21 11119121 11/19/21 (TMW-1 Concentration Standards (uglL) Water Screening Water Screening Levels Levels o Not Detected Not Detected Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Acetone <1.80 4.31 J 2.78 J <1.80 <1.80 <1.80 <1.80 4.31 6,000 4500000 19000000 Chloroform 4.30 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 4.30 70 0.81 3.6 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene <0.200 <0.200 16.0 -0.200 <0.200 <0.200 <0.200 16.0 70 NE NE trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene <0.180 <0.180 0.370 J <0.180 <0.180 <0.180 <0.180 0.370 100 22 91 o Methyl Ethyl Ketone <0.710 12.6 <0.710 <0.710 <0.710 <0.710 <0.710 12.6 4,000 450000 1900000 Tetrachloroethylene <0.220 <0.220 64.0 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 <0.220 64.0 0.7 12 48 Trichloroethylene <0.180 <0.180 10.5 <0.180 <0.180 <0.180 <0.180 10.5 3.0 1.0 4.4 Vinyl Chloride <0.170 <0.170 0.568 <0.170 <0.170 <0.170 <0.170 0.568 0.03 0.15 2.5 0. Arsenic 0.185 J 0.369 J 0.273 J (0.362 J) 0.330 J 0.189 J (0.455 J) 0.462 10 NE NE _ Barium 54.0 206 86.6 (212) 153 206 (217) 223 700 NE NE Chromium 0.916 J <0.790 0.977 J 2.45 1.43 J 1.12 J 2.27 2.45 10 NE NE u z Selenium 1.80 J <0.740 <0.740 (1.51 J) <0.740 <0.740 0.865 J 1.8 20 NE NE Lead <0.260 <0.260 <0.260 0.402 J 0.444 J <0.260 0.365 J 0.444 15 NE NE RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non -Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk 2.2E-05 1.0 E-04 Sum Calculated Sample on - Carcinogenic Hazard Index 3.2E+00 HI=1 NON-RESIDENTIAL RISK CALCULATIONS SUMMARY Acceptable Carcinogenic Sum Risk Range and Maximum Non -Cancer Hazard Index Calculated Sample Cancer Risk 3.8E-06 1.0 E-04 Sum Calculated Sample Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Index 7.5E-01 HI=1 Notes ug/L: = micrograms per liter J = Estimated concentration above laboratory's Method Detection Limit (MDL) but below the Reporting Limit (RL) Bold values exceed NCGQS or Risk Calculation Target Values Underlined values exceed Residential GWSL Italicized values exceed Non -Residential GWSL <# = Less than MDL (#) = Dissolved concentration reported in lab -filtered sample RCRA 8 Metals by EPA Method 6020E and 7040A SVOCs = Semivolatile Organic Compounds analyzed by EPA Method 8270 VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds analyzed by EPA Method 8260 0�0����0����0�000® �����������0��®�®0 ®������0��®0�����0 �����������0�®���0 ��������������®�®0 ��®��������®�����0 EXHIBIT 5 COMPLETED VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) DESIGN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST ft Mid Atlantic Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) Design Submittal Requirements NCDEQ Brownfields Program — July 2021 In order to more efficiently process and approve VIMS designs, the Brownfields Program has standardized the format for design submittals. We have generated this format in the form of a checklist to allow for ease in submittal by the prospective developer's consultant and the Brownfields Program's completeness review. The checklist below outlines the minimum requirements and submittal formal under the Brownfields Program for VIMS system design considerations and reporting. All VEvIS design submittals to the Brownfields Program must include this completed checklist in this required format. Strictly adhering to these design submittal requirements will allow DEQ to minimize its review time for the design and the scope of performance and pre- occupancy sampling wherever possible. However, if these requirements are not followed fully, DEQ will require a more extensive and on -going sampling protocol to ensure that the VIMS is fully protective of public health. For the purposes of These requirements, PE shall mean a Professional Engineer licensed in North Carolina. The benefits of following these requirements include: - Significant Professional Engineering design discretion by a PE as to the VIMS design; - Minimal turnaround time as the Brownfields Program review will consist of a completeness check rather than a detailed design review; - Pre- and post -occupancy sampling location and frequency minimization and the lowest possible frequency of pre - /post -occupancy sampling to confirm system efficacy, at ❑EQ's discretion; and - Potential reduction in long term monitoring requirements and costs_ If these requirements are not followed, and the VIMS design fails a completeness check: - Significant delays and associated costs may be incurred as DEQ conducts an in-depth review; Subsequent design modifications and costs of delay associated with multiple review iterations; and The establishment of extensive ongoing sampling requirements to ensure adequate system performance and public health protection. Please note that this VIN4S design submittal is not the end of communication with the Brownfields Program. Best practices for successful project completion and avoiding instal lationlconstruction delays include maintaining close coordination and consultation with the Brownfields Program between the PD, VIMS contractors, and all general contractors for the installation of the design. This will avoid costly construction delays and installation issues that would trigger additional monitoring requirements that otherwise would not be necessary. It is important that significant advance notification of schedules. and subsequent rescheduling as it occurs, for the following activities (at a minimum) is provided to the Brownfields Program: Project construction; - Design modificationladdendums: - Installation; Performance testing; and Inspections Xote: The below format should be followed verbatim in its entirety in the VIMS design submittal to satisfy and facilitate the completeness review performed by the DEQ Brownfields Program. In addition, this document is to be completed and submitted as a checklist along with the design to ensure the necessary elements are addressed in the design VIMS Design Checklist Version I, July 2021 n Section 1. Introduction Provide a brief background of the Brownfields Property and basis for installing a VIMS (e.g. off -site migration of contaminants, on -site releases, chlorinated solvents, pre-emptive approach for residential redevelopment, etc.). Document the type of foundation design required by construction plans (e.g. waffled construction, ground floor post -tension cabling, build -to -suit construction, or other unique construction plans). Additional items to be included in the VIMS design submittal must include: .1 � L Brownfield Project ID#, Parcel #s, address(es), site history, approximate acreage of site, and contact information for the developer, consultant. VIMS installation contractor, and Brownfields Project Manager. „i ❑ If vapor mitigation is not proposed for all buildings (new, existing, or partial building), provide a risk -based 1� justification for why mitigation is not needed for all buildings (Note that confu-matory sampling of unmitigated ar as may be required post construction4enovation). 2 Discussion of proposed site redevelopment (e.g., townhomes, apartments, commercial, mixed -use, retail, etc.), and general layout of building(s) - (e.g., garage on first floor, with living space on second and third floors, presence of elevators, former textile mill with ground floor and basement level apartments, podium parking first floor, 10 story apartment building with podium parking on first three floors, etc.). Include references to the following figures (to be included in the Figures section outlined below): d Site vicinity map 'A- 14 Figures detailing all existing and/or proposed buildings overlain on historical sampling locations/known impacts d Figures detailing the approximate ground floor square footage, including square footage of area proposed for ,4'y mitigation (if different), of relative Buildings and their proposed use per floor. Include footprint of planned d olit]on or retention of existing buildings Locations of thickened footers, separate slabs, etc. that may hinder communication between slab segments d Locations of relevant mitigation features (including but not limited to extent of vapor barrier, suction lines, riisjrs, extraction points, pressure monitoring points. etc.) CV Locations of vertical walls in contact with soils (and a statement regarding whether any such features exist or �t) ij 5 i The Design has a PE Seal using the following language: I "The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate intrusion of subsurface vapors into the subject building from known Brownfields Property contaminants in a maauner that is in accordance with the most recent and applicable guidelines including, but not limited to, DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. The sealing professional engineer below is satisfied that the design [add "and its installation" for use in an installation report] is [are] fully protective of public health from known Brownfields Property contaminants." Note: If a VIMS is not installed for certain portions of a Brownfields Property due to open-air 'podium' construction or parking decks, a VIMS may still be required for features such as elevator shafts, stairwells, and/or areas with utility penetrations that exchange air with occupied areas. Confirmatory sampling of these areas and associated occupied spaces may be required during post construction/renovation. 2 VIMS Design Checklist Version 1, July 202I n Section 2. Desijzn Basis Specify which type(s) of VIMS is intended for the planned structures, selecting which is appropriate, and explaining the basis for the selection: ❑Passive System. Note for all passive systems, a mechanism/process shall be established (to be approved by DEQ) by which the system can be made active, which may include a reliance on information from pressure measurements, soil gas and/or indoor air sampling, or changes in site conditions. A passive system should be digned and installed such that the passive system is as effective as an active system at preventing vapor intrusion. 13ActiveSysiem. Note a pressure differentia] resulting in depressurization below the slab of 4 pascals or greater at e� remote extents of each VIMS area is considered sufficiently depressurized (low pressure readings such as 1 to 2 pascals may be acceptable if employed with continuous pressure measurement during varied HVAC situations, weather events, and climate for winter and summer months). An overview of the alarm system that informs appropriate parties in the event the system malfunctions should be included. Note: Pressure monitoring points are recommended to be placed at locations remotely distant from where each suction point transitions to below the slab in addition to locations positioned near each suction point and associated horizontal piping. if monitoring points are not installed at remote locations, future sampling requirements may necessitate installation of additional monitoring locations or an evaluation of indoor air quality. For all s stetzi deli s the following design specifications must be included as exhibits: 31 Sub -slab Venting Construction Materials and Installation. Design specifications must be included as an exhibit (see Section 8 below). All piping must be labeled at intervals no greater than 10 linear feet and state the purpose of th system along with contact information for questions or repairs. Membrane Vapor Barrier Constriction Materials and Installation. Design specifications must be included as an exhibit (see Section 8 below). Particular attention should be paid to the design and diagrams fat sealing barriers at slab penetrations and edges. Note: Brownfields Property contaminants of concern (CCCs) must not be present in building materials. Note: if materials are proposed that are not specifically rated for chemical resistance to specific site contaminants of concern, this will have a bearing on DEQ's determination of performance testing requirements following construction. Specification documentation should be provided for all materials utilized as part of the VTMS. Note: A]1 utility penetrations are required to include trench darns. Include details on trench dam installation as part of system design. Section 3. Quality Assurance 1 Quality Control CY Details on planned inspections are required for all gravel & piping prior to installing the vapor barrier, and are required for all sections of the vapor barrier prior to pouring the slab. These inspections must be conducted by "b q lified personnel under the supervision of the design PE and include field logs and photographs. X 7A statement committing to provide a minimum of48 business hours' advance notification to the Brownfields Pr gram prior to inspections should be included. [M Smoke Testing andlor Thickness (Coupon) Measurements: Smoke testing is strongly recommended for both roll -out and spray applied harriers. Coupon testing will be required on spray application barriers only. Note: Non-performance of adequate inspections or smoke testing will have a bearing on DEQ's determination of performance testing requirements following construction. V1MS Design Checklist Version 1, July 2021 4. Posh i Effectiveness Te,, dDiscussion of Pilot/Influence Testin is required for passive and active systems prior to occupancy with the objective being to document that all areas below the slab can be effectively influenced by the current piping network. Testing details should include, at minimum: Pressure monitoring paints: Note based on pilot testing results and review by the Brownfields Program, the numbez of pressure monitoring points installed for pilot testing may ultimately reduce the number of permanentressure monitoring points. ressure monitoring points are placed at locations that are demonstrated to be remotely distant from where each suction point transitions and are located at the extents of the area of influence to ' below the slab in addition to locations near each suction point and associated horiMnml piping ,? Sub -slab vacuum monitoring and/or sample collection points: Note these should be installed PRIOR to �k installation of floor slab(s). Drilling through concrete slabs and VIMS barriers after a concrete slab is in place may result in significant issues regarding the sealing of the sampling paint to the VI barrier once the concrete slab has been poured. ❑ Discussion of pour back areas including: !� ❑ Protection of and testing following completion: Note if concrete pour back areas for future tenants are 1� included in the VIMS design or if slab modifications are made in the future, communication testing will be required after completion of each of the following events: 1) once the pour back area VI barrier has been installed, 2) following completion of tenant up -fit activities, 3) prior to pouring the concrete floor slab, and 4) following repair of any damage to the VI barrier. ❑ Commitment to DEQ notification of a minimum of 48 business hours prior to the start of tenant up -tit activities. ❑ Discussion regarding sampling/protective measures that will be taken if a building is occupied during up - fit activities. Note: Section 3 (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) above will apply to all future pour backs and slab modifications; these requirements apply to all system or slab alterations regardless of how small the altered area. If pour -back area communication testing is not deemed sufficient prior to floor slab being poured, this will result in the need for additional sampling. Alteration of pour back areas or alteration of slabs in the future may necessitate future sampling of the site buildings. ❑ Discussion of protection of exposed systems: During any time the system is left exposed (i.e. without a concreteiwooden cover in place), protective measures must be implemented, as noted above, and scheduled inspections of the exposed system are required. In addition to the pre -occupancy testing, during the time that the system is left exposed, monitoring, including vapor intrusion assessment, will be conducted in the subject building. �r if PCE, TCE, and/or select daughter products are present at the Brownfields Property, indoor air sampling will be required. ❑ Discussion of proposed pre -occupancy soil gas and/or indoor air sampling: Sampling is to be completed prior to occupancy and the data will be compared to applicable DEQ screening criteria. Include considerations for resampling in the event that impacts are identified above applicable criteria. Note: Unlike the remainder of this document, which has significant PE discretion in design; soil gas/indoor air sampling frequency and locations is subject to the sole discretion of the DEQ Brownfields Program. Note: Pilot/Influence Testing, Soil Gas, and/or Indoor Air Sampling must be submitted to the Brownfields Program for conditional occupancy considerations as per standard Brownfields VI provisions. 4 VIMS Design Checklist Version 1, July 2021 nSection 5. Post -Occupancy Effectiveness Testin — Should be specified with the design submittal and not at a later date. Discussion of Dri-going Pressure Testin : Note this is required for active systems to be conducted on a monthly basis for the first year with collected information submitted to the Brownfields Program on a quarterty basis. Based on the first year of pressure readings, and with approval of the BrownfieIds Program, pressure testing may be collected quarterly (see below) and data would be submitted with the annual Land Use Restriction Update (LURU) following the first year of data collection. Nate that the Brownfields Program utilizes a `sliding scale` of pressure reading collection frequency vs. the stated depressurization goal or observed depressurization (e.g., if VIMS is designed (or observed) to obtain a pressure differential less than 4 pascals, more frequent depressurization C�D,c measurements will be necessary and may include continuous data logging; or an upgrade to the VIMS to increase [, pressure differentials may be necessary), Discussion of proposed post -occupancy soil gas and/or indoor air sampling: Sampling is to be completed post occupancy and the data will be compared to applicable DEQ screening criteria, Include considerations for resampling in the event that impacts are identified above applicable screening criteria. Note_ Unlike the remainder of this document, which has significant PE discretion in design; soil gas/indoor air sampling frequency and locations is subject to the sole discretion of the. DEQ Brownfields Program. Note: In addition to these requirements, townhomes remain subject to the sampling requirements outlined in the DEQ Brownfields Townhome Minimum Requirements located at rownflelds.org. Ensure that Townhome redevelopment has been approved by the NC DEQ Brownfields Program in advance of redevelopment planning. n Section 6. Future Tenants & Builditnp Uses This section must address plans to notify future tenants of the presence of a VIMS and to prevent future tenants or 1Q.�1 occupants from exposing/damaging the VIMS without the oversight of a qualified F.E. Note that if the VIMS is exposed (for installation of new utilities, etc.), the same inspection requirements and reporting as for initial installation is required. Section 7. Reporting This section must discuss reporting deliverables within 60 days fallowing completion of initial post -construction testing as outlined i Sections 4 and 5 above and a commitment to include in the final deliverable: A report prepared and submitted to the Brownfields Program under PE seal Vuminary of the installation, QA/QC measures, post-construction/pre-occupancy system effectiveness testing statement from the PE providing an opinion of whether the VIMS was delivered in a condition consistent with the VIMS design and objectives. Note: Certain components of these reporting requirements, including pressure {� measurements, soil gas sampling, and indoor air sampling, can be conducted and reported under a N,C. licensed C Pr essional Geologist seal. Kfppe dices to include at minimum —as -built drawings (also signed/scaled by a PE); gall inspection logs including photographs and field logs. Note that the inspection logs do not need to be addressed, in the text of the report unless information pertinent to the operation of the VIMS was discovered; and An index of; and individual safety data sheets for, any materials used during construction that could coyiribute to background indoor air contamination. PE sealed statement regarding the system effectiveness verbatim as follows_ "The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate intrusion of subsurface vapors into the subject building from known Brownfields Property contaminants in a manner that is in accordance with the most recent and applicable guidelines including, but not limited to, DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) VIMS Design Checklist Version 1, July 2021 guidance, and American National Standards Institute {ANSI}/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. The seating professional engineer below is satisfied that the design [add "and its installation' for use in an installation report] is [are] fully protective of public health from known Brownfields Property contaminants.' _n Section 8. Design Submittal Exhibits Drawin s t be included: General Site Location Map (to include a scale and north arrow) Site Fi ire that includes: L+� The Browniields Property boundary and immediately adjacent properties of la�tdmarks such as streets; raphic scale and north arrow; M Historical sampling locations and known impacts (groundwater, soil, soil -gas, subs -slab, indoor air, and if available on -site ar adjacent surface water locations) relative to existing and proposed structures; �k d Reference to table(s) in the VIMS Plan where analytical results are provided. These results should be compared to the appropriate screening criteria (residential or non-residential IASL's, etc;.). l_ C2f Design Specifications: Sub -Slab Venting Construction Materials and Installation; Membrane Vapor Barrier Construction Materials and Installation Material S eciflcation Sheets for all items associated with the VIMS (vapor barrier, piping, mastic, tape, ,,I-\" sealants, cleaners, etc.) Esection 9. Special. Considerations for Retrofits The following details will need to be provided for DEQ review for a planned retrofit of existing buildings: ❑ Complete explanation of subsurface structural conditions on all site buildings, including those buildings that are not proposed for mitigation but will remain on -site including but not limited to details on the presence or absence of the following: ❑ Basetnentslcrawlspaces; ❑ Vertical walls in contact with soil; ❑ Details on slab thickness and underlying conditions (i,e. slab on gravel, slab on grade, slab over crawispace, etc.); ❑ Details on number of slabs per building that are connected that have differing thicknesses or thickened footer separations or sub -walls that would create isolated slab areas for consideration or would hinder overall VWS influence; Cl Obvious issues with slab integrity such as cracks or voids, etc.); ❑ Presence of sub -slab utility conduits, trenches, or tunnels that could act as preferential pathways and the need to mitigate (e.g. installation of trench dams, anti -seep collars, etc.); ❑ Sumps; ❑ Elevator pits; and ❑ Other applicable subsurface building features. ❑ Details on proposed sealing/repairs of obvious/existing concrete slab from minor caulking of floor cracks./expansion joints, and VIMS core drilled suction points, to possible VIMS saw cut trench sealing or specialized coatings for entire floor slab (e.g. Retro-CoatTm or other similar coatings). ❑ Details on radius of influence in pilotelcommunication testing planned. ❑ Existing buildings to remain as part of redevelopment and or proposed buildings shown on the Site Plan should be accurate and complete. At a minimum, plans should provide the following details: 6 VIMS Design Checklist Version 1, July 2021 ❑ Detailed foundation plans - In addition to displaying piping network and proposed monitoring point locations, foundation plans should show all footers, grade beams, and other sub -slab features that could affect vacuum communication. This would also include sub -grade crawl spaces, basements, tunnels, walk- out basements, elevator pits, and other situations where soil is in contact with side walls of structure in addition to below the footprint of the building slab. Provide details on any vertical walls in contact with soil and the planned mitigation of such. []Drawings shall be provided of each VIMS barrier sealing detail, including piping layout {transition from slotted PVC, terra vent, etc. to solid piping through grade beams for example, and examples of these detail drawings should be called out on VIMS layout drawing. When possible, drawings should be provided in color so that VIMS piping, extents of proposed vapor barrier, proposed sample/vacuutn monitoring locations and other features can be easily distinguished. ❑Detailed drawings of grade beams, thickened slabs, and other sub -slab features that could affect VIMS influence must be clearly defined and easily discernable from existing or proposed interior walls that are above the floor slab (which would have no effect on vacuum influence below the slab). Useful Reference(s): ❑ NOTE. Include references to any guidanceldocuments used or referenced by the PE during design of the VIMS_ Division of Waste Management (March 2018, Version 2) - "Vapor Intrusion Guidance" Note: this document also contains in Appendix H the "Brownfields Program Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) <I/ Design Submittal New Construction Minimum Requirements Checklist" \L https./. deq.nc,gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-permit-guidance/dwm-vapor-intrusion-guidance "North Carolina Brownfields Program Minimum Requirements for Townhome Developments" (May 2020) https. 'deq.nc.gov/about,divisions/waste-management/bf/statutes ITRC Guidance Website - "Technical Resources for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation" https. i/www.itrcweb.org/Guidance/ListDocuments?topicID=28&subTopiclD=3 9 ANSI/AARST CC-1000, "Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Buildings". Note: CC-1000 includes companion guidance that is not part of the ANSLAARST American National Standard Institute (ANSI), and may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process. https://standai,ds.aarst.org/CC-1 000-201814/ VIMS Design Checklist Version 1, July 2021